中国组织工程研究 第19卷 第32期 2015–08–06出版Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research August 6, 2015 Vol.19, No.32ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 5155www.CRTER .org肖建红,女,1980年生,四川省绵阳市人,羌族,2012年中山大学毕业,博士,主治医师,主要从事造血干细胞抑制、干细胞与组织工程,以及免疫性血小板减少性紫癜的临床研究和基础研究。
通讯作者:张阳春,硕士,主治医师,中山大学附属第一医院东院下肢骨科,广东省广州市 510700中图分类号:R394.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-4344 (2015)32-05155-07 稿件接受:2015-07-01 Xiao Jian-hong, M.D., Attending physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Eastern Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 51000, Guangdong Province, ChinaCorresponding author: Zhang Yang-chun, Master, Attending physician, Department of Lower limbs Orthopedics, Eastern Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 51000, Guangdong Province, ChinaAccepted: 2015-07-01人皮下脂肪干细胞的成骨、成脂分化诱导及鉴定肖建红1,张阳春2,张常然1,杨 兴2(中山大学附属第一医院东院,1普通内科,2下肢骨科,广东省广州市 510700)文章亮点:1 实验通过密度梯度离心和贴壁筛选法相结合,对人脂肪干细胞进行分离、体外培养及扩增。
1 Gomori钙钴法【染色原理】ALP在pH值9.4的环境下,以镁离子作为激活剂,能够把β-甘油磷酸钠水解出磷酸,磷酸与高浓度的钙盐结合形成无色的磷酸钙,再与硝酸钴作用形成磷酸钴,经硫化胺处理形成黑色的硫化钴沉淀在酶活性处。
【孵育液配制】3%β-甘油磷酸钠5ml2%巴比妥钠5ml蒸馏水10ml2% CaCl2 10ml2% MgSO4 1ml【步骤】(1)将无菌的玻片放入培养皿中,传代时加入适量的细胞悬液,作细胞爬片,呆细胞长满玻片后取出。
2 偶氮偶联法:【孵育液配制】萘酚AS-BI磷酸盐20mgDMSO 0.5ml0.2mol/L巴比妥醋酸缓冲液(PH 9.2)50ml六偶氮副品红0.5ml1mol/L NaOH调PH 9-10,混合后过滤使用。
3 碱性磷酸酶染色试剂盒法:【作用原理】细胞内碱性磷酸酶在Ph9.4-9.6条件下水解磷酸萘酚AS-MX产生萘酚,后者被重氮盐捕获,生成不溶性有色沉淀。
不同培养条件下脂肪干细胞与成骨细胞的共培养张扬;刘大诚;杨效宁【摘要】BACKGROUND:After co-culture with osteoblasts, bone marrow stem cells can be induced to differentiate into osteoblasts. Whether adipose-derived stem cells co-cultured with osteoblasts can differentiate into osteoblasts or not? OBJECTIVE:To observe whether adipose-derived stem cells co-cultured with osteoblasts can differentiate into osteoblasts. METHODS:Adipose-derived stem cells and osteoblasts were isolated from New Zealand white rabbits. Then, passage 3 adipose-derived stem cells were co-cultured with passage 2 osteoblasts in 10%or 5%fetal bovine serum for 14 days. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:After 7 days of co-culture, some adipose-derived stem cells became round in the two groups. After 14 days of co-culture, adipose-derived stem cells highly differentiated and differentiated cells were similar to mature osteoblasts that were positive for alkaline phosphatase staining and alizarin red staining. The mRNA expression of type I col agen and osteocalcin increased in both two group, especial y in the 10%fetal bovine serum group. These findings indicate that adipose-derived stem cells co-cultured with osteoblasts can differentiate into osteoblasts induced by high-concentration serum culture.%背景:成骨细胞与骨髓干细胞共培养后可以诱导骨髓干细胞向成骨细胞分化,成骨细胞与脂肪干细胞共培养是否也能诱导向成骨细胞分化呢?目的:观察脂肪干细胞与成骨细胞共培养后能否向成骨细胞分化。
1. 干细胞的分离、原代和传代培养。
2. 定向诱导干细胞分化。
3. 成长曲线测定。
4. 诱导分化后细胞鉴定。
5. 结果统计分析。
