


叙词 离心式通风机 噪声 蜗壳
一、前言 中小型工业锅炉在我国城市中应用极为
广泛, 但是与之配套的离心引风机的噪声却 很高, 在无隔声装置的情况下, 离开风机一米 处测得的噪声通常达到90~ 100dB (A )。大大 超过了国家有关环境保护和劳动保护所规定 的噪声标准。目前已成为污染城市环境的主 要噪声源之一。因此, 研究风机噪声的产生、 传播、控制已被列为国家的重要研究课题。在 现阶段, 对风机噪声的控制普遍采用从传声 途径降噪的方法, 其原理主要是通过声能的 吸收和隔绝将已经产生的噪声降低到能够被 接受的限制之内。但是受经济成本、能量损失 和降噪空间等诸多因素的制约, 这类被动的
j= 1
j= 1
为了方便对比, 1# 蜗壳和2# 蜗壳的试
位置在风机出口水平中心面内, 与出口截面
法线成45°, 距离为一米, 2# 蜗壳的两面侧板
位置均可调节, 调节范围:
Z 1 1. 25~ 1. 75 Z 2 1. 25~ 1. 75
(3) 用 SO R 方法迭代求解流函数场。 (4) 求叶轮进口截面速度分布及其方差
∆V =
(V j -
V m)2
j= 1
V j 和 V m 分别为当地速度和平均速度。
(5) 判断是否满足不等式: ∆V ≤0. 30若满
V x=
1 r
1 r
2. 控制方程的离散及求解
图4 进口子午面速度方向



离心风机标准涡形-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述离心风机是一种常见的机械设备,其主要功能是通过离心力将气体或气体颗粒进行加速和输送。





















pt pt 0 pt 0 0 1.2
三、功率 单位时间内所消耗的能量称为功率N,功率的单位用千瓦 来表示。通风机的有效功率(Ny千瓦)即:
式中: Q——通风机输送的风量,米3/秒; H——通风机产生的风压,毫米水柱; 102——千瓦与千克· 米/秒之间的换算关系系数,1千 瓦=102千克米/秒。

Ny N
100 %
通风机的有效功率反映了通风机工作的经济性。 后向叶片风机的效率一般在0.8~~0.9之间,前向叶片风机 的效率在0.6~~0.65之间。 同一台风机在一定的转速下,当风量和风压改变时,其效 率也随之改变,但其中必有一个最高效率点,最高效率时的 风量和风压称为最佳工况。 通风机在管道系统中工作时,它的风量与风压应尽可能等 于或接近最佳式况时的风量和风压,应注意使其实际运转效 率不低于最高效率的90 %。
二、风压 通风机的出口气流全压与进口气流全压之差称为风机的风压H,其单 位为毫米水柱。风机所产生的风压与风机的叶轮直径、转速、空气密度及 叶片形式有关,其关系可用下式表示: H=ρHv22 或: H=0.000334HD22n2
式中: H——通风机全压,毫米水柱; ρ——空气的密度,千克· 秒2/米4;当大气压强在760毫米汞柱,气温为20℃, ρ=1.2千克/米2; v2——叶轮外周的圆周速度,米/秒; H——全压系数,根据实验确定,一般如下:
五、通风机的性能曲线 通风机的性能曲线一般有H—Q曲线,N—Q曲线,η—Q曲 线三种,这三种曲线常画在同一图上,统称为风机的特性曲线。 根据特性曲线,已知Q米3/时,H毫米水柱,N千瓦,η(%)中 的任何一值即可求得其它各值。





风机所产生的风量与风机叶轮直径、转速、叶片形式等有关,其三者之间的相互关系要用下式表示:Q = 样秒现° = 148®和杓吋式中:Q――通风机的风量;D2通风机叶轮的外径,米;V2――叶轮外周的圆周速度,米/秒v厂旦料秒60n——通风机的转速,转/分;「——流量系数,与风机型号有关。





