①1001 英语②2003 管理学 基础知识③ 3005 土地管理 综合
01 土地利用规划与管理 02 土地行政管理与土地政 策 01 城镇化发展战略研究 02 城市土地使用与综合 交通规划研究 03 区域生态城市研究 04 工业文化遗产保护与 再利用研究 05 城市地下空间开发相 关政策研究
04 增材制造技术与应用 05 云制造与系统集成 01 并联机床(机器人) 02 超声波精密切削加工 技术及理论 03 先进数控刀具刃磨机 床及刀具刃磨技术 04 难加工材料切削加工 技术 01 复杂产品数字化装配 技术研究与应用 02 多学科优化设计技术 研究与应用 03 航空产品传热与结构 工程分析(CAE)技术 04 自适应网格划分技术 05 几何造型及科学计算 可视化技术 01 先进数控理论及应用 02 高效、精密磨削技术
国务院学科评议组成员 只接收非定向考生报考。
01 公共管理理论与实践 02 公共政策与科技政策
①1001 英语②2003 管理学 基础知识③ 3002 行政学专 业知识
01 公共管理理论与实践 02 公共政策与科技政策
①1001 英语②2003 管理学 基础知识③ 3002 行政学专 业知识
①1001 英语②2003 管理学 基础知识③ 3005 土地管理 综合
①1001 英语②2003 管理学 基础知识③ 3005 土地管理 综合
002 理学院 070205 凝聚态物理 01 磁性材料中自旋磁矩 反转动力学研究 02 低维磁性材料的自旋 波理论研究
二、题型结构:1. 完形填空(Cloze):本部分以段落为单位,为考生提供一定的语境,旨在考查学生对上下文理解的准确程度,同时,甄选恰当、准确表达的能力。
2.阅读理解(Reading Comprehension):阅读理解分作2部分,仔细阅读(Close Reading)和快速阅读(Fast Reading)。
快速阅读以段落为单位,为考生提供一定长度的文章,要求其在较短时间内通过跳读(skim and scan)获取指定信息,旨在考察考生在日常生活和科研活动中用英文准确、快速获取信息的能力。
东北大学博士入学考试初试考试科目与参考书目部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑东北大学2018年博士入学考试初试考试科目与参考书目华慧网—远程教育平台添加时间:2018-3-22 10:08:15 考博论坛考博保过班考博复习资料免费课程考试科目代码及名称参考书目第一作者出版社出版时间2001科学技术哲学《技术哲学引论》陈昌曙科学出版社1999年《科学哲学通论》刘大椿中国人民大学出版社1998年《解读技术》陈凡福建人民出版社2002年《自然辩证法概论新编》陈昌曙东北大学出版社2000年2002马克思主义理论《马克思主义基本原理概论》本书编写组高等教育出版社2009年《马克思主义发展史》顾海良武汉大学出版社湖北人民出版社2006年《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》本书编写组高等教育出版社2009年《现代科学技术革命与马克思主义》黄顺基中国人民大学出版社2007年2003管理学基础知识《管理学基础》娄成武东北大学出版社2002年《现代管理学原理》娄成武中国人民大学出版社2004年2004分析化学《分析化学》<第四版)武汉大学高等教育出版社2004年2005生物化学《生物化学》<第三版)王镜岩高等教育出版社2002年2006固体物理《固体物理学》陆栋上海科技出版社2002年2007材料物理《材料科学基础》潘金生清华大学出版社1989年2008应用数理统计《应用数理统计》<2版)孙荣恒科学技术出版社2009数值分析《数值分析》张铁等冶金工业出版社2018分子气体动力学《分子气体动力学》BIRDOxfordUniversityPressInc.NewYork1994年2018流体力学《流体力学》郑洽馀机械工业出版社1986年2018高等金属学《金属学原理》刘国勋冶金工业出版社1985年2018现代材料成形力学《现代塑性加工力学》王国栋东北大学出版社2004年2018材料成形物理冶金学《金属学与热处理》崔忠圻机械工业出版社2000年2018陶瓷材料学《特种陶瓷工艺学》李世善武汉工业大学出版社1990年2018无机化学《无机化学》<第三版)天津