Ludwig van Beethoven 贝多芬生平简介 英语PPT

The main works
• S ym phony N o.5, O p.67 the fa te (命运)
• S ona ta N o.14 c-sha rp M inor, "Q ua si
una fa nta sia" ("M oonlight") (月光奏鸣曲) • S ym phony N o.9, O p.125 "C hora l" (欢乐颂) • S y mphony N o.3, Op. 55 "Eroica" (英雄)
• Setbacks(挫折): • 1 Middle-aged deaf • 2 For the night to play the piano, which has the influence on neighborhood, thus often moving • 3 His relatives treat him badly • 5 The sick made him often see a doctor, so that he was tortured to focus on creating
Ludwig van Beethoven
• A German composer, pianist, conductor. One representative of Vienna classical music. He has composed 9 Symphonies, the first number 35 Piano Sonatas , 10 Violin Sonatas, 16 first string quartet four, 1 operas, 2 masses, 1 cantatas and 3 Cantata, in addition to a large number of chamber music, songs and dances. These works have far-reaching influence on the development of music, thus being known as Le saint.

《第三交响曲》表现了他对革命的向往,《第五交响曲“命运”》. 《第六交响曲“田园”》《D大调小提琴协奏曲》… …
<<Symphony of Destiny>> First Movement
• 主题动机:03 33 | 1 - |
第八交响曲 03
《合唱》宣告 英雄的理 想— 全人类 的团结友爱
December 16th or 17th 770-March 26th, 1827.
Ludwig Van Beethoven
1794年他到维也 纳--1801年
Division of creation
(Ludwig van Beethoven) 1770年12月16日或17日—1827年3月26 日)
出生于神圣罗马帝国-科隆选侯国的波恩,维也纳古 典乐派代表人物之一,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家。
Key words
如上所述,贝多芬开启了浪漫主义音乐。从此之后,经过舒伯特,门德尔松,瓦 格纳,罗伯特·舒曼,马勒,理查·施特劳斯的等等作曲家的努力下,浪漫主义音乐
贝多芬 (December 16 or 17, 1770-March 26, 1827)
• 主部主题:

Symphonie No.1 Op.21
(第一交响曲 1794--1796 C大调 )
Symphonie No.2 Op.36
(第二交响曲1801-1802.10 D大调 )
Symphony No.3 Eroica
(第三交响曲1803-1804 降E大调 )
Symphonie No.4 Op.60
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
close our eyes (not sleep Zz。。)
hold our breath
listen carefully
to the second chapter of Symphony No.9 (第九交
响曲的第2章 )
(第四交响曲 1806.10 降B大调)
Symphony No.5 Fate
(第五交响曲1804-1808 C小调 )
Symphony No.6 Pastoral
(第六交响曲1807---1808 F大调 )
Symph.2 D小调)
Pinao Concertos No.1 Op.15
❖ 过了许多日子,贝多芬的气愤才渐渐的平息,并允许把这 部作品公之于世。1804年12月,这部交响曲在维也纳罗 布科维兹亲王的宫廷里首次演出。1805年4月在维也纳剧 院的第一次公开演出,是由贝多芬亲自指挥的,节目单上 写着:“一部新的大交响曲,升D大调,路德维希•凡•贝 多芬先生作,献给罗布科维兹亲王殿下。”奇怪的是,贝 多芬不说是降E大调,而说是升D大调。1806年10月总谱 出版时,标题页上印着:英雄交响曲为纪念一位伟人而作 从此,《第三交响曲》就被称为“英雄交响曲”。

路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
close our eyes hold our breath listen carefully to the Fate Symphony
Moonlight Sonata
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
The Creatures of Prometheus Op.43 普罗米修ory
• One autumn, Beethoven went to inspect, to a small town in the Rhine.One night in the quiet road walking, heard on and off the piano from the house, this is his song, which is a 16-year-old girl, her face is very handsome, but blind, Beethoven was impressed by the girl, decided toa play for her, that is the famous "Clair de Lune".
第四钢琴协奏曲 1805-1806 G大调
Pinao Concertos No.5 Op.78
Pinao Concertos in D Op.61
第六钢琴协奏曲 1807
Egmond 1809
序曲 艾格蒙特
Coriolanus Overture Op.93
序曲 科里奥兰 1807 C大调
Life has ups and downs…
贝多芬简介英文演讲 ppt课件

