
七年级语文期末试卷七年级语文期末试卷 满分::100分)考试时间::120分钟满分(考试时间满分积累与运用(共26分) 一、积累与运用1.根据拼音在田字格内写出相应的汉字。
(4分) 语文的魅力在于读和写。
当你静下心来,烹一壶清茶,煮一杯咖啡,放一曲yōu yáng的音乐,cháng yáng于书中世界,洋洋大观,尽收眼底,可观宇宙之大,可察品类之盛,可神交于古人,可觅知音于今人,岂不雅哉?岂不乐哉? 2.下列句子的标点符号使用错误的一项是(2分)() A. “这头母牛卖多少钱,老婆婆?”那人问道。
B. 一般说来,红、黄、绿……等深色蔬菜中的维生素含量超过浅色蔬菜。
C. “哎呀,真是美极了!”皇帝说,“我十二分地满意!” D.“田家少闲月,五月人倍忙”,他们的肩上挑着夏秋两季。
3.下列句子中语意明确、没有语病的一项是 (2分) () A.投资环境的好坏,服务质量的优劣,政府公务人员素质的高低,这些都是地区经济健康发展的重要保证。
(6分) (1)安不忘危,。
5.名著阅读(6分) 对他的个儿高矮,我也记得不太真切。

常州市第二十四中学2017-2018学年第一学期七年级期中课堂教学质量调研英语试卷2017.11一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. I’ll see the doctor ____ two ______ every Friday afternoon.A. at, onB. at, inC. at, /D. at, at2. --- Can you lend(借) me ______ money? --- Sorry, I don’t have ______ money with me.A. some, someB. some, anyC. any, someD. any, any3. The girl ____ orange ______ a new mobile phone in her hand.A. wears, hasB. in, hasC. wearing, withD. in, with4. --- _______ Tim _______ his sister? --- Yes, he looks after her very well every day.A. Does, likeB. Is, likeC. Is, likesD. Do, likes5. --- Who wants to borrow a bike _____ you? --- Amy ______.A. from, isB. to, doesC. from, doesD. to, is6. Frank looks so sad, he needs someone like you _________.A. to chatB. to chat withC. chattingD. chatting with7. The market is about five hundred metres _________ here, you needn’t take a bus.A. far fromB. far away fromC. away fromD. far away8. ---What time ______ the shop ______?---Sorry, I don’t know. But now it is ten o’clock, I think it must _________.A. does open, be openB. is open, be openC. does open, openD. is open, open9. --- Who would you like to play with? --- _____ or ______?A. she , IB. her, meC. they, weD. him, I10. Who do you want to_______ about our school?A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

【教学资源网·世纪金榜】数学:七年级上 1.1 认识三角形课件(2)(鲁教版五四制)

猜一猜 (2)下图中三角形被遮住的两个内角可能是 什么角?将所得结果与(1)的结果进行比较.
三 角 形 的 分 类
有一个内角是钝角 有一个内角是直角
1.1 认识三角形
回顾与思考 1. 如图所示,你能从图中找到多少个三角形?把 它们写出来.
C 六个. 分别是:△ADC △AEC △ABC B A
形的木框,现在有长度分别为2cm 、3cm、 8cm 、15cm的 木条供他选择,那他应选(C ) A、 2cm B、 3cm C、 8cm D、 15cm
注意: 1.常用符号”Rt∆ABC“来表示直角三角形 ABC. 2.把直角所对的边称为直角三 角形的斜边,夹直角的两条边 称为直角边.
直 角 边
课本p88 习题11.2
Hale Waihona Puke E三角形任意两边之和大于第三边
4.如下图所示是我们常用的三角板,它们的三个角之和为 多少度?

