前苏联 5.5kg锤1m TOCT1704- 高冲击吸收 — 力>75 % 1971 澳大利亚 AS 2101967 4.5kg锤1m 高冲击力 3773~4449. 2N
0.45kg锥体 高温46℃ 3m高穿刺变 ~50℃低温形或穿刺 4℃~-8℃ <9. 5mm
421.4N下最 大变形 <15mm,残 泄漏电流 余变形 5s自灭 <1.2mA <15mm 421.4N下最 大变形 _ <15mm,残 余变形 15s自灭 <15mm 1000V1min 泄漏电流 <1.2mA 10s自灭 2200V 98N下最大 泄漏电流 变形<0.5mm 燃速< <0.5mA 50mm/min 2000V 88.2N下最 泄漏电流 大变形 燃速< <3mA 76mm/min
400g~430g 25mm ~50mm
普通≤430g 防寒 ≤600g ≤50mm
50~60Hz 2000V;1min 泄漏电流 <10mA — 75mm/min 法国 5kg锤1m高 3kg锥体1m 高温+50℃ 50~60Hz 70N下最大 冲击吸收力 高穿刺不触 ±2℃低温- 1200V;1min 变形 MFS72-2025s自灭 <4900N 及头模 1985 10℃±2℃ 泄漏电流 <10mm,残 <1.2mA 余变形<2mm 美国 3. 54~3. 6kg锤 1.524m高冲 击平均吸收 ANSI3891- 力3781 1981 N~445 0N 0.45kg锥体 高温+49℃ A级 穿刺3.048m 2000V;1min 高A、B级 泄漏电流 <9. 5mmc级 <3mA <11. 1mm ±2℃低温- B级 18℃±2℃ 3min<9mA — 燃速<
个人防护是维护生命安 全的重要举措 每个人都应该重视个人 防护
共同营造安全健康的工 作环境 个人防护装备是安全的 保障
个人防护装备在工作和生活中都起着至关重要的作用,随着社会的发展和 人们对安全健康的重视,个人防护装备的应用将更加广泛。希望大家都能 重视个人防护,保护自己和他人的健康安全。
02 防护眼镜可以防止有害物质飞溅或固体颗粒进入眼睛造成伤害。
03 口罩能够过滤空气中的有害颗粒物,保护呼吸道免受危害。
● 02
第2章 头部防护装备
安全帽主要用于保护头部,减少坠落物体对头 部的伤害。在建筑工地、工厂等高危环境中必 须佩戴安全帽。
符合相关标准和规定 选择要符合相关标准和 规定
腐蚀性物质 禁止使用普通手套
安全第一 保护手部,保护自己
了解手套寿命,及时更 换
● 06
第六章 总结与展望
个人防护装备的 重要性
个人防护装备是保障工作者健康安全的必备装 备。在各种工作场景中,合适的个人防护装备 能有效降低事故风险,保护工作者的生命安全。 各类个人防护装备在工作中都有其独特的作用 和价值,选择适合的个人防护装备至关重要。
有效的个人防护装备可 以降低事故发生的概率, 保障工作者的安全。
个人防护装备是保障 工作者健康安全的重 要措施,不可或缺。
适当的个人防护装备可 以减少受到有害物质侵 害导致的疾病风险。
个人防护装备的 分类
个人防护装备按照用途和功能的不同可以分为 多种类型,如安全帽、防护眼镜、口罩、手套 等。不同的工作环境需要配备不同的个人防护 装备,以确保工作者在工作过程中受到最佳的 保护。
1、红色普通安全帽正面标志为中国石油标识,标识直径为34mm,外圈加0.5mm白色边,采用移印工艺印在帽前正中,与帽舌里边的距离为20mm;2、其他颜色的普通安全帽正面标志为中国石油标识,标识直径为35mm,采用移印工艺印在帽前正中,与帽舌里边的距离为20mm;3、防寒安全帽中国石油标识尺寸为:直径40 mm,镶嵌在帽前正中。
三、基本技术性能要求1、冲击吸收性能:经高温、低温、浸水、紫外线照射预处理后做冲击测试,钢锤从1000mm±5 mm自由下落冲击安全帽,传递到头模上的力不应超过3780N,帽壳不应有碎片脱落;2、耐穿刺性能:经高温、低温、浸水、紫外线照射预处理后做穿刺测试,钢锤从1000mm±5 mm自由下落,钢锤不应接触头模表面,帽壳不应有碎片脱落;3、下颏带的强度:下颏带发生破坏时的力值应为150N~250N之间;4、阻燃性能:续燃时间不超过5s时,帽壳不应烧穿;5、防静电性能:表面电阻率不大于1×109Ω。
国家标准规定经安全帽传递到头部的力必须小于4900N,这是因为生物学实验,人体颈椎受力最大值为4900N4. 安全帽的基本性能要求一、抗冲击吸收性能:二、根据国标GB2811—2007规定,用5KG的重锤从1M的高空自由落下佩戴在头模上的安全帽,传递到头模上的力不能超过4900N。
4.常用安全帽材质介绍:ABS 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)玻璃钢材质5.安全帽使用中存在的普遍问题6.一.不系下颌带。
安全帽GB 2811-89作者:国家技术监督局文章来源:国家技术监督局点击数:424 更新时间:2005-12-20国家技术监督局1989-12-01批准1990-08-01实施1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了工业上使用的安全帽的物理性能要求、技术性能要求及其检验规则、管理、标志和包装。
2 引用标准GB 1410 固体电工绝缘材料、绝缘电阻、体积电阻系数和表面电阻系数试验方法GB 2812 安全帽试验方法3 术语3.1 安全帽对人体头部受外力伤害起防护作用的帽。
3.1.1 帽壳安全帽的帽壳包括帽舌、帽沿、顶筋、透气孔、插座、栓衬带孔及下颏带挂座等。