以叶轮外周的圆周速度表示,压力在300-1500毫米水柱的风机,v2< 100米/秒,压力在300毫米水柱以下的风机v2< 70米/秒。


风机所产生的风压与风机的叶轮直径、转速、空气密度及叶片形式有关,其关系可用下式表示:H= p H v22或:H=0.000334HD 22n2式中:H —通风机全压,毫米水柱;p —空气的密度,千克/米3;大气压强在760毫米汞柱,气温为20C时,p =1.2千克/米3;v2—叶轮外周的圆周速度,米/秒;H—全压系数,根据实验确定,一般如下:后向式:H=0.4 —0.6 ;径向式:H=0.6 —0.8 ;前向式:H=0.8 —1.1 ;D2—风机叶轮的外径,米;n—风机的转速,转/分。





离心风机说明书(10.5)(总18页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--目录1.风机的用途及适用范围.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2. 风机的结构形式.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3. 风机的安装、调整和试运转(分别为D式、F式)............................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. 风机的运行.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5. 风机的维护................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

6. 风机成套供货范围(一台)................................... 错误!未定义书签。

7. 订货需知(需提供下列资料)................................. 错误!未定义书签。

8. 备件订货说明............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

表一:经常或定期检查项目................................. 错误!未定义书签。

表二:运行时每3—6个月检查的项目........................ 错误!未定义书签。






%The optimum width of centrifugal fan volute is still not completely solved in engineering. In this paper, by choosing different volute width parameters, three commonly used backward curved blades centrifugal fans of 4-72, 5-48 and 6-30 were selected to carry out aerodynamic computational analysis. The calculation results show that the reasonable choice of volute width parameters can improve the flow characteristics inside the volute and therefore improve the performance of fan aerodynamics.【期刊名称】《风机技术》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】5页(P35-39)【关键词】离心风机;蜗壳;数值模拟【作者】曹恒超;潘地林【作者单位】安徽理工大学;安徽理工大学【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH4320 引言蜗壳作为离心风机的核心部件,其主要任务是将离开叶轮的气体导向蜗壳的出口,并将部分动压转变成静压。























