


Xi o n g Ya n b i n g
( P a t e n t O f f i c e o f S t a t e I n t e l l e c t u a l P r o p e r t y O f f i c e o f C h i n a , B e i j i n g , 1 0 0 0 8 8 )
Ke y wo r d s : D O P O( 9, 1 0一d i h y d r o一9一O X O一1 0一p h o s p h a p h e n a n t h r e n e一1 0一o x i d e ) ; s y n e r z i s t i c
l f a me . r e t a r d a n t ; p a t e n t
随着科 学技 术 和工 业 化 应 用 程度 的提 高 , 人 们 对生 活质 量 的追 求 更 加 高 , 随之 而 来 的 人 身健
性 和化学 稳 定性 高 , 阻 燃性 能 更 好 。因此 , D O P O 及其 衍生 物 常可 作 为 反应 型 和添 加 型 阻燃 剂 , 特
康 问题 和 环保 问题 也 越 来 越 突 出 , 特 别 是 针 对 电
和羰 基极 具活 性 , 可反应 生 成许 多衍 生物 。 同时 ,
D O P O及其 衍生 物 由于分 子结 构 中含 有联 苯 环 和
菲环结 构 , 特别 是侧 磷基 团以环状 O=P—O键 的
图1 D O P O 的分 子 结 构 式
F i g . 1 Mo l e c u l a r s t r u c t u r e o f D OP O
Abs t r a c t: Th e r e c e n t la f me — r e t a r d a n t p a t e n t a p p l i c a t i o ns o f DOPO we r e r e s e a r c h e d, t h e t y pe s, me t h o ds a n d e f f e c t s o f la f me r e t a r d a n t s wi t h DOPO we r e a n a l y z e d, mu l t i — e l e me n t s y n e r g i s t i c ll a y la f me — r e t a r d i n g wa s p ut f o r wa rd a s t h e f u t ur e r e s e a r c h a n d d e v e l o p me n t d i r e c t i o n o f DOPO— b a s e d la f me r e t a r d a n t s .



2024年阻燃剂DOPO市场需求分析1. 引言阻燃剂(DOPO)是一种用于改善材料耐火性能的化学物质,广泛应用于各种需要防火保护的材料中。



2. 市场规模及趋势阻燃剂DOPO市场规模庞大,在全球范围内广泛应用于建筑、电子、电器、汽车等行业。



3. 市场驱动因素3.1 安全性要求的提高:在各个行业中,对产品的安全性要求越来越高,特别是对于易燃材料的防火性能要求。


3.2 环保意识的增强:阻燃剂DOPO相比传统的阻燃剂具有更好的环保性能,不含有害物质,对环境友好。


3.3 新材料的需求:随着科技的进步,新材料的研发不断推进,对高性能阻燃剂的需求也随之增加。


4. 市场前景及挑战4.1 市场前景:阻燃剂DOPO在建筑、电子、电器、汽车等行业的应用前景广阔。


4.2 市场挑战:阻燃剂DOPO市场面临着一些挑战。




5. 市场竞争格局阻燃剂DOPO市场竞争激烈,主要厂商包括XXX、YYY、ZZZ等。



































馏水洗涤滤饼 ,得淡黄 色粉 末状 固体 l .5 。熔 点 87g
9 -1 2 ,后经分 离鉴定为D0 O HP A的混 合 8 ℃ 0 P 与 P
l 中国阻燃 2 1 2 00第5 期
I 文 选编 l 论
物 。D P O O与 H P P A摩 尔 比 为 :nDO O) ( P = ( P : HP A) n 34 :,总 收 率 为 9 .5 以 O P 70 %( P 为基 准 ) 。 将 D P HP A混 合 物 2 g M 0 O— P 0  ̄ 甲苯 10  ̄ 入 装 mLj 5 W
( OP ,是新 型 阻燃剂 中 间体 。D O及其 衍生 D O) OP
物 合 成 的 阻燃 剂 无 卤 、 无 烟 、 无毒 ,不 迁 移 ,阻 燃 性 能 持 久 。 可 用 于 线 性 聚 酯 、聚 酰 胺 、环 氧 树 脂 、
聚氨酯等 多种 高分子材料 阻燃处理 。 国外 已广泛用 于电子设备用 塑料 、铜衬里 压层 、电路板等材料 阻 燃u 3 I 。我们 在 开发 了以 环 己酮为 原料 生产 邻苯 基 苯 酚工 作的基 础上 M,研 究 了DO O及其 衍生物 的 P
OP b 。C

, - P- o
正式实施 禁用 卤系阻燃 剂的法令 法规 ,不过 已有一
些国家拒绝进 I含十 溴二苯醚( D O) : 1 DB P 的阻燃 塑料
制 品 ,拒 发 一 些 溴 系 阻燃 剂 的 生 产 许 可 证 。 国 外 不
少厂商正在积 极开发无 卤阻燃 系统 ,且不断有新 产 品问世 。阻燃材料面临价格 、回收 、环保 、加 工工 】
艺 、性 能等多方面 压力 。 日益严格的 防火标 准和 人
类 环 保 要 求 下 , 无 卤 、低 烟 、 无 毒 的 环 保 型 阻 燃 剂 是 阻燃 剂 研 究 的热 点 。 9 l 一二 氢 -9 ,0 -氧 杂 一1 一磷 杂 菲 一1 一 化 物 0 0 氧

DOPO 及其衍生物在环氧树脂中的相关研究进展

DOPO 及其衍生物在环氧树脂中的相关研究进展

◎李捍东张旭DOPO 及其衍生物在环氧树脂中的相关研究进展(作者单位:沈阳航空航天大学)当前,有机高分子材料作为化工行业中的三大主材料,以其便于加工,密度小、性能高的特点已经成为应用最为广泛的一类材料。

其中环氧树脂(EP )就是化工生产过程中所经常使用的一种有机高分子材料。




一、DOPO 环氧树脂DOPO,化学名9,10-二氢-9-氧杂-10-磷杂菲-10-氧化物。

因其自身及衍化物内部含有以O=P-O 键的方式存在的环状菲杂环,总体来讲键能更大,所以其比未成环的磷酸脂类具有更强的稳定性以及阻燃性能。

由于其分子结构之中包含有P-H 键,所以很容易与其他的物质发生取代反应,如其可与萘醌、衣康酸、环氧乙烷、甲醛等不饱和化合物进行反应,以形成具有新功能的衍生物。

而DOPO 环氧树脂就是由这些衍生物或DOPO 进一步与环氧树脂反应得到的产物。

二、DOPO 改性环氧树脂1.制备方法。

在一般情况下制备DOPO 阻燃环氧树脂有三种方法:其一,合成含有DOPO 的环氧化合物,之后再使用不同的固化剂对其进行固化;其二,通过反应型的DOPO 衍生物使其与环氧树脂发生反应从而将DOPO 基团引入到环氧树脂中;其三,通过对普通的环氧树脂使用DOPO 改性固化剂从而获得含有DOPO 基团的环氧树脂。

