第九讲 公地悲剧

这个故事中所讲的就是公共资源的悲剧。 这一理论最早是由美国生物学家加勒特· 哈丁 于1968年在《科学》杂志上发表的文章《公地悲 剧》(The Tragedy of the Commons )中提 出来的,因此又被称为“哈丁悲剧”。
在那篇文章中,哈丁首先讲述了一个关于牧 民与草地的故事。 美国马萨诸塞州的一片公共草地向牧民完全开 放,可以用来放牧羊群。只有羊群的数目控制在一 定范围内的时候,既可以使羊吃得膘肥肉嫩,也能 使草地处于自然恢复的良性循环,保持肥沃。
瓠里子到吴国拜望相国,然后返回粤地。相国 派一位官员送他,并告诉他说:“你可以乘坐官船 回家。” 瓠里子来到江边,放眼望去,泊在岸边的船有 一千多条,不知哪条是官船。送行的官员微微一笑, 说道:“这很容易。我们沿着岸边走,只要看到那 些船篷破旧、船橹断折、船帆破烂的,就一定是官 船了。” 瓠里子照此话去找,果然不错。
第九讲 公地悲剧
那由最大人数所共享的事物,却只得到最少 的照顾 。 ——亚里士多德
《郁离子》是明代刘基(刘伯温)的一本寓言 散文集,包括多篇具有深刻警世意义的作品,其中 有一篇讲了官舟的故事。所谓官舟量应该 是两个牧民各养一只羊,他们各自得到200元的 收益。但如果两个牧民都是“理性经济人”,他 们无一例外会选择各养2只羊,各自得到160元的 收益。
于是,所有的牧民都增加一头头的羊只。最后, 草地被过度放牧,草地退化、消失,所有的羊都饿 死了。 悲剧发生了。
之所以叫悲剧,是因为每个当事人都知道资 源将由于过度使用而枯竭,但每个人对阻止事态的 继续恶化都感到无能为力,而且都抱着“及时捞一 把”的心态加剧事态的恶化。

公地悲剧【Tragedy of The Commons】当资源或财产有许多拥有者,他们每一个人都有权使用资源,但没有人有权阻止他人使用,由此导致资源的过度使用,即为“公地悲剧”。
反公地悲剧【Tragedy of Anti-Commous】1998年,美国黑勒教授(Michael·A·Heller)在《The Tragedy of Anti-Commous》一文中提出“反公地悲剧”理论模型。
Slovenské vzory dělení slov as pro změnu

Slovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?Petr SojkaMasarykova univerzita v Brnˇe,Fakulta informatikyBotanická68a,60200BrnoEmail:sojka@fi.muni.czAbstrakt:Dˇe leníslov neboli algoritmickásegmentace velkémnožinyˇr e-tˇe zc˚u nˇe jakého jazyka je problémˇc astˇe jšínežby se na prvnípohled zdálo.Pro volnˇešiˇr itelnéslovenskédˇe leníslov zatím existuje pouzeˇr ešenívy-cházejícíz definice slabiky ve slovenštinˇe,bez rozsáhlého pokrytívýjimek.Z více nežmiliónu shromáždˇe ných a rozdˇe lených slov se podaˇr ilo vyge-nerovat programem P AT G EN novévolnˇešiˇr itelnévzory,kterése s nepra-videlnostmi jazyka vyrovnávajílépe neždosud dostupnéˇr ešení.Výsledekje použitelnýnejen v distribucích T E Xu,ale i v dalších systémech jako na-pˇríklad O PEN O .Použitéa diskutovanétechniky bootstrappingu,stratifikace a generovánívzor˚u jsou použitelnépˇr iˇr ešeníširokého spektradalších…segmentaˇc ních“aplikací.Klíˇc ováslova:dˇe leníslov,segmentace,P AT G EN,pˇr ebíjejícívzory,bootstrapping, stratifikace1MotivaceDˇe leníslov je v jádru všech aplikacípro zpracovánítext˚u.Na kvalitˇe použitého algoritmu dˇe leníslov závisímnožstvíruˇc nípráce pˇr iˇrádkovém zlomu sazby. Stáleˇc astˇe jšíjsou aplikace,kdy kontrola zlomu se neprovádív˚u bec:databázovépublikování,dávkovézpracováníXML dat m˚uže sloužit jako pˇríklad.O to vˇe tšíje poptávka po kvalitním dˇe leníslov.Obvyklépožadavky na algoritmus dˇe leníslov jsou tyto:rychlost:pˇr i optimalizaci zlomu celého odstavce naráz je potˇr eba najít dˇe lenívšech slov v odstavci.pˇr esnost:algoritmus neoznaˇcíchybnˇešvy slov pro rozdˇe lení.úplnost:algoritmus najde všechna možnádˇe leníslov.rozšiˇr itelnost:algoritmus umožníuživatelem specifikovanévýjimky–napˇrí-klad slova cizího jazyka dle pravidel dˇe lenítohoto jazyka.adaptivita:jelikožseživéjazyky vyvíjejí(nedávnáreforma pravopisu v Nˇe-mecku),je potˇr ebnénemít algoritmus…zadrátovaný“a draze optimalizo-vanýtak,že pˇr i zmˇe nˇe jazyka se musízaˇcínatúplnˇe znova.68Petr Sojkaparametrizovatelnost:algoritmus umožníjinéchovánídle charakteru použití(vúzkých sloupcích napˇríklad umožníjen dva znaky na novémˇrádku místo obvykležádaných tˇrí).minimálnípamˇe t’ovénároky:aplikace typu zalomenízpráv na displeji mobil-ního telefonu je tˇr eba navrhovat s minimálními pamˇe t’ovými,a tedy energe-tickými nároky.Základním problémem tedy je vytvoˇr it algoritmus pro zvolenýjazyk,kterýv maximálnímíˇr e splˇn uje výše uvedenépožadavky.Tentoˇc lánek popisuje pˇrístup ˇr ešenítohoto problému pro slovenštinu a krátce diskutuje výsledek ve formˇe nových vzor˚u dˇe leníslov pro slovenštinu.2Stávajícístav slovenského dˇe leníslovUživatelésázecího systému T E X používajípˇr i sazbˇe výsledky dizertaˇc nípráce[16]Knuthova studenta Franka Lianga.Liang navrhl na jazyku nezávislýpopis dˇe leníslov,kterýsplˇn uje vˇe tšinu výše uvedených požadavk˚u.Dále im-plementoval program P AT G EN[17],kterýumožˇn uje tento popis generovat ze slovníku jižrozdˇe lených slov.Brzy po rozšíˇr eníT E Xu doˇCeskoslovenska zaˇc ala být otázka dˇe leníaktuálnía vznikly prvníverze slovenských aˇc eských vzor˚u dˇe lení[14,15].Obˇe byly psány ruˇc nˇe,bez použitíprogramu P AT G EN.Ruˇc nˇe psanápravidla zachycujízákladnícharakteristiky dˇe lení,tedy napˇríklad slabiˇc nýprincip,definujíco je to slabika. U etymologického pˇrístupu k dˇe leníslov,kterýje respektován v britskéangliˇc tinˇe a standardizován nakladatelstvím Oxford Universitzy Press,však je témˇeˇr každéslovo výjimkou a proto jeˇc astˇe jšígenerovánívzor˚u ze slovníku.Vˇe tšina jazyk˚u však oba pˇrístupy kombinuje,ctíse zejména zlom našvech složených slov oproti slabiˇc nému principu.Hranice mezi cítˇe ním složeného slova dle jeho etymologie však m˚uže být diskutabilní:máme dˇe lit slabiˇc nˇe ro-zumˇc i…etymologicky“a konzervativnˇe roz-um?Pro detailnívysvˇe tleníprincipu pˇr ebíjejících vzor˚u odkazujeme na[13,pˇrí-loha H]a naˇc lánky[2,22,3].Zjednodušenˇeˇr eˇc eno,vzory specifikujíkontextovápravidla,kterámezi sebou soutˇežío každou mezipísmennou pozici ve slovˇe, a urˇc ují,zda na nídˇe litˇc i ne.Pravidla specifikujína základˇe r˚u znˇeširokého kontextu výjimky,výjimky z výjimek,....Vzájemnˇe se pˇr ebíjejí–m˚uže existovat nˇe kolikúrovnípriorit vynuceníˇc i potlaˇc enídˇe leníslova.Vítˇe zí…nejsilnˇe jší“pra-vidlo(s nejvyššíprioritou)pro každou pozici ve slovˇe:k pozici se m˚uže vyjádˇr it pravidlo v každéúrovni.Stávajícíverze slovenských vzor˚u dˇe leníexistuje ve verzi2.0z24.4.1992 (soubor skhyph.tex):\patterns{%samohl\’asky a1\’a1\"a1e1...%dvojice spoluhl\’asokSlovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?692b1b2b1c2b1\v c2b1d2b1\v d...%6spoluhl\’asok3c4v4r4n3g4n3\v s4k4v4r4k3n3\v s4k4v4\’r4k3n%koncovka-n\’yk4\v c3n\’y.k4\v c3n\’eho.k4\v c3n\’emu.k4\v c3nom.%slovn\’e z\’aklady 5alkoholauto4rkauto4rs5b4lah5b4ledn 5b4lesk...%koncovky4b4s4\v t.8c4h.8d4z.8d4\v z.4c4ht4.4j4s4\v t.4lt.4m4p4r....%cudzie slov\’a akci3a2akv\’ari3u2m gymn\’azi3umle2u3k\’emiat2ri3u2mfkli3e2nt}Z komentáˇr˚u ve vzorech je vidˇe t,jakým zp˚u sobem vzory vznikaly.Po rozge-nerovánívzor˚u popisujících slabiku jako sekvenci pˇríslušného poˇc tu souhlásek a samohlásek se vzory autorka snažila zachytit slabiˇc névýjimky na zaˇcátku a konci slov a pˇr i dˇe lenícizích slov.Lze si ale tˇežko pˇr edstavit,že by se tímto zp˚u sobem podaˇr ilo zachytit nˇe kolik milión˚u slovních tvar˚u,kteréve slovenštinˇe existují. Našvech pˇr edpon a složených slov jsou mnohévýjimky,kteréjdou proti základ-nímu slabiˇc nému principu.Tˇe ch jsou ale tisíce,ˇc i desetitisíce,a jen s enormním úsilím by se daly vypsat všechny.Proˇc eštinu byly sepsány Hallerem[10],pro slovenštinu však patrnˇe takovýsoupis neexistuje.Na archívu CTAN lze nalézt vzory vytváˇr enéjak ruˇc nˇe výše popsaným zp˚u sobem,tak automaticky z jižrozdˇe leného slovníku slov daného jazyka.Tento postup máz hlediska požadavk˚u vytˇc ených vúvoduˇc lánku mnohévýhody oproti ruˇc nˇe vytvoˇr enéverzi.Pˇrístupy se takédajíkombinovat:k ruˇc nˇe zadanémnožinˇe základních vzor˚u se dogenerujívzory pro výjimky.Nebo naopak ex post nalezenévýjimky se dajík jižvygenerovaným vzor˚u m pˇr idat jako slova–vzory s nejvyššíprioritou(úrovní),tedy rozum jako.r8o8z9u8m..3Generovánívzor˚u ze slovníku rozdˇe lených slov Problematice generovánívzor˚u na semináˇr i S L T jižbyl vˇe novánˇc lánek[1],proto zopakujeme jen hlavníprincipy a laskavéhoˇc tenáˇr e odkážeme dále na dalšíˇc lánky vˇe novanététo a pˇríbuznéproblematice[11,25,20,21].Generováníprobíháve fázích,kterése nazývajíúrovnˇe(anglicky levels). V lichýchúrovních se generujípokrývacívzory,tedy vzory,kterédle kontextu znak˚u vynucujídˇe lení,v sudýchúrovních se dˇe lenídle kontextu zakazuje.70Petr SojkaGenerovanévzory se kumulují,a výslednéchováníurˇc uje výslednámnožina vzor˚u vygenerovanáve všechúrovních.U vˇe tšiny generovaných vzor˚u pro dˇe leníslov v užívaných jazycích staˇcíˇc tyˇr iúrovnˇe,ale pro pˇr ehlednost,ale takénedostatekˇc asu vzory optimalizovat,je v ruˇc nˇe chystaných vzorechúrovnímnohem více–souˇc asnéslovenskévzory jich majínapˇríklad osm.Technologie pˇr ebíjejících vzor˚u je natolik obecná,že jejípoužitíje možnépro vˇe tšinu segmentaˇc ních problém˚u.Jako pˇríklad m˚uže sloužit problematika segmentaceˇr etˇe zce thajských znak˚u na slova–v thajském textu nejsou slova oddˇe lena mezerami[23].4Bootstrapping a stratifikaceV rámci bakaláˇr sképráce[18]se podaˇr ilo shromáždit z r˚u zných zdroj˚u1 témˇeˇr milión slovenských slov.Dnešnívýpoˇc etníkapacity umožˇn ujígenerovat vzory dˇe leníi z takto rozsáhlých slovník˚u v dobách desítek minut.