



城市规划滨水景观设计中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Riverfront Landscape Design for London 2012 Olympic ParkHow do you plant along a river's edge, knowing that millions of people could be passing through thesite in the near future? How do you design, create and maintain the surrounding wetlands, knowing that man-made wet woodland is very rare and transitionalby nature? How do you ensurethat the habitat being created remains viable and sustainable in the long-term? Atkins’engineers of the wetlands and river edges on the London 2012 Olympic Park were tasked with fi nding answers to all of these questions.Covering more than 246 hectares of formerly derelict industrial land, London’s new Olympic Park for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is one ofEurope’s biggest-ever urban greening projects. Rivers and wetlands are at the heart of the vision for the new park, which lies in east London’s Lower Lee Valley. Th e landscape that’s now emerging will provide a backdrop for the main action of theLondon 2012 Games.As river edge and wetland engineers for the project, Atkins has played a critical role in turning the vision into reality. Atkins’remit includes design of the soft river edges and wetlands, including riverbank restoration and bioengineering.The transformation is unprecedented. More than 8km of riverbanks have been restored as part of the project; in tandem with this, 2 hectares of reed beds and ponds have been created, along with 9,000 square meters of rare wet woodland(Fig.01).The challenge was about getting people both visual and physical access down to the river-to actually make the rivers more accessible and more open, and therefore the centerpiece of the Park.Mike Vaughan heads up Atkins' multidisciplinary design team, which includes river engineers, geomorphologists and ecologists. “The idea was to open up the river corridor by making the steep sl opes that line the river fl att er,”explains Mike. “By dropping the slopes, we’ve brought the river into the park and made it much more accessible-people can get close to the river and see what’s going on there.”Gett ing the riverbank geometry just right was a delicate balancing act. Too steep, and the banks would need costly artifi cial reinforcement; too shallow, and they would start to eat into valuable space on the site. An optimum slope of 1 in 2.5-about 22 degrees- was chosen. The space occupied by river bank was restricted by the need to convey fl oodwater and the location of terrestrial landscape and infrastructure. As such, the banks were over-steepened using two approaches. Firstly, where possible, the riverbanks were terraced using coir rolls and timber stakes. In other locations, where only a 70 degree bank was possible, a reinforced detail was used, providing layers of geo-grid and steel mesh cages, faced with a riverside turf.Today, with the new landscape rapidly taking shape, it’s easy to forget how the Lee Valley used to look. Until the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) took possession of the site in 2006, many of the river channels that criss-cross the site were clogged with invasive weeds, along with the predictable detritus of urban decay: abandoned shopping trolleys and car tires.Th e Lee Valley’s neglected river network wasn’t only an eyesore, but also an obstacle-a gulf separating Hackney and Tower Hamlets in the west from Waltham Forest and Newham in the east.Now, the revitalized waterways-and the new crossings spanning them-will be vital not only during the Games, but also aft er 2012. Th ey are an integral part of the legacy solution, stitching the new Park and its waterways into the wider fabric of east London.1 Bringing Habitats back to LifeMaking the most of the site’s rivers and natural features to create sustainable habitats is a key part of the Olympic Delivery Authority’s vision for the Olympic Park. But the process of transforming the park’s rivers from weed and rubbish-infested gulches into pristine watercourses has been long and tough.For Atkins, that process started with developing an intimate understanding of the labyrinth of waterways and channels that wind their way through the site. Flows and velocities were measured at diff erent points over a period of time, with data used to construct a detailed hydraulic model to predict flood risk. That’s of critical importance, because Atkins had responsibility for everything up to a contour of 4 meters above ordnance datum (sea level) on the site.A full flood risk assessment was undertaken at environmental impact assessment stage. Atkins undertook analyses of the risk of fl ooding caused by frequent rainfall, taking into account the automated regulation of water levels in the impounded reaches and the impact of tidal lockout. The modeling exercise was made considerably more complicated by the impoundment of the river system during the course of 2008; in effect, this eliminated thedirect tidal infl uence of the Th ames. But its indirect infl uence is still felt. “When the tide comes in on the Th ames, it stops water fl owing out of the River Lee,”explains Mike Vaughan. “So the river levels fl uctuate by an average of 400mm a day.”Atkins’modeling calculations correctly predicted th is phenomenon, and also the increased risk of flooding. “These discoveries led to some changes in the landscaping profile,”says Mike. “The riverside paths have been raised by up to a meter and the profile of the wetlands was also raised, as maintaining cor rect water levels is critical to their survival.”Sustainable drainage techniques have also been used across the Park. In the landscape areas, porous strips have been used in the concourse, feeding into bioswales which drain down into the riverside ponds. Surface conveyance, underground pipes and storage features have also been utilized(Fig.02).The first step in the river restoration process was to “lay back”the banks, many of which were precipitously steep. This re-profiling was necessary because much of the surrounding land was “made”ground, the result of centuries of tipping that had raised the ground level by as much as 10 meters in places. The cocktail of materials on the banks included rubble, glass, animal bones and, more recently, wartime demolition materials from London’s east end.Another challenge facing the Atkins team was the prevalence of invasive weeds. These included Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed. All are fast-growing non-native plants introduced to Britain in the 19th century as gardencuriosities; all have prospered on the wrong side of the garden wall.Invasive species are bad news for riverbanks. They reproduceand grow with prodigious speed, driving out native plant species. And they’re highly resilient. Knotweed ca n force its way through solid concrete, while giant hogweed contains furocoumarins, sun-activated toxins that can cause skin ulceration. Elimination was a priority –soil was treated throughout the site and the banks stripped of all remaining vegetation.In addition, Atkins was responsible for ensuring the protection of the existing fl ora and fauna on the site. Phase one habitat surveys were undertaken as part of the environmental impact assessment in 2006, including bird and fi sh surveys. A major translocation of species was undertaken to suitable receptor sites including a specially-created 1 hectare site just outside the Park. Atkins translocated 330 commonlizards, 100 toads and 4,000 smooth newts. In order to protect the flora on the site, Atkins maint ained a ‘permit to clear’system for contractors, and specifi ed safeguarded habitat areas that were not to be touched including areas of sycamore trees.2 Choosing Plants to PlantAtkins is responsible for the final look of the riverbanks and wetlands-and deciding what to re- plant presented a challenge. With banks now bare, new planting would have to fulfi ll not only ecological and aesthetic demands-they’d be expected to be in bloom for the Olympic Games-but engineering imperatives too.The Atkins design team chose bioengineering techniques, rather than culverting and hard engineering, for the project. That means protecting and consolidating riverbanks by using vegetation and natural products instead of concrete. Choosing the right species with the right root systems would be critical to protect the banks from erosion.An added challenge was that the river network is semi-tidal. The twice-daily rise and fall of around 400mm had the potential to play havoc with new planting, and the river’s high sediment loads threatened to smother anything planted from seed or plugs. “We don’t actually have a natural river system,”notes Mike. “Plants don’t cop well in those conditions.”To fi nd out which plants would fare best-and to establish the most eff ective planting methods -Atkins conducted a unique riverbank planting trial along a 50-metre stretch of the Lee in the Olympic Park.“We trialled plants of different elevations and different installation techniques. These were monitored over a year,”says Ian Morrissey, senior environmental scientist with Atkins. “That’s really helped to inform exactly what species we should plant and where.”The trial revealed that plug plants would be just too vulnerable. But plants pre-grown in coir -coconut fibre matting-resisted being washed away or swamped. Coir has other benefi ts too-it’s easy and quick to install in rolls and pallets two meters long and a meter wide(Fig.03).“Th e mat itself acts like a mulch, so you prevent any weeds growing up through it that might already be within the bank material. But more importantly, when the banks become inundated, you get fine sediment trapped within the coir. Th at helps to bind the roots and feed the plants,”says Ian.3 Banking on Tomorrow’s SeedlingsCreating a sustainable riverbank ecosystem means using native species. So before the banks were scraped back, seed was collected from suitable native aquatic species-a process managed by Atkins -and stored in a seed bank. Some of this seedwas then used by bioengineering and nursery specialists, Salix, who were appointed by the Olympic Delivery Authority to cultivate plants off site in what’s believed to be one of Britain’s biggest-ever nursery contracts.The offsite growing operation was huge and sowing for the project commenced in June 2009, as plants must be a year old and well established in their coir pallets before encountering the tough riverbank environment.Plants for the wet woodlands, including sedges, were raised in more than 7,000 pots at Salix’s nursery on the Gower peninsula, near Swansea. And in Norfolk, the company created a new 16-acre nursery dedicated to the 2012 project(Fig.04). Here, more than 300,000 plants representing some 28 different species, including sedges, common reed, marsh marigolds and yellow fl ag irises, were grown on more than a thousand coir pallets, ready to be transported to London in the following months.During the summer of 2010, the 18,000 square metres of planting were then pieced together like a giant jigsaw. This was a massive logistical challenge. To make it easier, each of the pallets and rolls was tagged. It was vitally important that each one went in exactly the right space so as to avoid cutting and trimming the roots and rhizomes of the plants. The team laid them out in blocks, to a plan, to make sure this didn’t happen.4 Ponds and Wet Woodlands from ScratchWhile the riverbanks of the “Old River Lee”occupied much of the attention ofthe Atkins team, there were also entirely new bodies of water to consider. A fundamental part of the biodiversity of the river edges in the north of the Park lies in three new triangular ponds, off the east bank. Two of these were designed to dry up in thesummer, forming moist grassy hollows. Th e third pond was created to retain water, enabling species such as water lilies and marsh marigold to thrive(Fig.05).Preventing that third pond from drying out -while also ensuring that it did not fl ood along with the River Lee-was a conundrum. Atkins responded by designing a connection between the pond and the river to act as both overfl ow and feed. Flows could be regulated: when the pond level rose too high, water could be drained back into the river; when it started to dry out, a valve could be opened to release river water back into the pond. It sounds simple, but it is believed to be the fi rst of its kind for a habitat feature of this scale.As well as the improved waterways and riverbanks, new wet woodlands will be a notable feature of the Olympic Park. They’re now a rare habitat in the UK, and the ones in the Park are being created from scratch.“It was quite a novel thing to be asked to do,”recalls Atkins’Ian Morrissey. “The challenge was to make sure we had the right water levels within the wetwoodland areas. Atkins was responsible for working out the topographies and the channels, and how they would interact with the river.”Wetlands have a tendency to become dry land eventually, a process that can be slowed down through selecting the right vegetation, careful water level management and maintenance.“The sedge spec ies we selected were chosen because they are quite vigorous so are able to compete well with terrestrial species,”says Ian.Tree species for the wet woodland include willow, alder, birch and the now rare black poplar, points out Atkins’Mike Vaughan: “It’s fantastic for wildlife. You get a lot of invertebrates in there,as well as nesting birds.”Birds, though, can present a challenge, particularly on the freshly planted riverbanks.“There’s a risk of wildfowl grazing our plants when they get on site,”says M ike. To prevent that happening, hundreds of meters of deterrent fencing were erected around new vegetation. That stayed there until spring 2012(Fig.06).5 Beyond the Finishing LineThe transformation of the lower Lee Valley and the creation of the new park, now nearing completion, is remarkable by any standards. Visitors to the Olympic Park –up to 250,000 every day at the peak of the Games –will encounter one of the greenest and most environmentally friendly parks ever to be created for the Olympics.And th e benefits will be felt long after 2012. “We’re pulling that really difficult trick of putting in infrastructure that’s good for the Games, but will work in legacy,”said the ODA's John Hopkins. “This will be a great place to live and work, with rivers and parklands at the heart. Socially, economically and environmentally, there will be a terrifi c legacy-it’s a new landscape powering a new piece of city.”伦敦2012奥林匹克公园滨水景观设计与营造如果在不久的未来,将有数百万人途经这块滨水区域,沿河该如何种植?如果了解到自然界中人造湿林地已十分罕见,该如何设计、创造并维护周边这种湿地环境?该如何长期保持栖息地的活力和可持续性?在伦敦2012奥林匹克公园项目中,来自阿特金斯的工程师们受托负责湿地和河滨地区设计及建设,将会找到所有这些问题的答案。















