2016年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题(总分240, 做题时间180分钟)Part One术语解释Fundamentals of Linguistics and Literature(外国语言学及应用语言学和英语语言文学考生共答部分)Define the following terms in your own words(每题必答,共20分)1.ArbitrarinessSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Arbitrariness is one of the design features of language. It refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. There is no reason, for example, why English should use the sounds /dɒg/ to refer to the animal dog, or why Chinese should use “gou” to refer to the same animal. The relationship between the sounds and their meaning is quite accidental.2.Phatic function of languageSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Language is used to establish an atmosphere or maintain social contact between the speaker and the hearer. Greetings, farewells,**ments on the weather serve this function. For example, the expressions such as “How do you do?”and “Ah, here you are” do not convey any meaning, but are used to establish a common sentiment between the speaker and the hearer.3.Field of discourseSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Field of discourse is one of the social variables that determine the register. Field of discourse refers to what is going on: to the area of operation of the language activity. It is concerned with the purpose and subject matter of communication. It answers the questions of “why” and “about what” communication takes place. Field of discourse may be non-technical or technical: shopping, game playing, and a personal letter are instances of nontechnical fields. Technical fields refer to the specialized fields such as a linguist giving a lecture in class and meteorologists talking about the weather. The field of a register determines to a great extent the vocabulary to be used in communication and it also determines the phonological and grammatical features of the language.4.Immediate constituentSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Linguistic units can be parts of larger constructions and may themselves also be **posed of smaller parts. Using the distribution of components and constructions, we can analyze a sentence considered to be the maximum construction in syntax-into a series ofconstituents-units that make up their larger units next to them. The technique of this approach is to show how small constituents or components in sentences go together to form larger constituents. The constituents could be the subject and the predicate or noun phrases and verb phrases, for example, depending on the theory we use. These constituents can in turn be further analyzed into smaller constituents, such as noun phrases analyzed into an article and anoun. This process continues until no further divisions are possible. The first divisions or cuts are known as the immediate constituents.5.Code-switchingSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Bilinguals often switch between their two languages or language varieties in the middle of a conversation. This phenomenon is called code-switching. It can take place between or even within sentences, involving phrases or words, or even part of words. A speaker does not necessarily have to follow a particular variety or dialect all the time in the course of communication. He may change from a standard dialect to a nonstandard dialect; he may shift to a subject which requires the occurrence of some special items; he may move from one degree of formality to another. All these linguistic behaviors belong to code switching. There are two kinds of code-switching: situational code-switching and metaphorical code-switching. Situational code-switching occurs when the language used changes according to the situation in which the participants find themselves; they speak one language in one situation and another in a different one. No topic change is involved. When a change in topic requires a change in the language used we have metaphorical code-switching. It has been found speakers bilingual in Swahili and English would use Swahili when talking about education and English when talking about prejudice. The interesting point here is that some topics may be discussed in either code, but the choice of code adds a distinct flavor to what is said about the topic. The choice itself encodes certain social values.6.Carpe DiemSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Latin for “Seize the day”: take full advantage of present opportunities. A sentiment can be found, for example, in Andrew Marvell's “To His Coy Mistress”, “Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime.”7.ProtagonistSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Protagonist, (Greek “first actor”) refers to the hero or heroine of a drama or narrative.8.HyperboleSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Hyperbole is overstatement or exaggeration; a typical hyperbole can be seen in Marvell’s “To his Coy Mistress,” line 11-12: “My vegetable love would grow/ Vaster than empires, and more slow” and in Auden, “As I walked Out One Evening,” lines 9-12: “I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you/ Till China and Africa meet/ And the river jumps ov er the mountain/ And the salmon sing in the street”9.CanonSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:(Greek “a measuring rod, standard”) The books, music and art that have been the most influential in shaping a culture, belong to canon. The western canon is the body of western literature that represents the high culture of Europe and North America, an intellectual tradition ranges from Homer to James Joyce in literature.10.AlliterationSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:Alliteration (from Latin “litera,” alphabetic letter), means the repetition of an initial consonant sound or consonant cluster in consecutive or closely positioned words. This pattern is often an inseparable part of the meter in Germanic languages, where the tonic, or accented syllable, is usually the first syllable. Thus allOld English poetry and some varieties of Middle English poetry use alliteration as part of their basic metrical practice. