



大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语David Copperfield is a novel written by Charles Dickens, which was first published in 1850. The story is about the life of David Copperfield, who goes through various ups and downs in his life. Below are some excerpts from the novel:1. 'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.'2. 'Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.'3. 'I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape.'4. 'There can be no disparity in marriage like unsuitability of mind and purpose.'5. 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everythingbefore us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.' 6. 'I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.'7. 'I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.'8. 'It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.'These excerpts give a glimpse into the themes of the novel, which include personal growth, financial responsibility, love, and the triumph of good over evil.。



大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语David Copperfield is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1850. It features the character David Copperfield, who tells the story of his life from childhoodto maturity. Throughout the novel, he experiences many trials and tribulations on his path to discovering himself.The novel begins with David, an orphaned boy, being sent to live with his cruel and oppressive stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. David finds solace in a kind maid, Peggotty, who often comforts him. David's life continues to spiral downwards as his stepfather becomes even more oppressive.After Mr. Murdstone sends him away to school, David runs away to London where he is taken in by an aunt, Betsey Trotwood.At his aunt's house, David meets a myriad of characters such as the eccentric Mr. Dick and the goodnatured Mr. Micawber. David also comes face-to-face with Uriah Heep, a villainous man with a penchant for manipulation and deceit. With the help of his newfound friends, David is able to triumph over Heep and make a name for himself.David eventually falls in love with Dora Spenlow, a wealthy girl from a prestigious family. Though he and Dora marry, the union is short-lived as Dora suddenly dies from a mysterious illness. After her death, David is consoled by his childhood friend Agnes Wickfield and the two eventually marry.David's journey ends happily with the birth of his son, Little Em'ly. The novel concludes with David reflecting onhis life and experiencing a deep sense of contentment. Heacknowledges the difficulties of his past, but ultimately finds joy in the present.。



David Copperfield [大卫·科波菲尔]-中文翻译版_rina大卫科波菲尔!英狄更斯著" #张俊萍译前言狄更斯是英国十九世纪的著名作家狄更斯!"#"$[%]"#&’()出生于贫苦的小资产阶级家庭童年生活十分艰苦这给他造成* *了一生的辛酸回忆十五岁时成为一家律师事务所的小职员出) *入监狱与法庭为以后的创作积累了大量的素材一八三一年* ) *狄更斯进入报界不久成为出色的记录员和记者职务使他常常* )往来于城乡之间对英国社会各阶层的生活状况有了深入了解**这也为他日后的创作做了充分准备)大卫科波菲尔是狄更斯后期创作的一部长篇小说这+ ,- )部小说以自传体的形式叙述了科波菲尔苦难的一生借助大卫)的辛酸经历狄更斯向我们展示了英国社会生活的广阔画卷孤* .儿的悲惨命运寄宿学校虐待儿童的制度童工的境遇负债人/ //监狱以及社会上的骗子等等小说集中塑造了两类人的形象/ ) .一种是以麦德逊为代表的资产阶级制度的捍卫者一种是以密/考伯先生和博各提一家为代表的乐于助人的下层人民这些全)都包含着狄更斯对不完善的社会制度的抨击与批判)现在我们将这部书译成中文奉献给广大读者相信读者* * *定能从中领略到狄更斯文学的深广内涵及艺术风采)一九九八年十月一八六七年再版序狄更斯"!正如我在本书初版的序言中写的那样我不认为我已完成#了这部书的创作因此也难以平静地为它写序言我对这本书$ $ $总怀着一种老而弥坚的感情在感到兴奋的同时又感到一丝遗$ $憾兴奋的是我终于如愿以偿地将这本书完成遗憾的是因此[%] $ & $我又要和这些老伙伴们告别尽管我也担心读者并不相信这一$点甚至更难体会到我的感受和心情$ [%]此外任何关于这个故事的事我都会在这个故事中言无不$ $尽地向大家叙述[%]或许读者对于我用了两年时间绞尽脑汁地创作本书并没有多深的感触也同样会对我在完成本书时又将自己部分地交给$了那个处于阴影中的世界也不关心可我也只能说这些再加上[%] $自己部分坦率的承认我想没有谁会像我那样写作时相信这一#切都是真实的[%]我再次请读者相信当年我对这本书的看法至今仍然未变$ [%]我所写的全部小说中最喜欢的就是这一部我对自己思维中创$ [%]造出来的孩子而言是个宠爱他们的父亲不会有谁像我这样深$ $爱着他们然而就像大部分宠爱孩子的父母一样心底里总有一[%] $个孩子被我更为宠爱他就是大卫科波菲尔$ ’ [%]第一章我出生的情况我必须做到这一点得让人们明白这本书的主人公是我而!不是其他任何人我的这篇评传便从我降临到这个世上的时候"开始写起我记得别人是这样告诉我的而我也相信是这样" # $的我出生的时候是一个周五的夜里十二点他们说钟声才刚刚[%] "敲响我便哇哇地落地了真是分秒不错$ $ "我正好出生在那一天也碰巧出生在那个时刻所以我的保$ "姆和一些有思想的女邻居们便对此产生了自己的看法而且在$我出生的几个月前她们便对我报以较大的注意了在她们看$ "来首先我的命不好一生肯定多灾多难再者我有看见鬼魂$ $ $ & $的异禀她们坚信只要是出生在周五夜半后的几个小时之内"$ $这个孩子都会很不走运而且都有看见鬼神的本领这是天赋$ $的男女都不例外$ "有关第一点我不用多说什么因为我自身的经历足以证明 $它灵验的程度而第二点我只能说当我还在襁褓之中时这个本" $。

David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔

David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔

不要让小小的误会使春天的花儿枯萎。春天的花儿,发了芽,又枯萎 ,就不能再开了。在太阳中闪光的喷泉,不应当仅仅为了三心二意加 以阻塞;撒哈拉沙漠中的沃壤,不应当加以懒懒地耕耘。
哦,爱妮丝,哦,我的灵魂。当我一生真的走完时,但愿你的脸也像 这样伴在我身边;当现实的一切都像我此时抛开的影子那样在我眼前 融化散去时,但愿我仍能看到在我身边向上指着的你!(小说最后一 句)
摩德斯通小姐 大卫童年的灾星、继父的姐姐摩德斯通小姐的性格特点是 极端冷酷和残忍。从一出场就奠定了她这种性格:面色阴 郁,皮肤黝黑,声音男性化,两道浓眉连在一起,她的钢 制钱包合上的时候,咔哒一声,像是狠狠地咬谁一口,在 狄更斯笔下,没有生命的东西也成了活的,她打扮时用钢 制手铐和铆钉,这都是这位冷血的钢铁女人的性格写照。 摩德斯通小姐是一个十足的男人婆,她讨厌男人,却长着 男人的脸孔,没有女性的温柔,没有爱心和同情心,她和 她弟弟一直折磨可怜的克拉拉,并把大卫看成眼中钉,用 各种手段折磨大卫,造成大卫童年的苦难。以后,在朵拉 的家中又出现了她阴郁的影子。
《大卫•科波菲尔》有一种独特的艺术魅力。它不以曲折 生动的故事结构取胜,只是如实的,融合着浓厚的抒情气 息去续写生活。读这部作品,仿佛大卫•科波菲尔和我们 促膝相对,娓娓而谈。就在一些日常平凡事件的絮谈中, 逐渐了解作品中的人物,他们的命运牵肠挂肚的揪着我们 的心。小说中具体生动的世态风情,有血有肉的人物形象 ,显示了狄更斯描绘生活的天才。
在这部具有强烈自传色彩的小说里,狄更斯借用“小大卫 自身的历史和经验”,草丛不少方面回顾和总结了自己的 生活道路,反映了他的人生哲学和道德理想。 通过对主人公大卫•科波菲尔一生的悲欢离合,多层次的 揭示了当时社会的真实面貌,突出的表现了金钱对婚姻, 家庭和社会的腐蚀作用。



大卫科波菲尔好句英文版David Copperfield is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1850. The book follows the life of David, who is born into poverty but rises to become a successful businessman and philanthropist. The novel is known for its vivid characters, realistic setting, and rich language.Here are some famous lines from David Copperfield:1. "I am born," said David, producing his birth certificate with a great air, "born on the 22nd of November, 1830, in the parish of St. Marychurch, Fleet Street."2. "It was a dark and a rainy night," said David, "and my mother was standing at the door of a public house, with a cup of water in her hand, offering it to those who passed."3. "I am a very different person now," said David, "I ama rich man, and have a kind heart."4. "I have had many strange experiences," said David, "but the strangest of all was when I was lost in the Forest of Dean."5. "It is a curious thing," said David, "but I always feel happier when I am alone."6. "I have always been a good boy," said David, "except once when I was caught stealing."7. "I want to be a man," said David, "I want to work andthink for myself."8. "It is a curious thing," said David, "but I always feel happier when I am with my own people."9. "I have made a great resolution," said David, "I am going to be good."10. "I am a very different person now," said David, "I ama rich man, and have a kind heart."。



大卫科波菲尔中英文双语简介第一篇:大卫科波菲尔中英文双语简介The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity.David is born in England in about 1820.David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr.Edward Murdstone.David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr.Murdstone's sister, Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards.Mr.Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies.Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr.Creakle.Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on.David returns home for the holidays to find that his mother has had a baby boy.Soon after, David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die, and David has to return home immediately.Mr.Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner.The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory.His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison(the King's Bench Prison)after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth.David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.The story follows David as he grows to adulthood and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave, and re-enter his life.《大卫·科波菲尔》内容概括大卫·科波菲尔尚未出世时,父亲就去世了,他在母亲及女仆的照管下长大。



1 David Copperfield's childhood 1 大卫·科波菲尔的童年I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, inthe east of England,and was given my poor father's name,David Copperfield. Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married,and died six months before I was born. My father's death made my beautiful young mother very unhappy,and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my father's aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from her, and sometimes beat her,she decided they should separate He went abroad,and soon news came of his death. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名——大卫·科波菲尔。





