



come vi. 来,到来;出现;成为

come back 回来,复原

come down落下来

come from 来自

come in 进来

come on (表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;进步,进展

come out 出来,出现;出版,发表;结果是

comfort v. 安慰,慰问;使舒适

n. 安慰,慰藉;舒适

comfortable adj. 舒服的,舒适的;宽裕的,小康的

common adj.普通的,通常的;公共的,共同的

communism n. 共产主义

communist n. 共产主义者,共产党员

companion n. 同伴,伴侣

company n. 公司,商社;陪伴,伴随,交往;(一)伙,(一)队compare v. 比较,对照complete adj. 全部的,完整的;彻底的;完成的,结束的

v. 完成,结束;使完美,使圆满

composition n. 组成,构成,成分;作品,乐曲,作文

computer n. 计算机,电脑

comrade n. 同志,同伴,朋友

concert n. 音乐会,演奏会

condition n. (常用单数)状况,状态;(常用复数)环境,形势;前提,条件

conductor n. (乐队)指挥;售票员;导体

congratulation n.(复数)贺词,祝贺

connect v. 连接,连结;联系,结合;给接通电话

consider v. 考虑,细想;认为,把看作

be considered as 被看作

construction n. 建造,建设;建筑物;结构

contain v. 包含,容纳;控制,抑制

content1 adj. 满意的,满足的

content2 n. (常用复数)所容纳的东西,所含之物;内容,目录;(常用单数)含量,成分


coat n. 上衣,外套;毛皮,表皮

v. 涂上,覆盖

cock n. 公鸡

coffee n. 咖啡

coin n. 硬币,钱币

coke n. 焦,焦炭

cold adj. 冷的,寒冷的;冷淡的,冷漠的,冷酷的

n. 冷,寒冷;感冒

catch/take cold伤风感冒

have a cold 感冒

collar n. 衣领,领子;(狗等的)项圈

collect v. 收集,采集;聚集,使集合;收(账等),领取

college n. 大学,学院

go to college上大学

colour n. 颜色,颜料;脸色,肤色

v. 着色

comb n. 梳子


burst v. 爆炸(burst或bursted);突然打开;突然发生,冲,闯n. 爆炸;爆发

bury v. 埋葬;掩埋,埋藏

bus n. 公共汽车

bush n. 灌木,灌木丛

business n. 交易,生意,商业;商行,商店,企业;职业,任务;事务

busy adj. 忙的,繁忙的

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

be busy with sth. 忙于某事

but conj. 但是,可是,而

prep. 除去

not only but also 不仅而且

butcher n. 肉商,肉贩

butter n. 黄油

v. 涂黄油于

button n. 纽扣,扣子;按纽

v. 扣住,扣上

buy v. 购买,交易;收买

by prep. 靠近,在旁;不迟于;经,取道;通过(方式、手段等)达到;根据,按照;由,被

by bus/car/train/ship/plane/air



二级词汇 A a/an art 一(个,件…) about adv 大约,到处 prep 关于 afraid adj 害怕的 after adv 后来,以后 prep & conj 在…之后afternoon n 下午 again adv 再,又 all adj&adv全部的(地) pron全部, 全体人员also adv也 always adv总是,一直 and conj 和,又,而 angry adj生气的 animal n动物 answer v回答, n回答,答复,答案any adj&pron 一些,任何apple n 苹果 arm n胳臂 art n 艺术,美术 ask v 问,请求,要求,邀请 at prep 在(几点),在(某处) aunt n 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨autumn n 秋季,秋天 B baby n婴儿 back adv 回来,向后,回原处n 背后,后部,背部 bad adj 坏的,有害的 bag n 书包,提包,口袋ball n 球 banana n 香蕉 basketball n 篮球 bear n 熊 beautiful adj美丽的 bed n床 before adv以前 prep & conj 在…之前 begin v (began, begun) 开始 behind prep 在…后面 beside prep在…旁边 between prep 在(两者)之间 big adj 大的 bike (bicycle) n 自行车 bird n鸟 birthday n生日 black n & adj 黑色(的) blackboard n 黑板 blue n蓝色 adj 蓝色的 boat n 小船 body n身体 book n书 v 预定(房间,车票) box n 盒子,箱子 boy n 男孩 bread n 面包(不可数) breakfast n 早餐 bring v (brought, brought) 带来 brother n兄弟 brown n& adj棕色(的),褐色(的) bus n 公共汽车 busy adj 忙碌的,繁忙的 but conj但是, prep除了 buy v ( bought, bought) 买 by prep在…旁边,乘坐,通过(某方式,手段) bye interj 再见


