电影Post Grad的台词
《傲慢与偏见》经典台词He is not vicious, and as far as fortune goes, it's an eligible match.他不是坏人就财产而言他也是适合的对象是很适合There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.我真心爱的人不多看得起的人更少The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.对这个世界看得越多我就越不满In declaring myself thus I'm aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family,my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgement. The relative situation of our families makes any alliance between us a reprehensible connection. As a rational man I cannot but regard it as such myself, but it cannot be helped. Almost from the earliest moments, I have come to feel for you... ..a passionate admirationand regard.which despite my struggles, has overcome every rational objection.I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.不用说也违背我的理智,我们两家地位悬殊结亲一定会被严厉谴责,我的理智也无法不这么想但我没有办法,从我们刚认识开始我就对你产生了…一份热切的爱幕和感情, 尽管不断挣扎我的理性还是被打败了 .我必须热切地恳求你解除我的痛苦,答应嫁给我 .In such cases as these, I believe the established mode is to express a sense of obligation. But I cannot.I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I'm sorry to cause pain to anyone, but it was unconsciously done,我相信碰上像这种情形一般人都会表示感激但我无法这么做 .我从来不曾渴求你的看重而你这么做是心不甘情不愿 ,我很遗憾造成别人的痛苦但我完全是无心的,也希望很快会烟消云散It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife 有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and don't see other people's well-intentioned, and the lack of a decisive person, all similar to harm them.有些人即使没有存心做坏事,可事实上事情仍会做错,引起不幸的后果。
梦想是一个咬了一口的苹果,一眼看去不是你想要的,但是喉咙干渴你就会毫不犹豫地把它吃下去,然后发现,还挺甜的2.1. Career大学毕业,谁不是自信满满,只是没有梅比那么夸张,租下了一间公寓,我们只是摩拳擦掌,对未来无限憧憬。
2. Love梅比有个会帮她揉被高跟鞋折磨的脚的男友,但年轻的女孩总是经不起老男人的魅力诱惑,走了岔路,故事的结局梅比为了爱人,不惜抛弃了工作。
3. Keep TryingI only want to say that we should keep trying everyday! Life moves on. Therefore, just be confident, be happy.电影艺术源于生活,又高于生活,正是我热爱的原因。
分手信中英文字幕【篇一:分手信电影里的英语与单词】sagna:意大利烤宽面条〔ps: how to make lasagna.)2.macaroni 意大利空心面,通心粉3. --john: you are starting to make me a little neverous.--savannah: why am i starting to make you nervous?---john: because i am starting to think you might be too good of a person for me,---savannah: i am not that good of a person.5.filthy 污秽的,肮脏的6.retardedn. 智障 v. 推迟,阻塞:〔retard)7.autistic n. 孤独症患者 adj.孤独的,自闭的8.leftover n.残余物,剩下的饭菜 adj. 残留的抱歉的话:sorry. i didn’t mean to make you feel that..i have no idea what i was talking about.【篇二:读书报告分手信英文】the silent lovedear john is one of the representative books written by the famous american author whose name is nicholas sparks, and this novel has been adapted to a film. the novel?s main line isthe love between the hero john and the heroine savannah, going with its happening and missing. as another invisible line in novel, john?s father?s figure is changing and developing crisscross in john?s eyes. and it?s all about love. what i will discuss is john?s father?s love to his son.john?s father is an old man with autism that nobody had realize before. as john is growing up, the estrangement between them is getting deeper. it?s not long after john had entered puberty that john?s relationship with his father has accumulated into contradiction. gradually, john, used to rely on his father, have an aversion to this wordless father?s love after being an adult. it firstly comes from the difference between them, “where he was passive and introspective, i was always in motion and hated to be alone...he had poor posture and tended to shuffle when he walked; i bounced from here to there...our physical features were completely different, too”. then, their different personality bring out their disharmonious communication. in john?s eyes, john never knows his father and he thinks his father had not cared for him so much, other fathers are always more caring for their children. what?s more, john?s vanity in puberty lead him keeping at a distance with both his father and even-aged companion gradually. the communication between them also becomes so tough. in john?s heart, it?s a relative who has genetic connection with him but he is not willing to accept.john?s father is a local postman, going to and getting off work on time everyday. there is not any other hobby except coins, as if living one person?s life. all his life is single and boring. so you can see the coin is one important thing in this novel. before john?s grandfather?s death, john?s father had formed the habit of collecting coins with his father. like john?s grandfather, his father is economical all his life. what is given clear indication in testament is that the house should be sold and then put money into collecting coins. even though ininflation period or in john?s puberty, he still perseveres in collecting coins, living a simple life. and i think, coins symbolize the emotion between his father and him. john?s father chose coins but not comfortable life like his father finally. in other words, it means a long trek and high pay. in his life, he is loath to part with or leave central heating. john can get only one pair of new shoes every year. and in john?s memory, his father has never bought new garment. at first, coins paly a internuncial role in the set membership. it is because of father?s indulgence in coins that his family?s situation has become so difficult. john also thinks that his father?s love for coins has replaced the love to him. it not only aggravates the contradiction between them, but also makes john firm in joining the army. but in john?s father?s eyes, it is coin that makes him practice his interests and realize his pursue in life, stand for the selfless love to john.after joining the army, john haven?t lived with his father for a long time. therefore, their communication is so lacking. romantically, john meet savannah during his furlough. in this novel, savannah is not only john?s lover but also the bridge connecting john with john?s father. savannah thinks, it?s extraordinary for aonce on the bus, i occasionally saw an old man working hard for this city under the flyover, looking poor. time has left layers of wrinkles on his face and the burning sun makes his skin dark. it really stroke my heart . the man is old enough to live out their life in retirement, but he still work on the bottom of society for his family. all we can see, on the way to the urbanization, so many old people sacrifice their sunset in life while many sons and daughters are not responsible to support the whole family. the city will be empty without the love between parents and children.the innocent love between john and savannah touched everyone, and the father?s role also moved every reader under writer?s skillfully arrangement. as a member of special community that have some common encounters with forrest gump, he has powerful vitality. though he is a person with autism and it is hard to communicate with able-bodied person, it will not block the love to his son.the novel is all about love, patriotism, heartache, tragedy, romance and sacrifice to bring you the tender trappings to capture your heart and bring you to tears. it is compelling and full of compassion! it is worth a look. don?t miss it.【篇三:值得收藏英语电影名单】经典影片:1. 《拆弹部队》〔中英〕2. 《当幸福来敲门》〔中英〕3. 《肖申克的救赎》〔中英〕4. 《斯巴达300勇士》〔中英〕5. 《飞越疯人院》〔中英〕6. 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》〔中英〕7. 《暮色2新月》〔中英〕8. 《变形金刚2》〔中英〕9. 《简爱》〔中英〕10. 《理智与情感》〔中〕11. 《时时刻刻》〔中〕12. 《泰坦尼克号》〔中〕13. 《死亡诗社》〔中英〕14. 《公主日记》〔中〕15. 《哈利波特与混血王子》16. 《云中漫步》〔中〕17. 《傲慢与偏见-黑白版》〔中〕18. 《罗马假日》〔中〕 19. 《环游地球80天》〔中〕(不清晰)20. 《贫民窟的百万富翁》〔中〕21. 《勇敢的心》〔中〕(不清晰)22. 《歌舞青春》〔中英〕23. 楚门的世界 24. 美丽人生〔中英〕25. 阿甘正传〔中英〕26. 海上钢琴师〔中英〕27. 雨人〔中英〕28. 音乐之声〔中英〕29. 毕业生〔中英〕30. 拯救大兵瑞恩〔中英〕31. 钢琴课〔无字幕〕32. 闻香识女人〔中英〕33. 魔戒1〔中英〕34. 蒂凡尼的早餐(中)35. 辛德勒名单(中)36. 穿普拉达的女王〔中英〕37. 《傲慢与偏见》〔中英〕38. casablanca 卡萨布兰卡39. rebecca 蝴蝶梦40. sleepless in seattle 西雅图不眠夜〔无字幕〕41. 莫扎特传42. 阿凡达43. 碟中谍44. 201245. 沉默的羔羊46. 美丽心灵〔中英〕47. 教父48. 加勒比海盗49. 魔戒250. 人鬼情未了〔中英〕51. 断背山(中)52. 撞车〔中英〕53. 歌剧魅影〔中英〕54. three idiots〔中英〕55. 末代皇帝56. 《兵临城下》〔中英〕57. 特洛伊〔中英〕58. 钢琴师〔中英〕卡通片:59. 《加菲猫》〔中英〕60. 《加菲猫的狂欢节》garfield’s fun fest〔中英〕61. 加菲猫2〔中英〕62. 《圣诞快乐-马达加斯加》〔中英〕63. 《马达加斯加2》64. 马达加斯加---企鹅大作战65. 《冰河世纪2 融解》〔中英〕66. 《冰河世纪3》〔中英〕67. 《汽车总发动》68. 《美食总发动》(中)69. 玩具总发动370. 机器人总发动71. 《星银岛》(中)72. 《是的,有圣诞老人》yes, virginia〔中英〕73. 《霹雳战狗》〔中英〕74. 《夏洛特的网》(中)75. 《小叮当和仙子救援大行动》〔中英〕76. 《小飞侠》〔中英〕77. 《美女与野兽》〔中英〕79. 《快乐的大脚》〔中英〕80. 玛丽和马克思81. 怪物史瑞克282. 狐狸爸爸(中)83. 阿童木〔中英〕科幻、奇幻、恐怖片:84. 《奇幻精灵事件簿》〔中英〕85. 《夜访吸血鬼》〔中英〕86. 《诚聘保姆》babysitter wanted〔中英〕87. 僵尸新娘88. 古墓丽影〔中英〕〔不清楚〕89. the day the earth stop当地球停止转动90. deep impact天地大冲撞91. 海底两万里92. 恶灵骑士/灵魂战车〔中英〕其他影片:93. 《年轻的维多利亚女王》〔中英〕94. 《关键投票》〔中英〕95. 《附注:我爱你》〔中英〕96. 《情圣终结者》〔中英〕97. 《巴里布》〔中英〕98. 《海盗电台》〔中英〕99. 《璀璨情诗》〔中英〕100. 《濒临崩溃的生活》〔中英〕 101. 《不可思议》〔中英〕102. 《次日到达》〔中英〕103. 《大鱼》〔中英〕104. 《绯闻少女第一季》〔中英〕 105. 《美味情缘》〔中英〕106. 灰姑娘之舞动奇迹〔无字幕〕 107. 豚鼠特工队〔中英〕108. 《侠盗公主》〔中英〕109. 《影子写手》〔中英〕110. bride and prejudice(中)111. 《特雷莎修女》(中)112. 《空中监狱》(中)113. 《零下十度》(中)114. 《上帝也疯狂》(中)115. 《都铎王朝第一季》(中)116. 《产前阵痛》(中)117. 《超级奶爸》(中)118. 《纽约,我爱你》(中)119. 《进攻列宁格勒》(中)120. the lake house湖中小屋/触不到的恋人〔中英〕 121. leon 这个杀手不太冷〔中英〕122. 少女梦三十〔中英〕123. 少数派报告124. 查理与巧克力工厂〔中英〕125. 少年魔法师〔中英〕126. 女王〔无字幕〕127. 情人节〔无字幕〕128. 朱诺(中)129. lie to me 第一季〔中英〕130. 心灵捕手〔中英〕131. 绿里奇迹(中)132. 时间旅行者的妻子133. 博物馆奇妙夜〔中英〕134. 我是传奇〔中英〕135. 返老还童136. 小屁孩日记〔中英〕137. 福尔摩斯系列剧〔中英〕138. 异形终结2〔中英〕139. 波斯王子时之刃〔中英〕140. 木乃伊3龙帝之墓〔中英〕141. 成长教育an education〔中英〕142. 奇异恩典amazing grace143. 曾经once144. 水中仙ondine〔中英〕145. 风吹稻浪the wind that shakes barley146. 无忧无虑happy go lucky147. 在云端up in the air148. 幸福终点站the terminal149. 集结风暴the gathering storm150. 单身男子the single man(中)151. 聪明人the smart people152. 寻找梦幻岛finding neverland153. 革命之路revolutionary road154. 高校天后〔中英〕155. 开水房〔中英〕156. 硅谷传奇〔中英〕157. 《小鬼当家2》〔中英〕158. 《预见未来》或《惊魂下一秒》〔中英〕 159. 《魔法奇缘》〔中英〕160. 《消防员》〔中英〕161. post grad《毕业生生存指南》〔中英〕162. raise your voice 《劲歌飞扬》〔中英〕 163. 天降奇兵164. 欲望都市165. the longest day 最漫长的一日166. the dancers in the dark 黑暗中的舞者〔无字幕〕167. lost in translation 迷失东京168. cold mountain 冷山169. blood diamond 血钻(中)170. babel 通天塔〔中英〕171. 《做大总统》wag the dog172. 蝴蝶效应〔中英〕173. 写给朱丽叶的信174. 空军一号175. 《成为简奥斯丁》(中)176. 兄弟〔中英〕177. 天使爱美丽178. 罗宾汉〔中英〕179. 长大后180. 分手信(中)181. 狙击杀手182. 千钧一发183. 特工邵特184. 追风筝的人185. 七磅186. 吸血鬼日记187. 赎罪188. 勇敢者游戏189. 后天190. 舞出人生1(中) 191. 非常人贩192. 乌鸦193. 两小无猜。
电影里的脱口语It's all Greek to me. 原句:I don't understand.I've had it. 原句:I've had enough.I'm hard up. 原句:I don't have money.He's having a hard time. 原句:He's in trouble.Do to hell! 原句: Go away.It's a hit. 原句:It's very popular.So, you finally broke the ice. 原句:So,you finally broke through.What's in it for me? 原句: What's my share?He is in a jam. 原句: He is in great trouble.Don't jump on me. 原句: Don't be angry at me.It's a lot of junks. 原句: It's a lot of garbage.I got a big kick out of it. 原句: It makes me laugh.What the kick back for me? 原句: What's my cut under the table?He kicked the bucket.原句: He died.Oh! you are killing me! 原句:It's really funny.Knock it off. 原句:Don't be like that.Stop pulling my leg. 原句:Don't make fun of me.You are out of line. 原句: You are over doing it.Please bring me up to date. 原句: Please give me the latest information Nuts! 原句:Nonsense!It's on the house. 原句: It's free.He is an operator. (here it means a thief,a swindler,ect.) 原句:He is a swindler.Don't panic. 原句:Don't be nervous.He passed out. 原句: He fainted.To me it is just peanuts. 原句: It's nothing to me.He is a phoney. 原句: He is fake.Pick me up at seven tonight. 原句:Come and get me at seven tonight.He was put on the spot. 原句:He was killed.He puts up a good show. 原句:He behaves himself well.I can't put up with you any longer. 原句: I can't stand you any longer.Let's call it quits.原句: Let's forget the whole thing.He was taken for a ride.原句:He was fooled.Let it ride.原句: Keep it as it is.I'm running this shop. 原句:I'm the owner of the shop.Time is running out. 原句: There is not much time.He got the sack. 原句:He was fired.Says who? 原句:I don't agree.Let's have a show down with John. 原句:Let's tell Tom the truth.What's up your sleeves? 原句: What do you have in mind?I am only a small potato. 原句: I'm nobody.John Lee is a some-body,although be was a nobody two years ago。