差异均有统计 学意义( P < O . O 1 ) 。 A L P活性检测示 P R F组 I I 第7 天、 1 4天、 2 1 天、 2 8天细胞活性较对 照组 I I 均大 , 两组比较 差异均 有统计 学意义( P < 0 . 0 1 ) 。P R F组 I I 成骨诱导 7 天后 v o n K o s s a染 色阳性 ; 1 4天后 阳性 细胞增 多, 对照组 I I 诱导 7天未见钙 结 节, 1 4 天见少量阳性钙结节 , 空白组培养 1 4 天未见黑 色钙结节 。 结论 : C h o u k r o u n s P R F明显促进脂肪干细胞增殖及成骨分化 , 为骨组织工程提供 了新 的技术。P R F与干 细胞共 同培 养可 能还有许多潜在 的, 临床及生物工程应用价值 , 值得进一步研 究。 [ 关键词]自体 P R F ; 人 脂肪 来源干细胞( A D S C s ) ; 增殖 ; 成骨分化
adi p OS e — der i V ed s t e m cel l s i n v i t r o
L I U Yu a n - y ua nl L I U Da -l i e NAN Hu af HUANG J i a - c h e n g. SHAN L e i
白组 ) 进行培养 , 第7 天、 1 4 天、 2 1 天、 2 8天行碱 性磷酸酶活 性( A L P 活性 ) 检测 ; 诱导 细胞培 养后第 7 天、 1 4 天 天各 组分别行 v o n K o s s a 染色观察钙结节形成情 况。结果: 第3 代A D S C s 倒置显微镜 下观 察大多呈梭形 , 向骨细胞 、 脂肪细胞 、 神 经干细胞定
茶多酚对人脂肪来源间充质干细胞成骨分化的影响王华1,齐玉成-杨云芳-赵艺洋2,王慧1,陈培1,杨旭芳1(1.牡丹江医学院,黑龙江牡丹江157011;2.南方医科大学第一临床医学院,广东广州510515)摘要:目的探讨茶多酚(Epigallocatechin-3-gallate,EGCG)对人脂肪间充质干细胞(human adipose-derived mesenchy^-mal stem cells,hADSCs)成骨分化的影响。
方法利用胶原酶消化法和贴壁筛选法从人脂肪组织中分离、培养及扩增hADSCs,倒置显微镜下观察各代hADSCs的形态学特点;利用流式细胞术检测各代hADSCs免疫学表型;取P3代细胞进行成骨诱导分化,实验分三组,即未诱导组、常规成骨诱导组与EGCG组(常规成骨诱导+5^mol/L EGCG),14d后,镜下观察细胞形态学改变及碱性磷酸酶(ALP)染色。
关键词:EGCG;人脂肪来源间充质干细胞;成骨分化中图分类号:R595.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-7550(2021)01-0001-04Effect of EGCG on osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cellsWANG Hua et al(Mudanjiang Medical University,Mudanjiang157011,China)Abstract:Objective To explore the effect of tea polyphenol EGCG on the osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells(hADSCs) .Methods To isolate,culture and amplify hADSCs from human adipose tissue by collagenase digestion and adherent screening methods, the morphological characteristics of each passage of hADSCs were observed under an inverted microscope.The immunophenotype of each generation of hADSCs was detected by flow-cytometry.P3passage cells were taken for osteogenic induction and differentiation,and were divided into three groups:non-induced group, conventional osteogenic induction group and EGCG group(conventional osteogenic induction with+5Rmol/L EGCG).After14days,morphological changes and alkaline phosphatase(ALP)staining were observed under the microscope.Results The morphology of hADSCs isolated and cultured in vitro was uni-form.The results of flow cytometry showed that hADSCs had the immunophenotype of mesenchymal stem cells,such as CD44,CD73and CD105.After14days of osteogenic induction,some cells changed from long spindle shape to polygonal shape,and the cells showed aggregation trend.ALP staining showed strong positive in EGCG group.Conclusion hADSCs have been successfully isolated and cultured from adipose tissue.EGCG can enhance the osteogenic differentiation ability of hADSCs,which will provide a new idea for the clinical drug development of osteoporosis and provide an abundant and reliable source of seed cells for the construction of tissue-engineered bone.Key words:EGCG;human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells;osteogenic differentiation随着人口老龄化,骨质疏松症已成为影响人们生活质量的主要因素之一⑷。
