《疯狂动物城》节选role play



朱迪和尼克在共同解决问题过程 中,逐渐建立的信任和合作,通 过对话中的互相扶持和鼓励得以
影片中的其他角色,如豹警官、 树懒闪电等,都有自己独特的台 词和互动方式,为影片增添了趣
玩家在游戏过程中需全程保持角色扮演,遵循角色设 定和背景故事,不得随意更改或跳出角色。
鼓励玩家之间进行积极的互动和沟通,共同推动游戏 剧情发展。
危险物品和障碍 物。
提醒玩家保持理性,避免过度投入角色导致情 绪失控或行为失当。
06 总结回顾与展望未来
学员们全情投入,将角色演绎得 淋漓尽致,增强了活动的互动性
节选片段剧情紧凑、引人入胜,使 得学员们在扮演过程中充分体验到 了故事的魅力。
通过角色扮演,学员们的英语口语 和听力能力得到了有效提升,同时 也增强了他们的自信心和表现力。
尼克·怀尔德(Nick Wilde)
一只聪明狡猾的狐狸,曾经是个小混混,但与朱迪合作后逐渐展现出 善良和正义的一面。
牛局长(Chief Bogo)
动物城警察局局长,一只严肃威武的非洲水牛,对朱迪的能力持怀疑 态度。
本杰明·爪霍瑟(Benjamin Cla…

疯狂动物城 英文陈述加翻译

疯狂动物城 英文陈述加翻译

Summary of zootopiaThis movie mianly talk about a rabbit ,Judy,who went to zootopia and keep this city with peace and love.She telled us that everyone can become what they want to be.Part1.Before Judy went to ZootopiaWhen judy was a child,she had a dream:became a police officer,which made a world a better place.But many people think it was rediculers,even her parents though she should settled up and just live normally.Judy never gave up, and continued to trained herself hardly.as a result,she entered the police station in Zootopia with excellent performance.Part2.Judy became a police officerwhen she went to the zootopia,she was curious everything arround her and full of energe.however,things happened were different with what her though.Judy helped a fox called “Nick” bough a big popsicle.Nick has similar experience,he pursued his dreams but he was hurted deeply and lose hope with life.Now he was a cheater ,after Judy realize it,She became more upset about living there.Part3.Judy help otter found her husbandOne day,A otter came to police office because her husband had been disappearing for several weeks.When Judy knew it,shetalked to the diretor that she wanted to help the otter.But she only had 24 hours to handle it.If Judy didn’t find that otter,she would be quited.Judy crabed Nick’s handle to let him assisted her.During this time, although met a lot of problem,they finally found the otter with wisdom and bravery.Meanwhile,the lion mayor was under arrested.Even though Judy found the missing animal,those animal cannot controlled themself which might hurt other animal around them.It let all animal lived in panic.Judy didn’t felt successful about cracking a criminal case.Actually,she was depressed because she though she made the city losed peace and happiness.Part4.Judy Found the improtant clude and arrested the Sheep mayor.So Judy quited her job and came back to her hometown,and lived as a normal animal,although it was not the life she really wanted,until she found the important clue.It was the toxic flower called “Night Howler” that let the normal animal became wild and losed mind.Judy and Nick finally found the locality of crime and arrets the Sheep mayor who was the prime criminal.And the lion mayor was innocent.At the end,Judy made Zootopia regained peace and love.It tell us that,although we all look and think different when weborned,it doesn’t mean we are limited to do what we want to do.Try something new everyday,and start to persue your dreams.You will make it come true on one day.翻译:疯狂动物园这部电影主要讲的是一只兔子,朱迪,她去了疯狂动物园这个城市,帮助这个城市维持和平与爱。



