






















英汉比较与翻译 第七章、英汉动物词比较与翻译

英汉比较与翻译    第七章、英汉动物词比较与翻译

❖ 刻画人物的习性
❖ old cat(脾气坏的老太婆),dark horse(竞赛中爆冷门的人)
❖ 描摹人物的动作
❖ to monkey(捣蛋),to swan(闲逛)
❖ 模拟人物的声音
❖ bellow(怒吼;吼叫),bark(咆哮;叫骂)
❖ 描写人物的形状
❖ an elephant of a woman(大个儿女人),as ugly as a toad (象蛤蟆一样丑)
❖ 作者借蝉喻人,借蝉言志。这个“蝉”是具 有丰富文化内涵的“象”。在柳永的“寒蝉 凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇”一句中,蝉鸣 代表了悲伤。而英语中的“cicada”也没有承 载如此深厚的文化内涵。
❖ Beaver(河狸)在英语文化中是勤奋的代表。 这种动物在北美很常见,而且它们每天都很 勤奋努力地建房子,不停地工作,所以北美 的人们用eager beaver 来形容那些勤奋努力, 在工作岗位上兢兢业业的人。而在中国这种 动物很少见,所以河狸也就是只能是个名称, 引不起人们的联想。
英汉民族对狐的基本看法是一致的,即“ 坏”;汉 语中多表概念,英语中多指具体的人,而且包括男 女,有褒义有贬义。
❖ 熊 / bear ❖ 1) 英语:粗鲁的人,坏脾气的人,行动笨拙的人;
顽强的人,有特殊才能的人;卖空者 ❖ 2)汉源自:软弱无能;姓,斥骂。英语和汉语对熊
的认识有一定的差异,英语较之汉语,褒义多于贬 义;意义类型也不完全一样。但是意义间也有相互 认同的,例如,用汉语形容“空方占绝对优势的股 市”时候,则说“熊市”。
❖ 复合形容词有eagle-eyed(目光炯炯的),duck-legged(短 腿的),dog-eared(折角的),chicken-livered(胆小的), wasp-waisted(细腰的)


直译:A man can not be known by his look , nor can the ocean be measured by a dipper.
意译:We can not judge a person by appearance only.
• 在直译和借用汉语成语都不妥当时,为了 表达确切的原意,可进行意译
叶公好龙 : professed love of what one really fears 毛遂自荐: volunteer one ‘s service 初出茅庐: at the start of one’s career
• 2.定型性 指成语中的词、形式、结构都是固定的,
一般不能更改或替换. Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人以群分
Bring the house down 博得满堂喝彩
• 3.整体性 指英语成语意义具有整体性,不可根据
单个词意思来理解. 猜一猜 Bite the dust Go to the happy hunting ground
中国自古以来就是农业大国,属于典型的 地农耕文化,因此与农业有关的 成语很多。 例如:瓜熟蒂落、解甲归田、拔苗助长
英国是岛国,海洋性气候,航海业发达,很 多成语源于航海事业 。 例如:to burn one’s boat 破釜沉舟
plain sailing 一帆风顺 go with the stream 随波逐流
第一组:韦春梅,吕柯慧,韦春电, 吴敏敏,于新华

英汉动物词 国俗语义对比

英汉动物词 国俗语义对比

• 3 、俗传“狐狸”善于魅人。因此汉语中用“狐媚” 喻指“用谄媚、阴柔的手段迷惑人”。如: • 唐· 骆宾王《代李敬业传檄天下文》:“掩袖工谗,狐 媚偏能惑主。” • • 汉语俗语也将“以色诱人的女人”称为“狐狸精” ,含贬义.这与上文中说到的英语用fox喻指“漂亮女 人”在态度的褒贬上完全不同。如: • 清· 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十回:“一心只想装狐媚子 哄宝玉。 • 4、成语“狐朋狗友”、“狐群狗党”则指“勾结在 一起的坏人”.如: • 清· 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十回:“恼的是那狐朋狗友, 搬弄是非,调三窝四。” • 西汉· 刘向《国策· 楚策一》有“狐假虎威”的故事 ,比喻“借别人的势来欺压人”。
• 例如:Avarice is as deaf to the voice of virtue. as the ass to thevoice of Apollo. • (Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,1975) • 贪婪对美德熟视无睹,如同驴子对神乐充耳不闻。
• • • • • • • •
2、英语中的old cat是指“脾气坏的老太婆”: “…Everybody will be talking about you and saying you are fast一and anyway. Mrs. Meriwether knew it was your bedroom." "And I suppose she'll tell all the boys, the old cat!" (M. Mitchell: Gone with the Wind. ch. 9) “大家都会谈论你,说你放荡一不管怎么说.梅里韦瑟太太知道这是你的房间。” “我料想她会告诉所有的小伙的,这个老恶婆!” 《根据陈良庭等译《乱世佳人》改译)