大卫·科波菲尔的个人史谢谢大家Thank you.我人生中的主人公到底是我Whether I turn out to be the hero of my own story抑或担任这一角色的另有其人or whether that station will be held by anybody else... 这些点滴时刻必将揭晓these moments must show.我从鸦巢踏入人世I entered the world at The Rookery.佩格蒂Peggotty!我来了我来了I'm coming. I'm coming.我答应过的佩格蒂答应过的对吧As I promised. Peggotty promised, see?我来了亲爱的再给我三秒I'm coming, my love. Just give me three seconds.三秒太久了Three seconds is too long.毛巾毛巾在哪Towels, where are the towels?好了我拿这个干什么OK. Why do I have this?我慌了我彻底慌了I'm panicking. I'm completely panicking.佩格蒂你真是头蠢母马Peggotty, you daft mare.快点佩格蒂Now, Peggotty!我45秒后就到 45秒I'll be with you in 45 seconds, 45.佩格蒂Peggotty!呼吸继续呼吸就好亲爱的Just breathe. Just keep breathing, my love.再喘两口气我就回来I'll be back in two breaths.佩格蒂Peggotty!鸦巢-尽量装作不疼就好 -很疼- Just try to pretend it doesn't hurt. - It does.我明白I know.从我的初生开始To begin my life...叙述我的一生with the beginning of my life.你就是大卫·科波菲尔的夫人吧Mrs. David Copperfield, I think?-我是乔特伍德女士你听说过吧 -听说过- Miss Trotwood. You've heard of her? - Yes.是的我已久仰大名Yes, I believe I've had that pleasure.你眼前就是她Now you see her.我想问问为什么要叫鸦巢Might I ask, why Rookery?我丈夫买♥♥下这房♥子的时候When my husband bought the house,他总以为这房♥子里有乌鸦he liked to think there were rooks about it.-真的有吗 -没有- And are there? - No!完全就是我弟弟生前的作风My late brother all over.把房♥子叫鸦巢以为真的有乌鸦Calls a house a rookery, takes the rooks on trust.还不如叫"轻信庄园"A better name would have been Gullible Manor.-这人怎么还说个不停夫人 -好了佩格蒂- Will this person be stopping, ma'am? - Now, Peggotty. 佩格蒂佩格蒂你叫佩格蒂吗Peggotty? Peggotty? Peggotty?你是说真的会有人去教堂You mean to say a human being went into a church给自己取名叫佩格蒂吗and had herself named Peggotty?你母亲是在你受洗的时候打了个喷嚏吗Did your mother sneeze when you were christened?-不好意思你叫什么来着 -乔特伍德- Sorry, what was your name? - Trotwood.乔特伍德真有意思你进来的时候Trotwood. It's funny because I thought your name我还以为你叫"五十步笑百步"呢was Pot Kettle Black when you walked in,不过没关系but never mind.她来了小女孩要出生了Here she comes. Here comes the girl.-也可能是个男孩 -不不一定是个女孩- Or it could be... a boy! - Oh, no, no, no. She will be a girl.必须是个女孩Certain to be a girl.你能不能给她取名叫贝琪·乔特伍德·科波菲尔And, may I beg you, you will call her Betsey Trotwood Copperfield 我来做她的教母and I will be her godmother.这个贝琪·乔特伍德的一生中And there will be no mistakes绝不会犯下一丁点错误in the life of this Betsey Trotwood.绝不会有人玩弄她的感情可怜的宝贝There will be no trifling with her affections, poor dear.上帝保佑你可真年轻Bless me, you're very young.我们要护士和医生We need a nurse and a doctor.-我们来了 -你们好- We're here. - Hello.-来吧亲爱的来 -慢慢来- Come on, my love. Come on. - Nice and slow.-我们需要毛巾 -我有很多毛巾- We're going to need towels. - I have lots of towels.慢慢走很好很好Go nice and slow. Very good, very good.我记得我是在周五夜里十二点出生的I record that I was born on a Friday at 12 o'clock at night.-出生了吗结束了吗 -好消息太棒了- Is that it? Is it over? - Wonderful news! Fabulous news!医生把好消息告诉乔特伍德女士Doctor, tell Miss Trotwood the news.她怎么样医生她怎么样How is she, Doctor? How is she?作为一名年轻母亲她的状态已经很不错了She is as comfortable as any young mother can be.不我是说她怎么样孩子怎么样No, I mean how is she, the baby? How is she?是个男孩夫人我很高兴能向你道喜It's a boy, ma'am. I'm very happy to congratulate you. 道什么喜那男孩是双胞胎中的哥哥Why congratulate? The boy is the first of twins他妹妹马上就要出生了吗and his sister being born as we speak?不只有这一个男孩No. It's just one boy.荒唐Ludicrous.瞧瞧你戴维宝宝Look at you, Baby Davy.脸蛋像桃子一样Face like a peach.我可喜欢桃子了I'm very fond of peaches.我喜欢我喜欢Yes, I am. Yes, I am.我还记得佩格蒂粗糙的手指I remember Peggotty's rough fingers,就像袖珍肉豆蔻刨丝器like a pocket nutmeg grater.你在笑吗Are you smiling?就快了Almost there.在我看来一切都高大无比Everything looked terribly tall to me.冲锋Charge!吃我一剑你这淘气的兔子怪Take this, you naughty monster rabbit!我看到父亲的墓碑I see my father's gravestone,笼罩在被风吹弯的树影中shadowed by trees bending to one another in the wind,大卫·科波菲尔克拉拉深爱的丈夫1841年5月1日与世长辞享年29岁大树就像窃窃私语的巨人like giants whispering secrets."鳄鱼分布在非洲美洲及澳洲""Crocodiles can be found in Africa, the Americas and Australia." -这蔬菜真了不起 -不是蔬菜是爬行动物- What a remarkable vegetable. - Not vegetable, reptile.不对我告诉你鳄鱼就是土豆No, I tell you, a crocodile is a potato.它有鳞片身上还有刺It has some scales and they have spikes.这可真是个胡言乱语的世界啊Well, what a world of gammon and spinach it is.我对性格鲜明的人印象深刻I can easily recall people of strong character...佩格蒂语录"脸蛋就像桃子一样""鳄鱼就是土豆"你小时候佩格蒂说的那句What did Peggotty say when you were little,你喜欢的那句the one you liked?一个胡言乱语的世界A world of gammon and spinach.这句不错我要记下来That's a good one. I'll put that one down.她说的每句话你都记得吗Do you remember everything she says?很难忘记It's hard to forget.那倒是That's true.并把对他们的记忆编织进我未来的生活中...and weave their memory into the life I was about to lead.我记得远行-行李都收拾好了吗佩格蒂 -是的夫人- All packed for the journey, Peggotty? - Yes, ma'am. 这里Uh, here.戴维要是想赢井字游戏You should always go in the middle, Davy,你应该先走中间if you want to win noughts and crosses.有位先生到了夫人The gentleman is here, ma'am,黑头发举止讲究with the black hair and particular manner周日从教堂送你回家的那位who walked you home from church on Sunday.好的谢谢佩格蒂Yes, thank you, Peggotty.-这些就是你著名的天竺葵吗 -没错- Are these your famous geraniums? - Indeed they are. 请进吧Do come in.把胡萝卜放下Carrot down.你一定就是男主人吧You must be the man of the house.我只是个男孩先生I'm a boy, sir.亲爱的孩子来和我握握手Dear boy. Come, shake my hand.不你伸错手了对不对孩子Well, no, that's the wrong hand, isn't it, boy?戴维Davy.也许像你这样握手会成为潮流Well, maybe your way will catch on, hm?你是个勇敢的男孩You're a very brave boy.戴维我的小土豆Davy, my sweet potato.我们带你去雅茅斯吧Let's take you to Yarmouth.我哥哥赶车送我们去My brother is driving us there.看看这片天空戴维小子Look at all that sky, eh, Davy boy.这天空也太广阔了不是吗对鸟来说也是That's too much sky, innit? Even for a bird.如果我的地理书上说的没错世界真是圆形的If the world is really as round as my geography book says it is, 这块地方为什么这么平坦呢how can this bit of it be so flat?你不喜欢吗戴维Not to your liking, Davy?看那里有个鼹鼠丘那可不平坦There's a molehill there, look. That ain't flat.那里有只鸟那也不平坦There's a bird there. That ain't flat.那里有朵花那也不平坦A flower there. That ain't flat.这里这里这里都很平坦好吗It's flat here, it's flat here and it's flat, OK?好吧也许你是对的真是有点平坦All right, maybe you're right. It is a bit flat.快到港口了Ooh, nearly at the harbour.那里是哈姆和艾米丽工作的地方That's where Ham and Emily work.四点了我♥干♥完活了It's four. I've done my gutting.已经四点了吗这些都弄好了It's four already? These are ready to go, yeah.好了There we go.我才多久没见你哈姆I turn my back for a second, Ham,你就像豆芽一样窜得那么高了and you sprout like a beanstalk.我都忘了你的拥抱有多用力了佩格蒂I forgot how hard you squeeze, Peggotty.都要把我的骨髓挤出来了You'll have the marrow out my bones.这女人简直像个压布机She's a human mangle, that woman.戴维少爷这是哈姆哈姆这是戴维少爷Master Davy, Ham. Ham, Master Davy.很高兴认识你哈姆我是戴维少爷Pleased to meet you, Ham. I'm... Master Davy.我也很高兴我带你去看看我们的住处吧Likewise. Let's show you where we live, eh?-艾米丽在吗 -不在四点了她...- Is Emily here? - No, it's four. She's...-她已经干完活了 -对干完活了- She's done gutting. - Yeah, done gutting.戴维上来来吧Davy, hop up. Come on.小心点Careful with him.等着瞧吧Wait till you see this.那里就是我们住的地方戴维小子That's where we all live, Davy boy.-太棒了 -可不是什么豪♥宅♥- It's amazing. - It's no mansion.这是条底朝天的船It's a downside-upside capsized boat.这是阿♥拉♥丁的宫殿It's Aladdin's palace!我们就像是被困在茶杯底下的蜘蛛We'll be like spiders trapped under a teacup!那孩子总能发现喜悦和欢乐Digs for joy, that boy. Finds it too.佩格蒂Peggotty.这地方太棒了This place is amazing.戴维来看看这个Davy, come look at this.-这里就是你睡觉的地方 -喜欢吗戴维- And this is where you'll be sleeping. - Do you like it, then, Davy? 你觉得怎么样科波菲尔少爷Yeah, what do you think, Master Copperfield?我觉得这是我见过最称心如意的卧室了I think this is the most desirable bedroom I've ever seen.称心如意Desirable.我真喜欢你用的词戴维I love your words, Davy.佩格蒂说你母亲是位贵妇人Peggotty says your mother's a lady.艾米丽注意举止这是艾米丽Emily, mind your manners! This is Emily.-你好 -你好- Hello. - Hello.哈姆和艾米丽是你的孩子吗Are Ham and Emily your children?不他们是领养的他们的父亲都淹死了No, they're adopted. Both their fathers was drownded.哈姆又多了一张嘴要喂Oh, Ham. Not another mouth to feed!让我死吧赶紧解脱Let me die and be a riddance.这是古米治夫人她的丈夫也淹死了That's Mrs. Gummidge. Her husband drownded too.很多人都淹死了There's a lot of drownding goes on.怎么样美味的腌鱼谁也挑不出毛病How's that? You can't complain about a nice bit of kipper. 等着瞧吧You just watch her.土豆烧焦了像炭一样Potatoes are burnt, like coals.她开始了There she goes.这可能就是我吃的最后一顿土豆了These potatoes could be my last.我能去海滩上吗叔叔Can I go out onto the beach, Uncle?你干完活了吗Well, have you done your gutting?是的干完活了四点就结束了Yes, I've done my gutting. Finished at four.六点也要去干活There's a six-o'clock gutting as well.鱼会变质的你知道吧Fish do go off, you know.哈姆我从天亮就在给鱼去内脏了Ham, I've been gutting fish since dawn.你得一直干到结束为止You need to get gutting till it's finished.没关系Never mind about that.去吧带小戴维一起去Go on, but take young Davy with you.来吧Come on.小心别淹死了Mind you don't get drownded.给鱼去内脏是什么意思What's gutting?除非你想让手变成我这样你不会想知道的Unless you want hands like mine, you don't wanna know. 来吧Come on.你母亲真的是贵妇人吗Is your mother really a lady?我想是的Uh, yes, I think so.她会在客厅处理信件Does she attend to her correspondence接待访客吗and receive callers in the drawing room?我不知道I don't know.一位手很大的先生来欣赏过我们的天竺葵A gentleman with big hands calls to admire our geranium. 我也想成为贵妇人I should like to become a lady.他有两条眉毛He has two eyebrows.我说眉毛而不是眼睛I say eyebrows rather than eyes因为在他脸上眉毛更加重要cos they're much more important in his face.是啊Yeah.看看这里戴维Look! Look at this, Davy.可以看到雅茅斯以外的世界You can see past Yarmouth.艾米丽快下来Emily, get down!你要是从上面掉下来会摔成二十块的You'll smash in 20 pieces if you slip off there.-你好哈姆 -我不害怕- Hello, Ham! - I'm not scared.-你好戴维今天开心吗 -开心- Hello, Davy. You having a good day? - Yeah.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mama,雅茅斯是整个宇宙中最棒的地方Yarmouth is, upon the whole, the finest place in the universe. 艾米丽教会了我打水漂Emily has taught me to skim stones我只是很遗憾你看不到and I'm only sorry you cannot see it.她和哈姆是我能想象的最棒的朋友She and Ham have become the best friends imaginable.怎么了怎么了What? What?我把咱俩的决定告诉他们了咱们的新闻I told them what we decided between us, our news.-你是说订婚吗 -订婚对- Getting engaged? - Getting engaged, yeah.-你可以直接说"订婚" -我们订婚了- You can just say "getting engaged". - We're engaged.-你为我们高兴吗叔叔 -高兴- Are you happy for us, Uncle? - Happy?我告诉你我有多高兴I'll tell you how happy I am.我高兴得就像挖到了两根骨头的狗I'm happy as a dog with two bones.就像一个狗主人And as the owner who discovers发现挖出骨头的洞里装满了金表that the hole the bones was dug from is full of gold watches. -还有钱财 -还有钱财- Oh, oh, and money! - And money.没错我就有这么高兴Yeah, that's how happy I am.大家都该结婚Everybody should get married.大家一起来Let's be having you!你画了什么What have you got there?这是个船屋先生It's a boathouse, sir.用船建造的房♥子A house made from a boat.要么画房♥子要么画船Draw a house or draw a boat.别画这种不着边际的东西None of this nonsense.欢迎回来戴维Welcome back, Davy.科波菲尔夫人是新买♥♥了戒指还是你们结婚了Mrs. Copperfield, is that a new ring or your proper one?没错你得恭喜我们Yes, you must congratulate us.戴维你有爸爸了Davy, you have a pa.-一个新爸爸 -新爸爸- A new one. - A new pa?是的你母亲和我结婚了Yes, your mother and I are now married.我本想早点告诉你的I meant to tell you sooner.你刚才叫的不是我夫人的姓氏Now, you just addressed my wife by a surname that is not hers. 她现在是摩德斯通夫人了请记住好吗She is now Mrs. Murdstone. Will you remember that?姐姐Sister.