(Subject to Senate’s approval)L81/415The University of Hong KongRegulations and Syllabuses forMaster of Common LawPlusRegulations Governing the FormatEtc of Dissertations forHigher Degrees by Coursework2015-2016REGULATIONS FOR THE MASTER OF COMMON LAW (MCL)(See also General Regulations)These regulations apply to students admitted to the MCL curriculum in the academic year 2014-15 and thereafter.Admission requirementsLL59To be eligible for admission to the courses leading to the Master of Common Law, a candidate shall(a)comply with the General Regulations; and(b)(i)hold a degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours or anequivalent qualification in a non-common law jurisdiction; or(ii)have been admitted to the professional practice of law in a non-common law jurisdiction.A candidate for admission shall, if required, produce evidence of sufficient academic attainment, and shall satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination if such an examination is required. A candidate who fails to meet the requirements of (b) above may, in exceptional circumstances, be admitted provided that the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee is satisfied that by reason of his or her background, experience and professional qualifications, if any, the candidate is fit to follow the courses, and the candidate satisfies the examiners in a qualifying examination.Qualifying examinationLL60(a) A qualifying examination may be set to test the candidate's formal academic ability or his or her ability to follow the courses of study prescribed. It shall consist of one ormore examination papers or a research paper.(b) A candidate who is required to satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination shallnot be permitted to register until he or she has satisfied the examiners in theexamination.Award of degreeLL61To be eligible for the award of the Master of Common Law, a candidate shall(a)comply with the General Regulations; and(b)complete the curriculum and satisfy the examiners in accordance with the regulationsset out below.CurriculumLL62The curriculum for the Master of Common Law shall normally extend over one year of full-time study. To complete the curriculum, a candidate shall(a)follow instruction and attend classes as required, and complete all coursework required;(b)satisfy the examiners in each of a total number of courses amounting to at least 48credits in value and selected (with the approval of the Programme Director) from thecourses listed in the course syllabuses below, which shall include at least 30 credits ofcourses designated below as “common law subjects”.ExaminationsLL63Any candidate who has failed to pass a course or courses in the manner provided for in these Regulations may be permitted(a)to sit a supplementary examination; or(b)to repeat the course or courses by following the course of instruction at the nextavailable opportunity and taking the prescribed examination, or by taking theprescribed examination without following the course of instruction; or(c)to undertake the study of any alternative course or courses at the next availableopportunity which enable completion of the curriculum.LL64 A candidate who has failed to pass a course or courses shall be recommended for the discontinuation of study under General Regulation G12 if not permitted to attend for examination at some other time or to sit a supplementary examination or to repeat the course or courses or to undertake the study of another course or courses which enable completion of the curriculum.LL65 A candidate who is unable through illness or other acceptable reason to attend for examination may apply for permission to attend for examination at some other time.Examination resultsLL66At the conclusion of the examinations, a pass list shall be published in alphabetical order. A candidate who has shown exceptional merit may be awarded a mark of distinction, and this mark shall be recorded in the candidate's degree diploma.COURSEWORK FOR THE MASTER OF COMMON LAW (MCL)Potential courses are listed below. Not all courses are offered every academic year, but are subject always to the availability of teachers and resources.Common law subjects. LLAW3093 Administrative law. LLAW6021 Advanced administrative law. LLAW3206 Advanced law of obligations. LLAW3205 Advanced legal theory. LLAW3199 Advanced topics in competition law. LLAW3214 Advanced Topics in Constitutional Law. LLAW3212 An Introduction to Derivatives Law and Practice. LLAW3112 Arbitration law. LLAW6157 Arbitration practice, procedure and drafting. LLAW3008 Bank security. LLAW3009 Banking law. LLAW3010 Business associations. LLAW3138 Carriage of goods by sea. LLAW3046 Child and the law. LLAW3097 Civil procedure. LLAW2012 Commercial law. LLAW3015 Company law. LLAW6248 Comparative contract law. LLAW6253 Comparative land use. LLAW6251 Comparative property law. LLAW3123 Competition law I. LLAW6245 Compliance in the Hong Kong securities industry. LLAW6255 Compliance: Law in Practice. LLAW6254 Compliance: Regulation in Practice. LLAW2001 Constitutional law. LLAW3067 Construction law. LLAW6252 Construction of commercial contracts. LLAW3183 Corporate conflicts. LLAW6082 Corporate governance and shareholder remedies. LLAW1001 Criminal law I. LLAW1002 Criminal law II. LLAW3099 Criminal procedure. LLAW3066 Cross-border legal relations between the Mainland and Hong Kong (in putonghua). LLAW6086 Current issues in corporate law: mergers and acquisitions. LLAW6088 Derivatives: law and regulation. LLAW3218 Energy law. LLAW3094 Equity and Trust I. LLAW3095 Equity and Trust II. LLAW3102 Evidence I. LLAW3013 Evidence II. LLAW6222 Financial dispute resolution: Hong Kong & international perspectives. LLAW3133 Healthcare law. LLAW3047 Hong Kong Basic Law. LLAW6005 Hong Kong intellectual property law. LLAW3022 Human rights in Hong Kong. LLAW6242 Human rights in practice. LLAW3024 Insurance law. LLAW3023 Insolvency law. LLAW3025 International commercial litigation. LLAW3076 International commercial transactions. LLAW6204 Introduction to common law. LLAW3209 Introduction to Hong Kong securities law. LLAW3001 Introduction to legal theory. LLAW3030 Introduction to private international law (conflict of laws). LLAW3032 Issues in family law. LLAW3033 Issues in intellectual property law. LLAW3034 Labour law. LLAW2013 Land law I. LLAW2014 Land law II. LLAW3105 Land law III (conveyancing). LLAW3142 Law and politics of constitutions. LLAW6239 Law and regulation of private banking and wealth management I. LLAW6246 Law and regulation of private banking and wealth management II. LLAW1001 Law of contract I. LLAW1002 Law of contract II. LLAW3048 Law of restitution I. LLAW3121 Law of restitution II. LLAW1005 Law of tort I. LLAW1006 Law of tort II. LLAW3061 Law, the individual and the community: a cross-cultural dialogue. LLAW1013 Legal research and writing I. LLAW2017 Legal research and writing II. LLAW3073 Media law. LLAW3040 Medico-legal issues. LLAW6097 Pension and investment funds in Hong Kong and the PRC. LLAW3042 Planning and environmental law. LLAW3043 Principles of family law. LLAW3072 Principles of Hong Kong taxation on income. LLAW3075 Privacy and data protection. LLAW6098 Project finance. LLAW3069 Regulation of financial markets. LLAW3229Regulatory Compliance in International Finance and OTC Derivatives Documentation. LLAW3045 Remedies. LLAW3115 Rights and remedies in the criminal process. LLAW3227 Securities law and regulation in Hong Kong I. LLAW3228 Securities law and regulation in Hong Kong II. LLAW6049 Securities regulation I. LLAW6244 Securities regulation II. LLAW6240 Security and human rights. LLAW3116 Selected legal issues in commercial practice. LLAW3054 Succession. LLAW1008 The legal system of the Hong Kong SAR. LLAW3221 Trusts in PracticeNon-common law subjects. LLAW3113 Advanced issues in information technology law. LLAW6243 Advanced issues in intellectual property law. LLAW6022 Advanced research methodology. LLAW3007 Alternative dispute resolution. LLAW3140 Animal law. LLAW6023 Arbitration law workshop. LLAW6058 Armed conflict, humanitarian law and human rights. LLAW6153Business and human rights. LLAW3139 Communications law. LLAW3125 Comparative constitutional law. LLAW3144 Comparative environmental law. LLAW3191 Comparative family law. LLAW3016 Comparative law. LLAW3156 Comparative remedies in trust law. LLAW3124 Competition law II. LLAW6245 Compliance in the Hong Kong securities industry. LLAW3196 Constitutionalism in emerging states. LLAW3200 Copyright and creativity. LLAW3017 Copyright law. LLAW3184 Credit and security law. LLAW6059 Criminal justice and human rights. LLAW3018 Criminology. LLAW3211 Critical theory in legal scholarship. LLAW3182 Cross border