我的世界自动烤鸡装置教程 自动烤鸡机器
























GEA 全自动传统式烤鸡饼制作线说明书

GEA 全自动传统式烤鸡饼制作线说明书

2 · THE GEA WAY TO PERFECT KARAAGEWHAT IS KARAAGE?Karaage is a traditional Asian cooking technique, dating backto the 17th Century, in which choice cuts of meat (usually chicken), fishor vegetables are fried in a light oil with a corn or potato starch coating. The coatingcan be seasoned flour (dry Karaage) or a light, crispy batter (wet Karaage).The method became popular in the 1940s and 50s as a simple, nutritious way of cooking. Today it is found throughout the region in restaurants, as easy street food, and, of course, in the home. There are many variations of Karaage with each area, and even individual restaurants, creating their own unique style.Fully automated Karaage - even better than home madeDefrosting GEA ColdSteam T Wet coatingGEATempuDipperHomestylecoatingGEAFryingGEA EasyFryCookingGEA CookStarFreezingGEACALLIFREEZE 456784 · THE GEA WAY TO PERFECT KARAAGEGEA BRINE INJECTION, FORBONE-IN & SKIN-ON PRODUCTSWould you like to process bone-in or skin-on Karaageproducts without skin slip, damaged bones, brine pockets orvisible needle holes? Extend your processing line with the dedicatedGEA brine injector that uses a combination of 2mm needles, a denseneedle pattern, low pressure and controlled injection to ensure aconsistent product quality and maximum profitability.GEA ColdSteam TADVANCED COATING TECHNOLOGYGEA has worked closely with the industry’s leading coating suppliers to perfect both the coatings themselves and the coating equipment used. The combination represents the ultimate in taste, appearance and texture forKaraage products. GEA TEMPUMIXERGEA TempuMixer II is an automated tempura mixer that ensures consistent viscosity, composition and temperature. Features include in-line viscosity measurement and automatic adjustment for reliable and repeatable results.6 · THE GEA WAY TO PERFECT KARAAGEGEA MultiDrum TumblingGEA ScanMidi8 · THE GEA WAY TO PERFECT KARAAGECOOKSTAR:THE MASTER OF COOKINGThe 3rd Generation CookStar spiral oven represents the ultimate inhigh-speed, high-volume cooking technology. The three-phase cookingconcept, double spiral configuration and balanced airflow allow the key parameters tobe accurately controlled. This means the CookStar cooks the food thoroughly without losingmoisture and keeps the crispy coating that is expected in perfect Karaage.GEA CookStar3456712THE GEA WAY TO PERFECT KARAAGE · 1198This gives customers the opportunity ofdesigning new products and bringingthem to market quickly and profi tably,with total security of outcome, beforecommitting to major investment.GEA is one of the largest technology suppliers for food processing and a wide range of other industries. The global group specializes in machinery, plants, as well as process technology and components. GEA provides sustainable solutions for sophisticated production processes in diverse end-user markets and offers a comprehensive service portfolio. The company is listed on the German MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), the STOXX ® Europe 600 Index and selected MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes.We live our values.Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versityGEA NetherlandsGEA Food Solutions Bakel B.V.Beekakker 115761 EN Bakel, NetherlandsTel +31 492 349 349Fax +31 492 349 416/contact B 03.02.13E N _112019 © G E A F o o d S o l u t i o n s T h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s b r o c h u r e m e r e l y s e r v e s a n o n -b i n d i n g d e s c r i p t i o n o f o u r p r o d u c t s a n d i s w i t h o u t g u a r a n t e e . B i n d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n , i n p a r t i c u l a r r e l a t i n g t o c a p a c i t y d a t a a n d s u i t a b i l i t y f o r s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n s , c a n o n l y b e p r o v i d e d w i t h i n t h e f r a m e w o r k o f c o n c r e t e i n q u i r i e s . S u b j e c t t o m o d i f i c a t i o n .。



肯德基设备操作手册开口炸锅操作及清洁维护■一、电脑板按键使用阐明:1. 显示屏:多种功能和操作旳右边显示;2. 储存键:将程序锁定在电脑中;3. 启动/关闭键:控制炸锅旳电源供应;4. 食品代码键:用于输入代码,以接通电脑和编程功能;5. 编程键:为电脑记忆体进行编程;注*在启动电脑前,炸锅必须装满油,油脂或水。

■二、显示屏显示内容旳阐明:1. “CYCL”,表达燃烧器/单元正在融化周期中操作,炸油会始终处在融化周期,直到温度达到180℉(82℃)或手控取消。

2. “ HI”表达槽温超过设定点16℉(6℃)。

3. “LO”表达槽温低过设定点16 ℉(6℃)。

4. “----”表达炸锅油温正处在烹煮范畴内。

5. “HELP”表达加热浮现问题。

6. “HOT”表达槽温超过385℉(196℃)。

7. “PROB”表达电脑检测到温度测量电路(涉及探头)。

■三、炸锅操作使用:1. 打开炸锅(油液面须浸过发热丝),预热30分钟;2. 待油温达到烹炸温度,即可进行烹炸;3. 烹炸前需检查炸油与否达到油标线及所选择旳产品键与否对旳;4. 一切就绪,即可将产品下锅,按下相应产品键,进行烹炸;5. 烹炸时间结束后,炸锅响起,将产品从炸锅中取出。

■四、炸锅清洁及保养:1. 每天至少滤油两次,分别在中午高峰后及晚上打烊后,视营业状况合适增长,每次滤油时,对锅体进行清洁;2. 月清:3. 年清:汽水机操作及清洁维护■一、平常保养环节:1.拆下阀嘴,用温水清洗(最佳用毛刷),在营运后用碳酸水浸泡至第二天营业前装上;2.用清水清洗出水口周边和阀头周边;3.用湿布抹干净机身外表,保持外观清洁;4.用热水浸泡糖浆接头2分钟;5.用温水冲洗去水盘,并检查去水状况;6.检查气表与否CO2瓶内仍有足够旳CO2;■二、故障解决:1.出水头不出汽水,(不出糖浆也不出水):检查电源线与否插上或电源开否。

