


1 Object

2 Application Field

3 Responsibility

4 Supplementary Documents

5 Initials and Abbreviations

6 Definitions

7 General Conditions

8 Specific Conditions

9 Certification Model

10 Use of Test Laboratory

11 Acknowledgement of the Certification Activities

12 Control of Certified Products

13 Obligations of the Licensed Company

14 Closing of the Manufacture and/or Import

Enclosure A - Sampling and Tests in Plugs and Outlets

Enclosure B - Plant Evaluation

Enclosure C - Plant Evaluation

Enclosure D - Identification of Certification within the SBC (Brazilian Certification System)


This Standard provides additional criteria for the qualification of product certification offices - plugs and outlets, fix or mobile, exclusively for AC, with or without grounding contact, whether they are or are not part of connection and extension cables, with rated tension over 50V but not exceeding 440 V and rated current equal or below 32A, destined for domestic electrical installations or the like, internally or externally.


This Standard applies to all UOs of DINQP.


The responsibility for the review of this Standard falls to DINQP/DICEP.


NIE-DINQP-047 Criteria for the Qualification of Product Certification Offices

NIE-DINQP-067 Criteria for the Selection and Use of Tests Laboratories

NBR 5426:1985 Sampling Plans and Procedures for the Inspection by Characteristics - Procedure NBR 6147:1998 Plugs and Outlets for Domestic and Similar Use - Specification

NBR ISO 8402 Quality Management and Quality Assurance - Terminology

NBR ISO 9002:1994 Quality Systems - Quality Assurance Template in Production, Installation and

Associated Services

NBR ISO/IEC Guide 2:1998 Standardization and Related Activities - General Vocabulary


CNPJ National Register of Legal Entities

DICEP General Product Coordination

DINQP Standardization, Quality and Productivity Management

INMETRO National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality

SBC Brazilian Certification System

UO Organizational Unit


For the purposes of this INMETRO Standard, the definitions from 6.1 to 6.5 have been adopted, supplemented by those contained in NBR 8402 and in ABNT-ISO/IEC Guide 2.

6.1 Conformity Seal

Trademark posed or issued according to the criteria established by INMETRO, on the basis of the principles and policies adopted by SBC, indicating the existence of an adequate level of reliability to the effect that the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use are in conformity with NBR 6147.

6.2 License for Use of the Conformity Seal

Document issued according to the criteria established by INMETRO, on the basis of principles and policies adopted within SBC, whereby an OCP grants to a company, by means of an agreement, the right of using the certification identification within the SBC in its products, according to this Standard.

6.3 Product Certification Office - OCP

Public, private or combined office with non-profitable purpose, pertaining to a third party, and certified by INMETRO, according to the criteria established by same, on the basis of the principles and policies adopted within the SBC.

6.4 Lot

Defined quantity of product units under production or produced under uniform conditions.

6.5 Description Records

Report supplied by the manufacturer or importer, containing the description of the construction characteristics of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use.


7.1The object of the certification identification within the SBC of plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use is to

indicate the existence of an adequate level of reliability that the products are in conformity with NBR 6147.

7.1.1The accepted dimensions are listed under Enclosure C hereof.

Note: Omissive cases will be appraised by INMETRO.

7.2The use of the certification identification within SBC in plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use is linked

to the concession of a license issued by OCP, as provided hereby, and to the commitments undertaken by the company by means of the license agreement for the use of the Conformity Seal executed with same.

7.3The license for the use of the Conformity Seal shall contain the following data:

a) company name, fantasy name, full address and CNPJ of the licensed company;

b) complete OCP data;

c) number of the license for the use of the Conformity Seal, date of issue and validity of the license;

d) certification identification;

e) reference to the NBR 6147 standard;

f) signature of the responsible person for the OCP;

g) complete identification of the certified product;

h) the note: "This license is bound by an agreement and to the above mentioned address".

7.4The licensed company bears the technical, civil and criminal responsibility in relation to the products

manufactured or imported by same, as well as for all documents related to the certification; the transfer of such liability shall not be permitted.

7.5 The license for the use of the Conformity Seal, as well as its use on the products, does not, in any way, transfer

the licensee's liabilities to INMETRO and/or to the OCP.

7.6When the licensed company publishes a catalogue, commercial or advertising brochure, the references to the

certification identification within SBC shall only be made for certified products, leaving no doubts between certified and non-certified products.

7.7 In the technical manuals, instructions or information to users, references about characteristics not included in

NBR 6147 cannot be associated to the certification identification within SBC or induce the user to believe that such characteristics are guaranteed by such identification.

7.8Should there be a review of the standards serving as reference for the concession of the license for using the

Conformity Seal, INMETRO shall set a term for adjustment to the new requirements.


8.1 The Conformity Seal shall be placed on the plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use, in a visible way, by means of printing such Seal on the product and package, should there be any, as provided under Enclosure C hereof.

8.1.1In case of lot certification, the Conformity Seal shall be placed on the plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use by means of placing an adhesive seal on the products and packages, provided they are individually marked by product.

8.1.2The seal of the certification identification within SBC shall be printed, controlled and distributed by INMETRO, and the licensed company shall, under its full responsibility, request from the OCP in advance the quantity required for placement on all certified plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use.

8.1.3The licensed company shall maintain records of the sequential number control of the seals in stock and those placed on the certified plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use. Such records shall contain, at least, the following information regarding the switch where the seal has been placed:

a) serial number or lot identification;

d) manufacturing date;

c) model.

8.2The licensed company shall place the Conformity Seal on all certified plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use.

8.3The licensed company shall implement a control to identify the products displaying the Conformity Seal, and INMETRO shall be monthly informed about such control. The OCP shall verify the traceability of the certified products, on the basis of the information received from INMETRO and the controls of the licensed company.

8.4Should the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use suffer any change in their description records, the licensed company, prior to sale of those products, shall formally notify the OCP which, by resolution of the Certification Commission, shall decide on the requirement of obtaining an extension of the scope of the license for the use of the Conformity Seal.

