橡胶制品常用测试方法及标准橡胶制品常用测试方法及标准Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-199981.胶料硫化特性GB/T 9869—1997橡胶胶料硫化特性的测定(圆盘振荡硫化仪法)GB/T 16584—1996橡胶用无转子硫化仪测定硫化特性ISO 3417:1991橡胶—硫化特性的测定——用摆振式圆盘硫化计ASTM D2084-2001用振动圆盘硫化计测定橡胶硫化特性的试验方法ASTM D5289-1995(2001)橡胶性能—使用无转子流变仪测量硫化作用的试验方法DIN 53529-4:1991橡胶—硫化特性的测定——用带转子的硫化计测定交联特性2.未硫化橡胶门尼粘度GB/T —2000未硫化橡胶用圆盘剪切粘度计进行测定—第1部分:门尼粘度的测定GB/T 1233—1992橡胶胶料初期硫化特性的测定—门尼粘度计法ISO 289-1:2005未硫化橡胶——用剪切圆盘型黏度计—第一部分:门尼黏度的测定ISO 289-2-1994未硫化橡胶——用剪切圆盘型黏度计测定—第二部分:预硫化特性的测定ASTM D1646-2004橡胶粘度应力松驰及硫化特性(门尼粘度计)的试验方法JIS K6300-1:2001未硫化橡胶-物理特性-第1部分:用门尼粘度计测定粘度及预硫化时间的方法3.橡胶拉伸性能GB/T528—1998硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定ISO37:2005硫化或热塑性橡胶——拉伸应力应变特性的测定ASTMD412-1998(2002)硫化橡胶、热塑性弹性材料拉伸强度试验方法JIS K6251:1993硫化橡胶的拉伸试验方法DIN 53504-1994硫化橡胶的拉伸试验方法4.橡胶撕裂性能GB/T 529—1999硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂强度的测定(裤形、直角形和新月形试样)ISO 34-1:2004硫化或热塑性橡胶—撕裂强度的测定-第一部分:裤形、直角形和新月形试片ASTM D624-2000通用硫化橡胶及热塑性弹性体抗撕裂强度的试验方法JIS K6252:2001硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶撕裂强度的计算方法5.橡胶硬度GB/T 531—1999橡胶袖珍硬度计压入硬度试验方法GB/T6031—1998硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶硬度的测定(10—100IRHD)ISO 7619-1:2004硫化或热塑性橡胶——压痕硬度的测定——第一部分:硬度计法(邵式硬度)ISO 7619-2:2004硫化或热塑性橡胶——压痕硬度的测定——第二部分:IRHD袖珍计法ASTM D2240-2004用硬度计测定橡胶硬度的试验方法ASTM D1415-1988(2004)橡胶特性—国际硬度的试验方法JIS K6253:1997硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶的硬度试验方法DIN 53505-2000橡胶试验邵式A和D的硬度试验6.压缩永久变形性能GB/T 7759—1996硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶在常温、高温和低温下压缩永久变形测定ISO 815:1991硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶在常温、高温和低温下压缩永久变形测定ASTM D395-2003橡胶性能的试验方法压缩永久变形JIS K6262:1997硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶压缩永久变形试验方法7.橡胶的回弹性GB/T 1681—1991硫化橡胶回弹性的测定ISO 4662:1986硫化橡胶回弹性的测定ASTM D1054-2002用回跳摆锤法测定橡胶弹性的实验方法JIS K6255:1996硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶的回弹性试验方法DIN 53512-2000硫化橡胶回弹性的测定8.橡胶低温特性GB/T 1682—1994硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定—单试样法GB/T 15256-1994硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定(多试样法)GB/T 7758—2002硫化橡胶低温特性的测定温度回缩法(TR试验)ISO 2921:2005硫化橡胶—低温特性—温度回升缩TR)试验ASTM D1329-2002天然橡胶特性的评定—橡胶的低温回缩试验方法(TR试验法)ASTM D 746-2004用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法ASTM D 2137-2005弹性材料脆化温度的试验方法JIS K 6261-1997硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶的低温试验方法9.橡胶热空气老化性能GB/T 3512—2001硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空气加速老化和耐热试验ISO188-1998硫化或热塑性橡胶——加速老化和耐热试验ASTM D573-2004用热空气箱对橡胶损蚀的试验方法DIN 53508-2000硫化橡胶—加速老化试验JIS K 6257-2003硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空气老化10. 橡胶耐臭氧老化性能GB/T 7762—2003硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭氧龟裂静态拉伸试验GB/T 13642-1992硫化橡胶耐臭氧老化试验动态拉伸试验法ASTM D518-1999橡胶损坏性-表面裂开的试验方法ASTM D1149-1999橡胶在小室中臭氧龟裂ASTM D1171-1999橡胶在小室中臭氧龟裂(三角形试样)ASTM D 3395-1999橡胶变质—在小室中动态臭氧碎裂的试验方法DIN53509-1-2001橡胶试验抗臭氧龟裂稳定性的测定第一部分:静应力JIS K6259-2004硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭氧性能的测定11.橡胶耐介质GB/T 1690—2006硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐液体试验方法ISO 1817:2005硫化橡胶液体影响的测定ASTM D471-1998液体对橡胶性能影响的试验方法JIS K6258-2003液体对硫化橡胶或热塑性弹性体影响的测定12. 橡胶对金属粘附性与腐蚀性GB/T 19243-2003硫化橡胶与有机材料接触污染的试验ASTM D925-1988(2000)橡胶特性—表面的着色性(接触、色移及扩散)的试验方法13.橡胶燃烧性能GB/T 10707-89橡胶的燃烧性能(氧指数法)GB/T 13488-92橡胶的燃烧性能(垂直燃烧法)UL 94-1996橡胶燃烧性能14. 橡胶磨耗性GB/T1689—1998硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定(用阿克隆磨耗机GB/T9867—1988硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨耗机法)ASTM D5963-2004硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨耗机法)15.橡胶电性能GB/T 1692—1992硫化橡胶绝缘电阻率GB/T 1693—1981(1989)硫化橡胶工频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法GB/T 1694—1981(1989)高频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值GB/T 1695—2005工频击穿介电强度和耐电压的测定方法GB/T 2439—2001硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶导电性能和耗散性能电阻率的测定。
SAE○R J200
2003 年 11 月 发布
代替 J200 2001 年 11 月版本
前言— 本 SAE 推荐惯例原始版本由汽车制造协会和美国实验与原料协会共同制备,并任命制定标准 SAE J200/ANSI/ASTM D 2000。本标准替代 SAE J14/ASTM D 735,并作为材料质量的文稿与图纸的使用规范。 本推荐惯例与指定标准 SAE J200 现在由 SAE 汽车橡胶标准委员会全权负责。 本标准是根据直接从标准压缩模压实验品橡胶材料物理性能建立的。其实验样品可能是从成品中或者是通过
ISO 出版物— 选自 ANSI,11 West 42nd 街 纽约,NY10036-8002。 ISO 1629—橡胶与结构—命名 ISO 指南 25
3. 分类与类型
前缀字母 M 表示为此分类系统是根据 SI 单位建立起来的。
注解 4—没有前缀字母 M 的表示的是早前基于 U.S 习惯单位所建立起来的分类系统,这个是早于 1979 年
其它方法进行制造的。但是,按照这种方法所制备的实验样品在实验中可能由于成品或样品的成型和/或成品 或样品的休整而受到影响。因此,成品或通过其它方法所制备的实验结果不能从标准实验样品中获取重复数
1. 范围——本分类系统把用于硫化的橡胶材料(天然橡胶、再生橡胶、人造橡胶、合成材料或非合成材料 橡胶)性能进行了规范,但是它不只是局限于汽车行业的橡胶材料使用。
SAE J200 2003 年 11 月修订版本
ASTM 出版物— 选自 ASTM,100Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM D 395—橡胶性能实验方法—压缩实验 ASTM D 412—橡胶性能实验方法(拉伸状态) ASTM D 429—橡胶性能实验方法—刚性物质粘合性 ASTM D 430—橡胶衰退试验方法—动态疲劳 ASTM D 471—橡胶性能实验方法—液体反应 ASTM D 573—橡胶衰退实验方法(在空气循环箱) ASTM D 575—橡胶性能实验方法(压缩状态) ASTM D 624—橡胶性能实验方法—耐撕裂性 ASTM D 865—气压加热橡胶退化实验方法(附带试管) ASTM D 925—橡胶性能实验方法-表面着色(表面、移植以及扩散性) ASTM D 945—橡胶性能实验方法(剪切或压缩状态)(机械式记录仪) ASTM D 1053—橡胶性能实验方法—低温硬化;柔性聚合体和涂层织物 ASTM D 1171—橡胶衰退实验方法—户外或容器表面臭氧龟裂(三角实验样品) ASTM D 1329—测定橡胶性能实验方法—低温反应(低温实验) ASTM D 1349—橡胶实用性—实验标准温度 ASTM D 1418—橡胶实用性与橡胶结构—命名法 ASTM D 2137—橡胶性能实验方法—柔性聚合体脆性点与涂层织物 ASTM D 2240—橡胶性能实验方法—硬度 ASTM D 3183—橡胶实用性—产品试片制备
Designation:D816–06Standard Test Methods forRubber Cements1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D816;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1These test methods cover tests to measure the properties of adhesives,commonly called rubber cements,that may be applied in plastic orfluid form and that are manufactured from natural rubber,reclaimed rubber,synthetic elastomers,or combinations of these materials.All tests are not to be considered as applicable to a particular type of adhesive nor is every test included that may be applicable to a particular type. The tests do provide standard procedures for evaluating the more important properties of the usual adhesives ordinarily classed as rubber cements.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D413Test Methods for Rubber Property—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD429Test Methods for Rubber Property—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD573Test Method for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air OvenD1084Test Methods for Viscosity of AdhesivesD3182Practice for Rubber—Materials,Equipment,and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-ing Standard Vulcanized SheetsD3184Test Methods for Rubber—Evaluation of NR (Natural Rubber)2.2Other Document:SAE Handbook33.Summary of Test Methods3.1The tests described in these test methods may be grouped into two classes,thefirst including those procedures in which the adhesive is applied to specimens of materials to be bonded together after which the quality of the bond is evaluated,and the second including those procedures appli-cable to the adhesive itself without consideration of the bonding properties.The classes are as follows:Class I:SectionAdhesion strength8to15Bonding range16to18Softening point19to21Coldflow22to24Class II:Viscosity25Stability26to27Cold brittleness28to29Density30to31Plastic deformation32to334.Significance and Use4.1These tests are used as a means of classifying,evaluat-ing,and controlling cement compositions.Adhesion strength in tension,shear,and in a peeling mode are necessary where rubber materials are used in various engineering applications where forces are encountered both normal to the adhesion plane and parallel to the plane of the adhesive interface.5.Materials for Bonded Specimens5.1The following materials shall be used as specified for the preparation of specimens bonded with the test cement for tests of Class I and shall be reported with the result of the test: 5.1.1Aluminum Sheet,Cladded Material,gauge1.6mm (0.064in.),5.1.2Standard Rubber Test Sheets,refer to Test Methods D3184for a typical rubber formulation,and refer to Practice D3182for preparing the sheets.5.1.3Cotton Duck,medium texture1030g/m2,and1These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11on Rubber and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.25on Rubber Adhesive Systems.Current edition approved May1,2006.Published May2006.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2001as D816–82(2001).2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers,ASME Interna-tional Headquarters,Three Park Ave.,New York,NY10016–5990.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.5.1.4Coated Fabrics,of which the fabric strength and the adhesion of coating to fabric exceed the strength of the adhesive bond.5.1.5Rolled Sheet or Machined Steel,SAE No.1020,sand blasted or sanded with medium/fine abrasive,and5.1.6Special materials such as leather,cork,felt,etc.6.Sampling6.1Before sampling,the cement to be tested shall be thoroughly agitated to uniform consistency throughout,after which a sample shall be taken of sufficient quantity for performance of the tests required.The sample shall be kept in a tightly closed container to prevent evaporation and shall be agitated or stirred to uniform consistency immediately before test or use in preparation of test specimens.7.Test Conditions7.1The tests of adhesives shall be conducted at a tempera-ture of2362°C(73.463.6°F)and relative humidity of506 5%.All material and equipment shall be held at these conditions prior to test for a sufficient time to assure equilib-rium.ADHESION TESTS8.Types of Adhesion Test8.1The adhesion strength of a cement used to bond two materials is measured by determining the force required to produce separation by failure of the adhesive.This force may be applied as(1)a direct tension pull in the direction normal to the adhered surfaces,(2)a shearing force in the same plane as the surfaces,or(3)a stripping or peeling force which produces progressive separation over the adhered surfaces.It is obvious that the stripping procedure can be used only when at least one of the adhered materials isflexible.Test methods,designated A,B,and C,are given for preparing and testing bonded specimens by each of these types of adhesion test.The adhesion test may also be applied,when specified,to bonded specimens that have been subjected to deteriorating influences such as accelerated aging or action of oils or solvents after their preparation and before separation,but in this case full details concerning such treatment shall accompany the statement of the result of the adhesion test.Test Method A—Adhesion Strength in Tension9.Preparation of Test Specimens9.1For testing cements for use in vulcanized applications, the test specimens shall be those specified in Section8of Test Methods D429,except that after buffing or grinding the surfaces to be adhered,and washing them free from dirt or oil using acetone,they shall be coated with a uniformfilm of the test adhesive0.025mm(0.001in.)in thickness or of an optimum thickness suitable to the products,as agreed by the parties concerned.9.2For testing cements for use in unvulcanized applica-tions,test specimens similar to those specified in9.1shall be prepared except that the rubber cylinders used in their prepa-ration shall be cut from vulcanized rubber and the assembly of the specimen shall be made without vulcanization in a mold.To accomplish this,the circular faces of the rubber cylinders shall be buffed smoothly and evenly to parallel planes and shall be coated with a uniformfilm of the test cement0.025mm (0.001in.)in thickness or of an