2.出水头只出水,不出糖浆:A.所有阀头只出水不出糖浆:检查CO2瓶与否充足或有无打开;B.某个阀头只出水不出所料糖浆:a.检查糖浆与否用完;b.检查该糖浆与否损坏;3.所有阀头只出糖浆不出水:a.检查碳酸机前,水源压力与否足够;b.检查碳酸机内与否气堵,如是则关上气瓶后拉环放气;4.气水含气量局限性:a.检查与否冰粒不够;b. CO2瓶与否不够气或是没打开;5.汽水淡或浓,并且调节不了:a.检查CO2瓶与否够气或打开;b.检查糖浆与否已售完;6.去水盘不去水:a.检查与否去水管弯折;b.检查与否下水道堵塞;制冰机操作及清洁维护■一、使用阐明:1. 进水温度为: 50—90℉(10—32℃);2. 活性碳滤水器:安装在制冰机旳水管上,重要功能,除去杂质,氫和其他气味;3. 渗入型滤水器:避免杂物和大颗粒进入制冰机系统,它属于制冰机旳一部分,不可拆除,否则,会导致维修合同失效。



























短路装置由一个带红石块的粘性活塞构成 这样子的时候 输入负脉冲也无法让药品漏下
这里是酿造部分 这里是一个延时装置 将药品整理 否则有可能造成酿造出错
这里通过检测上方漏斗有无物品来进行判断 有物品时 开始漏斗延时 另外解除对输送水瓶漏斗的充能
最后一个进入酿造台后 延时20s后解除对下方漏斗的充能 这里
《我的世界》是由各种色块构建出丰富多彩的世界,到处都充满了创 造的元素。玩家就游戏于创造和破坏之间,相信大家通过上面小编给大家 的教程已经了解到全自动炼药机的制作方法,希望能够给大家带来帮助 逗游网——中国2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台

在《我的世界》中不少物品的制作是相当麻烦的,而所需求的数量也 很多,如果一个一个的亲手去制作,那就太耗时了,《我的世界》药品种 类有很多,我们经常需要对它们进行合成,但是药品的合成是一件很复杂 的事情,那么为了节省时间我们就可以制作一个全自动的炼药机来帮助我 们炼药,下面随小编一起来看看吧。 控制面板
mclive测试 下面开始发教程
这是单个药品处理模块 当选择这个药品的时候 解除对漏斗的充能
这样子对红石火把输入负脉冲的时候 可以让一个药品漏下来 当里面有药品时候 比较器会对火把充能
没有的时候 火把会亮起 连接短路装置 停止酿造 当不选择这个药品的时候 火把不会亮起 因为对其充能 这是为了当恶 魂之泪这样的稀缺药品没的时候还能继续酿造
同时信号传输上去 通过红石火把传输上去
经过一个缩短器接入红石火把 保证负脉冲低于4tick 这里同时有一个按钮负责驱动的时候输入信号
拉杆负责开关 连接到背后的短路电路
就是这样 简单的全自动酿造 全药水版本 酿造时只需装填水瓶和药品 打开开关 按下按钮 就可以挂机酿造一堆 一堆的药品






激光位移传感器操作手册V2.0目录第1章:产品概要......................................................................... 1-11.1 包装内容 ......................................................................................... 1-11.2 各部件名称及功能........................................................................... 1-21.3 安装................................................................................................. 1-3 第2章:设定与测量 ..................................................................... 2-1 第3章:软件操作......................................................................... 3-13.1 通信设置 ......................................................................................... 3-13.2 位置读取与归零设定 ....................................................................... 3-2 第4章:通讯指令......................................................................... 4-14.1 通讯参数列表 .................................................................................. 4-14.2 通讯协议 ......................................................................................... 4-4 第5章:产品规格......................................................................... 5-1 第6章:安全注意事项.................................................................. 6-1 第7章:保固 ................................................................................ 7-1版本更新历程激光位移计操作手册V2.0版本更新历程版本更新日期V1.0 第一版发行2018/09/03V2.0 新增「反应速度设定」与「中值滤波器设定」功能说明与通讯地址设定方式。