组织工程的一种细胞来源是骨髓基质,骨髓腔中含有几种细胞成分,包括间充质干细胞(mesenchyml stem cells,MSCs),它能分化为脂肪细胞、软骨细胞、成骨细胞和成肌细胞,是目前骨和软骨组织工程的主要细胞来源[1]。
脂肪来源的干细胞目前可称为脂肪来源的基质细胞(adipose tissue-derived stromal cells,ADSCs),能分化为脂肪细胞、软骨细胞、成骨细胞、成肌细胞、内皮细胞、神经细胞和平滑肌细胞[2-6]。
首先,获取的脂肪组织用缓冲液反复冲洗,剪刀剪碎,0.075%的胶原酶37℃消化30~50 min,800 g离心10 min,沉淀成分为基质血管层(stromal vascular fraction,SVF),DMEM培养基重悬细胞,筛网过滤离心,弃上清。
脂肪源性干细胞体外分离培养及向内皮祖细胞的诱导分化刘子琪;孙同文;万有栋;姚瑞;阚全程【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2015(000)032【摘要】BACKGROUND:Adipose-derived stem cels are regarded as the potential seed cels for tissue engineering. Colagenase digestion is used to isolate adipose-derived stem cels from fat pads currently. However, there are some problems, such as cumbersome operation and high cost. <br> OBJECTIVE: To study the basic biological characteristics of adipose-derived stem cels by tissue explants culture and to explore the differentiation potential into osteoblasts, adipocytes and endothelial progenitor cels in vitro. <br> METHODS:Adipose-derived stem cels were isolated by tissue explants technique from the bilateral groin fat pads of rats under aseptic conditions, and cultured in vitro. Cel counting kit-8 was used to detect the proliferative activity, and flow cytometry was employed to analyze the expression of cel surface markers. Passage 4 adipose-derived stem cels were cultured in osteogenic medium, adipogenic medium and endothelial progenitor cel medium for 2-3 weeks, and then the cels were identified.<br> RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Adipose-derived stem cels that were isolated by tissue explants culture were easily cultured, and after subculture, cels were mainly spindle-shaped and grew in clone-like manner with swirling arrangement. Cels that experienced repeated subcultures stilkept stronger proliferative ability and the cel growth curve was shaped as a parabola. Immunochemical staining analysis revealed that adipose-derived stem cels were positive for CD44, CD90 and CD29, but negative for CD31, CD45. After adipogenic/osteogenic induction, the cels were respectively positive for oil red O staining and alizarin red staining. Induced endothelial progenitor cels were identified with CD34 and the ability to uptake Dil-ac-LDL and FITC-UEA. These findings indicate usingthe using tissue explants culture, high-purity adipose-derived stem cels easy to proliferate can be harvested, highly express stem cels-related antigens, and have the ability to differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and endothelial progenitor cels, which meet the needs of seed cels in tissue engineering research.%背景:脂肪源性干细胞是目前组织工程种子细胞的研究热点,通常采用胶原酶消化脂肪组织来获得,但是存在着操作繁琐,花费高等不足。
