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With the increasingly fierce competition of society, society on College Students' comprehensive quality requirements also gradually becomes harsh, just get on the school education knowledge is not enough to satisfy the demand to improve their own quality. The ancients said: " teach a man to fish than to give them fish ". Fostering learner autonomy is one of the teaching objectives of university become more and more important. However, long-term since, Chinese students by the traditional spoon-feeding " " education mode of binding, in the process of learning to show strong passive and dependent. Especially when they just entered the University,facing less lessons, teachers are significantly different from the previous teaching mode focus on low of the individual, often feel not know what course to take. In order to understand the learning situation for them, help them to learn from connection and transition of University, the author carried out the study.

Keywords: their quality; passive; dependence

摘要............................................................................................................................. I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 目录.......................................................................................................................... III 1 自主学习能力. (1)

1.1 什么是自主学习能力 (1)

1.2 自主学习的概念 (1)

1.3 大学生在学习能力培养上的心理特征 (1)

1.4 自主学习能力的重要性 (2)

2 当代大学生自主学习的现状 (3)

2.1 大学生学习现状的主要表现 (3)

2.2 当代大学生学习现状 (3)

3 当代大学生自主学习中存在的问题及分析 (5)

3.1 影响自主学习能力的因素 (5)

3.1.1 学校方面 (5)

3.1.2 老师方面 (5)

3.1.3 学生自身因素 (5)

3.2 自主学习能力不足之处 (6)

3.2.1 有意识赖性强 (6)

3.2.2 对时间管理意识不强 (6)

3.2.3 没有明确的目标 (6)

3.2.4 不会利用学习资源 (7)

3.3 对自主学习能力不足之处分析 (7)

3.3.1 学习动力 (8)

3.3.2 学生所选专业的原因 (8)

3.3.3 学生对考试成绩的态度 (8)

3.3.4 学生学习环境 (9)

3.3.5 上自习所干的事情 (9)

3.3.6 学术性讲座的情况 (9)

4 针对大学生自主学习能力问题的对策 (10)

4.1 针对影响因素的不同方面 (10)

4.1.1 学校方面 (10)

4.1.2 老师方面 (10)

4.1.3 学生自身方面 (10)

4.2 增强学生的自主学习能力 (11)

4.2.1 降低学生的懒惰心理 (11)

4.2.2 增强学生的时间观念 (12)

4.2.3 确立明确的中长短期目标 (12)

4.2.4 有效使用学习资源 (13)

结论 (14)

致谢 (15)

附录1 (16)
