铝箔纸(Aluminium foil)简介




铝合金行业专业术语中英文对照表面预处理surface pretreatment 冰晶石cryolite 薄铝片aluminum foil  彩铝板colore Aluminum plate 槽型铝材aluminum channel超高铝制烟囱aluminum skyscraper 超声波清洗ultrasonic clesning 成型薄铝板aluminum profile sheet 成型薄铝板aluminum profile sheet 成型铝板aluminum profile panel 成型铝板aluminum profile panel 除灰esmutting 纯碱alkali 纯铝板pure Aluminum plate 磁电设备magnetoelectricity Equipment 磁性上辊magnetic roller 催化剂catalyzer 打渣剂fluxing meium 带式磨光belt grining 氮化铝aluminum nitrie 道路照明铝制电杆aluminum street lighting column 电镀electroplating 电解electrolysis 电解浸蚀electrolytic etching 电解滤液electrolyse filtrate 电解铝electrolyse aluminum 电解抛光electroplishing 电解液electorlyte 电解增光electrobrightening 电流密度current ensity 电流效率current efficiency 镀铝aluminum plating 缎面处理satin finishing 锻用铝合金aluminum alloy for temper 锻制铝合金aluminum wrought alloy 多孔铝制天花板aluminum perforate ceiling 矾土水泥aluminum cement 防腐剂anticorroant 防腐剂anticorrosive agent 防腐涂料anticorrosive paint 防蚀铝线alumite wire 防雨铝板aluminum flashing 废铝aluminium scrap 分布能力throwing power 氟化铝aluminium fluorie 氟化盐fluorie salt 辅助电极auxiliary electroe 复合铝板cla aluminium 覆盖剂covering agent 刚铝石水泥alunum cement 钢芯铝绞线aluminium cable steel reinforcing 12345678 高岭土aluminum flake 高铝矿渣aluminous clinke 高铝陶瓷alumina ceramics 高铝砖alumina brick 隔热设备Thermal-insulation Equipment 工业炉Inustrial furnace 工业铝原料inustrial Aluminum materials 工业毛毡Inustrial felt 功能性氧化膜functional coating 挂架rack (jig) 光亮浸渍brighe ipping 硅酸铝aluminum silicate 硅酸铝aluminum silicate 硅酸铝耐火材料aluminosilicate refractory 滚动式铝格栅aluminum rolling grille 滚筒磨光tumbling 过滤板screen plate 过滤器filter 含铝材料alumina-bearing material 焊接设备Jointing equipment 厚纸板carboar 花纹铝板Aluminum embosse sheet 花纹铝箔aluminum checker/checkere foil 化学镀electroless plating 化学抛光chemical polishing 化学增光chemical brightening 化学转化chemical conersion 活化activation 机械设备Machinery equipment 挤压铝窗台extrue aluminum sill 挤压铝管extrue aluminum pipe 挤压铝制品aluminum extrusion 挤压设备extrusion equipment 夹层铝板aluminum sanwch panel 剪切设备shearing equipment 检测设备inspection equipment 焦碳. coke 浸蚀etching 精拉铝管finishing Aluminum tube 精炼剂refining agent 净化设备Purifying Equipment 卷开铝质百叶窗aluminum rolling shutter 冷轧设备Col-rolle Equipment 临界电流密度critical current ensity 硫酸铝aluminum sulphate 硫酸铝aluminum sulphate sulfate 楼面铝aluminum floor covering 楼面铝覆面层aluminum flooring 楼面铝覆面层aluminum flooring finish 滤清油filtering oil 铝百叶aluminum shutter 铝板Aluminum Boar/plate/sheet 12345678 铝板放护板aluminum slatte blin 铝板隔墙aluminum partition 铝板卷开百叶窗aluminum slatte rollor blink 铝板条aluminum strip 铝板贴面吸声天花板aluminum absorbent ceiling 铝板屋顶aluminum eck/eck roof 铝板屋面aluminum sheet roof 铝板屋面aluminum sheeting roof 铝棒Aluminum stick/ro 铝包皮aluminum skin 铝标牌aluminium scutcheon 铝箔Aluminum foil 铝箔背衬aluminum foil backing 铝箔绝热aluminum foil insert 铝箔绝热aluminum foil insertion 铝箔制品Aluminumfoil proucts 铝材aluminum prouct 铝仓筒aluminum silo 铝车身aluminum boy 铝衬裹aluminum lining 铝窗格aluminum gri 铝窗框aluminum sash 铝窗装置aluminum winow furniture 铝打底涂料aluminum primer 铝带/铝条Aluminum strip 铝电极法aluminum electroe methe 铝电解设备aluminium electrolysis Equipment 铝电解设备Aluminum electrolyse Equipment 铝钉aluminum nail 铝顶板构件aluminum eck unit 铝锭Aluminum Ingot 铝镀覆层aluminize coat 铝锻件Aluminum forge 铝矾土bauxite 铝粉Aluminum power 铝扶手aluminum railing 铝盖Aluminum cover 铝钢aluminum steel 铝铬钢aluminum chrome steel 铝管Aluminum pipe/tube 铝管避雷器aluminium cell lightning arrester 铝硅合金aluminum silicon alloy 铝硅酸盐aluminosilicate 铝轨aluminum track 铝辊式破碎机aluminum rolling plant 铝焊料aluminum soler 铝焊料aluminum soler 铝焊条aluminum weling ro 铝合金Aluminum alloy 铝合金洗涤盒aluminum sink 铝合金洗涤盒aluminum sink unit 铝合金线Aluminum alloy wire 12345678 铝化合物aluminum compoun 铝化荧光屏aluminize screen 铝黄铜aluminum brass 铝黄铜aluminum brass 铝基硅镁合金anticoroal 铝基合金aluminum base alloy 铝挤压型材:Aluminum Extrusion 或Aluminium Extrusion 铝结构型材aluminum section 铝结构型材aluminum shape 铝结构型材aluminum trim 铝金aluminum gol 铝卷Aluminum roll 铝矿aluminum ore 铝雷管aluminum blasting cap 铝雷管aluminum cap 铝梁aluminum beam 铝檩条aluminum purlin 铝轮毂aluminum wheel spier/hub 铝螺丝aluminum screw 铝铆钉aluminum rivet 铝镁合金aluminum magnesium alloy 铝镁合金aluminum magnesium alloy 铝门窗Aluminum oors & Winows 铝门拉手aluminum pull 铝门拉手aluminum pull hanle 铝密封alumiseal 铝密封垫圈aluminum gasket 铝模aluminum moul 铝模板aluminum shuttering 铝木组合结构aluminum woo composite system 铝幕墙Aluminum curtain wall 铝镍合金aluminum nickel alloy 铝皮镶面aluminum sheet facing 铝皮镶面aluminum sheet lining 铝皮镶面aluminum sheet surface 铝片sheet aluminium 铝铺面aluminum surfacing 铝汽封aluminum vapor barrier 铝砌合屋顶屋面aluminum bone roof covering 铝墙板aluminum siing 铝墙纸aluminum wallpaper 铝桥aluminum brige 铝青铜aluminum bronze 铝青铜aluminum bronze 铝青铜涂料aluminum bronze paint 铝曲管bene aluminium tube 铝热法aluminothermic process/ aluminothermy 铝热焊aluminothermic weling 铝热还原aluminothermic reuction 铝熔炼厂aluminum smelting plant 铝砂aloxite 铝声控天花板aluminum soun control ceiling 12345678 铝石砖alunum tile 