骨形态发生蛋白-2(BMP2)基因的生理功能和信号通路研究进展费晓娟1,金美林1,卢曾奎2,狄冉1,魏彩虹1*(1.中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,北京100193;2.中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,甘肃兰州730050)摘 要:骨形态发生蛋白-2(BMP-2)是转化生长因子β(TGF-β)超家族的成员。
关键词:BMP2基因;结构和表达;生理功能;信号通路中图分类号:S826.2 文献标识码:A DOI编号:10.19556/j.0258-7033.20200326-06绵羊是重要的家畜之一,拥有11 000年的驯化史,是史上第一个被驯化的游牧动物。
肥尾羊大约在5 000年前从瘦尾羊中演化而来,目前肥尾羊数量已占全世界总羊数的四分之一[2]。
1965年 Urist 在成人的脱钙骨基质中提取出一种能诱导异位骨发生的活性蛋白,并根据其生物学特性命名为骨形态发生蛋白(Bone Morphogenetic Protein,BMPs),属于转化生长因子β(The Transforming Growth Factor-β,TGF-β)超家族[7]。
1672V ol.40 No.12 Dec. 2020上海交通大学学报(医学版)JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY (MEDICAL SCIENCE )综述近年来,我国骨质疏松症患病率逐渐攀升。
利用脂肪来源的间充质干细胞(adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells ,ADMSCs )诱导成为成骨细胞治疗骨质疏松症是医学研究的新方向[1]。
ADMSCs 可以通过旁分泌功能,分泌一些生物活性分子,为组织修复建立良好的微环境,促进新生血管的形成和伤口愈合,并且减少组织的炎症反应。
ADMSCs 也可分泌促进血管生成和抗凋亡潜能的生长因子,如转化生长因子(transforming growth factor ,TGF )、胰岛素样生长因子(insulin growth factor ,IGF )、血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor ,VEGF )、肝细胞生长因子(hepatocyte growth factor ,HGF )[3]和骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein ,BMP )家族BMP-2、BMP-7等[4]。
ADMSCs 来源丰富,通过脂肪抽吸术易于获得,无免疫排斥。
平均每300 mL 脂肪组织可获得108个 细胞,每克动物脂肪可获得5 000个成纤维集落形成单位(colony forming unit-fibroblast ,CFU-F )[5]。
Choukroun's PRF对体外培养人脂肪干细胞增殖及成骨分化的影响
![Choukroun's PRF对体外培养人脂肪干细胞增殖及成骨分化的影响](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f8576d11fad6195f312ba6ab.png)
Choukroun's PRF对体外培养人脂肪干细胞增殖及成骨分化的影响作者:刘元媛柳大烈南华黄佳诚单磊来源:《中国美容医学》2013年第01期[摘要]目的:观察自体富血小板纤维蛋白Choukroun's PRF(Choukroun's platelet-rich fibrin)对体外培养人脂肪来源干细胞(adipose-derived stem cells,ADSCs)增殖及成骨分化能力的影响。
将第3代ADSCs 分别采用含PRF的普通培养基(PRF组Ⅰ)和不含PRF的普通培养基(对照组Ⅰ)进行培养,观察细胞生长情况,培养1天、3天、5天、7天后采用CCK-8试剂检测细胞增殖活性。
另外分别采用含PRF的成骨诱导培养基(PRF组Ⅱ)、不含PRF的成骨诱导培养基(对照组Ⅱ)及不含PRF的普通培养基(空白组)进行培养,第7天、14天、21天、28 天行碱性磷酸酶活性(ALP活性)检测;诱导细胞培养后第7天、14天天各组分别行von Kossa染色观察钙结节形成情况。
CCK-8法示PRF组Ⅰ的OD值均大于对照组Ⅰ,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P[关键词]自体PRF;人脂肪来源干细胞(ADSCs);增殖;成骨分化[中图分类号]Q813.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2013)01-0040-03The effect of Choukroun's PRF on the proliferation and osteogenetic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells in vitroLIU Yuan-yuan,LIU Da-lie,NAN Hua,HUANG Jia-cheng,SHAN Lei(Department of Plastic and Aesthetic,Zhujiang Hospita of Nanfang Medical University,Guangzhou 510282,Guangdong,China)Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of Choukroun's PRF (Choukroun's platelet-rich fibrin) on the proliferation and osteogenetic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. Methods Human ADSCs (adipose-derived stem cells) were isolated from adipose tissue obtained from donor undergoing liposuction and were cultured,and autologous PRF was prepared by Choukroun method,and growth condition of ADSCs was observed.ADSCs at passage 3 were cultured in adipogenic,osteogenetic and neurospheres differentiation medium and underwent