
第三方物流发展原因英语作文1英文作文:In today's fast-paced business world, third-party logistics has witnessed remarkable growth. There are several reasons for this development. Firstly, for businesses, cost reduction is a crucial factor. Take a medium-sized manufacturing company, for example. Before partnering with a third-party logistics provider, they had to manage their own fleet of trucks, pay for fuel, maintenance, and drivers' salaries. This was a huge expense. However, after collaborating with a third-party logistics firm, they were able to transfer these costs and focus on their core business activities. As a result, their transportation costs decreased significantly, and they could also optimize their inventory levels, reducing inventory holding costs.Secondly, efficiency improvement is another important aspect. Third-party logistics companies have access to advanced technologies and management systems. They can track shipments in real time, optimize routes, and ensure timely deliveries. For instance, a large e-commerce company was struggling with delayed deliveries and customer complaints. But when they started working with a third-party logistics provider that had state-of-the-art tracking systems and efficient distribution networks, their delivery times improved dramatically, leading to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.In conclusion, the growth of third-party logistics is driven by businesses' need to reduce costs and improve efficiency. By partnering with third-party logistics providers, companies can focus on their core competencies and leave the logistics management to the experts.中文翻译:在当今快节奏的商业世界中,第三方物流取得了显著的发展。

中英文翻译 第三方物流应用:印度物流业的前景

这些国家在过去几年里通过3PL 获得了巨大的利润。

第三方物流的发展动因、趋势及在我国的前景展望Third Party Logistics—Causes and Trend with Outlook in China内容提要第三方物流作为一种重要的物流运作方式,已经愈来愈多地受到工商企业的重视。
关键词:第三方物流,竞争优势,核心竞争力,一体化,协同化ABSTRACTAs an important mode now, Third Party Logistics (3PL) has attached more and more attention by enterprises. Taking advantage of the professional service of logistics company, 3PL not only saves enterprise's resource, but also achieves higher efficiency and benefit. To the logistics company, 3PL is also an effective way to break the scope of traditional business, and carve out new space.A primary goal of this thesis is to find out the inherent causes developing 3PL, and discuss the likely trends inspired by them. Through researching in related facts, cases and data, the author radicated a core of Competition Advantage theory, and attributed the leading drive to the contradictory between the demand of development and competition with the limit of resource. When this contradictory occurred in both sides of demand and supply, 3PL would go to integration and synergy. Combined with the status and future changes in Chinese market, the thesis has some prospect on 3PL in China.Keywords:Third Party Logistics, Competition Advantage, Core Competence, Integration, Synergy第一章绪论第一节研究背景介绍物流在中国已经引发了三次热潮,第一次在二十世纪八十年代中期,物流概念刚刚从日本引进时,学术界讨论过它的意义;第二次是九十年代初,我国建立物流试验基地,得到了产业界的关注。

附件1: 外文资料翻译译文物流横向合作的机遇和障碍Frans Cruijssen, Martine Cools, Wout Dullaert1 绪论全球市场的激烈竞争,产品生命周期的缩短以及顾客期望较高的服务已迫使托运人和物流服务提供商投资来建立彼此之间密切的互惠互利关系。
Gibson et al. (2002)指出该研究主要在于鉴别潜在的机遇(例如Gentry, 1993),关键成功因素法(例如Tate, 1996)和合伙人选择的标准。
最普遍和最好的研究是关于托运人雇佣第三方物流服务提供商来完成他们的物料管理和产品配送业务的全部或部分业务的研究(Simchi-Levi et al., 1999)。
Tyan et al. (2003)阐述了被第三方物流服务提供商整合的供应链的优势,这种经济规模能够让他们获得单个托运人所不能获得的大规模的设施。
Leahy et al. (1995)评定了托运人和第三方物流服务提供商之间纵向合作成功的决定性因素。
横向合作被European Union (2001)定义为市场上具有相同水平的公司在运作时的协调惯例。
横向合作方面的物流文献还比较地不成熟,虽然海洋运输(see e.g. Shepperd and Seidman, 2001)和空运行业(Fan et al., 2001; Oum et al., 2002)方面的横向合作的文献比较普遍并且研究也非常的成熟,但是在物流横向合作方面的文献却非常地匮乏。
这个问题只被Bahrami (2003), Cruijssen and Salomon (2004), Erdmann(1999), and V os et al. (2003)研究过,他们研究的重点在于通过仿真研究来确定合作能够带来潜在的节约成本和列举了一些成功的案例。

The use of third party logistics servicesM.S. Sohail , A.S. SohalWith the globalisation of businesses and the consequent competitive pressures, there has been an increasing dependence on the ability of organisations to deliver customer-adapted products all over the world quickly and on time. This has placed a number of demands on the logistics system and has become a rapidly developing area of investigation. In fact, it has been referred to as the last frontier for the development of strategic competitive advantage (Hum, 2000). To gain a competitive advantage, many organisations are seeking to manage their logistics operations strategically, but realise that they lack the core competencies and are increasingly seeking to outsource their logistics activities (Hum,2000). Apart from this, another important development that is making an impact on the organisations is the increased emphasis on time-based competition (Bhatnagar et al., 1999). Broadly, time-based competition refers to the speed with which products can be manufactured, delivered to the market and serviced.Much has been written in recent years about outsourcing logistics activities. There have been various terms used to describe this phenomenon such as logistics alliance (Bowersox, 1990), operational alliances in logistics (Laarhoven and Graham, 1994), contract