
T-DMB, DAB/DAB+/DMBaudio, FM stereo with RDS/ RBDS
PSG MW 模拟 E8257D
● ● ● ●
微波矢量与模拟 射频模拟 X 系列信号发生器 ......................................................10 MXG 矢量与模拟 EXG 矢量与模拟 模拟信号发生器 .........................................................12 基带发生器和接口模块 ............................................13 模块化产品 ..................................................................14 从传统信号发生器过渡 ............................................15
安捷伦提供从基带到 67 GHz ( 频率可进一步扩展到 500 GHz) 的广泛信号发生器选择。从基础功能到高级特性, 每款信号发生器都为同级别产品树立了性能标准,能够 满足无线电收发机及组件的设计和制造要求,可涵盖从 低频导航信号到蜂窝移动无线电再到毫米波雷达和卫星 系统的应用范围。另外,每款信号发生器都可提供合成 频率准确度和稳定性、卓越的校准电平精度和远程可编 程功能。

* *安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent 33120A的性能与使用说明安捷伦函数信号发生器33120A是数字式函数信号发生器。
其内部永久存储着正弦波、方波、三角波、噪声、锯齿波、sin(x)/x 、负锯齿波、指数上升波、指数下降波、心电波,共10种函数信号。
其中,正弦波、方波的频率范围为100 μHz - 15MHz,幅值范围为100mV P-P -10V P-P 。
函数信号发生器有一个HP-IB ( IEEE-488)接口和一个RS-232接口,计算机通过接口可遥控函数信号发生器,在计算机中使用HP BASIC 语言程序或 C 语言程序,能产生12bit 40Msa/s的任意波形,通过接口写入函数信号发生器,函数信号发生器有四个可存储16000点的任意波形存储器。
其具体的性能指标和基本操作方法见本节后摘录自“ Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide”的内容。
⒈ 信号源显示电压与实际输出电压理想信号源的内阻应为零。
实际信号源一般都在其输出端串接一个电阻R s,使信号源既使短路,在短时间内也不会因功率过载而损坏,由此使信号源的保护电路有时间实现对信号源输出电路进行保护,同时发出过载警告。
称信号源输出端串接电阻R 为信号源内阻。
图 1 信号源s输出电压示意图安捷伦 33120A (以下简称为信号源)的内阻为50 Ω。
由于有了信号源内阻 R s,如图 1 ,信号源输出端的电压,即负载电阻 R L上的电压,是信号源的电源E s在信号源内阻R s和负载电阻 R L上的分压,即V o≠E s。
信号源内设置了两个负载电阻值,开机时默认为R LD =50 Ω,通过操作可修改为R LD →∞。
在信号源开机默认为R LD =50 Ω时,信号源内部的电压源输出的电压为E s,信号源显示屏上显示的电压是V DisplayRLD1Es( 1 )R s R LDE s2若实际负载不是50 Ω,那么负载上实际得到的电压V o为V o R L E s 1E s( 2)R s R L2即信号源显示屏上显示的电压与负载上得到的实际电压不一样,V o≠V Display。

P G 系列 囊括 了高 达 4 z的微 波 矢 S 4GH 量 信 号 发生 器 、 6 Hz ( 作频 率 可 7G 工
达 7 0GHz 的微 波模 拟 信 号 发生 器 , )
测 试
以及在 工 作频 率 为 1 0MHz至 2 z 0GH 内突破 1 瓦输 出功 率大 关 的微 波模 拟信
■ 国
和 无 线 通 信 系统 的 研 发 和 测 试 工 程 师
的 理 想 选 择 。适 用 领 域 包 括 :无 线通
Vs y i a 发布军品级新款零 h
阻值 贴 片 电阻
日前 ,V sa 宣布 推 出通 过DS C ihy C
检 验的 新款 零 阻值贴 片 电 阻— R CWP M
S P 、XF F+ P和 C P光 纤 模块 ,从 而可 师 能 够 更 精 确 地 表 征 接 收 机 的 相 邻 信 F
案 ,且 无 需 增 添 额 外 部 件 。对 于L 满 足 新 一 代 光 纤 传 输 应 用 的 需 求 。此 道 性 能 。 极 低 的 近 载 波 相 位 噪 声使 得 ED 模 块 设 计 而 言 ,有 利 于 降 低 成 本 、增 外 ,Vr x6H ie一 XT 产品凭 借 其 出色 的抖 设 备 的 灵 敏 度 大 为 改 进 ,从 而 更好 地 t 强 美 感 、提 高 可 靠 性 。 另 外 ,恩 智 浦 动 性 能 (1 8 p 情 况 下随 机 抖动 低 完 成高 性 能雷 达 系统 的测 量任 务 。 1. Gb s 1
灯 ;输 出 电压 极 其 灵 活 ,范 围 为 6 V至 最 高 的 串 行 带 宽 ,可 支 持 新 一 代 数 据 频 和 微 波 无 线 系 统 执 行 功 能 和 参 数 测
Agilent N9310A 射频信号发生器 说明书

全量程输入: 调制频率范围:
载波抑制: QPSK EVM: GMSK 相位误差: 连接端口和输入阻抗:
外部 I/Q 输入 < 1.5 (I2+Q2)=0.5 Vrms DC to 40 MHz 40 dBc 3% 1.2° rms BNC 阴头; 50 Ω
USB 主控端口: 3xA 插口 USB 设备端口: 1xB 插口
分辨率: 调制频率: 偏移精度: 总谐波失真: 外部输入:
灵敏度: 输入阻抗:
(载频 100 KHz 以上)
内部 0 到 10 rad 0 到 5 rad < 1% 300 Hz 到 20 kHz. < ± (设置值的 5% + 0.2 rad) < 1.5%
1 Vp BNC; >100 kΩ (标称值)
随着业务的全球化拓展,您的工程 师和技术人员遍布世界各地。因此, 在多语言环境下操作测量仪器的挑 战实际上已经成为一个基本的需求。
对此需求,N9310A射频信号发生器 可以迎刃而解。
针对屏幕上显示的操作信息, N9310A 射频信号发生器内置了英 语和汉语两种语言。不久,其它语言 的选件也将陆续推出。
经济合理的价格、迅速完美的支持 当您在教学、生产、研发、安装过程或 者维护计划中使用安捷伦的测试仪器 时,一旦遇到难题,您可以信赖安捷伦 — 您将获得令您满意的客户支持。 您可以深信,您正在做物有所值的正 确选择。
我们深信安捷伦的 N9310A 射频 信号发生器能够充分满足您的需 求,请体验它的实用性,满怀信心 的订购。
Agilent N9310A信号发生器介绍