A Research on the Comparison and Translating Technologyof Chinese and English Animal IdiomsAbstract: The study of language is the most effective means of learning different culture of various regions, and idioms are quintessence of the language as it has been chastened hundreds of years. This paper mainly focuses on “English and Chinese animal idioms”, which is the funniest part of the quintessence, to make clear the differences of history and culture between China and other western countries through comparison and study, and to illustrate some translation skills of animal idioms. The whole paper gets to the point from three aspects: The first part explains the concept of the animal idioms of both English and Chinese; the second part grasps the inner significance of cultural differences between China and other western countries, by comparing the different associated meanings of “dog”, “horse” and “sheep” in Chinese and English; the last part of the paper brings up three effective skills in translating animal idioms, literal translation, change of image, and free translation.Key Words: animal idioms; cultural difference; translation skills; change of images英汉动物成语地比较与翻译技巧摘要:语言研究是学习不同地域文化最有效地方法,而成语则是千百年语言磨练地精华.本文主要着眼于这精华中最有趣地一部分——英汉动物成语,通过比较.学习来透析中西方历史和文化地差异并且总结出动物成语地一些翻译技巧.全文分三方面来阐述:第一部分,简略地解释了英汉成语概念;第二部分,通过对“狗”“马”和“羊”在英汉成语中不同地形象联想意义地比较,洞悉中西方地文化差异;第三部分,提出了英汉动物成语中三种有效地翻译技巧——直译.想象转换地意译.关键词:动物成语, 文化差异, 翻译技巧, 形象转换CONTENTS1. Introduction: The concept of English and Chinese idioms (1)2. The comparision of imaginative meanings between English and Chinese idioms................................................... (2)2.1 Dog, the typical animal in understanding of animal idioms between chinese and western culture. 22.2 Horse, favorited by both chinese andwesterner.................................................. . (3)2.3 Sheep, regarded as the weak and small animals in the eyesof both chinese and western cultures. 43. Translation skills of English and Chinese animal idioms53.1 The literal translation method 53.2 The change of image method 73.3. The free translation method 94. Conclusion (13)Bibliography................................................................... . (14)1.Introduction: The concept of English and Chinese idiomsWe usually translated “成语”of Chinese into “idiom”of English. As everyone knows, the Chinese and English idioms are not the same. The word "idiom" has two meanings. In its broad sense, it is translated as "习语", including colloquialisms, proverbs and slang expression, and so on. "习语"means “熟语”in Chinese. Chinese "熟语" is commonly used in figurative phrases or sentences , including the idiom, usage, proverbs, maxims, Xie Houyu, and so on. In its narrow sense, it is translated as "成语", distinctive from "习语" , it means which English has long been used to express the full meaning, structure stereotypes of fixed phrases or phrase. However the narrow sense of English "idiom" is different from the Chinese idiom, there are still unequal relations between two concepts. Chinese idiom, according to <Modern Chinese Dictionary>, is the figurative phrases or short sentences with the concise form and insightful meanings used by people in a long time learning. Most Chinese idiom are composed by four words, the general has provenance. "Chinese idioms’structure is always fixed, Chinese has two-word idioms, such as"推敲", Chinese has three-word idioms, such as “下马威”, “鸟兽散” and so on,there are also have5, 6, 7 or even 12-character idioms such as“树倒猢狲散” (the saying goes as idioms), “风马牛不相及”(six-word idioms), “醉翁之意不在酒” (seven-word idioms),“只许周官放火,不许百姓点灯”(12-character idioms), but most Chinese idioms are generally four words with symmetry and rhythm coordination. While the English proverb’s (or idioms) numberof words is not fixed and has a wide range, including idioms, allusions, proverbs, maxims, and the saying goes and so on, some proverbs and evolution have evolved into the idioms. Chinese idioms are mainly used in written as well as used in spoken; English idioms mainly used in spoken but also used in written.This article compares the similarities and differences betweenthe English idioms and thus to understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures and languages,in order to solve some of the difficulties in translating the English and Chinese idioms.2.The comparison of imaginative meanings between English and Chinese idiomsHuman emotions to animals often vary from people to people,from country to country. Comparing the English and Chinese idioms, one can see: the dog are the most different animal in understanding of animal idioms between Chinese andWestern cultures. The horse is the favorite of Chinese and Westerner, the sheep are regarded as the weak and small animals in the eyes of both Chinese and Western cultures. Through visual comparison between these animals, we can better understand the differences between East and West, we will in-depth grasp of the language in English Learning, therefore we will perform more easily, more elegant and appropriate in the practice of communication with westerners.2.1 Dog, the typical animal in understanding of animal idioms between Chinese and western culture.In China's culture from top to bottom 5,000 years, "dog" has been considered to be the most lowly animals. Although we also know a "dog" means honest,loyal (such as: "狗不嫌家贫"), but the majority of idioms with the dog describe nauseous things or persons. When Dogs used to refer to people, it is the curse actually, it means helping the bad person do bad things, such as: “走狗”.“狗仗人势”.“狗奴才”.“狗腿子” and “狗头军师”and so on. In addition, the other idioms with "dog" commonly have derogative meanings, such as: “狼心狗肺”.“狗急跳墙”.“狐朋狗友”.“鼠窃狗偷”.“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”and so on. In Britain and the United States and other Western countries, "dog" is considered the most loyal, friendly friends. In theirhearts, the dog is no longer a vulgar, common animals, but has been given like"a person's " life, get a dog they loved in their life is happy enough. Therefore, in spoken English, the "dog" refers to the many idioms, such as: "a lucky dog", "a gay dog" (who like to play), "a dirty dog" (Bad Boy) , "A sly dog" (the crafty guy), "a dumb dog" (reticent people), here "dog" means only a "person or guy." It is well-known in the world that Americans love the dogs. Just talk about The White House dog. Franklin Roosevelt's beloved small gundog Fala was forgotten in the Aleutian Islands in a travel. President Roosevelt immediately dispatched a destroyer to look for it. Costing a total of around 15,000 U.S. dollars on February in 1945 after the death of the President, Farah participated in the mortuary on the ceremony, after it death , it was buried near the host. President John F. Kennedy has a Space dog, which the Khrushchev present him to ease the Caribbean missile crisis. President Lyndon Johnson named his dog Johnson, in accordance with the habit of Americans, only his wife and children take the name. In addition, we can see from some of the common English idioms that the Western culture has the feeling of sympathy and love on the dog's, such as: "Love me, love my dog", "The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs"" Dog doesn't eat dog" "A livingdog is better than a dead lion." and so on. Of course, in English, there are also derogatory meaning in "the dog saying", but most are the people who pay sympathy and compassion to dog’s sad place, such as: "lead a dog's life" (living a miserable life), "die a dog's die "(die tragically), "go to the dog's"(destroyed).2.2 Horse-Favorited by both chinese and westernerIn ancient TV and movies of China, we can often see the scene of a hero riding a Horse. "Drive, drive," on the battlefield, in the vastness of the boundless sea, in the endless desert, the horse raised dust, spray splashing Pentium away. Horse loved by Chinese people because of its smart, elegant appearance and loyalty, dilligence. In Chinese language, including "horse" has a lot of the phrase is also a very good corroboration. “马到成功”.