



frm二级考试答案1. 以下哪项是frm考试中关于风险管理的定义?A. 风险管理是识别、评估和优先处理风险,以及采取经济可行的措施以降低风险的负面影响的过程。

B. 风险管理是识别、评估和优先处理风险,以及采取经济可行的措施以增加风险的负面影响的过程。

C. 风险管理是识别、评估和优先处理风险,以及采取经济可行的措施以消除风险的负面影响的过程。

D. 风险管理是识别、评估和优先处理风险,以及采取经济可行的措施以最大化风险的负面影响的过程。


2. 在frm考试中,市场风险通常指的是什么?A. 由于市场因素变化导致的潜在损失。

B. 由于操作失误导致的潜在损失。

C. 由于信用风险导致的潜在损失。

D. 由于流动性风险导致的潜在损失。


3. 以下哪项是frm考试中关于信用风险的描述?A. 信用风险是指借款人或交易对手未能履行合同义务的风险。

B. 信用风险是指市场价值波动导致的风险。

C. 信用风险是指由于自然灾害导致的损失风险。

D. 信用风险是指由于操作失误导致的损失风险。


4. 在frm考试中,操作风险通常包括哪些方面?A. 人员、流程、系统或外部事件引起的损失。

B. 市场价值波动引起的损失。

C. 信用风险引起的损失。

D. 法律和合规风险引起的损失。


5. frm考试中,以下哪项是关于流动性风险的描述?A. 流动性风险是指资产或负债在没有显著影响其公允价值的情况下,不能迅速转换为现金的风险。

B. 流动性风险是指资产或负债在显著影响其公允价值的情况下,不能迅速转换为现金的风险。

C. 流动性风险是指资产或负债在没有显著影响其公允价值的情况下,可以迅速转换为现金的风险。

D. 流动性风险是指资产或负债在显著影响其公允价值的情况下,可以迅速转换为现金的风险。




frm考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 在金融风险管理中,下列哪项不是市场风险的来源?A. 利率变动B. 股票价格波动C. 信用评级变化D. 商品价格波动2. 以下关于风险价值(VaR)的描述,哪项是不正确的?A. VaR是一种衡量金融资产或投资组合在一定置信水平下可能遭受的最大损失的方法B. VaR通常以货币单位表示C. VaR可以用于不同资产类别的风险比较D. VaR的计算不考虑时间因素3. 在信用风险管理中,以下哪项不是信用评级机构提供的服务?A. 信用评级B. 信用研究C. 信用咨询D. 资产评估4. 以下关于期权的描述中,哪项是正确的?A. 看涨期权赋予持有者在特定时间内以特定价格购买资产的权利B. 看跌期权赋予持有者在特定时间内以特定价格出售资产的权利C. 期权的内在价值等于执行价格与市场价格之差D. 期权的时间价值随着到期日的临近而增加5. 在固定收益证券中,下列哪项因素不会影响债券的收益率?A. 利率水平B. 信用评级C. 债券的到期时间D. 股票市场的波动性6. 以下关于资本充足率的描述,哪项是不正确的?A. 资本充足率是衡量银行资本充足程度的指标B. 资本充足率的计算公式为:资本充足率 = 核心资本 / 风险加权资产C. 资本充足率越高,银行的抗风险能力越强D. 资本充足率的计算不考虑银行的流动性7. 在衍生品市场中,以下哪项不是远期合约的特点?A. 远期合约是标准化的B. 远期合约通常在交易所进行交易C. 远期合约的交割时间是确定的D. 远期合约的结算通常在合约到期时进行8. 在风险管理中,以下哪项不是压力测试的目的?A. 评估在极端市场条件下资产或投资组合的表现B. 识别潜在的风险因素C. 为风险管理决策提供依据D. 预测市场的未来走势9. 以下关于资产负债管理的描述中,哪项是正确的?A. 资产负债管理主要关注资产的配置B. 资产负债管理主要关注负债的配置C. 资产负债管理旨在平衡资产和负债的期限结构D. 资产负债管理不考虑利率变动的影响10. 在金融监管中,以下哪项不是巴塞尔协议的核心原则?A. 资本充足性B. 监管的一致性C. 市场纪律D. 风险分散化二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)11. 描述市场风险和信用风险的主要区别,并举例说明。



2015年上海财经大学金融硕士(MF)入学考试《金融学综合》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:30,分数:60.00)1.下列关于比特币的说法,错误的是( )。



2.英国政府发行以人民币计价的政府债券,其目的是( )。



3.国际收支平衡表中,对外资产增加以及对外负债减少分别应计入( )。



4.按照利率平价来说,下列说法正确的是( )。





税前平均加权资本成本不变,则新的资本结构下,加权平均资本接近于( )。

A.14%√B.15%C.16%D.17%【解析】根据公司所得税的MM定理Ⅱ, R EL =R EU +×(R EU -R D )×(1一T)=16%+ ×(16%-9%)×(1-35%)=18.275%, WACC= ×9%×1-35%=14.13%。



frm考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是金融风险管理师(FRM)考试的核心组成部分?A. 风险管理基础B. 投资组合管理C. 金融市场与工具D. 企业金融答案:A2. FRM考试的第一部分主要涵盖哪些内容?A. 风险管理基础B. 定量分析C. 金融市场与产品D. 信用风险度量与管理答案:A3. FRM考试的第二部分主要关注哪些风险?A. 市场风险B. 操作风险C. 信用风险D. 所有上述风险类型答案:D4. FRM考试通常每年举行几次?A. 一次B. 两次C. 三次D. 四次答案:B5. 通过FRM考试需要达到的最低及格分数是多少?A. 60%B. 70%C. 75%D. 80%答案:C6. FRM考试的报名费用包括哪些部分?A. 注册费和考试费B. 考试费和资料费C. 注册费、考试费和资料费D. 仅考试费答案:A7. FRM考试的第一部分和第二部分之间必须间隔多长时间?A. 至少6个月B. 至少12个月C. 没有间隔要求D. 至少18个月答案:C8. FRM考试的通过率通常是多少?A. 40%-50%B. 50%-60%C. 60%-70%D. 70%-80%答案:B9. 通过FRM考试后,申请成为FRM持证人需要满足哪些条件?A. 两年相关工作经验B. 四年相关工作经验C. 六年相关工作经验D. 八年相关工作经验答案:A10. FRM持证人需要多久进行一次持续专业教育(CPE)?A. 每年B. 每两年C. 每三年D. 每四年答案:A。