ˇCasovˇe nejnároˇc nˇe jšíoperaci–rozdˇe leníslovníku slov pravidly daného jazyka–lze dˇe lat pomocípˇr edchozíverze vzor˚u a místa dˇe leníslov…pouze“zkontrolovat.Jelikožvšak i tato kontrola jeˇc asovˇe nároˇc ná,lze parametry generovánívhodnou heuristikou volit tak,že vygenerovaných vzor˚u nepokrytých slov je právˇe tolik, kolik je reálnéjich v rozumnédobˇe ruˇc nˇe zkontrolovat.To znaˇc nˇe urychluje vývoj nových vzor˚u technikou bootstrappingu.Tabulka1.Výsledky jednéiterace bootstrappingu slovenského dˇe leníze slov-níku822878slovúroveˇn dobˇr ešpatnˇe chybí#vzor˚u velikost1Bohužel výslednou množinu slov nelze volnˇešíˇr it.Volnˇe pˇrístupnýseznam slov by umožnil ještˇe mnohemflexibilnˇe jšívytváˇr enívariant dˇe licích vzor˚u optimalizovaných pro konkrétníprojekty.Slovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?71 ještˇe v tomto stoletíjedno celéˇcísloˇc asopisu TUG BOAT.Patrnˇe z d˚u vodu zpˇe tnékompatibility nejsou tyto vzory nahrazeny kvalitnˇe jšími,byt’kompatibilita je pˇr i pˇr idánívýjimek do vzor˚u ve formátu stejnˇe porušena.Dnešnívýpoˇc etnítech-nika jižumožˇn ujeˇc etnéexperimenty a generováníopakovat s r˚u znými parame-try.Vhodnými heuristikami nastaveníprah˚u akceptace adept˚u vzor˚u v jednotli-výchúrovních generováníse lze dostat na mnohem kvalitativnˇe vyššíparametry vzor˚u,nežkterédocílil pˇr ed témˇeˇrˇc tvrtstoletím Liang.Typicky je možnéza cenu mírného zvýšenívelikosti vzor˚u docílit stoprocentního pokrytíuˇcícímnožiny, nebo naopak pˇr i zadánívelikostních omezenína velikost vzor˚u lze maximalizo-vat pokrytí.A to vše s nulovou chybovostía stejnými konstantními výpoˇc etními nároky pˇr i aplikaci vzor˚u.Jinakˇr eˇc eno,poˇc et instrukcína nalezenídˇe licíchšv˚u slova je ohraniˇc en shora konstantou,nezávisle na tom,z jak velkého slovníku vzory generujeme.Dalšítechnikou,kteráse dápˇr i generovánívzor˚u použít,je stratifikace.Tato technika spoˇcíváv tom,že se snažíme minimalizovat množinu slov k uˇc ení, anižbychom ale pˇr išli o funkˇc nost vzor˚u na výjimkách.Máme-li napˇríklad slovník generovanýmorfologickým analyzátorem,tedy známe od každého slovního tvaru slovnízáklad,staˇcído slovníku slov zahrnout náhodnˇe pouze pár slovních tvar˚u od jednoho lemmatu.Dˇe leníkoncovek se zgeneralizuje,nebot’koncovkovémnožiny se neustále opakujía uˇcícíalgoritmus bude mít dostatek uˇcících pˇríklad˚u,aby se pravidelnosti dˇe leníkonc˚u slov nauˇc il.Naopak se nesmív seznamu uˇcících slov zapomenout na negace a pˇr edpony.Dˇe leníza prvníslabikou slov zaˇcínajících na na-naj-,pre-pred-apod.je nutno nahlížet jako na výjimky.5Shrnutí:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?Bylo vytvoˇr eno nˇe kolik variant nových vzor˚u dˇe lenípro slovenštinu.Vzory jsou pro testováník dispozici ve FTP archívu CSTUGu v adresáˇr i cstug/sojka/skhyp. Po nezbytnéfázi testovánípˇr edpokládáme jejich zaˇr azenído bˇežných T E Xových distribucía projektu O PEN O a budoušíˇr eny bez omezujících licenˇc-ních podmínek.Jelikožzmˇe na vzor˚u dˇe lenípravdˇe podobnˇe zp˚u sobízmˇe nu zalomeníjižvytvoˇr ených dokument˚u,je tˇr eba být v pˇrípadˇe rozšíˇr eného požadavku na zpˇe tnou kompatibilitu obezˇr etný.Jelikožna zálohováníúplných zdroj˚u vˇc etnˇe zdroj˚u potˇr ebných na generováníformátu se obvykle zapomíná,pˇr i požadavku zpˇe tnékompatibility je tˇr eba zvážit všechna pro i proti a novévzory si tˇr eba zavést jako novýjazyk(\language)spolu se starými.Jsme pˇr esvˇe dˇc ení,žeˇc as pro zmˇe nu po více neždekádˇe používánísouˇc asných vzor˚u nastal a kvalita nových vzor˚u je dostateˇc ným argumentem pro zavedenízmˇe ny.Po téjižostatnˇe nˇe kolik let volajítakéuživateléO PEN O a dalších sázecích systém˚u, kteˇrídosud používajístarévzory dˇe lení.72Petr SojkaReference1.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Generovánívzor˚u dˇe leníslov v UNICODE.V Kasprzak aSojka[12],strany23–32.2.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Pattern Generation Revisited.V Pepping[19],strany7–17.3.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Generovánívzor˚u pomocíknihovny P AT L IB a programuOP AT G EN.Zpravodaj C S TUG,12(1):3–12,2002.4.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,5(1):15,kvˇe ten1984.5.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,6(3):121,listopad1985.6.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,7(3):146–147,ˇríjen1986.7.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,10(3):336–341,listopad1989.8.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,13(4):452–457,prosinec1992.9.Pat Hall a Durgesh D Rao,editoˇr i.Proceedings of EACL2003Workshop onComputational Linguistics for South Asian Languages–Expanding Synergies with Europe,duben2003.10.JiˇríHaller.Jak se dˇe líslova.StátnípedagogickénakladatelstvíPraha,1956.11.Yannis Haralambous.A Small Tutorial on the Multilingual Features of PATGEN2.dostupnéna CTAN jako info/patgen2.tutorial,leden1994.12.Jan Kasprzak a Petr Sojka,editoˇr i.SLT2001,Brno,Czech Republic,únor2001.Konvoj.13.Donald E.Knuth.The T E Xbook,volume A of Computers and Typesetting.Addison-Wes-ley,Reading,MA,USA,1986.14.Jana Chlebíková.Ako rozdˇe lit’(slovo)ˇCeskoslovensko.Zpravodaj C S TUG,1(4):10–13,1991.dislav Lhotka.ˇCeskédˇe lenípro T E X.Zpravodaj C S TUG,1(4):10–13,1991.16.Franklin M.Liang.Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-put-er.PhD thesis,Department ofComputer Science,Stanford University,USA,srpen1983.17.Franklin M.Liang a Peter Breitenlohner.PAT tern GEN eration program for the T E X82hyphenator.dokumentace programu PATGEN verze2.3z distribuce web2c na CTAN, 1999.18.Ján Lieskovský.Systém pro práci se seznamy slov.Bakaláˇr skápráce,Masarykovauniverzita v Brnˇe,Fakulta informatiky,2003.19.Simon Pepping,editor.EuroT E X2001,Kerkrade,The Netherlands,záˇrí2001.NTG.20.Petr Sojka.Notes on Compound Word Hyphenation in T E X.TUGboat,16(3):290–297,1995.21.Petr Sojka.Hyphenation on Demand.TUGboat,20(3):241–247,1999.22.Petr peting Patterns for Language Engineering.V Sojka et al.[24],strany157–162.23.Petr Sojka a David Antoš.Context Sensitive Pattern Based Segmentation:A ThaiChallenge.V Hall a Rao[9].24.Petr Sojka,Ivan Kopeˇc ek,a Karel Pala,editoˇr i.Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Text,Speech and Dialogue—TSD2000,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNCS/LNAI1902,Brno,záˇrí2000.Springer-Verlag.25.Petr Sojka a PavelŠeveˇc ek.Hyphenation in T E X–Quo Vadis?TUGboat,16(3):280–289,1995.。

