中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Four treasures of the study
bamboo and weasel(黄鼬) hair 湖笔
and inkstick: made from lampblack (soot) and binders, grinded with water before use.徽墨
The evolution of Chinese characters font
→小篆 →隶书 →楷书 →草书 →行书
篆书 Seal script
隶书和楷书 official and regular
颜真卿(A.D.709-785)—Tang dynasty
of the four greatest masters of kaishu
“The best running handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
草书Cursive script
柳公权(778-865)—Tang dynasty
Gongquan, a master of kaishu and cursive(行草) who is often mentioned with Yan Zhenqing. Kaishu: vigorous and rigorous Running-cursive: fluent and flowing
• Regular script came into being between the Eastern Hàn and Cáo Wèi dynasties, and its first
known master was Zhōng Yáo(钟繇) known as “father of regular script”. • It is most common in modern writings and publications.
Chinese Calligraphy 书法
• Brief history • Famous figures • Primary styles • four treasures of the study
•16th-11th century B.C. inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the
Popular styles
• 草书Cursive script/Grass script
• faster to write than other styles, but difficult to read for those unfamiliar with it. It functions primarily as a kind of shorthand script or calligraphic style.
The genres of Calligraphy genre[‘ʒɔŋrə]派别
There are five genres in Chinese calligraphy. These were the Zhuan, Li, Kai, Xing and Cso seemed to like calligraphy a lot . Someone will ask does calligraphy still have these practical functions now?
The Art of Calligraphy
Calligraphy [kə‘ligrəfi] 书法
The history of Calligraphy
. Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics
were closely intertwined. Over 2,000 years ago, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor in Chinese history, established[i´stæ bliʃt](已建立) the official Chinese writing characters.
sponsorship [´spɔnsəʃip] 发起 赞助 the Imperial Civil
Service examinations 科举考试
素质 stimulated [´stimjuleit] 起刺激作用
I had thought computers would lead to the disappearance of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand that’s not likely to happen.
中国书法英文版 PPT
clerical or offical script
clerical or offical script
The clerical script is popularly thought to have developed in the Hàn dynasty and to have come directly from seal script.
Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam. The calligraphic tradition of East Asia originated
and developed from China. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting
are closely related, since they are accomplished using similar tools and
regular or standard script
running or semi-cursive script
oracle bone script
Oracle bone script
Because turtle shells as well as bones were used, the oracle bone script is also sometimes called shell and bone script. As the majority of oracle bones bearing writing date to the late Shang dynasty, oracle bone script essentially refers to a Shang script. People believed that the shells told powers of their gods, so that is why it is called "Oracle Bone Script". Oracle bone script was the form of Chinese characters used on oracle bones— animal bones or turtle plastrons used in pyromantic divination—in the late 2nd millennium BCE, and is the earliest known form of Chinese writing.
英文介绍中国书法 ppt课件
the development of many other forms of art in China
ornate paperweights
the Lanting Xu by Wang Xi Zhi (The most famous Chinese calligrapher
Introduction Tools we need Categories The rules of brush writing
The four treasure of study
Seal Characters 篆书 (zhuan shu)
Official Script 隶书 (li shu)
Formal Script 楷书 (kai shu)
Running Script 行书 (xing shu)
Cursive Hand 草书 (cao shu)
The rules of brush writing
对联 (couplet)
• 其创作形式主要有团扇与折扇两种,纵观古今各 类书扇作品,折扇上的字体选择似乎要更多样一 些,而团扇上的字体,很多人则喜欢用行草一类 的书体。
米万钟 草书扇面
• 正文、款式、 印章是书法 作品的三个 组成要素, 一幅完整的 书法作品这 三者确一不 可。
• 正文是书法 作品的主体 部分,与布 局的章法有 很大关系。
纵列法 (vertical style)
• 字与字的纵
较明显的线 条感,而横
自由,无明 显线条感。
交错法 (crisscross style)
• 横向、纵向均无明显的线条感,能给人以一种动 态的整体美。常用于狂草中。
• 有墨处必有笔,有笔处亦有墨,笔与墨互 为依存,相得益彰,用墨之法也是笔法的 一种辅助手段。古人用墨贵浓黑似漆,苏 东坡有用墨要黑而又亮,如小孩的瞳仁之 说。到了明代,随着文人画的兴起,书家 兼画家、画家必书家的情况极为普遍。于 是,在书法领域里逐渐融进了绘画的墨法, 以增加书法作品的笔墨情趣。古人有墨分 五色之说,即一般分浓墨、淡墨、枯笔、 涨墨、渴笔。
• 浓墨:浓墨是常见的一种墨法,古人多用此法。 墨浓如漆,写在白纸上黑白分明,极其醒目,字 迹清晰饱满,神采外耀。
Mi ancestral temple
It is built for a famous calligrapher named Mi Fu.