logistics (Kearney, 1995), contract distribution (Wilson and Fathers, 1989) and third party logistics (Lieb and Randall, 1996). However, third party logistics (3PL) has been the term more widely used in recent times. Given the growing importance of logistics outsourcing, the extent of its usage has been widely examined in the USA (Lieb and Randall, 1996). Sheffi (1990) describes how the 3PL industry in the US has developed, and mentions several economic, regulatory and technological trends drivingthe development. Virum (1993) discusses 3PL development in Europe based on case studies of three Dutch and two Swedish providers. Other studies in the European context have also been undertaken (Lieb et al.,1993).An examination of the usage of 3PL services by large Australian firms (Dapiran et al.,1996) revealed that a number of operating units at many of the largest Australian firms were utilising the services of contract logistics providers. Some studies have outlined the linkage between manufacturing firms and 3PL services providers in Hong Kong, Southern China, Japan and South Korea (Millen and Sohal, 1996). In the South East Asian region, it was reported that Singapore-based firms are generally satisfied with the services of 3PL service providers.With the advent of multi-modal logistics in Malaysia, service providers have been focusing on establishing linkages and forming an entire logistics chain. Another trend noticeable in the 3PL industry in Malaysia is that most of the players specialise in the field as freight forwarding, container haulage, warehouse operation or conventional truckers and operate with minimal linkage to the other components in the logistics chain (New Strait Times, 1998). The current crop of 39 players in the industry are limited in size and operating capacity with duplication of services offered being considered as too many in the industry. Companies have been merging into larger entities to take advantage of the economies of scale and extend market coverage, as the value of a logistic company invariably lies in the market coverage of its network. However, to our knowledge, we have not found any comprehensive studies reported in the literature focusing on the extent of 3PL by firms in Malaysia. This study aims to fill this gap.Results reported in this study indicate that a number of operating units at many of the Malaysian firms are utilising the services of contract logistics providers, and have been doing so for several years. Many ofthese organisations employ the services of more than one contract logistics firm to provide a wide variety of services.Furthermore, many non-users are interested in this approach as evidenced by the 30% who are exploring the idea.Those operating units utilising contract logistics services providers have substantial experience with this practice as evidenced by about 45% having done so for more than 5 years. The decision to utilise contract logistics firms is almost as likely to originate at the corporate, divisional or local level. However, wherever the idea originates, managers from other functional areas will usually be involved in the decision to outsource. The level of commitment to the utilisation of contract logistics providers has been very encouraging with about 75% of the firms responding to this survey characterising their commitment as moderate to extensive. Additional evidence of this high level of commitment is provided by one-half of the firms allocating up to 40% of their total logistics budget to contract providers. In almost all cases,senior logistics executives view the use of contract firms as having had a positive impact on logistics costs, logistics systems performance, customer satisfaction, and employee morale. Based on these results, more than 80% of the managers would at least moderately expand their companies’ use of contract logistics firms.To those logistics executives considering outsourcing,this very positive feedback should be reassuring. The number of experienced organisations provides an important source of information about how to proceed and what to expect. Consideration of the use of contract logistics services providers will bring logistics managers in contact with colleagues in finance, marketing, manufacturing, and other areas, potentially expanding the logistics influence throughout the organisation. This should improve the scope of the analysis, as well as subsequently facilitating implementation.The experience of the firms in this study also provides insights as how to plan for implementation; for example,the need to educate the 3PL services provider about the firm’s requirements. Programmes to place redundant employees must also be developed.The survey also contains useful information for the providers of contract logistics services. The most important means for establishing contact with potential customers are through sales calls by representatives ofthe contract firms and discussions with other logistics professionals. Significant resources spent on other approaches should be questioned, based on the results from this survey. In addition, while users