这是珍·摩德斯通Jane Murdstone.珍这是我妻子克拉拉·摩德斯通Jane, my wife, Clara Murdstone.挺好的选择A fair choice.很遗憾我错过了婚礼I regret I missed the wedding以及没能目睹你最美的时刻and the chance to meet you at the peak of your beauty.一个男孩A boy.我想他已经有名字了吧I presume it is named?我是大卫摩德斯通小姐你好I'm David, Miss Murdstone. How do you do?我没问你孩子My question was not directed at you, child.欠缺家教Wants manners.我觉得起居室还挺亮堂的The parlour's rather bright, I thought.-是朝南的 -我来整顿- Well, it's south-facing. - I'll take care of it.她在那儿There she is.我是摩德斯通小姐我要看遍所有壁橱I'm Miss Murdstone and I go through every single cupboard. 瞧瞧那个壁橱Look in that cupboard,瞧瞧那个壁橱瞧瞧那个壁橱look in that cupboard, look in that cupboard.她就像是蜡做的She looks like she's made of wax.-或是荷兰奶酪 -这句是你原创的吗- Or Dutch cheese. - Is that one of yours?-你该写下来 -晚点再说- You should write that down. - Later.戴维小子Davy boy.你该上课了Time for your lesson.动词有两种语态And verbs have two voices,一个是主动语态one active,第二个是...-克拉拉 -珍- Clara! - Jane.我们该换一种没那么有趣的活动We should switch to a less enjoyable activity.珍Jane!戴维啊戴维Oh, Davy, Davy.别说什么戴维啊戴维No, don't say, "Oh, Davy, Davy".他要么就会要么就不会He either knows his lesson or he does not.-他不会 -珍- He does not. - Jane!捡起来读给我听Pick it up. Read it to me.抓紧时间小子Sometime today, boy!抱歉先生Sorry, sir.你看着我我读不出来I can't when you're watching me.就是...It's...这些词都错位了我太笨了The words have skates and skim away. I'm very stupid.-你还不如教家具呢 -珍·摩德斯通安静- You'd as soon as teach the furniture. - Jane Murdstone, silence! 你不笨只是紧张了You're not stupid, just nervous.克拉拉·摩德斯通安静Clara Murdstone, silence!她叫克拉拉·科波菲尔先生Clara Copperfield, sir!-爱德华 -过来- Edward. - Come on.-爱德华别这样 -克拉拉让开你过来- Edward, please, no. - Clara. Come on, boy.-让你丈夫帮你管管孩子 -爱德华求你了- Let your husband improve your son. - Edward, please!No. Get off me.大卫等等戴维David. Wait. Davy.只要我遇上了倔强的狗或马Now, whenever I have an obstinate dog or horse,我就会揍它懂吗I beat him, hm?我会征服它哪怕要耗尽I conquer him, even if it costs him它的最后一滴血every last drop of blood he has.我努力学了先生I'm trying to learn, sir,可你和摩德斯通小姐看着我我做不到but I can't when you and Miss Murdstone are watching me! 是吗Oh, can't you indeed?-爱德华求你住手 -克拉拉- Edward, please stop! - Clara!让我把门撞开吧科波菲尔夫人Let me break the door down, Mrs. Copperfield.是摩德斯通夫人Mrs. Murdstone.珍Jane!-爱德华在教孩子 -珍- Edward is teaching. - Jane!让他好好教Let him teach.我自己的房♥子荷兰奶酪做的脸一个新爸爸征服他我会怎么样What's to become of me?-你会被送走 -去学校吗- You're to be sent away. - To school?小子教育是很贵的Education, boy, is costly.你早晚要面对跟世界的对抗What lies before you is a fight with the world.而越早开始就越好And the sooner you begin it, the better!我被放逐到了伦敦摩德斯通制♥造♥好了用手动塞瓶器塞上木塞明白吗OK, so, cork with the hand corker, yeah?传给土豆脑袋Pass it to Mealy Potatoes.他会贴上标签一分钟五个He labels. Five a minute不然老克里克会把你们吊起来打or old Creakle hangs your guts out for bunting.来吧开始Come on, let's go.拉拉下来Pull. Just pull it.-拉 -他太矮了- Just pull it. - He's so tiny!别担心很快你就会掌握的你住哪Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Where are you living? 我要寄宿在米考伯家I'm lodging with the Micawber family,我与他们还尚未谋面whom I'm yet to meet."尚未谋面""Whom I'm yet to meet?"你在哪长大的温莎城♥堡♥吗Where were you brung up? Windsor Castle?来练练Here, practise.安静Quiet!安静Quiet!我说了安静不是吗I said quiet, didn't I?我可没让你们停下工作I didn't say stop working!-谁打破的瓶子 -是他先生- Who broke the bottle? - It was him, sir.上工第一天就打破瓶子Breaking bottles? On your first day?-很抱歉先生 -你很抱歉是吧- I'm sorry, sir. - You're sorry, are you?咱们来看看什么叫抱歉We'll find out about sorry.-你知道我的规矩 -规矩- You know my rules. - Rules.-每个瓶子扣半天工钱 -半天工钱- Half a day's pay per bottle. - Per bottle.是那个出了名的会咬人的小子啊过来The famous biting boy. Here.会咬人的小子过来Biting boy. Here.我有幸认识你的继父I have the happiness of knowing your step... father. 继...父Step... father.-他有着强硬的性格 -格- A man of a strong character. - 'aracter.-给他挂上堂格伊 -挂上堂格伊- Tie it to him, Tungay. - To him, Tungay.是在叫我抱歉That's me. Sorry.他咬人看看他背上的字写了什么Look at the writing on his back. What's it say?写的是他咬人It says he bites.开门Open the door!你跑不了的You can't get away!骗子我们知道你在里面Swindler! We know you're in there!-开门啊米考伯 -米考伯你在吗- Come on, Micawber! - Micawber, are you in there? -快开门 -把门拆了- Come on, open the door! - Take it off its hinges!开门啊米考伯快开门Come on, Micawber! Open the door now!你是米考伯先生吗Are you Mr. Micawber?-你是科波菲尔少爷吗 -是我- Are you Master Copperfield? - I am indeed. 你好吗科波菲尔少爷How do you do, Master Copperfield?-挺好的 -科波菲尔少爷- Very good. - Master Copperfield,请你帮我个大忙it would be of material assistance to me去跟那几位先生一起if you would join those gentlemen,重复他们诽谤我的叫喊然后说echo their slanderous cries,"额在后面他要跑惹""'Ere, round the back. He's flittin'."来在后面Here, round the back...-是"额" -来- 'Ere. - Here.额就像耳朵的耳Ear, as in the aural organ.-耳 -额在后面- Ear. - 'Ere. Round the back.他要跑了He's flitting.-跑惹 -跑惹- Flittin'. - Flittin'.没错非常好Precisely. Splendid.来吧时不我待Now, there's no time like the present.开门Open up!快开门Come on!还钱拜托Pay up the money, please!-米考伯 -额在后面他...- Micawber! - 'Ere! Round the back. 'E's...-怎么了 -跑惹- What? - ...flittin'.跑惹是吗米考伯Flittin', is he? Micawber!他在那米考伯过来There he is! Micawber, come here, you!-我们明天会再来米考伯 -你躲不了一辈子- We'll be back tomorrow, Micawber. - You can't hide forever. 别以为你逃脱了You haven't got away with this.表现得太棒了科波菲尔少爷A bravura performance, Master Copperfield.欢迎欢迎来到寒舍Welcome. Welcome to our humble home.-他们是... -他们啊...- Who are the...? - Those are, um...他们就是豺狼是鬣狗Jackals is what they are! Hyenas!幸会Pleasure to make your acquaintance.这位女士是我的挚爱科波菲尔少爷This woman is the apple of my eye, Master Copperfield.是指引我心灵方向的北极星The lodestar upon whom the sextant of my heart is set.简而言之是我妻子In short, my wife.你好How do you do?-你还欠我蜡烛快还来 -赶紧走会还你的- I'm owed for candles. Pay me. - On your way. You will be paid. -钟注意钟 -把钟给我- Clock. Clock. - No, give me that clock.放手你这可怕的怪物Hands off, you horrible creature.-钟可是很值钱的 -米考伯- Clock, very valuable. - Micawber!别烦我了Leave me alone!-谢了 -不不行- Thank you. - No! No! No!好吧我受够了Oh, right, that's it!不能忍♥了That is it!太过分了This is too much!我要做个了结我的刮脸刀呢I shall end it. Where's my razor?-刮脸刀 -应该没卖♥♥- Razor. - I don't think we sold it.刮脸刀Razor!够锋利痛快了结Swift, final.-就让他们拿走我的命吧 -不行抱着- Let them have their blood. - Never! Hold that.如果你要离去我也随你去If you are to exit, then so shall I!如果能帮上忙的话我这里If it would help, I have some money还有点摩德斯通先生给我的饭钱from Mr. Murdstone for my supper.他的指尖有天使Angels in his fingertips.请用There you go.米考伯夫人做的羊排可是远近闻名的Mrs. Micawber is renowned for her way with a mutton chop. -你们要来一块吗 -不不- Would you care for one? - No, no.那是你专享的羊排和洋芋Those are your specific chops and your particular taters.非常欢迎你们共享这简直堪比皇家御宴You'd be very welcome. This is a royal banquet.真好吃Ooh, very nice."那是你专享的羊排"They're your particular chops还有你专享的洋芋"and your specific taters.""洋芋""Taters."伦敦充满了奇迹和邪恶London is full of more wonders and wickedness比地球上任何城市都多than all the cities of the earth.城市Cities.而我们大卫可以选择去任何地方And it's ours, David, to go wherever we choose.那边不行那边都是债主过不去No, not down there. Creditors make that road impassable.有两个裁缝还有个最不可理喻的做松饼的Two tailors and a most unreasonable muffin man.又出现了更多债主More creditors.一个磨刀的一个挤奶工还有个卖♥♥花的疯子A knife grinder, a dairyman and an unhinged florist.你会发现我们在经济上落后了You find us fallen back financially但东边不亮西边亮but something shall turn up.但我们不会无路可走吗But won't we run out of roads?已经无路可走了快跑I think we already have. Run!过来Come here!那是圣保罗教堂There's St Paul's.向前右转右转对Forward! Right! Right! Right.他真是操作塞瓶器的好手He's a corker of a corker.一分钟五个Five a minute.继续威尔逊要不然Keep at it, Wilson, else我得塞六个来补上你的四个I'll have to cork six to make up for your four.跳想象你是一位杂技演员Jump. Imagine you're an acrobat.好多了很好再快点Much better. Good. Faster.希望你今天过得比我精彩I hope your day was more remarkable than mine.当然离不开数不过来的瓶子It certainly involved a remarkable number of bottles.如果米考伯先生从你今天If Mr. Micawber had but a shilling在仓库塞的每个瓶子上赚一先令...for each bottle you corked in the warehouse today...我依旧得面对令人头痛的债务I should still face a remarkably disheartening pile of debt. 我就像我们院子里皱缩的番茄一样I'm like the tomatoes shrivelling in our yard.总之已经枯了In short, blighted.-有访客吗 -法警藏起...- Are we expecting visitors? - Bailiffs. Hide...把勺子藏起来Hide the spoons!-孩子 -是地毯- The child. - It's the rug.-地毯 -我来- The rug. - I've got it.抓住孩子Get the child.我的孩子Me child!抓住地毯放开Hold the rug. Off it.-怎么回事 -法警我们完了- What's happening? - Bailiffs. We are undone.我们没有出头之日了要进债务人监狱了The sun goes down upon us. The debtors' prison awaits. 窗帘他把窗帘拿走了The curtains. He's taking the curtains.那不是你们的鸡肉That is not your chicken.你们在偷正直之人的鸡肉You're stealing an honest man's chicken.至少让他吃完饭再说你们这些野蛮人At least let him finish his meal, you malicious apes.别动米考伯他很娇嫩的Hands off Micawber. He bruises like a peach. 玛莎法警们带走了玛莎Oh, Martha! The bailiffs are taking Martha. -来过来 -好了- Here. Come here. - All right.这下你们满意了吧I trust you're happy.那都是我的东西That's all my stuff!圣保罗教堂St Paul's.东边不亮西边亮Until something turns up.科波菲尔Copperfield!-进来 -进来- Come in. - Come in.-你继父告诉我 -我- Your stepfather informs me... - Me.-你妈妈生病了 -生病了- That your mama is ill. - Ill.-她病得重吗 -告诉他- How ill is she? - Tell him.-珍 -珍- Jane. - Jane.-请告诉我 -我不会骗你的- Tell me, please. - I won't deceive you.-病得很重 -病得很重- Very ill. - Very ill.-病得很重 -病得很重- Very ill? - Very ill?病入膏肓Dangerously ill.她死了She's dead.我们...我们很遗憾We're, uh... We're very sorry.那...那她的葬礼呢And...? And her funeral?-在周六 -周六- On Saturday. - Saturday.周六Saturday.我是现在和你回去还是晚点坐马车回去Ought I to come back with you now or take a later coach? 不是上周六她已经下葬了No, it was the Saturday just gone. She's buried.-我们不想太麻烦 -麻烦- We didn't want a fuss. - Fuss.-科波菲尔 -科波菲尔- Copperfield. - Copperfield.科波菲尔这一下我不怪你你心情不好Copperfield, I will allow you that. You are upset.-但别... -别...- But do not... - Do not...好了到此为止扣半天工钱Right, that's it. Half a day's pay.一天工钱为零半天也是零Half of nothing is nothing.看你现在过度反应的举止Given the manner of your overreaction,不让你参加葬礼也是件好事it is a good thing you were not at the funeral.一个人已经一无所有了你还能夺走他什么You can't take something from someone who has nothing! -什么 -考虑一下你的未来孩子- Nothing! - You think of your future, boy.除了你的贝琪姑婆你已经没有亲人了Apart from your Aunt Betsey, you are without relatives. 我不该受到这种对待远不应该I deserve more than this. Far more!大卫David!你们两个就是恶鬼You two are ghosts.你们在我眼里早死了You've always been dead.安静Quiet!安静Quiet!距离多佛37公里那是我的盒子不Hey! That's my box! No!那是...That's...!站住你这个恶棍Hey! Hey! You scoundrel!打扰一下你知道乔特伍德女士住在哪里吗Excuse me. Do you know where Miss Trotwood lives?向那边走两公里About a mile up that way.祝你好运她像只生产的獾一样凶Good luck. She's fierce like a birthing badger.谢谢Thank you.注意这片草地禁止驴子进入珍妮特驴Janet! Donkeys!驴Donkeys!走开Go on!走开走远点Go on! Go away!离开我的草坪我要拧下你们的耳朵Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Get off my lawn! I'll box your ears!走远点这里不准有驴闯入Off you go! This is a donkey-free zone!走开Move it!-真是无礼 -有人吗拜托来人啊- Cheek of it. - Somebody! Somebody, please!查理一世我们确定他死了吗King Charles I. Are we certain that he's dead?他最后一次出现在公众面前时脑袋和身体分家了When last seen in public, his head was not attached to his body. 很好谢谢非常感谢Good. Thank you. Much obliged.那有个男孩Boy there.别别走开这里不需要年轻人我有园艺叉。




