Silicon Labs Si84xxISO-EVB评估板使用说明


Silicon Labs 产品说明书:Series-1、Series-2、BG12、BG22、FG2

Silicon Labs 产品说明书:Series-1、Series-2、BG12、BG22、FG2

Information on Sustainable Products June 2022Silicon Labs Product AreaSeries-1Series-2BG12BG22FG23 | ZG23MG24 Die Size (mm2)18.90 5.407.029.29 We are a leader in secure, intelligent wireless technology for a more connected world. Our integrated hardware and software platform, intuitive development tools, unmatched ecosystem and robust support make us the ideal long-term partner in building advanced industrial, commercial, home and life applications.We make it easy for developers to solve complex wireless challenges throughout the product lifecycle and get to market quickly with innovative solutions that transform industries, grow economies and improve lives.Our Mission: To empower developers to create wirelessly connected devices that transform industries, groweconomies and improve lives.Silicon Labs constantly innovate to improve our products and services for energy efficiency and productivity. Our products are reduced in die size to improve production yields, further reduce the energy consumption footprint, and optimizing manufacturing processes for source reductions.Silicon Labs Product Energy EfficiencySeries-1Series-2Operating ModeBG12BG22FG23 | ZG23MG24RS9116TX | Transmit8.5 mA @ 0 dBm 4.1 mA @ 0dBm25 mA @ 14dBm 5 mA @ 0dBm130 mA @ 8dBm RX | Receive10 mA 3.6 mA 4.0 mA 4.4 mA20 mA EM0 | Active130 µA/MHz22 µA/MHz26 μA/MHz31 µA/MHz55 µA (1 sec) EM2 | Deep Sleep 2.9 µA 1.2μA 1.2μA 1.3 µA0.9 µA EM2 | Wake up 3.2 µs 5.1 µs 5.1 µs 5.1 µs 2.5msProduct Example ESL removes usage of paper from pricing labels in retail. BG22 enables ESL to operate +7 years on a coin cell batteryProduct ExampleEnergy providers integratewireless in metering toe.g., balance the load ofthe grid and inform energyusers with insights to bettermanage its energy footprintProduct ExampleSmart light bulbs enablesresidents and commercialbuildings to automate andmanage lighting fromremote to reduce energyconsumptions.Product ExampleRecovR enables efficientfleet management withreal-time location ofvehicles in preparation fortransactions, reducing thecarbon footprint for greenbusiness environmentSilicon Labs Series-2 enables developers to create low power IoT devicesEnvironmental Friendly / Recycled Materials §Silicon Labs suppliers declares “MaterialDeclaration of Conformance Instructions” incompliance with Substance Management andReporting (SR2001) in accordance with thefollowing standards, directives and regulations:•Directive 2006/122/EC | EU PFOS/PFOA•IEC 61249-2-21 | IEC definition of Halogen Free•JIG-101 | Joint Industry Guide MaterialComposition Declaration for Electronic Products•Regulation(EC) No1907/2006 | EU REACH(including REACH annex xvii substances)•RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Templat|/ConflictMineralsReportingTemplateDashboard.htm§Carrier tape, moisture barrier bag & carton boxare RoHS compliant§Silicon Labs and its suppliers use recyclablecarton boxes for shipment our products。

Silicon Labs Isolated CAN Expansion Board 用户指南说明书

Silicon Labs Isolated CAN Expansion Board 用户指南说明书

UG322: Isolated CAN Expansion Board User GuideThe Silicon Labs Isolated CAN Evaluation Board is a hardware plugin card for CAN capable EFM32 Starter Kits (STKs). The Isolated CAN EXP is intended to help demon-strate and evaluate applications for Silicon Labs isolation and MCU products. Silicon Labs isolation products create a CMOS barrier to protect components while still allowing for communication and power transfer. Silicon Labs MCU products offer broad solutions for low-power, indusrial, consumer electronics, and more. Software demos are available for connectiong the MCU to the Isolated CAN EXP and can be downloaded and run through Simplicity Studio. The demos are able to send signals across the isolationbarrier and the message be seen by the user on the screen of the MCU STK. They also showcase Silicon Labs ISOVolt technology as the MCU powers components across the isolation barrier.Note: For full use and evaluation of the Isolated CAN EXP , a CAN capable MCU STK is needed, like the EFM32GG11 STK (STK3701). Software examples are provided for the EFM32 Giant Gecko 11 Starter Kit EFM32GG-STK3701.KEY FEATURES•20-pin headers for connection to EFM32starter kits•Software demos available in Simplicity Studio•Power and communication over isolation barrier•Jumpers for easy manual control of input signals1. Kit ContentsThe Isolated CAN Evaluation Kit contains the Expansion Board and a QR code card for quick access to information. Other features of the kit include:•20-pin header to connect to the MCU STK •Dual CAN transceivers•CAN0 port with High, Low, and Ground •CAN1 port with High, Low, and Ground•Power of the EXP board through the 20-pin header or screw terminals •Breakout points for precise evaluation of specific systems •Isolation barrier to separate the STK MCU from the EXP •Easy use through Simplicity StudioIsolation BarrierExpansion HeaderPrimary LEDCAN TranscieversCAN0 PortIsolatorSecondary LEDCAN 1 PortEvaluation JumpersPower PortFigure 1.1. Annotated Isolated CAN EXPUG322: Isolated CAN Expansion Board User Guide • Kit Contents2. Details and ApplicationsThis evaluation kit and associated demos allow the MCU STK, Isolated CAN EXP, and sensors to communicate through the CAN ports on the EXP board while being isolated. The MCU acts as the protocol controller and sends the receive and transmit data to the isolator. These signals are carried through the barrier into a CAN transceiver which converts them to physical CAN bus. Then the CAN ports can be read by a host or another MCU/EXP combination. The CAN communication protocol is widely used in industrial, automotive, and commercial applications where long wires, multiple nodes, high power, or noise are common. Isolation along with CAN is widely needed in the following markets:•Industrial automation systems•Medical electronics•Hybrid electric vehicles•PLCs, distributed control systems•Isolated switch mode supplies•Isolated ADC and DACs•Motor control•Power inverters•Communication systemsAll of these market segments use various communication protocols like RS485, CAN, I2C, SPI, and UART. The combination of Silicon Labs isolators and MCU products can serve any of these segments by combining a low-power, feature-dense MCU alongside industry leading isolation.Figure 2.1. MCU + Isolated CAN EXP Block Diagram2.1 HardwareThe Isolated CAN EXP’s key components are:•Si88242ED-IS – Digital Isolator with Integrated DC-DC Converter containing 4 unidirectional channels, Automotive, 20-pin SOIC • 2 x NCV7351D13R2G – CAN transceiver•UTB02268s – power inverterThe flow of the EXP board connected to an MCU Starter Kit is shown in the figure below.Figure 2.2. Isolated CAN EXP and MCU STK Block DiagramThe Isolated CAN EXP contains many jumpers and headers for easy debugging and added functionality.JP1 and JP3 control the silent mode of the CAN transceivers. Populating these will silence the CAN transceivers preventing them from sending data on the CAN bus; however, they will still receive and provide the data to the MCU.J3 contains the pre-isolated CAN data signals, as well as shutdown for the DC-DC converter. Populating the shutdown, which is the top row jumper, will prevent power from going across the isolation barrier. Note that when the shutdown is populated, auxiliary power must be provided to the other side of the isolation barrier.J4 contains the post-isolation CAN data signals.JP2, JP4, JP10, and JP11 control the CAN termination. Use these to either connect or disconnect the 120-Ω termination resistors that need to be on the end of the CAN bus.JP9 and JP8 control the digital level of the CAN transceivers.JP5 and JP7 enable or disable CAN loopback. With these two jumpers populated, the ports CAN0 and CAN1 will be connected, thereby allowing the MCU to communicate back to itself. This is intended as an evaluation and debugging mode.The schematics for the board are found in the figure below.Figure 2.3. Isolated USB EXP SchematicThe Isolated CAN EXP connects to the MCU STK via a 20-pin header. The EXP board contains the receptacle, and the MCU STK contains the pins. Refer to the figure below for the exact pin out.Figure 2.4. Isolated CAN EXP Receptacle HeaderRefer to the individual MCU STK user guides for each specific boards pin out and pin functions. The example in the figure below is the EFM32 Giant Gecko 11 Starter Kit (SLSTK3701A) pin out.Figure 2.5. EFM32 Giant Gecko 11 STK3701A 20-pin Expansion Header3. Getting StartedThe first step to getting started with your new Isolated CAN EXP is to download Simplicity Studio from /simplicity-studio. The simplicity studio software package contains all the tools, drivers, software examples, and documentation needed to use the Isolated CAN EXP. You will need to connect the Isolated CAN EXP to the EFM32GG-STK3701A Giant Gecko STK. The demo code can be loaded using the USB cable and the J-Link debug interface.Note: This document will walk through the evaluation process assuming one Giant Gecko MCU STKs and one Isolated CAN EXP are used in CAN loopback mode, see the figure below for the final setup.Figure 3.1. Completed CAN Demonstration Set Up3.1 Loading CAN Software DemoThe following steps will load the demo firmware onto the Giant Gecko STK. This process requires Simplicity Studio which is available for download at /simplicity-studio.e a USB mini type cable to connect the J-Link debug interface on the Giant Gecko STK to the PC, and position the powersource select switch to AEM (right-most position).unch Simplicity Studio.3.Click on [Refresh Detected Hardware].4.Select the Giant Gecko STK device, under the Device tab.5.Click on the [New Project] button.Figure 3.2. Opening a New Project with the EFM32 Giant Gecko6.Ensure the Giant Gecko Start Kit is selected and hit [Next].Figure 3.3. Project setup7.Select [Example] and hit [Next].Figure 3.4. Starting from an Example8.Locate the can_board example and hit [Next] and then [Finish] to complete creating a new projectFigure 3.5. Selecting the CAN example project9.The example and code can now be seen in the IDE perspective. From here it can be modified, debugged, and deployed to the Starter Kit. To deploy it to the board, select the [Debug] button outlined in red.Figure 3.6. Debugging the CAN project10.Once in debug mode, the code can be stepped through, breakpoints can be set, and more. To program the board select the[Deploy] button outlined in red.Figure 3.7. Deploying the CAN project11.The example is now loaded onto the MCU STK.3.2 Connecting the EXP BoardThe EXP board has a 20-pin female header. This header plugs in to the STK.•Connect the EXP board to the STK through the 20-pin header.•Populate the CAN loopback jumpers JP5 and JP7. Alternatively you can connect wires to the screw terminals.•With the EXP and STK connected and the MCU STK plugged in via USB, press the [Reset] button on the MCU STK.The kit is now connected, the board is powered, and the demo is running on the MCU. The EXP board contains an isolation barrier where power is transferred over to the CAN transceiver.3.3 Using and Understanding the CAN ExampleThe demo displays the number of received and transmitted characters on each CAN port. The MCU STK screen will increase the character count by one for each button that is pressed. In the current configuration with the loopback jumpers populated, every character sent on one CAN port will be received on the other. This way CAN0 TX and CAN1 RX should always be equal and CAN1 TX and CAN0 RX should always be equal. The screen will look like the image below after 3 presses of each button.Figure 3.8. CAN Example ScreenThe example successfully mimicked two isolated MCU STKs from each other. If noise or a current spike occurred on either one, the other would not be affected. For more information on isolation, please see the Si88xx documentation listed at the end of this document.UG322: Isolated CAN Expansion Board User Guide • Relevant Documentation4. Relevant DocumentationThe following documents are available on :•UG287: EFM32 Giant Gecko GG11 Starter Kit User's Guide – User manual for the Giant Gecko 11 Starter Kit (SLSTK3701A)•Si88x4x Quad Digital Isolators with DC-DC Converter Datasheet — Overview and characteristics of the Si88x4x series of isolators Datasheet and support documentation can be accessed on the Silicon Labs website or in Simplicity Studio under the Document Index section.Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.Portfolio Quality /quality Support & Resources /support。

Silicon Laboratories SiM3U1xx和SiM3C1xx数据手册v1.0说明书

Silicon Laboratories SiM3U1xx和SiM3C1xx数据手册v1.0说明书

User RegistrationRegister today to create your account on . Your personalized profile allows you to receive technical document updates, new product announcements, “how-to” and design documents, product change notices (PCN) and other valuable content available only to registered users. /profileAppendixSiM3U1xx and SiM3C1xx Datasheet Changes:1.Typographical and content corrections and clarification throughout.2.Electrical Specifications Tables Additions:∙Voltage Regulator Current Sense Supply Current∙USB Transciever Supply Current∙Power Mode 2 Wake Time∙External Crystal Clock Frequency∙Added VBUS and RESET pin characteristics3.Electrical Specifications Tables Removals:∙Power Mode 3 Wake Time4.Electrical Specifications Tables Corrections/Adjustments:∙IVC Supply Current, Max = 2.5 μA∙VREG0 Output Voltage Normal Mode, Min = 3.15 V∙VREG0 Output Voltage Suspend Mode, Min = 3.15 V∙External Regulator Internal Pull-Down, Typ = 5 kOhm∙External Regulator Internal Pull-Up, Typ = 10 kOhm∙Flash Memory Endurance, Typ = 100k write/erase cycles∙Flash Memory Retention, Min = 10 Years, Typ = 100 Years∙USB Oscillator Frequency without Clock Recovery, Min = 47.5 MHz, Max = 48.5 MHz∙Low Power Oscillator Frequency, Min = 19.5 MHz, Max = 20.5 MHz∙SAR Dynamic Performance: Consolidated all specs.∙IDAC Full Scale Output Current 1mA Range, Min = 0.99 mA∙IDAC Full Scale Output Current 0.5mA Range, Min = 493 μA∙IVC Slope @ 1 mA, Min = 1.55 V/mA, Max = 1.75 V/mA∙IVC Slope @ 2 mA, Min = 795 mV/mA, Max = 860 mV/mA∙IVC Slope @ 3 mA, Min = 525 mV/mA, Max = 570 mV/mA∙IVC Slope @ 4 mA, Min = 390 mV/mA, Max = 430 mV/mA∙IVC Slope @ 5 mA, Min = 315 mV/mA∙IVC Slope @ 6 mA, Min = 260 mV/mA∙Temperature Sensor Slope Error, Type = ±120 μV/C∙Comparator Input Offset Voltage, Min = –10 mV, Max = 10 mV5.Updated and clarified RTC timer clock output. The RTC output is now referred to as"RTC0TCLK".6.Pin Definitions and Packaging Information: Renamed RTC0OSC_OUT function to RTC0TCLK_OUTfor consistency.SiM3U167-B-GDI Datasheet Changes:1.Updated front page with block diagram, to match standard device data sheet.2.Changed “RTC0OSC_OUT” pin function to “RTC0TCLK_OUT” to match standard device datasheet.SiM3U1xx/SiM3C1xx Reference Manual Changes:1.Typographical and content corrections and clarification throughout.2.Updated and clarified RTC timer clock output. The RTC output is now referred to as"RTC0TCLK".3.Updated DEVICEID0 register descriptions to describe enhanced device identification capabilitiesavailable on full-production devices.。

Si88xxxISO-EVB 用户指南说明书

Si88xxxISO-EVB 用户指南说明书

UG232: Si88xxxISO-EVB User's GuideThis document describes the operation of the Si88xxxISO-EVB.KIT CONTENTS•Discusses the hardware overview andsetup•Shows the Si88xxxISO-EVB schematicsand layout•Lists the bill of materials for theSi88xxxISO-EVB•Includes the ordering guide for theevaluation board kit.KIT CONTENTS•Si88xxxISO-EVB•Si88241ED-IS installed on the evaluationboard.Si88xxxISO-EVB OverviewUG232: Si88xxxISO-EVB User's Guide • Hardware Overview and Setup1. Hardware Overview and SetupPower the EVB by applying a 3.0 to 5.5 V dc supply to terminal block J1. The isolated output is available at terminal block J2. Test points for these are available at the upper edge of the EVB.The default EVB configuration has the header JP13 shorted, so the dc-dc output powers the VDDB supply (U1 pin 19) of the Si88241ED-IS. The acceptable input voltage to the VDDB supply pin is 3.0 to 5.5 V. If the user chooses to generate an output voltage outside this voltage range, the jumper at JP13 must be removed and a separate supply source connected to VDDB through JP13.To measure input supply current, clip a differential probe across JP12 to access each side of sense resistor R20.The SH input (U1 pin 7) disables the dc-dc converter function. Install a jumper across JP9 to pull the SH input high and disable the dc-dc converter. If interfacing to an external controller board through the JP9 header, the controller must drive SH low for normal operation and high to disable the dc-dc.The EVB has a series of headers for connecting to each digital channel. The inside conductor of each 2x1 header is connected to the device pin and the outer conductor is tied to ground through a protection resistor. Connect to each side of the Si88xxxISO-EVB to external controllers through a two-row ribbon cables with one row grounded.2. Si88xxxISO-EVB SchematicsFigure 2.1. Si88xxxISO-EVB Schematic (1 of 2)Figure 2.2. Si88xxxISO-EVB Schematic (2 of 2)3. Si88xxxISO-EVB LayoutTopBottomFigure 3.1. Si88xxxISO-EVB LayoutUG232: Si88xxxISO-EVB User's Guide • Si88xxxISO-EVB Layout4. Bill of MaterialsTable 4.1. Si88xxxISO-EVB Bill of Materials5. Ordering GuideTable 5.1. Si88xxxISO-EVB Ordering GuideCopyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。



ZSB101A-EVB 用户手册ZSB101A-EVB评估板UM01010101 1.0.03 Date:2023/7/4类别内容关键词ZSB101A-EVB、快速入门摘要介绍开发板特性、硬件说明及使用方法©2023 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Micro Electronics Co., Ltd修订历史版本日期原因V1.0.00 2023/02/10 创建文档V1.0.01 2023/06/02 更正通信距离参数V1.0.02 2023/06/02 更正文档文字和表格格式V1.0.03 2023/07/03 更正错别字目录1. ZSB101A-EVB 评估板 (1)1.1ZSB101A芯片简介 (1)1.1.1芯片概述 (1)1.1.2芯片特性 (1)1.1.3芯片工作条件 (1)1.2ZSB101A-EVB (2)1.2.1系统电源电路 (2)1.2.2USB转TTL电路 (3)1.2.3板载外设说明 (3)1.2.4其他功能使用说明 (5)1.3ZSB101A-EVB电气特性 (7)1.3.1电源电气特性 (7)1.3.2I/O电气特性 (7)2. 评估板测试使用 (8)2.1硬件连接 (8)2.2开发环境搭建 (8)2.2.1IDE (8)2.2.2打开Keil工程 (8)2.2.3导入pack (8)2.3编译和烧录固件 (9)2.3.1配置调试烧录选项 (9)2.3.2编译烧录 (12)3. 免责声明 (14)1. ZSB101A-EVB 评估板1.1 ZSB101A芯片简介1.1.1 芯片概述ZSB101A是一款高集成度的低功耗蓝牙芯片,支持蓝牙5.1协议高速率通信。

该芯片集成Arm® Cortex®-M4内核、蓝牙收发器、天线及高低频时钟,支持多种电源供电方式配置,出厂默认自带数传协议,尺寸为8*8mm,采用LGA封装,可选外接天线,简便的贴装工艺,省去用户对射频电路及数传协议的开发,可满足产品快速上市的需求。

