



2014年10月全国自考(语言学概论)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 名词解释 4. 简答题 5. 分析题6. 论述题单项选择题1.根据词内部语素的数量可以把词分成( )A.合成词和单纯词B.单义词和多义词C.单音词和复音词D.音译词和仿译词正确答案:A解析:按照词所包舍的语素数量,可以把由一个语素构成的词叫作单纯词,如蝴蝶;把由两个以上语素构成的词叫作合成词,如吃饭。

2.与兰州话同属一个方言区的是( )A.长沙话B.昆明话C.厦门话D.梅县话正确答案:B解析:兰州话与昆明话同属于汉语北方方言区,长沙话为湘方言区代表方言,厦门话属于闽方言区,广东梅县话为客家方言区代表方言。

3.文字起源于( )A.结绳B.图画C.结珠D.记事实物正确答案:B4.下面各项中包含两个语素的词是( )A.激光B.麦克风C.犹豫D.蜻蜓正确答案:A解析:“犹豫、蜻蜓”是连绵词,“麦克风”是译音词,均是多音节单纯词。

5.“呆账”“托运”属于( )A.科技术语B.行业用语C.成语D.隐语正确答案:B6.下面各项中有歧义的是( )A.牛不吃了B.鸡不吃了C.我不吃了D.饭不吃了正确答案:B解析:B项中,“鸡”既可以是“吃”的施事,也可以是受事。


7.索绪尔创立的语言学被称为( )A.对比语言学B.转换生成语言学C.社会语言学D.结构主义语言学正确答案:D8.下面各项中属于惯用语的是( )A.四面楚歌B.世外桃源C.穿小鞋D.瑞雪兆丰年正确答案:C解析:惯用语指表达习惯性比喻含义的固定词组,如背黑锅、戴高帽、穿小鞋等。


9.下面的词中属于古语词的是( )A.过去B.番茄C.囹圄D.苍白10.儿童在语言获得过程中的单词阶段产生了最早的( )A.语音能力B.语义能力C.语法能力D.语用能力正确答案:B解析:在语言获得的单词阶段,儿童慢慢地就可能说出表示抽象意义的词,如“不”和“好”等,这时他们就已经开始用词语来传递思想感情和通过语言来达到某种目的了,从这个意义上来说,幼儿在单词阶段实际上就已经产生了最早的语义能力。



⽆忧考为⼴⼤考⽣整理了2014年⾃考语⾔学概论试题,供⼴⼤考⽣参考:第⼀章语⾔和语⾔学 ⼀、单项选择题 1.语⾔的客观存在形式⾸先表现为⼝语。
























2014年10月全国自考(现代汉语)真题试卷(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.语音的本质属性是 ( )(分数:2.00)A.物理属性B.社会属性√C.生理属性D.心理属性解析:解析:语音以人的发音器官为其不可缺少的生理基础,又同其他声音一样,具有物理的属性,但最根本的是它具有社会的属性。

2.声母发音部位相同的是 ( )(分数:2.00)A.明、停B.姐、需√C.页、日D.吃、刺解析:解析:A项中声母是m和t,分别属于双唇音和舌尖中音;B项中声母是j和x,都属于舌面音;C 项中声母是r属于舌尖后音,显然和y不同;D项中声母是ch和c,分别属于舌尖后音和舌尖前音。

3.韵母相同的是 ( )(分数:2.00)A.该、乖B.回、归√C.吨、君D.真、争解析:解析:A项中“该、乖”的韵母分别是“ai”和“uai”;B项中“回、归”的韵母都是“ui”;C 项中“吨、君”的韵母分别是“an”和“tin”;D项中“真、争”的韵母分别是“en”和“eng”。

4.调值为214的是 ( )(分数:2.00)A.棉B.义C.七D.比√解析:解析:A项“棉”的调值为35,B项“义”的调值为51,C项“七”的调值为55,只有D“比”的调值是214。

5.说话时“一”会变读为阳平的是 ( )(分数:2.00)A.初一B.读一读C.一定√D.一些解析:解析:“一”的本调是阴平,在表序数或词语末尾时读本调,如:初一、万一;在非去声音节前读去声,如:一些、一同;“一”在去声音节前读阳平,如:一定、一样等;在重叠的单音节动词中间读轻声,如:读一读、说一说。