《毕业生生存指南》(The Post Grad Survival Guide)我最喜欢的对白:Ryden:给我个解释的机会Just let me explain.Adam:什么需要解释?What exactly needs explanation?现实是,我像一个蠢蛋样的等你...The fact that I've been waiting around like a moron...希望有一天你对我能像我对你一样hoping that one day you'll actually feel about me the way I feel about you?但现实是你只关注自己的未来...Or the fact that you're so obsessed with your future...而忽略身边任何一个值得你关心的人that y-you completely forget about everyone that you're supposed to give a shit about? 我不在等了,一切结束了I'm not waiting anymore. I'm done.我不知道我的未来会是什么样,但我知道I may not know exactly what my future looks like, but I do know one thing.你不在其中You're not in it其他比较经典的台词:Class 2009, it is my great honor to welcome you to this evening’sgraduation ceremony. I stand before you with two age-old words: Carpe diem. When we walk out these doors, I challenge each of us to not only seize the day but to clutch it with both hands to squeeze it with all your strength. And drain every last living, breathing victorious moment out of it. Like a Trojan decides to plunge his blade into the beating heart of his enemy. He realizes it is not for his own personal glory. He dose for the better goods of the community as a whole. We must remember that our generation is smarter, stronger and better equipped than those came before us. And now, it is our responsibility to forge ahead and stake our rightful claim at the top.What exactly need explanation? The fact that I’ve been waiting around like a moron, hoping one day you’ll actually feel about me the way I feelabo ut you. Or the fact that you’re so obsessed with your future that you completely forget about everyone that you’re supposed to give a shit about? I am not waiting anymore. I’m done. I may not know exactly what my future looks like, but I do know one thing, you’re not in it.I guess I finally realize that what you do with your life is really just one half of the equation. The other half, the more important half really is who you’re with when you doing it.Hey, life sucks without you. I miss you…Well, of cou rse I miss you. I knew I would, but it’s not like a “Hey, we had some great times…you know, keep in touch” kind of thing. It’s…It was more like, “I can’t eat…I can’t sleep…I forget what it feels like to laugh.” kind of thing. And I really think that when you left, you took my heart with you.。
毕业后的打算英文对话作文1. "Post-grad, the horizon's vast, like a canvas yet uncharted. I'm chatgpt, ready to paint my story with tech's brushstroke."2. "Not a job, a journey, I see it as a quest to learn, adapt, and innovate. My future's a blend of coding and curiosity, a digital nomad's call."3. "From startup's hustle to AI's evolution, I aim to be a catalyst, a problem solver in the tech realm. My days?A mix of coding, brainstorming, and constant learning."4. "I'll volunteer, attend workshops, and network, seeking knowledge, not just a degree. The world's my classroom, every interaction a lesson."5. "Healthcare, education, sustainability, these are the sectors I'd like to impact. My goal? Make technology serve humanity better."6. "And when the night falls, I'll find solace in coding, a digital sanctuary where creativity and problem-solving blend. It's my symphony, my post-grad symphony."7. "So, my future's not set, it's a journey, a dance with the digital world. I'm chatgpt, ready to lead the steps."8. "In the end, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey, and I'm excited to see where this ride takes me, the chatgpt way."。
The meaning of failure is to let everyone down, including himself.2、当你不再来看我时,我也就死了。
When you stop coming to see me, I die.3、你难道没有受够的时候,没有想过让某人滚蛋?Don't you have enough time to think of letting someone go?4、听你在这里放屁,能给我们发点爆米花吗?Listen to your fart here, can you send us some popcorn?5、我们都需要一些东西,使我们从繁琐和现实中解脱,或多或少思考下事情的根源,没人愿意去想,需要多少努力才能脱离,脱离苦海,我们都需要脱离。
We all need something to get rid of the complexity and reality, to think more or less about the root causes of things, no one wants to think, how much effort it takes to get rid of the sea of suffering, we all need to get rid of it.6、一个人可以轻易地学会不在乎,但学会在乎却要付出百倍的努力和勇气。
One can easily learn not to care, but to learn to care requires a hundred times of effort and courage.7、我们失败,不断失败。
《录取通知》最后的演讲稿——Mr. Bartleby Gaines(吉恩斯·巴特比先生)It's too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are. 太遗憾你们的裁决和我们预料的一样,你们没有理解我们.Just because you want us to be more like them, when the truth is we're not like them.这是因为你们想我们和他们一样,但事实上我们不喜欢这样.And I am damn proud of that fact.我为我们所做的事情而自豪I mean, Harmon College and their 100 years of tradition.我的意思是,哈蒙学院有它一百多年的历史传统.But tradition of what?但传统是什么?Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a little bit different?欺压同学,羞辱看不惯的人?Of putting so much pressure on kids, they turn into these stress freaks and caffeine addicts.给孩子们很大压力,导致压力过大而失常染上毒瘾.Why? Why can't we both exist? Huh?为什么?为什么不能共存?You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure, and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way.你们有你们的规则,你们的构成你们的象牙塔,而我们做我们自己的.Why do we have to conform to what you want?为什么要遵守你们的规则?You know what? You're a criminal.你知道什么?你是罪犯。
《剪刀手爱德华》经典台词(中英文对照) 分享《剪刀手爱德华》的经典台词,中英文对照的经典台词语录。
Esmeraldawon'tbehere.Andtherestoftheneighbours,they'rereall yverynice.
2、—Hedidthemjustlikethat!—Thatisincredible. —他手脚真的那么俐落。
消失的爱人Gone Girl中英剧本当想到我老婆When I think of my wife...我总是想到她的头颅I always think of her head.我会想像怎么剖开她可爱的头骨I picture cracking her lovely skull...细细折解她的脑袋unspooling her brains...好让我找到答案trying to get answers.我想问婚姻里那些最基本的问题The primal questions of any marriage.“你在想什么?”"What are you thinking?"“你感觉如何?”"How are you feeling?"“我们对彼此做了什么?”"What have we done to each other?"爱尔兰王子大驾光临了The Irish princegraces us with his presence.王子殿下不想被弄湿His majesty prefers not to be moistened.我带了礼物给你I got you a present.我讨厌这游戏- 你以前很喜欢- I hated this game. You loved it.是你以前很喜欢You loved it.谢谢,我会加进我的收藏里Thank you.I'll add it to the collection.帮我倒一杯波本酒吧Can you pour me a bourbon?怎么了,小神经质?What's up, Jitters?如果你不说,那么我只好再自爆Well, if you're not going to talk,I'm gonna have to fill the silence...玛戈邓恩的另一个悲惨故事with another excruciating storyby Margo Dunne.我可以告诉你我最近的客服经验I could tell you aboutmy recent customer service experience... 我要更换网路业者- 我喜欢这一个- changing Internet service providers. I like that one.或我看见长得跟莫妮卡一样的人那次Or how about the time I saw that womanwho looked exactly like my friend Monica?但她不是莫妮卡,是陌生人But it wasn't Monica.It was a total stranger.但她也叫做莫妮卡Who was also named Monica.真的很有趣- 不错- Made it kind of interesting. It's great.我今天不太好I'm just having a bad day.因为爱咪?- 今天是我们结婚纪念日- Amy? It's our anniversary.五周年- 五年了?- Five years. Five?真是快啊That came fast.而且风风雨雨And furious.我快乐得要疯了,像个傻子I 'm so crazy, stupid happy.我认识了一个男孩子I met a boy.一个超棒、可爱、又酷的大帅哥A great, sweet, gorgeous, cool-ass guy.不好意思,小姐Excuse me, miss?我只是想提醒你I just want you to be careful...别把那瓶修士酿的比利时白啤酒乱放where you put down thatmonk-brewed Belgian wheat beer...这里只剩三罐超淡啤酒和一瓶水果酒because the party's down to threeBeast Lights and a bottle of Pucker.那我这瓶可能会引人犯罪It might attractsome desperate characters.有可能It could.毕竟这些阿米希派可是来享乐的I mean, the Amish are on a Rumspringa.他们已经帮我吃光一盘肉肴小点They already relieved meof my artisanal meat platter.终于有人念好这个字了Finally, someone tells mehow to pronounce that word.你说“肉”?"Meat"?对,是ㄖ不是ㄌYes, "meat." One syllable.谢谢,我要喝的是谁的啤酒?Thank you. Whose beer am Iabout to drink?别告诉我Don't tell me.我来猜,谁是你的菜?Let's see, who's your type?我觉得你不是那种安安静静I don't see you sitting quietly...听对方大谈普鲁斯特主题论文的女生while he bloviateson his postgrad thesis about Proust.不会吧,是他?Uh-Oh. Ls that him?爱挖苦人,自我中心,玩笑开不停Ironic hipster, so self-aware,he makes everything a joke.我喜欢有幽默感,不刻意说笑的人I prefer men who are funny, not "funny."你又是哪一型?What type are you?美国价值表率的纯朴密苏里男儿Corn-fed,salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy.密苏里?Missouri?真可爱Cute.纽约人?- 我的世界只到哈德逊河为止- Native New Yorker? The world ends at the Hudson.你叫什么名字?What's your name?爱咪Amy.爱咪,你是谁?Well, Amy, who are you?A:我是得奖的手工艺师A, I'm an award-winning scrimshander.B:我是小有影响力的军阀B, I'm a moderately influential warlord.C:我帮杂志撰写人格测验C, I write personality quizzesfor magazines.你的手太细嫩不可能做手工艺Okay. Your hands are far too delicatefor real scrimshaw work... 我刚好在“中级军阀周刊”负责颁发证书and I happen to be a charter subscriberto Middling Warlord Weekly...所以我应该认得你so I'd recognize you.所以我选CI'm gonna go with.你呢?And you?你又是谁?Who are you?我是拯救你离开这个“精彩”派对的人I'm the guy to save youfrom all this awesomeness.所以你帮男性杂志写文章So, you write for a men's magazine.老天,这样你不就是男人专家了吗?God, does that make you an experton being a man?不No.我写的是穿着、品酒之类的It's what to wear, what to drink.还有怎么鬼扯How to bullshit.我绝不会对你鬼扯Never with you.最好是Ha, ha.我说真的No, I mean it.我很难相信你It's hard to believe you.为什么?Why?应该是因为你的下巴I think it's your chin.我的下巴?My Chin?对,看起来像坏人Yeah, it's quite villainous.那这样呢?Okay, how's this?百分之百老实,不鬼扯A hundred percent true, no bullshit.好吧Okay.我们都搬到纽约We all move to New York...最后住在这种小鸟笼里,还不只如此and we end up living in these littlecubby holes, and that's not it.到外面来,这才是活在纽约Come outside. Then, you're in it.你得看看这个You have to see this.你好Hey.Hey.我现在一定要亲你I have to kiss you now.是吗?Is that right?我不能放你走过这片糖风暴却不亲你I can't let you go througha sugar storm unkissed.等等Wait a second.这样才对There you go.尼克邓恩Nick Dunne...我真的喜欢你I really like you.所以这次结婚周年纪念So, is Amy gonna doone of those anniversary...爱咪也要玩寻宝游戏?treasure hunts?你是说专门设计来证明她老公You mean the forced marchdesigned to prove...是个健忘没心肝的混蛋的游戏?what an oblivious and uncaring assholeher husband is?哇Wow.我都不知道人生是为了什么Life. I don't remember the point.游戏公司可是用心良苦呢Deep Hasbro thoughts.该你转Spin.去年让她大抓狂的是哪个线索?What was the clue last yearshe got so mad about?“你可怜的爱咪一感冒When your poor Amy has a cold...餐馆马上推出这一道”this dessert just must be sold.答案是什么?The answer?我到现在还不知道,小戈I still don't know the answer, Go.几年前你都知道- 几年前还很有趣- A few years ago, you'd have known. A few years ago, it was fun.第一年是纸婚,送纸礼物Year one,the traditional gift was paper.她买了精美的笔记本让我写小说She got me a beautiful notebook.Told me to go write my novel.你送她什么?What did you get her?一个风筝A kite.她从没放过风筝- 好吧- She'd never flown a kite. Okay.总之呢,第四年要送花Anyway. Year four, flowers.她带我到后院看枯萎的玫瑰花丛She led me outsideto the dying rosebush in the backyard.真有象征性That's symbolic.是啊Yeah.五周年是什么婚?What's the gift for five?木婚Wood.那你买了什么?- 没有好礼物是木头的- So, what did you get her? There's no good gift for wood.你回家用力干她,用老二甩她I know! Go home, fuck her brains out,slap her with your penis.呛她,“这可是块好木头,贱人”"There's some wood for you, bitch."这里是酒吧The Bar.当然,你等等Why, yes. Hang on one second.是爱管闲事的瓦力Hey, it's Watchful Wally.瓦力,什么事?Hey, Walt. What's going on?谢谢,我很快就回去,没问题,再见Thanks very much. I'll be right there.All right, bye-bye.兄弟,你在外面干嘛?Hey, buddy. What are you doing out here?谢啦,瓦力Thanks, Walt!爱咪?Ame?爱咪Amy!“北卡塞基警局”有人吗?Hello?进来吧Come on in.你们好Hey.邓恩先生- 你好- Mister Dunne. Hi.隆妲邦妮警探,这位是吉姆吉尔宾I'm Detective Rhonda Boney.This is Officer James Gilpin.我们了解您妻子可能有危险We understand there are concernsabout your wife.我不知道我老婆在哪,一回家就这样I don't know where my wife is.And I came home to this.我不是个容易惊慌的人Now, I don't panic easily...但这样很不对劲吧?but it's weird, right?我们能看看吗?Mind if we look around?请便Please.你们住在这里多久了?How long have you two been here?九月就满两年了,之前住在纽约Two years in September.We used to live in New York.纽约市?City?对,我以前是作家,我们都是Yeah, I was a writer.We were both writers.你们为什么搬回来?Why did you all move back here?我妈生病了My mom got sick.抱歉,她现在还好吗?Oh, I'm sorry. How is she?她过世了She's dead.我很遗憾I'm so sorry.你现在做什么工作?What do you do now, for work?我和妹妹玛戈在市区经营酒吧My sister Margo and Iown The Bar downtown.那间“酒吧”啊Oh, The Bar.叫“酒吧”的酒吧,很形而上Love the name. Very meta.谢谢Thanks.都是些好东西Pretty things.别乱跑Stay.这里是我的书房My office, here.很漂亮的衣服Beautiful dress.今晚要约会?Date night?今天是我们的结婚纪念日It's our anniversary.这边是客房It's a guest bedroom, there.猫的房间在后面Cat's room on the end.我找过那边了I checked up here.这边是厨房This is the kitchen...很明显obviously.这是我老婆的书房This is my wife's office.爱咪的书房Amy's office.“哈佛大学”她很厉害啊Wow. Impressive gal.对,我应该要担心吗?Yeah. Should I be concerned?我记得这些书I remember these.“神奇的爱咪”我以前很喜欢这些书I loved these books.等等Wait a minute.你太太就是神奇的爱咪?Your wife is Amazing Amy?对,就是她Yeah. She is.真厉害Wow.“年月日”他妈的神奇爱咪他妈的要结婚了Amazing-fucking-Amyis getting fucking married.所以今晚才有这场活动That's how the night started.平凡有缺点的真爱咪嫉妒着天之骄子With me, regular, flawed, real Amy,jealous, as always, of the golden child.“该做的事就要做得聪明俐落”完美聪明的神奇爱咪他妈的要结婚了Perfect, brilliant, Amazing Amy,who's getting fucking married.我岁的时候放弃了大提琴When I was , I quit cello.在下一本书里,爱咪成了小神童In the next book,Amazing Amy became a prodigy.你打排球吗?Did you play volleyball?一年级时被退队了I got cut, freshman year.