喜福会(the joy luck club)
• After a malpractice suit, Ted has a mid-life crisis and decides to leave Rose.
The Joy Luck Club
Article clue
12 34
Story background
Four stories between four mothers and four daughters
The Joy Luck Club
Background & Characters
Name:Bao Yunpei
The Joy Luck Club
➢ Then the woman and the swan sailed across an ocean many thousands of li wide, stretching their necks toward America. On her journey she cooed to the swan: "In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English.
Article clue
12 34
Story background
The Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club
Article clue
12 34
Story background
Four stories between four mothers and four daughters
The Joy Luck Club
Background & Characters
Name:Bao Yunpei
The Joy Luck Club
➢ Then the woman and the swan sailed across an ocean many thousands of li wide, stretching their necks toward America. On her journey she cooed to the swan: "In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English.
Article clue
12 34
Story background
The Joy Luck Club
Marxist Criticism: Marxist critics maintain that literature does not exist in some timeless, aesthetic realm as an object to be passively contemplated. Rather, like all cultural manifestations, it is a product of the socialsocialeconomic and hence ideological conditions of the time and place in which it was written. Structuralism: Structuralists emphasize the whole. In their opinion, the whole is much more important than the parts cause any part has a complicated whole and it can’t be understood without the whole. That means if we want to understand one part well we should contact it with other parts within the whole. In The Joy Luck Club, Club, the things that happen to the mothers in old China and the things that happen to the mothers and their daughtes will be analyzed.
The book's name
Formed by Suyuan Woo Play the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods . The club in China The club in America
Jing-Mei "June" Woo
• From the time she was a child, Jing-Mei has always lived in someone else's shadow. • Suyuan felt that Jing-Mei could do anything that she wanted to. • intelligence tests and piano lessons, but Jing-Mei never measured up to her mother's expectations. • Jing-Mei eventually became a freelance writer • At the end of the novel, she visits China to see the twin half-sisters. • Finally, after years of refusing to embrace her heritage, Jing-Mei accepts the Chinese blood in her when she meets her half sisters
Tan's straightforward manner as well as the skill with which she talks about Chinese culture and mother/daughter relationships. women of all ages identify with Tan's characters and their conflicts with their families men have an opportunity through this novel to better understand their own behaviors towards women. All readers can appreciate Tan's humor, fairness, and objectivity
The Joy Luck Club喜福会
Suyuan Woo, Jing-mei Woo
Ying-ying St.Clair, Lena St.Clair
Lindo Jong Hsu
• Jingmei's mother • The founder of the Joy Luck Club,a group of women who came together once a week to play mahjong • Lost her twin daughters in China/her heart scar • Took great expectations of Jingmei and hoped her daughter growing up as her will
Suyuan Woo is a strong and willful woman who refuses to focus on her hardships. Instead, she struggles to create happiness and success where she finds it lacking. she lost her two daughters during the war time in China, so when she had a daugther again,she put all her hope on June,and this leads to a deep resentment in June.
• A typical banana man • Was born in America/Not a traditional Chinese girl • In heart,she believed she was an American • Advocated freedom and possessed a spirit of independence
Ying-ying St.Clair, Lena St.Clair
Lindo Jong Hsu
• Jingmei's mother • The founder of the Joy Luck Club,a group of women who came together once a week to play mahjong • Lost her twin daughters in China/her heart scar • Took great expectations of Jingmei and hoped her daughter growing up as her will
Suyuan Woo is a strong and willful woman who refuses to focus on her hardships. Instead, she struggles to create happiness and success where she finds it lacking. she lost her two daughters during the war time in China, so when she had a daugther again,she put all her hope on June,and this leads to a deep resentment in June.
• A typical banana man • Was born in America/Not a traditional Chinese girl • In heart,she believed she was an American • Advocated freedom and possessed a spirit of independence
Main Roles
erMSMuyuan Woo
Canning Woo
Friends in the Joy Luck Club
Jing-Mei Woo
Mr. Piano teacher Chongg
Lindo Jong
Tin Jong
The Character of Main Roles
• 高和顺 《中美文化的冲突与融合——对<喜福会>中母女 关系的文化解读》 青岛理工大学 2009
• 姜勇《沉默不是金——剖析<喜福会>母女关系》 中国 医科大 2002
• 程爱民. 论谭恩美小会版). 2001,(4)
• 刘海平,王守仁. 新编美国文学史(第四卷)[M]. 上海: 上海外语出版社,2002.
• [美] 谭恩美 著,程乃珊 译.喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译
文出版社, 2006.