His music,which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition,includes 9 symphonies,5 piano concertos,a violin concerto,32 piano sonatas,several other sonatas,2Masses,and an opera.
Johann Heinrich Pestaozzi贝多芬简介英文演讲
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
• Overview:He ws a Swiss pedagogue and educational reformer who exemplified Romanticism in his approach.
Beethoven was considered to be one of the greatest musicians in the world.His persistence in art also have touched and inspired thousands of people 。。。
• Birthday:January 12, 1746 • Place of Birth:Switzerland • Status:pedagogue,educationa
l reformer • The works of
Pestalozzi:"Lienhard and Gertrud"......
Because of the fond of music and strong will . Even in his deafness period, created the most important representatives in his life ---Symphony No.9 in d minor(第九交响曲)

Beethoven’s simple introduction
• He is the most great musician ,pianist and conductor.Beethoven’s life ,no family.His life created a great number of excellent works. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera.
Beethoven’s famous works
Moonlight Sonata 月光奏鸣曲
Piano Concertos No.5 第五钢琴协奏曲
Symphony No.5 第五交响曲(命运交响曲)
Symphony No.9 第九交响乐(合唱交响曲)
Famous words
I want to clutch the throat of destiny, it does not make me complete submission.
Music is the trip of the soul ,there’s nothing more pure than music.

Beethoven‘s Life
From 4 years old:forced to play harpsichord(羽管键琴) and violin 8 years old:gave the first public performance and made a great success.People named him as “the second Mozart” 11 years old:a set of keyboard variations (协奏曲) 13 years old:first three piano sonatas(钢琴奏鸣曲) 16 years old:Beethoven began to lose his hearing. He suffered a severe form of tinnitus(耳鸣) 17 years old:traveled to Vienna for the first time, apparently in the hope of studying with Mozart.
31 years old:
He wrote her “Moonlight” Sonata((月光奏鸣曲) 41 years old:In the spring of 1811 Beethoven became seriously ill, suffering headaches and bad fevers
17 December ,1770 – 26 March, 1827 a German composer and pianist
He is considered to have been the most crucial(重要的) figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most famous and influential composers of all time.
贝多芬生平 Beethoven课件

专题西方音乐大师Ludwig V an BeethovenBeethoven是谁?英文名:Ludwig Van Beethoven 中文名:路德维希·凡·贝多芬 生日:1770年12月17日忌辰:1827年3月26日出生地:德国的波恩职业:作曲家、演奏家、指挥家谁是Beethoven?Beethoven的头衔音乐史上最伟大的音乐家之一音乐史上最杰出的演奏家之一德国最著名的音乐家维也纳古典乐派的代表人物之一艺术史上英雄主义的标志性人物被誉为“乐圣”非天才神童的真实案例自小接受音乐训练,启蒙老师正是其父。

Why didn’t the girl go to the concert?
Because she was so poor. She cannot afford to buy tickets for the concert.
Beethoven knocked at the door and it opened. in the dim candle light a girl was sitting before a piano. A young man was making shoes by a table near her.
√6. C.To his surprise D.To her surprise
5. Beethoven said ______.
√ 6. A.any more B.no more C.not more D.not longer
Exercise Three 完成句子
1. Do you like _li_s_te_n__in__g ____t_o___(听) music?
Because he found she was blind.
Beethoven said no more. He sat down before the piano. The moon shone brightly in through the window. He looked up to the sky for a while. Then he said to himself, “I’ll play a Sonata to the moonlight!” He began to play.