外文翻译-- 城市滨水景观设计(英文为图片格式)

外文翻译-- 城市滨水景观设计(英文为图片格式)









我将展示Carol R. Johnson Associates 的8个滨水项目的相关图片。


虽然Craol R. Johnson Associates 是一家世界性的公司,今天的例子只从美国北部的项目中来选取。











人 文 景 观 及 园 林 小 品 功 能 方 面 . 求 滨 江 路 在 纵 要
个 城 市 基 本 有 一 条 或 几 条 江 河 穿 越 其 中或
绕 城 而 行 。河 流 似 彩 带 蜿 蜒 于 城 市 之 问 , 古 以 亘
来 , 供 人 们桢 以生 存 的资 源 营养 , 与政 治、 提 并 经
济、 史 、 化等密 切相关 。 着生产 力的提 高 , 历 文 随 经 济 的发 展 , 江 ( ) ( 下 统 称 滨 江 路 ) 来 越 滨 河 路 以 越
段 上 似 龙 游 水 中 , 起 伏 动 感 。 纵 断 的 确 定 在 满 有 其 足 防洪功能 基础之 上 , 城 市规划 和实际地 形 , 依 可
为 具 亲 水 性 的 斜 坡 式 ) 横 断 面 形 式 一 、 实 用 于 二
洪 、 网建 设 、 管 园林 绿 化 、 境 保 护 、 文 景 观 等 功 环 人
能 为 一 体 , 人 、 、 关 系 的纽 带 , 建 设 的 成 败 是 水 城 其
直 接 影 响 城 市 定 位 和经 济 跨 越 式 发 展 , 笔 者 近 几
具层 次感 , 园林 绿 化 时 更 好 作 文 章 ; 断 面 形 式 三 横 实 用 于路 内 场 地 高 程 低 于路 堤 顶 高 程 的 城 市 , 其
2 设 计 标 准
滨 江路 设 计 遵 循 城 市 总 体 规 划 , 路 网、 以 用 地 、 境 、 洪 等 规 划 为 依 据 。现 在 建 设 的 滨 江 路 环 防
旦 一 冉 趣

括 面 =

曼 一 监£
、 一
道路 标准 与 景 观要求 有 所 背离 , 就要求 设 计 人 这









城市滨江景观带设计探析———以重庆市主城区“两江四岸”治理提升长江南岸线贯通工程为例Analysis on the Design of Urban Riverside Landscape Belt———Taking the “Two Rivers and Four Banks ”Governance and Upgrading of the South Bankof the Yangtze River in the Main Urban Area of Chongqing as an Example汤玮(中国市政工程中南设计研究总院有限公司,武汉430014)TANG Wei(China Municipal Engineering Central South design and Research Institute Co.Ltd.,Wuhan 430014,China)【摘要】城市滨江景观带因其现场条件的复杂性、改造内容的系统性、涉及专业的综合性等特点,在规划设计过程中往往会遇到众多问题导致前期方案无法落地。



本区域特点: 水网体系自由穿插在规则的城市 格网中。路网和河道叠加在一起 形成丰富有趣的城市空间。 Free waterways combine with inerratic urban grids. 沿河布置公共步行区域和滨水活 动空间。Place pedestrian paths and recreation space along rivers. 城市开放空间与当地节事文化与 休闲活动相结合。Put culture events and recreation activities into public open space.
新 江
东 区 轨 道 交 通 图
水際都市づくりに適した新江東 地区 特性1. 水辺空間が豊富です。 水辺へのアクセスマップ。 特性2. 大規模な敷地が多数存 在します。 特性3. スポーツ施設が集積し ています。大規模敷地とスポー ツ施設の分布。 特性4. アクセスが容易です。 新木場駅への鉄道アクセス時間 図。




区域特点: 通过对现状河道的改造增加更多的 亲水河岸。Create more water friendly river band by reconstructing existing waterways.