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, “Sithen the sege and the assaut was sesed at Troye”.问题简答Answer the following questions(每题必答,共40分)11.Do you think animals have language?SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:Animals do not have language. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for **munication. Language is human-specific. All human languages have certain characteristics in common and linguists have identified these characteristics as defining features of human language. These features, now called design features, are found utterly lacking in **munication and thus set human language apart from animal cry systems. The following five design features of human language have been identified by the eminent American linguist Hockett: arbitrariness, duality, productivity, displacement and cultural transmission. Human language is arbitrary. This refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. There is no reason, for example, why English should use the sounds /dɒg/ to refer to the animal dog, or why Chinese should use “gou” to refer to the same animal. The relationship between the sounds and their meaning is quite accidental. By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level **posed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has itso wn principles of organization. Productivity refers to man’s linguistic ability which enables him to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences in our native language,including the sentences which were never heard before. This feature equips human beings with the ability to **pletely new utterances and ideas. There is no productivity to speak of in animals’ cries. Displacement is a property of language enabling people to talk about things remote either in space or in time. Most animals can **municate about things in the immediate situation, but human beings **municate about things that are absent as easily as about things that are present. Besides, language is culturally transmitted. It cannot be transmitted through heredity. A human being brought up in isolation simply doesn’t acquire language, as is demonstrated by the studies of children brought up by animals without human contact. Animals transmit their cries through heredity, that is, simply from parent to child. The above features are adequate to show that human language is sharply distinguished from **munication systems.12.What is the difference between sentence meaning and utterance meaning?SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:A sentence is a grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of predication. But if we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an utterance, and it should be considered in the situation in which itis actually uttered (or used). So it is impossible to tell if “The dog is barking” is a sentence or an utterance. It can be either. It all depends on how we look at it and how we are going to analyze it. If we take it as a grammatical unit and consider it as a self-constrained unit in isolation from context, then we are treating it as a sentence. If we take it as something a speaker utters in a certain situation with a certain purpose, then we are treating it as an utterance. Therefore, while the meaning of a sentence is abstract, and decontextualized, that of an utterance is concrete and context-dependent. The meaning of an utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in the context.13.What does “Art for Art's Sake” usually refer to?SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:The philosophy of “art for art's sake,” insists on art being judged by the beauty of artifice rather than that of morality or reason. Beauty is irrational and amoral, and the aestheticist who worships beauty indulges in excess and exaggeration to flout his age's standards of respectability. The artists and writers of Aesthetic style tended to profess that the Arts should provide refined sensuous pleasure, rather than convey moral or sentimental messages. Predecessors of the Aesthetics included John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelly, and some of the PreRaphaelites who themselves were a legacy of the Romantic spirit. There are a few significant continuities between the Pre-Raphaelite philosophy and that of Aesthetes:Dedication to the idea of “Art for Art's sake”; admiration of, and constant striving for, beauty; escapism through visual and literary arts; craftsmanship that is both careful and self-conscious; mutual interest merging the arts of various media. In Britain the best representatives were Oscar Wilde and Alger one Charles Swineburne.14.What does the Metaphysical School refer to in English literary history?SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:Leading by John Donne, a poet in seventeenth century, whose style is demanding, characterized by learned terms, audaciously far-fetched analogies, and an intellectually sophisticated play of ironies, critics have regarded Donne as the founder of the Metaphysical school, grouped with other poets like Herbert, Crashaw, Marvell, and Cowley. The expression was first employed by critics like Samuel Johnson and William Hazlitt, who found the intricate conceits and self-conscious learning of these poets incompatible with poetic beauty and sincerity. Early in the twentieth century, T. S. Eliot sought to restore their reputation, attributing to them a unity of thought and feeling that had since their time been lost. There was, however, no formal “school” of Metaphys ical poetry, and the characteristics ascribed to it by later critics pertain chiefly to Donne. Like Ben Jonson, John Donne had a large influence on the succeeding generation, but remains a singularity.Part Two专题简评Test for Students of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics(外国语言学及应用语言学考生必答部分)Discuss **ment on the following topics(每题必答,共40分)1.Language is the dress of thought.