{0:00:26}{0:00:35}Fear, treachery, blood lust.|Thousands of years ago these were the...{0:00:35}{0:00:39}..forces that ruled our world|A world where prey were...{0:00:39}{0:00:44}..scared of predators. And|predators had an uncontrollable... {0:00:44}{0:00:47}..biological urge to maim, and maul, and...{0:00:51}{0:00:53}Blood! Blood! Blood!{0:01:00}{0:01:02}And.. death!{0:01:08}{0:01:15}Back then, the world was divided in two.|Vicious predator, or meek prey.{0:01:15}{0:01:18}CI...................................................|VI(SI)OUS...........................MEEK .........|PREDATOR...........................PREY...........{0:01:19}{0:01:24}But over time, we evolved,|and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.{0:01:25}{0:01:32}Now predator and prey live in harmony.|And every young mammal...{0:01:32}{0:01:37}- ..has multitudinous opportunities.|- Yeah, I don't have to cower in a...{0:01:37}{0:01:43}..a herd anymore.|Instead, I can be an astronaut. {0:01:45}{0:01:51}I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore.|Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.{0:01:51}{0:01:53}I'm gonna be an actuary.{0:01:54}{0:02:00}And I can make the world a better place.|I am going to be...{0:02:01}{0:02:04}A police officer!{0:02:06}{0:02:10}Bunny cop? That is the most|stupidest thing I ever heard!{0:02:10}{0:02:15}It may seem impossible to small minds.|I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.{0:02:16}{0:02:23}But, just 211 miles away,|stands the great city of Zootopia.{0:02:23}{0:02:26}Where our ancestors first joined|together in peace.{0:02:26}{0:02:32}And declared that anyone|can be anything!{0:02:35}{0:02:36}Thank you and good night.{0:02:37}{0:02:41}Judy, you ever wonder how your mom|and me got to be so darn happy?{0:02:41}{0:02:43}- Nope|- Well, we gave up on our...{0:02:43}{0:02:45}..dreams, and we settled.|Right, Bon?{0:02:45}{0:02:50}- Oh, yes. That's right, Stu. We settled hard.|- You see, that's the beauty of complacency, Jude.{0:02:50}{0:02:54}-If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail.|-I like trying, actually.{0:02:54}{0:02:58}What your father means, hon, is that it's|gonna be difficult, impossible even...{0:02:58}{0:03:02}..for you to become a police officer.|Right. There's never been a bunny cop.{0:03:02}{0:03:03}- No. Never.|- Bunnies don't do that. Never.{0:03:04}{0:03:07}Well... Then I guess|I'll have to be the first one.{0:03:07}{0:03:11}Because I am gonna make|the world a better place!{0:03:13}{0:03:16}Or, heck, you know. You wanna talk about making|the world a better place, no better way to do it...{0:03:16}{0:03:21}- ..than becoming a carrot farmer.|-Yes! Your dad, me, your 275 brothers...{0:03:21}{0:03:24}..and sisters. We're changing the world.{0:03:24}{0:03:26}- One carrot at a time.|- Amen to that.{0:03:26}{0:03:28}Carrot farming is a noble profession.{0:03:34}{0:03:38}- It's great to have dreams.|- Yeah, just as long as you don't believe in them too much.{0:03:39}{0:03:41}Where the heck'd she go?{0:03:42}{0:03:46}Give me your tickets right now,|or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt.{0:03:46}{0:03:51}-Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!|-Baah, baah! What are you gonna do, cry?{0:03:51}{0:03:56}- Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.|- Nice costume, loser.{0:03:56}{0:04:00}What crazy world are you living in|where you think a bunny could be a cop?{0:04:00}{0:04:05}- Kindly return my friend's tickets.|- Come and get them. But watch out.{0:04:05}{0:04:09}Cause I'm a fox, and like you said|in your dumb little stage play, {0:04:09}{0:04:13}us predators used to eat prey.|And that killer instinct's still in ourdenna.{0:04:13}{0:04:17}-Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA.|-Don't tell me what I know, Travis.{0:04:17}{0:04:19}Don't scare me, Gideon.{0:04:21}{0:04:24}- Scared now?|- Look at her nose twitch, she is scared.{0:04:24}{0:04:27}Cry, little baby bunny!|Cry, cr--{0:04:31}{0:04:33}Oh, you don't know when to quit, do you?{0:04:40}{0:04:44}I want you to remember this moment|the next time you think you will ever be...{0:04:44}{0:04:48}..anything more than just a|stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny. {0:04:53}{0:05:00}- That looks bad.|- Are you okay, Judy?|- Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Here you go.{0:05:00}{0:05:03}- Wow, you got our tickets!|- You're awesome, Judy.{0:05:03}{0:05:07}Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't know|what he's talking about! {0:05:07}{0:05:14}Well, he was right about one thing.|I don't know when to quit. {0:05:16}{0:05:22}Listen up, cadets. Zootopia has twelve|unique ecosystems within its city limits.{0:05:22}{0:05:26}Tundratown, Sahara Square,|Rainforest District, to name a few. {0:05:26}{0:05:32}You're gonna have to master all of them before|you hit the streets. Or guess what? You'll be dead!{0:05:34}{0:05:36}Scorching sandstorm.{0:05:38}{0:05:40}You're dead, bunny bumpkin.{0:05:41}{0:05:46}One thousand foot fall.|You're dead, carrot face.{0:05:46}{0:05:51}Frigid ice wall.|You're dead, farm girl.{0:05:52}{0:05:55}Enormous criminal.|You're dead.{0:05:55}{0:05:57}Dead. Dead. Dead.{0:06:04}{0:06:07}Filthy toilet.|You're dead, fluff butt.{0:06:08}{0:06:11}Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny.{0:06:12}{0:06:16}-There's never been a bunny cop. Never.|-Just a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.{0:06:42}{0:06:47}As mayor of Zootopia, I am proud to announce|that my Mammal Inclusion...{0:06:47}{0:06:52}..Initiative, has produced its first|police academy graduate.{0:06:52}{0:06:57}Valedictorian of her class,|ZPD's very first rabbit officer...{0:06:57}{0:07:00}..Judy Hopps.{0:07:04}{0:07:06}Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.{0:07:06}{0:07:07}- Oh, yes!|- Thank you.{0:07:09}{0:07:15}Judy, it is my great privilege to officially|assign you to the heart of Zootopia...{0:07:15}{0:07:18}..precinct One. City Center.{0:07:20}{0:07:24}-Congratulations Officer Hopps.|-I won't let you down. This has been...{0:07:24}{0:07:29}- ..my dream since I was a kid.|- You know, it's a real proud day for us little guys.{0:07:29}{0:07:33}Bellwether, make room, will you?|Okay, Officer Hopps. Let's see those teeth!{0:07:39}{0:07:42}- We're real proud of you, Judy.|- Yeah. Uh, scared too.{0:07:42}{0:07:44}Really, it's kind of a proud-scared combo.{0:07:44}{0:07:48}I mean, Zootopia.|So far away, such a big city.{0:07:48}{0:07:51}Guys, I've been working for this|my whole life.{0:07:51}{0:07:55}We know. And we're just a little|exited for you, but terrified. {0:07:55}{0:07:57}The only thing we have to|fear is fear itself.{0:07:57}{0:08:01}And also bears. We have bears to fear, too.|Say nothing on lions, and...{0:08:01}{0:08:02}- ..wolves...|- Wolves?{0:08:02}{0:08:04}- Weasels.|- You played cribbage with a weasel once?{0:08:04}{0:08:07}Yeah, he cheats like there's no tomorrow.|You know what? Pretty much all predators.{0:08:07}{0:08:09}- And Zootopia is full of them.|- Oh, Stu.{0:08:09}{0:08:13}- And foxes are the worst.|- Yeah, actually, your father does have a point there.{0:08:13}{0:08:17}It's in their biology.|Remember what happened with Gideon Grey? {0:08:17}{0:08:21}When I was nine. Gideon Grey was|a jerk who happened to be a fox.{0:08:21}{0:08:23}I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks.{0:08:23}{0:08:27}Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely.|But just in case, we made you alittle...{0:08:27}{0:08:29}..care package to take with you.{0:08:29}{0:08:31}- I put some snacks in there.|- This is fox deterrent.{0:08:31}{0:08:33}- Yeah, it's safe to have that.|- This is fox repellant.{0:08:33}{0:08:36}- The deterrent and the repellant, that's all she needs.|- Check this out!{0:08:36}{0:08:39}Oh, for goodness sake!|She has no need for a fox taser, Stu.{0:08:39}{0:08:41}Oh, come on.|When is there not a need for a fox taser?{0:08:41}{0:08:44}Well, okay, look, I will take this.|To make you stop talking.{0:08:44}{0:08:45}Terrific! Everyone wins!{0:08:45}{0:08:49}Arriving, Zootopia Express.{0:08:51}{0:08:53}Okay, gotta go. Bye!{0:09:01}{0:09:04}- I love you, guys.|- Love you, too.{0:09:06}{0:09:10}- Oh, cripes, here come the waterworks.|- Oh, Stu. Pull it together. {0:09:10}{0:09:17}- Bye everybody!|- Bye Judy, I love you! Bye!{0:09:20}{0:09:21}Bye!