

culture shock 文化差异(课堂PPT)

culture shock  文化差异(课堂PPT)
For some people… Cultural differences are interesting and stimulating and they want more!
For others… Cultural differences result in discomfort and confusion, they tend to judge or evaluate other people and places and reach negative conclusions.
UQ Abroad Presentation Semester Two, 2012
1 .The Definition of Culture
Culture shock isSahposycckhological phenomenon
that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. It is the trauma of bewilderment (困 惑、紧张)which people find themselves in when they are isolated in an alien culture.
Name of presentation Month 2008
2. Phases of Culture Shock:
Honeymoon phase Negotiation phase Adjustment Phase Mastery Phase


2.2 The hostility stage
This stage is characterized by frustration, anger, anxiety, and sometimes depression.
The initial excitement is taken place by frustration with the daily bureaucracy and the weariness of speaking and listening to another language everyday.
and beliefs and traditions of the new country Making some friends Be able to manage the size and complexity of the
environment Easy to get along with other people
4.1 Defense mechanisms against culture shock 4.2 Alleviating culture shock
5. High-context and low-context cultures
1. Feeling of culture shock
What is culture shock?
2. Stages of culture shock
2.1 The honeymoon stage
This stage is also called “the incubation(潜伏) stage”. Everything encountered is new and exciting. And you are fascinated with everything around you in a foreign country.

跨文化交际 课件 Unit Two Culture Shock

跨文化交际 课件 Unit Two Culture Shock
Unit Two
学习重点 教学内容 案例分析 资源导航 历年试题 试题答案
Culture Shock
culture shock? Theories of Values on Individual Culture and collectivist culture Hospitality Politeness Privacy Adjustment & Acculturation Acculturation
This word means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. 对客人的热诚慷慨的接待或安排
The following table shows some different responses to different ways of hospitality:
understand cross-cultural differences in approaches to hospitality,modesty, privacy, and politeness appreciate how differences in cultural values shape behavior identify and avoid taboo subjects in Western cultures avoid pitfalls in cross-cultural communication; and adjust more smoothly to a new cultural environment.
3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. Because of their independence, Individualists give little thought to the evaluations of others; they are willing to, and indeed encouraged to , express themselves freely. Collectivists, on the other hand, care very much what others in their group think and do not like to be the targets of scrutiny and criticism. Therefore, the free and easy openness of individualists can be distressing too collectivists.



1 展示文化敏感性
在跨文化交际中,需要对不同文化背景的人 表示尊重和理解。
2 调整沟通策略
针对跨文化交际中遇到的问题,我们可以根 据对方的习惯和背景,调整沟通策略,解决 问题。
一位跨国公司的领导成功地进行了跨文化沟通,在 不同国家的员工中建立了良好的合作关系。
因为文化差异,一个国际项目中的交流出现了误解 导致该项目未能按时完成。
本课程旨在帮助您更好地了解跨文化交际的重要性和技巧,并掌握如何有效 地与不同文化背景的人交流。
在跨文化交际的实践中,您是否遇到了问题?为了更好地提高跨文化交际的能力,您有什么 建议?
每个文化都有自己独特的特征,例如语言、信仰、 价值观和习俗。
文化差异可能会影响人们的观念、行为和与他人的 交流方式。
跨文化交际也是文化融合的过程,可以促进不同文 化之间的理解和尊重。

跨文化交际第五章Culture Shock in ppt课件

跨文化交际第五章Culture Shock in ppt课件

◆ the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to live in another country or a place different from the place of origin
◆ troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture
3. Causes of culture shock
• Cultural stress • Social alienation • Social class and poverty-wealth extremes • Financial matters • Relationships and family considerations
a. Cultural Stress
Entering an unfamiliar culture is stressful; in fact, transitions of any type are both psychologically and physically stressful. Problems with housing, climate, services, or communication in another language bring additional stress.