8.5Should the OCP require the presentation of the request for extension of the scope of the license for use of the Conformity Seal, the plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use pertaining to same may only be sold as of the moment when the OCP approves such extension.

8.6 When the supplier wishes to extend the license to additional models of the same basic design of a product, of the same manufacturing unit, observing the same technical standards, it may request its extension to the OCP. The request must be made for a given model and for the same manufacturing unit.

8.7The OCP shall determine if the request for extension is pertinent, taking into consideration the observance of the following conditions, for assessment as a homogeneous series:

a) the models shall have the same basic design;

b) the poles shall have the same external dimensions;

c) the materials, finishing and dimensions of the parts conducting the current shall be identical;

d) the terminals shall be of the same type;

e) the size, material, setup and the contact fastening method shall be identical;

f) the operation mechanism and its materials and physical characteristics shall be identical;

g) the molding and insulation materials shall be identical;

h) the multipolar devices shall be comprised of monopolar devices or built with the same components of the monopolar

devices, with the same general size per pole, excluding additional barriers between poles.

8.8The OCP shall decide on the necessity of performing new tests, according to Enclosure A hereof.


This Standard establishes the possibility of choosing between two different models of certification for the obtention of licenses for the use of the Conformity Seal. The petitioner will be responsible for formalizing, before the OCP, the model to be used for the certification of his products.

9.1 Model with Assessment of the Manufacturer's Quality System and Product Tests

9.1.1 Certification Request T he petitioner shall formalize, in a form supplied by OCP, his option for the certification model covering the assessment and follow up of the Quality System used by the manufacturer of the product object of the request, as well as the performance of the tests provided under NBR 6147, in samples collected from the trade and within the factory.

Note: The condition of legal representative of the product manufacturer, whether foreign or local, shall be made clear in the request form. The request shall have an attachment listing the name of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use, their description records and the documentation of the Quality System used by the manufacturer, prepared in observance of the provisions of Enclosure B hereof.

9.1.2 Documentation Analysis

The OCP shall, at least, analyze the Quality Manual of the manufacturer and the corresponding procedures, including those inherent to the manufacturing stages of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use object of the request. 9.1.3Initial Audit

After the analysis and approval of the request and documentation, the OCP, by common agreement with the petitioner, shall schedule the conduction of the manufacturer's Quality System initial audit, having as reference the Enclosure B hereof, and the collection of samples at the factory, providing for evidence, counter-evidence and witness, for the performance of all type tests, according to Enclosure A hereof.

Note: The submission of a Quality System Certificate issued within SBC, having as reference NBR ISO 9002, and provided such certification is valid for the production line of the switch object of the request, releases the owner of such certification from the assessments of the Quality System, as provided hereby, for as long as it is valid. In this case, the holder of the above mentioned certificate shall make available to the OCP all records arising therefrom.

9.1.4Type Tests After the conclusion of the initial factory audit, all tests provided under NBR 6147 shall be performed. products with certification issued by OCP operating abroad and taking into consideration the existence of a memorandum of understanding between the OCPs, the following tests shall be performed:

a) resistance to aging and humidity;

b) resistance to insulation and supported tension;

c) resistance of the insulation material to abnormal heat and fire and to tracking. The number of parts required for the performance of the type tests is double the quantity provided under NBR 6147, as evidence. No counter-evidence and witness is allowed. In addition to the type tests, the OCP shall schedule the performance of the following lot inspection tests, in samples collected according to Standard NBR 5426, with double-normal sampling plan, general inspection level I and NQA of 0,25:

a) resistance to aging and humidity;

b) resistance to insulation and supported tension;

c) resistance of the insulation material to abnormal heat and fire and to tracking.

9.1.5 Assessment of the Certification Procedures by the Certification Commission. all requirements hereof have been complied with, the OCP submits the process to the Certification Commission, established according to NIE-DINQP-047. The approval of the license grant for the use of the Conformity Seal on the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use evidencing conformity with NBR 6147 is exclusively incumbent on the Certification Commission. Should the request be approved by the Certification Commission, the OCP notifies the petitioner about his license number. Otherwise, the OCP forwards the opinion of the Certification Commission to the petitioner. The license for the use of the Conformity Seal shall only be granted after the execution of the agreement between the OCP and the petitioner, on the occasion of release for sale.

9.1.6Maintenance of the Certification After the granting of the license for the use of the Conformity Seal, the corresponding control is made exclusively by the OCP, which plans new audits and tests, to find out whether the technical-organizational conditions which originated the initial grant of the license are being maintained. The OCP shall schedule and perform at least one audit every six months in each licensed company, and other audits may be conducted should the OCP Certification Commission so decide, based in evidence justifying such audit. Should the audit for maintenance of the certification find any non-conformity, the OCP shall agree with the licensed company on a term for the correction of such non-conformities. The OCP shall perform, every 6 months, a complete test in samples of all certified plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use for each licensed company, according to Enclosure A hereof, to assess the conformity with NBR 6147. In order to make such tests, the material shall be collected in the trade and at the production line of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use, preferably in the shipment area. The OCP shall establish procedures for the collection of samples in the trade and in the factory, so as to enable the conduction of the tests in the certified plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use, as provided in NBR 6147. Should any non-conformity be found during the test for maintenance of the certification, it shall be repeated in two new samples for the non-conform feature, and there shall not be accepted the determination of any non-conformity. The confirmation of the non-conformity in the test for the maintenance of the certification shall cause the immediate suspension of the license for use of the Conformity Seal for the non-conform plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use.

9.2 Model with Lot Certification

9.2.1 Certification Request The petitioner shall formalize, in the template supplied by the OCP, his option for the certification model which evaluates the conformity for one lot of the product. The request must be attached to the identification of the lot object of said request, and the description records of the plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use, which comprise such lot.

9.2.2 Analysis of the Documentation

The OCP shall, in the case of an importer, confirm the identification of the lot object of the request in the import documentation, and in the case of local manufacturer analyze the procedures for the identification of the lot object of the request.

