



01 02 03
分析潮汐和波浪对海岸的影响机制 。
研究海岸物质的迁移模式与潮汐、 波浪的相互关系。
研究极端气候事件对海岸带的影响,以及海平面上升对海岸动力过程、海滩演变和沿海工 程设施的影响。
• 重复进行多次实验,以获得可靠的实验结果。
使用专业软件进行数据处 理和分析。
对采集的数据进行整理和 筛选。
03 02
• 近岸流速分布:潮汐和波浪共同作用下近岸流速的分布情 况。
数值求解是解决偏微分方程的重要手段,通过数值方法可以将偏微分方程 转化为离散点上的数值计算。
常见的数值求解方法包括有限差分法、有限元法、谱方法等,每种方法都 有其适用范围和优缺点。
选择合适的数值求解方法需要考虑模型的复杂性和计算精度要求,以及计 算资源的限制。
模型验证是确保模型准确性的重要步骤,通过与实际观测数据 进行比较,可以评估模型的可靠性和精度。
研究海洋酸化对海岸带生态系统、沉积物化学和矿物学的影响,以及这些变化如何影响海 岸动力过程。
关注海洋垃圾和塑料污染对海岸带生态系统和环境的影响,以及如何通过减少垃圾排放和 加强废弃物管理来减轻这些影响。



径减小。当水深按等差级数增加时,波高或水质点运动圆周半径 按等比级数减小(图9-3)。在海面以下一个波长的深度处,水 质点运动轨道的直径只有海面波的1/512。因此外海传来的波浪 进入水深小于1/2波长的浅水区时,波浪中的水质点才比较明显 地扰动海底,通常把1/2波长的深度看作波浪作用的极限深度。 小于此深度的波浪性质发生变化,形成浅水波。
当月球在地球赤道的延长线上时,地表各点 应有两次同样的高潮和同样的低潮-正规半 日潮。当月球偏离赤道延长线,其中一次高 潮和低潮减弱,出现两次不等的高潮和两次 不等的低潮-不正规半日潮。当月球偏离赤 道沿线更甚,一个太阳日中只出现一次高潮 和一次低潮-全日潮。
A Spring tide- 大潮、春潮 B Neap tide-小潮、最低潮
海岸是陆地与海洋相互作用的有一定宽度的地带,其上界是风暴浪作用的 最高位置,下界为波浪作用开始扰动海底泥沙处。现代海岸带由陆地向海 洋可划分为滨海陆地、海滩和水下岸坡三部分(图9-1)。
滨海陆地(Backshore)是高潮位以上至风暴浪所能作用的区域。在此范围内 有海蚀崖、沿岸沙堤及潟湖低地等,它们大部分时间暴露在海水面以上, 只在特大风暴时才被海水淹没,这一地带又称潮上带(epilittoral zone )。
风向和风速通过改变波浪的规模来影响波浪的破碎深度。当风向与波向一致(即向 岸风作用)或向岸风的风速较大时,波高增大,波浪的破碎深度加大;相反在离岸 风作用下或向岸风的风速较小时,波高变小,破碎深度减小。
海南岛东部激岸浪 暴风浪
波浪折射 (Wave refraction)


研究内容:包括海岸线变迁、海滩侵蚀、潮汐现象、海浪运动等。 应用领域:海岸工程、海洋资源开发、环境保护等领域。
海岸工程:如港口建 设、防波堤设计等
海洋资源开发:如潮 汐能、波浪能等
环境保护:如海岸侵 蚀、海平面上升等
自然灾害防治:如台 风、海啸等
军事应用:如潜艇隐 蔽、导弹发射等
学科背景:海岸动力学是研究海岸线、海岸带和海岸生态系统的动力学过程和规律的科学。 发展历程:海岸动力学起源于19世纪末,随着海洋科学的发展而逐渐形成。 学科发展:20世纪初,海岸动力学开始受到重视,并逐渐成为一门独立的学科。 当代研究:现代海岸动力学研究涵盖了海岸线变化、海岸带生态系统、海岸工程等多个领域。
数值模拟技术的发展趋 势:随着计算机技术的 不断发展,数值模拟技 术在海岸动力学中的应 用将会越来越广泛,精
验证方法:对比实验结果与理 论预测
精度评估指标:误差、偏差、 方差等
影响因素:模型参数、初始条 件、边界条件等
提高精度的方法:改进模型、 优化算法、增加计算资源等
敏感性分析:研究模型参数变化对结果 影响的程度
国际合作:加强与其他国家的合作,共同研究海岸动力学问题 学术交流:举办国际学术会议,促进学术交流与合作 技术共享:共享研究成果和技术,提高海岸动力学的研究水平 人才培养:加强国际人才培养,提高海岸动力学的研究能力
海岸动力学PPT课件 大纲
海岸动力学的基本原 理
海岸动力学的数学模 型与数值模拟
海岸动力学的实际应 用案例
海岸动力学的未来发 展趋势与挑战