a. 帽舌:帽壳前部伸出的部分;b. 帽沿:帽壳除帽舌外周围伸出的部分;c. 顶筋:用来增强帽壳顶部强度的部分;d. 透气孔:帽壳上开的气孔;e. 插座:帽壳与帽衬及附件连接的插入结构;f. 连接孔:连接帽衬和帽壳的开孔。
3.1.2 帽衬:帽壳内部部件的总称。
a. 帽箍:绕头围部分起固定作用的带圈;b. 托带:与头顶部直接接触的带子;c. 护带:托带上面另加的一层不接触头顶的带子,起缓冲作用;d. 栓绳(带):连接托带和护带、帽衬和帽壳的绳(带);e. 吸汗带:包裹在帽箍外面的带状吸汗材料;f. 衬垫:帽箍和帽壳之间起缓冲作用的垫;g. 后箍:在帽箍后部加有可调节的箍;h. 帽衬接头:连接帽衬和帽壳的接头。
3.1.3 下颏带:系在颏上的带子。
3.1.4 锁紧卡:调节下颏带长短的卡具。
3.1.5 插接:帽壳和帽衬采用插合联接的方式。
3.1.6 栓接:帽壳和帽衬采用栓绳联接的方式。
3.1.7 铆接:帽壳和帽衬采用铆钉铆合的方式。
3.2 水平间距:安全帽在佩戴时,帽箍与帽壳周围空间任何水平点间的距离。
Thank you
可应用于化工、矿山、建筑、机械 、电力、冶金、 交通运输、林业和地质等。 在以下环境(但不仅限于)请慎用H99 安全帽, 或咨询Honeywell 技术部: 1. 强腐蚀性化学品喷溅 2. 带电作业及电弧防护 3. 火灾消防 4. 驾车或运动防护等 安全帽国家标准:
பைடு நூலகம்
•更安全:Honeywell独有的三重防护ABS帽壳设计, 提供卓越的冲击防护性能,超越欧洲和中国标准 的安全要求一倍。 •更轻便:专业的人因工程学设计,佩戴的动态重 量最轻 •更舒适:根据中国人头模数据库设计,更符合中 国人的头围尺寸;通风孔的专业设计,散热效率 更高。 •更易用:北美进口专利帽衬,棘轮调节阀采用多 齿轮结构,调节顺滑,简单易用,一秒完成。 执行标准:GB2811-2007
• Honeywell特有的三重防护ABS帽壳设计(专利号: 201130249080.1),提供卓越的冲击防护性能 • 较小的头部冲击,超越欧洲和中国标准的安全要求 • 根据中国人头模数据库设计,更符合中国人的头围尺寸 • 有效减轻实际工作中长时间佩戴的疲劳感 • 有/无通风孔两款可选,通风孔的特别设计,更符合人 体工程学,散热效率更高 • 北美进口专利帽衬(专利号:US 6,708,376 B1),棘轮调 节阀采用多齿轮结构,手感顺滑,方便易用 • 标配豪华两点式下颏带,同时具备快速插扣和滑动扣, 满足多种环境下均可方便调节的需求。
品 牌:美国霍尼韦尔 产品类型:头部防护 产品名称:安全帽 产品型号:H99 主要功能:保护头部及颈部
<<ga293-2001警用防弹头盔及面罩style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: none;">>
长轴L:243mm *短轴B: 226mm *高度H:167mm
Honeywell HB74H(X) Day Night Bullet Camera 快速安装指南说
Performance Series HB74H(X)True Day/Night Bullet Camera with IR LEDsQuick Installation GuideThank you for purchasing our product. If there are any questions, or requests, please do not hesitate to contact the dealer.The information in this publication is believed to be accurate in all respects. However, Honeywell cannot assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use thereof. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions or new editions to this publication may be issued to incorporate such changes.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationFCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the suppliedaccessories comply with the applicable harmonizedEuropean standards listed under the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked withthis symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipalwaste in the European Union. For proper recycling,return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: .Safety InstructionsThese instructions are intended to ensure that users can use the product correctly to avoid danger or property loss.The precautions