2.D OPO 固化剂。

谢聪等通过在DOPO 中加入对氨基苯酚,对苯二甲醛以及二甲亚砜在室温中搅拌得到衍生物4,4’-[1,4-苯基-二(9,10-二氢-9-氧杂-10-磷杂菲基)二次甲基亚氨基]二苯酚(DOPO-T )。
















以下是DOPO市场发展的几个重要方面:1. 市场规模扩大阻燃剂DOPO市场规模在过去几年里持续扩大。



2. 技术应用拓展DOPO的技术应用范围在不断拓展。




3. 技术研发进展DOPO的技术研发一直是该市场的关键。




4. 国际市场竞争加剧DOPO市场是一个全球性市场,各个国家和地区都有生产和销售DOPO的企业。




DOPO市场发展趋势分析基于对DOPO市场的现状分析,可以预测DOPO市场未来的发展趋势:1. 市场规模持续增长随着全球经济的发展和对阻燃剂要求的提高,阻燃剂DOPO市场的规模有望持续增长。


2. 技术研发持续推进DOPO市场的竞争将继续加剧,技术研发成为企业赢得竞争的关键。


朗盛集团董事会主席贺德满 先生在发布 2006 年第二季度财报 时也宣布了新的组织架构下所取 得的初步成功。他说“: 苯乙烯类树
脂部门的重组工作比预期的更快。 利润实现了持续稳步增长。这充分 显示了我们的新战略是极其有效 的。”
Lustran Polymers 部 门 是 特 殊 品级 ABS 业务板块中最大的供应 商之一。其产品具有高机械强度, 卓越的工艺性能和极佳的表面质 量。此外, 朗盛为客户提供定制的 色彩和各种产品, 以满足产品的特 殊应用。Lustran!ABS 可以应用于 以 下 几 个 方 面:电 子 工 程 、信 息 技 术 、卫 生 洁 具 、汽 车 工 业 、玩 具 和 医 疗产业等。典型应用包括汽车内外 部 件 、住 宅 的 各 类 设 备 、玩 具 及 园 艺设备。Lustran Polymers 部门是朗 盛工程塑料的组成部分之一, 2005 年总销售额达到 17.37 亿欧元。
Keywor ds: Organo- phosphorous flame retardant; Pilot scale research; 9, 10- dihydro- 9- oxa- 10- phosphaphenan- threne- 10- xide (DOPO)