上跨零点法; 取平均水位为零线,把波面上升与零线相交的点作
为一个波的起点。波形不规则地振动降到零线以下, 接着又上升再次与零线相交,这一点作为该波的终点 (也是下一个波的起点)。如横坐标轴是时间,则两个 连续上跨零点的间距便是这个波的周期;把这两点间 的波峰最高点到波谷最低点的垂直距离定义为波高。
如何描述这个波系的大小呢?一般有二种方法: 一是采用有某种统计特征值的波作为代表波的特征波法; 二是用谱表示。
特征波的定义,通常采用大约连续观测的100个波作为 一个标准段进行统计分析
(一) 按部分大波平均值定义的特征波
1 最大波:波列中波高最大的波浪
Hm ax THm ax
2 十分之一大波 H110 TH1 10
cn r,cor)s(
当模数κ=1时, K(κ)→∞,
c(n r,1)seh(c r)

34H hh xcht
孤立波的 波长和波周周期都趋于无这穷大
孤立波理论是一种在传播过程中波形保持不变的推移波 理论,它的波面全部在静水面以上
K(κ),E(κ) 为第1类和第2类完全椭圆积分
不同模数κ决定着不同的波面曲线形状, κ与波要素之间有如下 关系
16.K2 L2.H
h h 或L/h与H/h
当模数κ→0 波面方程变为



海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_3.2

海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_3.2

period does not change with space, even as
the water depth changes.
This feature is very important because it is
not only of convenience for the analysis of
Chapter 3
Wave refraction in shallow water
It can be seen that as the wave celerity decreases as the shore is approached, the
angleα will also
are clearly observable from the air.
Chapter 3
1. Conservation of wave equations
The conservation of wave equation can be
expressed as
K 0
This equation states that any temporal variation
Coastal Hydrodynamics
Stating ocean wave characteristics Stating transformations of waves entering shallow water
§3.1 Ocean Wave Characteristics
H H0
1 c0 2n c



系统和子系统的组分 黑箱方法是没有识别子系统的组分,在这个简单的例 子中,增加的河流沉积物供应也许可以导致附加的沙 丘的建造 所有子系统的组分都可以认别,这种方法成为白箱方 法,灰箱方法是处于中间的状态。 地形和过程之间的联系是由沉积物运移提供的。沉积 物的性质影响着过程的发生,沉积物的可能性控制着 运移的范围。
海岸带的应用和存在的问题 渔业: 矿产: 工程: 经济: 国防:
(1)海岸线——多年平均大潮高潮时的水陆 交界线。 (2)海岸——海水面与陆地接触的滨海地带。 (3)海岸带——海洋和陆地的交接地带。陆 侧就是海岸,即海岸带的上限是古代海水作用 于陆地的上限,海侧是近海明显受潮汐和波浪 作用影响的水下岸坡,包括潮间带和潮下带, 即海岸带的下限是水深相当于1/3至1/2当地 波长的地方。
20世纪晚期的历程和历史地貌 实验室和野外实验进行过程研究 测年的技术的发展 海平面的变化研究历史 直到20世纪60年代,海岸学的研究一直集中在 欧洲西北海岸,北美和前苏联。美国海军调查 办公室。这里同时也发展了一批强有力的研究 学校,包括日本和澳大利亚,
3.空间和时间尺度 在空间上,海岸带的宽度可以从本质上 发生变化。 在一些情况下,海岸带必须包括大陆架 以及大部分的海岸流域。例如,沉积通 量穿过三角洲上溯到河流,向下到水下 峡谷。 在其他的情况,如高的海蚀崖陷入深水 中,不仅仅是海蚀崖面本身属于海岸带 的研究,一些盐水影响的崖顶植物群落, 也和海岸的研究相关。
封闭系统和开放系统 一个海湾可能是一个封闭的系统,沉积物的运移和物 质的预算都是可以确定的,称为沉积物元。 平常的是一个开放系统,受到物质的输入,失去输出 物,包含有一系列的物质和能量过程和变化。图1.11 所示的河口和海岸系统作为一个开放系统,沉积物从 河流输入,以及其他输入和向外海和沿岸的输出。