{0:09:26}{0:09:30}YOU ARE NOW LEAVING BUNNYBURROW{0:09:34}{0:09:37}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:09:39}{0:09:41}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:09:43}{0:09:45}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:09:47}{0:09:49}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:09:50}{0:09:54}# I messed up tonight|I lost another fight #{0:09:54}{0:09:58}# I still mess up but I'll just start again #{0:09:58}{0:10:02}# I keep falling down|I keep on hitting the ground # {0:10:02}{0:10:06}# I always get up now to see what's next #{0:10:08}{0:10:15}# Birds don't just fly|They fall down and get up # {0:10:16}{0:10:23}# Nobody learns without getting it wrong #{0:10:23}{0:10:27}# I won't give up, no I won't give in #{0:10:27}{0:10:31}# Till I reach the end|And then I'll start again # {0:10:31}{0:10:36}# No I won't leave|I wanna try everything #{0:10:36}{0:10:39}# I wanna try even though I could fail #{0:10:40}{0:10:43}# I won't give up, no I won't give in #{0:10:43}{0:10:48}# Till I reach the end|And then I'll start again # {0:10:48}{0:10:52}# No I won't leave|I wanna try everything #{0:10:52}{0:10:56}# I wanna try even though I could fail #{0:10:57}{0:11:01}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:02}{0:11:06}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:06}{0:11:10}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:10}{0:11:13}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:11:14}{0:11:21}# I'll keep on making those new mistakes #{0:11:22}{0:11:29}# I'll keep on making them every day #{0:11:30}{0:11:34}# Those new mistakes #{0:11:45}{0:11:49}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:50}{0:11:53}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:54}{0:11:58}# Oh oh oh oh ooh|Try everything #{0:11:58}{0:12:01}# Oh oh oh oh ooh #{0:12:02}{0:12:06}# Try everything #{0:12:07}{0:12:10}I'm Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia.{0:12:11}{0:12:16}And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms.|Luxury apartments with charm.{0:12:16}{0:12:20}Complementary delousing once a month.|Don't lose your key! {0:12:20}{0:12:21}Thank you.{0:12:22}{0:12:25}- Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor!|- Yeah? Well, we're loud. {0:12:25}{0:12:27}Don't expect us to apologize for it.{0:12:31}{0:12:32}Greasy walls.{0:12:33}{0:12:34}Rickety bed.{0:12:37}{0:12:39}Crazy neighbors.{0:12:39}{0:12:41}I love it!{0:13:00}{0:13:02}Come on! He bared his teeth first!{0:13:04}{0:13:08}Excuse me! Down here!{0:13:09}{0:13:12}O... M... Goodness!|They really did hire a bunny.{0:13:14}{0:13:17}I gotta tell you, you are even|cuter than I thought you'd be!{0:13:17}{0:13:22}You probably didn't know, but...|A bunny can call another bunny 'cute'...{0:13:22}{0:13:29}- ..but when other animals do it, that's a little...|- I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.{0:13:29}{0:13:34}The guy everyone thinks is just|a flabby donut-loving cop, stereotyping you.{0:13:34}{0:13:39}It's okay.|You've actually got... there's a...{0:13:40}{0:13:42}A what?|In your neck. The fold. The...{0:13:43}{0:13:46}Oh, there you went, you little dickens!{0:13:46}{0:13:49}Hehehe, I should get to roll call,|so which way do I...{0:13:50}{0:13:51}Oh, ball pen's over there to the left.{0:13:51}{0:13:52}Great. Thank you!{0:13:53}{0:13:55}Oh... That poor little bunny's gonna|get eaten alive.{0:14:08}{0:14:12}Hey! Officer Hopps.|You ready to make the world a better place? {0:14:17}{0:14:18}Attention!{0:14:22}{0:14:25}All right. All right.|Everybody sit.{0:14:26}{0:14:32}I've got three items on the docket.|First, we need to acknowledge...{0:14:32}{0:14:34}..the elephant in the room.{0:14:34}{0:14:37}Francine. Happy birthday.{0:14:41}{0:14:47}Number two. There are some new recruits with us|I should introduce, but I'm not going to because...{0:14:47}{0:14:48}..I don't care.{0:14:50}{0:14:54}Finally, we have|fourteen missing mammal cases.{0:14:54}{0:14:58}All predators. From a giant polar bear|to a teensy little otter. {0:14:58}{0:15:02}And City Hall is right up my tail to find them.{0:15:02}{0:15:06}This is priority number one. Assignments.{0:15:07}{0:15:12}Officers Grizzoli, Fangmire, Delgato. Your team take|missing mammals from the Rainforest District.{0:15:13}{0:15:18}Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard.|Your teams take Sahara Square.{0:15:18}{0:15:22}Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby.|Tundratown.{0:15:23}{0:15:31}And finally, our first bunny,|Officer Hopps.{0:15:31}{0:15:34}- Parking duty. Dismissed.|- Parking duty?{0:15:35}{0:15:38}Chief? Chief Bogo?{0:15:39}{0:15:42}Sir. You said there were|fourteen missing mammal cases.{0:15:42}{0:15:45}- So?|- So I can handle one. You probably...{0:15:45}{0:15:48}..forgot but, I was top of|my class at the academy.{0:15:48}{0:15:53}- Didn't forget. Just don't care.|- Sir, I'm not just some token bunny. {0:15:53}{0:15:55}Well then, writing a hundred|tickets a day should be easy.{0:15:59}{0:16:06}100 tickets. I'm not gonna write 100 tickets.|I'm gonna write 200 tickets. Before noon.{0:16:15}{0:16:17}FREQUENT STOPS{0:17:04}{0:17:07}Boom!|Two hundred tickets before noon!{0:17:12}{0:17:13}201{0:17:15}{0:17:17}Hey, watch where you're going, fox!{0:17:45}{0:17:46}Where'd he go?{0:18:01}{0:18:08}Listen. I don't know what you're doing skulking|around duringdaylight hours, but I don't want|any trouble in here. So hit the road!{0:18:08}{0:18:11}I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir...{0:18:11}{0:18:16}..I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop.|For my little boy.{0:18:21}{0:18:23}You want the red, or the blue, pal?{0:18:28}{0:18:29}I'm such a...{0:18:29}{0:18:35}Oh, come on, kid. Back up. Listen, buddy.|What, there aren't any fox ice cream joints|in your part of town?{0:18:35}{0:18:41}No, no. There are, there are. It's just, my boy,|this goofy little stinker, he loves all things elephant.{0:18:41}{0:18:45}He wants to be one when he grows up.|Isn't that adorable?{0:18:46}{0:18:49}Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh?|Right?{0:18:50}{0:18:54}Look, you probably can't read, fox,|but the sign says "We reserve... {0:18:54}{0:18:58}..the right to refuse service to anyone!"|So beat it.{0:18:58}{0:19:00}You're holding up the line.{0:19:03}{0:19:06}- Hello. Excuse me.|- Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn... {0:19:06}{0:19:10}- ..like everyone else, meter maid.|- Actually, I'm an officer.{0:19:10}{0:19:15}Just have a quick question.|Are your customers aware they're getting...{0:19:15}{0:19:20}- ..snot and mucus with their cookies and cream?|- What are you talking about?{0:19:20}{0:19:24}I don't wanna cause you any trouble, but|I believe scooping ice cream with...{0:19:24}{0:19:27}..an ungloved trunk|is a class 3 health code violation.{0:19:28}{0:19:32}Which is kind of a big deal.|Of course I could let you off with a... {0:19:32}{0:19:37}..warning if you were to glove those trunks|and... I don't know... finish selling this...{0:19:37}{0:19:43}- ..nice dad and his son a... What was it?|- A Jumbo-Pop. Please. {0:19:43}{0:19:45}A Jumbo-Pop.{0:19:47}{0:19:50}- Fifteen dollars.|- Thank you so much. Thank you.{0:19:51}{0:19:54}Oh no, are you kidding me...{0:19:54}{0:19:59}I don't have my wallet!|I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck.{0:19:59}{0:20:04}That's the truth. Oh, boy. I'm sorry, pal.|Gotta be about the worst birthday ever.{0:20:04}{0:20:08}Please don't be mad at me.|Thanks anyway.{0:20:13}{0:20:16}Keep the change.{0:20:16}{0:20:21}Officer, I can't thank you enough.|So kind. Really. Can I pay you back?{0:20:21}{0:20:22}Oh, no. My treat.{0:20:22}{0:20:27}It's just.. You know it burns me up to see folks with|such backward attitudes towards foxes.{0:20:27}{0:20:28}I just want to say you're a...{0:20:28}{0:20:33}..great dad and just a real articulate fella.{0:20:33}{0:20:38}That is high praise. It's rare that|I find someone sonon-patronizing.{0:20:38}{0:20:40}- Officer...?|- Hopps. Mr..?{0:20:40}{0:20:45}-Wilde. Nick Wilde.|-And you, little guy. You wanna be an elephant...{0:20:45}{0:20:51}..when you grow up? You be an elephant.|Because this is Zootopia. {0:20:51}{0:20:56}- Anyone can be anything.|- I tell him that all the time.{0:20:56}{0:21:02}All right, here you go. Two paws.|Look at that smile, that's a happy birthday smile!{0:21:02}{0:21:04}All right, give her a little|bye-bye toot-toot.{0:21:06}{0:21:09}- Bye, now!|- Goodbye!{0:21:25}{0:21:27}Hey, little Toot-Toot...{0:22:16}{0:22:18}Pawpsicle! Get your Pawpsicle!{0:22:43}{0:22:45}- Lumber delivery.|- What's with the color?{0:22:45}{0:22:48}The color? It's redwood.{0:22:50}{0:22:55}39, 40. There you go.|Way to work that diaper, big guy.{0:22:56}{0:23:02}- No kiss bye-bye for daddy?|- You kiss me tomorrow, I'll bite... {0:23:02}{0:23:03}..your face off! Ciao.{0:23:08}{0:23:13}Well, I stood up for you,|and you lied to me. You liar!{0:23:13}{0:23:17}It's called a hustle, Sweetheart.|And I'm not the liar. He is.{0:23:20}{0:23:22}Hey!{0:23:22}{0:23:26}- All right, Slick-Nick. You're under arrest.|- Really? For what? {0:23:26}{0:23:31}Gee, I don't know. How about selling food without apermit?|Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines?{0:23:31}{0:23:35}- False advertizing.|- Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.{0:23:35}{0:23:39}- And I didn't falsely advertize anything. Take care.|- You told that mouse the Pawpsicle sticks were redwood!{0:23:39}{0:23:42}That's right. Red wood.|With a space in the middle.{0:23:42}{0:23:44}Wood that is red.{0:23:45}{0:23:48}You can't touch me, Carrots.|I've been doing this since I was born. {0:23:48}{0:23:52}- You're gonna wanna refrain from calling me Carrots.|- My bad. I just naturally assumed you came...{0:23:52}{0:23:58}- ..from some little carrot-choked Podunk. No?|- No. Podunk is in Deerbrooke county and I grew up in Bunnyburrow.{0:23:58}{0:24:01}Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar.{0:24:01}{0:24:06}Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas|decides "Hey, look at me, I'm gonna move to Zootopia...{0:24:07}{0:24:10}..where predators and prey live|in harmony and sing Kumbaya!" {0:24:10}{0:24:14}Only to find, whoopsie, we don't|all get along.{0:24:14}{0:24:18}And that dream of becoming a big city cop,|double whoopsie, she's a meter maid.{0:24:18}{0:24:21}And whoopsie number three-sie,|no one cares about her or her dreams.{0:24:21}{0:24:25}And soon enough those dreams die, and our|bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor...{0:24:25}{0:24:29}..living in a box under a bridge.|Till finally she has...{0:24:29}{0:24:33}..no choice but to go back home with that cute|fuzzy wuzzy little tail between her legs to become...{0:24:33}{0:24:37}You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?|So how about a carrot farmer?{0:24:37}{0:24:39}That sound about right?{0:24:42}{0:24:45}Be careful now, or it won't just|be your dreams getting crushed. {0:24:45}{0:24:52}Hey, hey. No one tells me what I can|or can't be. Especially not some...{0:24:52}{0:24:56}..jerk who never had the guts to try to be|anything more than a Pawpsicle hustler.{0:24:56}{0:25:02}All right, look. Everyone comes to Zootopia|thinking they can be anything they want.{0:25:02}{0:25:08}Well, you can't. You can only be what you are.|Sly fox. Dumb bunny.{0:25:08}{0:25:14}I'm not a dumb bunny.|Right. And that's not wet cement.{0:25:16}{0:25:17}You'll never be a real cop.{0:25:18}{0:25:23}You're a cute meter maid, though.|Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there.{0:25:38}{0:25:41}Everybody hurts...{0:25:41}{0:25:45}..by myself...{0:25:45}{0:25:48}You can't do nothing right, baby...{0:25:48}{0:25:49}I'm a loser...{0:25:56}{0:25:59}CARROTS for ONE{0:26:10}{0:26:13}Mom & Dad{0:26:16}{0:26:21}- Oh, hey, it's my parents!|- Oh, there she is! Hi, Sweetheart! {0:26:21}{0:26:24}Hey there, Jude the Dude.|How was your first day on the force? {0:26:24}{0:26:27}- It was real great!|- Yeah? Everything you ever hoped?{0:26:27}{0:26:33}Absolutely. And more.|Everyone's so nice, and I feel like...{0:26:33}{0:26:36}- ..I'm really making a difference.|-Wait a second. Holy cranks, Bon.{0:26:36}{0:26:38}- Look at that!|- Oh, my sweet heaven!{0:26:38}{0:26:42}-Judy, are you a meter maid?|-Oh, this.. No! This is just a temporary thing..{0:26:42}{0:26:45}- It's the safest job on the force!|- She's not a real cop!{0:26:45}{0:26:48}- Our prayers have been answered!|- Glorious day!{0:26:48}{0:26:50}Meter maid, meter maid, meter maid!{0:26:50}{0:26:52}- Dad!|- Meter maid!{0:26:52}{0:26:54}You know what, it's been a really long day, I should...{0:26:54}{0:26:57}- You get some rest.|- Those meters aren't gonna maid themselves. {0:26:57}{0:27:00}- Bye-bye.|- Bye-bye.{0:27:05}{0:27:07}Hey, bunny! Turn down that|depressing music!{0:27:09}{0:27:11}Leave the meter maid alone,|didn't you hear her conversation? {0:27:11}{0:27:14}- She feels like a failure!|- Oh, shut up!{0:27:14}{0:27:15}- You shut up!|- You shut up!{0:27:15}{0:27:18}- You shut up!|- Tomorrow is another day.{0:27:19}{0:27:21}Yeah, but it might be worse!{0:27:23}{0:27:25}I was 30 seconds over!{0:27:27}{0:27:28}Yeah, you're a real hero, lady.{0:27:30}{0:27:33}My mommy says she wishes you were dead.{0:27:33}{0:27:37}Uncool, rabbit.|My tax dollars pay your salary.{0:27:38}{0:27:44}I am a real cop.|I am a real cop.{0:27:44}{0:27:47}- Hey, you! Bunny!|- Sir, if you have a grievance you may contest... {0:27:47}{0:27:51}- ..recitation in traffic court.|-What are you talking about?! My shop!{0:27:51}{0:27:54}It was just robbed!|Look, he's getting away!{0:27:55}{0:27:59}- Well, are you a cop or not?|- Yes! Yes! Don't worry, sir, I got this! {0:28:05}{0:28:07}-Stop! Stop in the name of the law!|-Catch me if ya' can, cottontail!{0:28:16}{0:28:18}- Coming through!|- This is officer McHorn...{0:28:18}{0:28:21}- We got a 10-31.|- I got dibs! Officer Hopps,{0:28:21}{0:28:23}I am in pursuit!{0:28:39}{0:28:41}You! Freeze!{0:28:41}{0:28:43}Hey, meter maid!|Wait for the real cops!{0:28:45}{0:28:47}Stop!{0:29:14}{0:29:17}Sorry! Coming through.|Excuse me. Pardon.{0:29:21}{0:29:23}Bon voyage, flatfoot!{0:29:41}{0:29:44}- Hey! Stop right there!|- Have a donut, coppa!{0:29:46}{0:29:48}Oh my god, did you see those|leopard print jeggings?{0:29:55}{0:29:58}- I love your hair.|- Thank you.{0:29:59}{0:30:01}Come to papa!{0:30:03}{0:30:08}You're gonna have to be patient and wait in line|just like everyone else, Mrs. Otterton. Okay?{0:30:16}{0:30:19}- I popped the weasel!|- Hopps!{0:30:21}{0:30:27}Abandoning your post. Inciting a scurry.|Reckless endangerment of rodents...{0:30:27}{0:30:32}But, to be fair, you did stop a master criminal|from stealing two dozen moldy onions.{0:30:32}{0:30:36}Hate to disagree with you, sir,|but those aren't onions.{0:30:36}{0:30:40}Those are a crocus variety called midnicampum holicithias.|They're a class C botanical, sir.{0:30:40}{0:30:42}I grew up in a family where plant|husbandry was kind of a thing... {0:30:42}{0:30:47}- Shut your tiny mouth now!|- Sir, I got the bad guy.{0:30:47}{0:30:50}- That's my job.|- Your job is putting tickets...{0:30:50}{0:30:51}..on parked cars!{0:30:51}{0:30:55}Chief, Mrs. Otterton's|here to see you again.{0:30:55}{0:30:57}- Not now.|- Okay, I just need to know if you want to...{0:30:57}{0:30:59}- ..take it this time she seems really upset...|- Not now!{0:30:59}{0:31:02}Sir. I don't wanna be a meter maid,|I wanna be...{0:31:02}{0:31:07}- ..a real cop.|- Do you think the mayor asked what I wanted... {0:31:07}{0:31:09}- ..when he assigned you to me?|- But, sir...{0:31:09}{0:31:14}Life isn't some cartoon musical where you|sing a little song, and your insipid dreams...{0:31:14}{0:31:19}..magically come true!|So let it go.{0:31:20}{0:31:23}Chief Bogo, please!|Five minutes of your time.{0:31:23}{0:31:27}I'm sorry sir. I tried to stop her,|she's super slippery.{0:31:28}{0:31:29}I gotta go sit down.{0:31:29}{0:31:32}Ma'am, as I've told you,|we're doing everything we can.{0:31:32}{0:31:37}My husband has been missing for ten days.|His name is Emmitt Otterton.{0:31:37}{0:31:40}Yes. I know.|He's a florist. We have two...{0:31:40}{0:31:43}..beautiful children.|He would never just disappear.{0:31:43}{0:31:46}Ma'am, our detectives|are very busy.{0:31:46}{0:31:50}Please. There's gotta be somebody|to find my Emmitt.{0:31:50}{0:31:53}- Mrs. Otterton.|- I will find him.{0:31:54}{0:31:58}Thank you!|Bless you, bless you, little bunny!{0:32:02}{0:32:07}Take this. Find my Emmitt.|Bring him home to me and my babies. Please.{0:32:08}{0:32:12}- Mrs. Otterton. Please wait out here.|- Of course. Thank you both so much!{0:32:14}{0:32:18}- You're fired.|- What? Why?{0:32:18}{0:32:24}Insubordination! Now. I'm going to open|this door, and you're goind to tell that|Otter you're a former meter maid...{0:32:24}{0:32:29}..with delisions of grandeur who will|not be taking the case.{0:32:29}{0:32:31}I just heard Officer Hopps|is taking the case!{0:32:31}{0:32:35}- Assistant Mayor Bellwether!|- The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is really...{0:32:35}{0:32:39}..starting to pay off.|Mayor Lionheart is just gonna be so jazzed! {0:32:39}{0:32:42}No, let's not tell the mayor just yet.|And I sent it, and it is done, so I did do that.{0:32:42}{0:32:46}All right, well, I'd say the case is in good hands.|Us little guys really need to...{0:32:46}{0:32:49}- ..stick together, right?|- Like glue.{0:32:49}{0:32:54}Good one. Just call me if you ever need anything.|Okay? You've always got a friend...{0:32:54}{0:32:57}- ..at City Hall, Judy. All right! Bye-bye!|- Thank you, ma'am!{0:33:03}{0:33:06}I will give you 48 hours.{0:33:06}{0:33:14}That's two days to find Emmitt Otterton.|But.. You strike out, you resign.{0:33:18}{0:33:22}- Okay. Deal.|- Splendid. Clawhauser will give you...{0:33:22}{0:33:24}..the complete case file.{0:33:24}{0:33:27}Here you go. One missing otter.{0:33:29}{0:33:31}- That's it?|- Yikes!{0:33:31}{0:33:34}That is the smallest case file|I've ever seen. Leads, none.{0:33:34}{0:33:37}Witnesses, none. And you're not in the|computer system yet, so... {0:33:37}{0:33:43}Resources, none! I hope you didn't stake|your career on cracking this one.{0:33:44}{0:33:45}Okay. Last known sighting.{0:33:50}{0:33:52}Can I just borrow? Thank you.{0:33:55}{0:33:58}- Pawpsicle?|- The murder weapon!{0:33:58}{0:34:04}-"Get your Pawpsicle"...|-Yeah! Cause that.. What does that mean?{0:34:04}{0:34:08}It means I have a lead.{0:34:13}{0:34:18}- Hi! Hello! It's me again!|- Hey! It's officer toot-toot.{0:34:18}{0:34:23}No. Actually it's Officer Hopps, and I'm here|to ask you some questions about a case.{0:34:23}{0:34:26}What happened, meter maid? Did someone|steal a traffic cone? {0:34:26}{0:34:28}It wasn't me.{0:34:31}{0:34:33}Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby.|I gotta get to work. {0:34:33}{0:34:38}This is important, sir. I think your|ten dollars worth of Pawpsicles can wait.{0:34:38}{0:34:45}I make 200 bucks a day, fluff.|365 days a year, since I was twelve. {0:34:45}{0:34:48}- And time is money. Hop along.|- Please just look at the picture. {0:34:48}{0:34:50}You sold Mr. Otterton that Pawpsicle, right?。