Synthesis and Properties of Flame-Retardant Epoxy Resins Based on DOPO and One of Its Analog DPPOAlexander Scha¨fer,1Sebastian Seibold,1Wiebke Lohstroh,2Olaf Walter,1Manfred Do¨ring1 1Institute for Technical Chemistry,Karlsruhe Research Centre,Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz1,D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany2Institute of Nanotechnology,Karlsruhe Research Centre,Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz1,D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,GermanyReceived28August2006;accepted13December2006DOI10.1002/app.26073Published online29March2007in Wiley InterScience().ABSTRACT:Two phosphorus-containing heterocyclic flame retardants-9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenan-threne-10-oxide(DOPO)and2,8-dimethyl-phenoxaphos-phin-10-oxide(DPPO)-and their derivatives were charac-terized and incorporated in the backbone of epoxy novolac to obtainflame-retardant epoxy resins.The structures and spectroscopic data including high-resolution mass spectro-scopy of theseflame retardants were determined.Flame-retardant epoxy resins with a phosphorus content of up to 2%based on heterocyclic DOPO and DPPO were cured with4,40-diaminodiphenylmethane(DDM),and their fea-tures were examined by UL94,LOI,and DSC.In this manner,high-performance polymers with glass transition temperatures around1908C and the UL94rating V0were obtained.These polymers were compared with epoxy res-ins incorporating diphenyl phosphite and diphenyl phos-phate,which are nonheterocyclic and do not pass the UL 94test up to2%phosphorus.DPPO has a similarflame retardancy like the commercially available DOPO.Further-more,to explain the difference in the efficiency of the tested flame retardants,key experiments for the determination of the active species during theflame-retarding process were performed and the PO radical was identifiedÓ2007Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J Appl Polym Sci105:685–696,2007Key words:flame retardance;resins;crystal structuresINTRODUCTIONEpoxy resins have excellent characteristics of mois-ture,solvent,and chemical resistance,toughness, low shrinkage on cure,superior electrical and me-chanical resistance properties,and good adhesion to many substrates.1–4However,flammability of such resins is a major disadvantage in applications that require highflame resistance.Many techniques were applied to improve theirflame retardancy.Recently, phosphorus-modified epoxy resins have received most attention in literature.This approach involves the synthesis of epoxy resins and hardeners from monomers bearing phosphorus groups that are effec-tive as aflame retardant or thermal stabilizer.1–4 Various organic phosphorus groups were cova-lently incorporated in the backbone of epoxy resins to improve theirflame retardancy.5,6Since a heterocy-clic organic phosphorus compound,9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide(DOPO),was developed in the early1970’s,a large number of applications and modifications of thisflame re-tardant have been published.3–11These systems are commercially applied for printed circuit boards and laminates.The aim of this article is the introduction and assessment of a novel phosphorus containing hetero-cycle as aflame retardant,and its comparison to its analog DOPO and two nonheterocyclic compounds. The effectiveness of these heterocyclic compounds is to be demonstrated.This study describes the synthesis(Fig.1)and characterization of the DOPO analog compound2,8-dimethyl-phenoxaphosphin-10-oxide(DPPO),its mo-difications,and incorporation in an epoxy novolac (Fig.2).Furthermore,the same modifications and incorpo-rations were made with DOPO(Fig.3)and com-pared to its analog and to diphenyl phosphite and diphenyl phosphate(Fig.4).The mode of action of phosphorus-containingflame retardants is discussed based on high-resolution mass spectroscopy and thermal desorption mass spectroscopy.The PO radi-cal was detected exclusively as a small volatile phos-phorus-containing species in the case of heterocyclic flame retardants.Correspondence to:M.Do¨ring(manfred.doering@itc-cpv. fzk.de).Contract grant sponsor:BASF AG,Schill und Seilacher AG.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.105,685–696(2007)EXPERIMENTALMaterials and reagentsAqueous formaldehyde solution (37%),aqueous hy-drogen peroxide solution (30%),ethanol,phosphorustrichloride,aluminum trichloride,diphenyl phos-phite,diphenyl phosphate,and 4,40-diaminodiphe-nylmethane (DDM)were purchased from Aldrich and used without any further purification.Trietha-nolamine,benzene,and toluene were obtained from VWR.Epoxy Novolac (DEN 438)was used from DOW AG and DOPO was kindly donated by Schill und Seilacher AG.Measurement and testing1H and 31P NMR spectra were obtained by a Bruker Analytical BZH 250/52Spectrometer at 250MHz.Samples were analyzed in deuterated DMSO or CDCl 3.Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC)measure-ments were done using a Mettler -Toledo DSC 822e at a scan rate of 208C/min.12The measurements were performed in aluminum pots with weighted samples of 20mg.The UL 94vertical burning classification was obtained using an ATLAS HVUL 2burning chamber according to DIN IEC 60,695-11-10with a 50W burner flame.The sample were (130þ/À1)mm long,(13þ/À1)mm wide and had a thickness of (7þ/À1)mm.13The LOI was obtained with a FTT LOI burning chamber according to ISO 4589-2.14X-ray analysis was performed using a Siemens SMART CCD 1000diffractometer with an irradiation time of 10–20s per frame,thus collecting afullFigure 1The systematic synthesis route ofDPPO.Figure 2The systematic synthesis routes of flame-retardant epoxy resins based on DPPO (n ¼3.6).686SCHA¨FER ET AL.Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appsphere of data using an o -scan technique with Do ranging from 0.38to 0.458.Experimental absorption correction was performed with SADABS.15Single crystals of DOPO and DPPO were obtained by recrystallization out of toluene and benzene,respectively.Figure 3The systematic synthesis routes of flame-retardant epoxy resins based on DOPO (n ¼3.6).Figure 4The systematic synthesis routes of flame-retardant epoxy resins based on diphenyl phosphite and its oxidized form (diphenyl phosphate)(n ¼3.6).FLAME-RETARDANT EPOXY RESINS BASED ON DOPO AND DPPO 687Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appCrystallographic data of the structures were de-posited at the Cambridge crystallographic database centre(CCDC),supplementary publications Nos. 617870(DPPO)and617871(DOPO).Structure solution and refinement were performed with SHELX97.16 Copies of this information may be obtained free of charge from:The Director,CCDC,12Union Road, Cambridge CB21EZ,UK(fax:þ44-1223-336033, e-mail:deposit@).High-resolution mass spectrometry was carried out using a time-of-flight GCT from Micromass. Thermal desorption mass spectroscopy was per-formed in vaccum chamber coupled to a heatable sam-ple-carrier out of stainless steal,a high-vacuum sys-tem from Pfeiffer and a HAL IV RGA201from HIDEN