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大卫科波菲尔英文版第三章David Copperfield's childhood

大卫科波菲尔英文版第三章David Copperfield's childhood

3 David the orphanLife went on as normal for me at school,until my birthday two months later in March. I remember that day very well. It was cold,icy weather, and we boys had to blow on our fingers and rub our hands to keep warm in the freezing classrooms. When a message came for me to go and see Mr Creakle,I thought that Peggotty must have sent me a birthday present,and so I hurried gladly along to his room. But there I realized something unusual had happened,because it was Mr Creakle’ s wife who was waiting to speak to me. ‘David,my child, ’ she said kindly, holding my hand, ‘we all have to accept that our loved ones can die at any moment.’ I looked at her,trying to understand what she meant.‘I'm sorry to tell you,’she continued, ‘that your mothe r is dangerously ill.’ There was a mist in front of my eyes,and suddenly burning tears ran down my face.I knew the truth.‘Your mother is dead,’ she said. I was already sobbing loudly and I felt I was an orphan,quite alone in the world. Mrs Creakle packed my case herself,andsent me home on the coach for the funeral. I did not realize at the time that I would never return to Salem House. When I arrived home,Peggotty met me at the door, and we cried miserably in each other’ s arms. Mr Murdstone seemed very sad,and did not speak to me at all. Miss Murdstone, however,showed her usual firmness of character(which she and her brother were so proud of)by checking that I had brought all my clothes back from school. After that she showed no interest in me at all.There was a deathly stillness in the house. Peggotty took me up to the room where my dear mother's dead body lay,with my little brother, who had died a few hours after her. Everything was fresh and clean in the room,but I could not look at my mother's lovely face, which would never smile at me again,without crying. ‘How did it happen,Peggotty?’I asked, sobbing. ‘She was ill for a long time,Master David. She got worse after the baby was born,you see. She was sometimes unhappy and forgetful,but she was always the same to me, her old Peggotty. Those two downstairs often spoke crossly to her and made her sad,but she still loved them,you know—she was so sweet andloving!I always sat beside her while she went to sleep. It made her feel better,she said. There was a short silence while Peggotty dried her eyes,then took both my hands in hers.‘On the last night,she asked me for some water, and then gave me such a patient smile!She looked so beautiful!The sun was beginning to rise,and she put her head on my arm,on her stupid cross old Peggotty's arm, and died like an innocent child going to sleep!’ After my mother's funeral,I began to wonder what would happen to me. The Murdstones did not even seem to notice that I was in the house. They had told Peggotty to leave,as they did not what her as their servant any more,so Peggotty was going to her brother's in Yarmouth,until she decided what work to do next. She suggested taking me with her for a holiday,and to my surprise the Murdstones agreed. So next morning Mr Barkis appeared at the door with his cart,and Peggotty's cases were put on it. We climbed up and sat beside him. Peggotty was naturally a little sad to leave her old home,where she had been so happy with my mother and me,and at first she cried a little. But when Mr Barkis saw her drying her eyes and looking more cheerful,he too began to lookhappier,and he whispered to me, ‘Barkis is willing!You told her that!’ Aloud he said to Peggotty,‘Are you comfortable?’Peggotty laughed and said that she was.‘And are you comfortable,Master David?’be asked.I said that I was. Mr Barkis was so pleased with this conversation that he repeated it many times during the journey,and Peggotty and I both had to keep giving him the same answer.When we arrived in Yarmouth and got down from the cart,we said goodbye to Mr Barkis. Daniel and Ham Peggotty were waiting for us. Daniel and Ham were exactly the same as I remembered them,cheerful and generous as ever, but little Emily seemed different somehow She was taller and prettier,but she did not want to play with me,or spend her time with me. I was rather disappointed,because I still considered she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen,and I thought I was in love with her. Daniel and Ham were very proud ofher intelligence and beauty,and just smiled when she laughingly refused to sit next to me. But they all listened with interest to my stories of school life at Salem House.I told them about the other boys,especially the handsome, clever Steerforth. I admired him so much that I could not stop myself telling them all about him. Suddenly I noticed that Emily was listening eagerly,her blue eyes shining and a smile on her lips. She blushed when she saw that we were all looking at her,and hid her face behin d her hands. ‘Emily's like me,’said Peggotty kindly, ‘and would like to see David's friend Mr Steerforth.’ The days passed happily,although Emily and I did not play together as we had done before. Mr Barkis was a frequent visitor,and soon Peggotty explained to me that she had decided to marry him. ‘I’ ll love you just as much,David, my dear, when I'm married!’ she told me,holding me close to her.‘And I'll be able to come and see you in the cart any time I like. Barkis is a good man and I'm sure I'll be ha ppy with him. He’ s got a nice little house,and I'll keep a little bedroom there for you to use whenever you want. You'll always be welcome to come and stay!’So when I returned to Blunderstone,Peggotty had become Mrs Barkis,and I was glad to think of her in her own house,with a husband to take care of her. At home,my stepfather and his sister did not seem pleased to see me,and were clearly trying to find a way of getting rid of me. As they considered school too expensive,they finally arranged for me to start work,although I was still only ten years old, and very small for my age. I was sent to London,to work in a warehouse in the east of the city,near the river. My job was to wash bottles,which would then be filled with wine,or to pack the filled bottles in cases. I was paid only six shillings a week. There were several other boys who worked with me,but I was the only one who had been to school. All the warehouse workers were coarse,rough people, who were used to working in dirty conditions for long hours. No words can describe the horror I felt,when I realized what my life was going to be like from now on. I was deeply ashamed at having such a job and I was also afraid that I would forget everything I had learnt from my mother and my teachers.I would never find friends like Traddles or Steerforth,or be able to get a better position in life. It was anextremely unhappy time for me. My stepfather had asked Mr Quinion,the manager, to find me somewhere to stay in London,so at the end of my first day I was called to Mr Quinion's office and introduced to animportant-looking,rather fat, middle-aged man with a head as bald as an egg. His name was Mr Micawber,and he offered me a spare room in the house he was renting with his family. I agreed to take it,and Mr Micawber and I walked home together. The Micawbers were obviously very poor,but tried hard not to let this show. The house had several floors of rather dirty,empty rooms with very little furniture. Mrs Micawber was a thin,tired-looking woman with a baby in her arms. The baby was one of twins,and in all my experience of the family, I never saw Mrs Micawber without at least one of the twins. They also had a four-year-old son and athree-year-old daughter. Their only servant was a young orphan girl. ‘ I never thought,’Mrs Micawber told me sadly as she showed me my room,‘ when I lived with Mother and Father, before I was married,that I would ever be as poor as this. But as Mr Micawber is for the moment in difficulties,I must of course accept thesituation. I'm afraid he owes a lot of money,but his creditors will just have to wait!You can't get blood out of a stone,nor can anyone get any money at all out of Mr Micawber at present!’ I soon realized that neither Mr nor Mrs Micawger had ever been able to manage money.The little that Mr Micawber earned was not enough,either to keep his creditors happy, or to pay for the needs of his growing family. So his creditors were constantly at the door,demanding payment, and meals were rather irregular in the Micawber house. Mr and Mrs Micawber's moods varied according to the situation. One moment Mr Micawber looked extremely miserable and depressed,the next he was brushing his shoes and singing a song before going out. Mrs Micawber's character was similar to her hus band's. Sometimes I came home to find her lying on the floor,with her hair undone,looking wild and desperate, but an hour later she was cheerfully eating a good supper. I lived with these kind people for several months,and became very fond of them. I bought my own food out of my wages,because I knew the Micawbers hardly ever had enough for themselves,and I lived mostly on bread and cheese.As they were so short of money,once or twice I offered to lend them a few shillings,which they refused to accept.But at last Mr Micawber's creditors became tired of waiting for their money,and went to the police, who arrested him for debt. He was taken to the King's Prison,and asked me to visit him there. When I arrived,I was shown to his room, where he was waiting for me. He seemed quite brokenhearted,and even cried a little.‘This is a black day for me,Copperfield!’ he sobbed.‘I hope my mistakes will be a warning to young people like you!Remember,if a man earns twenty pounds a year, and spends nineteen pounds and nineteen shillings,the result is happiness. But if he spends twenty pounds and one shilling,the result is misery!By the way,Copperfield,could you lend me a shilling for some beer?Mrs Micawber will pay you back as soon as you arrive home. ’ And when th e beer arrived,he appeared much more cheerful. We had a pleasant evening,telling stories and jokes. He stayed in prison for several weeks,and I visited him regularly.I was delighted to hear on one of my visits that he would soon be free,as his creditors had unwillingly accepted thefact that he had no way of paying his debts. I gave the news to Mrs Micawber when I returned home. We celebrated by sharing our supper and a glass of wine together. ‘May I ask what you will do,madam, when Mr Micawber is free?’I asked politely. ‘My family,’ said Mrs Micawber grandly, ‘believe that Mr Micawber should move to the country,to Devon, and carry on his business interests there. Mr Micawber is a very clever man,Master Copperfield.’‘I'm sure he is,’ I agreed. ‘Alth ough they haven't found anything exactly right for him yet,my family think he should be ready, in Devon, in case something turns up.’She put down her empty glass. ‘And will you be going with him,madam?’ I asked. ‘I must!I will!’Mrs Micawber's voice rose t o a scream.‘He is my life!My love!My husband!The father of my children!I will never desert Mr Micawber!You can't ask me to desert him!’ I felt very uncomfortable,as I had not asked her to desert him at all,but she soon became calm again and finished her supper.I was becoming used to the Micawbers’ changes of mood. I now realized that when the Micawbers left London,as they were planning todo,I would be very lonely in the city. I still hated my work in the warehouse,and wanted to make a better life for myself.I thought about it for a long time,and decided there was only one thing I could do. I would try to find my one surviving relation,my father's aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood,and ask her to help me. I knew she lived somewhere near Dover,in Kent.I could go there by coach, be-cause Peggotty had once sent me ten shillings to keep,in case I ever needed it.The time had come to use that money.3 孤儿大卫学校生活一切照常,直到两个月后我三月份生日的那天。