• My father was reading newspaper when the doorbell rang last night.
• She was cleaning the classroom when she saw some money on the floor.
Beethoven(1770—1827) 贝多芬。全名Ludwig von eethoven,德国作曲家、 钢琴家。
出身于德国波恩的平 民家庭
父亲是个宫廷乐团的男 高音歌手,母亲是个厨 娘。
父亲很早已洞察儿子的 音乐天份,四岁即开始 让他学习钢琴和小提琴, 希望把他培养成“莫扎 特第二”。
A young man was making shoes by a table
near her.
hear sb. doing sth.—听见某人正 在做某事
hear sb. do sth. —听见某人做了 某事
• He heard someone playing his Sonata in F.
• I heard the woman next door playing this music.
Beethoven said no more. He sat down before the piano.
The moon shone brightly in through the
He said to himself, “I’ll play a sonata to the Moonlight!”

Famous works
?The Marriage of Figaro ?The Magic Flute ?Don Giovanni ?Rondo Alla Turca ……
[ ?o?'p?n? -'p?? ]
The poet of the piano 钢琴诗人
His compositions
?Ballade (1831/5) ?Raindrop(1838-9) ?Funeral march sonata(1839) ?Nocturne(1830/1) ?Berceuse(1843)
Lang lang--a great Chinese pianist

