
三通一压 10-14AF4 10-14AF6 15-14AF1 15-14AF2 20-14LF4 20-14LF6 20-14LF9 20-14LF12 20-14LF16 30-14HF2 30-14HF4 30-14HF6 30-14HF9 30-14HF16 60-14HF2 60-14HF4 60-14HF6 60-14HF9 100-14XF4 150-14XF6
厚度 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1"
K 单压力口三通针阀
1/16" O.D.
15-14AF1 15,000
1/8" O.D.
15-14AF2 15,000
1/4" O.D.
10-14AF4 10,000
3/8" O.D.
10-14AF6 10,000
接口 通径 D E F G H J K L
R5 8/04
High Pressure Equipment
10,000 and 15,000 psi 接管外径有 /116", /18", /14", 和 /3 8"。
接管时不用特殊工具,只要简单的切断、去毛刺、和连接就可以 了。 防旋针形阀杆是用来开关和保证长久寿命的标准件。如果阀杆需要 带调节刻度,请加-REG后缀即可,不需另加费用。 默认的,每个阀都配有压紧螺母和卡套。 材质:阀体是316 SS,下阀杆是17-4PH。 密封填料:默认的是特氟龙(232℃),也可以选氟橡胶 (176℃),丁腈橡胶(93℃),柔性石墨(343℃),无需另加费 用。 空气执行器:所有的阀门都可以用空气执行器实现远程控制。选择 需要的针阀,并加上HIPCO后缀。

Hiphop元素表(参考仅供)Hiphop元素表1、Bounce:弹动2、Rock:摇摆3、Skate:滑动4、Roll:转动5、Wave:波动6、Criss cross:十字交叉7、XXX:XXX8、XXX:颠簸的行进9、Cat daddy:猫爸爸10、Kick cross step:踢跨一步11、Walk it out:走出去12、Dougie:道基舞13、Cabbage patch:卷心菜14、XXX:海绵宝宝15、Smurf:蓝精灵16、XXX:17、Running man:跑男18、Kick ball change:踢换球19、Happy feet:快乐的大脚20、XXX:XXX兔子参考-材料121、XXX:脚跟脚尖22、Funky chicken:时髦的鸡23、Funky Broadway:时尚百老汇(crab、the v)24、Crazy legs:疯狂的腿……(popping动作)25、Run it:运行它26、Body wave:身体波浪27、Arm wave:手臂波浪28、Butterfly:XXX29、Stick and roll:····30、Pick it up and chuck it:把他捡起来,XXX31、Old man:老先生(popping动作)32、Toy man:玩具人(popping动作)33、Prep:准备活动34、XXX:辣妹35、Funky guitar:时髦的吉他36、City XXX:城市男孩37、Biz XXX:唱片名字38、Bart Simpson:XXX39、Watergate:水闸40、Shoulder lean:肩膀的倾斜41、The Wop:移居美国的南欧黑肤人参考-资料242、Thunder clap:好天轰隆43、Robocop:机器战警44、XXX:钱的工作45、XXX:可卡因46、Snap:-----47、Harlem shake:XXX摇摆48、Reebok:品牌锐步49、XXX:XXX50、Toe wop:----51、XXX step:蛇步52、XXX:(ATL亚特兰大缩写)顿脚53、Baby:瑰宝54、XXX step:XXX55、BK bounce:(BK布鲁克林缩写)弹跳56、Party machine:派对呆板57、ALF:XXX58、Kid’s&play:小孩游戏59、The humpty:软垫座椅60、Di day bop:大摇大摆61、Go away:走开62、XXX:足跟转参考-材料363、Cross step:交叉步64、Groove:65、Red law:66、Original step:原始的步伐67、Shake:摇动68、Get light:取得光69、ALT Stomp:70、XXX XXX:XXX71、Salsa:XXX72、Happy feet:快乐的大脚73、Smurf:74、Prep:75、XXX:76、Basketball:篮球77、XXX:XXX78、Hop:单脚跳79、Creep:蠕变80、Guess:猜一猜81、Four Conner:82、Kid and play:孩子玩83、Roof top:屋顶参考-材料484、XXX:85、XXX:骆驼走86、TLC:87、Out law:88、Cameo:客串89、XXX:90、Sham rock:假岩91、Pas de bourree:92、Kick Step:踢步。