海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_2.5 共40页

海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_2.5 共40页
8 kT L sin4(hkh)
For finite height waves there is an additional term added onto the equation obtained in the linear wave theory.
Chapter 2
The added term enhances the crest amplitude
and detracts from the trough amplitude, so
that the Stokes wave profile has steeper crests
separated by flatter troughs than does the
Chapter 2
Second-order solution Velocity components are
T sinkhh)(
4 T L sin4(hkh)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Comparison of bottom orbital velocity under Stokes wave with that of linear wave of the same height and length (H=4m, h=12m, T=12sec)
The relationship for the energy flux is
P T 10 Tdt 0 hp dudzE 1 2 c 1s2 ik2 n khh h Ecn

海岸动力学课件 2.4

海岸动力学课件 2.4

“Bilingual Course”精品课程Coastal Hydrodynamics C t l H d d iHOHAI UNIVERSITYAifeng March 2013 / TAO AifengZHENGZHENG JinhaiJinhai/ TAO2.3 Small Amplitude Wave TheorySmall Amplitude Wave Theory §2.323S A iLinearization of basic equations1. 1. Linearization of basic equations2. 2. Solution of the linearized equationsSolution of the linearized equationsDynamic & kinetic characteristics3. 3. Dynamic & kinetic characteristicsof small amplitude wavesStanding waves4. 4. Standing waves2/383. Dynamic & kinetic characteristics¾Water particle velocity components¾Water particle trajectoryPressure field¾Pressure fieldEnergy and energy propagation ¾Energy and energy propagation3/38Velocity componentsThe velocity components can be found byy psubstituting the solution of velocity potentiali t th d fi iti f t ti l f tiinto the definition of potential function.4/38Velocity components are harmonic functions of V l it t h i f ti f x and t.y pThe horizontal velocity component has the same phase as the elevation of the free surface.The horizontal and vertical components are 90 The horizontal and vertical components are 90ººout of phase.Velocity components decrease exponentially with depthwith depth.5/38Water particle trajectoryThe displacement of the water particle can bep j yfound by integrating the velocity with respect to time.to time.Squaring and adding yields the water particle path as6/38The water particles travel in an elliptical path. The water particles travel in an elliptical path. The elliptical motion becomes flatter withwater depth.water depthp,In deep water, the orbits become true circles. In shallow water, the major diameters of ellipses are constant.7/38Pressure fieldThe pressure field associated with a progressive wave is determined from the unsteady Bernoulli equation.tiThe pressure equation contains two terms:h h d ithe hydrostatic pressure (静水压强) & the dynamic pressure (动水压强)&the dynamic pressure8/38The dynamic pressure is in phase with the water Th d i i i h ith th tpsurface elevation. It is positive where the free surface is above the SWL, and is negative where the free surface is below the SWL.In deep water dynamicI d d ipressure is very smallp yat the bottom, whilein shallow water itapproaches unity.approaches unity.9/38The maximum value or the minimum one appears when wave crest or trough reaches a given point when wave crest or trough reaches a given point respectively.Hydrostatic & dynamic pressure at various phases10/38is referred to as the “pressure response The term Ki f“zfactor(压力响应系数).”The “pressure response factor” has a maximum of unity at the mean water level and a minimum at the bottom.Below the mean water surface,at the bottom. Below the mean water surface,it is always less than unity.11/38A commonly used method to measure waves in either the laboratory or field by sensing the either the laboratory or field by sensing the pressure fluctuations is stated as follows.If the dynamic pressure is isolated by subtracting out the mean hydrostatic pressure, then the free t th h d t ti th th f surface displacementη ispWave energyThe total energy consists of two kinds:the potential energy (势能), resulting from the displacement of the free surface;the kinetic energy(动能), due to the orbitalmotion of the water particles.13/38The potential energy per unit crest width over The potential energ per nit crest idth o er one wave length isThe kinetic energy per unit crest width of a wave iswave isThe total energy per wave per unit width is The total energy per wave per unit width isFor Airy waves the potential energy is equal Ai i ito the kinetic energy, which is characteristic to the kinetic energy,which is characteristic of conservative (nonof conservative (non--dissipative) systems.It is worthwhile emphasizing that neither the It is worthwhile emphasizing that neither the average potential nor kinetic energy per unit area depends on water depth or wave length, but each is simply proportional to the square b t h i i l ti l t thof the wave height.of the wave height.15/38Energy fluxThe rate at which the energy is transferred in thegydirection of wave propagation is called thefl d i i h hi h energy flux (波能流), and it is the rate at which work is being done by the fluid on one side of a work is being done by the fluid on one side of a vertical section on the fluid on the other side. The relationship for the energy flux isEnergy flux has the units of power, and for thatreason it is denoted by P; it is commonly referred it i d t d b it i l f dto as the wave power(波功率).to as the wave powerIn deep water, the energy is transmitted at onlyhalf the speed of the wave profile (n=1/2), and half the speed of the wave profile()andin the shallow water, the profile and energyin the shallow water,the profile and energytravel at the same speed (n=1).17/38Conservation of the energy flux will be used later to examine the wave height variationsgin shoaling waves and to relate the heightdeep--water wave of breaking waves to the