Construction & Decoration28 建筑与装饰2022年3月上 城市滨江带景观方案设计关键技术研究王红梅 广西交通设计集团有限公司 广西 南宁 530029摘 要 在进行滨江带景观设计时,不仅需要强化滨江带与周边景观之间协调配合力度,也需要遵循具体要求和城市景观布置情况确定相关设计方案,使得城市滨江带景观设计效果和整体美观水平有所提高。


关键词 城市;滨江带;景观设计;关键技术Research on Key Technologies of Landscape Scheme Design of Urban Riverside AreaWang Hong-meiGuangxi Communications Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanning 530029, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, ChinaAbstract When carrying out the landscape design of the riverside area, it is not only necessary to strengthen the coordination and cooperation between the riverside area and surrounding landscape, but also to determine the relevant design schemes in accordance with the specific requirements and the layout of the urban landscape, so that the landscape design effect and overall aesthetic level of the urban riverside area are improved. This article will analyze the landscape design of the urban riverside area, discuss the requirements and related issues of the urban riverside area landscape design, and determine the reasonable landscape design technology from the overall scale of the urban riverside area and solve the existing problems by optimizing the landscape design scheme of the urban riverside area with the support of various key technologies.Key words city; riverside area; landscape design; key technology引言对于城市滨江带来说,对其进行景观设计时,不仅需要强化景观与滨江带协调配合力度,也需要遵循各项要求强化各项关键技术在其中应用力度,并在各项技术支持下降低城市滨江带景观设计难度,从而维持城市滨江带特色和景观美观效果。



城市滨水空间景观规划设计探讨王锦彦(汕头市澄海规划设计研究院,广东汕头 515800)摘要:滨水空间是城市重要的自然景观空间,也是城市地域的名片,城市滨水空间的景观设计代表着一个城市的形象,也影响着整个城市的生态环境、经济发展、人文文化的规划与发展,所以必须重视城市滨水空间设计。


关键词:城市;滨水空间;景观设计;理念;方案[中图分类号] TU984.18 [文献标识码] ADiscussion on the Planning and Design of Urban Waterfront Space LandscapeWang Jinyan(Shantou Chenghai Planning and Design Institute, Shantou Guangdong 515800, China)Abstract: The waterfront space is an important natural landscape space of the city, and also a business card of the urban area. The landscape design of the urban waterfront space represents the image of a city and also affects the planning of the ecological environment, economic development, humanities and culture of the whole city. Therefore, we must pay attention to the design of urban waterfront space. This paper analyzes the concept and plan of urban waterfront space landscape design based on the landscape planning project of Xinjinhe River.Key words: city; waterfront space; landscape design; concept; plan1工程概况新津河是潮汕人的母亲河——韩江下游支流,全长15.3km,宽200~230m,北起大衙村北的鳌头洲,流经汕头市龙湖区,将龙湖区分成新津河东、西两片区域。





The revitalization of this underutilized public park transforms it into a neighborhood and regional destination through the integration of diversified urban park programs, regional gardens and restored native habitats, and the connection with urban circulation systems. By unifying its three edges –urban, cruise ship passage and beach – it becomes a center that, through the resolution of overlapping cultural, programmatic and environmental requirements, will contribute to the open space life in Miami for decades to come.现南岬公园坐落在热情活泼的南部海滩,是一个富有生机又生态环保的社区公园。