T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n sebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH &Co.KG Bachmühle 2D-74673MulfingenPhone +49(0)793881-0Fax +49(0)793881-110info1@ CONTENTS1.SAFETY REGULATIONS AND NOTES11.SAFETY REGULATIONS AND NOTESPlease read these operating instructions carefully before starting to work with the device.Observe the following warnings to prevent malfunctions or physical damage to both property and people.These operating instructions are to be regarded as part of this device.If the device is sold or transferred,the operating instructions must accompany it.These operating instructions may be duplicated and forwarded for information about potential dangers and their prevention.1.1Levels of hazard warnings11.1Levels of hazard warnings These operating instructions use the following hazard levels to indicate potentially hazardous situations and important safetyregulations:DANGERIndicates an imminently hazardous situation which,if not avoided,will result in death or serious pliance with the measures is mandatory.WARNINGIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which,if not avoided,could result in death or serious injury.Exercise extreme caution while working.CAUTIONIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which,if not avoided,may result in minor or moderate injury or damage of property.NOTEA potentially harmful situation can occur and,if not avoided,can lead to property damage.1.2Staff qualification11.2Staff qualification The device may only be transported,unpacked,installed,operated,maintained and otherwise used by qualified,trained and authorised technical staff.Only authorised specialists are permitted to install the device,to carry out a test run and to perform work on the electrical installation.1.3Basic safety rules11.3Basic safety rules Any safety hazards stemming from the device must be re-evaluated once it is installed in the end device.Observe the following when working on the unit:;Do not make any modifications,additions or conversions to the device without the approval of ebm-papst.1.4Electrical voltage11.4Electrical voltage;Check the electrical equipment of the device at regular intervals,refer to chapter 5.2Safety test.;Replace loose connections and defective cablesimmediately.DANGERElectrical load on the device Risk of electric shock→Stand on a rubber mat if you are working on an electrically charged device.WARNINGTerminals and connections have voltage even with a unit that is shut off Electric shock→Wait five minutes after disconnecting the voltage at all poles before opening the device.21.5Safety and protective functions 21.6Mechanical movement 21.7Emission 21.8Hot surface 21.9Transport 21.10Storage 21.11Disposal32.PROPER USE 43.TECHNICAL DATA43.1Product drawing 53.2Nominal data 53.3Technical features 53.4Mounting data53.5Transport and storage conditions64.CONNECTION AND START-UP64.1Connecting the mechanical system 64.2Connecting the electrical system 74.3Connection of the cables 84.4Connection screen94.5Checking the connections 94.6Switch on device 94.7Switching off the device95.MAINTENANCE,MALFUNCTIONS,POSSIBLE CAUSES AND REMEDIES105.1Cleaning 105.2Safety test成都锦恒荣泰电气设备有限公司T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n sCAUTIONIn the event of failure,there is electric voltage at the rotor and impellerThe rotor and impeller are base insulated.→Do not touch the rotor and impeller once they are installed.CAUTIONThe motor restarts automatically when operating voltage is applied,e.g.after a power failure.Danger of injury→Keep out of the danger zone of the device.→When working on the device,switch off the mainssupply voltage and secure the latter from being switched on again.→Wait until the device stops.→Insert the brought-out thermal overload protector into the control circuit so that the cooled off motor does not switch on independently after a fault.1.5Safety and protectivefunctionsDANGERMissing safety device and non-functioning safety device If there is no safety device,you could be seriously injured,for example if you reach into the running device or your hands are sucked into it.→Operate the device only with a fixed and isolating safety protection and a fixed guard grille.The guard must withstand the kinetic energy of a fan blade detaching at maximum speed.→The device is a built-in component.You,the owner/operator,are responsible for providing adequate protection for the device.→Shut down the device immediately if you detect a missing or ineffective protective feature.1.6MechanicalmovementDANGERRotating deviceBody parts that come into contact with the rotor and impeller can be injured.→Secure the device against accidental contact.→Before working on the system/machine,wait until all parts have come to a standstill.WARNINGRotating deviceLong hair,loose items of clothing and jewellery could become entangled and pulled into the device.You could be injured.→Do not wear any loose clothing or jewellery while working on rotating parts.→Protect long hair by wearing a cap.1.7EmissionWARNINGDepending on the installation and operating conditions,a sound pressure level greater than 70dB(A)may arise.Danger of noise-induced hearing loss →Take appropriate technical safety measures.→Protect operating personnel with appropriate safety equipment,e.g.hearing protection.→Also observe the requirements of local agencies.1.8HotsurfaceCAUTIONHigh temperature at the motor housing Danger of burn injuries→Ensure that sufficient protection against accidental contact is provided.1.9TransportNOTETransport of device→Transport the device in its original packaging only.→Secure the device so that it does not slip,e.g.by using a clamping strap.1.10Storage;Store the device,partially or fully assembled,in a dry andweatherproof manner in the original packing in a clean environment.;Protect the device from environmental impacts and dirt until the final installation.;We recommend storing the device for a maximum up to one year to guarantee proper operation and longest possible service life.;Even devices explicitly suited for outdoor use are to be stored as described prior to being commissioned.;Maintain the storage temperature,seechapter 3.5Transport and storage conditions.1.11DisposalWhen disposing of the device,please comply with all relevant requirements and regulations applicable in your country.T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s2.PROPER USEThe device is exclusively designed as a built-in device for moving air according to its technical data.Any other or secondary use is deemed improper and constitutes a misuse of the device.Installations on the customer's side must meet the mechanical,thermal and service life-related stresses that can occur.Proper use also includes:●Use the device in power systems with earthed neutral (TN/TT power systems)only.