Animals animal 动物 bat 蝙蝠 bear 熊 bird 鸟 cat 猫 cage 笼子 chicken 鸡 cow 奶牛crocodile 鳄鱼 dog 狗 dolphin 海豚 duck 鸭 elephant 大象 fish 鱼 fly 苍蝇 frog 青蛙 giraffe 长颈鹿 goat 山羊 hippo河马 horse 马kangaroo 袋鼠kitten 小猫 loin 狮子 lizard 蜥蜴monkey 猴子mouse (pl. mice) 老鼠panda 熊猫parrot 鹦鹉 pet 宠物 puppy 小狗 rabbit 兔子 shark 鲨鱼 sheep 绵羊 snake 蛇 spider 蜘蛛 tail 尾巴 tiger 老虎 whale 鲸 zoo 动物园 The body & face arm 胳膊 back 后背 beard 胡须 blonde 金黄色的,浅黄色的body 身体 curly 卷曲的 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 face 脸 foot (pl. feet) 脚 hair 头发 hand 手 head 头 leg 腿 moustache 小胡子

mouth 嘴 neck 脖子 nose 鼻子shoulder 肩膀 smile 微笑stomach 胃 straight 直的 tooth (pl. teeth) 牙齿Clothes clothes 衣服 coat 外套 dress 连衣裙glasses 眼睛handbag 手提包 hat 帽子 jacket 夹克 jeans 牛仔裤 scarf 围巾 shirt 衬衫 shoe 鞋 skirt 短裙 sock 短袜 sweater 毛衣,运动衫trousers 裤子 T-shirt 体恤衫watch n.&v. 手表,看wear 穿,戴Family & friends aunt 阿姨 baby 婴儿 boy 男孩 brother 兄弟 child 孩子(pl. children) cousin 堂(表)姐妹 堂(表)兄弟 dad 爸爸 daughter 女儿 family 家庭 father 父亲 friend 朋友 girl 女孩granddaughter 孙女,外孙女grandfather 祖父grandma 奶奶grandmother 祖母grandpa 爷爷grandparent 外祖父, 祖父 外祖母, 祖母grandson 孙子, 外孙 live 居住 man 男人(pl. men) mother 母亲 mum(my) 妈妈 old 老的 parent 父母


听力真题1 Part A The following is an interview with Emma Richards, one of Britain' s most successful sailors and the youngest person to complete the Around Alone Race in May 2003. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 A. They do not have a middleman. B. They do not have sufficient capital. C. They are too humble to their clients. D. They focus on a six-figure salary. 15、What does Weiss say about self-esteem?

C. Self-esteem is built up on a support system. D. Self-esteem plays a bigger role for the self-employed. 16、What does "bill on value" mean? A. Helping a company improve its market share by 10 percent. B. Knowing what the company is planning to achieve. C. A consultant' s income depends on how much he helps a company make or save. D. A consultant should have a clear idea about who has the final say on expenses. 17、How many people lost their lives worldwide in emergencies in 2008? A. 11, 000. B. 16, 000. C. 250, 000. D. 11, 000, 000. 18、Which is one of the best practices WHO is advocating? A. To train doctors and nurses. B. To recruit volunteers. C. To equip hospitals with advanced facilities. D. To do drills in preparation for emergencies. 19、Which of the following is suggested by the two officials? A. To spend 80 percent of the total health budget on hospitals. B. To make use of the existing facilities in emergencies. C. To increase the original budget for hospital construction. D. To rebuild the hospitals that have been destroyed. 20、What causes hospitals to lose their normal functions? A. Inadequate investment. B. Large-scale outbreaks of diseases. C. Lack of experienced surgeons. D. Outdated health facilities. Part C You will hear an interview with Mike Rowe, host of the American TV show Dirty Jobs. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing no more than three words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview twice. 21、Rowe thinks a civilized life is made possible by people doing ______. 22、The show is about j obs that most people try very hard to ______. 23、To many Americans living a clean and suburban life, the j obs introduced in the show are ______. 24、Before the show was televised on a network, it was on the air in ______. 25、In making the show, Rowe learns that the interest of the audience is in both ______. 26、Rowe was at the end of his wits when the number of his programs totaled ______. 27、Where does Rowe get the inspirations for his programs now? 28、Though not well-educated, Rowe' s grandfather had a natural gift in the fields of ______. 29、At the age of 18, Rowe decided not to follow ______. 30、What does Rowe think the people doing clean j obs lack in their lives?