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:This is the remark from Dr. Samuel Johnson in his book Lives of the Poets. The relationship between language and thought has long been a subject of discussion. There are a wide range of opinions about the general nature of the relationship. It is probably true to say that every possible relation between the two has been proposed by some theorists. To classical theorists like Plato and Aristotle, language is the only outward form or expression of thought. An opposing viewis that language determines thought. According to this view, the categories of thought are determined by linguistic categories. Theorists within this group can be roughly divided into two groups: those who believe that language determines thought and those whothink that thought determines language. Given this, the remark “language is the dress of thought” is not accurate because language to some extent influences thought. There are dramatic vocabulary differences from language to language. In some languages, there may be only a single word for a certain object, creature or concept, whereas in another language, there may be several words, even quite a large number. And the child’s cognitive system is determined by the structure of the language he acquires. Learning a language changes the way a person thinks.2.Ferdinand de Saussure and his contribution to linguisticsSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:Ferdi nand de Saussure is the “father of modern linguistics” and “a master of a discipline which he made modern”. Saussure's ideas were developed along three lines: linguistics, sociology and psychology. In linguistics, he was greatly influenced by the American linguist W.D. Whitney, who was working within essentially the Neogrammarian tradition but raised the question of the sign. By insisting on the arbitrariness of the sign to emphasize that language is an institution, Whitney brought linguistics onto the right track.Following the French sociologist E. Durkheim, Saussure held that language is one of the “social facts”, which are ideas in the “collective mind” of a society and radically distinct from individual psychological acts. In psychology, Saussure was influenced by the Austrian psychiatrist S. Freud, who hypothesized thecontinuity of a collective psyche, called the unconscious.Saussure saw human language as an **plex and heterogeneous phenomenon. Confronted with various aspects of language and different perspectives from which one might approach them, the linguist must ask himself what he is trying to describe. Saussure believed that language is a system of signs. Sounds count as language only when they serve to express or communicate ideas; otherwise they are nothing but noise. To communicate ideas, they must be part of a system of conventions, part of a system of signs. This sign is the union of a form and an idea, which Saussure called the signifier and the signified. Though we may speak of the signifier and signified as they are separate entities, they exist only as components of the sign. The sign is the central fact of language.Saussure exerted two kinds of influence on modern linguistics. First, he provided a general orientation, a sense of the task of linguistics which had seldom been questioned. Second, he influenced modern linguistics in the specific concepts. Many of the developments of modern linguistics can be described as his concepts, i.e. his idea of the arbitrary nature of the sign, langue vs. parole, synchrony vs. diachrony, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, etc. Saussure’s fundamental perception is of revolutionary significance, and it is he that pushed linguistics into a brand new stage and all linguistic in the twentieth century are Saussurean linguistics.3.The differences between traditional grammar and modern linguistics.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:Traditional grammar is usually based on earlier grammars of Latin or Greek and applied to some other languages, often inappropriately. For example, some grammarians stated that English had six cases becauseLatin had six cases. Traditional grammar emphasizes such matters as correctness, linguistic purism, literally excellence, the use of Latin models and the priority of the written language. Although there has been a trend towards using grammars which incorporate more modern approaches to language descriptions and language teaching, some schools still use traditional grammars.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar at least in three basic ways. First, linguistics describes language and does not lay down rules of correctness. Linguists are interested in what is said, not what they think ought to be said. So they are often said to be descriptive, not prescriptive. A second important way in which linguistics differs from traditional grammar is that linguists regard the spoken language as primacy, not the written. It is believed that speech came into being first for any human language and the writing system came along much later. Thirdly, traditional grammar is based on Latin and it tries to impose the Latin categories and structures on other languages, while modern linguistics describes each language on its own merits.4.Context and meaning in pragmaticsSSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. **ponents of shared knowledge have been identified, e.g. knowledge of the language they use, knowledge of what has been said before, knowledge about the world in general, knowledge about the specific situation in which **munication is taking place, and knowledge about each other. Context determines the speaker’s use of language and also the hearer’s interpretation of what is said to him. Without such knowledge, **munication would not be possible, and without considering such knowledge, **munication cannot be satisfactorily accounted for in a pragmatic sense. The meaning in pragmatics is concrete and context-dependent. It is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a creation situation of communication, or simply in a context.