“马不停蹄”.“老马识途”.“厉兵秣马”.“一马当先”.“千军万马”.“车水马龙”.“汗马功劳”.“万马奔腾”.“快马加鞭”.“路遥知马力”which means good, but also have“人仰马翻”.“人困马乏”.“走马观花”.“心猿意马”.“牛头不对马嘴”.“指鹿为马”which means bad, it is too numerous to list. While in English, horse is a symbol of status and quality, like "be on the high horse", with the corresponding have "come off the high horse", “don’t swap horses whencrossing a stream”, “a good horse cannot be of a bad color”, “a good horse should be seldom spurred”, “dark horse”, But it is worth noting that the English idiom "horse" in Chinese in contrast is often not the “horse”, but the “cattle.”For example, in Chinese, we describe a person who has great strength as “力大如牛”,while in the eyes of the British, horse is the strongest, so they said “as strong as a horse”; in Chinese language, we would describe a person who work very hard as an old ox, but in English which is used “work like a horse” to describe the hard working person when China first introduced the tractor, people were pleased to call “iron cattle”, while in English Usage “iron horse” is to describe the engine or locomotive. “Salt horse”means salty or pickled beef, but not horse meat. In Chinese talk bigger called “吹牛” while in English is “talk horse”.2.3 Sheep, regarded as the weak and small animals in the eyes of both Chinese and western cultures.In the eyes of the Chinese people, the sheep is the symbolic meaning of "docile" and "weak", we often said, "She is lovely and tame like a sheep." Interestingly, in English "sheep" has a similar significance, the symbol of "timid, cowardly" and "stupid" and "easy to tame the people" but always withderogatory meaning, such as: “a black sheep”. According to ancient legend and superstition, the black sheep is in disguise of the devil. It is now commonly used “black sheep”referring to “the stubborn son, the villain”, and so on. Similar to the Chinese "black sheep", for example: they don't like talking about their brother Dick, as he is the black sheep of the family. He has been in prison twice. In addition, the sheep in English has good or bad points. "Sheep" is usually a symbol of tame, timid, shy and kind-hearted, while "goat" is dirty and evil in disguise. Please see the two comparison:(1) a sheep among wolves, liberal translated as “落入一群恶汉手中地善良人.”(2) a wolf in sheep's clothing, liberal translated as “貌善心毒,口蜜腹剑地人”(3) cast sheep's eyes (抛眉眼,递送秋波)(4) to get somebody's goat, liberal translated as “比喻像被激怒地山羊一样恼火.”(5) to separate the sheep from the goat (from the Bible) liberal translated to “区分好人和坏人;分辨善与恶”3. Translation skills of English and chinese animal idiomsAnimal idioms have vivid images. Through the image, the association of ideas to express significance of language canbring brilliance. But understanding the significance of animal idioms, it is necessary to consider not the significance of its own idiom, but also consider their cultural background differences. Therefore, translating the English and Chinese idioms became a problem. First of all, animal idiom translation should retain the original language as far as possible, and in accordance with target language culture and language habits of different idioms using different laws of translation. Generally speaking, there are several approaches as below.3.1 The literal Translation lawAs human beings think the same. Some do not matter what the animals have given the significance of the same association, to express the same thoughts and feelings. This is based on human attributes to animals and the natural role of understanding on the agreement, that is our image of animals in the translation on the “deep transformation”of a common basis. In the majority of the Chinese idioms animals can be found corresponding to the English expression (equivalent), so we can write according to the image of animals in English and Chinese on the same extended a literal meaning to the literal translation.Such as:(1) We have no use for a P.A.(=paper ass)like this.It can be translated into:像这样地蠢驴,对我们毫无用处.(2) a running dogIt can translated into:走狗.(3) There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character.It can be translated into:他具有一种既残暴又狡诈地性格.(4) Why are you rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off?It can be translated into:你为什么像一只无头鸡东撞西碰?(5) to stir up a hornet's nestIt can be translated into:捅蚂蜂窝(6) eat like a wolfIt can be translated into:狼吞虎咽(7) fish in troubled waterIt can be translated into:浑水摸鱼(8) dark horseIt can be translated into:黑马(比喻知名度不高地候选人)(9) barking dogs don not biteIt can be translated into:会叫地狗不咬人Another example is on the following sentence that on the circumstances that having the same figure of some animal we can literally translate,:“骑虎难下”→“He who rides on a tiger can never discount”;“守株待兔”→“Waiting for suicidal hares”;“披着羊皮地狼”→“a wolf in sheep's clothing”;“树倒湖狮散”→“Tree down, monkeys away”;“鳄鱼地眼泪”→“crocodile tears”“狼来了”→“cry wolf”“笨鸟先飞”→“A slow sparrow should make an early fly.”In addition, some animal idioms have similar sentences as…as a… like… or form, most can be literal, that is, literally translated into “像…一样地…”,Of course, sometimes the word of analogy can be omitted, integration of the literal translation and liberal translation that the language become more mature and clearly.Such as:as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂般忙碌as sly as a fox 像狐狸般狡猾as foolish as an ass 像驴一般愚蠢as slow as a tortoise 像乌龟般迟缓as black as a crow 像乌鸦般黑as stubborn as a mule 像骡子般固执as quiet as a lamb 像羔羊般驯良as proud as a peacock 像孔雀一样骄傲as faithful as a dog 像狗一样忠实as gruff as a bear 像熊一样凶暴as fierce as a tiger 猛如虎as slippery as an eel 油滑,不可靠………Note that when expressed a strong emotional (such as如激愤,鄙夷或生气), the translation method of change: such as: as stupid as an owl. It should be translated into:笨透了.(而不是“像猫头鹰一样笨”) as deaf as an adder. It should be translated into:极聋地.(而不是“像蛇一样聋”)3.2 The Change of Image LawChinese and English are both rich in animal idioms. Illustrating some specific figure animals through the second part of the above article, analysis and comparison, it is not difficult to find understanding of the preferences and opinions to the animals because of the cultural and historical background. In a language use some animals express a particular animal's image, another language use a different image of the animal toexpress. Therefore, translating and understanding idioms brought difficulties and challenges to us. When we translate thus animal idioms, we should use the change of image law, that is, retaining the original meaning of communication, to find a Chinese thinking and which animal significance is similar to the corresponding idiom, replacing the original image with another animal figure which readers are familiar with the imagination, thus the readers will be more easily to understood. For example, cattle and fish have the features to drink lots of water. When we describe a person drinking a lot of water, most of us think of’“牛饮”. This is because in ancient times, cattle are closest to the ordinary people. Most of the livestock work is done by the "牛大哥", so we like to compare with a cattle; while Westerners choose fish to express, "drink like a fish". Another example is when a person talk bigger, we said he was "吹牛" and in English does not seem to "blow crow" this statement, they use "fish