Culture shock PPT课件

Culture shock PPT课件

Journal 1 Journal 2
A surprised B excited A bored B puzzled
Culture shock
A enjoyable Journal 3
B disappointed
Supposing you graduate from senior high school and study in Chicago next month, you may meet culture shock.
AcItti’vs iatyfe2e:liTnghionfkcionngfuosivoenrand anxHioewtydtohaytosubthminakyKfeite-kl ewnhLeinmthmeayy
lfieveel ianboorutvCishiticaangoot’hsedrifcfeoruennttrcyu. lture?
2. September 5…… 3. October 6……
A. People in Taipei tend to be more private than in Chicago.
B. Business hours in Chicago are much shorter than in Taipei.
Careful reading
I was window-shopping with
another student this evening when
suddenly the store owners along
the street started pulling down their
Kit-ken Lim, a



euphoria 过度兴奋的情绪
utopia 乌托邦(理想中最完美的地方) ecstasy 狂喜
fantasy 幻想,空想 pervade 蔓延,渗透
scoff at 嘲弄 national 国民
outburst 突发,爆发
expatriate 侨民
snapshot 快照,快拍
Four phases of cultural adaptation
Predeparture Stage Before entering the host cultrue, you feel
excited and face the future with optimism. Stage one: everything is beautiful
Comprehension question
Question 1: What are the terms that can be applied to the
concept of “culture shock”?
Terms that can be applied to theconcept of―culture shock are culture stress, adaptation, transition shock, adjustment, socialization, and so on.
Question 7:
What do you think of the author‟s suggestion of using the native language to compliment people inthe host culture?


– The Japanese thought that the American woman was just being polite when she replied that she could wait until later.
• What did the American woman fail to realize?
• What are the biggest challenges do you think people usually encounter when they are in a new environment?
CULTURE SHOCK is a common experience of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. It refers to phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and crisis. It is associated with feelings in the person of estrangement, anger, hostility, indecision, frustration, unhappiness, sadness, loneliness, homesickness, and even physical illness. The person undergoing culture shock views his new world out of resentment, and alternates between being angry at others for not understanding him and being filled with self-pity.


出的价值观念? • 候选人是否足够敏锐并能够了解其他文
• 候选人对待批评会做出怎样的反应? • 候选人对美国政府体制有多少了解? • 候选人是否有能力与外国同行取得并保
持联系? • 处理问题时,候选人是否具备足够的耐
心? • 面对不利局面时,候选人是否能够张弛
Stage 2: 危机或幻想破灭阶段;蜜月结束了;随着你遭 遇越来越多的文化差异,先前的兴奋不断转化 为失望。
Stage 3: 调整阶段;你开始接受当地文化或者回国。 Stage 4: 接受阶段;你有一种宾至如归的感觉,你变得
积极参与当地的活动、与当地人培养友谊并能 在有当地人在场的社交场合感觉舒适。 Stage 5: 返乡阶段;它带来的创伤与之前人们对新文化 的初始调整所遇到的创伤是一致的,尤其对于 长时间留在国外的人们更是如此。
4.1 文化冲击的阶段
• U形曲线
兴奋或初始 兴奋阶段
危机或幻想 破灭阶段
接Байду номын сангаас阶段
4.1 文化冲击的阶段
• W形曲线:是一种解释返乡阶段 中适应过程的一种理论,该理论 提出返乡过程实际上是另一种形 式的U形曲线,它是对异国文化 初始调整所经历过程的一个重复。 通过综合这两条曲线,W形曲线 就此产生。
• 当在不熟悉的文化环境中工作时,个人 所需的资质包括适应性、灵活性、同理 心和耐受力。
• 同时,良好的人际沟通能力和高度自尊 心也很重要。
• 候选人是否具备协作精神、易于相处并 且善解人意?
• 候选人是否能够虚心接受他人的意见? • 候选人是如何应对新情况的,以及他为

Unit11 Culture Shock英语教学课件

Unit11 Culture Shock英语教学课件

The Recovery Stage (3-6 months)
▪You develop strategies to cope with difficulties and feelings, make new friends. ▪ accept their problems and work on it ▪ compromise between exaggerated expectations and reality ▪ gain understanding of the new environment ▪ confusion and mix feeling ▪ pessimistic reactions and responses are lessened
dry mouth difficulty swallowing abdominal pain (especially in children)
Psychological symptoms of culture shock
psychological reactions to unfamiliar environments
combination of physical symptoms and psychological symptoms of culture shock
▪loss of ability to work or study effectively ▪unable to solve simple problems during daily life ▪refusal to learn the language ▪developing obsessions such as over-cleanliness excessive concern over health, security ▪withdrawal from people ▪spending too much time alone in their room (only socializing with people from their home country), etc.



