人文高地Cultural Highlands从翻译适应选择论看许渊冲《西厢记》英译陈莹 林娜 兰丹娥 王丽 河池学院外语系本文为2011-2013年度广西教育厅立项课题(项目编号2011LX574)。
为了使中国古典戏剧文学宝库的这一瑰宝在世界文坛上散发出熠熠光辉,许渊冲教授在1992年由外文出版社出版了英译《西厢记》四本十六折,又于1998 年由湖南人民出版社出版了许译《西厢记》五本二十折全本。
翻译适应选择论在翻译实践中的应用r——以《雨山行》为例秦晓梅【摘要】翻译适应选择论是一种新的翻译理论范式,其提出的"整合适应选择度"的翻译标准对翻译具有很强的解释力,能恰当解释许多翻译现象.从翻译适应选择论入手,以美国作家斯科特·莫马特《雨山行》的文本为依托,选取实例,比较其三个不同的中文译文,论证翻译适应选择论在翻译实践中的可操作性和解释力.【期刊名称】《开封教育学院学报》【年(卷),期】2016(036)002【总页数】2页(P80-81)【关键词】翻译适应选择论;《雨山行》;语言维;文化维;交际维【作者】秦晓梅【作者单位】西安翻译学院外国语学院,陕西西安 710105【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9《雨山行》(The Way to Rainy Mountain)是美国作家斯科特·莫马特(Scott Momaday)的一部重要作品。
上海科技翻译S hang hai J ou rnal of T ranslators f or S cience and T echnology 2004N o .4[收稿日期]2004204206[作者简介]胡庚申(1949-),男,清华大学外语系国际交流语用学教授,博士,剑桥大学英语与应用语言学博士后学人,研究方向:翻译学,国际交流语用学,英语语言教学。
翻译适应选择论的哲学理据胡庚申 (清华大学外语系,北京100084)[摘要]从“适应”、“选择”的视角来探讨翻译理论问题是对翻译研究的一种新的尝试,目前尚未见有人从这个视角系统探讨翻译理论的研究。
本文借鉴其它临近学科领域相关的研究思路,借用达尔文生物进化论中“适应 选择”学说的基本原理和思想,解释和描述了译文产生的翻译过程,探索了“翻译适应选择论”的哲学理据。
[关键词]适应;选择;译论;哲理[中图分类号]H 059[文献标识码]A[文章编号]100026141(2004)04200012051 引言“适者生存”(亦称“自然选择”)是达尔文生物进化论中的一个重要研究课题。
1859年,查尔斯・达尔文发表了他的《物种起源》(T he O rig in ofS p ecies :T he O rig in of S p ecies by M eans of N a tu 2ra l S election or the P reserva tion of F avored R acesin the S trug g le f or lif e )。
达尔文的生物进化论从内容上来看大体上包含生物变异(m u tati on )、生存适应(adap tati on )、物种进化(evo lu ti on )三个最基本的概念。
“适应”与“选择”是“调节人类行为的基本机制”(L op reato &C ri pp en ,1999:85)。
因此,翻译适应选择论(Translation Adaptation Choice Theory,简称TACT)被提出,以指导翻译者在翻译过程中进行有效的翻译选择。
关键词:翻译适应选择论;语言;文化;历史1. 介绍翻译是一种复杂的过程,它涉及到语言学、文化、历史等多方面的知识。
在这种情况下,翻译适应选择论(Translation Adaptation Choice Theory,简称TACT)被提出,以指导翻译者在翻译过程中进行有效的翻译选择。
翻译适应选择论是由美国语言学家和翻译学家约翰·科尔曼(John Coleman)提出的。
2. 概念翻译适应选择论的核心概念是,翻译者应根据语言、文化和历史等因素来选择最适合的翻译方式,以达到最佳的翻译效果。
翻译适应选择论引言翻译适应选择论(Translation-Adaptation Selection Theory,简称TAST)是一种翻译研究的理论模型,旨在解释和预测翻译过程中的译者策略和决策。
关键词:生态翻译学;翻译适应选择论;林纾中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0000-0129/K(2013)01-0088-05引言林纾(1852—1942年),近代翻译家,名齐严复,翻译西洋小说一百八十余种,计一千数万字[1],其《黑奴吁天录》启人深思,影响深远。
尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)在他的《翻译新视角》(A Fresh Look at Translation )论文中表明,在翻译过程中“译者要做出成千上万次的涉及选择与处理的决定,以适应另一种文化,适应另一种语言,适应不同的编辑和出版商,最后还要适应读者群”[2] 。
论文英文题目:On English Translation of University Web News: Basedon the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection 论文中文题目:翻译适应选择论指导下的高校网页新闻英译 学 院: 文法学院专业年级: 英语专业2010级学 号: 102264005049学生姓名: 陈艺颖指导教师、职称: 陈隽 讲师2014年 5 月 14 日福建农林大学英语专业本科毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。
本科毕业论文作者签名:二○一四年五月十四日ContentsAbstract (1)1.I ntroduction (1)1.1 Literature review (1)1.2 Purpose and significance of the study (2)2. An introduction to Translation as Adaptation and Selection (3)2.1 Translational eco-environment (3)2.2 Translator-centeredness (3)2.3 Translator’s adaptation and selection (4)2.4 Degree of holistic adaptation and selection (5)2.5 Rationality of C-E translation of university web news based on TAS (6)3. An analysis of translation process of university web news (6)3.1 Translational eco-environment of translation process of university webnews (7)3.2 Translator’s adaptation and selection in translation process of universityweb news (9)4. Principles and strategies of university web news translation (10)4.1 Principles of university web news translation (10)4.2 Strategies of university web news translation (10)4.3 Translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic dimension (11)4.4 Translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in cultural dimension.154.5 Translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in communicativedimension (18)4.6 A case study of translator’s adaptive selection and transformation inmulti-dimension (21)5. Conclusion (23)Acknowledgements (28)翻译适应选择论指导下的高校网页新闻英译中文摘要、关键字 (29)[Abstract] The rapid development and popularity of the Internet plays a more and more significant role in overseas publicity. A lot of Chinese universities are trying to set up English websites, in order to expand their influence. Campus news is an important window for the overseas publicity of universities. Hence, high-quality web news translation is closely bound up with the reputations of universities. This paper takes the campus news on the websites of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University’s (FAFU) and Xiamen University (XMU) as examples to explore C-E translation of university web news with the guidance of the theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection (TAS). According to the theory, the translator should make adaptive selections and transformations in at least three dimensions – linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension, and then produce the best target text with the highest degree of the holistic adaptation and selection.