story". Image of these animals is complicated, deep-rooted relate with each history and culture, rather than a simple question of "牛" for "鱼". Therefore, in our actually translating, we must proceed culture very careful. Below citing some examples of transferring the animals image between Chinese and Western idioms:(1) as strong as a horse(马) 力大如牛(2) as Wet as .a drowned rat(鼠) 落汤鸡(3) chicken -hearted(鸡) 胆小如鼠(4) as timid as a hare(兔) 胆小如鼠(5) Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen(马) 亡羊补牢(6) a cat on hot bricks(猫) 热锅上地蚂蚁(7) as stubborn as a mule(骡)犟得像头牛(8) to kill two birds with one stone(鸟) 一箭双雕(9) to kill the goose that lays the golden egg(鹅) 杀鸡取卵(10) pit the cart before the horse(马)本末倒置(11) birds of feather(鸟) 一丘之貉(12) black sheep (羊) 害群之马(13) come in like a lion and go out like a lamb(狮和绵羊) 虎头蛇尾(14) a drawn rat(鼠) 落汤鸡(15) to set fox to keep your goose(狐狸)引狼入室(16) like a rat in a hole(耗子) 瓮中之鳖(17) be gooseflesh all over(鹅) 浑身起鸡皮疙瘩(18) asking a fox for its skin(狐狸) 与虎谋皮(19) as mute as a fish(鱼)噤若寒蝉(20) a lion in the way(狮子)拦路虎(21) break a butterfly on the wheel(蝴蝶)杀鸡焉用宰牛刀(22) to cast pearls before swine(猪)对牛弹琴(23) Don’t try to flog a dead horse(马)死猪不怕开水烫(24) a dying duck in the thunderstorm(鸭)惊弓之鸟(25) a fly in the ointment(苍蝇)一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥(26) Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.(狗,狮)宁为鸡口,不为牛后.(27) to act as a cat’s paw(猫)为虎作伥(28) Tread on the worm and it will turn.(蠕虫)狗急跳墙3.3.The Free Translation MethodWhen referring to the understanding and translation of English and Chinese idioms, we have to involve cultural knowledge. We said earlier that different animal has a different image of the extended meaning in the West. Among them, there are the same animal with the same sense of meaning (in literal translation); Different animals have the same significance ofmeaning (change of image). However in most of English and Chinese languages, animal vocabularies have more significance in imaging, such as in English chickens, goats, cows were "weak and timid" (as timid as a chicken), "lust immorality" (goatish). And “stout seedy” (You smell cow!) Meanings, while we cannot find a trace in Chinese culture. Also in Chinese, the "dragon" all things considered among the most noble and sacred is the symbol of strength, we are the descendant of the dragon. Therefore, in Chinese idioms, we can see the “龙雏凤种”“龙飞凤舞”“龙凤呈祥”“龙潭虎穴”“龙马精神”and“龙腾虎跃”“车水马龙” and so on. In Chinese thinking, "Dragon" is mighty, and the supreme good fortune, while the "dragon" in English is figure for devil and people cannot help thinking the really very sad thing related. Thus, in animal idioms Translating, when literal translation law and transfer translation law are not clearly explained, the free translation law should be used. In the correct understanding of the basis of the original language, we should translate according to the language meaning.For example,(1) The dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone.It should be translated into:对你说别人坏话地人也会说你地坏话.(2) He is as poor as a church mouse.It should be translated into:他一贫如洗. not:他穷得像教堂里地耗子.(3) a big fish in a small pondIt should be translated into:山中无老虎,猴子称大王.(小地方地大人物)not:小塘容不下大鱼.(4) fine feathers make fine birdsIt should be translated into:华丽地外表并不能代表能力 not:佛要金装,人要衣装.(5) The man and his wife are now leading a cat-and-dog life. It should be translated into:他和妻子过着吵吵闹闹地生活. not:他和妻子过着猪狗不如地生活.(6) Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.It should be translated into:昨天夜里我听到他鼾声如雷. Not:昨天夜里我听到他把猪赶到集市上去.(7) a big frog in a small pondIt should be translated into:小地方地重要人物not:小池塘里地大青蛙(8) They put off the game as it was raining cats and dogs. It should be translated into:因为狂风暴雨,他们推迟了比赛.not:因为天上掉猫狗,所以他们推迟了比赛.(9) let the cat out of the bagIt should be translated into:露出马脚 not:让猫从袋子里面出来(10) a white elephantIt should be translated into:庞大地废物 not:一头白大象 (11) a fly (butterfly) on the wheelIt should be translated into:自以为了不起地人;(12) She is a cat.It should be translated into:她是个包藏祸心地女人.not:她是一只猫.(13) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushIt should be translated into:未到手地东西再好也不如已到手地东西.不过这句话由于是广为流传地谚语,且意思简单,因此直译“一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林”也被人们所接受.(14) dog eat dogIt should be translated into:人吃人地残酷竞争. not:狗吃狗(15) eat like a bird 食量很小eat like a horse 食量很大(16) Every dog has his dayIt should be translated into:人人皆有得意之日.(17) let sleeping dogs lieIt should be translated into:不要惹是生非,自找麻烦.not:让睡着地狗躺着.(18) Tom got the bird for being saucy to the manager.It should be translated into:汤姆由于对经理没有礼貌而被开除.(19) You have backed the wrong horse.It should be translated into:你做出了错误地判断.(20) show somebody the lionsIt should be translated into:带某人参观名胜古迹.而不是:带某人去看狮子.(21) It should be translated into::Hold high hopes for one’s child. 望子成龙(22) It should be translated into::Achieve immediate victory; win instant success:马到成功.(23) It should be translated into::Misfortune may be an actual blessing:塞翁失马焉知非福.(24 ) It should be translated into::A real man never goes back on his words:一言既出驷马难追(25) It should be translated into::The sauce is better than the fish:喧宾夺主.4. ConclusionIn the long process of human history,animals as a partner and tools, they not only have made enormous contributions to human civilization, but also have helped to enrich the human language, the communication and even the culture. Seriously studying the language of animal-related expression, we will not feel difficult to find that human use the figure of the animal or use the living habits of animals to create such a rich language expression, giving the dull word a distinctive language and vivid Expression. Due to historical, geographical and cultural differences between east and west, they have their own views about animals. As an English learner, only starting from the cultural and linguistic habit, can we easily grasp and enjoy these interesting animals idioms. In the correct understanding of the basis of the original language, we can translate the Chinese-English well and correctly.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor Wang Jinsheng, who has provided me with valuable instructions, comments and encouragements all through the course of my composing this thesis, and who hasdevoted his precious time to reading through each draft and making critical comment. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Likewise, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my teachers, whose lectures have given me considerable enlightenment and inspiration. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the Foreign Language School of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology as well as those whose encouragement and assistance gave me great momentum during my process of study.Last but not the least, my hearty thanks are due to my dear parents and friends for their endless love and support..Bibliography:[1] Nida, E. A. Language, Culture, and Translating[M]. ShanghaiForeign Language EducationPress. 1993.[2] Newmark P. 2001. A Textbook of Translation[M]. ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press.[3] Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current Englishwith Chinese Translation Beijing: Commercial Press.1987 [4] 陈凤.左洪芬. 动物与英文俚语和成语[J].武汉中国地质大学外语系.[5] 简易民. 试析有象征意义地英语动物成语地文化内涵[J]. 大理师专学报, 2001(12)[6] 李清从中英文成语中动物形象地喻意看两种文化地差异[J]. 楚雄师专学报1999(1)[7] 王哓丽. 动物形象英语成语地翻译[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报,2002(9)[8] 王革英. 从英汉动物成语比较中西文化之异同[J]. 衡阳师专学报(社会科学),1999(4)[9] 原平方. 从英汉成语中动物形象地比较看中西文化地差异[J].山西农业大学学报[10] 杨丽敏. 动物与英语成语[J].安阳师范学院学报,2001[11] 杨山清. 汉英动物形象地联想意义及其成语翻译[J]. 贵州教育学院学报,1998(1)[12] 朱红英. 英汉成语动物“dog”地形象[J]. 郑州纺织工学院学报,1995(5)。