corporate finance: issues and techniques. LLAW6084 Cross-border insolvency law. LLAW3100 Current issues in comparative commercial law. LLAW6127 Current issues in financial law. LLAW6060 Current issues in human rights. LLAW3092 Current issues in insolvency law. LLAW6137 Current issues in international arbitration and dispute settlement . LLAW3019 Current legal controversies. LLAW3101 Cybercrime. LLAW3127 Dealing with legacies of human rights violations. LLAW6061 Development and human rights. LLAW3179 Digital copyright. LLAW3151 E-business law. LLAW3020 Economic analysis of law. LLAW3117 Economic, social and cultural rights. LLAW3063 Emerging markets: finance and investment. LLAW3218 Energy law. LLAW6249 Entertainment law: Popular iconography and the celebrity. LLAW3071 Equality and non-discrimination. LLAW6030 Equality and the law. LLAW3091 Ethnicity, human rights and democracy. LLAW6065 Freedom of speech and the press. LLAW6066 Gender issues in human rights. LLAW3220 Gender, sexuality and the law. LLAW3165 Global business law I. LLAW3166 Global business law II. LLAW3169 Globalisation and human rights. LLAW3080 Governance and law. LLAW3203 Guided research. LLAW6031 Hong Kong and international law. LLAW3110 Human rights and cyberspace. LLAW3168 Human rights and governance. LLAW3083 Human rights: history, theory and politics. LLAW3065 Information technology law. LLAW3084 Intellectual property and Information technology. LLAW3155 Intellectual property policy and practice. LLAW3104 Intellectual property, innovation and development. LLAW3085 International and comparative intellectual property law . LLAW3086 International and regional protection of human rights. LLAW6237 International arbitration: practice, process & strategy. LLAW3111 International commercial arbitration. LLAW3057 International criminal law. LLAW3078 International economic law. LLAW3134 International environmental law. LLAW3026 International human rights. LLAW3175 International humanitarian law. LLAW3157 International law and modernity for a multipolar world . LLAW3158 International law in a world of crises. LLAW3058 International mooting competition. LLAW3027 International organizations. LLAW3035 International protection of refugees and displaced persons . LLAW3136 International securities law. LLAW6096 International tax and tax planning. LLAW3028 International trade law I. LLAW6129 International trade law II. LLAW3160 Interpretation of statutes, contracts and treaties. LLAW3150 Introduction to information technology law. LLAW3120 Introduction to international human rights law. LLAW3188 Introduction to law and literary studies. LLAW3159 Introduction to negotiation theory and practice. LLAW3059 Jessup international law moot court competition. LLAW6074 Labour rights and human rights. LLAW3141 Law and film. LLAW3229 Principles of heritage law and the protection of history. LLAW3128 Law and literature. LLAW3174 Law and policy. LLAW3208 Law and practice of investment treaty arbitration. LLAW3118 Law and religion. LLAW3172 Law and social theory. LLAW3035 Law in East Asia. LLAW3056 Law of international finance I. LLAW6094 Law of international finance II. LLAW3049 Law of the sea. LLAW3225 Law, culture, critique. LLAW3145 Law, economics, regulation and development. LLAW3036 Law, justice and ideology. LLAW3161 Law, meaning and interpretation. LLAW3090 Legal aspects of white collar crime. LLAW3190 Legal discourse and the mind. LLAW6042 Legal fictions: representations of the law in literature, philosophy and cinema. LLAW3162 Legal translation. LLAW6043 Liabilities in international aviation. LLAW3215 Luxury Brands and Trademark Law. LLAW3192 Mediation. LLAW6247 Medico-legal issues. LLAW3146 Multiculturalism and the law. LLAW6075 National protection of human rights. LLAW6163 Negotiation: settlement and advocacy. LLAW3178 Online dispute resolution. LLAW6045 Postmodern legal theory. LLAW3167 Preventative law: approach to conflict prevention and resolution. LLAW3044 Public international law. LLAW3163 Public international law in domestic courts. LLAW3180 Regulation of cyberspace. LLAW6224 Resolution of transnational commercial disputes: processes and principles. LLAW3068 Rights of the child in international and domestic law. LLAW6240 Security and human rights. LLAW3051 Selected problems in international law. LLAW6076 Seminar in human rights research, sources and methodology. LLAW3053 Sociology of law. LLAW3147 Space law and policy. LLAW6250 The regulation of biomedical research. LLAW3143 Topics in law and literature: Flaubert and Eliot. LLAW3171 Topics in English and European legal history. LLAW3176 Trademarks and unfair competition. LLAW3070 World Trade Organization: law and policyCOURSE DESCRIPTIONSPlease refer to the course descriptions in the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB), the Regulations for the Degrees of Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Laws in Chinese Law (LLM[Chinese Law]), Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law (LLM[CFL]), Master of Laws in Human Rights (LLM[HR]) and Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law (LLM[IT&IPL]) and the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM[ARB]).REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE FORMAT, BINDING, AND PRESENTATION OF DISSERTATIONS FOR HIGHER DEGREES BY COURSEWORK1.Each copy of a dissertation shall be typewritten or printed on one side only of International size A4 paper1 (except for drawings, maps, or tables on which no restriction is placed), with a margin of not less than 38mm on the left-hand edge of each page.2.The appropriate Board of the Faculty shall decide whether any dissertation submitted successfully in part-fulfilment of a higher degree by coursework shall be an accession to the University Library.3.If it is to be an accession to the Library the top copy of the dissertation shall be used, and bound in one or more volumes as determined by the Librarian and between boards faced with cloth in black for MA, MPA, MMedSc, in dark blue for MSW, MBA, and in green for all others. The title, name of author, degree, and date shall be lettered in gilt on the front cover and spine in accordance with the standard layout approved by the Librarian. The title of a dissertation written in Chinese shall be lettered on the cover in Chinese and English.1297 mm x 210 mmN.B.C andidates for higher degrees are reminded that any dissertation not typed or printed on the correct paper will not be accepted. Any candidate who has difficulty in obtaining the paper should consult his Faculty Office.。
Faculty of Law 法学院
Master of Laws in Chinese Law中国法
Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 企业和金融法 Master of Laws in Human Rights人权法
Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law信息技术和知识产权法
Faculty of Law 法学院
Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law信息技术和知识产权法
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution仲裁和争端解决法
Master of Science in Real Estate 房地产学
Master of Science in Urban Planning城市规划学
Master of Urban Design/Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design 城市设计
Master of Arts in Comparative Asian Studies Faculty of Arts 文学院 Master of Arts in Linguistics语言学
FT (2 year)
FT (2 year)
HKD 117,000
FT (1 year)
FT (1 year)
FT (2 years) 前:Ft(1年) 后:1年
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Presentation Skills Course(大学演讲课课程):通过本课程的学习, 学生可以熟悉多种情形下的英文演讲的架构与技巧,掌握在英文环境中进 行主题鲜明、重点突出、逻辑清晰、结构合理、衔接顺畅的英语演讲技巧 与能力。
• 高速铁路客运乘务(专业代码:600112)
• 培养目标:培养具有精通高铁服务业务,能够熟练掌 握所学专业技能,具备比较好的外语水平、团结协调 能力和灵活应变能力,能为顾客提供优质服务、适合 铁路运输事业需求与发展的乘务、安检、礼仪服务等 领域的高级专门人才,以及能够适应铁路运输教育与 培训事业发展的教师及培训高级人才。
University English Writing Skills(大学英语写作课课程):通过本课程 的学习,学生可以熟悉英文学术文章的架构与作文技能,掌握写作主题鲜 明、重点突出、资料翔实、逻辑清晰、结构合理、层次分明、衔接顺畅的 英文篇章的能力,提高并强化学生在学习工作中的国际交流能力。
4. B级英语 (2学分,A类)
本课程为高职英语初级课程,针对需要辅导参加B级考试的学生。课程教学主要 帮助学生运用基本的英语语音和语法知识,并在阅读、写作等方面对学生进行加强 训练。
• 《等级英语C》《等级英语B》《等级英语A》《B级英语》属于等级英 语课程系列,难度依次递增。本类课程学生修两个学期。该系列课程 共4学分。 为实现分层次教学,更好地因材施教,我校将新生入学后按照入学英 语成绩高低大致分成三个层次,以下暂注为A、B、C层次。 学校为不同层次的学生安排两门课程为其必修课程,考试分数达到60 分以上可得4个学分。具体说明如下: C类学生必修《等级英语C》、《等级英语B》。
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management)
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws
文學士(文學研究)及法學士 3
BA(Literary Studies)&LLB
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)
工商管理學學士(資訊系統) 3
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)
工商管理學學士(法學) 3
Study Programme
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Conservation
Hedge, T, (2000) Teaching and learning in the language classroom, Oxford University Press.
Harmer, J. (2001) The practice of English language teaching. Third edition. Longman/Pearson Education Ltd.
Scrivener, J. (2005) Learning Teaching: a guidebook for English language teachers, Macmillan.