斯帕克斯 Skyworks Si82xx 隔离驱动器评估板用户指南说明书

斯帕克斯 Skyworks Si82xx 隔离驱动器评估板用户指南说明书

UG506:Si82xx-EVBSi82XX E VALUATION B OARD U SER’S G UIDE1. IntroductionThe Si823x isolated driver family combines two independent isolated drivers into a single package. The Si8230/1/3/4 are high-side/low-side drivers, and the Si8232/5/6 are dual drivers. Versions with peak output currents of 0.5A (Si8230/1/2) and 4.0A (Si8233/4/5/6) are available. The Si8220/21 is a high-performance functional upgrade for opto-coupled drivers, such as the HCPL-3120 and the HPCL-0302 providing 2.5A of peak output current. These ISOdrivers utilize Skyworks' proprietary silicon isolation technology, which provides a choice of 2.5, 3.75, or 5.0kVrms withstand voltages. All drivers operate with a maximum output supply voltage of 24V. High integration, low propagation delay, small installed size, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make the family ideal for a wide range of isolated MOSFET/IGBT gate drive applications.The Si82xx evaluation board allows designers to evaluate Skyworks’ family of ISOdrivers. The boards come populated with 5kVrms versions of the Si8220, Si8233, Si8234, and Si8235. The board includes land pads for common surface mount and through-hole packaged FET/IGBT power transistors. The board also includes patch area for additional prototyping that can be used to accommodate any load configuration a designer might need to evaluate. For more ISOdriver information, visit Skyworks web site at /products/isolation. The product data sheet and numerous application notes can be referenced to help facilitate designs.UG506:Si82xx-EVB2SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•2. Kit ContentsThe Si82xx Evaluation Kit contains the following items:⏹ Si82xx-based evaluation board (Si82xx-EVB) shown in Figure1.⏹ Si8220, Opto-input,2.5A, 5kV ISOdriver ⏹ Si8233, 2-input, 4A, 5kV, High-Side/Low-Side ISOdriver ⏹ Si8234, PWM-input, 4A, 5kV High-Side/Low-Side ISOdriver ⏹ Si8235, 2-input, 4A, 5kV Dual ISOdriverFigure 1.Si82xx Evaluation Board OverviewUG506:Si82xx-EVB 3. Si82xx ISOdriver Board OverviewThe Si82xx evaluation board is populated with the following ISOdrivers:⏹ Si8220 in wide-body SOIC-16 package, opto-input, 2.5A, 5kV ISOdriver⏹ Si8233 in wide-body SOIC-16 package, 2-input, 4A, 5kV High-Side/Low-Side ISOdriver⏹ Si8234 in wide-body SOIC-16 package, PWM-input, 4A, 5kV High-Side/Low-Side ISOdriver⏹ Si8235 in wide-body SOIC-16 package, 2-input, 4A, 5kV Dual ISOdriver⏹ High-side and low-side land pads for surface mount packaged FET/IGBT power transistors (not populated)⏹ High-side and low-side land pads for through-hole packaged FET/IGBT power transistors (not populated)⏹ Patch areaThe Si82xx board is four separate evaluation boards in one, with each section featuring a different ISOdriver (Si8220, Si8233, Si8234, or Si8235). Each section is isolated from the other sections and requires its own power supplies to power the given section's ISOdriver. Each section's ISOdriver is designed to be powered separately with input supplies for VDDI (5.5V, 500mA) and output supplies for VDDA, VDDB, or VDD up to 24V. The user is expected to connect their desired drive-trane topology and load to the outputs of the appropriate ISOdriver and the patch area. Figure2 shows a silkscreen overview of the board.Please note the voltage rating for the prepopulated components in the Si82xx BOM section of this document before applying power to the ISOdriver and customer specific driver-trane. Applying a voltage to a component that is higher than its rating can cause permanent device damage. If the install components do not meet the user's requirements, these components need to be replaced before proceeding. Moreover, if a user wants to evaluate an ISOdriver in a wide-body package other than the ones populated, this can be accomplished by removing the footprint-compatible device installed on the evaluation board and replacing it with the desired footprint-compatible ISOdriver.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•3UG506:Si82xx-EVB4SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Figure 2.Si82xx Evaluation Board SilkscreenUG506:Si82xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 53.1. Si82xx ISOdriver Board TestFigure 3 illustrates the Si8234 with VDDI powered from 5V and VDDA and VDDB powered from 15V. A 10kHz signal is applied to the Si8234's PWM input. As shown, the Si8234 transmits a 10kHz signal to VOA and VOB (Channel 3 illustrates VOA output, and Channel 2 illustrates VOB output). Note that VOA and VOB are 180° out of phase, as would be expected of a PWM driver. In this setup, no drive-trane was connected to the outputs (VOA and VOB) of the Si8234. Nevertheless, the potentiometer, R35, can be adjusted to dynamically change the dead-time of the Si8234 if desired. Duplicating this setup is an excellent test to become familiar with the evaluation board. To repeat this test, perform the following steps:1.Install a shunting jumper to J12 (Position 1, 2).2.Install a shunting jumper to J14.3.Install a shunting jumper to J11.4.Install a shunting jumper to J13.5.Connect a 5Vp-p square wave to P7.6.Connect a 5V (100mA) supply to P9.7.Connect a 15V (100mA) supply to P14.8.Connect a 15V (100mA) supply to P15.9.Connect a scope probe to TP9 to view VOA.10.Connect a scope probe to TP11 to view VOB.Figure 3.Si8234 PWM OutputsUG506:Si82xx-EVB6SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•4. Si82xx Evaluation Board SchematicsFigure 4.Si82xx Evaluation Board Schematic (1 of 4)UG506:Si82xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 7Figure 5.Si82xx Evaluation Board Schematic (2 of 4)UG506:Si82xx-EVB8SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Figure 6.Si82xx Evaluation Board Schematic (3 of 4)UG506:Si82xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 9Figure 7.Si82xx Evaluation Board Schematic (4 of 4)UG506:Si82xx-EVB10SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 5. Si82xx Evaluation Board LayoutFigure 8.Si82xx Top LayerFigure9.Si82xx Bottom Layer6. Bill of MaterialsTable 1. Si82xx-EVB Bill of MaterialsItem Qty Ref Part Number Mfr Description110C1,C4–5,C8–9, C12,C22, C24,C26, C28311-1140-2-ND Digikey Cap, 0.1µF, X7R, Ceramic, 50V, 0805,±10%, or eq, RoHS22C7, C11PCC2249CT-ND Digikey Cap 1.0µF, X5R, Ceramic, 0805, 16V,±10%, or eq, RoHS31C3 PCC1893CT-ND Digikey Cap 1.0µF, X7R, Ceramic, 1206, 25V,±10%, or eq, RoHS43C2, C6, C20 490-1809-1-ND Digikey Cap 4.7µF, X7R, Ceramic, 1206, 25V,±10%, or eq, RoHS54C23, C25,C27, C29490-1809-1-ND Digikey Cap 4.7µF, X7R, Ceramic, 1206, 25V,±10%, or eq, RoHS, no-pop67C10,C14–19CAP 0805Digikey Cap, NO POP, 0805, or eq, RoHS77Q3–4,Q7–8,Q11–12,Q15D2-PAK-NO-POP D2-pak-no-pop D2-PAK-NO-POP or eq, RoHS84D1–3, D7US1K-FDICT-ND Digikey Diode, SW ULT FAST, 1A, 800V, SMA,RoHS925J2–7, J9–11, J13–17,J19–25,J56–57,J74–75S1011E-02-ND Digikey Stake Header, 1X2, 0.1"CTR, Gold,or eq, RoHS10112J26–55,J58–73,J76–78,J80–139,J168–169,J171NO-POP None No-pop, RoHS114J1, J8, J12,J18S2011E-02-ND Digikey Stake Header, 2X2, 0.1"CTR, Gold, OREq, RoHS122R23, R3592W-104LF-ND Digikey Pot, 100kΩ, Res, 3/8" SQ CERM SL,MT, TOP ADJ, ±10%, OR EQ, RoHS 131R42P100ACT-ND Digikey Res, 100Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W, ±5%, OREQ, RoHS143R1, R12, R24P10.0KCCT-ND Digikey Res, 10.0k Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W,±1%, or eq, RoHS 151R39311-237CRCT-ND Digikey Res 237Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W,±1%, or eq, RoHS 161R41311-330ARCT-ND Digikey Res, 330Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W,±5%, or eq, RoHS 175R9, R11, R20, R22, R32RHM470ACT-NDDigikeyRes, 470Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W,±5%, or eq, RoHS 186R8, R10, R19, R21, R31, R40P49.9CCT-ND DigikeyRes, 49.9Ω, SMT, 0805, 1/8W,±1%, or eq 1921R2–7, R13–18, R25–30, R36–38NO POP DigikeyRes, no pop, SMT, 0805, or eq, RoHS201U4Si8220BD-D-IS Skyworks IC, 2.5A, 5kV, ISOdrivers with OptoInput, RoHS 211U2Si8233BD-D-IS Skyworks 4.0A, 5kV, ISOdrivers, RoHS 221U3Si8234BD-D-IS Skyworks IC, 4.0A, 5kV, ISOdrivers, RoHS 231U1Si8235BD-D-IS Skyworks IC, 4.0A, 5kV, ISOdrivers, RoHS 244RF1–4SJ5744-0-ND Digikey Bumpon protective, bumper, Silicone, oreq, RoHS 2514TP1–11, TP13, TP15–16No PopDigikeyTest point, PC compact, no pop, or eq,RoHS267Q1–2, Q5–6, Q9–10, Q13TO220-NO-POP To220-no-popTO220-no-pop, or eq, RoHS2713P2–3, P5–15277-1236-ND Digikey Conn Term Block, 5.08mm ctrs, PCB,2 POS, RoHS 282P1, P4 277-1249-ND Digikey Conn Term Block, 5.08mm ctrs, PCB,4 POS, RoHS291Q14ZXM61N02FCT-NDDigikeyMosfet, N-Chan, 20V, 1.7A,SOT23-3, RoHSTable 1. Si82xx-EVB Bill of Materials (Continued)Item Qty Ref Part Number Mfr Description7. Ordering GuideTable 2. Si82xx Evaluation Board Ordering Guide Ordering Part Number (OPN)DescriptionSi82xx-KIT Si82xx CMOS ISOdriver evaluation board kitN OTES:Replace this page in the pdf version of this datasheet with the Skyworks copyright page(skyworks_lastpage_general.pdf).。

斯基工 Skyworks 系列 CMOS 低功耗隔离器评估板说明书

斯基工 Skyworks 系列 CMOS 低功耗隔离器评估板说明书

UG488: Si86SSxx EVBThe Si86SSxx-EVB evaluation board allows designers to evaluate representative members of Skyworks’ family of CMOS ultra-low-power isolators, including SPI and QSPI digital isolators. These isolators are CMOS devices employing capacitive coupling tech-nology to transmit digital information across an isolation barrier.Very high speed operation at low power levels is achieved. These products are based on Skyworks’ proprietary capacitive coupling isolation technology and offer shorter propagation delays, lower power consumption, improved noise immunity, smaller installed size, and more stable operation with temperature and age versus optocouplers.KEY FEATURES•SPI and QSPI digital isolators •Test setup •Demo tests •Schematic •Layout •Bill of MaterialsTable of Contents1. Required Equipment (3)2. Test Setup (4)2.1 Digital Isolator Considerations (5)3. Si86SS41BE-IS2 (U1 Device) Setup and Demo Test (6)4. Si86SQ44BE-IS2 (U3 Device) Setup and Demo Test (7)5. Si86SQ44EB-IU (U4 Device) Setup and Demo Test (8)6. Additional Board Features (9)7. Bill of Materials (10)8. Ordering Guide (12)9. Schematics (13)10. Layout (16)UG488: Si86SSxx EVB • Required Equipment1. Required Equipment•Si86SSxx-EVB Rev 2.0•UG488: Si86SSxx-EVB (this document)•Two 5 V power supplies•Two DMMs in current mode•0 V to +5 V signal source, up to 150 Mbps or 75 MHz capable, 50% duty cycle (the standard isolator devices can toggle at up to 150 Mbps rate; the signal source/oscillator need not be that fast.)•Oscilloscope•Various cables and probes2. Test SetupThe board comes with jumpers applied to JP3 and JP4, which will allow LEDs D2 and D3 to illuminate indicating that power is active at J1 and J2.Adjust the two power supplies to 5V out. Disable the outputs or turn them off.Connect the power supply low outputs together. This is your system ground. This ground is common because you will use an oscillo-scope with probe ground leads which are common. The two supply grounds may be separated if you have separate oscilloscopes for the left and right sides of the EVB.Connect one power supply low output to GND1 at J1 pin 2, and the power supply high output to a DMM current input. Connect the DMM current output to VDD1 of the EVB, at J1 pin 1.Connect the other power supply low output to GND2 at J2 pin 1, and the power supply high output to the other DMM current input. Connect the DMM current output to VDD2 of the EVB, at J2 pin 2.Enable or turn on the power supplies. You may verify 5 V outputs at TP1 and TP2. Verify that LEDs D2 and D3 both turn on. You may remove the jumpers at JP3 and JP4 to disable the LEDs if you want to measure VDD current in the devices.Set up the signal source with the low side to system ground, or to the input side ground depending on which side has the input being stimulated. Ground test points are provided on each side of the board for this purpose.Each device section has headers for VDD1 and VDD2 connection to the board supply. Jumpers are provided for these headers to energize one device at a time.2.1 Digital Isolator ConsiderationsThe Si86SSxx-EVB evaluation board (see Figure 1) provides a means of evaluating the Si86SS41 and Si86SQ44 digital isolator devices. After power (2.5–5 V) has been supplied to the board, connect a digital input signal (5 Vpeak max, with desired clock frequency up to 150 Mbps) to the desired input channel. To view the isolated channel’s data transmission, connect a scope probe to the output channel of interest. There are various inputs and outputs on either side of the board depending on the device one chooses to evaluate, as indicated by the silk screen. The board can be used to measure propagation delay, pulse-width distortion, channel-channel matching, pulse-width skew, and various other parameters.The nominal output impedance of an isolator driver channel is approximately 50 Ω, ±40%, which is a combination of the values of the on-chip series termination resistor and the channel resistance of the output driver FET. When driving loads where transmission line effects are a factor, output pins should be terminated with 50 Ω controlled impedance PCB traces.The figure below illustrates the Si86SS41 transmitting a 500 kHz (3 Vpeak) signal through the Si86SS41. VDD1 and VDD2 were powered from 3 V. Channel 1 illustrates the input, and Channel 2 illustrates the output.Figure 2.1. Si86SS41 Transmitting a 500 kHz (3 Vpeak) Signal through the Si86SS41The Si86SS41 is a four-channel device with three forward channels and one reverse channel. The non-isolated or main side input pins are MCS/ (main side SPI chip select), MCLK (main side SPI clock), and MO (main side SPI MOSI). The non-isolated or main side output pin is MI (main side SPI MISO). The isolated or secondary side output pin is SCS/ (secondary side SPI chip select), SCLK (secondary side SPI clock), and SI (secondary side SPI MOSI). The isolated or secondary side input pin is SO (secondary side SPI MISO).The MI pin is always driven by the device; there is no tristate option. In order to connect this output logically to a shared SDO bus line, the MI pin must be followed by a tristate or open drain/collector driver with an enable pin. Choose a device with an active-low enable pin; this can be driven by the MCS/ signal which will enable drive to the SDO bus line. A pull up resistor to an appropriate supply should be added to the SDO bus line somewhere along its length.The board can be used to measure propagation delay, pulse-width distortion, channel-channel matching, pulse-width skew, and various other parameters.Apply jumpers to J3 and J4 to connect the VDD supplies to the device. Verify an increase in VDDx current in both current meters. Apply the signal to each device input successively, while monitoring the input and the corresponding output with oscilloscope probes. The output state should reflect the input state.Table 3.1. U1 Channelsan isolated copy of the DIR state. The DIR pin when driven low configures the device for signal flow from B to A. Each side of the device also has an enable pin (EN_A, EN_B) which when driven high enables the transmitter and receiver circuits, and when driven low configures the outputs as tristate. A 10 kΩ pull up resistor to the corresponding VDD is recommended for each enable pin.Apply jumpers to J5 and J6 to connect the VDD supplies. Verify an increase in VDDx current in both current meters.Apply the signal to each device input successively, while monitoring the input and the corresponding output with the oscilloscope probes. The output state should reflect the input state.Table 4.1. U3 Channelsof the DIR state. The DIR pin when driven low configures the device for signal flow from B to A. Each side of the device also has an enable pin (EN_A, EN_B) which when driven high enables the transmitter and receiver circuits, and when driven low configures the outputs as tristate. A 10 kΩ pull up resistor to the corresponding VDD is recommended for each enable pin.Apply jumpers to J7 and J10 to connect the VDD supplies. Verify an increase in VDDx current in both current meters.Apply the signal to each device input successively, while monitoring the input and the corresponding output with the oscilloscope probes. The output state should reflect the input state.Table 5.1. U4 Channels6. Additional Board FeaturesFigure 6.1. Board Features (Top End of Board)1.VDD Attachments: If you prefer to attach VDD on either side using clip leads instead of stripped wires, you may use the test point,such as TP1 (1) for VDD1, TP3 (3) for GND1, TP2 (2) for VDD2, TP6 (4) for GND2. The indicator LEDs will still illuminate.2.Ferrite Beads: Each VDD path at the top of the board contains a ferrite bead (5, 6). This may be shorted out with a jumper (7, 8),for instance at JP1. Alternatively, the ferrite bead may be replaced with a current sensing resistor, and its voltage measured across the header. A third use of the header would be to remove the ferrite bead and use the jumper to route the supply through a current meter and back to the board.3.Pin Series Resistors: Each signal pin has a 0 Ω resistor in series. These may be replaced by a different value to limit input current or to provide termination.UG488: Si86SSxx EVB • Additional Board FeaturesUG488: Si86SSxx EVB • Bill of Materials7. Bill of MaterialsTable 7.1. Si86SSxx-EVB Bill of Materials8. Ordering GuideTable 8.1. Ordering Guide9. SchematicsFigure 9.1. VDD1 ConnectionFigure 9.2. VDD2 ConnectionFigure 9.3. U1 CircuitFigure 9.4. U3 CircuitFigure 9.5. U4 Circuit10. LayoutFigure 10.1. Primary SilkscreenFigure 10.2. Top Interconnect LayerFigure 10.3. Ground Layer (2nd)Figure 10.4. Power Layer (3rd)Figure 10.5. Bottom Side InterconnectCopyright © 2022 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESUL T FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, ClockBuilder®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem®, ProSLIC®, and SiPHY® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.|Nasdaq:SWKS|*********************| USA: 781-376-3000 | Asia: 886-2-2735 0399 | Europe: 33 (0)1 43548540Portfolio Quality /quality Support & Resources/support。

Silicon Labs 电子产品说明书.pdf_1718722417.83422

Silicon Labs 电子产品说明书.pdf_1718722417.83422

Radio header migrationProject:Radio header migration Silicon Laboratories Hungary Ltd. Version: 0.1 Tel: +36-1-453-4250Fax: +36-1-240-1056 Date: 25/6/2013Table of Contents1 Compare the modem_params.h to radio_config.h (3)2 Structure of the radio_config.h (5)3 Configuration by the Si446x_configuration_init(...) function. (7)1 Compare the modem_params.h to radio_config.hThe configuration of the API properties for the radio can be done by the Wireless Development Suite. Once the required parameters (e.g. Frequency, RF parameters, Packet, Interrupts, GPIOs, FRRs) have been added to the radio congfiguration application (RCA), the WDS can generate the corresponding radio_config.h header file that contains the all of the necessary API properties. They can be found in the second section of the radio_config.h header file. The name of the section is ”Radio Setup Configuration in definitions ”. The structure of the newly generated C defines are the same to those are in the modem_parameter.h. header but the naming convention changed.One line of the C defines in the modem_params.h header file:The C define means that host microcontroller configure 3 pieces of consecutive API properties. The number at the end of MODEM_MOD_TYPE_7 represents the number of bytes have to be sent to the radio through the SPI interface.One line of the C defines in the radio_config.h header file:The C define means that host microcontroller configure 12 pieces of consecutive API properties. The number at the end of theRF_MODEM_MOD_TYPE_12 represents the number of the API properties that”SET_PROPERTY” API command configures!This radio_config.h header contains all of the API properties that configure both of the modem and the packet handler. Modem_params.h header contains only the modem related parameters.Figure 1 : Process of the radio_config.h header Si446x_configuration_init() is processing the radio_config.h header.2 Structure of the radio_config.hThe configuration file is automatically generated by the “Radio Configuration Application” tool. It is interpreted as a C-header. Its name is “radio_config.h”. It is divided into four sections. The second section is intended for the user to see the exact values of the API properties. The third section is specifically i ntended for the si446x_configuration_init(…) fu nction. The structure of the header file is shown on the next figure.Figure 2: Radio_config.h file structureThe 2nd “Radio Setup Configuration in definitions” section is the list of the initialization commands that is sent to the radio through the SPI interface. The structure of one element is shown below:∙ The first byte is the command ID of the …SET_PROPERTY” API command ∙ The next three bytes are the requirements of the command:MSB of the starting location of the API propertyNumber of properties to be written from the starting location LSB of the starting location of the API property ∙ Finally, the values of the properties set by the command.Figure 2: Structure of 'SET_PROPERTY' API commandValue 1 Value ...ValueNThe 3rd“Radio Setup Configuration” section is intended only for the radi o initialization. This part has C structure. It is called “Radio_Configuration_Data_Array” and it contains the previously mentioned definitions plus the length of the API command is inserted at the first position. The format of the definition remains the same. The importance of the extended structure is to build the appropriate format for the input parameter of the ‘Si446x_configuration_init(…)’. The structure of one element from the array is as follows:Si446x_configuration_init(…) function reads 7 consecutive bytes from the beginning of the Radio_Configuration_Data_Array. These bytes represent the RF_POWER_UP command. The host MCU sends them to the radio through SPI interface. After the radio processed the command and the Si446x_configuration_init(…) continues to read the next 8 consecutive bytes from the array. These bytes represent the RF_GPIO_PIN_CFG command. The processing ends when the first 0x00 length byte is read.#define RADIO_CONFIGURATION_DATA_ARRAY \{ \0x07, RF_POWER_UP, \0x08, RF_GPIO_PIN_CFG, \0x05, RF_GLOBAL_XO_TUNE_1, \0x05, RF_GLOBAL_CONFIG_1, \0x08, RF_INT_CTL_ENABLE_4, \0x08, RF_FRR_CTL_A_MODE_4, \0x0D, RF_PREAMBLE_TX_LENGTH_9, \0x09, RF_SYNC_CONFIG_5, \0x05, RF_PKT_CRC_CONFIG_1, \0x05, RF_PKT_CONFIG1_1, \0x07, RF_PKT_LEN_3, \0x07, RF_PKT_FIELD_1_LENGTH_7_0_3, \0x07, RF_PKT_FIELD_2_LENGTH_7_0_3, \0x07, RF_PKT_FIELD_3_LENGTH_7_0_3, \0x07, RF_PKT_FIELD_4_LENGTH_7_0_3, \0x07, RF_PKT_FIELD_5_LENGTH_7_0_3, \0x10, RF_MODEM_MOD_TYPE_12, \0x05, RF_MODEM_FREQ_DEV_0_1, \0x0C, RF_MODEM_TX_RAMP_DELAY_8, \0x0D, RF_MODEM_BCR_OSR_1_9, \0x0B, RF_MODEM_AFC_GEAR_7, \0x05, RF_MODEM_AGC_CONTROL_1, \0x0D, RF_MODEM_AGC_WINDOW_SIZE_9, \0x0C, RF_MODEM_OOK_CNT1_8, \0x05, RF_MODEM_RSSI_CONTROL_1, \0x05, RF_MODEM_RSSI_COMP_1, \0x05, RF_MODEM_CLKGEN_BAND_1, \0x10, RF_MODEM_CHFLT_RX1_CHFLT_COE13_7_0_12, \0x10, RF_MODEM_CHFLT_RX1_CHFLT_COE1_7_0_12, \0x10, RF_MODEM_CHFLT_RX2_CHFLT_COE7_7_0_12, \0x05, RF_PA_TC_1, \0x0B, RF_SYNTH_PFDCP_CPFF_7, \0x10, RF_MATCH_VALUE_1_12, \0x0C, RF_FREQ_CONTROL_INTE_8, \0x00 \}3 Configuration by the Si446x_configuration_init(…) functionThe example code is divided into different layers. The main application configures the hardware platform including the host microcontroller and the radio chip. It calls the hardware initial routine. The radio chip initialization is usually started by issuing a power on reset. The radio module sends a request to the si446x radio driver to reset the chip. After that the driver forwards the request to the hardware abstraction layer that pulls down the SDN pin to perform the power on reset. After the POR, the host MCU sends all of the API properties to the radio through SPI interface. The …RADIO_CONFIGURATION_DATA_ARRAY”array of the radio_config.h header will be processed line by line. The configuration process such as sending one API property and checking if the radio is ready to receive the next property is a repetitive task. It is done by a loop. After the configuration, the host MCU clears all the pending interrupts of the radio.Figure 4: Si446x_configuration_init( ) in the calls chainThe main module calls the vInitializeHW() on itself to initialize the host microcontroller and the radio chip. The vRadio_Init() function sends a request to the radio module which calls vRadio_PowerUp() on itself. It forwards the request to the si446x_api_lib by the si446x_reset(). The radio driver forwards the request to the radio_hal hardware abstraction layer. The power on reset is performed by the radio_hal_AssertShutdown() and the radio_hal_DeasserShutdown(). After the successful power up, si446x_configuration_init() function has to be called to configure the radio with the generated API properties. The memory address of the previously mention configuration array needs to be passed to the function as input parameter. Radio_comm_SendCmdGetResp() function is responsible for sending a line from the configuration array and making sure that the radio is ready for receiving the next one. The mechanism is logically divided into two parts. The radio_comm_SendCmd() is dedicated for the sending one line (e.g. 0x07, RF_POWER_UP ) and the radio_comm_GetResp() is for checking the CTS signal of the radio. The configuration task is repetitive. It ends if the first zero length byte is read. After the successful configuration, the si446x_get_int_status() clears all of the pending radio interrupts.Figure 5: RADIO_CONFIGURATION_DATA_ARRAY is passed to Si446x_configuration_init()C ONTACT I NFORMATIONSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701Tel: 1 + (512) 416-8500Fax: 1 + (512) 416-9669Toll Free: 1 + (877) 444-3032Please visit the Silicon Labs Technical Support web page:https:///support/pages/contacttechnicalsupport.aspxand register to submit a technical support request.Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.Other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.。