2017-2018学年江苏省常州外国语学校七年级(上)期中数学试卷一、细心填一填(1~7题每空1分,8~10题每空2分,共19分)1.(3分)﹣(﹣5)的相反数是;的倒数是;绝对值等于3的数是.2.(2分)若某次数学考试标准成绩定为85分,规定高于标准记为正,两位学生的成绩分别记作:+9,﹣3;则两名学生的实际得分为分,分.3.(1分)太阳半径大约是696 000千米,用科学记数法表示为米.4.(2分)单项式﹣的系数是,次数是.5.(1分)已知单项式3a2b m﹣1与3a n b的和仍为单项式,则m+n=.6.(2分)已知A=a+a2+a3+a4+…+a2n,若a=1,则A=;若a=﹣1,则A=.7.(2分)如图,一个表面涂满颜色的正方体,现将棱三等分,再把它切开变成若干个小正方体,两面都涂色的有个;各面都没有涂色的有个.8.(2分)若a+b+c=0,则(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc=.9.(2分)按照下图所示的操作步骤,若输出y的值为22,则输入的值x为.10.(2分)a是不为1的有理数,我们把称为a的差倒数.如:2的差倒数是=﹣1,﹣1的差倒数是=.已知a1=﹣,a2是a1的差倒数,a3是a2的差倒数,a4是a3的差倒数,…,依此类推,a2009的差倒数a2010=.二、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分)11.(3分)下列几种说法正确的是()A.﹣a一定是负数B.一个有理数的绝对值一定是正数C.倒数是本身的数为1D.0的相反数是012.(3分)下列比较大小正确的是()A.﹣(﹣3)<+(﹣3)B.C.﹣|﹣12|>11 D.13.(3分)有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则a+b的值()A.大于0 B.小于0 C.大于等于0 D.小于等于014.(3分)下列各式的计算,正确的是()A.3a+2b=5ab B.5y2﹣3y2=2C.﹣12x+7x=﹣5x D.4m2n﹣2mn2=2mn15.(3分)数轴上一点A,一只蚂蚁从A出发爬了5个单位长度到了原点,则点A所表示的数是()A.5 B.﹣5 C.±5 D.±1016.(3分)下列各式中值必为正数的是()A.|a|+|b| B.a2+b2C.a2+1 D.a17.(3分)a是一个三位数,b是一个两位数,若把b放在a的左边,组成一个五位数,则这个五位数为()A.b+a B.10b+a C.100b+a D.1000b+a18.(3分)已知代数式x+2y的值是3,则代数式2x+4y+1的值是()A.1 B.4 C.7 D.不能确定19.(3分)火车站、机场、邮局等场所都有为旅客提供打包服务的项目.现有一个长、宽、高分别为a,b,c的箱子,按如图所示的方式打包,则打包带的长(不计接头处的长)至少应为()A.a+3b+2c B.2a+4b+6c C.4a+10b+4c D.6a+6b+8c20.(3分)观察图给出的四个点阵,s表示每个点阵中的点的个数,按照图形中的点的个数变化规律,猜想第n个点阵中的点的个数s为()A.3n﹣2 B.3n﹣1 C.4n+1 D.4n﹣3三、用心算一算(21、22题每小题16分,23题5分,共29分)21.(16分)计算(1)(﹣3)+(﹣4)﹣(+11)﹣(﹣19);(2);(3);(4)若“三角”表示运算a﹣b+c,若“方框”表示运算x﹣y+z+w,求×的值,列出算式并计算结果.22.(8分)化简(1)4xy﹣3x2﹣3xy+2x2(2)﹣3(2x2﹣xy)﹣(x2+xy﹣6).23.(5分)先化简,再求值:(4a2﹣3a)﹣(2a2+a﹣1)+(2﹣a2+4a),其中a=﹣2.四、大胆试一试(共22分)24.(4分)气象资料表明,高度每增加1千米,气温大约下降6℃.(1)我国著名风景区黄山的天都峰高1700米,当地面温度约为18℃时,求山顶气温.(2)小明和小颖想出一个测量山峰高度的方法,小颖在山脚,小明在峰顶,他们同时在上午10点测得山脚和山峰顶的气温分别为a℃和b℃,你知道山峰高多少千米吗?25.(5分)2010年8月7日夜22点左右,甘肃舟曲发生特大山洪泥石流灾害,甘肃消防总队迅即出动兵力驰援灾区.在抗险救灾中,消防官兵的冲锋舟沿东西方向的河流抢救灾民,早晨从A地出发,晚上到达B地,约定向东为正方向,当天的航行路程记录如下(单位:千米):+14,﹣9,+8,﹣7,+13,﹣6,+10,﹣5.(1)救灾过程中,B地离出发点A有多远?B地在A地什么方向?(2)若冲锋舟每千米耗油0.5升,油箱容量为29升,求途中还需补充多少升油?26.(5分)我们把分子为1的分数叫做单位分数,如…,任何一个单位分数都可以拆分成两个不同的单位分数的和,如,,…观察上述式子的规律:(1)把写成两个单位分数之和;(2)把表示成两个单位分数之和.27.(8分)将连续的奇数1,3,5,7…排列成如下的数表用十字框框出5个数(如图)(1)若将十字框上下左右平移,但一定要框住数列中的5个数,若设中间的数为a,用a的代数式表示十字框框住的5个数字之和;(2)十字框框住的5个数之和能等于2010吗?若能,分别写出十字框框住的5个数;若不能,请说明理由;(3)十字框框住的5个数之和能等于355吗?若能,分别写出十字框框住的5个数;若不能,请说明理由.2017-2018学年江苏省常州外国语学校七年级(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、细心填一填(1~7题每空1分,8~10题每空2分,共19分)1.(3分)﹣(﹣5)的相反数是﹣5;的倒数是﹣;绝对值等于3的数是3或﹣3.【解答】解:根据相反数和倒数的定义得:∵﹣(﹣5)=5,∴﹣(﹣5)的相反数为﹣5;∵﹣2=﹣,∴﹣2的倒数为,根据绝对值的定义得:绝对值等于3的数是:3或﹣3.2.(2分)若某次数学考试标准成绩定为85分,规定高于标准记为正,两位学生的成绩分别记作:+9,﹣3;则两名学生的实际得分为94分,82分.【解答】解:试标准成绩定为85分,规定高于标准记为正,则低于标准记为负,因为两位学生的成绩分别记作:+9,﹣3所以两名学生的实际得分为85+9=94分;85﹣3=82分.3.(1分)太阳半径大约是696 000千米,用科学记数法表示为 6.96×108米.【解答】解:696 000千米=696 000 000米=6.96×108米.4.(2分)单项式﹣的系数是﹣,次数是5.【解答】解:∵﹣=﹣a2b3,∴﹣的系数是﹣,次数是2+3=5.故答案为:﹣,5.5.(1分)已知单项式3a2b m﹣1与3a n b的和仍为单项式,则m+n=4.【解答】解:∵单项式3a2b m﹣1与3a n b的和仍为单项式,∴3a2b m﹣1与3a n b为同类项,∴n=2,m﹣1=1,∴m=2,n=2,∴m+n=4.故答案为:4.6.(2分)已知A=a+a2+a3+a4+…+a2n,若a=1,则A=2n;若a=﹣1,则A=0.【解答】解:当a=1时,A=1+1+…+1=2n;当a=﹣1时,A=﹣1+1﹣1+1…﹣1+1=0,故答案为:2n;0.7.(2分)如图,一个表面涂满颜色的正方体,现将棱三等分,再把它切开变成若干个小正方体,两面都涂色的有12个;各面都没有涂色的有1个.【解答】解:两面都涂色是中间那层,边上的部分共有12个各面都没有涂色的只有最中间那个,所以只有一个.故答案为:12;1.8.(2分)若a+b+c=0,则(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc=0.【解答】解:∵a+b+c=0,∴a+b=﹣c,b+c=﹣a,c+a=﹣b,∴(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc,=﹣c•(﹣a)•(﹣b)+abc,=﹣abc+abc,=0,故答案是0.9.(2分)按照下图所示的操作步骤,若输出y的值为22,则输入的值x为±3.【解答】解:由题意得3x2﹣5=22解得x=±3.故答案为±3.10.(2分)a是不为1的有理数,我们把称为a的差倒数.