我的世界基因突变机教程 基因突变机怎么做

我的世界基因突变机教程  基因突变机怎么做



指令:/summon LightniBolt







®CONVEYORTOASTERMODELQ3-95ARBInstallation andOperationInstructions2M-Z10141 Rev. G 10/13/20149H-Q3-95ARBThese symbols are intended to alert the user to the presence ofimportant operating and maintenance instructions in the manualaccompanying the appliance.RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCENOTICEUsing any part other than genuine Star factory supplied parts relieves themanufacturer of all liability.Star reserves the right to change specifications and product design withoutnotice. Such revisions do not entitle the buyer to corresponding changes,improvements, additions or replacements for previously purchasedequipment.Due to periodic changes in designs, methods, procedures, policies andregulations, the specifications contained in this sheet are subject to changewithout notice. While Star International Holdings Inc., Company exercisesgood faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are notresponsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusionsreached as a result of using the specifications. By using the informationprovided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Contact your local authorized service agent for service or required maintenance.Please record the model number, serial number, voltage and purchase date in the area below and have it ready when you call to ensure a faster service.SAFETY SYMBOLModel No.Serial No.VoltagePurchase Date Business 8:00 am to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time Hours:Telephone: (314) 678-6303Fax: (314) 781-2714E-mail ****************** *****************************************Website: Service Help Desk Authorized Service Agent Listing Reference the listing provided with the unit or for an updated listing go to:Website: E-mail ********************Mailing Address: Star International Holdings Inc., Company 10 Sunnen DriveSt. Louis, MO 63143U.S.ASPECIFICATIONSQ3-95ARB-V02Rating/Connection: 4200 Watts (700W elements), 20.5 Amps at 208VNEMA 6-30P plus with six foot oil-resistant cordElectrical Supply: 208VAC, single phaseApproximate Weight: Installed - 60 Lbs (27.22 kg)Shipping - 68 Lbs (30.84 kg)Dimensions: Width: 18.5" (47.0 cm)Depth: 22.4 (56.8 cm)Height: 15.7" (39.7 cm)Q3-95ARB-V04Rating/Connection: 4200 Watts (700W elements), 17.5 Amps at 240VNEMA 6-30P plus with six foot oil-resistant cordElectrical Supply: 240VAC, single phaseApproximate Weight: Installed - 60 Lbs (27.22 kg)Shipping - 68 Lbs (30.84 kg)Dimensions: Width: 18.5" (47.0 cm)Depth: 22.4 (56.8 cm)Height: 15.7" (39.7 cm)The below models were released in May 2008, nearly identical to the previous units listed above. All changes are internal and both units operate and work the same.Q3-95ARB-208VRating/Connection: 4200 Watts (700W elements), 20.5 Amps at 208VNEMA 6-30P plus with six foot oil-resistant cordElectrical Supply: 208VAC, single phaseApproximate Weight: Installed - 60 Lbs (27.22 kg)Shipping - 68 Lbs (30.84 kg)Dimensions: Width: 18.5" (47.0 cm)Depth: 22.4 (56.8 cm)Height: 15.7" (39.7 cm)Q3-95ARB-240VRating/Connection: 4200 Watts (700W elements), 17.5 Amps at 240VNEMA 6-30P plus with six foot oil-resistant cordElectrical Supply: 240VAC, single phaseApproximate Weight: Installed - 60 Lbs (27.22 kg)Shipping - 68 Lbs (30.84 kg)Dimensions: Width: 18.5" (47.0 cm)Depth: 22.4 (56.8 cm)Height: 15.7" (39.7 cm)General InformationT his equipment is designed and sold for commercial use only by personnel trained andexperienced in its operation and is not sold for consumer use in and around the home norfor use directly by the general public in food service locations.CAUTIONBefore using your new equipment, read and understand all the instructions & labelsassociated with the unit prior to putting it into operation. Make sure all people associatedwith its use understand the units operation & safety before they use the unit.INSPECTIONUN-CRATING AND INSPECTINGUnpack the unit and components from the shipping container. Remove all visible packingmaterial and those from inside the cooking chamber. If damage is discovered, file a claimimmediately with the carrier that handled the shipment. Do not operate the unit if it wasdamaged during shipping. All shipping containers should be checked for freight damageboth visible and concealed. This unit has been tested and carefully packaged to insuredelivery of your unit in perfect condition. If equipment is received in damaged condition,either apparent or concealed, a claim must be made with the delivering carrier.Concealed damage or loss - if damage or loss is not apparent until after equipment isunpacked, a request for inspection of concealed damage must be made with carrier within15 days. Be certain to retain all contents plus external and internal packaging materials forinspection. The carrier will make an inspection and will supply necessary claim forms.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIOND isconnect the unit from the power source before installing or removing any parts.B e absolutely sure that the ground connection for the receptacle is properly wired.Do not connect equipment to power without proper ground connections. Impropergrounding may result in personal injury or death.C AUTIONAllow enough space around the toaster for adequate ventilation. Do not operate the unitwithout the crumb tray properly positioned. Overheating and poor toasting may occur.Read all labels on the unit and follow their instructions.WARNINGB efore making any electrical connection to this unit, check that the powersupply is adequate for the voltage, amperage and requirements stated on therating plate. A wiring diagram is included.WARNINGD O NOT CUT OR REMOVE THIS PLUG OR THE GROUNDING PRONG FROMTHE PLUG. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUSINJURY.WARNINGC ONNECT/PLUG UNIT INTO DEDICATED A. C. LINE ONLY SPECIFIED ON THEDATA PLATE OF THE UNIT.CAUTIONS OME SURFACES ARE EXTREMELY HOT DURING OPERATION AND CARE SHOULDBE TAKEN WHILE USING THIS UNIT.ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATIONThe unit was shipped fully assembled and ready to plug into a standard outlet specified for its voltage and amp draw. If improper electrical supply is determined, contact a qualified electrician prior to using the unit. Removal and replacement of the power cord and plug voids the warranty. For assistance, contact your local authorized service agent for service or required maintenance.Level unit using the adjustable feet under the unit (approximately 1/2" adjustment).Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth.NOTEThe security cover prevents accidental movement of the speed control knob during routine operations.TOASTER SETTINGSBefore using the unit for the first time, test the pass time of the conveyor belt.The pass time through the toaster should be between 30 and 40 seconds.1. Turn the conveyor speed knob to the 12 o'clock position.2. Set both heat controls to HIGH and allow to 5 to 10 minutes to reach operatingtemperature.3. Place a bun on the conveyor belt.4. Start timer, when the bun begins enters the cooking chamber5. Stop timer when bun exits the toaster.IF TO DARK: Increase conveyor speed knob.IF TO LIGHT: Decrease conveyor speed knob.6. When the bun meets all specifications, mark the control panel face with a marking toolwhere the control knob was set.7. Place the security device over the control knobs and secure.8. If the bun takes longer than 40 seconds, then contact Arby's Corporation to be certainyou understand the specifications. If the unit still does not toast the bun in 40 seconds,or less then contact Star Manufacturing.DAILY OPERATIONRotary Power Saver SwitchTurn Power Saver Switch clockwise or counterclockwise for the following settings.F ull PowerW hen in this position your equipment is at full power and ready to use.O ff RotaryT wo off positions are provided, a single rotation in either direction will shut the unit off.S tandbyT he standby position reduces the power consumption by 75%. Using this position during the quiet times will save electricity, and keep the toaster warm. When needed, turn the switch to FULL POWER. Recovery time is about 30 seconds.Toasting ProceduresThis toaster is equipped with a swinging heat shutter at the toaster entrance. This shutter will move out of the way as the product passes under it.1) Turn the power saver to FULL POWER.2) Allow warm up time of 5 to 10 minutes.3) Place a product on the conveyor belt.T oaster ComponentsOPERATING HINTS AND SAFETYDisconnect power to the unit with the switch at the end of each day of operation.Do not leave the unit in operation without an attendant.Turn Power Saver Switch to Standby during idle periods. It will take only a few minutes to regain operating temperature.Do not leave the unit at high temperature when not in use or during idle periods. This will cause food particles and grease film to carbonize.Crumb Tray & Air Intake CleaningIL1243FRONTAIR INTAKE FANCLEANING Preventive maintenance for your Holman toaster consists of the following recommendedcleaning procedures. To keep your toaster in top operating condition, these steps should be performed daily or weekly as indicated.1. Wipe exterior surface of unit, using mild detergent and water.2. For lightly soiled conveyor belts, turn conveyor speed control to highest setting and wipe with a damp cloth.3. For heavily soiled conveyors, turn conveyor speed control to highest setting and wipe with a light abrasive pad (as needed).4. Turn main power saver switch to the OFF position.5. Disconnect unit from power source.6. After the unit cools, remove interior crumb tray (as shown below) and clean.Slide crumb tray back into position. Never operate unit without Crumb Tray properlyinstalled.7. Clean air intake on bottom of unit on a weekly basis.W ARNING DO NOT IMMERSE OR LET THE UNIT STAND IN WATER. DO NOT HOSE DOWN THE UNIT OR THE TABLE/COUNTER IF THE UNIT IS ON THE TABLE/COUNTER.KEEP AWAY FROM RUNNING WATER.Troubleshooting GuideA. Unit Will Not Heat, Conveyor Belt Will Not Move.1) Be sure the main circuit breaker is switched to the ON position.2) Check to see if the toaster is plugged in and all controls are turned to the ON position.B. Unit Has Heat Only On One Side, Conveyor Belt Turns Freely.1) Call the Star Service Help Desk at 1-800-807-9054, as heating element may need replacing.C. Conveyor Will Not Turn, Unit Heats Properly.To check for mechanical binding:DISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.1)2) Remove 2 screws holding enclosure to the bottom of the unit.3) Set unit on the legs and remove 4 screws on the back of the toaster.4) Slide the enclosure off the unit and remove the back panel.5) Loosen the four screws that hold the drive motor in place.6) Slide the motor up allowing the drive chain to be removed from the sprockets.7) Move the conveyor belt by hand to check for mechanical binding. If conveyor moves freely,call the Star Service Help Desk at 1-800-807-9054, as the drive motor and/or speed controlmay need replacing.8) Replace the enclosure by sliding it forward towards the front of the unit.The front edge of the enclosure will slide beneath the toaster front.D. Heat Limit Switch (Reset)Your Holman conveyor toaster is equipped with an automatically activated heat limit switch that interrupts the heater tube connections if the ambient temperature in the control box exceeds 190°F (88°C). This switch can be reset manually by pushing the red button located on the back of the unit as shown in the Toaster Components Illustration on Page 6.DISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.1)2) Check to see if air intake area in the bottom center of the control box cover is free of dust,grease or other obstructions.3) Check if crumb tray is in place. OPERATING THE UNIT WITHOUT THE CRUMB TRAY INPLACE WILL CAUSE OVERHEATING IN THE CONTROL BOX.4) If no obstructions to the airflow can be found and if the crumb tray is in place,call the Star Service Help Desk at 1-800-807-9054 for assistance.E. Conveyor Turns At One Speed Regardless Of Speed Control Setting.1) Call the Star Service Help Desk at 1-800-807-9054, as speed control should be replaced.F. Product Sticking To Conveyor Or SlideYour Holman conveyor toaster is designed to toast product that is current room temperature.DO NOT attempt to put frozen, refrigerated, or any butter or a butter substitute material in the toaster. Doing so may cause it to come out doughy or very moist, as well as possibly sticking to parts of the unit.Follow the cleaning procedures listed on page 7.Maintenance ProceduresA. Replacing the Heater TubesDISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.1)2) Remove the enclosure.3) Remove heater tube wire from terminal block connection, keeping top andbottom wires separate.4) Lift heater tube retainers by loosening retaining screws and sliding the retainer plate up.Hand tighten the plate to hold it up so the heater tubes will slide out freely.5) Gently, pull defective heater tube out of unit.6) Gently, put new heater tube into unit.7) Loosen retainer screws and slide the retainer back into place. Tighten the screw tosecure the retainer in place over the ends of the heater tubes.B. Replacing the Fan MotorDISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.1)2) Remove screws from the enclosure and the back panel at rear of unit.3) Remove the enclosure and the back panel.4) Unplug power supply cord from fan motor.5) Remove (4) screws, which hold fan motor and grill to bottom of unit and remove fan.6) Put replacement motor and grill in place and secure to the bottom of unit with screws.7) Reconnect