切忌“望文生义” ,“生搬硬套”

不同的语言文化之间存在着巨大的差异。 一个民族的语言学承载另一个民族的文化, 必然造成许多难以处理的翻译问题,即文 化不可译现象。

e.g. 妯娌,连襟
Women who are married to brothers; men who are married to sisters. e.g. 她们是妯娌
spend money like water. 挥金如土

英国是, 岛国,航海业曾一度领先世界;
汉民族是农耕民族。人们的生活离不开土 地。
英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中 没有完全相同的对应习语,如;to rest on one’s oars (暂时歇一歇).to keep one’s head above water (奋力图存)。all at sea (不知所措) 等等。

大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack. 班门弄斧teach fish to swim. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮Two heads are better than one. 妻管严henpecked husband 诸葛亮(的形象)“He is as wise as Solomon” 洗心革面 To turn over a new leaf 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王Among the blind the oneeyed man is king.

见风使舵 See which way the cat jumps 倾盆大雨 It rains cats and dogs. 一贫如洗 (穷光蛋)Poor like a church mouse. 度日如年 donkey years 班门弄斧 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 三伏天 dog days



• 可知我“井底之蛙”,成日家只说现在的这几个 人是有一无二的;谁知不必远寻,就是本地风光, 一个赛似一个。 ——曹雪芹:《红楼梦》
同一动物词表达不同文化内涵 • chicken
• 形容“小与平凡” :宁为鸡头,无为牛后 • 有志向的人及时奋发:闻鸡起舞 • 古人常用鸡来守夜报时:雄鸡一唱天下白 • 常用于占卜、驱邪、祭祀等 • 特殊语境下带贬义 英语:

披着羊皮的狼 sex wolf
• duck's egg 鸭蛋(零分)
pig ——愚蠢、笨拙、脏乱、好吃懒做
He had been a pig about money. 他对钱贪得无厌
make a pig of oneself 吃得过多
buy a pig in a poke 乱买东西,盲目跟从
a gay dog 快活的人、好玩的人
top dog 有优势的人或团体
see dog 老练的水手
a lucky dog 幸运的人
love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌,爱吾及犬
但dog也有形象不佳之时。如:dog eat dog(注意eat为
原形),意指“人们自相残害”;a dog in the manger
• 胆小鬼,懦夫: He is not a chicken! He just doesn’t
want to offend anyone! 他不是胆小鬼,他只是 不想得罪任何人。
• cock (公鸡) 因其打鸣不时吵到人,所以 被称a cock –and –bull story(无稽之 谈): He told us some cock-and-bull story about having lost all his money. 他鬼话连篇,告诉我们他把钱都丢了。