6.在汉字发展史上,标志汉字从具备象形特点演变为具有不象形特点的转折点的是( )(分数:2.00)A.小篆B.隶书√C.楷书D.大篆解析:解析:汉字的形体演变大致可以分为甲骨文、金文、篆书、隶书、楷书、草书、行书。




全国⾃考《现代语⾔学》历年真题及详解【圣才出品】2015年10⽉全国⾃考《现代语⾔学》真题及详解课程代码:00830选择题部分I.Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully.Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(2%×10=20%)1.A study of the features of the English language used in Charles Dickens’time can be regarded as a _____study.A.diachronicB.prescriptiveC.synchronicD.historical【答案】C【解析】研究某⼀时期的语⾔特征属于共时研究,故选C项。

2.Of the following consonants,_____is dental.A.[t]B.[p]C.[?]D.[θ]【答案】D【解析】[θ]是⾆齿⾳,故D项正确。


3.The inflectional morpheme in the word“deforestated”is_____.A.de-B.forestC.-ateD.-ed【答案】D【解析】曲折词素指的是不改变单词意思⽽改变单词词性的词素,-ed将单词由动词变为形容词,属于曲折词素,故D项正确。


4.The syntactic rules of any language are_____in number,and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.A.finiteB.non-finiteC.infiniteD.definite【答案】A【解析】任何语⾔的句法规则都是有限的,但是⼈们能够制造并理解⽆数句⼦,这是由语⾔的递归性和⼆重性决定的,故A项正确。