V1_201505 FRM 二级模拟考试(二)_题目

V1_201505 FRM 二级模拟考试(二)_题目
1 - 23
B. C. D.
I, III, and IV III and IV IV only
4. Each of the following is true about the liquidity risk typology except which is false? A. Liquidity risk has three major types: 1. Transaction (aka, asset, market); 2. Funding (aka, cash flow, balance sheet); and 3. Systemic (aka, crisis) B. Transaction liquidity risk (aka, asset or market liquidity risk) can be modeled by either or both of an exogenous-spread approach or/and an endogenous price approach C. A key example of funding (aka, cash flow or balance sheet) liquidity risk is the rollover risk created by the maturity transformation function in a traditional depository institution D. The liquidity risk typology is well-defined into three buckets because the three major liquidity risk types do not interrelate; e.g., funding risk is not due to systemic causes; transaction risk does not constrain funding liquidity 5. The risk-free rate is 2% and the expected rate of return on the market is 8%. A bank figures that the risk-adjusted return on capital of a risky project with a beta of 1.6 is 11%. Is the project advisable if the bank uses adjusted RAROC? A. Not advisable, ARAROC is negative at 0.6%. B. Not advisable, ARAROC is only 5.625%. C. Advisable, ARAROC of 5.625% is greater than 3.75%. D. Advisable, ARAROC is positive at 0.6%. 6. Consider a bank that wants to model processing errors in its retail banking business. The number of such errors in a given year is denoted by random variable N. The dollar loss amount when a processing error occurs is denoted by random variable S. Which of the following procedures is the most likely implementation of the first step of the loss distribution approach? A. Convolute a marginal Poissh a Weibull (to characterize S) B. Convolute a marginal Poisson distribution (to characterize S) with a Weibull (to characterize N) C. Convolute a marginal lognormal distribution (to characterize N) with a Weibull (to characterize S) D. Convolute a marginal Poisson distribution (to characterize N) with a negative binomial (to Characterize S) 7. A portfolio manager’s “bogey” is a benchmark portfolio invested in three components: 60.0% in the S&P 500 (the equity index), 30.0% in a Lehman Bond Index (the bond index), and 10.0% in a money market fund (the cash index). A portfolio passively invested in this bogey portfolio would have returned +4.0% over the period. The manager’s actual portfolio components included 70.0% in equities, 20.0% in bonds, and 10.0% in cash. The manager’s actual portfolio underperformed the bogey by 90 basis points (i.e., 3.1% actual portfolio return compared to a 4.0% bogey