[Key Words] Adaptation and Selection; transformation in three dimensions; university web news; C-E translation1.IntroductionNowadays, with the increase of international exchange, more and more Chinese universities put efforts in setting up English websites, of which campus news is always a vital component. Campus news on website is a key way for universities to publicize themselves and for target readers to get necessary information about the universities. In order to make the web news good enough to reach the purpose of successful publication and communication, an effective approach to guide its translation is obligatory. This thesis takes campus news on the websites of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (abbreviated as FAFU hereafter) and Xiamen University (shorted as XMU hereafter) as examples, focusing on the translation of university web news based on the theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection (abbreviated as TAS hereafter). 1.1 Literature reviewNumerous scholars have studied news translation. In the west, Bielsa and Bassnett (2009) publish Translation in Global News, addressing and analyzing central issues relating to the new pressures on translation arising from globalization. In China, Professor Zhang Jian studies news translation from various aspects and contributes to the course with his works Newspaper Language Translation (2008a), demonstrating the features and the methods of both C-E and E-C translation of newspaper language, and A Course in Journalism Translation (2008b), indicating the basic concepts, main features, fundamental theories, typical errors and strategies of news translation. Liu Qizhong delves into the news writing and translation, and publishes a number of relevant works, such as English-Chinese News Translation (2009a), which introduces the approach to translate English news into Chinese, and News Writing in English Based onInformation in Chinese (2009b), which introduces readers to the way of producing qualified English news based on information in Chinese through translating and editing. Although there are quite a few studies about news translation, research on campus news translation, especially on web news translation, is rare.When it comes to the theories of news translation in China, according to Huang Qin’s research (2007:24), they include Functionalist theory, Relevance theory, Register theory, Context theory, theory of Cultural Translation School, Theme-rheme theory and theory of Intertextuality. Put forward at the beginning of the 21st century by Professor Hu Gengshen, TAS is attracting more and more attention and has been employed in the probe of news translation. As for books adopts TAS as theoretical guidance, a relevant one is Liu Yafeng’s Translator’s Adaptation and Selection: A Study of the Process of Publicity-oriented C-E Translation (2010), which studies the translation process of overseas publicity, including summary and clarification of overseas publicity terms, the interaction between translator’s adaptation and translator’s selection, linguistic errors in overseas publicity with the theory of TAS, etc. As for the relevant papers, Ma Fuxin (2011a:78) deems that TAS is practical and explainable for soft-news translation. In another paper, he (2011b:42) elaborates the concept of “degree of holistic adaptation and selection” by using TAS to make a comparison between two versions of a piece of soft-news on China Daily. Wang Shuo (2012) applies TAS to conduct a case study on Chinese neologisms.From the above review, it can be easily found that studies on university web news under the guidance of TAS are still rare and more related studies are highly required.1.2 Purpose and significance of the studyBecause of the limitations of current studies on translation of university web news, the present thesis is trying to probe into the possibility of English translation of university web news with TAS, which is worth exploration and promotion. In his book An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection (2004), Hu Gengshen puts forward that TAS is operational for practical pragmatic translation, including news translation. Therefore, if TAS can be employed to guide the translation of university web news, a win-win fruit will be yielded. On one hand, web news is a window for universities to advertise themselves and to provide information for the target readers. In other words, web news is of great significance to establish good images for universities as well as to make the public know more about the universities, so as to promote their reputations and to attract more talents and students. In this sense, perfect translation of webnews is of highly importance to meet these goals. On the other hand, the study will broaden the application field of TAS.2. An introduction to Translation as Adaptation and SelectionPut forward by Hu Gengshen, TAS develops on the basics of Darwinian principle of natural selection. Under the guidance of the theory, three essential factors must be clarified in the translation process: translational eco-environment, translator-centeredness and translator’s adaptation and selection. Besides, the criterion of the quality of translation, and degree of holistic adaptation and selection also should be expounded.2.1 Translational eco-environmentIn the Darwinian principle of natural selection, only when organic beings adapt to the nature can they survive and multiply. In his paper Translation as Adaptation and Selection, Hu Gengshen (2003) introduces the concept of a translational eco-environment with reference to the Darwinian principle of adaptation and selection. According to him (2004:119), “A ‘translation eco-environment’ refers to the worlds of the source text and the source/target languages, comprising the linguistic, communicative, cultural and social aspects of translating, as well as the author, the client, and the readers. Focusing on the activity of translation, especially in terms of the ‘translational eco-environment’, translation is here defined as a ‘selection activity of the translator’s adaptation to fit the translational eco-environment’.” From the definition we can see that “eco-environment” is different from “context”. Context refers to the environment in which language is used, while “eco-environment” includes a wider range. In the first phase of translation process, source text is the eco-environment, which “selects” translators. In the second phase, translator plays the role of the eco-environment, which “selects” the target text. That is to say, source texts and translators are regarded as eco-environment respectively in different translation phases.2.2 Translator-centerednessTranslator-centeredness is the core of the approach to TAS. In fact, many scholars before Hu Gengshen have pointed out the importance of the subjectivity of translators. For instance, Nida (1964:145) thinks “Translator is the focal element in translation process, which has the central effect for the basic principle and procedure of translation”. Xie Tianzhen finds that “The translator creates another text on the basis of the souse text through his own understanding. In this sense, he is a receiver as well as a sender of a literary work, whose function is far moreimportant than an ordinary reader.” (cf. Zhang Weihong, 2007:16). However, TAS is the first theory that elaborates translator’s centeredness position in a systematic way.To clarify the concept of translator-centeredness, we can explore the concept from following aspects. Firstly, translator is the only “organic being” who can adapt to the eco-environment (Hu Gengshen, 2003:284). Secondly, from the perspective of function, translator is the “reader” of source text as well as the “author” of target text, who is able to understand and to express the information in source text. That is to say, in the process of translation, translator is in the center position and takes the “leading” role. Thirdly, the quality of target text depends on translator’s adaptation and selection. In other words, translator’s different adaptation and selection will produce different target texts. Fourthly, in accordance with meaning construction, it can be explained that only translator is able to interpret source text and to construct the meaning of target text, and that only the translator is capable of transforming the signifier of the source text’s meaning into the signified of the target text’s pragmatics. Finally, in light of Hu Gengshen’s definition, translation is the “the translator’s selection and adaptation in the translational eco-environment” (2003:287). The definition shows that both adaptation and selection are controlled by translator.From the above-mentioned aspects, it is clear that translator takes a central place in translation process. Translator’s different adaptation and selection in translation process will produce different target texts. A high-quality target text largely depends on the translator’s capacity of adapting to the translational eco-environment and selecting the proper target texts. 