Analyticals,UK.Powdered samples of the cured res-ins(10–20mg)were charged to the sample carrier and the system was evacuated(10À8hPa).The cured resins were heated from room temperature to4608C at a heating rate of108C/min and the pyrolysis gases were detected with the mass spectrometer.The way from the sample carrier to the detector was about50cm. The signals were correlated with the also measured mass of11amu,to correct the influence of the pressure increase during the pyrolysis.DPPO synthesisThe methods suggested17,18were modified as follows: 59.40g(0.30mol)bis-p-tolylether,105mL phos-phorus trichloride,and39.6g aluminum trichloride were fed into a1L three-necked round bottomflask equipped with a stirrer and a condenser with exhaust pipe.The reaction mixture was heated carefully to 858C with stirring for24h.During this period,an intense gas formation(HCl)was observed and a white precipitate was formed.The reaction mixture was cooled down and poured onto1kg crushed ice. The product wasfiltered,thoroughly washed with hydrochloride acid solution(1.0mol/L),saturated sodium bicarbonate solution,andfinally with dis-tilled water.The white powder was recrystallized from benzene and dried under vacuum(15hPa)at 1208C for24h.The yield of DPPO was91%.1H-NMR(CDCl3):2.406ppm(s,6H);7.196ppm(m,2H);7.409ppm(m,2H);7.763ppm(d,2H);8.550ppm(d,1PÀÀH).31P-NMR(CDCl3):À16.486ppm(s).HRMS:found:244.0623u;calc.:244.0653u.Synthesis of DPPO-CH2OHDPPO,61.02g(0.25mol),and300mL ethanol were charged to a1L three-necked round bottomflask equipped with a stirrer,a condenser and an addition funnel.The reaction mixture was heated to708C with stirring,where as22.3g of a37%aqueous formaldehyde solution were added in a dropwise manner over a period of30min.After the complete addition of the aqueous formaldehyde solution,the reaction mixture was maintained at about808C for an additional12h.The reaction mixture was concen-trated by distillation,resulting in the precipitation of the product.The latter wasfiltered,thoroughly washed with ethanol,and dried under vacuum (15hPa)at1208C for24h.The yield of DPPOÀÀCH2OH was82%.1H-NMR(DMSO-d6): 2.381ppm(s,6H); 3.373 ppm(s,1H);4.050ppm(s,2H);7.265ppm(m,2H);7.498ppm(m,2H);7.711ppm(m,2H).31P-NMR(DMSO-d6):7.643ppm(s).HRMS found:274.0735u;calc.:274.0759u. Synthesis of DPPO-OH19,17DPPO,61.02g(0.25mol),and300mL ethanol were filled into a1L three-necked round bottomflask equipped with a stirrer,a condenser,and an addi-tion funnel.The reaction mixture was heated to708C under stirring,where as250mL of a30%aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution were added drop wise over a period of30min.During the addition,an intense gas formation was observed.After the com-plete addition of the aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution,the reaction mixture was maintained at about808C for an additional12h.The reaction mixture volume was reduced by distillation,result-ing in the precipitation of the product.The product wasfiltered,washed thoroughly with ethanol,and dried under vacuum(15hPa)at1208C for24h.The yield of DPPOÀÀOH was77%.1H-NMR(DMSO-d6):2.37ppm(s,6H);7.232ppm (m,2H);7.442ppm(m,2H);7.569ppm(t,2H).31P-NMR(DMSO-d6):2.320ppm(s).HRMS:found:260.0616u;calc.:260.0602u. Synthesis of DOPO-CH2OH20–23The method suggested by Shieh and Wang23was modified as follows:DOPO,216.17g(1.0mol),and650mL ethanol were fed into a1L three-necked round bottomflask equipped with a stirrer,a condenser,and an addi-tion funnel.The reaction mixture was heated to708C under stirring,where as89g of a37%aqueous formaldehyde solution were added in a dropwise manner over a period of30min.After this,the reac-tion mixture was maintained at about808C for an additional6h,resulting in the precipitation of the product.The latter wasfiltered,washed thoroughly with ethanol,and dried under vacuum(15hPa)at 1208C for24h.The yield of DOPOÀÀCH2OH was 86%;melting point1548C.688SCHA¨FER ET AL. Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/app1H-NMR(DMSO-d6):4.26ppm(m,2H);5.56ppm (t,1H);7.26ppm(m,2H);7.45ppm(t,1H);7.62ppm (t,1H);7.78ppm(m,1H);8.05ppm(t,1H);8.19ppm (m,2H).31P-NMR(DMSO-d6):32.8ppm(s).HRMS:found:246.0461u;calc.:246.0446u. Synthesis of DOPO-OH24–29The methods described were modified as follows28,29: DOPO,54.04g(0.25mol),and350mL ethanol werefilled into a1L three-necked round bottom flask equipped with a stirrer,a condenser and an addition funnel.The reaction mixture was heated to 708C under stirring where as250mL of a30%aque-ous hydrogen peroxide solution were added drop wise over a period of30min.During the addition, an intense gas formation was visible,while the reac-tion mixture color turned to light yellow.After the complete addition of the aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution,the reaction mixture was maintained at about808C for an additional12h.The reaction mixture was concentrated by distillation,resulting in the precipitation of the product.The product was filtered,washed thoroughly with ethanol,and dried under vacuum(15hPa)at1208C for24h.The yield of DOPO-OH was91%.1H-NMR(DMSO-d6):10.77ppm(s,1H);8.06ppm (m,2H);7.85to7.65ppm(m,2H);7.50ppm(m,1H);7.36ppm(m,1H);7.21ppm(t,2H).31P-NMR(DMSO-d6):7.2ppm(s).HRMS:found:232.0267u;calc.:232.0289u. Preformulation offlame-retardant epoxy resins Many prepolymers and their synthetic methods are discussed in literature.7,30–34DEN438,100.0g,were fed into a100mL round bottomflask and heated up to1208C under vacuum(5Â10À2hPa)for1h to remove all volatile impurities.To this resin,0.1%of triethanolamine as a catalyst and the phosphorus-containingflame retardant were added.The reaction mixtures were stirred for1h at1508C.The formula-tions are summarized in Table I for DOPO and its derivatives,in Table II for DPPO and its derivatives, and in Table III for diphenyl phosphite and diphenyl phosphate.Applying this manufacturing process, several series of prepolymers with a phosphorus content from0.5to2.0%were obtained.Curing procedureThe epoxy equivalent weight(EEW)of eachflame-retardant epoxy resin was quantified.DDM was used as a hardener.The reactants were mixed at a stoi-chiometrical ratio of1:0.5(epoxy groups:amino groups).These mixtures were heated on a hot plate to about1208C with constant stirring until complete homogeneity was observed.Then,the resins were cured at1408C for2h and postcured at2008C for 2h.The samples were allowed to cool down slowly to room temperature.