●The device is to be used solely outside of the EU.●Only using the device in stationary systems.●Carrying out all maintenance.●Moving air with a density of 1.2kg/m³.●Using the device in accordance with the permitted ambienttemperature,see chapter 3.5Transport and storage conditions and chapter 3.2Nominal data.●Operating the device with all protective features in place.●Minding the operating instructions.Improper useUsing the device in the following ways is particularly prohibited and may cause hazards:●Operating the device with an imbalance,e.g.caused by dirt deposits or icing.●Operation in medical equipment with a life-sustaining or lifesaving function.●Operation with external vibrations.●Moving solids content in flow medium.●Painting the device●Connections (e.g.screws)coming loose during operation.●Moving air that contains abrasive particles.●Moving highly corrosive air,e.g.salt spray mist.Exceptions aredevices that are intended for salt spray mist and protected accordingly.●Moving air that contains dust pollution,e.g.suctioning off saw dust.●Operating the device close to flammable materials or components.●Operating the device in an explosive atmosphere.●Using the device as a safety component or for taking on safety-related functions.●Operation with completely or partially disassembled or modified protective features.●In addition,all application options that are not listed under proper use.T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s3.TECHNICAL DATA3.1ProductdrawingAll measures have the unit mm.1Connection line halogen-free,9x 0.75mm²,9x brass lead tips crimped2Accessory part:Inlet nozzle 63072-2-4013,not included in the standard scope of delivery.3Depth of screw max.18mm成都锦恒荣泰电气设备有限公司T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s3.2Nominal dataMotorM4D138-HF Phase3~3~Nominal voltage /VAC 230400Connection ΔY Frequency /Hz5050Type of data definition ml ml Valid for approval /standard --Speed /min -113751375Power input /W 14301430Current draw /A5.23Min.back pressure /Pa 00Min.ambient temperature /°C-40-40Max.ambient temperature /°C8585Starting current /A2414Maximum safe operating speed /min -119001900ml =Max.load ·me =Max.efficiency ·fa =Running at free air cs =Customer specs ·cu =Customer unit Subject to alterations3.3Technical featuresMass 22.2kg Size500mmSurface of rotor Cast in aluminium Material of impeller Aluminium sheet Number of blades 9Direction of rotation Clockwise,seen on rotor Type of protection IP 54Insulation class "F"Humidity class F3-1Mounting position AnyCondensate discharge holesOn rotor and stator sides Operation mode S1Motor bearing Ball bearing Touch current acc.IEC 60990(measuring network Fig.4,TN system)<=3.5mAMotor protection Thermal overload protector (TOP)brought out Cable exitLateralProtection class I (if protective earth is connected by customer)Product conforming to standard EN 61800-5-1;EN 60034ApprovalEAC;VDEFor cyclic speed loads,note that the rotating parts of the device are designed for maximum one million load cycles.If you have specific questions,contact ebm-papst for support.3.4Mounting dataFor depth of screw,see chapter 3.1Product drawing;Secure the mounting screws against accidentally coming loose (e.g.by using self-locking screws).Strength class for mounting screws8.8You can obtain additional mounting data from the product drawing if necessary.3.5Transport and storage conditions;Use the device in accordance with its protection type.Max.permissible ambient motor temp.(transp./storage)+80°CMin.permissible ambient motor temp.(transp./storage)-40°CT r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s4.CONNECTION AND START-UP4.1Connecting the mechanicalsystemCAUTIONCutting and crushing hazard when removing the fan from the packaging→Carefully hold the impeller to remove the device from its packaging.Make sure to avoid any shock.→Wear safety shoes and cut-resistant safety gloves.CAUTIONHeavy load when taking out the device Bodily harm,e.g.back injuries,are possible.→Two people should remove the device out of its packaging together.;Check the device for transport damage.Damaged devices must no longer be installed.;Install the undamaged device according to your application.4.2Connecting the electricalsystemDANGERElectric voltage on the device Electric shock→Always install a protective earth first.→Check the protectiveearth.DANGERIncorrect insulationRisk of fatal injury from electric shock→Use only cables that meet the specified installationrequirements for voltage,current,insulation material,load etc.→Route cables such that they cannot be touched by any rotatingparts.DANGERElectrical load (>50µC)between mains wire andprotective earth connection after switching of the supply when switching multiple devices in parallel.Electric shock,risk of injury→Make sure that sufficient protection against accidental contact is provided.Before working on the electrical connection,theconnections to the mains supply and PE must be shorted.CAUTIONElectrical voltageThe fan is a built-in component and features no electrically isolating switch.→Only connect the fan to circuits that can be switched off with an all-pole separating switch.→When working on the fan,you must switch off theinstallation/machine in which the fan is installed and secure it from being switched on again.NOTEWater penetration into leads or wiresWater enters at the cable end on the customers side and can damage the device.→Make sure that the cable end is connected in a dryenvironment.Connect the device only to circuits that can be switched off using an all-pole disconnecting switch.4.2.1Prerequisites;Check whether the data on the type plate agree with the connection data.;Before connecting the device,ensure that the supply voltage matches the operating voltage of the device.;Only use cables designed for current according to the type plate.For determining the cross-section,follow the basic principles in accordance with EN 61800-5-1.The protective earth must have a cross-section equal to or greater than the outer conductor cross-section.We recommend the use of 105°C cables.Ensure that the minimum cable cross-section is at least AWG26/0.13mm².Earth wire contact resistance to EN 61800-5-1Compliance with the impedance specifications to EN 61800-5-1for the protective earth circuit must be verified in the end application.Depending on the installation situation,it may be necessary to install an additional protective earthing conductor via the