2008年9月浙江高考英语听力(PETS 二级) 考生注意事项 1. 答卷前考生须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在试卷和答题卡上。 2. 严格遵守考场规则,考生得到监考人员指令后方可开始答题。 3. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 4. 考试结束时将试卷和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走。待监考人员收毕清点后,方可离场。 5. 本试卷共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分。 第一节.听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例如:你将听到以下内容: M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is? W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen. 请看选项: How much is shirt? [A]£19.15 [B]£9.15 [C]£9.18 衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[B]项,并在试卷上将其标出 1. What does the woman want to do? A. To talk to Sunny. B .To call her parents. C. To see her boyfriend. 2. Who is the man calling for information? A .A telephone company. B. A newspaper office. C. A travel service. 3. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A In a kitchen. B In a garden. C At a picnic. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A Their plan for a trip. B The weekend party. C The boat trip they took last month. 5. What are the speaker planning to do? A Go home. B Look for a job. C Buy a new house. 第二节.听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6和第7题 6. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a restaurant. B. At a hotel. C. At a party. 7. How many people come with the man? A. One. B.Two. C. Three.


PETS公共英语二级大纲词汇 A a(an) art.一(个);每一(个);任一 able a.能够,有能力的 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于…abroad ad.出国,在国外 accept v.认可,接受 accident n.事故 according a.(-to)相符的,一致的,根据…而定的 ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 across prep.穿过;在另一边,在对面ad.横越 act v.行动;做 active adj活动的,活泼的,活跃的;主动的,积极的;敏捷的;剧烈的 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,事实上的;真实的 add v.加 address n.地址 admire v.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩 admit v.承认 advance v.前进;取得进展 advantage n.优点,优势 adventure v.大胆进行,拿…冒风险n.冒险活动,冒险;奇遇 advice n.忠告;建议 advise v.劝告,建议 affair n.事,事情,事件 afford v.买得起,担负得起 Africa n.非洲 African a.非洲的n.非洲人 after prep.在…以后conj.在…以后ad.以后afternoon n.下午 again ad.又,再 against prep.反对;与之成对手,对着;防止;碰age n.年龄 ago ad.以前 agree v.同意 agreement n.协议,协定;一致,同意 agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学 ahead ad.在前;向前 aim v.把…瞄准,把…对准 air n.空气;天空 aircraft n.飞机,航空器 airmail n.空邮 airport n机场 alive a.活着的;存在的;有活力的,活跃的 all a.所有的ad.都,全部地pron.所有,全部 allow v.允许almost ad.几乎 alone a.独自一人的ad.单独;只有,仅仅 along ad.向前;和…一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着aloud ad.出声地,大声地 already ad.已经 also ad.也 although conj.虽然;尽管;即使 altogether ad.完全,全部地 always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终 am v.是 America n.美洲;美国 American a.美国(洲)的n.美国人;美洲人 among prep.在…之中 and conj.与,和;又;另外 anger v.使发怒,激怒n.愤怒,气愤 angry a.生气的 animal n.动物 announce v.宣告,宣布 annoy v.使恼怒,使生气;打扰,干扰 another a.另一,再一;别的pron.另一个 answer n./v.回答;答复n.答案 anxious a.(about)忧虑的,担心的;渴望的 any a.一些;任何的pron.无论哪一个;无论哪些anybody prep.(否定、疑问、条件句中)任何人;(肯定句中)随便哪一个人 anyhow ad.无论如何,不管怎么说 anything pron.任何事物 anywhere ad.任何地方;不论哪里 apologize v.(=apologise)道歉,认错 appear v.出现 apple n.苹果 April n.四月 are v.是 area n.地区 argue vi.争论,辩论vt.说服 arm n.胳膊 army n.军队,军;大群,大批 around prep.在…各处,到处;大约ad.约,到处arrival n.到达,到来;到达的人或物 arrive v.到达 art n.艺术 article n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词artist n.美术家;艺术家 as prep.作为ad./conj.像…一样;如同;由于 ash n.灰,灰末 ashamed a.惭愧的,害臊的 Asia n.亚洲 Asian a.亚洲的;亚洲人的n.亚洲人 ask v.问,询问 asleep a.睡着的 assistant n.助理,助手


