Kenwood 建伍TS-590S短波电台 中文使用说明书

[FINE (F.LOCK)] 按下以启动微调功能,让您可以更精确的微调。按住可激活频率锁定功能。.
—— E ——
中央 (调谐) 控制。选择想要的频率,使用指尖腔连续调谐。滑动控制旋钮下的调整杠杆可 调整控制力矩,向左减轻,向右加重。
14 CW 录音信息
14 侧音音量
15 数据通讯…………………………………… 47
调节静噪 调节频率 综合仪表
16 RTTY 数传
16 PSK31
16 消除干扰…………………………………… 49
16 DSP 滤波器
17 中频滤波器
菜单设置…………………………………… 18 陷波器
[SEND] 按下以开启或关闭传输。 [AT (TUNE)] 按下开启或关闭内置天调,按住开始自动调谐。
—— B ——
配备 6.3 毫米直径,2 芯(单声道)或 3 芯(立体声),用于连接耳机。
பைடு நூலகம்
—— C ——
[METER (DRV)] 按下打开或关闭仪表模式。按住可打开或关闭驱动输出功能。 [PF B] 编程功能键 B。您可以自定义一个函数或功能。 [MIC (CAR)] 按下调整麦克风增益。当语音处理器的功能打开时,按下调整语音处理器输出电 平。按住则调整载波电平。 [PWR (TX MONI)] 按下调整输出功率。按住打开或关闭信号监测功能。 [KEY (DELAY)] 按下调整内部电子键控器速度。按住调整语音模式声控延时或 CW 模式的收发 间隔函数。 [GENE] 按下选择普通波段记忆。 [1.8 (1)] 按下选择 1.8 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 1 。 [3.5 (2)] 按下选择 3.5 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 2 。 [7 (3)] 按下选择 7 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 3 。 [10 (4)] 按下选择 10 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 4 。 [14 (5)] 按下选择 14 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 5 。 [18 (6)] 按下选择 18 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 6 。 [21 (7)] 按下选择 21 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 7 。 [24 (8)] 按下选择 24 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 8 。 [28 (9)] 按下选择 28 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 9 。 [50 (0)] 按下选择 50 MHz 波段记忆或输入数字 0 。 [CLR] 按下退出、中止或重置各种功能。按住则清除内存。 [ENT] 按下可使用 10 键键盘输入您想要的频率。

科麦克HF一90E个人携带式短波电台使用手册澳大利亚科麦克公司制造Q·MAC ELECTRONICS PTY LTD.新维电信有限公司译编SANWAY TELECOMMUNlCATION LTD.HF-90E 短波电台使用手册2 / 20目 录1.概述 (3)2.外部结构 (3)2.1前面板 (3)2.2背面板 (4)2.3选呼拨号手咪 (5)3.操作说明 (5)3.1开机 (5)3.2音量调节 (6)3.3切换信道 (6)3.4选择边带方式 (6)3.5天线调谐 (7)3.6干扰消除器(清晰度调节) (7)3.7报警 (7)3.9电话拨号 (9)3.10信标探测 (10)3.12选呼静嗓. (10)3.13操作速查表 (11)3.14其它功能 (11)4.电台编程 (12)4.1手咪编程 (12)4.2计算机编程 (13)5.各种使用方式 (14)5.1个人携带方式 (14)5.1.1天线类型及接地装置 (15)5.1.2携带装具类型和用途 (16)5.2在移动交通工具上使用 (17)5.3用于固定台站 .................................................................................................................................... 17 6.0技术规格 ......................................................................................................................................... 17 附录: ................................................................................................................................................... 19 选择工作频率的建议 (19)HF-90E 短波电台使用手册3 / 201.概述澳大利亚科麦克公司生产的HF-90E,是世界上体积最小的个人携带式短波单边带电台,并具备全频段、多信道、强功率、技术指标优秀、数码选呼、自动拨号、跳频(选项)等先进功能,HF-90E采用模块化电路和全封闭结构,抗冲击能力强,防雨防尘,维修方便。
德生PL757A 调频 中波 短波立体声钟控收音机 使用手册说明书

2004年4月第三版德生牌收音机东莞市德生通用电器制造有限公司中国 广东网址:e-mail:*****************.cn调频立体声/中波/短波(2.30-26.10MHz)采用进口优秀数字调谐(PLL)处理器应用先进的表面贴片(SMT)制造工艺,优质可靠四种方式选择搜索电台: 直接输入电台频率 手动搜索电台 自动搜索电台电脑预选记忆24个电台频率轻触式电子波段开关、短波米波段开关设按键锁定开关,防止误操作数字时钟,可控制定时开机及睡眠自动关机设9k/10k 中波步进频率选择开关,适合世界各国制式电池耗尽前自动关机,防止漏液损坏收音机设本地/远程灵敏度开关,方便在不同环境下接收强弱广播信号特设夜间照明指示灯,方便使用使用3节R6(5号)电池供电,可使用外接电源设外接天线插孔,附送室外短波天线,提高接收能力附送精美皮套、高级立体声耳机与外接电源供电器使用手册Operating Manual直接输入电台频率PL757A存储设置指示功能定时自动开机指示存储电台频率地址号码按键锁定开关功能指示调频立体声状态指示频率或时间指示波段指示:(),(),短波1或2(SW 1/2)调频FM 中波MW 液晶显示屏显示说明调频/短波频率单位(兆赫兹)中波频率单位(千赫兹)睡眠定时自动关机指示更换电池提示符号短波频率范围按电池正负极性正确方向装入3节R6(5号)新电池。
务必关机后,才更换新电池!使用外接电源时,机内电池将被自动切断;请按照以上方式操作,以防机内记忆信息丢失!收音机左侧面220V 交流电插座外接电源连接和断开操作步骤:连接:断开:注意1.将DC05型交直流电源供电器插入220V 交流电 电源插座;2.打开DC05型供电器上的电源开关;3.将DC05型供电器与PL757A4.开收音机。

SDR短波电台使用说明书:频率范围RX: 0.5MHz-30MHz发射: 所有业余无线电短波频段收发模式SSB(J3E),CW,AM(接收), FM, 数字语音滤波器可调范围500HZ-10KHZ输出功率1W-13W(最大)接收灵敏度0.11~0.89μV(RFC 50-20)最小步进1Hz电压范围DC9~15V内置电池容量12.6V 2200mah接收电流350mah内置驻波表显示精准内置电池携带方便内置USB声卡可以使用电脑的SDR软件通过USB口收发,使用FT817协议,支持WSJT-X数字通讯支持ACC口控制外接70-100W功放天线阻抗50Ω频率稳定度±1.5PPM 开机5分钟(标准) ; ±0.5PPM 打开温补功能最大电流3.5A尺寸(W ×H ×D)190mm*69mm*45mm重量980g配件有充电器手咪BNC转N头六角扳手2个固定架子收听广播步骤:接上天线,侧面开关拨到ON ,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD <> 选择3.X或者5.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择AM模式,按STEP选择下标1KHZ,旋转TUNE直到收到台,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF业余无线电对讲步骤:接上天线,机器旁侧面开关拨到ON ,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD <> 选择7.X或者14.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择USB或者LSB模式,按STEP移动位数,按TUNE调数字调到7.050或者14.270,留意是否有人讲话,按PA选择5W,手咪接到Mic插口,按手咪讲话,声音越大,指示表显示越大,功率越大,如果没反应,长按几次M3 选择MIC模式,注意SWR显示,3以下效率比较低,有条件的调整天线长度最佳为SWR<=1.5,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF3.电压低于9.9V自动关机,充电步骤,1:侧面开关打到OFF,2:充电器接上转接头接到小的供电口(Charge Only),充电器红灯亮,充满变绿灯(充电器只能给机器充电,不能接DC in工作)频率校准:频率调到10MHZ或者15MHZ,听到了类似对时的声音说明可以对时按MODE选择SAM模式,右上角会显示误差的频率,如果与当前频率相差5HZ以上说明偏差较大,旋转RIT修正右上角的频率到5HZ以内即可。