Mi Fu (1051—1107) well-known for his callsgraphy skills. He has a high talent and developes his own style for both calligraphy and drawing.
writed by Zhang Xu ,Autobiographywrited by Huai Su
Official Script
is also called "LiZi", "old", based on the seal character.The purpose of its produce is to adapt to the needs of convenient to write the font."Official script is devided into two types——Qin nationalities" (also called "ancient nationalities") and "Han nationalities" (also called "this ancient nationalities").
2)The lesser or small Seal Script ①also called simply seal script ②used in seals of wood,jade,and stone
Organic Flow
The flow of ink within a character is organic, with lines connecting and intersecting in natural ways, often reassembling natural forms like water or wind
The Evolution of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties
In modern times, Chinese calligraphy has experienced a review With the influence of Western culture, modern calligraphers have experienced with combining traditional styles with modern techniques and materials
Brush hold and Stroke Formation: Chinese calligraphy requires a specific brush hold, often with the index finger and thumb graphing the shaft, while the other fingers support the brush Strokes are formed through the controlled movement of the brush, either in its entirety or by using specific parts like the tip or edge
Contemporary Times
Start with basics
Start from the basics, including the correct posture, hand position, stroke order, ink control, etc. Practice repeatedly to master the basic skills.
The Qin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty unified China and promoted calligraphy to a new height. Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty reached its peak.
Calligraphy originated in China and has a history of more than 5000 years. It first appeared in the Yellow River basin and gradually spread to the south and north.
Steps and Methods of Learning Calligraphy
Practice regularly
Set up a regular practice schedule to ensure that you can keep your skills updated and improve day by day.
The Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty
Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty continued to develop, and calligraphy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties also had its own characteristics.
中国书法介绍英语Chinese Calligraphy: An Artistic MasterpieceChinese calligraphy is a unique and captivating art form that has been practiced for centuries in China. It is a visual representation of the written language, where the strokes and compositions of the characters are not merely a means of communication but a form of artistic expression. This ancient art form has evolved over time, reflecting the cultural, historical, and philosophical aspects of Chinese civilization.At the heart of Chinese calligraphy lies the concept of "qi," which refers to the vital energy or life force that permeates the universe. Calligraphers strive to capture this essence through their brushstrokes, imbuing each character with a sense of rhythm, balance, and emotional resonance. The art of calligraphy is not merely about the technical execution of the characters but rather the artist's ability to convey their inner state of mind and personal interpretation of the written word.One of the most striking features of Chinese calligraphy is the diverse range of styles that have emerged over the centuries. Fromthe bold and commanding "Kaishu" (regular script) to the fluid and expressive "Xingshu" (cursive script), each style reflects the unique aesthetic sensibilities and personal preferences of the calligrapher. The choice of script, the thickness and rhythm of the strokes, and the overall composition of the characters all contribute to the distinct character of a calligraphic work.The materials used in Chinese calligraphy are equally significant. The traditional tools include the brush, ink, paper, and inkstone, each of which plays a crucial role in the creative process. The brush, in particular, is an extension of the calligrapher's hand, allowing them to effortlessly manipulate the ink and create a wide range of expressive strokes. The quality of the paper, with its subtle textures and absorbent properties, also influences the final outcome, as it interacts with the ink to produce unique visual effects.The practice of Chinese calligraphy is not merely a technical exercise but a deeply introspective and spiritual process. Calligraphers often engage in meditative practices to cultivate a calm and focused state of mind, which is then reflected in the fluidity and harmony of their brushstrokes. The act of creating a calligraphic work is seen as a journey of self-discovery, where the artist's personal experiences, emotions, and philosophical beliefs are woven into the fabric of the artwork.Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Chinese calligraphy also serves as a window into the rich cultural heritage of China. The evolution of calligraphic styles is closely tied to the development of Chinese literature, history, and social customs. Each dynasty and region has its own distinctive calligraphic traditions, reflecting the unique cultural influences and artistic preferences of the time.In recent years, Chinese calligraphy has gained increasing global recognition, with artists and enthusiasts around the world exploring and appreciating this captivating art form. Contemporary calligraphers have also embraced new mediums and techniques, blending traditional practices with modern sensibilities to create innovative and thought-provoking works.In conclusion, Chinese calligraphy is a profound and multifaceted art form that continues to captivate and inspire audiences worldwide. From its deep-rooted cultural significance to its mesmerizing visual aesthetics, this ancient art form is a testament to the enduring creativity and spiritual essence of the Chinese people. Whether one is a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer, the world of Chinese calligraphy offers a rich and rewarding journey of discovery and appreciation.。
——The spirit of Chinese culture
former first lady Laura Bush 美国前总统布什夫人
Chinese calligraphy world famous
What is Chinese calligraphy?