如:2的差倒数是=﹣1,﹣1的差倒数是=.已知a1=﹣,a2是a1的差倒数,a3是a2的差倒数,a4是a3的差倒数,…,依此类推,a2009的差倒数a2010=4.【解答】解:根据差倒数定义可得:a1=﹣,a2=,a3=4,a4=﹣,很明显,进入一个三个数的循环数组,只要分析2010被3整除即可知道,a2010=4,故答案为:4.二、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分)11.(3分)下列几种说法正确的是()A.﹣a一定是负数B.一个有理数的绝对值一定是正数C.倒数是本身的数为1D.0的相反数是0【解答】解:∵当a是负数时,﹣a一定是正数,故本选项错误.∵0的绝对值是0,∴有理数的绝对值一定是正数是错误的,故本选项错误.∵倒数是本身的数还有﹣1,故本选项错误.∵0的相反数是0,故本选项正确.故选:D.12.(3分)下列比较大小正确的是()A.﹣(﹣3)<+(﹣3)B.C.﹣|﹣12|>11 D.【解答】解:A、∵﹣(﹣3)=3>0,+(﹣3)=﹣3<0,∴﹣(﹣3)>+(﹣3),故本选项错误;B、∵﹣<0,﹣<0,|﹣|=>|﹣|=,∴﹣<﹣,故本选项正确;C、∵﹣|﹣12|=﹣12<0,11>0,∴﹣|﹣12|>11,故本选项错误;D、∵﹣|﹣|=﹣<0,﹣(﹣)=>0,∴﹣|﹣|<﹣(﹣),故本选项错误.故选:B.13.(3分)有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则a+b的值()A.大于0 B.小于0 C.大于等于0 D.小于等于0【解答】解:根据图可得:a<0,b>0,|b|>|a|,则a+b>0;故选:A.14.(3分)下列各式的计算,正确的是()A.3a+2b=5ab B.5y2﹣3y2=2C.﹣12x+7x=﹣5x D.4m2n﹣2mn2=2mn【解答】解:A、3a与2b不是同类项,不能合并,故错误;B、5y2﹣3y2=2y2,故错误;C、正确;D、4m2n与2mn2不是同类项,不能合并,故错误.故选:C.15.(3分)数轴上一点A,一只蚂蚁从A出发爬了5个单位长度到了原点,则点A所表示的数是()A.5 B.﹣5 C.±5 D.±10【解答】解:A到原点的距离是5个单位长度.则A所表示的数是:±5.故选C.16.(3分)下列各式中值必为正数的是()A.|a|+|b| B.a2+b2C.a2+1 D.a【解答】解:A、当a=0,b=0时,此式不符合条件,故本选项错误;B、当a=0,b=0时,此式不符合条件,故本选项错误;C、无论a取何值,a2+1的值都为正数,故本选项正确;D、当a=0或负数时,此式不符合条件,故本选项错误;故选:C.17.(3分)a是一个三位数,b是一个两位数,若把b放在a的左边,组成一个五位数,则这个五位数为()A.b+a B.10b+a C.100b+a D.1000b+a【解答】解:∵两位数扩大了1000倍,三位数的大小不变,∴这个五位数可以表示为1000b+a.故选:D.18.(3分)已知代数式x+2y的值是3,则代数式2x+4y+1的值是()A.1 B.4 C.7 D.不能确定【解答】解:∵x+2y=3,∴2x+4y+1=2(x+2y)+1,=2×3+1,=6+1,=7.故选:C.19.(3分)火车站、机场、邮局等场所都有为旅客提供打包服务的项目.现有一个长、宽、高分别为a,b,c的箱子,按如图所示的方式打包,则打包带的长(不计接头处的长)至少应为()A.a+3b+2c B.2a+4b+6c C.4a+10b+4c D.6a+6b+8c【解答】解:两个长为2a,四个宽为4b,六个高为6c.∴打包带的长是2a+4b+6c.故选B.20.(3分)观察图给出的四个点阵,s表示每个点阵中的点的个数,按照图形中的点的个数变化规律,猜想第n个点阵中的点的个数s为()A.3n﹣2 B.3n﹣1 C.4n+1 D.4n﹣3【解答】解:第n个点阵中的点的个数是1+4(n﹣1)=4n﹣3.故选D.三、用心算一算(21、22题每小题16分,23题5分,共29分)21.(16分)计算(1)(﹣3)+(﹣4)﹣(+11)﹣(﹣19);(2);(3);(4)若“三角”表示运算a﹣b+c,若“方框”表示运算x﹣y+z+w,求×的值,列出算式并计算结果.【解答】解:(1)(﹣3)+(﹣4)﹣(+11)﹣(﹣19)=(﹣3﹣4﹣11)+19=﹣18+19=1;(2)原式=﹣40+5+4=﹣31;(3)原式=﹣1﹣(2﹣9)=﹣1﹣+=﹣+=﹣+=;(4)由已知每组图形可得:a=,b=,c=,x=﹣3,y=2.5,z=2.5,w=﹣5故“三角”的算式是:﹣+.故其结果是:﹣+=﹣+=﹣.故“方框”的算式是:﹣3﹣2.5+2.5+(﹣5)=﹣8.所以×=﹣×(﹣8)=.22.(8分)化简(1)4xy﹣3x2﹣3xy+2x2(2)﹣3(2x2﹣xy)﹣(x2+xy﹣6).【解答】解:(1)4xy﹣3x2﹣3xy+2x2=xy﹣x2(2)﹣3(2x2﹣xy)﹣(x2+xy﹣6)=﹣6x2+3xy﹣x2﹣xy+6=﹣7x2+2xy+623.(5分)先化简,再求值:(4a2﹣3a)﹣(2a2+a﹣1)+(2﹣a2+4a),其中a=﹣2.【解答】解:原式=4a2﹣3a﹣2a2﹣a+1+2﹣a2+4a=a2+3,当a=﹣2时,原式=(﹣2)2+3=7.四、大胆试一试(共22分)24.(4分)气象资料表明,高度每增加1千米,气温大约下降6℃.(1)我国著名风景区黄山的天都峰高1700米,当地面温度约为18℃时,求山顶气温.(2)小明和小颖想出一个测量山峰高度的方法,小颖在山脚,小明在峰顶,他们同时在上午10点测得山脚和山峰顶的气温分别为a℃和b℃,你知道山峰高多少千米吗?【解答】解:(1)设山顶气温是x℃,•1=1.7,x=7.8,山顶气温是7.8℃;(2)因为每下降6℃,高度就增加一千米,•1=,山峰高千米.25.(5分)2010年8月7日夜22点左右,甘肃舟曲发生特大山洪泥石流灾害,甘肃消防总队迅即出动兵力驰援灾区.在抗险救灾中,消防官兵的冲锋舟沿东西方向的河流抢救灾民,早晨从A地出发,晚上到达B地,约定向东为正方向,当天的航行路程记录如下(单位:千米):+14,﹣9,+8,﹣7,+13,﹣6,+10,﹣5.(1)救灾过程中,B地离出发点A有多远?B地在A地什么方向?(2)若冲锋舟每千米耗油0.5升,油箱容量为29升,求途中还需补充多少升油?【解答】解:(1)依题意得+14+(﹣9)+8+(﹣7)+13+(﹣6)+10+(﹣5),=14+8+13+10﹣9﹣7﹣6﹣5,=18(千米).故B地离出发点A有18千米远,B地在A地东方;(2)∵冲锋舟每千米耗油0.5升,油箱容量为29升,∴0.5×(14+9+8+7+13+6+10+5)﹣29=7.∴途中还需补充7升油.26.(5分)我们把分子为1的分数叫做单位分数,如…,任何一个单位分数都可以拆分成两个不同的单位分数的和,如,,…观察上述式子的规律:(1)把写成两个单位分数之和;(2)把表示成两个单位分数之和.【解答】解:(1)∵,,,由题意得:分母分成的两数第一个比这个数大1,另一个数是原数的积,∴=;(2)∵分母分成的两数第一个比这个数大1,另一个数是原数的积,∴=27.(8分)将连续的奇数1,3,5,7…排列成如下的数表用十字框框出5个数(如图)(1)若将十字框上下左右平移,但一定要框住数列中的5个数,若设中间的数为a,用a的代数式表示十字框框住的5个数字之和;(2)十字框框住的5个数之和能等于2010吗?若能,分别写出十字框框住的5个数;若不能,请说明理由;(3)十字框框住的5个数之和能等于355吗?若能,分别写出十字框框住的5个数;若不能,请说明理由.【解答】解:(1)从表格知道中间的数为a,上面的为a﹣12,下面的为a+12,左面的为a﹣2,右面的为a+2,a+(a﹣2)+(a+2)+(a﹣12)+(a+12)=5a;(2)5a=2010,a=402,∵402是偶数,∴这个是不可以的;(3)5a=355,a=71,∵71位于一行的最右边,∴十字框框住的5个数之和不能等于355.。