additional protective earth connection point available on the device.The protective earth connection point is located on the housing and has a protective earth symbol and a bore hole.4.2.2Residual current operateddeviceOnly pulse-current sensitive and/or universal RCD protective devices (Type A or B)are permitted.Like frequency inverters,RCD protective devices cannot provide personal safety while operating the device.4.2.3VoltagecontrolWith open loop speed control using transformers or electronic voltage regulators (e.g.phase angle control),excessive current may occur.In addition,noises can occur with phase angle control depending on the mounting situation.4.2.4Frequency inverterPlease use a frequency converter only after consultation with ebm-papst.When a frequency converter is used for speed adjustment,the maximum safe operating speed (see 3.2Nominal data)may not beexceeded.Fit sinusoidal filters that work on all poles (live-live and live-earth)between the frequency inverter and the motor for operation with frequency inverters.Depending on how the device is installed,noises may occur.Heating of the motor due to use of a frequency converter must be checked in the application by the customer.T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s4.3Connection of the cablesExternal leads are brought out of device.;First connect the "PE"(protective earth)connection.●Connect the lines according to your application.When doing so,observe chapter 4.4Connectionscreen.Fig.1:Recommended stripping lengths in mm 4.3.1Motor protectionCAUTION VoltageThe device is a built-in component with no isolating switch.→Connect the device to a suitable tripping device.→Only connect the device to circuits which can be de-energised with an all-pole disconnection switch.→When working on the device,the system/machine in which the device is installed must be secured so as to prevent it from being switched back on.NOTELack of motor protectionWithout motor protection,the motor can overheat and suffer damage.→Connect up the thermal overload protector installed in the coil.The motors are equipped with thermal overload protectors to protect the devices.Check to make sure that the thermal overload protector is correctly connected before each operation.Failure to connect up the thermal overload protector correctly will invalidate your warranty claim.T r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s4.4ConnectionscreenΔDelta connection Y Star connection L1black L2blue L3brown U1black V1blue W1brown U2green V2white W2yellow TOP 2xgreyPE green/yellowT r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s4.5Checking the connections;Make sure that the power is off (all phases).;Secure it from being switched on again.;Check the correct fit of the connection lines.4.6Switch on deviceThe device may only be switched on if it has been installed properly and in accordance with its intended use,including the required safetymechanisms and professional electrical connection.This also applies for devices which have already been equipped with plugs and terminals or similar connectors by thecustomer.WARNINGHot motor housing Fire hazard→Ensure that no combustible or flammable materials are located close to the fan.;Inspect the device for visible external damage and the proper function of the protective features before switching it on.;Check the air flow paths of the fan for foreign objects and remove any that are found.;Apply the nominal voltage to the voltage supply.4.7Switching off the device;Disconnect the device from the supply voltage at the main switch for the supply line.;When disconnecting,be sure to disconnect the earth wire connection last.5.MAINTENANCE,MALFUNCTIONS,POSSIBLE CAUSES AND REMEDIESDo not perform any repairs on your device.Return the device to ebm-papst for repair or replacement.WARNINGTerminals and connections have voltage even with a unit that is shut off Electric shock→Wait five minutes after disconnecting the voltage at all poles before opening the device.CAUTIONThe motor restarts automatically when operating voltage is applied,e.g.after a power failure.Danger of injury→Keep out of the danger zone of the device.→When working on the device,switch off the mainssupply voltage and secure the latter from being switched on again.→Wait until the device stops.→Insert the brought-out thermal overload protector into the control circuit so that the cooled off motor does not switch on independently after afault.If the device remains out of use for some time,e.g.when in storage,we recommend switching the device on for at least two hours to allow any condensate to evaporate and to move the bearings.Malfunction/error Possible cause Possible remedy Impeller running roughlyImbalance in rotating partsClean the device;if imbalance is still evident aftercleaning,replace the device.If you haveattached any weight clips during cleaning,make sure to remove them afterwards.Motor does not turn Mechanical blockageSwitch off,de-energise,andremove mechanical blockage.Mains supply voltage faultyCheck mains supply voltage,restore power supply.Faulty connectionDe-energise,correct connection,see connection diagram.Thermal overload protector respondedAllow motor to cool off,locate and rectify cause of error,if necessary cancel restart lock-outUnacceptable operating pointCheck operating pointT r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n sOvertemperatureof motorAmbient temperature too highLower ambienttemperature if possible Insufficient coolingImprove coolingIf you have any other problems,contact ebm-papst.5.1CleaningNOTEDamage to the device during cleaning.Malfunction possible→Do not clean the device using a water jet or high-pressure washer.→Do not use any cleaners containing acids,bases or solvents.→Do not use any pointed or sharp-edged objects to clean.5.2Safety testWhat has to be tested?How to test?FrequencyWhich measure?Check the protective casing against accidental contact for damage and to ensure that it is intact Visual inspection At least every6monthsRepair orreplacement of the deviceCheck the device for damage to blades and housing Visual inspection At least every6months Replacement of the deviceMounting the connection lines Visual inspection At least every6monthsFasten Mounting of protectiveearth connection Visual inspection At least every6months FastenCheck the insulation of the wires for damage Visual inspection At least every6monthsReplace wiresImpeller for wear/deposits/corrosion and damage Visual inspection At least every6months Clean orreplace impellerCondensate discharge holes for clogging,as necessaryVisual inspection At least every6monthsOpen bore holes。