大学高等教育出版社2002年2018冶金热力学及动力学《冶金热力学及动力学》梁连科东北大学出版社1990年2018冶金传输原理及反应工程《冶金传输原理》张先棹冶金工业出版社2005年《冶金传输原理基础》沈颐身冶金工业出版社2000年2019化工原理《化工原理》谭天恩化学工业出版社1990年2020传热学《传热学》杨世铭高等教育出版社2006年2021应用数学《线性代数》刘书田北京大学出版社2001年《常微分方程》伍卓高等教育出2004群版社年《概率论》<第一册)复旦大学人民教育出版社1979年《数理统计》<第二册一分册)复旦大学人民教育出版社1979年2022线性系统《线性系统理论与设计》陈启宗科学出版社1988年《线性系统》郑大钟清华大学出版社1996年2023数字通信理论基础《数字通信理论基础》王光兴东北大学出版社2001年2024微机原理及程序设计《微型计算机原理及应用》郑学坚清华大学出版社1995年2025运筹学《运筹学教程》<第二版)胡运权清华大学出版社2003年2026组合最优化《组合最优化》富尔兹上海翻译出版公司1995年2027分布式操作系统《分布式系统-原理与范型》A.Tanenbaum2002年2028微分方程《常微分方程》丁同仁高等教育出版社2004年《偏微分方程》陈祖墀中国科学技术大学出版社2002年《微分方程数值解法》李荣华高等教育出版社2000年2029图像处理《数字图像处理》<第二版)电子工业出版社2004年2030弹性力学《弹性力学》上册徐芝纶人民教育出版社1992年2031结构分析《结构力学》杨弗康高等教育出版社1993年2032岩石学《岩石学简明教程》卫管一地质出版社2000年2033矿床学《矿床学》袁见齐地质出版社1993年2034采矿学《采矿学》王青冶金工业出版社2001年《金属矿床露天开采》李宝祥冶金工业出版社1992年《金属矿床地下开采》解世俊冶金工业出版社1985年2035浮选溶液化学《浮选溶液化学》王淀佐湖南科学技术出版社1987年2036系统可靠性分析《可靠性工程》黄祥瑞清华大学出版社1990年《可靠性工程与风险分析》E.J.亨利原子能出版社1998年2037环境污染化学《环境化学教程》刘兆荣化学工业出版社2003年2038管理统计学《统计学》曾五一中国金融出版社2006年2039西方经济学《研究生用西方经济学》<宏观部分)高鸿业经济科学出版社2006年《研究生用西方经济学》<微观部分)<第二版)高鸿业经济科学出版社2000年2040数字图像处理《数字图像处理》<第二版)冈萨雷斯电子工业出版社2003年3001科学技术史《科学技术简史》远德玉东北大学出版社2002年3002行政学专业知识《行政管理学》娄成武东北大学出版社2002年《行政管理学》王乐夫中山大学出版社2003年《公共政策学》娄成武东北大学出版社2003年《公共政策学——政策分析的理论、方法和技术》陈振明中国人民大学出版社2004年《西方政治思想史》徐大同天津教育出版社2000年后《当代中国政府与政治》谢庆奎高等教育出版社2003年3003高等教育学《高等教育学》潘懋元福建教育出版社1995年《高等学校的行政权力与学术权力》张德祥南京师范大学出版社2002年《高等教育社会学》张德祥高等教育出版社2002年3004社会保障理论《中国社会保障若干重大问题研究》邓大松海天出版社2000年《社会保障理论》李珍中国劳动社会保障出版社2001年《社会保险》邓大松中国劳动社会保障出版社2002年《社会保障问题研究》邓大松武汉出版社2003年3005土地管理学《土地管理总论》陆红生中国农业出版社2002年《土地行政管理学》曲福田中国农业出版社2002年《城市土地管理与经营》卢新海科学出版社2006年3006分析化学前沿《二十一世纪的分析化学》汪尔康科学出版社1999年3007现代分离分析技术不指定参考教材3008电子显微分析学《电子衍衬分析原理与图谱》黄孝瑛山东科学技术出版社2000年3009热力学与统计物理《热力学•统计物理》汪志诚高等教育出版社2003年3010先进制造技术《先进制造技术》盛晓敏机械工业出版社2000年3011数字制造《数字制造》周祖德东北大学出版社2003年3012液压伺服比例控制技术《电液比例控制与数字控制系统》黎啓柏机械工业出版社《液压控制系统》王春行机械工业出版社3013信号处理《数字信号处理基础》侯正信译电子工业出版社3014