短波收听入门S下面介绍主要短波广播波段的特征. 遵循这些准则能得到最好收听效果. 因为短波信号取决于这样一些因素,如太阳,电离层和地球本身, 整整一天所有波段不能听到信号. 一些波段最好是白天,有些波段最好在夜间收听.白天收听白天收听短波通常约10时至下午3时效果最差. 主要的原因是, 此时广播不传送到亚洲. 他们以为我们都在工作中或是在学校,也无法倾听在一天. 如果你要白天听,使用以下准则. 你会取得一些成功,但不如在傍晚时分.短波波段特性11米很少使用的波段13米冬天效果最好;其他季节也好16米全年优秀(通常日落前三个多小时内效果很好)19米全年白天最佳波段(通常日落前三个多小时内效果很好)22米应该是一年好的波段.25m最佳时刻日出、日落两小时前后,夜晚收听波段特性19米夏季晚上经常效果较好22米夏季使用25m 最佳时刻日出、日落两小时前后31m最佳全年夜晚波段,从日落两小时前直到深夜.41m 天黑以后. 全年晚上收听效果好49m 天黑后. 全年晚上最佳波段注意: 一些房子建筑材料不让信号很好通过。
如果您是在一个大厦中,或者在您之上有一个或更多建筑, 信号可能被削弱。
在这样情况, 给自己选择合适位置, 特别是无线电天线, 尽可能接近窗口听。
什么是波段如果您曾经倾听AM或FM 收音机, 那么您已经知道是什么波段。
AM波段是530-1600 千赫(khz), FM 波段是88-108 兆赫(Mhz)。
当您在这些"波段"寻找电台, 您简单调谐直到发现您喜欢的一个电台。
短波相似, 并且短波带有象25 米、31 米、49 米, 等名字。
这些被写作25m, 31m 和49m 。
象在AM和FM 收音机, 你简单地进入短波波段和调谐, 寻找电台。
举例来说, 19米短波波段包含的频率范围为15100至15600千赫. 这里是一个短波波段用于国际广播的频率表. 由于一些收音机显示频率兆赫以及一些显示千赫,都在这里列出.波段兆赫(MHZ)千赫(KHz)11m 25.60 - 26.10 MHz 25600 - 26100 kHz13m 21.45 - 21.85 MHz 21450 - 21850 kHz15m 18.90-19.02MHZ 18900-19020khz16m 17.48 - 17.90 MHz 17480 - 17900 kHz19m 15.10 - 15.80 MHz 15100 - 15800 kHz22m 13.57 - 13.87 MHz 13570 - 13870 kHz25m 11.60 - 12.10MHz 11600 - 12100 kHz31m 9.400 - 9.90 MHz 9500 - 9900 kHz41m 7.100 - 7.60 MHz 7100 - 760 kHz49m 5.80 - 6.20 MHz 5800 - 6200 kHz60m 4.75 - 5.06MHz 4750 - 5060 kHz75m 3.90 - 4.00 MHz 3900 - 4000 kHz90m 3.20 - 3.40 MHz 3200 - 3400 kHz120m 2.30 - 2.49 MHz 2300 - 2490 kHz另外下列波段有少量电台49m 5.73-5.90MHZ 5730-5900KHZ49m 6.200-6.295MHZ 6200-6295khz41m 6.89-6.99MHZ, 6890-6990khz41m 7.35-7.60MHZ, 7350—7600khz31m 9.25-9.40MHZ, 9250-9400khz31m 9.90-9.99MHZ 9900-9990khz25m 11.50-11.60MHZ 11500-11600khz25m 12.10-12.16MHZ 12100-12160khz19m 15.03 -15.10MHZ 15030-15100khz在短波收音机听见什么?面向您的区域的国际广播。

Icom 721/725短波电台中文使用说明书BH1MME整理2011-6-21 一前面板1-3(略)4、可变频率振荡器开关[VFO]选择VFO A或VFO B。