are quite satisfied with their experiences to date, few envision contract providers as a means to enter new markets, develop new customers or expand their current offerings. Those contract logistics firms able to offer opportunities of such a nature may find their markets growing rapidly.The above analysis of the experience of Malaysian firms in their usage of contract logistics services indicates that the market for 3PL services in Malaysia has a good potential for further development. While there is still a percentage of firms which have not outsourced their logistics functions, we believe that the vision of developing Malaysia into a logistics hub in the region will further enhance the use of the contract logistics services in the years to come.This study provides 3PL services providers who are considering South East Asia as a potential market, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in Malaysia.Technovation 23 (2003) 401–408物流使用第三方服务质谱苏海尔 , 索哈尔随着企业全球化和随之而来的竞争压力,出现了以提供越来越依赖于组织能力的客户,产品适应世界各地的迅速和及时。

第三方物流(Third-Party Logistics,简称3Pl)是指物流行业产业链内的第三方物流服务商,它以客户为中心,提供高品质、全面的物流服务,以提高物流效率,降低物流成本和优化物流环境。


China's third-party logistics problems, causes and strategic choiceXiong WeiAbstract: China's logistics industry has just started, third-party logistics and other aspects of the theory and practice are relatively weak. The paper points out the problems of the Third Party Logistics is the gap between domestic and international third party logistics, logistics efficiency is not high, the lack of systematic management, and logistics platform to build lag behind the concept of logistics management, and so on. Analyzed the causes of such problems arising and proposed lean logistics, small and medium enterprise value chain alliances third party logistics, large third-party logistics companies such as virtualization strategy choice of three third-party logistics enterprise development strategies.Keywords:Third party logistics;lean logistics strategy;value chain alliances; virtualization strategy1. IntroductionFor a long time, China's domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the "Procurement black hole", "Logistics trap" in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, third-party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of China's economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance. This article attempts to my policy of three logistics problems and analysis of the causes of and propose several possible third-party logistics strategic choice.2 Third party logistics industry in China's major problems(A) The national policy of three logistics companies and foreign big gap between third-party logistics companies, specifically in the following areas:1, economies of scale and capital gap significantly. Because third-party logistics companies large foreign strategic departure from the global business, its advantages of scale and capital is no doubt, especially start-up period of three logistics policy I, its very small size, strongcapital that foreign giants China enterprises to shame.2, I state policy of the logistics enterprises provide three logistics service level and quality control rather than foreign counterparts. When some domestic enterprise is still in logistics interpreted as "trucks, add warehouse logistics enterprises abroad already completed a series of standardized transformation. Meanwhile, foreign logistics organizational ability so powerful, Germany, for example, a third-party logistics company, all aspects of logistics experts across all over Europe. If the goods by a customer needs of different countries, so these experts from all over Europe in online design a the best logistics solutions. This provides solutions is the ability that the core competence of third-party logistics companies, unlike domestic companies claim to having many ship, how many car.3, China's accession to WTO, lower the threshold of the logistics industry. The logistics service industry: our commitment to all of the services sector, after a reasonable transition period, to cancel most of the foreign equity limit does not restrict access to foreign service providers the current market, do not restrict all the service sectors and the existing market access activities. The secondary distribution services while also making a similar commitment. These restrictions will be phased out after 3-4 years, during which foreign service providers can create a hundred per cent wholly-owned subsidiaries or business sector, the domestic logistics industry will face international competition.(B) serious waste of resources, third party logistics efficiency is not high. From the microscopic point of view, due to the impact of the planned economy, a long time many enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises to go the "large", "small" route, they have their own warehouse, fleet, and even ocean-going vessels team, resulting in wasting a lot of the logistics process, the specific performance of the idle warehouse, logistics decentralized operation, the low level of organization, transverse joint weak. And to provide integrated, modern, professional, punctual, efficient services to third-party logistics enterprises are very small. From a macro point of view of economic development of third-party logistics failed to keep up with the pace of the formation of industrial management model, but only with the transportation, telecommunications, commercial materials, foreign trade and other sectors of the integration and collaboration.