北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试2015.05.09Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Babies who are breast-fed may be more likely to be successful in life, a new study published Tuesday suggests. The study followed more than 3,000 babies into adulthood in Brazil. The researchers found those who were breast-fed scored slightly higher in intelligence tests in their 30s, stayed in school longer and earned more money than those who were given formula(配方奶粉).“Breast-feeding not only has short-term benefits, but also breast-feeding has long-term benefits, "says Bernardo Lessa Horta of the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil, who led the study being published in The Lancet Global Health.(76) Doctors have long known that breast-feeding can be good for a baby's health. This is especially true in poor countries, where water can be contaminated. For instance, a baby given formula in developing countries is 14 times more likely to die in the first six months than one who's breast-fed. In the U.S., some research has suggested that breast-feeding may raise a baby's IQ(智商)by a few points. But a recent study with siblings(兄弟姐妹)found little advantage to breast-feeding.Horta says these previous studies didn't follow children into adulthood to see if breast-feeding had long-term effects. So Horta analyzed data collected from 3,493 volunteers he and his colleagues have been following since birth. They are now in their 30s. First, the researchers gave the subjects IQ tests. Those who were breast-fed for 12 months or more had IQ test scores that were 3.76 points higher than those who were breast-fed for less than one month, the team found.When Horta and his colleagues looked at how much education the subjects had gotten and how much money they were making, they also found a clear difference: Those who were breast-fed the longest stayed in school for about an extra year and had monthly salaries that were about a third higher.1. From the passage, we learn that Horta_______________ .A. is from BrazilB. conducts his research in the U.S.C. has 30 researchers on his teamD. is well-known in developing countries2. Which of the following about those who were breast-fed is NOT mentioned?A. They stayed longer in schoolB. They were happierC. They were smarterD. They made more money3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Doctors don't understand the benefits of breast-feeding.B. Horta is concerned with water contamination in poor countries.C. Horta's research project lasted about 30 yearsD. Breast-feeding is the only way to improve a baby's health4. The word contaminated in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to____.A. finishedB. interestedC. clearedD. polluted5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A. Researchers Have Pointed Out the Disadvantages of Breast-feedingB. Researchers Have Found Out the Shortcomings of FormulaC. Breast-feeding Improves Chances of SuccessD. Breast-feeding Benefits Both Mother and BabyPassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Maggie Walker was born in 1867 in Richmond, Virginia. Her mother was once a slave in a rich woman's house. When Maggie was very young, a thief killed her father. Her family was impoverished, so Maggie's mother started doing laundry in her home. Maggie had to help her. She washed clothes every day, but she continued to go to school. She was a very good student, especially in math.After Maggie graduated from high school, she got a job as a teacher. In 1886, she married Armistead Walker. They had two sons and Maggie stayed home to care for them. She also volunteered to help a social organization called the Order of St. Luke. This organization helped African Americans take care of the sick and bury the dead. Maggie Walker loved the work of the organization. The organization believed that African Americans should take care of each other.Over the years, Maggie Walker had more and more responsibilities with the organization. In 1895, she suggested that St. Luke begin a program for young people. (77) This program became very popular with schoolchildren. In 1899, Walk became Grand Secretary Treasurer of the St. Luke organization. However, because she was a woman, she received less than half the salary of the man who had the job before her.The Order of St. Luke had a lot of financial difficulties when Walker took over. It had a lot of unpaid bills and only $31.61 in the bank. But soon Maggie Walker changed all of that. (78) Her idea was to get new members to join the Organization. In just a few years, it grew from 3,400 members to 50,000 members. The organization bought a $100,000 office building and increased its staff to 55. Now Walker was ready for her next big step.6. Maggie's father died____________.A. when she finished high schoolB. before she was bornC. when she was very youngD. after she got married7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Maggie had two children.B. Maggie was once a slave.C. Maggie was good at math.D. Maggie taught for a while.8. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Maggie loved to help other African Americans.B. Maggie was very popular with school teachers.C. Maggie was the founder of the Order of St. Luke.D. Maggie was better paid than men as Grand Secretary Treasurer.9. The word impoverished in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.A. difficultB. richC. famousD. poor10. After Paragraph 4, the author will probably talk about Maggie's__________________A. educationB. next projectC. payD. childhoodPassage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools, which is not equally enforced in all schools. Now, under his leadership, the city is preparing to end the ban. It will be replaced by a policy that allows phones inside schools but tells students to keep them packed away during class.Many schools have a rule about enforcing the ban that says, “If we don't see it, we don't know about it.”That means teachers are OK with students bringing in cell phones, as long as they stay out of sight and inside bags and pockets.But at the 88 city schools with metal detectors, die ban has been strictly enforced. The detectors were installed to keep weapon out of schools,but the scanners(扫描器)can also detect cell phones. So students at these schools must leave their phones at home or pay someone to store it for them.The ban was put into place in 2007 under mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ending the ban will also likely end an industry that has sprung up near dozens of the schools that enforce the ban. Workers in vans(厢式货车)that resemble food tracks store teens' cell phones and Other devices for a dollar a day,(79) Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency. They also say that enforcement of the ban is uneven and discriminatory. Where the ban is enforced, it puts a disadvantage on students who can't afford to pay to store their phones.Before putting an official end to the cell-phone ban, city education officials are working on creating a new policy. (80) It will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests.11. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?A. New York City will give financial aid to poor students.B. New York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.C. New York City plans to install metal detectors in all public schools.D. New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.12. Students pay ______ a day to leave their cell phones in a van parked near their school.A. a dollarsB. two dollarsC. five dollarsD. ten dollars13. Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep _______ out of schools.A. cell phonesB. weaponsC. alcoholD. drugs14. The word discriminatory in Paragraph 5 probably means________.A. necessaryB. toughC. strictD. unfair15. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. After the cell-phone ban is ended, students can use their phones during class.B. The cell-phone ban is equally enforced in all public schools.C. The cell-phone ban was put into place in 2008 under Mayor Bill de Blasio.D. A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. A: Excuse me, sir. But can you tell me if there is hotel near here?B: Eh…there is one at the street comer, two blocks away.A: Thank you very much!B: _________!A. Nice to see you!B. Pardon me.C. You're welcome.D. I agree.17. It often takes some time for a new couple to________ to each other's was way of life.A. referB. listenC. amountD. adjust18. Milk turns______ easily in the summer, so it is often kept in a refrigerator.A. sourB. sweetC. bitterD. delicious19. The Prime Minister had to________________ because he was believed to have done something bad against his people.A. releaseB. resignC. reformD. regard20. Last Sunday when Mr Wang was leaving Beijing for Canada, a number of his friend ______ at the airport.A. found him outB. put him upC. knocked him downD. saw him off21. Bob doesn't work hard________ in school. He is playing all the time!A. at allB. in allC. after allD. above all22.1 want to buy a new tie to go______________ this brown suit.A. intoB. withC. afterD. by23. Amy is very afraid of dogs, ______________ ?A. is sheB. dose sheC. isn't sheD. doesn't she24. The engine gives___________ smoke and steam.A. upB. inC. awayD. off25. Please turn the radio____________ . The baby is sleeping.A. upB. overC. offD. around26. Frank moved to California last summer and__________________ there since then.A. has stayedB. stayedC. is stayingD. stays27. The airplane___________ to have sunk to the bottom of Indian Ocean.A. supposeB. supposesC. has supposedD. is supposed28. The management have spent the whole day discussing the schedule of the meeting _______ next year.A. holdB. heldC. to holdD. to be held29. His car got stuck in the mud, so he_____ get off and asked the villager nearby to help.A. canB. had toC. used toD. may30. It was__________ winter night and a pale moon hung low in_____ sky.A. a; aB. the; theC. a; theD. the; a31. When Jack came in, I________ dinner with my parents.A. was havingB. hadC. am havingD. have32. Would you mind____ quiet for a little while? I am doing my course work.A. keepB. to keepC. keptD. keeping33. If you had come five minutes earlier, you________ him. It's a pity you were late!A. would meetB. would have metC. metD. had met34. My friend Peter,_____ had been on a visit to America, returned yesterday.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whose35. It takes at least five years to ten years_____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. when36. The man nest door has a good_____________ of going to bed at 10 p.m. every day.A. habitB. customC. traditionD. thing37.1 got the news__________ your call, but thank you just the same.A. due toB. used toC. senior toD. prior to38. Alan sold most of his belongings. He has scarcely______ left in the house.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing39. The president promised to keep all the board members_______ of how the talks were going on.A. informB. informingC. be informedD. informed40. _______ got on the train when it started to move.A. I rarely hadB. Scarcely had IC. No sooner I hadD. No sooner had I41. It's__________ day and I'd like to go for a walk in the park.A. so a beautifulB. a so beautifulC. such beautiful aD. such a beautiful42. Tom, more than anyone else, ____________ anxious to go there again.A. areB. wereC. isD. being43. If he__________ to this project, we will not go on to carry it out.A. will objectB. objectsC. had objectedD. objected44. It was during his stay in the countryside_________________ he began to learn English.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what45. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money couldA. make up forB. keep up withC. come up withD. put up withPart III Identification (10%)Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A. B. C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.46. The teacher had three students in this English speech contest, and all of which won the first prize.A B C D47. The war was broken out in 1937, which led to great losses of lives.A B C D48. He got to the station in a hurry only be told that the train had just gone.ABC D49. According to this morning's news, about two-thirds of the people in this village was made homeless after the storm.A B C D50. House prices are more higher in Beijing than in many other places in China.A B C D51. I am wondering when does the next train leave for Shanghai.A B C D52. He welcomed the new students and then went on to explaining the college rules.A B C D53. Yesterday Ted didn't go to school and his brother didn't go, too.A B C D54. I try to avoid to go shopping at weekends because the stores are so crowded.A B C D55. As they use energy only for motion, a snake can live longer without food than a human being.A B C DPart IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Rowan Torrez will never be able to bear his late(已故的)father tell him that he loves him, but yesterday he 56 received his dad's love in writing, a postcard 57 by his father nearly eight years ago.On March 7,just days before the two-year anniversary(纪念日)of the 58 of Joseph Torrez, his wife Julie and his ten-year-old son Rowan, received a postcard in the mail from Joseph. The postcard was 59 June 10, 2007. When Joseph Torrez was 60 and working, be would often send postcards to them from 61 places, which he had been to for business 62. And one of them arrived in their mailbox nearly eight years 63 he sent it.“Hello from Boston, the postcard 64. “I love you and I 65 you so much. See you soon. Love, Daddy."Rowan and his mother have no 66 how the postcard just showed 67 at their home in Littleton, Colorado. But they are thankful 68 one more gift from Joseph, 69 died on March 13, 2013 from a rare brain disease. Such a disease usually 70 a person after he is sixty years old, 71 Joseph died when he was only forty-one.The latest postcard is now one of the most 72 gifts that Rowan has received from his father. He will 73 it, adding it to his scrapbook(剪贴簿)74 he keeps all the other postcards from him. They help Rowan 75 his father after losing him at such a young age.56. A. unexpectedly B. unfortunately C. responsibly D. frequently57. A. write B. writing C. wrote D. written58. A. end B. life C. death D. birth59. A. made B. dated C. making D. dating60. A. asleep B. alive C. dead D. active61. A. wealthy B. useful C. different D. practical62. A. reasons B. scenes C. emotions D. speeds63. A. when B. before C. since D. after64. A. reads B. thinks C. reading D. thinking65. A. think B. trust C. miss D. hate66. A. method B. way C. Hope D. idea67. A. out B. up C. away D. off68. A. in B. with C. for D. on69. A. who B. whom C. that D. which70. A. trembles B. steals C. covers D. strikes71. moreover B. therefore C. but D. and72. A. careful B. precious C. nervous D. useless73. A. explain B. vanish C. resist D. treasure74. A. where B. which C. when D. that75. A. forget B. surprise C. remember D. receivePart V Translation (20%)Section ADirections: In this part there are Jive sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.76. Doctors have long known that breast-feeding can be good for a baby's health.77. This program became very popular with schoolchildren.78. Her idea was to get new members to join the organization.79. Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency.80. It will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests.Section BDirections: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.81. 周末,我宁愿待在家里看看书。