结果她进了大学代表队She made varsity.你什么时候养过狗?When did you have a dog?是她养了狗She got the dog.普多斯让爱咪更平易近人Puddles made her more relatable.哇Wow.我喜欢你爸妈I love your parents...但他们有时真的很混蛋but they really can be assholes.尼克- 伯父- Nick! Sir!谢谢你来参加Hey, thanks for coming, man.没什么No problem.亲爱的Hey, sweetheart.今天是你妈的大日子Big night for your mom.如果你跟几个记者和部落客聊聊It would mean so muchif you would talk to a few reporters...让他们瞧瞧爱咪本色就太好了bloggers, give them a little Amy color.大家都想听你的想法People wanna hear from you.我们不能待太久- 没问题- We can't stay long. Fantastic.最多只要分钟Fifteen minutes, tops.我的豪宅跟信托基金都靠他们This is why I have my brownstone.My trust fund.不能抱怨I know I can't complain.你爸妈根本剽窃了你的创作Your parents literallyplagiarized your childhood.不,他们提出改良版然后四处兜售No, they improved upon it,and then peddled it to the masses.我以为你会配合结婚主题穿白衣服I thought you were gonna wear whiteto match the wedding theme.我觉得那样超诡异I thought that would be creepy.“该做的事就要做得…”"If it's worth doing,it's worth doing..."够了,我知道这句话,不用提醒我Hold up! I know how this ends.Don't tell me.你帅,尼克You're very cute, Nick.你知道今晚怎么让你爸开心Amy, you knowwhat would make Dad's night.我会的I'm on it.我超爱陌生人戳我痛处的I love having strangerspick at my scabs.我很好奇I'm curious whether...神奇爱咪结婚是否让你难受?it's difficult for you to seeAmazing Amy heading down the aisle.还有庆祝假婚礼的这个盛大派对And this big partycelebrating this fictional wedding.因为据我所知你还未婚Because it's my understandingyou are not married.是这样吗?Is that correct?没错,神奇爱咪总是早我一步Correct. Amazing Amy has always beenone step ahead of me.抱歉打扰各位,但我还有几个问题Excuse me. I'm sorry,I just have a few questions.是你It's you.我来这里完全是公事公办I'm here in astrictly journalistic capacity.请问你愉快地和尼克邓恩约会多久了?Now, you had the distinct pleasureof dating Nick Dunne for how long?神奇的两年- 神奇的两年- Two magical years. Two magical years.在这段时间里你曾多次In the course of that time,you've had the opportunity...展现你的亲切可人,例如…to perform such gracious gestures as...不在尼克把“奎宁”念成“圭宁”时纠正他not correcting Nick when hepronounced "quinoa" as "kween-o-a."这是可以理解的错误An understandable mistake.但他还以为那是一种鱼He also thought it was a fish.他也以为人造起司是真的乳酪He thinks Velveeta is a cheese.尼克的妈妈每次看到你的时候You also manage to appearshocked and delighted...都会即兴演唱“纽约纽约”这首歌when Nick's elderly motherbreaks into an impromptu rendition...但你依旧假装自己又惊又喜of New York, New York,every time she sees you.“这袋骨头鞋”These bag of bone shoes.真的很吓人That's just frightening.你也帮尼克买了他的第一把剪刀You also bought Nickhis very first pair of scissors.还有成对的订书机And matching stapler.爱咪艾略特,你不只是神奇Amy Elliott, you are more than amazing.你冰雪聪明而且毫不势利You are brilliant,yet entirely un-snobby.你启发我,你总带来惊奇You challenge me. You surprise me.另外给读者的有趣小知识And, fun fact for the readers...你的阴道是世界级的you have a world-class vagina.我的同行说你还没结婚My colleagues tell methat you are not yet married.这是真的吗?Is that correct?我还没结婚I'm not.我们不如做点改变Isn't it time we fixed that?于是And then...那天晚上一点都不糟糕了the night wasn't so bad anymore.完成了,从清单划掉And it's done. Crossed off the list.通常失踪案不会那么快成立Now, normally, we would not treat thisas a missing persons case so quick...不过以你家的状况but given the scene at your house...还有最近暴力犯罪直线上升的情况and given our spikein violent crime of late...我们会特别审慎处理这个案子we are gonna take thisvery, very seriously.那很好Okay. Good.监识科去你家了,你有别的地方住吗?We've got forensics over at your place.You got somewhere to stay?我可以住妹妹家- 好- I could stay at my sister's. Okay.我们在追踪爱咪的电话和信用卡We're tracking Amy's phone,her credit cards.接着会组织搜索行动,发传单We will organize searches,put up flyers.明天会开记者会- 记者会?We're gonna hold a pressconference tomorrow.You're having apress conference?我们要把消息放出去I wanna get the word out, right?对,但我觉得自己好像在演“法网游龙”Yeah, it's just all of a sudden,I feel like I'm on a Law & Order episode.这种案子就是跟时间赛跑Time is of the essence in these cases.不过你要不要先打电话给律师?But, that said,do you wanna wait and call a lawyer?不需要,我只想帮上忙Absolutely not. I just wanna help.所以你和爱咪住在这里两年了So, you and Amyhave been here two years.你顾店- 我是“酒吧”老板- You tend bar... I own The Bar.还在米尔谷社区大学教创意写作And I teach creative writing at MVCC.你们没小孩?- 还没- No kids? Not yet.爱咪平常在做什么?So, what does Amy do most days?有这么多学位的女人都在做什么?A woman with all those degrees,what does she do?我不知道,她总有事做I don't know. She keeps busy.做什么?Doing what?她很喜欢看书She's a voracious reader.所以她手里总有一本书So, she's always got a book in her hand.但一天可是很漫长的Well, days can get long.我认识几个中午就开始喝酒的主妇I know a few housewives, that eveningglass of wine startscoming at noon.或者药吃不停Or prescription pills.上礼拜有个标准好主妇Just last week, we had a soccer mom.嗑止痛药嗑到ㄎ一ㄤ掉Nice lady. Got her teeth kicked inover some OxyContin.购物中心倒闭后半个镇的人都失业了Ever since that mall went bust,half the town is out of work.毒品暴力事件抓不胜抓We cannot keep upwith the drug violence.我确定爱咪没有吸毒I'm pretty sure that's not it.我们能跟爱咪的朋友谈谈吗?Has Amy got friends we can talk to?她没什么朋友No, not really.没朋友?整个镇上都没有?No friends? This whole town?她跟我妈感情很好,但她过世了She was very close with my mom,before she passed away.这里游民的问题很严重You know, we have a pretty serioushomeless problem...我们附近很多in our neighborhood.你们应该去查一查I think maybe you guysshould check that out.我们会的We'll look into that.你今天大约:到酒吧You got to The Bar around : today.在那之前你在哪?只是例行问话Where were you before that?Just to cross that out.我在家Well, I was home.我:出门,带着咖啡和报纸I left at :,I got a cup of coffee, a newspaper.到索耶沙滩去看报纸I went to Sawyer Beachand read the news.你是自己去的吗?Did you visit with anyone there?我去索耶沙滩就是图个清静I kind of go to Sawyer Beachfor the solitude.所以你太太在这里没有朋友So, your wife has no friends here.她是不是有点高傲?Is she kinda standoffish?念常春藤名校?会不会常得罪人?Ivy League? Rubs people the wrong way?她是纽约客She's from New York.她很复杂,标准很高She's complicated.She's got very high standards.是A型人格吗?Type A?如果你不是那种人,很容易被搞疯That can make you crazyif you're not like that.你好像比较慵懒,是B型人格You seem pretty laid-back. Type B.说到这里,爱咪的血型是什么?Speaking of which, Amy's blood type?老天,我不知道,我要回家找找God, I don't know.I'd have to look it up at the house.你不知道她的交友状况You don't know if she has friends,白天在干嘛you don't know what she does all day...也不知道你老婆的血型and you don't knowyour wife's blood type.你确定你们结婚了?Sure you all are married?她可能是O型Maybe it's type O.她的父母都在纽约吗?- 对- Where are her folks? New York? Yeah.明天记者会时他们能到吗?Can they get here timefor this press conference tomorrow?明天?我不知道,我还没联络他们Tomorrow? I have no idea.I haven't talked to them.你还没联络你岳父母?You haven't calledyour wife's parents yet?这里没有讯号,我又一直在跟你讲话You can't get a signal in this building.I've been in here talking to you.尼克,请立刻联络他们Call them, please, Nick. Now.好啊Fine.我应该知道我太太的血型吗?Should I know my wife's blood type?不用No.对不起,玛莉贝丝Maybe it's type O.我不知道出了什么事我人在警察局Now I'm at the station...警察在我们家,情况严重and the cops are at the house,and it's serious我得联络你们and I'm calling you.现在事情很多而且一团乱There's a lot of thingsthat are being juggled right now.我和隆妲邦妮警探在一起I'm standing right next toDetective Rhonda Boney...她是主要调查员,她…who's the lead investigator on thisand she's...我岳母想跟你说话My mother-in-lawwould like to speak with you.我是邦妮警探This is Detective Boney.我想回家I wanna go home.我不懂为什么我得在这里I don't know why I have to be here.我不想在这里,我想回家I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home.爸?Dad?他是我爸,怎么回事?This is my father. What's going on?是吗?你是尼克邓恩?Really? You're Nick Dunne?我们一整个下午都在联络你We've been trying to get a hold of youall afternoon.我一直在这里,我太太失踪了I've been right there.My wife is missing.贱人- 别这样- Bfich. Doni.你父亲午餐后就从安适山丘跑出来了Your father wandered out of Comfort Hillafter lunch. 我们在号公路上发现迷失的他We found him walking Route ,disoriented.我们一直打电话联络你We've been trying to call youfor the last...这里收不到讯号I don't get a cell signalin this building.我就在六公尺之外的房间里I've been sitting feet away from you.先生,请不要用这种语气跟我说话Sir, pleasedon't take that tone with me.又蠢又笨又丑的贱人Stupid, dumb, ugly bitch.爸,别说了Dad, stop.你要开车载他回去吗?You wanna drive him home?这应该是个好主意,谢谢I think that would be wise. Thanks.语音信箱已满This voice mailbox is currently full.该死Fuck.“安适山丘安养中心”把你的脏手拿开Get your fucking hands off me.谢谢Thanks.“年月日”所有人都再三告诫我们Everyone told usand told us and told us...婚姻并不容易marriage is hard work.需要妥协和努力And compromise and more work.“进入此门之人必放弃希望”"Abandon all hope, ye who enter."“年轻的爱咪确实逐渐放弃希望"When young Amy's hope did wane..."她在此游荡…”"she wandered here..."才不是,我和尼克不是这样Well, it's not true.Not for me and Nick.“寻找珍奥斯汀”"...in search of Jane."这两年对我们来说With us, two years...好得不得了it's just good.奥斯汀Austen.你是孤独的少年,只有书中人了解你You were an alienated teenand only Elizabeth Bennet understood you.你看那个Look at that.我的天My God.你这个淘气的小骚货You naughty minx.严格来说我们应该在下一站才开干Well, technically, we are supposedto fuck at the next stop. 对,这样才符合传统Yeah, in keeping with tradition.但我可能愿意破例一次But I might be willingto bend the rules this once.天佑珍奥斯汀God bless Jane Austen.我很有热忱,你看连饼干都这么说I'm enthusiastic. Look at that.It's confirmed by the...谢谢Thank you.第二年,棉婚Year two. Cotton.我们说过普通床单配不上我们的性爱We had that joke that our sexwas too good for ordinary.所以这是两千织的…So, these are , thread-count-我们太可爱了,真该揍自己一拳We're so cute.I wanna punch us in the face.真的很不错,满好的That's pretty great.I mean, that is pretty great.他们有没有问你要不要找律师?Did they ask if you wanted a lawyer?我不需要律师,我来就好I don't need a lawyer.Here, I'll do this.他们有没有问爱咪的私人生活Well, did they ask personal stuffabout Amy?他们有问啊You know, they asked...为什么她没有朋友?why didn't she have any friends?你怎么说?What did you say?我说她很复杂- 尼克- I said she was complicated. Nick!大家都知道“复杂”代表“贱人”Everyone knows "complicated"is code for "bitch."老天,我觉得好糟God. I feel sick.谢谢Thanks.这件事真的很奇怪It's so bizarre.这就是会发生在爱咪身上的事It seems like the kind of thingthat would happen to Amy.她总是会吸引…She always attracts...戏剧性的遭遇?Drama?只有我们,你可以直说You can say it. It's just me and you.虽然我不喜欢和爱咪相处Just becauseI don't like to be around Amy...不表示我不关心她doesn't mean I don't care about her.总之,带走她的人一定会带她回来Anyway, whoever took heris bound to bring her back.警探?不好意思Detective? Excuse me.我是诺耶儿霍桑,爱咪最好的朋友I'm Noelle Hawthorne.I'm Amy's best friend.太好了,你住在哪里?Well, great. Where do you live, Noelle?从这里过去五间,号Five doors down. .很好,我想跟你谈谈Wonderful. I would love to talk to you.我半小时后过去可以吗?Can I come by in half an hour?有什么进展吗?- 抱歉- Y'all know anything yet? I'm sorry.我这边还要忙,但分钟就好了I got guys on the clock in here.But you give me minutes.但到时候我要帮小孩洗澡But that's usually bath time.我们可以边洗边聊Well, we'll talk in between shampoos.好,你发现什么了?All right. So, what do you got?厨房里绝对有血迹It was definitely blood spatteryou saw in the kitchen.很正常,厨房总有刀子Normally, kitchen, knives,准备食物的工具food prep.不算奇怪,但血迹位置有点太高Not that weird,but that is awfully high.所以我要做鲁米诺测试So, I'm gonna order a luminol sweep.好Well, okay.真有意思Interesting.怎么了?What's that?这间房子的租约和车子都是她的名字House is rented in her name.Car's in her name.信用卡,水电费,电话帐单全都是Credit cards, utilities,phone bill, all in her name.连他的酒吧都在她的名下Even his bar's in her name.我不知道这有什么好惊讶的I don't know that that's so surprising.是没有,只是很丢脸No. But it is humiliating.你找到什么?What you got?跟她的私人衣物放在一起It's with her unmentionables.我们有第一个线索了Well, we have our first clue.我得冲个澡I have to take a shower.不行,你整晚没睡No, don't. You've been up all night.你就要看起来整晚没睡的样子You wanna looklike you've been up all night.今天小心点,好吗?Hey, be careful today, okay?为什么这么说?That's a weird thing to say.你每次不高兴就喝酒Well, when you're upset, you bottle up.会看起来很愤怒You can seem angry, like...拜托别说“跟爸一样”Please don't say, "Like Dad."不然你就会进入讨好模式Or else you swing into your momma's-boy感觉很肤浅charm offensive and that can feel glib.太好了Perfect.我会小心在这情绪刀锋上保持平衡I'll balance on the exact fucking edgeof your emotional razor.这样吧,你就…Okay. Just be...做自己?myself?收入金额捐赠西郡四健会Sponsoring a raffle tobenefit West County H...并赞助密苏里大学橄榄球季票and raffling season tickets forMizzou football.请在飞翅屋或各地三州轮胎行购买Buy your tickets at the Wing Hut orlocal Tri-State Tire stores. 你的岳父母赶上了Your in-laws made it.瑞德- 老兄- Hi, Rand. Hey, man.我是邦妮警探I'm Detective Boney.我是他双胞胎妹妹玛戈I'm the twin. Margo.我们昨天还打网球,我无法原谅自己We played tennis yesterday, Nick.I just can't get over it. 玛莉贝丝,我很抱歉Marybeth, I am really sorry.我就知道你们不该搬回来I knew you never should havemoved back here.我们别无选择We didn't have a lot of choice.我们都很担心也很害怕We are all worried. We are all scared.但我们都在这里,会一起找到爱咪But we are all here now.And we will find Amy, together. “失踪爱咪邓恩”我先说话,然后换你们吗?Should I just go first, and thenyou guys can say something?好Good.各位都知道,我妻子爱咪艾略特邓恩As you know, my wife,Amy Elliott Dunne...在月日早上从我们家里失踪disappeared from our homeon the morning of July th...情况相当可疑under suspicious circumstances.大声一点Louder!如果各位有任何消息If anyone out therehas any information...请与我们联系please come forward.谢谢Thank you.我是瑞德艾略特,玛莉贝丝是我妻子I'm Rand Elliott.My wife, Marybeth Elliott.