How to appreciate a novel
Task I (1-5)
Task I (6-10)
Task II (1-3)
Task II (4-6)
展示点评要求 展示同学,书写工整,语言力求简洁规范。 点评同学声音洪亮,语言尽可能简洁。可补充拓展。 非点评同学认真听讲,及时做笔记;积极动脑质疑或补充。
He was born after his father (1) .

The effects of money on people’s lives In some way, the restless pursuit of money is the evil which destroys people’s life.
Characters in David Copperfield
He was (6) by his aunt and Mr. Dick.
He (7) education and met Agnes.
He became a famous (8) and (9)__ Dora. He reunited with Anges
Preview checking
Preview checking
Preview checking
David Copperfield
aunt: Miss Betsay Trotwood
Mr. Wickfield’s clerk: Uriah Heep
second wife: Agnes Wickfield
Wealth and Class

大卫科波菲尔英文版第四章David Copperfield's childhood

大卫科波菲尔英文版第四章David Copperfield's childhood

Chapter four David and his aunt So,after helping the Micawbers to pack their few clothes,and waving goodbye to them at the coach sta-tion on their way to Devon,I went to the warehouse for my last day at work.I did not tell anyone I would not be coming back the following week. In the evening I packed my case,and put the ten shillings in the little purse Peggotty had once given me.I looked around for someone to help me with my case,which was rather heavy for me, and saw a tall young man with a horse and cart passing by.…Could you please take my case to the coach station?‟ I asked him politely.The young man put the case into his cart. Then,looking round quickly to make sure there were no witnesses,he pushed me roughly against the wall and took my purse out of my trembling hand. Before I could say a word,he had driven the horse and cart down the road and out of sight round the corner.I knew I would never see him,my case or my ten shillings again.I sat down on the pavement and cried. Now I had lost ev-erything I owned in the world,and had no money for the coach fare to Dover.In the end I decided I would have to walk there,and I started the long journey. It took me six days to cover the hundred kilometres,as I got tired very easily, and had to rest.I sold my jacket for a shilling,so that I could buy bread and milk on the way,and at night I slept in disused farm buildings or under trees.Sometimes I was afraid of the dangerous-looking beggars and thieves I met on the road,but I knew I had to keep going.As I walked,I thought of my mother's gentle,pretty face.I felt sure she would approve of what I was doing,and that encouraged me to continue.But when I arrived in Dover,it seemed a much larger town than I had imagined.I spent a whole morning asking people if they knew where Miss Betsey Trotwood lived.Finally I found someone who recognized the name and showed me the way to her house.I stood at her front door,in the neat little garden,for a few moments,trembling with fear,and wondering what my aunt would think of me.My face and hands were dirty,my hair was unbrushed,and my clothes were torn and dusty.Perhaps she wouldn't even want to invite me into her house!Just then a handsome but strict-looking grey-haired woman came out of the door towards me.I knew she must be my aunt.…Go away!'she said crossly.…I don't allow anyone to walk on my grass!‟…Please,madam,‟I said bravely,…please,aunt…‟…WHAT?‟cried Miss Betsey in great surprise.…Please,aunt,I'm your nephew.‟…Good heavens!‟she cried,and sat down rather suddenly on the grass.…I'm David Copper field,your nephew's son,of Blunder stone in Suffolk,where you came on the night I was born,and saw my dear mother.I've been very unhappy since she died.My stepfather sent me to work in London,and I hated it,and ran away,and someone stole my case and my money,and I've had to walk all the way,and I haven't slept in a bed for six nights!‟Here my selfcontrol broke,and I fell to the ground,sobbing bitterly.My aunt jumped to her feet,picked me up and took me into her sitting-room,where she mixed some medicine in a glass and made me drink it.She also wrapped me in a large blanket and put me on her sofa.Then she rang the bell for her servant,Janet.…Please ask Mr Dick to come here,Janet,‟she said.A tall,grey-haired,pleasant-looking gentleman entered a few minutes later,laughing rather strangely to himself.…Now,Mr Dick,‟said my aunt firmly,…don't be a fool,because we all know you're intelligent.‟Mr Dick looked very serious at once.…No doubt you remember t hat I had a nephew,David Copperfield?Well,this is his son.He has run away.‟…Oh,really?David's son!Run away!Well!‟said Mr Dick.…Now the question is,Mr Dick,what shall I do with him?‟…Well—‟Mr Dick looked vacantly at me,and then sudden ly his eyes shone.…If I were you,I would wash him!‟…Well done,Mr Dick!You always have the right answer!‟said my aunt delightedly.And so they washed me,and gave me clean clothes and deli cious food.While I was eating,my aunt stared at me,occa sionally whispering…G ood heavens!‟to herself.When she could see that I felt better,she asked me question after ques tion,and I told her the story of my life.…Good heavens!‟she said again,when I had finished.…Why did your poor mother marry again?What a terrible mis take!‟…Perhaps she was in love,‟suggested Mr Dick,smiling his rather foolish smile.…In love!‟said Miss Betsey crossly.…Perhaps the poor silly girl thought she was in love!But now,Mr Dick,another question.What should we do with the boy?‟…Well—'said Mr Dick,thinking.Then an idea suddenly came to him.…You should put him to bed!‟…Thank you again,Mr Dick,for your common sense!‟said my aunt happily.…Janet,put the boy to bed!‟And so,in a comfortable clean little bed,in a pleasant airy room at the top of Miss Betsey Trotwood's house,I floated away intothe world of my dreams.At breakfast next morning I bravely asked my aunt,…Are you—have you—what's going to happen to me?‟…I've written to your stepfather,‟she replied.…Oh!Are you going to send me back to the Murdstones?Please don't,aunt!Please let me stay here!‟I cried,trembling.…I don't know what I'll do yet.We'll have to wait and see,‟she answered firmly.This news made me very depressed,but there was nothing I could do about it and my aunt soon began to talk about some thing else.…What do you think of Mr Dick,child?‟…He looks a little—well,mad.Is he mad,aunt?‟…Well,his family called him mad,and wanted to lock him up for ever.But I met him,and thought—I still think—he's an extremely sensible,intelligent person.So I offered to take care of him,and he's lived in my house for ten years.Nobody knows what useful advice he's given me!I trust him com pletely!‟When I heard how generous my aunt had been to poor harmless Mr Dick,I began to understand her character better.In spite of her stern appearance and frequent crossness,she was very kind to people who needed her help.I hoped she would be kind to me.Several days later,I was looking out of the sitting-room window when I saw Mr and Miss Murdstone riding into my aunt's garden.My aunt had seen them too,and hurried out,waving her umbrella angrily at them and shouting.…Go away!Don't ride on my grass!Who do you think you are?Go away,I tell you!‟…Aunt!‟I cried out.…They're Mr and Miss Murdstone!‟…I don't care!‟she shouted.…Nobody is allowed to ride on my grass!‟And she went back into her house,banging the door behind her.The Murdstones had to lead their horses out of the garden,and then return to ring the doorbell.They looked very uncomfortable and unsure of themselves.Janet showed them into the sitting-room,where my aunt,Mr Dick and I were waiting.…Miss Trotwood—‟began Mr Murdstone,stepping forward.…Excuse me,‟said my aunt sharply.…I imagine you are the Mr Murdstone who married my nephew's widow.In my opinion,it would have been much better if you had never mar ried the poor Child.‟…I agree with you,Miss Trotwood,‟said Miss Murdstone,smiling falsely.…My brother would certainly have been happi er if he hadn't married her,because I consider poor dear Clara was,in fact,just a child.‟…Fortunately,‟said my aunt,…you and I,madam,are too old andplain for anyone to say that about us.‟Miss Murdstone did not seem eager to agree to this.Her brother,however,wanted to get down to business.…Miss Trotwood,‟he said,a little crossly,…having received your letter,I've come to explain to you,in case you haven't realized it yet,that this boy is extremely wicked and violent.Both my sister and I have tried to change his character,but sadly we have failed.‟…I must add,‟said Miss Murdstone,…that of all the boys in the world,I believe this is the worst boy.‟…I see,‟said my aunt.…Now tell me,has David inherited any money from his father or mother?‟…No,madam,‟answered Mr Murdstone.…My dear Clara naturally trusted me to take care of David,and I'm ready to do that,if he comes back with me now.But I alone shall de cide what to do with him,Miss Trotwood—understand that.I am here,for the first and last time,to take him away.If you decide to keep him with you,you keep him for ever.‟…What do you say,David?‟asked my aunt,turning to me.…Please don't let me go with them,aunt!‟I begged.…They've always been unkind to me,and they made my mother very unhappy.I'll be so miserable if I have to go back with them!‟…What do you think,Mr Dick?‟asked my aunt.Mr Dick thought for a moment.…Get a suit of clothes made for him immediately,‟he said.…What would I do without you,Mr Dick!‟asked my aunt,shaking his hand enthusiastically.Then she turned to Mr Murdstone.…You'd better go.I'll keep the boy and take my chance with him.I don't believe a word of your story.Do you think I don't know how you broke that poor girl's heart?And how you hated her son,and punished him for it?I can see by your face that I'm right.‟We all stared at Mr Murdstone.It was true that his face was white and he was breathing fast.…Good bye,sir,and goodbye to you too,madam,‟added my aunt,turning suddenly to Miss Murdstone.…If I see you riding on my grass again,I'll knock your hat right off your head!‟The Murdstones said nothing in reply to these fierce words,but walked quickly out of the house.…Thank you,thank you,aunt!‟I cried.…I'll do my best to make you proud of me!‟and I kissed her many times.…Mr Dick,you and I will adopt this boy together,‟said my aunt,her stern expression softening into a smile.And so a new life began for me.I was soon able to forget the warehouse and the Murdstones,in learning to please my aunt,and toplay games with Mr Dick,who spent much of his time with me.But one day my aunt suggested that I should go to boarding school in Canterbury.I was delighted,as I was eager to con tinue my studies,and Canterbury was very near my aunt's home in Dover.So the next day my aunt and I went to Can terbury,where I admired the beautiful old buildings in the an cient city centre.…Is it a large school,aunt?‟I asked politely.…I haven't decided which school you'll go to yet,‟she replied.…First we're going to ask my old friend Mr Wickfield's advice about it.He lives and works in Canterbury,you see.‟Soon we stopped in front of a very old house,with a very clean front doorstep,and fresh white curtains at the windows.A strange-looking person,dressed in black,with short red hair and a very thin white face came out to meet us.I thought he must be a servant.He was about fifteen,but looked much older.…Is Mr Wickfield at home,Uriah Heep?‟asked my aunt.…He is,madam,‟replied Uriah,smiling unpleasantly.He showed us into the sitting-room,where I noticed two large paintings on the wall,one of a grey-haired gentleman and the other of a lady with a sweet,gentle face.Just then a gentle man entered the room,looking a little older than his picture.I soon discovered he was Mr Wickfield,my aunt's lawyer.…Mr Wickfield,‟said my aunt,…this is my nephew.I have adopted him,and I want to send him to a good boarding school here in Canterbury.Can you help me find a school for him?‟Mr Wickfield thought for a moment.…There's a very good school I can recommend,Dr Strong's,but the boy can't board there,and it's too far to travel from Dover every day.However,he could live here,if you liked,in my house.There's plenty of room for him.‟…That's very kind of you,Mr Wickfield.I'll pay you for his food,of course,‟said my aunt.…Come and meet Agn es,who takes care of everything and manages the house,‟said Mr Wickfield.We all went upstairs to another sitting-room,prettily furnished,where a girl of my own age was sitting.On her face I saw immediately the beau tiful,calm expression of the lady in the painting downstairs,and I knew she must be Mr Wickfield's daughter,Agnes.When I saw the way Mr Wickfield looked at Agnes and held her hand,I realized that she was the only thing that made life worth living for him.The lady in the painting was her mother,who had died some years before,and Agnes was now in complete charge of the house.She welcomed me warmly as a guest,and showed me the comfortable bedroom I would sleep in.My aunt was very happy to leave me in the care of Mr Wickfield and his daughter.…I mu st leave now,David,‟she told me.…Mr Wickfield will take you to school tomorrow,and make all the arrange ments.I'm sure you will work hard,and do well.‟…Thank you,aunt!‟I said,trying not to cry.…And give my love to Mr Dick!And thank you again!‟When she had gone,I dried my tears and spent a pleasant evening with the Wickfields.We ate supper and talked in the pretty little sitting-room.Agnes played the piano and tried to amuse her father,but he often looked serious and rather sad.During the evening he drank a good deal of wine.I wondered why he seemed unhappy.The next day I had my first experience of a well-organized school.It could not have been more different from Salem House.The headmaster,Dr Strong,was a gentle,kind man who enjoyed teaching and never punished anybody.I soon made friends with the other boys,and as time went on,with the teachers too.But although I liked school very much,I was always happy to return to the Wickfields‟quiet house every evening.There,Agnes used to help me with my studies and listen sympathetically to my problems,and her father always seemed pleased to see me.I often wrote to my aunt and Peg gotty,and Mr Dick came to visit me once a week.The strangest person in my new life was Uriah Heep.Soon afterI arrived in Canterbury,we had a conversation one evening.He was doing a lot of Mr Wickfield's work,and was working late in his small office,just off the hall of the Wick fields‟house.…Come in,come in,Master Copperfield!‟he cried when he saw me passing the door.I entered,and found him reading a large dusty book,and making careful notes in a notebook.…What are you studying,Uriah?‟I asked politely.…I'm going to be a lawyer,‟he replied,rubbing his thin hands together and smiling his oily smile.…You're Mr Wickfield's a ssistant,aren't you?Perhaps one day you'll be his partner,‟I said,trying to make conversation.…Oh no,Master Copperfield!‟cried Uriah,rolling his eyes upwards.…I could never rise so high!No,I'm much too humble for that!But thank you,Master Copperfield,for thinking kindly of me.And may I say,that if ever you have the time(and I'm sure a young gentleman like you is much too busy to spare the time for a poor person like me),my mother and I would be glad to offer you a cup of tea at our humble home.‟…Of co urse—if I have time,‟I answered,and left the room quickly.I did not feel comfortable with him,for some reason.But the following week he invited me to tea again,and I did not want to appear rude,so I agreed.That evening he and I walked to thesmall house where he lived with his mother.It was a warm day and we were drinking our tea near the open door when a gentleman I recognized passed by.It was Mr Mi cawber!He saw me sitting near the door and called out.…Cop perfield!Is it really you?‟I was delighted to see him again,and Mrs Heep invited him in for some tea.I had to introduce him to the Heeps,but I did not think that Uriah would be a good influence on Mr Micaw ber.However,I was interested to discover that the Micawbers were now living in Canterbury,as nothing had…turned up‟in Devon.They seemed to be very short of money again,and surrounded by creditors as usual.I left the Heeps‟house as soon as possible,taking Mr Micawber with me,as I did not want him to tell Uriah all about my life at the warehouse in London.And so the years passed.I learnt everything that Dr Strong and his teachers could teach me,and at seventeen,came to the end of my schooldays.My aunt suggested that,before decid ing what profession to choose,I should spend a month in Lon don or travelling round the country.This would give me time to consider my next step.I agreed enthusiastically,and al though I was sorry to say goodbye to my sweet friend Agnes and her father,I was looking forward to leading the life of an independent young gentleman.4 大卫和他的姨婆就这样,帮着米考伯夫妇整理好不多的衣物,把他们送到去往德文的马车站,与他们挥手告别后,我来到仓库干完了最后一天的活。






