疯狂动物城1--Fear, treachery, blood lust.恐惧,背叛,杀戮。

2--Thousands of years ago these were the...几千年前这些是...3--forces that ruled our world支配着我们的世界的力量4--A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。

5--And predators had an uncontrollable...捕食者有一个无法控制的...6--biological urge to maim, and maul, and...生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且...7--Awww! 噢!8--Blood! Blood! Blood!血!血!血!9--And.. death!和..死!10--Ahhh...唉唉......11--Back then, the world was divided in two.在那时,世界分为二种。

12--Vicious predator, or meek prey.凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。

13--But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。

14--Now predator and prey live in harmony.现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。

15--And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。

16--Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore.耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。

17--Instead, I can be an astronaut.取而代之,我可以当太空人。

Zootropolis疯狂动物城- Chapter1

Zootropolis疯狂动物城- Chapter1

Previous Story在疯狂动物城,所有的动物和平共处,但一个巨大的阴谋隐藏在这平和的景象之下。

小兔子Judy警官连同她冤家路窄的同伴狐狸Nick,利用他们的运气和机智为大家揭开真相...Chapter 1ZootopiaThe wild sounds of ancient predators(食肉动物) sounded out repeatedly through a large farm building in Bunnyburrow.A young bunny(兔子) named Judy Hopps appeared on a temporary stage.She was trying to find her way through a fake rain forest made of recycled paper and pieces of thick cardboard(硬纸板).Judy’s voice rang out(响起) loud and clear.“Fear. Betrayal. Desire for blood! Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world.A world where prey(食草动物) were scared of predators.And predators had an uncontrollable desire to attack, injure and kill and—”Suddenly, a jaguar(美洲豹) sprang at her from the shadows! “Blood, blood, blood!” Judy screamed as she collapsed under the attack.“And death.”After a terribly long moment of silence, Judy sat up, faced the confused audience, and smiled as she continued her speech.A poster reading “Carrot Days Talent Show” hung over(悬挂于...之上) the astonished crowd.“Back then, the world was divided in two: deadly predator or defenseless(无助的) prey.”Two cardboard boxes dropped down(落下) from the roof.The first, labeled deadly predator in crayon, landed on top of the jaguar, and the second, labeled defenseless prey, landed on Judy.The boxes settled on their shoulders so their heads, arms, and legs stuck out(伸出). “But over time, we evolved and moved beyond our ancient, savage ways.”A young sheep wearing a white gown and a cardboard rainbow on his head did an unprepared dance across the stage.Judy and the jaguar burst out of their boxes, now wearing white gowns, too.“Now predator and prey live in harmony.”No longer acting as a deadly predator, the jaguar now looked like just another friendly youngster.He shook hands(握手) with Judy.Meanwhile, the sheep showered them with flowers.“And every young mammal(哺乳动物) has countless opportunities,” Judy said.“Yeah. I don’t have to tremble in fear in a herd of sheep anymore,” said the sheep.Then he tore off his gown.Underneath his gown, he was wearing an astronaut costume that had clearly been made by hand.“Instead, I can be an astronaut.”“I don’t have to grow up to be a lonely hunter,” said the jaguar, showing a business suit under his gown.“Today I can hunt for tax relief. I’m gonna(打算) be a tax accountant!”“And I can make the world a better place—saving lives, defending the defenseless!I am going to be...”Judy tore off her gown and stood in a blue uniform.“A police officer!”In the audience, an unpleasant fox kid named Gideon Grey laughed secretly with his two friends.“Bunny cop. That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard,” he said.Back on the stage, it seemed as if Judy had heard his remark.“It may sound impossible... to small minds,” she said, pointing at him.“I’m looking at you, Gideon Grey.”Judy snapped her fingers and a backdrop showing a bright city with outlines of tall buildings unrolled behind her.“But just two hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of... ZOOTOPIA!Where our ancestors first joined together in peace.And declared that Anyone Can Be Anything! Thank you and good night!”Judy proudly bowed, as if she had just given the performance of her life.Sounds of dutiful claps came from the audience, including her parents, Bonnie and Stu Hopps.Moments later, Judy, still wearing her police costume, excitedly exited the building with her parents.Outside, the Carrot Days Festival was in full swing as everyone enjoyed booths, games, and rides.“Judy, ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so terribly happy?” Stu asked.“Nope,” Judy answered.“Well, I’ll tell ya how,” Stu continued, as if he hadn’t heard Judy.“We gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon?”“Oh yes,” Bonnie agreed. “That’s right, Stu. We settled hard.”“See, that’s the beauty of being self-satisfied, Jude.If you don’t try anything new, you’ll never fail,” Stu said.“I like trying, actually,” Judy said.Bonnie looked at their daughter.“What your father means, honey...it’s gonna be difficult—impossible, even—for you to become a police officer.”“There’s never been a bunny cop,” Stu said.“I guess I’ll have to be the first one!” said Judy as she quickly jumped onto a fence for fun.“Because I’m gonna make the world a better place.”“Or... okay, you wanna talk about making the world a better place—no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer,” said Stu.“Yes! Your dad and me and your two hundred seventy-five brothers and sisters—we’re changing the world one carrot at a time,” said Bonnie.“Exactly! Carrot farming is a noble profession,” Stu agreed.But Judy stopped paying attention to her parents when she spotted Gideon Grey following some little kids.Sensing danger, she was instantly alert, and she went after him.“You get it, honey?” Bo nnie asked Judy.“I mean, it’s great to have dreams.”“Yeah, just as long as you don’t believe in them too much,” Stu continued as he looked around for his daughter.“Jude? Where the hell did she go?”读完了,去做题❯1 /3Who “killed” the bunny in the show?A : A tiger.B : A jaguar.C : A sheep.2 /3What did the jaguar want to be in the future?A : A police officer.B : A tax accountant.C : A headmaster.3 /3Did Judy's parents support her dream of being a cop?A : No, they didn't.B : Yes, they did.C : We don't know their opinions.。