我应该说我的名字吗?Should I have said my name?爱咪是我们的独生女Amy is our only child.她聪明,美丽又温柔She's bright, she's beautiful.She's kind.她就是神奇的爱咪She really is Amazing Amy.有数百万的读者You know, there aremillions of people out there...都和她一起长大,关心着她who grew up with her and care about her.我们关心她,我们爱她We care about her, we love her.我们只希望她回来And we just want her back.爱咪是获奖的学者Amy is a decorated scholar.她在新闻界有成功的事业She forged a successful careerin journalism.她回到丈夫的故乡She returned hereto her husband's hometown...而且在异乡努力生活and she made a life in her adopted home.现在爱咪需要你的帮助Now, Amy needs your help.我们在卓睿酒店成立了义工中心We're establishing a volunteerheadquarters at the Drury Lodge.提供线索请拨---AMY-TIPSWe have a hotline, ---AMY-TIPS.网站网址是And our website .邓恩先生- 艾略特先生- Mr. Dunne! Mr. Elliott!邓恩先生,有任何谋杀的迹象吗?Mr. Dunne, any signs of foul play?艾略特先生Mr. Elliott,你上次和女儿交谈是何时?when was the last timeyou spoke to your daughter?微笑Smile.今天结束了,谢谢各位That's all for now. Thank you.爱咪的异性缘非常好Amy is the kind of girlwho attracts admirers.对吧,尼克?Right, Nick?无庸置疑Yeah, definitely.以往有过前例And we've had instances...事情曾经…- 变得可怕- where things got... Scary.你知道戴西柯林斯吗?Do you know about Desi Collings?我知道戴西柯林斯的事Yeah, I know all about Desi Collings.他很执着He was obsessed.爱咪大二跟他分手时,他试图自杀He attempted suicide after Amybroke up with him sophomore year.我们被迫申请禁制令We had to file a restraining order.是高中的事了,年前吗?This would be high school?Twenty years ago?但他最近搬到圣路易斯,小时车程But he recently moved to St. Louis.That's just two hours away.不过他本来就是圣路易斯人To be fair, he is from St. Louis.另外还有汤米欧哈拉We also have Tommy O'Hara.是八年前在纽约的事This is only eight years ago,in New York.她跟他分手,他开始动手She broke up with him,he got very physical.所以她提告了- 罪名是什么?- She filed charges. What was the charge?性侵,胁迫,殴打,哪一个?Sexual assault, threat, battery, what?我只知道满糟的I only know it was bad.我不知道这件事- 好了- I didn't know this. Okay.谢谢你们Thank you.有比较近期的情况吗?Anything more recent?就我所知没有Not that I know of.尼克,你有时间吗?Hey, Nick? You got a minute?有Yeah.你可以想像我们的困惑Imagine our confusion.一个失踪案A missing persons case...我们在你太太的更衣室发现一个“线索”and in your wife's dressing room,we find an envelope marked "clue."这是我们纪念日的传统That's for our anniversary.我太太会设计寻宝游戏My wife does these treasure hunts.希望你能告诉我这个线索的意义I'm hoping you can tell mewhat this means.你要解开爱咪的寻宝游戏?You want to solve Amy's treasure hunt?这样有助于追踪她失踪前的行动It'll help me track Amy's movementsbefore she disappeared. 当然可以,好Of course. Okay.“虽然这地方狭小不华丽"Although this spotcouldn't be tighter..."却是我心爱作家的一方天地”"it's a cozy roomfor my favorite writer."我知道答案I know this one!虽然这地方狭小不华丽Although this spotcouldn't be any tighter...却是我心爱作家的一方天地it's a cozy room for my favorite writer.课后辅导别怕我说不After-school meeting,don't mind if I do.也许我能教你两三步Maybe I'll teach you a thing or two.上面说什么?Well, well. What does it say?线索二Clue two.“帅哥,让我们卧底去"Hey, handsome man, let's go undercover.。
简爱电影台词英汉对照1 I have not been trampled on.我从未像这样被人摧残过2 I have not been petrified.我从没有这样伤心过3 I have not been excluded from everyglimpse of what is bright.从来没有像这样看不见一丝希望4 I have known you, Mr. Rochester,我能理解您罗彻斯特先生5 and it strikes me with anguish to betorn from you.离开您使我非常痛苦6 Then why must you leave?那为何要离开?7 Because of your wife!因为你的妻子!8 I have no wife.我没有妻子9 0But you are to be married.但是你要结婚了啊10 Jane, you must stay.简你一定要留下1 And become nothing to you?然后让你对我视若无物?2 Am I a machine without feelings?难道我是一个没有情感的机器吗?3 Do you think that because I am poor,obscure, plain and little难道我贫穷默默无闻长相平庸瘦小4 that I am soulless and heartless?就没有灵魂和感情吗?5 I have as much soul as you and full asmuch heart.我和你一样有灵魂和感情6 And if God had blessed me with beautyand wealth,并且如果上帝赋予我美貌和财富7 I could make it as hard for you toleave me我也可以让你离不开我8 as it is for I to leave you.就如同我离不开你一样9 0I'm not speaking to you through mortalflesh.不是我的肉体凡胎在和你交流10 It is my spirit that addresses yourspirit,我是在用灵魂和你交流11 as if we'd passed through the graveand stood at God's feet, equal,as we are.就像我们魂归主后站在上帝的面前我们是平等的12 As we are.我们是平等的13 I am a free human being with anindependent will,我是一个拥有自由意志的人14 which I now exert to leave you.我现在决意要离开你15 Then let your will decide yourdestiny.那就让你的意志来决定你的命运吧16 I offer you my hand, my heart.我把我的手我的心都交给你17 I ask you to pass through life at myside.我请求你陪我共度余生18 You are my equal and my likeness.我们是平等的你是我的挚爱19 Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?20 Are you mocking me?你是在嘲笑我吗?1 Do you doubt me?你是在怀疑我吗?2 Entirely!当然了!3 Your bride is Miss Ingram.你的新娘是Ingram小姐4 Miss Ingram? Ingram小姐?5 She is the machine without feelings.她才是没有情感的机器6 It's you. You rare, unearthly thing.是你超凡脱俗世间罕见7 Poor and obscure as you are,出身寒微默默无闻8 0please accept me as your husband.请接收我做你的丈夫9 I must have you for my own.为了我自己我必须要娶你10 You wish me to be your wife?你希望我做你的妻子?11 I swear it.我发誓12 You love me?你爱我吗?13 I do.是的14 Then, sir, I will marry you.那么先生我愿意嫁给你15 We've been good friends, haven't we?我们是好朋友不是吗?16 Yes, sir.是的先生17 I've a strange feeling with regard toyou,我对你有一种奇怪的感觉18 as if I had a string somewhere undermy left ribs,就像我左肋有一根线19 tightly knotted to a similar string inyou.紧紧地和你肋部的那根弦连在一起20 And if you were to leave,如果你一定要走21 I'm afraid that cord of communionwould snap.这条线就会断掉22 And I've a notion that I'd take tobleeding inwardly.我想我会因此而心碎23 As for you, you'd forget me.至于你会忘记我吧?24 0How?怎么忘记?25 I have lived a full life here.这里有我全部的生活26 Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate生命太短促,不能用来记仇蓄恨27 There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.那是一种内在的东西, 他们抵达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
丁丁历险记 2012电影 中英文对照台词
0,0:04:04.28,0:04:06.16 就快完成了先生Very nearly there, sir.0,0:04:07.16,0:04:10.33 我得说你很面熟我以前画过你吗?I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?0,0:04:10.41,0:04:11.45 偶尔吧Occasionally.0,0:04:11.54,0:04:14.29 肯定见过啦!英国报纸上Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. 0,0:04:14.37,0:04:17.21 - 你是通讯员?- 我是记者- You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. 0,0:04:18.05,0:04:20.55 耐心点白雪就快好了Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.0,0:04:44.74,0:04:46.91 真不好意思I do beg your pardon.0,0:04:56.96,0:04:58.79 好了There.0,0:04:58.88,0:05:02.21 我觉得还是有掌握到你的一些特点I believe I have captured something of your likeness.0,0:05:03.30,0:05:04.63 还不错!Not bad!0,0:05:05.22,0:05:07.22 你觉得怎么样白雪?What do you think, Snowy?0,0:05:08.97,0:05:10.47 哦白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:11.93,0:05:13.47 给您的先生There you are, sir.0,0:05:13.56,0:05:15.94 他去哪了?Now where's he run off to?0,0:05:19.06,0:05:20.27 有消息吗?Anything?0,0:05:20.36,0:05:21.57 一无所获Nothing.0,0:05:26.41,0:05:27.57 白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:32.08,0:05:34.50 你去哪了?Where have you been?0,0:05:34.58,0:05:36.33 又去追猫咪了?Chasing cats again?0,0:05:40.50,0:05:42.75 白雪看这个!Snowy, look at this!0,0:05:56.27,0:05:58.52 三桅船Triple masted.0,0:05:58.60,0:06:01.11 双层甲板配有五十门炮Double decks. Fifty guns.0,0:06:02.23,0:06:04.07 是不是很漂亮?Isn't she a beauty?0,0:06:04.15,0:06:08.70 这可是一艘很独特的样品是一位老船长的遗物That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.0,0:06:09.32,0:06:10.36 “独角兽号”"The Unicorn."0,0:06:10.45,0:06:13.03 独角兽号帆船战舰Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.0,0:06:13.12,0:06:15.87 可有年头了造于十六世纪It's very old, that is. 16th century.0,0:06:15.95,0:06:17.25 我觉得是十七世纪17th, I would think.0,0:06:17.33,0:06:19.17 - 查尔斯一世统治时期- 查尔斯二世- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.0,0:06:19.25,0:06:23.04 我说的就是查尔斯二世这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.0,0:06:23.13,0:06:24.88 别的地方可见不到的朋友You won't find another one of these, mate.0,0:06:25.67,0:06:27.34 只要两镑And it's only two quid.0,0:06:29.68,0:06:32.01 - 我出一镑- 成交!- I'll give you a pound. - Done!0,0:06:36.39,0:06:37.48 小心点Gently does it.0,0:06:38.48,0:06:39.56 让一下!Excuse me!0,0:06:39.64,0:06:40.94 给你拿好了Here you go. Careful.0,0:06:42.65,0:06:44.73 嘿老兄这艘船怎么卖?Hey, bud, how much for the boat?0,0:06:44.82,0:06:46.94 抱歉我已经卖给这位年轻人了I'm sorry, I just sold it to this younggent.0,0:06:47.03,0:06:48.15 哦是吗?Oh, yeah?0,0:06:48.49,0:06:50.57 你花了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.0,0:06:50.66,0:06:53.91 - 双倍?- 谢了但我不卖- Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale. 0,0:06:53.99,0:06:56.83 孩子我可是想帮你Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out.0,0:06:56.91,0:06:58.75 你好像不知道I don't think you realise this,0,0:06:58.83,0:07:01.17 你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.0,0:07:01.50,0:07:02.71 什么祸?What kind of danger?0,0:07:04.04,0:07:07.71 我警告你趁早摆脱掉这艘船I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.0,0:07:07.80,0:07:10.26 那些家伙可不好惹的These people do not play nice.0,0:07:10.34,0:07:11.51 什么人?What people?0,0:07:11.59,0:07:12.76 真漂亮!Wonderful!0,0:07:13.85,0:07:16.43 着实漂亮It's just wonderful.0,0:07:16.52,0:07:20.73 不用包装我直接要了有人反对我付支票吗?Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?0,0:07:20.81,0:07:23.98 你想买的话就得和这个孩子商量了If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.0,0:07:24.06,0:07:25.77 明白了I see.0,0:07:25.86,0:07:29.07 好吧那就让“孩子”开价吧Well, let the "kid" name his price.0,0:07:29.15,0:07:30.82 “开价”?"Name his price"?0,0:07:32.32,0:07:33.95 我做古董生意十年了Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac0,0:07:34.03,0:07:36.53 就差这一分钟我就可以随便“开价”了!and I miss "name your price" by one bleedin' minute!0,0:07:36.62,0:07:39.50 不好意思我已经和那位先生解释过了I'm sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.0,0:07:39.58,0:07:42.62 美国佬一头油发没穿袜子American he was. All hair oil and no socks.0,0:07:42.71,0:07:43.87 这船不卖It's not for sale.0,0:07:45.21,0:07:48.46 我来说的明白些Then let me appeal to your better nature.0,0:07:48.55,0:07:50.97 我刚买下了马林斯派克大厅…I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,0,0:07:51.05,0:07:55.14 …和这艘船你也知道这些资产曾是一位…and this ship, as I'm sure you're aware, was once part of the estate.0,0:07:55.22,0:07:56.51 一位老船长?Of the late sea captain?0,0:07:56.60,0:07:59.81 他们家遭遇不幸什么都没了The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.0,0:07:59.89,0:08:03.23 他们一直楣运不断自从…They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.0,0:08:03.31,0:08:07.98 我们说的可是他们家几代人的酗酒荒谬行为…We are talking generations of drinking and irrational behaviour...0,0:08:08.07,0:08:09.44 不好意思I'm sorry.0,0:08:09.53,0:08:13.65 我已经说过了这船不卖But as I told you before, it's not for sale. 0,0:08:13.74,0:08:15.11 祝您愉快先生Good day to you, sir.0,0:08:19.58,0:08:22.16 那个年轻人他叫什么名字?That young man, what's his name? 0,0:08:22.25,0:08:25.79 他?大家都认识他他叫丁丁Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin.0,0:08:32.30,0:08:34.43 这艘船有什么神秘之处?What is it about this ship?0,0:08:35.64,0:08:38.35 为什么这么多人关注它?Why has it attracted so much attention? 0,0:08:42.31,0:08:44.31 你藏了什么秘密呢?What secrets do you hold?0,0:08:53.07,0:08:55.36 放大镜在哪?Where is that magnifying glass?0,0:08:58.45,0:09:00.66 我敢说这是…I could have sworn it was...0,0:09:04.39,0:09:06.57 (记者丁丁揭开匪徒部落神秘面纱)0,0:09:06.60,0:09:08.81 (记者揭秘犯罪集团)0,0:09:08.84,0:09:10.67 (丁丁勇夺国家文物)可能会在哪?Where could it possibly be? 0,0:09:09.69,0:09:10.67 (失窃艺术品重归博物馆)可能会在哪?0,0:09:11.22,0:09:12.17 (国王重夺王权)0,0:09:12.17,0:09:13.26 (丁丁在西尔达维亚授奖)白雪你看见…Snowy, you haven't seen the...0,0:09:15.47,0:09:16.84 放哪了?Where is it?0,0:09:21.72,0:09:22.97 谢谢Thank you.0,0:09:25.64,0:09:27.10 不白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:09:46.37,0:09:48.04 看你干的好事Look what you did.0,0:09:48.92,0:09:50.42 你把它摔坏了!You broke it!0,0:09:50.92,0:09:52.17 坏狗狗!Bad dog!0,0:10:01.01,0:10:03.35 这艘船有蹊跷之处Something happened on this ship.0,0:10:04.10,0:10:07.60 只有一个地方能找到答案了And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.0,0:10:07.69,0:10:09.23 走了白雪Come on, Snowy.0,0:10:31.38,0:10:32.42 找到了Here it is.0,0:10:33.55,0:10:38.09 “马林斯派克大厅的主人”“佛朗西斯-阿道克爵士”"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn.0,0:10:35.91,0:10:38.09 “不幸独角兽号的最后一位船长”0,0:10:38.17,0:10:40.63 “船启航于一六七六年巴巴多斯”"The ship set sail from Barbados in 16760,0:10:40.72,0:10:44.18 “这是航海史上最悲惨的远航之一”"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.0,0:10:44.26,0:10:45.97 “这艘船未能到达目的地”"Ship never reached destination.0,0:10:46.18,0:10:50.35 “途中遭遇海盗袭击”“仅一名幸存者其他船员全部遇难”"Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.0,0:10:50.44,0:10:52.98 “佛朗西斯船长获救回到家乡后”"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,0,0:10:53.06,0:10:56.11 “他深信自己的名字被诅咒了”"he was convinced his name had been cursed.0,0:10:56.19,0:10:57.57 “独角兽号自称”"The Unicorn's manifest stated0,0:10:57.65,0:11:00.24 “装载莱姆酒和烟草前往欧洲"that it was carrying a cargo of rumand tobacco bound for Europe,0,0:11:00.32,0:11:04.66 “但更多人相信”“独角兽号装运了一批神秘货物”"but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."0,0:11:06.24,0:11:08.66 这艘船到底装的是什么呢白雪?What was the ship carrying, Snowy?0,0:11:10.75,0:11:15.34 “历史学家试图揭秘此致命航行中”\N“到底发生了什么事情但失败了”"Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage,0,0:11:15.42,0:11:17.67 “佛朗西斯的遗言是…”"but Sir Francis' last words,0,0:11:18.92,0:11:22.93 “真正的阿道克后人”“才能破解独角兽号的秘密”"'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'0,0:11:48.45,0:11:50.45 遗漏了些什么白雪I've missed something, Snowy.0,0:11:51.46,0:11:53.46 我得再仔细看看那艘模型We need to take a closer look at that model.0,0:12:05.89,0:12:07.97 肯定是不见了!Of course it's gone!0,0:12:08.06,0:12:10.06 我怎么这么蠢呢?How could I be so stupid?0,0:12:32.62,0:12:34.12 你是怎么做到的?How'd you do that?0,0:12:38.34,0:12:39.67 真是聪明Clever boy.0,0:12:57.44,0:12:59.27 一枚纹章A coat of arms.0,0:12:59.94,0:13:02.40 怎么这么熟悉?Why does that look familiar?0,0:13:02.49,0:13:04.11 等等Hang on a minute.0,0:13:04.95,0:13:06.66 那条鱼!That fish!0,0:13:06.74,0:13:08.28 是阿道克(阿道克)It's a haddock.0,0:13:08.62,0:13:12.45 当然了!