2014年10月全国自考现代语言学考前密卷00830(含答案)一、Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)第1题“I like this shirt very much.” has ____a rguments. ()A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数2分第2题 In the classic semantic triangle, the symbol or form refers to the linguistic elements, i.e.,____. ()A. things and referentB. thought and referenceC. views and ideasD. words and phrases【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数2分第3题 Acoustic phoneticians try to describe the ____ properties of the stream of sounds which aspeaker issues.()A. oralB. mentalC. physicalD. recorded【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数2分第4题 Sense and reference are two related ____ different aspects of meaning.()A. butB. andC. orD. as well as【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数2分第5题The superordinate term of the group of words “love, anger, happiness, sadness, fear, emotion” is____.()A. fearB. angerC. loveD. emotion【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数2分第6题Proponents of ____learning theory suggested that a child’s verbal behaviour was conditioned through association between a stimulus and the following response.()A. biologicalB. naturalistC. behavioristD. nativist【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数2分第7题In the sentence “He put forward a strong argument for it.”the word“strong”and “argument”are in a relation. ( )A. synchronicB. paradigmaticC. syntagmaticD. diachronic【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数2分第8题 As regards the relationship between language and thought, those who hold that thinking and speaking are the same activity are said to be( )A. empiricistsB. behavioristsC. mentalistsD. structuralists【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数2分第9题 Words that are opposite in meaning are( ).A. antonymsB. hyponymsC. synonymsD. homophones【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数2分第10题 When a word is employed as a medium of thinking by means of its conceptualizing system, we say it is used for communication.( )A. intrapersonalB. interpersonalC. individualD. textual【正确答案】 A二、Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change第1题 The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called s___ features.【正确答案】 suprasegmental【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第2题 In semantic analysis, p___ is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.【正确答案】 prediction【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第3题Children’s language development starts from the p___cooing and babbling stage.【正确答案】 prelinguistic【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第4题 The preschool years are a c___ period for first language acquisition.【正确答案】 crucial【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第5题 There are occasions when one can think without l___, just as one may speak without thinking.【正确答案】 language【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第6题 Language is p___ in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.【正确答案】 productive【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第7题 An a___ is a logical participant in the predication analysis, largely identical with the nominal element(s) in a sentence.【正确答案】 argument【你的答案】修改分数本题分数1分你的得分第8题 Evidence in support of l___ for language in the left hemisphere comes from researches in dichotic listening test.?【正确答案】 lateralization【你的答案】本题分数1分修改分数你的得分第9题 In a d___ listening test, stimuli heard in the left ear are reported less accurately than those heard in the right ear. This phenomenon is known as the right ear advantage.【正确答案】 dichotic【你的答案】本题分数1分修改分数你的得分第10题 c___ language is originally a pidgin that has become established as a native language in some speech community.【正确答案】 creole【你的答案】三、Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true orF for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you第1题()The language system provides all specifics of one’s world view.【正确答案】 F(No,it does not.)【你的答案】修改分数本题分数2分你的得分第2题 ()Free morphemes are the same as bound morphemes.【正确答案】 F(Free morphemes are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves.)【你的答案】本题分数2分你的得分修改分数第3题 ()In English and many other languages, the subject usually follows the verb and the direct object usually precedes the verb.【正确答案】 F(The verb follows the subject.)【你的答案】本题分数2分你的得分修改分数第4题 ()The right ear advantage shows that the right ear is more sensitive to signals, both linguistic and non?linguistic, than the left ear.【正确答案】 F(It passes signals to the left hemisphere.)【你的答案】本题分数2分你的得分修改分数第5题 ( ) The angular gyrus is supposed to be crucial for commanding of the syntax system of one’s language.【正确答案】 F (The angular gyrus is not.)?【你的答案】本题分数2分修改分数你的得分第6题 ( ) Linguistic performance is essentially a social phenomenon but not a context dependent behavior.【正确答案】 T【你的答案】本题分数2分修改分数你的得分第7题 ( ) One advantage of componential analysis is that by specifying the semantic features of certain words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in collocation.【正确答案】 F (It will not be possible.)?【你的答案】本题分数2分修改分数你的得分第8题 ( ) The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the oral cavity.【正确答案】 T ?【你的答案】本题分数2分修改分数你的得分第9题 ( ) The error analysis approach shows that there are striking similarities in the ways in which different L2 learners acquire a new language.【正确答案】 T?【你的答案】本题分数2分你的得分修改分数第10题 ( ) The most dramatic morphological loss concerns the loss of gender markings only.【正确答案】 F (The most dramatic loss concerns the loss of affixes.)?【你的答案】四、Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration. (3% ×10=30%)第1题 subvocal speech【正确答案】 Language and thought may be viewed as independent circles overlappingin some parts, where language and thought are consistent with each other and onenever occurs without the other. When language and thought are identical or closelyparallel to each other, we may regard thought as “subvocal speech”, and speechas “overt thought”.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第2题 antonymy【正确答案】 The term antonymy is used for oppositeness of meaning between lexical items, such as the meanings between hot and cold, sad and happy.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第3题 blending【正确答案】 Blending is a process of forming a new word by combining parts ofother words. For example, smog—smoke+fog , motel—motor+hotel.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第4题 apocope【正确答案】【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第5题 hapology【正确答案】 Hapology refers to the loss of one of two phonetically similarsyllables in sequence. For example, the Old English word “Engla?land” (the landof Angles) came to be pronounced “England” through the assimilation of “la?la” sounds.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第6题 morphology【正确答案】 Morphology is a branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. What it studies includesmorphemes, allomorphs, roots, affixes etc.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第7题 epenthesis【正确答案】 In the linguistic change of English, a change that involves the insertion of a consonant or a vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis. Below are some examples of English epenthesis. The underlined sounds are epenthesis in modern English. spinle → spindleemty → emptyglimse →glimpsetimer → timber【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第8题 semantic broadening【正确答案】 Semantic broadening refers to the process in which the meaning of a word becomes more general or inclusive than its historically earlier denotation. For example, the older meaning of “aunt” was father’s sister, but its modern referent can also be mother’s sister. The word “holiday” was originally used to mean a day of religious significance because it was a “holy day”. Today its meaning is broadened to refer to any day on which peop le don’t have to work.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第9题 standard language【正确答案】 The standard language is a supposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institutions, including school settings where the language is taught as a foreign or second language. For example, the c ommon speech of the Chinese language and King’s English in Britain.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第10题 componential analysis【正确答案】 Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. The approach is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. This is parallel to the way a phoneme is analyzed into smaller components called distinctive features. Plus and minus signs are used to indicate whether a certain semantic feature is present or absent in the meaning of a word and these feature symbols are usually written in capitalizedletters. Fo r example, the word “man” is analyzed as consisting the semantic features of +HUMAN, +ADULT,+ANIMATE, +MALE. The features of “girl” can be represented as +HUMAN, -ADULT, -MALE. ?【你的答案】五、Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)第1题 What do langue and parole mean respectively?【正确答案】According to F·de Saussure, langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by; it is abstract. Parole is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules; it is concrete.【你的答案】本题分数10分你的得分修改分数第2题 Why is language defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication?【正确答案】 Short as it is, this definition has captured the main features of language. First of all, language is a system, i.e., elements of language are combined according to rules. If language were not constructed according to certain rules, it could not be learned or used consistently. Second, language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a word and the thing we use to write with. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is a good illustration of the arbitrary nature of language. Third, language is vocal because the primary medium is sound for all languages, no matter how well developed their writing systems are. All evidence points to the fact that writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms and thatthey are only attempts to capture sounds and meaning on paper. Fin ally, the term “human” in the definition is meant to specify that language is human specific, i.e. it is very different from the communication systems other forms of life possess, such as bird songs and bee dances.【你的答案】。











