1)求初始点梯度▽F(X)▽F(X)={2x1,8x2}T▽F(X(0))={4,16}T(2)第一次搜索|▽F(X(0))|=16.5,S(0)=- ▽F(X(0))/16.5=-{0.243,0.97}Tα(0)=2.157X(1)=X(0)+α(0)S(0)={1.476,-0.923}T▽F(x(1))={2.952,-0.738}T|▽F(x(1))|=3.043<5.0故满足要求,停止迭代。
最优点X*={1.476,-0.0923}T最优值F(X*)=用外点法求解约束优化问题:()()12211221min ..0()0f X x x s tg X x x g X x =+=-≤=-≤ , 收敛准则:(1)()0.10.01k k XX εδ+-≤=,约束容限= 解:(1)利用外点法惩罚法构造无约束优化问题()()12()22()212121(min ,()()k k k x x X rx x r x x r x +⎧⎪Φ=⎨++-+-⎪⎩可行域内)(可行域外)(2)此例只是为了说明外点法的思路,用微分法求解上述无约束优化问题。
用极值条件求解:在可行域内:偏导数不可能等于0,即可行域内无极值在可行域外,令:()2()11211()212214()2012()0k k k r x x x r x x r x x x ∂Φ=+-+=∂∂Φ=--=∂从上面两式解得 12()()2()111,2(1)4(1)2k k k x x r r r =-=-++ 可见,对于不同的惩罚因子值,可以得到不同的极小点。
【令()k r→∞,即可得到原问题的最优解**(0,0),()0T X f X ==】(3)取(0)(1)()()1,10k k k r r Cr r +===进行迭代计算,迭代结果如下:(1)(1)(1)(2)(2)(2)(2)(1)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)1(0.25,0.4375),()0.687510,(0.0455,0.0479),()0.0934,0.44100(0.00495,0.00498),()0.00993,0.059T T r X f X r X f X X X r X f X X X εε==--=-==--=--=>==--=--=<当时,当时当时, 点(3)X满足点距收敛准则,同时,它在约束容限范围内,因此,终止迭代!输出结果7.已知一轴的危险断面上,同时作用有弯矩M 和转矩T ,如图所示。
第四版习题集更加注重实践应用,增加了大量来自于实际工程案例 的题目,帮助学生更好地将理论知识应用于实践中。
第四版习题集的题目经过了精心的设计和筛选,质量更高、更具代表 性,能够更好地帮助学生掌握工程设计制图的核心技能。
建议学生按照章节顺序,系统性地完成习题集中的题目, 以全面掌握工程设计制图的知识和技能。
根据观察者和物体之间的相对位置关系以及投影面的选择不同,透视图可分为一点透视、 两点透视和三点透视三种类型。其中,一点透视和两点透视是常用的透视图类型。
基本视图 向视图 局部视图 斜视图
根据正投影法绘制出物体的六个基本视图,即主视图、俯视图 、左视图、右视图、仰视图和后视图。
长对正、高平齐、宽相等。即主视图与俯视图长度相等且对正,主视图与左视 图高度相等且平齐,俯视图与左视图宽度相等。
棱柱、棱锥等平面立体的三视图,要 注意各视图的形状和尺寸标注。
圆柱、圆锥、圆球等回转体的三视图 ,要注意各视图的形状、尺寸标注和 截交线、相贯线的画法。
AutoCAD软件的操作界面及 工具栏介绍
AutoCAD软件的基本操作技 巧与快捷键使用
第⼆章练习题和编程题答案练习题2.2节1.建⽴并运⾏由Kernighan和Ritchie编写的著名的“hello world”程序:1 #include <stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 printf("hello world!\n");5 }在编译时是否有警告信息?如果有,需要如何改进呢?答:如果使⽤部分⽐较⽼的编译器如turbo C等,会⽣成警告信息,指出main函数并没有返回任何值。
1 /* 加⼊return语句后的版本 */2 #include <stdio.h>3 int main(void)4 {5 printf("Hello world!\n");6 return 0;7 }如果是使⽤IDE中的编译器,且IDE版本⽐较新(如本⼈⽬前使⽤的Code:Blocks)即使没有return语句,编译器也不会⽣成警告信息。
2.思考下⾯的程序:1 #include <stdio.h>2int main(void)3 {4 printf("Parkinson's Law:\nWork expands so as to ");5 printf("fill the time\n");6 printf("available for its completion.\n");7return0;8 }(a)请指出程序中的指令和语句。
一、单选题1.在CAD使用中,为了方便定义图形通常采用不同坐标系,在以下坐标系中,坐标系的定义域是连续且无界的是()A.世界坐标系B.显示器坐标系C.规格化设备坐标系D.绘图仪坐标系2.工程数据处理中,使用线性插值法完成()A.一元插值B.二元插值C.曲线拟合D.曲线绘制3.三维几何造型是CAD中的一种()A.图形处理技术B.工程分析技术C.文档处理技术D.软件设计技术4. CAD系统中,支撑用户进行CAD工作的通用性功能软件是()A.系统软件B.支撑软件C.专用操作软件D.专用应用软件5.若在CAD系统中,固定窗口参数,同时缩小视区高度和宽度,则视图内图形A.比例增大B.比例缩小C.左右移动D.上下移动6. CAD系统中不是按其描述和存储内容的特征划分的几何模型()A.线框几何模型B.表面几何模型C.实体几何模型D.曲面几何模型7. 世界坐标系、设备坐标系、规格化坐标系的转换关系是()A .WC→DC→NDCB .NDC→DC→WC C .WC→NDC→DCD .DC→WC→N DC8. 参数化绘图在定义图形时关键是利用了图形的()A .相似性B .多样性C .个别性D .特殊性9.下列设备不属于CAD 作业输入设备的,有()A .绘图仪B .键盘C .数字化仪D .光笔10.为使窗口—视区变换后的图形在视区中输出而不失真,则()A .yb xl W W =ybxl V V B .yt xr W W =yt xr V Vyb yt xl xr W W W W --=yb yt xlxr V V V V -- D .yt xr yb xl V V W W --=ytxr yb xl W W V W --11. 平面问题的弹性矩阵与材料的()A.弹性模量有关,泊松比无关B.弹性模量无关,泊松比有关C.弹性模量和泊松比都无关D.弹性模量和泊松比都有关12. 三维图形变换矩阵=s nmlr j i h q f e dp c b aT ,中l 表示产生的() A.比例变换 B.对称变换 C.错切变换 D.平移变换13.二维图形比例变换矩阵中??=d a T 00,可有()A.a=0,d=1 B. a=1,d=0 C. a=d=1 D. a=d=014.已知变换矩阵=100020001T ,则图形将在() A .X 方向放大2倍 B .Y 方向放大2倍C .X 方向平移2D .Y 方向平移215. 三维图形变换矩阵=s nmlr j i h q f e dp c b a T 中,[l m n ]表示产生() A .比例变换 B .对称变换C .错切变换D .平移变换16.一个多元函数F(X)在点x*附近偏导数连续,则该点为极小点的充分条件是()A.0*)(=?x FB.0*)(=?x F ,H(x*)正定C.H(x*)=0D.0*)(=?x F ,H(x*)负定17. 内点罚函数法的特点是()A.能处理等式约束问题B.初始点必须在可行域内C. 初始点可以在可行域外D.后面产生的迭代点序列可以在可行域外18. 对于一个无约束优化问题,若其一阶、二阶偏导数易计算,且计算变量不多(n≤20),宜选用的优化方法是()A.拟牛顿法B.变尺度法C.0.618法D.二次插值法19. 设计体积500cm 3的圆柱形包装盒,按用料最省的原则要确定其高度H 和直径D ,其设计变量是()A.重量B.直径C.面积D.体积20. 多元函数F(X)在点x*附近偏导数连续,0*)(=?x F ,H(x*)负定,则该点为F(X)的()A.极大值点B. 极小值点C.鞍点D.不连续点21. 在单峰搜索区间[x 1, x 3](x 1<="" 4="" bdsfid="181" p="">内,若x 2>x 4,并且函数F(x 4)<="" x4]="" )="">22.下列特性中,梯度法不具有的是()A.二次收敛性B.要计算一阶偏导数C.对初始点的要求不高D.只利用目标函数的一阶偏导数值构成搜索方向23.对于极小化F(x),而受限于约束g μ(x)≤0(μ= 0,1,2,…,m)的优化问题,其内点罚函数表达式为()A.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F rX 1)()()(/1)(),(μμ B.∑=+=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()(/1)(),(μμ C.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()](,0max [)(),(μμ D.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()](,0min[)(),(μμ 24.设X =(X 1, X 2,…, X n ),R n 为维欧氏空间,则下述正确的是()A .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R nB .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R n 中落在可行域内的部分C .设计变量在具体设计问题中的迭代值是唯一的D .设计变量是指设计对象中用到的所有变量25. 函数22),(1323121+-+=x x x x x F 在点Tx }2,1{=处的梯度是()A. T }12,1{B.T }1,8{C. T}3,1{ D.T}8,0{26. 对于 n 维正定二次函数,沿一组共轭方向依次作一维搜索,当达到极值点时,最多需要搜索()A .n +1 次B .n 次C .n -1次D .2n 次27. 函数F (X )为在区间[10,20]内有极小值的单峰函数,进行一维搜索时,取两点13和16,若F (13)<F (16),则缩小后的区间为()A .[13,16]B .[10,13]C .[10,16]D .[16,20]28. 梯度法与变尺度法所具有的收敛性分别为()A .一次收敛性.一次收敛性B .二次收敛性.二次收敛性C .一次收敛性.二次收敛性D .二次收敛性.一次收敛性29.设F (X )为区间(0,3)上的单峰函数,且F (1)=2、F (2)=1.5,则可将搜索区间(0,3)缩小为()A .(0,2)B .(1,2)C .(2,3)D .(1,3)30. 求f(x 1,x 2)=2x 12-8x 1+2x 22-4x 2+20的极值及极值点()A. x*=[1,1]T 12B.x*=[2,1]T 10 C. x*=[2,2]T 12 D. x*=[1,0]T 1431. 串联系统的失效模式大多服从()A.正态分布B.对数正态分布C.指数分布D.威布尔分布32. 抽取100只灯泡进行实验,灯泡工作到50小时有12只损坏,工作到70小时有20只损坏,从50小时到70小时这段时间内灯泡的平均失效密度是() A.0.006 B.0.004 C.0.01 D.0.1233. 由三个相同的元件组成的并联系统,系统正常工作的条件是至少有两个元件处于正常工作状态,每个元件的可靠度为R=0.9,则系统的可靠度为() A.0.972 B.0.99 C.0.999 D.0.999734. 当转换开关的可靠度为1时,非工作冗余系统的可靠度为R1, 工作冗余系统的可靠度为R2,则R1与R2之间的关系为()A. R1<R2B. R1>R2C. R1= R2D. R1≤R235. 下列可靠性指标关系式不正确的是()A .dtt dF t f )()(= B .1)()(=+t F t R C .?∞=tdt t tf t R )()( D .?∞=0)(dt t tf T36. 正态分布中的标准差是()A.表征随机变量分布的离散程度B.表征随机变量分布的集中趋势C.决定正态分布曲线的位置D.影响正态分布曲线的对称性37.若知某产品的失效密度f(t),则其平均寿命T 可表为()A.?t dt t f 0)( B.?∞tdt t f )( C.?∞tdt t f t f )()( D.?∞)(dt t tf38.随机变量A 和B 均服从正态分布,即A=N(μ1,σ1);A=N(μ2,σ2),则随机变量A在(μ1-2σ1)~(μ1-σ1)之间分布的百分数与随机变量 B 在(μ2+σ2)~(μ2+2σ2)之间分布的百分数()A.之比为-σ1/σ2B.之比为σ1/σ2C.之比为-σ2/σ1D.相等39. 标准正态分布是定义为()A.μ=1,σ=0.5的正态分布B.μ=1,σ=1的正态分布C.μ=0,σ=1的正态分布D.μ=0.5,σ=1的正态分布40. 零件的强度和应力均服从正态分布,即N(μr ,σr ); N(μs ,σs ),且知μr >μs ,当σr 增大时,零件的可靠度()A.提高B.降低C.不变D.不定41. 某产品的寿命服从指数分布,若知其失效率λ=0.002,则该产品的平均寿命为()A.200B.1000C.500D.200042. 要提高可靠性的置信度,不应()A.增加强度的样本容量B.加大强度的标准差C.减少应力的均值D.增加应力的样本容量43.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,若系统允许 r 台设备失效仍认为正常工作,则该系统的可靠度函数R S 为() A .R S =∑=---ri iin i n n R R C )1( B .R S =∑=--ni r rn r n R RC)1(C .R S =rr n r nR R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(144.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,若系统允许 r 台设备失效仍认为正常工作,则该系统的可靠度函数R S 为() A .R S =∑=---nri iin i n n R R C )1( B .R S =∑=--nn r n R RC)1(C .R S =rr n r nR R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(145. 对于2/3表决系统,下列情况中,系统不能正常工作的是()A .a 、b 失效,c 正常B .a 失效,b 、c 正常C .a 、b 、c 正常D .a 、b 正常,c 失效46.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,恰好有r 台设备失效时系统的可靠度为() A .R S =∑=--ri rr n r n R R C 0)1( B .R S =∑=--ni r rn r n R RC)1( C .R S =rrn r n R R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(147. 根据强度—应力干涉理论可以判定,当强度均值 r 等于应力均值s 时,则零件可靠度R 的值()A .小于0.5B .大于0.5C .等于0.5D .等于148.N 个产品进行可靠性试验,在t ~t +△t 时间内的失效数为N f (t ),t 时刻的累积失效数N f (t ),则t 时刻的存活频率为()A .Nt N N f )(- B .Nt N f )( C .t N t N f ??)( D .t t N N t N ff ??)]([)(-49.在t ~t +△t 的时间间隔内的平均失效密度f (t )表示()A .平均单位时间的失效频数B .平均单位时间的失效频率C .产品工作到t 时刻,单位时间内发生失效的概率D .产品工作到t 时刻,单位时间内发生的失效数与仍在正常工作的数之比50.设试验数为N 0,累积失效数为N f (t),仍正常工作数N s (t),则存活频率是指()A .0)(N t N f B .0)(N t N s C .)()(t N t N f s D .)()(t N t N s f二、填空题1 51.计算机辅助设计(CAD)是指人们在计算机的辅助下,对产品或工程进行设计、绘图、分析计算或编写技术文件以及显示、输出的一种设计方法。
Chapter 2Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2] (a) The program contains one directive (#include) and four statements (three calls of printf and one return).(b)Parkinson's Law:Work expands so as to fill the timeavailable for its completion.3. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int height = 8, length = 12, width = 10, volume;volume = height * length * width;printf("Dimensions: %dx%dx%d\n", length, width, height);printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume);printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", (volume + 165) / 166);return 0;}4. [was #6] Here's one possible program:#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int i, j, k;float x, y, z;printf("Value of i: %d\n", i);printf("Value of j: %d\n", j);printf("Value of k: %d\n", k);printf("Value of x: %g\n", x);printf("Value of y: %g\n", y);printf("Value of z: %g\n", z);return 0;}When compiled using GCC and then executed, this program produced the following output:Value of i: 5618848Value of j: 0Value of k: 6844404Value of x: 3.98979e-34Value of y: 9.59105e-39Value of z: 9.59105e-39The values printed depend on many factors, so the chance that you'll get exactly these numbers is small.5. [was #10] (a) is not legal because 100_bottles begins with a digit.8. [was #12] There are 14 tokens: a, =, (, 3, *, q, -, p, *, p, ), /, 3, and ;.Answers to Selected Programming Projects4. [was #8; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float original_amount, amount_with_tax;printf("Enter an amount: ");scanf("%f", &original_amount);amount_with_tax = original_amount * 1.05f;printf("With tax added: $%.2f\n", amount_with_tax);return 0;}The amount_with_tax variable is unnecessary. If we remove it, the program is slightly shorter:#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float original_amount;printf("Enter an amount: ");scanf("%f", &original_amount);printf("With tax added: $%.2f\n", original_amount * 1.05f);return 0;}Chapter 3Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2](a) printf("%-8.1e", x);(b) printf("%10.6e", x);(c) printf("%-8.3f", x);(d) printf("%6.0f", x);5.