Silicon Labs Si866x 1 Mbps 数字隔离器数据手册说明书

Silicon Labs Si866x 1 Mbps 数字隔离器数据手册说明书

Si86xx 1 Mbps Data Sheet 1 Mbps, 2.5 kV RMS Digital IsolatorsSilicon Lab's family of ultra-low-power digital isolators are CMOS devices offering sub-stantial data rate, propagation delay, power, size, reliability, and external BOM advan-tages over legacy isolation technologies. The operating parameters of these products remain stable across wide temperature ranges and throughout device service life for ease of design and highly uniform performance. All device versions have Schmitt trigger inputs for high noise immunity and only require VDD bypass capacitors.All products support Data rates up to 1 Mbps and Enable inputs which provide a single point control for enabling and disabling output drive. All products are safety certified by UL, CSA, VDE, and CQC and support withstand ratings up to 2.5 kV RMS.Automotive Grade is available for certain part numbers. These products are built using automotive-specific flows at all steps in the manufacturing process to ensure the robust-ness and low defectivity required for automotive applications.KEY FEATURES•High-speed operation•DC to 1 Mbps•No start-up initialization required•Wide Operating Supply Voltage•2.5 to 5.5 V•Up to 2500 V RMS isolation•60-year life at rated working voltage •High electromagnetic immunity•Ultra low power (typical)•5 V Operation: 1.6 mA per channel at 1Mbps•2.5 V Operation: 1.5 mA per channel at1 Mbps•Tri-state outputs with ENABLE •Schmitt trigger inputs•Transient Immunity 50 kV/µs•AEC-Q100 qualification•Wide temperature range•–40 to 125 °C•RoHS-compliant packages•SOIC-16 wide body•SOIC-16 narrow body•SOIC-8 narrow body•Automotive-grade OPNs available•AIAG compliant PPAP documentationsupport•IMDS and CAMDS listing supportIndustrial Applications•Industrial automation systems •Medical electronics•Isolated switch mode supplies •Isolated ADC, DAC•Motor control•Power inverters •Communication systemsSafety Regulatory Approvals•UL 1577 recognized•Up to 5000 V RMS for 1 minute •CSA component notice 5A approval •IEC 60950-1, 61010-1•VDE certification conformity•IEC 60747-5-2 (VDE0884 Part 2)•CQC certification approval•GB4943.1Automotive Applications•On-board chargers •Battery management systems •Charging stations •Traction inverters•Hybrid Electric Vehicles •Battery Electric Vehicles1. Ordering GuideIndustrial and Automotive Grade OPNsIndustrial-grade devices (part numbers having an “-I” in their suffix) are built using well-controlled, high-quality manufacturing flows to ensure robustness and reliability. Qualifications are compliant with JEDEC, and defect reduction methodologies are used throughout definition, design, evaluation, qualification, and mass production steps.Automotive-grade devices (part numbers having an “-A” in their suffix) are built using automotive-specific flows at all steps in the manufacturing process to ensure robustness and low defectivity. These devices are supported with AIAG-compliant Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) documentation, and feature International Material Data System (IMDS) and China Automotive Material Data System (CAMDS) listing. Qualifications are compliant with AEC-Q100, and a zero-defect methodology is maintained throughout definition, design, evaluation, qualification, and mass production steps.Table 1.1. Ordering Guide for Valid OPNs1, 2, 4Table of Contents1. Ordering Guide (2)2. Functional Description (5)2.1 Theory of Operation (5)3. Device Operation (6)3.1 Device Startup (8)3.2 Undervoltage Lockout (8)3.3 Layout Recommendations (8)3.3.1 Supply Bypass (8)3.3.2 Output Pin Termination (8)4. Electrical Specifications (9)5. Pin Descriptions (30)5.1 Pin Descriptions (Si861x/2x Narrow Body SOIC-8) (30)5.2 Pin Descriptions (Si863x) (31)5.3 Pin Descriptions (Si864x) (32)5.4 Pin Descriptions (Si8650/51/52) (33)5.5 Pin Descriptions (Si866x) (34)6. Package Outlines (35)6.1 Package Outline (16-Pin Wide Body SOIC) (35)6.2 Package Outline (16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (37)6.3 Package Outline (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (39)7. Land Patterns (40)7.1 Land Pattern (16-Pin Wide-Body SOIC) (40)7.2 Land Pattern (16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (41)7.3 Land Pattern (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (42)8. Top Markings (43)8.1 Top Marking (16-Pin Wide Body SOIC) (43)8.2 Top Marking (16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (44)8.3 Top Marking (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC) (45)9. Revision History (46)Si86xx 1 Mbps Data Sheet • Functional Description2. Functional Description2.1 Theory of OperationThe operation of an Si86xx channel is analogous to that of an opto coupler, except an RF carrier is modulated instead of light. This simple architecture provides a robust isolated data path and requires no special considerations or initialization at start-up. A simplified block diagram for a single Si86xx channel is shown in the figure below.A BFigure 2.1. Simplified Channel DiagramA channel consists of an RF Transmitter and RF Receiver separated by a semiconductor-based isolation barrier. Referring to the Transmitter, input A modulates the carrier provided by an RF oscillator using on/off keying. The Receiver contains a demodulator that decodes the input state according to its RF energy content and applies the result to outputB via the output driver. This RF on/off keying scheme is superior to pulse code schemes as it provides best-in-class noise immunity, low power consumption, and better immunity to magnetic fields. See the figure below for more details.Input SignalModulation SignalOutput SignalFigure 2.2. Modulation Scheme3. Device OperationDevice behavior during start-up, normal operation, and shutdown is shown in Figure 3.1 Device Behavior during Normal Operation on page 8, where UVLO+ and UVLO- are the positive-going and negative-going thresholds respectively. Refer to the table below to determine outputs when power supply (VDD) is not present. Additionally, refer to Table 3.2 Enable Input Truth1on page 7for logic conditions when enable pins are used.Table 3.1. Si86xx Logic OperationTable 3.2. Enable Input Truth13.1 Device StartupOutputs are held low during powerup until VDD is above the UVLO threshold for time period tSTART. Following this, the outputs follow the states of inputs.3.2 Undervoltage LockoutUndervoltage Lockout (UVLO) is provided to prevent erroneous operation during device startup and shutdown or when VDD is below its specified operating circuits range. Both Side A and Side B each have their own undervoltage lockout monitors. Each side can enter or exit UVLO independently. For example, Side A unconditionally enters UVLO when V DD1 falls below V DD1(UVLO–) and exits UVLO when V DD1 rises above V DD1(UVLO+). Side B operates the same as Side A with respect to its V DD2 supply.VVFigure 3.1. Device Behavior during Normal Operation3.3 Layout RecommendationsTo ensure safety in the end user application, high voltage circuits (i.e., circuits with >30 V AC) must be physically separated from the safety extra-low voltage circuits (SELV is a circuit with <30 V AC) by a certain distance (creepage/clearance). If a component, such as a digital isolator, straddles this isolation barrier, it must meet those creepage/clearance requirements and also provide a sufficiently large high-voltage breakdown protection rating (commonly referred to as working voltage protection). Table 4.5 Regulatory Information1 on page 25and Table 4.6 Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications on page 25detail the working voltage and creepage/clearance capabilities of the Si86xx. These tables also detail the component standards (UL1577, IEC60747, CSA 5A), which are readily accepted by certification bodies to provide proof for end-system specifications requirements. Refer to the end-system specification (61010-1, 60950-1, 60601-1, etc.) requirements before starting any design that uses a digital isolator.3.3.1 Supply BypassThe Si86xx family requires a 0.1 µF bypass capacitor between V DD1 and GND1 and V DD2 and GND2. The capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the package. To enhance the robustness of a design, the user may also include resistors (50–300 Ω ) in series with the inputs and outputs if the system is excessively noisy.3.3.2 Output Pin TerminationThe nominal output impedance of an isolator driver channel is approximately 50 Ω, ±40%, which is a combination of the value of the on-chip series termination resistor and channel resistance of the output driver FET. When driving loads where transmission line effects will be a factor, output pins should be appropriately terminated with controlled impedance PCB traces.4. Electrical SpecificationsTable 4.1. Recommended Operating ConditionsTable 4.2. Electrical Characteristics(V DD1 = 5 V±10%, V DD2 = 5 V±10%, T A = –40 to 125 °C)ENABLEOUTPUTSen1t en2Figure 4.1. ENABLE Timing DiagramInputOutputFigure 4.2. Propagation Delay TimingFigure 4.3. Common-Mode Transient Immunity Test CircuitTable 4.3. Electrical Characteristics(V DD1 = 3.3 V±10%, V DD2 = 3.3 V±10%, T A = –40 to 125 °C)Table 4.4. Electrical Characteristics (V DD1 = 2.5 V ±5%, V DD2 = 2.5 V ±5%, T A = –40 to 125 °C)Table 4.5. Regulatory Information1CSAThe Si86xx is certified under CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A, IEC61010-1 and IEC60950-1. For more details, see File 232873.VDEThe Si86xx is certified according to IEC 60747-5-2. For more details, see File 5006301-4880-0001.ULThe Si86xx is certified under UL1577 component recognition program. For more details, see File E257455.CQCThe Si86xx is certified under GB4943.1-2011. For more details, see certificates CQC130******** and CQC130********.Note:1.Regulatory Certifications apply to2.5 kV RMS rated devices which are production tested to3.0 kV RMS for 1 sec.For more information, see 5.5 Pin Descriptions (Si866x).Table 4.6. Insulation and Safety-Related SpecificationsTable 4.7. IEC 60664-1 (VDE 0844 Part 2) RatingsTable 4.8. IEC 60747-5-2 Insulation Characteristics for Si86xxxx*Table 4.9. IEC Safety Limiting Values1Table 4.10. Thermal Characteristics200150100505004002001000Temperature (ºC)S a f e t y -L i m i t i n g C u r r e n t (m A )300Figure 4.4. (WB SOIC-16) Thermal Derating Curve, Dependence of Safety Limiting Valueswith Case Temperature per DIN EN 60747-5-2200150100505004002001000Temperature (ºC)S a f e t y -L i m i t i n g C u r r e n t (m A )300Figure 4.5. (NB SOIC-16) Thermal Derating Curve, Dependence of Safety Limiting Valueswith Case Temperature per DIN EN 60747-5-2200150********2001000Case Temperature (ºC)S a f e t y -L i m i t i n g V a l u e s (m A )300Figure 4.6. (NB SOIC-8) Thermal Derating Curve, Dependence of Safety Limiting Valueswith Case Temperature per DIN EN 60747-5-2Table 4.11. Absolute Maximum Ratings 15. Pin Descriptions5.1 Pin Descriptions (Si861x/2x Narrow Body SOIC-8)V DD2 V DD1V DD2V DD2Figure 5.1. Si861x/2x Narrow Body SOIC-8 Pin DescriptionsTable 5.1. Si861x/2x Narrow Body SOIC-8 Pin DescriptionsSi86xx 1 Mbps Data Sheet • Pin DescriptionsVDD2VDD2Figure 5.2. Si863x Pin DescriptionsTable 5.2. Si863x Pin DescriptionsVDD2VDD2V DD2Figure 5.3. Si864x Pin DescriptionsTable 5.3. Si864x Pin Descriptions5.4 Pin Descriptions (Si8650/51/52)VDD2VDD2V DD2Figure 5.4. Si865x Pin DescriptionsTable 5.4. Si865x Pin Descriptions5.5 Pin Descriptions (Si866x)VVVVFigure 5.5. Si866x Pin DescriptionsTable 5.5. Si866x Pin Descriptions6. Package Outlines6.1 Package Outline (16-Pin Wide Body SOIC)The figure below illustrates the package details for the Si86xx Digital Isolator. The table below lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 6.1. 16-Pin Wide Body SOICTable 6.1. Package Diagram Dimensions6.2 Package Outline (16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC)The figure below illustrates the package details for the Si86xx in a 16-pin narrow-body SOIC (SO-16). The table below lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 6.2. 16-pin Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) PackageTable 6.2. Package Diagram Dimensions6.3 Package Outline (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC)The figure below illustrates the package details for the Si86xx. The table below lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 6.3. 8-pin Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) PackageTable 6.3. Package Diagram Dimensions7. Land Patterns7.1 Land Pattern (16-Pin Wide-Body SOIC)The figure below illustrates the recommended land pattern details for the Si86xx in a 16-pin wide-body SOIC. The table below lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 7.1. 16-Pin SOIC Land PatternTable 7.1. 16-Pin Wide Body SOIC Land Pattern DimensionsTable 7.2. 16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC Land Pattern DimensionsTable 7.3. PCM Land Pattern Dimensions (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC)8. Top Markings8.1 Top Marking (16-Pin Wide Body SOIC)Figure 8.1. 16-Pin Wide Body SOICTable 8.1. Top Marking Explanation (16-Pin Wide Body SOIC)Line 1 Marking:Base Part NumberOrdering Options(See 1. Ordering Guide for more information).Si86 = Isolator product seriesXY = Channel ConfigurationX = # of data channels (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)Y = # of reverse channels (2, 1, 0)S = Speed Grade (max data rate) and operating mode:A = 1 Mbps (default output = low)B = 150 Mbps (default output = low)D = 1 Mbps (default output = high)E = 150 Mbps (default output = high)V = Insulation ratingA = 1 kV;B = 2.5 kV;C = 3.75 kV;D = 5.0 kVLine 2 Marking:YY = YearWW = Workweek Assigned by assembly subcontractor. Corresponds to the year and work week of the mold date.RTTTTT = Mfg Code Manufacturing code from assembly house“R” indicates revisionLine 3 Marking:Circle = 1.7 mm Diameter(Center-Justified)“e4” Pb-free symbolCountry of Origin ISO Code Abbreviation CC = Country of Origin ISO Code Abbreviation•TW = Taiwan•TH = ThailandFigure 8.2. 16-Pin Narrow Body SOICTable 8.2. Top Marking Explanation (16-Pin Narrow Body SOIC)Line 1 Marking:Base Part NumberOrdering Options(See 1. Ordering Guide for more information.)Si86 = Isolator product seriesXY = Channel ConfigurationX = # of data channels (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)Y = # of reverse channels (2, 1, 0)S = Speed Grade (max data rate) and operating mode:A = 1 Mbps (default output = low)B = 150 Mbps (default output = low)D = 1 Mbps (default output = high)E = 150 Mbps (default output = high)V = Insulation ratingA = 1 kV;B = 2.5 kV;C = 3.75 kVLine 2 Marking:Circle = 1.2 mm Diameter“e3” Pb-Free SymbolYY = YearWW = Work Week Assigned by the assembly subcontractor. Corresponds to the year and work week of the mold date.RTTTTT = Mfg Code Manufacturing code from assembly house“R” indicates revisionFigure 8.3. 8-Pin Narrow Body SOICTable 8.3. Top Marking Explanation (8-Pin Narrow Body SOIC)Line 1 Marking:Base Part NumberOrdering Options(See 1. Ordering Guide for more information).Si86 = Isolator Product Series XY = Channel ConfigurationS = Speed Grade (max data rate) V = Insulation ratingLine 2 Marking:YY = YearWW = Workweek Assigned by assembly subcontractor. Corresponds to the year and workweek of the mold date.R = Product RevisionT = First character of the manufacturing codeLine 3 Marking:Circle = 1.1 mm Diameter“e3” Pb-Free Symbol.TTTT = Last four characters of the manufactur-ing codeLast four characters of the manufacturing code.9. Revision HistoryRevision 1.03September 2019•Updated Ordering Guide.Revision 1.02February 2018•Added SI8641AB-AS1 and SI8642AB-AS1 to Ordering Guide for Automotive-Grade OPN options Revision 1.01January 2018•Updated data sheet format.•Added new table to Ordering Guide for Automotive-Grade OPN options•Updated Table 4.5 Regulatory Information1 on page 25.•Added CQC certificate numbers.•Updated 1. Ordering Guide.•Removed references to moisture sensitivity levels.•Removed note 2.Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。

丝芯实验室 Si1102 近距离感应评估套件用户指南说明书

丝芯实验室 Si1102 近距离感应评估套件用户指南说明书

Rev. 0.1 10/09Copyright © 2009 by Silicon LaboratoriesSi1102-EKVALUATION IT SER S UIDE1. Kit ContentsThe Si1102 Evaluation Kit contains the following items:⏹Si1102EK evaluation board ⏹CR2032 battery2. Hardware OverviewThe Si1102EK uses a Silicon Laboratories Si1102 to measure infrared proximity. The Si1102 strobes an infrared LED at a frequency defined by the potentiometer labeled R2. The Si1102 measures the amount of infrared light that reflects onto the Si1102 package. If the reflected light magnitude exceeds a threshold set by the potentiometer labeled R1, the Si1102’s PRX output pin latches low, which turns on the blue LED labeled D2. The board is pow-ered by a CR2032 battery, and the supply current can be connected or disconnected from the Si1102 and the LEDs using the switch labeled S1. Header H1 provides access to the Si1102’s pins.Figure 1 shows the Si1102EK board. Table 1 lists the signals connected to each of header H1’s pins.For more information regarding Si1102 functionality, please see the Si1102 data sheet.Figure 1.Si1102 Evaluation Kit BoardTable 1.Header H1 Pin-OutH1 Pin #Si1102 Pin #Signal Name 12Ground 26SREN 35VDD 41PRX 5N/C N/C 63TXO 77FRD2 – proximity indicator LEDD1 – infrared LED Si1102S1 – battery power switchR1 (bottom side of board) – Potentiometer controls the proximitythresholdR2 (bottom side of board) – Potentiometer controls Si1102 infrared LED strobe frequencyNo tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g n sSi1102-EK3. Schematicsn sSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASmart.Connected.Energy-Friendly .Products/productsQuality/qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laborato-ries Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g n s。

