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前言 (1)

第一章工程背景及设计资料 (2)

1.1 设计背景 (2)

1.2 设计资料 (2)

1.2.1 自然条件 (2)

1.2.2 设计水位 (2)

1.2.3波浪要数 (2)

1.2.4地质资料 (3)

第二章总平面设计 (3)

2.1 工程规模 (3)

2.1.1 设计船型 (3)

2.1.2 泊位数 (3)

2.2 布置方案 (4)

2.3 总体尺度拟定 (4)

2.3.2 码头顶高程 (5)

2.3.3码头前沿水深 (5)

2.3.4 回旋水域及锚地 (5)

2.3.5 航道尺度 (5)

2.3.6库场面积 (6)

第三章码头结构物选型 (6)

3.1码头结构形式 (6)

3.2设计条件 (7)

3.3构造尺度 (7)

第四章作用的分类及计算 (7)

4.1 结构自重应力(永久作用) (7)

4.2 波浪力作用(可变作用) (9)

4.3 土压力标准值计算 (15)

4.4 7度地震时的主动土压力标准值计算(偶然作用) (21)

4.5 地震惯性力(偶然作用) (28)

4.6 船舶荷载(可变作用) (30)

第五章稳定性验算 (32)

5.1码头稳定性验算 (32)

5.1.1 持久状况 (32)

5.1.2 短暂状况 (52)

5.1.3 偶然状况 (52)

5.2 基床和地基承载力验算 (56)

5.2.1基床顶面应力计算 (56)

5.2.2地基承载力验算 (60)

5.2.3 地基沉降 (62)

5.3 整体稳定验算 (62)

5.3.1 持久状况 (62)

5.3.2 短暂状况 (63)

5.3.3 偶然状况 (63)

致谢 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。





Abstract: The port terminal design is one of the most basic and important link in engineering. Excellent design, not only to provide safe, economic and practical structure, at the same time can also on the design idea and design concept show the spirit of innovation. In the process of port design, design method, design calculation and design research and determine the port is design and the realization of the engineering experience of various specifications and ascend. Port, therefore, the design process of research and practice has a certain theoretical significance and important value of engineering practice.

This article through the analysis of the natural environment of yantai port and planned port area topography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, sea state statistics, determine the planned port layout form, gives a number of berths and plane size, design the position of terminal handling technology and the rear yard. Puts forward the design scheme of gravity type square wharf construction, within the scope of the planned port waters, according to the port of wharf apron deep pool, the design of cyclotron in the wharf apron waters radius and width and depth of the channel, calculate the planned port area in various water level under the weight of pier and pier on various stock load, calculated the wave force under the condition of water in the various, and resistance to pour, calculating stability against sliding and bed, completed preliminary design report concerning a ton of automobile ro/ro wharf, gives a more complete design drawings and design data.

This paper provides the design results conform to the port design specifications, design drawings and design data provided by a detailed, complete, to the port construction and construction has a guiding significance.

Key words: Port design; gravity wharf; square