汉字英文对照方正报宋简体FZBaoSong-Z04S FZBSJW FZBSJW—GB1-0 7156方正粗圆简体FZCuYuan-M03S FZY4JW FZY4JW—GB1-07156方正大标宋简体FZDaBiaoSong-B06S FZDBSJW FZDBSJW—GB1-07156方正大黑简体FZDaHei-B02S FZDHTJW FZDHTJW—GB1-0 7156方正仿宋简体FZFangSong-Z02S FZFSJW FZFSJW—GB1-07156方正黑体简体FZHei-B01S FZHTJW FZHTJW—GB1-07156方正琥珀简体FZHuPo-M04S FZHPJW FZHPJW—GB1-07156方正楷体简体FZKai-Z03S FZKTJW FZKTJW—GB1-0 7156方正隶变简体FZLiBian-S02S FZLBJW FZLBJW—GB1-07156方正隶书简体FZLiShu-S01S FZLSJW FZLSJW—GB1-07156方正美黑简体FZMeiHei-M07S FZMHJW FZMHJW—GB1-07156方正书宋简体FZShuSong-Z01S FZSSJW FZSSJW—GB1-07156方正舒体简体FZShuTi-S05S FZSTJW FZSTJW—GB1-0 7152方正水柱简体FZShuiZhu-M08S FZSZJW FZSZJW—GB1-07156方正宋黑简体FZSongHei-B07S FZSHJW FZSHJW—GB1-07156方正宋三简体FZSong III-Z05S FZS3JW FZS3JW—GB1-07156方正魏碑简体FZWeiBei-S03S FZWBJW FZWBJW—GB1-0 7156方正细等线简体FZXiDengXian-Z06S FZXDXJW FZXDXJW—GB1-0 7156方正细黑一简体FZXiHei I-Z08S FZXH1JW FZXH1JW—GB1-07156方正细圆简体FZXiYuan-M01S FZY1JW FZY1JW—GB1-07156方正小标宋简体FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05S FZXBSJW FZXBSJW—GB1-07156方正行楷简体FZXingKai-S04S FZXKJW FZXKJW—GB1-0 7156方正姚体简体FZYaoTi-M06S FZYTJW FZYTJW—GB1-0 7156方正中等线简体FZZhongDengXian-Z07S FZZDXJW FZZDXJW—GB1-0 7156方正准圆简体FZZhunYuan-M02S FZY3JW FZY3JW—GB1-0 7156方正综艺简体FZZongYi-M05S FZZYJW FZZYJW—GB1-07156方正彩云简体FZCaiYun-M09S FZCYJW FZCYJW—GB1-0 7156方正隶二简体FZLiShu II-S06S FZL2JW FZL2JW—GB1-07156方正康体简体FZKangTi-S07S FZKANGJW FZKANGJW—GB1-0 7156方正超粗黑简体FZChaoCuHei-M10S FZCCHJW FZCCHJW—GB1-0 7156方正新报宋简体FZNew BaoSong-Z12S FZNBSJW FZNBSJW—GB1097156方正新舒体简体FZNew ShuTi-S08S FZNSTJW FZNSTJW—GB1-0 7156方正黄草简体FZHuangCao-S09S FZHCJW FZHCJW—GB1-06763方正少儿简体FZShaoEr-M11S FZSEJW FZSEJW—GB1-07156方正稚艺简体FZZhiYi-M12S FZZHYJW FZZHYJW—GB1-0 7156方正细珊瑚简体FZXiShanHu-M13S FZXSHJW FZXSHJW—GB1-07156方正粗宋简体FZCuSong-B09S FZCSJW FZCSJW—GB1-0 7156方正平和简体FZPingHe-S11S FZPHTJW FZPHTJW—GB1-0 7156方正华隶简体FZHuaLi-M14S FZHLJW FZHLJW—GB1-0 7156方正瘦金书简体FZShouJinShu-S10S FZSJSJW FZSJSJW—GB1-07156方正细倩简体FZXiQian-M15S FZXQJW FZXQJW—GB1-0 7156方正中倩简体FZZhongQian-M16S FZZQJW FZZQJW—GB1-0 7156方正粗倩简体FZCuQian-M17S FZCQJW FZCQJW—GB1-0 7156方正胖娃简体FZPangWa-M18S FZPWJW FZPWJW—GB1-07156方正宋一简体FZSongYi-Z13S FZSYJW FZSYJW—GB1-0 7156(繁体部分)中文字体名英文字体名文件名PS name 汉字数方正报宋繁体FZBaoSong-Z04T FZXLFW FZXLFW—GB1-0 6866方正彩云繁体FZCaiYun-M09T FZCYFW FZCYFW—GB1-06866方正超粗黑繁体FZChaoCuHei-M10T FZCCHFW FZCCHFW—GB1-0 6866方正粗黑繁体FZCuHei-B03T FZH4FW FZH4FW—GB1-06866方正粗圆繁体FZCuYuan-M03T FZY4FW FZY4FW—GB1-06866方正大标宋繁体FZDaBiaoSong-B06T FZDBSFW FZDBSFW—GB1-06866方正仿宋繁体FZFangSong-Z02T FZFSFW FZFSFW—GB1-06866方正黑体繁体FZHei-B01T FZHTFW FZHTFW—GB1-06866方正琥珀繁体FZHuPo-M04T FZHPFW FZHPFW—GB1-0 6866方正楷体繁体FZKai-Z03T FZKTFW FZKTFW—GB1-06866方正隶变繁体FZLiBian-S02T FZLBFW FZLBFW—GB1-0 6866方正平黑繁体FZPingHei-B04T FZPHFW FZPHFW—GB1-06866方正书宋繁体FZShuSong-Z01T FZSSFW FZSSFW—GB1-06866方正舒体繁体FZShuTi-S05T FZSTFW FZSTFW—GB1-0 6866方正魏碑繁体FZWeiBei-S03T FZWBFW FZWBFW—GB1-06866方正细黑一繁体FZXiHei I-Z08T FZXH1FW FZXH1FW—GB1-06866方正细圆繁体FZXiYuan-M01T FZY1FW FZY1FW—GB1-06866方正小标宋繁体FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05T FZXBSFW FZXBSFW—GB1-0 6866方正新书宋繁体FZNew ShuSong-Z10T FZXSSFW FZXSSFW—GB1-06866方正新秀丽繁体FZNew XiuLi-Z11T FZXXLFW FZXXLFW—GB1-06866方正行楷繁体FZXingKai-S04T FZXKFW FZXKFW—GB1-06866方正幼线繁体FZYouXian-Z09T FZYXFW FZYXFW—GB1-0 6866方正中楷繁体FZZhongKai-B08T FZZKFW FZZKFW—GB1-06866方正准圆繁体FZZhunYuan-M02T FZY3FW FZY3FW—GB1-0 6866方正综艺繁体FZZongYi-M05T FZZYFW FZZYFW—GB1-0 6866方正隶二繁体FZLiShu II-S06T FZL2FW FZL2FW—GB1-06866方正新舒体繁体FZNew ShuTi-S08T FZNSTFW FZNSTFW—GB1-06866方正康体繁体FZKangTi-S07T FZKANGFW FZKANGFW—GB1-0 6866方正水柱繁体FZShuiZhu-M08T FZSZFW FZSZFW—GB1-06866方正姚体繁体FZYaoTi-M06T FZYTFW FZYTFW—GB1-06866方正瘦金书繁体FZShouJinShu-S10T FZSJSFW FZSJSFW—GB1-06866方正少儿繁体FZShaoEr-M11T FZSEFW FZSEFW—GB1-06866方正稚艺繁体FZZhiYi-M12T FZZHYFW FZZHYFW—GB1-0 6866方正细珊瑚繁体FZXiShanHu-M13T FZXSHFW FZXSHFW—GB1-0 6866方正粗宋繁体FZCuSong-B09T FZCSFW FZCSFW—GB1-0 6866方正平和繁体FZPingHe-S11T FZPHTFW FZPHTFW—GB1-06866方正华隶繁体FZHuaLi-M14T FZHLFW FZHLFW—GB1-0 6866方正中等线繁体FZZhongDengXian-Z07T FZZDXFW FZZDXFW—GB1-06866方正细倩繁体FZXiQian-M15T FZXQFW FZXQFW—GB1-0 6866方正中倩繁体FZZhongQian-M16T FZZQFW FZZQFW—GB1-0 6866方正粗倩繁体FZCuQian-M17T FZCQFW FZCQFW—GB1-0 6866方正胖娃繁体FZPangWa-M18T FZPWFW FZPWFW—GB1-06866方正宋一繁体FZSongYi-Z13T FZSYFW FZSYFW—GB1-06866增加字体清单序号字体中文名字数国标编码西文名中文名PSName FileName1方正卡通简体2方正卡通繁体3方正艺黑简体4方正艺黑繁体7156FZKaTong-M19S方正卡通简体6866FZKaTong-M19T方正卡通繁体7156FZYiHei-M20S 方正艺黑简体6866FZYiHei-M20T 方正艺黑繁体FZKATJW--GB1-0FZKATJWFZKATFW--GB1-0 FZKATFWFZYHJW--GB1-0 FZYHJWFZYHFW--GB1-0FZYHFW5方正水黑简体6方正水黑繁体7156FZShuiHei-M21S 方正水黑简体6866FZShuiHei-M21T 方正水黑繁体FZSHHJW--GB1-0 FZSHHJWFZSHHFW--GB1-0FZSHHFW7方正古隶简体8方正古隶繁体7156FZGuLi-S12S 方正古隶简体6866FZGuLi-S12T 方正古隶繁体FZGLJW--GB1-0FZGLJWFZGLFW--GB1-0FZGLFW9 方正小篆体6866FZXiaoZhuanTi-S13T 方正小篆体FZXZTFW--GB1-0FZXZTFW10 方正幼线简体7156FZYouXian-Z09S 方正幼线简体FZYXJW--GB1-0FZYXJW11方正启体简体12方正启体繁体7156FZQiTi-S14S 方正启体简体6866FZQiTi-S14T 方正启体繁体FZQTJW--GB1-0 FZQTJWFZQTFW--GB1-0FZQTFW13 方正硬笔楷书简体7156FZYingBiKaiShu-S15S 方正硬笔楷书简体FZYBKSJW--GB1-0FZYBKSJW14方正硬笔楷书繁体6866 FZYingBiKaiShu-S15T方正硬笔楷书繁体FZYBKSFW--GB1-0 FZYBKSFW15 方正毡笔黑简体7156FZZhanBiHei-M22S 方正毡笔黑简体FZZBHJW--GB1-0FZZBHJW16 方正毡笔黑繁体6866FZZhanBiHei-M22T 方正毡笔黑繁体FZZBHFW--GB1-0FZZBHFW17方正硬笔行书简体7156 FZYingBiXingShu-S16S方正硬笔行书简体FZYBXSJW--GB1-0 FZYBXSJW18方正硬笔行书繁体6866 FZYingBiXingShu-S16T方正硬笔行书繁体FZYBXSFW--GB1-0 FZYBXSFW新增字体清单中文名西文名PS Name 文件名字数方正剪纸简体FZJianZhi-M23S FZJZJW—GB1-0 FZJZJW 7156方正剪纸繁体FZJianZhi-M23T FZJZFW—GB1-0 FZJZFW6866方正胖头鱼简体FZPangTouYu-M24S FZPTYJW—GB1-0FZPTYJW7156方正铁筋隶书简体FZTieJinLiShu-Z14S FZTJLSJW—GB1-0 FZTJLSJW 7156方正铁筋隶书繁体FZTieJinLiShu-Z14T FZTJLSFW—GB1-0 FZTJLSFW 6866方正北魏楷书简体FZBeiWeiKaiShu-Z15S FZBWKSJW—GB1-0 FZBWKSJW 7156方正北魏楷书繁体FZBeiWeiKaiShu-Z15T FZBWKSFW—GB1-0 FZBWKSFW 6866方正祥隶简体FZXiangLi-S17S FZXIANGLJW—GB1-0FZXIANGLJW7156方正祥隶繁体FZXiangLi-S17T FZXIANGLFW—GB1-0 FZXIANGLFW 6866方正粗活意简体FZCuHuoYi-M25S FZCHYJW—GB1-0FZCHYJW7156方正粗活意繁体FZCuHuoYi-M25T FZCHYFW—GB1-0 FZCHYFW 6866方正流行体简体FZLiuXingTi-M26S FZLXTJW—GB1-0 FZLXTJW 7156方正流行体繁体FZLiuXingTi-M26T FZLXTFW—GB1-0 FZLXTFW 6866方正宋黑繁体FZSongHei-B07T FZSHFW—GB1-0 FZSHFW6866方正大黑繁体FZDaHei-B02T FZDHTFW—GB1-0 FZDHTFW 6866方正隶书繁体FZLiShu-S01T FZLSFW—GB1-0 FZLSFW 6866汉仪字库中英文对照表汉仪超粗宋简=HYA0GJ汉仪超粗宋繁=HYA0GF 汉仪书宋一简=HYA1GJ汉仪书宋一繁=HYA1GF汉仪报宋简=HYA2GJ汉仪报宋繁=HYA2GF汉仪中宋简=HYA3GJ汉仪中宋繁=HYA3GF汉仪大宋简=HYA4GJ汉仪大宋繁=HYA4GF汉仪长宋简=HYA5GJ汉仪长宋繁=HYA5GF汉仪书宋二简=HYA6GJ汉仪书宋二繁=HYA6GF汉仪字典宋简=HYA7GJ汉仪字典宋繁=HYA7GF汉仪粗宋简=HYA9GJ汉仪粗宋繁=HYA9GF汉仪超粗黑简=HYB0GJ汉仪超粗黑繁=HYB0GF汉仪中黑简=HYB1GJ汉仪大黑简=HYB2GJ汉仪大黑繁=HYB2GF 汉仪长美黑简=HYB3GJ 汉仪长美黑繁=HYB3GF 汉仪方叠体简=HYB4GJ 汉仪方叠体繁=HYB4GF 汉仪醒示体简=HYB5GJ 汉仪醒示体繁=HYB5GF 汉仪长艺体简=HYB6GJ 汉仪长艺体繁=HYB6GF 汉仪双线体简=HYB7GJ 汉仪双线体繁=HYB7GF 汉仪圆叠体简=HYB8GJ 汉仪圆叠体繁=HYB8GF 汉仪粗黑简=HYB9GJ汉仪粗黑繁=HYB9GF 汉仪楷体简=HYC1GJ汉仪楷体繁=HYC1GF 汉仪中楷简=HYC3GJ汉仪仿宋简=HYD1GJ 汉仪仿宋繁=HYD1GF 汉仪粗仿宋简=HYD4GJ汉仪细圆繁=HYE1GF汉仪细中圆简=HYE2GJ汉仪细中圆繁=HYE2GF 汉仪中圆简=HYE3GJ汉仪中圆繁=HYE3GF汉仪粗圆简=HYE4GJ汉仪粗圆繁=HYE4GF汉仪超粗圆简=HYE0GJ汉仪大隶书简=HYF1GJ汉仪大隶书繁=HYF1GF 汉仪小隶书简=HYF2GJ汉仪小隶书繁=HYF2GF 汉仪中隶书简=HYF3GJ汉仪中隶书繁=HYF3GF 汉仪方隶简=HYF0GJ汉仪特细等线简=HYG6GJ 汉仪细等线简=HYG1GJ 汉仪细等线繁=HYG1GF 汉仪中等线简=HYG2GJ 汉仪中等线繁=HYG2GF 汉仪魏碑简=HYH1GJ汉仪魏碑繁=HYH1GF汉仪书魂体简=HYH3GJ 汉仪南宫体简=HYH4GJ汉仪行楷繁=HYI1GF汉仪细行楷简=HYI2GJ 汉仪瘦金书简=HYI3GJ 汉仪瘦金书繁=HYI3GF 汉仪综艺体简=HYK1GJ 汉仪综艺体繁=HYK1GF 汉仪菱心体简=HYK2GJ 汉仪彩云体简=HYL1GJ 汉仪彩云体繁=HYL1GF 汉仪咪咪体简=HYM1GJ 汉仪咪咪体繁=HYM1GF 汉仪黑咪体简=HYM2GJ 汉仪黑咪体繁=HYM2GF 汉仪舒同体简=HYN1GJ 汉仪舒同体繁=HYN1GF 汉仪琥珀体简=HYO1GJ 汉仪琥珀体繁=HYO1GF汉仪水滴体简=HYP1GJ 汉仪水滴体繁=HYP1GF 汉仪竹节体简=HYQ1GJ 汉仪竹节体繁=HYQ1GF 汉仪火柴体简=HYQ2GJ汉仪凌波体繁=HYR1GF汉仪漫步体简=HYR2GJ汉仪漫步体繁=HYR2GF汉仪颜楷繁=HYX4GF汉仪秀英体简=HYY1GJ汉仪秀英体繁=HYY1GF汉仪雁翎体简=HYF4GJ汉仪橄榄体简=HYX1GJ汉仪橄榄体繁=HYX1GF汉仪陈频破体简=HYF5GJ汉仪花蝶体简=HYF9GJ汉仪丫丫体简=HYG3GJ汉仪清韵体简=HYG4GJ汉仪雪君体简=HYI4GJ汉仪雪君体繁=HYI4GF 汉仪娃娃篆简=HYJ2GJ汉仪篆书繁=HYJ1GF汉仪粗篆繁=HYJ3GF汉仪神工体简=HYH2GJ汉仪柏青体简=HYJ4GJ汉仪海韵体简=HYK3GJ汉仪彩蝶体简=HYK5GJ汉仪哈哈体简=HYM4GJ汉仪白棋体简=HYM5GJ汉仪黑棋体简=HYM6GJ汉仪水波体简=HYM7GJ汉仪蝶语体简=HYN3GJ汉仪太极体简=HYO3GJ汉仪黛玉体简=HYR3GJ汉仪立黑简=HYT4GJ汉仪萝卜体简=HYY2GJ汉仪嘟嘟体简=HYY4GJ汉仪家书简=HYD2GJ汉仪家书繁=HYD2GF汉仪雪峰体简=HYO2GJ汉仪雪峰体繁=HYO2GF29000文鼎粗钢笔行楷PensinkaiEG-Bold-GB GPSK00B 29001文鼎中钢笔行楷PensinkaiEG-Medium-GB GPSK00M 29002文鼎细钢笔行楷PensinkaiEG-Light-GB GPSK00L 29003文鼎中特广告体Pop3EG-Extra-GB GPOP03E 29004文鼎誰的字体SheideEG-Medium-GB GSHE00M 29005文鼎习字体YankaigungEG-Ultra-GB GYKG00U 29006文鼎香肠体ShiangchangEG-Bold-GB GSHC00B29007文鼎石头体StoneEG-Extra-GB GSTO00E29008文鼎行楷碑体SingkaibeiEG-Bold-GB GSKB00B29009文鼎潇洒体ShiansaEG-Medium-GB GSHS00M 29010文鼎花瓣体HuabanEG-Ultra-GB GHUB00U29011文鼎霹雳体PiliEG-Ultra-GB GPIL00U29012文鼎妞妞体NiuniuEG-Bold-GB GNIU00B29013文鼎荆棘体JingjiEG-Medium-GB GJIJ00M29014文鼎胡子体HutzEG-Extra-GB GHUT00E29015文鼎竹子体JutzEG-Medium-GB GJUT00M29016文鼎贱狗体JiangouEG-Bold-GB GJIA00B29017文鼎彈簧体TanhuangEG-Bold-GB GTAN00B29018文鼎齿轮体ChrluenEG-Medium-GB GCHR00M 29019文鼎圆立体YuanliEG-Bold-GB GYUL00B29020文鼎淹水体YanshueiEG-Extra-GB GYAN00E 29021文鼎雕刻体DiaukeEG-Bold-GB GDIK00B29022文鼎火柴体HuochaiEG-Bold-GB GHUO00B29023文鼎水管体ShueiguanEG-Bold-GB GSHG00B 29024文鼎POP-4Pop4EG-Bold-GB GPOP05B 29025文鼎荊棘体繁JingjiEG-Medium-T-GB TJIJ00M 29026文鼎贱狗体繁JiangouEG-Bold-T-GB TJIA00B 29027文鼎齒轮体繁ChrluenEG-Medium-T-GB TCHR00M 29028文鼎雕刻体繁DiaukeEG-Bold-T-GB TDIK00B 29029文鼎誰的字体繁SheideEG-Medium-T-GB TSHE00M。

目录文件字体规则 (1)系统设定指令 (2)SIZE (2)GAP (3)BLINE (4)OFFSET (5)SPEED (6)DENSITY (7)DIRECTION (8)REFERENCE (9)COUNTRY (10)CODEPAGE (11)CLS (12)FEED (13)FORMFEED (14)HOME (15)PRINT (16)SOUND (17)CUT (18)LIMITFEED (19)卷标内容设计指令 (20)BAR (20)BARCODE (21)BITMAP (25)BOX (26)ERASE (27)DMATRIX (28)MAXICODE (29)PDF417 (32)PUTPCX (34)REVERSE (35)TEXT (36)询问打印机状态指令 (38)<ESC>!? (38)~!A (40)~!T (41)~!C (42)~!I (43)~!F (44)~!@ (45)信息传递协议 (46)<ESC>! (46)<ESC>& (46)~# (47)WINDOWS DRIVER驱动程序指令 (48)!B (48)!J (49)!N (50)档案管理指令 (51)DOWNLOAD (51)REDRAW (59)EOP (60)FILES (61)KILL (62)MOVE (63)UPDATBIOS (64)BASIC 指令及函式 (65)ABS( ) (65)ASC( ) (66)CHR$( ) (67)END (68)EOF( ) (69)OPEN (71)READ (73)SEEK (75)LOF( ) (77)FREAD$( ) (77)FOR...NEXT.. (79)IF...THEN...ELSE (81)GOSUB...RETURN. (83)GOTO (85)INPUT (88)REM (90)OUT (91)GETKEY( ) (92)INT( ) (93)LEFT$( ) (94)LEN( ) (95)MID$( ) (96)RIGHT$( ) (97)STR$( ) (98)VAL( ) (99)BEEP (100)打印机外围功能设定指令 (101)SET COUNTER (101)SET CUTTER (103)SET KEY1 (105)SET KEY2 (105)SET LED1, LED2, LED3 (107)SET PEEL (108)SET DEBUG (109)SET GAP (110)SET RIBBON (111)SET COM1 (112)@LABEL (114)PEEL (115)LED1, LED2, LED3 (116)KEY1, KEY2 (117)YEAR (118)MONTH (119)DATE (120)WEEK (121)HOUR (122)MINUTE (123)SECOND (125)文件字体规则本文件使用以下字体规则文件规则描述[表示内容] 在`中括号内表示该参数为选项<ESC> <ESC>代表ASCII 27 字符,当打印机收到以该控制字符为启始之指令将立即响应(即使打印机在错误状态时也将实时回应)~ (ASCII 126), 该字符启始的指令用于询问打印机的状态注: 200 DPI: 1 mm = 8 dots 粗斜体Arial,字型,用于表300 DPI: 1 mm = 12 dots 示批注DOWNLOAD “TEST.BAS”当所列出的内容为程序SET COUNTER @1 1 时以Curier 字型表示@1=”0001”TEXT 10,10,”3”,0,1,1,@1PRINT 3,2EOP系统设定指令SIZE说明该指令用于设定卷标纸的宽度及长度指令语法(1) 英制系统(英寸)SIZE m, n(2) 公制系统(公厘)SIZE m mm, n mm参数说明m 标签纸的宽度 (不含背纸)n 标签纸的长度 (不含背纸)Note: 200 DPI: 1 mm = 8 dots*300 DPI: 1 mm = 12 dots范例(1) 英制系统 (英寸)SIZE 3.5, 3.00(2) 公制系统 (公厘)SIZE 100 mm, 100 mmGAP说明该指令定义两张卷标纸间的垂直间距距离指令语法(1) 英制系统 (英寸)GAP m, n(2) 公制系统 (公厘)GAP m mm, n mm参数说明m 两标签纸中间的垂直距离0 ≤ m ≤ 1 (英寸), 0 ≤ m ≤ 25.4 (公厘)n 垂直间距的偏移[-]n ≤标签纸张长度 (英寸或公厘)Note: 200 DPI : 1 mm = 8 dots300 DPI : 1 mm = 12 dots范例一般垂直间距设定(1) 英制系统 (英寸)GAP 0.12,0(2) 公制系统 (公厘)GAP 3 mm,0特殊垂直间距设定(1) 英制系统 (英寸)GAP 0.30,-0.10(2) 公制系统 (公厘)GAP 7.62 mm, -2.54 mmBLINE说明该指令用于设定黑标的高度及偏移位置指令语法(1) 英制系统 (英寸)BLINE m, n(2) 公制系统 (公厘)BLINE m mm, n mm参数说明m 黑标的高度,以英寸或公厘表示0.1 ≤m ≤1 (英寸), 2.54 ≤m ≤ 25.4 (公厘)n 黑标偏移量 0 ≤n ≤标签纸张高度范例(1) 英制系统 (英寸)BLINE 0.20,0.50(2) 公制系统 (公厘)BLINE 5.08 mm,12.7 mmOFFSET说明该指令用于控制在剥离模式时(pee-off mode)每张卷标停止的位置,该指令仅适用于剥离模式。