optimum thickness suitable to the products,as agreed by the parties concerned.With thin cements,the coating may be done with a brush,applying successive coats and allowing sufficient time between coats for evaporation of the solvent.The faces of the metal plates shall be freshly sand-blasted or ground to a dullfinish withfine emery and washed free of dust and oil with trichloroethylene or perchloroethylene.The metal faces shall also be coated with the test cement as in the case of the rubber cylinders.When the cementfilms have dried to the point where there is still aggressive tackiness but no tendency for thefilm to lift when touched with afinger,each rubber cylinder shall be bonded firmly by hand between the cemented faces of two metal plates and the assembly shall be clamped in a suitable loadingfixture under a compressive load of44N(10lbf)for at least24h.10.Procedure10.1Test the prepared specimens as described in Section8 of Test Methods D429.Take care to use a tension testing machine of capacity and sensitivity suitable for loads of the magnitude anticipated with the particular adhesive being tested.Express the adhesion strength in kilopascals(or pounds per square inch)calculated by dividing the tension load causing failure by the original area of the adhered surface that separates.10.2Test two specimens and report the higher of the results as the adhesion strength in tension provided the lower value is within10%of the higher value.Otherwise,test additional specimens until results are obtained consisting of a high value and one that checks this within10%.If no check of a high value is obtained when six specimens have been tested,the average of all six results may be reported as the average adhesion strength in tension.Test Method B—Adhesion Strength in Shear11.Types of Test Specimens11.1Specimens for shear tests shall be of two types,namely, Type1lap specimens and Type2sandwich specimens,as shown in p specimens shall be used when the adhesive is to be tested for bonding materials that areboth FIG.1Test Specimens for Adhesion Strength inShearextensible such as rubber,felt,or cork,or both relatively nonextensible like metal,cloth,and leather.Sandwich-type specimens shall be used when one of the bonded materials is extensible and the other nonextensible.In both types of specimens,two strips of the material25mm(1in.)in width and125mm(5in.)in length shall be bonded over an area 625mm2(1in.2)with the free ends extending parallel in opposite directions to permit clamping in a testing machine.In the case of the laptype specimens the two strips shall be bonded directly to each other by means of the adhesive being tested, but in the case of the sandwich-type specimen a625mm2 square block of extensible material having a thickness of not more than 3.2mm(1⁄8in.)shall be bonded between two nonextensible strips by means of the test adhesive.12.Preparation of Test Specimens12.1The faces of the materials that are to be bonded by the test adhesive shall be buffed by hand using a wire brush,fine emery cloth,or similar suitable abrasive to assure a slightly roughened surface which shall then be washed free of dirt and oil with acetone.The specimens shall be allowed to dry thoroughly and the surfaces shall not be touched after washing. The test adhesive shall then be applied by brushing,spraying, or spreading to form afilm0.025mm(0.001in.)in thickness or of an optimum thickness suitable to the products,as agreed by the parties concerned.N OTE1—With cements of sufficiently heavy consistency to allow their use,the volumetric or static-mass cement spreaders shown in Fig.2andFig.3may be found convenient for applying the adhesive in preparing the required specimens.With thin cements applied by means of brushing, several coats may be necessary,in which case adequate drying time to permit evaporation of the solvent should be allowed between coats.Three such coats will usually be found sufficient.12.2When the cementfilm has dried to the point where there is still aggressive tackiness but no tendency for thefilm to lift when touched with afinger,the surfaces to be bonded shall be aligned carefully so that625mm2(1in.2)shall be adhered and pressed togetherfirmly by hand.The specimens, resting on a smooth hard base,shall then be rolled withfive complete strokes using a metal roller25mm(1in.)in diameter applied with a hand force of approximately90N(20lbf).The specimens shall then be allowed to age for at least24h under the standard test conditions of temperature and humidity (Section7)without any applied force.13.Procedure13.1After the required aging period,clamp the prepared specimen in the grips of a tension testing machine conforming to the requirements in Section8of Test Methods D413,using shims in the grips as indicated in Fig.1so that the applied force shall be in the plane of the cemented area.Take care to be certain that the specimen is properly centered and is straight in the grips.When testing Type1specimens made of extensible materials,provide for maintaining the strip during the test approximately in the plane of the clamps.This may be doneby FIG.2Volumetric CementSpreaderFIG.3Static-Mass CementSpreaderholding the specimen against a plate attached to the stationary clamp.Separate the clamps at the rate of0.8mm/s(2in./min) and record the force causing separation of the specimen in kilopascals(or pounds per square inch)of the adhered surface that separates.N OTE2—When shims or plates are added to the clamps,the testing machine must be adjusted for zero force with these additions or the force due to their mass must be deducted from the indicated reading.13.2Test two specimens in each required combination and report the higher of the results as the adhesion strength in shear, provided the lower value is within10%of the higher value. Otherwise,test additional specimens until results are obtained consisting of a high value and one that checks this within10%. If no check of the high value is obtained when six specimens have been tested,the average of all six results may be reported as the average adhesion strength in shear.Test Method C—Adhesion Strength by Stripping Method(Peeling Test)14.Preparation of Test Specimens14.1A strip offlexible material at least150mm(6in.)in length by25mm(1in.)in width shall be bonded by means of the test cement except for50mm(2in.)at one end to a strip 300mm(12in.)in length by50mm in width of the other material that is to be adhered.The center lines of the two strips shall be superimposed.The surface to be bonded shall be properly prepared,for example,by buffing,washing with acetone,drying,and coating with afilm of the test cement 0.025mm(0.001in.)in thickness or of an optimum thickness suitable to the products,as agreed by the parties concerned (Note3).Uniting,rolling down,and aging shall be done as specified in Section12for shear test specimens.N OTE3—In the case of porous material,the thickness of the cement film shall not be specified.15.Procedure15.1Place the test specimens in a tension testing machine by clamping the free end of the50-mm(2-in.)wide strip in one grip and turning back the free end of theflexible25-mm(1-in.) wide strip and clamping it in the other grip.The testing machine and the procedure used shall conform to that specified under the machine method for strip specimens in Section8of Test Methods D413.The autographic chart obtained consti-tutes the report of the test but determine the value of the adhesion by drawing on the chart the best average line between the maximum and minimum load values.Consider the load so indicated,expressed in newtons per metre(or pounds-force per inch)of width for separation at0.4mm/s(1in./min),as the adhesion strength by the stripping method.For the evaluation of each cement specimen,prepare and test two specimens and report the higher average load obtained as the adhesion strength of the specimen.BONDING RANGE16.Type of Test16.1The test for bonding range is for determining the most suitable drying period for use with the test cement after application and before bonding the materials in order to obtain the maximum initial bond strength.A series of Type2shear adhesion test specimens(Fig.1)is prepared using the test cement and allowing it to dry for different known periods before uniting the materials.These specimens are cemented, dried,bonded,and tested for adhesion strength in shear according to a definite time schedule.The drying period that results in the highest shear adhesion value is the optimum bonding range for the cement being tested.17.Preparation of Test Specimens17.1The test specimens shall be Type2shear adhesion test specimens each made from two strips of aluminum alloy 25mm(1in.)in width by125mm(5in.)in length bonded by the test cement to a block of rubber25mm square by3.2mm (1⁄8in.)in thickness having a durometer hardness of75to85. The specimens shall be prepared in duplicate as specified in Section12except that the application of the cement shall be so scheduled that successive pairs of specimens may be dried1,3, 5,10,and20min before bonding and each tested exactly3min after making the bond.After thefirst20min of drying time, additional intervals of20min to a maximum of2h shall be used.18.Procedure18.1Test the specimens prepared according to the prear-ranged schedule as specified in Section17.1,3min after making the bond and rolling them.Record for each specimen the force in newtons(or pounds-force)required to separate the rubber from the metal and select the maximum value.Report the drying time used for cementing that specimen as the optimum bonding range.If the maximum value is obtained with a specimen dried for2h,report the optimum bonding range as2h or more.SOFTENING POINT19.Type of Test19.1The test for softening point is for the determination of the temperature at which the cement softens sufficiently to provide an ineffective bond.It consists of subjecting Type2 shear adhesion test specimens(Fig.1)under a definite shearing load for a specified interval to successive increments of temperature until the bond fails.The temperature at which failure occurs is taken as the softening point.Obviously,the test is useful primarily for comparisons between different cements,as the adhesion strength may be seriously reduced at temperatures below the softening point.20.Preparation of Test Specimens20.1Type2shear adhesion test specimens(Fig.1)using the test cement shall be prepared in duplicate as specified in17.1, except that the drying time shall be that determined as the optimum bonding range and the specimens shall be aged before test at least24h under the standard conditions of temperature and humidity(Section7)without applied pressure.21.Procedure21.1Hang the test specimens with one metal end of each attached to a suitable support in an electric ovencomplyingwith the requirements in Section5of Test Method D573. Apply a force of4.5N(1lbf)by means of a static mass(Note 4)carefully without shock to the lower end of each specimen. In applying the force and suspending the specimens,use suitable clamps and shims to maintain the specimens in a vertical position and to distribute the load uniformly over the test specimens.Maintain the oven temperature at40°C(104°F) for15min and then increase0.5°C(0.9°F)/min until the rubber separates from the