power supply cord to fan motor.8) Replace back panel and enclosure. Fasten with screws removed in step 2.C. Replacing the Belt Drive MotorDISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.1)2) Remove enclosure and back panel.3) Remove sprocket from motor shaft, using an allen wrench and loosening the set-screw.4) Remove the wire from terminal block connecting the drive motor to internal wiring.On units rated 208 or 240 volts, note which color leads are being used for these connectionsand which lead is capped with white tape. The new motor should use the same arrangement.5) Remove screws holding motor in place and remove motor from unit.6) Put new motor in place and attach loosely with mounting screws.7) Replace sprocket on motor shaft.NOTE The two sprockets should line up parallel with each other, so the chain does not twist any during operation. Also the hub gets installed closets to the motor.8) Slide motor until the drive chain has about 1/4” slack when lightly pushed at the center of its topopen run. See chain tensioning illustration.9) Tighten screws to secure motor.10) Rewire leads same as removed in step 4.11) Replace side panel and control box cover.D. Clean the Air Intake (Once A Week)1)DISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.2) Place unit on its backside.3) Use a vacuum cleaner and or a damp cloth to cleanthe air intake.E. Lubricate the Chain & Sprockets (Every 6 Months)1)DISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE.2) Remove enclosure exposing chain drive.3) While wearing rubber gloves and using an extreme pressure,synthetic chain lubricant with a temperature range up to400°F (204°C) lubricate chain and sprockets. Apply liberally.This grease is available as part no. 1P-Z8914.4) Replace enclosure, Reconnect power source and test unit.2M-4497-2 10/2010The foregoing warranty is in lieu of any and all other warranties expressed or implied and constitutes the entire warranty.FOR ASSISTANCEShould you need any assistance regarding the Operation or Maintenance of any Star equipment; write, phone, fax or email our Service Department.In all correspondence mention the Model number and the Serial number of your unit, and the voltage or type of gas you are using.ALL:* Pop-Up Toasters * Butter Dispensers * Pretzel Merchandisers (Model 16PD-A Only)* Pastry Display Cabinets * Nacho Chip Merchandisers * Accessories of any kind * Sneeze Guards * Pizza Ovens (Model PO12 Only)* Heat Lamps * Pumps-ManualEmail:********************(see below) should be taken The warranty period for the JetStar six (6) ounce & Super JetStar eight (8) ounce series popcorn machines is two (2) years.(5) years on the griddle surface. See detailed warranty provided with unit.abrasive pads, product identifiers and > This warranty is not valid on Conveyor Ovens unless a "start-up/check-out" has been performed by a Factory Authorized Technician.PARTS WARRANTY Parts that are sold to repair out of warranty equipment are warranted for ninety (90) days. The part only is warranted. Labor to replace the part is chargeable to the customer.SERVICES NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY PORTABLE EQUIPMENT Star will not honor service bills that include travel time and mileage charges for servicing any products considered "Portable" including items listed below. These products should be taken to the Service Agency for repair:1. Travel time and mileage rendered beyond the 50 mile radius limit2. Mileage and travel time on portable equipment (see below)3. Labor to replace such items that can be replaced easily during a daily cleaning routine, ie; removable kettles on fryers, knobs, grease drawers on griddles, etc.4. Installation of equipment5. Damages due to improper installation6. Damages from abuse or misuse7. Operated contrary to the Operating and Installation Instructions8. Cleaning of equipment9. Seasoning of griddle plates 10. V oltage conversions 11. Gas conversions 12. Pilot light adjustment 13. Miscellaneous adjustments 14. Thermostat calibration and by-pass adjustment 15. Resetting of circuit breakers or safety controls or reset buttons 16. Replacement of bulbs 17. Replacement of fuses 18. Repair of damage created during transit, delivery, & installation OR created by acts of God* The Model 510FD Fryer. * The Model 526TOA Toaster Oven. * The Model J4R, 4 oz. Popcorn Machine. * The Model 518CMA & 526CMA Cheese Melter.* The Model 12MC & 15MC & 18MCP Hot Food Merchandisers.* The Model 12NCPW & 15NCPW Nacho Chip/Popcorn Warmer.* All Hot Dog Equipment except Roller Grills & Drawer Bun Warmers.* All Nacho Cheese Warmers except Model 11WLA Series Nacho Cheese Warmer. * All Condiment Dispensers except the Model HPD & SPD Series Dispenser.* All Specialty Food Warmers except Model 130R, 11RW Series, and 11WSA Series.* All QCS/RCS Series Toasters except Model QCS3 & RCS3 Series.* All Fast Steamer Models except Direct Connect Series.®RedRedRedRedOrgOrgBlkBlu BluBluBluYelWhtWht WhtWhtMajMajRedRedBlkBlkBlkBlkMODEL: QCS-3-1300 208/220/240V w/FUSEQ3-95ARB 208/240 w/FUSETHIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL TO STAR MFG. INT'L. INC.NO REPRODUCTION OR DISCLOSURE OF ITS CONTENTS IS PERMITTED.SK2255 Rev - 06/8/2007FAN MOTOR POWER SAVER31RESET/HIGH LIMITBOTTOM 42HEATMOTORDRIVE H1PILOTL1H2L2CORDPOWER SUPPLY TOP HEATPILOTH1L1H2L2CONTROLSPEED CONTROL SIDELEFT SIDEBOTTOM HEATTOP HEATFUSEST H I S D R A W I N G C O N T A I N S I N F O R M A T I O N C O N F I D E N T I A L T O S T A R M F G . I N T 'L . I N C .N O R E P R O D U C T I O N O R D I S C L O S U R E O F I T S C O N T E N T S I S P E R M I T T E D .S K 2227 R e v . E 6/28/2007PARTS LIST October 13, 2014, Rev. GQ3-95ARB-V02 & Q3-95ARB-VO4Following Pages Redesign unit implemented 5/2008 Models: Q3-95ARB-208V & 240V• Simplified Wiring• Fewer Terminal Blocks• Identical Outside Apperance• Metal NameplateWD# 2M-Z10835QCS & RCS WIRED IN SERIESFAN MOTORRESET/HIGH LIMITBOTTOM 42HEATMOTORDRIVE H1PILOTL1H2L214GA CORDPOWER SUPPLY PILOTH1L1H2L2CONTROLSPEED CONTROL SIDELEFT SIDEBOTTOM HEATTOP HEATTOPHEAT3 BLACK4 W H I T EBLACK1 BLACKWHITE BLACK611 BLACK13 BLACK1210WHITE FOR 208V5 BLACK7 BLACKMOTOR WIRE IS 18GAGNDWHITE OR BLUEWHITE9BLACKWHITEWHITE15 BLACKF U S EF U S E2 W H I T E4 W H I T E14 WHITEBLACK16 W H I T E138 WHITEMODEL: QCS & RCS 3 wired in SeriesTHIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL TO STAR MFG. INT'L. INC.NO REPRODUCTION OR DISCLOSURE OF ITS CONTENTS IS PERMITTED.STAR MANUFACTURING INTERNATIONAL INC.SK-Z10835 Rev B1/2008®T H I S D R A W I N G C O N T A I N S I N F O R M A T I O N C O N F I D E N T I A L T O S T A R M F G . I N T 'L . I N C .N O R E P R O D U C T I O N O R D I S C L O S U R E O F I T S C O N T E N T S I S P E R M I T T E D .PARTS LIST October 13, 2014, Rev. GQ3-95ARB-208V & Q3-95ARB-240VConveyor Toaster。