identification,flow cytometric analysis for cell surface antigen CD29,CD45 and CD90 wereperformed. ADSCs at passage 3 cultured by common culture medium containing PRF (PRFgroupⅠ), and cultured by common culture medium without PRF (control groupⅠ). Growth condition of the cells was observed by inverted microscope. CCK-8 method was used to observe cell proliferation activity 1,3,5,7 days after culture. Then ADSCs cultured by osteogenic induction culture medium containing PRF (PRF groupⅡ), cultured by osteogenic induction culture medium without PRF (control groupⅡ) and cultured by common culture medium without PRF (blank group).ALP activity detection was conducted 7,14,21 and 28 days after culture. Von Kossa staining was performed on the three groups 7 and 14 days after culture to detect the formation of calcium nodule. Results Most ADSCs at passage 3 were spindle-shaped under the inverted microscope. Adipogenic , osteogenetic and neurospheres differentiation were positive, and flow cytometric analysis of CD29 and CD90 were positive,CD45 were negative. CCK-8 method revealed the Optical Density value of PRF groupⅠwere all greater than control groupⅠ,and there were significant diferences between two groups (PKey words:Autologous PRF; human adipose-derived stem cells; cell proliferation;osteogenetic differentiation国内外许多研究已经证明血小板浓缩物被激活后可释放出多种细胞生长因子,1984年,Assion从人血浆提取富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma,PRP),大量研究表明PRP内富含血小板,血小板脱颗粒后,可以释放大量生长因子,可促进软硬组织愈合再生,已应用于整形美容和创伤外科等领域[1-2]。
标签:成骨细胞;脂肪细胞;骨细胞;横向分化【Abstract】Osteoblasts and adipocytes are derived from bone marrow stromal cells. Both of them have transdifferentiation each other under a certain condition. Osteocytes are differentiated from osteoblasts embedded in the bone matrix,but found in research of bone cell function,osteocytes have the tendency to dedifferentiate into osteoblasts.This paper introduces the correlation of osteoblasts,osteocytes ,adipocytes and their key genes combined with the latest research,and emphasizes the differentiation from osteoblasts into adipocytes and its possible mechanism,and it also narrates the research of differentiation from osteoblasts into osteocytes for reference to the colleagues.【Key words】Osteoblast;Adipocyte;Osteocyte;Transdifferentiation成骨细胞在骨代谢中发挥了的重要作用,其分化成熟、功能活动及归属对骨质疏松等代谢性疾病的发生发展意义深远。
骨 诱 导分 化 , 为 临 床 骨 组 织 重 建 提 供 种 子 细 胞 。方 法
组 织 中提 取 h AS C s 。 MT S法 绘 制 h A S C s 生长 曲线 ; 利用 流式细胞 术检 测 h AS C s 表 面标 志 ; 以低糖 D ME M含 1 O
F B S及 1 青/ 链 霉 素 为基 础 培 养 基 , 含l n M 地塞米松 , 1 0 mM 磷 酸 甘 油 , 0 . 0 5 mM 维 生 素 C的 条 件 培 养 基 连 续 培 养
b r o s i s [ J ] . Am J P h y s i o l R e n a l P h y s i o l , 2 0 0 2 , 2 8 2 ( 3 ) : 4 3 1 . [ 1 3 ] P a t e l S , D o b l e B, Wo o d g e t t J R . Gl y c o g e n s y n t h a s e k i n a s e 一 3 i n i n —
文章编 号 : 1 0 0 7 —4 2 8 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4 —0 6 3 9 —0 5