2.3 Translator’s adaptation and selectionIn terms of Hu Gengshen’s definition of translation, two elements need to be clarified. One is translator’s adaptation. It refers to the requirement that the translator must be able to fit into the translational eco-environment, otherwise, the translator will be eliminated. The other element needs to be taken into consideration is translator’s selection, which refers to the situation that calls for appropriate decisions and selections on translator’s part. When making decisions or selections, translator ought to consider from two levels – the macro-level, which is about translation strategies suited to the specific translational eco-environment, and the micro-level, which is about details in the translation process. In the process of translating, the translator must both adapt and select. This includes two stages: the first stage is that the source text selects the translator. This can also be seen as the phase that the translator adapts to the source text (thetranslational eco-environment).The second stage is that the translator selects the target text, in which the translator stands for the translational eco-environment.Hu Gengshen summarizes the principle of translation as “multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection” (2006:49). That is, in the process of translating, the translator must adapt to the translational eco-environment on different levels and in different dimensions, so as to make adaptive selections and transformations. It needs at least three dimensional transformations – linguistic, cultural and communicative transformations.2.4 Degree of holistic adaptation and selectionThe criterion of the quality of translation is called “degree of holistic adaptation and selection”, which means the summation of the degree of translator’s “multidimensional adaptation” and the degree of translator’s “adaptive selections” to the translational eco-environment.Hu Gengshen (2004:144-155) generalizes three reference values for the “degree of holistic adaptation and selection” of target text, namely, degree of multi-dimensional transformations, reader’s feedback and translator quality.2.4.1 Degree of multi-dimensional transformationsDegree of multi-dimensional transformations refers to whether the translator adapts to the translational eco-environment from different dimensions, especially the linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions. Generally speaking, the more dimensions the translator made transformation in, the higher the degree of holistic adaptation and selection of target text is. The other element required to be paid attention to is that the order of transformations in three dimensions are dynamic, which should depend on different text types and situations.2.4.2 Reader’s feedbackAs the target audience, reader’s feedback can value the degree of holistic adaptation and selection of the target text. From Hu Gengshen’s opinion, reader’s feedback can be elaborated from six aspects: (1) Print runs of the target text; (2) Analysis of target text; (3) Accepted situation of target text; (4) Statistics of comments on target text; (5) Clients’ entrustment of target text; (6) Replacement of target text.In a word, reader’s feedback is market’s feedback, which indicates the degree of holistic adaptation and selection through the degree of feedback.2.4.3 Translator qualityTAS emphasizes translator’s subjectivity, so translator quality influences the degree of holistic adaptation and selection of the target text to a large extent. “The diversity in target text is essentially the diversity in translator quality.”