必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答o 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。




1.语音的本质属性是A.物理属性 B.社会属性 C.生理属性 D.心理属性2.声母发音部位相同的是A.明、停 B.姐、需 C.页、日 D.吃、刺3.韵母相同的是A.该、乖 B.回、归 C.吨、君 D.真、争4.调值为214的是A.棉 B.义 C.七 D.比5.说话时“一”会变读为阳平的是A.初一 B.读一读 C.一定 D.一些6.在汉字发展史上,标志汉字从具备象形特点演变为具有不象形特点的转折点的是A.小篆 B.隶书 C.楷书 D.大篆7.从汉字跟汉语的关系来看,汉字是A.语素文字 B.音节文字 C.音位文字 D.音素文字8.汉字书写正确的是A.题纲 B.欢渡 C.祟高 D.惋惜9.属于一个语素的是A.蜓 B.葡 C.民 D.柠檬汁儿10.属于连绵词的是A.蝈蝈儿 B.嗡嗡 C.红彤彤 D.葫芦11.属于词义扩大的是12.属于词义轻重有区别的是A.局面、场面 B.秘密、绝密 C.爱护、爱戴 D.果断、武断13.属于外来词的是A.汤圆 B.高尔夫 C.宰相 D.灌溉14.来源于历史事件的成语是A.负荆请罪 B.刻舟求剑 C.愚公移山 D.倾城倾国15.加点词属于兼类词的是16.属于偏正短语的是A.群众的智慧 B.暗下去 C.吃、穿、用 D.喜欢游泳17.属于体词性短语的是A.来过三回 B.红旗飘扬C.宣传和推广这项技术 D.唱戏的18.属于动词性非主谓句的是A.好美的夜色啊! B.黄山风景如画。



现代语言学自考题-14(总分90, 做题时间90分钟)Ⅰ.Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given.1.Consonant sounds can be either voiced or voiceless, while all vowel sounds are v______.SSS_FILL分值: 2.5答案:voiced[解析] 辅音要不就是清音要不就是浊音,而所有的元音都是浊音。

2.Of all the speech organs, the t______ is the most flexible, and is responsible for more varieties of articulation than any other.SSS_FILL分值: 2.5答案:tongue[解析] 在所有口腔的器官中,舌头是最灵活的,它比其他任何发声器官在发音变化中所起的作用都要大。

3.To satisfy the needs of the phoneticians in the study of speech sounds, a set of symbols called d______ are added to broad transcription to show the more subtle differences between similar sounds.SSS_FILL分值: 2.5答案:diacritics[解析] 鉴于人类所发出的语音经常会在特别细微的方面有所不同,国际音标向其使用者提供了一套叫做“变音符号”的附加符号,它们附加在字母上面作为字母标音方法的补充,以标示仅靠字母本身所不能解决的那些微妙的语音差别。


2024年10月 语言学概论(00541)自考真题

2024年10月 语言学概论(00541)自考真题








Ⅰ.Multiple ChoiceDirections:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1.The famous quotation from Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” well illustrates _______.( )A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication2.Of the following sound combinations,only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )A.kiblB.bkilC.ilkbD.ilbk3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula “S→NP VP”。