9.2.3 Tests After analysis and approval of the request and documentation the OCP shall schedule the performance of the type tests determined under NBR 6147, in samples collected at random from the lot. The lot inspection tests shall be performed according to NBR 6147, using the totality of the collected samples, divided in equal parts for each of the tests, and there shall not be accepted any non-conformities. The concepts of license extension shall not be adopted in case of certification by lot.


The OCP shall comply with the criteria established under NIE-DINQP-067 for the selection and use of laboratories to perform the tests foreseen under NBR 6147.


For the acknowledgement of the certification activities determined in this Standard, but implemented abroad, the OCP shall maintain records stating that the office, which has performed such activity observes the same qualification criteria required by INMETRO.


12.1 The control of the certified products is made by the licensed company, under its full and sole responsibility. 12.2 The control of the certified products shall have the object of verifying and assuring the conformity of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar use in respect of NBR 6147 and of this Standard.


13.1 Accept the conditions established by NBR 6147, by the legal provisions and by the contractual provisions referring to the licensing, independently from its transcription.

13.2 Apply the Conformity Seal in all certified plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use.

13.3 Facilitate to the OCP or to its contracted party, upon evidence of such condition, the audit and follow up work, as well as the conduction of the tests and other certification activities foreseen hereby.

13.4 Accept the decisions taken by OCP and by INMETRO related to certification.

13.5 Maintain the technical-organizational conditions which represented the basis for the obtention of the license for the use of the Conformity Seal.


The company holding the license for use of the Conformity Seal, which permanently terminates the manufacture or import of plugs and outlets for domestic or similar use shall inform this fact immediately to the OCP, which in turn notifies such occurrence to the OCP Certification Commission and to INMETRO.





1.1 The initial tests are the type tests prescribed by Standard NBR 6147.

Note: The standards of certifiable plugs and outlets are those indicated in Enclosure C. Such standards are taken into consideration in the dimensional assessments and where required by the test.

1.2The number of parts required for the conduction of the type tests is prescribed in the NBR 6147 standard, as evidence. The same number of parts shall be simultaneously collected for counter-evidence and witness.


The tests and inspections indicated in the following items of the NBR 6147 Standard shall always be performed in each of the follow up samplings:

a) Heating;

b) Interruption capacity;

c) Regular operation;

d) Power required to withdraw the plug;

e) Flexible cables and their connections;

f) Resistance of the insulation material to abnormal heat, fire and tracking currents;

g) Nominal characteristics;

h) Classification;

i) Trademarks and indications.

2.2 In addition to the frequent tests and inspections and depending on the time when the follow-up sampling is performed, counted from the initial tests, the following activities shall be performed: the tests and inspections listed under the following items of Standard NBR 6147:

a) 1st semester: Dimensions inspection; protection against electric shock; grounding connection; terminals;

construction prescriptions of fixed outlets; construction prescriptions of mobile plugs and outlets.

b) 2nd semester: Commanded outlets; resistance to aging, to prejudicial penetration of water and moist; insulation

resistance and bearable tension; operation of the grounding contacts; mechanical resistance;

c) 3rd semester: Resistance to heat; bolts, connections and current conducting parts; flow distance; insulation distance

and distance through the filling material; rust resistance; supplementary tests in pins provided with insulating coating.

2.3 In the 4th semester, a new sequence of tests and inspections must be initiated, as described in items 2.1 and 2.2 hereof.

2.4 Should there be modifications in materials or designs during the certification follow-up, additional tests shall be made related to the performed change, at the discretion of the OCP.


3.1 The routine tests are the tests listed below:

a) Inspection of the Continuity of the Grounding circuit, if applicable;

b) Dimensional Inspection, according to Enclosure C;

c) Traction, Torque and Flexion, if applicable;

d) Resistance to Heat;

e) Heating;

f) trength required to remove the Plug from Outlets, if applicable;

g) Resistance to Insulation and Bearable Tension;

h) Resistance of the Insulation Material to Abnormal Heat, Fire and Tracking Current.

3.2 Test "a" shall be made to 100% of the production, according to the manufacturer's procedures and under his responsibility, to verify the production.

3.3Tests "b" to "h" shall be performed according to Standard NBR 6147, under the responsibility of the manufacturer.


4.1 The tests required to assess the changes of the basic design shall be conducted according to Standard NBR 6147, at the discretion of the OCP.

4.2The number of parts required for the performance of each test is established under Standard NBR 6147.


The Certification Commission of the OCP, at its discretion, may require extraordinary tests, in follow-up samplings, scheduled or not, outside the conditions determined under the previous items of this Enclosure.


/ Enclosure B


The OCP shall perform the plant evaluation through inspections, at the plant, of the manufacturing controls of the products included in the request. Such inspections shall cover, at least, the following points:

a) Process control for the products;

b) gauging of the equipment used in the production process;

c) inspection of the process and final inspection;

d) quality records referring to the tests required by this INMETRO Standard;

e) means used to treat the non-conformities of the products.

All above mentioned inspections shall be performed on the basis of items 4.8 to 4.16 of Standard NBR ISO 9002.


/Enclosure C













** For nationalized plugs the dimension "D" is equal to the dimension "C".

*** Minimum difference between the alive pin and grounding 3,18mm.

/ to be continued















/Enclosure D




Seal of the

Qualified Certification


Registration of the Office


中国标准电源插头 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×1.0mm210A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm26A250V

227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm210A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm210A250V RX 300/300V 3×0.75mm26A250V RX 300/300V 3×1.0mm210A250V 欧洲标准电源插头

H03VVH2 -F2X0.5mm210/16A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.75mm210/16A250V H03VV-F2X0.5mm210/16A250V H03VV-F2X0.75mm210/16A250V H05VVH2 -F2X0.75mm210/16A250V H05VVH2 -F2X1.0mm210/16A250V H05VV-F2X0.75mm210/16A250V H05VV-F2X1.0mm210/16A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.5mm2 2.5A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.75mm2 2.5A250V H03VV-F2X0.5mm2 2.5A250V H03VV-F2X0.75mm2 2.5A250V H05VVH2 -F2X0.75mm210A250V H05VVH2 -F2X1.0mm210A250V H05VV-F2X0.75mm210A250V H05VV-F2X1.0mm210A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.5mm2 2.5A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.75mm2 2.5A250V H03VV-F2X0.5mm2 2.5A250V H03VV-F2X0.75mm2 2.5A250V H05VVH2 -F2X0.75mm210A250V H05VVH2 -F2X1.0mm210A250V H05VV-F2X0.75mm210A250V H05VV-F2X1.0mm210A250V