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONEven though DOPO and DPPO had been exam-ined16,17,35,36before,the crystal structures of both have not yet been published.Single crystals for XRD analysis were obtained by recrystallization of DPPO out of benzene and,respectively,DOPO out of toluene.TABLE IOverview of the Actual Compositions of the Synthesized Flame-Retardant Epoxy ResinsBased on DOPO and its DerivativesNumber DEN(g)DOPO(g)DOPOÀÀOH(g)DOPOÀÀCH2OH(g)Catalyst(g)Phosphoruscontent(%P)Flame retardantcontent(%)1-1100.00 3.610.10.50 3.5 1-2100.00 5.510.10.75 5.2 1-3100.007.490.1 1.007.0 1-4100.009.540.1 1.258.7 1-5100.0011.670.1 1.5010.5 1-6100.0016.190.1 2.0013.9 2-1100.00 3.890.10.50 3.7 2-2100.00 5.950.10.75 5.6 2-3100.008.090.1 1.007.5 2-4100.0010.320.1 1.259.3 2-5100.0012.650.1 1.5011.2 2-6100.0017.600.1 2.0015.0 3-1100.00 4.0 3-2100.00 6.330.10.75 5.9 3-3100.008.620.1 1.007.9 3-4100.0011.010.1 1.259.9 3-5100.0013.510.1 1.5011.9 3-6100.0018.870.1 2.0015.9 FLAME-RETARDANT EPOXY RESINS BASED ON DOPO AND DPPO689Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appThe detailed crystal data is summarized in Table IV.The structures of DPPO and DOPO are presented in Figures 5and 6.Obviously,both DOPO and DPPO,have a central six-membered ring,consisting of four aromatic carbon atoms,one oxygen,and one phosphorus atom.Although the oxidation states according to the electronegativities of Pauling are the same for both phosphorus atoms,their chemical environment is different in both compounds:DPPO is a phosphine oxide,while DOPO is a phosphinic acid ester.DOPO consists of a three-ring system similar to phenanthrene.The DPPO molecule looks like a buckled anthracene.The endocyclic angle between C1ÀÀO1ÀÀC10is 121.88.However,the angle of torsion defined by O1ÀÀC1ÀÀC6ÀÀP1(central ring)is 1.98.Although the middle ring is not ideally planar,the bond length between the oxygen (O1)and the two carbon atoms of the adjacent rings (C1and C10)has a length of 138.0pm.Therefore the both aromatic rings seem to be conjugated over the oxygen bridge.In comparison to this the carbon–oxygen bond (C12/O1)in the DOPO molecule;however,has a length of 141.1pm and is in the same range of typical carbon–oxygen single bonds.37,38The phosphorus -hydrogen bonds in both molecules have nearly the same length.This explains their similar chemical reactivity as regards the addition reaction with aldehydes and oxidation.There are some possible modes of action of all classes of flame retardants,like charring,including intumescence,cooling and dilution,and radical inhi-bition mechanisms in the gas phase.5,7The formation of the PO radicals on exposure to heat as the main degradation route of DOPO wasTABLE IIIOverview of the Actual Compositions of the Synthesized Flame-Retardant Epoxy ResinsBased on Diphenyl Phosphite and Diphenyl PhosphateNumber DEN [g]Diphenylphosphate (g)Diphenyl phosphate (g)Catalyst (g)Phosphorus content (%P)Flame retardant content (%)7-1100.00 3.920.10.50 3.87-2100.00 5.77-3100.008.160.1 1.007.57-4100.0010.420.1 1.259.47-5100.0012.770.1 1.5011.37-6100.0017.780.1 2.0015.18-1100.00 4.08-2100.00 6.440.10.75 6.08-3100.008.770.1 1.008.18-4100.0011.210.1 1.2510.18-5100.0013.760.1 1.5012.18-6100.0019.230.12.0016.1TABLE IIOverview of the Actual Compositions of the Synthesized Flame-Retardant Epoxy ResinsBased on DPPO and Its DerivativesNumber DEN (g)DPPO (g)DPPO ÀÀOH(g)DPPO ÀÀCH 2OH(g)Catalyst (g)Phosphorus content (%P)Flame retardant content (%)4-1100.00 3.94-2100.00 5.94-3100.008.540.1 1.007.94-4100.0010.910.1 1.259.84-5100.0013.390.1 1.5011.84-6100.0018.680.1 2.0015.75-1100.00 4.380.10.50 4.25-2100.00 6.710.10.75 6.35-3100.009.150.1 1.008.45-4100.0011.710.1 1.2510.55-5100.0014.390.1 1.5012.65-6100.0020.160.1 2.0016.86-1100.00 4.620.10.50 4.46-2100. 6.66-3100.009.700.1 1.008.86-4100.0012.420.1 1.2511.06-5100.0015.280.1 1.5013.26-6100.0021.470.12.0017.7690SCHA¨FER ET AL.Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appdiscussed before.39,40The main product during the formation of the PO radicals from DOPO is sup-posed to be dibenzofuran,which is aromatic.2,8-dimethylbenzofuran is produced in the case of the thermal degradation of DPPO.The fragmentation during mass spectroscopy to find these compounds has been retraced.The frag-mentation schemes of DPPO and DOPO are shown in Figure 7.The main degradation route of both starts with the homolytical cleavage of the P ÀÀH bond.The resulting radicals stabilize themselves by form-ing a dibenzofuran system and separating the PO radical.This degradation route is confirmed by the DFT calculations presented earlier.39These calcula-tions revealed,with DOPO being used as an exam-ple,the direct break-up into dibenzofuran and the HPO molecule is not thermodynamically favored.On the other hand,it was shown that the decay of the P ÀÀH bond,followed by the degradation of theformed radical into dibenzofuran and the PO radical,is energetically preferred.In addition,the pyrolysis gases of cured resins with and without flame retardants were analyzed by thermal desorption mass spectroscopy.The results are presented in Figure 8.The DOPO-and DPPO-containing polymers showed a significant release of the PO radical (47amu).The virgin DEN cured with DDM and the diphenyl phosphite-containing sample emitted only traces of this mass.Pyrolysis of the tested epoxy resins starts at about 3258C,as carbon dioxide is detected at this temperature.The emission of PO reaches its maximum at about 400to 4508C.The DOPO-containing crosslinked epoxy resin re-leased more PO than the DPPO-containing one.ThisTABLE IVCrystal Data and Structure Refinement of 2,8-Dimethyl-phenoxaphosphin-10-oxide(DPPO)and 9,10-Dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO)DPPODOPOEmpirical formula C 14H 13O 2P 1C 12H 9O 2P 1Formula weight244.21216.16Crystal system,space group monoclinic,P21(No.4)orthorhombic,P212121(No.19)Unit cell dimensionsa ¼4.2851(4)A˚a ¼4.6074(17)A˚A ¼908a ¼908b ¼10.2437(11)A˚b ¼12.889(5)A˚b ¼96.9810(10)8b ¼908c ¼13.4744(14)A˚c ¼16.465(6)A˚g ¼908g ¼908Volume587.08(10)A˚3977.8(6)A˚3Z,calculated density 2,1.382(Mg/m 3)4,1.468(Mg/m 3)Crystal size 0.4Â0.4Â0.25mm 30.3Â0.3Â0.1mm 3Wavelength0.71073A˚0.71073A˚Absorption coefficient0.219mm À10.253mm À1Final R indices [I >2s (I)]R 1¼0.0377R 1¼0.0756o R 2¼0.0936o R 2¼0.1970R indices (all data)R 1¼0.0425R 1¼0.1235o R 2¼0.0955o R 2¼0.2295Figure 5Crystal structure of DPPO and selected bondlengths [A˚]:P(1)-O(2)1.4894,(15)P(1)-C(6)1.783,(2)O(1)-C(1) 1.380,(3)C(4)-C(7) 1.505,(3)C(5)-C(6) 1.406,(3)P(1)-H(1P) 1.270(0);angles [8]:O(2)-P(1)-C(6)115.78,(9)O(2)-P(1)-C(6)115.78,(9)O(1)-C(1)-C(6)124.82,(19)C(5)-C(6)-P(1)120.19,(16)C(1)-O(1)-C(10)121.8;angles of torsion [8]:O1-C1-C6-P1:1.9,C1-C6-P1-C10:À18.5.Single crystals for XRD were obtained by recrystallization frombenzene.Figure 6Crystal structure of DOPO and selected bondlengths [A˚]:P(1)-O(2)1.474,(4)P(1)-O(1)1.549,(4)P(1)-C(1)1.784,(4)O(1)-C,(12)1.411,(5)C(1)-C(2)1.382,(6)C(1)-C(6)1.403,(6)C(2)-C(3) 1.368,(6)C(6)-C(7) 1.481(6);angles [8]:O(2)-P(1)-O(1)112.2,(3)O(2)-P(1)-C(1)116.1,(2)O(1)-P(1)-C(1)105.3,(2)C(12)-O(1)-P(1)125.1,(3)C(2)-C(1)-C(6)120.8(4);angle of torsion [8]:C1ÀÀP1ÀÀO1ÀÀC12:À25.4.Single crys-tals for XRD were obtained by recrystallization from toluene.FLAME-RETARDANT EPOXY RESINS BASED ON DOPO AND DPPO 691Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appmay explain the slight differences in flame retard-ancy described below.HPO (48amu)was not de-tected in any measured sample.According to literature,40–42the PO radical inter-acts with H and OH radicals in the gaseous phase of the fire (Fig.9).Both radicals are known to be species maintaining polymer degradation