KN990说明书(V3版)DIY设计:BA6BF2018.08目录一、前后面板介绍 (1)二、开关机 (2)三、界面简介 (2)四、工作频率(VFO) (2)五、调制模式 (3)六、菜单 (3)6.1. 界面 (4)6.2. 表选择 (4)6.3. 调制模式 (4)6.4. 上下边带 (4)6.5. 旋钮功能 (4)6.6. VFO/存储模式 (5)6.7. 免提 (5)6.8. BK-IN (5)6.9. 高放 (5)6.10. 自动天调 (6)6.11. 增量 (6)6.12. 异频 (6)七、副屏 (6)八、CAT 计算机辅助控制系统 (10)九、USB (11)十、系统设置 (11)10.1. 发射设置 (11)10.2. 电报 (12)10.3. 调频 (13)10.4. 系统 (13)10.5. 红白机 (15)10.6. 语言 (16)10.7. 关于 (16)十一、固件升级 (16)十二、截图 (22)十三、VFO范围限制 (22)KN990简介:KN990是BA6BF于2018年6月开发推出的一款采用中频DSP技术的短波全段全模式收发信机,4吋彩色液晶屏、全中文菜单,并带实时频谱显示(频谱刷新率达到30帧/秒,已远优于很多商业电台)。
KN990主要参数:频率范围:接收: 0.1~30MHz发射: 业余短波波段工作模式:SSB/CW/AM/FM/DIGITAL接收灵敏度:0.2uV最小频率步进:10Hz工作电压:12~15V DC电流参数:接收0.4A发射4A @Max整机尺寸: 160X80X220(mm)[不包括突出物]发射功率:额定15瓦调制方式:全部模式均数字调制及解调杂散抑制度:≥45dBc载波抑制:≥45dBc选择性:全部模式带宽均连续可调(最小带宽调整步进为10Hz)KN990说明书(V3版)一、前后面板介绍注意:U盘只有插在USB2口时才能正常工作二、开关机1. 开机:接通电源,点击电源键即可2. 关机:按住电源键,保持1秒左右即可关机3. 注意:开机之后对电台所有设置的修改,只会在长按电源键关机时保存,如果直接切断电源,那么断电前的修改都不会保存(录音是实时保存的,是个例外)三、界面简介1. 界面左边4个按钮称为“菜单”,分别对应前面板4个实体“菜单键”2. 界面下半部分称为“副屏”3. 副屏下方显示5个“副屏按钮”,分别对应前面板5个实体“副屏按钮”四、工作频率(VFO)1. 修改VFO:转动主旋钮,VFO范围:0-150M2. 修改步进:点击电源键并转动主旋钮3. 修改步进时可以直接在VFOA和VFOB之间切换4. 默认状态下,VFOA既是接收频率也是发射频率,当启用“异频”时,VFOA是接收频率,VFOB是发射频率五、调制模式1. 一共有SSB,CW,AM,FM,WFM五种调制模式2. 切换调制模式:点击菜单“调制模式切换”3. 切换边带:点击菜单按钮“上下边带”4. 边带设置有3种类型:上边带:强制上边带下边带:强制下边带自动:VFO<10M时下边带,VFO>=10M时上边带六、菜单菜单一共3页,使用前面板的DIS键切换6.1. 界面循环切换副屏,副屏会下文详细说明6.2. 表选择接收表有两个:“信号强度”和“音量表”发射表也是两个:“发射功率”和“驻波比”只有在发射时才能切换发射表!6.3. 调制模式循环切换SSB,CW,AM,FM,WFM五种调制模式其中SSB和CW会在不同边带时显示USB,LSB,CW,CWR6.4. 上下边带循环切换“上边带”,“下边带”,“自动”6.5. 旋钮功能指定前面板“多功能旋钮”当前正在设置哪个参数不使用:多功能旋钮不设置任何参数发射功率:1~15W发射功率发报速度:CW模式时自动键的发报速度,4~60wpm带宽:接收带宽,不同调制模式有不同的带宽范围,甚至是带宽不可调偏移:接收偏移,不同调制模式有不同的偏移范围,甚至是偏移不可调增量:下文会详细介绍,增量范围-9.99kHz~+9.99kHzVOX灵敏:免提(VOX)功能的灵敏度,1%~100%FM灵敏:FM静噪灵敏度,1%~100%WFM灵敏:WFM静噪灵敏度,1%~100%6.6. VFO/存储模式循环切换VFO模式,存储模式VFO模式:有2套工作参数(VFOA,VFOB),包括频率,调制模式,接收带宽,接收偏移,这些参数随时可以修改,关机时都会自动保存存储模式:有99套工作参数(MEMO1~MEMO99),包括频率,调制模式,接收带宽,接收偏移,这些参数随时可以修改,但是仅在存储列表界面使用“保存”按钮才可以保存存储模式相当于“收藏夹”功能,帮助用户记录一些喜欢的频点和它的调制模式用户甚至可以给存储的频道设置名称6.7. 免提也叫VOX,开启后将会根据音频输入的声音大小来自动进入发射状态,VOX的灵敏度和发射延迟均可以调整(下文会介绍)6.8. BK-INCW发射延迟默认为关闭状态,开启后将会关闭CW的发射延迟6.9. 高放将接收信号放大100倍6.10. 自动天调需配合KT系列自动天调使用点击后将会以当前VFO,CW模式,3W发射功率开始发射并通知自动天调开始工作自动天调完成调整后自动关闭发射6.11. 增量增量分为接收增量和发射增量两种接收增量和传统电台的“RIT”功能类似发射增量和传统电台的“⊿TX”功能类似此功能主要在发现对面电台频率不准确时使用接收增量和发射增量不可同时开启接收增量开启时,实际接收频率=VFO+增量值,发射频率不变发射增量开启时,实际发射频率=VFO+增量值,接收频率不变增量值范围:-9.99kHz~+9.99kHz6.12. 异频也叫Split,开启后VFOA将作为接收频率,VFOB将作为发射频率异频功能可以使接收和发射工作在完全不同的频段上,而增量只有±9.99k的偏移范围七、副屏1. 切换副屏:点击菜单“界面”2. 每个副屏都有对应的5个副屏按钮,大多为当前副屏相关的操作上:VFO模式时切换波段,存储模式时切换存储频道下:和"上"键功能相同,切换方向相反显示方式:大瀑布/小瀑布切换中心红色竖线表示当前VFO位置相邻两根竖线间隔为10kHz竖线上方会显示该处频率(精确到10kHz),当该处频率>=100M时不显示信号高度会自动适应屏幕高度,以避免强信号溢出屏幕范围,或者弱信号难以观察,所以频谱显示的高度并不代表绝对信号强度,而是当前频谱范围内所有信号的相对信号强度上:VFO模式时切换波段,存储模式时切换存储频道下:和"上"键功能相同,切换方向相反相邻竖线间隔为1kHz设置带宽:进入编辑带宽模式,主旋钮调整带宽,再次点击退出编辑带宽模式偏移:进入编辑偏移模式,主旋钮调整偏移,再次点击退出编辑偏移模式恢复默认:将当前滤波器参数恢复到默认参数发射/接收:切换发射滤波器和接收滤波器形状:切换带通图形显示的形状,分为锐利和柔和两种带宽和偏移的步进均为10Hz所有调制模式的滤波器参数都是独立的,互不影响所有调制模式的发射和接收滤波器也是独立的,互不影响不同调制模式会有不同的带通图形带通图形中白色竖线表示VFO位置,黑色竖线表示带通中心带通图形下方的白色数字表示带通范围的左右边界频率,黄色数字表示带通中心频率特别注意:SSB模式中发射偏移默认为300Hz,设置太低的话发射时会有载波泄漏的情况上:VFO模式时切换波段,存储模式时切换存储频道下:和"上"键功能相同,切换方向相反解码功能目前仅支持CW解码,需要使用CW模式(边带无关)界面上方显示点画信息,下方显示解码字符解码正确率依赖稳定的信号强度,标准的发报手法上:切换存储频道下:和"上"键功能相同,切换方向相反保存:将当前工作频率,调制模式,接收带宽,接收偏移,存储到当前选中的频道中清空:将当前选中的频道清除设置名称:进入编辑频道名称模式,大旋钮修改字符,上下键移动光标,再次点击退出编辑频道名称模式菜单“VFO/存储模式”可以切换到存储模式,此时将使用当前频道信息做为工作参数(包括工作频率,调制模式,接收带宽,接收偏移)最多可以保存99个频道只有当副屏停留在存储列表时,才可以切换到空白的频道上,当副屏在频谱界面并且当前处于存储模式时,点击上下键只会在非空白的频道中循环切换未设置名称的频道会显示MEMO+n,否则显示设置的名称操作:在发射模式/播放模式/录音模式中循环切换T1:发射模式->发射T1录音内容进行循环发射(发射时本机喇叭不会播放录音内容);播放模式->本机喇叭循环播放T1录音内容,但是不会发射;录音模式->清空旧的录音并准备开始新的录音,手咪的PTT键被按住时才会录音,当PTT键松开时录音会暂停T2:和T1功能相同,但是操作的是T2录音间隔:发射模式和播放模式的循环间隔,在发射模式中,只有发射录音时机器才会处于发射状态,在间隔时间里,机器处于接收状态,会正常解调声音最多支持T1和T2两条录音,每条录音最多可以录约15.977秒界面会以图形方式显示录音预览,线条的高矮表示声音的大小上:向上移动光标下:向下移动光标确定:进入选择的项目或开始编辑值,绝大部分编辑都是使用大旋钮调整值,上下键移动光标(如果光标可以移动的话)返回:返回上一层所有设置选项的解释会在下文详细说明八、CAT 计算机辅助控制系统KN990的CAT协议与Yaesu FT817兼容也就是说支持FT817的CAT软件都可以用来操作KN990,例如“Ham Radio Deluxe”接口:机器背部的方口USB(USB-B型,打印机USB口)波特率:38400九、USBKN990目前支持U盘,键盘,游戏手柄,三种USB设备机器背部提供了两个可以同时工作的USB口,但是注意U盘只有插在USB2时才能正常工作,其他设备两个口都支持当插入的USB设备被正常识别后界面会显示图标当插入的USB设备没有正常识别时会显示如下图标目前USB驱动并不太稳定,可能会出现有时能识别有时不能识别的情况,如果反复插拔依然不识别的话可以重启一下机器,一般都能解决十、系统设置系统设置有多级菜单,每个选项的名称后面带有“>”符号的表示这里是进入下一级菜单的入口,例如:10.1. 发射设置发射功率:1~15W,步进1W练习模式(不发射):开启此选项后除了自动天调以外,其他任何情况都不会发射,此选项和电报设置中的练习模式是联动的(相当于同一个选项,在两个菜单都有显示)免提灵敏度:也称为VOX灵敏度,开启免提时生效,此选项控制多大的输入音量可以触发免提发射关闭发射延迟:此选项同时控制免提和电报在发射完毕后等待多久关闭发射,此选项和电报设置中的关闭发射延迟是联动的(相当于同一个选项,在两个菜单都有显示)高驻波保护模式:关断模式->当驻波大于等于阈值时关闭发射,同时关闭自动天调和免提;降功率模式->当驻波大于阈值时开始逐渐降低实际发射功率,当驻波-阈值大于1后,实际发射功率降低到3W并不再继续降低高驻波保护阈值:控制触发高驻波保护的阀门值10.2. 电报键模式:手键->单键发报,按下时发射侧音,放开停止;自动键->双键发报,点键按下连续发点,画键按下连续发画,自动产生标准点画间隔;KN990的自动键模式和FT817相同,属于压一键模式练习模式(不发射):开启此选项后除了自动天调以外,其他任何情况都不会发射,此选项和发射设置中的练习模式是联动的(相当于同一个选项,在两个菜单都有显示)发报速度:自动键的发报速度,4~60wpm,步进1wpm侧音音调:同时控制发射时的本地侧音音调,和接收时的侧音音调,300~1200Hz,步进50Hz侧音音量:控制发射时的本地侧音音量,0%~100%双键反转:对调自动键的点画按键选择:电子键->使用机器背面的电键插口发报;话筒键->使用话筒的加减键发报关闭发射延迟:此选项同时控制免提和电报在发射完毕后等待多久关闭发射,此选项和发射设置中的关闭发射延迟是联动的(相当于同一个选项,在两个菜单都有显示)10.3. 调频FM静噪灵敏度:1%~100%,控制FM模式时信号强度低于多少时开始静音WFM静噪灵敏度:1%~100%,控制WFM模式时信号强度低于多少时开始静音10.4. 系统时间日期:进入时间日期设置菜单,这个菜单很好理解就不做说明了,注意:设置的时间和时区是本地时间本地时区,UTC时间将根据设置的本地时区计算配置:导出到U盘:将本机所有的用户配置和出厂前的校准参数导出到U盘根目录“config.rtf”文件,请所有用户务必在收到机器后导出一次配置并且将配置文件妥善保留起来,让机器在出现一些不可预知的意外情况后可以自行恢复到出厂状态(这种情况几乎不可能出现,但是留个保险总是好的)从U盘导入:U盘根目录“config.rtf”文件并将其中的所有配置应用到本机,请不要导入其他机器的配置,因为配置里包含的出厂前的校准参数,每台机器都是不一样的恢复出厂:恢复所有用户配置到出厂状态,出厂前的校准参数不会恢复注意:仅支持FAT或FAT32格式的U盘,如果您的U盘不是这个格式(比如NTFS),使用Windows将U盘格式化到FAT32格式即可U盘只有在插入机器背面的USB2口才能正常使用,如果插在USB1口,可以识别为U盘,但是不能读写文件频率校准:如果您认为本机的工作频率不准确,可以在这里进行校准,校准范围±10kHz,上下键控制步进,大旋钮调整值机器名:修改主界面正上方显示的机器名,此名称同样会显示在开机画面中开机画面:炫酷的黑客帝国字符雨开机画面,可以选择完整/简洁/关闭3种方式关机画面:模拟老电视的关机效果,可以选择开启/关闭2种方式电源电压调整:如果您认为机器显示的电源电压并不准确,可以在这里用大旋钮输入您测量到的实际电压,然后按确定键即可升级:升级固件用,下文将详细说明10.5. 红白机超级玛丽:点击确定进入超级玛丽游戏魂斗罗:点击确定进入魂斗罗游戏键盘设置:设置USB键盘的游戏键位手柄设置:设置USB手柄的游戏键位目前仅支持两个内置的红白机游戏,未来会支持从U盘自由导入游戏目前只有键盘可以实现双人同时游戏,手柄仅支持单人KN990支持标准USB接口的HID协议手柄,如果您不确定应该选择哪一款,可以直接选购下面链接中的手柄:https:///item.htm?id=39333429326&spm=a1z09. dqNTkGu&_u=735ehb1816b10.6. 语言语言:切换显示语言,支持简体中文和英语两种10.7. 关于版本号:本机固件的版本号硬件:BA6BF,硬件作者软件:Droid Zhang,软件作者说明书:显示本说明书的二维码,扫一扫就可以看到本说明了更新日志:显示更新日志的二维码,扫一扫就可以看到所有版本的更新内容了十一、固件升级准备工作:1. 准备一台可以上网的Windows系统的电脑2. 下载升级工具“KN990升级工具”网页下载/kn/kn990/KN990升级工具V2.exe QQ群共享下载:群号1243210523. 准备一条方口USB线(USB-B型,打印机USB线)4.准备一个U盘升级步骤:1. 电台进入设置->系统设置->配置->导出到U盘因为升级固件会强制恢复出厂一次,所以为了避免以前的设置丢失,必须手动导出配置2. 运行升级工具并等待自动获取到最新版本3. 使用方口USB线连接电台和电脑,并选择好串口号如果找不到电台的串口号,可以在Windows的设备管理器里检查一下是否是因为没有安装CH340驱动,驱动程序在群文件里有很多用户上传了,可以都试一下如果一切正常的话,升级工具界面上会显示绿色方形4. 电台进入设置->系统设置->升级此时升级工具界面就可以获取到电台的本机版本号了5 .点击升级工具的“开始升级”按钮,稍等片刻,升级工具和电台的进度条都开始走动6.升级完成后电台自动重启并强制恢复出厂,进入设置->系统设置->配置->从U盘导入,升级完成升级失败:如果因为断电,USB接触不良,电脑死机等意外情况导致升级过程中断,那么电台将无法正常开机(变砖),也无法按照上面的步骤重新开始升级,此时请按照如下步骤救机:1. 切断电台电源,强制关机2. 关闭升级工具重新打开3. 插上电台电源,使用方口USB线连接电台和电脑4. 按住电台前面板下方副屏按钮的右边最后一个键不放(下图,蓝圈所示),同时快速的点击一下电源键(注意是快速点击,不要按住,也不要按太久)此时电台会强制进入一个引导程序,并且界面显示如下:5. 升级工具选择串口号6. 如果串口号选择好之后读取到了电台固件版本且显示了绿色方形表示连接成功,然后点击开始升级即可,如果没有正常读取到电台固件,请回到步骤1重新开始7. 开始升级后耐心等待进度条走完即可注意:正常的升级过程无论发生什么意外都可以使用上面的步骤救机,永不变砖,所以请放行升级,不用担心十二、截图KN990提供界面截图功能1. 将U盘插入机器背面USB2口2.将USB键盘插入机器背面USB1口3. 按键盘PrtSc键(这个键一般在F12的右边)4. 截图需要几秒钟时间,期间电台界面会暂停刷新,截图完成后界面恢复刷新,并提示“完成”,截图文件保存在U盘根目录“kn990.bmp”注意:目前截到的图是上下颠倒的,可以使用Windows自带的画图工具全选(Ctrl+A)再垂直翻转一下即可使用,截图的颜色和电台的实际显示颜色会有色差十三、VFO范围限制KN990默认VFO范围为0~150M,为了一些特殊需求,提供了一个隐藏开关可以将VFO范围限制到3~30M1. 将VFO频率调整为12.345.672. 按住电源键关机3. 按电源键开机4. 此时VFO范围已变成3~30M如果想恢复到之前的VFO范围,再次执行以上步骤即可附录:KN990面板尺寸最新说明书固件更新日志。
第四章NGT SR短波电台的操作zsp