metal.Report the temperature at which the bond fails as the softening point of the test cement used in the specimen.N OTE4—With certain special adhesives,it may be desirable to employ very much larger forces than the4.5N(1lbf)specified.In these cases,the method may be modified accordingly,but any such change must be clearly indicated with the reported results.COLD FLOW22.Type of Test22.1The coldflow test is for evaluating the tendency for surfaces bonded by means of the test cement to slip or be displaced when subjected to various stresses for a sustained period.This yielding is considered to be due to coldflow of the adhesive.The test consists of subjecting a bonded specimen to a specified load for a prolonged period and measuring the elapsed time for failure of the bond.23.Preparation of Specimens23.1Type2shear adhesion test specimens(Fig.1)using the test cement shall be prepared in duplicate as specified in Section20.24.Procedure24.1Hang the test specimens with one metal end of each attached to a suitable support and attach a mass of0.45kg (1lb)(Note4)carefully without shock to the lower end of each specimen.In attaching the mass and suspending the specimens, use suitable clamps and shims to maintain the specimens in a vertical position and to distribute the load uniformly over the test specimens.Maintain the loaded specimens at the standard test conditions of temperature and humidity(Section7)and observe for24h or until the time of failure.Record this time as the bond failure time in the coldflow test.If no failure occurs in24h,increase the force to6.7N(1.5lbf)and observe the specimens for an additional24h as before.If the bond failure time is over24h with the4.5-N(1-lbf)force and a second period with the larger force is required,the report shall indicate a bond failure time of over24h under4.5N(1lbf)and also shall state the added time under the higher force required for failure.VISCOSITY25.Procedure25.1Determine the viscosity of the cement in accordance with Test Methods D1084,using a duplicate specimen for checking.STABILITY26.Type of Test26.1The stability test provides a means for estimating the relative life of cements in usable form prior to application. During storage many cements jell because of slow vulcaniza-tion at ordinary temperatures or other physical or chemical changes and become unusable as adhesives.These changes are evidenced by change in viscosity of the cement.The test consists of subjecting portions of the sample of the cement under specified conditions to an elevated temperature and determining the viscosity at intervals until a marked change occurs,which time is taken as a measure of the stability of the cement.27.Procedure27.1Measure twelve250-cm3portions of the sample of test cement into glass test tubes approximately38mm in diameter and300mm in length so that each tube is approximately two-thirds full.Fit the tubes with small reflux condensers and place in a constant-temperature water bath at60°C(140°F). Determine and record the viscosity of the test cement at the start of the test as specified in Section25.After1week in the water bath,remove two of the tubes,cool to room temperature, and measure for viscosity as at the start of the test.If these samples have jelled or show a marked increase in viscosity, discard all of the samples and start new ones,checking them in pairs daily.If the original samples show no appreciable change in viscosity,continue the heating forfive additional days, taking out two samples each day for viscosity determinations until marked change in viscosity occurs or the cement jells. Record and report all viscosity results.Report the number of days of heating to produce the change as the stability number of the cement.N OTE5—With some special cements made from synthetic rubbers,the viscosity may increase progressively and the cement may become unusable before showing any sudden marked change indicating jelling.In such cases,it may be desirable to test a series of samples daily in the specified manner and plot the viscosity versus time.The resulting curve may be used as the report and no stability number stated.The evaluation of the usability of the cement will depend upon the purpose for which it is intended and the materials to be bonded.COLD BRITTLENESS28.Type of Test28.1The test for cold brittleness is for evaluating and comparing the resistance of cements to cracking or chipping when bent at low temperatures.A coat of the test cement on an aluminum strip is cooled at specified temperatures for a definite time after which the strip is bent in a prescribed manner and examined visually for cracking or chipping of the cement coat.29.Procedure29.1Clean six strips of aluminum alloy25mm(1in.)in width by75mm(3in.)in length by1mm(0.040in.)in thickness and cement on one side,forming afilm of adhesive 0.025mm(0.001in.)in thickness or of an optimum thickness suitable to the products,as agreed by the parties concernedandas specified in Section12.Thefilm shall completely cover the one side of the metal.After aging for at least3h under the standard atmospheric conditions(Section7),place two of the strips in cold atmospheres at each of the following tempera-tures:−25°C(−13°F)and−40°C(−40°F).Maintain the strips at these temperatures for30min and then immediately bend double over a mandrel10mm(3⁄8in.)in diameter with the cemented side out and without removing them from the cold atmosphere.Examine the coatings for visual signs of cracking or chipping.Report a qualitative statement of the results with the cement at each temperature.DENSITY,OR MASS PER UNIT VOLUME30.Apparatus30.1The density of a cement shall be determined by use ofa calibrated pycnometer having a volume between50and 110cm3.N OTE6—If the volume is100cm3at23°C(73.4°F),the density in kg/m3is ten times the mass in grams required tofill the pycnometer.If the volume is83.3cm3at23°C,the density in lb/ is ten times the mass required tofill the pycnometer.31.Procedure31.1Weigh the pycnometer in grams accurately to three significantfigures.Fill it with the calibration volume of the test cement which has been stirred until homogeneous and is free from air bubbles.Record thefilled mass in grams.Calculate the density or the mass per unit volume as follows:Designate the difference in the mass of thefilled pycnometer and empty pycnometer as X.Divide X by0.0833to obtain density in kg/m3.Divide X by10to obtain density in lbm/ DEFORMATION32.Type of Test32.1The test for plastic deformation is applicable only to heavy adhesives such as doughs,sealers,putties,etc.It is not suitable nor of use in the case of liquid adhesives.33.Procedure33.1Prepare two small spheres of the heavy adhesive approximately25mm(1in.)in diameter by rolling in the hands.Place these spheres on small watch glasses and heat in an air oven at125°C(257°F)for1h.Remove the spheres and examine forflow or distortion.If the spheres have suffered any marked change in shape,report the adhesive as subject to plasticflow in the deformation test.34.Report34.1The report shall include the following:34.1.1Complete identification of the test sample of cement.34.1.2Date of test and date of manufacture if known. 34.1.3Description of special materials used.34.1.4Film thicknesses used,whenever they may influence the test results,as the average thickness of adhesive layer after formation of the joint,within0.025mm(0.001in.).(The method of obtaining the thickness of the adhesive layer shall be described including procedure,location of measurements,and range of measurements.)34.1.5All observed and recorded data.34.1.6Statement of the results obtained in each of the tests required.35.Precision and Bias35.1Tests for bonding range,softening point,coldflow, stability,cold brittleness,and plastic deformation are either of a process control character or of a qualitative nature and no precision statement on these is given.36.Keywords36.1coldflow;fabric;rubber cementsASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。
D 412硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸试验方法1 简述1.1 本试验方法包括了硫化热固性橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的评定方法。
1.2 基于SI或非SI的单位制均视为本标准的标准单位。
1.3 安全性2 引用文献D 1349 橡胶规范——试验标准温度D 1566 橡胶相关术语D 3182 橡胶规范——制取标准混炼胶和标准硫化试片的的材料、设备和操作步骤D 3183 橡胶规范——从成品上制备试片D 4483 橡胶与碳黑工业种标准试验方法的测量精度规范2.2 ASTM 附件环形试样的制取,方法B2.3 ISO 标准ISO 37 硫化或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力—应变性能的测定方法3 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 拉伸永久变形——试样在因一定作用下伸长后,在作用力解除的情况下其残余的变形,以原始长度的百分数表示。
3.1.2 扯断永久变形——将拉断后的哑铃试样以断面紧贴,测得的永久变形。
3.1.3 拉伸力——试样拉断过程中产生的最大力。
3.1.4 拉伸强度——拉伸试样时使用的应力3.1.5 定伸应力——规则截面的试样,拉伸到特定长度时产生的应力。
3.1.6 热塑性弹性体——一种类似与橡胶的材料,但与普通的硫化胶不同,他可象塑料一样的被加工和回收。
3.1.7 断裂伸长——在连续的拉伸过程中,试样发生断裂时的伸长率。
3.1.8 屈服点——在应力-应变曲线上,在试样最终的破坏前,关于应变的应力变化的速度变为0并且相反的点。
3.1.9 屈服应变——屈服点的应变的水平3.1.10 屈服应力——屈服点的应力的水平4 方法描述4.1 测定拉伸性能的试验,首先从样品材料上裁取试样,包括制样和试验两部分。
ASTM D橡胶性能的标准试验方法-液体影响(中文版)
橡胶性能的标准试验方法-液体影响1.范围1.1 本实验方法提出了评价橡胶或类橡胶物质抵抗液体作用的相对能力所需的程序。
除第11.2.2 所提者外,本试验方法不适用于多孔橡胶、泡沫橡胶和压制包装板材。
1.2 ASTM 油类No.2 和No.3 用作本标准的标准工作液体,目前尚未商业化,且在1993 年分别被IRM902 和IRM903 替代(详见附录XI)。
1.3 本试验方法包括以下试验内容:质量变化(浸泡后)第10 节体积变化(浸泡后)第11 节水不溶液体和混合液体尺寸变化第12 节液体仅在一表面的质量变化第13 节液体可溶提取物质量的测定第14 节抗张强度、伸长率和硬度的变化(浸泡后)第15 节断裂强度、破裂强度、撕裂强度和涂布织物附着力的变化第16 节计算(试验结果)第17 节2.引用文件2.1 ASTM 标准:D 92 用克利福兰得开杯法测定闪点和燃点的试验方法2D 97 石油产品倾点的试验方法2D 287 原油和石油产品API 比重的试验方法(液体比重计法) 2D 412 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶张力3D 445 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的试验方法2D 611 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法2D 751 涂层布试验方法4D 975 柴油规格D1217 用宾汉比重瓶法测定液体密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法2 D 1415 橡胶特性--国际硬度的试验方法3D 1500 石油产品ASTM 颜色的试验方法(ASTM 比色度) 2D 1747 石油产品ASTM 颜色的试验方法(ASTM 比色度) 2D 2008 石油产品紫外线吸收度和吸收系数的试验方法2D 2140 石油制绝缘油的碳类成份的测试方法5D 2240 用硬度计测定橡胶硬度的试验方法3D 2699 研究法测定发动机燃料抗震性的试验方法6D 3182 混炼标准化合物及制备标准硫化橡胶试片用橡胶材料、设备及工序规程3D 3183 用橡胶制品制备试验用橡胶试片的规程3D 4483 橡胶和炭黑制造业用试验方法标准精确性的评定规程7D 4485 发动机油功能规范3D 4678 橡胶参考材料的制备、测试、验收、制定文档和使用规程3D 5900 工业标准物质(IRM)的物理及化学性能规格8E 145 重力传送和强制通风炉规格82.2 SAE 标准:J 300 发动机油粘度分类3.试验方法的摘要3.1 本实验方法提供了把测试样品暴露在液体之下所受影响的程序, 经过一定条件的温度和时间。
GB/T 531.1-2008 硫化橡 胶或热塑性橡胶压入硬度试 验方法 第 1 部分: 邵氏硬度 计法(邵尔硬度) HG/T 3846-2008 硬质橡 胶 硬度的测定 GB/T 6031-1998 硫化橡 胶或热塑性橡胶硬度的测定 8. 硬度 0220 (10~100IRHD) HG/T 3077-1999 橡胶、 塑料辊硬度要求 HG/T 2413.1-1992 胶 辊表观硬度的测定 赵氏 (P.J)硬度计法 HG/T 2413.2-1992 胶辊 表观硬度的测定 邵尔硬度 计法 HG/T 2450-1999 胶辊表
低温脆性 0220
压缩永久变 形
定 GB/T 6669-2008 软质泡 沫聚合材料 压缩永久变形 的测定
GB/T 1689-1998 硫化橡 胶耐磨性能的测定(用阿克
产品/ 序号 产品类别
项目/参数 序号 名称
领域 代码
检测标准(方法)名称及编 号(含年号) 隆磨耗机) GB/T 9867-2008 硫化橡 胶或热塑性橡胶耐磨性能的 测定 (旋转辊筒式磨耗机法) GB/T 1690-2006 硫化橡
冲击强度 0220
抗剪切强度 0220 高温拉伸强
度和扯断伸 0220 长率
橡胶及橡胶 制品
定伸永久变 形
胶定伸永久变形的测定方法 (模数测定器法)
GB/T 1034-2008 塑料 吸水性的测定 HG/T 2582-2008 橡胶或
2.1.1 ASTM出版物——可从ASTM得到,地址:Barr Harbor大街100号,West Conshohocken, PA 1919428-2959。
ASTM D 395——橡胶特性试验方法—压缩试验
ASTM D 412——橡胶拉伸特性试验方法
ASTM D 429——橡胶特性试验方法—刚性衬层粘着
GB/T 107231989 用 ASTM标准 参比炭黑 改善炭黑 试验再现 性的标准 方法 GB/T 108211993 农 业机械用 V带尺寸 GB/T 108221989 一 般用途难 燃输送带 GB/T 108231996 充 气轮胎轮 辋实心轮 胎系列 GB/T 108241996 充 气轮胎轮 辋实心轮 胎 GB/T 111271989 汽 油铅含量 测定法 (一氯化 碘法) GB/T 111911989 航 空轮胎爆 破压力试 验方法
GB/T 11901991 工 程机械轮 胎 GB/T 11921991 农 业轮胎 GB/T 12321992 未 硫化橡胶 门尼粘度 的测定 GB/T 12331992 橡 胶胶料初 期硫化特 性的测定 门尼粘度 计法 GB/T 125841990 橡 胶或塑料 涂覆织物 低温冲击 试验 GB/T 125851990 硫 化橡胶涂 覆织物挥 发性液体 蒸气透过 速率的测 定 质量 法
按标准序 号(电脑 字符排 序,非标 准代号数 字大小顺 序)排 列, 先 GB后 GB/T.
