



Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

小学四年级英语下学期期末考试试题一、听写单词(10 points)

二、英汉互译(20 points)

1.English lessons___________

2.see you later____________

3.look at the map___________

4.pack your back___________

5.brush your teeth__________


7.看书______________________ 8.踢足球____________________

9.照相______________________ 10.拜访朋友_________________

三、连线(10 points)

四、选择题(20 points)

()1.We are going________

A.to home


C.the home

( )2.This English book is ___________you




( )3.This is ____________apple.




( )4.—How is ___________today—Cloudly.

A.the day

B.the date

C.the weather

( )5.——________do you go to the park

——I go to the park on Friday.




( )6.——Good afternoon,Jia Ming.


A.Good morning,Bobo.

B.Good afternoon, Bobo

C.Good night, Bobo

( )7.Time_________bed.




( )8.I wake up _________9 o’clock.




( )9.Please________ on the coat.




( )10.Jia Ming sits________the chair.




五、连词成句。(20 points)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8314026295.html,A is he going to the

________________________________________________________ 2.he kind very is.

________________________________________________________ 3.you what doing are

________________________________________________________ 4.he hard—working is at school very.

________________________________________________________ 5.you do like bag my (并作否定回答)

________________________________________________________ 6.like do playing you basketball

________________________________________________________ 7.you are from where

________________________________________________________ 8.my student brother is a

________________________________________________________ 9.English my comes America from

________________________________________________________ 10.I am a football player


六、口语测试。(20 points)

1.从课本中任意选取一篇文章进行朗读。(10 points)

2.从课本中任意选择一篇文章进行背诵。(10 points)


一、填空(20分) ( )1.Excuse______,are you a nurse? A)I B)me C)my ( )2.A:______is that woman? B:She is my mother. A)what B)who C)why ( )3.Don't______the window. A)open B)look C)go ( )5.This is my daughter.______is a student. A)He B)Her C)She ( )6.A:Are you a nurse? B:______ A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not. ( )7.I am______student. A)the B)a C)an ( )8.This is my desk. That is ______ desk. A)your B)you C)I ( )9.We can read books in the______.A)library B)TV room C)gym ( )10.How many______are there in your school?A)student B)students C)studentes ()11.The library is on the______floor.A)one B)two C)second ()12.Is this the badroom?______________. A)Yes,it is.B)No,it is.C)Yes,it isn’t. ( )13.A:Where is my pencil-box? B:______. A)It's over there. B)This is your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is. ( )14.This is ______mother. A)his B)he C)me ( )15.I like to play ______football. A)a B)the C) / ( )16.Is that your______? A)pencil B)rubbers C)books ( )17.What are______? A)it B)this C)those ( )18.Is your English teacher young? A)No,she isn’t. B)Yes,she isn’t. C)No,she is. ( )19. _____________________? Her name is Chen Jie. A)What’s your name ? B)What’s she name ? C)What’s her name ? ( )20. ____________________? I like Chinese,math and English. A)What classes do you like? B)What do you like? C)What are you like ? 二、把下列单词译成英语。(30分) 动物父母司机教室友好的