[was #8] The values of x, i, and y will be 12.3, 45, and .6, respectively. Answers to Selected Programming Projects1. [was #4; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int month, day, year;printf("Enter a date (mm/dd/yyyy): ");scanf("%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year);printf("You entered the date %d%.2d%.2d\n", year, month, day);return 0;}3. [was #6; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int prefix, group, publisher, item, check_digit;printf("Enter ISBN: ");scanf("%d-%d-%d-%d-%d", &prefix, &group, &publisher, &item,&check_digit);printf("GS1 prefix: %d\n", prefix);printf("Group identifier: %d\n", group);printf("Publisher code: %d\n", publisher);printf("Item number: %d\n", item);printf("Check digit: %d\n", check_digit);/* The five printf calls can be combined as follows:printf("GS1 prefix: %d\nGroup identifier: %d\nPublishercode: %d\nItem number: %d\nCheck digit: %d\n",prefix, group, publisher, item, check_digit);*/return 0;}Chapter 4Answers to Selected Exercises2.[was #2] Not in C89. Suppose that i is 9 and j is 7. The value of (-i)/j could be either –1 or –2, depending on the implementation. On the other hand, the value of -(i/j) is always –1, regardless of the implementation. In C99, on the other hand, the value of (-i)/j must be equal to the value of -(i/j).9. [was #6](a) 63 8(b) 3 2 1(c) 2 -1 3(d) 0 0 013. [was #8] The expression ++i is equivalent to (i += 1). The value of both expressions is i after the increment has been performed.Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int n;printf("Enter a three-digit number: ");scanf("%d", &n);printf("The reversal is: %d%d%d\n", n % 10, (n / 10) % 10, n / 100);return 0;}Chapter 5Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2](a) 1(b) 1(c) 1(d) 14. [was #4] (i > j) - (i < j)6. [was #12] Yes, the statement is legal. When n is equal to 5, it does nothing, since 5 is not equal to –9.10. [was #16] The output isonetwosince there are no break statements after the cases.Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #6]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int hours, minutes;printf("Enter a 24-hour time: ");scanf("%d:%d", &hours, &minutes);printf("Equivalent 12-hour time: ");if (hours == 0)printf("12:%.2d AM\n", minutes);else if (hours < 12)printf("%d:%.2d AM\n", hours, minutes);else if (hours == 12)printf("%d:%.2d PM\n", hours, minutes);elseprintf("%d:%.2d PM\n", hours - 12, minutes);return 0;}4. [was #8; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int speed;printf("Enter a wind speed in knots: ");scanf("%d", &speed);if (speed < 1)printf("Calm\n");else if (speed <= 3)printf("Light air\n");else if (speed <= 27)printf("Breeze\n");else if (speed <= 47)printf("Gale\n");else if (speed <= 63)printf("Storm\n");elseprintf("Hurricane\n");return 0;}6. [was #10]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int check_digit, d, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, first_sum, second_sum, total;printf("Enter the first (single) digit: ");scanf("%1d", &d);printf("Enter first group of five digits: ");scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5);printf("Enter second group of five digits: ");scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5);printf("Enter the last (single) digit: ");scanf("%1d", &check_digit);first_sum = d + i2 + i4 + j1 + j3 + j5;second_sum = i1 + i3 + i5 + j2 + j4;total = 3 * first_sum + second_sum;if (check_digit == 9 - ((total - 1) % 10))printf("VALID\n");elseprintf("NOT VALID\n");return 0;}10. [was #14]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int grade;printf("Enter numerical grade: ");scanf("%d", &grade);if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) {printf("Illegal grade\n");return 0;}switch (grade / 10) {case 10:case 9: printf("Letter grade: A\n");break;case 8: printf("Letter grade: B\n");break;case 7: printf("Letter grade: C\n");break;case 6: printf("Letter grade: D\n");break;case 5:case 4:case 3:case 2:case 1:case 0: printf("Letter grade: F\n");break;}return 0;}Chapter 6Answers to Selected Exercises4.[was #10] (c) is not equivalent to (a) and (b), because i is incremented before the loop body is executed.10. [was #12] Consider the following while loop:while (…) {…continue;…}The equivalent code using goto would have the following appearance:while (…) {…goto loop_end;…loop_end: ; /* null statement */}12. [was #14]for (d = 2; d * d <= n; d++)if (n % d == 0)break;The if statement that follows the loop will need to be modified as well:if (d * d <= n)printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);elseprintf("%d is prime\n", n);14. [was #16] The problem is the semicolon at the end of the first line. If we remove it, the statement is now correct:if (n % 2 == 0)printf("n is even\n");Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #2]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int m, n, remainder;printf("Enter two integers: ");scanf("%d%d", &m, &n);while (n != 0) {remainder = m % n;m = n;n = remainder;}printf("Greatest common divisor: %d\n", m);return 0;}4. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float commission, value;printf("Enter value of trade: ");scanf("%f", &value);while (value != 0.0f) {if (value < 2500.00f)commission = 30.00f + .017f * value;else if (value < 6250.00f)commission = 56.00f + .0066f * value;else if (value < 20000.00f)commission = 76.00f + .0034f * value;else if (value < 50000.00f)commission = 100.00f + .0022f * value;else if (value < 500000.00f)commission = 155.00f + .0011f * value;elsecommission = 255.00f + .0009f * value;if (commission < 39.00f)commission = 39.00f;printf("Commission: $%.2f\n\n", commission);printf("Enter value of trade: ");scanf("%f", &value);}return 0;}6. [was #6]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int i, n;printf("Enter limit on maximum square: ");scanf("%d", &n);for (i = 2; i * i <= n; i += 2)printf("%d\n", i * i);return 0;}8. [was #8]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int i, n, start_day;printf("Enter number of days in month: ");scanf("%d", &n);printf("Enter starting day of the week (1=Sun, 7=Sat): "); scanf("%d", &start_day);/* print any leading "blank dates" */for (i = 1; i < start_day; i++)printf(" ");/* now print the calendar */for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {printf("%3d", i);if ((start_day + i - 1) % 7 == 0)printf("\n");}return 0;}Chapter 7Answers to Selected Exercises3. [was #4] (b) is not legal.4.[was #6] (d) is illegal, since printf requires a string, not a character, as its first argument.10.[was #14] unsigned int, because the (int) cast applies only to j, not j * k.12. [was #16] The value of i is converted to float and added to f, then the result is converted to double and stored in d.14. [was #18] No. Converting f to int will fail if the value stored inf exceeds the largest value of type int.Answers to Selected Programming Projects1.[was #2] short int values are usually stored in 16 bits, causing failure at 182. int and long int values are usually stored in 32 bits, with failure occurring at 46341.2. [was #8]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int i, n;char ch;printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n");printf("Enter number of entries in table: ");scanf("%d", &n);ch = getchar();/* dispose of new-line character following number of entries *//* could simply be getchar(); */for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {printf("%10d%10d\n", i, i * i);if (i % 24 == 0) {printf("Press Enter to continue...");ch = getchar(); /* or simply getchar(); */}}return 0;}5. [was #10]#include <ctype.