分析评论Analyze the language data according to the requirements(每题必答,共50分)Explain the rules and principles underlying the ungrammaticality or inappropriateness involved in the following sentences.SSS_TEXT_QUSTIIt was not until they got accepted into the Project that we found the growing corruption emerged in the past few years.该问题分值: 20答案:There is something grammatically wrong in this sentence. The object clause “the growing corruption emerged in the past few years” should be in past perfect tense. The whole sentence is an emphasizing structure of “not…until” sentence pattern. The meaning o f this sentence is that we didn’t find the growing corruption had emerged in the past few years until they got accepted into the Project. The growing corruption has already occurred at the time when we find, therefore, the clause should be in perfect tense. And because the time when we find was a past point and the time adverbial “in the past few years” is also a clue, the correct form should be past perfect tense. So the sentence should be corrected as “It was not until they got accepted into the Project that we found the growing corruption had emerged in the past few years”.SSS_TEXT_QUSTIRailway officials, like their political bosses in Moscow, were apt to muse at the brilliant future in order to escape from pressing current problems.该问题分值: 0答案:There is something wrong with the sequence of adjectives in this sentence. When there are more than one adjective to modify a noun, the adjectives are not arranged randomly. In this sentence, pressing and current are both used to modify the noun “problems”. The w ord “pressing” means needing to be dealt with immediately. It describes the nature of problems. The word “current” means happening at the present time. It serves as a time adverbial to add supplementary information to the noun “problems”. Hence, we can see, “pressing” has closer relationship than “current” with the noun “problems”, so it should be put directly in front of “problems”. And thecorrect sentence should be “Railway officials, like their political bosses in Moscow, were apt to muse at the brilliant future in orderto escape from current pressing problems”.7.Analyze the following extract of a dialogue in terms of the related semantic and pragmatic theories.“Hush, hush! He's a human being,” I said. “Be more charitable; there are worse men than he is yet!”“He's not a human being,” she retorted, “and he has no claim on my charity. I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death, and flung it back to me.”(Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights)SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 15答案:This dialogue violates the quality maxim of cooperative principle proposed by Grice. The main content of cooperative principle is the following: make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. And it contains four maxims.Quantity(1) Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange).(2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true.(1) Do not say what you believe to be false.(2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.RelationBe relevantMannerBe perspicuous.(1) Avoid obscurity of expression.(2) Avoid ambiguity.(3) Be brief.(4) Be orderly.Apparently, this dialogue violates the quality maxim when the girl retorted that he is not a human being which is obviously false statement. Here the word “human being” is not used in its semantic meaning-a kind of creature that is biped, featherless, rational, etc. Instead, its meaning should be interpreted in context. And conversational implicature arise as the maxim is flouted. Conversational implicature is a kind of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. Reading the whole dialogue, we can find the girl does not really mean he is an animal or other thing else. The remark here is to show he does not take her feeling seriously.8.Analyze the following passage in terms of the related stylistic theory.My souls, how the wind did scream along! And every second or two there's come a glare that lit up the whitecaps for a half a mile around, and you’d see the islands lookin g dusty through the rain, and the trees thrashing around in the wind; **es a h-whack—bum! Bum!Bumble-um-ble-umbum-bum-bum-bum—and the thunder would go rumbling and grumbling away, and quit—and then **es another flash and anothersockdolager. (Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 15答案:Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the features of situationally distinctive uses (varieties) of language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individual and social groups in their use of language. This passage shows the stylistic features at the phonological level-onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia refers to the use of the sounds which are imitative of their senses. For example, the cow mooed; the chicken cheeped; the bull bellowed; the dog barked; the duck quacked. In this passage, there are a lot of onomatopoeic words such as “h-whack--bum! Bum! Bumble-um-ble-umbum-bum-bum-bum—” and “rumbling and grumbling”. Mark Twain uses different o nomatopoeic words to describe the sounds of thunder, showing the readers a vivid picture of thunder storm. This is the charm of stylistic.Part Three论述题Test for Students of English Language and Literature(英语语言文学考生必答部分)Discuss **ment on the following topics(每题必答,共40分)1.Comment on the Bloomsbury Group in English literary history.