下学期期中考试 四年级英语学科试卷 听力部分(共50分) 一、听音选择你听到的选项,注意听三遍。(10分) ()1. A.floor B. first C.four ()2. A. picture B. play C.playground ()3. A. this B. there c. that ()4. A.washroom B. TV room C.art room ()5. A. 6:30 B. 7:30 C.8:30 ()6. A. jacket B.jeans C. jump ()7. A. skirt B.shirt C. T-shirt ()8. A.party B.pass C. please ()9. A. canteen https://www.360docs.net/doc/8314026295.html,puter C. classroom ()10. A. 7:05 B.4:25 C.9:00 二、听音给下列两组图片排序,注意听三遍。(10分) A. ()()()()() B. ()()()()() 三、听音判断你听到的单词与图片是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”,注意听三 遍。(10分) 2. 3 4 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6 7 8 9 10 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音选择你听到的句子,注意听三遍。(10分) ()1. A. My jacket is brown. B. My jacket is blue. ()2. A. Have some chicken. B . Eat some rice. ()3. A.My sweater is new. B. My dress is old. ()4. A. It’s time for English. B. It’s time to go home. ()5. A. It’s 8:35. B. It’s 6:06. 五、听录音,按听到的顺序给下面的对话标1---5,注意听三遍。(10分) ()It’s 2:25.It’s time for P. E.class. ()These are your baby pants. ()Time for breakfast. Eat some noodles. ()Thank you. Do you have lunch at school? ()Oh, your school is beautiful. 笔试部分(50分) 一、读一读下列单词,选出不同类型的一项,把序号填在提前括号内。( 10分) ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. rice C. Chicken ( ) 2. A. P. E. B.music C. for ( ) 3. A. there B. three C.four ( )4. A.light B. board C. my


小学四年级英语试题 ( ),are you a nurse A)I B)me C)my ( ):______is that woman B:She is my mother. A)what B)who C)why ( )'t______the window. A)open B)look C)go ( )'s the______with you A)matter B)wrong C)that ( ) is my a student. A)He B)Her C)She ( ):Are you a nurse B:______ A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not. ( ) am______student. A)the B)a C)an ( ) go to______school from Monday to Friday. A)the B)a C)/ ( ) bus is______the park. A)to B)for C)go to ( ) go to school______foot. A)by B)on c)use ( ):Where is my pencil-box B:______. A)It's over there. B)This is your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is. ( ) is ______mother. A)his B)he C)me ( ) like to play ______football. A)a B)the C)/ ( ) often play together_____school. A)in B)at C)on ( ) you go to school,by bike or by bus A)What B)Why C)How ( ) that your______ A)pencil B)rubbers C)books ( ) are______ A)it B)this C)those ( ) go to school by______every day. A)a bike B)bus C)foot ( ) juice please. A)Have B)Has C)Eat ( ) free now A)Are B)Do C)Is 三.把下列单词或词组译成英语。 1.八 2.七 3.三 4.为,给 5.什么 ____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ____________ 6.……点钟 7.时间 8.课程 9.语文 10.数学 ____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ____________ 11.五本英语书 12.上床睡觉 13.起床 ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________ 14.等多一会 15.去操场 16.去上学 __________________________ _________________________ ____________________ 四.根据所给情景写句子。


三年级英语期末考试试题 一连线(50分) 1将字母的大小写连起来。 Ae B a Eb D f F d 2 把人物的各个部位和他们的名称连起来。 二选择正确的答案。(50分) 1 当别人说:Good morning !你应该说以下:() A Good morning! B Goodafternoog! C Niceto meet you!DSit down! 2当别人说:Nice to meetyou!你应当说以下:() AThank you!BMy name is lili CNiceto meetyou too.DOK 3 蓝色是以下哪一种色;( ) A yellowBred Cblue D green 4 下面不属于文具的一项是:() A ruler B pencil C eraser D blue 5 当你要谢谢别人应该说:( ) A OK BThanyou !CMy nameis lil y.DCool ! 6要和别人说再见应该说:( ) AHow are you ? B Goodbye! C HelloDThank you ! 7下面那一项不属于动物:( ) Amonkey Bpand C bird D bag 8 当你要告诉别人你有一把直尺你应该说:( ) A I have a ruler. B It’s adog C Thankyou!DThis is lily 9当你想要些牛奶你应该说;( )