Xi'an Banpo Yangshao culture pottery engraving
The evolution of Chinese characters font
甲骨文 →金文 →小篆 →隶书 →楷书 →草书 →行书
甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script
同时,我们要把英语学好, 同时,我们要把英语学好, 将汉字传播到全世界! 将汉字传播到全世:黄其平、黄龙、任环、刑慧君、吴彤、郭星星 黄其平、 黄其平 黄龙、任环、刑慧君、吴彤、 Oct 14th, 2010
软笔书法 The soft pen calligraphy
硬笔书法 The hard pen calligraphy
传承、创新 smriti & innovation
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
Art Philosophy Spirit
中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Why Chinese characters can be so special?
米芾:北宋著名书法家,被誉 为“宋四家”之一
代表作品:《蜀素帖》、《苕 溪诗帖》、《研山铭》等
书法风格:以行书著称,笔法 独特,被誉为“米芾体”
艺术成就:对后世书法影响深 远,被誉为“宋四家”之首
赵孟頫:元代著名书法家,被誉为“元代四大家”之一 代表作品:《洛神赋》、《赤壁赋》、《道德经》等 书法风格:以行书、草书见长,笔法流畅,结构严谨 艺术成就:对后世书法产生了深远影响,被誉为“书法史上的里程碑”
留白:适当留白,使作品更 具有空间感和节奏感
布局:合理安排字与字、行与 行之间的关系,使整体布局和 谐统一
对比:通过字形、大小、粗细、 疏密等对比,增强作品的视觉 冲击力
变化:运用不同的笔法、墨法、 章法等变化,使作品更具有艺 术性和观赏性
线条美:书法 作品中的线条 流畅、优美,
书法被誉为“东方 艺成为文 化交流的重要载体
书法教育在全球范 围内受到重视,成 为许多国家的必修 课程
书法艺术对现代设 计、艺术创作等领 域产生了深远影响
汉字的字体演变 The evolution of Chinese characters font
甲骨文 →金文 →小篆 →隶 →楷书 →草书 →行书
甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script
篆书 Seal script
金文 Inscriptions on bronze
隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script
smriti & innovation
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
汉语是我们的母语,不一定每个 人都能成为书法家,但每个人都要 把汉语学好、把汉字写好。
At the same time, we should try our utmost to learn English well to spread Chinese to the world!
同时,我们要把英语学好,将汉 字传播到全世界!
Thank you!
Why Chinese characters can be so special?
汉字的构造 Structure • 象形 • 指事 • 会意 • 形声 • 假借
Xi'an Banpo Yangshao culture pottery engraving
草书Cursive script
“The best cursive handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
金 文
小 篆
与 君 弹 做 天 籁 曲
草 书
楷 书
隶 书
行 书
行 遍 天 涯 谁 知 音
山 河 日 月 总 成 对
一 句 悠 然 尘 世 间
点 滴 皆 为 天 作 物
千 杯 品 来 都 是 香
博 览 群 书 是 为 智
学 若 烟 海 化 入 囊源自黑 白 纵 横 三 千 里
经 天 纬 地 一 点 通
七 尺 清 锋试 仰问 天天 笑下 谁 英 雄
转 彩 流描 光形 纳绘 美影 景画 缤 纷
黑 白 纵 横 三 千 里
经 天 纬 地 一 点 通
与 君 弹 做 天 籁 曲
行 遍 天 涯 谁 知 音
点 滴 皆 为 天 作 物
千 杯 品 来 都 是 香
博 览 群 书 是 为 智
学 若 烟 海 化 入 囊
What is Chinese calligraphy?