铝饰镶面aluminum facing 铝丝布aluminum wire cloth 铝塑板Aluminum plastic boar 铝酸aluminicaci 铝酸盐aluminate 铝酸盐夹杂物aluminate inclusion 铝梯Aluminum stairs 铝天花Aluminum ceiling 铝铁aluminum iron 铝铁合金aluminum iron alloy 铝铜合金aluminum copper alloy 铝涂料aluminum paint 铝土矿alumyte 铝网aluminum mesh 铝纤维aluminum wool 铝线Aluminum threa/wire 铝箱Aluminum trunk 铝斜坡Aluminium Ramps 铝心电缆aluminum cable 铝心电缆甲套aluminum cable sheath 铝芯电缆aluminum conuctor 铝型材:Aluminium Profile 或Aluminum profile 铝型材地板Aluminium Flooring Profiles 铝型材挤压模具Aluminum Section-Bar Extruing Moul 铝型材生产工艺中常用到的专业术语: 铝颜料aluminum pigment 铝氧粉alunum 铝圆棒Aluminum roun bar 铝圆片Aluminum wafer 铝皂aluminum soap 铝皂润滑脂aluminum grease 铝支承结构aluminum bearing structure 铝支柱底板aluminum outrigger base 铝指板aluminum finger plate 铝制波纹构件aluminum corrugate unit 铝制波纹片aluminum corrugate sheet 铝制波纹形aluminum corrugate profile 铝制波纹型材aluminum corrugate section 铝制玻璃格条aluminum patent glazing bar 铝制扶手aluminum han railing 铝制格栅aluminum grille 铝制过梁aluminum lintel 铝制建筑板材aluminum builing sheet 铝制建筑板材aluminum sheet 铝制建筑构件aluminum builing member 铝制建筑构件aluminum builing unit 铝制建筑构件aluminum component 铝制建筑构件aluminum member 铝制建筑构件aluminum unit 铝制建筑外门aluminum builing entrance oor 12345678 铝制建筑外门aluminum entrance oor 铝制建筑制品aluminum builing prouct 铝制铰链aluminum hinge 铝制结构立面aluminum facae 铝制结构立面aluminum front 铝制卷板条aluminum rolling slat 铝制框架aluminum frame 铝制模板aluminum form 铝制模板aluminum form work 铝制品Aluminum proucts 铝制器皿aluminium ware 铝制网格天花板aluminum gri ceiling 铝制围栏aluminum fence 铝制屋顶aluminum roofing 铝制小五金aluminum fillings 铝制小五金aluminum hanware 铝制檐沟aluminum eave gutter/ trought 铝制遮阳板aluminum sunblin 铝制遮阳板aluminum sunbreaker 铝制折板屋顶aluminum fole plate roof 铝制支架底板aluminum stabilizer base 铝柱aluminum post 铝铸件Aluminum casting 铝铸件aluminium castings 铝装饰型材aluminum ecorative section 铝装饰型材aluminum ornamental section 氯化铝aluminum chlorie 镁助熔剂eliminate magnesium flux 门窗幕墙设备oors& Winowsan Curtain Wall Equipment 密封铝皮aluminum seal/sealing sheeting 明矾石alumite 明矾石alumstone 磨光grining 耐火材料refractory material 耐蚀铝合金corrosion-proof/ corrosion- resistant/ corrosion resisting aluminum alloy 抛光polishing 抛光剂polishing composition 抛光设备polishing unit 喷玻璃丸glass bea blasting 喷磨abrasive blasting 喷砂san blasting 喷涂设备spraying equipment 喷丸shot blasting 其他others 气体发生设备gas generation equipment 气体发生设备Gas processing Equipment 铅制结构正面aluminum face 切割设备cutting apparatus 切割设备Cutting Equipment 氢氧化铝aluminum hyrate 12345678 氢氧化铝Hyrogen alumina 清洗cleaning 清洗设备cleaning equipment 去磁器emagnetizer 去离子作用eionization 去氧化物处理eoxiizing 热轧设备Heat-rolle Equipment 熔剂油flux oil 熔炼焊剂smelting flux 熔铸设备Founing Equipment 乳烛液脱脂emulsion egreasing 软铝棉aluminum soft wool 软轮抛光buffing 散热器Raiator 伸缩铝管extension Aluminum tube 渗铝aluminizing 石灰石limestone 刷光brushing 双开式弹簧铝门aluminum swing oor 水洗rinsing 酸洗pickling 添加剂aitive 铁分离器iron separator 涂层设备Coating equipment 涂料coating 推拉式铝门aluminum sliing oor 脱膜stripping 脱脂egreasing 无缝铝管seamless Aluminum pipe 稀土tombar thite/ rare-earth(RE) 硝酸铝aluminum nitrate 锌铝aluminum zinc 型材拉弯设备Profiles Bening Equipment 絮凝flocculate 絮凝剂flocculating agent/ amixture 压延设备Plain Rolle Equipment 压铸铝aluminum ie casting 亚光处理matte finnishing 阳极anoe 阳极效率anoe efficiency 阳极氧化anoic oxiation 阳极氧化复合膜combine anoic coating 阳极氧化膜anoic oxie coating 阳极氧化膜再活化reactivation (of an anoic oxie coating) 氧化铝alumina ,aluminum oxie 氧化铝板alumite tile 氧化锌zinc oxie 液碱 液压油hyraulic liqui/meium 阴极cathoe 银粉漆涂层aluminum paint coating 银灰漆aluminum paste 硬铝板uralumin sheet 硬脂酸铝aluminum stearate 有机聚合物喷涂膜spraying coating 有机溶剂脱脂organic solvent egreasing 有效面significant surface 原辅材料Raw Materials 12345678 原铝virgin Aluminum 增光brighetning 振动筛vibration sieve 整型机integer machine 纸板paperboar 纸管paper tube 纸制品paper proucts 铸铝aluminum casting 铸铝合金aluminum casting alloy 铸扎设备Founing Equipment 自然氧化natural oxiation包装材料PackagingMaterial 包装设备packagingequipment 表面处理设备SurfaceTreatmentEquipment表面预处理surfacepretreatment 冰晶石cryolite 薄铝片aluminumfoil 彩铝板coloredAluminumplate 槽型铝材aluminumchannel 超高铝制烟囱aluminumskyscraper 超声波清洗ultrasonicclesning 成型薄铝板aluminumprofilesheet 成型薄铝板aluminumprofiledsheet 成型铝板aluminumprofilepanel 成型铝板aluminumprofiledpanel 除灰desmutting 纯碱alkali 纯铝板pureAluminumplate 磁电设备magnetoelectricityEquipment 磁性上辊magneticroller 催化剂catalyzer 打渣剂fluxingmedium 带式磨光beltgrinding 氮化铝aluminumnitride 道路照明铝制电杆aluminumstreetlightingcolumn 电镀electroplating 电解electrolysis 电解浸蚀electrolyticetching 电解滤液electrolysefiltrate 电解铝electrolysealuminum 电解抛光electroplishing 电解液electorlyte 电解增光electrobrightening 电流密度currentdensity 电流效率currentefficiency 镀铝aluminumplating 缎面处理satinfinishing 锻用铝合金aluminumalloyfortemper 锻制铝合金aluminumwroughtalloy 多孔铝制天花板aluminumperforatedceiling 矾土水泥aluminumcement 防腐剂anticorrodant 防腐剂anticorrosiveagent 防腐涂料anticorrosivepaint 防蚀铝线alumitewire 防雨铝板aluminumflashing 废铝aluminiumscrap。





