该公园是对原有的一个占地19英亩的公园的再设计,该公园沿着政府海渠(Government Cut)——大西洋海岸比斯坎湾的一个人造入口。












4.改造断面设计思路4.1 加宽道路首先,针对道路狭窄的问题,可以考虑对滨江市政道路进行加宽。



4.2 完善交通设施其次,为了优化交通组织和提高交通效率,需要完善交通设施。



4.3 增加停车位随着城市发展和汽车数量的增加,停车需求越来越大。




4.4 提升人行通行安全市民的出行不仅仅局限于车辆,行人通行的安全性也是一个重要的问题。




城市景观规划设计外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Ecological planning in the urban landscape design Abstract: This article discusses the urban landscape from the relation of the following three concepts: the landscape, the city and the ecology. This paper mainly discusses how the landscape influences the city's living environment.The landscape is a stigma in the land, which is of the relationship between human and human, between man and nature. There exists some subtle relationship among landscape, city and humanized design.I. City and The Landscape(1) Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design, first, is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style. Contemporary landscape design apparently see is the diversity of the landscapeforms,in fact its essence is to keep the closing up to the natural order system, reflected the more respect for human beings, more in-depth perspective of the nature of human's reality and need, not to try to conquer the nature.it is not even imitating natural, but produce a sense of belonging. Landscape is not only a phenomenon but the human visual scene. So the earliest landscape implications is actually city scene. Landscape design and creation is actually to build the city.(2) The Relationship Between Landscape and UrbanCity is a product of human social, economic and cultural development, and the most complex type. It is vulnerable to the artificial and natural environmental conditions of interference. In recent decades, with worldwide the acceleration of urbanization, the urban population intensive, heavy traffic, resource shortage, environment pollution and ecology deterioration has become the focus of attention of the human society. In the current environment condition in our country, the problem is very serious. and in some urban areas, the pollution has quite serious, and greatly influenced and restricts the sustainable development of the city.Landscape is the relationship between man and man, man and nature. This is, in fact, a kind of human living process. Living process is actually with the powers of nature and the interaction process, in order to obtain harmonious process. The landscape is the result of human life in order to survive and to adapt the natural. At the same time, the living process is also a process of establishning harmonious coexistence. Therefore, as a colony landscape, it is a stigma of the relationship between man and nature.II the city landscape planning and design(1) city landscape elementsThe urban landscape elements include natural landscape and artificial landscape . Among them, the natural landscape is mainly refers to the natural scenery, such as size hills, ancient and famous trees, stone, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Artificial landscape are the main cultural relics, cultural site, the botanical garden afforestation, art sketch, trade fairs, build structure, square, etc. These landscape elements must offer a lot of examples for creating high quality of the urban space environment. But for a unique urban landscape, you must put all sorts of landscape elements in the system organization,and create an orderly space form.(2)the urban landscape in the planningThe city is an organic whole, which is composed with material, economy, culture, and society.To improve the urban environment is a common voice.The key of the urban landscape design is to strengthen urban design ideas, strengthen urban design work. and blend urban design thought into the stages of urban planning. The overall urban planning in the city landscape planning is not to abandon the traditional garden, green space planning, but the extension and development of it.Both are no conflict, but also cannot be equal.In landscape planningof city planning, we should first analysis the urban landscape resources structure, fully exploit landscape elements which can reflect the characteristics of urban.Consider carefully for the formation of the system of urban landscape.III ecological planning and urban landscape (1) the relationship of urban landscapeand ecological planning Landscape ecology is a newly emerged cross discipline, the main research space pattern and ecological processes of interaction, its theme is the fork the geography and ecology. It's with the whole landscape as the object, through the material flow, energy flow and information flowing the surface of the earth and value in transmission and exchange, through the biological and the biological and the interaction between human and transformation, the ecological system principle and system research methods of landscape structure and function.the dynamic change of landscape has interaction mechanism, the research of the landscape pattern, optimizing the structure, beautify the reasonable use and the protection, have very strong practicability. Urban ecological system is a natural, economic and social composite artificial ecosystem, it including life system, environment system, with a complex multi-level structure, can be in different approaches of human activity and the mutual relationship between the city and influence. Urban environment planning guidance and coordination as a macro department interests, optimizing the allocation of land resources city, reasonable urban space environment organization the important strategic deployment, must have ecological concept. Only to have the ecological view, to guide the construction of the city in the future to ecological city goal, to establish the harmonious living environment. In recent years, landscape planning in urban landscape features protection and urban environment design is wide used.(2) landscape in the living environment of ecological effectLandscape as a unit of land by different inlaid with obvious visual characteristics of the geographic entities, with the economic, ecological and aesthetic value, the multiple value judgment is landscape planning and management foundation. Landscape planning and design always is to create a pleasant landscape as the center. The appropriate human nature can understand the landscape for more suitable for human survival, reflect ecological civilization living environment, including landscape, building economy, prudent sex ecological stability, environmental cleanliness, space crowded index, landscape beautiful degree of content, the current many places for residential area of green, static, beauty, Ann's requirement is the popular expression. Landscape also paid special attention to the spatial relationship landscape elements, such as shape and size,density and capacity, links, and partition, location and of sequence, as their content of material and natural resources as important as quality. As the urban landscape planning should pay attention to arrange the city space pattern, the relative concentration of the open space, the construction space to density alternate with; In artificial environment appeared to nature; Increase the visual landscape diversity; Protect the environment MinGanOu and to promote green space system construction.(3) the urban landscape and ecological planning and design of the fusion of each other.The city landscape and ecological planning design reflects human a new dream, it is accompanied by industrialization and after the arrival of the era of industrial and increasingly clear. Natural and cultural, design of the environment and life environment, beautiful form and ecological functions of real comprehensive fusion, the landscape is no longer a single city of specific land, but let the ablation, tothousands; It will let nature participate in design; Let the natural process with every one according to daily life; Let people to perception, experience and care the natural process and natural design.(4) the city landscape ecological planning the humanized design1. "it is with the person this" design thought Contemporary landscape in meet purpose at the same time, more in-depth perspective on human of the nature of reality and needs. First performance for civilian design direction, application of natural organic materials and elastic curve form rich human life space. Next is the barrier-free design, namely no obstacle, not dangerous thing, no manipulation of the barrier design. Now there have been the elderly, the disabled, from the perspective of the social tendency, barrier-free design ideas began to gain popularity, at the same time for disadvantaged people to carry on the design also is human nature design to overall depth direction development trend. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts still behave in special attention to plant of bright color, smell good plant, pay attention to ZuoJu texture and the intensity of the light. The detail processing of considerate more expression of the concern, such as the only step to shop often caused visual ignored and cause staggered, in order to avoid this kind of circumstance happening, contemporary landscape sites do not be allowed under 3 steps; And as some residential area and square in the bush set mop pool, convenient the district's hygiene and wastewater recycling water. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts in many ways showed, the measure of the standard is human love.1. 1 human landscape design concept is human landscape design is to point to in landscape design activity, pay attention to human needs, in view of the user to the environment of the landscape of a need to spread design, which satisfied the user "physiological and psychological, physical and mental" multi-level needs, embodies the "people-oriented" design thought. Urban public space human landscape design, from the following four aspects to understand:1. 1.1 physical level of care. Human landscape design with functional and the rationality of design into premise condition, pay attention to the physical space reasonable layout and effective use of the function. Public space design should not only make people's psychology and physiology feel comfortable, still should configuration of facilities to meet people's complex activities demand1. The level of caring heart 1.2 Daniel. In construction material form of the space at the same time, the positive psychology advocate for users with the attention that emotion, and then make the person place to form the security, field feeling and belonging.1. 1.3 club will level of care. Emphasizes the concern of human survival environment, the design in the area under the background of urban ecological overall planning and design, to make the resources, energy rationally and effectively using, to achieve the natural, social and economic benefits of the unity of the three.1. 1.4 to a crowd of segmentation close care. Advocate barrier-free design, and try to meet the needs of different people use, and to ensure that the group of mutual influence between activities, let children, old people, disabled people can enjoy outdoor public the fun of life.1. 2 and human landscape design related environmental behavior knowledge the environment behavior is human landscape design, the main research field, pay attention to the environment and people's explicit behavior and the relationship between the interaction, tried to use the psychology of the some basic theory, methods researchers in the city and architecture in activities and to the environment of the response, and the feedback the information can be used to guide the environment construction and renovation. Western psychologist dirk DE Joan to put forward the boundary effect theory. He points out that the edge of space is people like to stay area, also is the space of the growth of the activity area [3]. Like the urban space, the margin of the wood, down the street, and the rain at the awning, awnings, corridor construction sunken place, is people like the place to stay. At the edge of space, and other people or organizations to distance themselves are is better able to observe the space of the eyes and not to be disturbed. "Man seeth" is the person's nature. A large public space are existing "the man seeth" phenomenon: the viewer consciously or unconsciously observation, in the space in front of the all activities. At the same time, some of the people with strong performance desire, in public space in various activities to attract the attention of others, so as to achieve self-fulfillment cheerful. The seemingly simple "man seeth" phenomenon, but can promote space more activities production. For example, for a walk of pedestrians may be busy street performance and to join the ranks of the show attracts, with the strange because the audience is the sight of the activities of the wonderful and short conversation, art lovers of the infection by environmental atmosphere began to sketch activities. Environmental design, according to environmental behavior related knowledge, actively create boundary space provide people stay, rest, the place of talking to facilitate more spaceActivities of generation, the rich visitors sensory experiences2. The design of the sustainable developmentSustainable development principle, it is the ecology point of view, to the city system analysis, and with the minimum the minimal resource consumption to satisfy the requirements of the human, and maintain