制作人:陈旭、曾萧霄 讲解人:曾萧霄
亚里士多德曾说: “那由最大人 数所共享的事物,却 只得到最少的照顾”。
“公共地悲剧”(Tragedy of the commons)是一种涉及个人利益与公共利益 (Common good)对资源分配有所冲突的社会陷 阱(Social trap)。
得个人最优饲养量 g
* i
此时,养一只羊的边际收益等于边际成 本,牧民不会增加羊的数量
g gi ( g1,…,gi 1,gi 1,…,g n )
* i
i =1, 2…,n
2 i v(G)+v(G) gi v(G) 0 2 gi
2 i v(G)+gi v(G ) 0 g j gi
gi 2 0 i g j gi2
i g j gi
gi 0 g j
这说明了,第 i 个农民的最优 饲养量随其他农民的饲养量的增 加而递减.
因此,n个反应函数的交叉点就是 纳什均衡:
① ②
而对于一个村庄整体来说,可持续发展得羊的放牧数量要考虑最大化的 社会收益: 其中G**为可持续发展得羊的理想放牧数量。 ①式和②式都说明,增加一只羊进行放牧时有两方面的作用:一方面是 成员增加了收益v(G),另一方面是这一只羊的增加导致的以前羊的收益的下 降[v′(G)<0]。不同的是,①式中成员只考虑对自己的负效应,而不顾及 其他社会成员,而②式中充分考虑了全部羊的数量的社会成本。 我们先假定G*≤ G**,即羊的现实放牧数量低于羊的理想放牧数量,先 将①式和②式合并得: *