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:“Bloomsbury” was never a formal grouping. Its origins lay in male friendships in late nineteenth century Cambridge; in the early 1900s it found a focus in the Gordon Square house of the children of Leslie Stephan in unfashionable Bloomsbury; it was only with the formation of the ‘Memoir Club’ in 1920 that it loosely defined the limits of its friendships, relationships, and sympathies. The ‘Memoir Club’ or iginally centered on Leslie Stephen’s two daughters Virginia and Venessa, their husbands Leonard Woolf and Clive Bell, and their friends and neighbors Desmond and Molly McCarthy, Duncan Grant, E.M. Foster, Roger Fry, and John Maynard Keynes. The group was linked bywhat Clive Bell later called ‘a taste for discussion in pursuit of truth and a contempt for conventional ways of thinking and feeling, contempt for conventional morals if you will’. Their **binedtolerant agnosticism with cultural dogmatism, progressive rationality with social snobbery, practical jokes with refined self-advertisement. When in 1928 Bell attempted to define ‘Civilization’ in a book named the same, he identified an aggrandized Bloomsbury ideal in the douceur de vivre and witty iconoclasm of the France of the Enlightenment (though, as Virginia **mented, ‘in the end it turns out that civilization is a lunch party at No. 50 Gordon Square’). To its friends ‘Bloomsbury’ offered a prevision of a relaxed, permissive, and elitist future; to its enemies, like the once patronized and later estranged D. H. Lawrence, it was a tight little world people by upper-middle-class ‘black beetle’.2.Comment on the Renaissance.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:In the Europe-centered Renaissance period, England had been greatly influenced by it, from 16th century to early 17th . The renaissance did not only brought nationhood to Britain, but also its literature. The English Renaissance, which had begun as an opening up to new European learning and to new European styles, ended as a restrictive puritanical assertion of national independence from European norms of government and aesthetics. The English Reformation, which had begun as an assertion of English nationhood under a monarch who saw himself as head, protector, and arbiter of a national Church, ended as a challenge to the idea of monarchy itself. In England the principles on which the Renaissance and the Reformation were based, and by means of which both developed, were, as its literature serves to demonstrate, inextricably intertwined.3.Comment on the Classicism.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:In English literature discourse, “Classicism” denotes the practice of art forms inspired by classical antiquity, in particular the observance of rhetorical norms of decorum and balance, as opposed to following the dictates of untutored inspiration, as in Romanticism. It is often related with “classical” and “classic”. “Classical” primarily describes the works of either Greek or Roman antiquity. “Classic” denotes an especially fam ous work within a given canon. Classicism is **pared with Romanticism as its contrary. Classicism arose from the Enlightenment thinkers’ condemnation of the Middle Ages as “Dark Ages”, a period of ignorance and irrationality, appealing to Greek and Roman philosophies. However, as latercriticized by Romanticists, logic is insufficient to answer all questions.4.Comment on the Theatre of the Absurd.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 10答案:Its leading figure Samuel Beckett, after the war experience and at home again, had experienced a great artistic revelation. The nature of this revelation, articulated by Beckett, concerned the bankruptcy of **mon organizing principles of life and of work and, consequently, awareness not of personal or national identities or the informing truths of theologies or philosophies of life, would henceforth be open to skeptical examination. Corresponding to this revelation, in his literary work every artistic or theatrical principle, such as characterization, resolution or specificity of scene, would be broken. Much later, and in large part because of Beckett’s work, Martin Esslin would invent the term “Theatre of the Absurd” to describe this kind of drama. Famous playwrights of this theatre, such as Samuel Beckett, deploys characters far from familiarization to emphasize humanity’s helplessness and alienation within a meaningless universe. A Godless universe in which there are no transcendent values and human beings have little control over their。
2016年6月大学英语四级考试真题两套全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 2016 June College English Test Level Four (CET-4) had two different sets of exam papers. Students across China sat for the exam on two separate occasions, each set with its own unique questions. The tests aimed to evaluate the English proficiency of college students and determine whether their language skills met the required standards. The exams covered listening, reading, writing, and translation, testing the students' ability to understand and use English in various contexts.In the listening section, students had to listen to a series of recordings and answer multiple-choice questions based on the content. This section tested their listening comprehension skills and ability to understand spoken English, including different accents and speech patterns. The reading section contained passages on a variety of topics, ranging from academic articles to newspaper reports. Students had to answer questions based on the reading material, demonstrating their ability to comprehend and analyze written English.The writing section required students to write an essay on a given topic, expressing their opinions and supporting arguments with examples. This section tested their ability to organize ideas coherently and use English language structures effectively. The translation section challenged students to translate a passage from Chinese to English, testing their language proficiency and knowledge of vocabulary and grammar rules.Overall, the 2016 June CET-4 exam provided a comprehensive assessment of students' English language skills, covering all aspects of language proficiency. It was a challenging and rigorous test that required students to demonstrate their ability to listen, read, write, and translate in English. Preparing for the exam required diligent studying and practice in all areas of English language learning. The results of the exam were crucial for students' academic and career advancement, as a passing score was often required for graduation and job opportunities that required English proficiency.篇22016年6月大学英语四级考试是一场备受关注的考试,借此机会我们将分析两套真题,并提供一些备考建议。
《物理化学》(第五版) 傅献彩 高等教育出版社
8Байду номын сангаас6
《半导体物理学》(第六版) 刘恩科 电子工业出版社
《工程光学》 郁道银 机械工业出版社 2002年
《Introduction to Quantum Mechanics》(第二版) David J. Griffiths 机械工业出版社/《The classical theory of fields》 L. D. Landau 世界图书出版社 2007年