and com-bustion.The thermal desorption mass spectroscopy mea-surements confirm the presented fragmentation scheme of DOPO and DPPO (Fig.7).Formation of the benzofurans and PO radical depends either on the combustion temperature (Fig.8)and the polymer matrix.All prepolymers were cured with DDM as de-scribed above.The glass transition temperatures (T g )were obtained via DSC and plotted against the phos-phorus contents of the cured flame-retardant epoxy resins (Figs.10–13).The results of these flammability tests are summarized in Tables V–VII.The glass transition temperature of virgin epoxy novolac (DEN 438)cured with DDM was 2188C.This unmodified epoxy novolac had no rating in the UL 94vertical burning test.All assayed additives based on DOPO and DPPO appeared to be very effective flame retardants,as all cured samples had been rated UL 94V0with phos-phorus contents of about 0.8%in the formulation (Tables V and VI).The two reference phosphorus compounds,which do not have the heterocyclic structure,have no flame-retardant effect,as the sam-ples with a phosphorus content of 1.7%failed the UL 94vertical burning test (Table VII).12The maxi-mum phosphorus concentration in the correspond-ing preformulations was 2.0%.Higher phosphorus contents could not be reached,because higher load-ings could not be processed because of the fact that the decomposition temperature was lower than the melting point of these preformulations.Direct comparison of the UL 94ratings of the DOPO-and DPPO-based epoxies showed that the V1rating was achieved with DOPO at a phosphorus content of 0.4%,while no classification was possible in the case of DPPO.Moreover,the DPPO series revealed the straight transition to V0at a phospho-rus content of 0.6%,whereas DOPO needed 0.8%P to achieve the same rating.In the case of the oxidized compounds (DOPO ÀÀOH and DPPO ÀÀOH),the V1rating was observed at 0.6%P for DOPO ÀÀOH.DPPO ÀÀOH achieved the V0rating directly at 0.8%P,as did the DOPO ÀÀOH.Figure 7Fragmentation scheme of DPPO andDOPO.Figure 8Thermal desorption mass spectrum of the DDMcuredresins.Figure 9Possible mechanism of radical scavenging by the PO radical.39692SCHA¨FER ET AL.Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appBoth formaldehyde-modified derivatives reachedthe V1rating at the same phosphorus content of 0.4%.The flame-retardant effect of DPPO ÀÀCH 2OH again seemed to be better than that of the DOPO-CH 2OH:only 0.6%P were needed to be classified as V0compared to 0.8%P (Tables V and VI).In spite of these differences the efficiency of DOPO,DPPO,and their derivatives is nearly identical.The series containing the two nonheterocyclic phosphorus compounds -diphenyl phosphite and diphenyl phosphate -did not meet the requirements for a rating according to the UL 94test.The burning behavior of all resin systems were also characterized by the lowest oxygen index (LOI).The results are summarized in Tables V–VII.In general,the increasing flame-retardant content,lead-ing to an increasing phosphorus content,made a higher oxygen concentration necessary to allow for combustion of the samples,which is the LOI.Although DPPO and DOPO have nearly the same performance in the UL 94test,the LOI values differ significantly.Obviously,DOPO and its derivatives showed a better performance in this testing proce-dure than DPPO.Direct comparison of the equiva-lent derivatives at the highest phosphorus content (2.0%in the preformulation,about 1.7%in the cured material)revealed that the DOPO-containing samples needed in the LOI rating 6.8(unmodified),3.4(OH-functionalised),and 8.1more oxygen than the DPPO-containing ones,respectively.At very low phosphorus contents (0.4%)in DDM-cured samples containing DPPO and DPPO-OH,the LOI was lower,than that of virgin DEN 438.This is due the incorporation of flame retardants inhibiting the formation of a perfect crosslinked polymer,as the reactive flame retardants are bound to epoxy groups.This also affects the glass transition tempera-tures and will be discussed below.With increasing phosphorus amounts the flame-retardant effect of the added compounds is dominating.Comparison of the heterocyclic flame retardants with diphenyl phosphite and diphenyl phosphate confirmed the UL 94test results,as the LOI values of the latter two compounds are lower than that of the virgin DDM-cured epoxy novolac.BothshowedFigure 10T g versus phosphorus content and the linear regressions for the flame-retardant epoxy resins based on the unmodified flame retardants:n /---for DPPO and ^/———forDOPO.Figure 11T g versus phosphorus content and the linear regressions for the flame-retardant epoxy resins based on the oxidized flame retardants:n /---for DPPO-OH and ^/———forDOPO-OH.Figure 12T g versus phosphorus content and the linear regressions for the flame-retardant epoxy resins based on the formaldehyde-modified flame retardants:n /---for DPPO ÀÀCH 2OH and ^/———for DOPO-CH 2OH.Figure 13T g versus phosphorus content and the linear regressions for the flame-retardant epoxy resins based on the reference phosphorus-containing compounds:n /---for diphenyl phosphate and ^/———for diphenyl phosphite.FLAME-RETARDANT EPOXY RESINS BASED ON DOPO AND DPPO 693Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appT A B L E V I U L 94R a t i n g a n d L O I o f t h e D D M -C u r e d F l a m e -R e t a r d a n t E p o x y R e s i n s B a s e d o n D P P O a n d i t s D e r i v a t i v e sD P P OP h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94r a t i n gL O ID P P O ÀÀO H P h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94r a t i n gL O ID P P O -C H 2O HP h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94r a t i n gL O I4-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.55-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.56-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.54-10.40n o V r a t i n g 25.45-10.40n o V r a t i n g 25.86-10.40V 127.14-20.60V 026.65-20.60n o V r a t i n g 27.16-20.60V 027.94-30.81V 027.45-30.81V 027.96-30.81V 028.34-41.01V 027.85-41.02V 028.56-41.02V 028.64-51.23V 028.35-51.23V 029.26-51.23V 029.14-61.66V 028.95-61.68V 030.56-61.67V 031.1T A B L E V U L 94R a t i n g a n d L O I o f t h e D D M -C u r e d F l a m e -R e t a r d a n t E p o x y R e s i n s B a s e d o n D O P O a n d i t s D e r i v a t i v e sD O P OP h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94r a t i n gL O ID O P O ÀÀO H P h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94R a t i n g L O I D O P O ÀÀC H 2O H P h o s p h o r u s c o n t e n t (%P )U L 94r a t i n gL O I1-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.52-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.53-00.00n o V r a t i n g 26.51-10.40V 128.22-10.40n o V r a t i n g 27.93-10.40V 128.71-20.60V 129.32-20.60V 131.23-20.60V 131.11-30.81V 031.52-30.81V 031.63-30.81V 033.51-41.01V 032.82-41.02V 032.13-41.02V 034.71-51.23V 033.42-51.23V 032.83-51.23V 036.11-61.66V 035.72-61.66V 033.93-61.67V 039.2694SCHA¨FER ET AL.Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app。