PhotoshopCC2015.5v17.0.1精简版–zd423Adobe Photoshop - 全球最大的图像处理软件!Adobe Photoshop CC 具有更多更高效的性能,新功能包含:新的模糊效果和聚焦区域选定等工具、相机防抖动功能、Camera RAW功能改进、图像提升采样、属性面板改进、Behance集成、同步设置及其它一些同步等功能。
Adobe Photoshop CC 依然是数字图象处理和编辑的业界标准,提供广泛的专业级润饰工具套件,并集成了专为激发灵感而设计的强大编辑功能。
新版变化:/crawlspace2016.08.08 Photoshop CC 2015.5 17.0.1 Update/crawlspace/2016/08/photoshop-cc-2015-5-1-update-now-available.htmlAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 (June 2016 release)/crawlspace/2016/06/faq-photoshop-cc-2015-5-now-available.htmlAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 Release Noteshttps:///photoshop/using/whats-new.html 全新的Photoshop CC 2015.5,在原有基础上进一步增强了其后期处理工具的智能性,新功能可以很大程度上简化许多后期处理流程,此外对于很多PS的入门用户而言,如智能裁切功能的出现的确进一步方便使用。
关于此特别版:by roustar31+采用官方安装包进行安装和制作+集成AMU0.8.1补丁,直接破解激活+完整保留官方滤镜和特效文件及输出输入支持文件+添加ICO格式支持文件用以打开导出ICO文件+可选关联官方支持的PS专用文件格式+安装完成自动激活,无需注册码和屏蔽激活服务器,不写host+卸载不会删除Adobe公共文件夹,确保卸载不影响其他Adobe 软件+可选择启用PSD缩略图功能,支持32/64位系统+可选安装Camera Raw的相机配置文件+Camera Raw版本为9.6.1+改进安装脚本的细节,完善逻辑-精简了多国语言、帮助文件、多国PDF文件、CC Service Manager-精简了语言拼写组件、多余的多国语言预置文件-精简了Common Files下Adobe公共库文件的无用部分,只留必须的核心-精简了含视频输入支持-采用新版补丁,不依赖AAM-不生成AAM的多余文件并不发送数据,提高启动速度-精简了bridge CC-新增的导出功能使用的WebKit内核预览,占用体积大且恢复文件此功能不可用,故删除依赖文件-不包含任何捆绑和主页选项,完全纯净需要注意的问题:在没有装齐VC运行库的机器上,不能启动不要和其他人修改的PS软件混用,尤其是国外的“便携版”不支持XP系统,请XP用户使用PhotoshopCS6或升级系统Photoshop CC 2015.5 17.0.1 x32 / x64 简体中文精简版特别版Photoshop CS6 v13.0.1.3 x32 / x64 简体中文精简版特别版访问码c154/s/1bo2MZJh 访问码ngs1。
中文Hipulse CDT协议(客户版)

HIPLANT UPS CDT通讯协议V1001.概述 (3)2. 通讯方式 (3)2.1 串行通讯口: (3)2.2 信息传输方式: (3)2.3 数据传输速率 (3)2.4 设备地址 (3)3.信息类型及协议的基本格式 (3)3.1 帧结构 (3)3.2 字、字节、位的排列和发码规则 (3)3.3 同步字 (4)3.4 控制字 (4)3.4.1控制字节说明 (4)3.4.2 S与D在上行及下行信息中的定义说明 (4)3.4.3 生成多项式和中间余式表 (4)4.1 帧系列的组织 (5)4.1.1 帧组织方式: (5)4.1.2 帧响应要求: (5)5.1 重要遥测A帧: (5)5.2 次要遥测B帧:.................................... E rror! Bookmark not defined.5.3 一般遥测C帧:.................................... E rror! Bookmark not defined.5.4 遥信D1帧: (6)1.概述本文规定了大容量电场UPS与电场或变电站智能采集设备之间的通讯协议。
2.通讯方式2.1 串行通讯口:采用RS232/RS422/RS485通讯方式。
2.2 信息传输方式:为异步方式,起始位1位,数据位8位,停止位1位,无校验。
2.3 数据传输速率2400bps、4800bps、9600bps (由面板选择波特率)2.4 设备地址设备地址为1~254 (由面板选择波特率)上行信息中的控制字为71H,目的站址固定为01H;下行信息中控制字的D位必须有效,且目的站址为该UPS设备地址。
2.5 遥测量定标A帧的遥测量定标均为2.3.信息类型及协议的基本格式3.1 帧结构帧结构如图1所示。
ARIES ARIES-P -Ver.04- 8 0 2 7 9 0 8 1 1 3 7 4 0 产