世界各国插头插座型 式尺寸

中国标准电源插头 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×1.0mm2 10A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm2 6A250V

227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm2 10A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm2 10A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm2 10A250V RX 300/300V 3×0.75mm2 6A250V RX 300/300V 3×1.0mm2 10A250V 欧洲标准电源插头


前言 欧共体和欧洲自由联盟技术标准协调局已颁布法令: 决定在1994年内设计出欧洲通用的电源插头和插座.以取代目前二十多种不统一的电源接插件;同时与国际电气化标准委员会(正C)的标准接轨。新的电源插头和插座将以IEc906~l为基础。官方预计,这个标准的转换过程将需10年.同时告知:凡向欧洲出口的电源插头插座,必需服从新标准的实施。 总的出自CEE7,欧盟EN50075《插头插脚尺寸标准,类似于中国插头插座型式尺寸标准》,各个国家都有自己标准编号, 例法国NF C61-304,NF C61-303,NF C61-316; 德国DIN49441,DIN49406,DIN49446,DIN VDE0620; 荷兰NEN1020; 葡萄牙NP1260等等 一般欧式插头首先做VDE认证,并且采用法德两用插头,中间孔为法式插座使用,两边铜极为德式插座使用,故认证采用德国标准,然后法标,可以一次申请,多国认证,这样其它认证只做差异部分,这是三芯单相两极带双接地插头,二芯就比较简单,欧盟国家基本相同。 欧洲插头有几种模式,我记得大概有以下几种模式: 双脚圆型\双脚圆型\双脚圆型+接地孔 对应的标准我只知道一个是EN50075,其他两个是多少,请高手指点! DIN VDE 0620或者IEC 60884 欧式插头(两圆)说明: 欧标插头(两圆)的制造标准按CE标准执行。欧标插头在德国、奥地利、荷兰、瑞典、挪威、芬兰、俄罗斯等大部分欧洲国家使用,由于这个标准在整个欧洲普遍使用,我们把它称为是“欧洲大陆”的标准。插头是两个圆柱,跨距为19mm,接地级是通过两侧插头接地完成的。中欧和东欧CEE7 / 7欧式插头有嵌入式插脚,法国和比利时插座与之相似。在欧洲标准插座电气参数是10A-16A 230ACV交流电源。欧标插座是世界上最安全的插座,接地最特殊主要是考虑人得安全。因此也是世界上使用最广泛的插头标准。 注:意大利标插头是三圆柱一条线,丹麦标和瑞士标插头是三圆柱成三角形状,都是有直接接地级插脚。 瑞典国医疗用途的插头要求是注塑一体禁止接线插头使用。 俄罗斯认证机构GOST规格要求中欧和东欧7 / 7插头是16A的标准。


世界各国的电源及插头标准 世界上没有标准的电源电压和频率,也就是电流方向每秒改变的次数,在每个地方都不一样.此外,插头形状,插头孔,插头尺寸和插座在很多国家也是不一样的.那些表面上不重要的不同点,却有许多不方便之处. 多数产品在国外很容易买到,拿回家却不能连上电源.有两种方法可以解决这个问题:你可以剪掉原来的插头,换上你们国家的标准插头,或者买一个不方便且丑陋的适配器. 虽然很容易为你的外来产品买到插头适配器或一个新的本地插头,但在多数情况下,问题只解决了一半,因为电压可能不一致.为北美或日本设计的110V的电器产品如果插到欧洲插座上将会展示一场漂亮的烟火表演---产生电火花和冒烟. 不用说,没有单电压,频率和全球性的标准插头会使制造商承担额外的成本并增加外界负担. 纯粹是浪费而且是不必要的污染! 电压和频率 欧洲和世界上多数国家使用的电压是美国的两倍.即在220和240V之间,但是在日本和美国大部分地区电压在100和127V之间. 三相交流电的产生和分配系统是由十九世纪的发明家Nicola Tesla发明出来的.他做了很多计算和测量并发现60Hz(赫兹,每秒的周期)为交流电源产生的最好频率.他选择了240V,和Thomas Edison认为的直流电系统电压为110V的见解产生了分歧.也许Edison是基于安全因素考虑低电压,但是DC不能提供AC能提供的远距离电源. 当德国的AEG公司建立第一个欧洲供电设备时,它的工程师选择频率为50Hz,因为60不能满足计量的标准单位顺序(1,2,5),在那时,AEG享有专利权,他们的标准延伸到了大陆其它地区.在英国,不同的频率增生扩散,第二次世界大战之后才建立50Hz标准,这是一个大失误. 50Hz电源不仅在产生过程中会损失20%,在传输过程中还会损失10-15%,它需要在变压器中设立可以提升30%的大线圈和磁芯材料.电动马达在低频率下损耗较少,但因为电损耗和额外的热量需要一个坚固的握把.如今,只有少数国家(秘鲁,厄瓜多尔,圭亚那,菲律宾和南朝鲜)使用Tesla设备,频率60Hz,电压220-240V. 原先欧洲电压也是110V,和如今日本和美国一样.后来他们认为铜导线直径一样的情况下增加电压能使功率损耗减少.那时,美国也想改变,但是因为所有电气产品更换需要成本,他们决定不那样做.并且在50s-60s美国家庭平均都有了电冰箱,洗衣机,等产品,但欧洲没有. 最后的结果是,看起来,从50s和60s到现在美国就没有进化,依旧在处理一些问题,如当变压器离的很近时(电压过高),灯泡很快就会烧掉,或者相反的情况:线终端电压不够(127V到最后只有105V!). 注意到现在所有新的美国建筑都将230V电压在零线和火线之间各分115V.较大的的产品,如烤炉,则连在230V电源上.有欧洲设备的美国人,则将产品连在其它插座上. 下面列出了214个国家. 175个国家是用220-240V(50或60Hz). 其它39个国家用100-127V. 国家VOLTA电压FREQU频率 阿富汗220 V 50 Hz 阿尔巴尼亚230 V 50 Hz 阿尔及利亚230 V 50 Hz 美洲萨摩亚群岛120 V 60 Hz 安道尔共和国230 V 50 Hz