铝箔纸(Aluminium foil),亦作铝箔,在香港称之为锡纸,是一种用压平了的金属铝制造的工具,主要用于厨房煮食、盛载食物,或用来制作一些可以简单清洁的物料。









GB/T 3198-2010《铝箔》(Chinese National Standard):该标准是中国国家标准,规定了铝箔的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及包装、标志、运输和贮存等内容。

ASTM B209-14《Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate》:该标准是由美国材料和试验协会(ASTM)发布的,包括了铝箔在内的铝合金板和薄板的要求。

EN 546-2《Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Foil - Part 2: Aluminium foil, thickness below 0,2 mm》:该标准是欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)发布的,主要涉及铝箔的要求,尤其是厚度在0.2毫米以下的箔。

ISO 7886-1《Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use —Part 1: Syringes for manual use》:尽管这个标准的主要目的是规定一次性使用的注射器的要求,但其中的一部分也包括了用于包装注射器的铝箔。





外贸包装术语英汉大全2009-03-09 13:11:59 作者:tc001 来源:浏览次数:2504托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single Po lymembrane Inside.Packing Sound.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好Packed imply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally.Packing Sound.纸箱 Carton瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱 Wooden Case板条箱 Crate木条箱 Wooden Crate竹条箱 Bamboo Crate胶合板箱 Plywood Case三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱 Tin Lined Wooden Case盒 Box木盒 Wooden Box铁盒 Iron Box塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box袋 Bag(Sack)布袋 Cloth Bag草袋 Straw Bag麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋 New Gunny Bag尼龙袋 Nylon Bag聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag塑料袋 Poly Bag塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag纤维袋 Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag乳胶袋子 Emulsion Bag三层牛皮纸袋 3Ply Kraft Paper Bag锡箔袋 Fresco Bag特大袋 Jumbo Bag单层完整袋子 Single Sound Bag桶 Drum木桶 Wooden Cask大木桶 Hogshead小木桶 Keg粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶 Bakelite Drum塑料桶 Plastic Drum铁桶 Iron Drum镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum 镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum 铝桶 Aluminum Drum麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包 Mat Bale草包 Straw Bale紧压包 Press Packed Bale铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package铁机包 Hard-pressed Bale木机包 Half-pressed Bale覃(缸) Jar陶缸 Earthen Jar瓷缸 Porcelain Jar壶 Pot铅壶 Lead Pot铜壶 Copper Pot施 Bottle铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle陶瓶 Earthen Bottle瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle罐 Can听 Tin绕线筒 Bobbin笼(篓、篮、筐) Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐) Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐) Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet件(支、把、个) Piece架(台、套) Set(Kit)安瓿 Amp(o)ule(药针支)双 Pair打 Dozen令 Ream匹 Bolt(Piece)码 Yard卷(Roll(reel)块 Block捆 Bundle瓣 Braid度 Degree辆 Unit(Cart)套(罩) Casing包装形状 Shapes of Packing圆形 Round方形 Square三角形 Triangular(Delta Type)长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond)椭圆形 Oval圆锥形 Conical圆柱形 Cylindrical蛋形 Egg-Shaped葫芦形 Pear-Shaped五边形 Pentagon六边形 Hexagon七边形 Heptagon八边形 Octagon长 Long宽 Wide高 High深 Deep厚 Thick长度 Length宽度 Width高度 Height深度 Depth厚度 Thickness包装外表标志 Marks On Packing下端,底部 Bottom顶部(上部) Top(Upper)小心 Care勿掷 Don’t Cast易碎 Fragile小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火 Inflammable保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry防潮 keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置 Keep Upright请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped避冷 To be Protected from Cold避热 To be Protected from Heat在滚子上移动 Use Rollers此方向上 This Side Up由此开启 Open from This Side爆炸品 Explosive易燃品 Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet有毒品 Poison无毒品 No Poison不可触摩 Hand off适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)六边形 Hexagon长六边形 Long Hexagon圆形 Circle/Round二等分圆 Bisected Circle双环形 Crossed Circle双圆形 Double Circle双带圆形 Zoned Circle长圆形 Long Circle椭圆形 Oval双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle三角形 Triangle六角星形 Hexangular Star二重三角形 Double Triangle对顶三角形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle 内外三角形 Three Triangle十字形 Cross圆内十字形 Cross in Circle三角形 Angle义架形 Crotch直线 Line月牙形 Crescent心形 Heart星形 Star包装情况 Packing Condition散装 In Bulk块装 In Block条装 In Spear片装 In Slice捆(扎)装 In Bundle裸装 In Nude裸散装 Bare in Loose木托架立装 Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf 传统包装 Traditional Packing中性包装 Neutral Packing水密 Water Tight气密 Air Tight不透水包 Water Proof Packing不透气包 Air Proof Packing薄膜 Film Membrane透明纸 Transparent Paper牛皮纸 Kraft Paper地沥青牛皮纸 Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸 Waxpaper厚板纸 Cardboard Paper蒲、苇 Bulrush mat防水纸 Water Proof Paper保丽龙(泡沫塑料) Poly Foam(SnowBox)竹条 Bamboo Batten竹篾 Bamboo Skin狭木条 Batten铜丝 Brass Wire铁丝 Iron Wire铁条 Iron Rod扣箍 Buckle外捆麻绳 Bound with Rope Externally外裹蒲包,加捆铁皮 Bale Matted Iron-band-strapped Outside块装外加塑料袋 Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋 Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮 Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎 Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运 Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation 适合出口海运包装 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码 With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印 With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards 用…隔开 Portioned with纸屑 Paper Scrap纸条 Paper Slip净重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt)皮重 Tare Weight包装唛头 Packing Mark包装容积 Packing Capacity包袋件数 Packing Number小心玻璃 Glass易碎物品 Fragile易腐货物 Perishable液体货物 Liquid切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold怕热 To Be Protected from Heat怕火 Inflammable上部,向上 Top此端向上 This Side Up勿用手钩 Use No Hooks切勿投掷 No Dumping切勿倒置 Keep Upright切勿倾倒 No Turning Over切勿坠落 Do Not Drop/No Dropping切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat切勿压挤 Do Not Crush勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处 Keep Cool/Stow Cool干处保管 Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place甲板装运 Keep on Deck装于舱内 Keep in Hold勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level怕光 Keep in Dark Place怕压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起 Lift Here挂绳位置 Sling Here重心 Centre of Balance着力点 Point of Strength用滚子搬运 Use Rollers此处打开 Opon Here暗室开启 Open in Dark Room先开顶部 Romove Top First怕火,易燃物 Inflammable氧化物 Oxidizing Material腐蚀品 Corrosive压缩气体 Compressed Gas易燃压缩气体 Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品 Poison爆炸物 Explosive危险品 Hazardous Article放射性物质 Material Radioactive立菱形 Upright Diamond菱形 Diamond Phombus双菱形 Double Diamond内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond四等分菱形 Divided Diamond突角菱形 Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形 Projecting Diamond内直线菱形 Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond三菱形 Three Diamond附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends正方形 Square Box长方形 Rectangle梯形 Echelon Formation平行四边形 Parallelogram井筒形 Intersecting Parallels五边形 Pentagon纸带 Paper Tape纸层 Paper Wool泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics泡沫橡胶 Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water包内衬薄纸 Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋 Lined with Frescobag内置充气氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸 Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper 铝箔包装 In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸 Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case 双层布袋外层上浆 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖 Bakelite Cover外绕铁丝二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有 Labels Were Marked with纸箱上标有 Cartons Were Marked with包装合格 Proper Packing包装完整 Packing Intact包装完好 Packing Sound正规出口包装 Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥 Improper Packing包装不固 Insufficiently Packed包装不良 Negligent Packing包装残旧玷污 Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍 Cartons Wet &Stained外包装受水湿 With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变 Shape of Packing Distorted散包 Bales Off铁皮失落 Iron Straps Off钉上 Nailed on尺寸不符 Off Size袋子撕破 Bags Torn箱板破 Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条 With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整 Packed inWoodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好 Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋 Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤 Packed in Iron Drums and Each Drum Net 190kgs 木箱包装,内装2卷。