ISTRUZIONI D'USO E DI INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION AND USER'S MANUALINSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION ET D'INSTALLATION INSTALLATIONS-UND GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Y DE INSTALACION INSTRUÇÕES DE USO E DE INSTALAÇÃOCENTRALINA DI COMANDO D811184A ver. 04 08-02-02I CONTROL UNIT GB UNITÉ DE COMMANDE F STEUERZENTRALE D CENTRAL DE MANDO E CENTRAL DO MANDOP ARIES - ARIES P8027908113740a“WARNINGS” leaflet and an “INSTRUCTION MANUAL”.These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance. This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC (and subsequent amendments).1) GENERAL OUTLINEThe ARIES control unit has been designed for swing gates. It can be used for one or two gate controllers.The control unit mod. ARIES P can also be used to perform opening of a single actuator while keeping the other one closed (pedestrian access).2) FUNCTIONSSTOP: In all cases: it stops the gate until a new start command is given.PHOT:Functions can be set with Dip-Switch.Activated during closing.Activated during opening and closing.Rapid closingON: When the position of the gate photocells is exceeded, during both opening and closing, the gate automatically starts to close even if TCA is activated. We recommend setting DIP3 to ON (photocells only activated during closing).Blocks impulsesON: During opening, START commands are not accepted.OFF: During opening, START commands are accepted.PhotocellsON: Photocells only activated during closing.OFF: Photocells activated during opening and closing.Automatic closing time (TCA)ON: Automatic closing activated (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s)Preallarm (mod. ARIES P only)ON: The flashing light turns on abt 3 seconds before the motors start.FOR THE INSTALLER: check the boxes you are interested in.START:four-step logic Gate closedGate openDuring openingDuring closingAfter stop START: two-step logic SCA: Gate open indicating lightit opens it opensit stops and activates TCAit closesit stops and does not activate TCAit starts opening it stops and activats TCA (if activated)it closesit opensit opensoffononflashingATTENTION:Dip non used in mod. ARIES (always in OFF set).3) MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITIONThe maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualified personnel regularly. The materials making up the set and its packing must be disposed of according to the regulations in force.Batteries must be properly disposed of.WARNINGSCorrect controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the present manual are observed. The company is not to be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure to observe the installation standards and the instructions contained in the present manual.The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the present publication.D 811184A _04Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the product ’s performance. The product is supplied with a “WARNINGS ” leaflet and an “INSTRUCTION MANUAL ”.These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance.This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC (and subsequent amendments).1) GENERAL OUTLINEThe ARIES control unit has been designed for swing gates. It can be used for one or two gate controllers.The control unit mod. ARIES P can also be used to perform opening of a single actuator while keeping the other one closed (pedestrian access).2) GENERAL SAFETYWARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product can cause damage to persons, animals or things.•The “Warnings ” leaflet and “Instruction booklet ” supplied with this product should be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, use and maintenance.•Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene bags out of children ’s reach.•Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future reference.•This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use specified in the present documentation. Any other use not specified in this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.•The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that expected and specified in the present documentation.•Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.•The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing closing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation which might occur during use.•The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/ECC and subsequent amendments.•Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if fitted.•Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply,having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3mm.•Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is fitted just before the power supply mains.•Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an earth terminal.•The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation safety and correct operation when other manufacturers ’ components are used.•Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.•Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised by the company.•Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the manual opening operation in case of emergency.•Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation operation area.•Keep radio control or other control devices out of children ’s reach, in order to avoid unintentional automation activation.•The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the automation system, and always request the assistance of qualified personnel.•Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions,is not allowed.3) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower supply:...............................................................230V ±10% 50Hz Absorption on empty:.................................................................0.5A max Output power for accessories:..........................................24V~ 6VA max Max relay current:................................................................................8A Max power of motors:...............................................................300 W x 2Torque limiter:.................................................Self-transformer with 4 pos Limit switch:................................................................Adjustable run timePanel dimensions:.........................................................................See fig.1Cabinet protection:............................................................................IP55Working temperature:...............................................................-20 +55°C 4) TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS(Fig.2)CAUTION: Keep the low voltage connections completely separated from the power supply connections.Fig.3 shows the fixing and connection method of the drive condensers whenever they are not fitted to the motor.JP51-2 Single-phase power supply 230V ±10%, 50 Hz (1=L/2=N).For connection to the mains use a multiple-pole cable with a minimum cross section of 3x1.5mm 2 of the type indicated in the above-mentioned standard (by way of example, if the cable is not shielded it must be at least equivalent to H07 RN-F while, if shielded, it must be at least equivalent to H05 VV-F with a cross section of 3x1.5mm 2).JP33-4 (mod.ARIES-P) 230V 40W max. blinker connection.5-6 (mod.ARIES) 230V 40W max. blinker connection.7-8-9 Motor M1 connection - 8 common, 7-9 start.10-11-12 Motor M2(r) connection - 11 common, 10-12 start.JP413-14 Open-close button and key switch (N.O.).13-15 Stop button (N.C.). If unused, leave bridged.13-16 Photocell or pneumatic edge input (N.C.). If unused, leave bridged.17-18 24V 3W max. gate open warning light.18-19 24V~ 0.25A max. (6VA) output (for supplying photocell or other device).20-21 Antenna input for radio-receiver board (20 signal - 21 braid).22 Common terminal (equivalent to terminal 13).23 Terminal for pedestrian control. It moves the leaf of motor M2 connected to terminal 10-11-12. This terminal is available only in ARIES-P control unit.JP225-26 2nd radio channel output of the double-channel receiver board (terminals not fitted on ARIES but fitted on ARIES-P) contact N.O.JP1 Radio-receiver board connector 1-2 channels.5) FUNCTIONSDL1:Power-on LedIt is switched on when the board is electrically powered.START: four-step logic: (DIP5 OFF)gate closed:..................................................................................it opens during opening:............................................... it stops and activates TCA gate open:................................................................................... it closes during closing:.................................... it stops and does not activate TCA after stop:.........................................................................it starts opening START: two-step logic: (DIP5 ON)gate closed:..................................................................................it opens during opening:................................it stops and activats TCA (if activated)gate open:....................................................................................it closes during closing:..............................................................................it opens after stop:.....................................................................................it opens STOP: In all cases: it stops the gate until a new start command is given.PHOT:Functions can be set with DIP-SWITCH.Activated during closing if DIP3-ON.Activated during opening and closing if DIP3-OFF.SCA: Gate open indicating light.with gate closed:...................................................................................off when gate is opening:...........................................................................on with gate open:.......................................................................................on when gate is closing:.....................................................................flashing 6) DIP-SWITCH SELECTION DIP1 Rapid closingON: When the position of the gate photocells is exceeded, during both opening and closing, the gate automatically starts to close even if TCA is activated. We recommend setting DIP3 to ON (photocells only activated during closing).OFF: Function not activated.DIP2 Blocks impulsesON: During opening, START commands are not accepted.OFF: During opening, START commands are accepted.DIP3 PhotocellsON: Photocells only activated during closing.OFF: Photocells activated during opening and closing.D 811184A _04DIP4 Automatic closing time (TCA)ON: Automatic closing activated (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s).OFF: Automatic closing not activated.DIP5 Control logicON: 2-step logic is activated (see start paragraph).OFF: 4-step logic is activated (see start paragraph).DIP6: Preallarm (mod.ARIES P only)ON: The flashing light turns on abt 3 seconds before the motors start.OFF The flashing light turns on simultaneously with the start of the motors.ATTENTION:Dip non used in mod. ARIES (always in OFF set).7) TRIMMER ADJUSTMENTTCA This adjusts the automatic closing time, after which time the gate automatically closes (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s).TW This adjusts the motor working time, after which time the motor stops (can be adjusted from 0 to 40s).TDELAY This adjusts the closing delay time of the second motor (M2).8) MOTOR TORQUE ADJUSTMENTThe ARIES control unit has electric torque adjustment which allows the motor force to be adjusted.The adjustment should be set for the minimum force required to carry out the opening and closing strokes completely.Adjustment is carried out by moving the connection 55 (fig.3) on the tran-sformer sockets as described below:Pos.T1 1st TORQUE (MINIMUM TORQUE)Pos.T2 2nd TORQUE Pos.T3 3rd TORQUEPos.T4 4th TORQUE (MAXIMUM TORQUE)4 motor torque values can be obtained.To gain access to the torque adjustment sockets, disconnect the mains supply and remove the protective case “P ” of the transfomer.CAUTION: Excessive torque adjustment may jeopardise the anti-squash safety function. On the other hand insufficient torque adjustment may not guarantee correct opening or closing strokes.9) MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITIONThe maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualified personnel regularly. The materials making up the set and its packing must be disposed of according to the regulations in force.Batteries must be properly disposed of.WARNINGSCorrect controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the present manual are observed. The company is not to be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure to observe the installation standards and the instructions contained in the present manual.The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the present publication.D811184A_04ARIES/ARIES-P - Ver. 04 -23。
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Element.animateWith(...)⚓ ➭
Raphaël参考--by txp new create
Animation.delay(延迟) ⚓➭
延迟 数 动画开始和实际动画之间传递的ms数
Animation.repeat(重复)⚓ ➭
重复 数 数字迭代的动画。对于无限动画传递Infinity
Element.hide()⚓ ➭
使元素不可见。请参见Element.show。 返回:对象元素
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键 串 存储数据的关键
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vari =0, i < 5, i++) {
paper.circle( 10+15*i, 10, 10)
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一、File 文件1.New 新建2.Open 打开3.Open As 打开为4.Open Recent 最近打开文件5.Close 关闭6.Save 存储7.Save As 存储为8.Save for Web 存储为Web所用格式9.Revert 恢复10.Place 置入11.Import 输入1 PDF Image PDF图象导入2 Annotations 注释12.Export 输出13.Manage Workflow 管理工作流程1 Check In 登记2 Undo Check Out 还原注销3 Upload T o Server 上载到服务器4 Add T o Workflow 添加到工作流程5 Open From Workflow 从工作流程打开14.Automate 自动1 Batch 批处理2 Create Droplet 创建快捷批处理3 Conditional Mode Change 条件模式更改4 Contact Sheet 联系表5 Fix Image 限制图像6 Multi Page PDF to PSD 多页面PDF文件到PSD文件7 Picture package 图片包8 Web Photo Gallery Web照片画廊15.File Info 文件简介16.Print Options 打印选项17.Page Setup 页面设置18.Print 打印19.Jump to 跳转到20.Exit 退出二、Edit 编辑1.Undo 还原2.Step Forward 向前3.Step Backward 返回4.Fade 消退5.Cut 剪切6.Copy 拷贝7.Copy Merged 合并拷贝8.Paste 粘贴9.Paste Into 粘贴入10.Clear 清除11.Fill 填充12.Stroke 描边13.Free Transform 自由变形14.Transform 变换1 Again 再次2 Sacle 缩放3 Rotate 旋转4 Skew 斜切5 Distort 扭曲6 Prespective 透视7 Rotate 180° 旋转180度8 Rotate 90°CW 顺时针旋转90度9 Rotate 90°CCW 逆时针旋转90度10 Flip Hpeizontal 水平翻转11 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转15.Define Brush 定义画笔16.Define Pattern 设置图案17.Define Custom Shape 定义自定形状18.Purge 清除内存数据1 Undo 还原2 Clipboard 剪贴板3 Histories 历史纪录4 All 全部19.Color Settings 颜色设置20.Preset Manager 预置管理器21.Preferences 预设1 General 常规2 Saving Files 存储文件3 Display &Cursors 显示与光标4 Transparency &Gamut 透明区域与色域5 Units &Rulers 单位与标尺6 Guides &Grid 参考线与网格7 Plug Ins &Scratch Disks 增效工具与暂存盘8 Memory &Image Cache 内存和图像高速缓存9 Adobe Online Adobe在线10 Workflows Options 工作流程选项三、Image 图像1.Mode 模式1 Bitmap 位图2 Grayscale 灰度3 Duotone 双色调4 Indexed Color 索引色5 RGB Color RGB色6 CMYK Color CMYK色7 Lab Color Lab色8 Multichannel 多通道9 8 Bits/Channel 8位通道10 16 Bits/Channel 16位通道11 Color Table 颜色表12 Assing Profile 制定配置文件13 Convert to Profile 转换为配置文件2.Adjust 调整1 Levels 色阶2 Auto Laves 自动色阶3 Auto Contrast 自动对比度4 Curves 曲线5 Color Balance 色彩平衡6 Brightness/Contrast 亮度/对比度7 Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度8 Desaturate 去色9 Replace Color 替换颜色10 Selective Color 可选颜色11 Channel Mixer 通道混合器12 Gradient Map 渐变映射13 Invert 反相14 Equalize 色彩均化15 Threshold 阈值16 Posterize 色调分离17 Variations 变化3.Duplicate 复制4.Apply Image 应用图像5.Calculations 计算6.Image Size 图像大小7.Canvas Size 画布大小8.Rotate Canvas 旋转画布1 180° 180度2 90°CW 顺时针90度3 90°CCW 逆时针90度4 Arbitrary 任意角度5 Flip Horizontal 水平翻转6 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转9.Crop 裁切10.Trim 修整11.Reverl All 显示全部12.Histogram 直方图13.Trap 陷印14.Extract 抽出15.Liquify 液化四、Layer 图层1.New 新建1 Layer 图层2 Background From Layer 背景图层3 Layer Set 图层组4 Layer Set From Linked 图层组来自链接的5 Layer via Copy 通过拷贝的图层6 Layer via Cut 通过剪切的图层2.Duplicate Layer 复制图层3.Delete Layer 删除图层yer Properties 图层属性yer Style 图层样式1 Blending Options 混合选项2 Drop Shadow 投影3 Inner Shadow 内阴影4 Outer Glow 外发光5 Inner Glow 内发光6 Bevel and Emboss 斜面和浮雕7 Satin 光泽8 Color Overlay 颜色叠加9 Gradient Overlay 渐变叠加10 Pattern Overlay 图案叠加11 Stroke 描边12 Copy Layer Effects 拷贝图层样式13 Paste Layer Effects 粘贴图层样式14 Paste Layer Effects T o Linked 将图层样式粘贴的链接的15 Clear Layer Effects 清除图层样式16 Global Light 全局光17 Create Layer 创建图层18 Hide All Effects 显示/隐藏全部效果19 Scale Effects 缩放效果6.New Fill Layer 新填充图层1 Solid Color 纯色2 Gradient 渐变3 Pattern 图案7.New Adjustment Layer 新调整图层1 Levels 色阶2 Curves 曲线3 Color Balance 色彩平衡4 Brightness/Contrast 亮度/对比度5 Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度6 Selective Color 可选颜色7 Channel Mixer 通道混合器8 Gradient Map 渐变映射9 Invert 反相10 Threshold 阈值11 Posterize 色调分离8.Change Layer Content 更改图层内容yer Content Options 图层内容选项10.Type 文字1 Create Work Path 创建工作路径2 Convert to Shape 转变为形状3 Horizontal 水平4 Vertical 垂直5 Anti-Alias None 消除锯齿无6 Anti-Alias Crisp 消除锯齿明晰7 Anti-Alias Strong 消除锯齿强8 Anti-Alias Smooth 消除锯齿平滑9 Covert To Paragraph Text 转换为段落文字10 Warp Text 文字变形11 Update All Text Layers 更新所有文本图层12 Replace All Missing Fonts 替换所以缺欠文字11.Rasterize 栅格化1 Type 文字2 Shape 形状3 Fill Content 填充内容4 Layer Clipping Path 图层剪贴路径5 Layer 图层6 Linked Layers 链接图层7 All Layers 所以图层12.New Layer Based Slice 基于图层的切片13.Add Layer Mask 添加图层蒙板1 Reveal All 显示全部2 Hide All 隐藏全部3 Reveal Selection 显示选区4 Hide Selection 隐藏选区14.Enable Layer Mask 启用图层蒙板15.Add Layer Clipping Path 添加图层剪切路径1 Reveal All 显示全部2 Hide All 隐藏全部3 Current Path 当前路径16.Enable Layer Clipping Path 启用图层剪切路径17.Group Linked 于前一图层编组18.UnGroup 取消编组19.Arrange 排列1 Bring to Front 置为顶层2 Bring Forward 前移一层3 Send Backward 后移一层4 Send to Back 置为底层20.Arrange Linked 对齐链接图层1 Top Edges 顶边2 Vertical Center 垂直居中3 Bottom Edges 底边4 Left Edges 左边5 Horizontal Center 水平居中6 Right Edges 右边21.Distribute Linked 分布链接的1 Top Edges 顶边2 Vertical Center 垂直居中3 Bottom Edges 底边4 Left Edges 左边5 Horizontal Center 水平居中6 Right Edges 右边22.Lock All Linked Layers 锁定所有链接图层23.Merge Linked 合并链接图层24.Merge Visible 合并可见图层25.Flatten Image 合并图层26.Matting 修边1 Define 去边2 Remove Black Matte 移去黑色杂边3 Remove White Matte 移去白色杂边五、Selection 选择1.All 全部2.Deselect 取消选择3.Reselect 重新选择4.Inverse 反选5.Color Range 色彩范围6.Feather 羽化7.Modify 修改1 Border 扩边2 Smooth 平滑3 Expand 扩展4 Contract 收缩8.Grow 扩大选区9.Similar 选区相似10.Transform Selection 变换选区11.Load Selection 载入选区12.Save Selection 存储选区六、Filter 滤镜st Filter 上次滤镜操作2.Artistic 艺术效果1 Colored Pencil 彩色铅笔2 Cutout 剪贴画3 Dry Brush 干笔画4 Film Grain 胶片颗粒5 Fresco 壁画6 Neon Glow 霓虹灯光7 Paint Daubs 涂抹棒8 Palette Knife 调色刀9 Plastic Wrap 塑料包装10 Poster Edges 海报边缘11 Rough Pastels 粗糙彩笔12 Smudge Stick 绘画涂抹13 Sponge 海绵14 Underpainting 底纹效果15 Watercolor 水彩3.Blur 模糊1 Blur 模糊2 Blur More 进一步模糊3 Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊4 Motion Blur 动态模糊5 Radial Blur 径向模糊6 Smart Blur 特殊模糊4.Brush Strokes 画笔描边1 Accented Edges 强化边缘2 Angled Stroke 成角的线条3 Crosshatch 阴影线4 Dark Strokes 深色线条5 Ink Outlines 油墨概况6 Spatter 喷笔7 Sprayed Strokes 喷色线条8 Sumi 总量5.Distort 扭曲1 Diffuse Glow 扩散亮光2 Displace 置换3 Glass 玻璃4 Ocean Ripple 海洋波纹5 Pinch 挤压6 Polar Coordinates 极坐标7 Ripple 波纹8 Shear 切变9 Spherize 球面化10 Twirl 旋转扭曲11 Wave 波浪12 Zigzag 水波6.Noise 杂色1 Add Noise 加入杂色2 Despeckle 去斑3 Dust &Scratches 蒙尘与划痕4 Median 中间值7.Pixelate 像素化1 Color Halftone 彩色半调2 Crystallize 晶格化3 Facet 彩块化4 Fragment 碎片5 Mezzotint 铜版雕刻6 Mosaic 马赛克7 Pointillize 点状化8.Render 渲染1 3D Transform 3D 变换2 Clouds 云彩3 Difference Clouds 分层云彩4 Lens Flare 镜头光晕5 Lighting Effects 光照效果6 Texture Fill 纹理填充9.Sharpen 锐化1 Sharpen 锐化2 Sharpen Edges 锐化边缘3 Sharpen More 进一步锐化4 Unsharp Mask USM 锐化10.Sketch 素描1 Bas Relief 基底凸现2 Chalk &Charcoal 粉笔和炭笔3 Charcoal4 Chrome 铬黄5 Conte Crayon 彩色粉笔6 Graphic Pen 绘图笔7 Halftone Pattern 半色调图案8 Note Paper 便条纸9 Photocopy 副本10 Plaster 塑料效果11 Reticulation 网状12 Stamp 图章13 Torn Edges 撕边14 Water Paper 水彩纸11.Stylize 风格化1 Diffuse 扩散2 Emboss 浮雕3 Extrude 突出4 Find Edges 查找边缘5 Glowing Edges 照亮边缘6 Solarize 曝光过度7 Tiles 拼贴8 Trace Contour 等高线9 Wind 风12.Texture 纹理1 Craquelure 龟裂缝2 Grain 颗粒3 Mosained Tiles 马赛克拼贴4 Patchwork 拼缀图5 Stained Glass 染色玻璃6 Texturixer 纹理化13.Video 视频1 De Interlace 逐行2 NTSC Colors NTSC色彩14.Other 其它1 Custom 自定义2 High Pass 高反差保留3 Maximum 最大值4 Minimum 最小值5 Offset 位移15.Digimarc1 Embed Watermark 嵌入水印2 Read Watermark 读取水印复位调板位置七、View 视图1.New View 新视图2.Proof Setup 校样设置1 Custom 自定2 Working CMYK 处理CMYK3 Working Cyan Plate 处理青版4 Working Magenta Plate 处理洋红版5 Working Yellow Plate 处理黄版6 Working Black Plate 处理黑版7 Working CMY Plate 处理CMY版8 Macintosh RGB9 Windows RGB10 Monitor RGB 显示器RGB11 Simulate Paper White 模拟纸白12 Simulate Ink Black 模拟墨黑3.Proof Color 校样颜色4.Gamut Wiring 色域警告5.Zoom In 放大6.Zoom Out 缩小7.Fit on Screen 满画布显示8.Actual Pixels 实际象素9.Print Size 打印尺寸10.Show Extras 显示额外的11.Show 显示1 Selection Edges 选区边缘2 Target Path 目标路径3 Grid 网格4 Guides 参考线5 Slices 切片6 Notes 注释7 All 全部8 None 无9 Show Extras Options 显示额外选项12.Show Rulers 显示标尺13.Snap 对齐14.Snap To 对齐到1 Guides 参考线2 Grid 网格3 Slices 切片4 Document Bounds 文档边界5 All 全部6 None 无15.Show Guides 锁定参考线16.Clear Guides 清除参考线17.New Guides 新参考线18.Lock Slices 锁定切片19.Clear Slices 清除切片八、Windows 窗口1.Cascade 层叠2.Tile 拼贴3.Arrange Icons 排列图标4.Close All 关闭全部5.Show/Hide Tools 显示/隐藏工具6.Show/Hide Options 显示/隐藏选项7.Show/Hide Navigator 显示/隐藏导航8.Show/Hide Info 显示/隐藏信息9.Show/Hide Color 显示/隐藏颜色10.Show/Hide Swatches 显示/隐藏色板11.Show/Hide Styles 显示/隐藏样式12.Show/Hide History 显示/隐藏历史记录13.Show/Hide Actions 显示/隐藏动作14.Show/Hide Layers 显示/隐藏图层15.Show/Hide Channels 显示/隐藏通道16.Show/Hide Paths 显示/隐藏路径17.Show/Hide Character 显示/隐藏字符18.Show/Hide Paragraph 显示/隐藏段落19.Show/Hide Status Bar 显示/隐藏状态栏20.Reset Palette Locations九、图层混合模式PS中图层混合模式中的溶解,变暗,正片叠底,颜色加深,线性加深,叠加,柔光,亮光,强光,线性光,点光,实色混合,差值,排除,色相,饱和度,颜色,亮度各是什么原理?Normal正常模式,也是默认的模式。