2015年5月FRM一级真题1. A company is expected to announce the terms of a materially important contractnegotiation in early April. A trader expects the company’s stock to be range-bound until then and has entered into a position that is short 100 March calls with a strike price of USD 50 and long 100 April calls with a strike price of USD 50. After some consideration, the risk committee believes there is a possibility that the news will be released in mid-March and informs the trade of this change. Based on the new information, the trader sells the 100 April calls and buys 50 March calls with a strike at USD 30 and 50 March calls with a strike at USD 70. What types of positions did the trader have?A. The original position was long a call spread and the final position was long astrangle.B. The original position was long a calendar spread and the final position waslong a butterfly spread.C. The original position was long a reverse calendar spread and final positionwas long a call spread.D. The original position was long a calendar spread and the final position wasshort a butterfly spread.2. A risk analyst is stress testing a stock’s return sensitivity to shocks inmacroeconomic factors using a multifactor model. The analyst derives the following estimates for the factor betas:β (GDP)=1.00β (Interest Rate) =-1.50Under baseline expectations for GDP growth of 3.5% and an interest rate of 3.0%, the expected return for the stock is estimated to be 6.0%. Under which of the following scenarios will the stock have the highest expected return?Scenario GDP Growth (%) Interest Rate (%)A -6.0 -1.0B -4.0 1.5C 0.0 5.0D 6.0 7.5A. Scenario AB. Scenario BC. Scenario CD. Scenario D3. A risk analyst compiles alternate measures from the United Nations’ database onthe four countries below to compare the socio-economic conditions in each.Country Gini Coefficient Human Development IndexU 0.305 0.821V 0.236 0.892W 0.315 0.909Z 0.378 0.937How would each country rank from having the most income inequality to the least income inequality?A. V>U>W>ZB. Z>W>U>VC. Z>W>V>UD. U>V>W>Z4. To estimate the price of a call option, an analyst performs a simulation with 100scenarios and estimates the 95% confidence interval for the call option price as[4.55; 5.15]. In order to increase the accuracy of the pricing results, a secondsimulation with 400 scenarios is performed. Assuming that the second simulation generated the same sample mean of 4.85 and the same sample standarddeviation of 1.50, given one tailed critical values of the t-distribution of t(97.5%,99) =1.98 and t(97.5%, 399) = 1.97, what is the new 95% confidence interval?A. [4.63; 5.07]B. [4.70; 5.00]C. [4.82; 4.88]D. [4.84; 4.86]5. An equity analyst is preparing an analysis of a Belgian bank and has concludedthat there is a 70% chance the bank will make a major acquisition at some point in the future which could lead rating agencies to downgrade the bank’s credit rating. The analyst writes and distributes a report to institutional clients analyzing the bank using an internally developed valuation model. If included in the report, which of the following would be a violation of the GARP Code of Conduct?A. A discussion of recent trading patterns in the bank’s stock by its seniorexecutives.B. A valuation matrix projecting several potential valuations and credit ratingsfor the bank given four hypothetical acquisitions.C. A statement that there is a 70% chance that the bank will be downgradedwithin the next month.D. A discussion of a possible trade in the stocks of several firms viewed aspotential acquisition candidates.6. The CRO of an international bank is instructing direct reports on best practices forconducting country risk analysis and presenting the findings to senior executives.Which of the following recommendations would be considered the most questionable?A. Risk analysis should be open-ended, presenting several scenarios withoutassigning probabilities to them so as not to bias decision-makers.B. Risk Reports should be informative, providing the end user the rationalebehind any assessment without any “black boxes” that are difficult tounderstand.C. Risk reports should be concise, with easy to understand conclusions thathave sufficient detail to make them meaningful.D. Risk analysis should be consistent, using rigorous frameworks that allow forvalid cross-country comparison.7. A junior analyst on a foreign exchange trading desk has been analyzing therelationship between the Swiss franc and the US dollar since the recent removal by the Swiss central bank of a cap on the franc’s movement against the euro. The analyst randomly selected the following give daily CHF/USD exchange rates from the past 5 months:Day CHF/USD1 1.122 1.083 1.134 1.075 1.15Based on the data above, what is the unbiased estimate of the daily CHF/USD exchange rate mean and standard deviation?A. Mean = 1.12; Standard deviation = 0.030B. Mean = 1.12; Standard deviation = 0.034C. Mean = 1.11; Standard deviation = 0.030D. Mean = 1.11; Standard deviation = 0.0348. Rating agencies originally operated a subscriber-pay model, where investorssubscribed to rating reports. As their influence grew, the agencies changed their business model to issuer-pay, in which the issuers pay the agencies. Which of the following statements best describes the biggest concern that has arisen as a result of this change of business model?A. Regulators have been more reluctant to incorporate ratings into regulation,which has complicated the regulatory process.B. The new model has resulted in a “free-rider” effect, in which the subscriberswho use the ratings do not have to pay for them.C. The new model gave rise to a perceived conflict of interest, in which theagencies were evaluating their own clients.D. The agencies no longer tailored their offerings to different investor types,since investors were no longer paying them.9. Consider a USD 1000 face value US Treasury bond with 1.5 years to maturityand an annualized coupon rate of 4.5%, paid semi-annually. If the annualized yield-to-maturity of the bond today is 4.0%, what is the best estimate of the present value of the bond?A. USD 943.00B. USD 951.40C. USD 1007.20D. USD 1013.9010. A US company sells products in many countries but cannot always convert itsforeign currency earnings back into USD. In Venezuela the company is unable to hedge the currency exposure of its earnings, and spot market transactions are not possible due to recently implemented currency controls. The bolivar fuerte (VEF) last traded at USD 1 = VEF 6; at that time the company calculated it had the equivalent of USD 50 million denominated in VEF. The company is required to estimate gains and losses in its foreign currency position. The company’s economists use purchasing power parity to estimate that the exchange rate would now be USD 1 = VEF 7.2275 if it were traded. Assuming the real rate of interest is constant and equal in both countries, which of the following statements is true?A. The reported gain should be USD 10.2 million, and Venezuela had a higherinflation rate than the US.B. The reported loss should be USD 8.5 million, and Venezuela had a lowerinflation rate than the US.C. The reported loss should be USD 10.2 million, and Venezuela had a higherinflation rate than the US.D. The reported loss should be USD 8.5 million, and Venezuela had a higherinflation rate than the US.11. The manager of a derivatives portfolio wishes to estimate the VaR of the portfolio.When evaluating the delta-normal approach and the full revaluation approach for VaR estimation, which of the following statements is correct?A. The delta-normal approach is more accurate than the full revaluationapproach when applied to complex derivatives.B. Both the full revaluation approach and the delta-normal approach assumethat asset prices are normally distributed.C. The full revaluation approach does not require estimating the VaR of theunderlying assets whereas the delta-normal approach does.D. The delta-normal approach is less computationally intensive than fullrevaluation approach.12. The CRO of a small bank would like to estimate the loss frequency and severitydistributions of the bank’s operational risk but is concerned that bank’s internal data may not have enough date points to develop a comprehensive analysis.Therefore, the CRO obtains additional external data from a consortium. What should the CRO do prior to merging the external data with the bank’s internal data?A. Merge the data as is because doing otherwise would violate Basel IIIanti-tampering regulation.B. Scale the bank’s internal data so that it corresponds to the overall size of thebanks whose data is included in the external data.C. Scale the external data so that it corresponds to the data expected from abank of similar size and scope as the small bank.D. Scale both internal and external data so that the frequency and severitydistributions fit the bank board’s expectation.13. For any portfolio P, let VaR (P, λ, t) denote the VaR, and ES (P, λ, t) denote theES, with confidence level λ over a horizon of t days. Which of the followingrelationships is always true?A. ES (P, λ, t) ≤ VaR (P, λ, t)B. VaR (P1 + P2, λ, t) ≤ VaR (P1, λ, t) + VaR (P2, λ, t)C. ES (3×P, λ, t) = 3×ES (P, λ, t)D. VaR (3×P, λ, t) = 9×VaR (P, λ, t)14. Consider the following futures prices:Long Gilt Future – ICEUContract Month Last Chg Open High Low Volume OpenInt Date Long GiltFuture – MarMar 15 121.02 -0.18 120.96 121.14 120.92 28051 413074 01/12/15 1Volume and OpenInt refer respectively to which of follow?A. The nominal value of contracts exchanged that day and the total number ofcontracts sold that day.B. The total number of contracts exchanged during that day and the number ofcontracts that are outstanding at the end of the day.C. The nominal value of all contracts sold during that day and number ofcontracts that are outstanding at the end of the day.D. The total number of contracts sold that day and total number of contracts thathave been created since the opening of the contract.15. To Be Announced (TBA) trades are a subset of the MBS market. Which of thefollowing statements most accurately characterizes the structure of the TAB market?A. TBAs are comprised of highly diverse securities thereby reducing the risk toinvestors.B. The composition of a TBA is announced at the time the trade bids on it.C. The TBA market is essentially a forward market in which buyer and selleragree to exchange a pool of securities for cash in the future.D. There are actually two separate TBA markets, one for fixed rate agency poolsand the other for conventional adjustable-rate mortgage pools.16. A risk manager is analyzing the expected performance of a group of assets whichare all benchmarked to the same market index. For the analysis, the risk manager assumes that the returns on the market index are greater than the risk-free rate and that the assumptions of the CAPM hold. Holding all other things constant, which of the following statements is correct?A. The expected return on an asset increases when its correlation with themarket return decreases.B. For an asset with a negative correlation of return to the market, an increasein the risk-free rate will decrease its expected return.C. An asset with a beta of 2.5 will always have a higher standard deviation ofreturn than an asset with a beta of 0.5.D. When comparing two assets, the asset with the higher beta will always havethe higher expected return.17. The Basel Committee has recommended several implementation principles forthe governance of sound stress testing practices. One of the recommendations is that:A. Stress testing reports should not be passed up to senior managementwithout first being approved by middle management.B. Stress testing reports should have limited input from their respectivebusiness areas to prevent biasing of the results.C. Stress testing reports should be separated by business lines to help identifyrisk concentrations.D. Stress testing reports should complement rather than replace the riskmanagement tools used at the firm.18. A risk manager is backtesting a firm’s model for estimating 1-day 99% VaR andobserves five exceedances over the prior 150 trading days. Assuming the model is correctly calibrated, and all the exceedances are independent of each other, what is the probability that there were exactly six exceedances over the prior 250 trading days?A. 0.84%B. 2.75%C. 36.97%D. 39.25%19. A large manufacturer of medical devices expects to purchase 1900 tons of aspecific grade of steel knows as “Marine Grade Stainless” in three months. Since futures contracts are not available on this type of steel. The risk manager suggests using the US Midwest Domestic Hot-Rolled Coil Steel Index Futures Contract to hedge against an increase in steel prices. The contract size is 20 tons and the 3-month futures price is USD 597 per ton.Using 250 days of historical information, the manager estimates that the standard deviation of changes in the spot price of steel is 0.045 and the standard deviation of changes in futures prices is 0.05. The correlation between changes in the spot and futures price is estimated at 0.90. Which of the following best describes the correct course of action for the risk manager?A. Buy 77 futures contractsB. Sell 77 futures contractsC. Buy 95 futures contractsD. Sell 95 futures contracts20. As a bank becomes more concentrated in particular industry sectors, the defaultcorrelation among the loans it makes increases. Assuming a bank can secure loans with similar average default rates as it becomes more concentrated, which of the following is most likely to occur?A. The gap between the unexpected loss of the loan portfolio and the sum of