电子科技大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:357 英语翻译基础注:无机读卡,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points)1. CPPCC2. ASEAN3. UESTC4. IOC5.functional equivalence6. e.g.7.TPP8. FOB9.International Monetary Foundation10.DCE11. MOOCs12. Made in China 2025 strategy13. Internet Plus Action Plan14. Power is not to be used arbitrarily15. telepresence16. “一带一路”17. 孔子学院18. 线上线下一体19. 数字数据网20. 引渡条约21. 万人迷22. 土豪23. 经济实用男24. 通识教育第1页,共3页25.自主创新能力26.真人秀27.和而不同28.绿色国民经济29.风险投资30.知足常乐II.Directions: Translate the following four source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points)Source Test 1 ( 30 points )The Beautiful Peach (译自《诗经·国风》)The peach tree stands wayside,With blossoms glowing pink,I wish the pretty brideAffluence in food and drink.The peach tree stands wayside,With fruits banging rife.I wish the pretty brideAbundant wealth in life.The peach tree stands wayside,With leaves thick and dense.I wish the pretty brideA pleasant home e’er hence.Source Text 2 ( 30 points )Indeed, for a living thing there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and the heart an echo of the soul of a different form.Some people use silence as a disguise of the emptiness of the head. Some use it as a means to depict their disorientation and melancholy. And some use it as a way of expressing their angers and sorrows.Silence usually is ephemeral. It reminds one of the bronze bells dangling from a第2页,共3页pagoda's eaves; on windless days they are a decoration upon the age-weathered beauty, but with wind they give out wonderful tinkling and jingling metallurgic sounds, as if echoing age-old stories of long, long ago.Do you think the same of the silent people?They say that "silence is golden", but of what nature is this "gold"? It can include integrity, honesty and kindness; it can stand for indifference to and detachment from fame and fortune; but it can also act as an excuse for hypocrisy, slyness and cowardice... the glittering of gold may not necessarily be the most brilliant luster in the world. Can it be that permanent silence is only represented by death?Perhaps even death cannot represent true silence, for the carrier of the soul can turn into dust, so that the sincere and wise voices from the bottom of the heart will trigger long-lasting echoes in the seas of human hearts.Source Text 3 ( 30 points )面对当前错综复杂的国际形势,中国将一如既往坚持走和平发展道路,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与各国一道促进地区和平与繁荣。
2016年4月全国自考《英美文学选读》真题及详解2016年4月全国自考《英美文学选读》真题(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. The tragic sense turns into despair in Thomas Hardy' s______, where the protagonists have to kill their own will and passion and return to their former destructive way of life.A The Return of the NativeB The Mayor of CasterbridgeC Tess of D' UrbervillesD Jude the Obscure答案:D解析:托马斯-哈代是英国著名的诗人、小说家,《无名的裘德》是他最优秀的作品之一。
2. William Shakespeare wrote______history plays in the first period of his dramatic career.A 3B 4C 5D 6答案:C解析:威廉-莎士比亚是英国文学史上最杰出的剧作家和诗人,也是西方乃至全世界最卓越的文学家之一。
3. Paradise Lost is a masterpiece by______.A Christopher MarlowB John MiltonC William ShakespeareD Ben Johnson答案:B解析:约翰-弥尔顿是英国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一。
2016年成都电子科技大学448汉语写作与百科知识考研真题考研试题硕士研究生入学考试试题电子科技大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:448 汉语写作与百科知识注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
I.百科知识(50分,每小题2分)1. 全球气候变暖是世界各国所关注的问题,大气中能产生温室效应的气体已经发现近30种,造成温室效应最重要的气体是()。
A. 二氧化碳B. 氟利昂C. 一氧化二氮D. 臭氧2. 开电扇使人体感到凉快的主要原因是()。
A. 电扇有制冷作用B. 汗水在空气流通中迅速蒸发C. 空气流通后室内温度迅速降低D. 心理作用,其实并没有凉快多少3. 生命遗传的物质基础是()。
A. 细胞B. 蛋白质C. 核酸D. 细胞核4. 电是用途最广泛的能源之一,它属于()。
A.一次能源B.二次能源C.可再生能源D.不可再生能源5. 集成电路的主要原材料是(),它是世界上除氧以外最丰富的元素。
A. 磷B. 钾C. 氢D. 硅6.“蓝蓝的天空,飘着那白云;白云的下边,跑着那羊群......”这段歌词中赞美的蓝天,其蓝色的形成是由于()。
A. 大气对太阳辐射的吸收作用B. 大气对太阳辐射的反射作用C. 大气对地面辐射的吸收作用D. 大气对地面辐射的反射作用7. 我国最早的一部诗歌总集《诗经》,收集的是我国历史上()民间诗歌和祭祀歌词。
电子科技大学2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题电子科技大学2016年硕士研究生入学考试初试自命题科目及代码汇总•111单独考试政治理论•241法语(二外)•242德语(二外)•243日语(二外)•244英语(二外仅日语方向) •288单独考试英语•601数学分析•602高等数学•613分子生物学•615日语水平测试•616公共管理综合•621英语水平测试•622心理学综合•623新闻传播理论•625宪法学•688单独考试高等数学•689西方行政史•690中国近现代史•691政治学原理•692数学物理基础•694生物学综合•694生物学综合•695口腔综合•804行政法与行政诉讼法学•805新闻传播实务•806行政管理综合•808金融学基础•809管理学原理•811大学物理•812地理信息系统基础•813电磁场与电磁波•814电力电子技术•815电路分析基础•818固体物理•820计算机专业基础•821经济学基础•824理论力学•825密码学基础与网络安全•830数字图像处理•831通信与信号系统•832微电子器件•834物理化学•835线性代数•836信号与系统和数字电路•839自动控制原理•840物理光学•845英美文学基础知识及运用•846英语语言学基础知识及运用•847日语专业基础知识及应用•852近代物理基础•853细胞生物学•854国际政治学•855辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义•856测控通信原理•857概率论与数理统计•858信号与系统•859测控通信基础•860软件工程学科基础综合电子科技大学2015年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:809管理学原理注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
[考研类试卷]2016年电子科技大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 CPPCC2 ASEAN3 UESTC4 IOC5 functional equivalence6 e.g.7 TPP8 FOB9 International Monetary Foundation10 DCE11 MOOCs12 Made in China 2025 strategy13 Internet Plus Action Plan14 Power is not to be used arbitrarily.15 telepresence汉译英16 “一带一路”17 孔子学院18 线上线下一体19 数字数据网20 引渡条约21 万人迷22 土豪23 经济实用男24 通识教育25 自主创新能力26 真人秀27 和而不同28 绿色国民经济29 风险投资30 知足常乐英译汉31 The Beautiful PeachThe peach tree stands wayside, With blossoms glowing pink.I wish the pretty bride,Affluence in food and drink. The peach tree stands wayside, With fruits banging rife.I wish the pretty bride,Abundant wealth in life.The peach tree stands wayside,With leaves thick and dense.I wish the pretty bride, A pleasant home e' er hence.32 Indeed, for a living thing there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and the heart, an echo of the soul of a different form. Some people use silence as a disguise of the emptiness of the head. Some use it as a means to depict their disorientation and melancholy. And some use it as a way of expressing their angers and sorrows.Silence usually is ephemeral. It reminds one of the bronze bells dangling from a pagoda's eaves; on wind less days they are a decoration upon the age-weathered beauty, but with wind they give out wonderful tinkling and jingling metallurgic sounds, as if echoing age-old stories of long, long ago.Do you think the same of the silent people?They say that "silence is golden", but of what nature is this "gold"? It can include integrity, honesty and kindness; it can stand for indifference to and detachment from fame and fortune; but it can also act as an excuse for hypocrisy, slyness and cowardice ... the glittering of gold may not necessarily be the most brilliant luster in the world. Can it be that permanent silence is only represented by death?Perhaps even death cannot represent true silence, for the carrier of the soul can turn into dust, so that the sincere and wise voices from the bottom of the heart will trigger long-lasting echoes in the seas of human hearts.汉译英33 面对当前错综复杂的国际形势,中国将一如既往坚持走和平发展道路,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与各国一道促进地区和平与繁荣。