Gower, Phillips and Walters (1995) Teaching Practice Handbook. Heinemann
Written discourse and the teaching of reading and writing
Brown, D. and Yule, g. (1983) Discourse and analysis
Derewianka, B. (1991) Exploring how texts work.New York: Heinemann
Name of courses
Name of core course books/reference books
First and second language acquisition
L145/714 The University of Hong KongRegulations and Syllabuses forMaster of Common LawPlusRegulations Governing the FormatEtc of Dissertations forHigher Degrees by Coursework2014-2015REGULATIONS FOR THE MASTER OF COMMON LAW (MCL)(See also General Regulations)These regulations apply to students admitted to the MCL curriculum in the academic year 2014-15 and thereafter.Admission requirementsLL59To be eligible for admission to the courses leading to the Master of Common Law, a candidate shall(a)comply with the General Regulations; and(b)(i)hold a degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours or anequivalent qualification in a non-common law jurisdiction; or(ii)have been admitted to the professional practice of law in a non-common law jurisdiction.A candidate for admission shall, if required, produce evidence of sufficient academic attainment, and shall satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination if such an examination is required. A candidate who fails to meet the requirements of (b) above may, in exceptional circumstances, be admitted provided that the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee is satisfied that by reason of his or her background, experience and professional qualifications, if any, the candidate is fit to follow the courses, and the candidate satisfies the examiners in a qualifying examination.Qualifying examinationLL60(a) A qualifying examination may be set to test the candidate's formal academic ability or his or her ability to follow the courses of study prescribed. It shall consist of one ormore examination papers or a research paper.(b) A candidate who is required to satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination shallnot be permitted to register until he or she has satisfied the examiners in theexamination.Award of degreeLL61To be eligible for the award of the Master of Common Law, a candidate shall(a)comply with the General Regulations; and(b)complete the curriculum and satisfy the examiners in accordance with the regulationsset out below.CurriculumLL62The curriculum for the Master of Common Law shall normally extend over one year of full-time study. To complete the curriculum, a candidate shall(a)follow instruction and attend classes as required, and complete all coursework required;(b)satisfy the examiners in each of a total number of courses amounting to at least 48credits in value and selected (with the approval of the Programme Director) from thecourses listed in the course syllabuses below, which shall include at least 30 credits ofcourses designated below as “common law subjects”.ExaminationsLL63Any candidate who has failed to pass a course or courses in the manner provided for in these Regulations may be permitted(a)to sit a supplementary examination; or(b)to repeat the course or courses by following the course of instruction at the nextavailable opportunity and taking the prescribed examination, or by taking theprescribed examination without following the course of instruction; or(c)to undertake the study of any alternative course or courses at the next availableopportunity which enable completion of the curriculum.LL64 A candidate who has failed to pass a course or courses shall be recommended for the discontinuation of study under General Regulation G12 if not permitted to attend for examination at some other time or to sit a supplementary examination or to repeat the course or courses or to undertake the study of another course or courses which enable completion of the curriculum.LL65 A candidate who is unable through illness or other acceptable reason to attend for examination may apply for permission to attend for examination at some other time.Examination resultsLL66At the conclusion of the examinations, a pass list shall be published in alphabetical order. A candidate who has shown exceptional merit may be awarded a mark of distinction, and this mark shall be recorded in the candidate's degree diploma.COURSEWORK FOR THE MASTER OF COMMON LAW (MCL)Potential courses are listed below. Not all courses are offered every academic year, but are subject always to the availability of teachers and resources.Common law subjects. LLAW3093 Administrative law. LLAW6021 Advanced administrative law. LLAW3206 Advanced law of obligations. LLAW3205 Advanced legal theory. LLAW3199 Advanced topics in competition law. LLAW3214 Advanced Topics in Constitutional Law. LLAW3212 An Introduction to Derivatives Law and Practice. LLAW3112 Arbitration law. LLAW6157 Arbitration practice, procedure and drafting. LLAW3008 Bank security. LLAW3009 Banking law. LLAW3010 Business associations. LLAW3138 Carriage of goods by sea. LLAW3046 Child and the law. LLAW3097 Civil procedure. LLAW2012 Commercial law. LLAW3015 Company law. LLAW3123 Competition law I. LLAW6245 Compliance in the Hong Kong securities industry. LLAW2001 Constitutional law. LLAW3067 Construction law. LLAW3223 Construction of commercial contracts. LLAW3183 Corporate conflicts. LLAW6082 Corporate governance and shareholder remedies. LLAW1001 Criminal law I. LLAW1002 Criminal law II. LLAW3099 Criminal procedure. LLAW3066 Cross-border legal relations between the Mainland and Hong Kong (in putonghua). LLAW6086 Current issues in corporate law: mergers and acquisitions. LLAW6088 Derivatives: law and regulation. LLAW3218 Energy law. LLAW3094 Equity and Trust I. LLAW3095 Equity and Trust II. LLAW3102 Evidence I. LLAW3013 Evidence II. LLAW6222 Financial dispute resolution: Hong Kong & international perspectives. LLAW3133 Healthcare law. LLAW3047 Hong Kong Basic Law. LLAW6005 Hong Kong intellectual property law. LLAW3022 Human rights in Hong Kong. LLAW6242 Human rights in practice. LLAW3024 Insurance law. LLAW3023 Insolvency law. LLAW3025 International commercial litigation. LLAW3076 International commercial transactions. LLAW6204 Introduction to common law. LLAW3209 Introduction to Hong Kong securities law. LLAW3001 Introduction to legal theory. LLAW3030 Introduction to private international law (conflict of laws). LLAW3032 Issues in family law. LLAW3033 Issues in intellectual property law. LLAW3034 Labour law. LLAW2013 Land law I. LLAW2014 Land law II. LLAW3105 Land law III (conveyancing). LLAW3142 Law and politics of constitutions. LLAW6239 Law and regulation of private banking and wealth management I . LLAW6246 Law and regulation of private banking and wealth management II . LLAW1001 Law of contract I. LLAW1002 Law of contract II. LLAW3048 Law of restitution I. LLAW3121 Law of restitution II. LLAW1005 Law of tort I. LLAW1006 Law of tort II. LLAW3061 Law, the individual and the community: a cross-cultural dialogue . LLAW1013 Legal research and writing I. LLAW2017 Legal research and writing II. LLAW3073 Media law. LLAW3040 Medico-legal issues. LLAW6224 Mergers and acquisitions. LLAW6097 Pension and investment funds in Hong Kong and the PRC. LLAW3042 Planning and environmental law. LLAW3043 Principles of family law. LLAW3072 Principles of Hong Kong taxation on income. LLAW3075 Privacy and data protection. LLAW6098 Project finance. LLAW3069 Regulation of financial markets. LLAW3045 Remedies. LLAW3115 Rights and remedies in the criminal process. LLAW6049 Securities regulation I. LLAW6244 Securities regulation II. LLAW6240 Security and human rights. LLAW3116 Selected legal issues in commercial practice. LLAW3054 Succession. LLAW1008 The legal system of the Hong Kong SAR. LLAW3221 Trusts in PracticeNon-common law subjects. LLAW3113 Advanced issues in information technology law. LLAW6243 Advanced issues in intellectual property law. LLAW6022 Advanced research methodology. LLAW3007 Alternative dispute resolution. LLAW3140 Animal law. LLAW6023 Arbitration law workshop. LLAW6058 Armed conflict, humanitarian law and human rights. LLAW6153Business and human