Si864xxT-EVB 产品用户指南说明书

Si864xxT-EVB 产品用户指南说明书

UG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide The Si864xxT devices, the latest addition to the Si86xx isolator family, are 4-channelCMOS-based galvanic digital isolators surge rated at 10 kV. Operating up to 150 Mbps, they are available in wide body 16-pin SOIC packages and designed for the stringent isolation needs of the industrial, commercial, and automotive markets. Various channel configurations dictating the number of reverse channels and default output states are also available per the Si86xx data sheet’s ordering guide.The Si864xxT-EVB allows designers to quickly evaluate the Si8642ET’s capabilities and functionality, either by driving inputs to logic low via shunts, or injecting signals to the header pins via single wires or a 2x6 ribbon cable (not included).For more information on our Si86xxT isolators, visit the Silicon Labs website at: http:// /isolation. The product data sheet and application notes can be refer-enced to help facilitate designs.KEY POINTS•Discusses kit contents and equipment.•Describes hardware setup and demonstration.•Shows EVB schematic and layout.•Includes bill of materials and the ordering guide for Si864xxT-KIT.1. Kit ContentsThe Si864xxT Evaluation Kit contains the following items:•Si864xxT-EVB evaluation board, shown in the figure below.•Si8642ET-IS, 4-channel (Reverse: 3 and 4), 150 Mbps, 10 kV, Wide Body, Default High I/O.Figure 1.1. Si86xxT-EVBUG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide • Kit ContentsUG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide • Required Equipment2. Required EquipmentThe following equipment is required to demonstrate the evaluation board:•Two DC Power supplies 2.5–5.5 V, 100 mA.•(Optionally) Isolated from one another.•Four banana-to-test-clip cables with clips to supply power to the board.•Two 2-pin header shunts (included).•One DMM.•One DMM Voltage Probe Set.2.1 Optional EquipmentThe following equipment is optional and can be used to demonstrate more of the evaluation board functionalities, including signal propagation statistics:•One Signal generator.•Two BNC Coaxial cables.•One BNC splitter.•One BNC to test-clip connector.•One 2-Channel Oscilloscope.•One 10x Voltage Probe.3. Hardware Setup and Demonstration3.1 Powering the SuppliesBoth sides of the Si8642ET isolator accept supplies between 2.5-5.5 V. See the figure below.Perform the following steps to set up the Si864xxT-EVB:•Remove all shunts.•Power Side-A.•Clip 5.0 V from the first power supply to TP1 (VDD1) and its GND to TP3 or TP5 (GND1).•LED, D1, will light up, confirming power is supplied.•Power Side-B.•Clip 5.0 V from the second power supply to TP2 (VDD2) and its GND to TP4 or TP6 (GND2).•LED, D2, will light up, confirming power is supplied.Figure 3.1. EVB — Powered Up3.2 DC Signal Demonstration3.2.1 DefaultsThe default output signal state of the Si8642ET is a logic High, meaning that with all shunts removed (EN1 and EN2 floating), all digital inputs (A1, A2, B3, B4) and all digital outputs will (B1, B2, A3, A4) will be at their respective High voltage level. These values can be measured and confirmed using the DMM.•Remove all shunts.•Measure with the DMM that all digital inputs (A1, A2, B3, B4) are logic High.•Measure with the DMM that all digital outputs (B1, B2, A3, A4) are logic High.See Figure 3.1 EVB — Powered Up on page Fail-safesWhen power is removed from one side of the isolator, the outputs at the other side of the isolator default to logic High.•A-side•Remove all shunts.•Remove A-side power supply.•Measure B-side outputs, B1 and B2 and see that they are logic High.•Replace A-side power and see B1 and B2 driven to their appropriate states.•B-side•Remove all shunts.•Remove B-side power supply.•Measure A-side outputs, A3 and A4 and see that they are logic High.•Replace B-side power and see A3 and A4 drive to their appropriate states.Figure 3.2. EVB — Failsafe, No VDDA3.2.3 ConfiguredFor an example, see the figure below.•Place a shunt across J1 at A2.•This produces a logic Low input on forward channel A2. The SI88642ET will transmit this to the B-side, and the corresponding logic Low can be observed and measured with the DMM on J2, B2.•Place a shunt across J2 at B3.•This produces a logic Low input on reverse channel B3. The SI88642ET will transmit this to the A-side, and the corresponding logic Low can be measured with the DMM on J1, A3.Figure 3.3. EVB Configured for DC Signal Demonstration without Enable3.2.4 Utilizing EnableFor an example, see the figure below.•Place a shunt across J1 at A2.•This produces a logic Low input on forward channel A2. The SI88642ET will transmit this to the B-side, and the corresponding logic Low can be observed and measured with the DMM on J2, B2.•Place a shunt across J2 at EN2.•This drives EN2 to a logic Low input which tri-states outputs B1 and B2. A Hi-Z output can be observed on outputs B1 and B2 with the DMM (appearing as a high), even while A1 is a logic Low and A2 is a logic High.Figure 3.4. EVB Configured for DC Signal Demonstration with Enable3.3 Optional Dynamic Signal DemonstrationNote: Logic inputs should NOT exceed the respective VDD.For an example, see the figure below.•Remove all shunts.•Setup signal generator and oscilloscope.•Generate 0 V to VDD1 peak, square wave (up to 300 MHz, but within the oscilloscope’s capabilities) on the signal generator.•Split the signal generator output to two separate BNC cables via the splitter.•Attach one BNC cable end to oscilloscope Channel 1 and configure the channel for 1x gain.•Attach the 10x oscilloscope probe to oscilloscope channel 2 configure the channel for 10x gain.•Connect the remaining BNC cable end to the BNC-to-test-clip adapter.•Clip the signal generator’s output to A2 relative to GND1 (via either TP5 or TP3).•Clip the oscilloscope probe’s signal line on B1 and reference to GND2 (via either TP4 or TP6).•Observe Channel 1 (input – A2) and Channel 2 (output – B2) on the oscilloscope for various parametrics such as skew and jitter.Figure 3.5. EVB Configured for Dynamic Signal Demonstration without Enable4. SchematicsFigure 4.1. Si86xxT-EVB SchematicUG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide • Schematics5. LayoutFigure 5.1. EVB — Top SilkFigure 5.2. EVB — Bottom SilkUG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide • LayoutFigure 5.3. EVB — Top CopperFigure 5.4. EVB — Bottom CopperUG130: Si86xxT-EVB User's Guide • Layout6. Bill of MaterialsTable 6.1. Si86xxT-EVB Bill of Materials7. Ordering GuideCopyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. 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SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。

Silicon Labs WT12评估套件数据表说明书

Silicon Labs WT12评估套件数据表说明书

WT12 EVALUATION KITDATA SHEETMonday, 09 September 2013Version 1.7No tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn sVERSION HISTORYNo tRe co m m e nd edf oTABLE OF CONTENTSWT12 Evaluation Kit .............................................................................................................................................1 Data Sheet ............................................................................................................................................................1 1Introduction (5)2 Physical outlook .............................................................................................................................................6 3 Schematics ....................................................................................................................................................7 4 Assembly .......................................................................................................................................................7 5 Gerber ...........................................................................................................................................................7 6 SPI (J1) interface ...........................................................................................................................................8 7 GPIO (J2) interface........................................................................................................................................9 8 PIO SELECT (J3) ....................................................................................................................................... 10 9 RESET (J4) ................................................................................................................................................ 10 10 DSR (J5) ................................................................................................................................................ 10 11 Speaker JACK (J6) ................................................................................................................................ 11 12 Microphone JACK (J7) ........................................................................................................................... 11 13 SIG Select (J8) ...................................................................................................................................... 11 14 RS-232 (J9) DTE interface .................................................................................................................... 12 15 USB (J10) interface ............................................................................................................................... 13 16 Power supply (J11) ................................................................................................................................ 13 17 Power supply (J12) .. (13)18Contact Information ............................................................................................................................... 14 No tRe co mm e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s1 IntroductionWT12 Development Kit Contents:∙WT12 development board containing:o WT12 Bluetooth Moduleo RS232 and USB interfaces o PCM codec and 3.5mm audio jacks o 16 pin IO headero Unregulated power supply input (5-9V)o Debug connector for firmware updateso 3,5mm audio jacks for speaker and microphone connection∙RS232 cable∙Debug cable for firmware updates ∙Documentation∙Preinstalled with latest iWRAP Bluetooth softwareNo tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s2 Physical outlookFigure 1: WT12 Development KitNo tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s3 SchematicsSchematics of WT12 Evaluation Kit can be found from the CD delivered with the package or alternatively downloaded from 4 AssemblyFigure 2: WT12 Evaluation Kit assembly5 GerberGerber of WT12 Evaluation Kit can be found from the CD delivered with the package or alternatively downloaded form .No tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s6 SPI (J1) interfaceSPI interface pin configuration is show in Table 2. The physical interface is 2X3 pin header (AMP146134-2).Table 1: SPI Interface PIN descriptionNo tRe co m m e nd edf or7 GPIO (J2) interfaceGeneral purpose interface pin configuration is show in Table 2. The physical interface is 2X8 pin header(AMP146134-7).NTable 2: GPIO interface PIN description8 PIO SELECT (J3)This switch toggles PIO2 to PIO7 signal connections between J2 connector and LED/USB/UART interfaces.Note: ‘Top’ and ‘bottom’ positions refer to viewing WT12 Evaluation Kit from top side as seen in Figure 2.∙Top position must be used when WT12 module is interfaced trough J2 connector.∙Bottom position is used when WT12 module is interfaced trough the DB9 RS232 connector or if USB port or if link state LED is used.J3 Switch top position:∙PIO2 connects to pin 3 on the J2 interface ∙PIO3 connects to pin 4 on the J2 interface ∙PIO4 connects to pin 5 on the J2 interface ∙PIO5 connects to pin 6 on the J2 interface ∙PIO6 connects to pin 7 on the J2 interface ∙PIO7 connects to pin 8 on the J2 interfaceJ3 Switch bottom position:∙PIO2 connects to USB_IO1∙PIO3 connects to nDTR-UART ∙PIO4 connects to nCD-UART∙PIO5 connects to nDSR-MUX ∙PIO6 connects to VBUS∙PIO7 connects to blue LED on the board marked with PIO79 RESET (J4)The RESET button resets the module using the reset pin on the WT12.10 DSR (J5)The DSR button is connected to PIO5 pin on the WT12. Thus, when you want to use the DSR signal, please refer to the iWRAP 2.1.0 manual. The use of DSR signal is described under SET CONTROL ESCAPE chapter.No tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s11 Speaker JACK (J6)Connect your generic PC headset’s 3,5mm speaker plug here.12 Microphone JACK (J7)Connect your generic PC headset’s 3,5mm headphone plug here.13 SIG Select (J8)This switch toggles nCTS and RxD signals connection between J2 connector and DB9 RS232 connector. Note: ‘Top’ and ‘bottom’ positions refer to viewing WT12 Evaluation Kit from top side as seen in Figure 2.∙Top position must be used when external WT12 module’s nCTS and RxD pins are interfaced trough J2 connector.∙Bottom position must be used when WT12 is interfaced trough the DB9 RS232 connector.J8 Switch top position:∙nCTS connects to pin 10 on the GPIO (J2) interface ∙RxD connects to pin 14 on the GPIO (J2) interfaceJ8 Switch bottom position:∙nCTS connects to nCTS-UART ∙RxD connects to RXD-UARTNo tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn s14 RS-232 (J9) DTE interfaceRS-232 interface PIN configuration is shown in Table 1. The physical interface is D9-male connector (AMP747840-4).Table 3: RS232 PIN configurationNo tRe co m m e nd15 USB (J10) interfaceJ10 connector is a standard USB B receptacle connector.16 Power supply (J11)This connector is used with the 5V power supply delivered with the evaluation kit. Diameter 6.0mm, inner pin diameter 2.0mm.17 Power supply (J12)This connector can be used for external power supply. Power supply must be 5-9V unregulated.No tRe co m m e nd edf or N e wDe si gn sSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality/qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laborato-ries Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.No tR e co md edf or N e wDe si g n s。



Quick Start GuideEVBUSB2SER board forUSB-to-serial bridgeReady Play SolutionsUSB-to-Serial Bridge Ready Play Solution (EVBUSB2SER)Freescale’s Ready Play solutions integrate certified functionality to different applications, allowing customers to add features while reducing development cost, simplifying design cycles and enabling scalability in applications and systems.The EVBUSB2SER board is part of Freescale’s portfolio ofcommunication solutions, and provides another way to connect your embedded system via USB. Y ou are required to download the EVBUSB2SER board driver Ready Play solution during installation. The EVBUSB2SER board is a communication bridge between the USB and serial data, which can be any RS232/RS485 or TTL. The EVBUSB2SER board supports baud rates from 300 through 115200 bps, eight data bits, odd or even parity, one or two stop bits, software (Xon/Xoff) and hardware flow control.Reset Push ButtonRS232RS232 3.3V USB2SER5V1. D2. R3. F4. PUSB port5. YHardware Software • Ssearch for software For Windows®How to TestTab > Device Manager.Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Ready Play is a trademark of FreescaleSemiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Doc Number: USB2SERQSG REV 1 Agile Number: 926-26933 REV BFor more information about this and other Ready Play solutions, please visit /ReadyPlay and /USB2SER。