GB 100101988 医 用软聚氯 乙烯管材 GB 102131995 一 次性使用 橡胶检查 手套 GB 103271989 发 动机检测 用标准轻 柴油技术 条件 GB 105431989 飞 机地面加 油和泄油 用橡胶软 管 GB 105461989 液 化石油气 (LPG) 橡 胶软管 GB 127311991 难 燃V带
ASTM D412 DIEC 标准中文版硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸试验方法1简述本试验方法包含了硫化热固性橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的评定方法。
试验方法以下:方法 A——直条和哑铃试样方法 B——环形试样注 1——这两种试验的结果不行比。
1.2 鉴于 SI 或非 SI 的单位制均视为本标准的标准单位。
安全性2引用文件D 1349橡胶规范——试验标准温度D 1566橡胶有关术语D 3182 橡胶规范——制取标准混炼胶和标准硫化试片的的资料、设施和操作步骤D 3183橡胶规范——从成品上制备试片D 4483橡胶与碳黑工业种标准试验方法的丈量精度规范2.2 ASTM附件环形试样的制取,方法B2.3 ISO 标准ISO 37 硫化或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力—应变性能的测定方法3术语3.1 定义3.1.1 拉伸永远变形——试样在因必定作用下伸长后,在作使劲排除的状况下其剩余的变形,以原始长度的百分数表示。
折服点——在应力 -应变曲线上,在试样最后的损坏前,对于应变的应力变化的速度变成 0 而且相反的点。
折服应变——折服点的应变的水平折服应力——折服点的应力的水平4方法描绘4.1 测定拉伸性能的试验,第一从样品资料上裁取试样,包含制样和试验两部分。
4.2 在试样未经预伸的状况下测定拉伸强度、定神应力、折服点、扯断伸长率。
1. ISO 3442:这是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一种标准,用于测试橡胶撕裂强度。
2. ASTM D1924:这是美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)制定的一种标准,用于测试橡胶撕裂强度。
3. GB/T 529:这是中华人民共和国国家标准(GB),用于测试橡胶撕裂强度。
丁腈软木橡胶 标准
1. GB/T 5574-2008《橡胶板》:该标准规定了丁腈软木橡胶板的物理性能要求,包括硬度、拉伸强度、撕裂强度、压缩永久变形等指标。
2. HG/T 2709-2016《硫化橡胶板、卷材技术条件》:该标准规定了丁腈软木橡胶板的化学性能要求,包括耐化学腐蚀性、耐油性、耐热性等指标。
3. ASTM D2000-18《标准分类系统》:该标准是美国材料试验协会制定的标准,用于分类和标识丁腈软木橡胶板等橡胶制品。
4. EN 682-1:2014《橡胶制品-耐油橡胶板和橡胶膜-第1部分:材料规范》:该标准是欧洲标准,规定了丁腈软木橡胶板的材料规范,包括化学成分、物理性能等指标。
5. ISO 9001:2015《质量管理体系要求》:该标准是国际标准,规定了丁腈软木橡胶板的质量管理体系要求,以确保产品的质量稳定和一致性。
astm_d429-81-橡胶性能测试方法标准——刚性基体粘着力测试e1 ASTM名称号:D429-81,再次批准1993,1橡胶性能测试方法标准——刚性基体粘着力测试本标准以固定号D-429发行~其后面的数字指的是最先采用的年份~括号内的数据是最新一次的批准。
基于这个原因~在该标准中我们用“metal”,金属,而不用“rigid material”,刚性材料,。
1.3 SI中的数值为标准值~而括号内的数值为参考值。
1.4 该标准在使用时安全性能方面并未要求面面俱到。
2.参考文件2.1 ASTM标准2B117用于盐雾试验仪器D395橡胶性能测试方法——压缩装置3D412硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶、热塑性塑料弹性体张力测试方法 3D413橡胶性能测试方法——韧性基体粘着力3D471橡胶性能测试方法——液体的影响3D572橡胶性能测试方法——抗热抗氧化3D573橡胶测试方法——空气老化箱中退化3D1149橡胶退化测试方法——在臭氧室里表面裂缝 3D3182橡胶材料~设备和混炼步骤试制标准硫化样件3D3183从产品中取出测试目的的橡胶标准4D3491油箱和套管衬里硫化橡胶测试方法E4 测试机认可生效条例G23非金属材料有水/无水的露光仪器操作,炭精电弧类型,3.意义及使用3.1根据标准条件下在实验室制成的用于开发提供数据的样件命名这些测试方法。
ASTM D 429
4.2RC indicates the failure is at the rubber-cover cementinterface.4.3CP indicates the failure is at the cover cement-primecement interface.4.4M indicates the failure is at the metal-prime cementinterface.N OTE 1—Example —The percentages of the various types of failuremay be estimated as in the following examples:R -50,RC -50means that roughly one half or 50%of the area showedfailure in the rubber and the other 50%showed failure at the rubber covercement interface.R -25,RC -25,M -50means three types of failure were present with theM indicating 50%failure at the metal-primer interface.5.Significance and Use 5.1Method A is used to determine adhesion values in instances where users feel this design is more reflective of an actual product and where control tests have been set up as a result.The sample also lends itself to testing the effectiveness of different processing techniques and various adhesive sys-tems.6.Apparatus6.1Testing Machine —A tension testing machine conform-ing to the requirements of Practices E 4shall be used formeasuring the strength of adhesion.The moving head of themachine shall travel at the rate of 0.4060.04mm/s (1.060.1in./min).The machine shall be provided with a recordingdevice to give the total force at the conclusion of the test.Amachine of not more than 40kN (10000lbf)capacity will befound suitable in most cases.6.2Grips —The fixtures for holding the specimen in thetesting machine will depend on the type of specimen but in allcases shall be provided with ball seats to permit propercentering of the load during the test.A typical adhesion testassembly is shown in Fig.1.Specially molded laboratory specimens shall be attached by means of threaded studs on the metal parts as shown in Fig.2,but with specimens cut from production parts the clamp illustrated in Fig.3may be used.7.Standard Test Specimens 7.1The standard test specimen shall consist of a cylinder of rubber 3.260.1mm thick (0.12560.005in.)and an end area of 125065mm 2or 2.0060.01in.2(diameter of 39.960.1mm (1.59760.005in.))attached to the faces of two metal plates each at least 9.5mm (0.37in.)in thickness and of the same diameter as the rubber cylinder.The metal plates shall have smooth flat faces that shall be parallel in the finished specimen.The cylindrical shape is used to eliminate sharpcorners and to give uniform distribution of the pulling force.N OTE 2—While a 1250mm 2(2in.2)area test specimen shall beconsidered the standard for reference purposes,it shall be permissible touse a specimen of only 625mm 2(1in.2)in area,where it is desirable toprepare and cure a large number of test specimens at one time.Thediameter of this test specimen shall be 28.2160.02mm (1.12960.001in.)and the unvulcanized piece shall be cut to dimensions of approxi-mately 24mm (15⁄16in.)in diameter and approximately 5mm (3⁄16in.)inthickness (approximately 10%volume excess)boratory Preparation of Standard Test Specimens 8.1Prepare the standard test specimen to be used for development and control purposes in the laboratory as de-scribed in 8.2through circular metal parts of standard dimensions from rolled bar steel SAE No.10207for standard reference pieces.However,other metals may be used if in conformity with the essential dimensions.Prepare smoothly machined test faces of the metals in accordance with any test method for securing adhesion that may be under investigation.7Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D11-1040.FIG.1An Example of an Adhesion Test Specimen Attached in a TestingMachine8.3Cut unvulcanized rubber pieces to dimensions of ap-proximately 35mm (13⁄8in.)in diameter and approximately 5mm (3⁄16in.)in thickness so as to give maximum pressure of therubber against the metal surface during vulcanization (see Fig.2).Clean or treat surfaces to be adhered in accordance with themethod being investigated.8.4Assemble the metal parts and rubber pieces for vulca-nization in the mold.A typical mold and test piece are shownin Fig.4.The test method of assembly is illustrated in Fig.2.The mold is so constructed that there is obtained aftervulcanization approximately 0.039mm (0.0015in.)of rubberover the edge of the metal to eliminate tearing of the rubberduring test from the sharp edge of the metal.Prior to vulcani-zation,take great care to keep the surfaces to be adhered cleanand free of dust,moisture,or other foreign material.Do nottouch surfaces with the hands.8.5Vulcanize by heating the mold for a definite time at acontrolled temperature in a hydraulic vulcanization press.Choose the time and temperature of cure according to therubber compound used.At the conclusion of the cure,take carein removing the specimens from the mold to avoid subjectingthe adhered surfaces to stress before the specimens havecooled.8.6After vulcanization,store the specimens at a tempera-ture of 2362°C (73.463.6°F)at least 16h prior to testing.9.Test Specimens from Production Parts9.1For comparative test of adhesion in production parts,itis necessary to select a portion of the part so that a specimenconsisting of a rubber piece sandwiched between two parallelplates of metal may be cut.Hollow-mill specimen out of theproduction part and finish the piece either by turning orgrinding down to size in such a manner that the surfaces of therubber and metal shall be free of imperfections that would haveany tendency to start a tear in the rubber part during theapplication of tension while testing.9.2In routine production testing,it is sometimes necessaryto test specimens of different size and shape than thosespecified as standard.In such cases,the test method ofpreparation shall be similar to that given in 9.1,but the testresults secured shall not be compared with those obtained usingthe standard test specimen.10.Procedure10.1Mount the vulcanized standard test specimen or the specimen cut from a production part in the testing machine,as shown in Fig.1,using care in centering and adjustment so that the tension shall be uniformly distributed.Apply a steady tension load at the specified machine speed until the rubber either separates from the metal surface or ruptures.Record the total force at the time of failure.10.2In case of rupture in the rubber,the strength of the adhesion bond is obviously not measured,but is shown to be greater than the strength of the rubber itself.Record the type or types of failure,and express in accordance with the adhesion failure terminology described in Section 5.Estimate and record the percentages of the various types of failures.11.Calculation 11.1Express the adhesion value in pascals or pounds-force per square inch and calculate by dividing the tension force causing failure by the original area of the adhered surface that separates.In case of rupture of the rubber,the adhesion value is recognized as being higher than that reported.12.Report 12.1The report shall include the following,preferably reported on an Adhesion Test Data Sheet as illustrated in Table 1:12.1.1The result calculated in accordance with Section 11,12.1.2All observed and recorded data including the number of test pieces involved,12.1.3Notation of type or types of failure and the estimated percentages of the various types of failures (Section 10),12.1.4A description of the specimen including a statement of the test method used for securing adhesion,if known,and a notation indicating whether the specimen was molded in the laboratory or prepared from a production part,12.1.5Dimensions of the test specimen (comparisons may be made only among specimens of the same size and shape),12.1.6Date of manufacture or vulcanization,if known,12.1.7Time and temperature of vulcanization,if known,12.1.8Temperature of test room,and 12.1.9Date of test.13.Precision and Bias 713.1Precision and bias do not exist for this test method because resources necessary for round-robin testing have not beenforthcoming.FIG.2Views