therisk contributions of each loan increases.B. The gap between the unexpected loss of the loan portfolio and the sum of therisk contributions of each loan decreases.C. The expected loss of the loan portfolio increases.D. The unexpected loss of the loan portfolio increases.21. The table below shows a US bank’s positions in foreign currencies, assets andliabilities.Assets Liabilities FX Bought FX Sold Euros(EUR) 9,000,500 8,500,500 2,000,000 1,000,000 British Pounds(GBP) 5,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 500,000 Japanese Yen(JPY) 100,000,000 120,000,000 30,000,000 1,300,000 Australian Dollar(AUD) 1,000,000 500,000 4,500,000 3,500,000 Which of the following changes would result in a decrease in the bank’s net exposure to these currencies?A. A purchase of AUD 1,000,000, an increase in JPY liabilities of JPY 2,000,000,and a purchase of JPY 2,000,000B. A sale of GBP 500,000, an increase in GBP assets of GBP 500,000, and adecrease in AUD liabilities of AUD 500,000C. An increase in EUR liabilities of EUR 1,000,000, an increase in GBP liabilitiesof GBP 1,000,000, and an increase in AUD liabilities of AUD 1,000,000D. An increase in EUR assets of EUR 4,000,000, an increase in EUR liabilitiesof ERU 2,000,000, and a sale of EUR 2,000,00022. A firm is contemplating a hedge on a copper position using either futurescontracts or options. The current spot price of copper is USD 875 per pound whilea September futures contract is currently trading at USD 925 per pound. Thereare also June USD 925 calls that are currently quoted at USD 20 and June USD 925 puts that are currently quoted at USD 22. If the basis stays the same and the spot price of copper increases to USD 900 per pound by the time of the expiration of the June options, what should the value in USD of a long hedge in futures anda long position in calls, respectively, be at that time?A. -25; -20B. 25; -20C. -25; 20D. 25; 2023. A portfolio manager is reviewing trades in a 6-year US Treasury note with a 4%coupon and a 5-year US Treasury note futures contract maturing 3 months from today. The manager is deciding whether to buy the futures contracts or to buy call options on the futures contract with a strike price of USD 110 and maturity of 3 months. Using the information in the following table, and assuming the 6-year par rate is 1.75%, which of the following is correct regarding the durations for the futures contracts and call options?6-Year Par Rate Futures Contract Price(USD) Call Option Price(USD)1.70% 110.08 1.921.75% 109.70 1.721.80% 109.30 1.571.85% 108.90 1.38A. The futures contract duration is significantly longer than the call optionduration.B. The futures contract duration is significantly shorter than the call optionduration.C. The futures contract duration and the call option duration are essentiallyequal.D. Both the futures contract duration and the call option are negative.24. An asset has a return distribution with fat tails. Assuming efficient markets, whichof the following is the best explanation for fat tails in this distribution?A. The return series exhibits conditional normality with time-varying volatility.B. The return series exhibits conditional normality with time-varying mean.C. The return series exhibits unconditional normality with time-varying volatility.D. The return series exhibits unconditional normality with time-varying mean.25. All of the following should be classified as operational risk events except:A. A sale of a basket of securities is recorded as a purchase.B. A monthly volatility is used as input to a model that requires daily volatility asinput.C. A trader generates large losses after taking positions that exceed tradinglimits.D. A loss is incurred because a portfolio manager relied on an analyst’soptimistic forecast.26. Which of the following methods is an example of a stress test that ignores thecorrelation among risk variables and examines the scenario in which all variables move in the direction that causes the greatest loss on the portfolio?A. Factor push methodB. Prospective scenario analysis methodC. Conditional scenario methodD. Event-driven method27. Rating agencies do not provide all details about their rating methodologies.However, broadly speaking the agencies do follow similar processes. Which of the following statements regarding credit of firms most accurately reflects the agencies’ methodologies?A. Debt issuer domiciled in a country with a sovereign rating of BBB will notlikely be rated higher than an issuer domiciled in a country with a speculativerating.B. Agencies generally avoid subjective elements when rating corporate debt,but subjective elements in the sovereign rating process are unavoidable.C. Rating agencies focus on the long-term horizon when evaluating sovereignentities but on the short term horizon when evaluating corporate entities.D. The risk of the industry in which a firm operates will frequently place an upperboundary on a corporate rating.28. An equity analyst is estimating the return of a stock using the CAPM. The analystcompiles the following information and correctly calculates the expected return for stock as 7.2%.Risk-free rate 3.0%Beta of stock 1.4Correlation between the stock return and market return 0.7Standard deviation of stock return 5.0% The risk team reviews the analyst’s work and discovers that analyst has input an incorrect correlation estimate; the proper correlation is 0.6. Assuming all other input are unchanged and correct, what is the correct expected return for stock using the CAPM?A. 6.2%B. 6.6%C. 7.9%D. 8.4%29. In the event that a clearinghouse member is unable to make good on its side of atransaction with another clearinghouse member, the clearinghouse will resort to a number of measures to ensure that contracts executed among members are made good. Which of the following presents the preferred method followed by clearinghouse?A. Under-margined positions at the defaulting member firm are liquidated alongwith all of the member’s proprietary positions and if that is insufficient, thedefaulting firm’s membership may be sold and its deposit liquidated.B. The member ‘s deposit is liquidated and if that is insufficient, theclearinghouse draws down on a credit facility at a pre-designated bank, thecost of which is borne equally by all members of the exchange.C. The member ‘s deposit is liquidated and, if necessary, other member’sdeposits are liquidated on an equal percentage basis; If that is insufficient,the clearinghouse then draws down on a credit facility.D. The clearinghouse has a credit facility at a pre-designated bank that allows itto make good on all contracts, the cost of which is allocated across allmembers of the exchange using a weighting scheme based on theoutstanding positions held by the member.30. A model risk analyst at an asset management firm is reviewing a time seriesforecasting process. The analyst wants to determine if the time series being forecast are covariance stationary. Which of the following is a characteristic of a covariance stationary time series?A. The autocovariance function depends only on the time displacement, not ontime itself.B. The mean of the series can vary over time as long as the autocorrelationstructure remains constant.C. The autocovariance structure of the series must be constant.D. The mean of the series must be 0 and changes must be normally distributed.31. A fund manager implements a delta-neutral strategy for an equity portfolioconsisting of a long position in 1,250 shares of stock and a short position in call options with a delta of 0.5. Which of the following actions is necessary to maintain a delta-neutral portfolio if the delta of the call options changes from 0.5 to 0.65?A. Purchase an additional 250 shares of the stockB. Purchase an additional 300 shares of the stockC. Purchase an additional 375 shares of the stockD. Sell 300 shares of the stock32. In preparation for a briefing to the board of directors, the CRO considers specificexplanations as to why certain risks should be hedged. Which of the following would be an accurate explanation of the impact of hedging risk exposures on shareholder wealth?A. Hedging increases the variability of the firm’s profits, making the firm a moreattractive investment for stakeholders.B. Hedging reduces a firm’s expected costs of financial distress.C. Hedging dose not increase shareholder wealth because shareholders havediversified portfolios.D. Hedging with derivatives reduces the compliance and operational costs ofthe firm.33. The level of the FTSE 100 index at close of trading yesterday was 6,480 and thedaily volatility of the index return was estimated as 1.5%. Today, the level of the FTSE 100 at close of trading is 6,400. A risk manager models the distribution of the daily returns on the FTSE 100 index assuming a mean of 0% and a variance given by the following GARCH(1,1) model:222t t 1t 1σ0.0000140.07u 0.85σ−−=++Which of the following is closest to the risk manager’s forecast of the next tradingday’s 1-standard deviation confidence interval around the expected value of the FTSE 100 index level?A. [6,200;6600]B. [6,250;6450]C. [6,300;6500]D. [6,359;6450]34. A risk manager is estimating the 1-day 95% ES on a domestic equity portfoliousing the historical simulation approach with a 100-day look back period. The six most extreme negative returns over the look back period, along with the time they occurred, are:Order Return Number of Days Ago1 -10.00% 952 -6.30% 173 -4.70% 654 -4.00% 45 -3.80% 56 -3.60% 30Over the next 10 days, the portfolio experienced four days of extreme negative return: -25.0%, -4.1%, -7.8% and -9.5%. On the other six days, the portfolio experienced positive returns. The risk manager must now update the previous ES estimate. Assuming the portfolio has a current value of USD 100 million, what is the updated 1-day 95% ES using the historical simulation approach?A. USD 4.7 millionB. USD 10.7 millionC. USD 11.7 millionD. USD 25.0 million35. A bank’s risk committee is reviewing the bank’s most significant loss events andcategorizing each event into specific risk categories. In one case, a model operator input the wrong price for a security into an algorithm used for trading, which then caused the algorithm to buy instead of sell the security. This situation would be an example of:A. Market risk.B. Operational risk.C. Strategic risk.D. Liquidity risk.36. A risk manager is measuring the VaR of a portfolio of investment securities for aregional bank. The portfolio has a current market value of USD 10 million with a mean daily return of 0.25% and variance of daily returns of 0.05%. Assuming that the portfolio’s daily returns follow a normal distribution. The estimated 1-day 95% VaR is closet to:A. USD 261,600.B. USD 286,600.C. USD 342,800.D. USD 367,800.37. A pension fund manager is reviewing the 4-year performance of an equity fundbenchmarked to a market index. Over this time period, the fund’s active investment decisions have resulted in a different beta relative to the index for each 1-year period. The manager has the following information about the fund and the market portfolio:Year Estimated Beta Equity Fund Return (%) Market Portfolio Return (%)1 0.8 6.00 4.502 1.1 10.50 9.503 1.3 -2.50 -3.504 0.7 4.00 3.50If the risk-free rate remained constant at 1.5% over the entire 4-year period, for which year did the fund have the highest Jensen’s alpha?A. Year 1B. Year 2C. Year 3D. Year 438. An analyst is using recent prepayment information from a mortgage pool toupdate a prepayment model for a USD 100 million pool of 30-year residential mortgage loans that currently has a USD 90 million balance. The scheduled principal payments for this month are total USD 150,000, but the pool received a total of USD 350,000 in principal payments. Assuming that this monthly rate of prepayment continues, what is the conditional prepayment rate?A. 2.20%B. 2.37%C. 2.63%D. 4.57%39. A US based automobile dealer enters into a foreign exchange contract to hedgean obligation of EUR 1 million payable in 3 months. The dealer received the following quotes from a large international bank (quotes are USD per EUR).Bid OfferSpot 1.19 1.213-month forward 1.25 1.27Assuming the dealer fully hedges the obligation, what is the payoff on the hedge, using the 3-month forward, if the spot rate ends up at USD 1.23 per EUR three months from now?A. USD -40,000B. USD -20,000C. USD 20,000D. USD 40,00040. The Black-Scholes-Merton model assumes that:A. Only long positions can be taken in securities.B. Translation costs must be proportional to the price of the underlying security.C. Securities are perfectly divisible.D. The underlying security’s price follows a normal distribution.41. To improve its corporate governance, the board of a local bank has establishedan audit committee. Which of the following would be an appropriate role for the audit committee?A. To define the firm’s risk management strategy.B. To evaluate the quality of the risk management process.C. To undertake risk management functions on a day to day basis.D. To ensure that a firm minimizes its exposure to risks.42. Consider a 1-year European call option with an exercise price of EUR 70. Theprice of the underlying non-dividend-paying stock is EUR 75 and the annual risk-free rate is 4%. The following estimates have been made:Black-Scholes-Merton model N(d1) = 45%Risk-neutral probability of not exercising the call option at maturity = 63% Which of the following is closest to the price if the call option?A. EUR 8.87B. EUR 9.89C. EUR 10.75D. EUR 12.3243. S&P has recently analyzed the creditworthiness of a company to assign it aninitial rating. During the review the company was found to have adequate。