1. What fruit does Tina like best?A. B. C.2. What does Millie do every afternoon?A. B. C.3. What is Sandy wearing?A. B. C.4. When does Amy get up every day?A. B. C.5. How does Lily go to school today?A. B. C.第二部分听对话回答问题听下面的对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6. When does Kitty have a school trip?A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.7. Where are the two speakers?A. In a sports shop.B. In a clothes shop.C. In a bookshop.8. What will the girl do tomorrow?A. Go shopping.B. Stay at home.C. Do her homework.9. Where is Mrs Green going?A. Hospital.B. Supermarket.C. Shopping mall.10. What are they talking about?A. Christmas.B. Spring Festival.C. Mid-Autumn Festival.第三部分听短文回答问题听下面的短文,短文后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

1.A.age B.map C.cat D.dad2.A.be B.yes C.these D.we3.A.good B.look C.group D.foot 4.A.which B.wind C.who D.swim 5.A.worker B.term C.father D.after二、单项选择6.________ woman with a smile on her face has ________ one-year-old son.A.A; an B.The; a C./; an D.A; a7.— ________ do you visit museums with your parents, Andy?— Three times a month.A.How soon B.How often C.How many times D.How long 8.—Which is Tony’s favourite subject?—___________. He loves learning about the life of animals and plants.A.Geography B.Chinese C.History D.Biology 9.—Sandy, it’s ten o’clock now. Don’t watch TV.—OK, I’ll turn it off. I know it is time for me ________ bed.A.to go B.going C.to go to D.going to 10.The school gym is great. All the ball games ________ there. They are always very exciting.A.take turns B.take place C.take part in D.take care of 11.— What’s your form teacher like?— ________. We often go to her when we need help.A.She is tall and slim B.She is kind and helpfulC.She likes reading books D.She likes us very much12.She loves walking ________ Sunday afternoon. It makes her ________ great.A.in; feel B.at; feeling C.on; feel D./; feels 13.—Does Mr. Black teach ________ Chinese?—No. ________ is our English teacher.A.you; He B.you; Him C.your; She D.your; Her14.It ________ me about thirty minutes to do my homework every day.A.costs B.spends C.pays D.takes15.— I will see the film Panda Plan with my parents tomorrow. I am very excited.— ________.A.Have fun B.Good luck C.Best wishes D.All the best三、完形填空It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because he or she moves to a different school or a different class. You may feel 16 at break (课间) or lunchtime. You want to have new friends. But 17 do you make friends with your new classmates? Maybe it seems (似乎) that 18 else already has their friends. But remember, there’s 19 room for more friends.Start by looking around your classroom— 20 which kids you’d like to play with at break. Look for chances to say “Hi” to them. 21 , and be friendly. Invite someone to play with you or say ‘‘Do you want to sit here?” in the dining room. When you are at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, and say “Hi, 22 I play too?” or just join in.If you have 23 doing this or if you feel shy, ask your teacher for help. Teachers are usually 24 matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help, and soon, you’ll have one, or two, or even 25 new friends.16.A.excited B.unhappy C.afraid D.surprised 17.A.where B.why C.what D.how 18.A.everybody B.nobody C.somebody D.no one 19.A.always B.seldom C.never D.sometimes20.A.work out B.take care C.care about D.think about 21.A.laugh B.shout C.smile D.cry 22.A.need B.should C.can D.must 23.A.fun B.time C.ideas D.problems 24.A.good at B.weak at C.ready to D.interested in 25.A.better B.more C.fewer D.older四、阅读理解Enjoy skiing, enjoy winter!26.Mike lives in the city centre and wants to go to the nearest ski resort, where can he go?A.Huxi Ski Resort.B.Tashan Lake Ski Resort.C.Qianyuan Ski Resort.D.Yilu Mountain Ski Resort. 