这豪宅是老阿道克的Of course! Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.0,0:13:14.21,0:13:15.37 白雪!Snowy!0,0:13:43.07,0:13:44.65 干得好白雪!Well done, Snowy!0,0:13:44.74,0:13:46.03 好孩子Good boy.0,0:14:40.42,0:14:42.08 哦好了Well, well, well.0,0:14:42.88,0:14:45.21 我们似乎抓到贼了It seems we've caught our thief.0,0:14:55.14,0:14:57.72 欢迎来到马林斯派克大厅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.0,0:14:57.81,0:15:00.02 我看见你进来了I see you let yourself in.0,0:15:00.10,0:15:02.27 我是来拿回我自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.0,0:15:02.36,0:15:04.90 抱歉我好像没明白你的意思I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. 0,0:15:04.98,0:15:06.40 你明明知道I think you do.0,0:15:06.48,0:15:09.74 不到一小时前有人从我家偷走了这艘船This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.0,0:15:09.82,0:15:12.49 恐怕你搞错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr. Tintin.0,0:15:12.57,0:15:14.74 没有错这是我的There's no mistake. It belongs to me.0,0:15:14.83,0:15:16.29 你确定吗?Are you sure?0,0:15:18.37,0:15:19.83 当然确定Of course I'm sure.0,0:15:19.91,0:15:22.29 是我买回家的我把它放在起居室的橱柜上I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room,0,0:15:22.38,0:15:25.71 白雪追猫时撞倒了and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it0,0:15:26.46,0:15:27.63 摔坏了fell.0,0:15:29.92,0:15:31.38 这不是我的船This isn't my ship.0,0:15:31.47,0:15:33.14 的确不是No. Indeed.0,0:15:34.55,0:15:35.68 抱歉I'm sorry.0,0:15:35.76,0:15:39.18 - 它看起来很相像- 嗯足够以假乱真了- It looks identical. - Well, looks can be deceiving.0,0:15:39.27,0:15:42.27 没错确实但我不明白!Yes, indeed. But I don't understand!0,0:15:43.31,0:15:46.77 佛朗西斯为什么要做两艘…一模一样的船呢?Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?0,0:15:46.86,0:15:50.32 你已经有一艘了干嘛还想要另一搜?And you have one already. Why do you want another?0,0:15:51.36,0:15:54.32 这艘模型有什么特别之处引得贼人觊觎?What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?0,0:15:54.41,0:15:58.04 天呐为什么这么多问题?Goodness me, why so many questions? 0,0:15:58.12,0:15:59.45 这是我的工作It's my job.0,0:15:59.54,0:16:02.50 可以写成一个故事我很轻松就能完成There could be a story here. That's what I do, you see.0,0:16:02.58,0:16:04.12 嗯这没什么神秘的Well, it's no great mystery.0,0:16:04.21,0:16:07.13 佛朗西斯-阿道克是个酗酒…无可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.0,0:16:07.21,0:16:11.76 他注定要失败并把失败遗传给自己的儿子们He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.0,0:16:12.51,0:16:15.93 原来是真的!阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true! The Haddock line is cursed.0,0:16:17.81,0:16:21.18 - 你还查到了些什么?- 还有什么可查的?- What else have you found out? - What is there to find?0,0:16:22.56,0:16:24.39 那就取决于你在寻找些什么了That depends what you're looking for. 0,0:16:24.52,0:16:27.90 我寻找答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers, Mr. Sakharine.0,0:16:28.07,0:16:30.48 你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.0,0:16:31.28,0:16:33.07 时间不早了It's late.0,0:16:33.15,0:16:35.16 你该回家了I think you should go home.0,0:16:35.24,0:16:36.74 这边先生This way, sir.0,0:16:52.13,0:16:53.51 真遗憾先生It's a pity, sir.0,0:16:54.43,0:16:55.43 什么?I'm sorry?0,0:16:55.59,0:16:57.93 你那艘模型上的船桅坏掉了先生That the mast broke on your model ship, sir.0,0:16:58.26,0:17:00.76 希望你找到全部碎片了I hope you found all the pieces.0,0:17:00.85,0:17:02.39 这些东西很容易弄丢的Things are so easily lost.0,0:17:02.48,0:17:04.94 内斯特!你在哪?Nestor! Where are you?0,0:17:05.65,0:17:07.27 晚安先生Good night, sir.0,0:17:11.61,0:17:13.74 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:15.32,0:17:17.66 这话是什么意思白雪?What did he mean by that, Snowy?0,0:17:17.74,0:17:20.37 他想告诉我什么?What was he trying to tell me?0,0:17:20.45,0:17:22.62 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:29.67,0:17:30.84 白雪!Snowy!0,0:17:36.97,0:17:38.43 天呐!Great snakes!0,0:17:45.64,0:17:47.31 是什么白雪?What is it, Snowy?0,0:18:05.50,0:18:06.87 这是什么?What's this?0,0:18:08.96,0:18:10.75 这是船桅里的!This was in the mast!0,0:18:17.76,0:18:19.34 好孩子白雪Good boy, Snowy.0,0:18:24.02,0:18:25.81 “三兄弟一起…”"Three brothers joined.0,0:18:25.89,0:18:28.48 “…驾三艘独角兽号”"Three Unicorns in company0,0:18:28.77,0:18:31.69 “于正午时分航行在太阳下”"sailing in the noonday sun will speak. 0,0:18:32.02,0:18:35.57 “会有阳光射下”"For 'tis from the light that light will dawn.0,0:18:35.65,0:18:38.49 “照亮雄鹰十字架”"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."0,0:18:41.24,0:18:42.99 这些标记是什么?What are these markings?0,0:18:43.20,0:18:46.79 某种秘密语言或是密码?Some kind of secret language or code? 0,0:18:46.91,0:18:48.96 没有道理It makes no sense.0,0:18:49.04,0:18:51.63 不过倒是解释了他们为什么洗劫公寓But it does explain why they ransacked the flat.0,0:18:51.71,0:18:54.46 他们是要找这个却没找到They were looking for this, and they didn't find it.0,0:18:54.92,0:18:56.34 也就是说Which means0,0:18:58.42,0:18:59.67 他们会回来的they'll be back.0,0:19:01.18,0:19:04.39 不在我不知道他在哪亲爱的他大概是出门了No, I don't know where he is, dearie. I think he's gone out.0,0:19:04.47,0:19:06.31 反正是天黑以后And anyway, it's after dark,0,0:19:06.39,0:19:11.31 丁丁先生最特别的是睡觉时间最不喜欢见客人and Mr. Tintin is most particular about not admitting visitors after bedtime.0,0:19:11.90,0:19:13.94 我要回去喝可可了I have to go back to my cocoa.0,0:19:14.07,0:19:17.07 我有一本好书和一杯可可I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.0,0:19:17.15,0:19:18.99 真的很棒!It's really lovely!0,0:19:19.07,0:19:22.07 谢谢你芬奇太太我来处理吧Thank you, Mrs. Finch. I can look after this.0,0:19:25.33,0:19:28.66 嘿孩子是你吗?开门Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door.0,0:19:29.37,0:19:30.46 你想干嘛?What do you want?0,0:19:30.54,0:19:34.29 听着游戏已经开始了他要回来了Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.0,0:19:34.38,0:19:36.84 我知道你想要这些船但我发誓Now, I know he wanted those boats, but I swear to God,0,0:19:36.92,0:19:38.76 我从没想到他会为此不惜杀人!I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!0,0:19:38.88,0:19:41.34 谁?你说的是谁?Who? Who are you talking about?0,0:19:41.43,0:19:43.89 我想告诉你你现在很危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.0,0:19:43.97,0:19:44.97 回答我!是谁?Answer me! Who?0,0:20:05.45,0:20:09.37 芬奇太太!有人在我们家门口中枪了!Mrs. Finch! A man's beenshot on our doorstep!0,0:20:09.45,0:20:12.00 - 不会吧- 叫救护车!- Not again. - Call an ambulance!0,0:20:15.54,0:20:16.88 够了白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:20:30.73,0:20:32.14 你能听到我说话吗?Can you hear me?0,0:20:32.23,0:20:33.56 你能…Can you...0,0:20:42.78,0:20:45.36 遇害者名叫巴纳比-道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.0,0:20:45.45,0:20:47.91 是国际刑警组织高级探员之一He was one of the top agents at Interpol,0,0:20:47.99,0:20:50.08 但我们还不清楚他在忙些什么but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.0,0:20:50.16,0:20:52.79 没错汤普森我们完全没线索Quite right, Thompson. We're completely clueless.0,0:20:52.87,0:20:54.50 国际刑警组织没有别的发现吗?Interpol doesn't have any other leads?0,0:20:54.58,0:20:57.17 别急丁丁我们还忙着处理书面工作Steady on, Tintin. We're still filling out the paperwork.0,0:20:57.25,0:21:00.80 警察工作并不只是开开枪那么吸引人还有很多书面工作Police work's not all glamour and guns. There's an awful lot of filing.0,0:21:00.88,0:21:02.38 好吧我有些事情要告诉你们Well, I might have something for you. 0,0:21:02.47,0:21:04.93 在他失去意识之前道斯似乎想告诉我一些什么Before he lost consciousness, Dawes tried to tell me something,0,0:21:05.01,0:21:07.01 我觉得他在拼一个词and I think he was spelling out a word.0,0:21:07.14,0:21:09.14 “…BOU”"...B- O-U0,0:21:09.76,0:21:12.43 “DJAN”"D-J-A-N.0,0:21:14.77,0:21:16.14 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:21:16.23,0:21:17.65 卡拉布朗!Karaboudjan!0,0:21:18.31,0:21:19.48 你知道这是什么意思吗?Does that mean anything to you?0,0:21:19.57,0:21:21.78 伟大的苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅总部)难得啊!Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary!0,0:21:21.86,0:21:22.86 究竟是什么?What is?0,0:21:22.94,0:21:25.32 沃辛顿的圆顶礼帽半价!Worthington's have a half-price sale on bowler hats!0,0:21:25.40,0:21:28.24 真的吗汤姆森!可真难得啊Really, Thomson! This is hardly the time.0,0:21:28.32,0:21:30.33 - 伟大的苏格兰场!- 什么啊?- Great Scotland Yard! - What is it? 0,0:21:30.41,0:21:31.45 手杖也是半价!Canes are half-price, too!0,0:21:31.54,0:21:33.12 你要带走这份证据吗?Are you going to take charge of this evidence?0,0:21:33.20,0:21:34.37 当然Positively.0,0:21:34.46,0:21:37.62 别担心丁丁证据在我们这里很安全!Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!0,0:21:39.13,0:21:41.21 汤姆森?你在哪里?Thomson? Where are you?0,0:21:41.34,0:21:44.59 嗯我已经下楼了别试着跟上来Well, I'm already downstairs. Do try to keep up.0,0:21:46.63,0:21:48.72 等等!你掉了这个Wait! You dropped this.0,0:21:48.80,0:21:51.64 天哪汤姆森!小心证据Good heavens, Thomson! Look after the evidence, man.0,0:21:51.72,0:21:54.14 抱歉汤普森我在想别的事情Sorry, Thompson. My mind is on other things.0,0:21:54.23,0:21:57.06 哦对手法熟练的小偷Yes. Our light-fingered larcenist.0,0:21:57.56,0:21:58.94 - 什么?- 那个扒手- What? - The pickpocket.0,0:21:59.02,0:22:01.56 他还不知道要大祸临头了He has no idea what's coming.0,0:22:01.65,0:22:04.32 试试丁丁来拿我的钱包Go on, Tintin, take my wallet.0,0:22:07.74,0:22:10.32 没错工业强度橡皮筋Yes, industrial strength elastic.0,0:22:10.41,0:22:12.16 非常聪明Very resourceful.0,0:22:12.24,0:22:16.00 刚好相反很幼稚又简单On the contrary. It was childishly simple. 0,0:22:16.08,0:22:17.83 很简单又幼稚我同意Simply childish, I agree.0,0:22:17.92,0:22:19.00 - 丁丁- 丁丁- Tintin. - Tintin.0,0:22:19.08,0:22:20.42 先生们Gentlemen.0,0:22:22.00,0:22:24.50 听着我觉得他离我们有几英哩远Mind you, I expect he's miles away by now.0,0:22:24.59,0:22:26.55 我想你是指扒手吧?I presume you're referring to the pickpocket? 0,0:22:26.63,0:22:30.09 没错我是说我们离他只有几步远Yes. I mean, knowing we're just a few steps behind him.0,0:22:30.76,0:22:33.43 白雪怎么了你看见什么了?Snowy, what is it, boy? What do you see?0,0:22:33.51,0:22:35.35 你好像不想喝杯茶?I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?0,0:22:35.43,0:22:37.60 你可错了我很想喝一杯You're quite mistaken. I'd love one.0,0:22:37.81,0:22:39.10 我请客My treat.0,0:22:41.36,0:22:43.40 - 抓到你了!- 你这恶棍!- I've got you now! - You devil!0,0:22:43.48,0:22:45.94 站住以法律之名!Stop, in the name of the law!0,0:22:47.61,0:22:48.70 抓到你了!Got you!0,0:22:52.62,0:22:54.70 那边发生什么了?What's going on down there?0,0:22:54.79,0:22:55.91 来吧白雪!Come on, Snowy!0,0:22:57.66,0:23:00.04 - 请原谅- 对不起先生!- I do beg your pardon. - Sorry, sir!0,0:23:00.12,0:23:03.71 那是扒手丁丁!他要跑了!The pickpocket, Tintin! He's getting away!0,0:23:03.79,0:23:05.84 我的钱包!My wallet!0,0:23:05.92,0:23:07.26 不见了!It's gone!0,0:23:09.88,0:23:12.22 上!白雪那边!Come on! Snowy, after him!0,0:23:12.30,0:23:13.68 站住!等等!Stop! Wait!0,0:23:26.65,0:23:29.36 - 抓住你了!- 站稳了- Got you! - Steady on.0,0:23:29.45,0:23:31.49 我追丢了!I've lost him!0,0:23:31.57,0:23:34.57 你们一定要找到我的钱包很重要我必须找回来You must find my wallet. It's very important. I have to get it back.0,0:23:34.66,0:23:38.20 你会的交给我们专业人士吧And you will. Leave it to the professionals.0,0:23:40.00,0:23:41.83 纸卷丢了We've lost the scroll.0,0:23:41.92,0:23:44.25 但故事没丢But we haven't lost the story.0,0:23:44.34,0:23:45.84 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:23:45.92,0:23:48.09 是个亚美尼亚字这是线索白雪It's an Armenian word. That's our lead, Snowy.0,0:23:48.17,0:23:51.30 当时巴纳比-道斯想警告我们生命处于危险之中?What was Barnaby Dawes trying to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?0,0:23:51.38,0:23:53.84 - 丁…丁先生?- 嗯?