Ordering Information
Evaluation Board
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 2000
VOUT2 2.5/3.3VMEM
5VSB 1 EN3VDL 2 3V3DLSB 3 3V3DL 4 EN5VDL 5 S3 6 S5 7 16 VSEN2 15 DRV2 14 12V 13 SS 12 5VDL 11 5VDLSB 10 DLA 9 FAULT/MSEL
Thermal Information
Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) θJA (oC/W) SOIC Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Maximum Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150oC Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . .300oC (SOIC - Lead Tips Only)

SS 316 不锈钢 AL 铝 B 黄铜 CS 碳钢
SL 套管 N 螺母 CM 扩口阳螺纹接头 CF 扩口阴螺纹接头 U 扩口直通接头 HU 大六方扩口直通接头 RA 扩口变径直通接头 BU 扩口直通穿板接头 TP 扩口Tube管堵头 TC 扩口Tube管管帽 LM 扩口阳螺纹弯头 VM 扩口阳螺纹45o 弯头 LP 扩口阳螺纹位置可调弯头 LF 扩口阴螺纹弯头 LU 扩口弯头 TMT 主管阳螺纹扩口三通 TTM 支管阳螺纹扩口三通 TFT 主管阴螺纹扩口三通 TTF 支管阴螺纹扩口三通 TTP 支管阳螺纹位置可调扩口三通 TTT 扩口三通 C 扩口四通
卡套焊接接头 卡套焊接弯头 卡套松套法兰接头 卡套校验接头 卡套绝缘接头 螺母-卡套组件 卡套组件 45o 卡套阳螺纹弯头 45o 卡套阳螺纹位置可调弯头 排放保护器
Thinstuff TSX Gateway User Manual

Thinstuff TSX Gateway User ManualVersion Authorization Policies (38)5.4.1 Connection Authorization Policies (CAPs) (38) Create a CAP (38)5.4.2 Resource Authorization Policies (RAPs) (42) Create a RAP (42)5.5 Monitoring (46)5.5.1 Show Monitoring (46)5.5.2 Disconnect a Session / User (46)5.6 Server Overview (47)5.7 Menu Bar (48)5.7.1 File (48)5.7.2 Server (49)5.7.3 Help (50)6 Support (51)6.1 General Support (51)6.2 Technical Support (51)6.3 Online Resources (51)1Introduction1.1General descriptionTSX Gateway is a highly secure RDP-VPN solution which encapsulates the standard Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPs to establish a secure and encrypted connection between remote users in the internet and your local network resources on which your productive applications are running. Using TSX Gateway you can connect to internal resources that are hosted behind the firewall.Network resources can be any RDP enabled hosts, such as:Multi-session hosts•Thinstuff XP/VS Server•Microsoft Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH/Terminal Server) Single Session Hosts•Thinstuff Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RDVH)•Thinstuff Remote Desktop Host (RDH)•Microsoft Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RDVH)TSX Gateway is not only a proxy but has to be seen as Terminal Service VPN:•Secure Connection - RDP over HTTPS Proxy using SSL/TLS encryption and standard HTTPs port 443.•User Authentication: TSX Gateway allows to set up different rules for authorized remote users to connect remotely.•Access to authorized network resources: Only specified users can use TSX Gateway to access the specified resources in the network.TSX Gateway is installing corresponding to progress bar.7.The installation is finished. Now you have to reboot the computer touse TSX GatewayNow TSX Gateway is successfully installed, reboot is not required./releases/ThinstuffTsxGateway.exeTo update the software, you only need to run the installation and restart the2.Now click on “Uninstall a program” in the menu “Programs andFeatures”3.Select TSX Gateway - right mouse click – select “Uninstall”4.To start the un-installing process click "Yes" in the following dialoguebox.5.Software will be un-installed corresponding to process barUn-Installation completed, no reboot required.Select whether you want to register as“company”person”. As a precaution you may change this selection in the next step. You will be redirected automatically to the next registration step. To create a valid “Thinstuff Account” please fill the mandatory fields, marked with “*” and confirm with “Sign Up”.Now you have successfully created your“Thinstuffwithin a short time you will receive an email with your password.Now you can sign in your “Thinstuff Account” with your user-name and password.If you purchase as end-customer directly in our web-shop the license will be created and ready for activation as soon as payment succeeded.As payment method we accept credit card (Visa, MasterCard), PayPal or banktransfer(****************************************************)Log into your Thinstuff accountFurther information concerning registration you will find in chapter 4.3 Registration.fig.1 Your web browser will be opened and you have to login with your user name and your password.If you have bought a license directly in our web-shopfig.1 You have to select “activate” next to your license. After that click on “Activate/download selected license”Now the hardware information of your server willencrypted to the web server,which creates yourProceed here: 4. Download activated licenseGateway license – click the link “Buy Thinstuff products”Import the licensefig.1 In the following dialogue please select …Open with: TSX GatewayLicense Manager..”and the license will be importedAnd now the license is shown up as Full(Valid)in TSX Gateway License-Manager – tab “TSX Gateway Licenses”Paste the text into a text editor (e.g. Notepad), save it locally (e.g. xxx-hwkey.txt)and copy this text file to your computeraccess.On your computer with internet access:fig.1Log into your“Thinstuff Account”.Furthername and your password.file.“Network and Sharing Center”3.There you will find "Change Adapter Settings" next to the point thatyou open.4.By default the menu bar is hidden, but it can be shown by “Organize→→”Layout Menu bar5.Now please open the "Advanced Settings", click to Advanced →Advanced Settings.6.To change the priority of a network adapter, please select the favouredadapter from and move with the arrow key on the right. Subsequent click OK.4.7ReactivationTSX Gateway license is bounded activation to the hardware of respective computer.If the hardware has changed significantly on your system(replacement of motherboard,any component or of the entire computer), in the TSX Gateway License Manager on your machine will be For virtual machines, this case occurs, when the MAC-address of the primary1.The user initiates the connection to the private network using an RDPfile2.An SSL tunnel is established between the client and the TSX GatewayYou have the possibility to save the credentials (not recommended)in drop down menu list.Enter now the “HostnameDNS name that the client uses to connect to the TSX Gateway Server. You have to usepurposes!Click “OK” to confirm4.A new self-signed certificate is now installed. It can be found in theinstallation path of the TSX Gateway Server.5.2.2Upload Certificate (PEM or PFX)1.To open “T SX Gateway Manager” login with a local WindowsAdministrator account2.Click …File“ in the menu bar and choose “Import certificate” in dropdown menu list.3.To install/upload a new certificate please click on …Import certificate“and approve the upcoming notification by clicking on …OK“.TSX Gateway Manager Please select the path where certificate.The certificate5.3.2Install Downloaded Client CertificateTo import a client certificate by using the Certificate Import Wizard please follow these steps:1.Double click your client certificate and click on …Install Certificate...“2.The Certificate Import Wizard will now open. Please click on …Next“.3.Select …Place all certificates in the following store “ and click “Browse...”Select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” and confirm with “OK”4.To complete the import process click on …Finish“.The import was now successful.Now you can start your remote sessionsee chapter 5.3.3 Configure remote-session with TSX Gateway setting5.3.3Configure remote-session with TSX Gateway setting1.Open your Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe)2.Enter the name of the remote computer in tab “General”3.Navigate to tab “Advanced” and click on “Settings” under the “Connectfrom anywhere” sectionPlease noteEnter now the “Hostname” of your server runningentered name must match the DNS name you have entered when creating the certificate server-side.You may use internal hostname (NetBIOS) but only for testing5.4Authorization PoliciesThis chapter describes how TSX Gateway uses Authorization Policies to control remote user access and remote connections to internal network resources beyond the gateway.CAPs and RAPs allow to granularly grant network access based on needing for the clients and at the same time securing the network.TSX Gateway communicates with Active Directory, it pulls its users or user groups from the central location. Without this ability you have to set up local users or user groups to configure the Authorization Policies.5.4.1Connection Authorization Policies (CAPs)CAPs allow the administrator to specify connection criteria that must been met to connect to the TSX Gateway server. If the first criteria is not met, TSX Gateway will evaluate the second policy, etc. until one TSX CAP fits. If none of these settings is met the remote access is denied.Open the “TSX Management Console” and login with Administrator Account. Switch to tab “CAPs”.Per default one policy is already preconfigured to allow all users to access the internal network. a CAPIn tab “CAPs” you will find bottom right possibility to “Create New Policy”Connection Authorization Policies are divided into 3 sections:•General•Requirements•Device redirection1.Tab “General”Specify the name of the new policy– in our example “Home Office Users”You can also enable/disable the policy.In fourth part you will find the summary of configured “3.Tab …Device Redirection”Enable or disable client device redirection for computers that connect to TSX Gateway.You can choose between the following settings:•Enable device redirection for all client devices•Disable device redirection for all client devices except for smart-card•Disable device redirection for specific client device types(select separately Drives,Clipboard,Printers,Serial Ports andSupported Plug and Play devices)As soon as configuration for the policy is done, move back to tab “General” and click on …OK“ to enable the new policy.Per default one policy is already preconfigured to allow all users to access the all internal network, all ports allowed.“Resource Policy” is divided into 4 sections:•General•User Groups•Computer Groups•Allowed Ports1.Tab “General”Specify a policy name and a description of your new policy.You can also enable/disable the policy.2.Tab …User Groups“ (required)To specify a user group to which you want this RAP to apply please click on “Add Group”.3.Tab …Computer Groups“ (optional)Specify the client computer IP address(es)/range to which this RAPshould apply.Click “Add Address” and enter “IP-Address” and “Network” of yourterminal server (Example: Network “32” specifies one specific host)4.Tab …Allowed Ports“By default,Terminal Services clients connect to network resources remotely through TCP port 3389. Specify whether to use TCP port 3389 or another port.After you have specified the policy move back to tab “General” and click …OK“ to enable the new policy.If you want to delete or edit any of the existing policies (not matter if CAP orRAP) just do a right click and select …delete“ or …edit“ in context menu.5.5MonitoringThis section describes how to observe all active connections by using the live monitoring of TSX Gateway.5.5.1Show MonitoringTo open “TSX Gateway Manager” login with a local Windows Administrator account and switch to the tab “Monitoring “You can now observe the following connection details:ID, User Name, Client IP Address, Connected On, Duration, Idle Time.5.5.2Disconnect a Session / UserTo disconnect a session please do the following:Right click highlighted session and choose from context menu …1.Select the session/user, which you want do disconnect2.After that right-click this session and choose “disconnect this session”respectively “disconnect this user”5.6Server OverviewTo open “TSX Gateway Manager” login with a local Windows Administrator account and switch to the tab “Server Overview “In this overview you will see(1)“Connection Status”(2)“Configuration Status”Connect to:To open TSX Gateway Manager login with a local WindowsHere you may configure→Enable system messaging”: message will pop-up in configured time“period. You may also configure Start Time / End Time for this message →Enable logon message”: such as legal notice, etc.“→Only allow connections from Remote Desktop clients that support“Remote Desktop messaging”5.7.3HelpAbout Thinstuff TSX Gateway。