?听力部分答题技巧 ?Section 1 Listening( 听力) ? 1. 构成 ?A节(10题):考查理解事实性信息的能力。 对话总长约400词。 ?B节(15题):考查理解总体和特定信息的能力。要求根据听到的4段独白或者对话,选出符合题意的选项。每段平均约200词。 ? 2. 做题技巧: ?1)每段录音只放一遍 ?2)提示音:正式播放前有一个提示音,提示考生接下来听到的内容与对应的试题有关。需聚精会神听,捕捉有价值的信息。 ?3)指导语、停顿、转涂时间都在录音里。不要摘下耳机,在3分钟转涂时间结束时,有一段音乐,音乐结束,有一句英文“That is the end of the listening comprehension.” 这时,考生可以摘下耳机,转向下一个题型。 ?4)听前读题时间:在PETS听力考试中,除规定的每题10秒听后答题时间外,每道题有5秒的听前读题时间。A节:每题有10+5秒的答题及阅读时间。B节:每题有5*n秒的读题时间,10*n秒的答题时间。 ?切莫把读下一题的时间用在答上一题上。 ?5)问题不在录音中,仅在试卷中出现,考生需要通过问题来了解需要重点听的内容。 在A节中,听力题考查的信息点可能存在于两个说话人的话里,有可能只出现一次,有可能通过另一个人的回答或通过另一种表达方式第二次暗示给考生,因此不必惊慌。 ?6)有两大类问题的考查方向比较明确,直接提示信息点。(2016年真题) ?一)、3. What did the man ask the woman to do? ?(A. go on a diet, B. have a snack, C. play some tennis, D. stop screaming) ?原文:M:Why don’t we stop for some crackers after the film? ?W: I’d love to, but I’m on a diet. ?M: But you are very slim. ?W: Yes, girls can never be too thin. ?二)、使用了when, where, how much等疑问词或短语开头的问题。 ? 1. Where does the conversation most probably take place? ?(A. post office, B. hotel, C. bank, D. supermarket) ?M: Good morning. May I help you? ?W: I’d like to exchange some money first. ?M: Anything else? ?W: Then open a saving account. ?7)有一些问题以why开头,或者what are they talking about? What can we learn from the conversation? What can we learn about the woman?这类问题不容易把握信息点,需要一直全神贯注。 Eg,6. What does the woman mean? (A. asking for a higher pay, B. introducing a new friend, C. too busy, D. she has got some problems) 原题: M:I’d like to talk to you about our next building project. Can you fix a meeting for this week?


2019年9月PETS2听力真题 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the man probably do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give Craig a call. C. Wait in the office. 2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Strangers. B. Co-workers. C. Schoolmates. 3. What is David doing this year? A. Traveling around the world. B. Teaching Chinese at school. C. Learning a foreign language. 4. How does the man want to travel? A. By car. B. By train. C. By plane.

5. What is the woman going to do tomorrow evening? A. Visit Bob at his home. B. Go shopping with Bob. C. Expect a call from Bob. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. On the train. B. At the ticket office. C. At the information desk. 7. What time is the train going to arrive in Sydney? A. At 2:00. B. At 9:28. C. At 11:34. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。 8. Where are the speakers? A. In Manchester. B. In Milan. C. In Florence.