Tagedy of the commons

recent initiaatives by the basel-based r_qt0806

BIS Quarterly ReviewJune 2008 International banking and financial market developmentsBIS Quarterly ReviewMonetary and Economic DepartmentEditorial Committee:Claudio Borio Frank Packer Paul Van den BerghWhite Már Gudmundsson Eli Remolona William Robert McCauley Philip TurnerGeneral queries concerning this commentary should be addressed to Frank Packer(tel +41 61 280 8449, e-mail: frank.packer@), queries concerning specific parts to theauthors, whose details appear at the head of each section, and queries concerning the statisticsto Philippe Mesny (tel +41 61 280 8425, e-mail: philippe.mesny@).Requests for copies of publications, or for additions/changes to the mailing list, should be sent to:Bank for International SettlementsPress & CommunicationsCH-4002 Basel, SwitzerlandE-mail: publications@Fax: +41 61 280 9100 and +41 61 280 8100This publication is available on the BIS website ().©Bank for International Settlements 2008. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided the source is cited.ISSN 1683-0121 (print)ISSN 1683-013X (online)BIS Quarterly ReviewJune 2008International banking and financial market developmentsOverview : a cautious return of risk tolerance (1)Credit market turmoil gives way to fragile recovery (1)Box: Estimating valuation losses on subprime MBS with theABX HE index – some potential pitfalls (6)Bond yields recover as markets stabilise (8)A turning point for equity prices? (11)Emerging market investors discount growth risks (12)Tensions in interbank markets remain high (13)Highlights of international banking and financial market activity (17)The international banking market (17)The international debt securities market (23)Derivatives markets (24)Box: An update on local currency debt securities marketsin emerging market economies (28)Special featuresInternational banking activity amidst the turmoil (31)Patrick McGuire and Goetz von PeterThe build-up of international bank balance sheets (32)Developments in the second half of 2007 (36)Bilateral exposures of national banking systems (39)Concluding remarks (42)Managing international reserves: how does diversification affect financial costs? 45 Srichander RamaswamyFramework of the analysis (46)Risk-return trade-offs (48)Financial cost of acquiring reserves through FX intervention (49)Box: Methodology for computing estimates of financial cost (51)Central bank objectives and FX reserve allocation (53)Conclusions (54)Credit derivatives and structured credit: the nascent markets of Asiaand the Pacific (57)Eli M Remolona and Ilhyock ShimCredit default swaps (58)Traded CDS indices (60)Collaterised debt obligations (61)How the region’s markets have fared in the global turmoil (63)Conclusion (65)Asian banks and the international interbank market (67)Robert N McCauley and Jens ZukunftAsian banks’ international interbank liquidity: where do we stand? (68)Foreign banks and the local funding gap (73)Box: The Asian financial crisis: international liquidity lessons (76)Conclusions (78)BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008 iiiRecent initiatives by Basel-based committees and groupsBasel Committee on Banking Supervision (81)Joint Forum (84)Financial Stability Forum (87)Statistical Annex ........................................................................................ A1 Special features in the BIS Quarterly Review ................................ B1 List of recent BIS publications .............................................................. B2Notations used in this Reviewe estimatedlhs, rhs left-hand scale, right-hand scalemillionbillion thousand… notavailableapplicable. not– nil0 negligible$ US dollar unless specified otherwiseDifferences in totals are due to rounding.iv BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008BIS Quarterly Review, June 20081Ingo Fender +41 61 280 8415ingo.fender@Peter Hördahl+41 61 280 8434peter.hoerdahl@Overview: a cautious return of risk toleranceFollowing deepening turmoil and rising concerns about systemic risks in the first two weeks of March, financial markets witnessed a cautious return of investor risk tolerance over the remainder of the period to end-May 2008. The process of disorderly deleveraging which had started in 2007 intensified from end-February, with asset markets becoming increasingly illiquid and valuations plunging to levels implying severe stress. However, markets subsequently rebounded in the wake of repeated central bank action and the Federal Reserve-facilitated takeover of a large US investment bank. In sharp contrast to these favourable developments, interbank money markets failed to recover, as liquidity demand remained elevated.Mid-March was a turning point for many asset classes. Amid signs of short covering, credit spreads rallied back to their mid-January values before fluctuating around these levels throughout May. Market liquidity improved, allowing for better price differentiation across instruments. The stabilisation of financial markets and the emergence of a somewhat less pessimistic economic outlook also contributed to a turnaround in equity markets. In this environment, government bond yields bottomed out and subsequently rose considerably. A reduction in the demand for safe government securities contributed to this, as did growing perceptions among investors that the impact from the financial turmoil on real economic activity might turn out to be less severe than had been anticipated. Emerging market assets, in turn, performed broadly in line with assets in the industrialised economies, as the balance of risk shifted from concerns about economic growth to those about inflation.Credit market turmoil gives way to fragile recoveryFollowing two weeks of increasingly unstable conditions in early March, credit markets were buoyed by a cautious return of risk tolerance, with spreads recovering from the very wide levels reached during the first quarter of 2008. Sentiment turned in mid-March, following repeated interventions by the Federal Reserve to improve market functioning and to help avert the collapse of a major US investment bank. As these actions alleviated earlier concerns about risks to the financial system, previously dysfunctional markets resumed trading and prices rallied across a variety of risky assets.2BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008Between end-February and end-May, the US five-year CDX high-yield index spread tightened by about 144 basis points to 573, while corresponding investment grade spreads fell by 63 basis points to 102. European and Japanese spreads broadly mirrored the performance of the major US indices, declining by between 25 and 153 basis points overall. Between 10 and 17 March, all five major indices had been pushed out to or near the widest levels seen since their inception. They then rallied back and seemed to stabilise around their mid-January values, remaining significantly above the levels prevailing before the start of the market turmoil in mid-2007 (Graph 1).business lines, tightening repo haircuts caused a number of hedge funds and other leveraged investors to unwind existing positions. As a result, concerns underlying exposures are almost entirely protected by federal guarantees, as summer of 2007 (Graph 3, right-hand panel).BIS Quarterly Review, June 20083Fears about collapsing financial markets reached a peak in the week March, triggering repeated policy actions by the US authorities. investment grade credit default swap (CDS) indices underperforming lower-quality benchmarks (Graph 4, left-hand and centre panels). Spreads were temporarily arrested when, on 11 March, the Federal Reserve announced an expansion of its securities lending activities targeting the large US dealer banks (see section on money markets and Table 1 below). European CDS indices tightened by more than 10 basis points on the news, while the two key basis points down, respectively (Graph 1). allowing it to make secured advance payments to the troubled investment These developments appeared to herald a turning point in the market, funds target down to 2.25%. Earnings announcements by major investment banks on 18 and 19 March that were better than anticipated provided further support, with investors increasingly adopting the view that various central bank initiatives aimed at reliquifying previously dysfunctional markets were gradually gaining traction. Consistent with perceptions of a considerable reduction in systemic risk, spreads, and particularly those for financial sector and other investment grade firms, tightened from the peaks reached in early March(Graph 4). Movements were partially driven by the unwinding of speculative short positions, as suggested by changes in pricing differentials across products with similar exposures, according to the ease with which such positions can be opened or closed. For example, spreads on CDS contracts referencing the major credit indices moved more strongly than those on the same indices’ constituent names (Graph 1, centre and right-hand panels). Similarly, CDS markets outperformed those for comparable cash bonds, as market participants adjusted their synthetic trades.risks (Graph 1, centre and right-hand panels). Similarly, implied volatilities from CDS index options eased into the second quarter, indicating a somewhat reduced uncertainty about shorter-run credit spread movements (Graph 3, centre and right-hand panels).losses based on ABX prices (see box). This was despite the lack of a recovery for the index series with lower original ratings, whose prices continued to4 BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008BIS Quarterly Review, June 20085suggest expectations of complete writedowns of all underlying bonds by mid-2009 (Graph 2, centre panel). At these low levels, and with none of the ABX indices having experienced any principal writedowns so far, investors appeared to be pricing in the possibility of legislation writing down mortgage principal. Against this background, issuance of private-label mortgage-backed securities remained depressed, with volume growth coming mainly from US agency-Supported by optimism about banks’ recapitalisation efforts, spreads pace of capital replenishment. Following news of a rights issue on 31 March, CDS spreads referencing debt issued by Lehman Brothers tightened. UBS announced large first quarter losses and a fully underwritten capital increase on 1 April, and other institutions followed over the rest of the month. Globally, banks managed to raise more than $100 billion of new capital in April alone, stemming the deterioration in capital ratios. Financial CDS spreads, the monoline segment excluded, outperformed corresponding equity prices in the process (Graph 4, right-hand panel), reflecting diminishing concerns about imminent financial sector risk as well as the dilutory effects of equity financing. Markets retraced some of these gains in early May, partially driven by strong supply flows from corporate issuers that included, at $9 billion, the largest US dollar deal by a non-US borrower in seven years. Volumes were dominated by6 BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008Pitfalls in using the ABX. Estimated mark to market losses and actual writedowns made by banks and other investors can differ for a variety of reasons. Analysts, depending on their objective, thus have to be mindful of potential sources of bias. At least three such sources can be identified, of which two are specific to the ABX index:•Accounting treatment. Subprime MBS are held by a variety of investors and for different purposes. While large amounts of outstanding subprime MBS are known to reside inbanks’ trading books, banks and other investors may also hold these securities tomaturity. This can result in different accounting treatments, which would tend to deflateactual writedowns and impairment charges relative to estimates of mark to market losseson the basis of market indices, such as the ABX. The size of this effect, however, isdifficult to determine. Further complexities are added once securities cease to be tradedin active markets, implying the use of valuation techniques, which may differ acrossinvestors, in establishing fair value.5•Market coverage. ABX prices may not be representative of the total subprime universe, due to limited index coverage of the overall market. Original balance across all four serieshas averaged about $31 billion. This compares to average monthly MBS issuance ofsome $36 billion over the 10 quarters up to mid-2007, ie almost a month’s worth ofsubprime MBS supply per index series. Similarly, with 2004–07 vintage subprime MBSvolumes estimated at around $600 billion in outstanding amounts, each series representssome 5% of the overall universe on average. At the same time, ABX deal composition isknown to be quite similar in terms of collateral attributes (such as FICO scores and loan-to-value ratios) to the overall market (by vintage).6 Therefore, despite somewhat limitedcoverage, this particular source of bias may not be large.