问句1: What is the main theme of the movie "Zootopia"?回答: The main theme of "Zootopia" revolves around the ideas of prejudice, acceptance, and the pursuit of justice. It explores how animals of different species can overcome their inherent biases and work together to create a harmonious society.问句2: Can you describe the protagonist of the movie and her journey?回答: The protagonist of "Zootopia" is Judy Hopps, a determined and optimistic rabbit police officer. Her journey involves overcoming societal barriers, proving her worth in a male-dominated police force, and ultimately solving a complex case that exposes the deep-seated prejudices within the animal city.问句3: What are the challenges faced by the animals in Zootopia?回答: The animals in Zootopia face various challenges, including societal biases, discrimination based on species, and the fear of predators. These challenges are exacerbated by the complex political and social landscape of the city, where power is often concentrated in the hands of certain species.问句4: How does the movie depict the relationship between predators and prey?回答: "Zootopia" depicts the relationship between predators and prey as being fraught with tension and mistrust. However, through the experiences of the main characters, the movie explores the possibility of overcoming these divides and fostering mutual understanding and respect.问句5: Can you explain the significance of the "natural order" in the movie?回答: The "natural order" in "Zootopia" refers to the belief that animals are inherently suited to certain roles and positions based on their species. This idea is used to justify social stratification and inequality. However, the movie challenges this view, arguing that individuals should be judged based on their actions and abilities, rather than their species.问句6: How does the movie comment on the importance of diversity?回答: "Zootopia" emphasizes the importance of diversity by showcasing the strength and richness that comes from a variety of perspectives and experiences. The movie argues that a society that embraces diversity is more innovative, resilient, and just.问句7: What role does comedy play in the movie?回答: Comedy plays a crucial role in "Zootopia," providing levity and humor to offset the heavier themes of prejudice and discrimination. It helps to engage the audience and make the movie more accessible, while also underscoring the absurdity of the societal norms and biases that the characters are trying to overcome.问句8: Can you discuss the animation style and visual effects of the movie?回答: The animation style and visual effects of "Zootopia" are outstanding. The moviefeatures detailed and realistic animal designs, along with vibrant colors and dynamic action sequences. The city of Zootopia itself is a visual masterpiece, with its intricate design and intricate social structure reflected in the layout of the buildings and streets.问句9: How does the movie handle the topic of corruption and political intrigue? 回答: "Zootopia" handles the topic of corruption and political intrigue with great subtlety and depth. Through the investigation of a missing mammal case, the movie reveals a web of political manipulation and corruption that threatens the stability of the city. This thread adds another layer of complexity to the movie's already rich narrative.问句10: What is the message that the movie wants to convey to its audience?回答: The message that "Zootopia" wants to convey to its audience is that prejudice and discrimination are constructs that can be overcome through understanding, empathy, and hard work. It encourages the audience to see beyond the surface and judge individuals based on their actions and character, rather than their background or appearance.这十组问句和回答详细探讨了“疯狂动物城”这部电影的主题、角色、挑战、关系、自然秩序、多样性、喜剧元素、动画风格、政治腐败以及电影想要传达的信息。







Act 1:第一幕:朱迪从警校毕业,成为动物城警察部队的第一只兔子警官。


Judy takes on a missing mammals case and enlists the help of a sly fox named Nick Wilde. They uncover a conspiracy to turn predators against prey.朱迪接手了一个有关失踪物种的案件,她寻求狡猾的狐狸尼克·维尔德的帮助。


Act 2:第二幕:Judy and Nick work together to solve the case and win the trust of Zootopia's police force.朱迪和尼克一起努力解决案件,并赢得了动物城警察部队的信任。

They discover that the missing mammals are not actually missing, but are being kidnapped and held by a secret society called the "Night Howlers".他们发现失踪的动物实际上并没有失踪,而是被一个名为“夜嚎”的秘密组织绑架并囚禁着。

Judy and Nick find evidence that suggests that the predators who went savage were actually being drugged with a plant called the "night howler".朱迪和尼克找到了一些证据表明那些变得疯狂的捕食者实际上是被一种叫做“夜嚎”的植物药物所催化的。



《疯狂动物城》全本台词中英文对照疯狂动物城1--Fear, treachery, blood lust.恐惧,背叛,杀戮。

2--Thousands of years ago these were the...几千年前这些是...3--forces that ruled our world支配着我们的世界的力量4--A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。

5--And predators had an uncontrollable...捕食者有一个无法控制的...6--biological urge to maim, and maul, and...生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且...7--Awww! 噢!8--Blood! Blood! Blood!血!血!血!9--And.. death!和..死!10--Ahhh...唉唉......11--Back then, the world was divided in two.在那时,世界分为二种。

12--Vicious predator, or meek prey.凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。

13--But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。

14--Now predator and prey live in harmony.现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。

15--And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities.而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。

16--Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。



第五周阅读Meaning Runs Deep in TitlesTitles like quanzi, taoli and kaimo are commonly used by us to refer to certain people. But have you wondered their origins?Showing modesty and respectIn the past or even sometimes today, Chinese people call their sons quanzi (dog son). This actually shows their modesty.People believe that dogs are humble (卑微的) animals. When Chinese parents use quanzi to refer to their sons, they are being modest (谦虚的). Of course, most parents do have high expectations for their children and want them to be successful. However, they don’t usually talk about this in front of others. Instead, they try to play it down. This is similar to how even rich Chinese people call their big houses hanshe (寒舍), which means “my humble home”.Although Chinese people are modest about themselves, they praise (夸奖) others a lot. They call their own sons quanzi, but others’ sons linglang (令郎)”, which is a respectful way to say “your son”.Trees of characterIn Chinese, kaimo (楷模) means “role model”. Both of these Chinese characters have a mu (木), which means trees, on their left side. This means kai and mo might have been two kinds of trees in ancient China.According to Duan Chengshi, botanist (植物学家) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), there was a kind of tree called kai in southwestern China. It was said that there were many kai trees growing near Confucius’ tomb (孔子的墓). The trunks (树干) of these trees were very straight. Some people thought they were like Confucius’ character – straight and upright.It was said that the mo trees grew near the tomb of the Duke of Zhou (周公), a statesman (政治家) of the Zhou Dynasty (c.11th century-256 BC). The color of the mo tree’s leaves was said to be pure (纯正的). Thus it became a symbol of purity and integrity (正直).Since the kai and mo trees grew near the tombs of two respected people, kaimo was then used to refer to role models, according to Sun Yi, a scholar (学者) who lived during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).Spreading seeds of educationDo you know the Chinese idiom “taoli mantianxia”? It refers to a teacher who has taught so many students that they spread across the country like peach (桃) and plum (李) trees. This idiom comes from a story about Zizhi, an official who lived in the State of Wei during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). Zizhi was knowledgeable (知识渊博的). He opened a private school and started to teach students.Zizhi was kind and wise. He picked students without caring about how rich or successful they were. He often pointed at a peach and a plum tree in his yard when asking his students to work hard. “You should become a useful person for others, just like when the peach and plum trees bloom and yield (产生) fruit,” he said.Keeping these words in mind, many of Zizhi’s students went on to different places around the country, achieving great things along the way. They would plant peach and plum trees to show their respect for their teacher. Since then, the words “peach and plum trees” have been used to refer to students who have been successful in their post-study life.1. 请选择正确选项What is NOT common in Chinese culture?A.People praise other people a lot.B.People take education seriously.C.People cut down trees near tombs.2. 请选择正确选项Why do rich people call their house “my humble home”?A.Because they are not satisfied with their house.B.To show modesty.C.To show that they have a sense of humor.3. 请选择正确选项What can best summarize Zizhi’s idea in education?A.A student should work hard to become a government official.B.A student should travel extensively.C.A student should strive to be a useful person to others.Boxes of MysteryWhen you think of mystery boxes, secret toys packed in small boxes may come to mind. But recently, many people in China have fallen in love with “leftover (剩菜) mystery boxes” at local stores. In each box is food close to the expiry (到期) date.“We pack products such as milk, bread, cake, and sandwiches in mystery boxes, and sell these boxes at half the price,” Wu Tian who works at a convenience store (便利店) in Beijing told China Daily.For example, a mystery box sold at a bakery in Nanjing costs 15.9 yuan. Inside, there are three kinds of bread that should cost 45 yuan, China Youth Daily reported.Some WeChat’s leftover mystery box mini programs help sell the food. They “save money and prevent food waste. I enjoy it a lot,” Zhang Kai who often buys leftover mystery boxes told China Daily.In 2021, the total amount (量) of food waste in China reached 160 million tons. A person may waste about 93 grams (克) of food each meal, China Food Newspaper reported. The leftover mystery boxes may help with this. According to the mini program Xishi Magic Bag, more than 27,000 pieces of bread were sold within a month, which would have otherwise been thrown away.There are still some problems. Some food made in the store, such as bread, doesn’t have any labels (标签), according to China Consumer News. So people may not know when it was made, and the food may not be safe to eat.Although the idea of leftover mystery boxes is creative, more rules need to be set to make it successful, wrote China Youth Daily.1. 请选择正确选项What is the main idea of the article?A.Leftover mystery boxes are a creative way to reduce food waste.B.Leftover mystery boxes should be banned because of food safety issues.C.Leftover mystery boxes are popular with young people.2. 请选择正确选项What is NOT an advantage of leftover mystery boxes?A.Affordable prices.B.Freshness of food.C.Contribution to food waste reduction.3. 请选择正确选项What is true about leftover mystery boxes?A.Rules about such purchases are not in place yet.B.The government is encouraging the sale of leftover mystery boxes.C.You can always get leftover mystery boxes from convenient stores.Chinese-style baking victoryOn Oct 24, Lin Yeqiang and Feng Yingjie from China stood head and shoulders above the best bakers (面包师) around the world. They won the “iba.UIBC.CUP of Bakers 2023” in Munich, Germany.Their winning secret (秘密) is their Chinese touch. They introduced Chinese foods such as highland barley (青稞) from Tibet, some spicy (辣的) snack latiao from Hunan and roses from Yunnan to the rest of the world.A star bread in the competition was the panda highland barley bread. Lin said, “Highland barley has a special fragrance (香气). The process of fermentation (发酵) makes it even more special.” The team carried out over 50 tests before the competition to get the best highland barley bread. To add more of a Chinese touch, the team painted pandas on the bread. It ended up being cute and delicious in a Chinese style. They also made a huge rabbit standing with other animals in the form of bread. The idea was from Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》). In the movie, different animals work together for better lives. “Even different species (物种) can live happily together. Likewise, as humans, we should help each other no matter where we are from and what we believe in,” said Lin. They showed the idea of antiwar (反战) and antiracism (反种族主义) through it.In the Danish Pastries (丹麦酥皮饼) part, jasmine and pineapple (凤梨) from China helped the Chinese team win. “China is home to so many amazing foods. Bread, serving as a fantastic medium, allows us to introduce these great tastes to the rest of the world,” said Lin. He is working on bringing together Chinese medicinal diets (药膳饮食) and baking.1. 请选择正确选项According to the text, what were some of the Chinese elements introduced by the winning Chinese bakers in their bread?A.Saffron from Tibet for its unique color, and walnuts from Hunan for added crunch.B.Highland barley from Tibet, spicy latiao from Hunan, and roses from Yunnan for their special qualities.C.Rice flour from Fujian, hot peppers from Sichuan, and lotus seeds from Guangdong for a diverse flavor profile.2. 请选择正确选项Which one of the statements is correct?A.Panda highland barley bread with a special fragrance and the inspiration from Disney's Zootopia.B.Rabbit-shaped bread with chocolate filling and inspiration from a popular Chinese cartoon.C.Elephant-shaped bread with a tropical fruit flavor and inspiration from The Lion King.3. 请选择正确选项How did the Chinese team convey a message of unity, antiwar, and antiracism through their bread designs?A.They painted symbols of peace on the bread, inspired by Chinese philosophy.B.Through a bread sculpture featuring animals from Zootopia, conveying a message of unity and cooperation.C.They created a bread with a dove shape and a message against racism from Chinese literature.。