- Mr. Tin... Tin? - Yes.0,0:23:53.93,0:23:56.43 - 有你的快递- 可我没订过什么啊- Delivery for you. - But I didn't order anything.0,0:23:56.51,0:23:59.97 没错因为要送的就是你!Well, that's because it's you that's getting delivered!0,0:24:02.45,0:24:03.34 (卡拉布朗号)0,0:24:03.35,0:24:05.40 快点装上货车!Quick, get him in the van!0,0:24:08.03,0:24:10.53 松开你这杂种!Get off me, you confounded mutt!0,0:24:11.53,0:24:13.11 他咬我!He bit me!0,0:24:13.20,0:24:14.36 快!Quick!0,0:24:43.56,0:24:44.98 把它甩掉!Get him off!0,0:24:46.86,0:24:49.07 甩掉它在接着开!Shake him off, then run him over!0,0:25:34.11,0:25:36.15 在右舷一点!I want this on the starboard side!0,0:25:43.70,0:25:45.71 不在这看你那边Not here. Look your side.0,0:25:45.79,0:25:47.04 等等Hang on.0,0:25:47.12,0:25:48.71 - 等等- 嗯检查那边口袋汤姆- Nothing. - Well, check that pocket, Tom.0,0:25:48.79,0:25:50.71 不我已经搜过了我肯定No, I've looked in this one already, I'm sure of it.0,0:25:50.79,0:25:51.96 嗯翻他袜子了吗?Well, have a look in his socks.0,0:25:54.88,0:25:56.97 - 找到了吗?- 不在他身上- Have you found it? - He doesn't have it. 0,0:25:57.05,0:25:58.34 不在他身上老板不在这It's not on him, boss. It's not here.0,0:25:58.43,0:26:00.76 - 不在这?那在哪里?- 什么在哪里?- Not here? Then where is it? - Where's what?0,0:26:01.64,0:26:04.97 我厌倦你的把戏了独角兽号上的纸卷I am tired of your games. The scroll, from the Unicorn.0,0:26:05.10,0:26:08.19 一张纸像这个!A piece of paper like this!0,0:26:08.27,0:26:09.81 你是说那首诗?You mean the poem?0,0:26:10.52,0:26:12.19 没错Yes.0,0:26:12.27,0:26:15.74 - 一首用古英语写的诗- 对- The poem written in Old English. - Yes. 0,0:26:15.82,0:26:18.11 - 在一个圆筒里- 没错- It was inside a cylinder. - Yes.0,0:26:18.20,0:26:20.66 - 藏在船桅里- 正是!- Concealed in the mast. - Yes!0,0:26:22.12,0:26:23.16 我弄丢了I don't have it.0,0:26:25.50,0:26:29.96 你不明白那纸卷的价值你要它干嘛?You know the value of that scroll. Why else would you take it?0,0:26:30.04,0:26:33.92 我有点不解两艘船两张纸卷只是谜语的一部分Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.0,0:26:34.00,0:26:36.71 你有一个了还需另一个You have one, you need the other.0,0:26:36.80,0:26:40.13 不然没用还有别的But that's not it. There's something else.0,0:26:41.22,0:26:45.06 我会找到的不论你帮不帮忙I will find it, with or without your help. 0,0:26:46.73,0:26:49.98 你想清楚自己对我有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.0,0:26:54.53,0:26:57.07 - 我们在路上处理他- 是是先生- We'll deal with him on the way. - Aye-aye, sir.0,0:26:57.15,0:26:58.78 保持航向Hold this course.0,0:27:05.87,0:27:07.04 白雪!Snowy!0,0:27:08.71,0:27:12.21 见到你可真高兴看能不能咬开绳子It's good to see you, too. See if you can chew through these ropes.0,0:27:16.96,0:27:21.05 他在撒谎!纸卷一定在他那里问题是他对纸卷做了什么?He's lying! He must have the scroll. The question is, what has he done with it?0,0:27:21.14,0:27:22.89 我们已经搜过他了老板We searched him all over, boss.0,0:27:22.97,0:27:25.72 我要你回去让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.0,0:27:25.81,0:27:28.60 有必要的话敲碎他每一根骨头!Break every bone in his body if you have to!0,0:27:28.68,0:27:29.77 那可够狠的That's nasty.0,0:27:29.85,0:27:32.81 你知道风险也知道我们在干什么快去做!You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!0,0:27:32.90,0:27:35.98 萨卡林先生!萨卡林先生!全都乱成一片了!Mr. Sakharine! Mr. Sakharine! All hell has broken loose!0,0:27:36.07,0:27:38.11 出大事了!船长醒了It's a disaster! The captain has come around. 0,0:27:38.19,0:27:39.82 - 什么?- 他清醒了- What? - He's conscious.0,0:27:39.90,0:27:41.78 胡言乱语He's accusing you of mutiny.0,0:27:41.86,0:27:45.41 - 想要号召船员们造反- 我不想管这些- He says you turned the crew against him. - Sounds like he's sobered up again.0,0:27:45.49,0:27:48.08 好了别光站这里再给他一瓶酒Well, don't just stand there. Get him another bottle.0,0:27:48.70,0:27:49.75 是先生!Aye, sir!0,0:27:59.26,0:28:00.47 好Okay.0,0:28:18.28,0:28:19.86 - 晃一晃卡住了- 晃晃?- Jiggle it a bit, it's just stuck. - Jiggle?0,0:28:19.94,0:28:21.11 这样Here.0,0:28:23.07,0:28:25.95 你干嘛?让开!What are you doing? Get off!0,0:28:26.03,0:28:29.33 没卡住你个白痴是他在里面把门闩上了!It's not stuck, you idiot. He's bolted it from the inside!0,0:28:29.41,0:28:32.08 你想和我们玩玩是吧丁丁?So you want to play like that then, do you, Tintin?0,0:28:32.16,0:28:33.58 去拿炸药Get the TNT.0,0:28:35.00,0:28:38.42 破箱子、绳子、香槟Broken crates. Rope. Champagne.0,0:28:39.59,0:28:40.80 还有什么能用的白雪?What else do we have, Snowy?0,0:28:41.47,0:28:43.97 一定有别的办法开门There are other ways to open this door.0,0:28:44.68,0:28:47.51 等我们抓到你了要拿你的内脏刷甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.0,0:28:52.48,0:28:54.02 放这里Give it here.0,0:29:18.67,0:29:20.46 - 别动- 什么…- Don't move. - What...0,0:29:26.47,0:29:27.80 我们上!Let's go!0,0:29:28.60,0:29:30.30 让我来!Let me have him!0,0:29:30.39,0:29:32.47 他有一把大枪!He's got a big shooter!0,0:29:32.85,0:29:34.18 我中弹了!He got me!0,0:29:39.02,0:29:40.40 停火Hold your fire.0,0:29:47.53,0:29:50.03 他不在这里跑掉了He ain't here. He's vanished.0,0:29:52.20,0:29:53.41 他藏起来了He's hiding.0,0:29:53.50,0:29:55.71 搜船快点!Search the ship. Quickly!0,0:30:07.13,0:30:09.47 苏门答腊的巨鼠!A giant rat of Sumatra!0,0:30:11.64,0:30:13.56 你觉得能溜到我背后So, you thought you could sneak in behind me 0,0:30:13.64,0:30:16.31 扒我的裤子吗?and catch me with my trousers down, huh?0,0:30:16.39,0:30:18.48 您还是留着裤子吧I'd rather you kept your trousers on, if it's all the same to you.0,0:30:18.56,0:30:21.52 - 我知道你的把戏你和他们一伙的- 什么?- I know your game. You're one of them. - Sorry?0,0:30:21.61,0:30:24.28 - 他们派你来杀我是吧?- 我连你是谁都不知道!- They sent you here to kill me, huh? - Look, I don't know who you are!0,0:30:24.36,0:30:26.11 他们派你来除掉我That's how he's planned to bump me off.0,0:30:26.70,0:30:29.57 派一个娃娃脸的刺客杀我!Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!0,0:30:31.24,0:30:33.41 刺客?你搞错了Assassin? Look, you've got it all wrong.0,0:30:33.49,0:30:36.00 我是被绑架了被一帮匪徒I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.0,0:30:37.96,0:30:39.79 那头肮脏的猪The filthy swine.0,0:30:40.71,0:30:42.96 他策反所有船员!He's turned the whole crew against me!0,0:30:43.05,0:30:44.30 谁?Who?0,0:30:44.38,0:30:46.63 那个叫萨什么的苦瓜脸A sour-faced man with a sugary name.0,0:30:46.72,0:30:49.51 他买通了船员所有人He's bought them all off, every last man.0,0:30:49.59,0:30:50.68 萨卡林!Sakharine!0,0:30:51.39,0:30:55.01 没有人可以夺走我的船!Nobody takes my ship!0,0:30:55.10,0:30:56.14 你就是船长?You're the captain?0,0:30:56.23,0:30:59.44 当然除了我还能是谁?Of course I'm the captain. Who else could I be?0,0:30:59.52,0:31:02.81 我被锁在这里好多天了I've been locked in this room for days0,0:31:02.90,0:31:07.74 只有威士忌能能慰藉我的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.0,0:31:13.78,0:31:15.41 嗯我以为是锁着的Well, I assumed it was locked.0,0:31:15.58,0:31:16.99 好吧它没有Well, it's not.0,0:31:17.08,0:31:20.16 现在我得走了他们发现我在这里会杀了我的Now, you must excuse me. If they find me here, they'll kill me.0,0:31:20.25,0:31:24.38 我得不停移动离开这个酒坛子I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.0,0:31:24.46,0:31:26.21 “坛子”?坛子?"Tub"? Tub?0,0:31:31.51,0:31:36.64 坛子?Tub?0,0:31:41.10,0:31:42.77 - 谢谢- 接着他- Thanks. - Pleasure.0,0:31:44.77,0:31:46.23 对了我叫丁丁I'm Tintin, by the way.0,0:31:46.32,0:31:48.61 我是阿道克阿奇博尔德-阿道克Haddock. Archibald Haddock.0,0:31:48.69,0:31:51.03 欢迎登船跟我来There's a longboat up on deck. Follow me.0,0:31:51.11,0:31:52.45 等等Hang on a second.0,0:31:52.53,0:31:53.86 你是说“阿道克”?Did you say "Haddock"?0,0:31:54.87,0:31:56.95 你们怎么能让他们跑了?How could you let them escape?0,0:31:57.04,0:31:59.54 去找抓到他们Find them. Find them both.0,0:31:59.62,0:32:02.04 - 别担心我们会杀了他们的先生- 不- Don't worry, we'll kill them, sir. - No.0,0:32:02.12,0:32:04.75 可以杀那孩子阿道克不能杀You can kill the boy. Not Haddock.0,0:32:04.84,0:32:07.09 什么?他只是个没救的老酒鬼What? He's just a hopeless old soak. 0,0:32:07.17,0:32:09.38 早就该杀掉他了We should've killed him long since.0,0:32:09.46,0:32:14.30 你以为我是碰巧选中阿道克的船阿道克的船员You think it's an accident that I chose Haddock's ship, Haddock's crew,0,0:32:14.39,0:32:17.01 不可靠的大副?Haddock's treacherous first mate?0,0:32:17.85,0:32:20.10 没有什么“碰巧”的Nothing is an accident.0,0:32:26.27,0:32:29.94 我和阿道克船长的交情可长着呢We go back a long way, Captain Haddock and I.0,0:32:30.03,0:32:32.90 我们俩还没完呢We've unfinished business.0,0:32:32.99,0:32:37.12 这次我要让他付出代价And this time, I'm going to make him pay. 0,0:32:38.08,0:32:42.25 我们要去这条走廊尽头一间锁着的房间这会很困难We have to reach a locked door at the end of this corridor. This is gonna be tricky.0,0:32:42.33,0:32:43.62 你该不会和…You wouldn't happen to be related0,0:32:43.71,0:32:45.50 马林斯派克大厅的阿道克家族…有关系吧?to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall, would you?0,0:32:45.96,0:32:46.96 问这干嘛?Why do you ask?0,0:32:47.04,0:32:48.50 我在写一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.0,0:32:48.59,0:32:51.26 关于一艘沉没在巴巴多斯海岸的船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.0,0:32:51.34,0:32:54.09 是艘战舰配有五十门炮的三桅船A man o'war. Triple masted. Fifty guns.0,0:32:56.68,0:33:00.72 - 关于独角兽号你都知道些什么?- 不太多所以我才问你- What do you know of the Unicorn? - Not a lot. That's why I'm asking you.0,0:33:00.81,0:33:04.27 那艘船的秘密只有我的家族知道!The secret of that ship is known only to my family!0,0:33:04.35,0:33:07.31 代代相传It's been passed down from generation to generation.0,0:33:07.40,0:33:12.23 我祖父他临死前告诉我他们全都…My granddaddy himself, with his dying breath, told me the tale.0,0:33:13.07,0:33:14.20 然后呢?And?0,0:33:14.91,0:33:16.03 没了Gone.0,0:33:16.87,0:33:17.99 没了是什么意思?What do you mean, gone?0,0:33:18.08,0:33:21.49 他踢水桶时我很生气只好借酒浇愁I was so upset when he kicked。
∙Knight and Day...危情谍战。
∙Notting Hill。
Julia Roberts和Hugh Grant 演的。
轻松幽默煽情~~∙Post Grad...毕业生生存指南。
很sweetie的男人~~∙P.S. I love you..附注:我爱你。
∙Remember me...记住我。
∙ A walk to remember...初恋回忆。
Nicholas Sparks纯爱小说系列。
∙The nootbook...恋爱笔记。
继续Nicholas Sparks系列。
电影还留着没看呢~~∙超爱的!!!Dear John...分手信。
继续Nicholas Sparks。
∙the last song...最后一支歌。
还是Nicolas Sparks的作品。
Amanda Seyfried 的又一部片子,她的眼睛好大。
∙爱的!!!50 first dates...初恋50次。
电影的名字叫“⽆问西东”,英⽂名为:Forever Young,我个⼈感觉⽚名的翻译有点落⼊俗套了。
让我想起了《致青春》的英⽂名叫So Young;《芳华》的英⽂名是Youth;难道下⼀部跟“青春”有关的电影要叫Too Young了? 其实看完全⽚,我发现导演想表达的含义是:记得⾃⼰想要什么,不后悔⾃⼰做过什么,⽤淋漓尽致祭奠青春,⽆问西东。
如果让我翻,我觉得叫No Regrets 会⽐较好。
1. 如果提前了解了你们要⾯对的⼈⽣,不知你们是否会有勇⽓前来? If you knew your life in advance, would you have the courage to come to this world? 2. 这个时代缺的不是完美的⼈,⽽是从⼼底给出的真⼼,正义,⽆畏与同情。
This era is not short of perfect persons, but sincerity, integrity, fearlessness and empathy from the bottom of our hearts. 3. 把⾃⼰交给繁忙,得到的是踏实,却不是“真实”。
下面给大家分享一些电影《彼得潘》里面的经典英文台词,欢迎欣赏!电影《彼得潘》经典台词1.Peter: Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.Wendy: Never is an awfully long time.2.Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom...Captain Hook: He's back.3.Wendy: Why do you hate him so?4.Pirate: Beg for your lives.John: My brother and I are English gentlemen. English gentlemen do not beg.[Michael gets on his knees]Michael: ...Please. Please.5.Peter: Ready to lose the other one?Captain Hook: Not this time.6.Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate?7.Wendy: We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten.8.Wendy: Might I have time to consider your generous offer?Captain Hook: Absolutely.Captain Hook: My new obsession is you.Captain Hook: None of my crew will follow you... I swear it.Wendy: What would mother think of my becoming a pirate?9.Smee: Pan did you a favor, did he, Captain?Captain Hook: A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it's followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR?10.[Wendy sews Peter's shadow to his feet]Peter: Oh, the cleverness of me.Wendy: Of course, I did nothing...Peter: You did a little.Wendy: Oh, the cleverness of you.11.Peter: If you wish it.Slightly: If you wish it?12.Captain Hook: If I were you, I'd give up.Peter: If you were me, I'd be ugly.13.Peter: I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.14.[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys' mother]Peter: Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. We must spank all of the children now before they try to kill you again. Better yet, we should kill them.Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important.The Lost Boys: So important, Peter.Curly: And unique.Wendy: I, however, propose a much more vile punishment. Medicine. The dreadful, sticky, sweet kind.The Lost Boys: Please kill us, Peter.15.Wendy: This belongs to you, and always willPeter: I want always to be a boy, and have fun.Wendy: You say so, Peter, but I think it is your biggest pretend.16.Wendy: Where do you17.Peter: There's mermaids.Wendy: Mermaids?Peter: Indians.John and Michael: Indians?Peter: Pirates.John and Michael: Pirates? Wahoo.18.[Wendy kisses Peter Pan and he starts to glow]19.Captain Hook: Pan... you're pink.20.Wendy: Surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone.Peter: Never. Even the sound of it offends me.[Wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away]Peter: Why do you have to spoil everything? We have fun, don't we? I taught you to fly and to fight. What more could there be?Wendy: There is so much more.21.Peter: [after bumping his head on waking up] I was not asleep.22.[Peter and Wendy land to talk to mermaids to find John and Michael]Wendy: Oh, How sweet.[Peter looks disgusted]Wendy: What? Are mermaids not sweet?Peter: They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close23.Slightly: Well... we have our orders. Shoot the Wendy bird. Ready... Aim... FIRE.24.[Peter sees a boy flying next to him, forgetting he has just met him minutes before]Peter: Who are you?John: I'm John.Peter: John.25.[Mr. and Mrs. Darling are rushing up the stairs, right before Peter takes the children to Neverland]Narrator: It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time... but then, there would be no story.26.Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let's take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy's nursery and... what's this? The window's closed.Peter: I'll open it.Captain Hook: I'm afraid the windows barred.Peter: I'll call out her name.Captain Hook: She can't hear you.Peter: No.Captain Hook: She can't see you.Peter: Wendy.Captain Hook: She's forgotten all about you.Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it.影片评价影片视觉效果相当还原,情节场景不仅对孩子极富吸引力、连成人看了也热血沸腾,这部电影适合任何年龄段观看。