frm考试题及答案**FRM考试题及答案**一、单选题1. 以下哪项是风险管理的核心?A. 识别风险B. 评估风险C. 监控风险D. 以上都是答案:D2. 金融风险管理中,市场风险主要指的是:A. 信用风险B. 操作风险C. 利率风险D. 流动性风险答案:C3. 在FRM考试中,以下哪项不是风险价值(VaR)的假设?A. 正态分布B. 独立同分布C. 厚尾分布D. 无记忆性答案:C4. 以下哪项不是信用风险管理的工具?A. 信用评分B. 信用衍生品C. 利率互换D. 信用违约互换(CDS)答案:C5. 以下哪项是操作风险的主要来源?A. 市场波动B. 员工欺诈C. 利率变动D. 自然灾害答案:B二、多选题1. 以下哪些属于市场风险的范畴?A. 利率风险B. 汇率风险C. 商品价格风险D. 政治风险答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是流动性风险管理的方法?A. 持有现金B. 建立信用额度C. 资产证券化D. 增加杠杆答案:A, B, C3. 以下哪些是信用风险的度量方法?A. 违约概率(PD)B. 违约损失率(LGD)C. 暴露度(EAD)D. 经济资本(EC)答案:A, B, C, D4. 以下哪些是操作风险的分类?A. 人员因素B. 流程因素C. 技术因素D. 外部事件答案:A, B, C, D5. 以下哪些是风险管理的步骤?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险监控D. 风险缓解答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题1. 风险价值(VaR)可以完全量化所有潜在的风险。