离心式通风机的总效率是指其输出功率与输入功 率之比,反映了风机的整体性能水平。
静效率是指离心式通风机在静止状态下的效率, 主要反映了风机的气动性能和机械性能。
动效率是指离心式通风机在运行状态下的效率, 考虑了风机的旋转损失和内部泄漏等因素。
电机驱动叶轮旋转,空气从进风口进 入,经叶轮加速后从出风口排出,形 成气流。
电机驱动叶轮旋转,空气平行于轴线 方向进入,经叶轮加速后沿轴线方向 排出,实现空气流动。
通风机用于建筑物的通风 换气、空调系统和消防排 烟系统中,确保室内空气 质量和安全。
因此需要对功率进行修正, 计算公式为:实际功率 =Q×P/η。
离心式通风机通常配备电机 驱动,因此在进行功率计算 时,还需考虑电机的功率匹 配问题,确保电机与通风机 的性能参数相匹配。
在选型前,需对通风需求进行充 分评估,包括所需流量、压力、 噪音等参数,以确保所选通风机
指单位时间内通过通风机的气体体积,反映 了通风机在单位时间内处理气体的能力。
常用的流量单位有立方米/秒(m³/s)、立 方米/分钟(m³/min)、立方米/小时( m³/h)等,具体使用哪个单位取决于实际 需求和行业规范。
通过测量气体通过通风机的截面积和速度来 计算流量,常用的仪器有风速计和流量计等 。
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