Lesson Two
Roles and Relationship Analysis of Two Kinds
Course: Advanced English Name: 陈楠迪 Class 3
Jing-Mei Woo
• The daughter of Suyuan, was born in America • Does not understand her mother • Lacks ambition and just want to live as herself • Finishes her mother’s dream finding the twins
Main Roles
erMSMuyuan Woo
Canning Woo
Friends in the Joy Luck Club
Jing-Mei Woo
Mr. Piano teacher Chongg
Lindo Jong
Tin Jong
The Character of Main Roles
• 高和顺 《中美文化的冲突与融合——对<喜福会>中母女 关系的文化解读》 青岛理工大学 2009
• 姜勇《沉默不是金——剖析<喜福会>母女关系》 中国 医科大 2002
• 程爱民. 论谭恩美小会版). 2001,(4)
• 刘海平,王守仁. 新编美国文学史(第四卷)[M]. 上海: 上海外语出版社,2002.
• [美] 谭恩美 著,程乃珊 译.喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译
文出版社, 2006.
Lesson Two
Roles and Relationship Analysis of Two Kinds
Course: Advanced English Name: 陈楠迪 Class 3
Jing-Mei Woo
• The daughter of Suyuan, was born in America • Does not understand her mother • Lacks ambition and just want to live as herself • Finishes her mother’s dream finding the twins
《喜福会》跨文化交际讲解 ppt课件
Case 3
1.What do you think of Rich’s behavior at dinner? Do Lindo and the other family members accept it? Can you guess their opinions on Rich? Why do they think so?
American: people advocates the freedom, equality and democracy. Parents let children to make choice themselves. Children have responsibility to their own action.
Case 1
1. What makes little Waverly unhappy and rebel against her mother? What did she say?
2. What is Lindo's idea of daughters? Why does she think so?
Personal happiness is ultimate goal
Society as key element
Society’s prosperity is ultimate goal
Individuals are encouraged to improve Individual should resist personal
3. Do you think the argument between Linda and little Waverly would happen to ordinary Chinese mothers and daughters? Why or why not?
• Namely, a high-context culture is a culture in which the individual has internalized meaning and information, so that little is clearly stated in written or spoken messages.
The Analysis of Communication Conflicts in The Joy Luck Club
于雷雷 李彩 陈姝妍 邸子桓
The Definition of High-context The Definition of Low-context
Analyzing the Joy Luck Club
Example 3
• A cat that catches mice is not called. (Winfrey’s mother told her in The Joy Luck Club )
Winfrey wins the Chinatown chess champion at a small age because her mother teaches her to speak little and observe more. After influenced by American culture. Winfrey becomes gradually tired of her mothers’ thoughts. She is inclined to communicate and speak in a direct way. So some conflicts appear in their daily lives.
苏 (Su Yuan):
抗战时期被迫遗弃一对 双胞胎女儿,到美国后 再婚,她将所有希望放 在女儿君身上,希望把 她塑造成一个有别于自 己能成为白人社会所接 受的高雅女性。
反抗母亲的意志,强 调自己的自由,与母 亲的隔膜和误解持续 多年。
“到了美国,我就要生个女儿,她会很像我。 但在美国,她却无须仰仗丈夫鼻息度日。 在美国,不会有人歧视她,因为,我会让她讲上一口 流利漂亮的美式英语。 她将应有尽有,不会烦恼不会忧愁。她会领略我的一 番苦心,我要她成为一只比期望中还要好上一百倍的 漂亮的天鹅!
遗传了母亲强势个性 却彻底活在母亲的眼 光中,为了顺从母意 做了很多牺牲,她渴 望能够自己决定人生 和婚姻,并获得母亲 的祝福与肯定。
母亲乙 (莺莺阿姨 Ying Ying) 女儿乙 (李娜 Lena)
痛苦的婚姻让她对自 我不断贬低和抹杀, 沉默半生。当她面对 女儿的不幸婚姻时, 果断打破沉默。
罗丝(Rose): 嫁入豪门后心甘情愿付
出和妥协,放弃深造的 机会,甚至贬低自我, 不再有主见,在婚姻中 被丈夫忽略。听完母亲 的故事,明白珍惜自己 才会被人珍惜的道理后, 重新肯定了自我价值, 挽救了婚姻。
母亲丁 (苏 Su Yuan) 女儿丁 (君 June)
试图以经济上的忍让 与多付车换来丈夫的 感情,在男权的威慑 下失去了自尊和自信。 在母亲开导中终于认 清自我价值和对配偶 的真正诉求。
• 对于移居海外的人来说,一切都是不确定 和有待探索的。由于跨越边境后的漂浮状 态,使得他们能够更深刻地理解文化、身 份和种族的建构型。由于旧身份的丧失和 新身份的不确定,在少数文学中,对身份 和共同体的重新想像始终是紧迫的。 • 少数族裔的身份建构不仅取决于他们自己 的努力,还取决于移民国的态度。
• 霍尔认为, 在高语境文化中,人们有着类似的 经历和信息渠道。长期稳定的交流使人们 形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应。 • 因而,在处理大量日常事务时,他们往往不需 要、也不希望得到过多的背景知识。在交 谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会,因 为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者 把说者含糊的意思拼凑起来。 • 在高语境文化中, 人们并不仅仅通过语言来 表达意思,手势、空间的运用,甚至沉默都可 以传递信息 , 他们认为“沉默比语言更有 力” 。
• 新一代华人子女因为生活在与父母截然不 同的文化环境里, 受着美国文化的熏陶, 平 时读的是英文书籍, 而非孔子的经典,往往在 思想上更倾向于接受美国文化与价值观。 • 然而, 无论华裔青年已经美国化到何种程度, 以白人为代表的主流社会依然把他们看作 是少数民族, 是中国人。这使得新生代的华 裔极易产生一种迷茫和身份危机:“我究竟是 谁?”