(错误)2. 压力测试是一种风险管理工具,用于评估极端市场条件下的风险暴露。

(正确)3. 信用风险与市场风险是完全独立的。

(错误)4. 操作风险只与公司的内部流程有关。

(错误)5. 经济资本是银行为了覆盖非预期损失而持有的资本。

(正确)四、计算题1. 假设某投资组合的预期收益率为10%,标准差为15%,市场无风险利率为3%。




frm二级考试答案1. 以下哪个选项是FRM(金融风险管理师)考试的主办机构?A. CFA InstituteB. GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals)C. ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)D. CFP Board答案:B2. FRM二级考试通常包含多少个科目?A. 4个B. 5个C. 6个D. 7个答案:C3. FRM二级考试中,以下哪个科目不属于考试内容?A. 市场风险管理与测量B. 信用风险管理与测量C. 操作风险与弹性D. 投资组合管理答案:D4. FRM二级考试通常在每年的哪两个月份举行?A. 五月和十一月B. 六月和十二月C. 一月和七月D. 二月和八月答案:A5. 根据GARP的规定,FRM二级考试通过后,考生需要在多少年内积累两年的相关工作经验以获得FRM认证?A. 3年B. 4年C. 5年D. 6年答案:C6. FRM二级考试的通过标准是什么?A. 必须在所有科目中都获得60%以上的分数B. 总分数达到70%以上C. 至少有60%的科目达到70%以上的分数D. 总分数达到60%以上答案:D7. FRM二级考试的题型是什么?A. 多项选择题B. 简答题C. 案例分析题D. 计算题答案:A8. FRM二级考试的考试时长是多少?A. 4小时B. 5小时C. 6小时D. 7小时答案:C9. FRM二级考试中,以下哪个风险类型不属于市场风险的范畴?A. 利率风险B. 汇率风险C. 商品价格风险D. 法律风险答案:D10. FRM二级考试中,以下哪个风险类型不属于信用风险的范畴?A. 违约风险B. 信用迁移风险C. 流动性风险D. 交易对手风险答案:C。



2015年对外经济贸易⼤学⾦融硕⼠(MF)《⾦融学综合》真题及详解2015年对外经济贸易⼤学⾦融硕⼠(MF)《⾦融学综合》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)⼀、单项选择题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.M=kPY是哪项学说的观点?( )(分数:2.00)A.现⾦交易说B.现⾦余额说√C.可贷资⾦理论D.流动性溢价理论【解析】现⾦余额说把分析的重点放在货币的持有⽅⾯。





2.不需要在场内交易的⾦融产品是( )。






3.央⾏发⾏1000万货币,货币当局的资产负债表的变化是( )。



4.弗⾥德曼对货币的定义是( )。




2015年复旦大学金融硕士(MF)入学考试《金融学综合》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.根据CAPM模型,假定市场组合收益率为15%,无风险利率为6%,某证券的贝塔系数为1.2,期望收益率为18%,则该证券( )。



2.货币市场的主要功能是( )。




3.国际收支平衡表中将投资收益计入( )。




4.下列说法不正确的是( )。







frm考试题及答案1. 以下哪个选项是金融风险管理(FRM)考试中涉及的主题?A. 固定收益证券B. 股票市场分析C. 企业财务规划D. 个人投资策略答案:A2. FRM考试由哪个组织提供?A. CFA协会B. GARP协会C. ACCA协会D. CFP协会答案:B3. FRM考试共分为几个部分?A. 1部分B. 2部分C. 3部分D. 4部分答案:B4. FRM考试的第一部分主要涵盖哪些内容?A. 定量分析和金融市场与产品B. 市场风险测量与管理C. 信用风险测量与管理D. 操作风险与弹性答案:A5. FRM考试的第二部分主要涵盖哪些内容?A. 定量分析和金融市场与产品B. 市场风险测量与管理C. 信用风险测量与管理D. 投资组合风险测量与管理答案:D6. FRM考试的通过标准是什么?A. 总分达到60%B. 每部分至少达到70%C. 总分达到70%D. 每部分至少达到60%答案:D7. FRM考试的报名费用是多少?A. 500美元B. 750美元C. 1000美元D. 1250美元答案:B8. FRM考试的有效期是多久?A. 1年B. 2年C. 3年D. 终身有效答案:B9. 通过FRM考试后,考生需要满足哪些条件才能获得FRM证书?A. 完成两年相关工作经验B. 完成四年相关工作经验C. 完成三年相关工作经验D. 完成五年相关工作经验答案:A10. FRM考试的报名截止日期通常是考试日期前的多少天?A. 45天B. 60天C. 75天D. 90天答案:A。