A I”d likesome milk B Here youare. CIt’s a dog D I Have a ruler. 10 下面是用来喝的饮料;() Aegg B juice Cbread DPig 四年级上册英语期末考试试题 一写出下面字母的大小写。(30分) B_C_ e_ F_ m_N_ K_q_ W_H_ Y_T_ L_d_ G_ R_S_ X_ i_ Z_ 二选择正确的答案。(50 分) 1 下面那一项东西是教室里没有的东西:() A window B blackboard Cdoor Dbed 2当你想感谢别人时应当说:() ANot at all B Thank youCOK DLet me see 3你想形容你的你的朋友又高又胖应当说:( ) Athin and short B Friendly and cute C tall and strongDbigand good 4问你书包里有什么东西应该怎么说:() A What’sin yourschoolbag?BWho’she?COpen the door.D Good morning, 5 下面不属于所学课本的是() A Einglish book B maths book CChinesebook D key 6用来做饭的房间称作( ) Abathroom BLiving room C study D kitchen 7长头发用英语怎么说:() A short hair B longhair Cblack hair D brownshoes 8 中国人常用的餐具是;( ) AChopsticks B Fork C Knife D hand 9 英语中父亲应称:() A father B uncleCaunt Dcousin 10 下面不属于职业的一项是;() Afarmer B driver Cwindow D doctor


小学英语(PEP)四年级上册测试题 Unit One My Classroom 一、在下列每题的四个字母中有一个是元音字母,请把它选出来。(10分) 1.( )A. Cc B. Ii C. Dd D. Vv 2.( )A. Ff B. Kk C. Yy D. Aa 3.( )A. Oo B. Ll C. Ss D. Nn 4.( )A. Hh B. Qq C. Uu D. Xx 5.( )A. Ee B. Pp C. Mm D. Rr 二、把下面的图片与相应的单词连接起来。(10分) 1. 5. crayon light picture board

window 三、根据括号中的中文找出相应短语,并将代表答案的选项填在横线上。(10分) Miss White: Let’s clean the classroom. Please (擦黑板), & (扫地) and (挂上图片). Mike: Sarah! (请开门). John: Amy! (请打开灯). A. Please open the door B. Please turn on the light C. Sweep the floor D. Clean the board E. Put up the picture 四、选择填空(20分) ( )1. This my classroom

A. am B. is C. are D. / ( )2. —What’s the classroom 、 —A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. on B. in C. under D. near ( )3. We have 6 new A. light B. lights C. nights D. night ( )4. go and have a look. A. Le t’s B. Let C. let us D. let’s ( )5. Amy: Where’s your seat Mike: A. It near the door. B. Let’s go and have a look! C. I t’s the door. D. It’s near the door. #


Module 1 Unit 1 重点语法结构: 1. This is a factory.(变成复数形式) These are factories. 这些是工厂。 2. 根据括号所给词填空。(注意第三人称单数的变化)This machine cuts (cut) the potatoes. 这台机器是切土豆的。 This machine puts (put) the crisps in their bags. 这台机器把薯片放到袋里。 It washes (wash) the potatoes. 它是洗土豆的。 These machines make (make) crisps. 这些机器是生产薯片的。 3. 本单元重点内容是祈使句。 (1)Don’t touch the machines, please. 请不要碰这些机器。Don’t touch anything. 不要碰任何东西。这两个句子是否定祈使句。 (2)Wear these glasses, please. 请戴上眼镜。 Wash your hands, please. 请洗手。 这两个句子是肯定祈使句。 切记:Please 和Don’t 后面一定要用动词原形。

4. You are a very good class. 你们是一个非常好的班级。 5. You can all have a bag of crisps. 你们都可以得到一包薯片。 6. This machine cuts the potatoes. (就划线部分提问) What does this machine do? 重点知识: 1. factory 复数factories 2. potato 复数potatoes 和它类似的还有tomato (西红柿) / hero(英雄)/ Negro (黑人) 3. crisps 薯片chips 薯条French fries 薯条 4. glass 玻璃(不可数名词)two pieces of glass 两块玻璃。glass 玻璃杯(可数名词)two glasses of water 两杯水。glasses 眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜。 Module 1 Unit 2 重点语法结构:(祈使句) 1. Don’t feed the ducks! 不要喂鸭子! 2. Don’t walk on the grass! 不要践踏草地! 3. Don’t play ball games here! 不要在这里玩球类游戏! 4. Don’t write on the books. 不要在书上写字! 5. grass 草、草地、草坪(不可数名词)