连接器行业专业英语高频词句连接器行业专业英语高频词句(中英对照)Connecter 连接器Cable 导线Wire-to-wire 线至线Wire-to-board 线至板Mini-universal 小型通用Circular plastic connectors 塑料密封环连接器DL (dual-leaf) contact sockets 双叶式触点插座Drawn spring DIP contact socket 弹簧触点插座Zig-zag package sockets 锯齿形封装插座Positive lock connectors 确立锁定连接器Coax mix 同轴混合Shielded circular DIN connectors 屏蔽式圆型DIN连接器Memory card connectors 记忆装置插结连接器SIMM sockets 单列记忆模件插座Low profile 低高度CIS (commercial interconnection system) 商用连接系统Hinge connectors 铰连连接器Card-edge connectors 边缘插接连接器Euro card connectors 欧式插接连接器Modular interconnection system 组合连接系统interconnection system 互连系统RF connectors 射频连接器Twin-Ax connectors 双轴互连系统Low profile coaxial tap 低高度型有源同轴电缆线器4 position data connectors 4位数据连接器Insulation and wire support 绝缘体及导线套Ring-Tongue terminals 环形舌端子Wire size range 线径范围Slotted-T ongue terminals 叉式舌片端子Butt splices 对头接头Dentented Ring-Tongue terminals 卡爪环舌型端子Fits tab thickness 配合接片厚度Accepts terminals 配合端子Crimp-type tabs 压接式接片Free-Hanging and Panel-Mount Applications 自由悬挂及面板装嵌适用Cable clamp 电缆钳位夹PC Board vertical pin headers 垂直接插式接插头组件PC Board Right-Angle pin and socket headers 水平接插式接插头组件Panel-Mount connectors 面板装嵌连接器Insulation Displacement plugs 绝缘位移连接插头Dielectric withstanding voltage 介质承受电压Free-Hanging type cap housings 自由悬挂式套座壳体Semiautomatic crimping machine 半自动压接机Power supply 供给功率Air pir pressure 气压Panel mount type cap housings 面板装嵌套座壳体Post header for printed circuit board 印刷底板用柱头Mass termination assemblies 集体端接组件Post header assemblies 接插柱头组件Polarized right angle post header assembly 有极向性水平接插柱头组件Friction lock 锁尖装置Sigle leaf connectors 单叶片连接器CPC (circular plastic connectors) 塑料密封环型连接器Crimp Snap-In contacts 压接式套入触点Socket with straight solder tails 直立焊脚插座Retention feature solder tails 弯曲焊脚Sockets with retention feature solder tails 面板附定曲脚插座2High Pressure Tin (HPT) sockets 镀锡高压芯片Positive lock retention feature 彻底锁定装置Plug-Grounding Indents 插头外罩接地凹位Solder Cup connector 焊杯触点连接器Straight Exit RFI/EMI shield for Jacketed cable 直线引出RFI/EMI屏蔽外壳外套导线束适用Backshell assembly 后部外壳组件Board-Mount connectors with threaded inserts and board locks 底板安装连接器附内丝牙及板扣Board-Mount Receptacles 底板安装插座Non-Polarized Receptacles 无定位型插座Handset plug assembly 电话线插头组件Line cord plug assembly 听筒插头组件射频同轴连接器RF coaxial connector1.按尺寸分类 Connector types by size●标准连接器standard connector●小型连接器miniature connector●微型连接器sub-miniature connector●超小型连接器micro-miniature connector2. 结构和安装类型Connector configurations & mounting styles2.1接电缆的连接器 Cabled connector●直式 straight●弯式 right angle (直角)●穿墙式 bulkhead n. 隔壁,防水壁,分壁2.2不接电缆的连接器 Uncabled connector●PC板安装 PC mount●表面贴装 surface mount●边缘安装(偏腿)end launch●法兰安装 flange mount3. 联接机构 Coupling mechanism●螺纹联接 threaded connection(e.g. SMA)●卡口式联接 bayonet coupling(e.g. BNC)●推入式联接 snap-on coupling(e.g. MMCX)●快速锁紧联接 quick-lock coupling(e.g. QMA)●滑入式联接 slide-on coupling (e.g. BMA)4. 组成部件 Parts●壳体 body/shell/housing●绝缘子 insulator●夹头绝缘子 clamp top insulator●中心接触件 center contacta.插针 male/pinb.插孔 female/jack●中心导体 center conductor●内导体 inner conductor●外导体 outer conductor●插座/插口 jack-panel jack 面板插口/插座-bulkhead jack 穿墙插座4●插头 receptacle5. 材料 Material●黄铜 copper●铍青铜 beryllium copper●锡磷青铜 phosphor bronze●聚四氟乙烯PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene 特氟纶teflon ●不锈钢 stainless steel●合金 alloy●实心聚乙烯 solid PE●泡沫聚乙烯 foam PE /cellular polyethylene●白铜 white bronze●硅橡胶 silicon rubber●裸铜 BC=bare copper●易切削黄铜free cutting brass●稀土磁铁rare earth magnet●铝箔 aluminium foil●基材 base material●FR-4板材 FR-4 plate●硅脂 silicon grease●润滑硅脂 lubricating silicone grease6. 电镀 Plating/finishing●镀金 gold plated●镀镍 nickel plated●钝化 passivated●镀三元合金 SUCO plating●镍磷合金(无磁镍)镀层 SUCOPRO●铜,锡,锌镀层 copper-tin-zinc plating●滚镀 barrel plating●合金电镀 alloy plating7. 