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Now it's a common question for high flying femalechief executives with childre n--how to balance thedemands of being a mom with running a company?But what about all the male CEOs with kids? AndHe's decided to quit the job he lo ves to spend moretime with his family.


The workload was just getting to be too much for me to sustain. I was flying about 300,000miles a year. I was away from home too much. And when I was home, I was working a lot and Ijust felt like I'd be happier and my family will be happier if I could take a step back, work a morenormal schedule.


Work life balance is something that people often associate with working mot hers, don't they?


I've traveled a lot and so I've missed a lot and just being there to help with h omework, puttingthe kids to bed and helping with dinner and all those things. And then a few moments that Ireally regret missing--I was in New York when we found out that our dog could be hit by a carand the kids were just devast ated. And I would reflect to have been there with them.


So I mean, do you think this reflects wider in the modern working world? Doe s it makeparenting more difficult the way that we all work so many more hour s and so many more daysin a week?


Yeah, I think the intensity of work does make it a challenge to be the paren t that I'd like to beand I think many of us would like to be.


What about the gender balance? I mean, your wife has got a very successful career of her ownand people often ask her how she manages the children and working, as well. But do you thinkmen are neglected in this respect?


Yeah, I think expectations of fathers are much lower than expectations of mot hers in oursociety. I think as a father, anything I did to participate in the fa mily, I could be praised, andanything that my wife missed at home, she woul d be criticized. So I think this is really a doublestandard around expectations in the home. They probably put a little extra strain on women inthe workpla ce.


And what do you think being a father adds to your life?


I think it's wonderful. I think there is no greater joy than watching my kids gr ow up andparticipating in their lives.


How does your wife feel about your decision?


She's been very supportive.