the harmony of human and the natural environment, guarantee the city several composition system-to protect natural evolution process of open space system and the urban development system balance. People are to landscape 'understanding of the contemporary landscape design and the function to reflect, have been completely out of the traditional gardening activities, the concept of landscape art value unconsciously and ecological value, the function value, cultural value happened relationship, landscape art category than before more pointed to the human is closely linked with the various aspects, become more profound and science. Contemporary landscape also actively use new technology to improve the ecological value. Such as the use of solar energy for square garden, lighting and sound box equipment supply electricity; The surface water "cycle" design concept, collecting rainwater for irrigation and waterscape provides the main resources; Using the principle of the construction of the footway, buoys that environmental protection level a kiss and interesting. And by using water scene drought, landscape water do ecology (ecological wetland), ecological XiGou "halfnatural change" landscape humanized waterscape design, avoid the manual water scene is the difficulty of the later-period management, but in the water since the net, purifying environment and promote biodiversity play a huge role. Therefore, to experience the landscape will surely is contained to nature and the tradition, to human compatibility.The urban landscape the principles of sustainable development and implementation details:2.1 the efficiency of land use principle for land to the survival of humans is one of the most effective resources, especially in China's large population, land resources are extremely deficient, urbanization rapidly increase background, the reasonable efficient use of land, is that we should consider an important issue. For the city landscape is concerned, how to productive use of the land? Three-dimensional is efficient land use is the most effective means. The urban landscape "three-dimensional to take" ideas contains the following six aspects of meaning. (1) in the limited on land, as much as possible to provide activity places, form the three-dimensional multi-layer activities platform landscape environment. (2) improve afforestation land use efficiency, in the same land, adopt appropriate to niche by, shrubs and trees of co-existence and co-prosperity between three-dimensional planting layout. (3) to solve the good man, for the contradiction in green, the green space and human activity space layout of the interchanges. (4) the up and down or so, all sides three-dimensional view observation, increased the landscape environment the visual image of the visual rate. (5) from the static landscape to dynamic landscape. 6 not only from the traditional technology of modern technology to introduce more (such as crossing bridge, light rail, electric rail, etc), show a colorful three-dimensional space.2.2 energy efficiency principle along with the rapid development of urbanization, China's energy demand is more and more big, the energy gap also more and more big. In recent years, China's major cities have put forward the "light" project, the public area lighting consumption in the great power. For energy efficiency in the understanding, first from the consideration on the energy saving should be not only, and should stand in the higher of the environmental protection high to know, meaning that more extensive, and more far-reaching. (for more than 70% of generating capacity in China at present still by coal, exist for SO2, CO2 and nitric oxide and other harmful gas emissions and coal dust emissions and a series of environmental problems)2.3 plant with an ecological principle city system, the green space system is perfect or not of the city's environmental quality plays a vital role. Perfect green space system, to improve the city microclimate plays an important role, it can rise to improve small regional temperature, air humidity, windbreak and sand-fixation, purify air, provide oxygen and so on a series of ecological change the role of environmental factors. Urban green space system as a city human important activities of the external space, planning and design should not only from the plant itself on system, should the broader perspective, considering a person to nature to be close to, rely on the requirements, on the one hand, satisfying the people's physical needs, such as the righttemperature, humidity, clean air and so on need, on the other hand to meet people of the nature of the attachment psychological need. One the one hand, to meet the city function requirements, on the other hand, will play natural systems potential extremely. At present, the city of plants with existing in the implant the following problems: put too much emphasis on green technology and engineering technology of gardening, loving fast for Jane, formed only simple so-called "Joe, flooding, grass" structure, ecological process is ignored, fierce competition among plants, normal growth form was suppressed, the diversity of the community and stability suffocate suffocate, plant diseases and insect pests rampant, maintenance cost is high, the waste of human, material and financial resources. So in the urban design of plants with plant should achieve what kind of effect? It should be a satisfying the people's psychological and physiological activities, meet the natural plant of the self-improvement circulation system, and meet the microbe, plants, birds, and all kinds of close to human beings, animals of the ecological system, and meet the soil and water protection, air purification, water purification up maximum adjustment function of the system. To provide more of a harmonious and orderly biological and stable habitats and more living space, establishment compound level and beautiful season of color in plant community, city landscape has offered only low-grade manual administration, the landscape resources sustainable maintain and develop, that is the goal of our pursuit. Under the guidance of the principle, city with plant should consider the following plants detailed rules. (1) each city green plants with plant to and urban green space system match, and city and the surrounding landscape plant form the whole dynamic stability of the green ecological system. (2) the zonal simulation of the community structure characteristics, abide by "niche" principle and to establish a suitable after layer community structure, use different species differentiation of niche, the corrosion resistance of individual size, the shadow of leaf type, root depth, nutrient requirement and content of hou aspects of the difference in the plant, avoid the kind of direct competition between, form mutualist to trees skeletons Joe, flooding, grass composite community structure and function of the unification of benign ecological system. (3) the introduction of new varieties in the process, must choose and local climate, soil adaptation of the species, for stability of the system is provided. In plants and localization of reciprocity and raw, under the premise of forming a biological diversity. (4) from plants on the system itself not only should also be considered, the animals can be close to human survival and reproduction, such as birds. (5) with plants in the plant, to meet other elements such as human nature to the needs of the sunshine, the air,etc. 6 plants in meet its "niche" principle, and on the basis of the landscape, the plant should aesthetic feeling, meaning, rhythm, etc to the ecological science, to consider the height of aesthetics, harmonious, and urban landscape and form, combines aesthetics.2.4 to the protection of the natural communities and use principle in the urban landscape design process often encountered in one of the most important question, and that is planning on land have very good natural communities or heaven the tree. These natural communities and heaven the tree, and after a time of baptism and longgrowth process, thus forming the beautiful landscape effect. Landscape design should be in the protection and utilization of the guiding ideology, not to destroy these time to human gift, wasted natural elegance. Therefore, in the urban landscape design, the natural communities to meet or heaven trees, our guiding ideology is: in the protection and utilization of the basis, from a series of function, aesthetic Angle, design can reflect the influence of time, history beautiful landscape. 2.5 effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection principle is a big system, including land, air, water and sunlight, plant and the related unintended consequences. Water resources as the important component of the system, as the origin of human beings and the survival of important resources, if not effective utilization and protection will seriously restricted the economic and social development, and endanger the future of the human being. Our country as a large population, a water extremely poor countries, in the effective utilization of water resources is wanton waste, pollution and destructive to development of water resources, increased tension in the water, and cause the ground subsidence, the water flow backward and so on a series of secondary disasters. Our country at present the city landscape of water, the main or traditional artificial ground water. Garden workers, open water car, with fire water cannons, of landscape plants to carry out extremely rough water, and planning and design, to groundwater, surface water storage were not the design of the system and the water surface water quickly from loss, serious waste water to the. In the square of other appreciation water, often in tap water from municipal direct access to, not very good for water level division and use. With the green coverage rate increase in the maintenance of water resources in the process of LiYongLiang is more and more big, with people all over the world to water resources utilization and protection attention, and after a long time study and analysis, generates a lot of effective method. We in the urban design should good to use. At home and abroad and theuse of urban water resources on the main methods and protection for:(1) the use of water. (2) of rain to the planning and design of the collection system. (3) the use of water-saving irrigation system. Basically has the following kinds: a. sprinkler irrigation technology;B. microspray irrigation technology;C. root irrigation technology. (4) the interaction of the surface water and ground water use. Through the above all kinds of water saving method summary, design the system method, believe to be able to play well water-saving effect.epilogueThe urban landscape design and the ecological planning tightly linked is mutual influence, mutual penetration. From a small landmark of the city to the whole city planning and design, the need for the connect the relevant knowledge, and from ecology, humanities, local, psychology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, and other disciplines continuously research and exploration. Science, reasonable construction of urban landscape design.Landscape design service object, it is the society. People in the design experience and feeling in the same performance on things, be reasonable planning must be from understanding the person's psychology, respect the person's behavior to, this is thefoundation of landscape design, also be the important details of city planning.The landscape design of another service object is natural, must the climate, water, terrain, plants and animals, and buildings, roads, such factors to consider in man and nature of the interaction of the premise. Symonds says: "the ecological design only is effectively respond to natural process and and the unity of." This is for our landscape design how to treat correctly natural is pointed out.At present about the sustainable development of the city, from resources, environment, economy and social point of view, using the method of system, analysis and research in the development of the urban sustainable development. The urban landscape design to the ecological analysis, is in the general principle of urban development. This article through to in the field of urban landscape analysis and research, make with the principle of sustainable development and people-oriented principle as the basic ecological planning in the urban landscape design in specific, technology, be operable. Only in this way can we truly achieve the sustainable development of urban landscape and people-oriented purpose, to establish ecological city provide the guarantee. reference[1] (English) Robert holden, the environmental space "[M] belden group anhui science and technology press China architecture &building press 1999[2] PengYiGang "Chinese classical garden analysis" [M] China architecture &building press 1986[3] Charles Moore, waiting. Reese translation of the landscape poetry strands of gardening-" [M] guangming daily press 2000[4] Kevin lynch, wait and HuangFu compartments, etc in the translation of "overall didn't plan" [M] China architecture &building press 1999[5] Roger, put the crewe. LiuXianJiao "architectural aesthetics of translation [M] China architecture &building press 1992[6] the time case. RuiJingWei translation of the design with nature[M] China architecture &building press 1992城市与景观摘要:本文从景观、城市、生态三个概念之间的相互联系来论诉城市景观。