®HIP2100100V/2A Peak, Low Cost, High Frequency Half Bridge DriverThe HIP2100 is a high frequency, 100V Half BridgeN-Channel power MOSFET driver IC. The low-side and high-side gate drivers are independently controlled and matched to 8ns. This gives the user maximum flexibility in dead-time selection and driver protocol. Undervoltage protection on both the low-side and high-side supplies force the outputs low. An on-chip diode eliminates the discrete diode required with other driver ICs. A new level-shifter topology yields the low-power benefits of pulsed operation with the safety of DC operation. Unlike some competitors, the high-side output returns to its correct state after a momentary undervoltage of the high-side supply.Features•Drives N-Channel MOSFET Half Bridge•SOIC, EPSOIC, QFN and DFN Package Options •SOIC, EPSOIC and DFN Packages Compliant with 100V Conductor Spacing Guidelines of IPC-2221•Pb-Free Product Available (RoHS Compliant)•Bootstrap Supply Max Voltage to 114VDC•On-Chip 1Ω Bootstrap Diode•Fast Propagation Times for Multi-MHz Circuits•Drives 1000pF Load with Rise and Fall Times Typ. 10ns •CMOS Input Thresholds for Improved Noise Immunity •Independent Inputs for Non-Half Bridge Topologies•No Start-Up Problems•Outputs Unaffected by Supply Glitches, HS Ringing Below Ground, or HS Slewing at High dv/dt•Low Power Consumption•Wide Supply Range•Supply Undervoltage Protection•3Ω Driver Output Resistance•QFN/DFN Package:-Compliant to JEDEC PUB95 MO-220QFN - Quad Flat No Leads - Package Outline-Near Chip Scale Package Footprint, which ImprovesPCB Efficiency and has a Thinner Profile Applications•Telecom Half Bridge Power Supplies•Avionics DC/DC Converters•Two-Switch Forward Converters•Active Clamp Forward ConvertersOrdering Information PARTNUMBER (Note 1)PARTMARKINGTEMP.RANGE(°C)PACKAGEPKG.DWG. #HIP2100IB2100 IB-40 to +1258 Ld SOIC M8.15HIP2100IBZ (Note 2)2100 IBZ-40 to +1258 Ld SOIC(Pb-free)M8.15HIP2100EIBZ (Note 2)2100 EIBZ-40 to +1258 Ld EPSOIC(Pb-free)M8.15CHIP2100IRZ (Note 2)HIP 2100IRZ-40 to +12516 Ld 5x5 QFN(Pb-free)L16.5x5HIP2100IR4Z (Note 2)21 00IR4Z-40 to +12512 Ld 4x4 DFN(Pb-free)L12.4x4ANOTES:1.Add “-T” suffix for tape and reel. Please refer to TB347 for details onreel specifications.2.These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets, molding compounds/die attach materials, and 100% matte tin plate plus anneal (e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-freesoldering operations). Intersil Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020.Application Block DiagramPinoutsHIP2100(8 LD SOIC, EPSOIC)TOP VIEWNOTE:EPAD = Exposed PAD.HIP2100IR4 (12 LD DFN)TOP VIEWHIP2100 (16 LD QFN)TOP VIEW56874321V DD HB HO HSLO LI HIV SS EPADV DD NC NC HB HO LO V SS NC NC LI HS234151110912867HIEPAD13415HB HO V D D L O 161413212109116578V SS LI H SH IN CN C NC NC NCNCN CN CEPADSECONDARY CIRCUIT+100VC O N T R O LCONTROLLERPWMLIHIHO LOV DDHSHB+12VV SSHIP2100REFERENCEAND ISOLATIONDRIVE LODRIVE HIFunctional Block DiagramUNDER VOLTAGEV DDHILI V SSDRIVERDRIVERHBHOHSLOLEVEL SHIFTUNDER VOLTAGEEPAD (EPSOIC, QFN and DFN PACKAGES ONLY)*EPAD = Exposed Pad. The EPAD is electrically isolated from all other pins. For best thermal performance connect the EPAD to the PCB power ground plane.SECONDARY HIP2100ISOLATIONPWM+48V+12VCIRCUITFIGURE 1.TWO-SWITCH FORWARD CONVERTERSECONDARY CIRCUITHIP2100ISOLATIONPWM+48V+12VFIGURE 2.FORWARD CONVERTER WITH AN ACTIVE CLAMPAbsolute Maximum Ratings Thermal InformationSupply Voltage, V DD, V HB-V HS (Notes 3, 4). . . . . . . . -0.3V to 18V LI and HI Voltages (Note 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to V DD +0.3V Voltage on LO (Note 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to V DD +0.3V Voltage on HO (Note 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V HS -0.3V to V HB +0.3V Voltage on HS (Continuous) (Note 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1V to 110V Voltage on HB (Note 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +118V Average Current in V DD to HB diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mA ESD Classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 1 (1kV) Maximum Recommended Operating Conditions Supply Voltage, V DD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+9V to 14.0VDC Voltage on HS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1V to 100V Voltage on HS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Repetitive Transient) -5V to 105V Voltage on HB . . . V HS+8V to V HS+14.0V and V DD-1V to V DD+100V HS Slew Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <50V/ns Thermal Resistance (Typical)θJA (°C/W)θJC (°C/W) SOIC (Note 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9550 EPSOIC (Note 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 3.0 QFN (Note 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 6.5 DFN (Note 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 3.0 Max Power Dissipation at +25°C in Free Air (SOIC, Note 5) . . . . 1.3W Max Power Dissipation at +25°C in Free Air (EPSOIC, Note 6). . 3.1W Max Power Dissipation at +25°C in Free Air (QFN, Note 6) . . . . . 3.3W Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C Junction Temperature Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-55°C to +150°C Pb-Free Reflow Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see link below /pbfree/Pb-FreeReflow.aspCAUTION: Do not operate at or near the maximum ratings listed for extended periods of time. Exposure to such conditions may adversely impact product reliability and result in failures not covered by warranty.NOTES:3.The HIP2100 is capable of derated operation at supply voltages exceeding 14V. Figure 16 shows the high-side voltage derating curve for thismode of operation.4.All voltages referenced to V SS unless otherwise specified.5.θJA is measured with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board in free air. See Tech Brief TB379 for details.6.θJA is measured in free air with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board with “direct attach” features. θJC, the“case temp” is measured at the center of the exposed metal pad on the package underside. See Tech Brief TB379.Electrical Specifications V DD = V HB = 12V, V SS = V HS = 0V, No Load on LO or HO, Unless Otherwise Specified.PARAMETERS SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONST J = +25°C T J = -40°C TO +125°CUNITS MIN TYP MAXMIN(Note 7)MAX(Note 7)SUPPLY CURRENTSV DD Quiescent Current I DD LI = HI = 0V- 0.10.15-0.2mA V DD Operating Current I DDO f = 500kHz- 1.5 2.5-3mA Total HB Quiescent Current I HB LI = HI = 0V-0.10.15-0.2mA Total HB Operating Current I HBO f = 500kHz- 1.5 2.5-3mA HB to V SS Current, Quiescent I HBS V HS = V HB = 114V-0.051-10µA HB to V SS Current, Operating I HBSO f = 500kHz-0.7---mA INPUT PINSLow Level Input Voltage Threshold V IL4 5.4-3-V High Level Input Voltage Threshold V IH- 5.87-8V Input Voltage Hysteresis V IHYS-0.4---V Input Pulldown Resistance R I-200-100500kΩUNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTIONV DD Rising Threshold V DDR77.37.8 6.58V V DD Threshold Hysteresis V DDH-0.5---V HB Rising Threshold V HBR 6.5 6.97.568V HB Threshold Hysteresis V HBH-0.4---VBOOT STRAP DIODE Low-Current Forward Voltage V DL I VDD-HB = 100µA -0.450.55-0.7V High-Current Forward Voltage V DH I VDD-HB = 100mA -0.70.8-1V Dynamic Resistance R DI VDD-HB = 100mA-0.81- 1.5ΩLO GATE DRIVER Low Level Output Voltage V OLL I LO = 100mA-0.250.3-0.4V High Level Output Voltage V OHL I LO = -100mA, V OHL = V DD -V LO -0.250.3-0.4V Peak Pullup Current I OHL V LO = 0V -2---A Peak Pulldown Current I OLLV LO = 12V-2---AHO GATE DRIVER Low Level Output Voltage V OLH I HO = 100mA-0.250.3-0.4V High Level Output Voltage V OHH I HO = -100mA, V OHH = V HB -V HO -0.250.3-0.4V Peak Pullup Current I OHH V HO = 0V -2---A Peak Pulldown CurrentI OLHV HO = 12V-2---AElectrical SpecificationsV DD = V HB = 12V, V SS = V HS = 0V, No Load on LO or HO, Unless Otherwise Specified. (Continued)PARAMETERSSYMBOLTEST CONDITIONST J = +25°CT J = -40°C TO +125°C UNITSMIN TYP MAXMIN (Note 7)MAX (Note 7)Switching SpecificationsV DD = V HB = 12V, V SS = V HS = 0V, No Load on LO or HO, Unless Otherwise Specified.PARAMETERSSYMBOL TEST CONDITIONST J = +25°CT J = -40°C TO +125°C UNITS MIN TYP MAX MIN (Note 7)MAX (Note 7)Lower Turn-Off Propagation Delay (LI Falling to LO Falling)t LPHL -2035-45ns Upper Turn-Off Propagation Delay (HI Falling to HO Falling)t HPHL -2035-45ns Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay (LI Rising to LO Rising)t LPLH -2035-45ns Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay (HI Rising to HO Rising)t HPLH -2035-45ns Delay Matching: Lower Turn-On and Upper Turn-Off t MON -28-10ns Delay Matching: Lower Turn-Off and Upper Turn-On t MOFF -28-10ns Either Output Rise/Fall Timet RC , t FC C L = 1000pF -10---ns Either Output Rise/Fall Time (3V to 9V)t R , t F C L = 0.1µF -0.50.6-0.8µs Either Output Rise Time Driving DMOS t RD C L = IRFR120-20---ns Either Output Fall Time Driving DMOSt FD C L = IRFR120-10---ns Minimum Input Pulse Width that Changes the Output t PW ----50ns Bootstrap Diode Turn-On or Turn-Off Time t BS-10---nsNOTE:7.Parameters with MIN and/or MAX limits are 100% tested at +25°C, unless otherwise specified. Temperature limits established by characterization and are not production tested.Timing DiagramsPin DescriptionsSYMBOL DESCRIPTIONV DD Positive Supply to lower gate drivers. De-couple this pin to V SS . Bootstrap diode connected to HB.HB High-Side Bootstrap supply. External bootstrap capacitor is required. Connect positive side of bootstrap capacitor to this pin. Bootstrap diode is on-chip.HO High-Side Output. Connect to gate of High-Side power MOSFET.HS High-Side Source connection. Connect to source of High-Side power MOSFET. Connect negative side of bootstrap capacitor to this pin. HI High-Side input. LI Low-Side input.V SS Chip negative supply, generally will be ground.LO Low-Side Output. Connect to gate of Low-Side power MOSFET.EPADExposed Pad. Connect to ground or float. The EPAD is electrically isolated from all other pins.FIGURE 3.FIGURE 4.t HPLH ,t LPLHt HPHL ,t LPHLHI ,LIHO ,LOt MONt MOFFLIHILOHOTypical Performance CurvesFIGURE 5.OPERATING CURRENT vs FREQUENCYFIGURE 6.HB TO V SS OPERATING CURRENT vsFREQUENCYT = +125°C T = +25°C T = -40°CT = +150°C 10k100k1M1010.10.01FREQUENCY (Hz)I D D O , I H B O (m A )T = -40°C T = +125°C T = +25°CT = +150°C 1010.10.01I H B S O (m A )10k100k1MFREQUENCY (Hz)FIGURE 7.HIGH LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE FIGURE 8.LOW LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATUREFIGURE 9.UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT THRESHOLD vsTEMPERATURE FIGURE 10.UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT HYSTERESIS vsTEMPERATUREFIGURE 11.PROPAGATION DELAYS vs TEMPERATURE FIGURE 12.PEAK PULLUP CURRENT vs OUTPUT VOLTAGETEMPERATURE (°C)V O H L , V O H H (m V )500400300200100-50050100150V HB = V DD = 9VV HB = V DD = 12VV HB = V DD = 14VTEMPERATURE (°C)V O L L , V O L H (m V )500400300200100-50050100150V HB = V DD = 9V V HB = V DD = 12V V HB = V DD = 14VTEMPERATURE (°C)-50501001507. DDRV HBRV H B R , V D D R (V )TEMPERATURE (°C)-50501001500.540.500.460.420.380.30V DDHV HBHV H B H , V D D H (m V )0.34t HPHL t HPLHt LPHLt LPLHTEMPERATURE (°C)-505010015030252015t L P L H , t L P H L , t H P L H , t H P H L (n s )62.0I H O , I L O (A )12108422. HO , V LO (V)FIGURE 13.PEAK PULLDOWN CURRENT vs OUTPUTVOLTAGEFIGURE 14.BOOTSTRAP DIODE I-V CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 15.QUIESCENT CURRENT vs VOLTAGEFIGURE 16.V HS VOLTAGE vs V DD VOLTAGE62.0I L O , I H O (A )121084202. LO , V HO (V)0.81.0000.1000.0100.0011·10-41·10-51·10- VOLTAGE (V)F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )V DD , V HB (V)051015605040I D D , I H B (µA )302010I DD vs V DDI HB vs V HB12010080604020014151612V H S T O V S S V O L T A G E (V )V DD TO V SS VOLTAGE (V)Dual Flat No-Lead Plastic Package (DFN)Micro Lead Frame Plastic Package (MLFP)BOTTOM VIEWPLANE5NX b 785FOR EVEN TERMINAL/SIDEC L12.4x4A12 LEAD DUAL FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGESYMBOLMILLIMETERSNOTESMIN NOMINAL MAX A -0.850.90-A10.000.010.05-A2-0.650.70-A30.20 REF -b, 8D 4.00 BSC -D1 3.75 BSC -D22.65 2.80 2.957, 8E 4.00 BSC -E13.75 BSC-E21.43 1.58 1.737, 8e 0.50 BSC-k 0.635---L0.300.400.508N 122Nd 63P 0.240.420.60-θ--12-Rev. 08/03NOTES:1.Dimensioning and tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994.2.N is the number of terminals.3.Nd refer to the number of terminals on D.4.All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles are in degrees.5.Dimension b applies to the metallized terminal and is measured between 0.15mm and 0.30mm from the terminal tip.6.The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be located within the zone indicated. The pin #1 identifier may be either a mold or mark feature.7.Dimensions D2 and E2 are for the exposed pads which provide improved electrical and thermal performance.8.Nominal dimensions are provided to assist with PCB Land Pattern Design efforts, see Intersil Technical Brief PLIANT TO JEDEC MO-229-VGGD-2 ISSUE C except for the L dimension .Quad Flat No-Lead Plastic Package (QFN) Micro Lead Frame Plastic Package (MLFP)L16.5x516 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE (COMPLIANT TO JEDEC MO-220VHHB ISSUE C)SYMBOLMILLIMETERSNOTES MIN NOMINAL MAXA0.800.90 1.00-A1--0.05-A2-- 1.009A30.20 REF9b0.280.330.405, 8D 5.00 BSC-D1 4.75 BSC9D2 2.55 2.70 2.857, 8E 5.00 BSC-E1 4.75 BSC9E2 2.55 2.70 2.857, 8e 0.80 BSC-k0.25---L0.350.600.758L1 --0.1510N162Nd43Ne443P--0.609θ--129Rev. 210/02NOTES:1.Dimensioning and tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5-1994.2.N is the number of terminals.3.Nd and Ne refer to the number of terminals on each D and E.4.All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles are in degrees.5.Dimension b applies to the metallized terminal and is measuredbetween 0.15mm and 0.30mm from the terminal tip.6.The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must belocated within the zone indicated. The pin #1 identifier may be either a mold or mark feature.7.Dimensions D2 and E2 are for the exposed pads which provideimproved electrical and thermal performance.8.Nominal dimensions are provided to assist with PCB Land PatternDesign efforts, see Intersil Technical Brief TB389.9.Features and dimensions A2, A3, D1, E1, P & θ are present whenAnvil singulation method is used and not present for saw singulation.10.Depending on the method of lead termination at the edge of thepackage, a maximum 0.15mm pull back (L1) maybe present. L minus L1 to be equal to or greater than 0.3mm.分销商库存信息:INTERSILHIP2100IBZT HIP2100IBZ HIP2100EIBZ HIP2100EIBZT HIP2100IRZT HIP2100IR4ZT HIP2100IBT HIP2100IRZ HIP2100IR4Z HIP2100IB HIP2100IR HIP2100EIB HIP2100EIBT HIP2100IR4HIP2100IR4T HIP2100IRT HIP2100EVAL2。