小学英语四年级上册各单元测试卷及答案(1) Class ________ Name ________ 听力部分( 50 分) 一听音,选出你所听到的单词。( 20 分) ( ) 1 A. grandmother B.grandfather C. father ( ) 2 A. this B. these C. his ( ) 3. A. push B. pull C. wood ( )4. A. three B. there C. here ( )5. A. what B. washes C. fish ( )6. A. light B. like C. ride ( )7. A. monkey B. fish C. cheese ( )8. A. game B. play C. rain ( )9. A. desk B. duck C. table ( )10. A. big B . bus C. box 二听音,判断单词的对错。对的写T ,错的写F .( 10 分) ( ) 1.hat ( ) 2. dress ( )3. black ( )4. big ( ) 5.hungry ( ) 6. short ( ) 7. friend ( )8. bird ( )9. rule ( ) 10 .washes 三听音,选出正确的答语。( 10 分) ()1. A. It’s a cat . B. A .It’s blue . C. They are cats . ( ) 2. A . No, it is . B. No, it isn’t . C. Yes , it isn’t . ( ) 3. A. They’re my friends . B. He’s my friend . C.my friends. ( ) 4. A. I’m five . B. I’m fine , thanks . C. I’m Jenny . ( ) 5. A. I’m Tony . B. I’m a student. C. I’m six. 四听音,填上所缺的单词。( 10 分 ) 1 . A: ________ are you ? B: ________ fine,thanks . 2 . A: Who’s ______ ? B: He’s my ________ . 3 . A: _________ you ________ ? B: _________, I’m . 4 .A: __________ that ? B: ________ a __________ . 笔试部分( 50 分) 一. 写出所给字母的相邻字母的大小写: ____e____ ____D____ ____G____ ____Hh____ f____ ____ 二.单项选择。 ()1.Mike : Nice to meet you. John: _____________. (A) Nice to meet you. (B) Good morning. ()2.Sarah: What’s in the classroom? Wu Yifan:_________. (A) A board,tow lights. (B) It’s nice and clean. ()3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board. Amy: _____________. (A)OK. (B) Hello.


小学六年级下学期英语期末考试试题 小学六年级下学期英语期末考试试题一 笔试部分 I.词汇练习(15分) A组:根据汉语的提示写出正确的单词 1.What’s the ________(几点了),please? 2.I_________(吃)lunch at twelve o’clock. 3.May I _________(问)you some questions? 4.Jim has___________(早餐)at 6 o’clock. 5.I go to_________(上床睡觉)at 10 o’clock in the evening. B组:根据句意和所给的首字母填空 1.—Sorry.I am___________for class.—It doesn’t matter. 2.It’s ___________to go home. 3.I do___________homework at 10 o’clock every evening. 4.I have lunch__________twelve o’clock. 5.Mr Smith is m____________to Jenny. C组:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.There_________(be)ten people in the classroom. 2.How many_________(student)are there in your class? 3.This bag isn’t yours,it is___________(she). 4.Don’t look at__________(I),look at your book,please. 5.--_________(who)eraser is this?—It’s hers.


小学四年级英语下册1至4单元阶段测试题 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分 2015年小学四年级英语(下)阶段测试 时间:60分钟;满分:105;考试范围:第1—4单元 Part1Listening 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1.A.dinner B.sister. ( )2.A.bird B.nurse ( )3.A.car B.arm ( )4.A.tall B.ball ( )5.A.fork B.horse 二、选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分) ( )1.A.windyB.sunnyC.rainy ( )2.A.sheepB.henC.cow ( )3.A.coldB.coolC.warm ( )4.A.libraryB.lunchC.PEclass ( )5.A.theseB.thoseC.animal ( )6.A.tomatoB.potatoC.carrot ( )7.A.greenbeansB.forkC.homework ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/8314026295.html,puter ( )9.A.girlB.birdC.nurse ( )10.A.weatherB.hotC.sunny 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1.A.Whatarethese? B.Lookatthegreenbeans. 姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------