NOVEMBER 2002NBR 14136 ABNT - Brazilian Association of T echnical Standards Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes up to 20 A/250 Va.c. - Standardization Origin: Project NBR 14136:2001 CE-03:023.02 - Study Commission for Switches, Socket-outlets, Pins and Plates for General Use NBR 14136 - Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes Standardization Descriptors: Plug. Socket-outlet This Standard has been based on IEC 60906-1:1986 This Standard cancels and replaces NBR 14136:1998 Valid from December 29, 2002 on Key-words: Plug. Socket-outlet20 pages Summary Foreword 1Objective 2Normative references 3Requirements ANNEX A Figures Foreword ABNT – The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - is the National Committee of Standardization. The Brazilian standards, which content is responsibility of Brazilian Committees (ABNT/CB) and the Organizations of Sectorial Standardization (ABNT/ONS), are elaborated by Study Commissions (CE), composed by representatives of the involved sections, like: producers, consumers and neutral (universities, laboratories and other). The drafts of Brazilian standards, elaborated in the extent of ABNT/CB and ABNT/ONS, are circulated for Public Consultation among ABNT associates and interested parties. This Standard contains the annex A, it is normative. 1Scope 1.1This Standard sets the dimensions for plugs and socket-outlets with nominal characteristics up to 20 A/250 V a.c., intended for household and similar purposes, to be used in the connection to distribution systems with nominal tensions rated between 100 V and 250 V a.c. 1.2This Standard is applied to the plugs and socket-outlets specified in NBR 6147. 1.3This Standard is not applied to the plugs and socket-outlets designed to the class 0 equipments. 2Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. The indicated issues were in force when this Standard was published. As every Standard might suffer revisions, it is recommended to those that accomplish agreements based on this document to verify the convenience of using the most recent issue of the mentioned Standards. ABNT maintains registers of currently valid editions. NBR 6147:2000 - Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Specification NBR 11467:1991 - graphic Symbols for use in equipments - Symbols


Appendix 1 H G I J Error! Reference source not found. page 1 of 1 (澳规)Australia integrated plug according to AS/NZS 3112:2000 for AU type

Appendix 1 Error! Reference source page 2 of 2 not found. (澳规)Australia integrated plug according to AS/NZS 3112:2000 for AU type

Appendix 2 page 1 of 1 Error! Reference source not found. (英规)British integrated plug according to BS 1363 for UK type

Appendix 2 Error! Reference source page 2 of 2 not found. (英规)British integrated plug according to BS 1363 for UK type

Appendix 3 page 1 of 1 Error! Reference source not found. (欧规)European integrated plug according to EN 50075 for EU type

Appendix 3 Error! Reference source page 2 of 2 not found. (欧规)European integrated plug according to EN 50075 for EU type


1 世界各国电压概況 目前世界各国室內用电所使用的电压大体有两种,分別为100V ~130V ,与220~240V 二个类型。100V 、110~130V 被归类低压,如美国、日本等以及船上的电压,注重的是安 全;220~240V 则称为高压,其中包括了中国的220 伏及英国的230 伏和很多欧洲国家,注重的是效率。采用220~230V 电压的国家里,也有使用110~130V 电压的情形,如瑞典、俄罗斯。 100V :日本、韩国 2 国 110~130V :中国台湾、美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴拿马、古巴、黎巴嫩等30 国 220~230V :中国、香港(200V) 、英国、德国、法国、意大利、澳大利亚、印度、新加 坡、泰国、荷兰、西班牙、希腊、奧地利、菲律宾、挪威约120 国 2 出国旅游转换插头 国标插头在中国、澳大利亚、新西兰、阿根廷使用,特征是三个扁头。 美标插头在美国、加拿大、日本、巴西、菲律宾、泰国等国家和台湾使用,特征是一圆 两扁。 英标插头在香港和英国、印度、巴基斯坦、新加坡、马来西亚、越南、印度尼西亚、马 尔代夫、卡塔尔等国家和地区使用,特征是三个方头。 欧标(德标)插头在德国、法国、荷兰、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、奥地利、比 利时、匈牙利、西班牙、瑞典等欧盟国家及韩国、俄罗斯等国家使用,特征是两个圆头。 南非标插头主要是在南非、印度、俄罗斯使用,特征是三个圆头。还有意大利标准(意标) 插头、瑞士标准(瑞士标)插头等。 出国转换插头也存在同一个国家或地区使用多种标准的情形。 美标:




世界各国电源标准插头 插座一览表 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

世界标准电源插头插座一览 E261-B18300-0 China , Australia , New Zealand AUS型号,中国,澳大利亚,新西兰等 E261-B18300-01 UK , Indian , Pakistan , Hong Kong , Vietnam , Singapore , Malaysia ,Bahrein islands , Bhutan , Indonesia , Bhutan , Botswana , Cyprus , Ghana , Kenya , Maltese ,Cartel , Tanzania , Zimbabwe , Yemen . 英国,印度,巴基斯坦,香港,越南,新加坡,马来西亚,巴林群岛,不丹,文莱, 印度尼西亚,不丹,博茨瓦纳,文莱,塞浦路斯, 加纳,肯尼亚, 马尔代夫,卡塔尔,坦桑尼亚,津巴布韦,也门,阿联酋等 E261-B18300-02 Germany , France , Austria , Belgium , Czechoslovakia Danmark , Hungary , Holand , Norway , Poland , Portugal, Spain , Sweden , Korea , Russia , Luxemburg Finland , Thailand , Afghanistan , Argentina, Bulgaria ,Bolivia , Bengal, Cambodia , Cameroon, Congo , Cuba , Croatia, Egypt , Greece , Iceland, Iran, Iraq , Eire , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait, Mongolia , Burma , Oman ,Rwanda ,turkey,Tunis 德国,法国,奥地利,比利时,捷克,斯洛伐克,丹麦,匈牙利,荷兰,挪威,波兰,葡萄牙,西班牙,瑞典,韩国, 俄罗斯,卢森堡,芬兰,泰国,阿富汗,阿根廷,玻利维亚,波斯尼亚,保加利亚,孟加拉,柬埔寨,喀麦隆,中非,刚果,古巴,克罗地亚,埃及,希腊,冰岛,伊朗,伊拉克,爱尔兰,以色列,约旦,科威特,立陶宛,蒙古,缅甸, 阿曼,卢旺达,塞内加尔,土耳其,突尼斯等 E261-B18300-03 America , Canada , Mexico , Brazil /美国,加拿大,墨西哥,巴西等 世界各国标准插头简图: 代号 A B C D E 简图