27.Daniel and his parents want to go skiing at 7 p.m., they will pay _________.A.¥117B.¥147C.¥204D.¥264 28.Where is the passage probably from?A.A film report.B.A travel poster.C.A science talk.D.A history book.The children are all in bed asleep. Mrs. Darling is sitting next to the fire and she is sewing (缝补). The fire makes the room warm and she falls asleep (睡着), too. While she is sleeping, the bedroom window blows (吹) open and a boy drops onto the floor. There’s a straight small light beside him. The light flies around the room like a very small animal. Mrs. Darling wakes up suddenly and sees the boy. She knows at once that he is Peter Pan. He is a lovely boy and his clothes are made of leaves. But Peter isn’t glad to see a grown-up, and he growls (咆哮) at her. The door opens and Nana comes in. She growls and runs towards the boy. Peter jumps out of the window quickly. Nana closes it, but the window catches Peter’s shadow (影子) and it breaks off. Mrs. Darling takes the shadow and looks at it carefully. It’s just an ordinary shadow. She puts it in the top drawer of the chest of drawers. The following Friday Nana puts the children to bed while Mr. and Mrs. Darling are getting ready to go to a party.--- Taken from Peter Pan 29.________ stays with children when Peter comes into the room.A.Nana B.Peter C.Nobody D.Mrs. Darling 30.Which is the right order of the story?a. Peter’s shadow breaks off.b. Mrs. Darling puts Peter’s shadow in the top drawer.c. Mrs. Darling falls asleep.d. The children are all in bed asleep.A.a-d-c-b B.c-d-a-b C.d-c-b-a D.d-c-a-b31.We can infer (推断) that ________ from the passage.A.Mrs. Darling likes lovely PeterB.Peter’s shadow will run away next morningC.Peter is a bad boy and nobody loves himD.Without shadow, Peter will die soonConfucianism (儒家思想) which Chinese follow has a long history for more than two thousand years.To help people understand how to behave towards others, Confucianism teaches the Five Constants (五常). These are ren, yi, li, zhi, and xin. They are general virtues (美德) around the world. The most important two are ren and li.Ren is the feeling of care and love we should have for others. Confucius (孔子) is famous for teaching people “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others”. It is quite similar to the Golden Rule in the West (treat others as you wish to be treated).Generally, li is the way we should connect with people in our everyday life. In Confucian writings, discussions about li include the proper way to drink tea and how to remember ancestors (祖先).Perhaps the most well-known Confucian virtue is xiao. This is the duty children have to their parents. Xiao means loving, respecting, obeying and taking care of one’s parents in their old age. In Confucianism, xiao is important for a harmonious (和谐的) society: Without it, the whole world would fall into a mess.32.Which are the most important of the Five Constants?A.ren and yi B.ren and li C.li and xin D.yi and zhi 33.What is the best Chinese for the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?A.博学于文,约之以礼。