of a Typical Test Specimen Showing Individual Metal Parts and RubberCylindersMETHOD B—90°STRIPPING TEST—RUBBERPART ASSEMBLED TO ONE METAL PLATE14.Significance and Use14.1This test is intended for determining the adhesivestrength of rubber-to-metal bonding agents.The results areobtained by measuring the force necessary to separate a rubberfrom a metal surface.The data obtained indicate the strength ofadhesion along a line across the width of the rubber strip beingseparated from a metal plate at a 90°angle.The test providesvaluable data for development and control of rubber com-pounds and test methods of bonding,and it also serves as ascreening test for the evaluation of various bonding agents ortechniques,or both.N OTE 3—It is permissible to use a 45°angle to bring about separation,but if this is done,the same should be indicated on the form on which the data are recorded.If this notation does not appear,it must be assumed that the 90°angle has been used.The angle of pull,in this case 45°,merely means that the equipment has been so designed that the angle made by that face of the rubber being stripped from the metal and the metal to which it has been adhered is 45°.Experience indicates a lower force is obtained for the 45°angle than for the 90°angle,and also a break significantly closer to the bond interface.15.Adhesion Failure Terminology 15.1R indicates the failure is in the rubber.15.2RC indicates the failure is at the rubber-cover cement interface.15.3CP indicates the failure is at the cover cement-prime cement interface.15.4M indicates the failure is at the metal-prime cement interface.N OTE 4—Example—The percentages of the various types of failure may be estimated as in the following examples:R -50,RC -50means that roughly one half or 50%of the area showed failure in the rubber and the other 50%showed failure at the rubber-cover cement interface.R -25,RC -25,M -50means that three types of failure are present with the M indicating 50%failure at the metal-primer interface.16.Apparatus 16.1Testing Machine —A power driven test machine equipped to produce a uniform rate of grip separation shall be used for measuring the strength of adhesion.The head of the machine shall travel at the uniform rate of 0.8360.08mm/s (260.2in./min).16.2Fixture —Any suitable fixture for holding the test specimen to the upper head of the machine may be used provided the direction of pull to cause separation shall be,at all times during the test,as nearly perpendicular as possible,that is,making a 90°angle with the top holding fixture.The test fixture shown in operation in Fig.5complies with the above and provides the ease and simplicity of testing.816.3Grips —Any suitable grip may be used,provided it does not slip or rupture the rubber strip.The grip shown in Fig.5complies and provides ease and simplicity of operation.17.Standard Test Specimen 17.1The standard test specimen shall consist of a strip of rubber 6.360.1mm (0.25060.005in.)in thickness,2560.05mm (1.00060.002in.)in width,and 125mm (5in.)in length adhered to the face of a metal strip 1.660.1mm (0.06260.004in.)in thickness,2560.05mm (1.00060.002in.)in width,and 6061mm (2.3660.04in.)in length.The test specimen shall be so prepared that the bonded area of 25by 25mm (1by 1in.)is fixed approximately in the middle of the metal member as shown in Fig.6.N OTE 5—In cases where the 1.6-mm (0.062-in.)thick metal is perma-nently deformed during testing,a thicker metal may be used when agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.8Complete detail drawings of the fixture are available at a nominal cost fromASTM,1916Race St.,Philadelphia,PA 19103.Request Adjunct No.12-404290-00.FIG.3Method of Testing Adhesion When Sample Section isTaken from ProductionParts18.Preparation of Standard Test Specimen18.1Prepare the standard test specimen as described in18.1.1to 18.1.6:18.1.1Rectangular metal parts of the standard dimensionsdescribed in Section 17shall have the area to be bondedprepared in accordance with the test method for securingadhesion that may be under investigation.Mask both ends withpressure-sensitive tape so that only the area described inSection 17will be available for adhesion.18.1.2Cut unvulcanized rubber slabs approximately 8mm(0.3in.)in thickness to dimensions of the required size for themold,so as to provide maximum pressure of the rubber against the metal surfaces during vulcanization.(See Fig.6for suitable mold design.)The inside mold dimensions parallel to the longitudinal axis of the metal part shall be 125mm for nominal 5in.The dimension along the transverse axis of the metal part can be altered according to the number of pieces required for any one cure.This will leave sufficient length of rubber strip for fastening in the grip shown in Fig.5.Solvent-wash rubber surface to be adhered or treat in accordance with the method being investigated.Freshly milled rubber need not be solvent wiped.18.1.3Assemble the metal parts and rubber pieces for vulcanization as shown in Fig.6,properly spacing 1⁄1621⁄833⁄1653⁄8101⁄2135⁄8163⁄41911⁄23821⁄85421⁄45727⁄87337661⁄216582030.37560.0029.5360.050.12560.005 Drawing of a Mold for Adhesion Test Pieces TABLE 1Example of Form for Reporting Adhesion test ResultsStock Cure Metal and MetalFinishing UsedPull Type of Break,%Sample,lbf/in.Average,lbf/in.R RC CP MDate___________By________________________parts along one edge of the rubber slab and then placing theassembly,metal parts down,in the mold cavity.Cure the wholeassembly in accordance with the method being investigated.Prior to assembly and vulcanization,take great care to keep thesurfaces to be adhered clean and free of dust,moisture,or otherforeign material.18.1.4Vulcanize by heating the mold under pressure for adefinite time at a controlled temperature in a hydraulic vulca-nizing press.The time and temperature of cure shall be inaccordance with the system being investigated.At the conclu-sion of the cure,take care in removing the specimens from themold to avoid subjecting the adhered surfaces to stress beforethe specimens have cooled.18.1.5After vulcanization,store the specimens at a tem-perature of 2362°C (73.463.6°F)for at least 16h.18.1.6Separate the specimens from each other in prepara-tion for testing.This is done by cutting with a scissors,handknife,or other suitable equipment.The edges of thespecimen may then be buffed on a belt sander to bring the edgeof the rubber flush with the edge of the metal strips (Note 6).Take care not to overheat the metal parts or the rubber and notto reduce the width of the sample being tested beyond thetolerances described.N OTE 6—Present experience indicates negligible differences in resultsbetween samples buffed clean and samples tested without buffing,possiblydue to the facts that edges of metal parts are not specifically prepared foradhesion and the edge contact area,given a metal part thickness of 1.6mm(0.062in.,)is not significant.19.Procedure19.1Place the test specimen (Note 7)symmetrically in thejaws attached to the fixed grip with the separating edge towardthe operator,as shown in Fig.5.Before the load is applied,strip the rubber from the metal plate for a distance ofapproximately 2mm (0.08in.)by using a sharp knife (Note 8).Place the tab in the grip and apply a steady load at the rate of 50mm (2.0in.)/min until separation is e the autographic recorder in order to show graphically the adhesion values over the full length of the test specimen.N OTE 7—This specimen lends itself to the determination of the relative effect of environmental conditions on possible bond deterioration.Speci-mens may be exposed unstressed or under a constant,relatively low bond stress.It is recommended that one of the standard ASTM environmental exposure conditions be used.Among those applicable are the following:Test Methods D 471,D 572,D 573,D 1149,Practice G 23,and Method B 117.If environments other than the above are used,they shall be described completely.This should include the conditions of the exposure such as time,temperature,etc.N OTE 8—Stripping the rubber from the plate initially,and as necessary during the test,is done to observe more clearly adhesion to the substrate rather than the tear strength of the stock.20.Calculations 20.1Express the adhesion value in newtons per millimetre or pounds-force per inch of width.21.Report 21.1The report shall include the following,preferably reported on an Adhesion Test Data Sheet illustrated in Table 1:21.1.1The results calculated in accordance with Section observed and recorded data,21.1.3Notation of the type or types of failures and the estimated percentages of the various types of failures (Section 15),21.1.4Description of the specimen including statement of method of securing adhesion,if known,21.1.5Date of vulcanization,if known,21.1.6Time and temperature of vulcanization,if known,21.1.7Temperature of test room,and 21.1.8Date of test.22.Precision and Bias 722.1Precision and bias do not exist for this test method because resources necessary for round-robin testing have not been forthcoming.METHOD C—MEASURING ADHESION OF RUBBER-TO-METAL WITH A CONICAL SPECIMEN 23.Significance and Use 23.1The test method is designed primarily for application to test pieces prepared in the laboratory under standard conditions in order to provide data for development and control of bonding systems and their components such as cements,or special rubber compounds,and of test methods of manufacture.While intended to be applied where rubber is bonded to supporting rigid pieces,it may not cover such cases where the support,while being of high modulus material,has a low rigidity due to small transverse dimensions,as in the case of rubber bonded to metal wires,cords or thin sheets.The particular geometry of the test piece produces,in most cases,an interfacial failure between the rubber and conical part,because of a stress concentration at the tip of the cone.24.Adhesion Failure Terminology 