贝多芬的英文简介Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven December 16, 1770 - March 26, 1827, at the age of 57 years, Germany's outstanding musicians, Vienna, one of the representatives of classical music, the history of world music One of the greatest composers. His works on the development of world music has a veryfar-reaching impact, so be known as "music" and "the king of the symphony."Beethoven's main works take the top nine symphonies. The fifth symphony "Fate", the sixth symphony in F major, "Pastoral", the seventh symphony of A major, the ninth symphony of d minor " Chorus "" Ode to the Song "the main melody, Overture" Love Gormon "," Leonora ", rose c minor fourteenth piano sonata" moonlight ", F major fifth Violin sonata" spring ", F major The second romantic song.His nine symphonies play a decisive role in the development of world music, and his late works are romantic. His "moonlight" in the form of legends appeared in the textbooks of the sixth grade of the primary school language on "26. Moonlight".Beethoven's position in the history of music is extremely prominent, he is not only a master of classical style, but also a pioneer of romantic style. As a master of music, Beethoven is also a considerable degree of attention to the art of music, he is a pioneer in the creation of German art songs, life has piano accompaniment of more than sixty songs, his artistic songs with a very rich expression of the way and form To show, express the feelings of all mankind. In the field of art songs made remarkable achievements. From 1896 began to feel the increasingly weak hearing, 1813 - 1817 Beethoven's creationis also a temporary decline; 1818 - 1827 Beethoven left ear deafness, health deterioration, forty-six Beethoven hearing has been completely lost.Childhood experienceDecember 16, 1770, Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, poor families. The father is the mediocre choir of the house choir of the tenor, the mother is a much tortured palace chef's daughter. His grandfather was the chief of theBonn Palace Orchestra. In his father's strict training, Beethoven revealed the music of talent, but Beethoven is often beaten by his father.Beethoven 4 years old will play the harpsichord, and get the reputation of the music prodigy; at the age of 5 suffering from otitis media; 8 years oldbegan to perform on stage; 10 years old, he was the most famous music education in Prussia Beethoven's 11-year-old first "Piano Variations" at the age of 12; 12 years old by Nie Fei's recommendation, to Walterstein's palace band as organist assistant, then Beethoven's "music servant" The career began. 13-year-old Beethoven participated in the court band as an organist and an old pianist.Study experienceIn 1781 Beethoven followed the band conductor Kristian Gott Roberto Nefer learning piano and composer, Beethoven also with Franz Anton Reese learn violin, under the guidance of the new teacher makes Beethoven began to form their own unique style of.In 1787 to Vienna, began to follow Mozart, Haydn and others to learn composition, at the beginning, Mozart wanted to see his ability to let him play music, Mozart heard his playing after the prediction of one day Beethoven will shake the world TheBeethoven arrived in Vienna shortly after the death of his mother, he had to immediately back to Bonn. As a result of the family's drag, until the fall of 1792 his father died, he came to Vienna for the second time, but then Mozart is no longer alive.Beethoven also followed Schenck, Albrecht Borg and Salieri and others to learn. He was in Bonn through contacts with the intellectuals of Browning, access to many well-known professors, writers and musicians, and from them, by the "hurricane" trend of influence. His democratic ideology had matured in the years before the French Revolution, but grew rapidly in the revolutionary era. Beethoven during this period to create "prelude to F", two preludes and so on.Painful experienceBeethoven began to write the first symphony at the age of thirty, from 1796 began to feel the hearing is weakening, his love of life and the pursuit of art to overcome his personal pain and despair, suffering into He created the source of strength, he strangled the fate of the throat.He still painstakingly created "hero symphony"; "Hero Symphony" marks the Beethoven's state of mind turn, but also marks his creation of "heroic age" began.Beethoven's later stage in Vienna, as Europe is experiencing a period of severe political reaction, that is, Mettner's reactionary rule is particularly rampant.1818 - 1817 Beethoven's creation is also temporarily showing a decline; 1818 to 1827 Beethoven in the ears deaf, the deterioration of health, thespirit of torture, still with the giant perseverance created the "Ninth Symphony" Summed up his glorious, epic life, and show the good wishes of mankind.In 1823, Beethoven completed his last masterpiece in his life - the Ninth Symphony.In his later yearsForty-six-year-old Beethoven heard completely lost, still adhere to the music creation. In his later years, Beethoven created the last few string quartets.In 1826, Beethoven was unable to complete due to serious illness.In December 1826, Beethoven suffered from severe colds leading to pulmonary edema.March 26, 1827, Beethoven died in Vienna.On the day of his burial, all the schools were closed for mourning, twenty thousand people attended the funeral of Beethoven, and his tombstone was engraved with the inscription of the Austrian poet Greer Barty: "... when you stand in front of his coffin , Is not shy, but a kind of lofty feelings; we only have such a talent for him can say: he completed the great cause ... ... "Beethoven's works are known for their heroic, dramatic and thoughtfulness. As he himself said: "music should make the human spirit burst out of the spark." For example, his most famous "fifth" fate "Symphony" in the "fate movement" describes the brutal fate of the struggle, and ultimately win The faith.He created a total of nine symphonies, one of the most well-known for the "third" hero "symphony", "fifth" fate "symphony", "sixth" pastoral "symphony" and "ninth" chorus "symphony".His piano music works are known for his passion for boldness and contrast. Piano sonata plays an important role in his work, not only reflects the evolution of his personal music creation style, but also indicates the piano music from