(共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)1. A. many B. age C. table D. grade2. A. maps B. kites C. enjoys D. desks3. A. cute B. duck C. student D. usually4. A. what B. who C. where D. which二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1. Jessica plays _____ volleyball for half _____ hour every day.A./; aB. /; anC. a; anD. the; an2. - How does your mother go to work every day?- She never walks _____ home from work. She usually _____.A.to; by bikeB. to; rides bikeC. /; ride a bikeD. /; rides a bike3. My brother has _____ books, but only _____ of them are interesting.A.many; a fewB. much; fewC. many; fewD. lots; a few4. - Would you please _____ my house when I go to Shanghai for a trip? - No problem.A.look atB. look afterC. look forD. look like5. - __________ ? - She is kind and friendly.A.How is the girl likeB. What does the girl likeC. What is the girl likeD. How does the girl look6. - Usually, the supermarket _____ at 8:30 in France. Let’s go shopping.- Many supermarket _____ because of the epidemic(疫情)in France.A.Opens; are closedB. is open; are closedC. is opened; closeD. opens; close7. - Is the girl on the right _____ best friend?- Yes, she is good at dancing. I hope she can dance with _____ some day.A.you; usB. his; IC. your; meD. her; me8. - Is Jenny good at Biology? - Yes, she can _____ with me about different animals in the zoo.A.sayB. tellC. talkD. speak9. - _____ does your school have the parents’ meeting? - _____ a year.A.How often; Three timesB. How often; Third timesC. How many times; OnceD. How many times; Two times10. - There is a match between my class and Class 3 _____ the evening of December 17.- ________.A.in; I love basketballB. on; Wish you good luckB.in; Have a good time D. on; Let me see三、完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)My name is Tom. I am a middle school student. Reading is my favourite ___1___, so my parents bring Monica to read to me.Monica is a robot and it looks like a cat. Cats are ___2___animals. So is Monica. It can read all children’s books. Put a storybook in front of it, and it can read the ___3___to you. Put a picture in front of it, and it can ___4___you what is in it. Monica is helpful. It is___5___ there when I want to talk. “Hi, Monica!” I say. “Hi, Tom! Can I ___6___you?” Monica says.Monica can ___7___ many languages like Chinese, English and Japanese. And it is a great ___8___too. I like to ask it to sing a song for me.Some Chinese engineers made Monica. Their ___9___ is to let Monica read to children from all over the world. Do you want to ___10___ a Monica home? I’m sure you will love it.1. A. hobby B. subject C. sport D. club2. A. small B. clever C. black D. big3. A. e-mail B. name C. story D. card4. A. draw B. ask C. tell D. see5. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually6. A. see B. help C. know D. think7. A. say B. play C. write D. speak8. A. teacher B. writer C. singer D. farmer9. A. dream B. grade C. team D. meeting10. A. start B. make C. bring D. look四、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)A1. Mr. Green wants to go hiking with his children. They should meet at the Market Square ______________.A. at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morningB. at 2:00p.m. on October 5thC. at 6:30 on MondayD. on Sunday morning2 . W ho can join the Singles’ Club?A. A 23-year-old young manB. A 28-year-old single manC. A 50-year-old single ladyD. A 28-year-old married woman3. From the four passages, we know they are from__________.A. a story bookB. a travel magazineC. a newspaperD. a text bookBOne winter, when the birds were all leaving for the south, one little bird broke its