英汉动物词汇的文化内涵及翻译启示英语中pig的喻义也基本一样,可用pig比喻a greedy,dirty or bad-mannered person (贪婪、肮脏、粗野之人),如: eat like a pig (大吃大喝)make a pig of oneself (吃得过多)1.2动物词的文化意义在英汉中的异同点由于两国文化的差异,在有些情况下,它们所代表的含义大庭相径。



中文的“龙”是吉祥尊贵的,而英文中dragon 是邪恶凶残的,两者形成鲜明对比。





然而在西方文化中,人们却认为dragon 是邪恶的代表,是一种狰狞的怪兽,是恶魔的化身。

汉语中与狗有关的习语大都含有贬意:"狐朋狗党"、"狗急跳墙"、"狼心狗肺"、"狗腿子"、“狗眼看人低”、“狗头军师、” “丧家之犬、”“狗咬吕洞宾不识好人心、”“狗嘴里吐不出象牙来”等,尽管近些年来养庞物狗的人数大大增加,狗的"地位"似乎有所改变,但狗的贬义形象却深深地留在汉语言文化中。



在英语习语中,常以狗的形象来比喻人的行为,如you are a lucky dog (你是一个幸运儿),every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意日),old dog will mot learn mew tricks(老人学不了新东西)等等,或者以狗比人,如a top dog (优胜者);a gay dog(快活人);a sea dog(老练水手);a water dog (水性好的人) 等等。



[摘要] 在人类历史发展的漫长进程中,动物一直与人类保持着密切联系,并对人类的生存与发展产生深刻的影响。











①这种共性也被称为文化重叠(cultural overlaps)。


例如,英汉语中都用公鸡来比喻骄傲(as proud as a peacock),用熊来比喻粗暴的脾气(be like a bear with a sore head),用蜜蜂来比喻勤劳(as busy as a bee),用猴子来比喻淘气、顽皮(monkey with)②,用猪来比喻胖、贪吃(as fat as a pig, make a pig of oneself),用蜗牛来比喻速度缓慢(as a snail’s pace),用鹦鹉来比喻学舌(parrot fashion),用驴来比喻固执、笨拙(as stubborn as a donkey, as stupid as a donkey),用羊羔来比喻温顺(as gentle as a lamb)③等。



中西方动物文化词语的差异在人类历史发展的漫长进程中, 动物一直与人类保持着密切联系并对人类的生存、发展有着深刻的影响。

这种亲密无间的关系使得人类对动物产生喜爱、同情、厌恶、恐惧等错综复杂的情感, 人们也常常借动物来寄托和表达人的感情, 所以在英汉两种文化中都有许许多多与动物相关的词汇。

语言中的词汇反映了文化发展的差异, 由于受历史、习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响, 中英两种语言赋予动物词汇以各自特定的文化内涵。

众所周知, 在不同语言和不同文化背景下, 每个词除了具有字面意义(denotation) 外, 还有丰富的文化内涵(cultural connotation) , 即该词所隐含的附带的联想义、比喻义、象征义及带有感情色彩的褒义和贬义等。


例如: 中国生产的“山羊”牌闹钟质量好, 畅销国际市场。

可是在英国却无人问津, 原因就在于商标用的词语上。

在中国“山羊”可代表博学之人, 幼儿园的小朋友都知道老山羊爷爷很有学问;而goat 在英语中含有“好色的不正经的男子”的文化内涵。

由此可见, 同一动物词在不同的文化背景里给人带来的联想截然不同。


通过对同一动物在英汉语言中内涵相同、相反、零对应、不同的动物词可能引起相类似的联想诸方面的对比研究, 可以透析出文化对词汇的影响,也生动地揭示出中英两种文化间的差异。

一、同一动物词在中英文化中具有相同的文化内涵由于人类生活的生态环境大致相似, 中英两国人民从动物的基本属性这一角度去认识动物, 自然会产生相同或相似的联想, 赋予动物词相同的文化内涵。

比如: 英国人说:“He is a fox. ”中国人的理解是“他这个人非常狡猾。


又如, as cunning as a fox (象狐狸一样狡猾)。






中文里的蝙蝠从古到今都象征福气,而英语文化中却与福无关,甚至有邪恶与憎恶之意,像“as crazy as a bat”(疯得像蝙蝠)与“have bats in thebelfry”(异想天开)。




英语中的凤凰则是复活与永生的代表,如“I believe that a phoenix that rises from its ashes will be even more dazzlingly beautiful.”(我始终相信浴火重生的凤凰将会更夺目。



例如,凤凰( phoenix) ,依照Br ewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable的说法, 凤凰是传说中的长生鸟,在阿拉伯沙漠上生存了五六百年,临死前衔草木筑巢,在唱完一首挽歌后用翅膀扇火自焚,然后从灰烬中又诞生出一只新凤凰。



在一种文化中提到某些动物时往往可以联想到某特征, 而在另一种文化中却联想不到任何特征。

这种例子, 举不胜举。











它们形象逼真地反映了这些动物的生活规律,以感性认识为基础,从而引申出一定的语言意义,例如,蛇(snake)是一种爬行动物,体形柔软易弯曲,在行走时,蜿蜒曲折前行,因而英汉语言中都有“蛇行(snake its way through)”。

另外蛇能分泌毒液,隐匿于草丛中,因而有“阴险、狠毒”的联想意义,英语中有“a snake in the grass”,比喻伪装成朋友的阴险之人。





(汉英)译成语为set phrase;idiom。







“Dog”不过是“家伙”的意思,本身并无贬义,视其前面的形容词不同而具有不同的含义,例如a lucky dog(幸运儿),a gay dog(喜欢玩乐的人),a surly dog(性情古怪的人),a dumb dog(沉默不语的人),a dirty dog(坏蛋)等。