The Stranger Who Changed My LifeIt was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital,l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me.I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport,please,“ he said. As always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?”‘s i t’ s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes.”“ What do you do?” I asked.“I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ”Many times during long rides,l’d developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. This time I decided to ask for his help,”Could I ask a favor of you?”He didn't answer. “I have a son,15,a good kid. He wants a job this summer. is it possible that you get one for him?”He still wasn't talking, and I was starting to feel foolish. Finally, he said, “ Well, my students have a summer research project. Maybe he could join in. Have him send me his school record. ”He left his address and paid me. It was the last time I ever saw him.Robbie sent off his grades the next morning. And gradually this incident was forgotten. Two weeks later, when I arrived home from work, Robbie handed me a letter. He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview.Robbie got the job. The following summer, Robbie worked at the hospital again, but this time, he was given more responsibility. Then, he worked at the hospital for a third summer and gradually developed a love of medical profession.Near graduating from college, Robbie applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College. After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center.1. The doctor shouted at the taxi driver for a ride.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given2. The doctor wanted to go to the railway station by taxi.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given3. The taxi driver liked talking with his customers.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given4. The taxi driver had two children.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given5. The taxi driver became Dr. Plum' s friend.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given6. The doctor wrote a recommendation letter for Robbie.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given7. Robbie joined in a summer research project.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given8. Robbie gradually got interested in medicine.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given9. Robbie finally became a doctor at New York Hospital.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given10. Big opportunities can come out of ordinary meetings.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given第二部分:阅读选择(第11~15题,每题2分,共10分)Talk to Your Kids about Their Eating Habits CarefullyWeight is never an easy subject. It can be risky for parents to raise the issue of eating habits and weight with their kids.“No kid ever lost weight because his mother told him he was fat,” a friend told me when I was worried about my son’s weight.It turns out she was right, according to a new study. The study was directed by Dr. Berge at University of Minnesota. She found that kids whose parents discussed eating in a healthy way were les. s likely to have eating problems. But 64% of the kids whose parents focused on their weight turned to unhealthy eating behaviors. Some kids went on extreme diets, and others even ate no food. So eating disorders were caused. Things were worse when fathers joined in the discussions with their daughters and focused on weight. “Fathers should never comment on their daughters’weight,” says Berge.Instead, she suggests, fathers should focus on their daughters' interests. That can help them feel loved and confident enough to work on their weight issues.How should parents talk to kids about. eating behaviors? According to Berge, they should avoid focusing on how much their kids weigh. They should talk to them about being healthy. Don't compare them with others. Ideally, both parents should share the responsibility. If that' s not possible, choose the parent whose words cause the least amount of stress and who demonstrates healthy eating.11. The writer' s friend advised her not to .A. worrv about her son's weightB. take the risk of gaining weightC. change her own eating habitsD. talk to her son about his weight12. The study found that some kids had fewer eating problems because they ________.A. learned to eat healthilyB. took part in the studyC. focused on their weightD. believed the scientists13. When told about their fatness, some kids _____________.A. felt helplessB. became angryC. began to eat no foodD. refused to take any advice14. If a father focuses on his daughter' s interests, she will feel ____________.A. amusedB. encouragedC. surprisedD. challenged15. When taking to their kids about eating behaviors, parents should ______________.A. focus on being healthyB. use short and simple wordsC. respect their kids' viewsD. compare their kids with others第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第16~25题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1)从第16—20题后所给的6个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)从第21~ 25题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B、C、D、E或F)填在答题纸的相应位.Plagiarism(剽窃)①You just found some good .stuff on the Web for your science report. You copy a paragraph and paste it into your report. Then you continue your research. But you just made a big mistake. You committed plagiarism. Plagiarism is when you use someone else' s words or ideas and pretend that they are yours. It' s not allowed in school, college, or beyond.②The word" plagiarism" comes from Latin. It means stealing a person' s ideas. But it' s not always easy to tell what is plagiarism and what is not. Sometimes, it's accidental. You really intended to do your own work, yet ended up with some sentences that sound just like something you’ve read.③Though plagiarism can be accidental, it's sometimes done on purpose. That' s just being lazy. By copying whole paragraphs from different places, you don't have to spend the time thinking about the subject, gathering your own thoughts about it, and then putting them into original words. Cut, paste, and you’re done.④Most schools are pretty strict about plagiarism, If you’re caught, your graduation will be delayed or worse. At the very least, you’re probably going to fail the assignment. When you’re older and in college, some schools will kick o ut students who plagiarize. When you’re kicked out of one college, it can be hard to get into another.⑤To be on the safe side, always make it clear where the information comes from. You need to write references. That’s a list of the sources you used for a project or report. To do that, you’re need to know the author, the title, and the date it was published. If you write something really great, maybe some day someone will quote you in a report.Task 116. Paragraph①:17. Paragraph②:1 8. Paragraph③:19. Paragraph④:20. Paragraph⑤:Task 221. You commit plagiarism when you ________22. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether_________23. Copying whole paragraphs can ____________.24. Once caught for plagiarism,_______________25.If you publish something great, people may____.第四部分:填句补文(第26~30题,每题2分,共10分)下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B、C、D、E或F)填在答题纸的相应位置上。