机械振动《机械振动学》闻邦椿冶金工业出版社2000年《机械振动学》张义民清华大学出版社2007年3015机械可靠性工程《机械可靠性设计》刘惟信清华大学出版社1996年《实用机械可靠性设计理论与方法》孙志礼科学出版社2003年3016车辆动力学《汽车理论》余志生机械工业出版社2002年3017弹性力学及有限元法《结构分析中的有限元法及其应用》颜云辉东北大学出版社2000年3018车辆电子控制《汽车电子控制技术》冯崇毅机械工业出版社3019CAD/CAM技术《CAD/CAM系统集成技术》王启义东北大学出版社1996年3020真空技术《真空技术》王欲知四川人民出版社1981年3021薄膜生长《薄膜生长》吴志勤科学出版社2001年3022材料现代研究方法《现代物理测试技术》梁志德冶金工业出版社2003年3023轧制理论与实践《高精度板带轧制理论与实践》金兹伯格冶金工业出版社2000年3024金属成形过程的组织性能控制不指定参考教材3025冶金物理化学《冶金物理化学简明教程》田彦文化学工业出版社2007年3026材料化学《材料化学导论》哈尔滨工业大学出版社3027炼铁学《钢铁冶金学<炼铁部分)》王筱留冶金工业出版社2000年3028炼钢学《钢铁冶金学<炼钢部分)》陈家祥冶金工业出版社2004年3029有色金属冶冶金学<有色金属部邱竹东北大学出2001金学分)贤版社年3030有色冶金概论《有色冶金原理》傅崇说冶金工业出版社1992年《冶金物理化学》王魁汉冶金工业出版社1985年《有色金属冶金学》邱竹贤冶金工业出版社1990年3031工程热物理研究专题不指定参考教材3032固体废弃物资源化工程《绿色技术及其应用》顾国维同济大学出版社1999年3033电磁冶金学《电磁冶金学》韩至成冶金工业出版社2001年3034热能工程专题不指定参考教材3035工业炉热工《火焰炉》陆钟武冶金工业出版社1995年3036计算机控制系统《计算机控制理论及应用》孙增圻清华大学出版社1989年《计算机控制系统》奥斯特隆姆电子工业出版社2001年3037通信网《计算机网络》AndrewS.Tanenbaum清华大学出版社2004年《计算机网络》谢希仁大连理工大学出版社2000年3038现代控制理论《现代控制理论》张嗣瀛清华大学出版社2006年3039检测技术《过程检测技术》李新光机械工业出版社2004年3040人工神经元网络《人工神经元网络原理与应用》王旭东北大学出版社2000年3041线性规划与整数规划《线性规划与整数规划》王梦光东北大学出版社1993年3042图论《图论及其应用》第二版卢开澄清华大学出版社2003年3043分布式数据库系统《分布式数据库系统系统原理》(第二版>M.TamerOzsu清华大学出版社2002年《分布并行的对象库系统》王国仁东北大学出版社2002年3044计算机网络《TCP/IP详解卷一:协议》W.RichardStevents机械工业出版社2002年《计算机网络》A.S.Tanenbaum清华大学出版社2004年3045几何.数值分析基础《黎曼几何引论》<上册)陈维桓北京大学出版社2002年《基础拓扑学讲义》尤承业北京大学出版社1997年《数值分析》张铁冶金工业出版社2001年《矩阵计算的理论与方法》徐树方北京大学出版社1999年《弹性和塑性力学中的有限单元法》谢贻权机械工业出版社1981年《矿床统计预测》赵鹏大地质出版社1994年3046岩石力学与工程《岩石力学与工程》蔡美峰科学出版社2002年3047高等土力学《高等土力学》龚晓南浙江大学出版社2002年3048钢筋混凝土结构《混凝土结构》同济大学中国建筑工业出版社2002年3049钢结构《钢结构》陈绍藩中国建筑工业出版社2003年3050矿产勘查学《找矿勘探地质学》崔传进吉林科技出版社1991年《矿床统计预测》赵鹏大地质出版社1994年3051构造地质学《构造地质学》徐开礼地质出版社1989年3053矿业经济《矿业经济学》李仲学冶金工业出版社1995年3054矿物加工专论《固体物料分选学》魏德洲冶金工业出版社1999年3055应用微生物学《资源微生物技术》魏德洲冶金工业出版社1996年3056安全工程《危险源辩识控制及评价》陈宝智四川科技出版社1996年3057水处理工程《水污染控制工程》张希衡冶金工业出版社1993年3058岩石力学《矿山岩体力学》郑永学冶金工业出版社1988年《矿山压力与控制》钱