(Hu Genghen, 2004:152). In general, the higher translator quality is, the higher the degree of holistic adaptation and selection is. Compared with other reference values, this is the typical feature of TAS, for TAS is translator-centered. Translator quality includes various components, such as bilingual ability, intercultural sensitivity, judgment on translational eco-environment, translation experience, etc.2.5 Rationality of C-E translation of university web news based on TASAccording to Hu Gengshen (2003: 283), translation is defined as “a translation’s adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment”. The translator plays a role of centeredness in the process of translating. The translation process is a production of target texts by “natural” selection by means of the translator’s adaptation to the eco-environment and the translator’s selection of both the degree of the adaptation and decisions about the form of the final target text. In news translation, the primary purpose is to convey information. That is, make the target readers get the same messages as the source readers do or, in other words, let the target text achieve the same effect in communicative dimension as the source text. During the process of translation, the first problem that the translator must deal with is the transformation between two languages. Besides, translation is also a kind of cultural communication. The translator ought to make a balance between the cultures of the source text and the target text. In a word, the essence of news translation is the translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in the translational eco-environment that consists of linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions. Therefore, TAS is rational for news translation, including university web news translation.3. An analysis of translation process of university web newsAccording to Hu Gengshen, translation process based on TAS can be expressed by a formula: Translation=Adaptation + Selection. When it comes to the translation process of university web news, the formula can be summarized as follows:From the above chart, it is clear that the translation process of university web news can be explained as the process that the translator firstly adapts to the translational eco-environment of university web news, and then makes adaptive selections on the translational eco-environment and selects the most appropriate target text.3.1 Translational eco-environment of translation process of university web newsAdapting to the translational eco-environment is the prior step for producing a satisfactory target text. In the process of translating university web news, the translator ought to firstly have a comprehensive understanding of the translational eco-environment of university web news. This eco-environment includes a lot of components, such as history of the university, campus culture, characteristics of university web news, target audience, etc. Among all the components, characteristics and audience exert a relatively larger influence on the translation process. Therefore, the dissertation here mainly focuses on two key aspects – characteristics and audience of university web news.3.1.1 Characteristics of university web newsUniversity web news firstly shares the common characteristics of news – accuracy and timeliness. More specifically speaking, the majority of university news belongs to hard news, which deals with formal or serious topics and events. Hard news is recognized by Tuchman,Smith, Whetmore, Limor and Mann as having a high level of newsworthiness, i.e. news value (usually regarding politics, economics and social matters) demanding immediate publication (cf., Lehman-Wilzig & Seletzky, 2010:37).On the other hand, Wang Jin (2005:131-132) mentions that university news is an important component of campus culture. Therefore, except for the basic features of news, it also has its own characteristics as follows:(1) Educational characteristics, which means it should reach the goal of education with the infective and leading effects of news.(2) Professional characteristics, which means that the news directly reports and reflects course development, discipline construction and scientific researches.