第52卷第3期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No. 3 2023年3月 Liaoning Chemical Industry March,2023基金项目: 2019年辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目(项目编号:LJGD2019014)。

收稿日期: 2022-05-02DOPO 衍生物阻燃环氧树脂研究新进展郑峤1,溦夏2,付荣1,王佳鑫1,谷虹非1,季鑫1,王松1,李三喜1(1. 沈阳工业大学, 辽宁 沈阳 110870; 2. 辽宁省非金属矿工业协会, 辽宁 沈阳 110000)摘 要: 环氧树脂是一种重要的高分子材料,研究提高其阻燃性能的方法对拓展其应用领域有重要意义。

综述了基于9,l0-二氢-9-氧杂-10-磷杂菲-10-氧化物(DOPO)衍生物的反应型与添加型阻燃剂在环氧树脂中应用的近期研究进展,对DOPO 衍生物开发应用的前景进行了展望。

关 键 词:DOPO;环氧树脂;阻燃中图分类号:TQ314 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)03-0401-04环氧树脂具有优良的力学性能、电绝缘性能、尺寸稳定性和粘接性能等,因此可以用它制成涂料、胶黏剂、复合材料,在汽车、航天、电子封装等领域应用[1-3]。




因此,关于DOPO 衍生物的开发应用成为高分子材料阻燃领域的研究热点。

本文总结近几年DOPO 衍生物在阻燃环氧树脂中应用的研究进展,对该类阻燃剂的未来发展趋势进行展望。

1 反应型DOPO 衍生物的开发反应型DOPO 衍生物阻燃剂可以通过其分子结构中的可反应活性官能团反应键合到环氧树脂的分子结构中。














主要的DOPO生产企业包括ABC 化工、XYZ化学和123公司等。













摘要 : 综述了有机磷阻燃剂 D O P O及其衍生物 的研究进展 ,介绍 了 D OP O及 其衍生物 的合成方 法及其在 环氧树脂 、 聚丙 烯、 聚氨 酯、 聚碳 酸酯 、 尼 龙 等 方 面 的应 用 , 并对 D O P O及 其 衍 生 物 的应 用 前 景 进 行 了展 望 。 关键词: 有机磷 ;阻燃剂 O P O及 其衍 生物 的合成
1 . 1 D O P O 的合 成
S a i t o L l 等人 首次报道 的 D O P O的合成路线如 图 1 , 其将
过量的三氯化磷 加入到邻 苯基 苯酚 中,然后 升温至 1 4 0  ̄ C, 当反应 体系中无 H C 1 气 体逸 出时 加人催 化剂 ,继续升温 至
中圈分类号: T Q 3 1 4 . 2 4 8
文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1 0 0 8 — 0 2 1 X ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 1 — 0 0 5 7— 0 2
Re s e a r c h Pr o g r e s s o f Or g a n o p ho s ph o r us Fi r e Re t a r d a nt o f DOPO a nd I t s De r i v a t i v e s
H e X i p i n g ,W a n g Mi n g f e n g ,C h e r t S o n g , Ma H u  ̄ u a n 一, Ma o Du a n p i n g
( 1 . Hu b e i P h o s p h o r u s I n d u s t r y R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e C o . , L t d, X i n g f a G r o u p , Y i c h a n g 4 4 3 0 0 0 , C h i n a ;



















2024年阻燃剂DOPO市场调研报告1. 前言本文对阻燃剂DOPO市场进行了调研分析,旨在了解DOPO的市场规模、应用领域以及未来发展趋势,为相关企业和投资者提供决策参考。

2. DOPO简介DOPO(9,10-二氢-9-氧代-10-磷酸菲)是一种高效的阻燃剂,具有优异的阻燃性能和热稳定性。


3. DOPO市场规模经过市场调研,DOPO市场规模在近年来稳步增长。


4. DOPO应用领域4.1 涂料行业DOPO在涂料行业中广泛应用,它能够提供杰出的阻燃效果,并且能够满足涂料产品对热稳定性的要求。

4.2 塑料行业在塑料行业中,DOPO作为阻燃剂也有所应用,并且在一些特殊领域中显示出了优越的性能。

4.3 电子行业随着电子产品的普及,对电子材料的阻燃性能要求也越来越高。


5. DOPO未来发展趋势5.1 技术进步随着科技的不断进步,对阻燃剂DOPO的性能和环保要求也在不断提高。


5.2 市场机遇随着全球阻燃剂市场的不断扩大,DOPO作为一种高效的阻燃剂,将有机会在全球范围内寻找更多的市场机遇。

5.3 环境法规环境法规对阻燃剂市场产生了一定的影响。


6. 结论阻燃剂DOPO具有广阔的市场前景,在涂料、塑料、电子等行业中都有广泛的应用。




s y n e r g y o f D— MH a n d MH a n d i t s i n lu f e n c e i n t h e la f me r e t a r d a n t p r o p e r t i e s, t h e t o t a l he a t r e l e a s e a mo u n t r a t e a n d t he m a r l d e g r a da t i o n p r o c e s s o f t h e ma t e r i a 1 . Th e r e s u l t s s h o we d t h a t D。 MH la f me r e t a r d a n t s y s t e m wi t h t h e g r a f t i n g o f o n l y 3 . 6 % c a n e x h i b i t a s i g n i ic f a n t c a t a l y t i c c h a r r i n g e f f e c t .S O t h a t t h e t h e m a r l d e g r a d a t i o n r a t e o f t h e r e s i n r e du c e d g r e a t l y . Th e LOI o f D。 MH r e t a r d a n t PP ma t e r i a l r e a c h e d a t 3 1 . 8 % .I n
塑料 工 业

第4 1 卷第 5期
2 0 1 3年 5月
3 0・
D O P O接枝氢氧化镁阻燃聚丙烯研究



从 图 4可 看 出 D O P O在 1 5 8 1 c m一 , 1 2 0 7 c m~ , 9 3 4 c m一 , 2 4 3 5 c m 分 别 为 P — P h , P = O, P — O — P h以及 P — H 的特 征峰 。与 T D C A反应 后 , 在2 4 3 5 c m 的 P — H特 征峰 消失 。而在 3 2 3 9 c m 出现 C H — O H 的特征
燥 后 的 乳 白色粉 末 加 入 乙醇 , 目的 是 洗涤 过 剩 的
E P的红外谱 图 。
T D C A, 再 进行 真 空 抽 滤 , 并滤去透明滤液 , 即可 得 到D O P O ( O H) : 白色粉 末 , 反 应如 图 2所 示 。

图4 D O P O、 D O P O ( O H ) 2 以及 D O P O — s — E P的 F r — I R谱 图

4 0・
黄 山学院 学报
2 0 1 5丘
2 . 3 D O P O侧 基 型环 氧 树脂 ( D O P O — S — E P ) 的合成 2 . 3 . 1 D O P O ( O H) 2 的合 成 在 装 有搅 拌 的三 口烧 瓶 中加 入 T D C A和 当量 的D O P O, 并加入 甲苯做 为溶剂 。在 1 1 0 ℃冷凝 回 流 5小 时 , 对得 到 的黄色乳 浊液 真空抽 滤 并干燥 。 将 干
环 氧 氯丙烷 , 甲苯 , 氢 氧化 钠 , 对 苯 二 甲醛 ( T D C A) 。
2 . 2 主要 设备 与仪 器 傅 立叶红 外光谱仪 ( F r I R) , N e x u s 6 7 0 , 美 国
N i c o l e t 公司。
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高分子材料DOPO基阻燃剂研究进展摘要: 综述了9,10 - 二氢- 9 - 氧- 10 - 磷杂菲- 10 - 氧化物(DOPO)基阻燃剂在高分子材料,如环氧树脂、聚酯、聚丙烯中的研究进展和应用,指明了阻燃剂的发展方向。


关键词: 9,10 - 二氢- 9 - 氧- 10 - 磷杂菲- 10 - 氧化物;高分子材料;应用;协同阻燃0 前言随着高分子材料科学的发展,高分子材料越来越广泛的被应用于人们的日常生产与生活中。

然而,大多数高分子材料的极限氧指数(LOI)低于25 %,易发生火灾,对使用者的人身和财产安全产生了威胁,限制了高分子材料的应用[1-2]。




表1DOPO基阻燃剂特点Tab.1 Characteristics of DOPO-based flame retardant1 DOPO基阻燃剂20世纪70年代,Saito[3]首次合成了DOPO(图1)。