Silicon Labs Si72xx系列磁场位置传感器产品说明书

Silicon Labs Si72xx系列磁场位置传感器产品说明书

Hall$Effect$Magnetic$Position$Sensor$ On$Board$TrainingD A N IE L'H O N N I B A L L'|'M A R C H'2018Si72xx&Hall&Effect&Magnetic&Sensor&ApplicationsMeteringSi72xx&replaces&reed&switches&in&gas&and&water&metersBenefits:•Highest(sensitivity(enables(smaller,(lower(cost(magnets(•Low(power(for(reed(switch(replacement•Tamper(detection•SMT(compatible•High(reliability•Highly(configurableConsumer$ProductsSi72xx&enables&smaller&form&factorsBenefits:•Highest(sensitivity(enables(smaller,(lower(cost(magnets(•SMT(compatible•Coming(soon:(1.4x1.6mm(DFN(package(for(smallest(PCB(area•Highly(configurableSecurity$and$AutomationSi72xx&replaces&reed&switches&in&window&sensorsBenefits:•Highest(sensitivity:(Smaller(magnets(and/or(longer(range•Low(power(for(reed(switch(replacement•Tamper(detection•Temperature(sensing•SMT(compatible•High(reliability•Highly(configurableIndustrial$and$AutomotiveSi72xx&delivers&higher&performance&position&sensingBenefits:•Highest(sensitivity:(enables(smaller,(lower(cost(magnets(and/or(longer(range•Replace(expensive(rareMearth(magnets(with(ceramics•BuiltMin(selfMtest(capability•Highly(configurable•AEC(Q100((Grade(1)!Si720x':'Switch'or'Latch'Digital'Output!Si7201/2(Low(voltage(switch/latch!Si7203/4(Low(voltage(dual(switch/latch((SOT23<5)!Si7205/6(High(voltage(switch/latch((current(or(voltage(out)!Packages:(TO92,(SOT23<3,(SOT23<5!Added(pin(on(SOT23<5(is(usually(used(for(tamper(indication!Si7210':'I2C'Programmable'Position'Sensor'with'Digital'Alert'Pin!Orderable(with(4(I2C(address(options(+(integrated(temperature(sensor !Packages:(SOT23<5,(DFN<8!Si721x':'Analog'or'PWM'or'SENT'Outputs!Si7211/12/13(Analog/PWM/SENT(out(!SI7214/15(High(voltage(PWM/SENT(out!Packages:(TO92((3pin),(SOT23((3(or(5pin),(DFN((8pin)!For'full'OPN'list,'see'Ordering'Guide'(link 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2!Magnetic)field)lines)have)a)strength)and)direction!For)international)system)of)units,)B/field)is)measured)in)Teslas (symbol:)T)!For)Gaussian/cgs units,)B/field)is)measured)in)gauss)(symbol:)G)!1)T)=)10,000)G !1)mT =)10)GMagnetic)Field:)B/fieldMagnetic)field)lines)for)a)cylindrical)magnetB /f i e l dDistanceMagnetic)field)strength)from)a)magnet)drops)off)with)distance!Objects(which(produce(their(own(persistent(magnetic(fields!Magnetized(with(a(North(and(South(pole!Made(from(“hard”(ferromagnetic(materials!E.g.(Iron,(cobalt,(and(nickel!Magnets(are(generally(graded(by(their(Maximum(Energy(Product((BH max )!BH max comes(from(the(magnet’s(hysteresis(curve((aka(BH(Curve)!Measured(in(units(of(Mega(Gauss(Oersted((MGOe)!Rare(earth(magnets:(stronger(&(more(expensive!Neodymium(magnets!Varying(levels(of(strength:(Graded(from(N35((weak)(to(N52((stronger)!Neodymium(is(a(member(of(the("rare(earth"(elements(on(periodic(table!Ceramic(magnets:(weaker(&(cheaper!Earth’s(magnetic(field:(30uT(to(60uT((0.3(to(0.6(G)Permanent(MagnetsFor(more(info(on(magnets,(go(to(K&J(Magnetics,(Inc.(website((link )!Distance:*Trade.offs*between*Rare.Earth*and*Ceramic*magnets!Ceramic*Magnets:*Cheaper*but*weaker,*magnet*could*need*to*be*bigger!*Magnets:*More*expensive*and*stronger,*allows*for*a*smaller*magnet*in*volume!Solution:*Si72xx’s*High*sensitivity*+*low.offset*allows*for*high*performance*with*ceramic*magnets!Ferromagnetic*materials*located*within*the*system*affect*the*magnetic*field*lines*of*the*magnet!The*shell*of*coin*cell*batteries*are*magnetic*and*will*bend*the*magnetic*field*lines!2mm*to*6mm*away*from*the*coin*cell*battery’s*edge,*the*field*will*be*reduces*due*to*the*bending*effect!Directly*under*the*coin*cell*battery,*the*field*will*be*amplified*!Operating*in*hot*temperatures!Si72xx*sensors’*offset,*gain*accuracy*will*vary*causing*B OP /B RP thresholds*to*change!The*strength*of*a*magnet*becomes*weaker*as*temperature*is*elevated*from*room*temp!Magnets*can*become*irreversibly*demagnetize*above*80°C*losing*some*of*their*strength*even*when*brought*back*down*to*room*temp !Above*the*temperature*where*the*magnet*material*was*sintered,*the*magnet*will*become*permanently*demagnetizedSi72xx&Common&Design/in&ChallengesMagnetic)field)lines)of)a)magnetWith)a)ferromagnetic)plate)near)a)magnet,)the)magnetic)field)lines)become)attracted)to)the)plate)and)bendFor*further*info,*please*go*to*K&J*Magnets’*webpage*on*Magnets*&*Temperature*(link )!These%parts%are%offered%in%3%industry%standard%packages!SOT23&(3(pin&&&5(pin)!Thin&DFN&(8(pin)!TO92&(3(pin)!1%dimensional:%Only%sensitive%to%1%axis%of%magnetic%field%!SOT23%&%DFN:%Perpendicular%to%the%PCB !TO92:%Parallel%to%the%PCB!While%we%can%cross%reference%many%parts,%we%offer%the%advantages%of:!Lower%power!Higher%Sensitivity%&%Low%Noise !The%option%of%tamper%indication!Better%linearity,%offset%and%gain%accuracy!Very%configurable%(factory%programmed)%for%special%applications !I2C%parts%with%users%programmable%interrupt%thresholds!We%can%quickly%create%a%new%configuration%for%customers%with%higher%volume%applications!Contact%MarketingSi72xx&Hall&Effect&Sensor:&Key&DifferentiatorsSOT23S3DFNS81.6%x%1.4%x%0.35%mmSOT23S5TOS92TO92Sensitive&to&x(axisSOT23Sensitive&to&z(axiszy x!Used%for%detecting%the%presence%of%a%magnet!Typical%application:%Window%sensor%for%security!Unipolar%Switch!Factory%programmable%operate%and%release%points !Add%hysteresis%to%avoid%jitter%at%the%decision%point!Omni@polar%switch!Decision%based%on%magnetic%field%magnitude%|B|!We%can%customize%the%sampling%rate,%switching%thresholds%and%several%other%parameters%at%factory%test!See%ordering%guide%for%full%detailsSi720x'Hall'Effect'Sensor:'SwitchesV OUTBB OPB RP V OUTBB OPB RP B OP B RPUnipolar)SwitchOmnipolar)Switch!What%is%tamper%indication?!Drives%OUT%back%to%the%zero9field%state%when%an%overly%strong%field%is%detected!Why%tamper%feature?!In%a%window%sensor,%external%magnet%could%fool%sensor%into%thinking%the%window%is%closed!Tamper%would%create%an%alarm%condition%like%door%or%window%open%which%is%also%zero%field!Tamper%can%be%output%on%separate%pin%or%multiplexed%on%OUT!59pin%Switches%can%have%Tamper%on%separate%pin !39pin%Switches%can%multiplex%Tamper%on%OUT!Tamper%threshold%is%factory%programmed!See%ordering%guide%for%tamper%thresholdsSi720x'Hall'Effect'Sensor:'Switches'with'Tamper'IndicationV OUTBB OP B RP B OP B RP B TAMPB TAMPOmnipolar*Switch*w/*Tamper*Indication!Latch:'Used'for'detecting'the'polarity'of'the'magnet!Low'hysteresis,'highly'sensitive'!Typical'Application:'Revolution'counting!Wider'hysteresis,'used'for'wide'range'of'motion'and'revolution'countingSi720x'Hall'Effect'Sensor:'LatchesBV OUTB OPB RPSi721x'Hall'Effect'Sensors:'Analog,'PWM,'SENT!All#of#these#parts#sample#the#magnetic#field#periodically#then#output#a#signal#that#represents#the#field#!The#part#must#be#active#at#0.4mA#to#keep#the#output#pin#active!DIS#pin:#Puts#parts#into#sleep#mode#(100nA)!DIS#(disable)#pin#only#available#on#5Epin#parts!BISTb will#turn#on#a#on#chip#coil#that#increases#or#decreases#the#magnetic#field!Only#available#on#5Epin#parts!I DD depends#on#sample#rate#+#samples#averagedV OUTBV DDAnalog#OutPWMOUTOUTSENT#(Single#Edge#Nibble#Transmission)ttV DDOUTGND BISTb DISSi721xSi7210'I2C'Hall-Effect'Sensors!Read%field%strength%with%122bit%resolution!I2C%programmable%output%field%thresholds%(Set%B OP&%B RP)!Integrated%temperature%sensor%(1°C%accuracy)%!Factory%configuration%options%include%I2C%address,%sleep%mode%sample%rate% and%tamper%threshold!See%ordering%guide%for%complete%details!I2C%Address!Sleep%mode%time!Tamper%threshold!With%Idd(avg)%of%0.4uA,%Si7210%can%monitor%magnetic%field%5%times%a%second% and%generate%a%programmable%interrupt%!Then%wake%and%read%field%data!Or%use%sleep%mode%at%0.1uA%and%poll%for%data%periodically%for%very%low%powerV DD OUTGNDSCL SDA Si7210Si720x:(Replacing(Reed(SwitchesSi7201'hall'sensor'switches'are'sensitive'to'perpendicular'fieldsNo)need)to)change)magnet)shape,)only)change)the)way)it)is)magnetized!Solid)state)sensors)have)many)advantages)over)reed)switches!Smaller!More)sensitive !More)reliable !More)accurate!Capable)of)outputting)the)field)value)–not)a)simple)magnet)present/absent !Much)better)tamper)detection !Can)be)much)faster)acting!Still)you)will)get)questions!The)main)issue)is)the)type)of)magnet)needs)to)changeReed'switches'are'sensitive'to'parallel'fieldsSi7210:(Position(Sensing!2x)Si7210)Sensors)for)detecting)360°of)rotation!Competitors)have)similar)solutions)with)2)or)more)integrated)sensors.)Generally)they)are)more)expensive)and)power)hungry.)Typically)require)on)chip)look)up)tables)and)calculations!2x)Si7210)sensors)required)due)to)2D)position!It)is)possible)to)do)angle)position)sensing)with)resolution)<1)degree)and)position)sensing)with)resolution)in)the)range)of)1um!Absolute)accuracy)in)this)range)will)depend)on)mechanical)design!Code)for)demo)is)available)in)Simplicity)StudioL20L15L10L50510152004590135180225270315360M e a s u r e d )F i e l d )L m TWheel)Angle)L θ°Magnetic)Field)Strength)vs)Angle)PositionU2U1Example(from(App(Note(AN1018,(Section(9.(Position(Measurement(“Wheel(Demo”Si72xx&WD&Kit:Wheel/Demo/EVB/Training W W W.S I L A B S.C O M!See#UG288#for#demo#details!Demo#is#pre4programmed#on#a#EFM32#Happy#Gecko#starter#kit!Code#is#also#available#through#Simplicity#Studio!Demo#includes#wheel#angle#calculation# and#rotation#counting#on#the#Si72xx4 EXP#expansion#board!6#different#types#of#sensors#are# included!Switch,#Latch,#I2C,#analog,#PWM,#SENTDemo%summaryHall$Effect$Sensor:$Demo!After&plugging&the&boards&together&apply&power&with&the&switch&close&to&the&battery !Choose&the&demo&option&using&PB0&and&PB1!Two$1/8”$by$1/16”$N42$magnets$are$placed$at$180°from$wheel$center !One$magnet$faces$up$and$the$other$magnet$faces$down!Two$Si7210$parts$are$placed$at$90°offset$from$the$wheel$center!Same$bus,$two$different$I 2C$addresses !As$the$wheel$is$turned$the$magnetic$field$varies$approximately$as$a$sinusoid !Parts$sleep$at$100nA$between$readings !Position$measurement$at$1$Hz,$$$$$$$$$$$$I AVE =$0.3$µA!150$nC x2$devices$=$300$nCU20U15U10U50510152004590135180225270315360M e a s u r e d $F i e l d $U m TWheel$Angle$U θ°Magnetic$Field$Strength$vs$Angle$PositionU2U1!Shows&the&high&sensitivity&and&low&noise&Si72xx&Hall&effect&sensors !Display&shows&the&magnetic&field&at&U1&&&U2&plus&the&angle&of&the&wheel!Wheel&position&determined&by&a&look&up&table&!With&interpolation,&resolution&is&better&than&1&degree!Without&calibration&accuracy&is&about&5&degrees!A&calibration&mode&can&be&entered&by&pushing&PB0&and&PB1&together&to& get&accuracy&to&1&degree!The&Si7210&parts&can&monitor&for&a&change&in&wheel&position&and& interrupt&the&MCU&when&a&change&is&noted&(e.g.&more&than&20%& variation&in&field)!This&enables&very&low&power&operation&when&the&wheel&is&not&turning!The$I2C$sensor$operate$and$release$points$are$programmed$so$that$the$parts$act$as$sensitive$“latches”$where$outputs$vary$in$“quadrature”Hall$Effect$Sensor:$Revolution$Counter$Demo!On$entering$this$mode,$whole$revolutions$are$counted!This$uses$the$very$low$energy$pulse$counter$available$in$most$EFM32$parts!Pressing$PB1$allows$the$display$of$the$wheel$quadrantG16G12G8G40481216090180270360M a g n e t i c $F i e l d $G m TAngle$of$Wheel$G θ°Quadrant$vs$Wheel$PositionQuad$1Quad$2Quad$3Quad$4U2(OUT)U1(OUT)U1U2!This%demo%requires%an%Si7210%postage%stamp!The%magnetic%field%sensed%by%an%I2C%sensor%is%displayed!This%has%been%useful%to%several%customers%already%basically%allowing% evaluation%of%the%magnetic%field%data%from%different%magnets%at% different%positions!Pressing%PB1%allows%switching%from%20mT%full%scale%to%200mT%full%scalePostage(Stamp(Magnetic(Field(Data!Simple'display'of'output'pin'high'or'low!Will'work'for'3'pin'switch'or'latch'parts!Cannot'detect'the'type'of'board'connected'so'we'do'not' attempt'to'interpret'the'data'to'translate'in'magnet'present'or'absent!If'an'Si7210'is'detected'then'“tamper”'events'are' displayed'(output'pin'going'back'low'in'the'presence' of'a'strong'magnetic'field)Postage(Stamp(Output(Pin(“Switch(Evaluation”!If#and#Si7210#I2C#part#is#detected#we#can#also#display#the# temperature#data#available#from#I2C#parts!This#offers#customers#making#remote#sensor#nodes#the# possibility#of#getting#both#“open/closed”#and#temperature# data#from#one#sensorPostage(Stamp(Temperature(Data!The$sensor$is$assumed$to$be$an$Si7211$which$has$an$analog$output$going$from$0$to$Vdd as$the$magnetic$field$varies$from$= 20mT$to$+20mT!Vout/Vdd as$well$as$the$calculated$magnetic$field$strength$is$ displayed!If$the$postage$stamp$plugged$in$is$incorrect$the$magnetic$field$ data$will$be$incorrect!The$sensor$is$assumed$to$be$an$Si7212$which$has$a$PWM$output$going$from$0$to$100%$duty$cycle$as$the$magnetic$field$ varies$from$A20mT$to$+20mT!Duty$cycle$as$well$as$the$calculated$magnetic$field$strength$is$ displayed!If$the$postage$stamp$plugged$in$is$incorrect$the$magnetic$ field$data$will$be$incorrect!SENT$=$Single$Edge$Nibble$Transmission!4$bit$nibbles$are$encoded$as$12$to$27$clock$“ticks”$(1$tick$=$5$ usec)$from$falling$edge$to$falling$edge!SENT$data$is$broadcast$continuously!The$decoded$SENT$word$as$well$as$the$calculated$ magnetic$field$strength$is$displayed!If$the$postage$stamp$plugged$in$is$incorrect$the$magnetic$field$data$will$be$incorrectThank&youW W W.S I L A B S.C O MA D D I T I O N A L.S L I D E S.A T T A C H E D.!Si7210'I2C'programmable'linear'sensors!4x'orderable'I2C'address'options!Low'power'consumption'400'nA@'5'samples/second !Tamper'indication'feature!High'12Ebit'resolution'and'±0.1%'output'linearity!IndustryEleading'<0.9'mT sensitivity'(B OP max)!Very'low'offset'(±0.25'mT)'and'noise'(0.03'mT RMS)!Integrated'1.0°C'temperature'sensor!High'accuracy'over'temperature!Two'V DD range'options:'1.7V'—5.5V'or'3.3V'—26.5V!Extended'temp.'E40°C'to'+125°C,'AECEQ100'(Grade'1) !Integrated'coil'provides'builtEin'selfEtest'(BIST)'capabilitySi72xx&Hall*Effect&Magnetic&Sensor:&Key&SpecificationsSi720x'Switches'and'Latches'Comparison'TableParameter Silicon-Labs-Si720x AKMEW:6672AKMAK8788AAllegro-A3211/12HoneywellSM351LTMelexisMLX90248Supply&Voltage 1.7&–26.5V 2.4&–3.3V 1.6&–5.5V 2.5&–3.5V 1.65&–5.5V 1.5&–3.6V Supply&Current0.4&µA5&µA7.5µA 6.7µA0.4&µA 6.5&µA Minimum&Field0.9&mT 2.9&mT 4.1&mT 5.5&mT 1.1mT6&mTRelease&Point&and& HysteresisSelectable&orProgrammable Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed FixedSample&Rate Selectable&orProgrammable Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed FixedOutput&Type OpenKdrain,&digital&high/low,I2C,&2KwireDigital&high/lowDigital&high/low OpenKdrainDigital&high/low OpenKdrainTamper Detect Yes No No No No NoSi721x'Linear'Position'Sensors'Comparison'TableParameter Silicon-LabsSi721xAKMEQ:430L Allegro-A1395MelexisMLX90288Supply&Voltage 1.7&–26.5V 3.0–5.5V 2.5&–3.5V 4.5&–5.5V Supply&Current&(Continuousmode)3mA9&mA 3.2&mA8.8&mA Supply&Current&(Pulsed&mode)0.4&µA N/A N/A N/A Linearity0.1&%FS0.5&%FS0.5&%FS0.1&%FSOutput&Type Ratiometric&voltage,&PWM,I2C Ratiometric voltage Ratiometric voltage Ratiometric voltage Field&Monitoring&/&Threshold Yes&(I2C)No No NoSi720x'Hall+Effect'Sensor'switches'and'Latches!Industry)standard)3,pin)SOT23)and)TO,92)footprint!Si7201)1.7)to)5.5V)switches !Si7202)1.7)to)5.5V)latches !Si7205)3.3)to)26.5V)switches !Si7206)3.3)to)26.5V)latches !Three)pins:)V DD,)OUT,)GND!OUT)goes)high/low)at)pre,programmed)magnetic)field)level !V DD current)signaling)option!I DD increases/decreases)as)thresholds)are)passed!Tamper)protection)optionally)available)on)OUT)pin!Reverts)to)zero)field)level)when)tamper)threshold)passed!Average)I DD depends)on)sample)rate!As)low)as)0.4uA)sampling)at)5)times)per)secondV DDOUTGNDIntegrated)tamper)detection!Sample'rate!5'Hz'to'~1'kHz'with'100'nA sleep'current'between'samples !5'Hz'to'~50'kHz'with'360'µA'idle'current'between'samples !113.6'kHz'continuous!Decision'points'B OP(operate)'and'B RP(release)!Type'of'output'(open'drain,'pushKpull,'analog)!Output'polarity'(high'or'low'for'strong'field)!Field'polarity'(into'or'out'of'package'or'“omnipolar”) !Filtering!Burst'of'N'samples'(FIR)'(1,'2,'4,'8'up'to'2048'samples)!IIR'averaging'(1,'2,'4,'8'up'to'32,768'samples)*'1'mT='10'Gauss!Temperature)compensation!Compensate)for)a)magnets)field)strength)variation)with)temperature !Standard)compensation)for)Neodymium)(;0.12%/°C))or)Ceramic)(;0.2%/°C)!Tamper)feature!Drives)OUT)back)to)the)zero)field)state)in)strong)field)(3;pin)!Separate)TAMPER)pin)(5;pin)!Magnetic)field)measurement)range!Standard)ranges)are)20)mT and)200)mT (200)Gauss)and)2000)Gauss)*!On)20)mT range)single)sample)RMS)noise)is)30)µT)RMS,)this)can)be)reduced)by)filtering!I 2C)address)(4)available)W e )w i l l )b e )a d d i n g )o r d e r i n g )o p t i o n s .I f )y o u r )c u s t o m e r )h a s )a )n e e d )f o r )a )c o n f i g ur a t i o n)n ot )l i s t e d ,)a s k !Reed$switch$replacement!Solid&state&sensors&have&many&advantages&over&reed&switches!Smaller!More&sensitive!More&reliable!More&accurate!Capable&of&outputting&the&field&value&–not&a&simple&magnet&present/absent !Much&better&tamper&detection!Can&be&much&faster&acting!Still&you&will&get&questions!The&main&issue&is&the&type&of&magnet&needs&to&changePosition'sensing!Several'solutions'are'available'from'competitors'that'have'2'or'more'integrated'sensors'which'are' used'for'calculating'the'absolute'position'or'angle'of'a'magnet!These'are'generally'expensive'and'power'hungry'devices'with'on'chip'electronics'to'go'from'a'calibration'look' up'table'to'a'calculated'position'or'angle!Our'I2C'devices'are'perfect'for'this'kind'of'application!Can'save'cost'and'power'by'doing'the'calculations'on'the'host!Can'add'tamper'indication'to'the'algorithms'to'support'tamper'detection'with'no'added'cost!The'“wheel'demo”'shows'one'example'of'this!See'AN1018'for'details!Code'is'available'in'Simplicity'studio'September'STK'release!It'is'possible'to'do'angle'position'sensing'with'resolution'<1'degree'and'position'sensing'with'resolution'in'the'range'of'1um!Absolute'accuracy'in'this'range'will'depend'on'mechanical'design!Please'contact'applications'support'if'your'customer'has'a'position'sensing'requirement'and'needs'further' assistance!A"lower"cost"demo!“postage"stamps”"only"(no"wheel" demo)!A"USB"to"I2C"adapter!A"PC"GUI!To"allow"data"graphing"a"logging"and"more"detailed"control"of"the"Si7210"I2C"registersLow$Cost$EVB$Solution。

Silicon Labs 芯片评估板 套件说明书

Silicon Labs 芯片评估板 套件说明书

EVALUATION BOARD/KIT IMPORTANT NOTICESilicon Laboratories Inc. and its affiliated companies ("Silicon Labs") provides the enclosed evaluation board/kit to the user ("User") under the following conditions:This evaluation board/kit ("EVB/Kit") is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, DEMONSTRATION, OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. ANY OTHER USE, RESALE, OR REDISTRIBUTION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. This EVB/Kit is not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards. As such, persons handling this EVB/Kit must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As a prototype not available for commercial reasons, this EVB/Kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility, restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC, CE or UL, and therefore may not meet the technical requirements of these directives or other related directives.Should this EVB/Kit not meet the specifications indicated in the User's Guide, the EVB/Kit may be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY SILICON LABS TO USER, IS USER'S SOLE REMEDY , AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY , INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NONINFRINGEMENT, DESIGN, WORKMANSHIP , OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PUR-POSE.User assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the EVB/Kit. Further, User indemnifies Silicon Labs from all claims arising from User's handling or use of the EVB/Kit. Due to the open construction of the EVB/Kit, it is User's responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THE INDEMNITY SET FORTH ABOVE, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CON-SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Neither Silicon Labs nor User is obligated to perform any activities or conduct any business as a consequence of using the EVB/Kit, and neither party is entitled to any form of exclusivity with respect to the EVB/Kit.Silicon Labs assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.Please read the User's Guide and, specifically, the Warnings and Restrictions notice in the User's Guide prior to handling the EVB/Kit. This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages. For additional environmental and/or safety information, please contact a Silicon Labs application engineer or visit /support/quality.No license is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property right of Silicon Labs covering or relating to any machine, process, or combination in which the EVB/Kit or any of its components might be or are used.User's use of this EVB/Kit is conditioned upon acceptance of the foregoing conditions. If User is unwilling to accept these conditions, User may request a refund and return the EVB/Kit to Silicon Labs in its original condition, unopened, with the original packaging and all documentation to:Mailing Address:400 W. Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701Copyright © 2012 by Silicon Laboratories Rev. 0.2 7/12P R E C I S I O N 32™ M C U D E V E L O P M E N T K I T Q U I C K -S T A R T G U I D E F O R K I T S F E A T U R I N G T H E U N I F I E D D E V E L O P M E N T P L A T F O R M (U D P )T h e P r e c i s i o n 32™ M C U D e v e l o p m e n t K i t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n a l o w c o s t D e v e l o p m e n t K i t a n d a f u l l y f e a t u r e d E n h a n c e d D e v e l o p m e n t K i t . K i t c o n t e n t s a r e d e s c r i b e d b e l o w . A l l d e v e l o p m e n t k i t s c o m e w i t h a n M C U c a r d , U S B D e b u g A d a p t e r , a n d a l l n e c e s s a r y c a b l e s a n d p o w e r s u p p l i e s n e e d e d t o e v a l u a t e h a r d w a r e a n d d e v e l o p c o d e . T h e E n h a n c e d D e v e l o p m e n t K i t s a d d i t i o n a l l y c o n t a i n a U D PM o t h e r b o a r d a n d o n e o r m o r e I /O c a r d s t o e n h a n c e t h e u s e r e x p e r i e n c e .D e v e l o p m e n t K i t•U D P M C U c a r d•S i l i c o n L a b o r a t o r i e s U S B D e b u g A d a p t e r •S u p p o r t i n g C a b l e s a n d P o w e r S u p p l i esE n h a n c e d D e v e l o p m e n t K i t•U D P M C U c a r d•U D P M o t h e r b o a r d •U D P I /O c a r d (s )•S i l i c o n L a b o r a t o r i e s U S B D e b u g A d a p t e r •S u p p o r t i n g C a b l e s a n d P o w e r S u p p l i e sA. Install SoftwareB. Hardware Setup (Steps 1, 4, and 5 Only Apply to Enhanced Development Kits)C. Documentation12Click the large Download Button to initiate the Precision32 web install.Navigate to the Precision32 software download website.3Start the Installer and allow it to run in the background. Advance to Step 4 while the Precision32 Development Suite andAppBuilder are being installed./32bit-software1Connect the USB Debug Adapter ribbon cable to the MCU card.2Connect the USB Debug Adapter to thePC using the standard USB cable.I/O cardMCU card45If Enhanced DK, apply power to the UDP Motherboard using 1 of 4 power options,Power Options1: 9 V Universal Adapter (J20)2: Standard USB (J16) 3: Mini USB (J1)4: 6 V Battery Pack (J11)then set power switch (S3) to the ON Position.If Development Kit, apply power to the MCU Card using 1 of 2 power options.Power Options1: Mini USB – For USB MCUs2: 9 V Universal Adapter – For Non-USB MCUsIf Enhanced DK, update the motherboardfirmware using the UDP MotherboardFirmware Update Utility./udpMCU card321412Note: If Enhanced DK, the MCU Card is powered from the motherboard.36If Enhanced DK, connect the MCU card and I/O card to the UDP Motherboard.1Download the User’s Guide for EachBoard in the Development Kit.Where to Find DocumentationData Sheet:/32bit-mcu →Choose Product Family →Documentation tab Reference Manual:/32bit-mcu →Choose Product Family →Documentation tab Hardware User's Guide:/32bit-mcu →Design Resources →Unified Development Platform OR /udp Application Notes:/32bit-mcu →Design Resources →Application Notes Software Development Kit Documentation:C:\Silabs\32bit\si32-{revision}\Documentation\si32Hal.chm Quality Documents:/qualityE . U s i n g t h e P r e c i s i o n 32 D e v e l o p m e n t S u i t eT h e P r e c i s i o n 32 D e v e l o p m e n t S u i t e i s a c o m p l e t e d e v e l o p m e n t s y s t e m f o r S i l i c o n L a b s 32-b i t M C U s . T h e D e v e l o p m e n t S u i t e c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e p a r t s : t h e U n i f i e d D e v e l o p m e n t P l a t f o r m (U D P ) h a r d w a r e , t h e S o f t w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t K i t (S D K ), a n d t h e P C d e v e l o p m e n t t o o l s i n c l u d i n g A p p B u i l d e r a n d t h e I n t e g r a t e d D e v e l o p m e n t E n v i r o n m e n t (I D E ). S e e t h e a p p l i c a t i o n n o t e s l i s t e d b e l o wf o r c o m p l e t e d e t a i l s .t h e p r o g r a m . T h e L E D b l i n k . P a u s e p r o g r a R u nl i n e s o f c o d e a n d s e l e c t T o g B r e a k p o i n t t o a d d a b r e a k p o T h e n p r e s s R u n t o r u n t o b r e a k p o i c o d e .S t e p I n t o o r S t e p O v e r V i e w o r m o d i f y P e r i p h e r a R e g i s t e r s , o r M e m o i a b l e , r i g h t -c l i a n d s e l e c t A d d W a t c h E x p r e t o a d d i t t o t h e E x p r e s s i o n s w A p p B u i l d e r I D E•A N 675: P r e c i s i o n 32 D e v e l o p m e n t S u i t e O v e r v i e w•A N 667: G e t t i n g S t a r t e d w i t h t h e S i l i c o n L a b s P r e c i s i o n 32 I D E•A N 670: G e t t i n g S t a r t e d w i t h t h e S i l i c o n L a b s P r e c i s i o n 32 A p p B u i l d e r•A N 678: P r e c i s i o n 32 s i 32F l a s h U t i l i t y C o m m a n d -L i n e P r o g r a m m e r U s e r 's G u i d e•A N 719: P r e c i s i o n 32 I D E a n d A p p B u i l d e r D e t a i l e d T u t o r i a l a n d W a l k t h r o u g hW h e r e t o F i n d S u p p o r tM C U K n o w l e d g e B a s e :w w w .s i l a b s .c o m →S u p p o r t →K n o w l e d g e B a s eV i d e o T r a i n i n g M o d u l e s :w w w .s i l a b s .c o m →S u p p o r t →T r a i n i n g a n d R e s o u r c e sC o n t a c t a n A p p l i c a t i o n s E n g i n e e r :w w w .s i l a b s .c o m →S u p p o r t →C o n t a c t T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r tD . U s i n g t h e P r e c i s i o n 32 I DE f o r t h eF i r s t T i m e2R e g i s t e r t h e I D E u s i n g t h e s t e p s l i s t e d o n t h e W e l c o m e p a g e .1O p e n t h e P r e c i s i o n 32 I D E a n d s e l e c t t h e p r o j e c t w o r k s p a c e .313456S e l e c t j u s t t h e s i m x x x x x _B l i n k y c h e c k b o x ,e n s u r e C o p y p r o j e c t s i n t o w o r k s p a c e i s s e l e c t e d , a n d p r e s s F i n i s h .S e l e c t t h e I m p o r t S I 32 S D Ke x a m p l e (s ) l i n k i n t h e Q u i c k s t a r t w i n d o w .S e l e c t t h e s i m x x x x x _B l i n k yp r o j e c t i n t h e P r o j e c t E x p l o r e r a n d p r e s s B u i l d ‘B l i n k y ’ [D e b u g ] i n t h e Q u i c k s t a r t w i n d o w .S t a r t a D e b u g s e s s i o n b yc l i c k i n g D e b u g ‘B l i n k y ’ [D e b u g ] i n t h e Q u i c k s t a r t w i nd o w .。

Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB 非隔离飞回电路基于评估板的用户指南说明书

Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB 非隔离飞回电路基于评估板的用户指南说明书

UG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406The Si3406 non-isolated Flyback topology based evaluation boardis a reference design for a power supply in a Power over Ethernet(PoE) Powered Device (PD) application.This Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB maximum output level is Class 2 power (η x 6.5W).The Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board is shown below. The Si3406 IC integrates an IEEE802.03at compatible PoE interface as well as a current control based dc/dc converter.The Si3406 PD integrates two diode bridges, which can be used up to 200 mA inputcurrent, detection circuit, classification circuit, DC/DC switch, hot-swap switch, TVSovervoltage protection, dynamic soft-start circuit, cycle-by-cycle current limit, syncrho-nous gate driver, maintain power signature (MPS), thermal shutdown, and inrush currentprotection.The switching frequency of the converter is tunable by an external resistor.KEY FEATURES •IEEE 802.03at Compatible •Very Small Application PCB Surface •High Efficiency •High Integration •Optional MPS Function •Synchronous Gate Driver •Low BOM Cost •Transient Overvoltage Protection •Thermal Shutdown Protection •5x5 mm 20-pin QFNUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Kit Description1. Kit DescriptionThe Si3406-non-isolated Flyback topology based evaluation board is a reference design for power supplies in Power over Ethernet (PoE) Powered Device (PD) applications. The Si3406 device is described more completely in the data sheet and application notes. This document describes the evaluation board.The Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board is shown on the cover page. The schematic is shown in Figure 2.3 Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Schematic: 5 V, Class 2 PD on page 4, and the layout can be found in 17. Board Layout. The dc output is at connector J2.Boards are shipped configured to produce 5 V output voltage but can be configured for different output voltages, such as 3.3 or 12 V for example, by changing resistor R14 and a few other components. Refer to “AN1130: Using the Si3406/Si34061/Si34062 PoE+ and Si3404 PoE PD Controller in Isolated and Non-Isolated Designs” for more information. The preconfigured Class 2 signature can also be modified, which is described as well in AN1130.The Si3406 includes integrated diode bridges for both CT and SP connection. The integrated diode bridges can be used up to 200 mA input current. Above 200 mA input current the external diode bridge is required.The external diode bridge can be a Schottky or silicon type.The Si3406 device can operate with CT/SP pins open, but in this configuration the external bridge should be Schottky type diode bridge.To compensate for the reverse leakage of the Schottky type diode bridges at high temperatures, the recommended detection resistor should be adjusted to the values listed in the following table:Table 1.1. Recommended Detection Resistor Values2. Getting Started: Powering Up the Si3406 Non-ISO-FB BoardEthernet data and power are applied to the board through the RJ45 connector (J1). The board itself has no Ethernet data transmission functionality, but, as a convenience, the Ethernet transformer secondary-side data is brought out to test points.The design can be used in Gigabit (10/100/1000) systems as well by using PoE RJ45 Magjack, such as type L8BE-1G1T-BFH from Bel Fuse.Power may be applied in the following ways:•Using an IEEE 802.3-2015-compliant, PoE-capable PSE, such as Trendnet TPE-1020WS•Using a laboratory power supply unit (PSU):•Connecting a dc source between blue/white-blue and brown/white-brown of the Ethernet cable (either polarity), (End-span) as shown below:+V OUT -V OUTPSU RJ45 plugSkyworks' EVBRJ-45Figure 2.1. Endspan Connection using Laboratory Power Supply•Connecting a dc source between green/white-green and orange/white-orange of the Ethernet cable (either polarity), (Mid-span)as shown below:+V OUT -V OUTPSU RJ45 plugSkyworks' EVBRJ-45Figure 2.2. Midspan Connection using Laboratory Power SupplyFigure 2.3. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Schematic: 5 V, Class 2 PD3. Overall EVB EfficiencyThe overall efficiency measurement data of the Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board is shown below. The input voltage is 50 V, and theoutput voltage is 5 V.Figure 3.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Overall Efficiency (50 V Input, 5 V Output, Class 2 PD)Note: The chart shows overall EVB efficiency. The voltage drop on the standard silicon diode bridge is included.UG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Overall EVB EfficiencyUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • SIFOS PoE Compatibility Test Results4. SIFOS PoE Compatibility Test ResultsThe Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board has been successfully tested with PDA-300 Powered Device Analyzer from SIFOS Technologies. The PDA-300 Powered Device Analyzer is a single-box comprehensive solution for testing IEEE 802.3at PoE Powered Devices (PD’s).Figure 4.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback PD SIFOS PoE Compatibility Test ResultsUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Control Loop Phase Shift and Gain Measurement Results (Bode Plots)5. Control Loop Phase Shift and Gain Measurement Results (Bode Plots)The Si3406 device integrates a current mode controlled switching mode power supply controller circuit. Therefore, the application is a closed-loop system. To guarantee a stable output voltage of a power supply and to reduce the influence of input supply voltage variations and load changes on the output voltage, the control loop should be stable.To verify the stability of the loop, the loop gain and loop phase shift has been measured.Table 5.1. Measured Loop Gain and Phase Shift6. Step Load Transient Measurement ResultsThe Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board's output has been tested with a step load function to verify the converters output dynamicresponse.Figure 6.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB PD Output Step Load Transient TestUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Step Load Transient Measurement Results7. Output Voltage RippleThe Si3406-non-ISO-FB output voltage ripple has been measured in both no load and heavy load conditions.Figure 7.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Output Voltage Ripple No Load (Left) and Heavy Load (Right) Conditions8. Soft-Start ProtectionThe Si3406 device has an integrated dynamic soft-start protection mechanism to avoid stressing the components by the sudden current or voltage changes associated with the initial charging of the output capacitors.The intelligent dynamic soft-start adjusts the rise time of the output voltage based on the connected output load.Figure 8.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Input Current and Output Voltage Soft-Start at Low Load (Left) and Heavy Load(Right) Conditions9. Output Short ProtectionThe Si3406 device has an integrated output short protection mechanism, which protects the IC itself and the surrounding externalcomponents from overheating in the case of electrical short on the output.Figure 9.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Output Voltage and Input Current when the Output is ShortedUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Output Short Protection10. Pulse Skipping at No-Load ConditionThe Si3406 device has an integrated pulse skipping mechanism to ensure ultra-low power consumption at no load condition.Figure 10.1. Si3406 Pulse Skipping at No-Load Condition (SWO Waveform)UG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Pulse Skipping at No-Load Condition11. Adjustable EVB Current LimitFor additional safety, the Si3406 has an adjustable EVB current limit feature. The EVB current limit through the ISNS pin measures the voltage on R SENSE. When V RSENSE = –270 mV (referenced to V SS), the current limit circuit restarts the circuit to protect the application. The EVB current limit for Class 2 application can be calculated with the following formula:R SENSE=1.2ΩI LIMIT=270mV=225mA1.2ΩEquation 1. EVB Current Limit12. Tunable Switching FrequencyThe switching frequency of the oscillator is selected by choosing an external resistor (RFREQ) connected between RFREQ and VPOS pins. The following figure will aid in choosing the RFREQ value to achieve the desired switching frequency.Figure 12.1. Switching Frequency vs. RFREQThe selected switching frequency for this application is 220 kHz, which is achieved by setting the RFREQ resistor to 88.7 kΩ.13. Synchronous RectificationThe Si3406 device has synchronous gate driver (SYNCL) to drive the rectifier MOSFET. At low-load the converter works in discontinu-ous current mode (DCM); at heavy load, the converter runs in continuous current mode (CCM). At low-load the SWO voltage waveformhas a ringing waveform, which is typical for a DCM operation.Figure 13.1. SWO and SYNCL Voltage Waveforms at Discontinuous Current Mode (DCM) (Left) and in Continuous CurrentMode (CCM) (Right)The device operates in non-synchronous mode at light load (I IN < 25 mA). As the input current increases, Si3406 automatically changes its switching operation from "Non-Synchronous" to "Synchronous". The dynamic operation adjustment maximizes overall power efficiency.UG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Synchronous Rectification14. Maintain Power Signature (MPS)The Si3406 device integrates an MPS circuit which ensures connection with the PSE if the PD application current drops below PSE threshold level.There are two modes of MPS operation:•Automatic mode MPS (consumption-based)•User mode MPSAutomatic Mode MPS (Consumptions Based):If nSLEEP is low at startup, MPS generation depends on chip current consumption:•MPS pulses are enabled below a certain level of total PD current consumption to ensure connection with the PSE•MPS pulses are disabled above a certain level of total PD current consumption not to degrade overall board efficiencynSLEEP = lowI INFigure 14.1. Automatic MPS Mode, nSLEEP is Low; MPS is Enabled when PD Consumption is Low; MPS is Disabled when PDConsumption is HigherUser Mode MPS:If nSLEEP is high at startup, MPS generation depends on nSLEEP .•if nSLEEP is high, MPS disabled (independently of the current consumption)•if nSLEEP is low, MPS enabled (independently of the current consumption)nSLEEP = high I INnSLEEP = lowAt startup, nSLEEP was highFigure 14.2. With nSLEEP High, MPS is Disabled (Left); with nSLEEP Low, MPS is Enabled (Right); MPSGeneration is Fully Controlled by the UserUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Maintain Power Signature (MPS)Radiated emissions have been measured of the Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board with 50 V input voltage and full load connected to the output – 6.5 W.As shown below, the Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB is fully compliant with the international EN 55022 class B emissions standard.Figure 15.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Radiated Emissions Measurements Results (50 V Input, 5 V Output, 6.5 WOutput Load)15.1 Radiated EMI Measurement ProcessThe EVB is measured at full load with peak detection in both vertical and horizontal polarizations. This is a relatively fast process that produces a red curve (vertical polarization) and a blue curve (horizontal polarization). Next, specific frequencies are selected (red stars) for quasi-peak measurements. The board is measured again at those specific frequencies with a quasi-peak detector, which is a very slow but accurate measurement. The results of this quasi-peak detector measurement are the blue rhombuses.The blue rhombuses represent the final result of the measurement process. To have passing results, the blue rhombuses should be below the highlighted EN 55022 Class B limit.The Si3406-non-ISO-FB EVB board's conducted emissions have been measured, the result is shown below.Figure 16.1. Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Conducted Emissions Measurements Results (50 V Input, 5 V Output, 6.5 WOutput Load)17. Board LayoutFigure 17.1. Top SilkscreenFigure 17.2. Top LayerFigure 17.3. Internal 1 (Layer 2)Figure 17.4. Internal 2 (Layer 3)Figure 17.5. Bottom Layer18. Bill of MaterialsThe following table is the BOM listing for the standard 5 V output evaluation board with option PoE Class 2.Table 18.1. Si3406FBC2 Evaluation Board Bill of MaterialsUG326: Class 2 Non-Isolated Evaluation Board for the Si3406 • Appendix—Si3406 Non-ISO-FB Design and Layout Checklist19. Appendix—Si3406 Non-ISO-FB Design and Layout ChecklistAlthough the EVB design is pre-configured as a Class 2 PD with 5 V output, the schematics and layouts can easily be adapted to meet a wide variety of common output voltages and power levels.The complete EVB design databases for the standard 5 V/Class 2 configuration are located at /prod-ucts/power-powered-devices link. Skyworks strongly recommends using these EVB schematics and layout files as a starting point to ensure robust performance and avoid common mistakes in the schematic capture and PCB layout processes.Below is a recommended design checklist that can assist in trouble-free development of robust PD designs.Refer also to the Si3406-non-ISO-FB data sheet and AN1130 when using the following checklist.1.Design Planning checklist:a.Determine if your design requires an isolated or non-isolated topology. For more information, see AN1130.b.Skyworks strongly recommends using the EVB schematics and layout files as a starting point as you begin integrating theSi3406-non-ISO-FB into your system design process.c.Determine your load’s power requirements (i.e., VOUT and IOUT consumed by the PD, including the typical expected transi-ent surge conditions). In general, to achieve the highest overall efficiency performance of the Si3406-non-isolated Flyback, choose the highest output voltage option used in your PD and then post regulate to the lower supply rails, if necessary.d.Based on your required PD power level, select the appropriate class resistor RCLASS value by referring to AN1130.2.General Design checklist:a.ESD caps (C12–C19 in Figure 2.3 Si3406 Non-Isolated Flyback EVB Schematic: 5 V, Class 2 PD on page 4) are stronglyrecommended for designs where system-level ESD (IEC6100-4-2) must provide >15 kV tolerance.b.If your design uses an AUX supply, be sure to include a 3 Ω surge limiting resistor in series with the AUX supply for hotinsertion. Refer to AN1130 when AUX supply is 48 V.yout Guidelines:a.Make sure VNEG pin of the Si3406 is connected to the backside of the QFN package with an adequate thermal plane, asnoted in the data sheet and AN1130.b.Keep the trace length from SWO and to VSS as short as possible. Make all of the power (high current) traces as short, direct,and thick as possible. It is a good practice on a standard PCB board to make the traces an absolute minimum of 15 mils(0.381 mm) per ampere.ually, one standard via handles 200 mA of current. If the trace needs to conduct a significant amount of current from oneplane to the other, use multiple vias.d.Keep the circular area of the loop from the Switcher FET output to the inductor or transformer and returning from the input filtercapacitors (C1–C3) to VSS as small a diameter as possible. Also, minimize the circular area of the loop from the output of the inductor or transformer to the Schottky diode and returning through the first stage output filter capacitor back to the inductor or transformer as small as possible. If possible, keep the direction of current flow in these two loops the same.e.Keep the high power traces as short as possible.f.Keep the feedback and loop stability components as far from the transformer/inductor and noisy power traces as possible.g.If the outputs have a ground plane or positive output plane, do not connect the high current carrying components and the filtercapacitors through the plane. Connect them together, and then connect to the plane at a single point.To help ensure first-pass success, contact our customer support by submitting a help ticket and uploading your schematics and layout files for review.Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。

Skyworks Si5xx-EVB 单 双频 XO VCXO 评估板说明书

Skyworks Si5xx-EVB 单 双频 XO VCXO 评估板说明书

Si5xx-EVBSi5XX S INGLE/D UAL F REQUENCY XO/VCXOE VALUATION B OARDDescriptionThe Skyworks Si5xx evaluation board contains the hardware needed for evaluation of the Si5xx Single/Dual Frequency XO/VCXO.Note:The Si5xx-EVB is not populated with an Si5xx XO or VCXO. These devices must be ordered separately. Go to /en/application-pages/timing-lookup-customizeto configure a device and/or to order samples.Features⏹Evaluation of Skyworks' Si5xx Single/Dual Frequency XO/VCXO⏹Voltage control (VC) input port (Si515, Si516)⏹Supports frequencies up to 1.4GHz(using Si53x/55x)⏹Dual footprint supports 3.2x5 or 5x7mmFunction Block DiagramCLKP VCO inputCLKNSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si5xx-EVB2SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•1. IntroductionThis document describes the operation of the Skyworks Si5xx evaluation kit. The Si5xx-EVB kit refers to the evaluation board hardware intended for customer evaluation of the Si5xx single/dual frequency XO/VCXO. The Si5xx-EVB kit contains the following:⏹Si5xx-EVB Hardware⏹Si5xx-EVB User Guide (this document)The Si5xx-EVB evaluation board can be used to evaluate all the single and dual frequency Si5xx XO/VCXOs offered by Skyworks :1.1. Quick Start1.Install an Si5xx device on the board.2.Verify the jumper settings are correct.3.Connect external power cable to the EVB (set voltage according to how the part was ordered).2. Top/Bottom Views of BoardFigure 1.Top (Left) and Bottom (Right) Board ViewsTable 1. Si5xx XO and VCXO Device Evaluation Board Selector GuidePart #TypeDevices Supported Packages SupportedOutput Format, Temp Stability, Tuning Slope Supported Frequency Range Si5XX-EVBFixed Frequency XO/VCXO Eval Board Si510/511 Si512/513 Si515/516 Si530/531 Si532/533Si535/536Si550/552 Si590/5915x 7mm, 6-pin 3.2x 5mm, 6-pin 3.2x 5mm, 4-pinLVPECL CML HCSL LVDS CMOS Dual-CMOS100kHz to 1417MHzNote:Si5xx samples must be ordered separately from the Si5xx-EVB.Si5xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 33. Functional DescriptionThe Si5xx-EVB is the evaluation board assembly for the Si5xx single/dual frequency XO/VCO. This evaluation board assembly provides access to all signals for operating the device. The Si5xx-EVB schematics, bill of material,and PCB layouts are included as sections 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Figure 2 provides a block diagram for the board.Figure 2.Si5xx-EVB Functional Block Diagram3.1. Power SupplyThe Si5xx-EVB accepts either an external supply of 1.8, 2.5, or 3.3V at connector J1. (Insure the voltage range of the DUT is obeyed, and it is also good practice to set a current limit on the power supply).3.2. JumpersThere are two jumpers on the Si5xx-EVB as listed in Table 2. The board default is to have no jumpers.Table 2. Si5xx-EVB JumpersComponentSi510Si511Si512Si513Si515Si516R6remove remove remove remove installed installed R7remove remove remove remove remove remove J4No jumper: OE =HiJumper: OE =Lo No jumperNo jumper: OE =Hi Jumper: OE =Lo No jumper: FS =Hi Jumper: FS =Lo No jumper: OE =Hi Jumper: OE =Lo No jumper: FS =Hi Jumper: FS =Lo J5No jumperNo jumper: OE =Hi Jumper: OE =LoNo jumper: FS =Hi Jumper: FS =LoNo jumper: OE=Hi Jumper: OE =LoNo jumperNo jumperVCO inputCLKPCLKNSi5xx-EVB4SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•3.3. Si5xx-EVB Voltage Control SignalAn external voltage control signal may be applied to the control voltage modulation input at the J12 header (VC).This voltage supplies the control voltage or voltage modulation input to the DUT. See Section 3.2 on how to configure the jumpers and VC enable resistors (R6 and R7).3.4. Output TerminationsThe Si5xx-EVB can support four different output formats: CMOS, LVPECL, LVDS, and HCSL. There are output resistors that are needed to accompany each format. Table 3 shows which resistors are needed for each output:4. Configuring the Si5xx-EVBFigure 3.Si5xx-EVB Typical ConfigurationTable 3. Output Termination Installation DefinitionOutput Format R2R12R8R1R11R3R13C1C7CMOS NP NP NP NP NP 8282100N 100N LVPECL 00NP NP NP 130130NP NP LVDS NP NP NP NP NP 8282100N 100N HCSLNPNPNPNPNP8282100N100NSi5xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 55. SchematicFigure 4.Si5xx-EVB SchematicP o w eI n p u V C f o r V C OC L K O BC L K O BSi5xx-EVB6SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•6. Bill of MaterialsTable 4. Si5xx-EVB Bill of MaterialsItem Catty Reference Value Mfr Manufacturer PN PCB Footprint 16C1,C2,C4,C5,C6,C7100N Venkel C0603X7R160-104KNE SM_C_060321J1Phoenix -_2_screw Phoenix MKDSN 1.5/2-5.08Phoenix2pinM_p2pitch 32J2,J3edge mount sma Johnson 142-0701-801SMA_EDGE_p06242J4,J51by2_M_Hdr Salines Don't care Thru-hole, .1" pitch 51J12Jmpr_3pin Tyco 146225-33pin_p1pitch 62R1, R11127Venkel CR0603-16W-127FT SM_R_060372R3, R1382Venkel CR0603-16W-82R0FT SM_R_060384R2, R6, R7,R120 ohm Venkel CR0603-16W-000T SM_R_060391R1049.9Venkel CR0603-16W-49R9FT SM_R_0603102R4,R5 4.99K Venkel CR0603-16W-4991FT SM_R_0603111R8100Venkel CR0603-16W-1000FT SM_R_0603121R91K Venkel CR0603-16W-1001FTSM_R_0603No Pop130U1Si53x Skyworks N/A6_pin_SM 14C310UFVenkelC0805X5R6R3-106KNESM_C_0805Si5xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 77. LayoutFigure 5.Layer 1: Primary SideSi5xx-EVB8SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Figure 6.Layer 2: GNDSi5xx-EVBSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 9Figure 7.Layer 4: PWRSi5xx-EVB10SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Figure 8.Layer 4: Secondary SideSi5xx-EVBDocument Change ListRevision 0.1 to Revision 0.2Added Si535/536 part numbers to Table 1.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•11 Rev. 0.2 • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • October 17, 2021Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.Portfolio/ia/timing SW/HW /CBPro Quality /quality Support & Resources /supportSkyworksSolutions,Inc.|Nasdaq:SWKS|*********************|USA: 781-376-3000 | Asia: 886-2-2735 0399 | Europe: 33 (0)1 43548540 |。