rights. LLAW3139 Communications law. LLAW3125 Comparative constitutional law. LLAW3144 Comparative environmental law. LLAW3191 Comparative family law. LLAW3016 Comparative law. LLAW3156 Comparative remedies in trust law. LLAW3124 Competition law II. LLAW6245 Compliance in the Hong Kong securities industry. LLAW3196 Constitutionalism in emerging states. LLAW3200 Copyright and creativity. LLAW3017 Copyright law. LLAW3184 Credit and security law. LLAW6059 Criminal justice and human rights. LLAW3018 Criminology. LLAW3211 Critical theory in legal scholarship. LLAW3182 Cross border corporate finance: issues and techniques. LLAW6084 Cross-border insolvency law. LLAW3100 Current issues in comparative commercial law. LLAW6127 Current issues in financial law. LLAW6060 Current issues in human rights. LLAW3092 Current issues in insolvency law. LLAW6137 Current issues in international arbitration and dispute settlement . LLAW3019 Current legal controversies. LLAW3101 Cybercrime. LLAW3127 Dealing with legacies of human rights violations. LLAW6061 Development and human rights. LLAW3179 Digital copyright. LLAW3151 E-business law. LLAW3020 Economic analysis of law. LLAW3117 Economic, social and cultural rights. LLAW3063 Emerging markets: finance and investment. LLAW3218 Energy law. LLAW3071 Equality and non-discrimination. LLAW6030 Equality and the law. LLAW3091 Ethnicity, human rights and democracy. LLAW6065 Freedom of speech and the press. LLAW6066 Gender issues in human rights. LLAW3220 Gender, sexuality and the law. LLAW3165 Global business law I. LLAW3166 Global business law II. LLAW3169 Globalisation and human rights. LLAW3080 Governance and law. LLAW3203 Guided research. LLAW6031 Hong Kong and international law. LLAW3110 Human rights and cyberspace. LLAW3168 Human rights and governance. LLAW3083 Human rights: history, theory and politics. LLAW3065 Information technology law. LLAW3084 Intellectual property and Information technology. LLAW3155 Intellectual property policy and practice. LLAW3104 Intellectual property, innovation and development. LLAW3085 International and comparative intellectual property law. LLAW3086 International and regional protection of human rights. LLAW6237 International arbitration: practice, process & strategy. LLAW3111 International commercial arbitration. LLAW3057 International criminal law. LLAW3078 International economic law. LLAW3134 International environmental law. LLAW3026 International human rights. LLAW3175 International humanitarian law. LLAW3157 International law and modernity for a multipolar world. LLAW3158 International law in a world of crises. LLAW3058 International mooting competition. LLAW3027 International organizations. LLAW3035 International protection of refugees and displaced persons. LLAW3136 International securities law. LLAW6096 International tax and tax planning. LLAW3028 International trade law I. LLAW6129 International trade law II. LLAW3160 Interpretation of statutes, contracts and treaties. LLAW3150 Introduction to information technology law. LLAW3120 Introduction to international human rights law. LLAW3188 Introduction to law and literary studies. LLAW3159 Introduction to negotiation theory and practice. LLAW3059 Jessup international law moot court competition. LLAW6074 Labour rights and human rights. LLAW3141 Law and film. LLAW3128 Law and literature. LLAW3174 Law and policy. LLAW3208 Law and practice of investment treaty arbitration. LLAW3118 Law and religion. LLAW3172 Law and social theory. LLAW3035 Law in East Asia. LLAW3056 Law of international finance I. LLAW6094 Law of international finance II. LLAW3049 Law of the sea. LLAW3145 Law, economics, regulation and development. LLAW3036 Law, justice and ideology. LLAW3161 Law, meaning and interpretation. LLAW3090 Legal aspects of white collar crime. LLAW3190 Legal discourse and the mind. LLAW6042 Legal fictions: representations of the law in literature, philosophy and cinema . LLAW3162 Legal translation. LLAW6043 Liabilities in international aviation. LLAW3215 Luxury Brands and Trademark Law. LLAW3192 Mediation. LLAW3146 Multiculturalism and the law. LLAW6075 National protection of human rights. LLAW6163 Negotiation: settlement and advocacy. LLAW3178 Online dispute resolution. LLAW6045 Postmodern legal theory. LLAW3167 Preventative law: approach to conflict prevention and resolution. LLAW3044 Public international law. LLAW3163 Public international law in domestic courts. LLAW3180 Regulation of cyberspace. LLAW6224 Resolution of transnational commercial disputes: processes and principles. LLAW3068 Rights of the child in international and domestic law. LLAW6240 Security and human rights. LLAW3051 Selected problems in international law. LLAW6076 Seminar in human rights research, sources and methodology. LLAW3053 Sociology of law. LLAW3147 Space law and policy. LLAW3143 Topics in law and literature: Flaubert and Eliot. LLAW3171 Topics in English and European legal history. LLAW3176 Trademarks and unfair competition. LLAW3070 World Trade Organization: law and policyCOURSE DESCRIPTIONSPlease refer to the course descriptions in the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB), the Regulations for the Degrees of Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Laws in Chinese Law (LLM[Chinese Law]), Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law (LLM[CFL]), Master of Laws in Human Rights (LLM[HR]) and Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law (LLM[IT&IPL]) and the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM[ARB]).REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE FORMAT, BINDING, AND PRESENTATION OF DISSERTATIONS FOR HIGHER DEGREES BY COURSEWORK1.Each copy of a dissertation shall be typewritten or printed on one side only of International size A4 paper1 (except for drawings, maps, or tables on which no restriction is placed), with a margin of not less than 38mm on the left-hand edge of each page.2.The appropriate Board of the Faculty shall decide whether any dissertation submitted successfully in part-fulfilment of a higher degree by coursework shall be an accession to the University Library.3.If it is to be an accession to the Library the top copy of the dissertation shall be used, and bound in one or more volumes as determined by the Librarian and between boards faced with cloth in black for MA, MPA, MMedSc, in dark blue for MSW, MBA, and in green for all others. The title, name of author, degree, and date shall be lettered in gilt on the front cover and spine in accordance with the standard layout approved by the Librarian. The title of a dissertation written in Chinese shall be lettered on the cover in Chinese and English.1297 mm x 210 mmN.B.C andidates for higher degrees are reminded that any dissertation not typed or printed on the correct paper will not be accepted. Any candidate who has difficulty in obtaining the paper should consult his Faculty Office.。
1 81,000
Geomatics (Surveying) - MSc/PgD 測繪及地理資訊學理學碩士學位/深造 文憑(測量)
1 81,000
Environmental Management and Engineering - MSc/PgD 環境管理及工程學理學碩士學位/深造 文憑
1 81,000
Project Management - MSc/PgD 項目管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑
Sustainable Urban Development MSc/PgD 可持續城市發展學理學碩士學位/深造 文憑
1 81,000 1 81,000
Chinese Language and Literature MA/PgD 中國語文文學碩士學位/深造文憑
2 42,100 1.5 99,000
Health Care (Infection Control) MSc 醫療護理學理學碩士學位(感染控 制)
1.5 90,000
Health Informatics - MSc 健康信息科技理學碩士學位
1 81,000
Health Science - DHSc 醫療科學博士學位 (Doctor of Health Science) (Mixed-mode)
1.5 81,000
Translating and Interpreting - MA 翻譯與傳譯文學碩士學位
1.5 81,000
English Language Arts - MA 英語語言藝術文學碩士學位
1 81,000
English Language Studies of People with Developmental Disabilities - MSc 發展障礙人士復康理學碩士學位
香港大学法学院本科生 课程表 2010 2011