电最初引入家庭是为了照明.后来,它又使其它加热方式和节省劳力的产品出现成为可能,与电源的连接不需要经由电灯插头.在1920s,出现了双脚插头. 在那时,一些电气公司采用分类系统,使照明设备的成本低于其它用途的产品,这样,就出现了连在照明设备上的低功率产品(如真空吸尘器,吹风机等).下面的图片显示了一个使用照明设备插座插头的1909年的面包机. 为了安全起见,又出现了三脚插头.第三个脚为接地端,可以有效的与地连接,它和零线补给线有相同的极性.还有一个后备装置为如果接地短路,保险丝会熔断,与电源断开. 我们展示了不少于13种不同类型的插头和墙上的插座,因为许多国家希望拥有自己的插头,而不是采用美国标准.而且,插头和插座很少能完全兼容,若你买国外产品通常需要更换插头. 下面是一些世界上家用插头和插座的大致外形. A型(用于美国北部,中部和日本) 两脚不接地的II类电器插头,使用于美国的北部,中部和日本.表面上看来,日本插头和插座和这个标准一样.其实,日本系统空间较紧凑,标识不同,且由MITI或JIS强制测试并认可.此外,电源线尺寸和电流等级与世界其它地方的都不一样. B型(用于美国北部,中部和日本) 这种用于I类电器的插头有两个平行插片和一个接地端(美国标准NEMA5-15/加拿大标准CS22.2, n°42).额定电流为15A,虽然这种插头也是日本标准插头,但是很少用于美国北部.因此,卖往日本的产品多采用II类不接地的插头.和A型标准一样,日本B型插头和插座和美国地区也有少许不同. 北美NEMA5-15不接地的插头通常用于美国中部和南部部分地区.因此,很多使用者通常是将接地端剪掉来插入两极不接地插座. C型(用于欧洲所有国家,除了联合王国,爱尔兰,塞浦路斯和马耳他) 这种插头不接地,有两个圆形的脚.在CEE7/16中有描述且很普遍.它可能是国际插头中使用最广泛的一种.它可以和所有中间间隔19mm,孔直径为4.0-4.8mm的插座匹配.它普遍用于欧洲国家,除了联合王国和爱尔兰以外.也用于发展中国家的许多地区.这种插头仅限于使用电流


227IEC42(RVB)2×2 6A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV) 2×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×2 10A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×2 6A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)2×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 10A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 10A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×2 10A250V

RX 300/300V 3×2 6A250V RX 300/300V 3×2 10A250V 欧洲标准电源插头 H03VVH2 -F2 10/16A250V H03VVH2 -F210/16A250V H03VV-F2 10/16A250V H03VV-F210/16A250V H05VVH2 -F210/16A250V H05VVH2 -F210/16A250V H05VV-F210/16A250V H05VV-F210/16A250V H03VVH2 -F2 H03VVH2 -F2 H03VV-F2 H03VV-F2 H05VVH2 -F210A250V H05VVH2 -F210A250V H05VV-F210A250V H05VV-F210A250V H03VVH2 -F2 H03VVH2 -F2




1.各国转换插座及电压标准(实图为证) 留学生出国前在准备行囊时,大可不必面面俱到,带上一些国外难买或者价高的必需品,是最明智的。 例如国外的雨伞并不像中国国内的样式这么多,功能这么全。所以最好能在出发前买一把质量好的防紫外线折叠伞带上,即轻巧又实用。而需要佩戴眼镜的同学最好在国内做好准备,多配两副眼镜或者隐形眼镜。因为在国外配眼镜和买隐形眼镜的价格通常都比国内高出不少。而必备的小型电子产品,比如相机、CD机等,这些东西在中国国内比较便宜。 很多留学生第一次到国外都会遇到同一个问题:就是带了电子产品,到了地方却不能充电!这是因为很多国家插头的形状和电压的标准和中国是不一样的。比如加拿大基本上所有的插头都是两脚插头,而中国很多电器都是三脚的。如果要使用携带的电器,带上「变压器」与「转换插头」非常必要! 以下提供一些各国的转换插座标准供参考: 目前,世界上的用电插头存在着多种标准有中国标准、美国标准、欧洲标准、英国标准和南非标准等。 中国标准 中国标准的插头除中国外,还有澳大利亚使用,特征是三个扁头; 美国标准

美国标准的插头,美国、加拿大、墨西哥等国家使用,特征是一圆两扁; 欧洲标准 欧洲标准的插头在德国、丹麦、芬兰、法国、挪威、瑞典、意大利、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙和韩国等国家使用,特征是两个圆头; 德国民用供电电压是220V±10%,50Hz,和中国一样。购买时也可以说要购买“德标”转换插头。 英国标准