24.1Express the type of adhesion failure as determinedbyFIG.5Adhesion Tensile Testing Fixture inOperationexamination of broken test pieces by one or more of thefollowing symbols:24.2R indicates failure in the rubber.24.3RC indicates failure in the rubber-cover cement.24.4CP indicates failure in the cover cement-prime ce-ment.24.5M indicates failure in the prime cement-metal inter-face.N OTE 9—Example —The percentages of the various types of failuremay be estimated as in the following examples:R -50,RC -50means that roughly one half or 50%of the area showedfailure in the rubber and the other 50%showed failure at the rubber-covercement interface.R -25,RC -25,M -50means three types of failure present with the Mindicating 50%failure at the metal primer interface.25.Apparatus25.1Testing Machine —A tension testing machine conform-ing to the requirements of Practices E 4shall be used formeasuring the strength of adhesion.The moving head of themachine shall travel at the rate of 0.8360.08mm/s (2.060.2in./min).The machine shall be provided with a recordingdevice to give the force in newtons or pounds-force at theconclusion of the test.A machine of not more than 40kN or10000lbf capacity will be found suitable in most cases.25.2Grips —The fixtures for holding the specimen in thetest machine will depend on the type of specimen but in allcases shall be provided with ball seats to permit propercentering of the applied load during the test.These grips can beof two types:(1)a simple slip-in type which engages in thegrooved section of the conical specimen or (2)a threaded studwith a locknut.This could be a combination fixture.26.Standard Test Specimen26.1A standard test specimen shall consist of a rubber compound bonded to two conical metal end pieces.The diameter of the test specimen shall be 2560.5mm (1.0060.2in.).The distance between the opposed conical end pieces shall be 11.561.2mm (0.4560.05in.).For the test specimen in Fig.7,the height of each conical end piece shall be 23.460.5mm (0.9260.02in.)(Note 10).The half-angle of the cone vertex shall be 4561°and the tip shall not be rounded to radius greater than 0.8mm (0.03in.).N OTE 10—Theoretically,the height of end pieces could be any length.The end pieces in Fig.7have been the most practical size for molding and testing.boratory Preparation of Standard Test Specimens 27.1The standard test specimen is formed by two cylindri-cal rigid parts terminated by opposite conical ends,and a cylinder of rubber bonded to the conical ends.Prepare in the laboratory in accordance with 27.1.1through27.1.7.Section A-A in. 1.5 2.385678mm 1.537.9253860.5127152178203FIG.6Adhesion Test SpecimenMoldmm in.A 25.060.5 1.0060.02B A 23.560.50.9260.02C 11.561.20.4560.05D 45°61E (radius)0.8max 0.03maxA Suggested dimension.FIG.7Test Specimens with Conical AdhesionAreas27.1.1Machine conical metal parts from rolled bar steel SAE No.10207or SAE No.1010for standard reference pieces.However,other rigid materials may be used if in conformity with the essential dimensions to determine the effect of adhesion on other rigid materials.Prepare the test face of the cone in accordance with any test method for securing adhesion that may be under investigation.27.1.2Vulcanize the specimens in a transfer mold.For the six-cavity transfer mold shown in Fig.8,the unvulcanized rubber piece shall be approximately 20mm (0.8in.)in thickness and 110mm (4.3in.)in diameter.Sufficient rubber stock should be used to fill the pot and provide some excess after filling the mold cavities.27.1.3Clean or treat the surface of the conical ends in accordance with the adhesion system under investigation.Coat the treated metal surface with the adhesive over the conical area only.27.1.4Place the rigid parts and the rubber compound in the preheated mold for vulcanization.27.1.5Vulcanize with conditions of time,temperature,and pressure being regulated by their interrelationship effect on adhesion to be determined.It may be necessary to surround the mold with an insulating shield to maintain proper temperature during cure. the conclusion of the cure,take great care when removing the test specimens from the mold to avoid subjecting the bonded surfaces to undue stress before the test specimens have cooled.27.1.6After vulcanization,store the specimens at a tem-perature of 2362°C (73.463.6°F)at least 16h prior to testing.27.1.7Fig.8shows a mold,unvulcanized rubber com-pound,molded test specimens,and adhesive coated conical pieces.28.Procedure 28.1Mount the test specimens in the grips of the test machine using the appropriate fixtures.Take care in centering and adjusting the test specimen so the tension is symmetrically distributed in the cross section during the test.Apply the tension load until the rubber either separates from the adhesive surface or ruptures.Record the total load at the time of failure.Record type or types of failure and express in accordance with the standard adhesion failure terminology (See Section 24).29.Calculations 29.1Express the adhesion value in newtons or pounds-force required to produce failure.In cases where the failure is in the rubber,the adhesion value is recognized as being higher than that recorded.30.Report 30.1The report shall include the following,preferably reported on an Adhesion Test Data Sheet illustrated in Table 1:30.1.1Type and code number of the rubber compound,30.1.2Cure time and temperature,30.1.3Type of metal or rigid substrate used and surface preparation,30.1.4Adhesive and dilution,30.1.5The adhesion value for each test piece,30.1.6Type and percentage of failure,30.1.7Date of vulcanization and date of test,and 30.1.8Temperature of testroom.FIG.8Mold and Conical TestSpecimens31.Precision and Bias31.1Precision and bias do not exist for this test method because resources necessary for round-robin testing have not been forthcoming.32.Salvaging of Bonded Metal Parts32.1Bonded metal parts may be salvaged by the usual burning or chemical stripping techniques.Mechanical or chemical surface treatments are used to re-establish a clean bonding surface.The sharpness of the conical tip may be reduced during salvaging.This affects reproducibility of the test results and care must be taken to re-establish the sharpness of this cone to 0.8-mm (0.03-in.)radius (maximum).METHOD D—ADHESION TEST:POST-VULCANIZATION(PV)BONDING OF RUBBER TO METAL33.Significance and Use33.1Methods A,B,and C of this standard cover procedures for testing the strength of adhesion of rubber to metal when the bond is formed during vulcanization.Method D may be used to determine the strength of adhesion of rubber to metal when the bond is formed after the rubber has been vulcanized.In the rubber industry,this is commonly referred to as post-vulcanization (PV)bonding.33.2In the test,a vulcanized circular disk that has been adhesive coated on both ends,is assembled between two parallel metal parts.The rubber-metal assembly is then placed in a jig under compression and heated in an oven for a specified time at a specified temperature.33.3When tested to rupture in an axial direction,a mea-surement of rubber-to-metal adhesion is obtained.The rupture force and type of failure are recorded.34.Apparatus 34.1Testing Machine ,A tension testing machine conform-ing to the requirements of Practices E 4shall be used for measuring the strength of adhesion.The crosshead of the machine shall travel at the rate of 0.8360.08mm/s (2.060.2in.)/min.The machine shall be provided with a device to record the maximum force at the conclusion of the test.A machine of at least 40kN (10000-lbf)capacity is suitable.34.2Grips —The fixtures for holding the specimen in the testing machine will depend on the type of specimen but in all cases shall be provided with ball seats to permit proper centering of the load during the test.These grips can be of the type described in 6.2of Method A and illustrated in Fig.1and Fig.3.34.3Details of the apparatus used to hold and compress the rubber metal bonded assembly during oven cure are shown in Fig.9(outside plates)and Fig.10(center aligning plate).The center aligning plate which controls compression of the bonded assembly to 10.060.1%is held to the outside plates by means of two bolts,washers,and nuts.The bolts are tightened until the metal pieces compress the 1⁄212.733/6413.1041/6416.270.87522.231.25031.751.62541.282.25057.152.50063.503.25082.554.50114.305.00127.0FIG.9Outside Plates (Two Required)Low-CarbonSteel35.Standard Test Specimens35.1Prepare the vulcanized rubber test specimen in accor-dance with the procedure given in Test Method D 395.35.2The metal test specimen is identical to the standard metal test specimen described in Section 6,Method A,of this standard.36.Preparation of Standard Test Specimens36.1Place vulcanized rubber test specimens in a suitable open basket and vapor degreased (with perchloroethylene)for a period approaching,but not exceeding,5min.Remove the rubber specimens and allow to air dry at Standard Laboratory Temperature (2362°C)for a period of at least 30min.This should be in a dust-free area,preferably at low relative humidity.36.2Soak lint-free paper towel in mineral spirits (varnish and paint makers naphtha)and lay flat on a clean surface.Wipe the rubber surfaces to be bonded several times across the paper to remove any residual surface contaminants.Following air-drying for at least 15min,post-dry the cleaned rubber specimens for 10min at 70°C in a circulating air oven.Remove the rubber specimens from the oven and allow to condition at Standard Laboratory Temperature (2362°C)for at least 30min prior to adhesive coating,preferably by brush application.36.3Dip each surface of the adhesive-coated specimen alternately into a suitable assembly oil 9to a depth slightly greater than the surface to be covered.Place the specimen on its side and allow excess oil to drain off for about 5min prior to assembly.36.4Assemble the test unit in accordance with Fig.11.Required compression is