(3) Accessibility, which means that campus news connected intimately with its target readers, that is, the people who study and live in the campus.Xie Huifang, Gao Shan and Wu Xiaoming (2000:57) also give us insights into the features of university web news. From their perspectives, the most prior one is timeliness. Besides, it possesses rich information, various forms, strong real-time interactivity, large range of readers and more requirements for the editors. As for the contents, it is always about academic trends, scientific researches and international exchange and cooperation.From the above discussion, it can be summarized that university web news is accurate, timely, education-and-profession-oriented and campus-oriented. In the translation process, the translator must draw great attention to these characteristics in order to adapt to the translational eco-environment of university web news.3.1.2 Audience of university web news translationAs Nord (2004:12) says, “One of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the target text with their culture-specific world-knowledge, their expectations and their communicative needs.” Audience is the final target receiver as well as the necessary element of the translational eco-environment. It is obligatory to understand who the audience are to produce a qualified target text. Generally speaking, the audience of university web news translation can be divided into four parts:(1) Foreign students who are interested in or plan to study in the university;(2) Foreign scholars who are intended to exchange and cooperate with the university;(3) Overseas students on the campus;(4) Overseas alumni of the university.Due to the nature of the audience, Chinese and English versions of the news must be different, which is called by many scholars as “distinction between domestic publicity and overseas publicity”. Namely, in the process of translating, the translator needs to fully consider the basic principles of publicity to the target audience’s expectation and psychology. The translator should also make clear which parts are for domestic readers and which parts are for overseas publicity (Jia Wenbo, 2012:161). After having an understanding of the target audience, the translator will be better prepared for the process of university web news translation and will make appropriate adaptation and selection.3.2 Translator’s adaptation and selection in translation process of university web newsNida (2000:7) points out that “translator will make thousands of decisions involving selections and settlements to adapt to another culture, language, edition and publisher, at last to adapt to readers”. Likewise, from the perspective of TAS, translator’s adaptation and selection takes a significant position in the translation process of university web news.In the adaptation stage, firstly, if the translator is familiar with the university, it will be easier for him or her to produce an excellent target text, for he or she can have the ability and opportunities to get detailed aspects of relevant information about the news, so that the target text will be of accuracy and timeliness – the two basic features of news. In addition, the translator needs to adapt to the disparities between Chinese and English linguistic structure, culture, ideology, readers’ expectation, etc. In a word, the translator must adapt to the translational eco-environment of university web news.In the selection stage, the translator ought to make selections from various perspectives based on adaptation to the translational eco-environment. In her book, Liu Yafeng (2010:135-142) mentions that in the translation process of overseas publicity, the translator needs to make selections from at least three aspects: translation method, translation strategy and translation style. In other words, if it is necessary to retain the characteristics of Chinese culture in the news, the translator should select literal translation with notes. If there is too much unnecessary information in the news, such as the attendants of a meeting who are unfamiliar to the readers, the translator can choose to omit some unnecessary parts. As for the style, the translator should make flexible choices between formal and informal styles.To put it in a nutshell, all selections the translator makes in the translation process mustadapt to the translational eco-environment of university web news.4. Principles and strategies of university web news translation4.1 Principles of university web news translationTo produce high-quality translation of university web news, the translator should follow the guidance of appropriate principles. Due to the fact