ProvisionalCOURSE LISTLLB2010‑2011Course Number Credits Course Title Sem Note Lecturer(s) Lectures/SeminarLLB Compulsory law courses Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLB 1 (including compulsory non‑law courses)LLAW1001 6 [12] Law of Contract I 1 LM Thu11:40‑1:35 LLAW1005 6 [12] Law of Tort I 1 RG Tue 10:30‑12:25 LLAW1008 6 Legal System 1 Puja, KK,Kelley Mon 9:30‑12:25 orMon 2:00‑4:55 orWed 2:00‑4:55 orThu 2:00‑4:55 orFri 2:00‑4:55LLAW1009 6 Law & Society(Section A)Law & Society(Section B) 1 XFT AC, SVAnne, MTWed 10:30‑12:25LLAW1013 6 Legal Research & Writing I 1 AMak Mon 1:00‑1:55CLAW1009 3 Practical Chinese Languagefor Law Students 1 N‑L(C)XFTTue 9:30‑10:25LLAW1002 6 [12] Law of Contract II 2 LM, Mindy Chen Thu11:30‑1:25 LLAW1006 6 [12] Law of Tort II 2 RG,JLin Tue 10:30‑12:25 LLAW1012 3 Legal Research & Writing III 2 XLLB AMakCAES1602 3 Writing Solutions to LegalProblems 2 N‑L(E)XFTPHIL1005 6 Critical Thinking & Logic 2 N‑L(P)XFT(Phil) Fri 2:00‑3:55CCSTxxxx/ CCHUxxxx/ CCGLxxxx/ CCCHxxxx 6 A 6‑credit Common Corecourse from four specificareas of inquiryLLB 2LLAW2001 6 Constitutional Law (Stream 1)Constitutional Law (Stream 2) 11Cap164Cap80(Strm 2)BT, Cora, RCAC, YPWed 9:30‑11:25 (Strm1)Fri 1:00‑3:55 (Strm2)LLAW2003 6 [12] Criminal Law I 1 MJ Thu 9:30‑11:25 LLAW2009 6 Introduction to Chinese Law 1 ZY, GWX Tue 2:00‑3:55 LLAW2013 6 [12] Land Law I 1 ALee Mon 3:00‑4:55 LLAW2015 3 Legal Research & Writing IV 1 AMakLLAW2016 3 Legal Research & Writing V 1+2 AMakLLAW2004 6 [12] Criminal Law II 2 MJ Thu 9:30‑11:25 LLAW2012 6 Commercial Law 2 YJL Tue 2:00‑3:55 LLAW2014 6 [12] Land Law II 2 SG Wed 10:30‑12:25LLB 3LLAW3094 6 [12] Equity & Trusts I 1 LH Thu2:00‑3:55 LLAW3001 6 Introduction to Legal Theory 2 XFT SV Tue 10:30‑12:25 LLAW3093 6 Administrative Law 2 OJ Mon 4:00‑5:55 LLAW3095 6 [12] Equity & Trusts II 2 LH Thu2:00‑3:55 LLAW3096 3 Mooting 2LLB Law ElectivesFirst Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3002 12 Guided Research 1+2 DRCCap 60(30 foreachclass) RM Mon 4:00‑5:55 (Sem1)or Fri 4:00‑5:55 (Sem1)ANDTue 4:00‑5:55(Sem2)LLAW3007 6 Alternative DisputeResolution 1 DRCSCCFCap 40KL Wed 9:30‑12:25LLAW3010 6 Business Associations 1 PCLLSCCFSW,TC Tue 11:30‑1:25LLAW3015 6 Company Law 1 SCCFCap 90SW,YJL Tue 3:00‑4:55 LLAW3030 6 Intro to Private InternationalLaw1 SCCF MO,OJ Thu9:30‑12:25LLAW3040 6 Medico‑Legal Issues 1 DRCCap20AL Wed 9:30‑12:25 LLAW3041 6 PRC Civil&CommercialLaw1 SPRC GY Mon 1:00‑3:55 LLAW3055 6 Use of Chinese in Law I 1 ALuk Fri 4:00‑5:55LLAW3072 6 Principles of HK Taxation onIncome 1 SCCFCap 32WC Tue 3:30‑5:25+ Thu10:30‑12:25LLAW3080 6 Governance and Law 1 DRC BT + PPA staff Thu3:00‑5:55 LLAW3102 6 Evidence I 1 PCLLXExSY, JB Tue 09:30‑11:25LLAW3105 6 Land Law III(Conveyancing) 1 PCLLXExMW, MM Fri 9:30‑11:25LLAW3142 6 Law & Politics ofConstitutions 1 DRC BT, Dr Lam WaiMan (Politics)Wed 3:00‑5:55LLAW3148 6 Clinical Legal Education 1 EC Sept‑Nov 2010(around 120‑150 hrs intotal)LLAW3159 6 Introduction to NegotiationTheory and Practice1 Cap 30 SA Mon 2:00‑4:55LLAW3160 6 Interpretation of Statutes,Contracts and Treaties1 SCCF OJ Mon 2:00‑4:55LLAW3161 6 Law, Meaning, andInterpretation 1 Chris HuttonSchool of EnglishMon 2:00‑3:55LLB Second Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3002 12 Guided Research 1+2 DRCCap 60(30 foreachclass) RM Mon 4:00‑5:55 (Sem1)or Fri 4:00‑5:55 (S1)ANDTue 4:00‑5:55(Sem2)LLAW3004 6 Use of Chinese in Law II 2 ALuk Fri 4:00‑5:55LLAW3033 6 Issues in IntellectualProperty Law 2 Cap70SCCFALee Thu2:00‑4:55LLAW3034 6 Labour Law 2 DRCCap 15RG Thu 2:00‑4:55 LLAW3039 6 Legal History 2 HKo Tue 2:00‑4:55LLAW3058 6 International MootingCompetition ^ 2 DRCSITELLLAW3059 6 Jessup International LawMoot Court Competition ^2 DRCLLAW3073 6 Media Law 2 DRCCap 30Anne Thu 2:00‑4:55LLAW3081 6 PRC Commercial Law(inPutonghua) 2 SPRCSCCFCap 40GWX Mon 9:30‑12:25LLAW3097 6 Civil Procedure 2 PCLLXExEC Wed 9:30‑12:25LLAW3099 6 Criminal Procedure 2 PCLLXExGT Fri 9:30‑12:25 LLB Summer Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW2010 3 Summer Internship PK Summer LLB Law Electives : Cross‑listed courses #First Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3022 LLAW6034 61 moduleHuman Rights in HK 1 DRCCap 40JC, LCL Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3044 LLAW6109 61 modulePublic International Law 1 SITELCap 30SL Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3062 LLAW6070 61 moduleHuman Rights in China 1 DRCSPRCCap 50FHL Fri 1:00‑3:55LLAW3069 LLAW6093 61 moduleRegulation of FinancialMarkets1 SCCF EL Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3087 LLAW6044 61 modulePRC Intellectual PropertyLaw1 SPRC SHC Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3092 LLAW6087 61 moduleCurrent Issues in InsolvencyLaw1 SCCF LA, RT Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3134 LLAW6037 61 moduleInternational EnvironmentalLaw1 DRCCap 25JLin Thu3:00‑6:00LLAW3150 LLAW6170 61 moduleIntroduction to InformationTechnology Law1 DRCCap 30KP Thu 6:30‑9:30LLAW3154 LLAW6186 61 moduleChina Trade Law 1 DRCSCCFSITELSPRCCap 30ZY Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3158 LLAW6190 61 moduleInternational Law in a Worldof Crises1 TCarty Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3165 LLAW6194 61 moduleGlobal Business Law I 1 Cap 30SCCFSITELLCL Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3170 LLAW6008 61 moduleIntroduction to Chinese Lawand Legal System1 ZG Fri 6:30‑9:30LLAW3172 LLAW6197 61 moduleLaw and Social Theory 1 SV Fri 6:00‑9:00LLAW3180 LLAW6141 61 moduleRegulation of Cyberspace 1 MT Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3181 LLAW6048 61 modulePRC Security and InsolvencyLaw1 ZXC Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3184 LLAW6002 61 moduleCredit and Security Law 1 LA Tue 6:30‑9:30LLAW3185 LLAW6028 61 moduleCurrent Issues in PRCCommercial Law1 ZXC Tue 6:00‑9:00LLB January Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3174 LLAW6199 61 moduleLaw and Policy Jan Matthew Palmer Jan 11– 28, 2010Tue, Thu & Fri(6:00‑9:00 pm)Sat, 22January2010(10 am ‑1 pm)LLB Second Semester Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3009 LLAW6024 61 moduleBanking Law 2 SCCF PL, LWW Wed 6:30‑9:30LLAW3016 LLAW6150 61 moduleComparative Law 2 DRCSITELLQL Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3027 LLAW6182 61 moduleInternational Organizations 2 Cap 20SITELJF Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3043 LLAW6164 61 modulePrinciples of Family Law 2 Cap50 AL Mon 9:30‑11:25LLAW3050 LLAW6049 61 moduleSecurities Regulation 2 SCCF SJ Mon 6:30‑9:30LLAW3057 LLAW6036 61 moduleInternational Criminal Law 2 Cap 25 JF Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3066 LLAW6114 61 moduleCross‑border Legal Relationsbetween the PRC and HK(inPutonghua)2 DRCSPRCCap 50ZXC, FHL Fri 2:00‑4:55LLAw3071 LLAW6063 61 moduleEquality andNon‑discrimination2 Kelley Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3075 LLAW6046 61 modulePrivacy and Data Protection 2 DRC MJ, MT Wed 6:30‑9:30LLAW3078 LLAW6133 61 moduleInternational Economic Law 2 SITEL LCL, DA Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3084 LLAW6120 61 moduleIntellectual Property andInformation Technology2 DRCCap 30KP Wed 6:30‑9:30LLAW3088 LLAW6029 61 moduleDispute Resolution in thePRC2 DRCSPRCCap 30GWX Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3089 LLAW6139 61 modulePRC Information TechnologyLaw2 DRCSPRCZY Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3110 LLAW6119 61 moduleHuman Rights andCyberspace2 Jane Bailey Tue & Thurs 6:00‑9:00Sat 10 am –1:00 pm(Jan 18– Feb 22, 2010)LLAW3111 LLAW6099 61 moduleInternational CommercialArbitration2 SITELCap 40KL Mon 6:30‑9:30LLAW3115 LLAW6144 61 moduleRights & Remedies in theCriminal Process2 DRCCap 30SY Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3117 LLAW6062 61 moduleEconomic, Social & CulturalRights2 DRCCap 30KK Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3123 LLAW6154 61 moduleCompetition Law 2 SCCFSITELProfessor JoeBauer, ProfessorMark FurseMarch 7, 9, 14, 16, 28& 30, April 4, 6, 11 &13: 6:30‑9:30pmMarch 10 & 17: Thu6:30‑9:30pmLLAW3129 LLAW6167 61 modulePRC Tort Law 2 SPRC LYH Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3130 LLAW6056 61 moduleLaw & Development in thePRC2 DRCSPRCZG Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3135 LLAW6073 61 moduleInternational Protection ofRefugees and DisplacedPersons2 Kelley Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3136 LLAW6057 61 moduleInternational Securities Law 2 SCCF DA,YI Wed 6:30‑9:30LLAW3137 LLAW6171 61 