• 因此,在这种环境中成长起来的华裔第二 代,由于内外压力,他们认同的是宗主国 文化,而故国的文化则是他们需要超越的 对象,女儿们的最终结果就是: “事实上, 除了她的头发和皮肤是中国式的外表,她 的内部,全是美国制造的。” • 这也导致母女间的隔阂。在这一成长故事 中,母女间的交流障碍实质上体现的是两 种不同价值观的矛盾,女儿们不断试图超 越和弃绝以母亲为代表的东方遗产,从而 形成新的主体性。
• 华裔女作家任璧莲(Gish Jen)在一次接受采访中 谈道:“这种对身份的追求是非常美国化的。在中 国的人们不会探讨根的问题。你一旦开始思考身 为爱尔兰裔美国人、非洲裔美国人或华裔美国人 意味着什么时, 那你就是美国人了。” • 《喜福会》中女儿们一旦有了想做中国人的迫切 愿望,这便表明她们已经非常美国化了,不再是中国 人。” • 既然她们已经是美国人了 ,便不用担心被中国文化 同化。她们渴求具有一定的中国气质 ,在某种程度 上也反映了美国人对异域文化的向往。
• 霍尔认为, 在高语境文化中,人们有着类似的 经历和信息渠道。长期稳定的交流使人们 形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应。 • 因而,在处理大量日常事务时,他们往往不需 要、也不希望得到过多的背景知识。在交 谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会,因 为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者 把说者含糊的意思拼凑起来。 • 在高语境文化中, 人们并不仅仅通过语言来 表达意思,手势、空间的运用,甚至沉默都可 以传递信息 , 他们认为“沉默比语言更有 力” 。
• 新一代华人子女因为生活在与父母截然不 同的文化环境里, 受着美国文化的熏陶, 平 时读的是英文书籍, 而非孔子的经典,往往在 思想上更倾向于接受美国文化与价值观。 • 然而, 无论华裔青年已经美国化到何种程度, 以白人为代表的主流社会依然把他们看作 是少数民族, 是中国人。这使得新生代的华 裔极易产生一种迷茫和身份危机:“我究竟是 谁?”
• 因此,在这种环境中成长起来的华裔第二 代,由于内外压力,他们认同的是宗主国 文化,而故国的文化则是他们需要超越的 对象,女儿们的最终结果就是: “事实上, 除了她的头发和皮肤是中国式的外表,她 的内部,全是美国制造的。” • 这也导致母女间的隔阂。在这一成长故事 中,母女间的交流障碍实质上体现的是两 种不同价值观的矛盾,女儿们不断试图超 越和弃绝以母亲为代表的东方遗产,从而 形成新的主体性。
• 华裔女作家任璧莲(Gish Jen)在一次接受采访中 谈道:“这种对身份的追求是非常美国化的。在中 国的人们不会探讨根的问题。你一旦开始思考身 为爱尔兰裔美国人、非洲裔美国人或华裔美国人 意味着什么时, 那你就是美国人了。” • 《喜福会》中女儿们一旦有了想做中国人的迫切 愿望,这便表明她们已经非常美国化了,不再是中国 人。” • 既然她们已经是美国人了 ,便不用担心被中国文化 同化。她们渴求具有一定的中国气质 ,在某种程度 上也反映了美国人对异域文化的向往。
plot overview
a movie made specifically for women.