USER GUIDEUG466: Si830x4BF-EVB User GuideDescriptionThe Si830x4BF provides four high-side (sourcing) or low-side (sinking) switches with low R ON at continuous currents of 700 mA. These switches are ideal for driv-ing resistive and inductive loads such as solenoids and relays commonly found in industrial control systems like Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). It also includes precise voltage, current, and temperature sensors that continuously monitor the switch and load conditions, protecting the device by reducing driver performance or forcing a controlled shutdown when necessary.The Si830x4BF evaluation board allows designers to evaluate Skyworks’ Si830x4BF family of Smart Switches. The boards come populated with twoSi830x4BF devices, the Si83004BF(sourcing) and the Si83014BF(sinking). The board includes Fault LED status indicators and test points on each of the devices’ pins to accommodate direct connection to the designer’s end system. The board also integrates an optocoupler-based isolated input logic interface, and a power supply protection circuit along with reverse voltage protection and over-voltage protection. Additional information on theSi830x4BF products can be found at https:///Products/Isolation. The product data sheet and application notes can be referenced to help facilitate designs.Applications•Si830x4BF base board-Si83004BF-IT-Si83014BF-IT•Optional isolated optocoupler inputs •Sourcing Switch•Sinking Switch•Power supply protection circuit1. Required EquipmentThe following equipment is required to demonstrate the evaluation board features:•One dual-channel dc power supply or two single supplies: 0-24 V dc supply and isolated 0-5 V dc supply •One oscilloscope with at least 2 channels•Eight 10kΩ through-hole resistors with ≥ 1/4W power rating (1 minimum)•One function generator (optional)•Si830x4BF-EVB kit•Si830x4BF-EVB User’s Guide (this document)•Assorted cables, leads, and probes as necessary to connect equipment to EVB2. Test Setup2.1. DC Supply Configuration1.Ensure that JS1 and JS7 are in the default positions between Pins 1 and 2 of J6 and J12, respectively.2.Connect TP9 (OE) to TP2 (5 V VCC).3.Connect TP23 (OE) to TP2 (5 V VCC).4.Set 24 V dc supply to output 0 V DC.5.Turn OFF the supply.6.Connect the 24 V dc supply positive lead to VDD (J2, J3 or TP1).7.Connect the 24 V dc supply negative lead to GND (J2, J3 or TP3).8.Turn ON the dc power supply.9.Slowly ramp 24 V dc supply from 0 V to 8 V.10.Ensure that LEDs D3, D5, and D25 turn on.11.Ramp 24V dc supply from 8V to 24V.12.Ensure that LEDs D5 and D25 turn off.13.Ensure that the current draw is less than 40mA. If it is larger, this indicates that either the board orSi830x4BF device has been damaged.2.2. Input Connections ConfigurationThe board integrates an optocoupler-based isolated input logic interface for A1-A4 inputs and /FLT output via dif-ferent jumper settings. These jumper settings are described below.2.2.1. Sourcing Switch Configuration (U1 Device)Direct Input Connection•By default, the jumper shunts at JP11, JP12, JP13 and JP14 must be in place (default position).•Install the jumper shunts at J6 and J9 between Pin 1 and Pin 2 respectively (default position).Figure 1. U1 Direct Input ConfigurationOptocoupler-Based Isolated Input Connection•The jumper shunts at JP11, JP12, JP13 and JP14 must be removed (non-default position).•Install the jumper shunts at J6 and J9 between Pin 3 and Pin 2 respectively (non-default position).• 5 V dc supply must be applied for /FLT output (connect the 5 V dc supply positive lead to TP100 (ISO_5.0 V) and negative lead to J8 Pin 1).Figure 2. U1 Optocoupler-Based Isolated Input Configuration2.2.2. Sinking Switch Configuration (U2 Device)Direct Input Connection•By default, the jumper shunts at JP21, JP22, JP23 and JP24 must be in place (default position).•Install the jumper shunts at J12 and J15 between Pin 1 and Pin 2 respectively (default position).Figure 3. U2 Direct Input ConfigurationOptocoupler-Based Isolated Input Connection•The jumper shunts at JP21, JP22, JP23 and JP24 must be removed (non-default position).•Install the jumper shunts at J12 and J15 between Pin3 and Pin2 respectively (non-default position).• 5 V dc supply must be applied for /FLT output (connect the 5 V dc supply positive lead to TP200 (ISO_5.0 V) and negative lead to J14 Pin 1).Figure 4. U2 Optocoupler-based Isolated Input Configuration2.3. Quick Reference TablesTable 1. Test Point DescriptionTest Point Description Associated DUT:Referenced to:ColorTP3GNDU1, U2—BLACKTP1VDD GND RED TP2VCC GND REDTP100ISO_5.0VU1COM (J8 Pin 1)REDTP101FLT COM (J8 Pin 1)WHITE TP102GND—BLACK TP5VDD_SRC GND RED TP8A1GND WHITE TP12A2GND WHITE TP7A3GND WHITE TP6A4GND WHITE TP9OE GND WHITE TP10/FLT GND WHITE TP11TEST GND WHITE TP16B1GND WHITE TP15B2GND WHITE TP14B3GND WHITE TP13B4GND WHITETP200ISO_5.0VU2COM (J14 Pin 1)REDTP201FLT COM (J14 Pin 1)WHITE TP202GND—BLACK TP18VDD_SNK GND RED TP22A1GND WHITE TP21A2GND WHITE TP20A3GND WHITE TP19A4GND WHITE TP23OE GND WHITE TP24/FLT GND WHITE TP25TEST GND WHITE TP29B1GND WHITE TP28B2GND WHITE TP27B3GND WHITE TP26B4GND WHITETable 2. Jumper Header DescriptionJumper HeaderCorrespondingJumper Shunt inEVB SchematicDescriptionAssociatedDUT:Direct Input Connection(Default)Optocoupler-based IsolatedInput ConnectionJP11JS2A1 Input Direct ConnectionU1In place RemovedJP12JS3A2 Input Direct Connection In place Removed JP13JS4A3 Input Direct Connection In place Removed JP14JS5A4 Input Direct Connection In place RemovedJ9JS6COM ground selection(direct GND or isolated Optocou-pler GND)JS6 between J9 Pin 1 and Pin 2JS6 between J9 Pin 3 and Pin 2J6JS1Fault LED indicator selection(direct /FLT LED indicator or iso-lated FLT LED indicator)JS1 between J6 Pin 1 and Pin 2JS1 between J6 Pin 3 and Pin 2JP21JS8A1 Input Direct ConnectionU2In place RemovedJP22JS9A2 Input Direct Connection In place Removed JP23JS10A3 Input Direct Connection In place Removed JP24JS11A4 Input Direct Connection In place RemovedJ15JS12COM ground selection(direct GND or isolated Optocou-pler GND)JS12 between J15 Pin 1 and Pin 2JS12 between J15 Pin 3 and Pin 2J12JS7Fault LED indicator selection(direct /FLT LED indicator or iso-lated FLT LED indicator)JS7 between J12 Pin 1 and Pin 2JS7 between J12 Pin 3 and Pin 23. Sourcing Switch (U1 device) Setup and Demo TestTo run the sourcing switch demo, follow the instructions in “2.1. DC Supply Configuration” on page3 and “2.2.1. Sourcing Switch Configuration (U1 Device)” on page4 to properly configure the power supply and the inputs. Then, follow the instructions below to complete the demo.3.1. Load Configuration1.Turn OFF the 24 V DC power supply.2.Connect a 10 kΩ resistor to channel B1 by placing one lead in the first slot of the terminal block (J7) andscrewing it down. Place the other lead in the second slot (J7) and screw it down.3.Populate channels B2, B3, and B4 with the remaining resistors.4.Turn ON the 24 V supply.3.2. Oscilloscope Setup1.Connect the CH1 probe to A1 (TP8) and ground the probe to GND (TP102, J7 Pin 8).2.Connect the CH2 probe to B1 (J7 Pin 1 or TP16) and ground the probe to GND (TP102, J7 Pin 8).3.Set the scope to Trigger on a rising edge on CH1 and adjust the trigger level to approximately 2 V.4.Set CH1 to 2 V per division and CH2 to 10 V per division.3.3. Function Generator Setup1.Turn ON the function generator with the output disabled.2.Adjust the output to provide a 100Hz, 0 to 5V peak square wave with 50% duty cycle.3.Connect the positive lead of the generator to A1 input (J8 Pin8) and ground the connection to COM ground(J8 Pin 7).4.If possible, configure the function generator for a High-Z (high impedance) load.Note:If you do not have a waveform generator or prefer not to use one, you may simply apply 5V to the input channels on the Si83004BF to observe the output channel coming on. The proper configuration is shown in Figure 5.Si830x4BF-EVB Figure 5. Configuration for Sourcing Switch3.4. Activate Channels1.Enable the function generator output on channel A1, or apply 5 V directly.2.Adjust the vertical and horizontal divisions to properly view the waveform as seen in the image below.3.Ensure that a 100 Hz square wave with 50% duty cycle appears on Channel 1, and a similar waveform withpeak voltage of 24 V appears on Channel 2.Figure 6. Si83004BF Sourcing Switch Waveform3.5. Repeat for Remaining Channels1.Disable the function generator output.2.Connect the CH1 probe to A2 (TP12).3.Connect the CH2 probe to B2 (TP15 or J7 Pin 3).4.Connect the function generator to A2 channel input, positive lead to J8 Pin 6 and negative lead to J8 Pin5.5.Enable the function generator.6.Ensure that a 100 Hz square wave with 50% duty cycle appears on Channel 1, and a similar waveform withpeak voltage of 24 V appears on Channel 2.7.Repeat steps 1-6 with channels A3 and A4 using test points:a.A3 channel test points: A3 (TP7) for CH1 probe, B3 (TP14/J7 Pin 5) for CH2 probe, A3 channel input (J8 Pin4 and J8 Pin 3 ).b.A4 channel test points: A4 (TP6) for CH1 probe, B4 (TP13/J7 Pin 7) for CH2 probe, A4 channel input (J8Pin 2 and J8 Pin 1).4. Sinking Switch (U2 Device) Setup and Demo TestTo run the sinking switch demo, please follow the instructions in “2.1. DC Supply Configuration” on page3 and “2.2.2. Sinking Switch Configuration (U2 Device)” on page6 to properly configure the power supply and the inputs. Then, follow the instructions below to complete the demo.4.1. Load Configuration1.Turn OFF the 24 V DC power supply.2.Connect a 10 kΩ resistor to channel B1 by placing one lead in the first slot of the terminal block (J13) andscrewing it down. Place the other lead in the second slot (J13) and screw it down.3.Populate channels B2, B3, and B4 with the remaining resistors.4.Turn ON the 24 V supply.4.2. Oscilloscope Setup1.Connect the CH1 probe to A1 (TP22) and ground the probe to GND (TP202).2.Connect the CH2 probe to B1 (J13 Pin 1 or TP29) and ground the probe to GND (TP202).3.Set the scope to Trigger on a rising edge on CH1 and adjust the trigger level to approximately 2 V.4.Set CH1 to 2 V per division and CH2 to 10 V per division.4.3. Function Generator Setup1.Turn ON the function generator with the output disabled.2.Adjust the output to provide a 100 Hz, 0 to 5 V peak square wave with 50% duty cycle.3.Connect the positive lead of the generator to A1 input (J14 Pin 8) and ground the connection to COMground (J14 Pin 7).4.If possible, configure the function generator for a High-Z (high impedance) load.Note:If you do not have a waveform generator or prefer not to use one, you may simply apply 5V to the input channels on the Si83014BF to observe the output channel coming on. The proper configuration is shown in Figure 7.Si830x4BF-EVB Figure 7. Configuration for Sinking Switch4.4. Activate Channels1.Enable the function generator output on channel A1, or apply 5 V directly.2.Adjust the vertical and horizontal divisions to properly view the waveform as seen in the image below.3.Ensure that a 100 Hz square wave with 50% duty cycle appears on Channel 1, and a similar waveform withpeak voltage of 24 V appears on Channel 2.Figure 8. Si83014BF Sinking Switch Waveform4.5. Repeat for Remaining Channels1.Disable the function generator output.2.Connect the CH1 probe to A2 (TP21).3.Connect the CH2 probe to B2 (TP28 or J13 Pin 3).4.Connect the function generator to A2 channel input, positive lead to J14 Pin 6 and negative lead to J14 Pin5.5.Enable the function generator.6.Ensure that a 100 Hz square wave with 50% duty cycle appears on Channel 1, and a similar waveform withpeak voltage of 24 V appears on Channel 2.7.Repeat steps 1-6 with channels A3 and A4 using test points:a.A3 channel test points: A3 (TP20) for CH1 probe, B3 (TP27/J13 Pin 5) for CH2 probe, A3 channel input (J14Pin 4 and J14 Pin 3 ).b.A4 channel test points: A4 (TP19) for CH1 probe, B4 (TP26/J13 Pin 7) for CH2 probe, A4 channel input (J14Pin 2 and J14 Pin 1).5. Si830x4BF-EVB REV 1.0 SchematicGNDFigure 9. Si830x4BF-EVB Schematic (1 of 3), Power SupplyFigure 10. Si830x4BF-EVB Schematic (2 of 3), Sourcing SwitchFigure 11. Si830x4BF-EVB Schematic (3 of 3), Sinking Switch6. Si830x4BF-EVB REV 1.0 LayoutFigure 12. Primary SilkscreenFigure 13. Primary SideFigure 14. Secondary Side7. Bill of MaterialsTable 3. Si830x4BF-EVB REV 1.0 Bill of Materials(Sheet 1 of 2)Qty Ref Value Rating Voltage Tol Type PCB Footprint Mfr Part Number Mfr 4C1 C4 C5 C110.1 uF50 V±10%X7R C0603C0603X7R500-104K Venkel 2C2 C347 uF100 V±20%Alum_Elec C3.5X8MM-RAD ECA2AM470Panasonic 2C6 C1210 uF50 V±20%X7R C1210C1210X7R500-106M Venkel8C7 C8 C9 C10C13 C14 C15C160.01 uF100 V±10%X7R C0603C0603X7R101-103K Venkel1D110 V500 mW10 V5%Zener SOD-123MMSZ4697T1G On Semi4D13 D15 D33D36BAV23C400 mA200 V Dual CommonCathode SOT23-AAK BAV23CDiodesInc.4D18 D21 D41D43BAV23A400mA200 V Dual CommonAnode SOT23-AAK BAV23ADiodesInc.1D2SMCJ33CA1500 W33 V TVS DO-214AB SMCJ33CA Littelfuse2D23D27SMAJ9.0AUNIDIR400 W10 V5%TVS DO-214AC SMAJ9.0A-E3/61Vishay1D3GREEN30 mA 2.2 V SMT LED-0805-K LTST-C170GKT LITE_ONINC1D4 5.6 V200 mW 5.6 V7%Zener SOD-323BZT52C5V6S-F-7DiodesInc.4D5 D25 D100D200RED30 mA 1.8 V SMT LED-0805-A Q62702P5182Osram2D7D26SMAJ33ACMUNIDIR400 W33 V5%TVS DO-214AC SMAJ33A-E3/61Vishay6D8 D9 D10D29D30 D31BAV70215 mA100 V Dual CommonCathode SOT23-AAK BAV70NXP1F110 A125 V GP FUSE-4530453 010Littelfuse 1J2PowerJack 5 A BARREL CONN-3-PWR-SMT PJ-002AH-SMT CUI1J3CONNTRBLK 2TERM BLK CONN-1X2-TB1729018Phoenix Contact4J6 J9 J12 J15Header1x3Header CONN-1X3TSW-103-07-G-S Samtec4J7 J8 J13 J14CONNTRBLK 8TERM BLK CONN-TB-17291861729186Phoenix Contact8JP11 JP12JP13JP14 JP21JP22 JP23JP24HEADER1X2Header CONN1X2TSW-102-07-T-S Samtec12JS1 JS2 JS3JS4JS5 JS6 JS7JS8JS9 JS10 JS11JS12JumperShunt Shunt N/A|SHUNT SNT-100-BK-T Samtec4MH1 MH2MH3MH44-40SCREW MH-125NP|MH-125NSS-4-4-01RichcoPlastic Co1Q1SQ7415AEN-T1_GE316 A-60 V P-CHNL POWER33SQ7415AEN-T1_GE3Vishay1Q2MMB-TA06LT1500 mA80 sV NPN SOT23-BEC MMBTA06LT1On Semi12R1 R3 R10R18R19 R20 R21R30 R38 R39R40 R41100K1/16 W±5%ThickFilm R0603CR0603-16W-104J Venkel12R11 R12 R13R14 R15 R16R31 R32 R33R34 R35 R371001/10 W±1%ThickFilm R0603|R0603L CR0603-10W-1000F Venkel1R210K1/10 W±1%ThickFilm R0603CR0603-10W-1002F Venkel2R5 R26 6.2K¾ W±1%ThickFilm R1206CRCW12066K20FKEAHP VishayDale 2R6 R271K1/10 W±1%ThickFilm R0603CR0603-10W-1001F Venkel4R7 R28 R100R200 2.74K1/16 W±1%ThickFilm R0603CR0603-16W-2741F Venkel 1R80 4 A ThickFilm R1210CR1210-4W-000Venkel8R9 R17 R23R24R29 R36 R43R444701/10 W±1%ThickFilm R0805CR0805-10W-4700F Venkel4SO1 SO2 SO3SO4STAND-OFF STANDOFF1902DKeystoneElectron-ics6TP1 TP2 TP5TP18 TP100TP200RED Loop TESTPOINT151-207-RC Kobiconn3TP3 TP102TP202BLACK Loop TESTPOINT151-203-RC Kobiconn24TP6 TP7 TP8TP9 TP10TP11 TP12TP13 TP14TP15 TP16TP19 TP20TP21 TP22TP23 TP24TP25 TP26TP27 TP28TP29 TP101TP201WHITE Loop TESTPOINT151-201-RC Kobiconn10U11 U12 U13U14 U21 U22U23 U24U100 U200FOD817C3SD SO4N10.16P2.54-AKEC FOD817C3SD Vishay1LB1OPN:Si830x4BF-EVB R1.0POLYIMIDE,WHITE PTL-14-717LABEL-Si830x4BF-EVB1.0Skyworks1PCB1Si830x4BFTSSOP24EVB REV1.0BARE PCB N/A Si830X4BF-EVB REV 1.0Skyworks1U1Si83004BF-IT SWITCH TSSOP24N6.4P0.65E2.8X4.6Si83004BF-IT Skyworks1U2Si83014BF-IT SWITCH TSSOP24N6.4P0.65E2.8X4.6Si83014BF-IT SkyworksTable 3. Si830x4BF-EVB REV 1.0 Bill of Materials(Continued)(Sheet 2 of 2)Qty Ref Value Rating Voltage Tol Type PCB Footprint Mfr Part Number MfrTable 4. Si830x4BF-EVB REV 1.0 Not Installed ComponentsQty Ref Value Rating Voltage Tol Type PCB Footprint Mfr Part Number Mfr 2D24 D28SMAJ9.0A UNIDIR400 W10 V5%TVS DO-214AC SMAJ9.0A-E3/61Vishay17D6 D11 D12D14 D16 D17D19 D20 D22D32 D34 D35D37 D38 D39D40 D42ES1B 1.0 A100 V Fast DO-214AC ES1B Diodes Inc.2R22 R420 1 A ThickFilm R0603|R0603L CR0603-16W-000Venkel8. Ordering GuideTable 5. Ordering GuideOrdering Part Number (OPN)DescriptionSi830x4BF-KIT Si830x4BF 4 Channel Smart Switch Evaluation KitCopyright © 2023, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. ("Skyworks") products or services. These materials, including the infor-mation contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks' Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COM-PLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIM-ITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equip-ment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks' published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, ClockBuilder®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem®, ProSLIC®, SiPHY®, and RFelC® are trade-marks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.。