图1 DOPO的合成路线Fig.1 Synthesis of DOPODOPO作为一种有机磷中间体,利用其可形成多种衍生物的能力,可以制备DOPO基阻燃剂[4]。




2 DOPO基阻燃剂在高分子材料中应用2.1 在EP中的应用EP作为分子中含有2个以上环氧基团的一类聚合物的总称,广泛应用于涂料、电子设备封装和胶黏剂等领域,学界对DOPO基阻燃剂在EP中的应用进行了广泛的探索。


当DOPO-THPO添加量为2.5 %(质量分数,下同)时,改性EP的LOI可达到32 %并达到UL 94 V-0级别,热释放速率峰值(PHRR)和总释放热(THR)相比于纯EP分别下降了21.3 %、17.3 %,最大分解温度(T max)和残炭量也有一定的提高。

DOPO-THPO拥有如此的阻燃能力,在于其实现了凝聚相- 气相的协同阻燃。


结果表明,DOPO-PHBA-TGIC复配体系能显著改善EP的阻燃性能,当体系中磷元素含量为0.6 %时,阻燃EP的LOI由24 %提高至32.5 %;此外,不同磷含量的阻燃EP的热稳定性均有所提高。

图2 DOPO-PHBA的结构式Fig.2 Structure of DOPO-PHBA毛伟等[10]合成了一种DOPO基阻燃剂TOTA-DOPO用于阻燃EP,有效地提高了EP的阻燃能力和热稳定性。


图3 P-MSB的合成路线Fig.3 Synthesis of P-MSB席夫碱作为由醛和脂肪胺或芳香胺缩合得到的产物,已经被广泛应用于气体分离、电化学电池和催化剂等领域[11-12]。




测试表明,当P-MSB用量为25 %(磷含量为1.31 %,氮含量为1.19 %)时,改性EP的LOI可达到34 %,800 ℃时的残炭率可达到32.1 %,且其LOI随着体系中P/N的升高而升高。




李谷才等[15]合成了含席夫碱的BFP、BNP和BMP 3种DOPO基阻燃剂,并用于提高EP的阻燃能力。

当阻燃剂含量达到20 %时,3种阻燃剂均可使改性EP的LOI提高至35 %以上,最高达到了37 %;且这些改性EP均能够达到UL 94 V-0 级别;改性EP的初始分解温度均高于300 ℃,能够满足材料加工时对热稳定性的要求。

王志国等[16]制备了新型DOPO基阻燃剂1,5 - 双(3 - 羟基苯氨基) - 1,5 - 双{二苯并[c,e][1,2] 氧杂膦- 6 - 氧化物}戊烷(GAP-DOPO),当GAP-DOPO添加量为30 %时,改性EP可达到UL 94 V-0 等级,800 ℃时的残炭量相比于纯EP有了明显提高;相较于纯EP残炭的平滑表面,改性EP的残炭表面出现了许多膨胀小泡,这说明了在磷氮协同阻燃作用下,阻燃剂GAP-DOPO 有着显著促进炭层发泡的效果。

Chen等[17]分别用一步法和两步法合成了一种DOPO基阻燃剂6,6′- {1,4 - 亚苯基双{{[4 - (苯基氨基)苯基]氨基}亚甲基}}双(二苯并[c,e] [1,2]氧杂膦6 - 氧化物(DPN),并将其应用于EP中,取得了较好的阻燃效果。

当DPN的用量仅为4.4 %时,改性EP的LOI即可达到33 %,同时达到UL 94 V-0 等级,PHRR 和THR有了明显下降。

同时,改性EP的T max随DPN含量的提高而出现了提高,说明DPN能够有效地提高改性EP的热稳定性。



测试结果表明,当磷含量分别达到3.9 %、1 %时,改性EP的LOI可达到30 %、39.1 %,燃烧后的残炭量也有了提高,说明P-DDS-Ph与BPD能够有效的提高EP的阻燃能力。

陈仕梅等[22]在DOPO的结构上引入硫元素,从而制得9,10 - 二氢- 9 - 氧杂- 10 - 磷杂菲- 10 - 硫化物(DOPS),并将DOPS与聚磷酸铵(APP)组成复合阻燃剂应用于EP的阻燃改性。

将硫元素引入DOPO结构,不仅能使DOPO 基阻燃剂热分解时产生H2SO4等强酸,促进材料脱水形成炭层,还能够提高P—H键的活性,更容易形成衍生物。

在测试中,复合阻燃剂添加量仅为5 %时即可达到UL 94 V-0 级别,当复合阻燃剂添加量进一步增大时,阻燃EP的LOI最高可达29.2 %。

侯培鑫等[23]制备出磷、硅协同改性的氧化石墨烯(KDGO),再将KDGO与EP 共混固化,得到改性EP,并用多种测试手段确认了KDGO的结构。




当PDAP添加量为4 %、MS添加量为0.5 %时,改性EP的LOI可达到34.5 %;在UL 94测试中,试样达到了V-0等级,并出现了较为剧烈的吹熄效应,;在残炭的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片上,可以发现外部出现了连续致密的膨胀炭层,而内部炭层出现了蜂窝状空腔结构。


图4 PDAP的结构式Fig.4 Structure of DOPO-PHBA2.2 在聚酯中的应用聚酯包括聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT)、聚乳酸(PLA)等,其有着良好的物理性能(如绝缘性好,冲击强度高),DOPO基阻燃剂的应用能够有效提高聚酯的阻燃能力。


当磷含量达到2.5 %时,相比于未加入阻燃剂的醇酸树脂,阻燃醇酸树脂的PHRR降低至722.6 kW/m2,THR降低至45.84 MJ/m2,残炭量提高至12.96 %,阻燃性能有了较大的提高。

徐晓强[27]将DOPOMA和正丁醇为原料合成了新型DOPO 衍生物DOPOMB(图5b),并将其应用在PBT中。

结果表明,当阻燃PBT中的DOPOMB质量分数达到15 %时,其LOI可由纯PBT的20.8 %升高到27.9 %,UL 94 测试达到V-0 级别,且材料依然保持有较好的力学性能。

(a) DOPOMA (b)DOPOMB图5 DOPOMA与DOPOMB的结构式Fig.5 Structure of DOPOMA and DOPOMBWang等[28]利用DOPO与对苯二甲醛合成了TDCA-DOPO;Cao等[29]利用TDCA-DOPO进一步制备了TDCAA-DOPO,并应用于不饱和聚酯中。

这种DOPO基阻燃剂能够与不饱和聚酯以C=C键形成交联结构,当体系中的磷含量为1.74 %时,LOI可达到27.2 %,并且发现残炭的表面和内部结构都更为致密。