is 50Ω。其精确度由使用的时基决定。
⑥ 参考输入端口 可以接收) 电平为 3.5 到 +20 dBm 的参考信号。 标称输入阻抗为 50Ω。 当选择相应频率的
d 发生器便进入待机模式同时前面板橙色的待机指示灯被点亮。
② 电源接口 插入随仪器提供的 3 芯电源线,连接外部电源插座。
e ③ USB 接口 (Host) 用以实现仪器和 PC 机通信。 r ④ 触发输入端口 可以接收 TTL 信号进行触发操作。外部 TTL 信号的电平时间不可 te 小于 100 ns。触发操作时您可以上升沿触发或下降沿触发。
te • 0 到 3 Vp 的 50 W 匹配低频输出
• 低频扫描功能
is • 6.5 英寸 TFT 液晶显示屏
• 通用 USB 接口
UnReg 1.1 前面板概述
① 显示屏 液晶屏显示有关当前功能的信息,包括状态指示符频率和幅度设置以及错 误信息。软功能键的标签位于显示屏的右侧。
② 软按键 用于激活显示屏右侧对应按钮所指示的功能或选项。 ③ 确认键 (Enter) 用于确认通过旋钮或数字键完成编辑的数值输入,或触发单次扫
附录 2.2 Agilent N9310A 信号发生器介绍
1 概述
d 安捷伦 N9310A 射频信号发生器具有如下主要特征:
• 9 kHz 到 3 GHz 的频率范围
e • –127 dBm 到 +13 dBm 的幅度范围(可设置到 +20 dBm r • 调幅、调频、调相以及脉冲调制功能
• 幅度、频率的步进扫描功能
dBm 的反向输入功率或 30 V 的直流电压输入(持续时间不超过 1 分钟),否则, 内部电路可能受损。
Agilent E4887A HDMI TMDS信号发生器平台技术资料版本2.1

用户可以选择众多的视频格式。帧发生器测试软件能够把 TMDS 信号发 生器设置为用户选择的格式,并可非常方便地控制抖动注入。
N5990A 自动测试软件将 E4887A HDMI TMDS 信号发生器平台和 DSO90000 系列实时示波器集成在一起构成完整的测试系统。该 HDMI 接收 机测试解决方案可提供经过校准的抖动注入,以极高的测试速率进行精确的 抖动容限表征和一致性测试。
DSO90000 系列示波器是安捷伦信号源测试解决方案的核心。这些实时 示波器的高带宽、低噪声和出色的探测能力,可显示出 HDMI 信号源的清晰 眼图和实际裕量。N5399A 软件可指导用户自信地完成大多数一致性信号源 测试。
E5971C 网络分析仪、86100C DCA-J 及其 TDR 模块和软件可对 HDMI 电缆进行阻抗、对内与对间偏移测量。
1x DSO90000
1x N5399A
用于 DSO90000 的ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱHDMI 软件包
1x N5990A
-010、-150、-250 和 -001
了解电缆仿真器的更多信息,请参见第 16 页。
E4887A HDMI TMDS 信号发生器平台可以提供具有低固有抖动和快 沿的并行信号。HDMI 帧发生器测试软件适用于手动测试和调试。该软件 可对发生器进行配置,使其提供多种 HDMI 视频帧。该软件控制多达两个 E4438C 矢量信号发生器或 33250A 任意波形发生器和 TMDS 信号发生器, 用于为抖动容限测试生成预定义的抖动信号。
Agilent MXG保通信信号源配置指南说明书

This guide is to assist in the ordering process for the first-generation MXG analog and vector signal generators.Agilent First-generation MXG Signal GeneratorsN5181A MXG Analog N5182A MXG Vector Configuration GuideYou Can Upgrade!Options can be added after initial purchase.2Agilent N5181A MXG analog configuration steps1. Option 099 is recommended for anyone considering future upgrades. Option 099 simplifies the upgrade process by enabling upgrades via a license key for Options 1EA, 1EQ, UNU, UNW, UNT, and UNZ. Without Option 099, upgrades for these options require purchase and installation of a field retrofit kit. For more information, visit /find/SSupgrades .2. Upgrade requires Option 099.3. Option 320 requires Option UNU or UNW.3451. Refer to the online MXG family documentation for the most current information.You Can Upgrade!Options can be addedafter initial purchase./find/N5181A_upgrades6Agilent N5182A MXG vector configuration steps1. Option 099 enables future upgrades via a license key for Options 1EA, 1EQ, UNU, UNW, UNT, UNV, and UNZ. Without Option 099, upgrades for these options require the installation of a field retrofit kit which installs Option 099. For more information, visit /find/SSupgrades .2. Upgrade requires Option 099.7Step 5Choose signal studio and embedded softwareWhen ordering signal creation software, please refer to each product’s technical overview for detailed required and recommended configurations. Available in the online documentation from /find/signalstudio.89/find/N5182A_upgradesYou Can Upgrade!Options can be addedafter initial purchase.101. Refer to the online MXG family documentation for the most current information.11For additional product information, visit the first-generation MXG web pages: /find/n5181a /find/n5182aFor information about renting, leasing or financing test equipment from Agilent, visit: /find/buyalternatives Web resourcesWiMAX, Mobile WiMAX, WiMAX Forum, the WiMAX Forum logo, WiMAX Forum Certified, and the WiMAX Forum Certified logo are US trademarks of the WiMAX Forum. Agilent Email Updates /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilentis a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partners /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.Agilent Advantage Services is committedto your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competi-tive, we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration andrepair and reduce your cost of ownership.You can also use Infoline Web Servicesto manage equipment and services moreeffectively. By sharing our measurementand service expertise, we help you createthe products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204I srael 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, July 19, 20125989-5485EN。

在虚拟仪器仪表工具栏中,找到Agilent 信号发生器,放置在工作区。
这台函数信号发生器型号为“Agilent 33120A,能输出最高频率15MHZ的信号。
第二步:点击“SHIFT”按钮,再单击“任意波(Arb),屏幕显示“SINC”,按键盘上的“→”,屏幕显示“NEG_RAMP~”,单击“回车键”NEG表示负的,RAMP SIGNAL是斜波信号的意思。
第三步:点击“SHIFT”按钮,再两次单击“任意波(Arb)”按钮,屏幕显示“NEG_RAMP arb”第四步:设置波形的频率与幅度(Freq与Ampl)分别为2KHZ与2Vpp,观察波形。
第二步:点击“SHIFT”按钮,再单击“任意波(Arb),屏幕显示“SINC”,按键盘上的“→”键两次,屏幕显示“EXP_RISE~”,单击“回车键”EXP是函数的意思,FALL表示下降,RISE表示上升第三步:点击“SHIFT”按钮,再两次单击“任意波(Arb)”按钮,屏幕显示“EXP_RISE arb”,再按键盘上的“→”键,则屏幕显示“EXP_FALL arb”,最后,按“ENTER”进行保存。