(C) the lack of systematic management, equipment standardization is low. Most of the current third-party logistics enterprises in China under the traditional system based on materials circulation enterprises developed, the service mainly stay in the storage, transportation, lack of systematic management, logistics, low efficiency, lack of effective third party logistics functions Play. In addition, the fragmentation of China's logistics sector, making the link in the transportation logistics and equipment standards are not uniform, does not support current standards for physical facilities, resulting in the increase in third-party logistics invalid operation, speed, and reduce costs.(D) third-party logistics platform to build lag, lower degree of information technology. Third-party logistics and distribution platforms, including physical network and information network, physical network refers to the logistics facilities, transportation, transportation hubs in the geographical location of the rational distribution and the formation of physical network; information networks that use third-party logistics business and information technology, Information resources to their chain integration and the formation of a shared network of information resources. The status of physical network are: low levels of third-party logistics and equipment, and information networks also lack the necessary public logistics platform. (E) the concept of logistics management of domestic enterprises is still very backward, which greatly restricts the development of third party logistics. For example: Some companies believe that inventory information is confidential business information must be managed by the enterprises themselves, the class of business activities while outsourcing the management concept difficult to accept, often resulting in control of their own poor management of logistics, business competition in the market weakens Force.3 Causes of problems analysis(A) lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel. This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transportand storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.(B) fails to effectively use modern technology. This situation has greatly restricted the cultivation of third-party logistics companies, affecting their overall competitive strength increased. China's accession to the WTO, domestic enterprises will face third-party logistics strong competition from abroad, the domestic third-party logistics industry is difficult to provide low-cost, high quality and efficient service.(C) subject to the constraints of traditional management systems. Fragmentation in the traditional institutional arrangements, third party logistics activities have been separated from many different sectors such as transportation, post and telecommunications, foreign trade, domestic trade and only involves the transport industry to the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Communications, etc. Some departments, the lack of efficient collaboration between departments, resulting in the transport process of rotation of the mode of transport and time-consuming part of the cost of logistics in the process of becoming "trap. " There are also procedures for customs management, material procurement and other aspects of some of the provisions of the logistics enterprises also raise the level of integrated services and business development areas, thus restricting the rapid development of third-party logistics industry.4 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choice Summarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(A)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It isproduced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application in logistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.(B)the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies,constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist the revenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(C)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-partylogistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance their strength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "我国第三方物流中存在的问题、原因及战略选择熊卫【摘要】我国物流业发展刚刚起步,第三方物流的理论和实践等方面都比较薄弱。

第三方物流的发展现状与趋势随着电子商务的兴起和物流行业的快速发展,第三方物流(Third-Party Logistics,3PL)的概念逐渐出现在各类企业和消费者的视野中,成为提升物流效率、降低成本、提高服务质量等方面的重要手段。
一、第三方物流的发展概述1. 第三方物流的定义第三方物流(3PL)是指由专业物流服务提供商(Third-Party Logistics Provider)向客户提供一系列物流服务,包括运输、仓储、配送、包装、信息处理等环节,以满足客户的不同需求。
2. 第三方物流的历史和发展趋势第三方物流起源于20世纪60年代,在最初的发展阶段,该服务主要应用于军事物资运输领域。
3. 第三方物流的服务类型和运作模式第三方物流的服务类型包括运输、仓储、配送、包装、信息处理等,其中以配送和运输服务占据了绝大部分市场份额。
二、第三方物流的发展现状1. 全球第三方物流市场的发展景象目前,全球第三方物流服务提供商主要分布在美国、欧洲、亚太地区和中国。

消 费 者
1 1 物流的概念
管 理 协调
计划 实施 控制