1. 在我生命的早期,我已窥见了命运的秘密,那就是痛苦和欢乐。

2. 永不卑贱,永不虚伪,永不残忍。

3. 我始终牢记:在悲伤与欢乐、失败与成功之间,其界限是极其细微的。

1. In the early part of my life, I had a glimpse of the secret of fate, which is sorrow and joy.
2. Never humble, never hypocritical, never cruel.
3. I always bear in mind that the boundary between sorrow and joy, failure and success, is extremely delicate.


大卫科波菲尔英文版David Copperfield's childhood

大卫科波菲尔英文版David Copperfield's childhood

Chapter five David meets old friends againI decided to go to London first,to stay at a hotel for a few nights,and see all the sights of that great city.I knew it would be very different from the last time I was in London,when I was working at the warehouse.Now I was adult,and educated,and had money.The hotel I chose was called the Golden Cross,and because I looked so young,I was given a very small,dark room in the roof.But I did not feel confident enough to complain.That evening I was returning from the theatre when I recognized someone going into the hotel.I could not prevent my self from saying at once,‘Steerforth!Do you remember me?’He stared at me for a moment.Then he cried,‘Good heavens!It's little Copperfield!’I was so delighted to see him that I held both his hands,saying,‘My dear Steerforth,you have no idea how pleased I am to see you again!’I remembered how much I had admired him,and all my love for him came back.I had to brush away the tears from my eyes.‘Don't cry,Copperfield,old boy!’he said kindly.‘I'm glad to see you too.What are you doing here?’‘I've just finished school,and my aunt has sent me to Lon don to look around before deciding on a profession.What about you,Steerforth?’‘Well,I'm studying at Oxford University,but nothing ex citing ever happens there!That's why I'm in London for a few days.But it's boring here too,isn't it?’‘In London?’I asked,surprised.‘I think it's wonderful!There's so much to do and see!I've just been to the theatre—the actors were excellent and—’‘David,David!’laughed Steerforth.‘It does me good to see your fresh,innocent face,so full of excitement!Now,let me see,which room are staying in?’‘Number 44.It's rather high up,’I confessed,blushing.‘They've put you in number 44?I'll soon change that.’And when Steerforth complained to the manager,I was imme diately given a large,airy,comfortable room on the first floor,next to his.That night as I fell asleep I thought happily of the next few days,which Steerforth and I were planning to spend together.A week passed very quickly,with visits to the theatre,the museums and the zoo.We went sightseeing,riding,swimming and boating.Steerforth was the perfect companion to have,and I admired him even more than before.In fact,I loved him with all my heart.One day I said to him,‘You know,Steerforth,I really must goand visit my mother's old servant,Peggotty.She was very good to me when I was a child.’‘Yes,David,I remember you told me.She lives in Yarmouth now,doesn't she?Why don't we go there together?’‘Oh yes,Steerforth!You'd enjoy meeting her brothef,and all the family!They're very kind,good people.’‘Even if they are only working people,’said Steerforth.I looked quickly at him to see what he meant,but he was smiling at me,so I knew he was joking,and I smiled too.We travelled to Yarmouth by coach,and when we arrived,Steerforth stayed at the hotel while I went to Barkis's house to find Peggotty.When I knocked at the door,Peggotty opened it,and did not recognize me for a moment.I had continued to write to her regularly,but we had not seen each other for seven years,and I was no longer the small boy she remembered.But when she realized I was her Master David,she sobbed and sobbed with delight,holding me in her arms as she had always done.Soon she was calmer,and we talked about the events of the last few years.I heard that she was very happy with Mr Barkis,who;however,was ill in bed at the time.She was so pleased to see me that she insisted I should sleep at her house during my stay in Yarmouth,in the little bedroom she had al ways kept for me.The next day I took Steerforth with me to visit Daniel Peg gotty.It was a dark and windy winter evening.As we came closer to the old boat,we heard happy voices and laughter in side.I opened the door,and suddenly I was surrounded by Daniel,Ham and Emily,all looking very surprised.‘Look!It's Master David!Look how he's grown!’And for a moment we were all shaking hands and talking and laughing at the same time.I did not forget to introduce Steerforth.They welcomed him warmly as my best friend.‘Well!’cried Daniel Peggotty,his large face red and shin ing with delight.‘It's wonderful,Master David,that you two gentlemen have come here tonight of all nights!The best night of my life!Because tonight,gentlemen,my little Emily—’and he took Emily's small white hand in his rough red one and placed it on his heart—‘has agreed to become Ham's wife!’‘I congratulate you with all my heart,’said Steerforth politely to Ham,without taking his eyes off Emily,who was blushing prettily.‘Master David knows how I love this girl,’continued old Daniel,‘and my dearest wish was for her to have a good husband to take care of her.And there's no one I trust more than Ham!He's only a rough sailor like me,but he's honest,and sincere,and I know she'll come to no harm while he lives!’Meanwhile,Ham was blushing too.I did not know what to say,unsure whether I still loved Emily and was therefore jealous of Ham,or whether I was glad they were going to be happy together.But steerforth always knew the right thing to say,and with a few well-chosen words he made us all feel much more comfortable.We spent the rest of the evening very pleasantly,telling stories and singing songs,and it was midnight when Steerforth and I left the old boat.‘Well!’said Steerforth to me as we walked across the sand in the cold night air.‘What a lovely girl!And what a coarse young man she's engaged to!’I was shocked by these unexpectedly cold words.But when I turned to him and saw him smiling,I replied warmly,‘Ah,Steerforth!You pretend to laugh at people who are poorer or less educated than yourself,but I've just seen you spend the whole evening with the Peggotty family,making them happy!I know you understand and love them,and I admire you all the more for it!’He stopped and looked at me,saying rather sadly,‘David,you're serious,aren't you?I wish I were as good as you!’For the next two weeks I was often with Peggotty and Barkis,while Steerforth went sailing or fishing with Daniel and Ham,orfound other things to do,so I did not see very much of him.Finally we decided to return to London.While we were travelling back on the coach,I turned to say something,and was surprised to see how miserable he looked.‘Oh,David!’he said unhappily.‘I wish I c ould control myself better!I hate myself sometimes!’‘Steerforth!What can you mean!’I cried.‘You're the best,the most intelligent,the kindest of men!’‘Thank you,David,’he said,shaking his head,‘but you don't know how bad I am.’‘Bad!’I repeated.‘My dear Steerforth!Don't say that!I know your character well,and I'm proud to call you my friend!’In a little while his mood changed,and he became cheerful again.I soon forgot his words,but I remembered them later.In London I discovered that my aunt had arrived at the Colden Cross Hotel,and had booked a room there for several days.We were delighted to see each other,and had a long conversation that evening.She had come to ask me a particular question.‘David,’she said very seriously,‘I've been thinking about your future profession.How would you feel about becoming a lawyer?’I thought for a moment.‘Well,aunt,it sounds a very good idea.I confess I hadn't considered it before,but I think I'd like it.’‘Very good,’said my aunt,jumping up.‘In that case,let's go immediately to see Mr Spenlow.He's a partner in an important law firm,and I think he'll agree to train you.We'll have to pay him,of course,but after several years you'll be a properly trained lawyer,and be able to earn your own money.’And so we carried out this plan.My aunt paid Mr Spenlow's firm a thousand pounds,and I promised to work hard and do my best to become a successful lawyer.Before she returned to Dover,my aunt rented a small flat for me,at the top of a house near the lawcourts,and I moved in at once.At first it seemed very exciting to walk through the busy streets after a long day in the courts or at Mr Spenlow's dusty office,and know that I had my own home to return to.But when I had climbed up all the stairs,and entered my sitting room,it no longer seemed so exciting.In fact,my flat looked empty and depressing.So,after two days of loneliness,I was very glad to receive my first visitor,Steerforth,and because I was so happy to see him,I invited him and two friends of his to dinner the next evening.As it was my first dinner party,I did not know what to buy,but I ordered cooked dishes of chicken and fish from the restaurant,bought cheese and fruit from the market,and had a large number of bottles of wine delivered.I was quite fright ened by how muchmoney I had spent,but when Steerforth and his friends arrived,I soon became more cheerful.The party was a great success,and we all enjoyed ourselves very much.We ate,and drank,and smoked,and drank again.I was constantly opening bottles of wine,and became unusually talkative.I began to feel rather strange,and when I caught sight of myself in a mirror,I seemed very pale.I had to confess to myself that I looked drunk.Someone suggested going to the theatre,and in a kind of mist we left my flat and walked through the streets.Steerforth was holding my arm and laughing.Then a man in a little box looked out of the fog,and took money from somebody.Soon we were sitting high up in a very hot,very crowded theatre.There were bright lights,and there was music,but I could not understand what anyone was saying,and the whole building seemed to swim in front of my eyes.Then someone suggested going to visit some friends in an other part of the theatre,so we went downstairs.Suddenly I saw,quite clearly,Agnes Wickfield,sitting with a lady and gentleman.She was looking at me with a surprised expression on her face.‘Good heavens!’I cried.‘Agnes!You're in London!’‘Quiet!’she whispered.‘People are trying to listen to the actors.You'll disturb them!’Then s he added kindly,‘David,pleasedo what I say.Ask your friends to take you home.’I had always taken Agnes's advice,and I did so this time.I do not remember how I got home,but I do remember Steer forth helping me to undress and get into bed.What a terrible,sleepless night I spent!How ill I felt!How dry my mouth was!But the next morning I felt even worse.I was so miser able and ashamed that I had been so stupid,and that Agnes had seen me drunk.I could not even apologize to her,because I did not know where she was staying in London.I spent the whole day with my head in my hands,in my dirty,smoky room,surrounded by empty wine bottles.But the next day a note was delivered to my flat.It was from Agnes,asking me to visit her at the house where she was staying.I went straight there after my day's work at the office.She looked so quiet and good,and reminded me so much of my happy schooldays in Canterbury,that I could not help crying.‘I'm so sorry,Agnes,’I said,‘that you saw me like that.I wish I were dead!’‘David,don't be unhappy,’she said cheerfully.‘You know you can trust me,and I'll always be your friend.’I took her hand and kissed it.‘Agnes,you're my good angel!’She shook her head.‘No,David,but if I were,I'd warn you—to stay away from your bad angel.’‘My dear Agnes!’I cried.‘Do you mean Steerforth?’‘I do,David,’she replied,looking firmly at me.‘Agnes,you're wrong!He is my trusted friend!He helps and guides me!It wasn't his fault that I got drunk,you know!’‘I wasn't thinking of that.I judge him from what you've told me about him,and your character,and his influence over you.’Agnes spoke very seriously,and her words went straight to my heart.‘I'm certain I'm right.You've made a dangerous friend,David,because you're so trusting.Please remember what I say—and forgive me for saying it.’‘I will,if you forgive me for getting drunk.’Agnes agreed,smiling,and then said suddenly,‘Have you seen Uriah Heep?’‘No,’I replied.‘Is he in London?What's he doing here?’‘I'm worried,David,’answered Agnes with sadness in her beautiful eyes.‘I think he's going to be Father's partner.’I remembered Uriah Heep's oily smile,and how uncomfort able he always used to make me feel.‘What?That creature?He's so unpleasant!You must pre vent your father from agreeing to it,Agnes!’Agnes smiled miserably.‘My poor father has no choice.You know how unhappy he has often been?And of course you've seenhim drinking.You see,he loved my mother very much,and when she died,he didn't care so much about his work.That's when he started drinking.Uriah's very clever—he knows all this,and he's been very useful to Father,doing all the work that Father had forgotten or didn't want to do.Father really needs Uriah now,to keep his business going.And Uriah himself pretends to be humble and grateful,but in fact he's in a strong position,and is insisting on becoming a partner.Father is ashamed of himself,but he has to agree.Poor Father!I'd do anything to help him,any thing!’And Agnes sobbed bitterly.I had never seen Agnes cry before.It made me so sad that I could only say helplessly,‘My dear Agnes!Please don't cry!’However,in a few minutes she was calm again,and I was able to leave her,promising to visit her and her father in Canter bury very soon.5 大卫重逢老朋友我决定先到伦敦,在旅馆里住上几天,把那大城市的风光景致游览个遍。