•Deal-level coverage. Similarly, ABX prices may not be representative because each index series covers only part of the capital structure of the 20 deals included in the index(see Graph A, right-hand panel, for an illustration).7 In particular, tranches referenced bythe AAA indices are not the most senior pieces in the capital structure, but those with thelongest duration (expected average life) – the so-called “last cash flow bonds”. Theseclaims will receive any cash flow allocations sequentially after all other AAA trancheshave been paid; and tend to switch to pro rata pay only when the highest mezzaninebond has been written down. It follows that AAA ABX index prices are going to reflectdurations that are longer, and effective subordinations that are lower, than those of theremaining AAA subprime MBS universe. As a result, using newly available data for MBStranches with shorter durations, the $119 billion of losses implied by the ABX AAA indicesas of end-May would be some 62% larger than those implied under more realisticassumptions.8_________________________________1 See, for example, International Monetary Fund, Global Financial Stability Report, April 2008, pp 46–52, and Box 1 in Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, April 2008.2 Supplementary indices, called ABX HE PENAAA, were introduced in May 2008 to provide additional pricing information for all four existing vintages.3 An alternative approach, likely to lead to very different results, would estimate future default-related cash flow shortfalls on the basis of deal-level or aggregate data for subprime securities. To obtain these estimates, such methodologies rely on information about collateral performance and require the analyst to make assumptions about structural relationships and model parameters. Typical subprime loss projections, for example, use delinquency data and assumptions about factors such as delinquency-to-default transitions, default timing, and losses-given-default. See Box 1 in the Overview section of the December 2007 BIS Quarterly Review for an example on the basis of an approach devised by UBS. 4Mark to market losses (relative to par) are calculated assuming that unrated tranches are written down completely; ABX prices for the BBB– indices are used to mark BB collateral; rated tranches from the 2004 vintage are assumed unimpaired; outstanding amounts remain static.5 For details, see Global Public Policy Committee, Determining fair value of financial instruments under IFRS in current market conditions, December 2007.6 See, for example, UBS, Mortgage Strategist, 17 October 2006. 7 Incomplete coverage at the deal level further reduces effective market coverage: typical subprime MBS structures have some 15 tranches per deal, of which only five were originally included in the ABX indices. As a result, each series references less than 15% of the underlying deal volume at issuance.8 Duration effects at the AAA level are bound to be significant for overall loss estimates as the AAA classes account for the lion’s share of MBS capital structures. Using prices for the newly instituted PENAAA indices, which reference “second to last” AAA bonds, to calculate AAA mark to market losses generates an estimate of $73 billion. This, in turn, translates into an overall valuation loss of $205 billion (ie some 18% below the unadjusted estimate of $250 billion).capitalisation had recovered, while remaining weaker than before the crisis. At the same time, still-elevated implied volatilities suggested ongoing investor uncertainty over the future trajectory of credit markets. With the credit cycle continuing to deteriorate and related losses on exposures outside the residential mortgage sector looming, it was thus unclear whether liquidity supply and risk tolerance had recovered to an extent that would help maintain this improved environment on a sustained basis.Bond yields recover as markets stabiliseFrom its low point on 17 March, the 10-year US Treasury bond yield rose by 75 basis points to reach 4.05% at the end of May. During this period, 10-year yields in the euro area and Japan climbed by around 70 and 50 basis points, respectively, to 4.40% and 1.75% (Graph 5, left-hand panel). In US and euro area bond markets, the increase in yields was particularly pronounced for short maturities, with two-year yields rising by 130 basis points in the United States and by almost 120 basis points in the euro area (Graph 5, centre panel). Two-year yields went up in Japan too, but by a more modest 35 basis points. In addition to reduced safe haven demand for government securities, the rise in short-term yields reflected a reassessment among investors of the need for monetary easing, following the stabilisation of financial markets.In the first two weeks of March, as the financial turmoil deepened and forward rates dropping (Graph 6, right-hand panel). While flight to safety and other effects relating to the volatility in financial markets may have influenced consistent with the observed fall at the short end of the forward break-evencurve. At the same time, these same concerns led investors to increasinglyexpect the Federal Reserve to maintain a more accommodative policy stancethan normal in an effort to contain the fallout on economic growth. Insofar asthis was seen as likely to lead to higher prices down the road, it could explainthe rise in distant forward break-even rates at the time.As the situation in financial markets stabilised after the rescue of BearStearns in mid-March, and perceptions of the economic outlook improvedsomewhat, the US forward break-even curve shifted in the opposite directionand flattened considerably. To a large extent, this shift in the forward curve islikely to have reflected a reversal of the same influences that had been at playin the first two weeks of March: the dampening effect on prices coming from theturmoil was perceived to be weaker after mid-March, while the Federal Reservewas seen to be less likely to deliver further sharp rate cuts. Moreover, upwardprice pressures appeared to intensify in the short to medium term, with foodprices rising continuously and oil prices reaching new all-time highs during thisperiod (Graph 5, right-hand panel), pushing near-term forward break-evenrates further upwards.real yields reflected a combination of expectations of higher average realinterest rates in coming years and a reversal of flight to safety pressures. Theformer component, in turn, was due to perceptions among investors that thereal economic fallout from the financial turmoil was likely to be less severe thanhad previously been anticipated. This was despite indications of deterioratingconsumer confidence amid tighter bank lending standards and continuedweakness in US housing markets. The revival in investor confidence seemedinstead to follow from the stabilisation in markets and from a number ofrelatively upbeat macroeconomic announcements. These included better thangovernment securities.In line with perceptions that the stabilisation of markets had reduced therisks to economic growth somewhat, prices of short-term interest rateindicating expectations of a period of stable rates, followed by rising rates inthe first half of 2009 (Graph 7, left-hand panel). In the euro area, EONIA swapprices at the beginning of March had signalled expectations of sizeable ECBrate cuts, but by end-May prices had shifted to reflect expectations of graduallyincreasing policy rates (Graph 7, centre panel). Meanwhile in Japan,expectations of mildly falling policy rates in March had by May been revised toindicate rising rates (Graph 7, right-hand panel).A turning point for equity prices?to end-2007 levels, gained almost 10% between 17 March and end-May. Equity markets in Europe and Japan, which had seen losses in excess of 20% between the turn of the year and 17 March, subsequently also displayed a strong recovery, with the EURO STOXX gaining 11% and the Nikkei 225 rising Reflecting the improved situation in financial markets during this period, by almost 20% and 34%, respectively. These gains occurred despiteannouncements by several banks of record losses during the first quarter amidcontinued credit-related write-offs. Investors obviously took solace from the factthat losses – although big – were no worse than expected, and that a numberof banks had been successful in their recapitalisation efforts (see credit marketsection above).surprises remained well above that of negative surprises, provided somesupport for equity prices. In addition, as fears failed to materialise that economic growth might slow dramatically in the first few months of the year,investors increasingly began to see equity valuations as attractive following thesharp price declines in late 2007 and early 2008. markets recovered after a sharp dip in March (Graph 8, right-hand panel).Emerging market investors discount growth risksequities fell up to mid-March, before rebounding in the wake of the change inmarket sentiment following the Bear Stearns rescue in the United States.Between end-February and end-May, the MSCI emerging market indexgained about 4% in local currency terms, and was up more than 14% from thelows established in mid-March. Latin American markets, which had seen ahigh trading volumes in commodity derivatives (see the Highlights section inthis issue) and speculative demand as a source of part of that strength, otherspointed to low supply elasticities and expectations of sustained rates ofindustrialisation throughout the emerging markets. With the region being amajor net commodities importer and natural disaster contributing to weakerequity prices in China, Asian markets were broadly flat over the period.Emerging Europe, in turn, remained exposed to the risk of a reversal in privatecapital flows, owing to large current account deficits and associated financingneeds in a number of countries. Nevertheless, strong gains in Russia and thebetter than expected growth performance of major European economies in thefirst quarter seemed to aid equity markets in May.Emerging market credit spreads, as measured by the EMBIG index,accounting for most of the spread tightening, the EMBIG remained almost flatin return terms, gaining about 1.1% between end-February and end-May(Graph 9, left-hand panel). Large stocks of foreign reserves and favourablemacroeconomic performance in key emerging market economies continued toprovide support, aiding the market recovery. Spread dispersion remained high,pointing to ongoing price differentiation according to credit quality (Graph 10,centre panel). At the same time, with inflation running well above target in anumber of major emerging market economies, policy credibility appeared tobecome more of a concern, putting pressure on local bond markets. Risinginflation expectations, combined with increasing US Treasury yields andrelatively resilient markets during the earlier stages of the recent marketturmoil, may thus have contributed to a somewhat more muted performancefrom emerging market bonds relative to other asset markets over the periodsince mid-March.Tensions in interbank markets remain highas high at the end of May as three months earlier, across most horizons and inall three major markets (Graph 10). This appeared to imply expectations thatinterbank strains were likely to remain severe well into the future.After a relatively smooth turn of the year, interbank market tensions hadappeared to ease somewhat until early March 2008, and Libor-OIS spreadshad shown some signs of stabilising. However, as the financial turmoilsuddenly deepened in the second week of March, following an acceleration inmargin calls and rapid unwinding of trades (see the credit section above),interbank market pressures quickly increased. With market rumoursproliferating about imminent liquidity problems in one or more large investmentbanks, banks became increasingly wary of lending to others. At the same time,their own demand for funds jumped as they sought to avoid being perceived ashaving a shortage of liquidity.Selected central bank liquidity measures during the period under review7 March The Federal Reserve increases the size of its Term Auction Facility (TAF) to $100 billion andextends the maturity of its repos to up to one month.11 March The Federal Reserve introduces the Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), which allowsprimary dealers to borrow up to $200 billion of Treasury securities against collateral. Theexisting dollar swap arrangements between the Federal Reserve and the ECB and the SNB areincreased from a total of $24 billion to $36 billion.16 March The Federal Reserve introduces the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), which providesovernight funding for primary dealers in exchange for collateral. The Federal Reserve alsolowers the spread between the discount rate and the federal funds rate from 50 to 25 basispoints, and lengthens the maximum maturity from 30 to 90 days.28 March The ECB announces that the maturity of its longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) wouldbe extended from up to three months to a maximum of six months.21 April The Bank of England introduces the Special Liquidity Scheme, under which banks can swapilliquid assets for Treasury bills.2 May The Federal Reserve boosts the size of its TAF programme to $150 billion, and announces abroadening of the collateral eligible for the TSLF auctions. The dollar swap arrangements withthe ECB and the SNB are increased further, from $36 billion to $62 billion.Source: Central bank press releases. Table 1The near collapse and subsequent takeover of Bear Stearns onMarch highlighted the risks that banks face in such situations. On the would not be allowed to fail, and this helped restore order in other markets. On the other hand, the speed with which Bear Stearns’ access to market liquidity had collapsed underscored the vulnerability of other banks in this regard, which kept Libor-OIS spreads high even as CDS spreads on banks and brokerages Throughout the period, central banks maintained and even stepped up activity from central banks seemed to have limited immediate impact oninterbank rates. To some extent, this may have reflected the fact that while thesums involved in central bank liquidity schemes were large in absolute terms,they were still rather limited compared to banks’ assessment of their overallliquidity needs against the background of a sharp decline in traditional sourcesof funding. One significant source of short-term funding for banks in the pasthas been money market mutual funds. Such funds have seen substantialinflows since the outbreak of the financial turmoil (Graph 11, left-hand panel),reflecting a noticeable reduction in investors’ appetite for risk. However, thisloss of risk appetite also resulted in money market funds shifting theirinvestments increasingly into treasury bills and other safe short-term securities,hence depriving banks of a key funding source (Graph 11, centre panel). Thissuggests that determining how persistent the interbank tensions will be maydepend significantly, among other things, on how long the risk appetite ofmoney market fund managers, and investors more broadly, will continue to bedepressed.。