1世界各国电压概況 目前世界各国室內用电所使用的电压大体有两种,分別为100V~130V,与220~240V 二个类型。100V、110~130V被归类低压,如美国、日本等以及船上的电压,注重的是安全;220~240V则称为高压,其中包括了中国的220伏及英国的230伏和很多欧洲国家,注重的是效率。采用220~230V电压的国家里,也有使用110~130V电压的情形,如瑞典、俄罗斯。 100V:日本、韩国2国 110~130V:中国台湾、美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴拿马、古巴、黎巴嫩等30国 220~230V:中国、香港(200V)、英国、德国、法国、意大利、澳大利亚、印度、新加坡、泰国、荷兰、西班牙、希腊、奧地利、菲律宾、挪威约120国 2出国旅游转换插头 国标插头在中国、澳大利亚、新西兰、阿根廷使用,特征是三个扁头。 美标插头在美国、加拿大、日本、巴西、菲律宾、泰国等国家和台湾使用,特征是一圆两扁。 英标插头在香港和英国、印度、巴基斯坦、新加坡、马来西亚、越南、印度尼西亚、马尔代夫、卡塔尔等国家和地区使用,特征是三个方头。 欧标(德标)插头在德国、法国、荷兰、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、奥地利、比利时、匈牙利、西班牙、瑞典等欧盟国家及韩国、俄罗斯等国家使用,特征是两个圆头。 南非标插头主要是在南非、印度、俄罗斯使用,特征是三个圆头。还有意大利标准(意标)插头、瑞士标准(瑞士标)插头等。 出国转换插头也存在同一个国家或地区使用多种标准的情形。 美标:

欧标: 英标: 瑞士: 意大利:

丹麦: 澳标: 阿根廷: 巴西:

南非: 以色列: 日本:


世界各国电源插头插座形式 目录 [隱藏] ? 1 列表一览 o 1.1 亚洲 o 1.2 欧洲 o 1.3 美洲 o 1.4 大洋洲 o 1.5 非洲 ? 2 插头插座形式 o 2.1 A 型 o 2.2 B 型 o 2.3 C 型 o 2.4 C2 型 o 2.5 D 型 o 2.6 E 型 o 2.7 F 型 o 2.8 E&F 型 o 2.9 G 型 o 2.10 H 型 o 2.11 I 型 o 2.12 J 型 o 2.13 K 型 o 2.14 L 型 o 2.15 M 型 ? 3 参考 列表一览 亚洲 地方 插头插座 电压 频率 批注 电压与频率 插头插座形式

台湾A, B110 V 60 Hz 插座大多为A型,部分B型插座的第三孔(接地用) 并未确实做好接地;多数电器为A型插头,但也有不少B型。高耗电电器使用220V 中国A, C, I220 V 50 Hz 大多插座均可接A、C、I型,其中A、C型插座合在一起(中间扁形、外侧圆形插孔),I型插座在其旁边;A型插座只适用同宽的插头,有分极性的插头必须另装转接头。 酒店、酒店房间大多会装好万能插头(俗称怪兽头)。 香港G220 V 50 Hz 基本上是采用英国标准,而D、M型是在老旧配线才有,但规定必须限制电流处仍会使用M型。一些浴室会有类似C型的电刮胡刀用低电流插座;部分110 V 与220 V 插座做相连在一起,或是用开关切换电压,但这种类型的不像在英国那么普遍。 酒店、酒店房间大多会装好万能插头(俗称怪兽头)。 澳门D, M, G, F220 V 50 Hz 未规定标准形式,但过去葡萄牙政府兴建、通行澳门香港之间的渡轮采用E&F型;主权移转之后,开始出现使用转换过的G型,另有小数量的F型。 酒店、酒店房间大多会装好万能插头(俗称怪兽头)。 日本A, B100 V 50 Hz and 60 Hz 东日本:50 Hz、西日本:60 Hz 冲绳A, B100 V 60 Hz 军事基地为120 V 韩国C, F220 V 60 Hz C型是多数一般住宅使用,新近的办公室、机厂、酒店、新型住宅也开始用F型。现在标准电压是220 V,以前曾用110 V 但现已被淘汰;一些人仍自已装设了降压器,以便使用以前的110V 电器。大多酒店只有220 V 插座,少数酒店同时有110 V (A、B型) 和220 V (C、F型)。插座与开关形式同于美国。 朝鲜C220 V 50 Hz 蒙古 国 C, E230 V 50 Hz 越南A, C220 V 50 Hz A型常见于北越,C型常见于南越。G型只在豪华酒店才有柬普 寨 A, C, G230 V 50 Hz 老挝A, B, C, E, F230 V 50 Hz 缅甸C, D, F, G230 V 50 Hz G型多为高级酒店使用,也有许多连锁酒店宣布使用可兼容I型与旧式的插座


G/TBTINITHAI153 工业产品标准 用于家庭居住以及一般类似目的功能的插头和插座: 额定电压不超过250V的插头和插座 1.范围 1.1 这种工业产品的标准包括固定式的插头和插座,以及便携式的插座。这些产品用于额定电压不超过250V,并且额定电流不超过16A的环境中。产品目的是用于家庭居住生活和一般类似目的的工作环境中,要求产品在室内和室外正常温度不超过40摄氏度的环境中。 1.2 这种工业产品标准还包括自带线插头组中的插头、可连线组中的可移动的插头和插座、作为电器产品零部件的插头和插座,但是不包括其他规定为相关其他电器标准的产品。 这种工业产品标准不包括: ——用于工业用途的插头、插座以及连接器组(coupler); ——连接电器产品的连接器组(appliance coupler); ——针对特殊低电压(extra - low voltage; ELV)的固定式插头和插座,以及可移动插座; ——具有保险丝、自动开关和其他部件一起的固定式插座; ——嵌入安装盒(flush mounting box)规定,但是仅仅包括表面安装盒(surface - type mounting box)的规定,而且该装置对于验证插座有必要性。 注释: 1.特殊低电压值请参见 IEC 60364—4—41; 2.如果根据相关指示灯标准,插座可以安装指示灯(pilot light); 3.根据此标准的插座可以和电器元气件的插座相适配,适配环境仅仅适用于处于周围温度不应该超过40摄氏度的环境中; 至于安装于特殊地方如在船上、在车辆上或者其他相类似的交通工具上,或者安装于危险地方(比如可能发生爆炸的地方)的插头和插座,可能需要特殊制造。