Silicon Labs Vault 产品安全配置指南说明书

Silicon Labs Vault 产品安全配置指南说明书

Q:What is the best way to get a privat key/secret from the device owning into a Secure Element? At factory floor with a HSM?A:There are several ways to provision secrets securely in an untrusted production environment.A universal solution is to have a trusted entity (such as Silicon Labs, if you trust us) provision a bootloader image withSecure Upgrades enabled, public key, and decryption key into the device and lock the debug interface. At the point your CM receives the devices, they will only be able to load code bundles that you encrypt and sign into the device, and any other images will be rejected by the device. Vault products also have a means of establishing a secure provisioning channel between the SE CPU and the test infrastructure, so any information sent over that interface is held confidential.The following documents might also be interesting for you:"AN1218: Series 2 Secure Boot with RTSL"https:///documents/public/application-notes/an1218-secure-boot-with-rtsl.pdf"AN1222: Production Programming of Series 2 Devices"https:///documents/public/application-notes/an1222-efr32xg2x-production-programming.pdf"UG162: Simplicity Commander Reference Guide"https:///documents/public/user-guides/ug162-simplicity-commander-reference-guide.pdf"UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User’s Guide" describing the secure bootloader featureshttps:///documents/public/user-guides/ug266-gecko-bootloader-user-guide.pdfQ:Does Silabs provide to its customers Data generation service? Does Silabs have HSM to do it?A:Because we have HSMs in our production infrastructure, we have the ability to provision devices with customized device certificates that are signed into a Silicon Labs certificate chain. Other types of customization can be supported as well. We can share more details if you reach out to your local Silicon labs sales office.Q:You spoke about the root secret of all manufactures chips to be part of Silicon Labs CA chain. Can a customer also use their own root CA and cert chain to sign the devices at chip factory?A:We do support various certificate customization options, including provisioning devices that are issued via a third-party CA. For more information, reach out to your local Silicon Labs Sales office for more info.Q:With all these protection, it's a big chance that the SW developer get locked out of the chip. If and when this happenes, is a replacement of the chip the solution or is a total erase enough?A:In most cases, developers will be using unlocked devices during development, so the risk of inconvenience caused by debug lock during the development process is low. If you lock the device using Standard Debug Unlock, the debug interface will be unlocked and as a side effect will erase the Flash memory and the RAM. If you lock the device using Secure Debug Lock, unlocking the device requires a signed cryptographic challenge token, which means you need to have access to the correct private key in order to generate that token. If you lose that private key or if you mis-program the Public key that gets loaded into the device, then the device will be locked forever.Please also see AN1190 for more details:https:///documents/public/application-notes/an1190-efr32-secure-debug.pdfQ:On secure key storage: why is storing a key in flash not secure in a series 0 device when the debug interfaceis disabled?Extraction would need decapping the chip? Or is that a false assumption?A:You are correct. If the debug interface is locked (and no other interface is vulnerable), the attack is via decap + flash extraction. The problem is that flash extraction as a service is now relatively inexpensive. Reputable firms in Europe can charge $15k USD to extract up to 1 MB of flash on a 90nm process node. In other geographies the cost can be much less. Using a PUF-derived key, like we do in Vault secure key storage, doesn't prevent an invasive attack like this, but it makes getting the key much harder because the attack must be performed on a live device and it requires 256 probe points to be sampled, one for each bit in the PUF key.Q:To use the anti-rollback protection for firmware updates: is there then a predefined way to code the version number in the firmware image? How does this in practice work?A:You're right that the version number cannot be complex (like x.y.z.a), but must be monotonically increasing. The version number is a 32-bit unsigned value. If you enable anti-rollback and then load a version 0xFFFFFFFF of the code, you will effectively disable any further code updates.Q:Interesting talk. Somewhat side angle question. I support the drive to security in IoT. Yet, there is an equally large drive from America and Europe not to export hardware encryption. This creates a large business risk to companies external to America and Europe (South Africa) Can you comment on this?A:You are correct that trade restrictions can be confusing and can present barriers. I can't comment regarding other export rules, but in the US, if the cryptography is used as part of the product's function and is not end-userconfigurable, in general it is not subject to export restrictions. I am not well-versed in trade law, so you will need to get advice from a specialist who is familiar with your specific trade questions.。

Skyworks SiTCXO1-EVB 评估板用户指南说明书

Skyworks SiTCXO1-EVB 评估板用户指南说明书

UG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's GuideThe Skyworks SiTCXO1-EVB (kit) is used to help evaluate Skyworks Jitter Attenua-tor and Network Synchronization products for Stratum 3/3E, IEEE 1588 and G.8262SyncE applications. This board is often used with the Si5348 network synchronizer clock as the reference input. This board can come with an option of one of two Rakon TCXOs. U1, option 1 is Rakon's E6518LF 5 mm x 7 mm part (pictured below) and U2,option2 is Rakon's smaller RPT5032A 3.2 mm x 5 mm part.EVB FEATURES:•Dual Footprint capable of two TCXO sizes.•Power supply filtering •Simple single ended outputUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • Quick Start1. Quick Start1.Connect power 3.3V to J1, and note that start-up current could be on the order of 7-8 mA.2.Connect SiOCXO1-EB output, J2, to the Si5348 REF clock input using the short SMA cable provided with the EVB kit.2. Top Layer View of BoardFigure 2.1. Top Layer View of BoardUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • Top Layer View of Board3. Functional DescriptionThe SiTCXO1-EB is used in conjunction with Skyworks precision timing devices to facilitate characterization. The SiTCXO1-EB was designed to maximize output termination configurations as well as optional control voltage terminations. Resistors and capacitors are 0603, which makes it simple to remove and add various values. The SiTCXO1-EB bill of materials and PCB layouts are in Section 7. Bill of Materials and Section 6. Schematic .The SiTCXO1-EB is intended to be a general use board for a 6-pin TCXO with 5.0 mm x 3.2 mm nominal package size, such as the Rakon P/N RPT5032A. It can also be used with the 6-pin TCXO with 5.0 mm x 7 mm nominal package size, such as the Rakon P/N E6518LF 12.8 MHz pictured below. See 6. Schematicfor example measurements carried out using this TCXO.Figure 3.1. SiTCXO1-EB Shown Populated with a TCXO3.1 Power SupplyThe power supply voltage and current requirements are listed in the manufacturers data sheet. A 3.3 V ±5% supply is required. Also,note the TCXO initial current can be on the order of 7mA. Power supply filtering has been added to the evaluation board to minimize spurious response.3.2 Output TerminationIn most applications simple R C termination is used, as seen with R3 and C4 in Figure 6.1 SiTCXO1-EB Schematic on page 7. This is a resistor to optimize impedance matching and a capacitor to block dc. Modifications can be made as required.UG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • Functional DescriptionUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • Configuring the SiTCXO-EB4. Configuring the SiTCXO-EBFigure 4.1. SiTCXO1-EB Configured with Si5348 EVBThe connection between the SiTCXO-EB and Si5348 EVB should be kept as short as possible. It is recommended to use a UPS Power Supply back-up for long term testing.UG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • SiTCXO1-EB Functionality Test5. SiTCXO1-EB Functionality Test1.Connect power to J1 (3.3 V).2.Connect SiTCXO1-EB Output, J2, to an oscilloscope (terminate into 50 Ω).3.Verify that the red LED is illuminated, the current draw matches closely to the specs, and the output matches the TCXO’s datasheet.6. SchematicFigure 6.1. SiTCXO1-EB SchematicUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • SchematicUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • Bill of Materials7. Bill of MaterialsTable 7.1. Bill of Materials8. LayoutFigure 8.1. Primary SilkscreenFigure 8.2. Primary Solder MaskFigure 8.3. Primary SideFigure 8.4. Secondary SideFigure 8.5. Secondary Solder MaskFigure 8.6. Primary Solder PasteUG364: SiTCXO1-EVB Evaluation Board User's Guide • LayoutSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Rev. 0.1 • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • January 7, 202211Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. 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Rev. 0.3 8/10Copyright © 2010 by Silicon LaboratoriesSi84xxISO-EVB UGSi84xxISO-EVB UGSi84XX ISO E VALUATION B OARD U SER ’S G UIDE1. IntroductionThe Si84xxISO evaluation board allows designers to evaluate Silicon Lab's family of CMOS ultra-low-power isolators. These isolators are CMOS devices employing RF coupler technology to transmit digital information across an isolation barrier. Very high speed operation at low power levels is achieved. These products are based on Silicon Laboratories’ proprietary RF isolation technology and offer shorter propagation delays, lower power consumption, improved noise immunity, smaller installed size, and more stable operation with temperature and age versus opto couplers. The Si841x/2x/3x/4x/5x/6x include up to six unidirectional isolated channels, permitting data transmission up to 150Mbps. The Si840x isolator series consists of single-package galvanic isolation solutions for I 2C, SMBus, and PMBus serial port applications. For more information, refer to the respective family data sheets.A summary of the benefits provided by the Silicon Laboratories Si84xx CMOS Digital Isolator family includes:⏹Robust Noise Tolerance:● 5.0kV, 2.5kV, and 1.0kV Isolation Ratings ● Up to 50V/m Electric-field immunity ● > 1000A/m Magnetic-field immunity ● 25kV/µs CMTI● FCC Class B Compliant⏹Class-leading ESD Performance:● 4kV HBM, 2kV CDM, 400V MM⏹Ultra Low Power Operation:● < 1.4mA/Channel @ 1Mbps● 200µA standby mode⏹High Speed Operation:● DC–150Mbps from –40 to 125°C● < 250ps (peak) Jitter⏹Precise Timing:● 1.5ns pulse width distortion● 0.5ns channel-channel matching ● 2ns pulse width skew⏹I 2C Compatible Isolators:● Bidirectional isolated Serial Data (SDA) and Serial Clock ● Data Rates up to 1.7Mbps● 35mA open drain I/O⏹Flexible Packaging Options:● NB SOIC-8, WB SOIC-16, NB SOIC-16● RoHS compliantSi84xxISO-EVB UG2Rev. 0.32. Kit ContentsThe Si84xxISO Evaluation Kit contains the following items:⏹Si84xxISO based evaluation board (Si84xxISO-EVB or Si84xx5kVISO-EVB) shown in Figures 1 and 2.⏹Si8400, Si8421, Si8442, Si8463, Si8420 (5kV), and Si8422 (5kV) CMOS digital isolators installed on the evaluation boardFigure1.Si84xxISO Evaluation Board OverviewSi84xxISO-EVB UGRev. 0.33Figure2.Si84xx5kVISO Evaluation Board OverviewSi84xxISO-EVB UG4Rev. 0.33. Hardware Overview and SetupThe Si84xxISO evaluation board comes populated with an Si8400 (isolated I 2C), Si8421 (2-channel digital isolator,one forward, one reverse), Si8442 (4-channel digital isolator, two forward, two reverse), and Si8463 (6-channel digital isolator, three forward, three reverse) installed. The Si84xx5kVISO-EVB adds the Si8420 and Si8422 5kV family members. The board is designed to be powered from two separate 5V supplies (500mA) that power all the isolators on the board. Power is applied to the board before evaluating any isolated channel. Power is applied to the Si84xxISO-EVB by connecting 5V supplies to the topmost supply terminals (VDD1 and GND1, VDD2 and GND2). Power is applied to the Si84xx5kVISO-EVB by applying 5V supplies to the topmost and middle power terminals (VDD1 and GND1, VDD2 and GND2). The top power terminals power the 2.5kV isolators. The middle power terminals power the 5kV isolators. Supplies as low as 2.7V can be used. If a user wants to evaluate an isolator other than the ones populated, this can be accomplished by removing the footprint-compatible device installed on the evaluation board and replacing it with the desired isolator device. Figures 3 and 5 provide silkscreen overviews of the boards.Figure 3.Si84xxISO Evaluation Board SilkscreenSi84xxISO-EVB UGSi84xxISO-EVB UG6Rev. 0.33.1. Digital Isolator ConsiderationsThe Si84xxISO evaluation board (see Figure 1 on page 2) provides a means to evaluate the Si841x,2x,3x,4x,5x,6x digital isolator families as well as the Si8400 isolated I 2C family. After power has been supplied to the board,connect a digital input signal (5Vpeak max, with desired clock frequency up to 150Mbps) to the desired input channel. To view the isolated channel’s data transmission, connect a scope probe to the output channel of interest.There are various inputs and outputs on either side of the board depending on the device one chooses to evaluate,as indicated by the silk screen. The board can be used to measure propagation delay, pulse-width distortion,channel-channel matching, pulse-width skew, and various other parameters.The nominal output impedance of an isolator driver channel is approximately 50Ω, ±40%, which is a combination of the values of the on-chip series termination resistor and the channel resistance of the output driver FET. When driving loads where transmission line effects will be a factor, output pins should be terminated with 50Ω controlled impedance PCB traces.Figure 5 illustrates the Si8421 transmitting a 500kHz (5Vpeak) signal through the Si8421. VDD1 and VDD2 were powered from 5V. Channel 1 illustrates the input, and Channel 2 illustrates the output.Figure5.500kHz (5V Peak) SignalSi84xxISO-EVB UGRev. 0.373.2. I 2C Isolator ConsiderationsAfter power has been supplied to the board, connect a digital square wave input (5Vpeak max, with desired clock frequency up to 1.7MHz) to the desired input channel. The Si8400 I 2C isolator has 1k Ω pull-up resistors already installed. If these resistors are redundant with another board that is being used to evaluate the Si8400, the user should remove the redundant pull-up resistors to accommodate adequate drive current for the test being performed. Moreover, note that the Si8463 can be replaced with an Si8405 (Bidirectional I 2C Isolator with two unidirectional digital channels). Pull-up resistors of 1k Ω are already installed to accommodate the Si8405’s evaluation. Pull-up jumpers J1, J2, J3, and J4 need to be installed to evaluate the Si8405. They will need to be removed or not installed (default from factory) to evaluate the Si8463.Figure 6 illustrates Side B Pulling Up, with Side A following for the Si8400. The Si8400 was powered from 5V on both sides with a 100kHz input test signal.Figure 6.Side B Pulling Up, Side A FollowingNote:The test points in front of each device have 1mm spacing. If desired, the test points can be replaced with a 1mmspacing terminal block to assist in evaluation.Si84xxISO-EVB UG8Rev. 0.34. Si84xxISO Evaluation Board SchematicV D D 2(5V )V D D 2(5V )V D D 1(5V )V D D 2(5V )V D D 1(5V )V D D 2(5V )S i 8442 P o p u l a t e d S i 8463 P o p u l a t e dT P 11T P 13T P 40T P 22V D D 28B 26G N D 25B 17T P 4R 21KC 11u F T P 6T P 19T P 21T P 9C 81u FT P 25T P 12C 51u F T P 29T P 14T P 34T P 31R 31K C 21u FT P 42T P 35C 41u F I S O L A T I O NU 4S i 8463V D D 11V D D 216G N D 29G N D 18A 12A 23B 313B 412A 34A 45B 115B 214A 56B 511A 67B 610T P 37J 3J U M P E R12T P 20T P 41C 61u FI S O L A T I O NU 3S i 8442V D D 11V D D 216G N D 29G N D 18G N D 12G N D 215A 13A 24B 312B 411A 35A 46B 114B 213E N 17E N 210T P 23R 61KT P 28R 51K J 1J U M P E R12T P 2T P 3T P 5B V D D8B S C L6B G N D5B S D A 7T P 10T P 8T P 16F i g u r e 7.S i 84x x I S O E v a l u a t i o n B o a r d S c h e m a t i cSi84xxISO-EVB UGRev. 0.395. Si84xx5kVISO Evaluation Board SchematicsV D D 2(5V )V D D 2(5V )V D D 1(5V )V D D 2(5V )V D D 1(5V )V D D 2(5V )S i 8442 P o p u l a t e d S i 8463 P o p u l a t e dI S O L A T I O NU 3S i 8442V D D 11V D D 216G N D 29G N D 18G N D 12G N D 215A 13A 24B 312B 411A 35A 46B 114B 213E N 17E N 210T P 3W H I T EJ 3J U M P E R12T P 34W H I T ET P 11W H I T E B V D D 8B SC L6B G N D5B S D A 7C 61u FT P 25W H I T ET P 6W H I T P 2W H I T ET P 35W H I T ET P 1W H I R 61KT P 23W H I T ER 31K C 81u F T P 5W H I T E T P 41W H I T E T P 10W H I T EJ 1J U M P E R12C 21u FT P 13W H I T ET P 4W H I T P 29W H I T E C 51u FT P 9W H I T P 21W H I T E T P 37W H I T E V D D 28B 26G N D 25B 17T P 20W H I T E T P 22W H I T EC 41u F T P 19W H I T E T P 8W H I T ET P 16W H I T ER 51K C 11u FR 21KT P 4W H I T P 28I S O L A T I O NU 4S i 8463V D D 11V D D 216G N D 29G N D 18A 12A 23B 313B 412A 34A 45B 115B 214A 56B 511A 67B 610T P 31W H I T ET P 1W H I T P 40W H I T EF i g u r e 8.S i 84x x 5k V I S O E v a l u a t i o n B o a r d S c h e m a t i c (1 o f 2)Si84xxISO-EVB UG10Rev. 0.3VDD1(5V)_5kVVDD2(5V)_5kVVDD1(5V)_5kVVDD2(5V)_5kVSi842PopulatedSi8422PopulatedU5Si842GND11NC2A14GND17A25NC1NC8GND29B212NC11VDD13NC6B113VDD214NC15GND216TP53WHITEC121uFC91uFTP46WHITETP48WHITETP51WHITETP54WHITEC11uFTP59WHITETP55WHITETP6WHITETP57WHITETP49WHITETP56WHITETP58WHITEU6Si8422GND11NC2A14GND17A25NC1NC8GND29B212NC11VDD13NC6B113VDD214NC15GND216TP5WHITETP44WHITETP52WHITETP43WHITETP45WHITETP47WHITEC111uFFigure9.Si84xx5kVISOEvaluationBoardSchematic(2of2)6. Bill of MaterialsTable 1. Si84xxISO Evaluation Board Bill of Materials Item Qty Reference Value Mfr Part Number Mfr18C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C81µF C0603X5R250-105K Venkel24J1,J2,J3,J4Jumper TSW-102-07-T-S Samtec38R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R81k CR0603-10W-1001F Venkel442TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4,TP5,TP6,TP7,TP8,TP9,TP10,TP11,TP12,TP13,TP14,TP15,TP16,TP17,TP18,TP19,TP20,TP21,TP22,TP23,TP24,TP25,TP26,TP27,TP28,TP29,TP30,TP31,TP32,TP33,TP34,TP35,TP36,TP37,TP38,TP39,TP40,TP41,TP42White151-201-RC Kobiconn51U1Si8400Si8400AB-A-IS Silicon Labs 61U2Si8421Si8421AB-C-IS1Silicon Labs 71U3Si8442Si8442BB-C-IS Silicon Labs 81U4Si8463Si8463BB-A-IS1Silicon LabsTable 2. Si84xx5kVISO Evaluation Board Bill of MaterialsItem Qty Reference Value Mfr Part Number Mfr112C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C121uF C0603X5R250-105K Venkel24J1,J2,J3,J4JUMPER TSW-102-07-T-S Samtec 38R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R81k CR0603-10W-1001F Venkel460TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4,TP5,TP6,TP7,TP8,TP9,TP10,TP11,TP12,TP13,TP14,TP15,TP16,TP17,TP18,TP19,TP20,TP21,TP22,TP23,TP24,TP25,TP26,TP27,TP28,TP29,TP30,TP31,TP32,TP33,TP34,TP35,TP36,TP37,TP38,TP39,TP40,TP41,TP42,TP43,TP44,TP45,TP46,TP47,TP48,TP49,TP50,TP51,TP52,TP53,TP54,TP55,TP56,TP57,TP58,TP59,TP60WHITE151-201-RC Kobiconn51U1Si8400Si8400AB-A-IS Silicon Labs 61U2Si8421Si8421AB-C-IS1Silicon Labs 71U3Si8442Si8442BB-C-IS Silicon Labs 81U4Si8463Si8463BB-A-IS1Silicon Labs 91U5Si8420Si8420BD-A-IS Silicon Labs 101U6Si8422Si8422BD-B-IS Silicon Labs 116Standoff126Standoff screw7. Ordering GuideTable 3. Si84xxISO Evaluation Board Ordering GuideOrdering Part Number (OPN)DescriptionSi84XXISO-KIT Si84xx CMOS digital isolator evaluation board kit (2.5kV, 5kV)D OCUMENT C HANGE L IST Revision 0.1 to Revision 0.2⏹Added Si84xx5kVISO-EVB descriptive detailsthroughout.● Added Figure2 on page 3.● Added Figure4 on page 5.● Added Figure8 on page 9.● Added Figure9 on page 10.● Added Table2.Revision 0.2 to Revision 0.3⏹Replaced “ISOpro” with “CMOS” in text.⏹Added "7. Ordering Guide" on page 13.N OTES:C ONTACT I NFORMATIONSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032Please visit the Silicon Labs Technical Support web page:https:///support/pages/contacttechnicalsupport.aspxand register to submit a technical support request.The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, rep-resentation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation conse-quential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where per-sonal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized ap-plication, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages.Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.。