PSG 嵌入式软件 Signal Studio 软件
I/Q 波形
Baseband generation tools
用于波形捕获和回放的 Baseband Studio 软件
用于衰落的 Baseband Studio 软件
I/Q 波形
RF/MW Signal Generation
模拟和数字 I/Q 信号
信号创建工具 (如 Signal Studio) 能够简化复杂信号的仿真过程。基带信 号生成工具 (如MXG配备的内部基带信号发生器) 将比特流转换为低频的IQ信 号,然后用 ESG,MXG 或 PSG 矢量信号发生器将 IQ 信号上变频为射频频率 或微波频率的信号。
Signal creation tools
Frequency coverage for Agilent spectrum and signal analyzers 9 kHz 1 GHz 3 GHz 6 GHz 9 GHz 40 GHz
67 GHz
安捷伦信号生成方案包括三个主要部分: 信号创建,生成基带信号和生成 射频 / 微波信号。
安捷伦信号发生器 — 为你量身定制测试解决方案
安捷伦信号发生器的优异性能和多种测量应用软件能让你在测试中更加自 信。安捷伦的信号源解决方案可以根据你的应用需求量身定制,用于研发,自 动化制造,便携式装置或设备维修。这篇选购指南纵向比较了不同信号源的性 能,可以帮你迅速找到最适合的安捷伦产品。
N9310A (9 kHz-3 GHz) N5181A/N5161A (100 kHz-6 GHz) E4428C (250 kHz-6 GHz) N5183A (100 kHz-40 GHz) E8257D (250 kHz-67 GHz) E8663D (100 kHz-9 GHz) N5182A/N5162A (100 kHz-6 GHz) E4438C (250 kHz-6 GHz) E8267D (250 kHz-44 GHz) N5106A 基带信号发生器

目录1. 操作面板按钮介绍 (3)2. 相关提示 (4)3. 使用准备工作 (5)4. 波形参数设置 (6)4.1 设置输出频率 (6)4.1.1 按下“Freq”软按键 (6)4.1.2 输入理想频率的数值 (7)4.1.3 选择合适的单位 (7)4.2 设置输出振幅 (7)4.2.1 按下“Ampl”软按键 (7)4.2.2 输入理想振幅的数值 (8)4.2.3 选择合适的单位 (8)4.2.4 进入数字输入模式 (9)4.2.5 选择新的单位 (9)4.3 设置直流电偏置电压 (9)4.3.1 按下“Offset”软按钮 (10)4.3.2 输入理想的偏置电压数值 (10)4.3.3 选择合适的单位 (10)4.4 设置高电平和低电平值 (11)4.4.1 按下“Ampl”按钮选择“Ampl” (11)4.4.2 再次按下这个按钮选择“Hilevel” (11)4.4.3 设置“Hilevel”值 (11)4.4.4 按下“Lolevel”并且设置这个值 (11)4.5 选择直流电压 (12)4.5.1 按下这个按钮,然后选择 DC ON 按钮 (12)4.5.2 输入一个理想电压值作为一个偏置量 (12)4.6 设置方波的占空比 (13)4.6.1 选择方波函数 (13)4.6.2 按下“Duty Cycle”按钮 (13)4.6.3 输入理想的占空比 (13)4.7 设置一个脉冲波形 (14)4.7.1 选择脉冲函数 (14)4.7.2 设定脉冲周期 (14)4.7.3 设置脉冲的脉宽 (14)4.7.4 设置斜坡时间 (14)4.8 观察一个波形的图像 (15)4.8.1 打开图像模式 (15)4.8.2 选择理想的参数 (15)4.9 选择输出终端 (16)4.9.1 按下键。
(16)4.9.2 操作菜单来设置输出终端。
(16)4.9.3 设定理想的输出终端 (16)4.10 重置函数发生器 (16)Agilent 函数发生器使用入门指南1. 操作面板按钮介绍前面板(如下图):1-------图形模式键 2-------开关键3-------调制/扫描/脉冲键 4-------状态存储菜单键5-------有效菜单键 6-------帮助菜单键7-------菜单操作键 8-------波形选择键9-------手动触发键(仅用于扫描和脉冲) 10-------输出开关键11-------旋钮 12-------方向键13-------同步连接接头 14-------输出连接接头当某一个按钮被按下时,这个按钮被点亮,如上图中8号中sine 波形按钮。
Agilent 8643A、8644B、8664A、8665A B高性能RF信号源数据手册说明书