物 流 管 理
原材料 库存 最终产品
输入 自然资源 人力资源 财力资源 信息系统
供 应 商
顾 客
输出 对客户的有效供给 时间和地点效用 竞争优势 财富
物 流 活 动
物流是满足消费者需求而进行的对原材料 中间库存 最终产品及相关信息从起始地到消费地的有效流动与存储的计划 实施与控制的过程 四个关键组成:实物流动;实物存储;信息流动;管理协调
实 物 存 储
信 息 流 动
顾 客
管 理 控 制
需求变动 预测不精确
非频繁的大定单 较长的应收款周期
1 4 供应链一体化
库存销售经销商1 4 供应链一体化设施 物流 合作 供应商选择 渠道优化 物料管理 生产策略
供应链业务流程 决策支持 信息流动
客户服务 需求预测 库存控制 订购处理 物资管理
包装 退货处理 运输和配送 仓储 物流网络规划
1 1 物流的概念
right quality 正确的质量 right quantity 正确的数量 right time 正确的时间 right place 正确的地点 right price 合适的价格 right impression 合适的外观 right modity 正确的商品

The application of third party logistics to implement the Just-In-Time system with minimum cost under a global environmentAbstractThe integration of the Just-In-Time (JIT) system with supply chain management has been attracting more and more attention recently. Within the processes of the JIT system, the upstream manufacturer is required to deliver products using smaller delivery lot sizes, at a higher delivery frequency. For the upstream manufacturer who adopts sea transportation to deliver products, a collaborative third party logistics (3PL) can act as an interface between the upstream manufacturer and the downstream partner so that the products can be delivered globally at a lower cost to meet the JIT needs of the downstream partner. In this study, a quantitative JIT cost model associated with the application of third party logistics is developed to investigate the optimal production lot size and delivery lot size at the minimum total cost. Finally, a Taiwanese optical drive manufacturer is used as an illustrative case study to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of the model.1. IntroductionWith the globalization of businesses, the on-time delivery of products through the support of a logistics system has become more and more important. Global corporations must constantly investigate their production systems, distribution systems, and logistics strategies to provide the best customer service at the lowest possible cost.Goetschalckx, Vidal, and Dogan (2002)stated that long-range survival for international corporations will be very difficult without a highly optimized, strategic, and tactical global logistics plan. Stadtler (2005) mentions that the activities and processes should be coordinated along a supply chain to capturedecisions in procurement, transportation, production and distribution adequately, and many applications of supply chain management can be found in the literature (e.g. Ha and Krishnan, 2008, Li and Kuo, 2008and Wang and Sang, 2005).Recently, the study of the Just-In-Time (JIT) system under a global environment has attracted more attention in the Personal Computer (PC) related industries because of the tendency towards vertical disintegration. The JIT system can be implemented to achieve numerous goals such as cost reduction, lead-time reduction, quality assurance, and respect for humanity (Monden, 2002). Owing to the short product life cycle of the personal computer industry, downstream companies usually ask their upstream suppliers to execute the JIT system, so that the benefits, like the risk reduction of price loss incurred from inventory, lead times reduction, on-time delivery, delivery reliability, quality improvement, and lowered cost could be obtained (Shin, Collier, & Wilson, 2000). According to the JIT policy, the manufacturer must deliver the right amount of components, at the right time, and to the right place (Kim & Kim, 2002). The downstream assembler usually asks for higher delivery frequency and smaller delivery lot sizes so as to reduce his inventory cost in the JIT system (Kelle, khateeb, & Miller, 2003). However, large volume products are conveyed using sea transportation, using larger delivery lot sizes to reduce transportation cost during transnational transportation. In these circumstances, corporations often choose specialized service providers to outsource their logistics activities for productivity achievement and/or service enhancements (La Londe & Maltz, 1992). The collaboration of third party logistics (3PL) which is globally connected to the upstream manufacturer and the downstream assembler will be a feasible alternative when the products have to be delivered to the downstream assembler through the JIT system. In this study, the interaction between the manufacturer and the 3PL will be discussed to figure out the related decisions such as the optimal production lot size of the manufacturer and the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL, based on its contribution towards obtaining the minimum total cost. In addition, the related assumptions and restrictions aredeliberated as well so that the proposed model is implemented successfully. Finally, a Taiwanese PC-related company which practices the JIT system under a global environment is used to illustrate the optimal production lot size and delivery lot size of the proposed cost model.2. Literature reviewThe globalization of the network economy has resulted in a whole new perspective of the traditional JIT system with the fixed quantity-period delivery policy (Khan & Sarker, 2002). The fixed quantity-period delivery policy with