如:He was a bit of a dog in his younger days。

但“hot dog”却是夹在面包中吃的红香肠。

此外,a dead dog(毫无价值的东西,废物),a dog in the manger(占着茅坑不拉屎的人)都有一定的贬义。

Lead a dog’s life(过着令人烦恼的生活),die a dog’s death, die like a dog(死得可鄙或可悲),go to the dogs(堕落,毁灭),let sleeping dogs lie(不要惹是生非)等成语中“dog”的形象也都不好。

但是,help a lame dog over a stile(助人渡过难关)中的“dog”是值得同情的对象。


鸽子(pigeon/dove) 友好和平的象征 狐狸(fox) 英语中也常用狐狸来形容人奸诈、狡猾。 He is a fox.他这个人非常狡猾。 as cunning as a fox(象狐狸一样狡猾)。 驴(ass) 英语中几乎所有ass构成的成语典故,习语谚语都隐含 着“傻’,、“笨’,的意思 如:ass in grain(十足的大傻瓜); asses’ bridge(笨人难过的桥);
汉族人认为在树林听见了猫头鹰的叫声,就预示着家里可能有 人会死。
喜鹊(magpie) 中华民族民俗意义上具有“喜庆、报喜”之义。 英美文化中有“背后说别人坏话”之民俗寓意。 猫头鹰(owl) 在英语中owl是一个表示智慧的鸟,成语as wise as an owl。 说某人“owlish”往往是形容他聪明、严肃。 Patrick peered owlishly at us through his glasses. (帕特里克透过他的眼镜严肃而机敏地审视着我们)。
海狸(beaver) 海狸(beaver)主要生息在北美。为了创造并保持适合其生 活的环境,这种小动物用嘴咬断小树,将树干聚集,以 高超的技巧和坚韧不拔的毅力构筑并长年维修。英语民 族尤其是美国人对这种勤奋的小动物十分熟悉。所以英 语中用"beaver”来指“工作勤奋而认真的人”。
喜鹊(magpie) 中华民族民俗意义上具有“喜庆、报喜”之义。 英美文化中有“背后说别人坏话”之民俗寓意。 猫头鹰(owl) 在英语中owl是一个表示智慧的鸟,成语as wise as an owl。 说某人“owlish”往往是形容他聪明、严肃。 Patrick peered owlishly at us through his glasses. (帕特里克透过他的眼镜严肃而机敏地审视着我们)。



• 虎(tiger),在汉语中虎可指勇猛、有活力、 尊贵、权威(prowess、majesty、dignity、 dominate),如:虎虎生威,龙腾虎跃,虎 踞龙盘;
• 英语中表达类Βιβλιοθήκη 含义(courage、dignity,、 royalty)则用lion(狮子),如:the British Lion就是指英国,a literary lion则 指文学界的名人,
• “to separate the sheep from the goats(”分辨好人与坏人)
• 狼(wolf)在汉文化中表示凶残、野蛮、 杀戮,因此人们常说“狼子野心”、“狼 狈为奸”。英语中的wolf也让人联想到野 蛮残忍。“a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (披着羊皮的狼)
• “(as) greedy as a wolf” “the big bad wolf”(令人恐怖的人或物)。
• 驴(ass),在汉语里是一种较愚蠢(stupid) 的动物,我们常说“蠢驴”、“驴脑袋”。英 语中也有“as dull as an ass”(蠢得像驴 一样),“an ass in a lion’s skin”(冒 充有智慧的人)“,to make an ass of oneself”(犯傻)。
• If you call a woman a dragon, you mean that she is fierce and unpleasant.(如果把一个女人叫做dragon, 意思是她很凶狠,令人讨厌。)
• 例如可以说,She’s a bit of a dragon around this place.意思是她在这里是个 很跋扈的人。
• 而在汉语中鱼与‘余’谐音,有一种富余 的意思,所以,中国人过春节时,除夕夜 的餐桌上不能没有鱼,象征着来年富裕有 余。



• bee: 勤劳
a busy bee 勤劳的小蜜蜂
• As gentle as a lamb. • As cunning as a fox.
• He just parrots what others say. 他只会鹦鹉学舌。 • He is rather an ass. 他简直是头笨驴。
• She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 她就是披着羊皮的狼。
鹤 crane 在中国文化中被视为仙禽,象征健康长寿。汉语有鹤寿, 松鹤延年的说法。而在西方文化中,鹤则没有此内涵。
龟tortoise 在中国文化中象征长寿。有时也含贬义,用来骂人。而此 两种褒贬含义都不存在于西方文化中。
Hale Waihona Puke 所指相同,但只在一种语言中有文化内涵。
1.指示意义相同,文化内涵大致相同。 • dove: 象征着和平 • crocodile: 比喻表面仁慈,富于同情心,实则铁石 心肠的伪君子。
crocodile tears 鳄鱼眼泪假慈悲
西: work like a horse
as strong as a horse
英:as bold as a lion
majestic as a lion
a rat in a hole 瓮中捉鳖 goose flesh 鸡皮疙瘩 like a drowned rat 落汤鸡 birds of a feather 一丘之貉 set the fox to keep geese 引狼入室










在英语中也正好是用这个成语来形容此类人,表达为“repeat the words of others like a parrot”;又如“狼子野心”在英语中也是相同表达,可表达为“as cruel as a wolf”。