人 脂 肪 来 源 干 细胞 的分 离 、 培 养 及 成 骨 分 化 的研 究
赵 强 , 吕 爽 , 翟 颖仙。 , 高振 平 。 , 石 英 爱。
( 吉林 大 学 l _ 第一临床医 院 儿外科 , 吉林长春 1 3 0 0 2 1 ; 2 . 白求 恩 医 学 院 病 理 生 物 学 教 育部 重 点 研究 室 ; 3 . 白求恩医学院 解剖教研室 )
[ 1 2 ] S u r e n d r a n K, Mc C a u l S P, S i mo n T C . A r o l e f o r Wn t 4 i n r e n a l f i —
人脂肪干细胞的培养及鉴定尚志刚;郭琼;李甜;白生宾;钟近洁;秦纹;冯树梅【摘要】Objective To establish an effective method on isolating and identifying Human adipose stem cells(hADSCs). Methods Collagenase digestion was adopted to isolate stem cells from human adipose tissue.These isolated cells were subcultured and passaged in vitro,the morphology and cell growth curve were characterized subsequently.Moreover,flow cytometry and multi-lineage differentia⁃tion ability were identified. Results The obtained cells with spindle-shape were adherent monolayer cells,and were arranged in whirlpool or radiation.The cell growth curve was a typical“S”shape ,indi⁃cating a 26h of doubling generation time.These cells are positive for CD29,CD105,CD44,negative for CD45 showed by Flow cytometry.The positive results of oil red and alizarin red staining also indicated that the obtained cells were pluripotent. Conclusion HADSCs could be obtained from human abode⁃men adipose tissue through a series of isolation and identified methods.%目的:探讨人脂肪干细胞的分离、培养并鉴定。
长链非编码RNA MEG3对成骨分化及骨性疾病影响的研究进展
![长链非编码RNA MEG3对成骨分化及骨性疾病影响的研究进展](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/03569f21bb1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a87c28be0.png)
长链非编码RNA MEG3对成骨 分化及骨性疾病影响的研究进展张轩铭,吕松岑(哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院关节与运动医学外科,黑龙江哈尔滨文章编号:1008-5572(2021)02-0148-05 中图分类号:R73&1非编码 RNAs(noncoding RNAs,ncRNAs)是一类没有 编码蛋白功能的RNA 分子,根据它的大小,可分为小非编码RNA和 长 链 非 编 码 RNAs (long non-coding RNAs ,lncR-NAs )。
lncRNA 是一种长度超过200个核苷酸的非编码RNA,ncRNA 的80%都是长链非编码RNA 。
人们最初认为 lncRNA 是转录的垃圾,但后来逐渐发现了 lncRNA 通过参与调控目的基因的表达,或者通过与启动子和增强子相互作 用,进而对染色质重构、DNA 甲基化、组蛋白修饰及RNA 聚 合酶的活性进行调控,从而调节细胞的增殖和分化过程。
母系表达的基因 3(Maternally expressed gene3,MEG3)是母系表达的lncRNA ,为一种位于染色体14q32的肿瘤抑制基因。
MEG3通过抑制血管再生进而抑制肿瘤的发展,目前已经了解到MEG3与多种肿瘤相关疾病、癌症(如甲状腺乳头状癌、胃癌、鼻咽癌、胰腺癌、结肠癌、视网膜母细胞瘤)、各种炎症 反应和心肌梗死等疾病的形成与发展存在着密切的关系。
而MEG3在骨性疾病中的功能与作用机制的研究尚处于初 步阶段,但现在已经发现MEG3表达的上升或下降可调控干细胞向成骨细胞分化或导致如骨关节炎、骨肉瘤、多发性骨髓瘤等多种骨性疾病的发生,这与MEG3/miR16/SMAD7、MEG3/miR203/Sirt1等多种通路轴有关。
故MEG3的表达为后续研究骨性疾病提供了理论基础,对骨性疾病诊断与治 疗均有一定的临床意义。
1 MEG3调控干细胞向成骨细胞分化在胚胎发育过程中,MEG3可能参与包括骨髓间充质干细胞(bone mesenchymal stem cells, BMSCs)在内的多种细 胞的分化过程。
过 CO2吸入实施安乐死。无菌条件下取其来自胫骨 和股骨的骨髓,用不含 17β雌二醇等类固醇的培养 基冲洗骨髓腔以洗脱髓腔内细胞。以上所述培养基 由不含酚红的 αMEM培养基、10%活性炭剥离的胎 牛血清和 1%抗生素抗真菌剂(青霉素 +链霉素) 组成。将细胞以 5×107 个细胞 /100mm培养皿接 种,并在 37℃,5% CO2 中与不含 17β雌二醇等类 固醇的培养基一起温育。在第 3天,通过培养基更 换去除未附着的细胞来分离 MSC。将 MSC孵育至 80%的浓度,然后以 106 个细胞 /100mm培养皿的 密度进行传代培养。检测细胞 CD44、CD90、CD105 均呈阳性表达,而 CD34、CD45呈阴性表达,鉴定为 BMSCs。使用雄性和雌性大鼠的第一部分骨髓间充 质干细胞 (Passage1BoneMesenchymalStem Cells, Passage1BMSCs)研究 17β雌二醇对 BMSCs增殖的 功能。