关键词:滨江景观带;景观设计Abstract: The urban waterfront region is the urban environment resources important part of it, is the natural landscape and artificial landscape will be clever union, improve the environmental quality and rich regional style. With the continuous development of city, the riverside region of landscape construction also is paid more and more attention to. This paper discusses the riverside landscape design, this paper summarizes the expression in the history of the city of culture create landscape design should follow the principle and design method in riverside landscape design for more help.Keywords: Riverside landscape zone; Landscape design中国人历来就崇尚自然、喜爱自然,所以在景观带的设计中也不断加入人文的元素,不断创建表达城市历史文化的景观设计。








其保护和开发对一个城市无疑显得更加重要, 滨水区景观规划建设成为实现这一目的的主要手段。












Zoning Analysis
江北区 渝中区 南岸区 九龙坡区
大渡口区 S巴IT南E区
城市 City 河流 River System 城市环路 City Circle 城市干道 Urban Arterial
1 项目背景
开发后地形图 Topographic map after development 滨江公园和广场公园景观设计 River Park Concept Landscape Design
水文条件 Hydrological Conditions
滨江公园和广场公园景观设计 River Park Concept Landscape Design
BRT路线 公交车路线 轨道交通
BRT Loop Bus Circulation Metro
• 基地周边的交通关系 Transportation of the Surroundings
3 设计概念
滨江公园和广场公园景观设计 River Park Concept Landscape Design
滨江公园和广场公园景观设计 River Park Concept Landscape Design
1 项目背景
A1 B2
滨江公园 水主题游乐园



浅谈滨水地区城市设计摘要: 在环境时代到来的今天, 城市对于河流、水道的期待也愈来愈多, 因此城市与水的关系问题显得尤为突出, 城市滨水区的设计再度成为城市设计的重点。

通过对城市滨水区概念的阐述和城市滨水区意义的分析, 并对承担着重要的功能及设计的原则进行了论述, 以期提升城市滨水区环境质量。

关键词:城市滨水区;规划;设计Abstract: in the environment of the arrival of the era of today, city to river, waterway also look forward to more and more, so the city and water relations question seems particularly outstanding, city waterfront design once again become a focus city design. The city waterfront concept and significance analysis of city waterfront, and undertakes the important function and discusses the design principles, in order to improve the environmental quality of city waterfront.Key words: city waterfront; planning; design1 滨水地区概念及特征分析滨水地区是城市居民活动的公共空间,是城市形象的景观节点,是旅游观光的重要场所,是城市发展的历史缩影。







1. 滨水岸线设计的重要性滨水岸线是城市与水域之间的过渡区域,它不仅可以提供人们休闲娱乐的场所,还能为城市带来多种益处。




2. 设计原则Sasaki滨水岸线设计遵循一系列原则,确保设计的可持续性、创新性和适应性。

其中包括以下几点:2.1. 增强可达性与连通性滨水岸线应该与城市其他区域保持良好的连接,提供多种交通方式的便利,使更多的人能够到达滨水区域。


2.2. 注重环境保护与可持续发展设计应考虑生态环境的保护和可持续发展的原则,采用生态友好的材料和技术,减少对自然资源的消耗。


2.3. 强调文化与历史传承滨水岸线设计应充分考虑当地的文化和历史传承,与周边环境相协调。


2.4. 多功能性与灵活性滨水岸线设计应尽可能满足不同人群的需求,打造多样化的活动空间。



3. 实施策略为了有效地实施滨水岸线设计策略,需要以下几个方面的努力:3.1. 多方合作与协调滨水岸线设计需要各方的合作与协调,包括政府、设计师、居民和利益相关者等。


2 项目概况
3 . 1 区域路网与用地规划 本 项 目 位 于 重 庆 市 沙 坪 埂 井 双 新 城 片 区 ,规 划 用
地 性 质 以 居 住 、商 业 为 主 。 区 域 主 要 路 网 结 构 呈 “三 纵 多 横 ” ,其 中 国 道 212
和 井 双 中 干 道 为 城 市 主 干 道 ,以 交 通 功 能 和 服 务 功 能 为 主 ; 滨 江 路 为 城 市 次 干 道 ,以 服 务 功 能 为 主 ; 横 向 多 条 主 次 干 道 串 联 三 条 主 要 纵 线 道 路 和 沿 线 地 块 ( 见 图 2 )。
交 通 预 测 年 限 应 为 15 a 。 以 项 目 建 成 年 ( 2 0 2 1 年 ) 作
为 预 测 的 基 准 年 ,将 本 次 交 通 预 测 的 目 标 年 定 为
2036 年 。
通过对滨江路目标年道路通行能力和饱和度的 预 测 ,目 标 年 道 路 饱 和 度 为 0 . 9 , 能 满 足 交 通 需 求 (见
. 26 •
2021年 第 6 期
周 艳 军 :城 市 滨 江 路 多 功 能 融 合 设 计 方 案 淺 析
祈 5 衫決
图 5 沙滨路磁器口段总体效果图 型 应 尽 量 远 离 江 岸 ,才能有空间和距离来逐步 消 化 隧 道 顶 部 广 场 (181 m )与 江 岸 (168 m )13 m 的 高 差 ,
形 、地 块 、铁 路 、溪 流 等 主 要 控 制 因 素 的 相 互 关 系 ,平 面 线 型 满 足 城 市 次 干 道 标 准 ,与地块和 相 交 路 网 衔 接 顺 畅 ,与 防 洪 护 岸 工 程 结 合 较 好 。同 时 根 据 项 目 功 能 不 同 ,设 置 节 点 公 园 、休 闲 景 观 平 台 、亲 水 步 道 等 设 施 ,为 市 民 提 供 一 个 滨 江 亲 水 的 城 市 公 共 活 动 空 间。



城市规划外⽂⽂献翻译(适⽤于毕业论⽂外⽂翻译+中英⽂对照)外⽂⽂献翻译(⼀)题⽬:HongKong:The FactTown Planning⼀、内容简介:近年来,⾹港城市规划的⽬的是提供⼀个优质的⽣活环境,促进经济发展,促进健康,安全,指导和控制的发展和⼟地使⽤的⽅便和⼀般社区福利。