Animals spider n.蜘蛛glasses n.眼镜 animal n. 动物tail n. 尾巴gloves n.手套 bat n. 蝙蝠tiger n. 老虎handbag n.手提包 bear n.熊turtle n. 海龟hat n.帽子 bee n.蜜蜂whale n. 鲸jacket n.夹克 bird n. 鸟zoo n. 动物园jeans n.牛仔裤 butterfly n.蝴蝶The body &face scarf n.围巾 cage n. 笼子arm n. 胳膊shirt n. 衬衫 cat n. 猫back n.背部shoe n. 鞋 chicken n. 鸡beard n. 胡须shorts n.短裤 cow n. 奶牛blond(e) adj. 金发的,浅黄色的skirt n. 短裙 crocodile n. 鳄鱼body n. 身体sock n. 短袜 dog n. 狗curly adj. 卷曲的sweater n.毛衣,运动衫dolphin n. 海豚ear n. 耳朵trousers n.裤子 duck n. 鸭子eye n. 眼睛pants n. 长裤 elephant n. 大象face n. 脸T-shirt n. T恤衫 fish n. 鱼finger n. 手指vest n.背心 fly n. 苍蝇foot(pl.feet) n.脚watch n.&v.手表;看 fox n. 狐狸hair n. 头发wear v.穿,戴 frog n. 青蛙hand n. 手Family &friends giraffe n. 长颈鹿head n. 头aunt n.阿姨 goat n. 山羊heart n. 心脏baby n.婴儿 hen n. 母鸡knee n. 膝盖boy n.男孩 hippo n. 河马leg n. 腿brother n. 兄弟 horse n.马moustache n. 小胡子child(pl.children) n.孩子kangaroo n. 袋鼠mouth n. 嘴cousin n.堂(表)兄弟kitten n. 小猫neck n. 脖子堂(表)姐妹lion n. 狮子nose n. 鼻子dad(dy) n.爸爸 lizard n. 蜥蜴shoulder n. 肩膀daughter n.女儿 monkey n. 猴子smile n.&v. 微笑family n.家庭 mouse(pl.mice) n. 老鼠stomach n. 胃father n.父亲 panda n. 熊猫straight adj. 直的friend n. 朋友 parrot n. 鹦鹉toe n. 脚趾头girl n.女孩 pet n. 宠物tooth(pl.teeth) n. 牙齿granddaughter n.(外)孙女pig n. 猪Clothes grandfather n. 祖父 puppy n. 小狗boot n. 靴子grandma n.奶奶 rabbit n. 兔子cap n. 帽子grandmother n.祖母 shark n. 鲨鱼clothes n. 衣服grandpa n. 爷爷 sheep n. 绵羊coat n. 外套grandparent n.(外)祖父snake n. 蛇dress n. 连衣裙(外)祖母


A a (an) art.一(个);每一(个);任一 able a.能够,有能力的 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于…abroad ad.出国,在国外 accept v.认可,接受 accident n.事故 according a.(to)相符的,一致的,根据…而定的ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 across prep.穿过;在另一边,在对面ad.横越 act v.行动;做 active a.活动的,活泼的,活跃的;主动的,积极的;敏捷的;剧烈的 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,事实上的;真实的 add v.加 address n.地址 admire v.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩 admit v.承认 advance v.前进;取得进展advantage n.优点,优势 adventure v.大胆进行,拿…冒风险n.冒险活动,冒险;奇遇 advice n.忠告;建议 advise v.劝告,建议 affair n.事,事情,事件 afford v.买得起,担负得起 Africa n.非洲 African a.非洲的n.非洲人 After prep.在…以后conj.在…以后ad.以后afternoon n.下午 again ad.又,再 against prep.反对;与之成对手,对着;防止;碰age n.年龄 ago ad.以前 agree v.同意 agreement n.协议,协定;一致,同意 agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学 ahead ad.在前;向前 aim v.把…瞄准,把…对准 air n.空气;天空 aircraft n.飞机,航空器 airmail n.空邮