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Movie: Post Grad - [剧集电影]Tag:Words Movie版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明/logs/57015522.html1. On a class reunion party, after asking others what they were doing, Ryden was confronted by Jessica. "Ryden, what about you? What are you up to?" Ryden said" Uh... I just... You know, I've been interviewing. A lot. And, um, just had some really amazing opportunities... and just keeping my options open." Jessica said bluntly"So what you're saying is you're unemployed." Ryden felt really bad with this and complained to Adam"God. I feel like such a loser. Everyone is doing something with their lives... and I just turn out to be this big, pathetic loser." Adam tried to console her by a hug offer, Rydey: "No. I don't want your pity hug(怜悯的拥抱)." Pity means 怜悯, 同情, 可怜in most cases, here's some examples:与pity hug相似的用法有pity sezx/pity fcuk What girls do to boys who've never done anything with girls before. Anytime a person chooses to have sexual intercourse with another person for the sole purpose of getting that person through an awkward or sad moment. Typically there is no actual interest romantically in that person, but the idea of engaging in intercourse is not horrifying and almost a bit sporty(有体育道z德精d神的). The giver goes through the motions(go through the motions of sth装装样子, 做做样子to do something because you are expected to do it and not because you want to (often in continuous tenses) These days when we go out, cook a meal together or even make love, I get the feeling that he's just going through the motions.set something in motion付诸行动to start something moving. The mayor set the project in motion by digging the first shovelful of soil. I cannot set the procedure in motion until I receive a purchase order.) of actual romance without any actual feelings.To have sex with someone for reasons stemming from pity rather than desire. The phrase allows a range of implications from concern about the unfulfilment of the fcukee被fcuk的人or feelings of superiority自大over them. Kate came round last night and looked so dejected(忧郁沮丧失望难过的), I had to pity-fcuk her. Sally felt bad for Jim during his visit after the loss of his girlfriend several weeks earlier, and while nothing she tried that afternoon could snap him out of his sadness, she decided to give him a pity-fcuk which would show him that happiness could be found again. pity yes A "pity yes" is the expression of half-hearted consent半心半意的同意a woman gives to a man's request for a date. It's a "yes" to a request for a date, but not one with enthusiasm. A man can evoke a pity yes with the look on his face, or by asking a woman out in a novel way. Ack! You can't ask someone out over IM! You always have to ask out someone at least via phone. You're much more likely to get a pity yes. Then, if you make a good impression, you turn that into a real yes! more's the pity更可惜的是, 更遗憾的是Fig. it is a great pity or shame; it is sad. (Sometimes with the.)Jack can't come, more's the pity. Jane had to leave early, more's the pity. take/have pity on somebody同情某人to do something because you feel sympathy for someone She stood there shivering until Claudia took pity on her and put her sweater around the child's shoulders.2. Ryden Malby had a plan. Do well in high school, thereby receiving a great college scholarship. Now that she's finally graduated, it's time for her to find a gorgeous loft apartment and land her dream job at the city's best publishing house. But when Jessica Bard, Ryden's college nemesis(死对头. 天f罚; 不可逃避的惩s罚; 报c应A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Your worst enemy. Lex Luthor will always be Superman's nemesis.) steals her perfect job, Ryden is forced to move back to her childhood home. Stuck with her eccentric family - a stubborn do-it-yourself dad, an overly thrifty mom, a politically incorrect grandma, a very odd little brother - and a growing stack of rejected job applications, Ryden starts to feel like she's going nowhere. The only upside好的一面is spending time with her best friend, Adam - and running into her hot next-door neighbor, David. Eternal optimist 永远的乐观主义者Ryden Malby (Alexis Bledel) has the most brutal of wake-up calls when she graduates from college and can't find a job, forcing her back home to live with her oddball family. Frustrated and confused about how her life is supposed to turn out, she soon realizes that her longtime platonic(柏拉图似的) best friend is the only one who makes everything in her crazy life make sense让一切变得有意义.3. When Adam found Ryden stand him up to spend a night with her neighbour, he was very heartbroken, every time Ryden called him to say sorry he just answered her by voice mail, Ryden said, silent treatment, huh, very fifty grade of you, effective. Silent treatment is used on people that are disliked by the general population by the people who are ignoring the offensive person. very funny method of making someone feel like, or infroming them that they are indeed and outsider.flack out or flake out Sl. to collapse with exhaustion; to lie down because of exhaustion. All the hikers flacked out when they reached the campsite. After a few hours, the hikers all flaked out. Flake n. Someone who suddenly quits talking you on instant messenger services, without telling you a reason. An IMer with ADHD. Flake out: to suddenly quit talking for no good reason. Flaky adj describing someone who is a flake, or one who flakes out. She is such a flake because he will just leave in the middle of an IM conversation. flake (out) on sb. = cancel on sb.I didn't want to flake on you last night, but I was tired after work and wanted to stay home.额外的一段文字: He is self claimed自封的billionaire, claims to make six figures from selling cell phones to mid class russians from Brooklyn. She is a girl who lies, cheats, deceives and usually put herslef first before anyone else. 一兄弟发帖求解决方案: Long story short, I had plans with a girl, I texted her the day before the plans to tell her some details, and never got a response. Called her the day of the plans, and got no response. She then texts me later on in the mid-afternoon asking what I was up to. I told her I was hanging out with some friends (which I was) because if it seemed like I was waiting around for her, I would appear desperate (I'm not). I then sent another text 5 min. or so after that saying "What happened?" meaning what happened to our plans and her not answering me. I haven't gotten a response and it's been 2 hours. I see this girl next week in school. Should I call her out on it or just ignore her?4. While in his father's store with Ryden at night, they heard someone's laughter, it turned out to be Adam's father witha cash register in this store, Adam said: "Didn't recognize you without the cash register要不是这个服务员都认不出来你了哈. Actually, I'm really glad you're here. 'Cause you haven't been home for a while... ...and you definitely were not at my graduation毕业典礼. Adam's father:"Look, I don't wanna get into this with you right now我现在不想和你讨论这些." Adam:"Wait. Juanita, is he paying... I hope he's paying you overtime for this, 'cause you do have rights."Graduation(=commencement) is the action of receiving接受or conferring授予an academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated, where students become Graduates. Before the graduation, candidates are referred to as Graduands. The date of graduation is often called degree day. The graduation itself is also called commencement, convocation or invocation. At the University of Cambridge, the occasion on which most graduands receive their BA degree is known as general admission. After degree completion, graduates can be referred to by their graduating year. In the United States and Canada, it is also used to refer to the advancement from a primary or secondary school level. In the United States, besides "commencement," the term "graduation" is also used in schools below university level such as the high school, middle school and even kindergarten and preschool ceremonies.In the United Kingdom, unlike the United States, students do not usually 'graduate' from school below university level. They will normally leave(not graduate) secondary school, high school or sixth form college (if applicable) with specific qualifications.4. Just back home with the crashed car, Ryden's father:"Well, let's have a little look-see((informal)a brief look or inspection(非正式)瞧一眼, 查看we are just about to take a little look-see around the hotel我们正要到旅馆周围瞧瞧) here." Mother came out to welcome her daughter and saw the car:"Oh, look at that. That's just a crime." Ryden:"Uh, Dad, that's gotta get into the shop." Father:"Uh, I'm not so sure. I'm just looking it over. Gonna be all right." Ryden:"You... You're not thinking about fixing this yourself, are you?" Father:"Yeah. Just have some faith in(有点信心吗) my abilities, honey." Ryden:"You've never fixed a car before." Father:" Honey. At one point, I'd never roundhouse-kicked a man in the neck before either. Now I do it every Wednesday. My mind's like a sea sponge(海绵), honey. When the synapses神经突触get going in Walter Malby's mind, It's gonna be fun. Don't worry about the car.I got it. I got the car covered." 然后回头对正在忙活搬东西的Adam说:"Let me give you a hand there, Adam. Good. Look at you. You're a self-starter([美口]做事主动的人,有主动精神的人)."然后就是踩了猫屎, 怒冲冲的找过去"Your cat has now crapped on my doorstep, in my yard... and now on my driveway, which around here... is like church to me. That's sanctuary."关于casket和coffin的区别: Many Americans distinguish between a casket and a coffin on the basis of shape. They may use the term "coffin" to refer to a traditional rectangular box used for burial, while they think of a casket as a burial container which is tapered(锥形的, 渐细的) on both ends to a tapered hexagonal or octagonal (also considered to beanthropoidal in shape) box . The term "casket" is also sometimes used for a coffin with a split lid which is designed to allow people to view the decedent at an open casket funeral. Receptacles容器for cremated火化的human ashes 骨灰(sometimes called cremains骨灰) are called urns骨灰盒.Grandma wanted to buy a coffin for herself, the saler said"What do I have to do to put you in one of my coffins today? How about a little magnesium镁seepage渗漏protection system? That's the exact same... ...corrosion腐蚀and rust 生锈technology that protects our Alaskan pipeline."Special delivery特快专递: The delivery of a piece of mail, for an additional charge, by a special messenger rather than by scheduled delivery.Father替Ryhden规划未来:"Since it concerns your future, I need you to pay attention. Belt buckles. Million-dollar niche business. They're going crazy on the Internet." 