⼆、外⽂⽂献原稿HongKong:The FactTown PlanningPurpose of Town Planning: Town Planning aims atproviding a quality living environment, facilitating economicdevelopment, and promoting the health, safety, convenienceand general welfare of the community by guiding andcontrolling development and the use of land. Following theprinciple of sustainable development, town planning seeksto bring about an organized, efficient and desirable place forthe community to live and work in. As land suitable fordevelopment in Hong Kong is scarce, there is a need tostrike a balance in utilizing the limited land resource to meetthe competing demands for housing, commerce, industry,transport, recreation, nature conservation, heritagepreservation and other community needs.Planning Organisations: The Planning and Lands Branchof the Development Bureau is in charge of the policyportfolios of planning, land use, buildings and urbanrenewal in Hong Kong. Taking directives from theDevelopment Bureau,the Planning Department (PlanD) isresponsible for formulating, monitoring and reviewing landuse at the territorial level. PlanD also prepares district/localplans, area improvement plans, the Hong Kong PlanningStandards and Guidelines as well as undertakes actionsagainst unauthorized land uses.The principal body responsible for statutory planningin Hong Kong is the Town Planning Board (TPB). It isformed under the Town Planning Ordinance (TPO) andserved by the PlanD. Comprising predominantlynon-official members, the TPB oversees the preparation ofdraft statutory plans, considers representations to suchdraft plans and considers applications for planningpermission and amendments to plans. There are twostanding committees under the TPB, namely, the MetroPlanning Committee and the Rural and New TownPlanning Committee. Under the TPO, the TPB may alsoappoint a committee among its members to considerrepresentations to draft statutory plans.Planning System: Hong Kong’s planning systemcom prises development strategies at the territorial leveland various types of Statutory and Departmental Plans atthe district/local level. Guiding the preparation of theseplans is the Hong Kong Planning Standards andGuidelines, relevant development related policy andprinciples and community views.Territorial Development Strategy: The strategy aims atproviding a broad planning framework to guide futuredevelopment and the provision of strategic infrastructure inHong Kong. It also serves as a basis for the preparation ofdistrict plans. The findings of Hong Kong 2030: PlanningVision and Strategy (the HK2030 Study), a study toformulate the planning framework for Hong Kong up to2030, were promulgated in October 2007. The HK2030Study has adopted sustainable development as itsover-arching goal. The recommended strategy, focusing onthe three broad directions of providing a quality livingenvironment, enhancing economic competitiveness andstrengthening links with the Mainland, aims to help HongKong achieve its vision as “Asia’s world city”.With increasing economic integration and socialinteraction between Hong Kong and the Mainland,cross-boundary surveys are commissionedregularly tocollect statistical information on various aspects ofcross-boundary activities, e.g. travel pattern andbehaviour, Hong Kong residents’ experience of andaspirations for taking up residence in the Mainland. Thefindings of these surveys provide valuable input for theplanning of cross-boundary infrastructure and theformulation of development strategies. The planning studytitled Coordinated Development of the Greater Pearl RiverDelta Townships, jointly commissioned by Hong Kong,Guangdong and Macao to formulate a regionaldevelopment framework, was completed and its findingswere promulgated in October 2009.Statutory Plans: Two types of statutory plans areprepared and published by the TPB under the provisions ofthe TPO. In 2005, the TPO was amended to streamlinehe plan-making process and planning approvalprocedures, enhance the openness and transparency ofthe planning system and strengthen planning enforcementcontrol in the rural New Territories.The first type is Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) whichmajor road systems of an individual planning area. Areascovered by OZPs are in general zoned for uses such asresidential, commercial, industrial, green belt, openspace,government/institution/community uses or other specifiedpurposes. Attached to each OZP is a Schedule of Notesshowing the uses which are always permitted (Column 1uses) in a particular zone and other uses for which priorpermission from the TPB must be sought (Column 2 uses).The second type is Development Permission Area(DPA) Plan. DPA Plans are prepared to provide interimplanning control, and development guidance for rural areasin the New Territories until more detailed OZPs areprepared. DPA Plans indicate broad land use zones andare also accompanied by Schedules of Notes showingColumn 1 and 2 uses. DPA Plans are effective for a periodof 3 years and will be replaced by /doc/c14524397f21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa02.html rmation on statutory plans, related guidelines andprocedures as well as the agenda and decisions of theopen meetings of the TPB and its Committees can beaccessed online from the TPB website at/doc/c14524397f21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa02.html .hk/tpb/ and the Statutory PlanningPortal at/doc/c14524397f21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa02.html .hk/. The public may alsoobserve those open meetings in the Public Viewing Roomlocated in North Point Government Offices, 333 JavaRoad, North Point, Hong Kong. Departmental Plans: Outline Development Plans andLayout Plans are administrative plans prepared within theframework of the statutory plans. With a much larger scale,these departmental plans show more detailed levelplanning parameters e.g. site boundaries, location ofaccess points and footbridges, specific types ofgovernment or community uses to facilitate thecoordination of public works, land sales and landreservation for specific uses.Views from the public are essential considerations forthe formulation of development strategies and preparationof plans. Public engagement in the form of public forums,workshops, exhibitions, etc. has become a very importantcomponent of the planning process.Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines: It is areference manual setting out the criteria for determiningthe scale, location and site requirements of various landuses and facilities. It is used in the preparation of townplans and planning briefs and is a tool that helps toregulate development.Urban Renewal and Regeneration: The Urban RenewalAuthority (URA) is a statutory body established in 2001 tospeed up the renewal of old urban areas and to executethe Urban Renewal Strategy formulated by theGovernment. PlanD co-ordinates with the URA under thestatutory provisions in the planning of urban renewal andregeneration projects for the improvement of the old urbanareas.The Government has launched a review of the UrbanRenewal Strategy in 2008 in three stages – envisioning,public engagement and consensus building, and isscheduled for completion in 2010. The Strategy willprovide a broad policy guidance for urban renewal in HongKong.New Town and New Development Areas: Large-scalenew town development in the New Territories began in theearly1970s. PlanD’s District Planning Offices have workedclosely with the Civil Engineering and DevelopmentDepartment’s Development Offices t o prepare plans andoversee the development of these new towns. At present,nine new towns, namely, Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun,Tai Po, Yuen Long, Fanling/Sheung Shui, Tseung Kwan O,Tin Shui Wai and North Lantau are in various stages ofdevelopment and will accommodate about four millionpeople upon full development. However, large-scale newtowns will not be pursued in the foreseeable future. Instead,medium-scale new development areas such as Kai Tak andnew development areas in the New Territories will bedeveloped. Enquiry Counters located at:- 17/F, North Point Government Offices,333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong- 14/F, Sha Tin Government Offices,1 Sheung Wo Che Road, Sha Tin, New TerritoriesFor enquiries, please call 2231 5000, fax to 2877 0389 ore-mail to enquire@/doc/c14524397f21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa02.html .hk.三、外⽂翻译部分城市规划:城市规划的⽬的是提供⼀个优质的⽣活环境,促进经济发展,促进健康,安全,指导和控制的发展和⼟地使⽤的⽅便和⼀般社区福利。



1.浅谈城市滨水地区旧建筑改造与利用 [J], 李欣韵
2.浅谈滨水地区城市设计 [J], 黄永武;孙雅男
3.浅谈滨水地区城市设计 [J], 曲秀云
4.浅谈城市道路规划与城市交通管理的统一 [J], 达琼
5.浅谈滨水地区城市设计的影响因素 [J], 王康; 王菊