⼤卫科波菲尔英⽂简介 ⼤卫科波菲尔,美国魔术师。


下⾯是店铺给⼤家整理的⼤卫科波菲尔英⽂简介,供⼤家参阅! ⼤卫科波菲尔简介 David Copperfield (David Copperfield, September 16, 1956), formerly known as David Seth Kotkin, American magician. ⼤卫科波菲尔⼈物经历 1968, 12-year-old David Copperfield in the magic world cut a striking figure, the United States Magic Association has become the youngest member ever. In 1972, only 16 years old David taught "Magic Art" courses at New York University. In 1974, David starred in the musical "The Magic" and began to create his own magic. In 1977, David launched his television career and made the name "David Copperfield" a success. In 1979, David played a role in the film "Horror Train", revealing his performance talent. In 1980, David became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the title of "Magic of the Year" by the American Society of Magic Arts. In 1981, David in a full view of a 7-ton jet jet disappeared. In the same year, the American Artists Association awarded him the "Entertainment of the Year" award. In 1982, David created a "magic plan" to treat the disease with magic and improve the body's sensitivity. In 1983, in front of many of the audience and 50 million television viewers, New York's Statue of Liberty in David's wand suddenly without a trace. In 1984, David became the first magician to sign a long-term performance contract with the world-famous Las Vegas CEASAR Palace. In 1985, David was elected as "the nation's top ten outstanding figures." In 1986, David crossed the Great Wall, "David and the team is the first in the People's Republic of China to produce American television special program of the US production group." In 1987, David escaped from the guardian of the United States Alcatel-Lucent federal prison, becoming the first person to escape from the prison in history. In 1988, David spoke on behalf of the United States at the Seoul Olympic Games. In 1989, David got out of a blasting building. In 1991, David made a long 85 feet, 70 tons of Oriental Express instantly disappeared. In 1992, David created the classic magic "flying", became the first without the use of rope and camera skills to fly the magician, at the same time, the program was criticized as the greatest ever a magic show. In 1993, in the TV special program "Passion of Fire", David out of the rope tied up in the body is burning, from the height of tens of meters away. He then torn and restored a $ 1 million collection card in front of a famous hockey star. In 1995, David became the only contemporary magician to get a shining star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 1996, David named "dream and nightmare" large-scale performance to break the Broadway box office record. In 2000, David was named the century FISM magician, and by the US Library of Congress as "century legend." In 2001, he and his supernatural powers to accurately predict the German national lottery winning number ... ... In 2001, David's large-scale stage program "entrance" for the first time to China, in Hong Kong and Guangzhou set off an unprecedented wave of magic, 50,000 tickets were robbed and light. In 2002, David came to China in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing three performances, in the country set off an unprecedented wave of magic. In 2007, according to the China News Network on October 20 reported that a Seattle woman accused the famous American magician David Copperfield in the Bahamas raped her. In 2007, according to the Associated Press and the "National Inquiry" reported on October 25, a few days ago, the famous American magician David Copperfield was suddenly exposed to suspected rape scandal was FBI investigation, Was intended to use that $ 2 million in cash to close the girl's mouth, so as to avoid this rape scandal like his "magic secret" general leak! Shocked the world. After two years of investigation of the famous magician David Copperfield rape case, the federal prosecutor that the magician is innocent, decided to cancel his allegations. Claiming to be raped by David Copperfield is a former Miss William campaigner. She said she had watched the magic show in 2007, and David Copperfield saw her in the auditorium, and then invited her to her own private island and raped her there. And Coppfield's lawyer said the woman's complaint is very simple, that is, to extort money. 21-year-old Miss Washington said he was raped on the private island of Kobofer Bahamas, and now the prosecutor decided to revoke the case, so that Copperfield's troubled lawsuit finally vanished. The prosecutor did not explain why the case was to be withdrawn and did not reveal what was found in the investigation, and that the Kopofel himself did not even receive any formal charges. His spokesman said the plaintiff was not telling the fact that Copperfield did not force a relationship with her. Emily Langlie, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office, said: "Today I issued a circular announcing the end of the case's grand jury investigation. ⼤卫科波菲尔⼈物故事 David Copperfield, the English name David Copperfield, formerly known as David Cotkin, September 16, 1956 was born in New Jersey, a Russian immigrant family, he grew up on the magic has a strong interest. This introverted, easy shy man found his wisdom to win the appreciation of his companions, his confidence doubled. At the age of 12, David has been able to skillfully perform magic shows, comparable with professional magician. Soon he participated in the National Magic Association, becoming the world's leading magic organization of the youngest members. In 1972, only 16 years old David began in New York University for the Department of Art students taught magic courses. In 1974, David graduated from the University of New Jersey after the high school, entered the University of Ford Hamm University, when the Chicago "Magic" light opera group invited him to lead the new song and dance drama. David spent three weeks in college life, devoted himself to the creation of "magician". He not only designed to create the play all the magic needed, but also created a singing and dancing performance magic style, so that this musical comedy unique, as Chicago history, the longest continuous music comedy. After the end of the "Magic" show, David returned to New York, he further summed up the experience on the basis of improvement and development of their own magic style, from his peers stand out as a magic star. At the age of 20, at the invitation of Fritz Silverman, president of CBS, he served as the host of a new radio TV program from ABC Radio and Television, which was named "ABC's Magic ", by David and from the ABC television network of the other fourteen star joint performances, this novel has been welcomed by all, to become the company's high rate of programs. From the David Copperfield extraordinary magic show introduced to the audience throughout the United States. After that, David collaborated with the Colombian radio and television company to shoot the "Magic World of David Copperfield" series of special programs, his superb magic skills to tens of thousands of television viewers stunned. Where is his inspiration come from? David Copperfield's own words, inspired "not only from the other magician predecessors", but also by some entertainment people, such as rock band or visual artist. David said, "I used to be a songwriter, and I worship those songwriters, because they can create their own experiences into songs, and they can also vent themselves with songs. Always want to create a rock song that can be immortalized, but now, I created the magic "story", I hope to rely on them to impress theaudience.I can through their own creation of things to express themselves. David Copperfield is the greatest magician of the past, and for more than 30 years he has gone beyond people's imagination and turned a piece of "impossible task" into reality. With outstanding achievements, David won the American TV Art Emmy Award, the performance of the box office and income even "lion king", "cat" and "opera ghost" and other classic programs also catch up, his large-scale performance " Dream and nightmare "still maintained a Broadway box office record. David has won numerous prizes, won 21 Emmy Awards, but only twice the Hollywood Magic Art Academy "Magic of the Year" award. But this is a magician is already the supreme glory. The vast majority of winners have only once. More famous magic master life missed.。