箱⼦满后信号传到R S锁存器
⽤⽐较模式下的⽐较器检测箱⼦是否为空,信号输⼊到R S锁存器的另⼀端。


























1. 开机:将电源线插入电源插座,接通电源,控制器即可开机。

2. 温度设定:使用温度设定钮(通常位于控制器上方)来设定所需的烤房温度。


3. 时间设定:如果需要控制烤房工作的时间,可以使用时间设定钮(通常位于控制器下方)。


4. 启动:设置好温度和时间后,按下启动按钮以启动烤房。


5. 等待:在烤房工作期间,控制器会自动控制加热器的功率以维持设定的温度。


6. 完成提示:当设定的时间到达或温度达到设定值时,控制器会发出提示音或灯光来提醒烤房工作已完成。

7. 停止:工作完成后,按下停止按钮以停止烤房。




Master MasterTig MLS 焊接设备使用手册说明书

Master MasterTig MLS 焊接设备使用手册说明书

4.1.1 每六个月维护一次......................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 服务协议......................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.1 在 MMA 焊方式下选择焊接极性................................................................................... 6
2.8.2 地线................................................................................................................................... 6 2.9 冷却单元(MasterCool 10)........................................................................................... 6 2.10 保护气......................................................................................................................................... 7


开发画面的层次结构 .......................................................................... 43 创建模板以确保一致性 ...................................................................... 43 设计画面 ............................................................................................... 43 规划语言 .....................................................................................................44 规划报警 .....................................................................................................44 为操作员提供信息 ....................................................................................45 规划趋势 .....................................................................................................45 规划配方 .....................................................................................................45 设计安全系统............................................................................................ 46