are divided into “Warnings” and “Cautions”.Warnings: Serious injury or death may occur if any of the warnings are neglected.Cautions:Injury or equipment damage may occur if any of the cautions are neglected.WarningsWARNING : Installation and servicing should be performed only by qualified and experienced technicians to conform to all local codes and to maintain your warranty.WARNING : This device is configured for 12 V DC operation only. Do not connect to a higher voltage. Use only with NRTL approved Class 2 or LPS power supplies. To prevent potential ground loop issues, a separate PSU should be used for each camera. A multiple-output PSU may be used if the multiple output PSU has isolated and protected (2 A max) outputs.CautionsCAUTION : The light emitted from the near-infrared light emitting diodes (LEDs) provides illumination over a wide area. This light is not considered a risk to the unshielded human eye. However, as with any light source, it isrecommended that normal precautions be taken to avoid unnecessaryWarnings Follow thesesafeguards to preventserious injury or death. Cautions Follow these precautions to prevent potential injury or material damage.exposure. For example, avoid staring into the beam or viewing the LEDs directly with optical instruments at close range.Important Safety Instructions●Read and keep these instructions.●Ensure that your installation area can safely support 3 times the weightof the camera.●Do not install the camera in extreme temperature conditions. Only usethe camera where temperatures are within the limits shown in thecamera specifications. Be especially careful to provide ventilationwhen operating under high temperatures.●Do not install indoor rated cameras where they will be exposed to rainor moisture.●To prevent damage to the imager, do not aim the camera toward anextreme light source.●Do not touch the camera lens, dome or bezel (front glass plate).●Do not drop the camera or subject it to physical shock.●Do not use strong or abrasive cleaners, clean only with a soft cloth andmild detergent or alcohol.●Do not open the camera or attempt to service it yourself. Refer allservice issues to your dealer.Table of ContentsIntroduction (7)Product Features (7)Overview (7)Installation (8)Mounting the Camera on a Ceiling (8)Power Supply (11)IntroductionProduct FeaturesThis series of camera adopts a new generation imaging sensor with high sensitivity and advanced circuit design technology. It features high resolution, low image distortion, and low noise. It is ideal for surveillance systems and image processing systems.