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W3C中⽂⽂档列表有了国⼈翻译的⽂档,查阅W3C规范就容易的多了,这些资源列表来⾃:简体中⽂Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陈珊 (Shan Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 李攀 (Pan Li), 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni), 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 兰煜峰 (Yufeng Lan), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 詹⼦鹏 (Zipeng Zhan), 武浩 (Hao Wu), Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), 朱礼军 (Lijun Zhu), 詹⼦鹏 (Zipeng Zhan), 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 吴隽⾠ (Junchen Wu).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中⼼ (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: WTB Language Group.Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 王超 (Chao Wang).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳建泰 (Chientai Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).繁体中⽂Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陈珊 (Shan Chen).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), Open Translation Project.Translation of the document: “”. Translators: 李攀 (Pan Li), 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中⼼ (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center). Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translators: 徐⼦淵 (Kevin Hsu), 梁中平 (Liang Chung-Ping). Translation of an earlier version of the document: “”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中⼼ (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 陳建泰 (Chientai Chen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).Translation of the document: “”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).。

RTF文件格式规范V17中文版篇一:RTFV1.7规范Microsoft? MS-DOS?, Windows?, Windows NT?,and Apple Macintosh Applications 版本:主题:内容:RTF Version 1.7 微软技术支持规范 8/2001– Word 2002 RTF 规范 Rich Text Format (RTF) 规范共220 页引言 ................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. (3)RTF语法 ................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. (3)RTF阅读器约定 ................................................... ...................................................... (5)式 ................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... (6)RTF文件内容 ................................................... ...................................................... . (7)文件头 ................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. 7RTF版本 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (7)字符集 ................................................... ...................................................... (8)UnicodeRTF .................................................. ...................................................... (8)体 ................................................... ...................................................... . (11)字体表 ................................................... ...................................................... . (11)文件表 ................................................... ...................................................... . (15)颜色表 ................................................... ...................................................... . (16)样式表 ................................................... ...................................................... . (17)编目表 ................................................... ...................................................... . (20)段落组属性 ......................................................................................................... (25)跟踪修改(修订标记) ................................................. ...................................................... .. (26)RSID ................................................. ...................................................... (26)生成器 ................................................... ...................................................... . (28)文档区 ................................................... ...................................................... (28)信息组 ................................................... ...................................................... . (28)文档格式属性 ................................................... ...................................................... (30)节文本 ................................................... ...................................................... . (39)段落文本 ................................................... ...................................................... . (45)字符文本 ................................................... ...................................................... . (75)文档变量 ................................................... ...................................................... . (88)书签 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (88)图片 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (89)对象 ................................................... (92)绘图对象 ................................................... ...................................................... ........................................... 95 脚注 ................................................... ...................................................... (127)注释(注解) ................................................. ............................................................................. . (128)域 ................................................... ...................................................... .................................................... 129 表单域 ................................................... ...................................................... ............................................ 130 索引项 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (131)Rich Text Format (RTF)规范V1.7 第 2 页目录项 ................................................... ...................................................... ............................................ 131 双向语言支...................................................... .................................. 132 远东支持 ................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. 134转义表达式 ................................................... ...................................................... ............................................. 134 字符集 ................................................... ...................................................... .................................................... 134 字符映射 ................................................... ...................................................... . (135)字体族 ................................................... ...................................................... . (135)合成字体 (支持国际运行的联合字体) .................................................. .................................................... 135 Word 6J中的新的远东控制字 ................................................... ...................................................... .......... 136 Word 97亚洲版本中的新的远东控制 (139)Word 2000中的新的远东控制字 ................................................... ...................................................... ...... 142 附录 A: RTF阅读器程序示例 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (144)如何写一个RTF阅读器 ................................................... ...................................................... ............................. 144 一个RTF阅读器工具的例子 ................................................... ...................................................... (145)Rtfdecl.h ............................................ ...................................................... (145)Rtftype.h ............................................ ...................................................... (145)Rtfactn.c ............................................ ...................................................... (147)实现其他RTF特性的说明 ................................................... ...................................................... . (148)在固定控制中终止的制表符及其他控制序列 ................................................... ........................................ 148 以固定控制开始的边框及其他控制序列 ................................................... (148)在RTF中的其他问题区域 ................................................... ...................................................... . (148)样式表 ................................................... ...................................................... ............................................ 148 属性改变 ................................................... ...................................................... .. (148)域 ................................................... ...................................................... .................................................... 149 表格 ................................................... ...................................................... (149)Rtfdecl.h ............................................ ...................................................... (150)Rtftype.h ............................................ ...................................................... (151)Rtfreadr.c ........................................... ...................................................... .. (154)Makefile ............................................. ...................................................... (168)附录 B: RTF控制字索引 ................................................... ...................................................... (169)特殊字符与A–B .................................................... ...................................................... ..................................... 169 C-E .................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. 175 F-L .................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ... 183 M-O .................................................... ...................................................... ....................................................... 193 P-R .................................................... ...................................................... ........................................................ 196 S-T .................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. 205 U-Z .................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .. 216 附录 C: 其他Microsoft产品引入的控制字 ................................................... ...................................................... . (219)PocketWord ................................................. ...................................................... .. (219)Exchange (用于RTF到HTML的相互转换) .................................................. .. (219)Rich Text Format (RTF)规范V1.7第 3 页引言富文本格式(RTF)规范是为了便于在应用程序之间轻松转储格式化文本和图形的一种编码方法。

2005年API会标大纲(第7版) API会标大纲认证更新文件包API Spec Q1-2007 (第8版) 石油、石化和天然气工业质量纲要规范(ISO TS 29001:2007)API Spec 2B-2001 (第6版) 结构钢管制造技术规范API Spec 2C-2004 (第6版) 海上平台起重机规范API RP 2D-2003 (第5版) 海上平台起重机使用与维护推荐作法API Spec 2F-1997 (第6版) 系泊锚链规范API Spec 2H-2006 (第9版) 海洋平台管接头用碳锰钢板规范API Spec 2MT1-2001 (第2版) 用于近海结构件改善韧性的碳锰钢板规范API Spec 2MT2-2002 (第1版) 改良缺口韧性的扎制型钢规范API RP 2X-2004 (第4版) 海上结构件超声检测和磁粉检测推荐作法及无损检测人员资格指南API Spec 2Y-2006 (第5版) 海上结构用调质钢板规范(中英对照)API Spec 4F-2008 (第3版) 钻井和修井井架、底座规范API RP 4G-2004 (第3版) 钻井和修井、底座的检查、维护、修理与使用API RP 5A3-2003 (第3版) 套管、油管和管线管的螺纹脂推荐方法(ISO 13678:2000) API Spec 5B-2008 (第15版) 套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验(美制单位) API RP 5B1-1999 (第5版) 套管、油管和管线管螺纹测量和检验API RP 5C1-1999 (第18版) 推荐采用的套管、油管的维护和使用方法API Bull 5C2-1999 (第21版) 套管、油管和钻杆使用性能API Spec 5CT-2005 (第8版) 套管和油管规范(ISO 11960:2004)API Spec 5D-2001 (第5版) 钻杆规范ANSI/API Spec 5DP-2009(第1版) 石油天然气工业-钢制钻杆(中英对照)API Spec 5L-2007 (第44版) 管线钢管规范ISO 3183:2007(MOD)API Spec 5L1-2002 (第6版) 管线钢管铁路运输的推荐实用规程API RP 5L2-2002 (第4版) 非腐蚀性气体输送管线管内涂层推荐做法API Spec 5LC-1998(R2006)(第3版)耐腐蚀合金管线钢管API SPEC 5LD-1998 (第2版) 内覆或衬里耐腐蚀合金复合钢管规范API RP 5LW-1996(R2003) (第2版) 管线管内陆及海上船舶运输推荐作法API Spec 6A-2004 (第19版) 井口装置和采油树设备规范API Spec 6AV1-1996(R2008)(第1版)近海作业用地面和水下安全阀的验证试验规范API Spec 6D-08 (第23版) 管线阀门规范(ISO 14313:2007)API Spec 6FA-1999 (第3版) 阀门耐火试验规范API Spec 6H-1998 (第2版) 管道终端、连接件和旋转接头技术规范API Spec 7-2001(2004a) (第40版) 旋转钻柱构件规范ANSI/API Spec 7-1-2006 (第1版) 旋转钻井钻柱构件规范API Spec 7B-11C-1994(R2000) (第9版)油田用往复式内燃机规范API RP 7C-11F-1994(R2000)(第5版)内燃机的安装、维护和操作推荐作法API Spec 7F-2003 (第7版) 油井链条和链轮API Spec 7K-2005 (第4版)钻井和井口操作设备规范(含2006增补1,2)API Spec 8A-1997 (第13版) 钻井和采油提升设备规范(含A2001)API RP 8B-2002 (第7版) 提升设备的检查、保养、修理及大修的推荐作法(ISO 13534:2000)API Spec 8C-2003 (第4版) 钻井和采油提升设备规范(PSL1和PSL2) API Spec 9A-2004 (第25版) 钢丝绳规范API RP 9B-2002 (第11版) 油田钢丝绳的应用、保养和使用的推荐方法API Spec 10D-2002 (第6版) 弓簧套管扶正器规范API RP 11AR-2000 (第4版) 地下抽油泵的维护和使用推荐作法API Spec 11AX-2006 (第12版) 地下杆式抽油泵及其配件的技术规范API Spec 11B-1998 (第26版) 抽油杆规范API Spec 11D1-2002 (第1版) 石油天然气工业-井下装备-封隔器和桥塞(ISO 14310:2001)API Spec 11E-1994(R2000)(第17版)抽油机技术规范API Spec 11E-2008 (第18版) 抽油机技术规范(含09堪误1、2)(中英对照)API RP 11G-1994(R2000) (第4版) 抽油机的安装和润滑API TR 11L-1993(R2000) (第4版) 有杆泵抽油系统(常规抽油机)的设计计算API RP 11S-1994(R2008) (第3版) 潜油电泵装置的操作、维护和故障检查API RP 11S2-1997(R2008)(第2版) 潜油电泵离心泵试验推荐做法API RP 11S3-1999(R2008)(第2版) 潜油电泵装置的安装API RP 11S4-2002(R2008)(第3版) 潜油电泵装置的规格与选用的推荐做法API RP 11S8-1993(R2008)(第1版) 潜油电泵振动试验方法API Spec 11V1-1995(R2000)(第2版)气举阀、孔板、回流阀和隔板阀规范API RP 11V7-1999 (第2版) 气举阀的修理、试验和鉴定推荐作法API Spec 12B-1995 (R2000)(第4版)螺栓连接储油罐规范API Spec 12D-1994(R2000)(第10版)油田现场焊接储油罐规范API Spec 12F-2008 (第12版) 车间焊接的生产液体储罐技术规范API Spec 12GDU-1990(R1999) (第1版)二醇型天然气脱水装置规范API Spec 12J-2008 (第8版) 油气分离器规范(中英对照版)API RP 12R1-1997 (R2008)(第5版)采油用储罐的安装、维护、检测、操作和维修API RP 13B1-2003 (第3版) 水基钻井液现场测试程序(中英对照)API RP 13B2-2005 (第4版) 油基钻井液现场测试程序(中英对照)API Spec 14A-2000 (第10版) 井下安全阀设备规范(ISO 10432:1999)API Spec 14B-2005 (第5版) 井下安全阀系统的设计、安装、修理和操作的推荐做法API Spec 15HR-2001 (第3版) 高压玻璃纤维管线管规范(含04增补,07勘误)API Spec 15LR-2001 (第7版) 低压玻璃纤维管线管和管件ANSI/API Spec 16A-2004(第3版) 钻井通道设备规范(ISO 13533:2001修改)API Spec 16C-1993(R2001)(第1版)节流和压井系统规范API RP 51-2001 (第3版) 陆上石油天然气生产保护环境的作法API RP 500-1997(R2002)(第2版) 石油设施电气设备安装一级一类和二类区域划分的推荐方法API 510-2006 (第9版) 压力容器检验法规:维护检验、评估、修理和改造API RP 520-1-2000 (第17版) 炼油厂压力泄放装置的尺寸确定和选择API RP 520-2-2003 (第15版) 炼油厂压力泄放装置的安装API Std 526-2002 (第5版) 钢制法兰端泄压阀API Std 527-1991(R2002)(第3版) 泄压阀的阀座密封度API 570-2006a (第2版) 管道检验法规:使用中管道系统检验、修理、改造和重新评估API RP 572-2001 (第2版) 压力容器检验API RP 576-2000 (第2版) 泄压装置的检验API RP 591-2003 (第3版) 炼油阀门的用户验收ANSI/API Std 594-2004(第6版) 双夹式、凸耳式、对夹式和对焊止回阀API Std 598-2004 (第8版) 阀门的检验和试验API Std 599-2002 (第5版) 法兰端、螺纹端和焊接端金属旋塞阀API Std 600-2001 (第11版) 石油和天然气工业用阀盖螺栓连接的钢制闸阀(ISO 10434:1998)API Std 600-2009 (第12版) 石油和天然气工业用阀盖螺栓连接的钢制闸阀(ISO 10434:1998)(中英对照)API Std 602-2005 (第8版) 石油和天然气工业用公称尺寸小于和等于DN100的钢制闸阀、截止阀和止回阀(ISO 15761:2002)API Std 603-2001 (第6版) 法兰端、对焊端、耐腐蚀栓接阀盖闸阀ANSI/API Std 607-2005(第5版) 转1/4周软阀座阀门的耐火试验(ISO 10497-5:2004)API Std 608-2002 (第3版) 法兰、螺纹和焊连接的金属球阀API Std 609-2004 (第6版) 双法兰连接、凸耳及饼式蝶阀API Std 610-2004 (第10版) 石油、重工化学和天然气工业用离心泵API Std 617-2002 (第7版) 石油、化工及气体工业用的离心压缩机以及膨胀机-压缩机API Std 620-2002 (第10版) 大型焊接低压储罐设计与施工API Std 650-1998 (第10版) 钢制焊接石油储罐(含A00,01)API Std 650-2007 (第11版) 钢制焊接石油储罐(中英对照)API Std 653-2001 (第3版) 储油罐检验、修理、改造和重建API Std 660-2003 (第7版) 炼油厂用通用管壳式换热器API Std 661-2002 (第5版) 炼油通用操作空气冷却换热器API Std 661-2006 (第6版) 炼油通用操作空气冷却换热器(中英对照)API Std 662-2002 (第2版) 炼油厂通用板式换热器API Std 674-1995(R2000)(第2版) 往复式容积泵API Std 675-1994(R2000)(第2版) 容积泵-计量泵API Std 682-2002 (第2版) 用于离心泵和旋转泵的泵轴封系统API RP 683-1993(R2000) (第1版) 石油、化工与燃气工业机械设备质量改进细则API Std 685-2000 (第1版) 石油、重化工和气体用无焊离心泵API RP 941-2004 (第6版) 适用于石油精炼厂和石化厂高温和高压气工况的钢"API Std 1104-1999 (第19版) 管道及有关设施的焊接(含2001勘误)API RP 1109-2003 (第3版) 液体石油管道设施标识推荐方法API RP 1110-1997 (第4版) 液体石油管道压力试验API 标准汇编API标准中译本丛书(一)管线管和阀门(含12个标准) 5L、6A、6AV1、14A、598、600、602、607、608、609、11V1和11V7API RP 1117-1996(R2002)(第2版) 移动使用运行中的管道API Std 1631-2001 (第15版) 地下储油罐内衬里与定期检验API RP 2009-2002 (第7版) 石油和石油化工安全焊接、切削和热加工作法API RP 2027-2002 (第3版) 常压储罐喷砂在使用烃类时着火的危险API RP 2210-2000 (第3版) 石油储罐通风处的火焰消除器API Std 2510-2001 (第8版) 液化石油气设备的设计与建造API Std 2552-1966 (R2006) 球罐和球形容器的测量与检定。