moduleCorruption: China incomparative perspective2 DRCSPRCCap 20FHL Mon 2:00‑4:55LLAW3138 LLAW6172 61 moduleCarriage of Goods by Sea 2 SITEL FR Jan 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 &27, Feb 8, 10, 15, 17, 22and 24 (Tue & Thu6:00‑9:00)LLAW3139 LLAW6124 61 moduleTelecommunications Law 2 DRC DChan Sat 2:30‑5:30LLAW3140 LLAW6183 61 moduleAnimal Law 2 DRC AW Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3151 LLAW6111 61 moduleE‑Business Law 2 DRCSCCFSITELRW, FC Jan 17, 18, 24, 25, 31 &Feb 1 (Mon & Tue6:00‑9:00)Mar 7, 14, 21, Apr 11& 25 (Mon6:00‑9:00)LLAW3152 LLAW6047 61 modulePRC Property Law 2 DRCSPRCCap 30SHC Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3153 LLAW6185 61 moduleChina Investment Law 2 DRCSCCFSPRCSITELZXC Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3155 LLAW6188 61 moduleIntellectual Property Policyand Practice2 Cap 30 SHC Thu 6:00‑9:00LLAW3157 LLAW6189 61 moduleInternational Law andModernity for a MultipolarWorld2 TCarty Tue 6:00‑9:00LLAW3166 LLAW6195 61 moduleGlobal Business Law II 2 Cap 30SCCFSITELLCL Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3168 LLAW6069 61 moduleHuman Rights andGovernance2 TCarty Mon 6:00‑9:00LLAW3177 LLAW6201 61 modulePRC Taxation Law andPolicy2 XY, RC Fri 6:00‑9:00LLAW3178 LLAW6176 61 moduleOnline Dispute Resolution 2 ZY Intensive course21 st ,28 th Jan (Fri6:30‑9:30 pm)22 nd , 23 rd , 29 th & 30 thJan (Sat & Sun 9:30 am‑5:30 pm)LLAW3182 LLAW6206 61 moduleCross Border CorporateFinance: Issues & Techniques2 SCCFCap 28MO Wed 6:00‑9:00LLAW3183 LLAW6207 61 moduleCorporate Conflicts 2 SCCFCap25MO Fri 6:00‑9:00LLAW3186 LLAW6153 61 moduleBusiness and Human Rights 2 FA Fri 6:00‑9:00LLB June Semester (Cross‑listed courses) Å Click for Course DescriptionsLLAW3024 LLAW6107 61 moduleInsurance Law June SCCF Rob MerkinGary MeggittTBCNOTESTBC –To be confirmed (Course to be confirmed if “TBC” in Notes column; alternatively, details to be confirmed)Credits [12]–Full year subjects. Generally, students must enrol in both courses, eg. Law of Contract I & II # Cross‑listed courses–LLM/PGDip courses which may be taken by Senior LLB students andExchange/Visiting students, subject to prior completion of any prerequisites. Some Cross‑listed courses may restrict student numbers^ Jessup Moot / International Moot–Only students selected as team members may enrol in these courses. Courses satisfy DRC requirement. Team members may also take course for credit (6)DRC –DRC course (may be taken in satisfaction of compulsory DRC requirementSCCF –Course falls within LLB Corporate Commercial Financial SpecializationSPRC–Course falls within LLB Chinese Law SpecializationSITEL –Course falls within LLB International Trade & Economic Law SpecializationPCLL – PCLL Prerequisite course:required for PCLL Admission from 2008 onwardsN‑L(C) –Compulsory Non‑law course for First Year LLB (except Fast‑track LLB) and BSS(G&L) studentsN‑L(E) –Compulsory Non‑law course for First Year LLB (except Fast‑track LLB) students. Compulsory for Second Year BBA(Law) / BSS(G&L) / BEng(CivE‑Law) studentsN‑L(P)–Compulsory Non‑law course for First Year LLB (except Fast‑track LLB) and BBA(Law) and BSS(G&L) students. Compulsory for Second Year BEng(CivE‑Law) studentsXFT –Not compulsory for Fast‑track LLB studentsXBBB –Not compulsory for BBA(Law), BSS(G&L), BEng(CivE‑Law) studentsXBEng–Not compulsory for BEng(CivE‑Law) studentsXEx –Not available to Exchange studentsXLLB –Not compulsory for LLB students admitted in 2010‑2011LIST OF TEACHERSLA – Lee AITKEN SA – Shahla ALI DA – Douglas ARNER FA Farzana ASLAMJB – Janice BRABYN TCarty – Tony CARTY Cora – Cora CHAN DChan – Desmond CHAN FC Felix CHAN JC – Johannes CHAN AC – Albert CHEN Sarah CHENG SCheng TC – Thomas CHENG Anne – Anne CHEUNG EC – Eric CHEUNG WC – Wilson CHOWRC Richard CULLEN JF – James FRY FHL – FU Hualing RG – Rick GLOFCHESKI SG – Say GOO GWX – GU Weixia AH – Andy HALKYARD LH – Lusina HOYI –Young IN MJ – Michael JACKSON SJ – Syren JOHNSTONE OJ – Oliver JONESPK – Puja KAPAI KK – Karen KONG ALee – Alice LEE EL Emily LEEPLejot – Paul LEJOT LJ – LENG Jing PL – Pauline LI LYH – LI YahongLCL – LIM ChinLeng JLin – Jolene LIN SL – Suzannah LINTON AL – Athena LIULQL – LONG Qinglan Kelley – Kelley LOPER ALuk – Angelina LUK KL – Katherine LYNCH AMak – Alex MAK LM – Lee MASON GM – Gary MEGGITT Malcolm MERRY MM RM – Robert MORRIS MO Maisie Ooi KP – Kevin PUN VR Vandana RAJWANI FR – Francis REYNOLDS SHC – SUN Haochen BT – Benny TAI GT – Gaynor TALLENTIRE MT – Marcelo THOMPSON Tiba Firew TIBA MTil Michael TILBURY RT Roman TOMASIC TU – Tony UPHAM SV – Scott VEITCH MWan – Marco WAN RW Rolf WEBERMW – Mike WILKINSON AW Amanda WHITFORT SW Sarah WORTHINGTON XY XU YanPYang – Philip YANG YJL – YAP Jilian YP – YAP Pojen SY – Simon YOUNGGY – YU Guanghua ZXC – ZHANG Xianchu ZY – ZHAO Yun ZG – ZHENG Ge。
入学基本要求1,认可大学毕业并获学士学位,或同等相关文凭,成绩乙等以上,2.托福,雅学院科目学制学费(每年)申请截止日Anthropology 人类学 1HK$60,001Intercultural Studies 文化研究1HK$38,000Cultural Management文化管理1HK$70,000Visual Culture Studies 视觉文化研究1HK$70,000English (Applied EnglishLinguistics) 应用英语语言学1HK$85,000Comparative & PublicHistory 比较及公众史学1HK$62,000Japanese Language &Teaching 日语研究及教学1HK$70,000Linguistics 语言学1HK$72,000Chinese Linguistics &Language Acquisition 汉语语言学及语言获得1HK$81,000Religious Studies 宗教研究1HK$60,000Master of Divinity 神道学2至3HK$80,000Christian Studies基督教研学1HK$60,000Theological Studies 神道学1HK$60,000Translation 翻译1HK$80,000Computer-aided Translation电脑辅助翻译1HK$80,000Full-time MBA 全日制工商管理硕士2未确定Health Care 工商管理硕士(医疗)2未确定JD/MBA Double DegreeProgramme 法律博士/刚上管理硕士 双学位3未确定香港中文大学授课式课Faculty of Arts 文学院Faculty of Business Administrat ion 工商管理学院Education教育(教育博士课程)3HK$66,600Education 教育(教育硕士课程1每学科HK$2,600Education学位教师教育文凭(学士后文凭)1Education (Primary)学位教师教育文凭(小学) (学士后文凭)Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程1HK$85,000Computer Science 计算机科学1HK$84,000Information Engineering 讯息工程学1HK$82000E-Commerce & LogisticsTechnologies 电子商务及物流技术1HK$90,000Systems Engineering &Engineering Management 系统工程与工程管理学1HK$90,000Juris Doctor 法律博士1HK$288,000JD/MBA Double DegreeProgramme 法律博士/工商管理硕士双学位2年法律博士HK$132000Chinese Business Law 中国商业法1HK$96,000Common Law 普通法1HK$96,000International Economic Law国际经济法1HK$96,000Laws 法学 (专业证书文凭)1HK$132,000Nursing Science(Preregistration) 护理科学3HK$78,000Public Health 公共卫生1HK$130,000Health Care 工商管理硕士(医疗)2每学分HK$5,750Family Medicine 家庭医学FACULTY OF LAW 法学院MEDICINE 医学院Faculty of Education 教育学院FACULTY OF Engineering 工程学院Occupational Medicine 职业医学Occupational Medicine 职业医学(学士后文凭)Occupational Hygiene 职业环境卫生Occupational Hygiene 职业环境卫生(学士后文凭)Occupational HealthPractice 环境健康护理Chinese Medicine 中医学(中医学硕士)4HK$88,750Acupunture 针灸学2HK$45,000Chinese Medicine 中医学(理学硕士)1HK$90,000Mathematics 数学1HK$70,000Physics 物理1HK$60,000Architecture 建筑2HK$120,000Sustainable andEnvironmental Design 可持续和环境设计1HK$110,000Global Communication 全球传播1HK$80,000Journalism 新闻学1HK$80,000New Media 新媒体1HK$80,000Advertising 广告1HK$80,000Corporate Communication 企业传播1HK$80,000Geoinformation Science 地理信息科学1HK$75,600Sustainable Tourism 可持续旅游1HK$70,000Global Political Economy全球政治经济1HK$80,000Clinical Psychology 临床心理学2HK$80,000Psychology 心理学(学士后文凭)1HK$73,000Social Policy 社会政策1HK$65,000Social Work 社会工作2HK$61,250Sociology 社会学1HK$65,000FACULTY OF MEDICINE 医学院FACULTY OF SCIENCE 理学院FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 社会科学院Chinese Studies 中国研究1HK$70,000Gender Studies 性别1HK$60,000Earth System Science 地球系统科学1HK$70,000INTER-FACULTYPROGRAMME跨学院课程,成绩乙等以上,2.托福,雅思或大学6级成绩 3.各科目的相关要求课式课程开学日入学要求,备注本科或高等院校毕业,一页的ps,和一份applicant writing,最终候选人名单会面试或电话面本科或高等院校毕业,上交ps,推荐信,工作经验和成绩单,最终候选人名单会面试或电话面试本科或高等院校毕业,上交ps,推荐信,工作经验和成绩单,最终候选人名单会面试或电话面试本科或高等院校毕业,上交ps,推荐信,工作经验和成绩单,最终候选人名单会面试或电话面试本科或高等院校毕业,英语或语言类成绩良好,需提交501字的兴趣和目标,和一份applicant本科或高等院校毕业,需上交800字中文的兴趣/目标,1000字的英文兴趣/目标,有可能需参加本科或高等院校毕业,通过日语一级或至少2年日语教学经验,需参加面试本科或高等院校毕业,需上交ps阐述申请目的和专业兴趣,需参加面试和笔试本科或高等院校毕业,需上交ps阐述申请目的和专业兴趣,汉语熟练,需参加面试和笔试本科或高等院校毕业,如果需要,需参加面试和笔试本科毕业,2推荐信(一个来自教堂推荐人,一个是本科老师)本科毕业,2推荐信(一个来自教堂推荐人,一个是本科老师)本科毕业或相关文凭,2封推荐信(一个来自教堂推荐人,一个是本科老师)本科或高等院校毕业,有可能需参加面试本科或高等院校毕业,有可能需参加面试提交近期GMAT成绩,要有3年工作经验提交近期GMAT成绩,要有4年工作经验1.