鸣高煤炭工业出版社1988年3059矿物材料《矿物材料》韩跃新科学出版社2006年3060地理信息系统原理《地理信息系统原理与算法》吴立新科学出版社2004年3061运作管理《生产运作管理》马士华科学出版社2005年3062微观经济学《西方经济学》<第四版)高鸿业中国人民大学出版社2007年3063政治经济学《社会主义经济学通论》(第三版>谷书堂高等教育出版社2006年3064管理学《管理学原理》杨文士中国人民大学出版社2005年3065管理经济学《管理经济学》李自杰清华大学出版社2007年3067矩阵分析《矩阵论》<第二版)程云鹏西北工业大学出版社2000年3068冶金史《中华铁冶志》姜茂发东北大学出版社2005年申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。
博士统考英语流程Preparing for the English section of the graduate entrance examination can be a daunting task for many doctoral candidates. The process can be especially challenging for those who have not had extensive exposure to the language in an academic setting.参加博士研究生入学考试英语部分的准备对许多博士考生来说可能是一项艰巨的任务。
One of the first steps in preparing for the English section of the exam is to assess one's current level of proficiency in the language. This can be done through practice tests, self-assessment, or even working with a tutor or language exchange partner.准备考试英语部分的第一步是评估自己目前的语言熟练程度。
Once a candidate has a clear understanding of their current level, they can begin to focus on areas of weakness and develop a studyplan that targets those specific areas. For some, this may mean dedicating more time to vocabulary building, while for others, it could involve improving reading comprehension or writing skills.一旦求职者清楚自己目前的水平,就可以开始集中精力解决自己的薄弱环节,并制定一个专门针对这些特定领域的学习计划。
8. A. The woman argued for her innocence at court. B. The woman complained that she was forced to pay the fine. C. The woman has got away with many violations of traffic law. D. The woman pleaded ignorance this time of her violation of the traffic law.
5. A. He forgot to mail the letter. B. He left the letter in his office. C. The letter slipped off his desk. D. He should have put the letter in his bag.
Questions 11 to 15 are based on a talk about the concept of community.
You now have 30 seconds to read Questions 11 to 15.