smaller quantities and shorter periods is suitable to be executed among those companies that are close to each other. However, it would be hard for the manufacturer to implement the JIT system under a global environment, especially when its products are conveyed by transnational sea transportation globally. Therefore, many corporations are trying to outsource their global logistics activities strategically in order to obtain the numerous benefits such as cost reduction and service improvement. Hertz and Alfredsson (2003) have stated that the 3PL, which involves a firm acting as a middleman not taking title to the products, but to whom logistics activities are outsourced, has been playing a very important role in the global distribution network. Wang and Sang (2005)also mention that a 3PL firm is a professional logistics company profiting by taking charge of a part or the total logistics in the supply chain of a focal enterprise. 3PL also connects the suppliers, manufacturers, and the distributors in supply chains and provide substance movement andlogistics information flow. The core competitive advantage of a 3PL firm comes from its ability to integrate services to help its customers optimize their logistics management strategies, build up and operate their logistics systems, and even manage their whole distribution systems (Wang & Sang, 2005).Zimmer (2001) states that production depends deeply on the on-time delivery of components, which can drastically reduce buffer inventories, when JIT purchasingis implemented. When the manufacturer has to comply with the assembler under the JIT system, the inventories of the manufacturer will be increased to offset the reduction of the assembler’s inventories (David and Chaime, 2003, Khan and Sarker, 2002and Sarker and Parija, 1996).The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model is widely used to calculate the optimal lot size to reduce the total cost, which is composed of ordering cost, setup cost, and inventory holding cost for raw materials and manufactured products (David and Chaime, 2003, Kelle et al., 2003, Khan and Sarker, 2002and Sarker and Parija, 1996). However, some issues such as the integration of collaborative 3PL and the restrictions on the delivery lot size by sea transportation are not discussed further in their studies. For the above involved costs, David and Chaime (2003) further discuss a vendor–buyer relationship to include two-sided transportation costs in the JIT system. Koulamas, 1995and Otake et al., 1999 describe that the annual setup cost is equal to the individual setup cost times the total number of orders in a year. McCann, 1996and Tyworth and Zeng, 1998both state that the transportation cost can be affected by freight rate, annual demand, and the products’ weight. Compared to the above studies which assume that the transportation rate is constant per unit, Swenseth and Godfrey (2002)assumed that the transportation rate is constant per shipment, which will result in economies of scale for transportation. Besides, McCann (1996)presented that the total logistics costs are the sum of ordering costs, holding costs, and transportation costs. A Syarif, Yun, and Gen (2002)mention that the cost incurred from a distribution center includes transportation cost and operation cost. Taniguchi, Noritake, Yamada, and Izumitani (1999)states that the costs of pickup/delivery and land-haul trucks should be included in the cost of the distribution center as well.The numerous costs involved will be formulated in different ways when the manufacturer operates the JIT system associated with a collaborative 3PL under a global environment. Kreng and Wang (2005) presented a cost model, which can beimplemented in the JIT system under a global environment, to investigate the most appropriate mode of product delivery strategy. They discussed the adaptability of different transportation means for different kinds of products. In this study, the implementation of sea transportation from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider will be particularized, and the corresponding cost model will also be presented to obtain the minimum total cost, the optimal production lot size, and the optimal delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider. Finally, a Taiwanese company is used for the case study to illustrate and explore the feasibility of the model.3. The formulation of a JIT cost model associated with the 3PLBefore developing the JIT cost model, the symbols and notations used throughout this study are defined below:B3PL’s pickup cost per unit product (amount per unit)Cj3PL’s cost of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3,…,n (amount per year)DP annual demand rate of the product (units per year)Dr annual demand of raw materials (units per year)D customers’ demand at a specific interval (units per shipment)E annual inventory holding cost of 3PL (amount per year)F transportation cost of the j th transportation container type from themanufacturer to the 3PL, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (amount per lot)F freight rate from the 3PL provider to the