本科毕业或高等院校毕业,非法律专业或于非行使普通法之地区获得法律学科文凭,成绩良教育专业硕士毕业;科研能力证明,如出版物,硕士论文及推荐信;面试优秀;若需教育专业硕士毕业或相关文凭,或有相关工作经验;需通过书面考试工程,科学或医学专业相关专业本科或高等院校毕业主修计算机科学,计算机工程或相关学科,成绩乙等;或专上的文凭;其他学科大学毕业生,理工学或工程学本科毕业,成绩乙等以上理工学或工程学本科或高等院校毕业,成绩乙等以上理工学或工程学本科或高等院校毕业,成绩乙等以上1.非法律专业或于非行使普通法之地区获得法律学科本科或高等院校毕业,或于专上完成一课法律博士要求;1.非法律专业或于非行使普通法之地区获得法律学科本科或高等院校毕业,或于有定居地法律资格;或法学士或同类学士学位;或非法律专业本科但有法律相关工作有定居地法律资格;或法学士或同类学士学位;或非法律专业本科但有法律相关工作 经验;托有定居地法律资格;或法学士或同类学士学位;或非法律专业本科但有法律相关工作 经验;托雅思7分以上,必须达到法律教育培训常设委员会就有关法学专业毕业证书课程入学要求所发出1,非护理学士学位,一般不低于二等荣誉,及2.中学会考五科合格,医学学士学位或与化工卫生有关学士学位医学学士学位或与化工卫生有关学士学位主修生物医学或相关科学;或认可的教育机构完成中医学学科1.主修中医学,医科,护理,物理治疗或有关学科 或2,完成中医学文凭及取得香港中医注册1.主修中医学,或2,完成中医学文凭及取得香港中医注册执业资格证需参加入学面试理学或工程学本科毕业,可能要参加入学面试或笔试建筑学相关专业本科或同等学历毕业,有相关工作经验有2年以上工作经验优先考虑持有香港或其他英语国家大学颁发之学位,托福580以上(书面),92以上(网考),雅思7分持有香港或其他英语国家大学颁发之学位,托福550以上(书面),79以上(网考),雅思6.5持有香港或其他英语国家大学颁发之学位,托福550以上(书面),79以上(网考),雅思6.5持有香港或其他英语国家大学颁发之学位,托福550以上(书面),79以上(网考),雅思6.5持有香港或其他英语国家大学颁发之学位,托福550以上(书面),79以上(网考),雅思6.5本科毕业本科毕业需一篇声明修读目的的文章(1-2页)心理学本科或心理学学士后文凭,且持有香港心理学学会会员资格;英文自述(750字),包挂本科 毕业及需通过本学部所设的心理学概论甄别考试(曾修心理学概论者可豁免)本科毕业,成绩乙等以上本科毕业,成绩乙等以上,本科毕业或持有相等于学士学位之专业资格,提交一篇申读文章本科毕业或持有相等于学士学位之专业资格,还需500字的文章,阐述读本专业的目的本科毕业或持有相等于学士学位之专业资格本科毕业会面试或电话面试人名单会面试或电话面试人名单会面试或电话面试人名单会面试或电话面试目标,和一份applicant writing,最终候选人名单会面试或电话面试趣/目标,有可能需参加面试需参加面试和笔试法律学科文凭,成绩良好 2.GMAT成绩 3,雅思7分以上,托福580(书面),92(机考)以上,(近两年)或大学英试优秀;若需要,需通过书面考试其他学科大学毕业生,有计算机经验亦可业,或于专上完成一课程,并获得一荣誉学士学位专业资格 2.雅思7分以上,托福580(书面),92(机考)以上科或高等院校毕业,或于专上完成一课程,并获得一荣誉学士学位专业资格 2.雅思7分以上,托福580(书面),93关工作 经验;托福不低于570(书面),88分(机考),雅思不低于6.5,大学六级不低于453法律相关工作 经验;托福不低于570(书面),88分(机考),雅思不低于6.5,大学六级不低于454法律相关工作 经验;托福不低于570(书面),88分(机考),雅思不低于6.5,大学六级不低于455证书课程入学要求所发出声明内容的要求 ,详查得香港中医注册执业资格证以上(网考),雅思7分以上以上(网考),雅思6.5分以上以上(网考),雅思6.5分以上以上(网考),雅思6.5分以上以上(网考),雅思6.5分以上文自述(750字),包挂以下内容:性格,那些因素有助于或妨碍我的专业发展,描述意见重要的个人经验及其对你者可豁免)的目的两年)或大学英语六级450分以上(机考)以上托福580(书面),93(机考)以上 工商管理要求:GMAT分数,获得学术资格后至少3年工作经验人经验及其对你的影响。
Faculty Study Programme Code AbbreviationArchitecture Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies建筑学文学士6004BA(AS)Bachelor of Science in Surveying理学士(测量学)6016BSC(SURV)Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies园境学文学士6028BA(LS)Arts Bachelor of Arts文学士6054BABachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education inLanguage Education–English1(4years)文学士及教育学士(语文教育)–英文教育(四年制)6066BA&BED(LangEd-Eng)Bachelor of Arts(Literary Studies)and Bachelor of Laws2(5years)文学士(文学研究)及法学士(五年制)6078BA(LiteraryStudies)&LLB(5years)Business and Economics Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Economics&Finance经济学学士/经济金融学学士6767BECON/BECON&FINBachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Business Administration inAccounting and Finance工商管理学学士/工商管理学学士-会计及财务6781BBA/BBA(Acc&Fin)Bachelor of Business Administration(Information Systems)2工商管理学学士(资讯系统)6793BBA(IS)Bachelor of Business Administration(Law)2工商管理学学士(法学)6808BBA(LAW)Bachelor of Science(Quantitative Finance)理学士(计量金融)6884BSC(QFin)Bachelor of Business Administration(International Business and Global Management)工商管理学学士(国际商业及环球管理)6896BBA(IBGM)Dentistry Bachelor of Dental Surgery(5years)牙医学士(五年制)6107BDSEducation Bachelor of Education in Language Education1(46066BA&BED(LangEd-Eng)years)文学士及教育学士(语文教育)-英文教育(四年制)Bachelor of Education in Language Education1 (4years)-Primary and Junior Secondary Chinese3 -Primary English3文学士及教育学士(语文教育)(四年制)–小学及初中中文-小学英文61216133BED(CHIN)BED(ENG)Bachelor of Education in Liberal Studies教育学士(通识教育)6145BED(LibSt)Bachelor of Science in Speech and HearingSciences(4years)理学士(言语及听觉科学)(四年制)6157BSC(SPEECH)Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health理学士(运动及健康)6183BSC(Exercise&Health) Engineering Bachelor of Engineering(工学学士)in the following programmes:Civil Engineering(土木工程)Civil Engineering(Environmental Engineering)(土木工程(环境工程)Computer Engineering(计算机工程)Computer Science(计算机科学)Electrical Engineering(电机工程)Electronic and Communications Engineering(电子及通讯工程)Industrial Engineering and TechnologyManagement(工业工程及科技管理)Information Engineering(讯息工程)Logistics Engineering and Supply ChainManagement(后勤工程及物流管理)Mechanical Engineering(机械工程)Mechanical Engineering(Building ServicesEngineering)(机械工程(屋宇设备工程)Medical Engineering3(医学工程)6963BENGBachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering(Law)2工学学士-土木工程[法学]6341BENG(CivE-Law)Law Bachelor of Laws(4years)法学士(四年制)6406LLBMedicine Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(5years)内外全科医学士(五年制)6456MBBSBachelor of Nursing(4years)护理学学士(四年制)6468BNURSBachelor of Chinese Medicine(5years)中医全科学士(五年制)6482BChinMedBachelor of Pharmacy药剂学学士6494BPharmScience Bachelor of Science理学士6901BSCBachelor of Science in Actuarial Science理学士(精算学)6729BSC(AC)Social Sciences Bachelor of Social Sciences社会科学学士6717BSSBachelor of Social Work社会工作学学士6731BSWBachelor of Social Sciences(Government andLaws)2社会科学学士(政治学与法学)6810BSS(GL)Bachelor of Journalism新闻学学士6822BJAll undergraduate degree programmes offered by the University are recognised for purposes of employment and further studies in many countries around the world.?Unless otherwise specified,all programmes are of three-year duration.港大所有本科生学位课程均获得世界各地多个国家认可,以作为招聘人才或取录学生深造的根据。
香港理工大学——课程式研究生课程(所有院系)太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句责任编辑:Adola 我要说两句:香港中文大学——研究式课程(博士,硕士)课程表太傻留学整理2008年07月09日我要说两句1. 只限全日制2. 只限兼读制3. 包括肿瘤学系、内科及药物治疗学系、儿科学系及精神科学系4. 自负盈亏课程香港科技大学——研究式研究生学位及课程太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句香港大学——经济与工商管理学院研究式研究生太傻留学整理2008年07月13日我要说两句Department Research Areas Departmental Requirements Postgraduate Admissions AdvisorSchool of BusinessManagementAsian/Chinese businessorganization andmanagement practice;organizationallearning; human resourcestrategies;organizational behaviorof employees;entrepreneurship;leading change andgrowth in Chinese firms;network organizations;cross-culturalmanagement; leadership.ContactPersonDr S. LamTel:28591008Fax: 2858 5614Email:simonlam@business.hku.hk1. GMAT or GRE scoreobtained within five years.(The GMAT and GRE codes forthe MPhil/PhD programmesare FS2-WL-48 and 2482respectively.)2. Only PhDStudents will beadmitted.Dr D. ChanTel No: 2857 8357Fax No: 2858 5614Email address:derekchan@business.hku.hkAccounting Production and use of accounting information; relationship between financial information and stock prices; voluntary disclosure and earnings management behaviour of corporate managers; enterprise governance, performance measurement, inventory and supply chain management,internationalaccounting and auditing related issues.ContactProf. A. Lau PersonTel:2857Fax: 2858 5614 8369Email:ahlau@business.hku.hkFinanceCorporate finance; asset pricing theories; portfolio analysis; financial institutions; fixed-incomesecurities; derivative securities; exotic options; international finance; risk management; capital market microstructure; Asian financial markets; econometricapplications in finance.China Marketing and Services MarketingChina MarketingHigh performance firms in China: marketing orientation, product innovation and channel capabilities.;Diversification and strategies of global brands in China; globalization of Chinese firms; branding strategies and icons; consumer aspirations; consumption fantasy and consumers in transition.Contact Person Professor D.K.C. TseTel:28591010Fax: 2858 5614Email:davidtse@business.hku.hkServices Marketing High Performance Service System: Design, quality and key processes. Firm orientations, innovations in services, and channel capabilities.Branding and Growth: service as brands, operational competence, growth and globalization of Hong Kong firms. Consumer Satisfaction and Service Delivery Systems: customer学院及部门建筑学院 文学院 经济及工商管理学院 牙医学院 教育学院 工程学院 法律学院 李嘉诚医学院 理学院 社会科学院 研究生院 专业进修学院 数码港学院 不属于任何院系的研究中心内地本科生入学计划 (2008)招生名额:250-300人;截止日期:2008年4月30日(书面申请);2008年6月15日(网上申请);申请费:书面申请人HK$400;逾期报名HK$500; 学费:HK$10万/年;奖学金:最高HK$14万/年,连续3年。
BSTC6058 Buddhism and society (Ven. Dr. Guang Xing)
BSTC6055 Buddhist psychology (Dr. K.L. Kong)
BSTC6080 Chinese Buddhist art along the Silk Road
9:30 am – 12:30 pm 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
2:30 – 5:30 pm
6:30 – 9:30 pm
BSTC6081 The Theravada Abhidhamma: its philosophy and
(Prof. Y. Karunadasa)
(Prof. L.R. Lancaster & Ven. Sik Hin Hung)
Central Podium Levels (CPD) are located in “Centennial Campus”. Chow Yei Ching Building and Run Run Shaw Building are located in Main Campus.