第二部分NGT SR短波电台软件手册第四章NGT SR短波电台的操作第一节基本操作一、电台打开与关闭1.1 打开电台1、按下键如果屏幕显示输入密码,请输入用户级或管理员级的密码,然后按下键。
1.2 关闭电台按住键2秒钟松手电台关闭。
所有列表均显示在主菜单中(如图4–1):*地址表:存放您经常呼叫的电台地址*信道表:存放您使用的信道*控制表:存放控制电台操作的设定参数,即控制手柄屏幕显示的亮度、对比度、时间、日期、电台站址及密码*网络表:存放您使用的网络和每一个网络中的信道*电路链路表:存放您从电台呼叫的电话Main Menu(主菜单)Address(地址)Channel(信道)Control(控制)Network(网络)Phone Link(电话链路)图4–1 主菜单内容2.1 条目每一个列表都包含条目,地址表中的条目是经常呼叫的台站名称,例如“HOME”“WORK”;信道表中的条目是经常使用的信道,例如“信道1”、“信道2”。
Main Menu(主菜单) Entries(条目)Address(地址表)EMERGENCYHOMEWORKChannel(信道表) CHANNEL(信道) 1CHANNEL 2CHANNEL 3Control(控制表) Address(自身ID地址)Audio Volume(音频音量)Auto Resume Mode(自动回复模式)Etc…(其它)Network(网络表) Network A(网络A)Network B(网络B)Phone Link(电话链路) LINK 1LINK 2 图 4–2 条目示图2.2 设置每个条目都可以设置一个或多个参数,例如在信道表中的条目是您经常使用的信道,并且每个条目都有接收频率、发射频率及信道的工作方式。

短波收音机收听指南短波收音机简介如何收听短波广播? 如何改善收听效果?国际短波广播波段1. 传统指针调谐短波收音机收音机的种类如果按所接收的波段来划分:单波段中波收音机: MW 525 -- 1600 KHz调频调幅收音机 MW 525 -- 1600 KHz,FM 87.5 -- 108 MHz调频 /中/短波收音机** MW 525 -- 1600 KHz,FM 87.5 -- 108 MHz只有一个短波段时 SW: 3.9 --12.00 MHz(75 -- 25 米)(或6.00 -- 18.00 MHz, 49 -- 16 米)(或9.00 -- 16.00 MHz, 31 --19 米)二个短波段时 SW1: 2.2--7.50 MHz,SW2: 7.50 -- 23.00 MHz或SW1:5.9--9.50 MHz, SW2: 9.50 -- 18.00 MHz按米波段来划分 SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4,SW5,SW6,SW7………多波段短波收音机 (每个短波段覆盖一个国际短波米波段)传统收音机和收录机一般只有一个或二个短波段,但每个波段都覆盖了很宽的频率(好几个米波段)范围,优点是电路简单,但很难保证所覆盖频率范围内每点频率的灵敏度和选择性都很均匀,所以,往往是有些米波段收听很好,有些却很差,另外,由于覆盖很宽的频率,使各个电台之间显得很拥挤,收台不方便,所以有些收音机要附加上短波微调旋钮来加以改善。
icom if8101 短波车载电台中文说明书

❍ ALE (自适应)/选呼功能 ❍ 数字信号处理器(DSP)可以灵活选择滤波
器。 ❍ 点阵 LCD 显示器可以显示各种信息。
FCC 信息
• 对于A类通用辐射器:
本设备经测试证明符合FCC规则第15部分中关于A类 数字设备的限制。这些限制是为了在商业环境中操作 设备提供合理的保护,以防止有害干扰。本设备会产 生,使用并辐射射频能量,如果未按照说明手册进行 安装和使用,可能会对无线电通讯产生有害干扰。 在居民区使用此设备可能会造成有害干扰,在这种情 况下,将要求用户自行纠正干扰。
■ CFU-F8100 (选件风扇) ............... 9
■ RMK-6 (可分离组件) ..................... 80 ■HM-192 (可遥控麦克风版本)......................... 2
■ 模式选择........................................................9
■ VFO操作........................................................10 3 接收和发射.......................... -1
您的Icom无线电设备在发射模式下回产 生RF电磁能量。本电台为“陆地专用短波 电台”,是专业设备。这意味着它只能在 了解危害的人员,以及了解这种危害的人

科麦克HF一90E个人携带式短波电台使用手册澳大利亚科麦克公司制造Q·MAC ELECTRONICS PTY LTD.新维电信有限公司译编SANWAY TELECOMMUNlCATION LTD.HF-90E 短波电台使用手册2 / 20目 录1.概述 (3)2.外部结构 (3)2.1前面板 (3)2.2背面板 (4)2.3选呼拨号手咪 (5)3.操作说明 (5)3.1开机 (5)3.2音量调节 (6)3.3切换信道 (6)3.4选择边带方式 (6)3.5天线调谐 (7)3.6干扰消除器(清晰度调节) (7)3.7报警 (7)3.9电话拨号 (9)3.10信标探测 (10)3.12选呼静嗓. (10)3.13操作速查表 (11)3.14其它功能 (11)4.电台编程 (12)4.1手咪编程 (12)4.2计算机编程 (13)5.各种使用方式 (14)5.1个人携带方式 (14)5.1.1天线类型及接地装置 (15)5.1.2携带装具类型和用途 (16)5.2在移动交通工具上使用 (17)5.3用于固定台站 .................................................................................................................................... 17 6.0技术规格 ......................................................................................................................................... 17 附录: ................................................................................................................................................... 19 选择工作频率的建议 (19)HF-90E 短波电台使用手册3 / 201.概述澳大利亚科麦克公司生产的HF-90E,是世界上体积最小的个人携带式短波单边带电台,并具备全频段、多信道、强功率、技术指标优秀、数码选呼、自动拨号、跳频(选项)等先进功能,HF-90E采用模块化电路和全封闭结构,抗冲击能力强,防雨防尘,维修方便。
[修订]短波收音机收听指南短波收音机收听指南短波收音机如何收听短波广如何改善收听国际短波广播简介播, 效果? 波段1. 传统指针调谐短波收音机收音机的种类如果按所接收的波段来划分: 单波段中波收音机: MW 525 -- 1600 KHz调频调幅收音机 MW 525 -- 1600 KHz,FM 87.5 -- 108 MHz/中/短波收音机** MW 525 -- 1600 KHz,FM 87.5 -- 108 MHz 调频只有一个短波段时 SW: 3.9 --12.00 MHz(75 -- 25 米)(或6.00 -- 18.00 MHz, 49 -- 16 米)(或9.00 -- 16.00 MHz, 31 --19 米)二个短波段时 SW1: 2.2--7.50 MHz,SW2: 7.50 -- 23.00 MHz或SW1:5.9--9.50 MHz, SW2: 9.50 -- 18.00 MHz 按米波段来划分SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4,SW5,SW6,SW7……… 多波段短波收音机 (每个短波段覆盖一个国际短波米波段) 传统收音机和收录机一般只有一个或二个短波段,但每个波段都覆盖了很宽的频率(好几个米波段)范围,优点是电路简单,但很难保证所覆盖频率范围内每点频率的灵敏度和选择性都很均匀,所以,往往是有些米波段收听很好,有些却很差,另外,由于覆盖很宽的频率,使各个电台之间显得很拥挤,收台不方便,所以有些收音机要附加上短波微调旋钮来加以改善。