11. A village, or town, or ____________ can be called an area of social life. 12. The speaker states that it is ____________ that people in a community should
2024年博士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Are you ready for the 2024 Ph.D. entrance exam? Here's a sneak peek at the English exam outline:1. Reading Comprehension:You'll read passages on various topics, like science, history, and literature. Then, answer questions to test your understanding.2. Vocabulary:Brush up on your word skills! You'll be asked to define words, match them to their meanings, and use them in sentences.3. Grammar:Watch out for those tricky grammar rules! Be prepared to identify errors in sentences and fix them.4. Writing:Show off your writing skills by composing essays on given topics. Remember to organize your ideas, use proper grammar, and support your arguments with examples.5. Listening:Listen to recordings of conversations, lectures, or interviews. Then, answer questions to show how well you understood the spoken English.6. Speaking:Finally, the speaking section! You'll have to talk about a given topic for a certain amount of time. Practice speaking clearly and confidently.Remember to study hard, stay focused, and do your best on the exam. Good luck, future Ph.D. students! You got this!篇2Title: Entrance Exam Outline for 2024 Doctoral StudentsHey guys! Are you ready to ace the entrance exam for your Ph.D. program in 2024? I'm here to give you all the deets on what to expect so you can totally crush it!1. Reading Comprehension: You'll be asked to read a few passages and answer questions about them. Make sure to read carefully and go back to the text to find the answers.2. Vocabulary: Get ready to show off your word knowledge! You'll need to know the meanings of some tricky words and how to use them in sentences.3. Grammar: Brush up on your grammar rules because you'll be tested on things like verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation.4. Writing: You might have to write an essay or a short response to a prompt. Make sure to organize your thoughts and use clear, concise language.5. Listening: There will be some listening exercises where you'll have to answer questions about what you hear. Pay attention and take notes if it helps!6. Speaking: You might have to do a speaking task like describing a picture or answering questions about yourself. Speak clearly and confidently!Remember, the key to doing well on the exam is to prepare ahead of time. Study your English skills, practice with samplequestions, and get plenty of rest before the big day. Good luck, future doctors! You've got this!篇3Hello everyone, I am little Timmy, and today I am going to tell you all about the entrance exam for the 2024 Doctoral Program in English. Are you ready? Let's get started!First of all, there will be a listening section where you have to listen to a short audio clip and answer questions about it. It could be a conversation between two people or a story. Make sure to pay attention and take notes if you need to.Next, there will be a reading comprehension section where you will read passages and answer questions to show your understanding. Make sure to read carefully and take your time. Don't rush!After that, there will be a writing section where you have to write an essay on a given topic. Make sure to organize your thoughts and write clearly. Don't forget to check for spelling and grammar mistakes!Lastly, there will be a speaking section where you will have to talk about a topic for a few minutes. Practice speaking English as much as you can before the exam so you feel confident.Remember, the key to doing well on the exam is to practice, practice, practice! Study hard and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You can do it!Good luck to all the little scholars taking the exam. You can do it!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about the entrance exam for doctoral students in 2024. It's going to be super exciting, so buckle up and let's dive in!First off, the English exam is going to test your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. You'll need to show that you can understand complex passages, write a cohesive essay, listen to lectures and discussions, and participate in conversations. It's important to prepare in advance by studying vocabulary, grammar, and practicing your English skills every day.In the reading section, you'll be asked to read passages on various topics and answer questions to show your comprehension. Make sure to read carefully and take your time to understand the main points of each passage. Practice reading academic articles, essays, and scientific papers to get used to the type of reading you'll encounter in the exam.Next, the writing section will require you to write an essay on a given topic. You'll need to organize your ideas cohesively, support your arguments with evidence, and demonstrate your critical thinking skills. Practice writing essays on different topics and