PETS5考试大纲 第五级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。 笔试试卷(140分钟)分四部分:听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作。口试试卷(15分钟)分三节考查考生的口语交际能力。 笔试和口试都使用英文指导语。 (一)听力 该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生理解英语口语的能力。 A节(10题):考查考生理解具体和抽象信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段500-600词的对话或独白,判断10个陈述句的正误。录音材料只播放一遍。 B节(10题):考查考生理解细节、事实、要点、观点、态度等的能力。要求考生根据所听到的三段平均300词左右的对话或独白的内容,从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料只播放一遍。 C节(10题):考查考生理解并记录主要信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段对话或独白(约800词)的内容,回答问题或补全不完整的句子。录音材料播放两遍。 问题不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。 听力考试进行时,考生将答案划或写在试卷上;听力部分结束前,考生有五分钟的时间将试卷上的答案涂或誊写到答题卡1上。该部分所需时间约为35分钟(含誊写或转涂时间)。 (二)英语知识运用 该部分不仅考查考生对诸如连贯性和一致性等语段特征的辨识能力,还考查考生对用于一定语境中规范的语言成分的掌握,这些规范的语言成分主要是词汇和语法结构。 共20小题。在一篇250-300词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生根据短文内容填空,使补足后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。其中约有12题考查语法和语段结构,8题考查词汇。该部分所需时间约为15分钟。考生在答题卡1上作答。 (三)阅读理解 该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生理解书面英语的能力。 文章广泛地选自近期发表的文字材料,其形式与内容都是真实的。该部分中各篇文章的长度根据其题型要求从400词至850词不等。总阅读量约3000词。 A节(15题):考查考生对文章主旨要义和细节信息的理解能力。要求考生根据所提供的3篇文章的内容(各长400-500词),从每题(一篇文章有五题)所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。 B节(5题):考查考生对诸如连贯性和一致性等语段特征的理解。本部分内容为一篇长750-850词的文章,其中有5段文字为空白,文章后有6段文字,要求考生根据文章内容从6段文字中选择能分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段。 C节(10题):考查考生使用略读或掠读的方法识别具体信息的能力。要求考生根据所提供的1篇文章(750-850词)的内容,完成10道选择搭配题。该部分所需时间约为50分钟。考生在答题卡1上作答。


全国英语等级考试第二级 听力(一) 11:36 CBBCA AC AAC 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小輒从刚中所龄的A、B、C三个逸顶中选出最佳逸珊。昕完毎段 对话后,你部有io秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。毎段对话仅读一歟 L How does the woman feel about the new vacuum cleaner? (A] Useless, but il is too cheap. [B] Useless, but she likes it. [C ] Useful f but it costs her a lot of money. 2. Where did the woman expect the man to be now? [A] On campus. [B] In Europe? [C] Al hotne< 3. What can we leam about the man from the conversation? (A]He's the boss. [BjHe's a new cmployee(员工). [CjHe's the woman1 s friend. 4. What is the man doing? [A] He is making a visit. ⑻ He is making an iniroduciion. (C]He is making a phone call. 5. What can we team from the conversation? [AjThc man is interviewing a job applicant(求职者). [BjThe woman is working for a big company* [C]The woman is inigied in her present job.


全国公共英语等级考试一级词汇表 A a(an) art. 一(个) able a. 有能力的 be able to do sth. 能够做某事 about prep. 关于; 有关 abroad ad. 国外,海外 according (to) prep. 按照,依照across prep.& ad. 横过,穿过 afraid a. 害怕的;恐怕 be afraid of 恐怕;害怕 after prep. & conj. 在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次,又一次 ago ad. 以前 agree vt. 同意,答应 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agreement n. 同意;协议 ahead ad. 在前,向前,提前 air n.空气;大气 airmail n. 航空邮件 airport n. 飞机场 all a. 所有的, 全部的 all over 到处;全部结束 all right 好;不错 not at all 一点也不;别客气 almost ad. 几乎; 差不多: along prep. 沿着 already ad. 早已,已(经) also ad. 也,同样 always ad. 总是;永远,始终 am vi. 是 A.M.(=a.m.) 上午 America n. 美国, 美洲, American a. 美国(人)的n. 美国人among prep. 在……之中 and conj. 和,与;然而 angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 be angry with sb. 生某人的气 animal n. 动物,牲畜 annoy vt. 使愤怒;打扰 another a. 再一个;别的 one after another 一个接一个 answer n. 回答,答复