Science FairINSTRUCTION MANUAL PRICE: 50 ₵ELECTRONIC PROJECT KIT #28-110THREE TRANSISTOR SHORT WAVE RADIOThe air is literally full of radio signals from practically every country in the world. These “short wave” signals are propagated through space and refracted back to earth by the ionosphere to points many miles from the transmitter source. As a result, communications services, international broadcasters, radio amateurs, and others depend on this “refraction” and return to earth of short wave signals for long distance communications around the globe. Still, it is difficult to believe that you will be receiving signals from far off places with only a three transistor radio. A regenerative high gain detector with two stages of equally high gain audio amplification provides enough audio drive for either a crystal earphone or any audio power amplifier. Have fun “DX-ing” – distancing around the world!FIG. 1 – PICTORIAL DIAGRAM TOP VIEW 9V BatteryANT GNDPARTS LISTQuantity Identification Desc Quantity Identification Desc1 Transistor NPN (2N3904) Q1 1 .047uF Multilayer Capacitor C82 Transistor PNP (2N3906) Q2, Q3 1 .1uF Mylar Capacitor C92 33K Resistor 1/4W 5% R1, R5 1 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor C111 1K Resistor 1/4W 5% R3 1 47uF Electrolytic Capacitor C71 100K Resistor 1/4W 5% R4 1 500 Ohm Potentiometer R21 2.2K Resistor 1/4W 5% R6 1 100K Ohm Potentiometer R71 2.7K Resistor 1/4W 5% R12 1 140pF Variable Capacitor C51 22K Resistor 1/4W 5% R9 4 2-Position Screw Terminal1 47K Resistor 1/4W 5% R10 1 Crystal Earphone1 12K Resistor 1/4W 5% R8 1 9V Battery Clip1 10K Resistor 1/4W 5% R11 1 Mounting Hardware2 .01uF Disk Ceramic Capacitor C1, C6 1 Knobs (3)2 47pF Disk Ceramic Capacitor C2, C3 1 Bracket1 15pF Disk Ceramic Capacitor C4 1 WireRECOMMENDED SUPPLIER LISTJoe Knows Electronics, Amplified Parts, Mouser, Digikey, STEP-BY-STEP WIRING AND ASSEMBLY DIRECTIONSBe sure to carefully follow all the directions. Do one step at a time and then check off the step in the box provided. Before beginning, read over the enclosed page labeled “Construction Hints”.The step by step instructions indicate a soldering requirement; however, these connections can be made by firmly twisting joining wires together. If the connection is secure the circuit will work for temporary or testing purposes. If you wish a more permanent circuit, it is always best to secure these connections by soldering. Before soldering, read the instructions in “Construction Hints”.1. ( ) Check the parts list to see that everything listed is included. Check each step as you progress ( ).2. ( ) Place the pictorial diagram near the perfboard chassis so that the pictorial can be used as a guide for exact placement of parts. The gray lines in the pictorial diagram indicate components and wires which are mounted under the circuit board. The solid lines indicate components and wires mounted on top of the circuit board.3. ( ) Slightly enlarge the perfboard holes so that terminal strips T1 through T4 fit snugly in the perfboard as shown in Fig. 1 so that they face toward the back of the radio.4. ( ) Slightly enlarge the holes for the tuning control bracket to accommodate the 4-40 X 3/8” screws. Mount the tuning control bracket as shown in the pictorialdiagram Fig 1 using the two screws and two 4-40 nuts.Mount the 140pF variable capacitor C5 as shown below using the short black screws. Thread the shaft extension on the variable capacitor and tighten.5. ( ) Mount potentiometer R2 orientating the lugs as shown in the pictorial diagram Fig 1. Fasten in place with the nut and washer provided.6. ( ) Mount potentiometer R7 orientating the lugs as shown in the pictorial diagram Fig 1. Fasten in place with the nut and washer provided.7. ( ) Mount the earphone jack J1 orientating the lugs as shown in the pictorial diagram Fig 1. Fasten in place with the nut provided.8. ( ) Remove all of the insulation from a 3” piece of wire. Connect one end to the Antenna Ground pin of the screw terminal T2. Do not solder yet. Solder the other end to the potentiometer R2 lug C and solder.9. ( ) Remove 2” o f insulation from one end of a 4-1/2” piece of wire and ¼” insulation from the other end. Solder the long stripped end to the 9V battery connector (+) pin of terminal T1. Connect the other end to the potentiometer R7 lug C. Do not solder yet.10. ( ) Insert the 2.2K resistor R6 into the perfboard and bend the leads out slightly to keep the resistor in place.11. ( ) Remove 1-1/2” o f insulation from one end of a 3” piece of wire and ¼” insulation from the other end. Solder the bare short end to the 9V battery (-) pin of terminal T1. Connect the long stripped end to the resistor R6 as shown in Fig 1. Do not solder yet.12. ( ) Bend down the earphone jack J1 terminal nearest the wire from the 9V battery (-) terminal and solder as shown in Fig 1.13. ( ) Remove ¼” insulation from each end of a 4”piece of wire. Solder one end to the Antenna Ground terminal. Connect the other end to R6 as shown in Fig 1. Do not solder yet.14. ( ) Remove 1-1/2” insulation from one end of a 2-1/2” piece of wire and ¼” insulation from the other end. Insert the long bare end of the wire into the perfboard near capacitor C6 as shown in Fig 1 and solder the short bare end to the middle lead of the variable capacitor C5. Solder the other end to both pins of the coil terminal block T3 as shown in Fig 1.15. ( ) Remove 2-3/4” insulation from one end of a 4” piece of wire and ¼” insul ation from the other end. Insert the long bare end of the wire into the perfboard above and to the right of capacitor C6 as shown in Fig 1 and solder the short bare end to the top lead of the variable capacitor C5. Solder the other end to both pins of the coil terminal block T4 as shown in Fig 1.16. ( ) Insert the 2.7K resistor R12 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the 9V battery (+) terminal as shown in Fig 1.17. ( ) Insert the 10uF electrolytic capacitor C11 into the perfboard so that the POSITIVE capacitor lead is closest to the bare wire from the 9V battery (+) terminal as shown in Fig 1 and solder. IMPORTANT: Most electrolytic capacitors only mark the NEGATIVE lead with a band or arrow. The positive lead usually does not have a marking. Make sure you solder the correct lead in this step.18. ( ) Insert the Mylar capacitor C9 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the 9V battery (+) terminal as shown in Fig 1. Mylar capacitors do not have a polarity so it does not matter which direction the capacitor is inserted into the perfboard.19. ( ) Insert the 12K resistor R8 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the 9V battery (+) terminal as shown in Fig 1.20. ( ) Insert the 10K resistor R11 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the 9V battery (-) terminal as shown in Fig 1. Solder the other end to the earphone jack J1 as shown in Fig 1.21. ( ) Insert the 47K resistor R10 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the 9V battery (-) terminal as shown in Fig 1.22. ( ) Insert the 22K resistor R9 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the 47K resistor R10 as shown in Fig 1.23. ( ) Insert the 47uF electrolytic capacitor C7 into the perfboard so that the NEGATIVE end is closest to the 2.2K resistor R6. Connect the POSITIVE lead of C7 to resistor R6 as shown in Fig 1 and solder all leads and wires together.24. ( ) Bend the leads of PNP transistor Q3 as shown and insert into the perfboard.Make sure the flat side of the transistor faces toward the front of the radio as shown in Fig 1. Solder the emitter lead to resistor R12 and capacitor C11. Solder the collector lead to resistor R11. Solder the base lead to capacitor C9.25. ( ) Bend the leads of PNP transistor Q2 as shown in step 24 and insert into the perfboard. Make sure the flat side of the transistor faces toward the front of the radio as shown in Fig 1. Solder the emitter lead to the bare wire from the 9V battery (+) terminal using a short piece of bare wire. Solder the collector lead to resistors R9 and R10, and capacitor C9 as indicated in Fig 1. Solder the base lead to R8 and R9 as indicated in Fig 1.26. ( ) Strip ¼” of insulation from each end of a 1” piece of wire. Solder one end to resistor R9 and the other end to potentiometer R7 lug A.27. ( ) Bend down lug B of potentiometer R7 until it is flat against the perfboard.28. ( ) Insert the .047uF MLC capacitor C8 into the perfboard as close as possible to potentiometer R7 lug B and solder C8 to lug B as shown in Fig 1. MLC capacitors do not have a polarity so it does not matter which direction the capacitor is inserted into the perfboard.29. ( ) Strip ¼” of insulation from each end of a 1” piece of wire. Solder one end to the positive lead of electrolytic capacitor C7. Connect the other end to potentiometer R7 lug C. Do not solder yet.30. ( ) Insert the 33K resistor R5 into the perfboard and bend the leads out slightly to keep the resistor in place.31. ( ) Insert the .01uF disk capacitor C6 into the perfboard and bend the leads out slightly to keep the capacitor in place. Disk capacitors do not have a polarity so it does not matter which direction the capacitor is inserted into the perfboard.32. ( ) Strip ¼” of insulation from each end of a 1” piece of wire. Connect one end to potentiometer R7 lug C and solder all wires to lug C. Solder the other end to resistor R5 and capacitor C6 as shown in Fig 1.33. ( ) Solder resistor R5 to capacitor C8 as shown in Fig 1.34. ( ) First solder capacitor C6 to the bare wire from variable capacitor C5 and coil terminal T3, and then solder C6 to resistor R5 as shown in Fig 1.35. ( ) The AF detector and amplifier circuit is now complete. Check that all components and wires in the AF/Detector stage have been properly soldered. Trim leftover leads flush with their solder joints.36. ( ) Insert .01uF disk capacitor C1 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the Antenna Ground pin of terminal strip T2 as shown in Fig 1.37. ( ) Insert 33K resistor R1 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the Antenna Ground pin of terminal strip T2 as shown in Fig 138. ( ) Insert 1K resistor R3 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the Antenna Ground pin of terminal strip T2 as shown in Fig 139. ( ) Insert 47pF capacitor C2 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the bare wire from the Antenna Ground pin of terminal strip T2 as shown in Fig 140. ( ) Strip ¼” of insulation from each end of a 1” piece of wire. Solder one end to potentiometer R2 lug A and B. Solder the other end to capacitor C2 as shown in Fig 1.41. ( ) Solder capacitor C1 to resistor R1 as shown in Fig 1.42. ( ) Solder capacitor C2 to resistor R3 as shown in Fig 1.43. ( ) Insert 15pF disk capacitor C4 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the Antenna pin of terminal strip T2. 44. ( ) Insert 100K resistor R4 into the perfboard. Solder capacitor C4 to one end of resistor R4 as shown in Fig 1.45. ( ) Bend the leads of NPN transistor Q1 as shown in step 24 and insert into the perfboard. Make sure the flat side of the transistor faces toward the back of the radio as shown in Fig 1. Solder the emitter lead to resistor R3 as shown in Fig 1. Solder the base lead to resistor R4 and R1 as shown in Fig 1. Solder the collector lead to resistors R4 as shown in Fig 1.46. ( ) Insert 47pF disk capacitor C3 into the perfboard. Solder one end to the emitter of transistor Q1. Solder the other end to the collector lead of transistor Q1.47. ( ) Strip all insulation from a 1” piece of wire. Solder one end to capacitor C3 as shown in Fig 1. Solder the other end to the bare wire from coil terminal strip T4. 48. ( ) The RF regenerative stage is now completed. Check that all components and wires in the RF stage have been properly soldered. Trim leftover leads flush with their solder joints.49. ( ) Install the small knobs on potentiometers R2 and R7 and tighten the set screws until the knobs hold firmly to the potentiometer shaft. Install the large knob on the tuning capacitor C5 and tighten the set screw until the knob holds firmly to the tuning capacitor shaft. Do not overtighten the set screws.50. ( ) Remove ¼” of insulation from both ends of a 16-1/2” piece of wire. Holding the wire as shown in the drawing below, wrap it aroun d a “AA” battery for 8 full turns. Leave at least ¼” left over for lead length.The completed coil should look like the coil in the drawing. Wrap the coil with clear tape to prevent it from springing apart. Mount the coil (L1) by inserting one end into terminal strip T3 and the other end into terminal strip T4. Tighten the terminal strip screws until the coil leads are firmly held in place.You have completed all connections, both wiring and soldering. Carefully double check the work against the pictorial diagram.OPERATIONSThis radio will work with a 10’ or 20’ piece of wire strung across the floor used as an antenna. However, for top efficiency you will need a good antenna and ground connection. Your radio reception will never be any better than your antenna system. You may use a cold water pipe for ground; however, a metal rod driven 2’ or 4’ into the ground works best. Excellent for this use is the Radio Shack ground rod (Radio Shack Cat. #15-530). Connect the wire from the ground rod to the Antenna Ground terminal of terminal strip T2. The Antenna terminal of terminal strip T2 should be connected to an outdoor antenna of the type illustrated in figure 3 (Radio Shack Cat. #278-1373), and can be as long as facilities permit. The longer the antenna you are able to construct, the better quantity of reception you will receive, especially at low frequency. If this is not practical, such makeshift antennas can be used as your television antenna, citizens band antenna, or even the metal dial stop of your telephone.Connect the read lead of the battery clip to the positive (+) terminal of the terminal strip T1 and the black lead to the negative (-) terminal of the terminal strip T1. Insert the earphone plug into the earphone jack J1. Insert a 9V transistor battery (Radio Shack Cat. #23-464 or 23-152) and you are ready to operate your radio.There are three controls on your short wave radio. The potentiometer R7 is the volume control for the audio output, the other potentiometer R2 is the regeneration control. The variable capacitor C5 is your tuning capacitor. To operate the radio, advance R7 fully clockwise, turn R2 half way clockwise. Now slowly tune the variable tuning capacitor until a station is heard. Adjust the potentiometer R2 until a maximum signal is heard. If the regeneration control R2 is advanced too far, a loud pop or squeal will be heard in the earphone. This indicated that you have gone into full regeneration and the potentiometer should be backed off slightly. It is possible to receive code (CW) in this condition. In order to hear a voice signal you need to adjust the regeneration control just prior to this oscillation condition. This point is referred to as the threshold point. If necessary reduce the volume to a comfortable listening level using the volume control R7, not the regeneration control.ADDITIONAL COIL WINDING INFORMATIONYour shortwave radio can be operated at frequencies ranging from 4.5 to about 50MHZ depending on the number of turns in the coil. A chart is given below which indicates the number of turns required for a given frequency of operation. Construct the coil as shown in the step by step instructions but with the number of turns required for the frequency desired. For the larger coils cellophane tape can be used to hold the coil together. Different frequencies or operations have better reception depending on the time of day. Included below is additional information which shows the best time to listen to the frequency that you are interested in.Frequency Coil Turns Best Reception Time 4.5-7 MHz 46 Late night6-10 MHz 25 Night often sunset9-14 MHz 15 Late afternoon-night13-20 MHz 8 Morning-afternoon19-28 MHz 5 Morning-early afternoon 26-50 MHz 2 MorningPOWER SUPPLYFor more permanent use you can completely eliminate the need for batteries with the AC-DC power supply kit #28-104. It supplies either 6 or 9 volts DC for most of the Science Fair Kits as well as most transistor radios, tape recorders, and phonographs. Complete connections are shown below.AMPLIFIER CONNECTIONSIf you wish to use a speaker with your radio it is necessary to use additional amplification. Ideal for the purpose is the Science Fair OTL Amplifier #28-106 and the Science Fair Extension Speaker #28-123. It is necessary to couple the radio to the amplifier with a dropping transformer #273-2378. The unit will probably work better in this condition if resistor R-11 is removed. Complete connections are shown below.OTL AUDIO AMPLIFIERSHORT WAVE RADIOFIG. 2 – SCHEMATIC。