●High-performance imaging sensor supplies high resolution high-qualityimages●IR LEDs enable day/night surveillance●IR cut filter automatic switching●ATW provides high color rendition●Ingress protection: IP66-ratedOverviewFigure 1-1 Overview of CameraInstallationBefore you start:•Make sure that all related equipment is powered-off during the installation.•Check that the camera specification agrees with the installation environment.•To avoid damage, ensure the power supply voltage matches your camera requirements.•If the product does not function properly, please contact your dealer or the nearest service center. Do not disassemble the camera for repair or maintenance by yourself.•Please make sure that the installation surface is strong enough to withstand three times the weight of the camera.Mounting the Camera on a CeilingSteps:1. Drill the screw holes and the cable hole in the ceiling according to thesupplied mounting template (see Figure 1-2).2. Hammer the supplied plastic expansion bolts into the screw holes.3. Route the cables through the cable hole and connect thecorresponding power and video (BNC) cables.4. Secure the camera to the ceiling with the self-tapping screws(supplied).Figure 1-3 Securing the Camera to the Ceiling5. Adjust the surveillance angle (refer to Figure 1-4 while adjusting theangle).1).Loosen adjusting screw No.1 to adjust the panning position [0° ~360°].2).Tighten adjusting screw No.1 when the panning position is set.3).Loosen adjusting screw No.2 to adjust the tilting position [0° ~ 90°].4).Tighten adjusting screw No.2 when the tilting position is set.5).Loosen adjusting screw No.3 to adjust the rotation angle [0° ~ 360°].6).Tighten adjusting screw No.3 when the rotation position is set.Figure 1-4 Adjusting the Angle 1 2311 HB74H(X) Camera Quick Installation Guide 800-18608 – A – 06/2014Power SupplyFigure 1-5 Power (12 V DC) and Video (BNC) Cable Connections Note: Please make sure that the power adapter is compatible with the camera, and the standard power supply is 12 V DC. Please refer to the camera’s technical specifications for more information.+1.800.323.4576 (North America only)https:///ss/techsupp/index.htmlDocument 800-18608 – Rev A – 06/2014© 2014 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission from Honeywell. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate in all respects. However, Honeywell cannot assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use thereof. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions or new editions to this publication may be issued to incorporate such changes.。
1. 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)霍尼韦尔是一家全球知名的多元化科技和制造公司,在劳动防护用品领域有着较高的声誉。
2. 3M3M是一家专注于创新的多国跨国公司,其劳动防护用品产品涵盖了防护眼镜、耳塞、呼吸器、安全帽等。
3. 安塞尔(Ansell)安塞尔是一家专注于个人防护装备的全球领先生产商,其产品包括手套、服装、耳塞和呼吸器等。
4. 道森(Dawson)道森是一家专注于劳动防护用品的制造商,其产品包括安全靴、手套、呼吸器和眼镜等。
5. 百得安(Baledo)百得安是一家专注于劳动防护用品的制造商,在全球范围内销售安全鞋、手套、眼镜和呼吸器等。
6. 戴卡伦(Dekra)戴卡伦是一家全球领先的劳动防护用品供应商,其产品包括手套、眼镜、呼吸器和安全鞋等。
7. 安道尔(Andor)安道尔是一家专注于个人防护装备的制造商,其产品包括手套、眼镜、安全鞋和耳塞等。
8. 巴顿(Barton)巴顿是一家专注于劳动防护用品生产和销售的公司,其产品包括安全手套、护目镜、耳塞和呼吸器等。
9. 尼尔森(Neilson)尼尔森是一家生产劳动防护用品的公司,其产品涵盖了手套、眼镜、耳塞、呼吸器等。
10. 安西斯(Ansys)安西斯是一家专门从事劳动防护用品制造的公司,其产品包括眼镜、手套、呼吸器和安全鞋等。
名称:3M 10197焊接眼镜材质:聚碳酸酯性能:眼罩采用可翻起式前盖设计,镜片易于更换,采用W5聚碳酸酯镜片的焊接防护眼镜,有效阻隔99.9%紫外线及98%红外线,镜片采取防刮擦涂层,能够有效延长镜片使用寿命应用场地:适合气割,铜焊,锡焊作业,工业, 建筑, 石油石化, 矿业, 机加工, 化学, 工具制造和金属预制等行业的打磨, 切削, 钻孔, 机加工, 采石, 工具加工, 抛光等工作岗位。
名称:3M N95 非油性防颗粒物口罩材质:3M专利高效静电滤材性能:采用3M专有的高效静电滤棉技术,在满足过滤效率性能的前提下,尽量降低了呼吸阻力。
名称:威特仕电焊工作服材质:牛二层颈皮、杜邦Kevlar 高拉力防火线缝制性能:耐磨、防火阻燃、防止火花点燃,加倍保护人身安全及吸汗性能。
名称:3M COM4022舒适型安全鞋尺码:36-44#防滑等级:SRA(通过洗涤剂防滑测试)性能:采用毛面牛皮鞋,透气性佳。
Shoei 安全帽專用重機藍牙通訊系統 SRL2 用戶指南说明书
Shoei 安全帽專用重機藍牙通訊系統
為了讓嚴重體傷、死亡或產品受損的風險降至最低,在第一次使用本產品前請閱讀使用者指南或是快速上手指南。當您的手冊遺失或是無 法閱讀時,請至 取得這些指南的電子版,保留它們做為未來的參考。
8 GPS導航儀....................................................................................... 24 9 SENA SR10,雙向無線電轉接器........................................................... 25 10 FM收音機......................................................................................... 26
The Bluetooth®之文字與商標為Bluetooth SIG, Inc.所擁有,Sena是經過授權使用這些標誌;iPhone、iPod touch是Apple Inc.的註冊商 標;Zumo™是Garmin Ltd. 或其子公司的註冊商標;TomTom™是TomTom International B.V.的商標或註冊商標;其它提及之商標商品 名稱均分屬各該擁有者所有。
Shoei®是Shoei Co., Ltd的註冊商標,並在全資子公司Shoei Safety Helmet Corp.的允許下使用此商標。Shoei的產品名稱是Shoei的商 標或註冊商標。Sena Technologies,Inc. “( Sena”) 不隸屬於Shoei Co., Ltd.。用於Shoei Neotec II的Sena SRL機車藍牙通信系統和用 於Shoei頭盔的Sena SRL2機車藍牙通信系統是由Sena Technologies, Inc. 為Shoei®頭盔專樂....................................................................................... 23 7.1 透過藍牙無線立體聲.............................................................................................. 23 7.2 音樂分享............................................................................................................... 24 7.3 智慧音量控制 (預設:關閉)..................................................................................... 24