classicalism into the romantic process.Starting from the third movement of his second sonata, Beethoven replaced the small steps with Haydn and Mozart with a scherzo. Since then the structure of the sonata is: the first movement, the drama of conflict; the second movement, lyrical or contemplative adaption, used to express the complex inner emotional ups and downs; third movement, small step, Beethoven replaced with scherzo ; The fourth movement, rondo, warm, festive characteristics.The most famous of the sonata works is "warm", "sad", "moonlight", "dawn" and "storm" five.In Beethoven's later years, he also wrote six string quartets, which represent the "quartet of the B-Major". In the creation of vocal works, there are vocal divertimento "to the distant lover", Cantata "solemn mass" and other important works. One of his most important operas is "Ferdinand".Beethoven's work by the eighteenth century Enlightenment and the German Hurricane sudden movement of the impact of distinct personality, than the predecessors have made great progress. In music performance, he almostinvolved all the music genre at that time; greatly improved the performance of the piano, so that the symphonic drama effect; also make the symphony become a direct reflection of social change in the form of important music.Beethoven set the culmination of classical music, while opening up the romantic music of the road, the development of world music has a pivotal role, known as the "music Saint".Beethoven's creative idea is broad, magnificent image, deep feelings, contrast, which makes him emphasis on the use and expansion of the sonata style; at the same time because of the rich and varied image, the use of the works in the sonata and have their own characteristics.Beethoven's other orchestral works include "Violin Concerto", five piano concertoes, two preludes, piano bands, chorus fantasy, two violin tunes and band romance.His music, from that full of sunshine and youthful vitality behind the joy, often still can feel a pain, depression and sadness. Only Beethoven, he is notonly angry against the feudal system of autocracy, and with his music called for people to fight for freedom and happiness.Beethoven in addition to absorb the traditional classical sonata structure reasonable ingredients, but also in their own creation to be greater innovation:The use of the primerRead the works of classical masters, from Haydn, Mozart to Crowe, Klemen Mentor, etc., their works are often straight to the point, straightforward meaning, the introductory part is often omitted. Only Beethoven, he gives the primer a new meaning, just like a concert prelude or opera prelude, the primer is often as a preface or a relatively independent part of the music content is briefly summarized, and implied, inspired, transition, description and so on. Such as "warm" third movement 1-19 section of the introduction, "Sorrow" the first movement of the 1-10 section of the introduction, the rise of the fourth anniversary of the V verse Sonata piano sonatas 1-4 section of theintroduction and so on.The presentation department is not repeatedWe know that in the analysis of classical sonata presentation department, often will find the first repeated mark, the first repeated before the markfor all the presentation. But in the "warm", Beethoven has this repeated mark omitted, it can not be said that Beethoven's "classical frame" betrayal and innovation. Of course, the presentation of the song is not repeated mainly music content development results.The part of the connection, the expansion and the end of the full independenceBeethoven's work, "start" is only relatively unfolded, often "symbolic", and "connection" and "end" is a mere identity in the work, there is no independence Meaning, is transferred from the tone or tone, to "bridge" in the identity of the work of the secondary position; some simply put the expansion of the Department. Beethoven has given the expansion, the connection and the end of the new meaning, in space and art height, is predecessors can not. There is 71 steps 65-135 in the first movement of the "passion", the connection is 20 16-35 and the end is 15 51-65. While the third movement of the expansion of the Department has 94 knots as much as 118-211, the connection is accounted for 40 sections of the giant 36-75; and in thissection to give the connection part of a certain degree of independence and more Strong melodic tendency.The endThe unprecedented development of the end is not only in the length of the elongation, and more valuable is that Beethoven still give the end of the relative independence of the meaning. "Passion" of the first movement ending 59 that is 204-262, the third movement ending 54 that is, 308-361. He often refers to the main part of the vice part of the music material, the tail for the mixed development, and to the end of the more specific Ad Ha. "Warmth" the first part of the first part of the movement section 239, presto "passion" the third part of the third part of the movement section 308, as well as other terms such as piuallegro speed or intensity, so that the end becomes a relatively complete four-phrase structure of independence paragraph.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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Beethoven is a musical genius suffering cast of joy. His life was constantly tormented by all kinds of suffering. His musical achievements unprecedented, but the poo,没有什么比音乐更加纯 净
Beethoven’s simple introduction
He was born in the German on the 16th of December 1770, a civilian family , have been followed his father to learn music .When he was eight years old ,he gave his first public piano performance. 1792 to Vienna for further study in art progress. He began to lose
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Beethoven’s famous works
Moonlight Sonata 月光奏鸣曲
Piano Concertos No.5 第五钢琴协奏曲
Symphony No.5 第五交响曲(命运交响曲)
Symphony No.9 第九交响乐(合唱交响曲)
Thanks for watching
his hearing in 1801 and was deaf by 1819.
Beethoven’s simple introduction
He is the most great musician ,pianist and conductor.Beethoven’s life ,no family.His life created a great number of excellent works. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera.
Famous words
I want to clutch the throat of destiny, it does not make me complete submission.
Music is the trip of the soul ,there’s nothing more pure than music.