用或关闭话音静噪功能,或调节静噪大小) 2. 当接收到信号时,“RX”字样会出现在显示窗,转动[VOL]可调节音量大小 3. 根据需要,可使用以下功能以声音清晰: ¾ 噪音消隐:按[F],再按[1 NB]可开关噪音消隐功能 (使用噪音消隐时,“NB”字样会出现
■ 接收的功能 1、静噪功能
此功能是检测音频成份的信号,和抑制不需要的信号,诸如非调制的拍频信号等,用 于提供一个安静的准备状态。
当需要接收微弱信号时,静噪应切断。按[F]键,再按(SQL)关静噪抑制功能, 当“SQL”字样显示时,表示静噪功能接通(噪音被抑止) 2、噪声抑制 此噪声抑制是降低脉冲型的噪声,诸如从发动机点火带来的噪声。 此噪声抑止可能使强信号失真,在这种情况下,应把噪声抑制切断。按[F]键,再 按(NB)按钮,以使噪声抑制功能关闭。 当“NB”字样显示时,表示噪声抑制功能接通。 3、 自动增益控制(AGC)切断功能 接收机用自动增益控制,按接收信号的强弱,来自动调整增益,以防止在强信号时 信号失真,及获得一个稳定的输出。 当接收信号微弱,而伴随着邻近的强信号噪声时,自动增益控制功能将降低接收机 的灵敏度,在此情况下,应将自动增益控制功能切断。按[F]键,再按(AGC),以使自动 增益控制功能切断。 当 AGC 字样显示时,AGC 功能开通。
1、 遇险报警键[DISTRESS]
按住[DISTRESS]键约 5 秒钟发送遇险呼叫
2、 DSC 切换键[DSC]
切换 DSC 值守模式和语音/E-MAIL 通信模式
3、 取消/呼叫键[CANCEL/CALL]
● 取消遇险报警或遇险重复呼叫 ● 设定 DSC 内容后,按住 1 秒开始呼叫
RigPix Lowe SRX-30D 桌面短波收音机用户手册说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.RigPix Lowe SRX-30D Desktop Shortwave Receiver User ManualHome » RigPix » RigPix Lowe SRX-30D Desktop Shortwave Receiver User ManualRigPix Lowe SRX-30D Desktop Shortwave ReceiverContents1 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS ANDINDICATORS2 REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS3 OPERATING PROCEDURE4 SPECIFICATIONS5 DISPLAY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM6 I.F SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM7 FRONT-END SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM8 Documents / Resources9 Related PostsFRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS1. Phone Jack: For headphone reception or external speaker (8Q), Insertion of phones or speaker jack cuts theinternal speaker.2. Off – Volume: Turns radio on and off and adjusts audio output level.3. Band: Selects the proper range of received frequency.4. Mode: Selects mode of reception. AM(amplitude modulation), USB(upper single side band) and LSB (lowersingle side band) . CW (continuous wave) may be received on either USB or LSB positions. The mode selector selects the proper detector (product detector for SSE and diode detector for AM and IF selectivity filter.5. Clarify: Provides ultra fine frequency adjustment . This control is used primarily on SSE and CW signals forsetting the pitch or sound accurately after the station has been roughly tuned in. It should be in the centre position before tuning is commenced.6. RF Gain Control: RF gain control provides about 30 dB attenuation to received signal when in fullycounterclockwise position.7. MHz Control: Tunes the MHz range of the receiving frequency. The frequency display (11) brighten mostautomatically when the MHz control is properly tuned.8. Signal Meter: Indicates the relative RF input signal level.9. Pre- Selector: Adjusts receiver RF tuned circuits for proper reception of signal. This control is tuned formaximum signal or noise at the selected frequency.10. KHz Control: Tunes the KHz range of the receiving frequency, following the MHz tuning. This control coversthe continuous shift of the frequency 000 – 999KHz. Three DOTS will appear when your tuning operation goes over the above range to indicate ‘range over’.9.9.6. 0.0 .3.11. Frequency Display: Shows the frequency that you are receiving by 2 digits for MHz, and 3 digits for KHz, total5 digits.Note: When receiving below 1 MHz , the display indicates only the KHz . frequency.28.450 6.283 .934REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS1. Record: Audio output is provided at this jack for tape recorder or other usage. This output is approximately60mV RMS at 5000Ω.2. Mute Jack: A shorted phone connector is normally installed in Mute jack. When the shorted connector isremoved, the unit will be muted. This function is used when operating the receiver with a communications type transmitter. (amateur, CB, ect)3. Antenna Terminal: The RED terminal is for the antenna connection, 50 – 750 unbalanced input. The BLACKterminal is for the grounding connection.4. Fuse Holder: 1 A Fuse is installed , care should be taken to be used a specified one.OPERATING PROCEDURETurn on: Turn the unit on by turning the VOLUME control (2 in fig.1) clockwise. This control also adjusts the volume and is used to adjust for desired sound level.Mode Selection: The reception mode AM,CW or SSB is selected by the MODE control (4). Select AM position for standard broadcast stations and either USB or LSB for single side band transmissions. CW signals are received on either USB or LSB positions.1. Turn receiver on. Adjust VOLUME control (2) clockwise.2. Set MODE control (4) to AM.I.F SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMFRONT-END SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMTHAT’ ALLTHE CIRCUITIN THE BOOK!Documents / ResourcesRigPix Lowe SRX-30D Desktop Shortwave Receiver [pdf] User ManualLowe SRX-30D Desktop Shortwave Receiver, Lowe SRX-30D, Desktop Shortwave Receiver, Shortwave Receiver, ReceiverManuals+,。
IC-7300 短波电台 用户手册说明书