Art Philosophy Spirit
中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
莫 言 深善 闺舞 空红 寂袖 寞传 飞 鸿
转 彩 流描 光形 纳绘 美影 景画 缤 纷
用英语介绍中国文化书法Chinese calligraphy, also known as "Shufa" in Chinese,is a traditional art form that has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It is considered one of the highest forms of Chinese visual art and is admired for its beauty, elegance, and cultural significance.The history of Chinese calligraphy can be traced back to ancient China, where it was used as a means of communication and expression. Over the centuries,calligraphy has evolved into a highly respected art form, with its own set of techniques, styles, and principles.One of the most distinctive features of Chinese calligraphy is the use of brush and ink to create characters. Calligraphers use a variety of brushes,typically made from animal hair, and black ink to write on paper or silk. The strokes of the brush are carefully controlled to create a harmonious balance of form, rhythm, and space.Chinese calligraphy is not just about writing characters, but also about expressing the calligrapher's emotions andpersonality. Each stroke is infused with the calligrapher's energy and spirit, making each piece of calligraphy aunique work of art.There are several major styles of Chinese calligraphy, each with its own unique characteristics and history. These styles include Seal Script, Clerical Script, Regular Script, Running Script, and Cursive Script. Each style has its own rules and conventions, and calligraphers often spend years mastering a particular style.In addition to its artistic value, Chinese calligraphy also holds significant cultural and philosophical meanings. It is often associated with concepts such as harmony, balance, and discipline, reflecting the core principles of traditional Chinese culture.Chinese calligraphy has also had a profound influence on other forms of art and culture, such as painting, poetry, and even martial arts. Many famous Chinese artists, scholars, and poets have also been skilled calligraphers, and their works have greatly enriched the cultural heritage of China.In modern times, Chinese calligraphy continues to thrive as a cherished art form, with many enthusiasts and practitioners around the world. It is often practiced as a form of meditation and mindfulness, offering a way to cultivate inner peace and self-expression.Overall, Chinese calligraphy is a rich and profound art form that embodies the essence of Chinese culture. It is a testament to the creativity, wisdom, and spiritual depth of the Chinese people, and it continues to inspire andinfluence artists and admirers around the world.中国书法,又称“书法”,是中国传统艺术形式之一,已有数千年的历史。
英文版 中国书法介绍ppt课件
The style is flowing, powerful and graceful in stroke.
Thank you!
Zhong Yao(151–230)was a calligrapher and politician who lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He served in the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.
Northern Dynasty: tablet inscriptions
The artistic result of the cultural merge between all nationalities. A perfect combination of stone carving and calligraphy.
On Duck Head Pill
Amongst his innovations is the one-stroke cursive script,
英语介绍中国文化 ppt课件
The Symbols Chinese Culture
Construct Dress Eat Culture
Greet wall
China is an old ancient country with the Great Wall as the wintness of its long history. Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long. It starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in
many different kinds of dumpings .Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have
sugar ,eggs and so on .I like dumplings with vegetables and pork better than any other kind . Usually people make dumplings at
dumplings , usually we put a coin in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the
there are many people were nodding commends. in fact, and are in china, fried in
soy sauce
even in the world, and a reputation. in the ordinaryA foreigner, fried in soy sauce with the spirit of chinese cuisine, it's just like us to recognize certain japanese sushi is in the world. the chinese
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Popular styles
• 楷书Regular script/kǎishū
•Paper: Special types of paper called Xuanzhi is
used, from Tatar wingceltis(青檀) and other materials.
• Regular script came into being between the Eastern Hàn and Cáo Wèi dynasties, and its first known master was Zhōng
Yáo(钟繇) known as “father of regular script”. • It is most common in modern writings and publications.
黄庭坚 (1045-1105) Huang Tingjian
• A calligrapher and poet in Song dynasty. • His works are fancy and firm, leading change of
the trend.
Popular styles
• 隶书The clerical script
Dynasty (甲骨文) •13th century B.C.-A.D 2nd century •Jīnwén (Bronzeware script) •Dàzhuàn (Large Seal Script) •Xiǎozhuàn—character unification in the time of Qin Shi Huang
Popular styles
• 行书Semi-cursive script/running script/xíngshū
• It belongs to a cursive style of Chinese characters. • Easy to read compared to cursive
Four treasures of the study
•Brush: bamboo and weasel(黄鼬) hair •Ink and inkstick: made from lampblack (soot)
and binders, grinded with water before use.
• Charm of “之” in 20 different styles
颜真卿(A.D.709-785)—Tang dynasty
•One of the four greatest masters of kaishu
Yan Zhenqing used to practise calligraphy while sweeping the yard with a groom when he was young. Later he asked Zhang Xun, a famous calligrapher on how to achieve the achievements as the ancients. After years of hard work and combining his sentiments and ambitions from the battlefield, his works reached the consummate level.
Popular styles
• 草书Cursive script/Grass script
• faster to write than other styles, but difficult to read for those unfamiliar with it. It functions primarily as a kind of shorthand script or calligraphic style.
Famous figures
• 王羲之(A.D.303-361)Wei-Jin dynasty • Acclaimed as “Saint of Calligraphy” (“书圣”) • Works: Lanting Xu (兰亭序)—Preface to the
Poems Collected from the Orchid Paville of Chinese calligraphy which evolved in the Warring States period to the Qin dynasty, was dominant in the Han dynasty, and remained in use through the Wèi-Jìn periods.
• Brief history • Famous figures • Primary styles • four treasures of the study
•16th-11th century B.C. inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang
Yan’s works: firm and stretchy
柳公权(778-865)—Tang dynasty
•Liu Gongquan, a master of kaishu and cursive(行草) who is oftened mentioned with Yan Zhenqing. Kaishu: vigorous and rigorous Running-cursive: fluent and flowing