that news translation is a kind of overseas publicity, most principles of translation in overseas publicity can be employed in university web news translation. In the translation process of overseas publicity, the fundamental principle is “distinction between domestic publicity and overseas publicity”. With respect to this principle, Huang Youyi (2004:27) puts forward three principles, that is, “translator should master and adhere to the principles of being closer to the reality of China’s development, being closer to the target audience’s needs of information from China, and being closer to the target audience’s thinking patterns.” Shen Suru (2009:129-130) also illustrates that in the hope of avoiding the ignorance of distinction between domestic publicity and overseas publicity, translators must get rid of the pattern and influence of internal publicity, and make the foreign readers understood well. Liu Qizhong (2009:5-6) puts forward the principles of C-E news translation in his book News Writing in English Based on Information in Chinese by pointing out that the English version of news ought to be straight to the point, to be concise and comprehensive as well as use necessary background information and common news language. The principles discussed above cover a large range, but the core is to adapt to the concrete situations of domestic publicity and overseas publicity, which can be defined as translational eco-environment in the theory of TAS. Therefore, TAS is practical for the translation of overseas publicity as well as university web news translation. In the process, the translator should firstly adapt to the translational eco-environment of university web news, clarifying in mind the distinction between Chinese version and English version of university web news. Then the translator should make adaptive selection and transformation to the translational eco-environment of university web news in different dimensions, especially in linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. Translated in this way, the target text will fit foreign readers’ reading habits and be accepted by them.4.2 Strategies of university web news translationProfessor Hu Genghen (2004:133) summarizes the translation method of TAS as three-dimensional transformations, that is, under the direction of the principle“multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection”, the translator should relatively concentrate more on the adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. Hence, in the translation process of university web news, the methods or strategies also can be elaborated from these three dimensions.4.3 Translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic dimensionThe first problem that the translator should face in translation is language. “Linguistics is the common basic of all translation activities” (Liu Yafeng, 2010:105). Therefore, the translator has to adapt to the linguistic dimension first. Translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic dimension refers to the adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic forms in translation process, which operates in different aspects and on different levels. Specifically speaking, the translator should be very familiar with the characteristics of target text and target readers’ preference of linguistic expressions. In university web news translation, translator’s adaptive selection and transformation in linguistic dimension should focus on the linguistic features of university web news, that is, being concise and to the point, conforming with news language and interesting enough to attract readers’ attention and accessible to information. To achieve this goal, certain strategies are needed. They are simplification, reorganization and free translation.4.3.1 SimplificationChinese texts sometimes contain a lot of rhetorical devices, such as parallel pattern, repetition, etc., which may be wordy and redundant if translated word-by-word, for news language must be concise. Therefore, the redundant linguistic forms in Chinese should be simplified when translated into English version. For example:(1) 他强调,海外学院要进一步夯实基础,加大引进优质教育资源力度,不断提高办学质量,让学生满意,让家长满意,让社会满意。
兰州职业技术学院学报LANZH0UV0CATC0NALTECHNCCALC0LLEGE第37卷第1期Vol. 37 No. 12021年2月Feb. 2021翻译适应选择论视角下中国特色词汇的英译研究一-一以《北京周报》为例杨欣笛(大连外国语大学英语学院,辽宁 大连116244)[摘 要]翻译适应选择论的提出为翻译研究提供新的视角,引起翻译界的广泛关注。