automatically obtained by the spacer as the unit is tightened.36.5Place the test unit in a circulating air oven at 150°C for a period of 60610min or at a time and temperature recommended by the adhesive supplier.Remove the unit and immediately cool in room temperature tap water for at least 20min.Following cooling,disassemble the test unit and store the individual test specimens at a temperature of 2362°C at least 48h prior to testing.37.Procedure 37.1Attach the bonded assembly to the tension testing machine using the appropriate fixtures or grips.Apply a force until destruction of the bonded assembly is complete.Record the type of failure,expressed in accordance with the adhesion failure terminology described in Section 3under Method A of this standard.38.Calculations 38.1Express the adhesion value in pascals (or kPa,MPa)or pounds-force per square inch and calculate by dividing the tension force by the original area of the adhered surface.In the case of rupture of the rubber,the adhesion value is recognized as being higher than the rupture strength that is calculated as described above.39.Report 39.1The report shall include the following,preferably reported on an Adhesion Test Data Sheet illustrated in Table 1:39.1.1Type and code number of the rubber compound,9Rubber assembly oil—Ex.Seagul Type R,Clark Oil and Chemical Co.,Cleveland, 0.1503.810.4511.4041/6416.270.87522.2311⁄431.751.25031.751.5038.101.62541.282.50063.502.70068.583.0076.205.00127.00FIG.10Center Aligning Plate (One Required)Low-CarbonSteel。
D 1000-1999 电气和电子设备用压敏粘结涂覆带的试验方法ASTM D 1002-2001 用拉力负载法测定单面搭接粘结金属试样的表面剪切强度的标准试验方法(金属之间) ASTM D 1003-2000 透明塑料混浊度和透光系数的标准试验方法ASTM D 1004-1994 塑料薄膜和薄板的抗撕裂强度的测试方法ASTM D 1005-1995 用千分尺测量有机涂层干膜厚度的试验方法ASTM D 1006-2001 木材表面涂料的室外暴露试验标准实施规程ASTM D 1007-2000 仲丁醇ASTM D 1013-1993 树脂和塑料中总氮量的测试方法ASTM D 1014-1995 钢材表面涂料室外暴露试验方法ASTM D 1015-1999 高纯度烃冻结点的标准测试方法ASTM D 1016-1999 通过冻结点测定烃纯度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1018-2000 石油馏分中氢含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1025-1996 聚合级丁二烯中不挥发性残余物的试验方法ASTM D 1029-1995 纸和纸板的抗剥离试验方法ASTM D 1030-1995 纸和纸板纤维分析的试验方法ASTM D 1034-1994 氟铬砷酸盐苯酚ASTM D 1035-1994 氟铬砷酸盐苯酚的化学分析方法ASTM D 1036-1999 木电杆的标准静态试验方法ASTM D 1037-1999 木质纤维板和刨花板的性能评定试验方法ASTM D 1038-1983 薄板和胶合板相关术语的定义ASTM D 1039-1994 电绝缘用玻璃粘合云母的试验方法ASTM D 1042a-2001 加速操作状态下塑料线性尺寸变化的标准测试方法ASTM D 1043-1999 用扭转试验法测定温度对塑料硬挺度影响的试验方法ASTM D 1044-1999 透明塑料表面耐磨蚀性的试验方法ASTM D 1045-1995 塑料用增塑剂的取样与试验方法ASTM D 1047-1995 电线及电缆用聚氯乙烯套管ASTM D 1048-1999 橡胶绝缘毡层ASTM D 1049-1998 橡胶绝缘封盖物ASTM D 1050-1990 橡胶绝缘衬里套管ASTM D 1051-1995 橡胶绝缘管ASTM D 1052-1985 用罗斯挠曲装置测定橡胶切口扩展的试验方法ASTM D 1053-1992 橡胶特性试验.挠性聚合物和涂覆制品的低温劲度测试方法ASTM D 1054-1991 用回跳摆锤法测定橡胶弹性的试验方法ASTM D 1055-1997 挠性多孔材料.泡沫胶乳ASTM D 1056-2000 韧性多孔材料的标准规范.海绵状或膨胀橡胶ASTM D 1059-1997 基于短长度样品的纱线支数试验方法ASTM D 1060-1996 为测定净毛纤维百分率从成包原毛中心取样ASTM D 1061-1995 石棉卷标准规范ASTM D 1062-1996 金属之间胶粘剂抗劈裂强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1064-1997 松香油脂肪酸及其它相关制品中铁含量的测试方法ASTM D 1065-1996 松脂制品(包括松香、松油和相关产品)中不可皂化物的测试方法ASTM D 1066-1997 蒸汽的抽样ASTM D 1067-1992 水的酸性和碱性的测试方法ASTM D 1068-1996 水中铁的测试方法ASTM D 1070-1985 气体燃料相关密度的试验方法ASTM D 1071-1983 气体燃料试样容积的测量方法ASTM D 1072-1990 燃料气中总硫量的测试方法ASTM D 1073-2001 沥青铺面混合料用细集料标准规范ASTM D 1074-1996 沥青混合料抗压强度的测试方法ASTM D 1075-1996 水对压实的沥青混合料粘结力影响的试验方法ASTM D 1076-1997 橡胶.浓缩的、氨储存的、乳状的和离心处理的天然胶乳ASTM D 1078-2001 挥发性有机液体馏程的标准试验方法ASTM D 1079-2001 铺屋面材料、防水材料和沥青材料的相关标准术语ASTM D 1082-2000 云母耗散因数和电容率(介电常数)的标准试验方法ASTM D 1083-1991 集装箱、大型船运箱和板条箱的机械搬运的试验方法ASTM D 1084-1997 胶粘剂粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1085-1965 石油和石油产品的测量(只适用于再版单行本)ASTM D 1091-2000 润滑油和添加剂中磷含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1092-1999 润滑脂表观粘度测量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1093-1998 液态烃及其蒸馏残余物酸度的测试方法ASTM D 1094-1999 航空燃料水反应性的试验方法ASTM D 1101-1997 室外用层压板结构制品的胶合接头完整性的试验方法ASTM D 1102-1984 木材中灰分的测试方法ASTM D 1105-1996 无提取物木材的制备ASTM D 1106-1996 木材中酸不溶木素的测试方法ASTM D 1107-1996 木材的醇苯可溶性试验方法ASTM D 1108-1996 木材中二氯甲烷溶解物的测试方法ASTM D 1109-1984 木材在百分之一的烧碱中可溶性的试验方法ASTM D 1110-1984 木材水溶解度的测试方法ASTM D 1113-1990 洗净羊毛中植物性物质和其它碱性不溶杂质的测试方法ASTM D 1117-1999 无纺织物的试验ASTM D 1118-1995 石棉纤维和石棉织物磁参数的标准测试方法ASTM D 1119-1996 发动机冷却剂与防锈剂的灰分含量的测试方法ASTM D 1120-1994 发动机冷却剂沸点的测试方法ASTM D 1121-1998 发动机抗冻剂、防锈剂和冷却剂储备碱度的测试方法ASTM D 1122-1997 用液体比重计测量发动机冷却剂及其浓缩物比重的试验方法ASTM D 1123-1999 卡尔.费歇尔试剂法测定发动机冷却剂浓缩物中水含量的试验方法ASTM D 1125-1995 水的电导性和电阻率的测试方法ASTM D 1126-1996 水硬度的测试方法ASTM D 1129-2002 与水相关的标准术语ASTM D 1131-1997 松香油的试验方法ASTM D 113-1999 沥青材料延展性的试验方法ASTM D 1133-1997 烃类溶剂的贝壳杉脂丁醇值的测试方法ASTM D 1139-2000 单层或多层沥青表面处理用集料的标准规范ASTM D 1140-2000 土壤中小于200号(75微米)筛孔的材料总量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1141-1998 海水代用品ASTM D 1142-1995 露点温度法测定气体燃料中蒸汽含量的试验方法ASTM D 1143-1981 静态轴向压力荷载下桩柱的试验方法ASTM D 1144-1999 胶粘剂粘结强度提高的测定ASTM D 1146-2000 有效粘结层粘结点的标准试验方法ASTM D 1148-1995 橡胶变质.受热及紫外线使浅颜色表面退色的试验方法ASTM D 1149-1999 橡胶变质的试验方法.在小室中的橡胶表面臭氧龟裂ASTM D 1151-2000 潮气和温度对胶粘剂粘结能力影响的标准试验方法ASTM D 115-1998 电绝缘用含清漆溶剂的试验方法ASTM D 1152-1997 甲醇(甲基醇)ASTM D 1153-1994 甲基异丁基甲酮ASTM D 1155-1989 玻璃球圆度的测试方法ASTM D 1157-1991 轻质烃总抑制剂含量(TBC)的测试方法ASTM D 1159-1998 电位滴定法测量石油馏分及商用脂族烯烃溴值的试验方法ASTM D 1160-1999 石油产品减压蒸馏试验方法ASTM D 116-1986 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验ASTM D 1165-1980 生活中用硬木和软木的命名法ASTM D 1166-1984 木材及有关材料中甲氧基团的测试方法ASTM D 1168-1999 电绝缘用烃类石蜡的测试ASTM D 1169-1995 电绝缘液体电阻率(电阻系数)的测试方法ASTM D 1171-1999 橡胶变质的标准试验方法.室外或小室内橡胶表面臭氧龟裂(三角形试样)ASTM D 117-1996 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则ASTM D 1172-1995 肥皂和洗涤剂水溶液pH值的测试方法ASTM D 1173-1953 表面活性剂起泡性试验方法ASTM D 1176-1998 试验用发动机冷却剂或防锈剂水溶液的取样和制备的试验方法ASTM D 1177-1994 发动机冷却剂溶液冻结点的测试方法ASTM D 1179-1999 水中氟化物离子的测试方法ASTM D 1183-1996 胶粘剂耐周期性实验室老化条件的标准试验方法ASTM D 1184-1998 胶粘剂粘结的层压部件挠曲强度的试验方法ASTM D 1185-1998 材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法ASTM D 1186-2001 铁基非磁性涂层干膜厚度的无损标准试验方法ASTM D 1187-1997 金属保护涂层用沥清乳液ASTM D 1188-1996 用涂石蜡样品测定压实的沥青混合料的体积比重和密度的试验方法ASTM D 1190-1997 热浇铸弹性混凝土填缝料ASTM D 1191-1984 混凝土接缝密封胶的试验方法ASTM D 1192-1998 水和蒸汽的抽样设备ASTM D 1193-1999 试剂水(联邦试验方法No.7916)ASTM D 1194-1994 展宽基底和静荷载用土壤承受能力的测试方法ASTM D 1195-1993 用于公路路面和机场跑道设计和评定的土壤与韧性路面成份的往复静态平板荷载的测试方法ASTM D 1196-1993 用于公路和机场路面设计和评定的土壤与韧性路面成份的非往复静立平板荷载试验方法ASTM D 1198-1993 胺基树脂溶剂容限的测试方法ASTM D 1200-1994 福特粘度杯测定粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1201-1999 热固聚酯模制化合物ASTM D 120-1995 橡胶绝缘手套ASTM D 1203-1994 用活性碳法测定塑料的挥发损失的试验方法ASTM D 1204-1994 高温下非硬性热塑塑料薄板或薄膜线性尺寸变化的测试方法ASTM D 1208-1996 某些颜料通性的试验方法ASTM D 1209-2000 透明液体色度的标准试验方法(铂钴标度)ASTM D 1210-1996 颜料载体体系分散细度的测试方法ASTM D 1211-1997 木材用透明硝基漆漆膜耐温度变化的试验方法ASTM D 121-2000 煤和焦炭的标准术语ASTM D 1212-1991 有机涂层湿膜厚度的测试方法ASTM D 1214-1989 玻璃球筛析的试验方法ASTM D 1217-1993 用宾汉比重法测定液体密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1218-1999 液态烃的折射率和折射分散度的标准测试方法ASTM D 12-1988 未加工的桐油ASTM D 121a-2001 煤和焦炭的标准术语ASTM D 1220-1965 立式圆罐的测量和校正(只用做再版单行本)ASTM D 1223-1993 75度下纸和纸板镜面光泽的试验方法ASTM D 1224-1992 纸中锌和镉的试验方法ASTM D 1227-1995 屋面保护涂层用乳化沥青ASTM D 1229-1987 橡胶特性试验方法.低温时的压缩变形率ASTM D 1230-1994 服装纺织品的易燃性的测试方法ASTM D 123-2000 与纺织品相关的标准术语ASTM D 1233-1988 韧皮纤维和叶纤维制双股线ASTM D 1234-1985 含脂羊毛的手扯长度的取样和试验方法ASTM D 1238-2001 用挤压塑性计测定热塑性塑料熔化流率的标准试验方法ASTM D 1239-1998 用化学制剂测定塑料薄膜抗萃取性的试验方法ASTM D 1240-1996 包括松香,高脂油和相关产品中心存储的松香酸含量的测试方法ASTM D 1241-1968 土壤集料次底层、底层和表层用料ASTM D 124-1988 脱胶的豆油ASTM D 1242-1995 塑性材料耐磨性的试验方法ASTM D 1243-1995 氯乙烯聚合物的稀溶液粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1244-1998 纱线结构的名称与符号ASTM D 1245-1984 用化学显微镜作水沉积物的检验ASTM D 1246-1995 水中的溴化物离子的测试方法ASTM D 1248-2000 电线和电缆用聚乙烯塑料挤制材料标准规范ASTM D 1249-1992 辛基正酞酸酯增塑剂ASTM D 1250-1980 石油测量表ASTM D 1251-1994 用周期法测定包装箱的蒸汽渗透性的试验方法ASTM D 1252-2000 水的化学氧需要量(重铬酸盐氧需要量)的标准试验方法ASTM D 1253-1986 水中残余氯的测试方法ASTM D 1257-1990 高比重甘油ASTM D 1258-1995 高比重甘油的试验方法ASTM D 1259-1985 树脂溶液的不挥发物含量的测试方法ASTM D 126-1987 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法ASTM D 1263-1994 汽车轮轴承润滑脂泄漏倾向的试验方法ASTM D 1264-1996 润滑脂抗水洗能力的试验方法ASTM D 1265-1997 液化石油(LP)气取样(手工法)ASTM D 1266-1998 石油产品中硫的试验方法(燃灯法)ASTM D 1267-1995 液化石油(LP)气气压的测试方法(液化石油气法)ASTM D 127-1987 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法ASTM D 1272-1956 五氯苯酚ASTM D 1274-1995 五氯苯酚的化学分析方法ASTM D 1275-1996 电绝缘油中腐蚀性硫的测试方法ASTM D 1278-1991 天然橡胶的试验方法.化学分析ASTM D 1279-1982 金属除垢剂的抛光作用的试验方法ASTM D 1280-1989 浸槽式金属除垢剂的全浸腐蚀试验的试验方法ASTM D 128-1998 润滑脂的分析试验方法ASTM D 1282-1996 用气流阻力表示羊毛毛条,生条和洗净羊毛的平均纤维直经的测试方法ASTM D 1283-1985 羊毛碱溶性的测试方法ASTM D 1287-1991 发动机冷却剂和防锈剂的pH值的试验方法ASTM D 1290-1995 用离心机测定水乳化抛光剂中沉积物的试验方法ASTM D 1291-2001 氯的需求量和/或水的需求量评估的标准实施规程ASTM D 129-2000 石油产品中硫含量的标准试验方法(氧弹法)ASTM D 1292-1986 水的气味的测试方法ASTM D 1293-1999 水pH值的标准测试方法ASTM D 1294-1995 在1英寸(25.4毫米)长度内羊毛纤维拉伸强度和断裂强度试验方法ASTM D 1296-2001 挥发性溶剂和烯释剂气味的标准试验方法ASTM D 1298-1999 比重计法测定原油和液态石油产品的密度、相对密度和API燃油比重ASTM D 130-1994 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法ASTM D 1304-1999 与电绝缘试验相关的胶粘剂ASTM D 1305-1999 电绝缘纸和纸板.硫酸盐(牛皮纸)层型ASTM D 1306-1988 醇酸树脂和含有其它二元酸的酯类的酞酸含量测试方法(重量法) ASTM D 1308-1987 家用化学品对透明和着色有机面漆影响的试验方法ASTM D 1309-1993 贮藏期间交通标志用色漆的沉淀特性的测试方法ASTM D 1310-1986 用泰格开口杯装置测定液体闪点和燃点的测试方法ASTM D 1312-1993 涂层用合成酚醛树脂或溶液中表观游离酚的测试方法ASTM D 1316-1993 用美国油墨研究会研磨测量计测定油墨研磨细度的测试方法ASTM D 1318-2000 测定残留燃料油中钠的标准试验方法(火焰光度测定法)ASTM D 1319-1999 用荧光指示剂吸附法测定液态石油产品中烃类物质的试验方法ASTM D 13-1997 松脂油标准规范ASTM D 1321-1997 石油蜡针入度的试验方法ASTM D 1322-1997 航空涡轮机燃料烟点的试验方法ASTM D 1324-1983 改性木材ASTM D 1325-1994 氨化砷酸铜ASTM D 1326-1994 氨化砷酸铜的化学分析法ASTM D 1327-1997 铺屋面和防水用浸沥青物质的机织粗麻布ASTM D 1329-1988 评定橡胶特性的试验方法.低温下的回缩(TR试验)ASTM D 1330-1985 薄橡胶衬垫ASTM D 1331-1989 表面活性剂溶液的表面张力与界面张力的试验方法ASTM D 1334-1996 原毛毛含量的测试方法.商业尺度ASTM D 1335-1998 毛绒地毯绒头联结的标准试验方法ASTM D 1336-1997 机织织物中纱线扭曲度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1337-1996 用稠度和粘结强度测定胶粘剂贮藏寿命的试验方法ASTM D 1338-1999 用稠度和粘结强度测定液态或糊状胶粘剂使用寿命的标准试验方法ASTM D 1342-1992 巴西棕榈蜡中石蜡型烃含量的测试方法ASTM D 1343-1995 用落球法测定纤维素衍生物粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1347-1972 甲基纤维素的试验方法ASTM D 1348-1994 纤维素中湿度的测试方法ASTM D 1349-1999 橡胶.