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例句分析 1.Your father is the president of the bank, but that doesn’t mean _________________.( 你有 资格在这里工作)(Model Test 1 No.87) 资格在这里工作
be entitled to/have the right to/be qualified to ---you are entitled to work here ---you have the right to work here ---you are qualified to work here
must have
---must have missed the train
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
1、增词法 、
far more expensive 例1、The house in that city are sold ______________ 、 (贵得多 than we previously expected. (model test 2 贵得多) 贵得多 No.87) ( 我想强调的 我想强调的)is 例2、 _______________________ 、 What I want to emphasize not the process but the result . (model test 2 No.88) 例3、 Because of the rising cost, we spent 、 twice as much money _______________________ ( 两倍的钱 on the 两倍的钱) project as had been planned. . (model test 2 No.91)
被动句 It is asserted that... ”
计算机在在中国应用很广 。 Computers are being used widely in China. .
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
It is asserted that... 有人主张…… ... 有人主张 It is believed that... 据信…… ... 据信 It is generally considered that... 人们普遍认为 ... 人们普遍认为…… It is hoped that... 人们希望…… ... 人们希望 It is reported that... 据报道…… ... 据报道 It is said that... 据说…… ... 据说 It is supposed that... 据推测... ... 据推测... It is well-known that... 众所周知…… ... 众所周知 It must be admitted that... 必须承认…… ... 必须承认 It must be pointed out that... 需指出的是…… ... 需指出的是 It was told that... 据传…… ... 据传 It will be said that... 有人会说…… ... 有人会说
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
1)It goes without saying that...不言而喻的是 ) 不言而喻的是… 不言而喻的是 2)It is common knowledge that...众所周知的 ) 众所周知的 是… 3)It occurs to me that...我突然想起 我突然想起… ) 我突然想起 4)It is not that...but that...并不是说 而是说 并不是说…而是说 ) 并不是说 而是说… 5) 某些含蓄否定的翻译 Plants which refine crude ores are often located in countries other than those in which the crude ores are mined. 提炼矿石的工厂通常不是 设在开采矿石的国家,而是设在其它国家。 设在开采矿石的国家,而是设在其它国家。
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
1、关键词语(一般由两个词或词组组成 、 一般由两个词或词组组成) 2、关键句型,结构: (强调;倒装;从句;it 、关键句型,结构: 强调;倒装;从句; 用法;虚拟语气等) 用法;虚拟语气等) 3、时态/语态 、时态 语态
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大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
7、 主谓宾宾 、 我们称他“老王” 我们称他“老王”
SVOO We call him “Lao Wang”
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
主动句 有人主张…… 有人主张
4、 主谓宾宾 、 我们称他“老王” 我们称他“老王” 5、主谓宾补 、 我们认为这很好 6、主谓补 、 他认真读。 他认真读。
SVOO We call him “Lao Wang” SVOC We think it very good SVA
He reads carefully
--- is he able to complete/finish the report --- was he able to complete/finish the report
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
例句分析 3. _________________ ( 其他条件相同的情 况下), a man who expresses himself effectively 况下 is sure to succeed rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. (Model Test 1 No.89)
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
5、反译法 、
例1、 There is nothing worth watching on the 、 might as well go to the cinema television,, so we _______________________________ ( 倒不如去看电影 . (model test 5 No. 78) 不如去看电影 去看电影) 例2、 Many students are under great pressure. 、 Whenever they feel they haven’t lived up to their parents’ expectations __________________________________________ ( 辜负了父母的期望 they would feel guilty . (model test 辜负了父母的期望) 5 No.79)
as far as…is concerned
---As far as the economic development is concerned
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
例句分析 5. They _________________ ( 一定是误了火 车), otherwise they should have arrived here two hours ago. (Model Test 1 No.91)
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
在四级新题型考试中, 在四级新题型考试中,翻译题所占分值为 10%。由5个句子组成,要求考生将句子的一部 个句子组成, 。 个句子组成 分由中文翻译成英文。 考查的内容主要包括两 分由中文翻译成英文。它考查的内容主要包括两 部分,一是意群的表达,二是句法。 部分,一是意群的表达,二是句法。
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
2、直译法 、
例1、 Professor Smith’s devotion to teaching has 、 _________________________ ( 留下深刻印象 on all 留下深刻印象) made/left a deep impression his students . (model test 2 No.87) clear away the biggest obstacle (扫 例2、 We must____________________________ 、 扫 除最大的障碍) 除最大的障碍 and whether we can succeed or not . (model test 3 No.88) 例3、Once a great earthquake 、 reduced the whole city into ruins ______________________________ ( 将城市化为废墟 将城市化为废墟) (model test 2 No.89) .
Fra Baidu bibliotek
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
4、习惯用法 、
Believe it or not ( 信不信由你 信不信由你) 例1、 _________________________ 、 he finished the report all by himself . (model test 2 No. 90) 例2、The older the general is, 、 _________________________ ( 信不信由你 he 信不信由你) the more he like his life finished the report all by himself . (model test 5 No. 80)
--- When other conditions/things are equal状语从句 ---(When/with) Other conditions being equal 独立结构 (
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
例句分析 4. _________________ ( 就经济发展而言 就经济发展而言), China has made outstanding achievement in the past twenty years. (Model Test 1 No.90)
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
1、无主句:动词谓语 、无主句: 来! 2、主谓句 、 你去。 3、主谓宾句 、 我喜欢花。 我喜欢花。
V Come! SV You go. SVO
I like flowers
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
3、选词法 、
as he hated the past ( 虽然痛 虽然痛 例1、 Much _________________________ 、 恨过去) 恨过去 he wrote two books documenting his five-year prison experiences . (model test 3 No. 90) clear away the biggest obstacle (扫 例2、 We must____________________________ 、 扫 除最大的障碍) 除最大的障碍 and whether we can succeed or not . (model test 3 No.88)
大学英语四级辅导讲座:汉英翻译技巧 大学英语四级辅导讲座:
例句分析 2. Only by working at evenings and weekends _________________.( 他才能完成报告 他才能完成报告)(Model Test 1 No.88)
is he able to finish/complete the report