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int sum = 0;char ch;printf("Enter a word: ");while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')switch (toupper(ch)) {case 'D': case 'G':sum += 2; break;case 'B': case 'C': case 'M': case 'P':sum += 3; break;case 'F': case 'H': case 'V': case 'W': case 'Y': sum += 4; break;case 'K':sum += 5; break;case 'J': case 'X':sum += 8; break;case 'Q': case 'Z':sum += 10; break;default:sum++; break;}printf("Scrabble value: %d\n", sum);return 0;}6. [was #12]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){printf("Size of int: %d\n", (int) sizeof(int));printf("Size of short: %d\n", (int) sizeof(short));printf("Size of long: %d\n", (int) sizeof(long));printf("Size of float: %d\n", (int) sizeof(float));printf("Size of double: %d\n", (int) sizeof(double));printf("Size of long double: %d\n", (int) sizeof(long double));return 0;}Since the type of a sizeof expression may vary from one implementation to another, it's necessary in C89 to cast sizeof expressions to a known type before printing them. The sizes of the basic types are small numbers, so it's safe to cast them to int. (In general, however, it's best to cast sizeof expressions to unsigned long and print them using %lu.) In C99, we can avoid the cast by using the %zu conversion specification.Chapter 8Answers to Selected Exercises1.[was #4] The problem with sizeof(a) / sizeof(t) is that it can't easily be checked for correctness by someone reading the program. (The reader would have to locate the declaration of a and make sure that its elements have type t.)2. [was #8] To use a digit d (in character form) as a subscript into the array a, we would write a[d-'0']. This assumes that digits have consecutive codes in the underlying character set, which is true of ASCII and other popular character sets.7. [was #10]const int segments[10][7] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1},{1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1},{1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}};Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #2]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int digit_count[10] = {0};int digit;long n;printf("Enter a number: ");scanf("%ld", &n);while (n > 0) {digit = n % 10;digit_count[digit]++;n /= 10;}printf ("Digit: ");for (digit = 0; digit <= 9; digit++)printf("%3d", digit);printf("\nOccurrences:");for (digit = 0; digit <= 9; digit++)printf("%3d", digit_count[digit]);printf("\n");return 0;}5. [was #6]#include <stdio.h>#define NUM_RATES ((int) (sizeof(value) / sizeof(value[0]))) #define INITIAL_BALANCE 100.00int main(void){int i, low_rate, month, num_years, year;double value[5];printf("Enter interest rate: ");scanf("%d", &low_rate);printf("Enter number of years: ");scanf("%d", &num_years);printf("\nYears");for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) {printf("%6d%%", low_rate + i);value[i] = INITIAL_BALANCE;}printf("\n");for (year = 1; year <= num_years; year++) {printf("%3d ", year);for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) {for (month = 1; month <= 12; month++)value[i] += ((double) (low_rate + i) / 12) / 100.0 * value[i]; printf("%7.2f", value[i]);}printf("\n");}return 0;}8. [was #12]#include <stdio.h>#define NUM_QUIZZES 5#define NUM_STUDENTS 5int main(void){int grades[NUM_STUDENTS][NUM_QUIZZES];int high, low, quiz, student, total;for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) {printf("Enter grades for student %d: ", student + 1);for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++)scanf("%d", &grades[student][quiz]);}printf("\nStudent Total Average\n");for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) {printf("%4d ", student + 1);total = 0;for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++)total += grades[student][quiz];printf("%3d %3d\n", total, total / NUM_QUIZZES);}printf("\nQuiz Average High Low\n");for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++) {printf("%3d ", quiz + 1);total = 0;high = 0;low = 100;for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) {total += grades[student][quiz];if (grades[student][quiz] > high)high = grades[student][quiz];if (grades[student][quiz] < low)low = grades[student][quiz];}printf("%3d %3d %3d\n", total / NUM_STUDENTS, high, low); }return 0;}Chapter 9Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2]int check(int x, int y, int n){return (x >= 0 && x <= n - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= n - 1);}4. [was #4]int day_of_year(int month, int day, int year){int num_days[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; int day_count = 0, i;for (i = 1; i < month; i++)day_count += num_days[i-1];/* adjust for leap years, assuming they are divisible by 4 */if (year % 4 == 0 && month > 2)day_count++;return day_count + day;}Using the expression year % 4 == 0 to test for leap years is not completely correct. Centuries are special cases: if a year is a multiple of 100, then it must also be a multiple of 400 in order to be a leap year. The correct test isyear % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)6. [was #6; modified]int digit(int n, int k){int i;for (i = 1; i < k; i++)n /= 10;return n % 10;}8. [was #8] (a) and (b) are valid prototypes. (c) is illegal, since it doesn't specify the type of the parameter. (d) incorrectly specifies that f returns an int value in C89; in C99, omitting the return type is illegal.10. [was #10](a)int largest(int a[], int n){int i, max = a[0];for (i = 1; i < n; i++)if (a[i] > max)max = a[i];return max;}(b)int average(int a[], int n){int i, avg = 0;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)avg += a[i];return avg / n;}(c)int num_positive(int a[], int n){int i, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (a[i] > 0)count++;return count;}15. [was #12; modified]double median(double x, double y, double z) {double result;if (x <= y)if (y <= z) result = y;else if (x <= z) result = z;else result = x;else {if (z <= y) result = y;else if (x <= z) result = x;else result = z;}return result;}17. [was #14]int fact(int n){int i, result = 1;for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)result *= i;return result;}19. [was #16] The following program tests the pb function:#include <stdio.h>void pb(int n);int main(void){int n;printf("Enter a number: ");scanf("%d", &n);printf("Output of pb: ");pb(n);printf("\n");return 0;}void pb(int n){if (n != 0) {pb(n / 2);putchar('0' + n % 2);}}pb prints the binary representation of the argument n, assuming that n is greater than 0. (We also assume that digits have consecutive codes in the underlying character set.) For example:Enter a number: 53Output of pb: 110101A trace of pb's execution would look like this:pb(53) finds that 53 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(26), which finds that 26 is not equal to 0, so it calls pb(13), which finds that 13 is not equal to 0, so it calls pb(6), which finds that 6 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(3), which finds that 3 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(1), which finds that 1 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(0), which finds that 0 is equal to 0, so it returns, causingpb(1) to print 1 and return, causingpb(3) to print 1 and return, causingpb(6) to print 0 and return, causingpb(13) to print 1 and return, causingpb(26) to print 0 and return, causingpb(53) to print 1 and return.Chapter 10Answers to Selected Exercises1. [was #2] (a) a, b, and c are visible.(b) a, and d are visible.(c) a, d, and e are visible.(d) a and f are visible.Answers to Selected Programming Projects3. [was #4]#include <stdbool.h> /* C99 only */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define NUM_CARDS 5#define RANK 0#define SUIT 1/* external variables */int hand[NUM_CARDS][2];/* 0 1____ ____0 |____|____|1 |____|____|2 |____|____|3 |____|____|4 |____|____|rank suit*/bool straight, flush, four, three;int pairs; /* can be 0, 1, or 2 *//* prototypes */void read_cards(void);void analyze_hand(void);void print_result(void);/********************************************************** * main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result * * repeatedly. * **********************************************************/ int main(void){for (;;) {read_cards();analyze_hand();print_result();}}/********************************************************** * read_cards: Reads the cards into the external variable * * hand; checks for bad cards and duplicate * * cards. * **********************************************************/ void read_cards(void){char ch, rank_ch, suit_ch;int i, rank, suit;bool bad_card, duplicate_card;int cards_read = 0;while (cards_read < NUM_CARDS) {bad_card = false;printf("Enter a card: ");rank_ch = getchar();switch (rank_ch) {case '0': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);case '2': rank = 0; break;case '3': rank = 1; break;case '4': rank = 2; break;case '5': rank = 3; break;case '6': rank = 4; break;case '7': rank = 5; break;case '8': rank = 6; break;case '9': rank = 7; break;case 't': case 'T': rank = 8; break;case 'j': case 'J': rank = 9; break;case 'q': case 'Q': rank = 10; break;case 'k': case 'K': rank = 11; break;case 'a': case 'A': rank = 12; break;default: bad_card = true;}suit_ch = getchar();switch (suit_ch) {case 'c': case 'C': suit = 0; break;case 'd': case 'D': suit = 1; break;case 'h': case 'H': suit = 2; break;case 's': case 'S': suit = 3; break;default: bad_card = true;}while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')if (ch != ' ') bad_card = true;if (bad_card) {printf("Bad card; ignored.