Agilent8643A, 8644B, 8664A, 8665A/BHigh Performance RF Signal GeneratorsData SheetA commitment to value in signal generators1981Agilent’s high performance RF signal generators – choose one for……Best price to performance•252 kHz to 1030 MHz, 2060 MHz Option 002•For out-of-channel tests•Electronic attenuator for high use•Lowest cost of the "family"•AM, FM, pulse modulation•Built-in 2 GHz counter (Option 011)•VOR/ILS signal simulation (Option 009)•Ultra low leakage (Option 010)…Best spectral purity•252 kHz to 1030 MHz, 2060 MHz Option 002•Lowest SSB phase noise and spurious•Highest output power•Lowest residual FM•AM, FM, pulse modulation•Built-in 2 GHz counter (Option 011)•VOR/ILS signal simulation (Option 009)•Ultra low leakage (Option 010)…High RF frequency coverage•100 kHz to 3000 MHz - 8664A, 4200 MHz - 8665A, 6000 MHz - 8665B•Low SSB phase noise (Option 004)•AM and wideband FM•High performance pulse modulation (Option 008)•Ultra low leakage (Option 010)1.For FM receivers with approximately 14 kHz IF BW and 25 kHz channel spacing3Performance backed by Agilent’s reputation and manufacturing experience4Typical performance, for applications that push specificationsSSB phase noiseSSB phase noise is an important specifica-tion of a signal generator if it is to be used for measuring the adjacent channel selec-tivity of a receiver. If the phase noise of the signal generator is too high at frequency offsets equal to the channel spacing, the test results might indicate a failure of the receiver when it is actually functioning properly. For a receiver with <90 dB of selectivity the 8643A is recommended. If the selectivity is ≥90 dB, the 8644B (or 8664A with Option 004, or 8665A/B Option 004) is recommended.Output level accuracyOutput level accuracy is a combination of temperature variation, flatness over fre-quency, and the signal generator’s internal attenuator and detector accuracies. The graph represents worst case output level accuracy of a sampling of 8665Bs. All of these units fall within the shaded area. RF leakageDue to radios becoming more sensitive and operating at higher frequencies, the traditional two-turn loop measurement of RF leakage has become inadequate. To overcome the shortcomings of the two-turn loop, Agilent has developed a new measurement technique using resonant dipole antennas, which is 20-25 dB more sensitive than the two-turn loop method. Agilent has been able to reduce the level of radiated emissions in its newer signal generators through innovative design and packaging. Understanding that not all applications require the lowest possible emissions, Option 010 is available on all of these performance signal generators.Typical SSB phase noise and spurs at 1 GHZ8664A 8665A/BstandardOption 004-60-80-100-120-140-16010 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10MSSBphasenoise(dBc/Hz)(f) [dBc/Hz] vs. f[Hz]Typical SSB phase noise and spurs at 1 GHZ8643A8644B-60-80-100-120-140-16010 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 40MSSBphasenoise(dBc/Hz)(f) [dBc/Hz] vs. f[Hz]5Internal modulation source •Low distortion sinewaves to 400 kHz with variable phase and amplitude.•Triangle, sawtooth and squarewaves to 50 kHz with variable phase and amplitude.•White Gaussian noise with variable amplitude.•Two independent sources for two-tone testing.Optional pulse modulation(Option 008, 8664A and8665A/B)•An Agilent designed GaAs pulsemodulator provides the exceptionalperformance that is so critical for pulsedapplications.•<5 ns rise/fall times, >80 dB on/offratio.•Built-in pulse generator featuresinclude variable pulse delay and widthfrom 50 ns to 999 ms. This savespurchasing additional equipment.•Leveled RF output maintains accuracywhile in pulse modulation.High reliability electronicattenuator on the 8643A(optional on 8644B)For applications up to 1 GHz, the electronicattenuator used in the 8643A providesincreased reliability. Instead of usingmechanical relays, the electronic attenuatoruses solid-state components for settingoutput levels accurate to within ±1.0 dB.The Agilent patented design uses PINswitching elements with three millionhours of MTBF, giving the attenuator anestimated 0.2% failure rate.Features that improve the usability of Agilent’s 8643A, 8644B, 8664Aand 8665A/B for your application!6Wideband FM (8664A and 8665A/B)•Typical rates to 5 MHz with 2 MHz of deviation, or rates to 800 kHz with10 MHz of deviation (f c>1500 MHz) allows testing of most wideband receivers.•Excellent FM linearity is inherent due to YIG oscillator design.•Stable dc-coupled FM for measurements that require low carrier drift.Performance signal generatorseries features•High stability oven controlled timebaseis standard.•Surface mount construction forimproved reliability.•Three year calibration cycle (MTBC)means less time in the calibration lab.•Built-in self-diagnostics and calibrationsaves valuable time by significantlyreducing down time.2 GHz frequency counter(Option 011, 8643A and 8644B)•20 Hz to 2 GHz frequency counting viafront panel connector.•Cost and space efficient solution forapplications involving audio frequencymeasurements, local oscillator, IF andtransmitter testing.•Eliminates the need to externally couplethe timebase references when using anexternal counter.7Specifications1.3000 MHz for 8664A, 4200 MHz for 8665A, 6000 MHz for 8665B. 8Specifications (continued)1.3000 MHz for 8664A, 4200 MHz for 8665A, 6000 MHz for 8665B.2.One watt on 8665B.3.Low noise mode three.9Specifications (continued)10Specifications (continued)11Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our exten-sive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and meas-urement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic perform-ance specifications and practical recommenda-tions from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that itworks properly, help with product operation,and provide basic measurement assistance forthe use of specified capabilities, at no extra costupon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers awide range of additional expert test and meas-urement services, which you can purchaseaccording to your unique technical and busi-ness needs. Solve problems efficiently and gaina competitive edge by contracting with us forcalibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warran-ty repairs, and on-site education and training,as well as design, system integration, projectmanagement, and other professional engineer-ing services. Experienced Agilent engineers andtechnicians worldwide can help you maximizeyour productivity, optimize the return on invest-ment of your Agilent instruments and systems,and obtain dependable measurement accuracyfor the life of those products.For more assistance with your test andmeasurement needs go to:/find/assistOr contact the test and measurement expertsat Agilent Technologies(During normal business hours)United States:(tel)180****4844Canada:(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 206 4120Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2000Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:(tel) (305) 267 4245(fax) (305) 267 4286Australia:(tel) 1 800 629 485(fax) (61 3) 9272 0749New Zealand:(tel) 0 800 738 378(fax) 64 4 495 8950Asia Pacific:(tel) (852) 3197 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9284Product specifications and descriptions in thisdocument subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2001 Agilent TechnologiesPrinted in the USA, April 30, 20015091-2580E12。

安捷伦频谱和信号分析仪选型指南引言安捷伦科技公司拥有全面的频谱分析仪和信号分析仪产品线,频率范围覆盖直流至 325G Hz,可对失真、杂散、相位噪声和无线通信信号的频率、幅度和调制进行精确测量。
这些仪器和 89600B 矢量信号分析(VSA)软件(一种灵活的调制分析软件或测量应用软件)结合使用后,可进一步扩展仪器功能,对广泛的标准数字信号和通用数字信号和格式进行解调。
当今分析仪具有调谐扫描功能和 FFT 体系结构。
测量应用软件和测量软件安捷伦提供了基于 PC 和基于仪器的应用软件,以满足从研发、故障诊断到一键完成制造测量的测试需求,这些软件适用于广泛的通信标准和调制类型。
EMI 和 EMC 解决方案电磁干扰(EMI)是由设备的辐射或传导发射造成的。
EMI 分析仪和接收机能够准确定位干扰源的频率和位置,从而减少或消除干扰信号。
安捷伦 8648A 信号发生器 用户指南说明书

About this Manual
We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.
This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that HewlettPackard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.
Support for Youger sells or supports this product. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:
安捷伦 E4428C 信号发生器