电气特性 Electrical characteristics●阻抗(欧姆) impedance (ohms)a.特性阻抗 characteristic impedanceb.标称阻抗 nominal impedance●频率范围 frequency range●工作频率 operating frequency●工作电压 working volt●额定电压 voltage rating●介质耐压 DWV=dielectric withstanding voltage (如:最大/小有效值为a伏 e.g. aVrms.max/min)●海平面耐电压:proof voltage at sea level●射频泄露 RF leakage●绝缘电阻 insulation resistance●插入损耗 insertion loss●电压驻波比 VSWR6●额定热电流 rated thermal current●介电常数 dielectric constant●击穿电压 breakdown voltage●额定电流 current rating●电容 capacitance●电感 inductance●电晕损耗 corona loss●熄灭电压 extinction voltage●屏蔽效应 shielding efficiency●低损耗 low loss8. 机械特性Mechanical characteristics●耐久性(次数)durability/mating life(cycles)●电缆保持力 cable retention force●啮合力 engagement force●分离力 separation force/ disengagement●轴向力 axial force ( insertion & withdrawal 插入&抽出力) ●扭矩 torque●径向扭矩力 radial torque●弯曲力矩 bending moment●弯曲半径 bending radius●抗张强度 tensile strength●机械应力 mechanical stress●机械互换性:mechanical compatibility●中心接触件固定性 center contact captivation●制动 cathers mit9. 环境性能及试验Environmental characteristics & test●工作温度范围 operating temperature range●贮存温度 storage temperature●密封,透气/不透气 sealing,hermetic/non-hermetic ●防潮 moistureproof/ dampproof●耐湿 humidity resistance●防水 waterproof●耐高温 high temperature resistance●耐热性 heat resistance●抗腐蚀性 corrrosion resistance●阻燃 flame resistant●抗风化,耐风雨,不受气候影响的 weather proof●热冲击 thermal shock●冲击 shock●振动 vibration●稳态湿热 damp heat, steady state●恒温 costant temperature●大气压(力),气压 barometric pressure●热处理,低温退火 annealing8●盐雾试验 salt mist/spray test●高压绝缘试验,闪点试验,火花试验 flash test●破坏性试验 destructive test●气密性试验 air tightness test●放电试验 discharge test10. 附件 Accessory●线夹 crimp ferrule●垫片 gasket●热缩管 heat shrink tubing/ heat-shrinkable tub ing ●护线套barrel crimp●衬套 bushing/braid clamp●卡环 lock ring/ snap ring●卡圈/弹簧卡环/压紧圈/挡圈 retainer ring●卡圈 collar●限位环 spacing ring/ stop collar●防晃圈 anti-rock ring●弹性接触件 resilient contact●锁销 lockpin●锁紧垫圈 lock washer●弹簧/性垫圈 spring washer●密封圈 seal ring●开口垫圈 slotted washer●防尘帽 dustproof cover/ dust cap●螺母 nut/screw nut●螺纹套筒 threaded sleeve●滚花螺母 knurled nut●直纹滚花 straight knurls●网纹滚花 crossed knurls●防松螺母/自锁螺母 locknut●锁紧螺母,止动螺母,压紧螺母 jam nut●紧固螺母 clamp nut●螺丝钉screw●法兰盘/凸缘盘 flange plate●橡胶圈 gum ring●纯胶管,软管 gum rubber tubing●连接套 barrel splice / joint sleeve●波导管 waveguide●弹簧夹 spring finger●弹簧片 spring lamination●紧固件 fixture/fastener●紧固螺栓 fastening bolt/ binding bolt●密封塞子 sealing plug●密封盖 sealing cover●匹配针 matched pin10●两芯电源插座 2-Core Socket●无源元件 passive component11. 工装夹具 Work fixture●夹具 clamping yoke●冲压工具 stamping tool●去毛刺工具 deburr tool●螺丝刀 screwdriver●平口螺丝刀 slotted screwdrier●十字花螺丝刀 phillips screwdrier●铆合机staker / riveting machine ●翻边器/卷边器hemmer/fold back tool ●钳子/镊子 pliers●螺丝钳/夹钳 clamp●电缆钳 cable nipper●剪钳,老虎钳 cutting nipper●尖嘴钳 sharp-nose pliers●钢丝剪钳 wire nipper●锉刀 file●扳手 wrench●钢锯 hacksaw●铆钉钳 rivet clipper●铆钉机 rivet driver●整平器,剔除器 flush trimmer●修边模 flush trim die●卡接槽口 clamping Slot●卡接工具 clamping cool●卡线钳 clamping pincers●力矩扳手 torque spanner●拧上 screw on●拧下 screw off射频同轴电缆及组件RF coaxial cable & cable assemblies1. 电缆类型 Cable types●超柔电缆 super-flexible cable●柔软电缆 flexible cable●半柔电缆 semi-flexible cable●半刚电缆 semi-rigid cable●跳/馈线 jumper/feeder cable●波纹电缆 corrugated cable2. 电缆组件类型 Cable assembly types●半刚电缆组件 semi-rigid cable assembly●半柔电缆组件 semi-flexible cable assembly●柔性电缆组件 flexible cable assembly●低损耗、稳相电缆组件low loss & stable phase cable assembly12●毫米波电缆组件 millimeter wave cable assembly3.