ask for feedback from teachers or peers to improve your writing skills.For the listening section, you'll listen to lectures, discussions, and conversations and answer questions to demonstrate your listening comprehension. Pay close attention to the main ideas, key details, and relationships between speakers to answer the questions accurately. Practice listening to podcasts, TED talks, and academic lectures to improve your listening skills.Lastly, the speaking section will test your ability to communicate verbally in English. You'll be asked questions and engage in conversations with examiners to demonstrate your speaking skills. Practice speaking English regularly with nativespeakers or language partners to improve your pronunciation, fluency, and confidence in speaking.In conclusion, the 2024 doctoral entrance exam will be a challenging but rewarding opportunity to showcase your English skills and pursue your academic goals. Remember to study hard, practice consistently, and stay confident in your abilities. Good luck to all the aspiring doctoral students out there - you've got this!篇5Title: 2024 Ph.D. Graduate School Entrance Exam English Exam OutlineHey there, future doctoral students! Are you ready to rock the 2024 entrance exam for graduate school? We've got you covered with the English exam outline to help you prepare and succeed in the big test. Let's dive into it!1. Reading Comprehension:You will be tested on your ability to understand and analyze academic texts. You'll be asked to read passages on various topics and answer questions to demonstrate yourcomprehension skills. Make sure to read carefully and pay attention to details.2. Vocabulary and Grammar:You'll need to show off your knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar. Be prepared to identify synonyms, antonyms, and complete sentences with appropriate words. Brush up on your verb tenses, prepositions, and sentence structure to ace this section.3. Writing Skills:Get ready to put your writing skills to the test! You'll be asked to write essays or short responses on given prompts. Make sure to organize your thoughts coherently, use proper grammar and punctuation, and develop your ideas with clear examples. Practice writing before the exam to improve your skills.4. Listening Comprehension:Listening skills are crucial for academic success. You'll be required to listen to lectures or conversations and answer questions based on the information provided. Focus on understanding the main ideas, key details, and supporting arguments.5. Speaking Skills:The speaking section will assess your ability to communicate effectively in English. You may be asked to participate in conversations, present ideas, or give a speech. Practice speaking fluently, clearly, and confidently to showcase your communication skills.Remember, preparation is key to success! Study regularly, practice different types of questions, and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed. Stay confident, stay focused, and give it your best shot on exam day. Good luck, future scholars! You've got this!篇6Hello everyone! I'm super excited to share with you the English exam outline for the 2024 doctoral entrance exam. Okay, let's dive in!1. Reading Comprehension- Read a passage and answer questions to test your understanding of the text.- Questions may include identifying main ideas, making inferences, and analyzing the author's purpose.2. Vocabulary and Grammar- Complete sentences with the correct words or phrases.- Identify grammatical errors and correct them.- Choose the best synonym or antonym for a given word.3. Writing- Write an essay on a given topic, expressing your opinions and supporting them with reasons and examples.- Summarize a passage in your own words.- Write a formal email or letter in response to a given situation.4. Listening Comprehension- Listen to conversations or lectures and answer questions based on what you hear.- Fill in missing information in a dialogue.- Identify the main idea or purpose of a recording.5. Speaking- Participate in a conversation with the examiner, discussing a given topic.- Give a short presentation on a specific topic, using visuals if necessary.- Answer questions on the spot, demonstrating your ability to think quickly and articulate your thoughts clearly.Don't forget to review your English grammar and vocabulary regularly, practice reading and listening to English materials, and work on your writing and speaking skills. Good luck with your exam preparation, and remember to have fun while learning English!