英语单词二级A 1.a breath away 即将来临 2.a keep of faith冒险一试 3.abnormal不正常的 4.abrupt突然地,意外的 5.abundance 丰富的 6.abuse 滥用,虐待 7.acedemy学会,学院 8.accent口音 9.acceptable( adj)可接受的acceptability(n) 可接受性 10.accomplish完成某事accomplishment 造诣才艺完成成就 11.account 账户,描述,记述describe 描述 12. accuracy (n)精确 13.adapt( to)适应 14.adicted to沉溺于,迷上,热衷于 15. addition ( n)增加的人或物additional( adj)附加的,另外的 16.adjustment调整 17.adopt采取采纳 18.affluent 富裕的 19.aid ( n,v)帮助援助 20.alert 使警惕 21.alienate 使疏远 22.alike ( adj adv)相似的,同样的 23.allowance零用钱,津贴 24.along with连同 25.alter 改变变化 26.alternate ( adj)交替的,轮流的alternative( n)供选择的 27,ample充足的 28.and the like 诸如此类,等等 29.anecdote 趣事 30.anew ( adj)重新 31.angel天使 32.angle角度,立场 33.annoying( adj)讨厌的恼人的annoy (v)使恼怒 34.annual 一年一度的,每年的 35.anxiety(n)忧虑担心 36.apart from除了(还有,之外) 37.appall( v)使惊骇 38.apply 适用,申请

Pets5 全真模拟题3听力原文

听力材料: Questions 1 ~ 10 : Hello, everyone. Today I will introduce you the learning chains in Britain. Here the chains refer to schools linked together as part of a group. They can offer students many practical advantages. When people are asked to name a language school, more often than not, they think of one of the large international chains of schools. Some are vast language teaching organizations with schools in many different countries and may teach just one language. One of the main strengths of these chains is the fact that their name is familiar to people all over the world. This can be a big advantage in the con-fusing world of language learning. Most students are bewildered by the large choice of schools and courses on offer, both at home and abroad, and so many prefer to choose a school which has a familiar name and an established reputation. Chain schools know this, and part of their success is due to effective marketing and advertising, which helps to keep their name well-known. But chain schools should not be dismissed by serious students just be-cause they use clever marketing techniques. They have other important strengthens which can provide advantages to students. A school is only as good as its teachers and facilities, and many chains offer very high standards in both. More chains require that their teachers have internationally recognized qualifications and a maximum amount of teaching experience. It is important for chains to maintain these standards at all schools, because the reputation of the whole chain can be affected if one school performs badly. Students also benefit from the standardized structure of chains. Most chains use the same text books in all their schools, and often they produce their own coursework materials. They also organize their courses in the same way which means that starting dates and course lengths are usually the same at all schools. For students, one of the main advantages of this standardized structure is simplicity. If you cannot decide whether to study in the U. S. or Britain, for example, most chains allow students to start their language course at one school and continue at another, so they can experience different regions or different countries, as part of the same study trip. Chain schools tend to be larger than single center schools, which can al-so have advantages for students. With larger numbers of students, school administrators can achieve a better mixture of nationalities in classrooms. This means that students can avoid being with other students who speak their language. This gives them the chance to meet students from other countries, and to practice their English with them. Some chains offer students a very simple booking and enrolment procedure which is also useful. Application forms and enrolment procedures are the same for all schools, so students need only supply their details once. Students may find that they can book their course abroad through a representative of a chain school in their own town or city. Other chains offer a centralized booking facility, so students only have to contact one center to make a booking anywhere in the world. Chain schools often operate in different locations, whereas a single school is likely to be based permanently in one building. Many chain schools operate temporary schools, particularly during the summer holidays. In Britain, they often use secondary school premises which are empty during the school holidays. Studying English in an English-speaking country is the most effective way to learn the