wing on the way and had to stay in aforest. Soon, it began to snow in the forest and the bird was cold and hungry. So the bird asked the trees to help it and let it stay in their branches(树枝).The birch tree said that it couldn’t help it because it had to look after the birds in the forest first. The oak tree didn’thelp it because it was afraid that the bird would eat up all its acorns(橡果). Even the willow tree didn’t want to help it.The poor bird tried to fly, but its wing was badly hurt. Seeing that, the spruce tree said it would like to help it and let itlive on the softest and warmest branch. The big pine tree also wanted to protect it. The little juniper tree gave its berries to the bird. So, the bird lived comfortably there and could fly again at spring time.1. Which was the first tree to help the bird?A. The willow treeB. The juniper treeC. The spruce treeD. The pine tree2. What does the underlined word “berries” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?A. 浆果B. 石头C. 树根D. 绿叶3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The story happened in summer.B. The little bird broke its leg.C. The willow tree saved the bird.D. The birch tree didn’t help the bird.CDo you use a mercury thermometer(水银温度计) to take your temperature(温度)? These thermometers will soon become history. Starting in 2026, China will ban(禁止) mercury thermometers.These thermometers were once widely(广泛地) used because they are cheap to make. Theyare also accurate (准确的) at telling small temperature changes. But the mercury in the thermometers is dangerous.Mercury is liquid(液体)at room temperature. This makes it useful to us. However, it is also poisonous(有毒的). Some people put their thermometers under their tongues(舌头) to take their temperature. But if the thermometer breaks and the mercury comes out, it can poison you.Even if the thermometer breaks outside of your body, it is hard to clean up. Mercury will turn into liquid balls and soon evaporate(挥发), making the air poisonous, too. Mercury can also end up in our groundwater(地下水) or soil. This is bad for the environment.Now there are many other body temperature thermometers in use.Forehead/ear thermometersThey use infrared rays(红外线)to take your temperature without touching the human body. they are being widely used during the COVID-I9 pandemic, as they are quick and easy to use.Electronic thermometersAn electronic thermometer has a sensor to take your temperature. It can be put into the mouth or under the armpit(腋窝).Pacifier thermometerThey are safe for babies. The baby just has to hold(含住) it in his or her mouth for a few minutes.1. What do we know from the first paragraph?A. Mercury thermometers are part of history.B. China will stop using mercury thermometer.C. People can’t take their body temperature with mercury thermometer.D. China will make more mercury thermometers.2. According to the story, why are forehead ear thermometers widely used?A. Because they are easy and quick to use.B. Because people can put them into the mouth.C. Because they are cheap to make.D. Because they are easy to buy.3. What is the problem with mercury?A It might break the thermometer. B. It is poisonous.C. It can cut your tongue.D. It is hard to find.4. What is the best title(标题) for this passage?A. Mercury thermometerB. MercuryC. Goodbye to mercury thermometerD. New thermometers五、主观阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)Yexiao or night snacks is the fourth meal of the day in China. It is usually from 8: 00 p.m. to 