篇7Hey guys, guess what? I have some super cool news for you!I just found out about the English exam outline for the 2024 Ph.D. graduate school entrance exam! Isn't that awesome?So, in the exam, we're gonna have to show off our English skills in a bunch of different ways. We'll have to do things like reading comprehension, writing essays, and answering grammar questions. But don't worry, I know we can totally rock this exam!First up, there's gonna be a reading comprehension section where we read some passages and answer questions about them.We gotta make sure we understand what we're reading and can find the main ideas and details.Next, we'll have to write some essays on different topics. We gotta make sure our writing is clear, organized, and has good grammar and vocabulary. I know we're all super smart, so we can totally nail this part!And finally, there's gonna be some grammar questions to test our knowledge of English grammar rules. We gotta know things like verb tenses, prepositions, and punctuation. But I know we've all been studying hard, so we'll totally crush this part too!Overall, the exam is gonna test our English skills in a bunch of different ways. But I know we've all been working super hard and we're gonna do amazing. Let's go show everyone how awesome we are at English! Woo hoo!篇8Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the English exam outline for the 2024 Doctoral Entrance Exam. It's going to be super duper fun, so let's get started!1. Reading Comprehension- Read a passage and answer questions about the main idea, details, and vocabulary.- Might have multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, and short-answer questions.- Practice reading different types of texts like articles, stories, and reports.2. Vocabulary and Grammar- Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase.- Identify the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.).- Correct the grammar mistakes in sentences.- Learn new words and practice using them in sentences.3. Writing- Write a short essay on a given topic.- Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.- Use linking words to connect your ideas.- Check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.4. Speaking- Talk about a topic for a few minutes without stopping.- Answer questions about yourself and your opinions.- Practice speaking clearly and confidently.- Listen to recordings and practice repeating after them.5. Listening- Listen to a recording and answer questions about the content.- Pay attention to the main idea, details, and speaker's tone.- Practice listening to different accents and speeds.- Take notes while listening to help you remember key points.Remember to practice a little bit every day to prepare for the exam. Good luck, future scholars! You can do it!篇9Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna share the big news about the entrance exam for the doctoral program in 2024. Are youexcited? Well, let me break it down for you in a simple and fun way!First of all, the exam will have three main parts: listening, reading, and writing. In the listening section, you'll have to listen to conversations and answer questions about them. So make sure to practice your listening skills by watching English movies and TV shows!Next up is the reading section, where you'll have to read passages and answer questions. Remember to pay attention to details and take your time to understand the text. You can also practice by reading English books and articles.Last but not least is the writing section. You'll have to write essays on various topics, so make sure to practice your writing skills by writing every day. Remember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary to impress the examiners!In addition to these three main sections, there will also be a speaking test where you'll have to have a conversation with the examiners. So practice speaking English with your friends or even in front of a mirror to boost your confidence!Overall, the key to doing well in the exam is to practice, practice, practice! Don't worry if you make mistakes, just keeplearning and improving. With hard work and dedication, I'm sure you'll do great in the 2024 entrance exam for the doctoral program. Good luck everyone, you got this!篇10Dear students,Welcome to the 2024 PhD entrance examination! We're so excited to have you all here to take part in this big test. We know it can be a little nerve-wracking, but don't worry, we believe in you!First off, let's talk about what's going to be on the exam. You can expect to see questions on a variety of topics, including your field of study, general knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The exam will be divided into multiple sections, each testing different aspects of your abilities.In the first section, you'll be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of your field of study. This might include questions about key concepts, major figures in the field, and recent developments. Make sure to review your notes and textbooks before the exam to refresh your memory!The second section will test your general knowledge. You might be asked questions about current events, popular culture, or historical events. Stay up to date on the news and try to read widely to prepare for this section.The third section will focus on critical thinking. You'll be presented with scenarios or arguments and asked to analyze them, identify flaws, and make logical conclusions. Practice thinking critically about the world around you to do well on this part of the exam.Finally, the fourth section will test your problem-solving skills. You might be given a complex problem and asked to come up with a solution, or asked to explain your thought process for solving a puzzle. Practice thinking creatively and approaching problems from different angles to excel on this section.Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm and do your best. Good luck, and we look forward to seeing all the amazing things you will accomplish in your future academic career!Sincerely,The Examination Committee。