250 kHz - 3 GHz [标配电子衰减器]
250 kHz - 6 GHz [仅机械衰减器]
100 kHz1
0.01 Hz
选项 503
选项 506
频率 2 频率 / 幅度 3
频率 2 频率 / 幅度 3
(< 9 ms) (< 9 ms)
+7 到 - 50 dBm ± 0.5 ± 0.6
+10 到 - 50 dBm ± 0.5 ± 0.6
+7 到 - 50 dBm ± 0.6 ± 0.6 ± 0.8 ± 0.8
- 50 到
- 110 到
- 110 dBm - 127 dBm
± 0.5
± 0.7
± 0.6
± 0.8
< - 127 dBm
稳定性 老化速率 温度[0 - 55°C] 线路电压 线路电压范围
RF 参考输入要求 频率
< ± 0.1 ppm/ 年或在 45 天后< ± 0.0005 ppm/ 天 (< ± 0.05 ppm) (< ± 0.002 ppm) (+5% 到 -10%)
1, 2, 5, 10 MHz ±.2 ppm
选项 503 +11 到- 136 dBm +13 到- 136 dBm +10 到- 136 dBm 无
选项 UNB +15 到- 136 dBm +17 到- 136 dBm +16 到- 136 dBm 无
安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent 33120A的性能与使用说明

安捷伦函数信号发生器Agile nt 33120A 得性能与使用说明安捷伦函数信号发生器33120A 就是数字式函数信号发生器。
其内部永久存储着正弦波、方波、三角波、噪声、锯齿波、sin(x)/x 、负锯齿波、指数上升波、指数下降波、心电波,共10种函数信号。
其中,正弦波、方波得频率范围为100μHz-15MHz,幅值范围为100mV P -P -10V P-P 。
函数信号发生器有一个HP -IB(I EEE-488)接口与一个RS-232接口,计算机通过接口可遥控函数信号发生器,在计算机中使用HP BA SIC 语言程序或C 语言程序,能产生12bit 40Msa /s 得任意波形,通过接口写入函数信号发生器,函数信号发生器有四个可存储16000点得任意波形存储器。
其具体得性能指标与基本操作方法见本节后摘录自“Agi le nt 33120A Fu ncti on Ge ne rator Us er Gu ide ”得内容。
⒈ 信号源显示电压与实际输出电压理想信号源得内阻应为零。
若实际信号源得内阻为零,则 信号源输出端一旦短路或负载电阻过小,信号源就会因功率过 载而损坏。
实际信号源一般都在其输出端串接一个电阻R s , 使信号源既使短路,在短时间内也不会因功率过载而损坏,由此使信号源得保护电路有时间实现对信号源输出电路进行保护, 同时发出过载警告。
称信号源输出端串接电阻Rs 为信号源内阻。
由于有了信号源内阻R s ,如图1,信号源输出端得电压,即负载电阻RL上得电压,就是信号源得电源E s 在信号源内阻R s 与负载电阻R L上得分压,即V o ≠Es 。
信号源内设置了两个负载电阻值,开机时默认为R LD =50Ω,通过操作可修改为R L D→∞。
在信号源开机默认为R LD =50Ω时,信号源内部得电压源输出得电压为E s ,信号源显示屏上显示得电压就是(1)若实际负载不就是50Ω,那么负载上实际得到得电压Vo为(2)即信号源显示屏上显示得电压与负载上得到得实际电压不一样,Vo ≠VDispl ay 。

35 MHz RF调制带宽
40 MHz 采样数率和14位的I/Q精度
1 M (4 MB) 采样内存 用来回放波形及1M (4 MB) 采样内存用于波形 存储 自定义调制方式 (>15 variations of FSK, MSK, PSK, and QAM), AM, FM, phase modulation, pulse modulation, and step/list sweep (frequency and power)
E4432/33/36/37 矢量信号发生器
E4406A 发射机 测量仪
选件 UND UN8 UN5 100 101 200 201 202 H99 1E5 UN9 UNA UNB UN7 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 504 1E5 UNJ 601或602 005 400 401 402 404 405 406 408 411 417 BAH BAC BAF B78 202
Model #-1CP Adds rack mount kit with handles, part number 5063-9221 Model #-1CP带手柄的机架安装工具包,零件号5063-9221
Model #-1E5 Adds high-stability timebase Model #-1E5高稳度时基 Model #-1E6 High-performance pulse modulation Model #-1E6 高精度的脉冲调制功能 Model #-1EM Moves all front panel connectors to rear panelModel #-1EM将前面板连接器移到后面板 Model #-UN5 Adds multichannel IS-95 CDMA personality Model #-UN5 增加多信道的IS-95 CDMA的专用卡 Model #-UN7 Adds internal bit-error-rate analyzer Model #-UN7增加内部误码率分析仪
Agilent ESG家族RF信号生成器配置指南说明书