\n");continue;}duplicate_card = false;for (i = 0; i < cards_read; i++)if (hand[i][RANK] == rank && hand[i][SUIT] == suit) { printf("Duplicate card; ignored.\n");duplicate_card = true;break;}if (!duplicate_card) {hand[cards_read][RANK] = rank;hand[cards_read][SUIT] = suit;cards_read++;}}}/********************************************************** * analyze_hand: Determines whether the hand contains a * * straight, a flush, four-of-a-kind, * * and/or three-of-a-kind; determines the * * number of pairs; stores the results into * * the external variables straight, flush, * * four, three, and pairs. * **********************************************************/ void analyze_hand(void){int rank, suit, card, pass, run;straight = true;flush = true;four = false;three = false;pairs = 0;/* sort cards by rank */for (pass = 1; pass < NUM_CARDS; pass++)for (card = 0; card < NUM_CARDS - pass; card++) {rank = hand[card][RANK];suit = hand[card][SUIT];if (hand[card+1][RANK] < rank) {hand[card][RANK] = hand[card+1][RANK];hand[card][SUIT] = hand[card+1][SUIT];hand[card+1][RANK] = rank;hand[card+1][SUIT] = suit;}}/* check for flush */suit = hand[0][SUIT];for (card = 1; card < NUM_CARDS; card++)if (hand[card][SUIT] != suit)flush = false;/* check for straight */for (card = 0; card < NUM_CARDS - 1; card++)if (hand[card][RANK] + 1 != hand[card+1][RANK])straight = false;/* check for 4-of-a-kind, 3-of-a-kind, and pairs bylooking for "runs" of cards with identical ranks */card = 0;while (card < NUM_CARDS) {rank = hand[card][RANK];run = 0;do {run++;card++;} while (card < NUM_CARDS && hand[card][RANK] == rank); switch (run) {case 2: pairs++; break;case 3: three = true; break;case 4: four = true; break;}}}/********************************************************** * print_result: Prints the classification of the hand, * * based on the values of the external * * variables straight, flush, four, three, * * and pairs. * **********************************************************/ void print_result(void){if (straight && flush) printf("Straight flush");else if (four) printf("Four of a kind");else if (three &&pairs == 1) printf("Full house");else if (flush) printf("Flush");else if (straight) printf("Straight");else if (three) printf("Three of a kind");else if (pairs == 2) printf("Two pairs");else if (pairs == 1) printf("Pair");else printf("High card");printf("\n\n");}5. [was #6]#include <stdbool.h> /* C99 only */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define NUM_RANKS 13#define NUM_SUITS 4#define NUM_CARDS 5/* external variables */int num_in_rank[NUM_RANKS];int num_in_suit[NUM_SUITS];bool straight, flush, four, three;int pairs; /* can be 0, 1, or 2 *//* prototypes */void read_cards(void);void analyze_hand(void);void print_result(void);/********************************************************** * main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result * * repeatedly. * **********************************************************/ int main(void){for (;;) {read_cards();analyze_hand();print_result();}}/********************************************************** * read_cards: Reads the cards into the external * * variables num_in_rank and num_in_suit; * * checks for bad cards and duplicate cards. * **********************************************************/void read_cards(void){bool card_exists[NUM_RANKS][NUM_SUITS];char ch, rank_ch, suit_ch;int rank, suit;bool bad_card;int cards_read = 0;for (rank = 0; rank < NUM_RANKS; rank++) { num_in_rank[rank] = 0;for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++) card_exists[rank][suit] = false;}for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++)num_in_suit[suit] = 0;while (cards_read < NUM_CARDS) {bad_card = false;printf("Enter a card: ");rank_ch = getchar();switch (rank_ch) {case '0': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case '2': rank = 0; break;case '3': rank = 1; break;case '4': rank = 2; break;case '5': rank = 3; break;case '6': rank = 4; break;case '7': rank = 5; break;case '8': rank = 6; break;case '9': rank = 7; break;case 't': case 'T': rank = 8; break;case 'j': case 'J': rank = 9; break;case 'q': case 'Q': rank = 10; break; case 'k': case 'K': rank = 11; break; case 'a': case 'A': rank = 12; break; default: bad_card = true;}suit_ch = getchar();switch (suit_ch) {case 'c': case 'C': suit = 0; break;。
现代设计理论与方法 课后答案
![现代设计理论与方法 课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/934f424d4b7302768e9951e79b89680203d86ba8.png)
1. 人机交互设计理论与方法:人机交互设计关注如何使人
2. 用户体验设计理论与方法:用户体验设计关注用户在使
3. 设计思维理论与方法:设计思维是一种以人为中心的创
4. 可持续设计理论与方法:可持续设计关注如何在设计过
5. 创新设计理论与方法:创新设计关注如何通过创造性思
6. 数据驱动设计理论与方法:数据驱动设计关注如何通过
7. 敏捷设计理论与方法:敏捷设计是一种以快速迭代和团队合作为核心的设计方法。
Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2] (a) The program contains one directive (#include) and four statements (three calls of printf and one return).(b)Parkinson's Law:Work expands so as to fill the timeavailable for its completion.3. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int height = 8, length = 12, width = 10, volume;volume = height * length * width;printf("Dimensions: %dx%dx%d\n", length, width, height); printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume);printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", (volume + 165) / 166);return 0;}4. [was #6] Here's one possible program:#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int i, j, k; float x, y, z;printf("Value of i: %d\n", i); printf("Value of j: %d\n", j); printf("Value of k: %d\n", k); printf("Value of x: %g\n", x); printf("Value of y: %g\n", y);printf("Value of z: %g\n", z);return 0;}When compiled using GCC and then executed, this program produced the following output:Value of i: 5618848Value of k: 6844404Value of x: 3.98979e-34Value of y: 9.59105e-39Value of z: 9.59105e-39The values printed depend on many factors, so the chance that you'll get exactly these numbers is small.5. [was #10] (a) is not legal because 100_bottles begins with a digit.8. [was #12] There are 14 tokens: a, =, (, 3, *, q, -, p, *, p, ), /, 3, and ;. Answers to Selected Programming Projects4. [was #8; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float original_amount, amount_with_tax;printf("Enter an amount: ");scanf("%f", &original_amount); amount_with_tax = original_amount * 1.05f; printf("With tax added: $%.2f\n", amount_with_tax);return 0;}The amount_with_tax variable is unnecessary. If we remove it, the program is slightly shorter:#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float original_amount;printf("Enter an amount: ");scanf("%f", &original_amount);printf("With tax added: $%.2f\n", original_amount * 1.05f);return 0;}Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2](a) printf("%-8.1e", x);(b) printf("%10.6e", x);(c) printf("%-8.3f", x);(d) printf("%6.0f", x);5. [was #8] The values of x, i, and y will be 12.3, 45, and .6,respectively. Answers to Selected Programming Projects1. [was #4; modified]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int month, day, year;printf("Enter a date (mm/dd/yyyy): "); scanf("%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year); printf("You entered the date %d%.2d%.2d\n", year, month, day);return 0;}3. [was #6; modified]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int prefix, group, publisher, item, check_digit;printf("Enter ISBN: ");scanf("%d-%d-%d-%d-%d", &prefix, &group, &publisher, &item, &check_digit); printf("GS1 prefix: %d\n", prefix); printf("Group identifier: %d\n", group);printf("Publisher code: %d\n", publisher); printf("Item number: %d\n", item); printf("Check digit: %d\n", check_digit);/* The five printf calls can be combined as follows:printf("GS1 prefix: %d\nGroup identifier: %d\nPublisher code: %d\nItem number: %d\nCheck digit: %d\n", prefix, group, publisher, item, check_digit);*/return 0; }Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2] Not in C89. Suppose that i is 9 and j is 7. The value of (-i)/j could be either —1 or —2, depending on the implementation. On the other hand, the value of -(i/j) is always —1, regardless of the implementation.In C99, on the other hand, the value of (-i)/j must be equal to the value of -(i/j).9. [was #6](a) 63 8(b) 3 2 1(c) 2 -1 3(d) 0 0 013. [was #8] The expression ++i is equivalent to (i += 1). The value of both expressions is i after the increment has been performed.Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int n;printf("Enter a three-digit number: ");scanf("%d", &n);printf("The reversal is: %d%d%d\n", n % 10, (n / 10) % 10, n / 100);return 0;}Chapter 5Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2](a) 1(b) 1(c) 1(d) 14. [was #4] (i > j) - (i < j)6. [was #12] Yes, the statement is legal. When n is equal to 5, it does nothing, since 5 is not equal to - 9.10. [was #16] The output isonetwosince there are no break statements after the cases.Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #6]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int hours, minutes;printf("Enter a 24-hour time: "); scanf("%d:%d", &hours, &minutes);printf("Equivalent 12-hour time: ");if (hours == 0)printf("12:%.2d AM\n", minutes);else if (hours < 12)printf("%d:%.2d AM\n", hours, minutes);else if (hours == 12)printf("%d:%.2d PM\n", hours, minutes); elseprintf("%d:%.2d PM\n", hours - 12, minutes);return 0;}4. [was #8; modified]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int speed;printf("Enter a wind speed in knots: "); scanf("%d", &speed);if (speed < 1)printf("Calm\n");else if (speed <= 3)printf("Light air\n");else if (speed <= 27) printf("Breeze\n");else if (speed <= 47) printf("Gale\n");else if (speed <= 63)printf("Storm\n");elseprintf("Hurricane\n");return 0;}6. [was #10]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int check_digit, d, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, first_sum, second_sum, total;printf("Enter the first (single) digit: ");scanf("%1d", &d);printf("Enter first group of five digits: "); scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &i1, &i2,&i3, &i4, &i5); printf("Enter second group of five digits: ");scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5); printf("Enter the last (single) digit: ");scanf("%1d", &check_digit);first_sum = d + i2 + i4 + j1 + j3 + j5;second_sum = i1 + i3 + i5 + j2 + j4;total = 3 * first_sum + second_sum;if (check_digit == 9 - ((total - 1) % 10)) printf("VALID\n");elseprintf("NOT VALID\n");return 0;}10. [was #14]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int grade;printf("Enter numerical grade: ");scanf("%d", &grade);if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) { printf("Illegal grade\n"); return 0;}switch (grade / 10) {case 10:case 9: printf("Letter grade: A\n"); break;case 8: printf("Letter grade: B\n"); break;case 7: printf("Letter grade: C\n"); break;case 6: printf("Letter grade: D\n"); break;case 5:case 4:case 3:case 2:case 1:case 0: printf("Letter grade: F\n"); break;}return 0;}Chapter 6Answers to Selected Exercises4. [was #10] (c) is not equivalent to (a) and (b), because i is incremented before the loop body is executed.10. [was #12] Consider the following while loop:while (…){continue;The equivalent code using goto would have the following appearance: while (…){goto loop_end;loop_end: ; /* null statement */}12. [was #14]for (d = 2; d * d <= n; d++) if (n % d == 0)}break;The if statement that follows the loop will need to be modified as well: if (d * d <= n)printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);elseprintf("%d is prime\n", n);14. [was #16] The problem is the semicolon at the end of the first line. If we remove it, the statement is now correct:if (n % 2 == 0) printf("n is even\n");Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #2]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int m, n, remainder;printf("Enter two integers: "); scanf("%d%d", &m, &n);while (n != 0) {remainder = m % n;m = n; n = remainder;printf("Greatest common divisor: %d\n", m);return 0;}4. [was #4]#include <stdio.h>int main(void){float commission, value;printf("Enter value of trade: ");scanf("%f", &value);while (value != 0.0f) {if (value < 2500.00f)commission = 30.00f + .017f * value;else if (value < 6250.00f) commission = 56.00f + .0066f * value;else if (value < 20000.00f)commission = 76.00f + .0034f * value;else if (value < 50000.00f) commission = 100.00f + .0022f * value;else if (value < 500000.00f)commission = 155.00f + .0011f * value;elsecommission = 255.00f + .0009f * value;if (commission < 39.00f)commission = 39.00f;printf("Commission: $%.2f\n\n", commission);printf("Enter value of trade: ");scanf("%f", &value);}return 0;}6. [was #6]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int i, n;printf("Enter limit on maximum square: "); scanf("%d", &n);for (i = 2; i * i <= n; i += 2) printf("%d\n", i * i);return 0;}8. [was #8]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int i, n, start_day;printf("Enter number of days in month: ");scanf("%d", &n);printf("Enter starting day of the week (1=Sun, 7=Sat): "); scanf("%d", &start_day);/* print any leading "blank dates" */for (i = 1; i < start_day; i++)printf(" ");/* now print the calendar */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { printf("%3d", i);if ((start_day + i - 1) % 7 == 0) printf("\n");}return 0;}Chapter 7Answers to Selected Exercises3. [was #4] (b) is not legal.4. [was #6] (d) is illegal, since printf requires a string, not a character, as its first argument.10. [was #14] unsigned int, because the (int) cast applies only to j, not j * k.12. [was #16] The value of i is converted to float and added to f, then the result is converted to double and stored in d.14. [was #18] No. Converting f to int will fail if the value stored in f exceeds the largest value of type int.Answers to Selected Programming Projects 1. [was #2] short int values are usually stored in 16 bits, causing failure at 182. int and long int values are usually stored in 32 bits, with failure occurring at 46341.2. [was #8]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int i, n;char ch;printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n"); printf("Enter number of entries in table: "); scanf("%d", &n);ch = getchar();/* dispose of new-line character following number of entries */ /* could simply be getchar(); */for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { printf("%10d%10d\n", i, i * i);if (i % 24 == 0) {printf("Press Enter to continue...");ch = getchar(); /* or simply getchar(); */}}return 0;}5. [was #10]#include <ctype.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(void){int sum = 0;char ch;printf("Enter a word: ");while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')switch (toupper(ch)) {case 'D': case 'G':sum += 2; break;case 'B': case 'C': case 'M': case 'P':sum += 3; break;case 'F': case 'H': case 'V': case 'W': case 'Y': sum += 4; break;case 'K':sum += 5; break;case 'J': case 'X': sum += 8; break;case 'Q': case 'Z': sum += 10; break;default: sum++; break;}printf("Scrabble value: %d\n", sum);return 0;}6. [was #12]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){printf("Size of int: %d\n", (int) sizeof(int)); printf("Size of short: %d\n", (int)sizeof(short));printf("Size of long: %d\n", (int) sizeof(long)); printf("Size of float: %d\n", (int)sizeof(float));printf("Size of double: %d\n", (int) sizeof(double));printf("Size of long double: %d\n", (int) sizeof(long double));return 0;}Since the type of a sizeof expression may vary from one implementation to another, it's necessary in C89 to cast sizeof expressions to a known type before printing them. The sizes of the basic types are small numbers, so it's safe to cast them to int. (In general, however, it's best to cast sizeof expressions to unsigned long and print them using %lu.) In C99, we can avoid the cast by using the %zu conversion specification.Chapter 8Answers to Selected Exercises1. [was #4] The problem with sizeof(a) / sizeof( t) is that it can't easily be checked for correctness by someone reading the program. (The reader would have to locate the declaration of a and makesure that its elements have type t .)2. [was #8] To use a digit d (in character form) as a subscript into thearray a, we would write a[d-'0']. This assumes that digits have consecutive codes in the underlying character set, which is true of ASCII and other popular character sets.7. [was #10]const int segments[10][7] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1},{1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1},{1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}};Answers to Selected Programming Projects2. [was #2]#include <stdio.h> int main(void){int digit_count[10] = {0};int digit;long n;printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%ld", &n);while (n > 0) { digit = n % 10; digit_count[digit]++; n /= 10;}printf ("Digit: ");for (digit = 0; digit <= 9; digit++) printf("%3d", digit);printf("\nOccurrences:");for (digit = 0; digit <= 9; digit++) printf("%3d", digit_count[digit]);printf("\n");return 0;}5. [was #6]#include <stdio.h> #define NUM_RATES ((int) (sizeof(value) / sizeof(value[0]))) #define INITIAL_BALANCE 100.00 int main(void){int i, low_rate, month, num_years, year; double