关于Adam的未来, Adam的爸爸也很担心, 看到哥伦比亚大学的信件"Are you ever gonna actually open that?" "It's made a long journey from New York. I'm letting it breathe让他喘喘气." "You know, Adam, if you don't wanna go..." "Don't give me that shit别说给我那些屁话." "It's not like I'm gonna force you." "No, you're just gonna hate me if I don't." "No, I'm not gonna hate you. I just want more for you. Do you wanna be like me? You wanna come home from work 11:00 at night? Save your whole life so you can afford the mortgage on a place like this?"5. Adam打算告诉Ryden他在酒吧要开唱了, 他站在泳池跳水板的边缘"You don't have to go in. Just... come out here so I can tell you something. Quit bitching别婆婆妈妈的and come here. Come all the way to the edge到边上来." 试图安慰她"Look, you got the hard part figured out. You know what you wanna do. Now you can just spend the rest of your life going after it."Father对来烦他的儿子说"I'm doing business now. Doing business." 然后看着刚买来的belt buckle上的图案说"It's so lifelike(真的一样, 栩栩如生的). It is. That's real snake. All made right here in the country都是在这个国家产的吗?" 得到肯定答复"All here". 对Ryden说"Here, honey. Grab that box for me, would you? Carry it inside." Ryden问"So these are the buckles, huh?" "Yep, first shipment第一批货."Ryden抱怨车没有修好"I want my car back. I want to stop having to call a taxi every time I have to leave the house." Father说"I told you. The part部件零件hasn't come in from the factory yet. It's... It's a curveball."The curveball is a breaking pitch变化投球in baseball thrown with a characteristic grip and hand movement that impart传递授予告知down and/or sideways spin to the ball. It is therefore considered a type of breaking ball. Contrary to a fastball (which has only back spin), the curveball has a diagonal spin that creates a wake behind the ball, making the pitch drop on its way to the plate本垒打垒. A curveball is used to disrupt the opponent's timing. While it isa good pitch for doing so, it is also a dangerous pitch to throw. The increased topspin of the ball has the potential to gain tremendous backspin off of a batter's bat, giving it much added distance if well hit. For pitchers, it is better to throw a straight breaking ball, one that breaks from high to low as opposed to side to side. The simple argument for this is that the batter has 33 inches to hit a side to side pitch, while only one inch to hit an up to down pitch. In baseball, a breaking ball is a pitch that does not travel straight like a fastball as it approaches the batter. A pitcher who uses primarily breaking ball pitches is often referred to as a junkballer. A breaking ball will have some sideways or downward motion on it. Curveballs and sliders are two types of breaking balls.Ryden说自己已经很努力了:"But I am trying hard. I mean, I... I am scouring the job market. I... I am. I'm getting up early, and I'm searching for something, anything... to get my foot in the door. And do you have any clue what these interviews are like?" Father说"Well, maybe you're setting your sights too high(眼光太高了). "Oh, really? Well, where do you think I should be setting my sights?" Father试图劝她跟他一起卖buckle"If you just give this one a chance, I know you're gonna love it."Ryden在帮爸爸卖箱子"It's on clearance!" Father示范她怎么和顾客卖"You headed out of town出门吗, if you don't mind me asking? Really? Where you going? Oh, wow! Hawaii. That's fantastic. You going there for business, pleasure?" 然后就碰到同学死对头Jessica来买箱子, 看她怎么指挥Ryden吧"They're sending me to New York next week for a conference. Hence the need for a new briefcase公文包. Let me take a look at that black one. Ah... You know what?I want to take a look at the one right next to it. Nope. I gotta trust my instincts on this one. I'm saying no to that one. I'm going back to the original. This is a no. Let me take a look at this gray one here." "I thought you wanted a briefcase." "I'm gonna need both. Lot of traveling. I'm not gonna take this one. Can I see that black one up there?"6. Mother说和Grandam弟弟Hunter:"Hunter is a very unique little boy. I don't want you to coddle娇惯=pamper him." "I am not coddling him, okay? I'm just a little concerned... that he's weird." "Well, of course he's weird! He's a Malby. Weird is good. Weird indicates a creative force."Father压死了cat, Grandam说"There you are, this poor, little, innocent thing that wouldn't hurt a fly... and then one day you're murdered by my own son." Father说"It was an accident. Geez. Why didn't you tell me to look behind me?" Ryden 很无辜"What? Ho w is this my fault怎么成我的错了? You told me to look at the engine." "Can't do two things at once 同时? Keep your voice down小声点." "You did say something about wanting to flatten the cat." 妈妈出来解围"Either way不管怎么说, somebody has to tell the neighbor."然后邻居要求Ryden进屋吃东西, 完事Ryden"I am full我饱了, I am stuffed撑死了." Ryden想收拾东西, 邻居说"You go sit(你去坐下, go play去玩吧).Don't worry. I'll take care of it我来收拾."一家人过来给邻居送吃的, 以为Ryden在paying her condolences表示哀z悼. 结果二人在滚沙发, 看到大家进来, 邻居说"Fcukme!" Grandma接到"Well, I would, but somebody beat me to it有人抢了先." beat somebody to/into it (informal) to do something before someone else does it I was just about to open some wine but I see you've beaten me to it. beat someone to something to get to something before someone else; to claim something before someone else does. (See also beat someone into something.) You beat me to it and took the last cookie. Ken beat John to the door.7. 有人为皮带扣找上门来"Someone stole two boxes of my Buckle-O-Bill belt buckles. World renowned, uniquely crafted技术独特. Word on the street(街上传v言on the street1.Fig.widely known. Sue put it on the street, and now everyone knows.It's on the street. There isn't anyone who hasn't heard it.2.Fig. on Wall Street or elsewhere in the New York City financial districts. (Similar to {3}, except that it refers to a specific street. Usually with a capital 5.)I heard on the Street today that bank stocks are headed up.It's on the Street that the market is due to crash again.3. Fig. at discount prices; as available at its lowest retail price. (As if some item were being sold on the street by a peddler.) It lists at $2200 and can be got for about $1650 on the street.On the street it goes for about $400.) is you're trying to sell 'em." Father"You talking about this? This here? No, no, no. I bought this legit合k法的from Gary the Buckle Man." 结果人家说"I don't know Gary the Buckle Man! I know you're trying to take food out of my kid's mouth. I don't even have a kid. But if I did, you're taking his food!"Adam和Ryden逛街, Adam听说Ryden要去当personal assistant:"Wait. So, you're gonna be a P.A. now?" "It's just temporary临时的. Our neighbor hooked it up(牵线搭桥hook something up to set something up and get it working. (The object is to be connected to a power supply, electronic network, telephone lines, etc.) Will it take long to hook the telephone up?As soon as they hook up the computer to the network, I can e-mail my friends.)." "Wait. Rico Suave from across the street? That... That old dude who wears the low-rise低腰jeans?" "What? He's 34. He's not that old." "Very specific information you have there你知道的真是详细啊." 然后告诉她"I wrote a little "something something" for you. you want a little sneak preview((尤指影片)先睹为快的机会, (内部)预映A single public showing of a movie before its general release)". 然后又开始规划那晚自己酒吧演出及然后的两人世界"So, first of all, I'm just gonna rock the socks off everyone(knock [beat/bore/charm etc.] your socks off somebody to completely surprise or please you very much The magazine is beautiful and combines color and unusual design in a way that knocks your socks off. Usage notes: also used with other verbs to say that something is done in an extreme way or to a great degree: I worked my socks off to get my degree.) at that show. And third, we're gonna go out to a big, fancy dinner. To, uh, celebrate your new quasi准的job thing." "Just to celebrate?"8. Ryden和neighbour在工作. 拍广告的人抱怨"This mustache is crap. The hairs are going in my mouth. I can swear I swallowed a couple." "Oh, I am sorry. We'll take care of that in a sec, all right? Okay, everyone, take five休息五分钟""Bring it. Bring it." Another way of saying bring it on. It is a invitation to make someone perform a action.I just saw a girl that has the whole world at her fingertips... and she doesn't even know it.Father被抓, 警察对Mother说"The good news is your husband doesn't have any priors没有前科. The bad news is we're gonna have to hold him. Trafficking stolen property is no small crime. The bail won't be set till tomorrow." "You're keeping him overnight? But he's not a criminal. He's just a moron." "That's the breaks(那只能自认倒zz霉了, 活cc该倒xx霉吧. Bad luck, a damn shame, or an unfortunate occurrence. At the laundromat[自助洗衣店]: Doc: "What up dogg." Timmy: "Nothing much. I lost a quarter under the washing machine a couple minutes ago." Doc: "That's the breaks.")." 第二天警fgg察说"Um, so, basically, in order to bail him out, you're looking at 15,000 bucks. Or he stays in the slammer监j狱until the trial." 母亲无奈, 自己无钱只好找Grandma "Maureen? Cough it up(cough up something also cough something up1. to pay money unwillingly I had to cough up $35 for administration fees.Martinez's lawyers knew the banks had the money, and pushed them to cough it up.2. to allow an opponent to take the lead in a competition Sele got a 3-0 lead in the second inning局,回合but then coughed it up in the third.). Pay the man your son's bail money." Grandma很不情愿"Ary you crazy? You think if I had that kind of dough(1. 生面团2. informal 钱) I'd be living with you(你想我要是有那钱我还会和你们一起住)?" "Cut the baloney(胡s说八道, 瞎s扯, 鬼s话), Maureen. Please. I know you have money. I know you sew缝it into your panty hose女式连袜裤. And I know you've got it under your mattress... and shoved up inside every shoe in your closet." Grandma被揭穿, 无奈的说"Why can't my family just love me for my soul... instead of my meager(1. 瘦的meager arms瘦削的手臂 2. 粗劣的;不足的;贫乏的meager cultural resources贫乏的文化资源He could not support his family on his meager salary他靠微薄的工资无法养家) possessions and my bank account?"9. Hunter要爸爸帮他弄boxcar去参加derby, 时间不多了, 爸爸说"Go get your mother, your grandmother. We need every able-bodied man(壮丁, 四肢健全的人) we can get. Go."爸爸教hunter开车:"Balls to the wall. Don't tell your mom I said that. Smoke 'em. Go get 'em." balls to the wall To push to the limit, go all out, full speed. A very colorful phrase, one needs to be careful when using "balls to the wall". Although its real origin is very benign, mos people assume it is a reference to testicles睾丸. In fact it is from fighter planes. The "balls" are knobs atop the plane's throttle control. Pushing the throttle all the way forward, to the wall of the cockpit, is to apply full throttle. floorboard 1.地板2. [美口]把(汽车加速器等)压到最低一档; 把...压低到最低限度父亲劝要去纽约找Adam的女儿别冲aa动:"Sure you don't wanna get a little shut-eye(一觉, 睡眠) and see how you feel in the 学习成绩好, you... kept your room neat and clean, you ate your vegetables. Can I be honest with you? I always found it a little troubling. Because, see, the world's a screwy place. It doesn't play by the rules. So if you're asking me... do I think it's a good idea for you to, uh... quit your job... leave behind the only family you have... and travel 3,000 miles... to a place you've never been before? I think it's the most kick-ass idea you've ever had. 'Cause I think no matter where you are, you're gonna knock 'em dead.妈妈对女儿说"Call me frequently经常打电话, okay? I've got you on my speed dial" "Okay. and you're on mine."一家人要去纽约看女儿, 奶奶电话里对Ryden说"I don't have a hump. I can sleep anyplace you wanna put me, Ryden." 妈妈对女儿说"And, honey, it's genetic遗传问题, so take your calcium记得吃钙. And don't forget to layer up, okay? You're from California."10. 开始时Jessica发问候电子卡给Ryden"Hi, Ryden. Jessica Bard here. Just wanted to clean the slate(澄清一下). I'm sorry I nabbed(逮住, 攫取) valedictorian(致告别辞者)... but you have to believe I will do an excellent job." Ryden对找到工作自信满满"And my thesis adviser论文指导is best friends with the chief editor...and has already put in a good word递了好话and everything. Ryden找工作面试时的话: The bottom line is, what I lack in experience, I make up for in vision. And what I don't know I make up for with passion. Most importantly, I am incredibly enthusiastic about the work your company is doing.11. Hunter妈妈教育他: Hunter, I hate getting these calls. What did I tell you about licking the kids' heads? 另外: Don't give me a hard time. give somebody a hard time1.批评某人(informal) to criticize someone and make them feel guilty about something that they have done (often + about ) I came home late one night last week and she's been giving me a hard time about it ever since. 2. to treat someone severely or to cause difficulties for them给某人制造困难She'd always wanted to be a teacher, but those kids gave her a really hard time.。