人教版小学英语四年级下册单词表 Unit1 first[ f?:st ]floor [ fl?: (r)] 一楼 second[ 'sek?nd ] floor [ fl?: (r)] 二楼teacher’s office['tit??:s] ['?fis] 教师办公室library [ 'laibr?ri ] 图书馆 playground ['pleiɡraund] 操场 computer room [k?m?pju:t? ru:m]计算机教室 art room[ɑ:t ru:m] [ɑrt rum]美术教室;绘画教室music room ['mju:zik] [ru:m] 音乐教室 next to[nekst tu:] 紧邻;在……近旁 homework[?h??mw?:k] 作业 class[klɑ:s] [kl?s]班;班级 forty[?f?:ti] 四十 way[we?] 方向 Unit2 breakfast [ 'brekf?st ] 早餐;早饭 English class[???gl??kl?s ]英语课 lunch [l?nt?] 午餐;午饭 music class [?mju:zik klɑ:s]音乐课 P.E. class [,pi:'i:] [klɑ:s]体育课

dinner [ 'din? (r) ] 晚餐;(中午或晚上吃的)正餐get up [ ɡet ][ ?p ] 起床 go to school[ɡ?u tu: sku:l] 去上学 go home [ɡ?u h?um]回家 go to bed [ɡ?u tu: bed]上床睡觉 over [ '?uv? (r) ] 结束 now[ nau ]现在;目前 o’clock [?’kl?k] (表示整点)……点钟 kid [ kid ] 小孩;孩子 run [ r?n ] 跑 thirty[?θ?:ti] [?θ?:rti] 三十 hurry[?h?ri ?p] 快点;抓紧;赶快 come on [k?m ?n] 快;快点;加油 just a minute [d??st ??minit] 再多一会 稍等一会儿 Unit3 cold [ k?uld ] 寒冷的;冷的 cool [ ku:l ] 凉的;凉爽的 warm [ w?:m ] 温暖的;暖和的 hot [ h?t ] [hɑ:t]热的;烫的 sunny [ 's?ni ] 阳光充足的;晴朗的


小学英语期末考试试题听力内容 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词或词组(听两遍)10分 1. We shouldn’t litter in the park . 2. Yesterday , Mum bought me an interesting storybook . 3.Let’s pick some oranges and taste them . 4.Get up, David . Breakfast is ready . 5.Do you like the film ? 6. Grandpa got a wallet at Christmas . 7. I visited a farm with my parents last Sunday . 8. .There’re twelve candles on the birthday cake . 9. The sign over there means you should keep off the grass . 10.Tomorrow is the eighth of March. Dad, let’s buy some flowers for mum . 二、听录音,选择正确的应答(听两遍)5分 1.Here’s a present for you . 2.Can the people make noise in the library ? 3.Were there any toy cars on the ground ? 4.Where was your CD Walkman ? 5.What do people usually do at Spring Festival ? 三、听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用 F表示(听两遍)5分 1.Does this sign mean ‘Danger’ ? Yes, it does . 2.—Where is my guitar ? —It was beside the desk a moment ago . 3.Today is the National Day holiday . 4.The boys played volleyball yesterday afternoon . 5.Whose mirror is this ? It’s Helen’s . 四、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的回答(听两遍)


2020年小学四年级英语试卷 一、听音圈出你听到的单词(10分) (1) garden gym (2) lunch , dinner (3) fan light (4) six two (5) red yellow (6) warm hot (7) socks , pants (8) cheap pretty (9) boots apple (10) goat potato 二、听音,写出下列单词的汉语意思(10分) 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 三、听音,选出答案(10分) 1、A:Water the flowers B: play football 2、A:Sing and dance B: Eat some rice 3、A:It’s nine B: It’s six o’clock 4、A:Take off your shirt B: Wash your shirt 5、A:It’s cold B: It’s warm 6、A:Let’s play football B: Let’s go home 7、A:It’s ten yuan B: It’s too short 8、A:Ride a horse B: Milk a caw 9、A:Yes , they are B: No it isn’t 10、A:Yes , it is B: No , they aren’t