value[5];printf("Enter interest rate: "); scanf("%d", &low_rate); printf("Enter number of years: "); scanf("%d", &num_years);printf("\nYears");for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) { printf("%6d%%", low_rate + i); value[i] =INITIAL_BALANCE;} printf("\n");for (year = 1; year <= num_years; year++) { printf("%3d ", year);for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) {for (month = 1; month <= 12; month++)value[i] += ((double) (low_rate + i) / 12) / 100.0 * value[i]; printf("%7.2f",value[i]);} printf("\n");}return 0;}8. [was #12]#include <stdio.h>#define NUM_QUIZZES 5#define NUM_STUDENTS 5int main(void){int grades[NUM_STUDENTS][NUM_QUIZZES];int high, low, quiz, student, total;for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) { printf("Enter grades for student %d: ", student + 1);for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++) scanf("%d", &grades[student][quiz]);}printf("\nStudent Total Average\n");for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) { printf("%4d ", student +1);total = 0;for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++)total += grades[student][quiz];printf("%3d %3d\n", total, total / NUM_QUIZZES);}printf("\nQuiz Average High Low\n");for (quiz = 0; quiz < NUM_QUIZZES; quiz++) {printf("%3d ", quiz + 1);total = 0;high = 0;low = 100;for (student = 0; student < NUM_STUDENTS; student++) { total +=grades[student][quiz];if (grades[student][quiz] > high)high = grades[student][quiz];if (grades[student][quiz] < low)low = grades[student][quiz];}printf("%3d %3d %3d\n", total / NUM_STUDENTS, high, low); }return 0;}Chapter 9Answers to Selected Exercises2. [was #2]int check(int x, int y, int n){return (x >= 0 && x <= n - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= n - 1); }4. [was #4] int day_of_year(int month, int day, int year) {int num_days[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};int day_count = 0, i;for (i = 1; i < month; i++)day_count += num_days[i-1];/* adjust for leap years, assuming they are divisible by 4 */if (year % 4 == 0 && month > 2)day_count++;return day_count + day;}Using the expression year %4 == 0 to test for leap years is not completely correct. Centuries are special cases: if a year is a multiple of 100, then it must also be a multiple of 400 in order to be a leap year. The correct test is year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)6. [was #6; modified]int digit(int n, int k){int i;for (i = 1; i < k; i++)n /= 10;return n % 10;}8. [was #8] (a) and (b) are valid prototypes. (c) is illegal, since it doesn't specify the type of the parameter. (d) incorrectly specifies that f returns an int value in C89; in C99, omitting the return type is illegal.10. [was #10](a)int largest(int a[], int n){int i, max = a[0];for (i = 1; i < n; i++)if (a[i] > max) max = a[i];return max;}(b)int average(int a[], int n){int i, avg = 0;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)avg += a[i];return avg / n;}(c)int num_positive(int a[], int n){int i, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] > 0) count++;return count;}15. [was #12; modified]double median(double x, double y, double z) {double result;if (x <= y)if (y <= z) result = y; else if (x <= z) result = z; else result = x; else {if (z <= y) result = y; else if (x <= z) result = x; else result = z;return result;}17. [was #14]int fact(int n){int i, result = 1;for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)result *= i;return result;}19. [was #16] The following program tests the pb function: #include <stdio.h> void pb(int n);int main(void){int n;printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d", &n);printf("Output of pb: "); pb(n);printf("\n");return 0;}void pb(int n){if (n != 0) {pb(n / 2); putchar('0' + n % 2);}}pb prints the binary representation of the argument n, assuming that nis greater than 0. (We also assume that digits have consecutive codes in the underlying character set.) For example:Enter a number: 53 Output of pb: 110101A trace of pb's execution would look like this:pb(53) finds that 53 is not equal to 0, so it calls pb(26), which finds that 26 is not equal to 0, so it calls pb(13), which finds that 13 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(6), which finds that 6 is not equal to 0, so it calls pb(3), which finds that 3 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(1), which finds that 1 is not equal to 0, so it callspb(0), which finds that 0 is equal to 0, soit returns, causingpb(1) to print 1 and return, causing pb(3) to print 1 and return, causing pb(6) to print 0 and return, causing pb(13) to print 1 andreturn, causing pb(26) to print 0 and return, causingpb(53) to print 1 and return.Chapter 10Answers to Selected Exercises1. [was #2] (a) a, b, and c are visible.(b) a, and d are visible.(c) a, d, and e are visible.(d) a and f are visible.Answers to Selected Programming Projects3. [was #4]#include <stdbool.h> /* C99 only */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define NUM_CARDS 5#define RANK 0#define SUIT 1 /* external variables */ int hand[NUM_CARDS][2];/* 0 10 | ___ | ___1 | ___ | ___2 | ___ | ___3 | ___ | ___4 | ___ | ___rank suit*/ bool straight, flush, four, three; int pairs; /* can be 0, 1, or 2 */ /* prototypes */void read_cards(void);void analyze_hand(void);void print_result(void); /*********************************************************** main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result * repeatedly. ***********************************************************/ int main(void){for (;;) {read_cards();analyze_hand();print_result();}}/*********************************************************** read_cards: Reads the cards into the external variable* hand; checks for bad cards and duplicate ** cards. * **********************************************************/ void read_cards(void) {char ch, rank_ch, suit_ch; int i, rank, suit;bool bad_card, duplicate_card; int cards_read = 0;while (cards_read < NUM_CARDS) { bad_card = false;printf("Enter a card: ");rank_ch = getchar();switch (rank_ch) {case '0': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);case '2': rank = 0; break;case '3': rank = 1; break;case '4': rank = 2; break;case '5': rank = 3; break;case '6': rank = 4; break;case '7': rank = 5; break;case '8': rank = 6; break;case '9': rank = 7; break;case 't': case 'T': rank = 8; break; case 'j': case 'J': rank = 9; break; case 'q':case 'Q': rank = 10; break; case 'k': case 'K': rank = 11; break; case 'a': case 'A': rank = 12; break; default: bad_card = true;}suit_ch = getchar();switch (suit_ch) {case 'c': case 'C': suit = 0; break; case 'd': case 'D': suit = 1; break; case 'h':case 'H': suit = 2; break; case 's': case 'S': suit = 3; break; default: bad_card = true;}while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') if(ch != ' ') bad_card = true;if (bad_card) {printf("Bad card; ignored.\n");continue;}duplicate_card = false;for (i = 0; i < cards_read; i++)if (hand[i][RANK] == rank && hand[i][SUIT] == suit) { printf("Duplicate card;ignored.\n"); duplicate_card = true;break;}if (!duplicate_card) {hand[cards_read][RANK] = rank; hand[cards_read][SUIT] = suit;cards_read++;}}}/*********************************************************** analyze_hand: Determines whether the hand contains a* straight, a flush, four-of-a-kind, ** and/or three-of-a-kind; determines the ** number of pairs; stores the results into ** the external variables straight, flush, ** four, three, and pairs. ***********************************************************/ void analyze_hand(void){int rank, suit, card, pass, run;straight = true; flush = true; four = false; three = false; pairs = 0;/* sort cards by rank */for (pass = 1; pass < NUM_CARDS; pass++)for (card = 0; card < NUM_CARDS - pass; card++) { rank = hand[card][RANK];suit = hand[card][SUIT];if (hand[card+1][RANK] < rank) { hand[card][RANK] = hand[card+1][RANK];hand[card][SUIT] = hand[card+1][SUIT]; hand[card+1][RANK] = rank;hand[card+1][SUIT] = suit;}}/* check for flush */suit = hand[0][SUIT];for (card = 1; card < NUM_CARDS; card++) if (hand[card][SUIT] != suit) flush = false;/* check for straight */for (card = 0; card < NUM_CARDS - 1; card++)if (hand[card][RANK] + 1 != hand[card+1][RANK]) straight = false;/* check for 4-of-a-kind, 3-of-a-kind, and pairs by looking for "runs" of cards with identical ranks */ card = 0;while (card < NUM_CARDS) {rank = hand[card][RANK];run = 0;do {run++; card++;} while (card < NUM_CARDS && hand[card][RANK] == rank); switch (run) { case 2: pairs++; break;case 3: three = true; break;case 4: four = true; break;}}}/*********************************************************** print_result: Prints the classification of the hand, ** based on the values of the external ** variables straight, flush, four, three, ** and pairs. ***********************************************************/ void print_result(void){if (straight && flush) printf("Straight flush");else if (four) printf("Four of a kind");else if (three &&pairs == 1) printf("Full house");printf("Flush"); printf("Straight"); printf("Three of a kind"); else if (pairs == 2) printf("Two pairs"); else if (pairs == 1)printf("Pair"); else printf("High card"); printf("\n\n");}5. [was #6]#include <stdbool.h> /* C99 only */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> #define NUM_RANKS 13#define NUM_SUITS 4#define NUM_CARDS 5/* external variables */int num_in_rank[NUM_RANKS]; int num_in_suit[NUM_SUITS]; bool straight, flush, four, three; int pairs; /* can be 0, 1, or 2 */ /* prototypes */void read_cards(void); void analyze_hand(void);void print_result(void);/*********************************************************** main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result* repeatedly. * **********************************************************/ int main(void) {for (;;) {read_cards(); analyze_hand();print_result();}}/*********************************************************** read_cards: Reads the cards into the external* variables num_in_rank and num_in_suit;* checks for bad cards and duplicate cards.