(Prof. T. Endo)
BSTC6024 Special topics in Buddhist Studies (1): Buddhism
and Science #3
(Prof. L.C. Chan, Prof. C.W. Fung, Dr. Barry Kerzin, Ven. Sik
Rm 207, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
科学或工 程专业本 科毕业, 如数学, 物理,统 计学,经 济学,金 融学或精 算科学 物理科学 或工程类 相关专业 毕业,如 物理,化 学,土木 、电子、 制造、机 械工程 类,材料 科学,科 技和建筑 学
计算机基 础好,本 科或同等 学历 本科或同 等学历, 最好在媒 体业有工 作经验 (可把材 料,自荐 信直接寄 到本院 校)。若 申请真无 以上所述 的资格, 若有媒体 或艺术类 证书也给 予考虑)
MSc Financial Engineering 金融工程學理學碩 士
1 120,900
MSc Business Information Systems 商務資訊系統理學 碩士
MSc Electronic Business and Knowledge Management 電子商業及知識管 理理學碩士
计算机本 科或高等 院校毕 业,若是 其相关专 业但需至 少一年IT 经验;或 在IT业有 大量经验 信息工程 或相关本 科;或香 港大学赠 款委员会 资助的相 关专业。 申请者最 好有两年 以上信息 工程工作 经验 本科或同 等学历毕 业,成绩 良好,有 至少2-3 年国际商 务管理经 验优先考 虑 本科或同 等学历毕 业,成绩 良好,最 好有工作 经验
本科或同 等学历, 有相关工 作经验优 先考虑 法律专业 本科或同 等学历; 或有律师 从业资格 的;普通 法司法管 辖区申请 者区资格 申请
科学与工 程相关专 业院校毕 业
建造业或 相关专业 本科或高 等院校毕 业; 计算机相 关专业毕 业,成绩 良好;或 电子工 程,应用 数学,制 造工程, 定量分析 等相关专 业毕业且 有1年工 作经验 计算机相 关专业毕 业,成绩 良好;或 电子工 程,应用 数学,制 造工程, 定量分析 等相关专 业毕业且 有2年工 作经验
MSc Multimedia Information Technology 多媒體資訊科技理 學碩士
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) 工程學博士(工程 管理)
MSc Engineering Management 工程管理學理學碩 士
school of creative media
MSc Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 材料工程及納米科 技理學碩士
MA Media Cultures 媒體文化文學碩士
1 85,200
MFA Creative Media 創意媒體藝術碩士
Master of Laws (LLM) 法學碩士
入学条件 开学日 及备注
本科或同 等学历毕 业,成绩 80以上, 且至少3 年工作经 验,有 GMAT或同 等英语成 绩 会计专业 要求:非 会计专业 本科郭同 等学历毕 业;企业 管理:本 科或高等 院校毕业
本科毕 业,
相关专业 本科或高 等院校毕 业,最好 有一年以 上传媒相 关经验 e.g., integrat ed communic ation, advertis ing, public relation s, corporat e and public informat ion, marketin g communic ation, web or multimed ia 本科或高 等院校毕 业 本科或高 等院校毕 业,初审 通过可能 要参加面 试,如群 体讨论等
Semester 1
Page 6
Normal Pattern of Study The curriculum is summarized below. Normally, the subjects would be completed in four years (full-time) or five years (sandwich), unless a student has applied for self-paced study. Students admitted to foundation year will require one more year in stage 0.
Stage 0
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Semester 2 Foundation Year COMP100 Introduction to Information Technology COMP111 Information Technology Systems AF1603 Foundations of Economics AF1604 Hong Kong Business Environment AMA103 Foundation Mathematics I for Science and AMA105 Logic: Qualitative and Quantitative Engineering APSS184 Understanding the Hong Kong ELC1003 Extended Writing Skills Community ELC1004 English for University Studies I ELC1005 English for University Studies II ENG1001 Foundation Year Seminar I ENG1002 Foundation Year Seminar II MM1001 Foundation Year Seminar I MM1002 Foundation Year Seminar II 34 credits Fundamental Year COMP201 Principles of Programming COMP211 Data and System Modeling COMP210 Discrete Structures COMP304 Operating Systems AMA211 Introduction to Calculus and Linear COMP305 Data Structures and Algorithms Algebra AF2108 Financial Accounting AF2110 Management Accounting I MM2021 Management and Organization AF2601 Introduction to Economics ELC2203 University English for Business Students MM2711 Introduction to Marketing 36 credits IC training (optional) Broadening Year COMP302 Foundations of Software Engineering COMP316 Object Oriented Methods for Information Systems Development COMP311 Foundations of Database Systems COMP320 Introduction to Internet Computing COMP312 Computer Communications Networks MM2052 Personal Skills Development MM3111 Human Resource Management LGT3105 Operations Management AF2602 Global Economic Environment CBS2015 Putonghua for Business and AF2504 Introduction to Business Law Administration (2 credits) CBS3003 Professional Written Chinese for Computing Students (2 credits) General Education 1 (2 credits) General Education 2 (2 credits) 38 credits Specialization Year COMP212 Computer Organization and Systems COMP324 Project Methodology and Implementation COMP327 Data Structures and Algorithms II COMP Elective 1 COMP309 System Programming or COMP325 Information Systems Management or COMP328 Programming Languages, Theory and MM 3411 Management Information Systems Applications MM3141 Organizational Behavior MM3151 Managerial Leadership BBA-MM Elective 1 AF 3313Business Finance ELC 3507English for Technical Project Writing 33 credits Placement (0 credit, 24 training credits; optional) Top-up year COMP451 Final Year Project or MM 4911 COMP 451 Final Year Project or MM 4911 Integrative Project (4 credits) Integrative Project (5 credits) COMP452 Computing Professionals in Society COMP 4-Elective 4 COMP Elective 2 COMP 4-Elective 5 COMP 4-Elective 3 MM4311 Strategic Management BBA-MM Elective 2 BBA-MM Elective 3
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Master of Science in Dental Materials Science 牙科材料科学
Advanced Diploma in Endodontics牙髓学
Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry 儿科 牙医
Faculty of Law 法学院
Master of Laws in Chinese Law中国法
Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 企业和金融法 Master of Laws in Human Rights人权法
Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law信息技术和知识产权法
Faculty of Dentistry 牙医学院
Master of Dental Surgery (Dental Public Health) 公共健康
Master of Dental Surgery (Endodontics)牙髓学
Master in Dental Surgery (Implant Dentistry)种 植牙医学 Master of Dental Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)口腔颌面外科 Master of Dental Surgery (Paediatric Dentistry)儿科牙医 Master of Dental Surgery (Periodontology)牙周 病学 Master of Dental Surgery [MDS] Periodontology (Conjoint with Peking University, Beijing, China) Master of Dental Surgery (Prosthodontics)假牙 修复学 Master of Orthodontics畸齿矫正学
FT (2 years) FT (3 years) FT (1 years) FT (1 year) 15200HKD FT (2 years) 15200HKD FT (1 year) 15200HKD FT (1 year) 15200HKD
GMAT成绩,托福550以上(书面考试)或213 以上(机考)Minimum TOEFL 550 (paper based)/213 (computer based)/80
FT (2 year)
HK$66,500( 分三次)
要求申请学生托福写作部分4分以 上(书面考试)或25分以上(机 9月1日 考){School of Chinese除外}, 雅思要求7分以上,且各部分成绩 需在5.5分以上
FT (min.14 months; max.26
HK$315,000 (分三次)
(Environmental Engineering)
Master of Science in Engineering (Geotechnical
Master of Science in Engineering
(Infrastructure Project Management)
牙科学士 ,且至少一年工作经验
要取得牙科学士 要取得牙科硕士
FT (1 year) HK$82,000 (分2次)
FT (1 year) HK$91,000
FT (1 year) HK$91,000
FT (1 year) HK$100,000
FT (1-2 years)
FT (1-2 years)
Master of Buddhist Studies
Master of Geographic Information Systems地理信 息系统
Faculty of Social Sciences社会科学
Master of International and Public Affairs /Postgraduate Diploma in International Affairs
Faculty of Science 理 学院
Master of Science in Applied Geosciences应用地 球科学 Master of Science Master of Science in Food Safety and Toxicology食物安全和毒理学
Master of Statistics 统计学
Master of Science in Engineering (Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management)
Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Master of Laws
l Certificate of Education) ; 或 al General Certificate of Secondary Education) ;
f Proficiency in English Language) 英文成绩取得C级
申请截止日期(新 的还没出来)
Advanced Diploma in Periodontology牙周病学
Faculty of Education 教育学院
Master of Education
Master of Science in Information Technology in Education Master of Science in Library and Information Management
Master of Journalism
Master of Public Administration Master of Social Sciences(Clinical Psychology) Master of Social Sciences in Corporate Environmental Governance Master of Social Sciences (Educational Psychology) Master of Social Work Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology
Master of Common Law普通法 Postgraduate Certificate in Laws
Master of Medical Sciences
Master of Public Health Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine 医学院
Master of Research in Medicine Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health
- 国际普通中等教育证书 (International General Certificate of Seco
- 剑桥英语能力测试(Cambridge Test of Proficiency in English Langu
中文部门和中文医学,以及教育学院,法学院和社科 院的一些课程用粤语或普通话,其余课程均是英语教 学
入学基本要求:具备指定 的英语水平及证明必须符 合下列其中一项要求
2.雅思考试至少6分以上(各部分考试 均不能低于 5.5分) 3.海外普通教育文凭试 (Overseas General Certificate of Education) ;
Faculty of Engineering Master of Science in Engineering (Structural
Master of Science in Engineering
(Transportation Engineering)
Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 电机电子工程学
Faculty of Law 法学院
Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law信息技术和知识产权法
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Res注
FT (2 year)
FT (2 year)
HKD 117,000
FT (1 year)
FT (1 year)
FT (2 years) 前:Ft(1年) 后:1年
本科不是该专业最 好有房地产和建筑 本科不是该专业最 好有房地产方面至
FT (1 year)
FT (1 year)
Certificate in Chinese Language 中文
Master of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Master of Economics 经济学 and Economics 经济及工 商管理学院
Master of Finance 金融学
Faculty of Architecture建筑学院
Master of Architecture 建筑学 Master of Landscape Architecture 园林学