Ⅰ.Multiple ChoiceDirections:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1.The famous quotation from Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” well illustrates _______.( )A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication2.Of the following sound combinations,only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )A.kiblB.bkilC.ilkbD.ilbk3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula “S→NP VP”。






A.理论语言学B.功能语言学C.结构语言学D.普遍语言学3.语言中发展演变速度最快的是(_ )。






















1、“相互理解程度”不是区分“语言”和“方言”的唯一标准。 是 否 正确答案: 是 2、音强由频率的大小决定。 是 否 正确答案: 否 3、每个汉字都是由意符和音符构成的。 是 否 正确答案: 否 4、“新汽车牌照”这个说法有不同的理解,这是由语义的模糊性造成的。 是 否 正确答案: 否
简答题 (本大题共 3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分) 1、简述外语学习中的语言迁移现象。 答案解析: (1)学外语的人的母语又叫“来源语”,所要学的外语又叫“目标语”,作为 来源语的母语会对作为目标语的外语产生影响.这就是“语言迁移”。 其中积极的影响叫“正迁移”,消极的影响叫“负迁移”。 (2)外语教学中教和学双方实际上很重要的工作就是注意两种语言的共同 点,主动利用正迁移;同时又要注意两种语言的不同点,尽量避免负迁移。这就 叫作“引导迁移”,也可以说是不断修正中介语,并找出产生错误的原因。 (3)中介语的错误类型可以分成以下三类: ①系统前错误,即“不会”造成的错误; ②系统错误,即“记错”造成的错误; ③系统后错误,即“忘记”造成的错误。 分析外语学习中的错误类型有利于实现正确有效的引导迁移。 2、简述符号能指和所指之间的关系。 答案解析: 1、、符号的能指是符号的形式部分,符号的所指是其意义部分。 2、符号能 指和所指的结合是任意的,它们的关系是不可论证的。评分参考:每点 3 分。 3、简述各级语法单位之间的关系。 答案解析: (1)语法单位通常分为四级:语素、词、词组和句子。语素是最小的音义结 合的语言单位;词是最小的有意义的能独立使用的语言单位;词组是有意义的能 独立使用的语言单位;句子是由若干个词或词组按照一定的规则组合成的,能表 达相对完整的意义,前后有较大的停顿并带有一定的语气和句调的语言萆位。 (2)各级语法单位相互之间具有不同的关系: ①量变关系。指语法单位之间只是所含成分数量的增减,但性质和作用不变。 ②质变关系。指语法单位之间表现为所起作用的差异,但成分数量未必变化。 (3) 根据语法单位的以上特点可将语法单位表示为三级六种(增加语素组和 句组),语素和语素组、词和词组、句子和句组为三级,同级语法单位之间的差