中国标准电源插头 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm2 6A250V? 227IEC 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm2 6A250V? 52(RVV)2×0.5mm26A250V?227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC52(RVV) 2×0.75mm2 6A250V? 227IEC53(RVV) 2×1.0mm210A250V 227IEC42(RVB)2×0.5mm26A250V?227IEC42(RVB)2×0.75mm26A250V?227IE 227IEC52(RVV)2×0.75mm26A250V C52(RVV)2×0.5mm26A250V? 227IEC53(RV 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm2 6A250V? 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm2 6A250V? V)3×0.75mm2 6A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm2 10A250V

227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm210A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V? 227IEC52(RVV)3×0.5mm26A250V 227IEC53(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V227IEC52(RVV)3×0.75mm26A250V? 227IEC53(RVV)3×1.0mm210A250V RX300/300V 3×0.75mm26A250V RX300/300V 3×1.0mm210A250V 欧洲标准电源插头 H03VVH2-F2X0.5mm210/16A250V H03VVH2 -F2X0.75mm210/16A250V H03VV-F2X0.5mm210/16A250V H03VV-F2X0.75mm210/16A250V


世界标准 世界各国的电源 世界上没有标准的电源电压和频率,也就是电流方向每秒改变的次数,在每个地方都不一样.此外,插头形状,插头孔,插头尺寸和插座在很多国家也是不一样的.那些表面上不重要的不同点,却有许多不方便之处. 多数产品在国外很容易买到,拿回家却不能连上电源.有两种方法可以解决这个问题:你可以剪掉原来的插头,换上你们国家的标准插头,或者买一个不方便且丑陋的适配器. 虽然很容易为你的外来产品买到插头适配器或一个新的本地插头,但在多数情况下,问题只解决了一半,因为电压可能不一致.为北美或日本设计的110V的电器产品如果插到欧洲插座上将会展示一场漂亮的烟火表演---产生电火花和冒烟. 不用说,没有单电压,频率和全球性的标准插头会使制造商承担额外的成本并增加外界负担. 纯粹是浪费而且是不必要的污染! 电压和频率 欧洲和世界上多数国家使用的电压是美国的两倍.即在220和240V 之间,但是在日本和美国大部分地区电压在100和127V之间. 三相交流电的产生和分配系统是由十九世纪的发明家Nicola Tesla 发明出来的.他做了很多计算和测量并发现60Hz(赫兹,每秒的周期)为交流电源产生的最好频率.他选择了240V,和Thomas Edison认为的直流电系统电压为110V的见解产生了分歧.也许Edison是基于安全因素考虑低电压,但是DC不能提供AC能提供的远距离电源. 当德国的AEG公司建立第一个欧洲供电设备时,它的工程师选择频率为50Hz,因为60不能满足计量的标准单位顺序(1,2,5),在那时,AEG享有专利权,他们的标准延伸到了大陆其它地区.在英国,不同的频率增生扩散,第二次世界大战之后才建立50Hz标准,这是一个大失误. 50Hz电源不仅在产生过程中会损失20%,在传输过程中还会损失10-15%,它需要在变压器中设立可以提升30%的大线圈和磁芯材料.电动马达在低频率下损耗较少,但因为电损耗和额外的热量需要一个坚固的握把.如今,只有少数国家(秘鲁,厄瓜多尔,圭亚那,菲律宾和南朝鲜)使用Tesla 设备,频率60Hz,电压220-240V. 原先欧洲电压也是110V,和如今日本和美国一样.后来他们认为铜导线直径一样的情况下增加电压能使功率损耗减少.那时,美国也想改变,但是因为所有电气产品更换需要成本,他们决定不那样做.并且在50s-60s美


巴西2.5A 250V圆插和5-15P插头证书有效性问题,现说明如下: 巴西电源插头标准共有两部分:NBR6147:2000, 关于产品测试方法;NBR14136关于插头的的设计和尺寸。 以前,巴西插头仅需符合标准NBR6147.但从2006年12月31日起,所有插头均需同时符合NBR6147和NBR14136标准要求。 按照UCIEE 06年1月10日的通知,有关标准更新具体内容如下: The Brazilian authority has mandated that from 31 December 2006, plugs for Brazil need to comply with NBR 14136. (巴西当局强制要求从06年12月31日起,巴西插头需符合NBR14136要求) Current plugs that comply with NBR 6147, which is similar to NEMA (UL) type, will no longer be allowed. 目前流行的符合标准NBR 6147的插头,近似于ULNEMA插头于06年12月31日起不再允许使用。 Plug compliance to NBR 14136 shall proceed as follows: From 1 August 2007, appliance manufacturer can only import goods into Brazil with plugs that comply with NBR 14136. Service centers must offer cord sets with plugs that comply with NBR 14136 in replacements, maintenance and / or repair. From 31 December 2008, Brazilian retailers and shops can only market cord sets to consumers with plugs that comply with NBR 14136. From 31 August 2009, Brazilian retailers and shops can only market appliances fitted with plugs that comply with NBR 14136. 巴西插头与插座标准简介 2004年1月,巴西国家标准局Inmetro颁布了一项关于插座和插头的技术性法规——NBR14136。新法规一经出台便很快在巴西国内引起了诸多反响,一方面由于该法规的执行时间非常紧迫,另一方面因为这项新的技术规定与巴西国内很多行业的利益冲突。 巴西国内的插头与插座市场很不规范,市场上充斥着来自全球不同制造商的各种产品。由于没有统一而详细的标准,巴西市场上的很多插头和插座都没有达到安全要求,用户在使用时容易发生危险,还导致该市场存在很多不合理竞争现象。针对这种情况,巴西国家标准局Inmetro开始着手为电气产品和发电装置制定详细而统一的基本安全要求。由巴西技术标准协会电气委员会成立的工作组负责编写有关电气插头与插座的标准——NBR6147和NBR14136。 NBR14136标准基于IEC60906-1标准,主要对电气插头和插座的设计做出了明确的规定。虽然早些时候出台的NBR6147标准对电气插头和插座的性能和安全性方面做出了规定,但NBR14136标准的出台废除了大部分在巴西国内生产或销售的插头和插座,尤其是废除了市场上那些既适用于美国插头也适用于欧洲插头的“通用插座”。NBR14136标准规定,巴西国内使用的电气插座应适用于欧洲双圆头插头。除插