Sample manuscript for Applied PhysicsLettersA. Author,1,2,a)B. Author,2,b,c) andC. Author3,c)1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country33Department, University, City, State (spell out full name), Zip code, USAThis is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. Abstracts are required for all manuscripts. The Abstract should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references). It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It should be approximately 250 words. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. In this sample article we provide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper toApplied Physic Letters, a journal published by AIP Publishing LLC. The AIP Publishing staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing your manuscript.NB: Contrary to the structure of this sample, headings are not permitted in APL. They are used in this sample to assist the reader in locating information.THE MANUSCRIPTPlease use this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. All files will be submitted through our online electronic submission system at.Manuscript preparationArticles can be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and_____________________________Note: This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a conference: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May 2010.a) This is an example of a f ootnote to an author’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronicmail: ********************.b) This research was performed while B. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.c) B. Author and C. Author contributed equally to this work.the point size will be reset according to the journal’s specs, but authors most commonly use the Times Roman font and point size 12. The manuscript begins with a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, and an abstract, followed by the body of the paper, tables and figures, if any, included, and the referencesection. Consecutively number all tables (I, II, III, etc.) andfigures (1, 2, 3, etc.), including those in an Appendix. Figures, with figure captions, may be embedded within the manuscript to assist the reviewers. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with 1.Manuscript submissionAll files will be submitted through the online system:. Each version of the manuscript (the original and subsequent revisions) should be submitted with its own complete set of files: a cover letter (indicating the title, authors, and contact information), a complete article file, and separate figure files (see Sec. IX―FIGURES). When uploading a revised manuscript, also include a response/rebuttal letter (indicating the changes made to address the Editor’s and Reviewers’ comments).MANUSCRIPT LENGTHManuscripts should not exceed 3500 words.TeX usersAuthors are advised to use the REVTeX 4.1 file. If the double-column version of the manuscript obtained using the "reprint" optionfits on four pages, the length is acceptable.Word usersPlease note that the abstract, title, author list, references, and acknowledgments are all excluded from the 3500-word limit. Figures, tables, and equations, however, are included and must be accounted for by calculating a word count equivalent to the space they occupy.Highlight the manuscript text, excluding abstract, author list, acknowledgements and references, and note the word count at the bottom of the screen. Add to that the word-count-equivalents for figures, tables and equations as follows:l Figures: 200 words for an average figure.l Tables: 13 words per line, plus 26 words.l Equations: 13 words per line.If the total number of words (text + figures + tables + equations) is 3500 or less, the length is acceptable.TITLEThe title of a paper should be as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. Acronyms are notallowed in the title; they must be spelled out (exception to this rule is DNA). Chemical compounds are allowed in the title.AUTHORS’ NAMES AND ADDRESSESAuthors’ names should preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and to avoidambiguities. Include the names and postal addresses of all institutions, followed by city, state, zip code, and USA if in the United States or by postal code, city, and country if not in the U.S. Please provide the complete address for each author. See the byline of this sample article for examples.。

《HIP设计标准》遵循一系列基本原则,包括创新性、可行性、用户体验、可持续性和文化传承等,以确保设 计方案的高质量和实用性。
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《HIP设计标准》适用于各类设计项目和领域,包括建筑设计、产品设计、平 面设计、交互设计等,能够为不同设计行业的专业人士提供指导和参考。
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《HIP设计标准》是一套用于指导和规范设计过程和结果的标准,旨在提高设 计方案的质量和效果,促进行业的发展和创新。
《HIP设计标准》具有指导设计者、客户和相关利益方进行设计活动的作用,可以提高设计方案的交流和传达 效果,促进设计行业的专业化和标准化。
《HIP设计标准》的发展经历了不断完善和演变的过程,从最初的简单准则到 如今的完整体系,不断适应行业和社会的需求变化。
HIP设计标准的专业术语和定 义
《HIP设计标准》包含一系列专业术语和定义,用于统一概念和语言,提高设 计行业的沟通和协作效率,确保设计方案的一致性和准确性。

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OCSET 200 µA
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage, V CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+15V Boot Voltage, VBOOT - VPHASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+15V Input, Output or I/O Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . GND -0.3V to VCC +0.3V ESD Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 2
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三通一压 10-14AF4 10-14AF6 15-14AF1 15-14AF2 20-14LF4 20-14LF6 20-14LF9 20-14LF12 20-14LF16 30-14HF2 30-14HF4 30-14HF6 30-14HF9 30-14HF16 60-14HF2 60-14HF4 60-14HF6 60-14HF9 100-14XF4 150-14XF6
3/8" O.D.
10-12AF6 10,000
接口 AF1 AF2 AF4 AF6
通径 D E F
0.052" 25/8" 11/8" _
1/16" 31/8" 11/2" _
1/8" 53/16" 2"
1/8" 53/16" 2&/ " 21 32
5/16" 3/4"
/ 77 = 三通迷你球阀14 NPT
80 = 两通球阀 * 81 = 三通球阀 180° * 82 = 三通分流球阀 *
* (耳轴式)
内螺纹 AF1 AF2 AF4 AF6 LF4 LF6 LF9 LF12 LF16 HF2 HF4 HF6 HF9 HF16 XF4 XF6 NFA NFB NFC NFD NFF NFH — — — —
1/8" 53/16" 2" 11/16" 11/16" 27/16" 1/2" 13/8" 7/32"
1/4" .083" 30-11HF4
1" .437" 30-11HF16
1/8" .020" 60-11HF2
60-11HF4 60-11HF6
R5 8/04
High Pressure Equipment
10,000 and 15,000 psi 接管外径有 /116", /18", /14", 和 /3 8"。
接管时不用特殊工具,只要简单的切断、去毛刺、和连接就可以 了。 防旋针形阀杆是用来开关和保证长久寿命的标准件。如果阀杆需要 带调节刻度,请加-REG后缀即可,不需另加费用。 默认的,每个阀都配有压紧螺母和卡套。 材质:阀体是316 SS,下阀杆是17-4PH。 密封填料:默认的是特氟龙(232℃),也可以选氟橡胶 (176℃),丁腈橡胶(93℃),柔性石墨(343℃),无需另加费 用。 空气执行器:所有的阀门都可以用空气执行器实现远程控制。选择 需要的针阀,并加上HIPCO后缀。
通径 D E F G H J K L
0.052" 21/2" 11/8" 1/4"
/ " 13 32
5/16" 3/4"
/ " 11 16
/ " 15 16
1/8" 45/8" 2" 1/2" 1/2" 17/8" 1/2" 13/8" 7/32"
60 = 60,000 psi 100 = 100,000 psi 150 = 150,000 psi
少数产品编码规则沿袭历 史习惯,比如NPT接头和特 殊合金部件。
相关压力等级与实际额定 压力可能有些出入,以具 体页面介绍为准,或者询 问工厂。
2 = 压紧螺母、螺套或卡套 3 = 防振部件 7 = 堵头 11 = 直通针阀 12 =直角针阀 13 =两压力口的三通针阀 14 = 一压力口的三通针阀 15 = 两阀杆的三通阀 16 = 浮动球阀 21 = 直通或转换接头 22 = 弯头 23 = 三通 24 = 四通 41 = 单向阀 51 =线型过滤器 61 = 直通安全头 63 = 三通安全头 71 = 两通球阀 * 72 =三通球阀 180° * 73 =三通分流球阀 * 74 = 两通球阀 * 75 =三通球阀 180° * 76 =三通分流球阀 *
10,000 psi 2.2
1/16" O.D.
15-11AF1 15,000
1/8" O.D.
15-11AF2 15,000
1/4" O.D.
10-11AF4 10,000
3/8" O.D.
10-11AF6 10,000
接口 AF1 AF2 AF4 AF6
30-15HF4 30-12HF4R
30-15HF6 30-12HF6R
30-15HF9 30-12HF9R
30-15HF16 30-12HF16R
60-15HF2 60-12HF2R
60-15HF4 60-12HF4R
60-15HF6 60-12HF6R
60-15HF9 60-12HF9R
" 9 16
HM16 1" 高压
/1 4" 超高压 /3 8" 超高压 /18" NPT /14" NPT /3 8" NPT /12" NPT /3 4" NPT
1" NPT
/ HA9
" 9 16
/ HA12 3 4" 软管
HA16 1" 软管
三通两压 10-13AF4 10-13AF6 15-13AF1 15-13AF2 20-13LF4 20-13LF6 20-13LF9 20-13LF12 20-13LF16 30-13HF2 30-13HF4 30-13HF6 30-13HF9 30-13HF16 60-13HF2 60-13HF4 60-13HF6 60-13HF9 100-13XF4 150-13XF6
/ HA21 15 16" 软管
30-11HF4 = 30,000 psi 接管外径1/4"的直通针阀 60-23HF4 = 60,000 psi 接管外径1/4"的三通 15-21AF2 = 15,000 psi 接管外径1/8"的直通接头,卡套连接 15-21AF2NMB = 15,000 psi 一端是1/8"卡套接口,另一端是1/4"NPT接口的转换接头 30-11HF6-HT = 30,000 psi 接管外径3/8"的高温直通针阀
-LT = 低温阀杆 (低达-195℃) -MPO-NO = 常开式中载活塞执行器 -MPO-NC = 常闭式中载活塞执行器 -HPO-NO = 常开式重载活塞执行器 -HPO-NC = 常闭式重载活塞执行器 -EHPO-NO =常开式超重载活塞执行 器 -EHPO-NC = 常闭式超重载活塞执 行器
卡套阀门 中压阀门 高压阀门
10,000 psi 15,000 psi 20,000 psi
30,000 psi
60,000 psi 100,000 psi 150,000 psi
钢管尺寸 O.D. I.D.
直通针阀 10-11AF4
AF1 /(116") and AF2 (1/8")
15,000 psi
针阀特点 G 防旋阀杆 G 密封填料与螺纹不干涉
G 316 ss 高强度阀体
G 右旋压紧螺母 G 无需阀杆调节 G 黑色T型手柄,或有4种颜色可选 G 接管尺寸1/16"到3/8"
AF4 (1/4") and AF6 (3/8")
High Pressure Equipment
30 - 11
(如果与前者不 同的话)
10 =10,000 psi 15 = 15,000 psi 20 = 20,000 psi 30 = 30,000 psi 40 = 40,000 psi
1/16" .030" 15-11AF1
/ " 13 64