AgilentESG Family of RF Signal GeneratorsConfiguration GuideNoticeThis document is updated as often as once a month.Please contact Agilent Technologies for the latestinformation or check the ESG family website at/find/esgAnalog onlyDigital and analogESG-A seriesESG-AP seriesESG-D series ESG-DP series(high spectral purity)(high spectral purity)250 kHz – 1 GHz E4400B E4423B E4430B E4434B 250 kHz – 2 GHz E4420B E4424B E4431B E4435B 250 kHz – 3 GHz E4421B E4425B E4432B E4436B 250 kHz – 4 GHzE4422BE4426BE4433BE4437B1981Table of contentsIntroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ESG family of RF signal generators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Choosing options for a new purchase or a retrofit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Internal dual arbitrary waveform generator, Option UND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Real-time I/Q baseband generator, Option UN8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Internal bit-error-rate analyzer, Option UN7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GSM/EDGE base station BERT, Option 300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 cdmaOne multichannel, multicarrier personality, Option UN5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3GPP W-CDMA multichannel, multicarrier personality, Option 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 cdma2000 multichannel, multicarrier personality, Option 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3GPP W-CDMA personality for the real-time baseband generator, Option 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 cdma2000 personality for the real-time baseband generator, Option 201. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 EDGE personality for the real-time baseband generator, Option 202. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Attenuators, Options, UNA, UNB and H99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Documentation, support and mechanical hardware options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Application and product information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Related literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 IntroductionStandard Agilent Technologies ESG family RF signal generators incorporate a broad array of capabilities for testing both analog and digital communications systems. Adding flexible options provides a test solution that will evaluate the performance of a communication system to the requirements of nearly all current and proposed air interface standards. Many test functions can be customized to meet the needs of proprietary and other nonstandard wireless protocols as well. This guide describes how you can configure your instrument to address a wide variety of tests—from altering nearly every aspect of a digital signal or signal operating environment to creating experimental signals.This flexibility, along with an architecture that accepts future enhancements, makes the ESG family an excellent choice for wireless communication system testing now and in the future.231. IntuiLink software included free. For more information see page 26.1.Currently for GSM/EDGE only. Also refer to GSM/EDGE Base Station Test, literature number 5968-8333E.2.This customer-installable upgrade kit includes the necessary hardware and instructions for option installation in any digital B model, excluding instrumentswith Option 1EM. Depending on the existing option configuration, the kit may include hardware that will be discarded.3.Customer installable with software license key.4.This upgrade requires Option UN8 revision C. A hardware upgrade may be required for retrofits. Contact Agilent Technologies for more details.5.This special requires installation at the Agilent Technologies factory. Contact your Agilent Technologies sales representative for more information.6.The Option 009 retrofit kit includes both Option UN8 and Option UN9.4Multitone editor setup.Depicts the 64 tone signal resulting from the multitone setup.1. New features available with firmware revision B.02.21 and higher. Triggers require a hardware upgrade. For more information consult the ESG Web page at/find/esg.689441A display of modulation quality of a Bluetooth signal generated by an ESG.Multicarrier GSM setup.Multicarrier GSM spectrum resulting from the configuration shown in GSM setup.71. New features available with firmware revision B.03.20 and higher.You can build asymmetric FSK formats such as FLEX with the FSK table editor.Customize modulations or perform margin testing with the I/Q table editor. 8Implement custom FIR filters via the FIR table editor. Displayed FFT response of custom filter.Bit-error-rate user interface.11GSM base station bit error rate test.EDGE base station bit error rate test.Baseband BER tester user interface. 14Peak/average cumulative distribution function of IS-95 waveforms.Simulate a fully loaded base station by choosing the 64 forward-channel configuration . CDMA channel editor increases flexibility by providing individual channel settings.Multicarrier CDMA custom configuration setup.Multicarrier spectrum corresponding to the custom configuration. FIR table allows custom modulation filtering.Code domain power view.Use the flexible table editor to fully configure a W-CDMA signal waveform.The table editor allows you to modify cdma2000 forward and reverse links.193GPP W-CDMA person-ality for the real-time baseband generator, Option 200DescriptionOption 200 is a firmware personality that generates a fully coded multi-channel W-CDMA signal compliant with the latest 3GPP standards. By utilizing the real-time I/Q baseband generation, Option UN8, this firm-ware option provides the capability to perform mobile and base station receiver tests (e.g. BERT), baseband tests, and some component tests. This option complements the exist-ing Option 100, which provides a partially coded multi-carrier W-CDMA signal used primarily for component testing.Key features•Fully coded downlink signal with continuous PN sequences for BLER/BER testing•User adjustable coding parameters from the front panel (convolutional/ turbo coding, rate matching, interleaving, etc.)•12.2, 64, 144, 384 kbps reference measurement channels with data selection of continuous PN9, 4-bit repeating pattern, and user defined files•Data insertion at the transport layer (DCH) or the physical layer (DPDCH),which allows different stages of testing•Up to six DCH transport channels on one DPCHDownlink•Fully coded channels include:CPICH, P-SCH, S-SCH, PCCPCH, DPCH, OCNS, and PICH• 64 k UDI (ISDN)• AMR 12.2 kbpsUplink•Supports DPDCH and DPCCH •Supports 64 k UDI,AMR 12.2 k channel •Synchronization to system frame number reset or frame trigger Hardware and firmwarerequirementsOption 200 can be ordered with a newESG, or downloaded and activated bypurchasing a license key. The serialnumber and the model of the unit, aswell as the Host ID number, must besupplied.This personality requires enhancedUN8 revision C or higher. If theinstalled firmware revision is belowB.03.00, UN8 will need to be upgraded.If the firmware is B.03.00 or higher,verify the UN8 revision by pressingthe following keys: Utility, InstrumentInfo, Options Info. A hardwareupgrade is available for customerswith older UN8 revisions. Toupgrade an existing ESG withOption UN8, please contact AgilentTechnologies. Firmware updates forthe ESG can be downloded from/find/esg.One button reference measurement channel setup.Choose up to six transport channels for DPCH data.20Reverse link channel setup.Forward link channel setup.1. IS-2000 capabilities require two ESG signal generators (each with option 201) working in tandem.22Generate continuous or framed and bursted signals.For framed data, all timeslot fields are editable.Synchronize two ESGs to combine EDGE (8PSK) and GSM (GMSK) timeslots.23Option UNBmechanical attenuator Standard electronicattenuator24Documentation, support and mechanicalhardware options (available with any ESG model)Mechanical options❐ Option 1CM Rack mount kit❐ Option 1CN Handle kit❐ Option 1EM Moves all connectors to the rear panel❐ Option 1CP Rack mount and handleOperating and service documentation options❐Option 0B0Deletes manual set❐Option 0B1Adds manual set❐Option 0BV Service documentation (component level)❐Option 0BW Service documentation (assembly level)❐Option 0BX Service documentation (assembly and component level)❐Option UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test dataService options❐Option W32 3 years of customer return calibration service❐Option W34 3 years of customer return compliant calibration(ANSI 540 standard) service❐Option W50 Adds additional warranty for a total of 5 years ofcustomer return repair service❐Option W52 5 years of customer return calibration service❐Option W54 5 years of customer return compliant calibration(ANSI 540 standard) serviceLocalization options❐Options ABO Chinese (Taiwan) manuals❐Options ABD German manuals❐Options AB1Korean manuals❐Options ABE Spanish manuals❐Options AB2Chinese manuals❐Options ABF French manuals❐Options ABJ Japanese manualsAccessories❐9211-1296Transit case❐83300A Remote interface25Agilent application and product information•RF Source Basics, a self-based tutorial (CD ROM),literature number 5980-2060E.•Digital Modulation in Communications Systems—An Introduction, Application Note 1298,literature number 5965-7160E.•Generating and Downloading Data to the ESG-D RF Signal Generator for Digital Modulation,Product Note, literature number 5966-1010E.•Using Vector Modulation Analysis in the Integration, Troubleshooting and Design ofDigital RF Communications Systems, Product Note 89400-8, literature number 5091-8687E.•Controlling TDMA Timeslot Power Levels Using the ESG-D Series, RF Signal Generators, Product Note,literature number 5966-4472E.•Testing CDMA Base Station Amplifiers, Application Note 1307, literature number 5967-5486E.•Customize Digital Modulation with the ESG-D Series Real-Time I/Q Baseband Generator, Option UN8,Product Note, literature number 5966-4096E.•Using the ESG-D RF Signal Generator’s Multicarrier, Multichannel CDMA Personalityfor Component Test, Option UN5, Product Note, literature number 5968-2981E.•Generating Digital Modulation with the ESG-D Series Dual Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Option UND,Product Note, literature number 5966-4097E.•Understanding GSM Transmitter Measurements for Base Transceiver Stations and Their Components,Application Note 1312, literature number 5968-2320E.•Understanding CDMA Measurements for Base Stations and their Components, Application Note 1311,literature number 5968-0953E.•Testing and Troubleshooting Digital RF Communications Receiver Designs, Application Note 1314,literature number 5968-3579E.• Performing Bluetooth RF Measurements Today, Application Note 1333,literature number 5968-7746E.•Designing and Testing 3GPP W-CDMA Base Stations, Application Note 1355,literature number 5980-1239E.•Designing and Testing 3GPP W-CDMA User Equipment, Application Note 1356,literature number 5980-1238E.•Designing and Testing cdma2000 Base Stations, Application Note 1357,literature number 5980-1303E.•Designing and Testing cdma2000 Mobile Stations, Application Note 1358,literature number 5980-1237E.•ESG Series RF Signal Generators Option 200 W-CDMA, Product Overview,literature number 5988-0369EN.•ESG Series RF Signal Generators Option 201 cdma2000, Product Overview,literature number 5988-0371EN.•Using the ESG-D Series of RF Signal Generators and the 8922 GSM Test Set for GSM Applications, Product Note, literature number 5965-7158EProduct literature• ESG Family RF Digital and Analog Signal Generators, Brochure, literature number 5968-4313E.• ESG Family RF Signal Generators, Data Sheet, literature number 5965-3096E.• ESG Family RF Signal Generators, Configuration Guide, literature number 5965-4973E.• RF and Microwave Signal Generators, Catalog, literature number 5965-3094E.• IntuiLink Software, Data Sheet, literature number 5980-3115EN.See the ESG Web pageGet the latest news, product and support information, application literature and more. The Agilent Technologies Internet address for the ESG family is: /find/esgNew trade-up programAsk your local sales representative about instrument trade-up opportunities for all ESG models.IntuiLink PC softwareTransfer screen data and images easily into Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Word. Save and restore instrument states. Download arbitrary waveform files. For more information visit our website at:http///find/IntuiLink26For further informationRelated literature:Agilent ESG Family of RF SignalGenerators, Data Sheet,literature number 5965-3096EIntuiLink Software, Data Sheet,literature number 5980-3115EN27Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment,we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance forthe use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offersa wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades,out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for thelife of those products.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsOnline assistance:/find/assist Phone or Fax:United States:(tel)180****4844Canada:(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 282-6495China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 1 0800 650 0121Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (82 2) 2004-5004(fax) (82 2) 2004-5115Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Taiwan:(tel) 080 004 7866(fax) (886 2) 2545 6723Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 375 8100(fax) (65) 836 0252Email:*******************Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2001Agilent Technologies, Inc.Printed in USA, June 11, 20015965-4973EMicrosoft®Excel and Microsoft®Word are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation MATLAB™is a U.S. registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.。