Key Terms

The Adaptation Stage 适应阶段 适应阶段是指“外乡人”的沮丧、烦恼和焦虑消失了 的阶段。他们基本上适应了新的文化环境,适应了当 地的风俗习惯,能与当地人和平相处。 The Reverse Culture Shock 逆向文化冲击 逆向文化冲击是指归国者归国初期表现出对自己祖国 环境的种种不适应状况。
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
Learning Objectives In this chapter, you should be able to Basic knowledge about culture shock. The elements that cause culture shock. The five stages of culture shock. How do the people feel and react when they are experiencing culture shock. How to alleviate culture shock.
Comprehension Questions

initial enchantment fascination cordial superficial embrace invariably idiosyncrasies competent overwhelmed adj. 最初的;字首的 n. 魔法;着迷 n. 魅力;入迷 adj. 兴奋的;热忱的 adj. 表面的;肤浅的 vt. 包含;信奉 adv. 不变地;总是 n. 气质;风格 adj. 能干的;足够的 adj. 压倒性的, 无法抵抗的


3. Symptoms of culture shock
3.1 Two aspects of culture shock 3.2 Symptoms of culture shock in a new place 3.3 Symptoms of reverse culture shock
4. Curing culture shock
The term, culture shock, was introduced to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment, esp. when a person arrives in a new country where he is confronted with a new cultural environment. This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. This feeling of culture shock generally sets in after the first few weeks of coming to a new place.
4.1 Defense mechanisms against culture shock 4.2 Alleviating culture shock
5. High-context and low-context cultures
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Lack of direction Not knowing:
▪ What to do? ▪ How to do things? ▪ When to do things?
headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea
Surviving among aliens: Managing Culture Shock
Culture Shock
Who am I?
How to adapt to an international exchange experience successfully??
1. What is culture Shock?
▪ join a language course
▪ look after yourself, exercise, avoid alcohol
▪ get out, be with people ▪ continue language practice ▪ keep busy ▪ set daily goals and make
▪ a sense of comfort operating in the host culture
▪ you're helping others get through their adjust-ments
▪ build your network of friends
▪ take that holiday you booked
▪ continue language study
▪ spend time with people who enjoy being there
▪ keep writing to people back home
▪ try new things, and explore the culture
the effort to achieve them.
Stages of Culture shock
Coping Strategies
(3-6 months)
Becoming Functional (6 months)
▪ a sense of standing up to the things and people that are frustrating you
"rude", "dirty", "lazy“
However Opportunities!

Learn new perspectives
1. Develop better unde-rstanding of yourself
Cause of Culture Shock?
Conflict and uncertainty between our values/rules and those of the new culture anxiety cultural shock BUT: Appropriate behaviour can be learned
What is culture Shock?
“Cultural shock is caused by the anxiety resulting from losing all our familiar signs and symbols when we move to a new environment” (Oberg, 1958).
▪ daily frustrations can build into disillusionment
▪ the good things of home loom large
▪ be a tourist ▪ send postcards home
▪ make contacts in clubs and associations, sign up for some activities
observation, asking locals and other foreigners
Stages of Culture shock
Coping Strategies
Honeymoon (2-8 weeks)
▪ new experiences are exciting
▪ feel fortunate for having the opportunity to move abroad.
▪ people are friendly and you smile a lot, you're in control
Disintegration (2-3 months)
▪ your own sense of culture is not threatened
▪ determination to work things out and get things done
▪ feel in control and positive again about where you are
▪ self-understanding and more tolerance of others
Behaviour towards people
1. Don't speak the language…
impatient, exasperated
2. Systems of work (Differ/Wrong)…
anger, frustration
3. Aggression/ Racism towards locals…
▪ Symptoms ▪ Stages ▪ Causes
2. How to cope with it?
▪ General strategies ▪ Observe & modify your own ways of doing
▪ Verbal & non-verbal communication style ▪ Tips for Finland