********************************************************** void read_cards(void) {bool card_exists[NUM_RANKS][NUM_SUITS]; char ch, rank_ch, suit_ch; int rank, suit;bool bad_card;int cards_read = 0;for (rank = 0; rank < NUM_RANKS; rank++) { num_in_rank[rank] = 0;for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++) card_exists[rank][suit] = false;}else if (flush)else if (straight) else if (three)for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++) num_in_suit[suit] = 0;while (cards_read < NUM_CARDS) { bad_card = false;printf("Enter a card: ");rank_ch = getchar();switch (rank_ch) {case '0': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);case '2': rank = 0; break;case '3': rank = 1; break;case '4': rank = 2; break;case '5': rank = 3; break;case '6': rank = 4; break;case '7': rank = 5; break;case '8': rank = 6; break;case '9': rank = 7; break;case 't': case 'T': rank = 8; break; case 'j': case 'J': rank = 9; break; case 'q': case 'Q': rank = 10; break;case 'k': case 'K': rank = 11; break;case 'a': case 'A': rank = 12; break; default: bad_card = true;}suit_ch = getchar(); switch (suit_ch) {case 'c': case 'C': suit = 0; break;case 'd': case 'D': suit = 1; break;case 'h': case 'H': suit = 2; break;case 's': case 'S': suit = 3; break; default: bad_card = true;}while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') if(ch != ' ') bad_card = true;if (bad_card) printf("Bad card; ignored.\n");else if (card_exists[rank][suit]) printf("Duplicate card; ignored.\n");else { num_in_rank[rank]++; num_in_suit[suit]++; card_exists[rank][suit] = true;cards_read++;}}} /*********************************************************** analyze_hand: Determines whether the hand contains a* straight, a flush, four-of-a-kind, *。
江南大学网络教育第一阶段练习题考试科目:《现代设计方法》第章至第章(总分100分)__________学习中心(教学点)批次:层次:专业:学号:身份证号:姓名:得分:一单选题 (共17题,总分值17分,下列选项中有且仅有一个选项符合题目要求,请在答题卡上正确填涂。
)1. 对于多元函数的无约束优化问题,判断其最优点可以根据()。
(1 分)A. 目标函数的梯度判定B. 目标函数的性态判定C. 目标函数的凹凸性判定D. 目标函数值的大小判定2. 如果两个随机变量A和B均服从正态分布,即A=N(100,0.05),B=N(200,0.02),则随机变量A在 0.05之间分布的百分数与随机变量B在 0.02之间分布的百分数()。
(1 分)A. 之比为2.5B. 之差为0.5C. 之比为0.4D. 相等3. 决定正态分布曲线形状的参数是()。
(1 分)A. 正态变量B. 均值和标准差C. 均值D. 标准差4. 多元函数F(X)在X*处存在极大值的充分必要条件是:在X*处的Hessian矩阵()。
(1分)A. 等于零B. 大于零C. 负定D. 正定5. 对于函数F(x)= ,从初始点x(0)={1,1}T出发,沿方向s(0)={-1,-2}T进行一维搜索,最优步长因子为()。
(1 分)A. 10/16B. 5/9C. 9/34D. 1/26. 根据强度—应力干涉理论,可以判定,当强度均值μr大于应力均值μs时,则零件可靠度R的值()。
(1 分)A. 小于0.5B. 等于0.5C. 大于0.5D. 等于17. 图示三角形单元非节点载荷的节点等效载荷为()。
(1 分)A. F yi=-100KN F yj=-50KN F yk=0B. F yi=-80KN F yj=-70KN F yk=0C. F yi=-70KN F yj=-80KN F yk=0D. F yi=-50KN F yj=-100KN F yk=08. 在有限元分析中,划分单元时,在应力变化大的区域应该()。
全国2011年7月高等教育自学考试考前练习题时间:2021.03.02 创作:欧阳数现代设计方法(课程代码:02200)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.数字化仪在早期CAD作业中经常使用,它是一种()A.输入设备B.输出设备C.存储设备D.绘图设备2.滚筒式绘图仪一般采用插补原理进行绘图,但在绘图过程中有时不需要插补。
绘制以下方向的线段时需要插补的是()A.X方向线段B.Y方向线段C.±45o方向线段 D.一般方向线段3.在采用Cohen—Sutherland编码裁剪算法剪裁线段时,如果一条线段跨越两个区,则当其两端点编码的逻辑乘为零时,则该线段( )A.全部可见B.全部不可见C.部分可见D.不确定4.在消隐处理中,当进行平面可见性测试时,若平面的法线矢量和视线矢量的夹角大于90o,则该面()A.可见B.不可见C.部分可见D.不确定5.一逐行扫描光栅显示器的水平扫描频率为15600H Z,垂直扫描频率为50H Z,则该显示器()A.水平方向有15600个像素点B.垂直方向有312条水平扫描线C.一条水平扫描线上有312个像素点D.垂直方向上有50条扫描线6.F(x)为单值、连续、可微且无约束的一元函数,则在点x=x*处有极大值的充分条件是()A.B.C.D.7.外点罚函数法的特点是()A.适合处理等式约束的最优化问题B.探索过程在可行域内进行C.适合处理不等式约束的最优化问题D.需要先求出初始内点8.在单峰搜索区间[a,b]内任取两点a1、a2,若函数值F(a1)=F(a2),则缩小后的区间为()A.[a,a1]B.[a1,b]C.[a1,a2]D.[a,a2]9.以下关于函数的梯度的说法不正确的是()A.函数的梯度是标量B.函数值沿梯度方向变化最剧烈C.函数的梯度是矢量D.求函数的极小值时常沿负梯度方向搜索10.多元函数F(x)在点X*附近一阶偏导数连续,则该点为极大值点的充分条件为()A .F(x*)=0B. F(x*)=0,H(x *)正定C.F(x*)=0D.F(x*)=0,H(x*)负定11.平面桁架结构中,某单元局部编码依次对应的总体编码为8,6,则单元则度矩阵中的元素k34应放入总体刚度矩阵[K]中的()A.16行15列B.11行12列C.12行16列D.11行15列12.平面三解形单元的刚度矩阵阶数为()A.2×2B.3×3C.4×4D.6×613.平面刚架结构中的杆单元,单元中的位移分量个数为()A.3B.6C.9D.1214.平面问题的弹性矩阵与材料的()A.弹性模量和硬度有关B.弹性模量和泊松比有关C.弹性模量和强度有关D.强度和泊松比有关15.若把平面应力问题的弹性矩阵改成平面应变问题的弹性矩阵,只需将()/(1)A.换成/(1),换成/(1)B.换成/(1),换成(1)C.换成/(1),换成/(1)D.换成/(1),换成(1)16.2/3表决系统中各子系统的寿命均服从指数分布,且失效率均为,则该表决系统的平均寿命为()A.B.C.D.17.图示由7个子系统组成的复杂系统,各子系统的可靠度均为R,则该系统的可靠度为()A.B.C.D.18.为了检查灯炮的质量,抽取100只灯泡进行试验,灯泡工作到100小时有30只损坏,工作到150小时又有20只损坏,从100小时到150小时这段时间灯泡的平均失效密度为()A.0.004B.0.006C.0.2D.0.519.电器元件(系统)的失效密度函数一般服从()A.正态分布B.指数分布C.威布尔分布D.对数正态分布20.当强度和应力的均值相等时,零件的可靠度()A.大于50%B.小于50%C.等于50%D.难以确定二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)21.固定窗口大小和位置不变,改变视区的有关参数,可以实现显示图形的()A.放大B.缩小C.左右移动D.上下移动E.扭曲22.计算机软件是实现CAD各项技术功能的核心,软件是指与计算机系统操作使用有关的()A.程序B.规程C.规则D.设计说明书E.使用说明书23.求解无约束问题的主要方法有()A.Powell法B.单纯形法C.梯度法D.复合形法E.简约梯度法24.对平面刚架结构的单元刚度矩阵有影响的因素为()A.杆件长度B.杆件材料的强度C.杆件的横截尺寸D.杆件横截面的对称性E.杆件横截面在结构中的方位25.正态分布中的均值()A.表征随机变量分布的离散程度B.表征随机变量分布的集中趋势C.决定正态分布曲线的位置D.决定正态分布曲线的形状E.影响正态分布曲线的对称性三、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26.输入设备的主要作用是将字符、平面上或空间中点的坐标值输入计算机中,其基本功能是。
勘误内容补充说明2010-09-29旸谷全书的st dio.h文件名中间的.都应该是半角的后面无空格。
P63第14-15行,应缩进两个英文字母,代码段改为:if(line_num== MA X_LIN E) {line_num= 0;page_num++;}第22-26行应为:i f (li ne_nu m ==MAX_L INE){l ine_n um =0;p age_n um++;} 第29-33行应该为:if (l ine_n um == MAX_LINE){ line_num = 0; page_num++;}第36-40行应该为:if (l ine_n um == MAX_LINE){ line_num = 0; page_num++;}P70倒数第4行前去掉项目符号,应该为代码行,且在{前另起一行。
P74第18行和第29行的print f语句中,i前面漏掉一个,号。
P75第14行的prin tf语句中,i前面漏掉一个,号。
P126正数第14行的is R1LLY应该是15 R1LLY。
倒数第8行的pr intf语句中的if应为is。
P134第2行的prin tf语句括号前多一个空格,括号中的:应为!。
P158第一个代码段中倒数第3和4行的p rintf语句结尾的分号前多一个空格。
现代设计方法复习题一、选择题1.在CAD 使用中,为了方便定义图形通常采用不同坐标系,在以下坐标系中,坐标系的定义域是连续且无界的是 【A 】A.世界坐标系B.显示器坐标系C.规格化设备坐标系D.绘图仪坐标系2.CAD 系统中不是按其存储内容的特征划分的几何模型 【 D 】A.线框几何模型B.表面几何模型C.实体几何模型D.曲面几何模型3.在单峰搜索区间[x1, x3](x1<x3)内,取一点x2,用二次插值法计算得x4(在[x1,x3]内,若x2>x4,并且函数F(x4)>F(x2),则取新区间为 【 D 】A. [x1, x4]B. [x2, x3]C. [x1, x2]D. [x4, x3]4. 函数F(X)为在区间[10,30]内有极小值的单峰函数,进行一维搜索时,取两点15和20,若F(15)<F(20),则缩小后的区间为 【 B 】A .[15,20]B .[10,20]C .[20,30]D .[15,30]5. 一个多元函数F(x )在点x *附近偏导数连续,则该点为极小点的充分条件是 【 B 】A.0*)(=∇x FB.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x *)正定C. H(x *)=0D.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x *)负定6. 求解无约束优化问题的算法不包括 【 D 】A .梯度法B .鲍威尔法C .变尺度法D .罚函数法7. 梯度法与变尺度法所具有的收敛性分别为 【C 】A .一次收敛性.一次收敛性B .二次收敛性.二次收敛性C .一次收敛性.二次收敛性D .二次收敛性.一次收敛性8. 函数222),(1323121+-+=x x x x x F 在点T x }1,1{=处的梯度是 【A 】 A.T }3,4{ B.T }1,8{ C.T }12,1{ D.T }12,4{9.设F(X)为区间(0,3)上的单峰函数,且F(1)=2、F(2)=2.5,则可将搜索区间(0,3)缩小为【A 】A .(0,2)B .(1,2)C .(2,3)D .(1, 3)10. 以下因素对有限元分析的结果的精度没有影响的是 【C 】A.单元的尺寸B.单元的类型C.计算机的速度D.计算机位数11.关对于 n 维正定二次函数,沿一组共轭方向依次作一维搜索,当达到极值点时,最多需要搜索 【 B 】A .n +1 次B .n 次C .n -1次D .2n 次12.设试验数为N 0,累积失效数为N f (t),仍正常工作数N s (t),则存活频率是指 【B 】A .0)(N t N f B .0)(N t N s C .)()(t N t N f s D .)()(t N t N s f 13.世界坐标系、设备坐标系、规格化坐标系的转换关系是 【C 】A .WC→DC→NDCB .NDC→DC→WCC .WC→NDC→DCD .DC→WC→NDC14.设X =(X 1, X 2,…, X n ),R n 为维欧氏空间,则下述正确的是 【A 】A .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R nB .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R n 中落在可行域内的部分C .设计变量在具体设计问题中的迭代值是唯一的D .设计变量是指设计对象中用到的所有变量15.平面问题的弹性矩阵与材料的 【D 】A.弹性模量有关,泊松比无关B.弹性模量无关,泊松比有关C.弹性模量和泊松比都无关D.弹性模量和泊松比都有关16.标准正态分布是定义为 【C 】A.μ=1,σ=0.5的正态分布B.μ=1,σ=1的正态分布C.μ=0,σ=1的正态分布D.μ=0.5,σ=1的正态分布17.设计体积450cm 3的圆柱形包装盒,按用料最省的原则要确定其高度H 和直径D ,其设计变量是 【B 】A.重量B.直径C.面积D.体积18.已知变换矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=100020001T ,则图形将在 【B 】 A .X 方向放大2倍 B .Y 方向放大2倍C .X 方向平移2D .Y 方向平移219. 参数化绘图在定义图形时关键是利用了图形的 【 A 】A .相似性B .多样性C .个别性D .特殊性20.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,恰好有r 台设备失效时系统的可靠度为 【C 】A .RS =∑=--r i r r n r n R R C)1( B .RS =∑=--n i r r n r n R R C 0)1( C .RS =r r n rn R R C )1(-- D .RS =∑=---ri r r n r n R R C 0)1(121.三维几何造型是CAD 的一种 【A 】A.图形处理技术B.工程分析技术C.文档处理技术D.软件设计技术22.下列设备不属于CAD 作业输出设备的,有 【D 】A .打印机B .绘图仪C .显示器D .光笔23.三维图形变换矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=s n m l r j i h q f e d p c b a T 中,[l m n ]表示产生 【D 】 A .比例变换 B .对称变换 C .错切变换 D .平移变换24.对于一个无约束优化问题,若其一阶、二阶偏导数易计算,且计算变量不多(n≤20),宜选用的优化方法是 【A 】A.拟牛顿法B.变尺度法C.0.618法D.二次插值法25.在单峰搜索区间[x 1, x 3](x 1<x 3)内,取一点x 2,用二次插值法计算得x 4(在[x 1,x 3]内,若x 2<x 4,并且函数F(x 4)<F(x 2),则取新区间为 【B 】A. [x1, x4]B. [x2, x3]C. [x1, x2]D. [x4, x3]26. 一个多元函数F(X)在点x*附近偏导数连续,则该点为极大点的充分条件是【D 】A.0*)(=∇x FB.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x*)正定C.H(x*)=0D.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x*)负定27. 下列特性中,梯度法不具有的是 【 A 】A.二次收敛性B.要计算一阶偏导数C.对初始点的要求不高D.只利用目标函数的一阶偏导数值构成搜索方向28. 函数222),(1323121+-+=x x x x x F 在点T x }1,1{=处的梯度是 【A 】 A.T }6,1{ B.T }1,6{ C.T }12,1{ D.T }4,1{29. 正态分布中的标准差是 【B 】A. 表征随机变量分布的集中趋势B. 表征随机变量分布的离散程度C.决定正态分布曲线的位置D.影响正态分布曲线的对称性30.用有限元方法求解问题获得的解属于 【 A 】A.近似解B.精确解C.解析解D.半解析解31.若知某产品的失效密度f(t),则其平均寿命T 可表为 【D 】A.⎰t dt t f 0)(B.⎰∞t dt t f )(C.⎰∞t dt t f t f )()(D.⎰∞0)(dt t tf 32.对于 n 维正定二次函数,沿一组共轭方向依次作一维搜索,当达到极值点时,最多需要搜索 【B 】A . n +1 次B .n 次C .n -1次D .2n 次33.以下因素对有限元分析的结果的精度没有影响的是 【C 】A.单元的尺寸B.单元的类型C.计算机的速度D.计算机位数34.某多元函数值在X (k)点满足∇F(X (k))=0,则X (k) 为 【 C 】A .鞍点B .极大值点C .极小值点D .无法判断35.求f(x 1,x 2)=2x 12-8x 1+2x 22-4x 2+20的极值及极值点。