安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent 33120A 的性能与使用说明安捷伦函数信号发生器33120A 是数字式函数信号发生器。
其内部永久存储着正弦波、方波、三角波、噪声、锯齿波、sin(x)/x 、负锯齿波、指数上升波、指数下降波、心电波,共10 种函数信号。
其中,正弦波、方波的频率范围为100 μHz -15MHz ,幅值范围为100mV P-P-10V P-P。
函数信号发生器有一个HP-IB ( IEEE-488 )接口和一个RS-232 接口,计算机通过接口可遥控函数信号发生器,在计算机中使用HP BASIC 语言程序或C 语言程序,能产生12bit 40Msa/s 的任意波形,通过接口写入函数信号发生器,函数信号发生器有四个可存储16000 点的任意波形存储器。
其具体的性能指标和基本操作方法见本节后摘录自“ Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide ”的内容。
要知道详细的内容应阅读该仪器的“用户手册” 。
⒈ 信号源显示电压与实际输出电压理想信号源的内阻应为零。
实际信号源一般都在其输出端串接一个电阻R s,使信号源既使短路,在短时间内也不会因功率过载而损坏,由此使信号源的保护电路有时间实现对信号源输出电路进行保护,同时发出过载警告。
称信号源输出端串接电阻R s 为信号源内阻。
图1 信号源输出电压示意图安捷伦33120A (以下简称为信号源)的内阻为50 Ω。
由于有了信号源内阻R s,如图 1 ,信号源输出端的电压,即负载电阻R L上的电压,是信号源的电源E s在信号源内阻R s和负载电阻R L 上的分压,即V o ≠E s 。
信号源内设置了两个负载电阻值,开机时默认为 R LD =50 Ω,通过操作可修改为 R LD→∞。
在信号源开机默认为 R LD =50 Ω时,信号源内部的电压源输出的电压为 E s ,信号源显示屏上显示的电压是若实际负载不是 50Ω,那么负载上实际得到的电压 V o 为即信号源显示屏上显示的电压与负载上得到的实际电压不一样, V o ≠V Display 。