高级全译中文说明索引 15 固件升级 14 维修 13 其他功能 12 设置模式 11 天线调谐操作10 扫描9储存操作8 使用SD 卡 7 语音发送存储操作 6 录音功能 5 频谱操作 4接收和发射 3 基本操作 2 安装和连接 1 面板介绍 16 技术参数 17 选配件 18 连接信息 19 控制命令 关于 CE介绍HF/50 MHz 短波电台i73002021年8月版本感谢您购买ICOM产品。
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格林迪克G2000A AM-FM-短波收音机使用手册说明书

G2000A OWNER’S MANUALHOW TO USEYOUR GRUNDIGG2000A AM/FM/SW RadioNEED HELP? HERE’S HOW TO CONTACT US:•From the United States: 1-800-872-2228•From Canada: 1-800-637-1648•From everywhere else: 650-903-3866•e-mail: *****************.com•World Wide Web: •Eton Corporation/Grundig1015 Corporation WayPalo Alto, California 94303United States1 CONTROLS (3)1.1 Leather cover (3)1.2 Controls (4)2 Display (5)2.1 Display (5)2.2 Switch the display mode (6)3 POWER SUPPLY (7)3.1 Batteries (7)3.2 AC Main Adapter (not included) (8)3.3 Power failure (8)4 GENERAL (9)4.1 Time zones (9)4.2 Short Wave (SW) (9)4.3 SW Tuning mode (meterband/continuous) (9)5 RADIO RECEPTION (11)5.1 AM STEP selector (MW) (11)5.2 Aerials (11)5.3 Radio reception (12)6 RADIO RECEPTION (13)6.1 Tuning to a station (13)6.2 Preset radio stations (14)7 CLOCK (15)7.1 HOME/DUAL time display Priority (15)7.2 Setting the current time (HOME or DUAL) (15)8 ALARM (16)9 SLEEP (18)9.1 Sleep function (18)10 LOCK (19)10.1 LOCK switch (19)1 CONTROLS1.1 Leather coverYour G2000A comes with a leather cover, which is use both to protect the set and to use the radio in an inclines position.•Rotate the leather cover as shown in the illustration. You can now use the set in on inclined position.NotesThe unit meets the CEE regulations concerning interference radiation.This product fulfills European directives 89/336/EEC,73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC.This set complies with the safety regulations according to VDE 0860/BS 415 and thus with the international safety regulations according to IEC 65.The model number is located on the back of the set.1.2 ControlsDC 4.5connection socket for a mains adapter socket for connecting stereo headphones MONO/STEREO for mono/stereo selectionVOLUME for adjusting the volumeFM MW SW1SW2band selector switchLIGHT for illuminating the displayH / M for tuning to a radio stationfor setting hours/minutesPOWER for switching the radio on and off LOCK for blocking all button functions METER for selecting the short-wave band RADIO/BUZZ for setting the alarm to radio or buzzer SLEEP forswitchingonthe sleep functionBATTERIES Inside the batteries compartment: SW FREQ. selectorAM STEP. selectorRESET for erasing the memory FREQ for entering frequencies1...0for direct numeric entries (1 .. .0)for selecting and storing preset stations (1 .. .5)MODE to change the display modeALARM for switching the alarm on and offMEMO/for programming stations into the memory TIME SET for setting the time (HOME / DUAL /ALARM)2 Display2.1 DisplayThe display provides information about the functioning of your world receiver:•While the radio is switched off, the current time will be indicated. The first time it is used, or if the memory is erased, ‘0:00’ will appear on the display.•When the radio is switched on, the frequency in kHz or MHz and the wave band FM, MW, SW1 or SW2 will be indicated.•When the alarm is switched on, the alarm mode(Alarm and radio or buzzer) will be indicated.•this indicator lights up when a certain station iscorrectly turn to.•indicates stereo reception for FM.•Sleep indicates that the sleep time function is active.•LOCK indicates that all buttons are locked.•indicates that batteries should be replace.•MEMO lights up when you are storing stations.2.2 Switch the display modeYou can change the information that appears on the display of the G-2000A with the MODE button. When the radio is off:•The display shows the current time mode (HOME or DUAL).o If you wish to check the other settings, press MODE briefly.•The display changes each time you press the button.•The display will return to the current time automatically after five seconds (or press MODE briefly).When the radio is on:•The display shows the frequency.o If you wish to check the other settings, press MODE briefly.•The display changes each time you press the button.•The display will return to the frequency indicationautomatically after five seconds(or press MODE briefly).3 POWER SUPPLY3.1 Batteries•Open the battery compartment and insert 3 alkaline batteries of the type R6, UM 3 or AA.•Remove the batteries when they are exhausted or if they are not going to be used for a long period of time.Note: If the DC 4.5 V socket is in use, the battery supply will switch off automatically.Note on Environmental ProtectionDo not throw exhausted batteries in the household refuse.Hand over the old batteries to you deader or public collecting when buying new ones.Warning for weak batteries:When the batteries run low, the sound volume declines gradually. The indication appears on the display.Continued operations with low batteries cause the radio to turn off automatically, other malfunctioning and losing programmed time settings and preset radio stations. In this case, remove the batteries and press a paper clip through the RESET hole. Readjust the time settings and the present radio stations. To prevent that the radio is switched on accidentally, use the LOCK-switch when packing the radio or putting it away.3.2 AC Main Adapter (not included)You can connect the set to the mains using a mains adapter.Only use a mains adapter, which supplies 4.5V DC with the negative pole at the center pin of the plug.Before connecting the mains adapter•Check that the mains voltage indicated on the type plate of the adapter matches your local mains voltage.•If the mains adapter equipped with a voltage selector, set this to the local voltage.•Connect the mains adapter to the DC 4.5V socket of the set and to the wall socket.3.3 Power failure•If the power supply is interrupted, the programmed time settings and preset radio stations will be kept in the memoryfor 10 min. or more.•If the AC power is disconnected from the 4.5 DC socket, the batteries (if present) will take over the supply.4 GENERAL4.1 Time zonesThe earth rotates around its axis in 24 hours and around the sun In one year.These movements are responsible for the time differences and the seasons on earth. Due to the direction of rotation of the earth it is always earlier in the day to the west of where you are and later in the day to the east of where you are.The earth is divided into 24 time zones with a difference of one hour between adjacent zones. The system is based on one standard time zone, namely UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), previously GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Generally speaking, short-wave stations announce their broadcasts in UTC.To check which time zone you are now at, use the world map on the back of the set.4.2 Short Wave (SW)Your world receiver can receive a number of wavebands. Most of these are known and tuning for the required station will soon become a matter of routine, as the stations are always to be found at the same place on the dial and are thus tied to a fixed wavelength and frequency. With short wave this is unfortunatelynot always the case. Short wave transmitters have to change their avelengths fairly often. In the short-wave range between 10 and 1 Oo-metre wavelength (frequencies of 30-3 MHz resp.) nine bands between 10 and 50 metres are allocated to short-wave broadcasting, with another four bands between 60 and 120 metres for broadcasting in the earth's tropical areas. Thelatter are roughly located between the latitudes of 30¢X north and 30¢X south, i.e. around the equator. Most short-wave broadcasting bands, indicated in the shortwave table, are allocated for the whole world and can be used for international broadcasting. They are sofar the only wavelengths which allow direct radio reception overlong distances. So in addition to the broadcasting services, there is a large number of other users of short wave, for example radio amateurs, shipping and aviation, radio navigation etc.4.3 SW Tuning mode (meterband/continuous).Your G-2000A has a built-in SW frequency (SW FREQ.) tuning mode selection switch inside the battery compartment.•Select A, if you only want to get reception for the stations with the frequency within the meter-bands.•Select B, in case you wish to obtain the frequencies in between the gaps of the meterbands.5 RADIO RECEPTION5.1 AM STEP selector (MW)The minimum 'frequency distance' (span division) between adjacent radio stations (measured in kHz) is standardized all over the world. However, North and South America use another standard than the rest of the world.This means that the radio should use a tuning step according to the standard concerned in order to obtain accurate radio tuning.The AM STEP switch (in the battery compartment) allows accurate tuning for both standards.Position 10kHz for the Americas - MW tuning step 10kHz; Position 9 kHz for the rest of the world - MW tuning step 9 kHz;5.2 Aerials•For FM reception extends the telescopic aerial fully. To improve the reception you can incline and rotate the aerial. If the FM signal received is too strong (in the direct vicinity ofthe transmitter) you can retract the aerial.•For the medium wave (MW), the set has a built-in aerial, so the telescopic aerial is not needed. You can direct the aerialby turning the set itself.•For short wave reception (SW) extend the telescopic aerial and position it vertically.5.3 Radio reception•Ensure that the LOCK-switch is off.•Press POWER to switch the radio on.•The frequency and the wave band will appear on the display.•Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control.•You can connect headphones to the socket•The loudspeaker will then be switched off.•Set the wave range with the FM MW SW1 SW2 switch•If you select SW with the FM MW SW1 SW2 switch, press METER to select the enquired meter band of short wave.•The chosen short-wave band and the frequency will appear on the display.•Tune to a radio station either manually, automatically, directly or with the PRESET buttons.MONO/STEREO•When appears on the display, you are receiving an FM stereo transmitter. If you are listening with headphones, you willhear the FM station in stereo.• A disturbing noise, due to a weak FM stereo signal, can be suppressed by setting MONO/STEREO to MONO.•The indication goes out and you will hear the FM station in mono.•Press POWER once again to switch the radio off.•The display will now indicate the current time.6 RADIO RECEPTION6.1 Tuning to a stationThere are three possibilities for tuning in to a station:•Automatically - the stations are sought automatically.•Manually - This is easy if the frequency of the station is already known (e.g. from your radio and television guide).•Directly - The easiest way to obtain a station if its frequency is already known.Automatic tuning•Keep or(TUNING UP or DOWNI pressed down until the frequency on the display changes continuously. Tuning willstop automatically as soon as a station is found. ¡P •Repeat this until you have found the desired station.Manual tuning•Keep or .pressed down until you come close to the desired frequency.•Then briefly press the other button (/); tuning will stop.•Then press or repeatedly until you reach the desired frequency.Direct selection•When POWER is switched ON, press FREQ..•The frequency disappears from the display.•You can now enter the station's frequency with the 1...0 keys.•Confirm the entry by pressing FREQ. once more.•If you insert an invalid frequency, the display shows 'Err '•Repeat the steps above, making sure the frequency is correct.6.2 Preset radio stationsYou can program 20 stations into the memory, 5 on each waveband. Programming•Press POWER button to switch on the radio.•Tune to a radio station automatically, manually or directly.•Press the MEMO/TIME SET button. The 'MEMO' sign starts flashing on the display.•Press the preset button (1...5) to store the selected station.•Press MEMO/TIME SET button again to complete the storing procedure.•The program indicator "MEMO" disappears from the display, and the preset number that was stored is shown in the rightcorner of the display.•Repeat these steps for the other stations you wish to program. Calling up preset stations•Select the wave range with FM MW SW1 SW2 switch.•Press one of the 1...5 buttons.•The frequency and the PRESET number will appear on the display:7 CLOCK7.1 HOME/DUAL time display PriorityYour G-2000A allows you to set two different times: HOME and DUAL. Normally, the HOME time has priority. You can also set the DUAL time to be displayed constantly.•The MODE button toggles the display between HOME, DUAL and ALARM time indication. After 5 seconds, the display willreturn to the previous indication.•Press MODE once. The DUAL time appears and the DUAL indication starts flashing.•Press MEMO/TIME SET to display the dual time constantly.•DUAL stops flashing.•To display the home time constantly again, press MODE twice and then MEMO/TIME SET while HOME is flashing.7.2 Setting the current time (HOME or DUAL)•Press MODE to set the display in HOME or DUAL time mode.•Press MEMO/TIME SET.•The time digits start flashing.•Use the H button to set the hours and the M button to set the minutes.• A single press of the H or M button advances the setting by 1 hour or 1 minute respectively. If the button is heldpressed, the setting advances rapidly.•The minutes will not be carried over to the hours if, for example, the minutes indication changes from '59' to 100'.•Press MEMO/TIME SET to store the setting•If you do not press MEMO/TIME SET, the display will return to the previous time setting after 5 seconds.8 ALARMAlarm functionYou can use your world receiver as an alarm clock. To use this function you first have to set the alarm time. You will be woken with a bleep, or by the radio.Setting the alarm time•Press MODE repeatedly until ALARM starts flashing on the display.•Press MEMO/TIME SET.•The time digits start flashing.•Use the H button to set the hours and the M button to set the minutes (in the same way as the clock time).•Press MEMO/TIME SET to store the setting•If you do not press MEMO/TIME SET, the display will return to the previous time setting after 5 seconds.Selecting the alarm mode•Use the RADIO/BUZZ switch to select the alarm mode. Switching the alarm on•Press ALARM.•'ALARM' and the symbol for the selected alarm mode( / ) will appear on the display:Switching the alarm off•Press ALARM.•The alarm signs will disappear.•When the alarm sounds, you can also switch the alarm off by pressing the POWER button.9 SLEEP9.1 Sleep functionYour world receiver is equipped with a sleep function. It enables you to continue listening to the radio while you fall asleep. After 90, 80, 70 10 minutes the radio will be switched off automatically. Switching the sleep function on•Press POWER to turn on the radio.•Press the SLEEP button. The display shows the 'SLEEP indication and the preset sleep time ('60').•Keep H or M pressed until the desired sleep time (10...90) is reached.•The 'SLEEP' indication and the sleep time you have selected will appear on the display.•After 5 seconds, the display will switch to indication of the frequency.Switching the sleep function offThe sleep function can be switched off before the set time has elapsed:•Press POWER once briefly. - The 'SLEEP' indication will disappear from the display.•Press POWER once more to switch the radio off.10 LOCK10.1 LOCK switchBy setting the LOCK switch to the LOCK position, a function is no longer interrupted when a button is accidentally touched.The LOCK-position is very useful:•when carrying the radio with you, radio reception cannot be interrupted;•when packing the radio or putting it away, it cannot be switched on accidentally.•Set the LOCK switch in the 'lock' position.•The'LOCK'-symbol will appear on the display:•Now you can on y a just VOLUME, FM MW SW1 SW2, MONO/STEREO and ADIO/BUZZ.•Reset the LOCK switch in order to switch the lock function off again.。