• One of the mothers • Famous Chinese American actress • The first Asian lady who the world's most beautiful 50 people
• The United States of America Independent Spirit Award winner(美国独立精神 奖获得者) • A member of the American Screen Actors Guild and Oscar lifelong judges(美国演 员工会会员及奥斯卡终身评 委) • Main works:Heaven & Earth, Joy Luck Club,The Soong Sisters(宋家王朝),Turtles in
One of the mothers Famous Chinese
American actress
The first Chinese
academicians in RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art)
The first Chinese 007
girl Main works:Memoirs of a Geisha (艺伎 回忆录),Joyቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱLuck Club,007 series The Story of the Stone (played a role of mother Jia)
After these family tragedies, her mother moved Amy and her younger brother to Switzerland, where Amy finished high school. During this period, Amy learned about her mother's former marriage to an abusive man in China.
Experience & Sense of values
In China, parents tend to plan everything for their children while in America it is different. Chinese tend to share happiness,sorrow with their families and friends while Americans like to work along for their career.
What cause these collisions?
Times Languages Experience Sense of values Education
The mothers and the daughters were born in different times. Mothers were born in the old China while their daughters were born in a totally different place, and they accept the American’s way of lifestyle and education. [Chinese people tend to show respect to older people while Americans prefer everyone to be equal].
Ying-Ying ”Betty” St. Clair She was born in a wealthy and conservative family in China. She married a charismatic man named Lin Xiao, a playboy, not out of love, but because she believed it was her fate. She killed her son because the strong hate to her husband.
• Rose is somewhat passive and is a bit of a perfectionist. • She married a doctor, Ted Jordan. After a malpractice suit, Ted had a mid-life crisis and decided to leave Rose. Finally, Rose found her value and fought for possession of the house, which she eventually won. An-Mei helps Rose understand that she needs to assert herself and speak up for her rights.
• A member of the Joy Luck Club
Daughter:韦弗利·龚 Waverly Jong
An independent-minded and intelligent woman • A gifted chess champion. • Jing-mei had always felt a rivalry with her, somewhat imposed by their competitive mothers. Restrained by her subconscious fear of letting her mother down. • She has a daughter from her first marriage, and is currently engaged to her boyfriend, Rich. • When she confronts her mother about the meeting with Rich, she learns something about herself.
the joy luck club -喜福会
The Joy Luck Club (1989)
• an immediate and sensational success; • translated into seventeen languages, including Chinese; • staying more than 40 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list; • received the Commonwealth Gold Award and the Bay Area Book Reviewers Award . • explores intergenerational and intercultural relationships; • sixteen interlocking stories all revolve around the Joy Luck Club women and their daughters; • Narration is full of flashbacks to the mothers’ lives in China.
• She will fight for it. June Woo remembers that her mother was never satisfied with her: she always wanted June to be a genius, so June was determined to waste any talent she had, just to spite her mother. As an adult, June has always felt inferior to Waverly, and believed her mother thought she was as well. During new year's dinner, she got into a fight with Waverly, and afterward her mother told her that she understood her and implied that she loved her. The mothers think about their pasts. An-mei remembers that her mother killed herself to make a better life for her children, because in a marriage with four other wives, that was the only way for her children to have any of the benefits from her rich husband (who she was forced to marry, contrary to what her family believed).
joy luck club
The Commentary on the Judgment says, “Heaven and Earth are opposites, but they strive for union. All beings stand in opposition to one another: what they do takes on order thereby. Great indeed is the effect of the time of Opposition”(Wilhelm 575).
The loss of balance by maj jong
The pursuit of balance by traditional Chinese symbols The final harmony and balance of these symbols
There are many symbols of Chinese games and myths with the metaphorical significance.
originates from Yijing, or The Book of Changes, or I Ching :
Confucianism “Qian”
and Daoism
and “Kun”, or the Heaven and Earth
meanssquare” coexist as a union:
Circumference All the shapes in the world
The metaphorical significance of “round” and “square” is deeply rooted in the historical concept that everything recycles.
The loss of balance by maj jong
The pursuit of balance by traditional Chinese symbols The final harmony and balance of these symbols
There are many symbols of Chinese games and myths with the metaphorical significance.
originates from Yijing, or The Book of Changes, or I Ching :
Confucianism “Qian”
and Daoism
and “Kun”, or the Heaven and Earth
meanssquare” coexist as a union:
Circumference All the shapes in the world
The metaphorical significance of “round” and “square” is deeply rooted in the historical concept that everything recycles.
belong to other's.But she successfully escaped from the
ridiculous marriage.There's no Afate but she make.
Lindo's daughter Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn't love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done.
ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a
penetrating thinking.
The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, A emphasizing on the first 3