安捷伦频谱和信号分析仪选型指南引言安捷伦科技公司拥有全面的频谱分析仪和信号分析仪产品线,频率范围覆盖直流至 325G Hz,可对失真、杂散、相位噪声和无线通信信号的频率、幅度和调制进行精确测量。
这些仪器和 89600B 矢量信号分析(VSA)软件(一种灵活的调制分析软件或测量应用软件)结合使用后,可进一步扩展仪器功能,对广泛的标准数字信号和通用数字信号和格式进行解调。
当今分析仪具有调谐扫描功能和 FFT 体系结构。
测量应用软件和测量软件安捷伦提供了基于 PC 和基于仪器的应用软件,以满足从研发、故障诊断到一键完成制造测量的测试需求,这些软件适用于广泛的通信标准和调制类型。
EMI 和 EMC 解决方案电磁干扰(EMI)是由设备的辐射或传导发射造成的。
EMI 分析仪和接收机能够准确定位干扰源的频率和位置,从而减少或消除干扰信号。
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主要技术指标对比 — 矢量信号发生器
产品型号 性能 频率范围 (最小到最大) 频率转换 (列表模式) 扫描模式 输出功率 (最小) 输出功率 (最大, 1 GHz 时) 电平精度 (1 GHz) SSB 相位噪声 (1 GHz 时, 20 kHz 偏置) 斜波 (1 GHz) 非谐波 (1 GHz) AM 速率 FM 偏差 (最大) PM 相位偏差 (正常模式下最大) 窄脉宽 EVM (LTE) ACPR (3GPP W-CDMA TM1 64 DPCH) 内置基带发生器的射频带宽 外部 I/Q 调制器的射频带宽 波形回放存储器 基带发生器模式
多音频, NPR
噪声 (AWGN)
SystemVue, MATLAB
Signal Studio 软件
LTE 和 LTE-Advanced FDD/TDD、
20 ns
20 ns
20 ns
20 ns
100 µs
本地振荡器 射频源
3 GHz~10 GHz 1 MHz~6 GHz
500 μs
5 ms
无 +16 dBm
–130 dBm +19 dBm
± 2 dB
± 0.4 dB
–115 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz
250 kHz ~ 44 GHz 250 kHz ~ 67 GHz
100 kHz ~ 40 GHz
9 kHz 100 kHz 3 GHz 6 GHz 40 GHz 67 GHz
100 kHz ~ 9 GHz
9 kHz ~ 6 GHz 9 kHz ~ 6 GHz
9 kHz ~ 6 GHz 9 kHz ~ 6 GHz
PXI 射频 M9381A **
1 MHz ~ 6 GHz < 10 ~ 220 μs 步进、列表
–130 dB +19 dBm ± 0.4 dB –122 dBc/Hz –34 dBc –70 dBc 6.2 MHz 1.24 MHz 10 弧度 20 ns 0.32% –70 dBc 160 MHz -1024 MSa 波形回放
使用信号生成软件产品并结合矢量信号发生器可生 成针对特定应用的测试信号。这些软件能够轻松生成信 号,以测试无线电设计和组件在基带、射频和微波频率不 同参数和功能测试条件下的性能。Agilent Signal Studio 软件 在 PC 上运行,嵌入式软件直接在信号发生器上运行。
-143dBc/Hz(10kHz偏置) –146 dBc/Hz
–55 dBc
–35 dBc
–88 dBc
–96 dBc
直流至 100 kHz
直流至 50 kHz
1 ~ 128 MHz
1 ~ 16 MHz
1 ~ 800 弧度
0.5 ~ 8 弧度
20 ns
20 ns
0.8 %
0.2 %
–64 dBc(16QAM, 10 GHz) –7dBm
+19 dBm
+23 dBm
+24 dBm
+21 dBm
+13 dBm
(1 GHz 时)
(20 GHz 时) (20 GHz 时)
± 0.8 dB
± 0.6 dB
± 0.6 dB
(20 GHz 时) (20 GHz 时)
± 0.6 dB
± 0.6 dB
± 1.0 dB
SSB 相位噪声 -143 dBc/Hz –116 dBc/Hz -143 dBc/Hz(10 –146 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz –95 dBc/Hz
(10 GHz 时,
10 kHz 偏置)
–20 dBc
–29 dBc
–70 dBc
–70 dBc
应用程序和 信号生成软件
PSG 微波
MXG 和 EXG 射频
PXI 射频
PSG 微波
MXG 微波
MXG 和 EXG 射频
PSG 射频
N9310 射频
模拟信号发生器提供正弦连续波(CW)信号,并且可 以通过可选功能添加 AM、FM、ΦM 和脉冲调制,支持 从射频到微波的最大频率范围。大部分信号发生器具有 步进/列表扫描模式,可用于无源器件表征或校准。
基带发生器 (BBG) 可输出 QPSK 等复杂 I/Q 信号,并 支持以下运行模式 : ● 波形回放模式, 提供重复信号, 以进行组件测试 ● 实时模式, 传输非重复 / 动态信号, 以进行接收机测试 ● 数字 IQ 输入或输出模式, 用于仿真 FPGA、DAC 或 ADC
应用软件比较 .............................................................. 5 Signal Studio 软件 ........................................................ 6 PSG 信号发生器 ........................................................... 7
微波信号发生器 PSG 微波矢量 PSG 微波模拟
MXG 微波模拟
射频信号发生器 PSG 射频模拟
MXG 射频矢量 MXG 射频模拟
EXG 射频矢量 EXG 射频模拟
N9310A 射频模拟
PXI 射频矢量 PXI 射频连续波 PXI 本地振荡器
基带产品 基带发生器和通道仿真器 数字接口模块
FM 偏差(最大) 1~128 MHz 2.5~320 MHz 1~16 MHz 1~16 MHz 2.5~40 MHz 100 kHz
PM 相位偏差 1 ~1280 弧度 1.25~160 弧度 1~160 弧度 0.5~8 弧度 1.25~20 弧度 10 弧度 (正常模式下最大)
20 ns
微波矢量与模拟 射频模拟 X 系列信号发生器 ........................................................9 MXG 矢量与模拟 EXG 矢量与模拟 模拟信号发生器 .........................................................11 基带发生器和接口模块 ............................................12 模块化产品 ..................................................................13 PXI 矢量信号发生器 ..................................................13 PXI 连续波信号源 ...................................................... 13 PXI 本地振荡器 ...........................................................14 从传统信号发生器过渡 ............................................15
通道仿真器用于仿真射频波形的传播介质,可复制 SISO 或 MIMO 收发信机的多路径和多信道衰减,通常用 于测试被测器件的灵敏度、吞吐量或功能。
主要技术指标对比 ...................................................... 4 矢量信号发生器 模拟信号发生器
调制功能包括通用 AM、FM 和数字 I/Q 以及针对特 定标准的制式,例如 GSM、W-CDMA、HSPA、LTE、GPS 和无线局域网。安捷伦提供多种型号的信号发生器,包 括台式和 PXI 模块化型号。
此选型指南提供产品概述与同类产品比较,以帮 助您确定最适合的信号发生器。此选型指南是在线选型 工具的补充。如欲了解详细信息,请访问 www.agilent. com/find/siggen。
80 MHz
160 MHz
高达 2 GHz
高达 200 MHz
64 Msa
1024 Msa
波形回放与实时 IQ 波形回放与实时
EXG 射频 N5172B ***
9 kHz ~ 6 GHz 800 μs 步进、列表
–144 dBm +21 dBm ± 0.6 dB –122 dBc/Hz –35 dBc –72 dBc 直流至 50 kHz 2.5 ~ 40 MHz 1.25 ~ 20 弧度 20 ns 0.2% –73 dBc 120 MHz 高达 200 MHz 512 Msa 波形回放与实时
PSG 微波