assembler (amount per kilogram)Hp inventory holding cost of a unit of the product (amount per year)Hr inventory holding cost of raw materials per unit (amount per year)Ij average product inventory of the j th transportation container type in the manufacturer, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (amount per year)I annual profit margin of 3PL (%)K ordering cost (amount per order)Kj number of shipments from the 3PL provider to the assembler when the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider is Qj with the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n(kj=Qj/d)M∗ optimal number of shipments that manufacturer delivers with the optimal total costactual number of shipments of the j th transportation container type with the minimum total cost, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nMj number of shipments of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nnumber of shipments of the j th transportation container type with the minimum total cost, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nN∗ optimal production lot size of the manufacturer (units per lot)optimal production lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)Nj production lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)Nr ordering quantity of raw material (units per order)P production rate of product (units per year)maximum delivery lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)q∗ optimal delivery lot size of the manufacturer (units per lot)qj actual delivery lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n (units per lot)Rj loading percentage of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n(Rj=qj/Qj)Rj real number of shipments from the 3PL provider to the assembler when the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider is qj with the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n(rj=qj/d)S setup cost (amount per setup)W weight of product (kilogram per unit)Λ quantity of raw materials required in producing one unit of a product (units)Tomas and Griffin (1996)considered that a complete supply chain should consist of five participants, including the raw materials supplier, the manufacturer, the assembler, the warehouse operator, and the consumer. This study mainly focuses on the relationships among the manufacturer, the 3PL provider and the assembler within the JIT system under a global environment. In order to achieve the fixed quantity-period JIT delivery policy, which implies that the actual delivery lot size has to be determined by identifying the downstream assembler’s needs instead of the upstream manufact ure’s economical delivery lot size, higher transportation costs with higher delivery frequency are necessary. Since the JIT system are more appropriately executed among those companies that are close to each other, a collaborative 3PL connected the upstream manufacture with the downstream assembler is necessary when the products have to be delivered from the upstream manufacture to the downstream assembler by sea transportation over a long distance. This study proposes a JIT cost model to obtain the optimal production lot size, the actual delivery lot size, the most suitable transportation container type, and the exact number of shipments from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider at the minimum total cost.This study makes assumptions of the JIT system as follows:(1) There is only one assembler and only one manufacturer for each product.(2) The production rate of the manufacturer is uniform, finite, and higher thanthe demand rate of the assembler.(3) There is no shortage and the quality is consistent in both raw materials and products.(4) The demand for products that the assembler receives is fixed and is at regular intervals.(5) Qj is much greater than demand at a regular interval,d.(6) The transportation rates from the manufacturer to the 3PL and from the 3PL to the assembler are computed by the number of shipments and the product’s weight, respectively, and,(7) The space of th e manufacturer’s warehouse is sufficient for keeping all inventories of products that the manufacturer produces.According to the above assumptions from (1), (2), (3)and (4), Fig. 1illustrates the relationships among the manufacturer, the 3PL provider, and the assembler, where the Fig. 1represents the inventory of manufacturer’s raw materials, the inventory of products inside the manufacturer, the inventory of the 3PL provider, and the inventory of the assembler from top to bottom (Kreng & Wang, 2005). This study also adopts the Fig. 1 to demonstrate the collaboration of the 3PL provider which will be an interface connecting the manufacturer and the assembler. During the period T1, the inventory of products with the manufacturer will be increased gradually because the production quantity is larger than the demand quantity. However, during the period T2, the inventory of products will be decreased because the production has been stopped.中文翻译:在全球环境下第三方物流以最小的成本实现了Just-In-Time系统的应用摘要:JUST-IN-TIME(JIT)系统,供应链管理的整合,最近已经吸引了越来越多的关注。

第三方物流企业配送作为其核心服务内容之一,具有以下特点:1. 专业化:第三方物流企业配送业务具有高度的专业化水平,能够根据客户需求提供个性化、定制化的配送方案。