①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一 ②2007 材料物理③3008 电子显 微分析学
同 学 考 需 备 已 过 CET6( 等 历 生 具 : 通 或 CET6 成 在425 分 以 ) 具 本 绩 及 上 或 有 领 域 丰 的 究 历 较 富 研 经
①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一 ②2006 固体物理、 2007 材料物理 选一③3008 电子显微分析学、 3009 热力学与统计物理 选一
080501 材料物理与化学
学院、专业及研究方向 学院、专业及研究方向
01 超导薄膜及带材料制备、 微结构 表征及其性能 02 低维功能材料制备、 微结构及其 性能 03 低维材料结构及性能的计算机 模拟 01 先进结构材料的力学性能 02 金属晶体的疲劳与断裂 03 生物医用复合材料制备及表 征 01 半导体纳米材料的合成、物理/ 化学特性及器件设计 02 磁性薄膜
01 土地政策分析 02 土地行政管理 03 土地利用与规划 01 土地政策分析 02 土地行政管理
指导 教师
初试考试科目 初试考试科目
①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一 ②2003 管理学基础知识③3005 土地管理学
国务院学科评议组成员 同等学力考生要求同上
①1001 英语、1002 日语 选一 ②2003 管理学基础知识③3005 土地管理学
01 量子点中自旋磁矩反转动力 学研究 02 高分子材料结构相变的理论 研究 03 磁性超晶格的自旋波理论研 究 01 聚合物设计与制备 02 聚合物的凝聚态物理 03 液晶光学与织构 04 液晶聚合物的应用基础研究 05 离聚物及自组装的理论基础 及应用
具体要求如下:1. 词汇要求考生掌握约5000个英语词汇和约500个常用词组。
阅读理解分作2部分,仔细阅读(Close Reading)和快速阅读(Fast Reading)。仔细阅读以段落为单位,为考生提供相对完整的信息链条,要求考生在规定时间内阅读文章,并根据其内容按题目要求从每题所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案回答问题,以检验理解的准确程度,把握细节的敏锐性和信息分析、推理能力。此部分分为4个相对独立的短文,阅读总量(不包括题目及选择项)为2500词左右,共设30个问题。每题1分,总计30分。
第一步: [讲解新课]出示《孝感动天》、《亲尝汤药》、《啮指痛心》和《百里负米》的故事讲解内容。
博士研究生入学考试英语 评分标准
![博士研究生入学考试英语 评分标准](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a49584ad05a1b0717fd5360cba1aa81144318f9c.png)
博士研究生入学考试英语评分标准Doctoral entrance examination is an important part of the application process for prospective postgraduate students. It assesses the candidates' academic capabilities, research potential, and English proficiency. The scoring criteria for the English section of the exam play a crucial role in determining the candidate's success. In this document, we will discuss the evaluation criteria used by examiners to assess the English proficiency of doctoral candidates.The English section of the doctoral entrance examination typically consists of multiple-choice questions, reading comprehension passages, and writing tasks. Each of these components is scored based on specific criteria that evaluate the candidate's language skills, critical thinking abilities, and analytical writing.1. Reading Comprehension:This section tests the candidate's ability to understand and interpret academic texts. Examiners assess the candidate's comprehension of the main ideas, supporting details, and the author's message. Points are awarded based on the accuracy ofanswers, the ability to infer meaning, and the demonstration of logical reasoning.2. Vocabulary and Grammar:Candidates are also evaluated on their command of vocabulary and grammar. Examiners look for a wide range of vocabulary, accurate word choice, and the application of grammar rules. Candidates who demonstrate a strong grasp of English language conventions are awarded higher scores in this category.3. Writing Tasks:Writing tasks are an essential part of the exam as they evaluate the candidate's ability to communicate ideas effectively. Examiners assess the coherence and organization of the response, the quality of argumentation, and the use of supporting evidence. Candidates who demonstrate critical thinking skills, logical reasoning, and clear communication receive higher scores in this section.4. Speaking Skills:Some doctoral entrance exams also include a speaking component to assess the candidate's spoken English proficiency. Examiners evaluate the candidate's pronunciation, intonation,fluency, and ability to communicate ideas confidently. Candidates who exhibit clear articulation, natural speech patterns, and effective communication skills receive higher scores in this category.Overall, the scoring criteria for the English section of the doctoral entrance exam emphasize the importance of language proficiency, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Candidates who can demonstrate a strong command of English, analytical reasoning, and clear expression of ideas are more likely to achieve high scores on the exam.In conclusion, the evaluation criteria used in the English section of the doctoral entrance examination play a significant role in assessing the candidate's language proficiency and communication skills. By understanding the scoring criteria and focusing on their language abilities, candidates can better prepare themselves for success in the exam and ultimately secure admission to a doctoral program.。
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