四、听音,选词意,在括号里打“√”(10分) (1)第一()第二()(2)食堂()卫生间() (3)体育课()绘画室()(4)穿上()脱下()(5)十六()六十()(6)西瓜()黄瓜()(7)狗()猫()(8)那()那些()(9)有风的()多云的()(10)短裤()长裤() 五、听音,圈出你听到的数字 (1)4、7 (2)12、18 (3)29、32 (4)43、36 (5)55、61 (6)74、87 (7)98、19 (8)13、30 (9)15、3 (10)138、119 笔试部分 一、看图写单词(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、英汉连线(10分) playground 洋葱 art room 音乐课 rabbit 操场


小学四年级下学期英语测试题 一、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号内。 ()1. A. behind B. capC. beside ()2. A. spring B. coolC. winter () 3. A. sunB. moon C. paint ()4. A. yuan B. much C. dollar ()5. A. cook B. football C.table tennis 二、写出下列动词的-ing形式。 1. run 2. dance 3. play 4.skip 5. sleep _______ 三、连一连,从B栏中选出与A栏中相对应的答语 A B Where is the cat?I can see mountains. What can you see?I have ten yuan. . How much do you have?He is swimming. What' s Peter doing?Yes ,I am. Do you have his ticket?No, I don 四、单项^ ()1. Do you any money? A. has B. are C. have ()2. He from France. A. come B. is C. comes () 3. Lingling is playing table tennis.A. the B. a C./

()4.Where my shoes? A. is B. are C. a () 5.I don ' t have so money. A. many B. much C. Are ()6. What is your name ? name is Lingling. A. My B. Your C. He ()7.is my new cap? A. What B. Where C. Who ()8. I have a puppet. It can. A. walks B. walking C. walk ()9. I have two. A. foot B. foots C. feet ()10. He two hands. A. have B. has C. having 五、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号 1. the What is weather like 2. do How fingers you many have 3 have you ticket a Do


小学英语四年级下册第一单元练习题 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。 ( )1. A. i B. E C. G ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. ( )6. A. B. C. ( )7. A. B. C. ( )8. A. B. C. ( )9. A. B. C. ( )10. A. B. C. 二、听录音,将下列的图片排序。每小题读两次。 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () 三、根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符合。相符的在图片下方打“√”, 不相符的打“×”。每小题读两遍。 ()()() ()()

四、听对话,在相应的空格中打“√”。每小题读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. . B. . C. ’s . ( ) 2. A. . B. ’s a . C.’s . ( ) 3. A. . B. . C. . ( ) 4. A. ’s . B. . C. ’s a . ( ) 5. A. . B. . C. . 六、听录音,判断下列句子与录音是否相符。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。每小 题读两遍。 ( ) 1. a . ( ) 2. . ( )3. ’s . ( )4. . ( )5. . 笔试部分 一、根据汉语写出下列单词 写字板_____电脑_____讲桌_____灯_____ 图画______电扇_____地板______墙______ 二.辨音。找出划线部分发音与其他三项不同的一项。 ( )1、A、B、C、D、 ( )2、A、B、C、D、 ( )3、A、B、C、D、 ( )4、A、B、C、D、 ( )5、A、B、C、D、 三、选择正确答案(15分)