公地悲剧翻译稿哈丁:公地的悲剧(The Tragedy of the Commons)时间: 2010-10-23,人气: 609J.B. Wiesner和H.F. York在一篇关于核子战争前景的发人深省文章结尾时说:「武器竞赛的双方都是…面对持续增强的军事力量和持续减弱的国家安全。
公地悲剧 tragedy of the commons

• • • • •
军备竞赛 种内竞争 价格垄断 资源无序利用 各种环境污染 国有制 国有企业
“公地悲剧”展现的是一幅私人利用免费午餐 时的狼狈景象——无休止地掠夺。
• “公地悲剧”的发生机理似乎可以这样来理解: 公地悲剧发生的根源在于:“当个人按自己的方式处置公共 资源时,真正的公地悲剧才会发生。 “公地悲剧”的更准确的提法是:无节制的、开放式的、资 源利用的灾难。 • 环境污染:由于治污需要成本,私人必定千方百计企图把 企业成本外部化。这就是赫尔曼·E.戴利所称的“看不见的 脚”。“看不见的脚”导致私人的自利不自觉地把公共利 益踢成碎片。 • “公地悲剧”源于公产的私人利用方式。 • 针对如何防止公地的污染,哈丁提出的对策是共同赞同的 相互强制、甚至政府强制,而不是私有化。
1968年,美国学者Hardin在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇 题为《公地的悲剧》的文章
“未受规范的公地之悲剧”。公地悲剧 一文着重于解释经济、发展心理学、博弈 理论和社会学领域。有人将此视为“意外 行为”的范例,伴随着个人在复杂社会系 统中的互动所导致的悲剧结果。
Байду номын сангаас
• Hardin的论文一开始便将注意力集中于无法借由科技 工具解决的问题之上,哈丁声称这样的问题来自于人口的 成长和地球资源的使用。 • 哈丁在《公地的悲剧》中设置了这样一个场景:一群 牧民一同在一块公共草场放牧。一个牧民想多养一只羊增 加个人收益,虽然他明知草场上羊的数量已经太多了,再 增加羊的数目,将使草场的质量下降。 牧民将如何取舍? 如果每人都从自己私利出发,肯定会选择多养羊获取收益, 因为草场退化的代价由大家负担。 每一位牧民都如此思考时,“公地悲剧”就上演了--草场 持续退化,直至无法养羊,最终导致所有牧民破产。

5-9课翻译题目一. 请将下列句子译成日语。
The Story of Baogong

The Story Of Baogong Interrogate Stone邓坤军612080706048Once upon a time, there was a poor boy living really a hard life with his father dead and his mother seriously ill. Every day, early in the morning, to make a living, the poor boy had to struggle up and carry a basket of youtiaos(deep-fried dough sticks-a traditional Chinese food)running and crying: youtiao youtiao for sell, only two coppers(a form of money in ancient China)for one savory and crisp youtiao.”One lucky day, he sold out all his youtiaos. Sitting on a stone, he was so happy that he counted his coppers time and time again. It was just 100 coppers. The greasy youtiaos made his hands covered with oil and so did all the coppers. Looking at all the greasy sparking coppers, he was out of pleasure, thinking: Wow, I have got 100 coppers; I can afford mamma’s medicine now. However he was so tired, selling youtiao the whole morning, that he fell asleep the moment he reclined his head on the stone. After quite a long time, he woke up:“how can I sleep so long, I have to buy mamma medicine right now.” He stood up only to find all his coppers had gone, surprised. The boy was so anxious and sad that he can’t help crying out desperately. By this time, Baogong, followed by several retinues was passing. What kind of person Baogong was? He was an officer being called Baolaohei orHeibaogong by civilians because of his black face and beard and famous for his upright conduct and intelligence. Seeing such a sad crying boy, Baogong asked:“Come here, tell me why are you crying so sad.”:“ All my coppers earned by my youtiao have been stolen(crying). “Do you know who stole them?”“I have no idea, I fell asleep on the stone. As soon as I woke up, all coppers are disappeared(crying).”Baogong thought for a while:“I’ve got the answer, it must be the stone that stole your coppers. Let me interrogate it and order it to give back your coppers.” Hearing that Baogong was to interrogate a stone, all civilians crowded out of curious. Baogong asked the stone:“Stone,stone, did you stole the boy’s coppers?” Could a stone answer? Of course not. Baogong tried again:“Stone, Stone, answer me quickly, don’t you hear?”The stone remained silent. It couldn’t speak any word. However Baogong tried another time:“Stone, I’d beat your head up if you don’t tell me the truth.”Hearing Baogong’s words, the retinues lifted up sticks and gave the stone a really hard lesson, crying:“Answer right now.”The crowed couldn’t help laughing:“How could a stone steal coppers and speak like man?”“Civilians are always saying about Baogong’s wisdom. He proves to be an idiot.”Baogong was really angered by the crowd,:“I am interrogating the stone. How dareyou guys speak ill of me on the back? Now, all of you, give out a copper as punishment.”He asked one retinue to borrow a basin filled with water to collect the coppers. The crowd could do nothing but obediently stood in line and threw a copper into the basin one by one“Plop, plop, plop…”A man was caught the minute he threw his copper. Baogong pointed at the man:“You are the thief. It’s you that stole the boy’s coppers.”How do you know? All people around felt odd. Baogong said:“Look here, only his copper caused a layer of oil on the water. He must have steal the boy’s coppers while he was sleeping.”The thief could do nothing but to give back the boy’s coppers. The crowd were amazed. How smart Baogong was!邓坤军2011-10-30。