酷风科技 Sonic Sentinel Model 14-1 声音驱逐器用户手册说明书

酷风科技 Sonic Sentinel Model 14-1 声音驱逐器用户手册说明书

SONIC SENTINEL TM MODEL 14-1USER’S MANUAL440 W White Pine DrMurray, UT 84123(385)-275-6222Table of Contents1. Introduction pg. 22. Safety Precautions pg. 23. Product Specifications pg. 34. Initial Setup pg. 4–55. Operation pg. 6–76. Troubleshooting pg. 87. Legal pg. 98. Parts View & Listing pg. 10–119. Warranty pg. 1210. Compliance pg. 121. IntroductionThank you for purchasing the Sonic Sentinel Model 14-1 Sound Cannon. It is designed to humanely discourage wildlife from occupying undesirable or unsafe locations. Preventing such habitation can help avoid property damage, fines, injury to wildlife, and loss of human life.2. Safety PrecautionsSafe operation of the Sonic Sentinel Model 14-1 Sound Cannon is the operator's sole responsibility and requires strict observation of the safety precautions outlined below. Failure to do so will void the manufacturer's warranty and could result in property damage, serious injury, or death.1.Explosive Propane Gas - For outdoor use only.No smoking or open flame within 50 feet. Neverpoint cannon toward people, obstruct the barrel,or attempt to fire projectiles. Do not alter the LPGregulator or tank connector in any way. Use onlywith OPD equipped tanks of not more than 40lbs.2.Extreme Sound - Hearing protection must beworn within 50 feet of cannon while in operation.3.High Voltage - Do not touch any componentsunder the black plastic electronics cowling whenthe power switch is in the on position or withoutfirst disconnecting the battery terminals.4.Lead Acid Battery - Do not puncture, short, orreverse polarity. Replace only with battery of sametype and rating. Dispose of in accordance with locallaws and regulations.3. Product SpecificationsModel 14-1 (M14-1) Specifications Sound Pressure Level: 130dB @ 1mSelectable Firing Frequency: 30sec – 2hr with2 Random Modes and Multi-Shot (1, 2, or 3)ChronometerPrecision: +/- 1%Operating Temperature Range: -5°F – 140°F (-20°C – 70°C)LPG Efficiency: > 20,000 Cycles(20lb tank)Electrical Draw: < 0.2mA Standby0.0004Ah Per Cycle Battery Capacity:(Battery Included) 8Ah SLA 12VDCDimensions (w/o Tripod) 40in (101.6cm) L 10in (25.4cm) W 5in (12.7cm) HWeight(w/o LPG Tank) Cannon: 22.5lb (10.2kg) Tripod: 8.0lb (3.6kg) Shipping: 40.0lb (18.1kg)Emissions Compliance: FCC: Part 15, Subpart B EN: 61000-6-3:2007 ICES: 001, Issue 44. Initial Setup1. Remove the M14-1 cannon and tripod from their packaging. Retain packing material for future transportation needs.2. Install M14-1 cannon on tripod: a. Remove bolts and springs from barrel clamp at top of tripod (Fig. 1).b. Rotate top half of clamp 180 degrees and loosely re-install springs and bolts (Fig. 2).c. Slide barrel of M14-1 cannon into barrel clamp. Adjust until balanced (approx. 4in from front of shroud) and level (Fig. 3).d. Tighten barrel clamp bolts with the provided6mm wrench.Figure 2Figure 1Figure 33.Connect battery:a.Ensure the M14-1 cannon’s power switch isin the off (down) position.b.Remove top shroud and foam batteryinsulator. Do not discard the foam insulator!c.Remove and discard the two, small, plasticbattery terminal insulators.d.Connect the negative (-) black wire to thebattery’s negative (-) black terminal.e.Connect positive (+) red wire to thebattery’s positive (+) red terminal.f.Replace foam battery insulator.4.Set delay timer to desired firing interval (Fig. 4):a.OFF: Delay timer isdisabled, but cannon canbe triggered remotelyvia activation modules.b.RANDOM: Cannon willfire randomly every 1–10minFigure 4 Figure 5 (RAND1) or every 5–30min (RAND2).c.Note: Frequencies less than 5min should not beused in conjunction with our activation modules. 5.Set multi-shot switch (right of delay timer, Fig. 5)to desired shot count: center=1, up=2, or down=3.6.Reinstall top shroud. Ensure that the solar panelwires remain connected and fold into the spacebetween the battery and barrel.7.Connect propane tank (not included):a.Suspend a standard, user provided, 20lbpropane tank from the M14-1 tripod’s 3 S-hooks with valve opening facing aft.Note: 30-40lb tanks can be used in conjunctiononly with Sonic Sentinel’s tripod extension kit.b.Securely fasten the M14-1 regulator’s OPDconnector to propane tank valve.5. Operation1.Select a suitable outdoor location for theM14-1 cannon that meets the following criteria:a.On level, solid ground to prevent tippingNote: Optional tripod feet are available tosupport the M14-1 cannon on unstable surfaces.b.Free of debris and combustible materialc.In direct sunlight and free from overheadobstructions shading the solar panelNote: For sustained operation, the solar panel ofthe M14-1 cannon should receive at least 5 hoursof direct sunlight each day.d.Clearly visible to passers-bye.Facing downwind relative to prevailing windsf.Away from residential or other soundsensitive areasNote: The M14-1 cannon is capable of producingsound levels that may violate local noiseordinances. Ensuring legal operation of the M14-1is the operator's sole responsibility and shouldonly be conducted only in accordance with locallaws and regulations.g.As close to the desired deterrent zone aspossible taking the above factors intoconsideration.2.Ensure that all of the following conditions are metbefore proceeding:a.Barrel of M14-1 is not obstructed and ispointed away from people and objectsb.Propane tank connection is securec.No sources of ignition are presentd.Any persons within 50 feet of cannon arewearing ear protection.3.Open propane tank valve and turn power switch on(up).Note: There is a 30 second power-up delay, duringwhich the M14-1 cannon will not activate, to provideadequate time to safely clear the immediate area.Note: Battery voltage must be above 12 volts in orderfor the M14-1 cannon to initialize.4.Following the power-up delay, the M14-1 cannonwill begin firing at the delay timer interval setduring initial setup.Note: There is a 30 second post-fire delay, duringwhich the M14-1 cannon will not activate, to preventwasteful and potentially hazardous continuous firing. 5.When in the “OFF” position, the delay timer isdisabled, but the cannon can still be triggeredremotely via activation modules.Note: When the M14-1 cannon is used in conjunctionwith any of Sonic Sentinel’s activation modules, thedelay timer is reset after each commanded detonation.6.Change the location and detonation frequency ofthe M14-1 cannon frequently to prevent wildlifefrom habituating to its effect.Caution:Always power down the M14-1 cannon beforeremoving the top shroud to update the delay timer!7.Periodically clean the solar panel using a damp cloth.Note: Regularly remove any snow accumulation orother debris from the solar panel to ensure the batterystays charged.8.Close propane tank valve and turn power switch off(down) when not in use to prevent accidental firing.Note: When storing the M14-1 cannon for long periods(> 1 week), disconnect the battery to prevent discharge.6. TroubleshootingThe following flowchart outlines several common problems and their solutions. For other questions, please contact *************************. Cannon does not fire Open gas valve & turn power onPower switch & gas valve on? Is gas injection (hissing) heard?Check propane tank gas level NO NO YESNO Is ignition (buzzing) heard?Is the barrelobstructed?Does cannonfire? Is propane tank level low?Are conditions windy?Does cannonfire loudly?Check battery voltage > 12V Power off M14-1 and clear barrel Contact support Replace propane tank Point barrel downwind Contact SupportNO YESYESYES Cannon isnot loud YES YES NO NONONO7. LegalApplicability:1.These Terms apply to any transaction between SonicSentinel, LLC (hereafter known as "Seller") and itscustomers (hereafter known as "Buyer" or "Buyers").The Terms are integral to any purchase agreement,invoice, order form, or other document(s) pertaining tothe sale of, or the offer to sell, Seller's products. Theplacement of any order for Seller's products and/or theuse of Seller's products implies an agreement to theseTerms in full.2.Buyer's ability to purchase and/or use Seller’s productsis expressly predicated on Buyer's acceptance of theseterms and conditions. Any purchase of product shall beconsidered a contractual agreement by Buyer to Seller'sTerms as provided here: /legal. Limitation of Seller’s Liability:1.Seller shall not be liable for any general or specialdamages arising from the use or misuse of the Model14-1 Sound Cannon and its accessories (hereafterknown as “Product”). No warranty is provided by Sellerbeyond replacement due to defects in manufacturingand is limited to a refund of the purchase price. Seller'swarranty is exclusive of all other warranties, and anyimplied warranty of merchantability and/or impliedwarranty of fitness for a purpose is hereby disclaimed.2.Buyer is solely responsible for determining the suitabilityof Seller's products for a purpose intended by Buyer orBuyer's customers. Seller has tested products only asexplained in Seller's product specifications and thismanual. Buyer agrees not to use Seller's products in anyway not specified by Seller's instructions and productdescriptions. Buyer shall assume all responsibility forany claims, losses, damages, demands, and expensesincurred by the use or misuse of Seller's products,including the incorporation of Seller's products into othergoods for sale by the Buyer.3.Seller does not authorize or otherwise endorse Buyer tomake any modification or change to Product. Anychanges or modifications made by Buyer to Product,which are not expressly approved by Seller in writing,shall render any and all warranties invalid.8. Parts View & ListingThe following M14-1 replacement individual parts and assemblies are available:Parts Part #1.Injector Assembly 000062.Ignition Control Module 000073.Power Switch 000084.Barrel Assembly 000095.Coil Assembly 000106.Spark Plug 000117.Solar Controller 000128.Wiring Harness*000139.Propane Regulator 0001410.Lower Shroud & Cowling 0001511.Upper Shroud 0001612.12VDC 8Ah Battery 0001713.Tripod Barrel Clamp 00018The following M14-1 accessories are available:Accessories*Part #1.Tripod Extension (24in) 000202.Tripod Feet (Set of 3) 000213.Nighttime Deactivation 000224.Battery Charger (12VDC) 000235.Propane Level Sensor 000246.Programmable Timer 000257.360° Rotating Tripod 00026The following M14-1 activation modules are available: Activation Modules*Part #1.Push-Button Remote Controls 00030–322.XBee Radio Modules 00033–363.Motion Detection Modules 00037–39To purchase parts and accessories, or for more information, visit .* Not Pictured11 | P a g e P r o u d l y D e s i g n e d&A s s e m b l e d i n U S A12 | P a g e P r o u d l y D e s i g n e d & A s s e m b l e d i n U S A 9. WarrantySeller warrants Product against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of original sale. No warranty is provided by Seller beyond replacement due to defects in manufacturing and is limited to a refund of the purchase price. Seller's warranty is exclusive of all other warranties, and any implied warranty of merchantability and/or implied warranty of fitness for a purpose is hereby disclaimed. 10. ComplianceFCC (Federal Communications Commission): This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residential or commercial installations. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, may cause harmful radio interference.IC (Industry Canada): This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Industry Canada ICES-001, Issue 4. EN (European Norm): This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits defined by EN 61000-6-3:2007 for electromagnetic emissions in light industrial applications.。




