将 1000个传代的 BMSCs细胞放入 96孔板 的每个孔中,分为 4组,每组 250个,分别暴露于补 充不 同 剂 量 的 无 类 固 醇 培 养 基 (0001、001、 01nmol/L)的 17β雌二醇和补骨脂素。分别记作 对照组、01nmol/L17β雌二醇和补骨脂素处理组、 001 nmol/L17β雌 二 醇 和 补 骨 脂 素 处 理 组 及 0001nmol/L17β雌二醇和补骨脂素处理组。 122 干预方法 对照组不进行药物干预处理,而 对 01 nmol/L17β雌 二 醇 和 补 骨 脂 素 处 理 组、 001nmol/L 17β雌 二 醇 和 补 骨 脂 素 处 理 组 及 0001nmol/L17β雌二醇和补骨脂素处理组分别给 予对应剂量的 17β雌二醇和补骨脂素处理,在第 7 天,使用茜素红 S染色法(AlizarinRedStaining)观察 细胞增殖,所有步骤均按照说明书严格操作。 123 检测指标与方法 1)实时荧光定量聚合酶 链 反 应 (RealtimePolymeraseChainReaction,RT PCR)测 定 Runt相 关 转 录 因 子 (RuntrelatedTran scriptionalFactor2,RUNX2)mRNA表达:实时 PCR 用于量化细胞因子 RUNX2的基因在诱导 3、5、7d 后的表达情况。使用总 RNA提取试剂 (TRIzol)试 剂从 BMSCs提取总 RNA,并使用纯化 PCR产物法 (QIAquickPCRPuricationKit)纯化。用 DNAseI使 用第一链 cDNA合成试剂盒和随机六聚体引物逆转 录反 应 得 到 cDNA。 使 用 荧 光 定 量 PCR 试 剂 盒 (SYBRGreenPCRMasterMix)进行定量实时 PCR。 选用甘 油 醛3磷 酸 脱 氢 酶 (Glyceraldehyde3phos phateDehydrogenase,GAPDH)作 为 内 参。RUNX2、 GAPDH基因引物序列见表 1。反应体系见表 2。反 应参数:95℃ 35s,35个 循 环 (95℃ 35s,55℃
2021年 06月第18卷第3期生物骨科材料与临床研究O rthobaedic B iomechanics M aterials A nd C linical S tudy .78.doi: 10.3969/i.issn. 1672-5972.2021.03.015 文章编号:swgk2019-l 1-00243长链非编码RNA 调控不同来源干细胞成骨分化机制的研究进展**基金项目:广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目(编号:A2018262);深圳市卫生健康委员会学科建设能力提升项目(编号:SZXJ2018065);深圳市三名工程 (编号:SZSM201612086)作者单位:1深圳市第二人民医院,广东深圳,518035;2汕头大学医学院,广 东汕头,515000林梓聪▽刘建全I 赵誌I 李文翠I 熊建义I *[摘要]肌腱病是世界范围内的常见疾病,无论手术与否,肌腱钙化均是其最常见的并发症之一。
近年来,长链非编码RNA (lncRNA )参与调控不同来源干细胞成骨分化成为研究热点,这也为解决相应的临床问题提供了一个新方法。
本文从lncRNA 调控不同来源干细胞成骨分化机制的角度作一综述,为治 疗肌腱组织异常成骨分化的发病寻找新的研究方向和靶点。
[关键词]长链非编码RNA ;干细胞;成骨分化[中图分类号]R329.2 [文献标识码]AResearch progress of long non-coding RNA regulation in osteogenic differentiation of stem-cellLili Zicong Liu Jianquan ] Zhao Zhe 1, Li Wencui', Xiong Jianyi'. 1 Shenzhen Second P eople's Hospital, ShenzhenGuangdong, 518035; 2 Shantou University Medical College, Shantou Guangdong, 515000, China[Abstract] Tendinopathy is a common disease among the world, and whether repair operation or not, calcification oftendon, is one of the most common complications. Although the mechanism of tendon calcification is unclear, some evidences demonstrated that this pathological change may be related to the abnonnal osteogenic differentiation of exogenous or endogenous stem cells in tendon tissue. Recently, IncRNA has become a research hotspot of r egulating the osteogenic differentiation of s tem-cell in tendon tissue, which also provides a new method to solve the corresponding clinical problems.This article reviews the mechanism of I ncRNA regulating the osteogenic differentiation of stem cells from different sources, in order to find a new research direction and target for the treatment of a bnormal osteogenic differentiation of t endon tissue.Osteogenic differentiation[Key words ] Long non-coding RNA (IncRNA ); Stem cell;肌肉骨骼疾病是全世界都面临的重大医疗问题,而有研 究指出肌腱疾病约占肌肉骨骼疾病的30%;甚至在美国,仅2008 一年便有约200万人因为肌腱问题咨询医生111 o 即便 如此,经过治疗后的损伤肌腱也并不能保证恢复如初,极易遗留各种各样的后遗症,令患者痛苦不堪。