电缆设计Cable design3.1外导体设计 Design of outer conductor●单屏蔽 single screen●双屏蔽 double screen●绕包带和屏蔽层 tape and screen●金属管(半刚)tube(semi-rigid)●波纹 corrugated3.2 内导体设计 Design of inner conductor●实芯线 solid wire●绞合线 stranded wire●金属管 tube●螺纹管 screwed tube3.3 电缆结构 Cable construction●内导体 inner conductor●介质 dielectric●屏蔽层 shielding layer 编织层 braid layer/ply●护套 jacket3.4 电缆材料●镀锡铜 TC=tinned copper●铜包钢 BCCS=bare copper clad steel●镀银铜线 SC=silver covered copper●镀锡铜线 tinned copper●铜包钢线 CCS=copper clad steel●镀银铜包钢线 SCCS=silver covered copper clad steel ●铜包铝线 BCCAl=bare copper clad aluminum●镀锡铜编织层 tinned copper braid●裸导线/无镀层导体 plain conductor●裸线, 裸导线 naked wire4. 电缆的装接方式 Cable attachment method4.1 柔软电缆 Flexible cable●压接式 crimp●夹持式 clamp4.2 半刚电缆 Semi-rigid cable●焊接式 solder5. 其它 Others●电缆旋转(挠动)cable rotation (nutation)●电缆拉伸 cable pulling●电缆弯曲 cable bending●电缆扭转 cable torsion/twisting●屏蔽线 shielded wire●双绞线 twisted pair●屏蔽双绞电缆 STP=shielded twisted pair●扁形软电缆 flat flexible cable●扁形双芯软线 flat twin flexible cord14●绕包带式 tape wrapping type●挤出型 extruded type●包带节距 tapping pitch射频同轴转接器RF coaxial adapter1. 转接器类型 Adapter types●系列间转接器:between-series adapter●系列内转接器:in-series adapter焊接用词汇●焊接槽 solder bucket●焊接柱 solder spill●焊片 solder gasket●焊锡圈 soldering ring●焊接孔solder eye●浸锡 tin soaked●焊锡丝 tin wire●漏焊 missing welding●虚焊incomplete weld / weld defect/cold solder joint ●硬钎焊 solder brazing●焊割两用气焊枪 welding and cutting torch●焊接夹具 welding fixture●焊剂/焊料 welding fluid/ flux●焊接应力 welding stress●焊锡坑 solder cup●焊接涂料 welding paste●焊接部分 welding portion●无焊缝的 weldless●烙铁 soldering iron●烙铁架 iron stand●脱焊 loose weld●元器件表面焊接整洁,焊点圆滑 component surface is clearlywelded with smooth welding point●元器件无虚焊,漏焊,错贴 no cold solder joint, solder skipsand wrong welding of components●solder bath method 焊槽法技术要求&其它 Techinical requirments & others●机械和电气基准面 mechanical and electrical referenceplane●符合RoHS要求 RoHS compliant (e.g.this part complies withRoHS)●括号中尺寸为参考尺寸dimensions with()denote referencedimensions●铣槽和涨口/收口 slotted & flared/closed●去除毛刺 remove burrs/ deburr16●除锈 rust cleaning/removing●点铆 stamp●扩口 enlarge kerfs●毛边flash●编织层翻边 wrap the braid over the braid clamp(衬套)●外观,外形 appearance/outline●界面防水等级 interface waterproof level●标记内容:商标型号批次号 labels: trade mark,type, batchnumber●未注明公差按… non-specified tolerances according...●…要求为非磁性材料…required to have non-magneticmaterial●导电环氧树脂回填 conductive epoxy back fill●外观检查:镀层表面无斑点和痕迹,界面无金属碎屑 Visualinspection: plating surface must be without spot and cinch marks; interface must be clean of metal chip●外观良好 good appearance●产品承认书 product acknowledgement●喷锡,黑油,无铅工艺 tin sprayed,black oil,lead free●无杂质 free of foreign matter●整涂覆 overall braid●现场安装field installation●两体结构two-body structure●尾部微带 rear strip●中心接触件弹性支撑center contact with elasticity support缩写和首字母缩写词 Abbreviations & acronyms:●连接器 CONN=connector●接触件 CONT=contact●超小D型连接器 D-sub CONN=D-subminiature connector●阴连接器/外壳 HSG=housing●印制电路板 PCB=print circuit board●产品型号,零件号 P/N=part number●订购单 P/O=purchasing order●数量 QTY=quantity●图纸 DWG=drawing●组件ASS’Y=assembly●日期代码 D/C=date code●序号,编号 S/N=serial number●不良品,不合格品 NG=no good●不适用 N/A=not applicable●不可用,无法使用 N.A.=not available●直角 R/A=right angle●检验水平 IL=inspection level●可接受的 AC=acceptable18●可接受质量水平 AQL=acceptable quality level●退货,拒收 REJ=rejection●物料单,材料(零件)清单 BOM=bill of materials●无源交调 PIM=passive intermodulation●三阶交调 IM3= Intermodulation 3-tone●印制电路板PCB= printed circuit board●技术更改指令 ECO=Engineering Change Order●工程更改请求 ECR= Engineering Change Request●工艺更改通知单 PCN=Process Change Notice●制程能力/生产过程能力指数 CPK=capability of production index●过程工艺持续改进 CPI=continuous process improvement ●大批量生成 MP=mass production●操作指南,使用说明书 OI=operating instruction●生产制造 MFG=manufacturing●作业指导书,制作规程 MI=manufacturing instruction●生产控制 PC=production control●质量保证 QA=quality assurance●质量控制 QC=quality control●统计过程管控 SPC=statistical process control ●十亿分之一 PPB=part per billion●百万分之一 PPM=part per million。