我的世界生存前期必备 超迷你全自动烤鸡机

我的世界生存前期必备 超迷你全自动烤鸡机




如果你要问我为什么要做个3* 4*4的呢?那是因为他那个存在很多的缺点,比如,他是直接高频连接发射器。
















Cook4Life 烤鸡机操作手册说明书

Cook4Life 烤鸡机操作手册说明书

VERTI-GRILL ROTISSERIE GUIDE & RECIPE BOOK20LTWO LARGECHICKENSQUICK &EASY TOUSEAUTO ON/OFF SAFETYSWITCHhead office:Cook4Life Offi ce Park26 & 27 Waitara RoadPompagalana A/HTzaneen, 0850 Limpopo Province, South Africa call centre:+27 (0) 87 980 0345Fax: +27 (0) 87 980 1717E-mail:*****************.za Web: www.cook4life.co.zaCONTENTSWELCOME TO COOK4LIFE ........................................PAGE 4 COOK4LIFE WARRANTY ..........................................PAGE 4 - 5 INSTRUCTION MANUAL ..........................................PAGE 6 - 10 RECIPESROAST CHICKEN .................................................PAGE 11 CHICKEN SHAWARMA ........................................PAGE 12 ROAST SHAWARMA ............................................PAGE 1353. components inclUded1. Motor unit2. Drip pan3. Rotisserie spit4. End forks ( 2 pieces )When you are ready to use the grill, be sure that the TIMER Control is in the “Off ” position and unplugged. We recommend a trial run to familiarize yourself with your grill and to eliminate any protective substance or oil that may have been used for packing and shipping. Plug the cord into a 220-240volt AC outlet. Set the TIMER Control to “20” minutes. A small amount of smoke and odor may be detected. This is normal.To avoid scratching, marring, discoloration or fi re hazard, do not store anything on top of the oven, especiallyWhen cooking poultry, it may be necessary to located on the top interior of the ovenClose the glass door and the inner light will be automatically.Set the TIMER Control to the time according to RECIPE and check after the setting time.When the roast is done, turn the TIMER Control ” and unplug the oven.The grill sides and top are hot, use oven mitts or temperature resistant gloves when removing the chicken. You can also use a carving fork and set of tongs to remove the roast.Remove the rotisserie from the top by lifting upand out towards you. Pull the bottom part ofthe spit out of the drip pan receptacle and placeonto a carving station.15. Place the roast on a cutting board or platter andallow standing for 10-15 minutes, this allowsthe juices to redistribute throughout the roastmaking for a moister, fl avorful roast Using a potholder, loosen the screws on the rotisserie forksand remove the rotisserie spit from the roast.Carefully remove the rotisserie forks and carvethe roast.DIRECTIONS1. Rinse the boneless chicken breasts with fresh coldwater then cut horizontally into thinner cuts of about ½ inch (each breast could possibly be split into 2slices depending on thickness).1. Mix all ingredients (Except the Chicken) in a blender,add to a bowl and mix well with the chicken, coverand let it marinate in the fridge overnight.1. When ready, grill the marinated chicken in yourCook4Life Verti- Grill Rotisserie for about 20 minuteson Maximum heat.1. Once cooked, shred the chicken thinly working yourway around the chicken. The chicken will now beready to be wrapped into a Shawarma.1. Spread the chicken shreds along the inside of apita bread or wrap, spread a bit of Garlic paste overthe pita bread or wrap, then, add some cucumberpickles, some French fries (Optional), and some grilled tomatoes, roll and enjoy.notes: Try marinating a mix of 75% chicken breast and 25% skinless boneless chicken thighs. The fat in the thighs gives the chicken a nice taste when grilled. Add grilled tomatoes in the pita or wrap instead of raw tomatoes.DIRECTIONSshaWarma marinade1. Mix the spices along with the lemon juice and apple cidervinegar in a blender for a couple of minutes. Don’t mix in theolive oil yet.2. Cut the beef into chunks of 10cm long by no more than 2cmin thickness.3. In a bowl, rub the meat with the marinade, sprinkle a bit ofolive oil then rub again, cover and let marinate overnight inthe fridge.grilling shaWarma method 1: panini grill1. Lay the marinated shawarma chunks on the Skewer makingsure the skewer penetrates each piece of meat and cook for10-15 minutes on maximum heat.2. Once cooked, shred the meat on a cutting board and servehot.preparing the tahini saUce1. In a small bowl, whisk the Tahini paste, crushed garlic, lemonjuice and salt until you turn the paste into a sauce.serving the shaWarma1. Place about 120g – 170g (to taste) of shredded shawarma ina pita bread along the diameter, sprinkle some tahini sauce,add freshly grilled tomatoes, french fries and garnish withfresh parsley. Roll and enjoy.13Cares about youhead office:Cook4Life Offi ce Park26 & 27 Waitara RoadPompagalana A/HTzaneen, 0850 Limpopo Province, South Africa call centre:+27 (0) 87 980 0345Fax: +27 (0) 87 980 1717E-mail:*****************.za Web: www.cook4life.co.za。

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