储能电站运行与维护方案*****有限公司年月目录储能电站运行与维护方案 (1)设备运行和维护方案 (4)1 目的 (4)2 适用范围 (4)3 基本要求 (4)4 电站要求 (4)5 人员要求 (4)运维区域经理职责: (5)运维工程师职责: (5)5.1 一般要求 (5)5.2 岗位职责要求 (6)5.3 岗位技能要求 (6)6 服务要求 (6)6.1 状态监控 (6)6.2 故障处理 (6)6.3 周期性巡检和维护 (7)6.4 备品备件及工具管理 (7)7 安全管理 (7)7.1 组织与人员 (7)7.2 设备 (8)7.3 巡查 (8)7.4 消防安全 (8)8 突发事件的应急处置 (8)9 记录 (9)10 评价与改进 (9)11工器具管理 (10)工器具清单表 (10)12 运维内容 (12)2/ 3512.1 电池堆运维规程 (13)12.2 电池管理系统运维规程 (15)12.3 消防系统运维规程 (16)12.4 暖通系统运维规程 (17)12.5 集装箱运维规程 (21)13 电站故障处理及应急预案 (22)13.1 电站故障处理方案 (22)13.2 电站应急预案 (26)14 电池储能电站运维规程 (27)一、范围 (27)二、引用标准 (27)三、人员配置、职责及权限 (27)四、电池储能电站运维人员工作管理制度及安全工作措施 (28)五、储能电站运维人员日常巡检内容 (32)3/ 35设备运行和维护方案1 目的为了保障储能电站的可靠、安全运行,特制订本办法。
2 适用范围本办法适用于***储能电站运行维护管理。
3 基本要求3.1储能电站的运维管理必须符合国家法律法规的规定和相关标准的要求;3.2储能电站的运维管理必须具备健全的管理制度和安全规范;3.3储能电站的运维管理必须明确各岗位责任人、工作流程、职责,制定岗位操作规程。
个人防护用品知识培训目录一、基础知识篇 (3)1. 个人防护用品的定义与分类 (4)2. 个人防护用品的重要性 (5)2.1 工作场所安全 (6)2.2 保护员工健康 (7)3. 国家及行业标准规范 (8)二、防护用品选用篇 (9)1. 常用个人防护用品介绍 (10)1.1 各类防护用品概述 (12)1.2 常见防护用品展示 (13)2. 选用原则 (14)2.1 穿戴舒适性 (15)2.2 防护性能 (16)2.3 实用性与耐用性 (17)2.4 经济性 (18)3. 选购指南 (19)3.1 根据岗位需求选用品 (21)3.2 关注产品认证与质量 (21)3.3 了解产品适用范围 (22)三、使用与保养篇 (23)1. 正确佩戴方法 (25)1.1 佩戴步骤 (26)1.2 注意事项 (27)2. 日常保养与维护 (28)2.1 清洁方法 (29)2.2 存放注意事项 (30)2.3 定期检查与更换 (31)3. 异常处理与报废 (33)3.1 发现问题及时处理 (34)3.2 报废标准与流程 (35)四、应急处理与避险逃生篇 (36)1. 应急设备使用方法 (37)1.1 消防器材使用 (38)1.2 个人急救包使用 (39)2. 事故预防与避险 (41)2.1 安全生产知识普及 (42)2.2 自我保护意识培养 (43)2.3 紧急情况下的行动指南 (45)3. 灾害逃生与疏散 (46)3.1 常见灾害类型及应对措施 (47)3.2 疏散路线与安全区域划分 (48)3.3 灾害发生时的自救与互救 (49)五、培训与教育篇 (50)1. 企业内部培训 (51)1.1 制定培训计划 (52)1.2 举办定期培训活动 (52)2. 政府部门监管与教育 (53)2.1 参与安全教育培训 (55)2.2 获取最新政策与资讯 (55)3. 社会责任与公众宣传 (56)3.1 提高个人防护用品使用意识 (57)3.2 推广正确使用方法与理念 (58)一、基础知识篇个人防护用品定义与重要性:个人防护用品是指用于保护员工在工作过程中避免受伤或感染病菌、化学药品等危害的装备。
©1998 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.13241N (121506)A u t o m o t i v e : Installation Guide:B6RF / B6RS Warning LightsFor warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyWarnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Methylene Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.。
1. 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)霍尼韦尔是全球知名的特种劳动防护品牌之一,其产品包括头盔、面具、护目镜、耳塞等。