2. 灵活性:第三方物流企业配送能够灵活调整运输方案和线路,以应对市场变化和客户需求的不断调整。
3. 成本优势:由于规模经济效应和专业化运作,第三方物流企业在配送环节能够实现成本的节约和效率的提升。
二、第三方物流企业配送的发展趋势随着互联网和物流技术的不断发展,第三方物流企业配送业务也面临着新的发展趋势:1. 物流信息化:第三方物流企业配送将会进一步加强物流信息化建设,实现从订单管理到配送跟踪的全程信息化管理。
2. 网络化配送:第三方物流企业将加强与电商评台的合作,实现网络化配送,提升配送效率和服务质量。
3. 环保配送:第三方物流企业将会注重环境保护和可持续发展,推动绿色配送和低碳物流的发展。
三、第三方物流企业配送的关键技术在第三方物流企业配送业务中,关键技术的应用能够提升配送效率和服务质量,主要包括以下几个方面:1. GPS技术:全球定位系统技术的应用,可以实现对配送车辆的实时监控和路径规划。
2. 物流大数据:通过物流大数据分析,可以对配送网络进行优化和规划,提高配送的效率和准时率。
3. 无人机配送:无人机技术的应用,可以实现城市快递配送的最后一公里服务,提高配送的灵活性和效率。
四、第三方物流企业配送的质量管理第三方物流企业配送的质量管理是保证配送服务质量的关键环节,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 运输安全:第三方物流企业要严格遵守国家相关的运输安全法规和标准,保障货物的安全运输。

国外第三方物流行业现状分析1 引言第三方物流是指独立于供货方和收货方的第三方,它可使企业集中精力于自己的核心业务,把一些非核心的业务,诸如仓储、配送、运输等非核心的业务外包给第三方物流公司,从而增强自己的核心竞争力。
2 第三方物流企业的发展 2.1 美国第三方物流的发展现状美国第三方物流公司经过20多年的迅猛发展,市场规模成倍增加,第三方物流市场占有率逐年上升,目前将要达到“遍地开花”的水平Lieb,R.C.和Bentz Brooks A通过邮寄问卷的方式对美国财富500强制造商的调查,发现有近一半的企业连续五年使用第三方物流。
2.2 欧洲第三方物流的发展概况20世纪80年代,欧洲的第三方物流得到了飞速发展,在欧洲市场中有着越来越重要的位置,原因是物流运作配送设施企业为了节省资金、集中精力发展自己的核心业务,把非核心业务承包给第三方物流公司,从而促进了第三方物流公司的发展。
欧洲第三方物流公司可以分为以下三个类型:①一部分由古老服务企业发展而成的、处于领先地位并经营良好的欧洲物流公司,如Schenker、Kuehne & Nagle 等物流服务商,为大多数大制造商、大零售商和大批发商处理物流业务;②从事传统物流的欧洲公司。
例如,欧罗凯集团——德国汉堡港主要的集装箱经营者,在欧洲各国已经建成了一个称为“鸥欣配送”(Oceangate Distribution)的鸥欣公司,为那些在中欧、南欧、东欧有业务的公司提供综合物流服务。

外文资料翻译---分析第三方物流的发展Analysis of Third-Party Logistics DevelopmentLogistics is a term derived from the military's logistics support。
which has been widely used in the economic field since the Second World War。
The Logistics Management n of the United States defines logistics as the process of meeting the XXX the flow and storage of raw materials。
intermediate products。
final products。
and related n.Logistics comprises four key components: real flow。
real storage。
and management to coordinate the flow of n。
The primary n of logistics is to create time and space XXX the distance through storage.Third-party logistics (3PL) is a service provided by an external company to manage the logistics activities of another company。
The development of 3PL has been driven by theincreasing complexity of supply chain management。

关键词:第三方物流;供应链;物流信息技术中图分类号:F252 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2014)17-0038-03一、第三方物流的内涵第三方物流(Third-Party Logistics,3PL),又称之为契约物流、物流联盟、物流社会化或物流外部化。
“第三方物流”服务(Third party logistics,简称3PL)是20世纪80年代中期由欧美提出的,该物流形式在欧、美和日本等发达国家已成为现代物流产业的主体,经过30多年的发展,已经成为许多国家物流业重要主体。
目前,美国的第三方物流服务比例已达58 %,日本通过第三方物流企业完成的物资流通量能够达到80 %左右,德国第三方物流服务比例达到23.33 %,法国的比例比其稍高一点,为26.9 %,英国达到34.48 %,而我国仅占15 %。
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Analysis of the development of third-party logisticsLogistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in:1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their core energy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of 1.18 percent, the average flow of goods from 7.1 days to 3.9 days, stock 8.2% lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, The purpose of the implementation of logistics managementThe purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers.Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes.Last, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems inWhile third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, were Flow will also mean that thedismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in the competition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies.4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence.Fourth, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong,flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers.3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development of enterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.The value of third-party logistics costIn the fierce competition in the market, reduce the cost, improve profit margins tend to be the pursuit of business preferred. This is also the logistics in the nineteen seventies after the oil crisis in its cost value being excavated as" the third profit source" of importance reason. The logistics cost is generally considered one of the high cost in enterprise management, logistics cost control, to control the total cost. A complete enterprise logistics cost, should include logistics facilities and equipment and other fixed assets investment, warehousing, transportation, distribution and other costs ( i.e. narrowly logistics cost ), as well as for management, a municipality directly under the central government logistics activities for the management fee, artificial cost and the accompanying information transmission, processing of the information cost generalized cost. In the measurement of logistics cost changes, should be comprehensively considered all of theserelated costs constitute the total logistics cost, and not only to the transport cost and storage cost of logistics cost and simple as an indicator of changes, otherwise the enterprise in logistics cost control method or the third party logistics, final accounting may the enterprise logistics cost does not fall to rise instead to the wrong conclusion.中文翻译分析第三方物流的发展物流英语单词“物流”,原意为军事后勤支援,在第二次世界大战后已经被广泛地应用于经济领域。