SDR短波电台使用说明书:频率范围RX:0.5MHz-30MHz发射:所有业余无线电短波频段收发模式SSB(J3E),CW,AM(接收),FM,数字语音滤波器可调范围500HZ-10KHZ输出功率1W-13W(最大)接收灵敏度0.11~0.89μV(RFC50-20)最小步进1Hz电压范围DC9~15V内置电池容量12.6V2200mah接收电流350mah内置驻波表显示精准内置电池携带方便内置USB声卡可以使用电脑的SDR软件通过USB口收发,使用FT817协议,支持WSJT-X数字通讯支持ACC口控制外接70-100W功放天线阻抗50Ω频率稳定度±1.5PPM开机5分钟(标准);±0.5PPM打开温补功能最大电流3.5A尺寸(W×H×D)190mm*69mm*45mm重量980g配件有充电器手咪BNC转N头六角扳手2个固定架子收听广播步骤:接上天线,侧面开关拨到ON,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD<>选择3.X或者5.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择AM模式,按STEP选择下标1KHZ,旋转TUNE直到收到台,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF业余无线电对讲步骤:接上天线,机器旁侧面开关拨到ON,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD<>选择7.X或者14.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择USB或者LSB模式,按STEP移动位数,按TUNE调数字调到7.050或者14.270,留意是否有人讲话,按PA选择5W,手咪接到Mic插口,按手咪讲话,声音越大,指示表显示越大,功率越大,如果没反应,长按几次M3选择MIC模式,注意SWR显示,3以下效率比较低,有条件的调整天线长度最佳为SWR<=1.5,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF3.电压低于9.9V自动关机,充电步骤,1:侧面开关打到OFF,2:充电器接上转接头接到小的供电口(Charge Only),充电器红灯亮,充满变绿灯(充电器只能给机器充电,不能接DC in工作)频率校准:频率调到10MHZ或者15MHZ,听到了类似对时的声音说明可以对时按MODE选择SAM模式,右上角会显示误差的频率,如果与当前频率相差5HZ以上说明偏差较大,旋转RIT修正右上角的频率到5HZ以内即可。
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短波收音机收听手册当下市面上的全波段(World Band)数调短波收音机调谐的频率跨度很大,典型的调谐范围从150KHz到30000KHz,几乎囊括长波、中波、短波的全部波段。
但1700khz以上频率入驻的中波广播电台寥寥无几,据WRTH(《世界广播电视手册》)最新记录,全球仅有两家广播电台在1700khz ——1710khz发声,澳大利亚转播当地赛马和服务偏远地区土著民的广播电台就使用1701KHz,阿根廷RadioPalacio-AM1710电台使用1710KHz,发射功率均在1KW以下,远程接收极具挑战性。
事实上却并非业务台的净土,在该波段上出现的广播有秘鲁的Radio Municipal和美国全球宗教广播网WWRB电台以及KTWR(环球电台)非洲分台。
一些国际、国内和地下广播电台也现身其中,我国的中央8套、新疆台和青海台也出现在4190-4330KHz 中,但南方地区接听困难。
台湾“中央气象局”气象预报中心的海洋气象预报语音广播节目,使用USB模式在5170KHz 上全天广播,我国东南沿海地区全天候可以收听到,北部沿海地区傍晚以后收听为佳,这是覆盖面最广的中文单边带公共语音广播。
9040到9900KHz 。