2. 3M作为全球知名的工业和劳动防护解决方案提供商,3M公司拥有丰富的产品线,涵盖了呼吸防护、眼部防护、听力保护等各个领域。
3. 阿道夫(Adolf)阿道夫是中国防护服装行业的知名品牌之一,产品包括防火服、防弹衣、隔离服等。
4. 马努斯(MANUS)马努斯是一家专业从事手部防护产品研发和制造的企业,其产品线包括手套、防割套等。
5. 哥伦比亚(Columbia)哥伦比亚是一家国际性的户外运动品牌,其产品广泛应用于特种劳动防护领域。
1. 安全帽型号:- H1型安全帽:适用于建筑施工、工厂生产等高危行业,采用ABS材料制作,具有较高的抗冲击能力,头圈可以根据头部大小进行调节。
- H2型安全帽:适用于电力、通信、石油等行业,采用聚酯纤维材料制作,具有良好的阻燃性能和电绝缘性能,能有效保护工人在特殊环境下的安全。
2. 防护眼镜型号:- G1型防护眼镜:适用于医疗、实验室等场所,采用聚碳酸酯材料制作,具有高透明度和抗冲击性能,能够防止飞溅物、液体等对眼部的伤害。
- G2型防护眼镜:适用于焊接、铸造等高温工作环境,采用耐高温材料制作,具有良好的耐热性和防护效果,能够防止火花和高温物料对眼部的伤害。
3. 化学防护服型号:- C1型化学防护服:适用于危险化学品操作、清洁工作等,采用聚合物复合材料制作,具有优异的耐化学性能和防护性能,能够有效隔离有害物质对皮肤的侵害。
- C2型化学防护服:适用于危险化学品溅滴、喷溅等场合,采用防水透气性材料制作,具有较高的防护效果和舒适性,能够保护工人免受化学品的侵害。
4. 防护手套型号:- L1型防护手套:适用于搬运、装卸、机械操作等工作,采用耐磨橡胶材料制作,具有良好的耐磨性和抗滑性能,能够保护手部免受机械伤害。
- L2型防护手套:适用于化学实验、酸碱操作等环境,采用耐酸碱材料制作,具有良好的耐化学性能和抗腐蚀性能,能够有效保护手部免受化学物质的侵害。
5. 防护鞋型号:- S1型防护鞋:适用于建筑、物流等行业,采用耐磨橡胶材料制作,具有良好的耐穿刺性和防滑性能,能够保护脚部免受尖锐物料和滑倒的伤害。
- S2型防护鞋:适用于化工、实验室等环境,采用耐酸碱材料制作,具有良好的耐化学性能和防护效果,能够有效隔离有害物质对足部的侵害。
【推荐】霍尼韦尔安全帽-实用word文档 (9页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==霍尼韦尔安全帽篇一:PPE使用规定及原理说明头部保护1. 为什么需要头部保护?头部:头部是人体神经中枢所在,其头盖骨最薄处仅2mm左右,相当脆弱,任何的打击都有可能为我们带来难以预料的伤害。
所以:我们的头部需要完整的保护!2. 安全帽的结构一、帽壳:安全帽的主要构件,一般采用椭圆型或半圆形薄壳结构,材质主要有PE、ABS、玻璃钢等等。
三、下颚带:系在下颚上的带子,起到固定安全帽的作用3. 安全帽的防护原理一、缓冲减震作用:帽壳与帽衬之间有25mm~50mm的间隙,当物体打击安全帽时,帽壳不因受力变形而直接影响到头部。
国家标准规定经安全帽传递到头部的力必须小于4900N,这是因为生物学实验,人体颈椎受力最大值为4900N4. 安全帽的基本性能要求一、抗冲击吸收性能:根据国标GB2811—201X规定,用5KG的重锤从1M的高空自由落下佩戴在头模上的安全帽,传递到头模上的力不能超过4900N。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
主要独有的三重防护ABS帽壳设计, 提供卓越的冲击防护性能,超越欧洲和中国标准 的安全要求一倍。 •更轻便:专业的人因工程学设计,佩戴的动态重 量最轻 •更舒适:根据中国人头模数据库设计,更符合中 国人的头围尺寸;通风孔的专业设计,散热效率 更高。 •更易用:北美进口专利帽衬,棘轮调节阀采用多 齿轮结构,调节顺滑,简单易用,一秒完成。 执行标准:GB2811-2007
• Honeywell特有的三重防护ABS帽壳设计(专利号: 201130249080.1),提供卓越的冲击防护性能 • 较小的头部冲击,超越欧洲和中国标准的安全要求 • 根据中国人头模数据库设计,更符合中国人的头围尺寸 • 有效减轻实际工作中长时间佩戴的疲劳感 • 有/无通风孔两款可选,通风孔的特别设计,更符合人 体工程学,散热效率更高 • 北美进口专利帽衬(专利号:US 6,708,376 B1),棘轮调 节阀采用多齿轮结构,手感顺滑,方便易用 • 标配豪华两点式下颏带,同时具备快速插扣和滑动扣, 满足多种环境下均可方便调节的需求。
可应用于化工、矿山、建筑、机械 、电力、冶金、 交通运输、林业和地质等。 在以下环境(但不仅限于)请慎用H99 安全帽, 或咨询Honeywell 技术部: 1. 强腐蚀性化学品喷溅 2. 带电作业及电弧防护 3. 火灾消防 4. 驾车或运动防护等 安全帽国家标准:
Thank you
品 牌:美国霍尼韦尔 产品类型:头部防护 产品名称:安全帽 产品型号:H99 主要功能:保护头部及颈部
H99 安全帽采用Honeywell 自主设计的专利ABS 帽壳及北 美进口专利帽衬组装而成; 为头部提供全方位防护;含通风孔、不含通风孔两种款式 可供选择; 6 种颜色(白色、 黄色、橙色、湖蓝色、蓝色、红色);与Honeywell 各类 面屏、耳罩能很好的兼容。 防护性能:经过GB2811-2007(安全帽标准)测试,对头 部受坠落物及其他特定因素引起的伤害起到足够的防护作 用; 并通过GB/T 2812-2006(安全帽测试方法)中4.8 要求的 侧向刚性测试;适用于可能发生侧向挤压的行业,包括可 能发生塌方、滑坡的场所及存在可预见的翻到物体,并发 生速度较低的冲撞场所。