2016年10月全国自考(英美文学选读)真题试卷(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:40,分数:80.00)1.Which of the following is considered to be the best known English dramatist since Shakespeare? (分数:2.00)A.Oscar Wilde.B.John Galsworthy.C.William Butler Yeats.D.George Bernard Shaw. √解析:解析:萧伯纳是英国现代杰出的现实主义戏剧作家,在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士比亚之后英国最优秀的戏剧大师。
2.Paradise Lost by______was finished in 1665 , after seven years' labor in darkness.(分数:2.00)A.Christopher MarlowB.John Milton √C.William ShakespeareD.Ben Johnson解析:解析:《失乐园》是约翰-弥尔顿的杰作,于1665年完成。
3.Which of the following is NOT written by D. H. Lawrence?(分数:2.00)A.Women in Love.B.Sons and Lovers.C.The Rainbow.D.The French Lieutenant's Woman. √解析:解析:戴维-赫伯特-劳伦斯是20世纪最伟大的小说家之一,他的主要作品有《恋爱中的女人》《儿子与情人》《虹》。
4.William Shakespeare is one of the giants of______.(分数:2.00)A.AestheticismB.Renaissance √C.RealismD.Romanticism解析:解析:亨利八世统治期间,文艺复兴的春风吹入英国。
2016年10月全国自考《英美文学选读》真题(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. Which of the following is considered to be the best known English dramatist since Shakespeare?A Oscar Wilde.B John Galsworthy.C William Butler Yeats.D George Bernard Shaw.答案:D解析:萧伯纳是英国现代杰出的现实主义戏剧作家,在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士比亚之后英国最优秀的戏剧大师。
2. Paradise Lost by______was finished in 1665 , after seven years' labor in darkness.A Christopher MarlowB John MiltonC William ShakespeareD Ben Johnson答案:B解析:《失乐园》是约翰-弥尔顿的杰作,于1665年完成。
3. Which of the following is NOT written by D. H. Lawrence?A Women in Love.B Sons and Lovers.C The Rainbow.D The French Lieutenant's Woman.答案:D解析:戴维-赫伯特-劳伦斯是20世纪最伟大的小说家之一,他的主要作品有《恋爱中的女人》《儿子与情人》《虹》。
4. William Shakespeare is one of the giants of______.A AestheticismB RenaissanceC RealismD Romanticism答案:B解析:亨利八世统治期间,文艺复兴的春风吹入英国。
1. Name a representative work by the following writers and then give a brief summary on the writer’s literary contribution. (20 points)1Earnest Hemingway2William Wordsworth3John Milton4William Blake5Jane AustenII Define the following literary terms (30 points)1 Soliloquy2 Elegy3 Sonnet4 Stream of consciousness5 Aestheticism6 ImagismIII Read the following selected passages and answer the questions briefly. (50 points)1 What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angle in apprehension, how like a god!Questions:1)Identify the title of the play from which the passage is selected and its author. (2 points)2)In what way does the passage reflect humanistic spirit? (3 points)2One short sleep past, we wake eternally,And death shall be no more; Death, thou shall die.Questions:1) Identify the title of the poem from which the lines are selected and its author. (2 points)2) Make a comment on the poet’s attitude towards death and its significance? (3 points)3 My thoughts were now wholly employed about securing my self against either savages, if any should appear, or wild beasts, if any were in the island, and I had many thoughts of the method how to do this, and what kind of dwelling to make, whether I should make me a cave in the earth, or tent upon the earth.共 3页,第1页。
A 3 B 150 857
I. Fill in the following blanks. (1 point for each, 10 points in total) 1. Walt 1 . 2 . 3 2. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leader of a philosophy known as 3. The two representative writers of British Critical Realism are and 4. 5. 5 6 4 . creates an imaginary Yoknapatawpha county in his works. put forward the principle of iceberg first. His sentences only give
Poem 1: Anecdote of the Jar (by Wallace Stevens) I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion everywhere. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird and bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the above poem : 1. What is the theme of the poem according to you? 2. What does the jar in the poem symbolize? Why does the speaker place it on top of a hill? 3. How many images are there in this poem? And what are they? 4. Poem 2: In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacrecl river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground
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电子科技大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:845 英美文学基础知识及运用注:无机读卡,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
I Multiple Choices: choose the best answer among the four choices and fill in the blank.(15 items, 30 points)1)The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events except_________.A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureB.the new discoveries in geography and astrologyC.the vast expansion of British colonies in North AmericaD.the religious reformation and the economic expansion2) The following novels are all written by Henry Fielding, expect __________.A. Joseph AndrewsB. Tom JonesC. AmeliaD. A Cosmopolite in a Café3) William Blake’s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is_______,which gives the two books a strong social and historical reference.A.youth hood B.childhoodC.happiness D.sorrow4) The poetic view of ______ is best presented in his remark about poetry, that is, "all good poetryis the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings."A. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB. Percy Bysshe ShellyC. William WordsworthD. John Keats5) The poem ______ is a metaphysical poem by John Donne, who is considered the pre-eminentrepresentative of the metaphysical poets.A. A Valediction: Forbidding MourningB. The Fury of the Flowers and WormsC. The Red WheelbarrowD. On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer6) Herman Melville’s ______, considered an outstanding work of Romanticism and the AmericanRenaissance, is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc.A. The Story of an HourB. White JacketC. Moby DickD. Billy Budd7) T. S. Eliot’s most significant poem______ has been hailed as a landmark of the 20th centuryEnglish poetry.A. The Waste LandB. The Hollow ManC. Ash WednesdayD. Murder in the Cathedral8) Thomas Hardy’s pessimistic view of life predominates most of his later works and earns him areputation as a ________ writer.A. realisticB. naturalisticC. stylisticD. romantic9) George Bernard Shaw’s ______ explored his idea of “Life Force”, the power that would createsuperior beings to be equal to God and to solve all the social, moral, and metaphysical problems of human society.A. PygmalionB. The Apple CartC. Man and SupermanD. Too True to Be Good10) The following poems are all written by Emily Dickinson, expect ________.A. Because I Could Not Stop for DeathB. In a Station of the MetroC. I Heard a Fly Buzz When I diedD. A Bird Came down the Walk11) All of the following belong to stream-of-consciousness novels except ______.A. UlyssesB. Tess of the D’UrbervillesC. Mrs. DallowayD. Pilgrimage12)In most of his writings, ______ deliberately broke up the chronology of his narrative by juxtaposing the past with the present, in the way the montage does in a movie.A. William FaulknerB. Walt WhitmanC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott Fitzgerald13)Like all naturalists, ______ was restrained from finding a solution to the social problems that appeared in his novels and accordingly almost all his works have tragic endings.A. Theodore DreiserB. Henry JamesC. Washington IrvingD. Mark Twain14) The Blithedale Romance is a novel ______ wrote to reveal his own experiences on the BrookFarm and his own methods as a psychological novelist.A. Herman MelvilleB. Robert FrostC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Joseph Heller15) The Lost Generation was represented by the following writers except ______.A. Stephen CraneB. Ernest HemingwayC. Sherwood AndersonD. F. Scott FitzgeraldⅡDefine or explain briefly the following terms. Please write all your answers on the answer sheet. (6 items, 20 points)1.Allegory (4 points)2.Aestheticism (4 points)3.Naturalism (3 points)4.Free Verse (3 points)5.Black humor (3 points)6.Imagism (3 points)ⅢRead the following quotations and answer the questions briefly. Please write all your answers on the answer sheet. (5 passages, 50 points)Passage 1For herein Fortune shows herself more kindThan is her custom. It is still her useTo let the wretched man outlive his wealth,To view with hollow eye and wrinkled browAn age of poverty, from which ling’ ring penanceOf such misery doth she cut me off.——The Merchant of VeniceQuestions:A.Identify the author of the play. (2 points)B.Who is the speaker? What does “she” refer to? (4 points)C.What idea does the quotation express? (4 points)Passage 2The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. Among them lay a collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks.——A Rose for Emily Questions:A.Identify the author of the novel and list one more representative work by the same author.(2 points)B.What is the significance of the title of the story? (4 points)C.What is the symbolic meaning of the room? Make comments on it. (4 points)Passage 3Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Millard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine’s piercing cry; at Richard s’ quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.But Richards was too late.When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease——of joy that kills.——The Story of an Hour Questions:A.Identify the author of the novel. (2 points)B.What are the themes of the story? (4 points)C.How does the unexpected ending of the story help with the unfolding of the inner worldof Mrs. Millard? (4 points)Passage 4North Richmond Street,being blind,was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers’School set the boys free. An uninhabited house of two stories stood at the blind end,detached from its neighbors in a square ground. The other houses of the street,conscious of decent lives within them,gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces.——ArabyQuestions:A.Identify the author of the above passage. (2 points)B.What figure of speech is used in this passage? (4 points)C.What tone does the quoted part set for the whole story? (4 points)Passage 5One’s-Self I SingOne’s-Self I sing, a simple separate person,Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.Of physiology from top to toe I sing,Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for theMuse, I say the Form complete is worthier far,The Female equally with the Male I sing.Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine,The Modern Man I sing.Questions:A.Identify the author of the poem. (2 points)B.Explain the theme of the poem with specific evidence from the poem. (4 points)C.Why does the poet say that “Of physiology from top to toe I sing”? (4 points)ⅣEssay writing (50 points)Please write an essay of no less than 200 words on the following topics. Your are expected to write a well-organized essay (with clearly-stated thesis, effectively-developed supporting points and properly-wrapped conclusion). Please write your essay on the answer sheet.1.Ralph Waldo Emerson encouraged people to retain “the spirit of infancy even into the era ofmanhood”. Try to find the connection between Emerson’s thought and that of Wordsworth and Coleridge. What are the influences of the latter on the former? Comment on Emerson’s tendency to Romanticism. (25 points)2.What are the main features of Realism in literature in terms of style and features? Pleasesupport your each point with specific writers and their works. (25 points)。