再如“浑水摸鱼”可表达为“fish in the troubled waters”。






而在西方早期农耕中,却是用马作生产工具,所以在表达“身壮如牛”这一成语时,英语中用的是“as strong as a horse”。



对应动物词语的 文化内涵相同
• 人类本身及其赖以生存的一切外部 条件的共性使得人类对自身以及客 观世界形成共识。英汉语言中词语 拥有相同或相似的文化内涵称为对 等词。
• 老狐狸 • 狐狸精或狐媚 • 狐朋狗友 • 狐狸再狡猾也会露
出尾巴 • 狐狸的尾巴藏不了 • foxy an old fox An old fox is not easily
• colt
• 初生牛犊
• to talk horse
• 吹牛
• as strong as a horse • 健壮如牛
• as stubborn as a mule • 犟得像头牛
• a willing horse
• 老黄牛、孺子牛
• drink like horse
• 牛饮
• Wild horses couldn’t
sheep a wolf in a sheep’s clothing wolf something down
• 鹦鹉学舌 • 鹦鹉前头不敢言
learn/repeat something parrotfashion
He doesn’t have his own idea. He always parrots what others say.
蚕 (silkworm)
• 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 --李商隐
• ostrich belief • an ostrich policy
不同民族有着不同的历史发展进程,从 而形成了各自不同的历史文化,语言是文 化的载体,各自不同的文化使得英汉动物 词语承载着不同的文化内涵,主要有地理 环境、历史习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等 四个方面因素影响英汉动物词语文化内涵 的差异。
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A long road tests horse’s strength and a long task proves a man’s heart. 路遥知马力,日久见人心
• blood is thicker than water
英汉语都拥有丰富的成语,有的在内在和形式上相 互符合:有相同的意义,又n有相似的形象或比喻, 这时可借译。
英语成语中有些来古希腊或罗马神话故事: penelope’s web(姑息养奸) to meet one’s Wa一字对一字的死译,而是照字而翻译,不太多的 引申和注释。在成语所包含的比喻和语言内涵被文化完全接 受的情况下,可直译。
贾母听了,如火上浇油一般,便骂: “是谁做了棺材?”
中国自古以来就是农业大国,属于典型的 地农耕文化,因此与农业有关的 成语很多。 例如:瓜熟蒂落、解甲归田、拔苗助长
英国是岛国,海洋性气候,航海业发达,很 多成语源于航海事业 。 例如:to burn one’s boat 破釜沉舟
plain sailing 一帆风顺 go with the stream 随波逐流
社会习俗是文化的组成部分之一,而语言又是文化的 承载者,因此英汉习俗差异反映在语言中是多方面的。
语中与龙有关的成语大多是褒义的。 龙腾虎跃、卧虎藏龙、龙马精神
在英语国家,龙却被认为是邪恶的化身,大多带有贬义 。
dragons and fishes jumbled together(鱼龙混杂)
例如: 深入浅出 冰天雪地
除了有基本的语义以外,还具有丰富多层次 的附加语义色彩,使其富于形象性和联想性. 例如:俯首贴耳 本意顺从 还形象地再现了甘心听命于人的奴才的丑态
• 大多数成语是历史文化产物,在古代汉语 的浸润中,有大量古代词语的积淀,使成 语显得典雅,深奥。
• This added fuel to the fire of the old lady's anger,“Who ordered coffins?”
seek truth from facts 实事求是 to pour oil on fire 火上浇油 eye for eye and tooth for tooth 以牙还牙 All crows are equally black , all wolves eat meats. 天下乌鸦一般黑,老狼都是吃肉的。
• 在直译和借用汉语成语都不妥当时,为了 表达确切的原意,可进行意译
叶公好龙 : professed love of what one really fears 毛遂自荐: volunteer one ‘s service 初出茅庐: at the start of one’s career
欧洲各国中有不少成语源自古希腊、罗马的神话传说 、
寓言故事以及基督教《圣经》 例如: a black sheep(害群之马)
the apple of the eye (掌上明珠)
成语是各民族历史文化发展的积淀,承载着深厚独 特的文化传统。
例如:汉语中一些源于我国神话、寓言故事或历 史故事的成语。 孟母三迁 叶公好龙 狐假虎威
burn one’s boats 破釜沉舟 walls have ears 隔墙有耳 go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火 fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼
a flash in the pan 昙花一现 have one foot in the grave 风烛残年 at the end of one’s rope 山穷水尽
例如:尔虞我诈 众目睽睽
a thin man in a thin overcoat watched them out of thin, emotionless eye.
• 一个骨瘦如柴、衣服单薄、双目失神的男 子注视着他们。
• 两种文化的差异主要表现在生态文化、物 质文化、社会文化、宗教文化及传统文化 等方面
• 4.多样性
• 指英语成语类型的多样性.其分类的依 据是结构特征。
• 1.言简意赅 思想表达丰富,用词简练.
例如:桑弧蓬矢 表现了古代生男子的一种祝贺仪式,用桑 弧做弓,蓬梗作箭,射向四面八方,以象 征男子的远大志向。
• 2.结构均匀。 指成语的四字格中,通常前两个字和后
• 英译中时,需要添枝加叶,以求结构平衡 和朗朗上口。
• burn one's boat • 破釜沉舟 • a sight for sore eyes • 赏心悦目
• 汉译英时,有时需修枝剪叶,以求凝练。 • 花言巧语 • fine words • 镜花水月 • moonshine in water • 随波逐流 • go with the stream • 称心如意 • to one's heart's content
• 2.定型性 指成语中的词、形式、结构都是固定的
,一般不能更改或替换. Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人
Bring the house down 博得满堂喝彩
• 3.整体性 指英语成语意义具有整体性,不可根据
单个词意思来理解. 猜一猜 Bite the dust Go to the happy hunting ground
物质文化是一种表层文化,不少成语直反应了人 们的生活方式与生活内容,成语的选材必然集中于 人们所熟悉的事物身上。 例如:粗茶淡饭、酒囊饭袋
英语中:One can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.巧妇难为无米之炊
佛教(道教、儒教)对中国的影响深远,汉语中与此 有关的表达很多。 例如:六根清净、僧多粥少 临时抱佛脚:embrace Buddha‘s feet in one's hour of need