deepconditions..conditionsThe rate of sand transport along beaches is commonly correlated with the “longshorel l t d ith th“l h component of the energy flux”component of the energy flux.18/38p y(群)Group velocity 群速If there are two trains of waves of the same height propagating in the same direction with a slightly different frequencies and wavethe resulting profile, is modulated, is modulated numbers,numbers, the resulting profileb th lti fil i d l t d by an envelop that propagates with speed of by an‘envelop’that propagates with speed of group velocity.Characteristics of a group of wavesIt is clear that no energy can propagate past a node It is clear that no energy can propagate past a nodenergy as the wave height is zero there. Therefore, theas the wave height is zero there. Therefore, the nergy must travel with the speed of the group of waves.20/38Sequence of photographs showing a planeprogressive wave system advancing intoclam waterwater..The water is darkened withdye,and the lower half of the water depthis not shownshown..The wave energy islinescontained within the heavy diagonal lines,and propagate with group velocityvelocity..Theposition of one wave crest is connected ini h t h b th li ht lisuccessive photographs by the light line,which advances with the phase velocityvelocity..Each wave crest moves with the phasevelocity,equal the twice the groupvelocityvelocity..Thus each wave crest vanishes atthe front end and,after the wave maker isturned off,arises from calm water at thebackback..The interval between successivephotographs is0.2525s s and the wave periodis0.3636s s.The wavelength is0.2323m m and thewater depth is0.1111m m.21/38“Marine Hydrodynamics”___J.N. Newman (MIT), 1977The speed at which the energy is transmitted is equal to the group velocity. .equal to the group velocityThe average rate of energy propagation per unit crest width over one wave period is seen to be the average energy per unit surface area progressing with the group velocity.22/38The group velocity is defined asThe group velocity is defined asThis derivative can be evaluated from the This derivative can be evaluated from the dispersion relationshipp p4. Standing waves4 Standing wavesStanding waves立波often occur when incoming g(波)g waves are completely reflected by vertical walls. If a progressive wave were normally incident on a vertical wall, it would be reflected backward without a change in height, thus giving a without a change in height thus giving agstanding wave in front of the wall.Standing waves are also called clapotis .g p(驻波)24/38The surface elevation of standing waves can be expressed asbe expressed asIt is seen that the height of the standing wave is twice the height of each of the twoprogressive waves forming theprogressive waves forming thegstanding wave.25/38Node( 波节) Antinode(波腹)Water surface displacementassociated with a standing waveassociated wit a sta di g wave26/38The velocity components of standingwaves arewaves areIt is of interest that the horizontal and vertical components of velocity under a standing wavet f l it d t diare in phase.are in phase.27/38The extreme values of u and w in space occurpunder the nodes and antinodes of the water surface profile, and they are equal to zero under the antinodes and nodesunder the antinodes and nodes.28/38A standing wave could exit within a basin with t ll it t d t t ti d Wh? two walls situated at two antinodes. Why? The lateral boundary condition at the vertical wall would be one of no flow through the wall. Inspection of the equation for the horizontalI ti f th ti f th h i t l velocity shows that at locations of antinodes velocity shows that at locations of antinodes the no--flow condition is satisfied.the no29/38The potential and kinetic energies of standing The potential and kinetic energies of standing waves averaged over one wave length per unit crest width areThus both the potential and kinetic energies of standing waves are twice those off t di t i th f progressive waves.progressive waves.30/38At certain times, the velocity is zero everywherein the standing wave system. It is thereforei th t di t It i th fevident that at some times all the energy is evident that at some times all the energy ispotential and at other times all the energy is potential and at other times all the energy iset c.at s to say,t e e e gy c a ges o kinetic. That is to say, the energy changes form p y p gy periodically from kinetic to potential energy, and vice versa.31/38The displacement of a The displacement of a water particle under a standing wave isThe water particlepath under astanding wavestanding a eis a straight lineis a straight line.32/38The pressure at any depth under a standing The pressure at any depth under a standing wave isNote that under the nodes the pressure is solely Note that under the nodes, the pressure is solely y y p p hydrostatic. The dynamic pressure is in phase with the water surface elevation, and as before it is a combined result of the local surface displacement and the vertical acceleration. displacement and the vertical acceleration33/38If the wave heights of the incident wave and the If th h i ht f th i id t d th,p p reflected wave are different, the superpositiona partial standing wave. .creates a partial standing wavecreatesThe surface elevation of a partial standing wave is34/38It is realized that the successive antinodes and nodes appear at the intervals of L/4.35/38The reflection coefficient(反射系数)based onth li th b d t i d b the linear wave theory can be determined bymeasuring the amplitudes at the antinode measuring the amplitudes at the antinode and node of the composite wave train.36/38position would the wall be located?position would the wall be located? 37/38“Coastal Hydrodynamics”——chapter 2ZHENGZHENG JinhaiJinhai TAOTAO AifengAifeng March 2013THANK YOU。