本文以翻译适应选择论为基础, 以《北京周报》为研究语料,从“三维转换”角度探讨中国特色词汇英译的特点。
[关键词]翻译适应选择论;三维转换;《北京周报》;中国特色词汇[中图分类号]H38 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]2096-9503(2021)019111-92 [收稿日期]2020 -09 -24一、 弓I 言中国特色词汇作为中国文化的重要载体,具有鲜明的民族文化特征,其英译的准确性及通达性关乎中 国文化对外宣传的效果。
鉴于此,译者在翻译时要准 确理解中国特色词汇的文化内涵,同时考虑其在目标读者间的可接受性。
《北京周报》作为中国权威的英 文周刊,时政内容丰富,内含大量负载着中国文化内涵的成语、俗语,本文将以翻译适应选择论为基础,以《北京周报》为研究语料,探讨中国特色词汇英译的特点,探析译者如何选取合适的翻译策略,在语言维、文 化维和交际维三个维度实现适应性选择转换。
二、 翻译适应选择论2220年,胡庚申借鉴达尔文生物进化论中的“适应/选择”学说提出翻译适应选择论,对翻译研究的原则、方法和译评标准等进行新的阐释。
该理论认为译 者处于翻译过程的中心位置,将翻译视为“译者适应 翻译生态环境的选择活动这里的翻译生态环境指的是“原文和译文所呈现的世界,即语言、文化、社会、交际,以及作者、读者、委托者等相互联系的整 体” ”2翻译过程是译者对翻译生态环境适应与选择 的过程,即译者既要适应,又要选择,并不断地进行适 应性选择转换,才可能形成最佳译文。
随 着 经 济 全 球 化 的 不 断 推 进 ,我 国 的 地 位 和 影 响 力 有 对 于 译 者 主 导翻 译 的 系 统 研 究 ,特 别 是 对 译 者 主 导 行 为 特 了 显 著 的提 高 。 在 此 过 程 中 ,对 外 宣 传 材 料 的汉 英 翻 译 起 征 和制 约 机 制 的专 题 研 究才 得 以出现 。 着 不 可 替 代 的重 要 作用 。好 的外 宣 材 料翻 译 有 助 于 树 立 我 胡 庚 申教 授 在 2 0 0 4 年 提 出 的 翻 译 适 应 选 择 论 , 以 达 尔 国 良好 的对 外 形 象 , 促 进 中 西 方 文 化 的 深 入 交 流 。 外宣 翻 文 的 生物 进 化 论 中 的 “自然 选 择 ”和 “ 适 者 生存 ”基 本 原 译 作 为 一 种 特 殊 的文 本 翻 译 ,译 者 在 翻 译 时 如 何 兼 顾 汉 英 理 为 指 导 , 从 译 者 的角 度 把 翻 译 定 义 为 : “ 译 者 适 应 翻 译
在 传 统 的 翻 译 研 究 中 , 翻 译 一 直 被 认 为 是 语 言 学 的 法 则 ,在 翻 译 过 程 中 对 翻 译 生 态 环 境 的 各 个 维 度 进 行 适 应
个分支 ,只是两种不 同语 言形式之 间的相互转化 。其研 性选择 ,最终 获得 “ 整合适应选择 度 ”最高 的译 文。 由于
的 《 呼 吁 : 请 译 界 同仁 都 来 关 心 对 外 宣 传 》 一 文 提 出 了外 源 语 和 译 语 所 呈 现 的 世 界 ; ‘ 译 者 的适 应 选 择 ’是 指 译 者 宣翻译的 “ 四种 症 状 ” 。然 而 , 这类 研 究 大 多 缺 乏 理 论 指 在 翻 译 过 程 中 既要 学会 ‘ 适 应 ’还 需 要 作 出 ‘ 选择 ’。” 导 , 对 于 外 宣 材 料 的 英 译 过 程 和 影 响其 英 译 的 各 种 因素 的 其 中 , “ 适应”、 “ 选 择 ”和 “ 译 者 ”是 《 翻 译选 择适 研 究依 旧缺 乏力 度 。
译文:No Smoking!
译文:Please keep off the grass.
2、文化维的适应性选择转换(Adaptive Transformation from the Cultural Dimension)
译文则是译者适应翻译生态环境的选择结果适应/选择的理论体系翻译适应选择论(胡庚申2001, 2004) 将达尔文生物进化论中的 适应/ 选择学说引入翻译研究,将翻译定义为 “译者适应”翻译生态环境”的选择活动”; 同时,将翻译的 语境扩展到 翻译生态环境,其内涵是原文、原语和译语所呈现的 “世界” ,是语言、交际、文化、社会以及作者、读者、委托者等互联互动的整体, 是制约译者最佳适应和优化选择的多种因素的集合; 翻译过程被描述为由译者主导的适应与选择的交替循环过程; 对于译者来说,既要适应,又要选择; 适应中有选择, 即适应性选择;选择中有适应,即选择性适应。
的集翻译适应选择论中的 翻译即适应与选择是其主题概念,可以回答 何为译的问题;译者主导、 译者中心是其核心理念, 可以回答 谁在译的问题;合 汰弱留强/ 求存择优、 选择性适应/ 适应性选择是翻译的主导方法, 可以回答 怎样译的问题;而 适者生存、 强者长存, 特别是 译有所为( 即翻译行为的动因) , 则是翻译的原始目的,又可以回答 为何译的问题。
上述翻译适应选择论对翻译本体的探讨和描述,对生态翻译学话语体系的建构来说具有举足轻重的意义,原因是,它将在宏观的生态理性指导下,作为生态翻译学的中观系统理论而进一步地扩展和重构,进而成为生态翻译学理论体系的 中坚。
3. 2 论/ 学一体的同源贯通作为上一节的继续, 这里的 论即翻译适应选择论,这里的 学即生态翻译学。
就生态翻译学的沿革、发展而言, 论/ 学贯通、论/学一体的理路发掘, 可以说是生态翻译学发展的一个突破。
翻译适应选择论本质上是生态学路径的, 这一点从2001 年起步时就定位了, 此后的研究也是依照这一路径发展的。
然而,在2003- 2004 年之后的研究中,关于达尔文生物进化论中的 自然选择学说与生态学之间关系的梳理较为欠缺, 而对所依托的两个学科即生物学与生态学之间的关系也未作深究。
关 键 词 :西风 歌 ; 译 生 态环 境 ; 应 ; 翻 适 选择 中图分类号 : 09 H 5 文献标识码 : A 文章 编 号 : 05—15 2 1 ) 1— 0 9— 4 29 8 x(0 2 O 00 0
“ d ew s wn ”是 英 国文学 史上 最有 才 O et t et id oh 华 的抒 情 诗人 之一 珀西 ・比希 ・ 雪莱 ( ec yse P ryB sh
呈 现 的世界 , 是语 言 、 际 、 交 文化 、 会 , 社 以及 作者 、 读 者、 委托 者 等 互 连 互 动 的整 体 ” … , 。 Ⅲ 翻译 的 过
程 则是译 者不 断追 求 自我适 应与优 化选 择 的一个 循 环 过程 。具 体 地 说 , 翻译 过 程 是 译 者 对 以原 文 为 “ 典 型要 件 的翻 译 生 态 环 境 的 ‘ 应 ’ 以译 者 为 典 适 和 型要件 的 翻译 生 态环境 对译 文 的 ‘ 选择 ” 。 翻译
战事 频仍 , 民处在水 深火 热之 中 , 人 急需精 神上 的慰 藉 与鼓舞 。相似 的 革命 环 境 与 革命 追 求 , 发 了郭 促
要 : 译 适 应 选 择 论 以 达 尔 文 的 生 物 进 化 论 中的 “ 应/ 择 ” 翻 适 选 学说 为 理 论 基 础 , 出 “ 译 即 适 应 与 选 提 翻
择” 的观点。郭沫若所译《 西风歌》, 示出译者在翻译过 程 中的 中心地位 以及其 对翻译 生态环境 的 多维度 适应和 揭
的原则 是多 维度适 应 和 适 应 性选 择 , 而译 者 在 翻 因
See ,7 2~12 ) 1 1 hly19 l 82 于 89年 创 作 的 不 朽 诗 篇 。
有 的文体 功 能和 语 言特 点 。 吕和发 教 授 认 为 , 示 公
文 , 者不仅需 要注 重原语 的语 言转换 , 需要适 应 译 还 该 语言 所属 的整个 文 化 系 统 , 在 翻译 过 程 中关 注 并 双语文 化 内涵 的传 递 。l 因此 , 入 语 文 化 中 的读 ”2 _ 译 者 的接 受状 态会 不 同程 度 地 作用 于 翻 译 过程 , 响 影 译者 的审美 判断 和语言 选择 。由于翻译 活动 的跨文 化性 质 , 者在 翻译 时 一定 要 考 虑 不 同 国家 文 化 背 译 景 的差异性 , 不 应仅 停 留在语 义层 面 。如 果 不顾 而
味 地 逐 字 翻 译 , 会 出 现 很 多 失 误 。 比 如 : 创 一 流 则 “
发现, 在整个 翻译 活 动 中译 者 所 扮演 的角 色 是 至关
重 要 的 。胡庚 申教授 提 出 的 以译 者 为 中心 的“ 翻译 适 应选 择论 ” 强 调 了译 者 的 中心地 位 和 主 导作 用 。 , 译 者在 翻译 过程 中要力 求 在翻译 生态环 境 的不 同层
性转换 。译 者在 公示 语 的英 译 中应该 注意 以下几个
方面 :
“ s—cassr i . 这 条 标 语 常 出 现 在 宾 馆 及 其 rt ls evc ” e 他 服务性 场 所 。将 “ 宾 ” 成 “ o oe u ss 似 嘉 译 h n rdg et”
首先 , 译者 必须 有责 任心 和严谨 的工作 态度 。
《傲慢与偏见》作为Jane Austen的传世巨制,在中国被翻译成多种版本并广泛传播。
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1. 翻译活动与生物界之间的互相联系
2. 翻译适应选择论分两个阶段:
2)“自然选择”的基本原理在解释“译者中心”的适应与选择时,行于“外部环境”决定实则“内部因素”决定------- 译者的自我选择。
例如: 告示原文The last one is delicious, bring me another one.
译文二; 鳄鱼伤人,禁止如水。
例如: Francis Bacon (On Reading)
原文:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
译员:Well, Ladies and gentlmen, may I draw your attention, please? I now would like to put forward again our basic idea concerning the profit dividendedin the joint venture.