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翻译原文:Preliminary design of urban binjiang roadZhang Cheng hong Deng Guan Cai Chen MingAbstract:Urban binjiang road construction is a comprehensive, professional engineering system in recent years, urban construction is an important component. This article from design standards, structure and foundation processing aspects of the design of the particularity and urban binjiang road put forward the corresponding proposal.Keywords:urban binjiang road design standard structure forms of foundation treatment recommendations1 a forewordA city is a basic rivers or through them or belt. Rivers in cities like colored winding between since ancient people to survive, provide the resources and the nutrition of politics, economy, history, culture, and closely related. Along with the growth in productivity, economic development, binjiang road (river) (hereinafter referred to as the binjiang road) become city is an important part of the construction. Broadly speaking, binjiang road is not part of the urban traffic, it sets the urban flood control and network construction, landscape, environmental protection, and humanistic landscape function as one, is one of the city, the water, the relationship between the construction of success, directly affects the orientation of the city and economic great-leap-forward development. The author participated in some city hosted the binjiang road, the following design work experience.2 design standardsBinjiang road design, to follow the city planning, land, environment, network planning for flood control, etc. Now the binjiang road construction is a variety of functions, its design standards should be integrated more professional standard and analysis. Binjiang road surface from flood linear function should satisfy the relevant terms for the urban flood control standard requirements, andstrive to any section of the flow and smooth, minimize the turbulence and deposition, in order to avoid the scour of embankment and passage, From the urban road network function terms should meet the minimum required corresponding road engineering, and smooth curve elements to smooth linear, traffic organization, From the humanistic landscape and landscape architecture function and requirement, binjiang road embankment and line, and in the sunken reach out or platform landscape Settings, in order to maximize the close to nature and outstanding urban themes. This standard and flood control, road landscape request from, it is required to design and analysis on hydrology model test based on the urban flood control standard basis, and try to meet the standards and requirements. The road landscape, Binjiang road from flood control function of longitudinal bolt form, its surface elevation, the flood control standard should be equal to the corresponding flood elevation + bulkhead ultra-high frequency, From the road surface elevation for standard should be equal to the flood control standard of flood elevation + 50 cm frequency, and satisfy the needs of the corresponding road engineering level minimum vertical curve elements and longitudinal grade requirements, From the humanistic landscape and landscape architecture function, binjiang road in the vertical section water, be like longyou movement. The determination of longitudinal cut in flood control functions, in accordance with the basis of city planning and real terrain, but in some higher than the flood control standards and meet district, binjiang road road alignment requirements in its inspiration on the whole assignment. Binjiang road cross-sectional form according to landform, investment and other conditions, in general, could be divided into 3 types, as shown in figure 1 (as shown in the diagram, erect embankment geological condition and landscape, can design for with hydrophilic embankment slope). Cross-sectional form one and two practical in road surface elevation than inside field constructed (the) to form a city, cross-sectional slope sections (recreational and greening) as part, which can save high quantity and investment, this section in the landscape, have the better afforestation, Three practical in roadcross-sectional form within the field of elevation than road elevation constructed in leisure and city, the greenbelt as ultra-high part, and avoid the embankment raised influence quantities, flat road renamed and investment. In line with the line between reinforced embankment with width can be combined with green recreational landscape design requirements and adjust measures to local conditions, and optimize.Figure 1 binjiang road cross-sectional form3 structure1) general rigid pavement concrete structure and flexible portion of asphalt concrete structure of two forms. In flexible pavement design, still can choose for landscape need five CaiBan Lan of colored pavement.2) the choice of the form of structure of embankment in hydrology, the main engineering geological conditions, the necessary conditions for the local materials and the humanities landscape and scientific and reasonable use new technology, new material. Embankment in general and rigid and flexible structure, concrete QiShi, two types of rigid structure is applicable to bedrock and close-grained sandy pebble for the foundation; etc. With such composites reinforced with rolling stone pile and soil type flexible structure is applicable to thicker soil layer as the foundation bearing. The conventional structure of embankment, no longer just recently made two cases of urban river embankment structure be introduced emphatically. Leshan BinHeLu municipal engineering (dadu river section) for vertical stiffness of embankment, topped by 24 m, municipal pipeline layout position under tension, embankment by the light of concrete, which combined bearing constructed to retaining under 6 m for gravityretaining wall, for the cantilever, shown in figure 2, under the municipal pipeline layout to surface.Solve, and quantity relatively saving. LangZhongShi binjiang road (river) municipal engineering, basic for a mutually close to close-grained sandy pebble, middle layer containing weak crystals, its biggest depth of more than 30 meters, in order to adapt to the deformation of foundation reinforced embankment, by retaining structure, flexible by flooding test, nearly four years, safety and stability of embankment deformation, LangZhongShi for historical and cultural cities, historical and cultural city, binjiang road surrounded by the pattern of retaining wall panel, make new roads into city history and culture organically binjiang road embankment is different from the embankment with water, but also because of the direct contact. Many domestic engineering design of water shortage, construction plunged conditions considered when discharging water and filter layer unqualified, often because the steep rise steeply down and crash, the main reason is not water outlet, seepage pressure on embankment sections that shear failure or instability of foundation.Figure 2 combined-type retaining wall4 foundation treatmentProper foundation treatment is one of the key factors of successful project, but also some engineering is one of the main reasons for the accident. Binjiang road foundation with good, fast and save for the principle, cast in flood season before is a winner. BinHeLu leshan city of engineering rock litter, because the role as perennial turbulent digg 6 m deep pit pit mud, if for filling cofferdam seepage control, engineering investment will be increased by 30%, Due to the large amount, high velocity in dadu, covering layer are strongly permeable sandpebbles foundation construction, using several excavator edge excavation forcwedge of cement stabilized sand gravel and timely crushes the sedimentation crowded, fill out the weak foundation for success, protect the surrounding foundation for piping and not instability. LangZhongShi binjiang road municipal engineering foundation southern 400 m for sandy pebble clip ZhongSha weak layer, weak layer below the underground water in 100kPa bearing, friction Angle, 16 °, the bearing capacity of foundation, roads and the weak layer slide safety coefficient, In order to save investment and construction, the design adopts 75 kW vibrator on the foundation for vibro-replacement stone column, via detecting composite foundation bearing capacity of 550kpa 3016 Angle and friction. Meet embankment needed stability against sliding bearing capacity and the request, the desired effect. These two cases have maximum saving project investment, won before flood of precious time. Domestic several binjiang road engineering accident investigates itsreason mainly as follows:1) when the design of embankment and foundation of the clay layer, cranny weakness interlayer sliding stability thoughtle-ss slip out of the whole, embankment.2) the structure and roadbed treatment are reasonably safe, but when large roadbed construction on the edge of river terraces, feeding area, make structure roadbed, lose sliding resistance level fluctuations in easily, flowing soil, piping, collapse, make the foundation structure, mechanical parameters reduce and eventually crash poaching by less fastidious, commonly known as "project".3) when the embankment sections simultaneously in soft and hard, because when the two kinds of bearing the embankment caused by uneven settlement dumping or section cracking.4) the buried depth of roadbed not according to specification, in scour depth below the embankment foundation and foundation by scouring and crash.Design and construction should be especially avoid above a few cases.5 cross structuresBecause of the special with water, binjiang road, its range is often exist orplanning (port), Bridges, DAMS, binjiang park, such as buildings, rescue,should consider when designing and binjiang road, whether reasonable, the combination of longitudinal loads, relationship, flood control, urban trafficmanagement of the landscape.6 problem and suggestionThe urban flood control standard is based on binjiang road urban population size and importance, but the flood control standard is the bridge to the scale, the span Bridges and importance. Because of the importance of bridge structure, in the same city flood control standard far outweigh the binjiang road bridge, i.e. bridge design elevation standard than binjiang road design elevation, for both sides General layout is more important riverbank, demolition, thus building difficulties caused by longitudinal structure of road and bridge. Whether can consider the bridge standard with the flood control standard is adapt to the urban flood control standard, and its importance in the structure of safety. Urban binjiang road construction is a comprehensive, professional system engineering, the competent departments shall, according to the successful experience of all the standard provisions formulated perfect as soon as possible to guide design and construction.翻译译文:城市滨江路设计浅析张程宏邓关彩陈铭摘要:城市滨江路建设是一项综合性多学科、多专业的系统工程, 是近些年城市建设的一个重要组成部分。