疯狂动物城1- -Fear, treachery, blood lust. 恐惧,背叛,杀戮。

2- -Thousands of years ago these were the... 几千年前这些是...3- -forces that ruled our world 支配着我们的世界的力量4- -A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。

5- -And predators had an uncontrollable... 捕食者有一个无法控制的...6- -biological urge to maim, and maul, and... 生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且...7- -Awww! 噢!8- -Blood! Blood! Blood!血!血!血!9- -And.. death!和..死!10- -Ahhh...唉唉.11- -Back then, the world was divided in two. 在那时,世界分为二种。

12- -Vicious predator, or meek prey. 凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。

13- -But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。

14- -Now predator and prey live in harmony. 现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。

15- -And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。

16- -Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。



Fear, treachery, blood lust.Thousands of years agothese were the...forces that ruled our worldA world where prey werescared of predators.And predators had an uncontrollable...biological urge to maim, and maul, and... Awww!Blood! Blood! Blood!Ahhh...Back then, the worldwas divided in two.Vicious predator,or meek prey.But over time, we evolved,and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. Now predator and preylive in harmony.And every young mammalhas multitudinous opportunities.Yeah, I don't have to cowerin a a herd anymore.Instead, I can be an astronaut.I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.I'm gonna be an actuary.And I can make the world a better place.I am going to be...A police officer!Bunny cop? That is the moststupidest thing I ever heard!It may seem impossible to small minds.I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.But, just 211 miles away,stands the great city of Zootopia.Where our ancestors first joinedtogether in peace.And declared that anyonecan be anything!Thank you and good night.Judy, you ever wonder how your momand me got to be so darn happy?NopeWell, we gave up on our dreams,and we settled. Right, Bon?Oh, yes. That's right, Stu.We settled hard.You see, that's the beautyof complacency, Jude.If you don't try anythingnew, you'll never fail.I like trying, actually.What your father means, hon, is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even...- for you to become a police officer.- Right. There's never been a bunny cop.- No.- Bunnies don't do that.- Never.- Never.Well... Then I guessI'll have to be the first one.Because I am gonna makethe world a better place!Or, heck, you know. You wanna talkabout making the world a better place,no better way to do it thanbecoming a carrot farmer.Yes! Your dad, me,your 275 brothers and sisters.- We're changing the world.- Yeah.- One carrot at a time.- Amen to that.Carrot farming is a noble profession.You get it, honey?I mean, it's great to have dreams.Yeah, just as long as youdon't believe in them too much.Where the heck'd she go?Give me your tickets right now,or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt. Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!Baah, baah!What are you gonna do, cry?- Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.- Nice costume, loser.What crazy world are you living inwhere you think a bunny could be a cop?- Kindly return my friend's tickets.- Come and get them. But watch out.Cause I'm a fox, and like you saidin your dumb little stage play,us predators used to eat prey.And that killer instinct's still in our denna.- Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA. - Don't tell me what I know, Travis.You don't scare me, Gideon.Scared now?Look at her nose twitch,she is scared.Cry, little baby bunny!Cry... Ow...Oh, you don't knowwhen to quit, do you?Huh!I want you to remember this momentthe next time you think you will ever be... anything more than just astupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.- That looks bad.- Are you okay, Judy?Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.Here you go.- Wow, you got our tickets!- You're awesome, Judy.Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't knowwhat he's talking about!Well, he was rightabout one thing.I don't know when to quit.ZOOTOPIA POLICE ACADEMYListen up, cadets. Zootopia has 12unique ecosystems within its city limits. Tundratown, Sahara Square,Rainforest District, to name a few.You're gonna have to master all ofthem before you hit the streets.Or guess what?You'll be dead!。




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人教版英语九全《疯狂动物城》影评阅读课 教案

人教版英语九全《疯狂动物城》影评阅读课 教案

Teaching goals:1. To practice reading and speaking skills.2. To systematically review the words, expressions and grammar.3. To encourage the students to try everythingTeaching proceduresStep 1. Lead-in(5 min)1. Guess the meaning and formation of movie title Zootopia2. enjoy a video to know the city of Zootopia in the film.Step 2. Fast reading (5 min)1. Are Judy and Nick friendly to each other at first? Why?2. What case does Judy end up needing Nick to solve?3. Why is the movie so successful in China?Step 3. Careful reading (15 min)1. Character interpretation: Judy & Nick2. the plot of the film3. Multiple Choice1). What did the Sina Weibo user mean by saying that?A. The two main characters are as popular as the sloth.B. The sloth borrows a spotlight from the two main characters.C. People like the sloth more than the two main characters.2). Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The movie tells children to follow their elders ’ instructions.B. Judy ’s father tells her to try something new.C. The film encourages young people to do something brave.4. Task-based ReadingP.G.NO.Paragraph summary Detailed information P 1Brief Zootopia ⑤in China on March 4,2016.P 2of the movie The movie is about a rabbit police and a fox who work together to find a ⑥otter.P 3Most character Zootopia is the first time that most Chinese have ever seen a ⑦,but they are ⑧in knowing more.P 5A big ④to young peopleJudy ’s story ⑨us to try something new and think further about the elders ’⑩.Step 4 Grammar focus (10 min)↓The otter is among several animals that have suddenly disappeared from the city. (P2,L9) “Zootopia” is the first time that they have ever seen a sloth. (P3, L19)The sloth has taken away the spotlight from the film’s two main characters. (P3, L18)Zootopia encourages young people to think further about the things they’ve been told about.(P5, L24)Step 5 Role-Play Sloth Conversation (7 min)Step 6 Conclusion ( 3-4 min)1. What can you learn from the movie?2. Fill the theme songI messed up tonight I lost another fightI still mess up but I'll just start againI keep falling down I keep on hitting the groundI always get up now to see what's nextBirds don't just fly they fall down and get upNobody learns without getting it wonI won't give up no I won't give inTill I reach the end and then I'll start againNo I won't leave I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could fail。



