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1. Friday the 13th is a bad day. 13号星期五不吉利(黑色星期五)The standard nineteenth-century explanation for the supposed unluckiness of the number 13 was that there were thirteen at Jesus’ Last Supper--- Judas was generally thought of as the thirteenth. The supposed misfortune (灾祸;灾难) of Friday also originated (originate from, 起源于) from Christian beliefs, for the Crucifixion took place on that day.


2. Bird pooing on you is good luck. 鸟粪掉身上是走运的象征

One theory of this is the sort of karma (名词,因果报应) logic that assumes, if something bad happens to you, then something good must happen to balance out (词组,平衡;相抵) the karma.


3. A black cat crossing your path is considered bad luck. 路遇黑猫意味不详

In the old, superstitious (迷信的) days, witches could transform themselves into black cats. If one crossed your path, it meant a witch was watching you.


4. Atchoo (bless you) 有人打喷嚏(要对他说上帝保佑你)

This comes from a plague (名词,瘟疫) that was spreading in 590 A.D. Italy where most people who sneezed would die. The pope urged others to bless such people and pray for them that they might become better.


5. Crossing your fingers to wish for good luck 交叉手指期盼好运One theory of this is that during the Hundred Years War between France and England, archers would cross their fingers before pulling the bow string in order to grant (动词,授予) them good luck. Before that, it was also a secret sign between members of Christianity (when it was illegal).

一种说法是:在法英百年战争时,弓箭手在拉弓前会交叉手指以示好运。在此之前,这也是基督教徒之间的暗号(当时这样做是违法的)。6. Never take the third light from a match, it's bad luck. 不能用同一根火柴点3次火

In World War I, snipers (sniper, 狙击手) sometimes operated at night. Their technique involved waiting for someone to strike a match to light a cigarette; on spotting the light they'd train a scope on them. On the second light, the sniper would focus his shot, zooming in (zoom in, 拉近) ready for the kill, on the third light, he would fire, killing the person who lit the match.


7. Walking underneath a ladder is widely held to be bad luck. 从梯子下走不吉利

'Walking under a ladder' came about in England a few centuries ago when people drank more ale at lunch than ate food. Drunken sign painters were likely to dump (动词,倾倒) a bucket of paint if you walked by or under their ladder and handymen would drop tools.
