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Analysis of the surveillance results of influenza in Guilin in 2015—2016
JIANG Li-li*, WANG Ning, LI Jian-jun * Guilin center for disease control and prevention, Guilin, Guangxi541000, China
·论 著·
应用预防医学 2018 年 6 月第 24 卷第 3 期 Applied Prev Med, June 2018, Vol 24 No.3
桂林市 2015—2016 年流感监测结果分析
蒋立立 1,王宁 1,李剑军 2
1.桂林市疾病预防控制中心,广西 541000;2.广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心
Abstract: Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and subtype of influenza virus among the influenza-like illness in Guilin. Methods According to the national influenza surveillance program, the data of influenza-like cases (ILI) reported from April 2015 to March 2016 in the sentinel hospital were collected, the specimens of nasopharyngeal swabs were collected by the convenience sampling, the influenza virus were tested by RT-PCR. Results During the period 16 879 cases of ILI were reported among 187 607 cases of outpatient in Guilin sentinel hospital clinics, and the rate of ILI was 8.99%. The rates of ILI in summer, autumn, winter and spring were 39.45%, 21.48%, 14.17% and 21.48%, respectively. A total of 1358 nasopharyngeal swab specimens were collected and tested, and 171 cases (12.59%) were positive for influenza virus nucleic acid. The positive rates of influenza virus nucleic acid were statistically significant between different age(Fisher’s exact test, χ2=16.507, P = 0.002) and different season (χ2=35.326, P<0.001). The positive rate of influenza virus nucleic acid was no statistically significant in sex (Fisher’s exact test, χ2=0.817, P =0.05). Among 171 cases of the virus positive 96 cases were identified as influenza A virus, accounting for 56.14%, and 75 cases as influenza B virus, accounting for 43.86%. Four subtypes H1, H3, BY and BV ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduere identified, accounted for 11.70%, 44.44%, 38.01% and 11.70%, respectively. Con⁃ clusions In Guilin influenza-like illness occure in the four seasons of the year and the summer has more cases. H3 and BY are predominant influenza virus subtypes circulating in this areas. Key words: influenza-like illness; influenza virus; surveillance; epidemiological characteristics
摘要:目的 了解桂林市流感样病例人流感病毒及其亚型流行特征。方法 2015 年 4 月—2016 年 3 月,按照国家流感 监测方案要求,收集桂林市流感监测哨点医院的流感样病例 (influenza like illness,ILI) 报告情况,采集部分病例鼻 咽拭子,采用 RT-PCR 方法进行流感病毒病原学检测。结果 监测期间哨点医院门诊就诊总数 187 607 人次,报告 ILI 病例 16 879 人次;ILI 病例占就诊总数的 9.00%。夏、秋、冬、春报告的 ILI 病例数分别占 39.45%、21.48%、14.17%、 24.91%。共采集检测鼻咽拭子标本 1 358 份,流感病毒核酸阳性 171 份,阳性检出率为 12.59%。不同年龄、不同季节 ILI 病例的流感病毒核酸阳性检出率差异有统计学意义 (χ2=16.507,P =0.002;χ2= 35.326,P<0.001);不同性别 ILI 病例的核酸阳性检出率差异无统计学意义 (χ2=0.817,P>0.05)。核酸阳性标本中,甲型流感病毒 96 份,占 56.14%; 乙型流感病毒 75 份,占 43.86%。亚型分析发现新型甲 H1、H3、BY 和 BV 4 种亚型,分别占 11.70%、44.44%、 38.01%和 5.85%。结论 桂林市全年 4 个季度均有流感样病例发生,以夏季为高发季节。人流感病毒流行毒株以甲型 流感病毒 H3 和乙型流感病毒 BY 为主。 关键词:流感样病例;流感病毒;监测;流行特征 中图分类号:R 181.8+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-758X(2018)03-0178-03