黑龙江省五常市第三中学七年级英语下册《Unit 6》教案

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Unit6 Topic1

Section B

Section B needs 1~2 periods. Section B需用1~2课时。

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。

3. Learn to look after oneself.

Put it away, please.

You must look after your things.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:6分钟)

复习There be句型, 导入1a。

1. (在黑板上呈现一张漂亮的两层楼挂图, 有书房、卧室、厨房、餐厅、客厅、卫生间、花

园,复习There be句型。)

(把图拿走, 要求学生凭着记忆, 描述这张图, 采用竞赛的形式,

可小组竞赛, 也可以个人为单位竞赛, 教师给予奖励, 激发学生


(竞赛规则如下:参赛者只能在规定的两分钟内描述这张图, 说对一句, 得一分, 谁得的分最多, 谁就获胜。)

T: Look at the picture for one minute. Then I’ll take it away. You need to say as many sentences as possible about it in two minutes.


There’s a study on the second floor.

There’s a garden in front of the house.

There are some flowers in the garden.

The living room is next to the dining room.

2. (利用1a的挂图, 引导学生复习There be句型, 并引入新单词和新句型。)

T: Now, let’s look at the picture. What can you see in it?

S1: I can see a sofa.

T: Oh, I see. It’s near the desk.

S2: I can see a family photo.

T: Can you see a clock on the wall? It’s near the photo.

T: What’s on the desk?

Ss: There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

T: We can also say, “There are some books, a lamp, a computer and so on.” Is there a clock on it?

Ss: No, there isn’t.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:6分钟)


1. (让学生听1a的录音, 回答下面的问题。)

T: Listen to 1a and answer the questions.

2. (让学生再听1a,注意语音和语调。)

T: Please listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (让学生根据语音和语调分角色朗读1a。)

T: Please work in pairs, and read the dialog in roles.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)

巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (让学生合上书本, 看1a的挂图, 描述Jane的书房, 巩固There be句型。)

T: Please close your books and look at the picture in 1a. Then describe Jane’s study. OK? 2. (根据1a, 两人一组谈论自己的书房/卧室……, 并完成1b。让学生理解under。)

T: Now, I’ll give you some minutes to talk about your study/bedroom … Then act out your dialogs in pairs.


S1: What’s in your study?

S2: There is/are …

S1: Is there a/an …?

S2: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.

3. (让学生根据1a所学,试着用几句话来描述一下自己的书房、卧室……)

T: According to la, try to use some sentences to describe your study, bedroom …

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:15分钟)

通过练习, 完成2, 3, 4。

1. (1)(让学生看2的图, 听录音, 完成2。让学生掌握生词table, key, put away, dad和thing。) T: Look at the pictures in 2, and listen to the tape and finish


(2)(听完录音, 核对答案。)

T: Who can tell us your answers?

S1: “on, There are, keys”.

S2: “behind, There’s, away”.

T: T hat’s right.


a. I think they’re Judy’s.

b. Don’t put them here. Put them away, please.

c. You must look after your things.

2. (可以用课前准备好的实物, 让学生用There be句型回答。)



T: Are there any bananas in my bag?

Ss: No, there aren’t. They are behind you.

T: How many bananas are there?

Ss: There are two.

T: Well done!


T: Now, please look at my hand. What’s in it?

Ss: There is a bottle in it.

T: Is there any water in the bottle?

Ss: Yes, there is.

T: How much water is there?

Ss: Only a little.



T: Now, please look here. What’s in my hand?

Ss: There are three bananas.


①T: Are there any bananas in my bag?

Ss: Yes, there are.