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17 图版
海岸动力地貌学(王永红 编著)
2 0 2 X - 11 - 11
01 序一
02 序二
03 前言
04 第一章绪论
第一节海岸线、海岸和海岸带 第二节海岸相关研究回顾 第三节海岸动力沉积地貌研究的 时空尺度 第四节海岸动力沉积地貌系统 习题
05 第二章海岸形成的地质背景
第二章海岸形成的 地质背景
第一节板块构造 第二节地质结构 第三节地壳的相对运动 第四节研究实例 习题
06 第三章海平面
第一节简介 第二节海平面变化 第三节海平面上升对海岸带的影 响 第四节研究实例 习题
07 第四章海岸沉积物和输移
第四章海岸沉积物 和输移
第一节海岸沉积物 第二节流体特性 第三节沉积物输移 习题
08 第五章海岸动力过程
第一节潮汐 第二节波浪 第三节其他海洋动力 第四节陆地和地表过程 习题
09 第六章基岩海岸
第一节基岩海岸地貌过程 第二节海蚀崖地貌 第三节海蚀平台 第四节其他基岩海岸的地貌特征 习题
10 第七章砂质海岸
第一节基本 概念
第四节海滩 地貌和分类
第二节泥沙 横向运动和
05第五节海岸 沙丘03第三节泥沙 的纵向运动
第六节其他 砂质堆积地

第七节海滩实测和研究方法 习题
11 第八章粉砂淤泥质海岸
第八章粉砂 淤泥质海岸
第六节盐沼 和红树林
第五节贝壳 堤
第二节潮水 沟
第十一章海岸带侵 蚀管理
第一节海岸侵蚀和判断因子 第二节海岸带综合管理 第三节海岸侵蚀防护措施 第四节海岸体系脆弱性的评估框架 习题
15 参考文献
16 附录
附录1海平面变化研究方法—— 氧同位素分析 附录2沉积物特征的现场观测 附录3沉积物粒径的室内分析 附录4世界主要河流情况 附录5世界主要三角洲情况
第四节潮流 沙脊
第三节潮汐 通道
第八章粉砂淤泥质 海岸
12 第九章河口与三角洲
第九章河口与三角 洲
第一节河口 第二节三角洲 习题
13 第十章珊瑚礁海岸
第一节珊瑚礁 第二节珊瑚礁海岸的生物地貌 第三节珊瑚礁面临的问题与保护 管理 习题
14 第十一章海岸带侵蚀管理