Summary of zootopiaThis movie mianly talk about a rabbit ,Judy,who went to zootopia and keep this city with peace and love.She telled usthat everyone can become what they want to be.Part1.Before Judy went to ZootopiaWhen judy was a child,she had a dream:became a police officer,which made a world a better place.But many peoplethink it was rediculers,even her parents though she should settled up and just live normally.Judy never gave up, and continued to trained herself hardly.as a result,she entered the police station in Zootopia with excellent performance.Part2.Judy became a police officerwhen she went to the zootopia,she was curious everything arround her and full of energe.however,things happened were different with what her though.Judy helped a fox called “Nick” bough a big popsicle.Nick has similar experience,he pursued his dreams but he was hurted deeply and lose hope with life.Now he was a cheater ,after Judy realize it,She became more upset aboutliving there.Part3.Judy help otter found her husbandOne day,A otter came to police office because her husband had been disappearing for several weeks.When Judy knew it,shetalked to the diretor that she wanted to help the otter.But sheonly had 24 hours to handle it.If Judy didn’t find that otter,she would be quited.Judy crabed Nick’s handle to let him assisted her.During this time, although met a lot of problem,they finally found the otter with wisdom and bravery.Meanwhile,the lion mayor was under arrested.Even though Judy found the missing animal,those animal cannot controlled themself which mighthurt other animal around them.It let all animal lived in panic.Judy didn’t felt successful about cracking a criminal case.Actually,she was depressed because she though she madethe city losed peace and happiness.Part4.Judy Found the improtant clude and arrested the Sheep mayor.So Judy quited her job and came back to her hometown,and lived as a normal animal,although it was not the life she really wanted,until she found the important clue.It was the toxic flower called “Night Howler” that let the normal animal became wild and losed mind.Judy and Nick finally found the locality of crime and arrets the Sheep mayor who was the prime criminal.And the lion mayor was innocent.At the end,Judy made Zootopia regained peace and love.Ittell us that,although we all look and think different when weborned,it doesn’t mean we are limited to do what we want to do.Try something new everyday,and start to persue your dreams.You will make it come true on one day.翻译:翻译:疯狂动物园疯狂动物园这部电影主要讲的是一只兔子,这部电影主要讲的是一只兔子,朱迪,朱迪,朱迪,她去了疯狂动物园这个城市,她去了疯狂动物园这个城市,她去了疯狂动物园这个城市,帮助这帮助这个城市维持和平与爱。



第一章- 背景知识-1.动物们的居住地~影片中为大家带来了一座现代化动物城Zootopia,是迪士尼团队首次构想的一个由动物们自己设计,打造的现代化世界,这里是一个住着各类已进化哺乳动物的现代化乌托邦式大都市(这也符合Zootopia名字的来历哦~乌托邦的英语就是Utopia),在这座现代化城市里,进化后的动物双方也达成了和平协议,停止互相残杀的生活方式。

作为一座现代化城市,动物城外观的设计取材自纽约,旧金山,拉斯维加斯,巴黎,上海,香港,北京,东京和巴西利亚等国际都市,而为了要设计出一座能够让适应于不同气候,且身高范围可从数公分到数米的各类动物共同居住的城市,制作团队还咨询了美国残疾人法案的专家以及暖通空调系统的设计师,可见制作团队的精心打造啊~2.关于乌托邦的二三事~Utopia最早是英国哲学家,空想社会主义者托马斯·莫尔爵士在1516年出版的一部名著的书名, 乌托邦的理论体现了人类对社会的一种憧憬,是人类思想意识中最美好的社会:人人平等,没有压迫,就像世外桃源。


3. 食肉动物&食草动物食肉动物:主要是以肉为食物的动物或一些性情凶猛的动物,比如老虎,狮子,猎豹等~影片中出现了很多肉食动物,比如red fox(狐狸)African lion(非洲狮子)cheetah(猎豹)three-toed sloth (三趾树懒)otter(水獭)fennec fox(耳廓狐)arctic shrew(鼩鼱)honey badger(蜜獾)black jaguar (美洲豹)polar bear(北极熊)wolf(狼).食草动物:动物吃植物是自然界食物链的基础,自然界中不少动物是以植物为食的,食草动物的总数也远大于食肉动物,当然在Zootopia这座城市里,也有很多食草动物,比如rabbit(兔子)gazelle(羚羊)sheep(绵羊)ram(公羊)oryx(大羚羊)cape buffalo(非洲水牛)yak(牦牛)rhinoceros (犀牛)elephant(大象)moose(驼鹿).4.影片反响《疯狂动物城》的制作受到了一些电影及电视剧的影响,也是对那些作品的致敬,电影中许多元素都引用自迪士尼先前的几部经典动画作品,包含《小飞象》,《冰雪奇缘》,《长发公主》,《超能陆战队》等,其全球票房也高达10.2亿美元,凭借创纪录的票房及出色的影片故事,《疯狂动物城》荣获了第89届奥斯卡“最佳动画长片”奖,也被选为2016美国电影学会十佳电影~接下来我们就一起进入Zootopia的故事吧~- 熟词生义-1. 「rule」在文中做动词的意思表示“统治”,(常见的意思表示“规则”)原句: these were the forces that ruled our world.e.g. Million years ago, dinosaurs(恐龙)ruled the earth.2.「terribly」在文中的意思表示“非常”(常见意思表示“糟糕的”)原句: After a terribly long moment of silence, Judy sat up…e.g. Your father misses you terribly.3.「read」在文中指“(海报上)写着”,(常见意思表示“阅读,理解”)原句:A poster reading “Carrot Days Talent Show”hung over the astonished crowd.e.g. A sign on the outer door read: “No Entry”(禁止入内).4.「shower」在文中指“大量给予(to give someone a lot of things)”, (常见意思是“洗淋浴”)原句:The sheep showered them with flowers.e.g. She showered him with kisses.5.「spot」在文中做动词指“发现;注意到”,常见搭配为spot sb doing sth,(常见的意思表示名词地点,斑点)原文:When she spotted Gideon Grey following some little kids.e.g. Lucy spotted someone coming out of(从…出来)the building.- 句子解析-1. She was trying to / find her way through a fake rain forest / made of recycled paper and pieces of thick cardboard.这里「find way through somewhere」表示“在…寻找出路”,这里是说“Judy在一个假的雨林中寻找出路”;再举个栗子:We are slowly finding our way through bushes(灌木丛).「made of …」这里是修饰前面的「rain forest」,表示“由…构成”, 即“这个假的雨林是由再生纸和几块硬纸板组成的”。

《疯狂动物城》节选role play

《疯狂动物城》节选role play

At last, the case is entirely cleared. Judy realized her childhood dream to be a police officer and Nick becomes the city's first fox police officer.01SCENE Nhomakorabea01
• Grey, a bad fox like to bully the weak, is robbing the ticket of a lamp. Judy rushed forward to stop him.
• Judy never gave up her dream. 15 years later, she was admitted by the police station through professional training eventually. But the officer thinks Judy is not qualified for the job. In order to prove that she can be a police, she decided to trace a mystery case. Nick decides to take Judy to ask Flash for help.
Judy' dad ——Ryta
Judy' mom——Jania Judy ——Abby Grace(Childhood)
Grey ——Angela Nick —— Anna Flash —— Jania
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