1. **正极铝箔(Cathode Aluminum Foil):** 正极铝箔是电池中正极材料的承载体。


2. **负极铝箔(Anode Aluminum Foil):** 负极铝箔用于连接负极活性材料,例如石墨,与电池电解质和隔膜,以构建负极的电极结构。


3. **集流板(Current Collector):** 集流板用于连接电池正负极,将电流从电极传递到外部电路。


4. **外壳铝箔(Shell Aluminum Foil):** 外壳铝箔用于封装电池,构建电池的外壳结构。


5. **散热铝箔(Thermal Aluminum Foil):** 一些电池中还使用散热铝箔,以帮助散发电池内部产生的热量,以防止过热。




铝箔膜隔热材Aluminum foil insulation这是一种新的环保型隔热保温材料,该材料柔软、轻便易于安装。



功能:可安装于屋顶、墙壁或者地板,对建筑物起到与外界80%以上热能量阻隔作用,保护墙壁, 抵挡温度急增骤降等功效。

特点:1、本品无味无毒,环保;2、轻便、柔软、无尘、阻燃,易于安装;3、具有热反射、隔热、隔音、反辐射、防震、屏蔽功能;4、防潮、防晒、防水、密封性好,保温节能…5、夏天:防潮、防晒、隔热,节省冷气;6、冬天具有保温作用,可节省暖气,有显著的节能效果用途:1. 屋顶、墙体, 、地板;2. 空调、热水器外套;3. 水管、通风管防护外层;The product is a brand-new environmental friendly thermal insulation material. It made from Aluminum foil and LDPE, processed by special machines. Its heat transfer forms are mainly three types: radiation, conduction, and convection. This new insulation material has not only solved the uncomfortable to the human body and the harm to environment caused by the former glass fiber insulation material and spongy kind insulation material. Moreover, it can also keep the ultraviolet radiation out of rooms, which could easily penetrates ordinary thermal insulation material such as the iron sheet, the concretes, the lumber and so on. We researches and develops this product based on the combination polyethylene and aluminum foil which has the characteristic of heat and light reflecting . This bubble laminated aluminum foil insulation material provides excellent isolation, thermal reflection, heat insulation andanti-radiation function. All these functions enable the product can be used in house construction area (roof, wall and floor), so as to reach moisture-proof, heat preservation and energy conservation purpose etc.Usage:It is an economical solution for a wide range of industrial, manufacturing and consumer applications, such as for industrial sheds, commercial buildings, home insulation, under woodor laminated flooring, roof insulation, carpet underlay, pipe and vent-pipe jacket and construction.Characteristics:1) Tasteless and non-toxic.2) Clean, thin and lightweight.3) Outstanding safety and environmental benefits.4) Moisture-proof, heat preservation and energy conservation.5) Easy to install, high efficiency.6)Cost-effective and versatile.Types:1)AL / bubble / AL ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 4 MM ).2)AL / bubble / AL ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 2.5MM ).3)AL / bubble / white PE anti-flaming sheet ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 4 MM ).4)AL / bubble / white PE anti-flaming sheet ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 2.5MM ).5)AL / bubble + bubble / AL ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 4 MM ).6)AL / bubble + bubble / AL ( bubble: ¢: 10mm, H: 2.5MM ).7)AL / white anti flaming bubble / AL with blue color ( bubble: ¢: 20mm, H: 7MM ). 8)AL / white anti flaming bubble / woven cloth /AL ( bubble: ¢: 20mm, H: 7MM ).。


1、化学品及企业标识 中文名称:铝箔 英文名称:Aluminum Foil 生产企业名称: 地址: 邮编: 传真号码: 企业应急电话: 技术说明书编码:DY-AL-MSDS-001 生效日期:2008-01-01 国家应急电话:(0532) 3889090/9191
相对密度:2.7 溶解性:易溶于稀硫酸、盐酸、碱溶液。 主要用途:食品、药品、卷烟等包装领域,家庭日用,建筑绝热材料,电容器领 域,散热器,电缆,装饰板等。 10、稳定性和反应性 稳定性:稳定 禁配物:水、汞、卤素、卤烃、强氧化剂 避免接触的条件:无资料 聚合危害:不能发生 分解产物:当加热至分解时会产生有毒的烟雾。 11、毒理学资料 无资料 12、生态学资料 无资料 13、废弃处置 废弃物性质:非危险废物 废弃处置方法:可集中收集,作为废铝回炉重熔再利用。无法再利用的废弃物按 国家或地方要求进行处理。 14、运输信息 危险货物编号:无资料 UN 编号:无资料 包装标志:包装箱外应清楚标识“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“向上” 包装类别:无资料 包装方法:无资料 运输注意事项:运输工具应清洁、干燥、无污染物,不能与化学活性物质及潮湿 材料装在同一个车厢、船舱、集装箱内运输,敞车运输必须盖好篷布,防止水浸 入。装卸应采用合适的方式,注意轻拿轻放,以防损坏包装箱导致产品损伤。 15、法规信息 无资料 16、其他信息 填表时间: 填表部门: 数据审核单位: 修改说明:当国家标准、相关产品管理规定发生变化时,应对此 MSDS 进行修订。



Floating Tin Foil锡纸为一种涂上或贴以像银的膜状金属纸,多为银白色,实际上是铝箔。

铝箔纸(Aluminium foil),亦作铝箔,在香港称之为锡纸,是一种用压平了的金属铝制造的工具,主要用于厨房煮食、盛载食物,或用来制作一些可以简单清洁的物料。






How does tinfoil float? Find out on this Moment of Science.Here’s an experiment you can do at home with your kids.Take a sheet of tin foil and shape it into a little canoe. Now fill up the sink(水槽) with water. Now go find a young person. Ask her or him if this much tinfoil will float. Have the young person feel how heavy the tin foil is. After you’ve made your guesses, place the canoe in the water.Yep, it floats. You say: I guess we can conclude that tin foil that weighs this much is still light enough to float, huh?If said young person falls for this, say: Then how come whenI crumple up(揉皱)the canoe into a ball, the tin foil sinks? Crumple the canoe. Down it goes. The crumpled ball weighs exactly as much as the canoe did. Why doesn’t it float?The answer is in displacement(位移). An objectthat displaces(转移) its own weight in water will float, regardless of how heavy it is. That’s why multi-ton battleships(战列舰) don’t sink: as long as they push aside their own weight in water, they’ll stay on top.Now, the canoe you made has an excellent shape for displacing water. It acts like a wedge(楔), pushing water aside as you lower it into the sink and replacing the water with low-density(低密度的) air. The crumpled ball, on the other hand, has just the wrong shape. All of its mass is compressed(压紧,压缩) together, so it has a high density throughout and displaces very little water. And down it goes!注释:1.crumple up(使)坍塌; (揉)皱The house crumpled up in the gale.房子在狂风中倒塌了。