第一部分选择题I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.(15 points, 1 point for each)1. With his last ______ , he murmured the name of the person who murdered him.A. gaspB. chokeC. exhaleD. respiration2. The teenager’s ______ of the pop star worried her parents.A. applauseB. complimentC. adulationD. recommendation3. The adventurous mission ______ his spirits.A. exaltedB. inspiredC. gladdenedD. exhilarated4. The girl made one last ______ to her father for permission to go to the party.A. appealB. prayC. suggestionD. attraction5. Working with one’s head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as ______ work.A. futileB. muscularC. diligentD. aggressive6. He asked how committed the leadership was to ______ its people from poverty.A. deliveringB. liberatingC. dismissingD. compelling7. The judge told him to ______ from threatening his wife.A. desistB. persistC. denounceD. persevere8. The conservation group was ______ in its opposition to the new airport.A. roughB. troublesomeC. tenaciousD. uninterrupted9. The terrorists entered the building ______ as medical workers.A. disguisingB. distortingC. disorderingD. distinguishing10. It seemed impossible that these ______ boats could survive in such a storm.A. frailB. fragileC. wailfulD. delicate11. His arrival ______ new life and energy into the team.A. drenchedB. animatedC. infusedD. saturated12. The government is ready to ______ houses to the homeless in that area.A. locateB. allotC. donateD. divide13. He asked me to look at both sides of a case before making a(n) ______ decision.A. brutalB. rationalC. absurdD. courteous14. She ______ the mark on t he wall for ages, but it wouldn’t come off.A. scrubbedB. brushedC. sweptD. removed15. Some fresh fruits are highly ______ and should be kept in cool places.A. perishableB. eligibleC. permissibleD. affordableRead the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items II, IV, V.(1) A rift is growing between government and higher education, with debates over funding, missions and accountability.(2) In that context, it is all the more worth watching Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who assumes the presidency of Purdue University on January 14. Other governors have become college presidents. Some, like Tom K ean, have been very successful. However, Daniels—who brings to the job an unusual blend of leadership experiences in government at the state and national level, public policy,business, and now academe—is coming to office at a time of unusual tension.(3) Governors increasingly characterize the rising costs of higher education and its limitedaccess as unsustainable. Many find it imperative that universities increase their productivity, affordability, access, graduation rates, and accountability. In contrast, university presidents say that quality, not cost, is the real issue in an era in which excellence in higher educationis more urgent than ever before in history. The question, academic leaders say, should not bethe price of college, but who pays, criticizing government for disinvesting in higher education. Bottom line: Between the governors and the presidents, there is increasingly little if any common ground other than recognizing the importance of higher education. They have entirely differentviews of the problem, no agreement on responsibility, and nothing in the way of a shared solution. (4) In his first public action as president of Purdue, Daniels has bridged the chasm with a salary package that incorporates the goals of both the governors and the presidents. He did this intwo ways. The first was conciliatory, eliminating the red flag that sets off both governmentand the academy: He rejected presidential salary inflation. His salary package is smaller than his predecessor’s, placing him tenth among the 12 Big Ten university presidents in terms of salary. There is no deferred compensation.(5) Second, and more importantly in terms of national models, is that Governor Daniels askedfor a salary based upon achieving his goals for the university. The package is divided into twobuckets—base salary and bonus. The bonus is tied to graduation rates, affordability, studentachievement, philanthropic support, faculty excellence, and strategic program initiatives. Inestablishing this bonus system, Daniels married traditional notions of academic quality—as measured by excellence in faculty, programs and resources—with an equal emphasis on effective outcomes and price controls: graduation rates, affordability, and student achievement.(6) In so doing, Daniels has demonstrated his belief that there is common ground to be foundbetween the university and government. The choice is not quality or effectiveness, not excellenceor affordability; the future of higher education is not a zero-sum game in which one side winsand the other loses. Rather, he believes it is possible to balance the seemingly conflictinggoals of government and higher education.(7) Daniels is not the first president to have his salary tied to achieving institutional goals, but he is probably the most visible. Moreover, although Daniels is renouncing involvement inpartisan politics as he enters the Purdue presidency, he is a former Republican governor andparty leader known as a frugal fiscal conservative. Historically, the divisions have been greater between Republicans and the academy than has been the case with Democrats. In a very real sense, what Daniels has chosen to do is somewhat akin to Nixon going to China. He has undertaken anexperiment to be closely watched. If successful, he will have established a potential model forthe country.(8) Typically, presidents reserve such powerful statements for their inaugural addresses. Though such addresses are sincere in intent—I can vouch for that, as someone who has given two andlistened to many more—they are generally aspirational; they articulate hopes and dreams forwhat an institution can become. Daniels has already done something very different. He is putting himself on the line in a very public fashion. Year after year his salary will be determined byhis success. And perhaps even more importantly, his success or failure will be public when hisboard announces the size and rationale for his bonus.(9) It’s a bold step—and Governor Daniels should be applauded for taking it.II. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)16. The word “rift” in Paragraph 1 means ______A. gapB. dilemmaC. painD. headache17. As to higher education, the government is more and more concerned about ______.A. costs and productivityB. accountabilityC. costs and accessD. graduation rates18. Which of the following statemen ts is true about Daniels’ salary package?A. He applies for salary inflation.B. The salary should be more than bonus.C. The salary should be based on his achievement.D. His salary package is the smallest among university presidents.19. The word “married” in Paragraph 5 means ______A. meltedB. combinedC. arrangedD. acknowledged20. According to the author, the future of higher education is not a zero-sum game b ecause______.A. neither government nor higher education can winB. higher education can achieve both quality and effectivenessC. excellence can only be attained at the cost of affordabilityD. government and higher education can never reach agreement21. Nixon’s visit to China is mentioned______.A. to highlight Daniels’ pioneering workB. to extol Nixon’s contribution to the countryC. to point out the division between Republicans and DemocratsD. to show the importance of the relationship between the two nations22. The word “articulate” in Paragraph 8 means ______.A. designB. cultivateC. fosterD. express23. It can be inferred from Paragraph 8 that the author is probably ______.A. a farmerB. a freelancerC. a company employeeD. a president of an organization24. The author’s attitude towards Daniels’ reformation is ______.A. expectantB. indifferentC. negativeD. critical25. Which of the following is most appropriate as a title for this passage?A. A Hard TimeB. A Loyal PresidentC. A Powerful StatementD. A Promising Industry非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。