大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语David Copperfield is a novel written by Charles Dickens, first published serially in 1849–50. It is considered to be one of his most famous works and is often regarded as his best novel. The story follows the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. As a young boy, David moves from his home with his beloved mother and wicked stepfather tolive with an aunt who is kind but also strict and moralistic. After his mother's remarriage, David moves in with hisfriends and goes to school. He eventually obtains a job in a London law office, where he experiences misery, injustice and tragedy. But, despite all his hardships, David remains determined and courageous and eventually finds success, happy love and contentment.The novel's theme of transformation is developed through the trials David experiences, which ultimately result in his growth and development as a person. Throughout the book, the characters test each other and, as a result, learn more about themselves. In doing so, David finds emotional and spiritual strength, allowing him to persevere through even the most difficult situations. By the novel's climax, David has become a successful man, owning his own estate and living with the woman he loves.The novel vividly portrays Victorian society at the time, largely due to Dickens' eye for detail. With its cast of eccentric characters, humorous observations and vivid descriptions, particularly of London, David Copperfield has been a constant source of inspiration since its publication.It continues to captivate readers today with its timeless themes that remain relevant to the human experience.。





下面是店铺给大家整理的大卫科波菲尔英文简介,供大家参阅!大卫科波菲尔简介David Copperfield (David Copperfield, September 16, 1956), formerly known as David Seth Kotkin, American magician.大卫科波菲尔人物经历1968, 12-year-old David Copperfield in the magic world cut a striking figure, the United States Magic Association has become the youngest member ever.In 1972, only 16 years old David taught "Magic Art" courses at New York University.In 1974, David starred in the musical "The Magic" and began to create his own magic.In 1977, David launched his television career and made the name "David Copperfield" a success.In 1979, David played a role in the film "Horror Train", revealing his performance talent.In 1980, David became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the title of "Magic of the Year" by the American Society of Magic Arts.In 1981, David in a full view of a 7-ton jet jet disappeared. In the same year, the American Artists Association awarded him the "Entertainment of the Year" award.In 1982, David created a "magic plan" to treat the disease with magic and improve the body's sensitivity.In 1983, in front of many of the audience and 50 million television viewers, New York's Statue of Liberty in David's wandsuddenly without a trace.In 1984, David became the first magician to sign a long-term performance contract with the world-famous Las Vegas CEASAR Palace.In 1985, David was elected as "the nation's top ten outstanding figures."In 1986, David crossed the Great Wall, "David and the team is the first in the People's Republic of China to produce American television special program of the US production group."In 1987, David escaped from the guardian of the United States Alcatel-Lucent federal prison, becoming the first person to escape from the prison in history.In 1988, David spoke on behalf of the United States at the Seoul Olympic Games.In 1989, David got out of a blasting building.In 1991, David made a long 85 feet, 70 tons of Oriental Express instantly disappeared.In 1992, David created the classic magic "flying", became the first without the use of rope and camera skills to fly the magician, at the same time, the program was criticized as the greatest ever a magic show.In 1993, in the TV special program "Passion of Fire", David out of the rope tied up in the body is burning, from the height of tens of meters away. He then torn and restored a $ 1 million collection card in front of a famous hockey star.In 1995, David became the only contemporary magician to get a shining star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.In 1996, David named "dream and nightmare" large-scale performance to break the Broadway box office record.In 2000, David was named the century FISM magician, andby the US Library of Congress as "century legend."In 2001, he and his supernatural powers to accurately predict the German national lottery winning number ... ...In 2001, David's large-scale stage program "entrance" for the first time to China, in Hong Kong and Guangzhou set off an unprecedented wave of magic, 50,000 tickets were robbed and light.In 2002, David came to China in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing three performances, in the country set off an unprecedented wave of magic.In 2007, according to the China News Network on October 20 reported that a Seattle woman accused the famous American magician David Copperfield in the Bahamas raped her.In 2007, according to the Associated Press and the "National Inquiry" reported on October 25, a few days ago, the famous American magician David Copperfield was suddenly exposed to suspected rape scandal was FBI investigation, Was intended to use that $ 2 million in cash to close the girl's mouth, so as to avoid this rape scandal like his "magic secret" general leak! Shocked the world.After two years of investigation of the famous magician David Copperfield rape case, the federal prosecutor that the magician is innocent, decided to cancel his allegations.Claiming to be raped by David Copperfield is a former Miss William campaigner. She said she had watched the magic show in 2007, and David Copperfield saw her in the auditorium, and then invited her to her own private island and raped her there. And Coppfield's lawyer said the woman's complaint is very simple, that is, to extort money.21-year-old Miss Washington said he was raped on theprivate island of Kobofer Bahamas, and now the prosecutor decided to revoke the case, so that Copperfield's troubled lawsuit finally vanished. The prosecutor did not explain why the case was to be withdrawn and did not reveal what was found in the investigation, and that the Kopofel himself did not even receive any formal charges. His spokesman said the plaintiff was not telling the fact that Copperfield did not force a relationship with her.Emily Langlie, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office, said: "Today I issued a circular announcing the end of the case's grand jury investigation.大卫科波菲尔人物故事David Copperfield, the English name David Copperfield, formerly known as David Cotkin, September 16, 1956 was born in New Jersey, a Russian immigrant family, he grew up on the magic has a strong interest. This introverted, easy shy man found his wisdom to win the appreciation of his companions, his confidence doubled. At the age of 12, David has been able to skillfully perform magic shows, comparable with professional magician. Soon he participated in the National Magic Association, becoming the world's leading magic organization of the youngest members. In 1972, only 16 years old David began in New York University for the Department of Art students taught magic courses.In 1974, David graduated from the University of New Jersey after the high school, entered the University of Ford Hamm University, when the Chicago "Magic" light opera group invited him to lead the new song and dance drama. David spent three weeks in college life, devoted himself to the creation of "magician". He not only designed to create the play all the magicneeded, but also created a singing and dancing performance magic style, so that this musical comedy unique, as Chicago history, the longest continuous music comedy. After the end of the "Magic" show, David returned to New York, he further summed up the experience on the basis of improvement and development of their own magic style, from his peers stand out as a magic star. At the age of 20, at the invitation of Fritz Silverman, president of CBS, he served as the host of a new radio TV program from ABC Radio and Television, which was named "ABC's Magic ", by David and from the ABC television network of the other fourteen star joint performances, this novel has been welcomed by all, to become the company's high rate of programs. From the David Copperfield extraordinary magic show introduced to the audience throughout the United States. After that, David collaborated with the Colombian radio and television company to shoot the "Magic World of David Copperfield" series of special programs, his superb magic skills to tens of thousands of television viewers stunned.Where is his inspiration come from? David Copperfield's own words, inspired "not only from the other magician predecessors", but also by some entertainment people, such as rock band or visual artist. David said, "I used to be a songwriter, and I worship those songwriters, because they can create their own experiences into songs, and they can also vent themselves with songs. Always want to create a rock song that can be immortalized, but now, I created the magic "story", I hope to rely on them to impress the audience.I can through their own creation of things to express themselves.David Copperfield is the greatest magician of the past, and for more than 30 years he has gone beyond people's imaginationand turned a piece of "impossible task" into reality. With outstanding achievements, David won the American TV Art Emmy Award, the performance of the box office and income even "lion king", "cat" and "opera ghost" and other classic programs also catch up, his large-scale performance " Dream and nightmare "still maintained a Broadway box office record.David has won numerous prizes, won 21 Emmy Awards, but only twice the Hollywood Magic Art Academy "Magic of the Year" award. But this is a magician is already the supreme glory. The vast majority of winners have only once. More famous magic master life missed.。

David Copperfiled

David Copperfiled

tortuous Adulthood
• He married to his lover but his aunt had lost her poverty . • He became a writer but his wife died early. • He had a happy ending but he had lost his best friend ,Ham.
famous aphorism
• 对于年轻的人,这个世界是立身创业的地方,不是垂头丧气的地方。
• Never be mean in anything; never be false; never be cruel. —chapter 15
• 永远不要在任何事上卑劣;永远不要作假;永远不要残忍。
David Copperfield
I cannot close this Volume(书卷) more agreeably(愉快地) to myself, than with a hopeful glance towards the time when I shall again put forth my two green leaves once a month and with a faithful remembrance(纪念) of the genial(温暖 的) sun and showers(雨露) that have fallen on these leaves of David Copperfield and made me happy. ——CHARLES DICKENS
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1 David Copperfield's childhood 1 大卫·科波菲尔的童年I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, inthe east of England,and was given my poor father's name,David Copperfield. Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married,and died six months before I was born. My father's death made my beautiful young mother very unhappy,and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my father's aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from her, and sometimes beat her,she decided they should separate He went abroad,and soon news came of his death. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名——大卫·科波菲尔。








Miss Trotwood bought a small house by thesea, and lived there alone, with only one servant. She had not spoken to my father since his marriage, because she considered he had made a mistake in marrying a very young girl But just before I was born, when she heard that my mother was expecting a baby, she came to visit Blunder- stone. 特拉伍德小姐在海边买了一所小房子,独自生活在那里,身边只随了一位用人。



It was a cold, windy Friday afternoon inMarch. My mother was sitting by the fire, feeling very lonely and unhappy, and crying a little. Suddenly a stern, strange-looking face appeared at the window. 那是在三月份的一个寒冷、多风的星期五下午,我母亲正独自坐在火炉旁,因感到孤单和不幸而轻声抽泣着。


‘Open the door!’ ordered the sternfaced lady. My mother was shocked,but obeyed at once.‘You must be David Copper field's wife,’said the lady as she entered.‘I'm Betsey Trotwood. You've heard of me?’ “开门!”这位满脸严肃的女人命令道。



“你真年轻呀,”贝茜小姐叫道,“简直还是个孩子!”‘Yes,’whispered mother,trembling.‘How young you are!’ cried Miss Betsey.‘Just a baby!’ My mother started sobbing again.‘I know I look like a child! I know I was young to be a wife, and I'm young to be a mother!But perhaps I'll die before I become a mother!’ ‘Come, come!answered Miss Betsey.‘Have some tea.Then you'll feel better.What do you call your 母亲开始抽泣,“我知道我看着像个孩子!我知道我年纪还小,不该为人妻,不该为人母!但也许我会在成为一个母亲之前死去!”“行了,行了!”贝茜小姐回答说,“喝口茶水吧,这样你会好受些。


“不,我不是指小孩,我是说你的女用人!”girl?’ ‘My girl? I don't know yet that it will be a girl,’replied my mother miserably.‘No,I don't mean the baby,I mean your servant!’‘Her name's Peggotty. Her first name's Clara,the same as mine, so I call her by her familyname,you see.’‘What a terrible name! However,never mind. Peggotty!’she called, going to the door.‘Bring Mrs Copperfield some tea at once!’ She sat down again and continued speaking.‘You were talking about the baby. I'm sure it'll be a girl. Now,as soon as she’ s born…’ ‘He,perhaps,’ said my mother bravely.‘Don’ t be stupid,of course it’ ll be a she.I'm going to send her to school,and educate her well. I want to prevent her from making the mistakes I've made in life.’ Miss Betsey looked quite angry as she said this. My mother said nothing,as she was not feeling at all well.‘But tell me, were you and your husband happy?’asked Miss Betsey.“她叫辟果提。









This made my poor mother feel worse thanever.‘I know I wasn't very sensible—about money—or cooking—or things like that!’ sh e sobbed.‘But we loved each other—and he was helping me to learn—and then he died!Oh!Oh!’And she fell back in her chair, completely unconscious.这个问题让我母亲更感难受。


Peggotty, who came in just then with thetea,realized how serious the situation was, and took my mother upstairs to bed. The doctor arrived soon afterwards, and stayed all evening to take care of his patient. 辟果提正巧端着茶进来,意识到情况的严重性,把我母亲扶到楼上。


At about midnight he came downstairs to the sitting-room where Miss Betsey was waiting impatiently.大约午夜时分,医生下楼来到客厅,贝茜小姐已经等得很不耐烦了。
