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Purpose: High-grade gliomas are closely related to the mesenchymal phenotype which might be explained by unorthodox differentiation of glioma cancer stem cells (gCSCs). We reasoned that other non-neural stem cells, especially mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), might play a role in expresssing mesenchymal phenotype of high-grade gliomas. Thus we hypothesized that cells resembling MSCs exist in glioma specimens.
C6细胞是经N一亚硝基甲脲诱发的大鼠脑胶质瘤细胞, 来源于远交系Wistar大鼠。C6细胞MHC中存在与BDIX、 BDX、SD、Wistar等种系大鼠异源性基因,C6/Wistar模型 中,肿瘤及瘤周淋巴细胞浸润和体液抗胶质瘤抗体反应均 明显高于9L/F344,显示C6细胞自身有很强免疫原性。模型 中因MHC差异引发的免疫排斥反应,可能造成脑内肿瘤不 能持续增长。非免疫缺陷C6荷瘤大鼠模型用于脑胶质瘤免 疫或基因免疫治疗研究,其自身存在的免疫排斥反应可能 混淆治疗所产生效果。故建议采用同源基因型的9L/F344大 鼠脑胶质瘤模。
9L细胞是由近交系F344大鼠经N一亚硝基甲脲体内诱发 的恶性脑胶质肉瘤细胞,其主要组织相容性基因复合体 (MHC)与F344大鼠同源性高。
(林健,王伟民,徐如祥,等.9L/F344与C6/Wistar大鼠脑胶质瘤模型局部细胞免疫反应的比较 研究[J].2004,9(9):409-412)
Presence of glioma stroma mesenchymal stem Cells in a murine orthotopic glioma model
Bigner 等把浓缩的呼吸道合胞病毒 (Respiratory Syncytial Virus,RSV)注射到 新生犬脑内,经过一段潜伏期后全部发生脑胶 质瘤。
已建系的肿瘤细胞株 腹水瘤移植接种法 实体瘤移植接种法 (1)小块接种法 (2)肿瘤组织浆接种法
(李承科,霍刚,郑履平,等.快速建立胶质瘤模型的 研究,重庆医科大学学报[J].2008,33(1):73-76)
C6/SD rat C6/Wistar rat 9L/F344 rat CNS-1/ Lewis rat U87MG/Swiss-nu U87/BALB/nu-c
靶点坐标:大鼠右侧尾状核区,前囟中点前 1.0mm,矢状缝右旁开3.0mm,硬脑膜下5mm
Implantation technique Anesthesia was induced by inhalation of a mixture of oxygen with 5% halothane, followed by an intra-peritoneal injection of ketamine (87 mg/kg) a xylazine (13 mg/kg) for maintenance.Animals were then mounted on a stereotactic frame. Special care was used in the placement of the head in the frame to avoid sagittal angulation, so that the head was parrallel to the frame stand . A midline scalp incision was performed, followed by identification and exposure of the bregma. Using a 16-gauge needle, a burr hole was placed on the right frontal bone. A 25microliter SGF syringe with a 27-gauge needle secured to the frame was used to infuse the cellular solution over a period of five minutes. The needle was then slowly withdrawn.Bone wax was applied to close the burr hole and the scalp was closed with a continuous one-layer resorbable suture.
从上世纪中叶起,因利用亲神经的烷化剂全 身给药诱发神经系统肿瘤获得成功。
甲基亚硝基脲和乙基亚硝基脲有很高的中枢 神经系统肿瘤诱发率,至今还在运用的 P494、 C6、9L 和G422 等胶质瘤动物模型都是用上述
病毒诱发有两类,一是核糖核酸病毒,如劳 斯肉 瘤 病 毒; 二 是 脱 氧 核 糖 核 酸 病 毒 , 如 腺 病 毒。
David Mathieu, Roger Lecomte, Ana Maria Tsanaclis, et al.Standardization anddetailed characterization of the syngeneic Fischer/F98 glioma model [J]. LE JOURNAL CANADIEN DES SCIENCES NEUROLOGIQUES,2007,34(3):296-306)
Glioma Animal model
Gliomቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Animal model
1.1 化学诱发 1.2 病毒诱发
2.1 原位移植瘤 2.2 皮下移植瘤
首见于 1939 年 Seligman 把多环芳香烃类的 甲基胆蒽制成丸剂植入小鼠脑内,诱发成胶质 瘤和肉瘤。