小学六年级英语上册期末考试试卷(第一套) (一)听力部分 分享本来不属于东西,属于事,就像颜色不属于物体,属于事,就像美丽不属于物,属于事,就像爱不属于物,属于事,她依赖于人的心存在,但分享给你带来了不同的结果和感受,有这些就够了,不管是物是事,不管天荒地老,我就是需要这种感觉,谢谢你的下载与我在这个世界开始链接.(word文档可以删除编辑) 一.选出听到的单词: ( )1. a. nice b. nine c. fine ( )2. a. photo b. phone c. bowl ( )3. a. fridge b. first c. fruit ( )4. a. same b. name c. some ( )5. a. count b. old c. out ( )6. a. my b. may c. why ( )7. a. wash b. washing c. washer ( )8. a. Miss b. Mr c. Mrs ( )9. a. letter b. let c. little ( )10. a. long b. wrong c. song

二.选出听到的句子: ( )1.a. How many buses are there in the street? b. How many cars are there in the street? c. How many bikes are there in the street? ( )2.a. What’s his sister’s name? b. What’s her sister’s name? c. What’s his brother’s name? ( ) 3. a. How old is Mary, Jane? b. How old is Jane, Jack? c. How old is Jack, Mary? ( )4. a. The reading room is Room 234. b. The reading room is Room 324. c. The reading room is Room 432. ( ) 5. a. There is a big dog under the tree. b. There is a small bird in the tree.


笔试部分(80分) 一、英汉互译。(10分) 1、触摸: 2、食物: 3、相机: 4、No smocking. 5、Don’t litter. 二、将单词写在正确的类别栏里。(10分) lion, pen, egg, school, goose, noodles, dog ,notebook, ice-cream, book 1、动物类________ _________ __________- 2、文具类________ _________ __________- 3、食品类________ _________ __________ 三、根据问句,选择合适的答句。(将合适的序号填在横线上) (15分) 1. How are you, Helen? __________ 2. Look at her coat. _________ 3. Good morning, Gao Shan.. __________ 4. Go to bed now. _________ 5. Let’s go to the park. _________ 四、选词填空。(10分) 1. ________ am a student. (I, My, Me) 2. ________ is thin. (she, She, Her) 3. ________ friend is tall. (I, We, My) 4. ________ name is Sam. (He, his, His) 5. ______schoolbag is heavy. (Your, your, You)

五、选择(将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内)。(15分) ( ) 1. --What’s your name? -- . A. Good morning. B. I’m David. C. Hello. ( ) 2. – A book? -- ___________ A. No, thank you. B. Yes, good. C. But how? ( ) 3. –Look right , please . -- . A. All right . B. Goodbye. C. This is Helen. ( ) 4. –Look at ______ notebook . -- How nice . A. his B. her C. she ( ) 5. --Go home now, Tom. -- . A. OK. See you, Mr. Green. B. OK. Good afternoon, Mr. Green. C. Nice to meet you. 三、选择情景选择最佳答案。(20分) ( ) 1. 当告诉别人要坐飞机走时,应该说: A. By plane. B. With plane. C. To the plane. ( ) 2. 当你想把李老师介绍给妈妈时,可以说: A. I’m Miss Li. B. This is Miss Li. C. Hello, Miss Li. ( )3. 妈妈想让刘涛不要随便扔垃圾,她会怎么说: A. Do litter, Liu Tao. B. Don’t litter, Liu Tao. C. No’t litter, Liu Tao. ( ) 4. 当你听到你的好朋友生病时,你一般会说: A. I’m sorry. B. How are you? C. I’m fine. ( ) 5. 当妈妈告诉你不要触摸天线时,可以说: A. Don’t touch. B. All right C. Hi 笔试部分(80分) 一、补充单词。(10分) 1. ag n 2. r ght 3. pa king 4. t uch 5. t ank 二、单项选择。(20分) 1. No______. A. smoking B. move C. litter 2. Don’t _____. A. swimming B. food C. walk 3. Simon says, ―Sit down. Don’t _____.‖ A. stand up B. litter C. touch 4. --- Can I go to the bathroom? --- No ___. A. camera B. food C. bathroom 5. Don’t ____! Look left. Look right. A. walk B. touch C. litter 三、看图填空。(15分)