铝箔英文版的MSDS Aluminum Foil MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 1. IdentificationProduct Name: Aluminum FoilChemical Formula: AlCAS Number: 7429-90-5Synonyms: Aluminium foil, al-foilEmergency Phone Number: [Emergency Phone Number] 2. Hazard IdentificationClassification:- Eye Irritation (Category 2A)- Skin Irritation (Category 2)- Acute Toxicity – Inhalation (Category 4)- Chronic Aquatic Toxicity (Category 3)Potential Hazards:- Causes eye irritation.- May cause skin irritation.- Can be harmful if inhaled.- May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.Chemical Name: Aluminum foilCAS Number: 7429-90-5Concentration: 100%4. First Aid Measures- Eye Contact: Rinse thoroughly with water for several minutes, remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.- Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs or persists.- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If experiencing respiratory symptoms, seek medical attention.- Ingestion: Rinse mouth, do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if necessary.5. Firefighting Measures- Suitable Extinguishing Media: Water spray, foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide.- Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: Aluminum may form explosive mixtures with oxidizing agents (e.g., chlorine, fluorine).- Special Protective Equipment and Precautions for Firefighters: Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).6. Accidental Release Measures- Personal Precautions: Wear appropriate protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, and respiratory protection) when handling and cleaning spills.- Environmental Precautions: Avoid release into the environment. Contain and collect any spilled material.- Clean-up Procedures: Sweep up or vacuum spills carefully. Avoid generating dust. Place material in appropriate containers for disposal.7. Handling and Storage- Handling: Avoid eye and skin contact. Use in a well-ventilated area. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection- Engineering Controls: Use local exhaust ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below occupational exposure limits.- Personal Protective Equipment:- Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses or goggles.- Skin Protection: Wear gloves and protective clothing to minimize skin contact.- Respiratory Protection: Use a NIOSH-approved respirator if airborne concentrations exceed the occupational exposure limits.9. Physical and Chemical Properties- Appearance: Silver metal foil- Odor: Odorless- Melting Point: 660.32°C (1220.58°F)- Boiling Point: 2470°C (4478°F)- Solubility: Insoluble in water- Density: 2.70 g/cm³- Vapor Pressure: Not applicable10. Stability and Reactivity- Stability: Stable under normal conditions.11. Toxicological Information- Acute Toxicity: Low acute toxicity by inhalation, ingestion, and dermal exposure.- Eye/Skin Irritation: May cause moderate irritation to the eyes and skin.- Sensitization: No data available.- Carcinogenicity: Aluminum is not classified as a human carcinogen by IARC, NTP, or OSHA.- Chronic Toxicity: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause adverse effects in the aquatic environment.12. Ecological Information- Ecotoxicity: Toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments.13. Disposal Considerations- Disposal: Dispose of the material and its container in accordance with local, regional, or national regulations.14. Transportation Information- Not a dangerous good according to transport regulations.15. Regulatory Information- Listed on the TSCA inventory.16. Other Information- This MSDS contains valuable information critical to the safe handling, storage, and disposal of the product.。



双零铝箔(Double Zero Aluminum Foil)是一种厚度在0.005mm

1. 包装食品:双零铝箔可以用于包装各种食品,如巧克力、糖果、咖啡、方便面、烤肉等等。


2. 包装药品:双零铝箔也是药品包装的重要材料,可以用于包装


3. 包装化妆品:双零铝箔还可以用于包装化妆品,如口红、眼线笔、指甲油等。


4. 制作家用品:双零铝箔还可以用于制作各种家用品,如盆、桶、汤匙、碗、杯等等。


5. 其他用途:双零铝箔还可以用于制作烟盒、玻璃纸、铆钉、标签、电容器、导热片等等,用途非常广泛。























铝箔纸和锡纸有什么区别 哪个好

铝箔纸和锡纸有什么区别 哪个好














aluminium 常见释义
"Aluminium" 是一个常见的英文单词,通常指代以下几个含义:
1. 金属元素:"Aluminium" 在化学中代表的是铝(Al),是一种轻质、耐腐蚀的金属,常用于制造飞机、汽车、建筑材料等。

2. 铝制品:"Aluminium" 还可以用作指代铝制品,如铝制的罐、包装材料、锅具等。

3. 铝制品行业:"Aluminium" 也可以用来指代整个铝制品行业,包括铝的生产、加工和销售等。

4. 铝箔:"Aluminium foil" 是一种薄而柔软的铝箔材料,常用于包装食物或其他物品。

5. 铝合金:"Aluminium alloy" 指的是将铝与其他元素合金化得到的材料,具有较高的强度和耐腐蚀性,常用于制造各种产品。

总的来说,"aluminium" 这个词通常与铝及其制品相关,是一个非常常见的词汇。

1/ 1。



(中国铝箔之家QQ群45288782)烟箔产品名称(简称) :香烟包装用铝合金箔材Aluminum alloy foil for cigarette packing (烟箔)合金状态:8011-O最终用途:经衬纸、印刷或涂漆后用于香烟包装。

软包装箔产品名称(简称) :软包装用铝合金箔材Aluminum alloy foil for flexible packing(软包装箔)合金状态:8011-O最终用途:经涂塑、印刷或涂漆后用于糖果或食品包装。

视频电缆箔产品名称(简称) :视频电缆用铝及铝合金箔材Video cable foil(视频电缆箔)合金状态:1200/8011;O最终用途:经铝塑复合后用于包覆视频电缆。

家用箔产品名称(简称) :家庭用铝合金箔材Aluminum alloy household foil (家用箔)合金状态:8011-O最终用途:用于家用食品的包装和保鲜。

软管箔产品名称(简称) :软管用铝合金箔材Aluminum alloy foil for tube (软管箔)合金状态:1200/8011-O最终用途:经与PE复合印刷后,用于加工牙膏、药膏、化妆品等乳膏类产品包装。

产品名称(简称) :热封用铝及铝合金箔材Aluminum and aluminum alloy foil for hot seal purpose(热封箔)合金状态:8011-O最终用途:经印刷或涂漆等加工后,用于鲜奶和酸奶等奶制品包装。

药用箔产品名称(简称) :医药包装用铝合金箔材Aluminum alloy foil for Pharmaceutical (药用箔)合金状态:8011-H19;8011-O最终用途:8011-H19经涂胶、涂保鲜膜并印刷后用于平板医药包装;8011-O药用箔经与PE复合、涂胶、涂保鲜膜、印刷并冷冲压后用于医药包装,或经印刷、涂胶、或涂保鲜膜后用于医药瓶装封口包装。

汽车散热器箔产品名称(简称):汽车散热器用铝箔材Aluminum foil for auto radiator(汽车散热器箔)合金状态:1200-H18最终用途:经冲制后用于汽车水箱散热器翘片。


in blister pack 泡罩包装
industrial fabrics 工业用布
inner labeling 内标签
l ruling machine L划线机。可一次同时绘制横直线段的划线机。
outer packing 外包装
pack 包
Package Quantities 包装量
packபைடு நூலகம்ge size, packing size 包装规格
Packing for Hospital, Hospital (Size) Packs 医院用包装
lace paper 花边纸.印有各种花边设计图样的纸张。
laced-on-boards 压花边纸板.精装书籍上压有花边的封面纸板。
lacquer 漆
lacquer adherence 漆粘着
lacquer coating 漆涂层,烤漆laid finish 压纹。在纸上作各种花纹的加工。
global migration 总迁移。
gross weight (GW) 毛重
heat-seal lacquer 热封漆
heat-sealing 热封
heat-sealing durability 耐热封性
heat-sealing resistance 抗热封性
Rigid PVC Sheet PVC硬质板,硬质PVC
road tanker 公路槽车;油槽车;液罐车
rolling and converting mill 轧制与加工厂
rolling mill 轧机;轧制厂











铝箔衬纸:是一种要求较高的加工用纸,定量范围为21~50 g/m2。











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铝箔纸 (Aluminium foil),亦作铝箔,在香港称之为锡纸,是一种用压平了的金属铝制造的工具,主要用于厨房煮食、盛载食物,或用来制作一些可以简单清洁的物料。