公有资源的悲剧by Garrett HardinIn 1974 the general public got a graphic illustration of the "tragedy of the commons" in satellite photos of the earth. Pictures of northern Africa showed an irregular dark patch, 390 square miles in area. Ground-level investigation revealed a fenced area inside of which there was plenty of grass. Outside, the ground cover had been devastated.1974年,广大公众在一张地球卫星图片中看到了“公有资源的悲剧”的一个图例。
The explanation was simple. The fenced area was private property, subdivided into five portions. Each year the owners moved their animals to a new section. Fallow periods of four years gave the pastures time to recover from the grazing. They did so because the owners had an incentive to take care of their land. But outside the ranch, no one owned the land. It was open to nomads and their herds. Though knowing nothing of Karl Marx, the herdsmen followed his famous advice of 1875: "... to each according to his needs." Their needs were uncontrolled and grew with the increase in the number of animals. But supply was governed by nature, decreasing drastically during the drought of the early seventies. The herds exceeded the natural "carrying capacity" of their environment, soil was compacted and eroded, and "weedy" plants, unfit for cattle consumption, replaced good plants. Many cattle died, and so did humans.原因很简单。

公地悲剧英语作文Life is a journey filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. Each day presents us with new challenges, new experiences, and new lessons to learn. As we navigate through this complex tapestry of existence, we often find ourselves searching for purpose, meaning, and a sense of direction. Yet in the midst of this quest, we may sometimes feel a profound sense of emptiness, a void that seems to defy explanation.This void, this None, is not a void of nothingness but rather a void of infinite potential. It is a space where the boundaries of our understanding blur, where the limits of our imagination are tested, and where the very essence of our being is called into question. It is a realm where the familiar and the foreign coexist, where the known and the unknown converge, and where the very foundations of our reality are called into question.In this space of None, we are confronted with the essential questions of our existence. Who are we? What is our purpose? What is the nature of reality itself? These questions, though seemingly simple, are in fact profoundly complex, and the answers they seek often elude us. Yet it is in this very search for answers that we find the truerichness and depth of the human experience.As we delve deeper into the realm of None, we begin to realize that the very act of questioning is a fundamental part of our existence. It is through this questioning, this constant exploration of the unknown, that we expand the boundaries of our knowledge and understanding. It is through this process that we come to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us and the incredible tapestry of life that we are a part of.But the journey through None is not an easy one. It is fraught with uncertainty, fear, and the constant challenge of confronting our own limitations. We may find ourselves grappling with existential questions that seem to have no clear answers or struggling to make sense of the seemingly chaotic and unpredictable nature of the world. Yet it is precisely in these moments of uncertainty and challenge that we have the opportunity to grow, to evolve, and to discover the true depth and richness of our own being.As we navigate the realm of None, we may find ourselves encountering a wide range of emotions and experiences. We may feel a sense of wonder and awe at the vastness of the universe or a profound sense of humility in the face of the immensity of creation. We may also find ourselves confronted with feelings of fear, anxiety, and even despair as we grapple with the unknown and the uncertain.Yet it is in these moments of struggle and uncertainty that we have the opportunity to truly discover the depth and resilience of the human spirit. It is in these moments that we are called upon to dig deep within ourselves, to tap into the wellspring of our own inner strength and wisdom, and to find the courage to confront the challenges that lie before us.And as we do so, we may find that the very act of confronting the unknown, of embracing the void of None, can be a profoundly transformative experience. We may discover hidden reservoirs of strength and resilience within ourselves or uncover new perspectives and insights that challenge our preconceptions and expand our understanding of the world.Indeed, the journey through None is not one that can be undertaken lightly. It requires a deep commitment to self-reflection, a willingness to confront our own fears and limitations, and a profound sense of openness and curiosity. But it is a journey that holds the potential to unlock the deepest and most profound aspects of our humanity and to connect us to the vast and wondrous tapestry of existence that lies beyond the confines of our own individual experience.So let us embrace the void of None and let us embark on this journey of discovery and transformation. Let us be willing to confrontthe unknown, to question our assumptions, and to explore the depths of our own being. For it is only through this process of exploration and self-discovery that we can truly come to understand the true nature of our existence and the incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us.。

一次土地坍塌英语作文The ground suddenly collapsed, leaving a massive holein the middle of the field. It was a shocking sight, as if the earth had opened up to swallow everything in its path. The once solid ground now looked like a giant sinkhole, ready to devour anything that came too close.People gathered around the edge of the hole, staring in disbelief at the sheer size of the collapse. Some whispered about the dangers of such unexpected disasters, whileothers simply stood in silence, unable to comprehend the magnitude of what had just happened.Emergency services were quickly called to the scene, their sirens blaring as they rushed to assess the situation. It was a race against time to ensure that no one wastrapped or injured in the collapse, as the ground continued to crumble and shift unpredictably.As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, questionsbegan to arise about the cause of the collapse. Some blamed it on natural erosion, while others pointed fingers at human interference and neglect. The truth remained unclear, leaving a sense of unease lingering in the air.In the aftermath of the collapse, the community came together to support those affected by the disaster. Neighbors offered help and shelter to those displaced bythe collapse, showing the resilience and compassion thatcan emerge in times of crisis.Despite the destruction and loss caused by the collapse, there was also a sense of unity and solidarity that emerged from the chaos. It was a reminder that in the face of adversity, people can come together to overcome challenges and rebuild stronger than before.。

公地的悲剧garrett hardin在一项关于核战争的文章末尾,Wiesner和York得出结论认为:“军备竞赛的任何一方,都面临着这样的两难境地,即稳步增加军事实力和不断下降的国家安全局面。

共地悲剧资料一.是什么1968年英国加勒特·哈丁教授(Garrett Hardin)在《The tragedy of the commons》一文中首先提出“公地悲剧”理论模型。
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哈丁:公地的悲剧(The Tragedy of the Commons)时间: 2019-10-23,人气: 609J.B. Wiesner和H.F. York在一篇关于核子战争前景的发人深省文章结尾时说:「武器竞赛的双方都是…面对持续增强的军事力量和持续减弱的国家安全。
Wiesner和York 表现出勇气,在科学期刊发表文章,坚持问题不能在自然科学找到解决办法。
Neumann和Morgenstern已经清楚说明,其中的绝对原理是起码可以追溯至D'Alembert (1717-1783) 的偏微分方程式。
人要维持生命,每天需要1600 千卡路里(维生卡路里)。
正如J. H. Fremlin机智表达,取得能源的问题,被能源消散取而代之。
「国富论」(1776) 广为宣扬「无形之手」,这概念即是个人「只是追求自己的利益」,因而「被无形的手指挥,推动…公众利益。
公地自由的悲剧无形之手控制人口的反驳论点,最先见诸1833年一位业余数学家William Forster Lloyd (1794-1852) 撰写的一本鲜为人知的小册子,可称之为「公地悲剧」;「悲剧」一词借用自哲学家Whitehead:「戏剧性的悲剧要素不是不快乐,而是蕴藏于事物无懊无悔运作的严肃性。