现代语言学自考题-3(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)PART ONEⅠDirections: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices **pletes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.1.A linguistic theory is constructed about what ______ is and how it works.• A. langue• B. linguist• C. language• D. learningSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 2答案:C[解析] 语言的研究过程可以总结为:首先,要观察某些语言材料,从而发现一些共性并对其加以总结;其次,根据这些总结提出一些假设来解释这些语言材料,然后再通过进一步的观察来验证这些假设的正确性;最后建立一套语言学理论来说明语言的本质内容以及这些语言是如何发挥作用的。

2.We refer to the limited range of sounds as the phonic medium of language and individual sounds within that range as ______.• A. vowels• B. consonants• C. sounds• D. speech soundsSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 2答案:D[解析] 在语言交际中占有一席之地、由人类的发音器官所发出来的声音在数量上是有限的。


3.The basic unit in the study of morphology is ______.• A. the internal structure• B. morpheme• C. the rules by which words are formed• D. wordSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 2答案:B[解析] 正如音位是音系学研究中的基本单位一样,词素是形态学研究中的基本单位。

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I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. ( 2% X 10=20% )
1. The framework of design features was proposed by a linguist called _____.
A. Saussure
B. Chomsky
C. Hockett
D. Sapir
【解析】design feature的框架由语言学家霍克特提出,共包括12个本质特征。

故选C 项。

2. The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called _____ features.
A. segmental
B. morphological
C. distinctive
D. suprasegmental

3. Structurally speaking, the word “agreement” cons ists of two meaningful components which cannot be analyzed any further, i. e., “agree” and “-ment.”We call these meaningful components at the lowest level of a word “_____”.
A. roots
B. morphemes
C. stems
D. affixes


4. The sentence “If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.” belongs to the type of _____.
A. simple sentence.
B. compound sentence
C. coordinate sentence
D. complex sentence
【解析】If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.这句话中包含一个从句和一个主句,从句从属于主语,故本句为复杂句,因此选D项。


5. Predication analysis is a way to analyze _____ meaning.
A. sentence
B. utterance
C. lexical
D. grammatical
【解析】述谓分析用于分析句子的意思,包含述语和谓词,描述两者之间的关系,故A 项正确。

6. According to _____, speech acts fall into five general categories, which include representatives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives.
A. Searle
B. Austin
C. Grice
D. Leech

7. The major topics of historical linguistics do NOT include _____.
A. the historical development of languages and processes involved in language change
B. the nature of language change and its causes
C. variation in language in different places and among different groups at a given point of time
D. methods and techniques to reconstruct linguistic history and establish the relationship between languages that belong to the same language family


8. _____ is an example of official bilingualism where French and English are recognized official languages.
B. Canada
C. Singapore
D. Australia
【解析】加拿大是双语现象的例子,其中英语和法语都是官方语言,两者地位平等,故B 项正确。

9. The mental function of _____ is under the control of the left hemisphere.
A. language and speech
B. visual and spatial skills
C. holistic reasoning
D. recognition


10. The utterances of children at early _____ stage typically lack inflectional
morphemes and most minor lexical categories.
A. prelinguistic
B. one-word
C. two-word
D. multiword


II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the firstletter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the word given. (1%X10=10%) 11. As traditional grammars aim to lay down rules for “correct” behavior, they are
said to be p_____.

12. As a phonological rule, the d_____ rule tells us when a sound is to be deleted
although it is orthographically represented.

13. As part of a word, a r_____ cannot stand by itself although it carries clear, definite
meaning; it must be combined with other morphemes to form a word.


14. Introductory words such as “that,”“if,”“until,”“after,”“befor e” which are。
