分析化学Chap1 定量分析概论

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Ox-Red Masking Masking Complexometry Masking Precipitation Masking Acid-base Masking Separation Precipitation Separation Extraction Separation Chromatographic Separation Extraction Enrichment Enrichment Absorption Enrichment Co-precipitation Enrichment
Standard solution Primary standard Reference material Direct titrimetic method Indirect titrimetic method Separation Pre-treatment Stoichiometric point End point Titrant Guarantee reagent Analytical reagent Chemically pure
4. According to the application Routine analysis Referee analysis 5 . According to the principle
Chemical analysis Instrumental analysis
The process of Analytical Chemistry
标准溶液 基准物质 标准物质 直接滴定 间接滴定 分 离 预处理 化学计量点 终 点 滴定剂 保证试剂 分析试剂 化学纯
Aims of Analytical Chemistry
Definition: Analytical chemistry is a scientific discipline that is developing and applying methods , instruments ,and strategies to obtain information on the composition and nature of matter in space and time. Position: In the 21 century ,there are four main stream sciences: energy and resource science , information science ,life science and environmental science. However, advancement of all the areas depends on the development of analytical chemistry.
1. According to analytical object Inorganic analysis Organic analysis Pharmacological analysis Water analysis Food analysis Elemental analysis Industrial analysis Forensic analysis ……
Chapter 1:Introduction
Aims of Analytical Chemistry Classification of Analytical Chemistry Process of Quantitative Analysis Generalization of Titration Analysis
Sampling Pre-treatment Determination >1%, uniformity representative conservation dissolution digest Chemical Analysis <1%, Instrumental Analysis Calculation Results expression Accuracy Precision
2 the role of Analytical Chemistry
The manufacture in the Industry International Trade The Explore of resource The protection of Environment The life Sciences The medicine Sciences Forensic Identification The food Chemistry………
Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Instrumental Analysis Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis Trace Analysis Routine Analysis Referee Analysis Pharmacological Analysis Environmental Analysis Gravimetry Titrimetry 分析化学 化学分析 仪器分析 定量分析 定性分析 痕量分析 例行分析 仲裁分析 药物分析 环境分析 重量分析 滴定分析
1 Sampling
Principle: Uniformity Representative
The origin of samples The property of samples The demand of the results
Lot Sample Sample unit
Gross sample Sub sample Test sample Analysis
2. According to titration manner (1) Direction Titration Strong acid versus strong base (2) Indirect Titration Ca2+ →CaC2O4 →H2C2O4(KMnO4滴定) (3) Backing Titration, Determination of Al (4) Transpositional Titration AlY → AlF62- + Y4- → ZnY
(1) Acid-base titration H+ + B- = HB (2) Precipitation Titration Ag+ + Cl- = AgC1↓ (3) Complexometry titration M2++ Y4- = MY2 (4) Red-ox Titration MnO4 - + 5Fe2+ + 8H+ = Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O
Sugerphosphoate backboog
Adenine (A) 腺嘌呤
Guanine (G) 鸟嘌呤
Cytosine (C) 胞嘧啶 Base
Thymine (T) 胸腺嘧啶
Uracil (U) 尿嘧啶
The Classification
2. According to Sample Amount
Macro semimicro Micro Solid (mg) >100 10~100 <10 Liquid (mL) >10 1~10 <1
3. According to percent:
Macro analysis (>1%) Micro analysis (0.01-1%) Trace analysis (<0.01%)
0.0002 Er = = 0.25% > 0.1% 0.08
而m(邻)=0.05mol·L-1×0.025L×204g/mol=0.26g Error:
0.0002 Er = < 0.1% 0.26
∴选邻苯二甲酸氢钾好。 选邻苯二甲酸氢钾好。 2)若c(NaOH)=0.2mol·L-1,两种基准物都可以。 两种基准物都可以。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
standard solution and primary standard 一. Primary standard:
1. purity>99.9% (Zn, K2CrO7); 2. Better stability (Na2CO3、CaCO3、Na2C2O4); 3. Large mol mass 标定 NaOH:邻苯二甲酸氢钾( 邻苯二甲酸氢钾(204)? 204)?草酸 )?草酸( 草酸(63)? 63)? 标定HCl :硼砂( 硼砂(381.4)? 381.4)?
标定0.05mol·L-1NaOH,选用H2C2O4·2H2O和KHC6H4O4 哪个较好? 哪个较好?若0.2mol·L-1NaOH? 1)标定c(NaOH)=0.05mol·L-1时, 草酸m=0.05mol·L-1×0.025L×63g/mol=0.08g Error:
Sample pre-treatment
Solid ↔ liquid, enrichment , dilution, etc.
Principle To prevent from the loss of analytes To evading the contamination
3 Eliminating the interferes
分 析 化 学
Analytical Chemistry
Textbook:《定量化学分析简明教程》 定量化学分析简明教程》第二版 References:
1. 分析化学( 分析化学(第四版), 第四版),武汉大学 ),武汉大学, 武汉大学,高等教育出版社, 高等教育出版社,2000; 2.21世纪的分析化学 2.21世纪的分析化学, 世纪的分析化学,汪尔康主编, 汪尔康主编,科学出版社, 科学出版社,1999; 3. 分析化学前沿, 分析化学前沿,高鸿主编, 高鸿主编,科学出版社, 科学出版社, 1991; 4. 分析化学, 分析化学,R.Kellner等编 Kellner等编, 等编,李克安, 李克安,金钦汉等译, 金钦汉等译, 北京大学出版社, 北京大学出版社,2001; 5. Analytical Chemistry (6th ed), G.D. Christian, 2004 6. Quantitative chemical analysis (5th ed), Daniel C. Harris,1999.
4 The selection of Analytical Methods
The calcium in the limestone
Ca >1%, Chemical Analysis (volumetry)
The trace Fe in the limestone
Fe <1%, Spetrophotometry
1.4 Introduction
standard solution primary standard stoichiometric point indicator titration curve end point end point error
1. According to chemical reaction
1 The task of analytical chemistry
Qualitative analysis ---Identify the composition.
Quantitative analysis ---Determinate the amount of the species in the sample. Structure Analysis Speciation Analysis Dynamic Analysis ---Identify the structure ---Identify the speciation ---Express dynamic chracters