习题一:什么是用户中心设计(User-Centered Design)?请简要描述其核心原则。
其核心原则包括以下几点:1. 理解用户需求:通过调研和用户访谈等方法,深入了解用户的需求和期望,为设计过程提供指导。
2. 设计可用性:在设计过程中,注重用户体验和界面的易用性,确保用户能够轻松地理解和操作设计产品。
3. 迭代设计:设计过程是一个循序渐进的过程,需要不断地与用户进行反馈和交流,不断改进和优化设计。
4. 多学科合作:用户中心设计需要与不同领域的专家进行紧密合作,包括用户研究人员、交互设计师、视觉设计师等,以确保设计的全面性和有效性。
习题二:请解释什么是信息架构(Information Architecture),并举例说明。
习题三:请解释什么是情感设计(Emotional Design),并说明其在产品设计中的作用。
一、单选题1.在CAD使用中,为了方便定义图形通常采用不同坐标系,在以下坐标系中,坐标系的定义域是连续且无界的是()A.世界坐标系B.显示器坐标系C.规格化设备坐标系D.绘图仪坐标系2.工程数据处理中,使用线性插值法完成()A.一元插值B.二元插值C.曲线拟合D.曲线绘制3.三维几何造型是CAD中的一种()A.图形处理技术B.工程分析技术C.文档处理技术D.软件设计技术4. CAD系统中,支撑用户进行CAD工作的通用性功能软件是()A.系统软件B.支撑软件C.专用操作软件D.专用应用软件5.若在CAD系统中,固定窗口参数,同时缩小视区高度和宽度,则视图内图形()A.比例增大B.比例缩小C.左右移动D.上下移动6. CAD系统中不是按其描述和存储内容的特征划分的几何模型()A.线框几何模型B.表面几何模型C.实体几何模型D.曲面几何模型7. 世界坐标系、设备坐标系、规格化坐标系的转换关系是( )A .WC→DC→NDCB .NDC→DC→WC C .WC→NDC→DCD .DC→WC→N DC8. 参数化绘图在定义图形时关键是利用了图形的( )A .相似性B .多样性C .个别性D .特殊性9.下列设备不属于CAD 作业输入设备的,有( )A .绘图仪B .键盘C .数字化仪D .光笔10.为使窗口—视区变换后的图形在视区中输出而不失真,则( )A .yb xl W W =ybxl V V B .yt xr W W =yt xr V VC .yb yt xl xr W W W W --=yb yt xlxr V V V V -- D .yt xr yb xl V V W W --=ytxr yb xl W W V W --11. 平面问题的弹性矩阵与材料的( )A.弹性模量有关,泊松比无关B.弹性模量无关,泊松比有关C.弹性模量和泊松比都无关D.弹性模量和泊松比都有关12. 三维图形变换矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=s nmlr j i h q f e dp c b aT ,中l 表示产生的( ) A.比例变换 B.对称变换 C.错切变换 D.平移变换13.二维图形比例变换矩阵中⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=d a T 00,可有( ) A.a=0,d=1 B. a=1,d=0 C. a=d=1 D. a=d=014.已知变换矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=100020001T ,则图形将在( ) A .X 方向放大2倍 B .Y 方向放大2倍C .X 方向平移2D .Y 方向平移215. 三维图形变换矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=s nmlr j i h q f e dp c b a T 中,[l m n ]表示产生( ) A .比例变换 B .对称变换 C .错切变换 D .平移变换16.一个多元函数F(X)在点x*附近偏导数连续,则该点为极小点的充分条件是( )A.0*)(=∇x FB.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x*)正定C.H(x*)=0D.0*)(=∇x F ,H(x*)负定17. 内点罚函数法的特点是( )A.能处理等式约束问题B.初始点必须在可行域内C. 初始点可以在可行域外D.后面产生的迭代点序列可以在可行域外18. 对于一个无约束优化问题,若其一阶、二阶偏导数易计算,且计算变量不多(n≤20),宜选用的优化方法是( )A.拟牛顿法B.变尺度法C.0.618法D.二次插值法19. 设计体积500cm 3的圆柱形包装盒,按用料最省的原则要确定其高度H 和直径D ,其设计变量是( )A.重量B.直径C.面积D.体积20. 多元函数F(X)在点x*附近偏导数连续,0*)(=∇x F ,H(x*)负定,则该点为F(X)的( )A.极大值点B. 极小值点C.鞍点D.不连续点21. 在单峰搜索区间[x 1, x 3](x 1<x 3)内,取一点x 2,用二次插值法计算得x 4 (在[x 1,x 3]内,若x 2>x 4,并且函数F(x 4)<F(x 2),则取新区间为( ) A. [x1, x4] B. [x2, x3] C. [x1, x2] D. [x4, x3]22.下列特性中,梯度法不具有的是( )A.二次收敛性B.要计算一阶偏导数C.对初始点的要求不高D.只利用目标函数的一阶偏导数值构成搜索方向23.对于极小化F(x),而受限于约束g μ(x)≤0(μ= 0,1,2,…,m)的优化问题,其内点罚函数表达式为( ) A.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F rX 1)()()(/1)(),(μμ B.∑=+=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()(/1)(),(μμ C.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()](,0max [)(),(μμ D.∑=-=Φmk k X g rX F r X 1)()()](,0min[)(),(μμ 24.设X =(X 1, X 2,…, X n ),R n 为维欧氏空间,则下述正确的是( )A .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R nB .设计空间是 n 维欧氏空间R n 中落在可行域内的部分C .设计变量在具体设计问题中的迭代值是唯一的D .设计变量是指设计对象中用到的所有变量25. 函数22),(1323121+-+=x x x x x F 在点Tx }2,1{=处的梯度是( )A. T }12,1{B.T }1,8{C. T}3,1{ D.T}8,0{26. 对于 n 维正定二次函数,沿一组共轭方向依次作一维搜索,当达到极值点时,最多需要搜索( )A .n +1 次B .n 次C .n -1次D .2n 次27. 函数F (X )为在区间[10,20]内有极小值的单峰函数,进行一维搜索时,取两点13和16,若F (13)<F (16),则缩小后的区间为( )A .[13,16]B .[10,13]C .[10,16]D .[16,20]28. 梯度法与变尺度法所具有的收敛性分别为( )A .一次收敛性.一次收敛性B .二次收敛性.二次收敛性C .一次收敛性.二次收敛性D .二次收敛性.一次收敛性29.设F (X )为区间(0,3)上的单峰函数,且F (1)=2、F (2)=1.5,则可将搜索区间(0,3)缩小为( )A .(0,2)B .(1,2)C .(2,3)D .(1,3)30. 求f(x 1,x 2)=2x 12-8x 1+2x 22-4x 2+20的极值及极值点( )A. x*=[1,1]T 12B.x*=[2,1]T 10 C. x*=[2,2]T 12 D. x*=[1,0]T 1431. 串联系统的失效模式大多服从( )A.正态分布B.对数正态分布C.指数分布D.威布尔分布32. 抽取100只灯泡进行实验,灯泡工作到50小时有12只损坏,工作到70小时有20只损坏,从50小时到70小时这段时间内灯泡的平均失效密度是( ) A.0.006 B.0.004 C.0.01 D.0.1233. 由三个相同的元件组成的并联系统,系统正常工作的条件是至少有两个元件处于正常工作状态,每个元件的可靠度为R=0.9,则系统的可靠度为( ) A.0.972 B.0.99 C.0.999 D.0.999734. 当转换开关的可靠度为1时,非工作冗余系统的可靠度为R1, 工作冗余系统的可靠度为R2,则R1与R2之间的关系为( )A. R1<R2B. R1>R2C. R1= R2D. R1≤R235. 下列可靠性指标关系式不正确的是( )A .dtt dF t f )()(= B .1)()(=+t F t R C .⎰∞=tdt t tf t R )()( D .⎰∞=0)(dt t tf T36. 正态分布中的标准差是( )A.表征随机变量分布的离散程度B.表征随机变量分布的集中趋势C.决定正态分布曲线的位置D.影响正态分布曲线的对称性37.若知某产品的失效密度f(t),则其平均寿命T 可表为( )A.⎰t dt t f 0)( B.⎰∞tdt t f )( C.⎰∞tdt t f t f )()( D.⎰∞)(dt t tf38.随机变量A 和B 均服从正态分布,即A=N(μ1,σ1);A=N(μ2,σ2),则随机变量A在(μ1-2σ1)~(μ1-σ1)之间分布的百分数与随机变量B 在(μ2+σ2)~(μ2+2σ2)之间分布的百分数( )A.之比为-σ1/σ2B.之比为σ1/σ2C.之比为-σ2/σ1D.相等39. 标准正态分布是定义为( )A.μ=1,σ=0.5的正态分布B.μ=1,σ=1的正态分布C.μ=0,σ=1的正态分布D.μ=0.5,σ=1的正态分布40. 零件的强度和应力均服从正态分布,即N(μr ,σr ); N(μs ,σs ),且知μr >μs ,当σr 增大时,零件的可靠度( )A.提高B.降低C.不变D.不定41. 某产品的寿命服从指数分布,若知其失效率λ=0.002,则该产品的平均寿命为( )A.200B.1000C.500D.200042. 要提高可靠性的置信度,不应( )A.增加强度的样本容量B.加大强度的标准差C.减少应力的均值D.增加应力的样本容量43.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,若系统允许 r 台设备失效仍认为正常工作,则该系统的可靠度函数R S 为( ) A .R S =∑=---nri iin i n n R R C )1( B .R S =∑=--ni r rn r n R RC)1(C .R S =rr n r nR R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(144.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,若系统允许 r 台设备失效仍认为正常工作,则该系统的可靠度函数R S 为( ) A .R S =∑=---nri iin i n n R R C )1( B .R S =∑=--ni r rn r n R RC)1(C .R S =rr n r nR R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(145. 对于2/3表决系统,下列情况中,系统不能正常工作的是( )A .a 、b 失效,c 正常B .a 失效,b 、c 正常C .a 、b 、c 正常D .a 、b 正常,c 失效46.N 台具有相同可靠度为R 的设备组成系统,恰好有r 台设备失效时系统的可靠度为( ) A .R S =∑=--ri rr n r n R R C 0)1( B .R S =∑=--ni r rn r n R RC)1( C .R S =rrn r n R R C )1(-- D .R S =∑=---ri r rn r n R RC)1(147. 根据强度—应力干涉理论可以判定,当强度均值 r 等于应力均值s 时,则零件可靠度R 的值( )A .小于0.5B .大于0.5C .等于0.5D .等于148.N 个产品进行可靠性试验,在t ~t +△t 时间内的失效数为N f (t ),t 时刻的累积失效数N f (t ),则t 时刻的存活频率为( )A .Nt N N f )(- B .Nt N f )( C .t N t N f ∆∆)( D .t t N N t N ff ∆∆)]([)(-49.在t ~t +△t 的时间间隔内的平均失效密度f (t )表示( )A .平均单位时间的失效频数B .平均单位时间的失效频率C .产品工作到t 时刻,单位时间内发生失效的概率D .产品工作到t 时刻,单位时间内发生的失效数与仍在正常工作的数之比50.设试验数为N 0,累积失效数为N f (t),仍正常工作数N s (t),则存活频率是指( )A .0)(N t N f B .0)(N t N s C .)()(t N t N f s D .)()(t N t N s f二、填空题1 51.计算机辅助设计(CAD)是指人们在计算机的辅助下,对产品或工程进行设计、绘图、分析计算或编写技术文件以及显示、输出的一种设计方法。
产品⽣命周期(Product Life Cycle),简称PLC,是指产品的市场寿命,即⼀种新产品从开始进⼊市场到被市场淘汰的整个过程。
PLC分为介绍期(Introduc- tion)、增长期(Growth)、成熟期(Mature)、衰退期(Decline)四个阶段.2.简述现代设计所指的理论与⽅法有哪些。
2. 什么是技术系统?举例说明技术系统应具有的分功能单元。
从功能的⾓度分析,技术系统应具有下列能完成不同分功能的单元:①作业单元,完成转换⼯作;②动⼒单元,完成能量的转换、传递与分配;③控制单元,接受、处理和输出控制信息;④检测单元,检测技术系统各种功能的完成情况,反馈给控制单元;⑤结构单元,实现系统各部分的连接与⽀承切削加⼯中⼼的功能构成第3章1. 产品创新的概念是什么?产品创新在哪些诱导机制下完成的,举例说明。
《现代设计方法》课程习题集 西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院 版权所有习题【说明】:本课程《现代设计方法》(编号为09021)共有单选题,计算题,简答题, 填空题等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[ 填空题,单选题]等试题类型未进入。
一、计算题1. 用黄金分割法求解以下问题(缩小区间三次)。
342)(m in 2+-=x x x f ,给定初始区间[][]3,0,=b a ,取1.0=ε。
2. 用黄金分割法求解以下问题(缩小区间三次)32)(m in 2+=x x f ,给定[][],1,2a b =-,取1.0=ε3. 用黄金分割法求解以下问题(缩小区间三次)432+=x )x (f min ,给定[][]40,b ,a =,取10.=ε。
4. 用黄金分割法求解以下问题(缩小区间三次)。
12)(m in 3+-=x x x f ,给定初始区间[][]3,0,=b a ,取5.0=ε5. 用黄金分割法求解以下问题(缩小区间三次)。
107)(m in 2+-=x x x f ,给定初始区间[][]3,0,=b a ,取1.0=ε6. 用梯度法求解无约束优化问题:168)(m in 22221+-+=x x x X f ,取初始点[]TX 1,1)0(= ,计算精度1.0=ε。
7. 用梯度法求解96)(m in 12221+-+=x x x X f ,[]TX 1,1)0(= ,1.0=ε。
8. 用梯度法求解44)(m in 22221+-+=x x x X f ,[]TX 1,1)0(=,1.0=ε 。
9. 用梯度法求解无约束优化问题:1364)(m in 222121+-+-=x x x x X f ,取初始点[]TX 1,1)0(=,计算精度1.0=ε。
10. 用梯度法求解1212221422)(m in x x x x x X f --+=,[]TX 1,1)0(=,1.0=ε 。
(请迭代两次)11. 有三个可靠度均为0.9的子系统组成的并联系统,试比较纯并联及2/3[G]表决系统的可靠度。
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这一特点使其适应于模块化设计方法;5)数控机床的加工要求向高速、高精度方向发展,要求机床结构具有高刚度、高可靠性,机床基础大件(床身、工作台、主轴箱、滑鞍、立柱等) 的结构动、静态特性和传动系统的高刚性成为设计的主要矛盾;6)数控机床采用计算机控制技术,使机床的机械传动机构大为简化;7)市场竞争和市场需求的多变,要求数控机床产品规格和功能多样化、性能好、成本低、制造周期短;8) 随着技术的进步和市场的发展,许多数控机床功能部件已实现专业化生产和商品化。
图2.1 模块化系列产品研制过程第二个层次为单个产品的模块化设计,需要根据用户的具体要求对模块进行选择和组合,并加以必要的设计计算和校核计算,本质上是选择及组合过程,如图2.2所示。
图2.2 模块化产品设计过程总的说来,模块化设计遵循一般技术系统的设计步骤,但比后者更复杂,花费更高,要每个零部件都能实现更多的部分功能。
然而目前绝大多数CAD系统软件比如UG、CATIA、Pro/E、Solid Works等。