金融风险管理师(FRM)认证考试试卷(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. FRM证书的有效期是多久?A. 2年B. 3年C. 4年D. 5年2. 以下哪个因素通常不被认为是信用风险的来源?A. 过度负债B. 不充分的监管C. 市场波动D. 企业治理不足3. FRM认证过程中,哪个环节是评估考生对金融风险管理知识的掌握程度?A. 注册B. 考试C. 认证D. 终身学习4. 金融风险管理师(FRM)的职责不包括以下哪一项?A. 识别和评估风险B. 提出风险解决方案C. 监控和报告风险状况D. 制定风险管理政策5. FRM认证对于金融行业从业者的职业发展有哪些积极影响?A. 提高风险管理能力B. 增强职业竞争力C. 获得更高的薪资待遇D. 提升企业整体风险管理水平二、问答题1. FRM证书的持有人可以从事哪些工作?2. FRM一级考试的主要内容有哪些?3. FRM二级考试的主要内容有哪些?4. FRM认证对金融机构的风险管理有何帮助?5. FRM证书的有效期是多久?6. FRM考试的报名条件是什么?7. FRM考试的题型有哪些?8. FRM证书的持有者如何申请继续教育?参考答案选择题:1. D2. C3. B4. D5. ABCD问答题:1. FRM证书的持有人可以从事哪些工作?FRM证书的持有人可以从事风险管理、金融分析、合规、审计、职业道德等领域的工作。


2. FRM一级考试的主要内容有哪些?FRM一级考试主要关注市场风险、信用风险和操作风险的管理和评估。


3. FRM二级考试的主要内容有哪些?FRM二级考试主要关注市场风险、信用风险、操作风险、流动性风险、法律风险和战略风险的管理和评估。


4. FRM认证对金融机构的风险管理有何帮助?FRM认证可以帮助金融机构更好地识别、评估和管理各种风险,从而提高机构的稳健性和盈利能力。



Under baseline expectations for GDP growth of 3.5% and an interest rate of 3.0%, the expected return for the stock is estimated to be 6.0%. Under which of the following scenarios will the stock have the highest expected return?
A risk analyst is stress testing a stock’s return sensitivity to shocks in macroeconomic factors using a multifactor model. The analyst derives the following estimates for the factor betas: β (GDP)=1.00 β (Interest Rate) =-1.50
2015 年 5 月 FRM 一级真题
A company is expected to announce the terms of a materially important contract negotiation in early April. A trader expects the company’s stock to be range-bound until then and has entered into a position that is short 100 March calls with a strike price of USD 50 and long 100 April calls with a strike price of USD 50. After some consideration, the risk committee believes there is a possibility that the news will be released in mid-March and informs the trade of this change. Based on the new information, the trader sells the 100 April calls and buys 50 March calls with a strike at USD 30 and 50 March calls with a strike at USD 70. What types of positions did the trader have? A. The original position was long a call spread and the final position was long a strangle. B. The original position was long a calendar spread and the final position was long a butterfly spread. C. The original position was long a reverse calendar spread and final position was long a call spread. D. The original position was long a calendar spread and the final position was short a butterfly spread.
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Answer: C
N = 3, I/Y = 4/2 = 2, PMT = 1000×4.5%/2 = 22.5, FV = 1000 CPT: PV = 1,007.20
10. Answer: D The bolivar fuerte (VEF) last traded at USD 1 = VEF 6 while the economists estimate the exchange rate now would be USD 1 = VEF 7.2275. Therefore VEF depreciated, and the inflation rate of Venezuela had a higher inflation rate than the US. At the beginning, the company had equivalent of USD 50 million denominated in VEF with USD 1 = VEF 6, which is VEF 300 million. With exchange rate of USD 1 = VEF 7.2275 now, the company will loss USD 8.5 million.
11. Answer: D According to “Putting VaR to Work” in Valuation and Risk Models, the full revaluation approach using a valuation expression to price the derivative at the VaR tail of the underlying factor. This approach has the great advantage of accuracy. It does not involve any approximations. However, this approach can be computationally very burdensome. The delta-normal approach involves the delta approximation, or the delta-gamma approximation. The approach is known as “delta-normal” because the linear
approximation is often used in conjunction with a normality assumption for the distribution of fluctuations in the underlying factor value. The approach can be implemented relatively simply.
12. Answer: C According to “Operational Risk” in Valuation and Risk Models, a scale adjustment should be made to external data. After the appropriate scale adjustment, data obtained through sharing arrangements with other banks can be merged with the bank’s own data to obtain a larger sample for determining the loss severity distribution.
Answer: B
The Gini coefficient is used to measure social inequality on a scale of zero to one, with zero being total equality and one being total inequality.
14. Answer: B Volume is defined as the total of purchases or sales during a trading session, not the total of purchases and sales combined. Open interest represents a tabulation of the total number of futures contracts in a market that remain “open” at the end of a trading session, that is, those contracts not yet liquidated either by an offsetting futures market transaction or by delivery.
1.07 1.11
2பைடு நூலகம்
1.15 1.11
Answer: C
Rating agencies typically receive payment from issuers for their rating services. The issuer-pay model is sometimes questioned as having the potential to distort the independence of the rating process.
Answer: C
According to GARP Code of Conduct: GARP Members Shall make a distinction between fact and opinion in the presentation of analysis and recommendations.
13. Answer: C According to “Measures of Financial Risk” in Valuation and Risk Models, a risk measure is said to be coherent if it satisfies the following properties: Monotonicity: Y ≥ X → ρ(Y) ≤ ρ(X) Subadditivity: ρ(X + Y) ≤ ρ(X) + ρ(Y) Positive homogeneity: ρ(hX) = hρ(X) for h > 0 Translational invariance: ρ(X + n) = ρ(X) – n for some certain amount n. VaR is not coherent as it is not subadditive, therefore B, D is not correct. ES is the average of the worst 100(1 – α%) of losses. ES is coherent, therefore C is correct, A is not correct.
Answer: B
Simulation one: Confidence interval = [μ – 1.98×s/sqrt(100), μ + 1.98×s/sqrt(100)] = [4.85 – 1.98×1.5/sqrt(100), 4.85 + 1.98×1.5/sqrt(100)] = [4.55, 5.15] Simulation two: Confidence interval = [μ – 1.97×s/sqrt(400), μ + 1.97×s/sqrt(400)] = [4.70, 5.00]
Answer: D
1.12 1.08 1.13 1.07 1.15 1.11 5 1 2 2 2 Sample Variance 1.12 1.11 1.08 1.11 1.13 1.11 4 Sample S tandard Deviation sqrt 0.00115 0.0340 Sample Mean
Answer: A
Ri = E(Ri) + βi,GDP[GDP – E(GDP)] + βi,IR[IR – E(IR)] Ri = 6% + [GDP – E(GDP)] – 1.5 × [IR – E(IR)] A: 0.025 B: 0.0075 C: -0.005 D: 0.0175
2015 年 5 月 FRM 一级真题
Answer: B
A calendar spread can be created by selling a European call option with a certain strike price and buying a longer-maturity European call option with the same strike price. The reverse calendar spread is the opposite which buy a short-maturity option and sell a long-maturity option. The original position is short 100 March calls with a strike price of USD 50 and long 100 April calls with a strike price of USD 50. Therefore, it is a calendar spread. A butterfly spread involves positions in options with three different strike prices. It can be created by buying a European call option with a relatively low strike price K1, buying a European call option with a relatively high strike price K3, and selling two European call options with a strike price that is halfway between K1 and K3. The final position is sells the 100 April calls (from the given data, we can guess the strike price will be 50) and buys 50 March calls with a strike at USD 30 and 50 March calls with a strike at USD 70.