试验温度ASTM D 1351-1997 电线和电缆的聚乙烯绝缘ASTM D 1352-1997 电线和电缆用耐臭氧的丁基橡胶绝缘ASTM D 1353-1996 色漆、清漆、喷漆及相关产品用挥发性溶剂中不挥发物质的试验方法ASTM D 1356-2000 与大气取样和分析相关的标准术语ASTM D 1357-1995 制定外围大气的取样计划ASTM D 1358-1986 用分光光度计测定脱水蓖麻油及其衍生物二稀值的试验方法ASTM D 1360-1998 涂料阻燃性试验方法(小室法)ASTM D 1363-1994 丙铜和甲醇的高锰酸盐时间的测试方法ASTM D 1364-1995 挥发性溶剂中水的测试方法(费歇尔试剂滴定法)ASTM D 1366-1986 颜料粒度特性报告ASTM D 1367-1996 石墨润滑质量的测试方法ASTM D 1369-1984 沥青表面处理用材料的数量ASTM D 1370-2000 沥青材料间接触相容性的试验方法(奥林萨斯试验)ASTM D 1374-1989 金属除垢剂的充气全浸腐蚀的试验方法ASTM D 1384-2001 玻璃器皿中发动机冷却剂腐蚀试验的标准试验方法ASTM D 1385-2001 水中肼含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1386-1998 合成蜡和天然蜡的酸值(以实验为基础的)的试验方法ASTM D 1387-1989 合成和天然蜡皂化值(经验)的测试方法ASTM D 1388-1996 织物硬挺性测试方法ASTM D 1389-1997 测试薄固体电绝缘材料校验电压的试验方法ASTM D 139-1995 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法ASTM D 1397-1993 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中不皂化物的测试方法ASTM D 1398-1993 醇酸树脂和醇酸树脂溶液的脂肪酸含量测试方法ASTM D 1399-1995 磷酸三甲苯酯不可皂化物含量的测试方法ASTM D 1400-1994 非铁金属基表面非传导涂层干膜厚度无损测量的测量方法ASTM D 1401-1998 石油和合成燃料的水分离特性的试验方法ASTM D 140-2001 沥青材料的抽样标准实施规程ASTM D 1403-1997 用1/4和1/2标度的锥形设备测定润滑脂锥入度的试验方法ASTM D 1404-1999 评定润滑脂中有害粒子的标准试验方法ASTM D 1405-2001 平定航空燃料净燃烧热的标准试验方法ASTM D 1406-1965 油箱的液体校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1407-1965 驳船油槽的测量和校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1408-1965 球形和扁球形油槽的测量和校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1409-1965 油槽车油槽的测量和校正ASTM D 1410-1965 固定卧式油槽的测量和校准ASTM D 1411-1999 分级集料筑路混合物中作为掺合物的溶水氯化物的试验方法ASTM D 1412-1999 在96%-97%相对湿度和30℃时煤的平衡湿气的标准测试方法ASTM D 1413-1999 用实验室土块培养法测试木材防腐剂ASTM D 1414-1994 O型橡胶圈的试验方法ASTM D 1415-1988 橡胶特性的测试方法.国际硬度ASTM D 1416-1989 合成橡胶的测试方法.化学分析ASTM D 1417-1997 合成橡胶胶乳的试验方法ASTM D 1418-2001 橡胶和橡胶胶乳的标准实施规程.命名ASTM D 1418a-2001 橡胶和橡胶乳液标准规范.术语ASTM D 1422-1999 退捻加捻法测定单细纱捻数的试验方法ASTM D 1423-1999 直接计算法测定纱线捻数的试验方法ASTM D 1424-1996 埃尔曼多夫落锤仪测定机织物抗撕裂的试验方法ASTM D 1425-1996 用电容测试设备测定纱线条干不匀度的测试方法ASTM D 1426-1998 水中氨态氮的测试方法ASTM D 1429-1995 水和盐水的比重的测试方法ASTM D 1430-1995 聚氯三氟乙烯(PCTFE)塑料ASTM D 143-1994 洁净木材小样品的试验ASTM D 1434-1982 测定塑料薄膜和薄片透气性能的测试方法ASTM D 1435-1999 塑料的室外风化ASTM D 1436-1997 试验用乳胶地板基质抛光剂的使用ASTM D 1439-1997 羧甲基纤维素钠盐的试验方法ASTM D 1440-1996 棉纤维长度和长度分布的试验方法(列阵法)ASTM D 1441-1987 试验用棉纤维取样ASTM D 1442-1993 棉纤维成熟度的试验方法(烧碱膨胀与偏振光法)ASTM D 1445-1995 棉纤维的断裂强度和延伸率的试验方法(扁纤维束法) ASTM D 1447-1989 用纤维照相法测定棉纤维的长度和长度均匀度的测试方法ASTM D 1448-1997 棉纤维的马克隆尼读数的试验方法ASTM D 1452-1980 用螺旋钻作土壤勘探和取样ASTM D 1455-1987 乳化地板抛光剂60度镜面光泽度的试验方法ASTM D 1456-1986 橡胶特性的测试方法.特定应力下的延伸ASTM D 1457-1992 聚四氟乙烯模塑及挤压成型物料ASTM D 1458-1996 电绝缘用完全硫化硅橡胶涂层的玻璃布与玻璃带的试验方法ASTM D 1459-1993 电绝缘用硅清漆涂层的玻璃布和玻璃带ASTM D 1460-1986 橡胶性能的测试方法.液体浸没期间的长度变化ASTM D 1461-1985 沥青铺砌混合料中水份或挥发性馏份含量的测试方法ASTM D 146-1997 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法ASTM D 1464-1990 棉花染色差异性的试验方法ASTM D 1465-1990 石油蜡的熔点和粘着点的测试方法ASTM D 1466-1986 涂料,清漆及相关物料常用液体油和脂肪酸取样的测试方法ASTM D 1467-1989 防护涂层用脂肪酸试验ASTM D 1468-1993 磷酸三甲苯酯中挥发物质的试验方法ASTM D 1469-1993 车辆涂层中总松香酸含量的测试方法ASTM D 1474-1998 有机涂层压痕硬度的试验方法ASTM D 1475-1998 色漆、清漆、喷漆及相关产品密度的试验方法ASTM D 1476-1988 喷漆溶剂的庚烷混溶性试验方法ASTM D 1478-1991 滚珠轴承润滑脂低温转矩的试验方法ASTM D 1480-1993 用宾汉比重计测定粘性材料密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1481-1993 用利普金双毛细管比重计测定粘性材料密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1483-1995 用加纳尔--科尔曼法测定颜料的吸油量的试验方法ASTM D 1485-1986 从天然原料中获取橡胶的方法.取样和样品制备ASTM D 1488-2000 胶粘剂中淀粉物质的标准试验方法ASTM D 1489-1997 含水胶粘剂中不挥发物含量的试验方法ASTM D 1490-2001 脲甲醛树脂溶液中不挥发物含量的标准测试方法ASTM D 149-1997 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法ASTM D 1492-1996 库仑计滴定法测定芳烃溴指数的测定方法ASTM D 1493-1997 工业有机化学品固化点的测试方法ASTM D 1494-1997 增强塑料板的散射光透射系数的测试方法ASTM D 1498-1993 水的氧化还原潜能ASTM D 1499-1999 操纵塑料暴露用曝光和曝水装置(碳弧型)ASTM D 1500-1998 石油产品ASTM颜色的试验方法(ASTM比色刻度尺)ASTM D 150-1998 固体电绝缘材料(恒定电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的试验方法ASTM D 1505-1998 用密度梯度法测定塑料密度的试验方法ASTM D 1506-1999 炭黑的标准测试方法.灰分含量ASTM D 1508-1999 粒状碳黑的试验方法.细粒含量ASTM D 1509-1995 碳黑的测试方法.加热损耗ASTM D 1510-2001 炭黑的标准试验方法.碘吸收值ASTM D 1510a-2001 炭黑标准测试方法.碘吸收值ASTM D 1511-1998 碳黑的试验方法.丸粒尺寸分布ASTM D 1512-1995 碳黑的测试方法.pH值ASTM D 1513-1999 丸状炭黑的标准测试方法.倾注密度ASTM D 1514-2000 炭黑的标准试验方法.筛渣ASTM D 1516-1984 皮革宽度的测试方法ASTM D 1517-1999 皮革的相关标准术语ASTM D 1518-1985 纺织材料的热传导的试验方法ASTM D 1519-1995 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.溶化范围ASTM D 1523-1995 工作温度为90℃的电线和电缆用合成橡胶绝缘材料ASTM D 1524-1994 用过的石油制电绝缘油的现场目测检查的方法ASTM D 1525-2000 塑料维卡(Vicat)软化温度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1527-1999 丙烯腈-丁二稀-苯乙稀塑料管.表40和80ASTM D 1531-1995 用液体位移法测定介电常数与耗散系数的试验方法ASTM D 153-1984 颜料比重测试方法ASTM D 1533-2000 用卡耳费瑟库仑滴定法测定绝缘液体中水的标准试验方法ASTM D 1534-1995 用比色指示剂滴定法测定电绝缘液近似酸度的试验方法ASTM D 1535-2001 用孟塞尔制规定颜色的标准实施规程ASTM D 1537-1960 蒸馏的大豆脂肪酸ASTM D 1538-1960 蒸馏的亚麻籽脂肪酸ASTM D 1539-1960 脱水蓖麻籽脂酸ASTM D 1541-1997 干性油及其衍生物总碘值的试验方法ASTM D 154-1985 清漆试验ASTM D 1542-1960 清漆中松香的质量检测的测试方法ASTM D 1544-1998 透明液体颜色的试验方法(加德纳比色刻度尺)ASTM D 1545-1998 用起泡时间法测定透明液体粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1546-1996 透明地板密封剂的性能试验ASTM D 1550-1994 ASTM丁二烯测量表ASTM D 1552-1995 石油产品中硫含量的试验方法(高温法)ASTM D 1554-2001 与木基纤维和刨花板材料相关的标准术语ASTM D 1555-1995 工业芳烃体积和重量的计算方法ASTM D 1555M-2000 工业香烃类计量的体积和重量计算的标准测试方法ASTM D 1556-2000 用砂锥法现场测定土壤密度和单位重量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1557-1991 用修正作用力56000 ft-Ibf/ft(2700 KN-m/m)测量土壤实验室压实性能的测试方法ASTM D 1558-1994 细粒土水含量渗透阻力关系的试验方法ASTM D 1559-1989 用马歇尔(Marshall)装置测定沥青混合物抗塑性流动的试验方法ASTM D 1560-1992 用赫维门(Hveem)装置测定沥青混合物抗变形和粘结性的试验方法ASTM D 1561-1992 用搅拌压实机法制作沥青混合物试样ASTM D 156-2000 石油产品赛波特颜色的标准试验方法(赛波特比色计法)ASTM D 1562-1998 纤维素丙酸酯模制和挤压化合物ASTM D 1566-2000 与橡胶相关的标准术语ASTM D 1567-1989 评定除垢剂对某些搪瓷制品腐蚀影响的测试方法ASTM D 1568-1997 烷基苯磺酸盐的取样与化学分析的标准试验方法ASTM D 1569-1962 烷基洗涤剂的试验方法ASTM D 1570-1995 脂肪烷基硫酸盐的取样与化学分析的测试方法ASTM D 1571-1995 石棉布的标准规范ASTM D 1573-1995 石棉织物热老化的标准测试方法ASTM D 1574-1987 羊毛和其它动物纤维中可萃取物的试验方法ASTM D 1575-1990 洗净羊毛及生条中羊毛纤维长度的测试方法ASTM D 1576-1990 用炉烘干法测定羊毛内水分的试验方法ASTM D 1577-1996 纺织纤维线密度的测试方法ASTM D 1578-1993 绞纱形式下纱线的断裂强度的试验方法ASTM D 1579-2001 苯酚、间苯二酚和三聚氰胺胶粘剂中填料含量的标准测试方法ASTM D 1582-1998 液相苯酚、间苯二酚和三聚氰胺胶粘剂中不挥发物含量的测试方法ASTM D 1583-2001 干粘膜中氢离子浓度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1585-1996 中心仓库中松香,妥尔油和相关产品的脂肪酸含量测试方法ASTM D 1586-1999 土壤渗透试验和对开管取样的试验方法ASTM D 1587-1994 泥土薄壁管抽样ASTM D 1593-1999 非硬性氯乙烯塑料薄板ASTM D 1596-1997 包装材料减震性能的试验方法ASTM D 1598-1997 恒定内压下塑料管的破裂时间的测试方法ASTM D 1599-1999 塑料管道和配件的短时破裂水压的测试方法ASTM D 1600-1999 与塑料相关的缩略语的标准术语ASTM D 1601-1999 乙烯聚合物稀溶液粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1603-2001 烯烃塑料中碳黑含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1607-1991 大气中二氧化氮含量的测试方法(格里斯-沙耳茨曼反应)ASTM D 1608-1998 气态燃烧产物中氮的氧化物的测试方法(苯酚二磺酸法)ASTM D 1610-1991 试验用皮革和皮革制品的修整ASTM D 1611-1981 皮革与金属接触时产生腐蚀的试验方法ASTM D 1612-1995 甲醇(木精)中丙酮含量的测试方法ASTM D 1613-1996 色漆,清漆,喷漆和有关产品用挥发性溶剂和化学介质中酸度的试验方法ASTM D 1614-1995 丙酮中碱度的试验方法ASTM D 1615-1960 醇酸树脂中甘油,乙二醇和季戊四醇的试验方法ASTM D 1617-1990 溶剂和稀释剂酯化值的试验方法ASTM D 1618-1999 炭黑可萃取性的标准试验方法.甲苯脱色ASTM D 1619-1999 碳黑的试验方法.硫含量ASTM D 16-2000 涂料、相关涂层、材料和应用的标准术语ASTM D 1621-2000 硬质泡沫塑料压缩特性的标准试验方法ASTM D 1622-1998 硬质泡沫塑料表观密度的测试方法ASTM D 1623-1978 硬质泡沫塑料张力和张力粘合性能的试验方法ASTM D 1624-1971 酸性铬酸铜ASTM D 1625-1971 铬酸盐砷酸铜ASTM D 1627-1994 酸性铜铬酸盐的化学分析ASTM D 1628-1994 铬酸盐砷酸铜的化学分析的测试方法ASTM D 1630-1994 橡胶特性的试验.耐磨性(NBS磨损机)ASTM D 1631-1999 用碘试剂法测定苯酚和有关原料中水分的试验方法ASTM D 1632-1996 试验室中水泥土压缩试样和挠曲试样的制作和养护ASTM D 1633-2000 模制掺土水泥圆筒抗压强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1634-2000 用横梁弯曲断裂部分测定掺土水泥抗压强度的标准试验方法(改良立方体法) ASTM D 1635-2000 用简支梁三点负荷法测定掺土水泥抗挠强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1636-1999 烯丙基模制化合物ASTM D 1639-1990 有机涂料酸值试验方法ASTM D 1640-1995 室温下有机涂料干燥,固化及成膜试验方法ASTM D 1641-1997 外用清漆耐用性的试验方法ASTM D 1642-1993 清漆弹性或韧性的试验方法ASTM D 1644-2001 清漆中不挥发物含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1646-1999 橡胶的试验方法.粘度和硫化特性(穆尼粘度计)ASTM D 1647-1989 清漆干膜耐水性和耐碱性试验方法ASTM D 1648-1986 碱式硅铬酸盐颜料ASTM D 1649-1995 铬酸锶颜料ASTM D 1652-1997 环氧树脂中环氧含量的试验方法ASTM D 1653-1993 有机涂层薄膜水蒸气渗透性测试方法ASTM D 1655-2001 航空涡轮机燃料标准规范ASTM D 1657-1989 用压力温差比重计测定轻烃类物质的密度或相对密度的测试方法ASTM D 1662-1992 切削润滑油中活性硫的测试方法ASTM D 1665-1998 焦油制品恩氏比粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1666-1987 木材和木基材料的传导机械试验ASTM D 1667-1997 软质泡沫材料.氯乙烯聚合物和共聚物(闭孔泡沫)ASTM D 1668-1997 铺屋面和防水用(机织和经处理的)玻璃织物ASTM D 1669-1989 沥青材料在加速风化与室外风化用试片的制备ASTM D 1670-1998 沥青材料在加速风化与室外风化中端点损坏的试验方法ASTM D 167-1993 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法ASTM D 1673-1994 电绝缘用充气泡沫塑料的介电常数与耗散系数的测试方法。
胶粘剂和胶粘试验1 引言有许多理由都需要进行胶粘剂和粘接试验,其中一些是:(1)性能比较(拉伸、剪切、剥离、弯曲、冲击和劈裂强度;耐久性、疲劳、耐环境性和传导性等)。
本章首先一般性地讨论粘接接头试验的各种类型,只是包括一些比较重要的试验,继而列出某些学科领域中有关的ASTM 方法和实践,以及SAE 航天局推荐的方法(ARP/s)。
2 拉伸单纯拉伸试验是负荷作用垂直于胶层平面并通过粘接面中心的试验。
ASTM D897 粘接接头拉伸强度测试方法是保留在 ASTM 中有关胶粘剂最古老的方法之一。
因此,D897 已被 D2095 (条型和圆棒试件拉伸强度测试方法)所代替。
这种试件按照 ASTM D2094 (粘接试验中条型和圆棒试件的制备)标准制作,很容易调整同心度。
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基于这个原因,在该标准中我们用“metal”(金属)而不用“rigid material”(刚性材料)。
2.参考文件2.1 ASTM标准B117用于盐雾试验仪器2D395橡胶性能测试方法——压缩装置D412硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶、热塑性塑料弹性体张力测试方法3D413橡胶性能测试方法——韧性基体粘着力3D471橡胶性能测试方法——液体的影响3D572橡胶性能测试方法——抗热抗氧化3D573橡胶测试方法——空气老化箱中退化3D1149橡胶退化测试方法——在臭氧室里表面裂缝3D3182橡胶材料,设备和混炼步骤试制标准硫化样件3D3183从产品中取出测试目的的橡胶标准3D3491油箱和套管衬里硫化橡胶测试方法4E4 测试机认可生效条例G23非金属材料有水/无水的露光仪器操作(炭精电弧类型)3.意义及使用3.1根据标准条件下在实验室制成的用于开发提供数据的样件命名这些测试方法。
经过一些小的更正,方法A,B ,C,D和E也用于在合适测试样品的设计许可时获得比较粘接力测试值。
方法A——橡胶件装配在两平行金属板内4.意义及使用4.1 方法A用于在使用者觉得该设计更能反映实际产品和控制测试结果已经确定时来确定粘接值。
5.粘接破坏专业术语5.1R指橡胶内粘接破坏5.2RC指粘接破坏在橡胶界面粘合剂上5.3CP指在初粘合剂外界面的粘接破坏5.4M指在金属初粘合剂界面的粘接破坏注1 例:可以从下面的例子中预计出不同类型粘接破坏所占的百分比:R-50,RC-50指大约有50%的橡胶粘接破坏,另50%的粘接破坏在橡胶表面粘合剂上。
6.设备6.1 测试机—张力测试机符合E4要求,用于粘接力强度的测试。
7.标准测试样品7.1标准测试样品包括一橡胶圆柱 3.2±0.1mm(0.125±0.005in.)端面积为1250±5mm2或2.00 ±0.01in2(直径为39.9 ±0.1mm)( 1.579 ±0.005in)附在表面最小厚度为9.5mm(0.37in)的金属片板上,和橡胶圆柱直径相同。
注2—我们认为面积为1250mm2(2in2)的测试样品为参考目的标准,允许使用625 mm2(2in2)的面积,因此可以一次准备和硫化样品。
测试样品的直径为28.21±0.02 mm(1.129±0.001 in),未硫化件截成大约直径是24 mm(15/16 in)厚度大约为5 mm(3/16 in)(大约大于总体积的10%)8.标准样件的实验室里的准备8.1按8.2到8.6所述,在实验室进行开发和控制标准测试样件。
8.2用SAE NO.10207轧制钢加工圆形标准件。
8.3将非硫化橡胶件切成直径大约是35mm(11/8in.)厚度大约为5 mm(3/16in.),以便在硫化时橡胶和金属间有最大的压力(见图2)。
15.粘接破坏专业术语15.1 R指橡胶内粘接破坏15.2 RC指粘接破坏在橡胶界面粘合剂上15.3 CP指在初粘合剂外界面的粘接破坏15.4 M指在金属初粘合剂界面的粘接破坏注4—例:可以从下面的例子中预计出不同类型粘接破坏所占的百分比:R-50,RC-50指大约有50%的橡胶粘接破坏,另50%的粘接破坏在橡胶表面粘合剂上。
17.标准测试样品17.1标准测试样品包括厚度为 6.3±0.1mm(0.250±0.005in.)宽度为25±0.05 mm(1.000±0.002 in.),长度为125 mm的橡胶条粘接到厚度为1.6±0.1mm(0.062±0.004in.)宽度为25±0.05 mm(1.000±0.002 in.),长度为60±1 mm(2.36±0.04in.)的金属条。
18.测试样品的准备18.1 按照18.1.1和18.1.6所述准备样品。
和金属件的纵轴平行的内模尺寸为125 mm(5in.)。