2: 00 a.m. It is different in the north and the south of China.In the north of China, barbecue(烧烤)is the most popular night snack, especially in summer, while in the south there are many choices for yexiao Spicy crayfish(小龙虾) in Zhejiang and tasty desserts(甜点) in Xiamen have a lot of fans.Taiwan's night market is very famous. It is a place for both eating and shopping. Parents take their children to eat at street stalls. Young people shop around. Old people just sit around and chat.Why do people have yexiao?Some say that in southern China we have longer days, so we don't want to go to bed early but to have more mealsBut yexiao is not just about food. People eat with friends, chat and hang out. All these things make yexiao a way of life.Night snacks---a 1 of life1._________2._________3.__________4._________5.________六、词汇(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)A)根据句子意思及所给音标,写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。
【教学资源网·世纪金榜】数学:七年级上 2.3.3 简单的轴对称图形课件 (鲁教版五四制)

二 符号表示: 证 在△ABC中 1)∵AB=AC,AD⊥BC, 明 ( ∴∠___=∠___,____=____; 猜 (2)∵AB=AC,AD是中线, ____⊥____; 想, ∴∠_=∠_, 1 2 BD DC (3)∵AB=AC,AD是角平分线, 形 ∴____⊥____,____=____。 成 定 1 2 AD BC 理
七年级上册 第二章 轴对称
第3 节
一 实 验 探索发现 折叠以后,你有什么新的发现? 探 (除了两腰重合外,还有重合的部分吗?等 索, 腰三角形是轴对称图形吗?对称轴?) 大 两个底角重合;折线平分顶角,平分底边, 等腰三角形的两个底角 对折 胆 并且垂直于底边 猜 相等; 猜想 想 底边上的中线、高线、顶角平分
等腰三角形 的性质
1 等腰三角 形的两个底 角相等(等 边对等角)
例2 已知:△ABC中,AB=AC. 小明想作∠BAC的平分线,但他没 有量角器,只有刻度尺,他如何作 出∠BAC的平分线? A
分析:根据“三线合一”,只需 作出三角形底边BC上的中线。 1 2 解: 取BC的中点D, 连结AD, ∵ △ABC中,AB=AC ∴∠1=∠2(三线合一) 即AD是△ABC顶角 B D ∠BAC 的平分线。 例2 演示
变式3 在△ ABC中, AB=AC=5cm,AD=4cm,且 BD=CD,求点 A到线段BC的距离。 4cm
四 教 (1) 等腰三角形的性质定理及推论. (2) 利用等腰三角形的性质定理可证明: 学 两角相等,两线段相等,两直线互相垂直. 反 (3)在等腰三角形中,作底边的中线、高或 馈, 顶角平分线是常用的作辅助线的方法,但应 避免出现所作辅助线满足两个条件,如:作 △A BC的∠A的平分线,使它垂直于对边. 引 (4)遇到已知等腰三角形中的一个角的度 导 数时,需注意分类讨论,判断它能做顶角还 是底角. 小 学习方法 :实验 — 猜想 --验证 — 应用 结

江苏省常州外国语学校2017—2018学年Unit 5-6 单元检测一、单项选择1.---________ will the movie start?--- In five minutes. Let’s hurry.【A】How often【B】How soon【C】How long【D】How many times【答案】B【分析】考查特殊疑问词。
由in five minutes可以看出是五分钟之后,所以应该是指多久以后。
2.Thank you for ________ with my English.【A】to help【B】your help【C】helping me【D】Both B and C【答案】D【分析】考查固定搭配。
Thank you for+ n. 或者是thank you for + doing,所以B和C都对。
3.Mary is ________ in a pink coat today. She looks very beautiful.【A】wearing【B】dressing【C】putting on【D】dressing up【答案】D【分析】考查动词辨析。
wear不用介词in;dress需要用be dressed in;C表示正在穿的动作;所以答案应该是D。
4.The man ________ a mask _______ the wall blue.【A】wears, paint【B】with; to paint【C】wears; paints【D】with; paints.【答案】D【分析】考查动词。
一个句子中不能有两个谓语动词,所以首先排除掉A和C,B选项中的to paint不能做谓语动词,所以答案应该是D。
5.The doctor tells me that eating ________ candies is bad for my teeth.【A】too much【B】much too【C】too many【D】many too【答案】C【分析】考查固定搭配。

常 州 外 国 语 学 校2019—2019学年第一学期七年级期中质量调研数 学 试 题______________________________________________________________________________亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获. 我们一直投给你信任的目光。
请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题. 预祝你取得好成绩! 一、细心填一填(1~7题每空1分,8~10题每空2分,共19分) 1、(5)--的相反数是 ;122-的倒数是 ;绝对值等于3的数是__ 。
2、若某次数学考试标准成绩定为85分,规定高于标准记为正,两位学生的成绩分别记作: +9分和-3分,则两名学生的实际得分分别为_______分和_______分。
4、单项式-5b 2a 32的系数是 ,次数是 。
5、已知单项式123-m ba 与b a n3的和仍为单项式,则m+n=________。
6、已知A =a +a 2+a 3+a 4+…+a 2n ,若a =1,则A =________;若a =-1,则A =________。
7、如图,一个表面涂满颜色的正方体,现将棱三等分,再把它切开变成若干个 小正方体,两面都涂色的有_________个;各面都没有涂色的有___________个。
8、若0a b c ++=,则()()()a b b c c a abc ++++= 。
9、按照下图所示的操作步骤,若输出y 的值为22,则输入的值x 为 .10、a 是不为1的有理数,我们把a -11称为a 的差倒数...。
如:2的差倒数是1211-=-, -1的差倒数是111(1)2=--.已知311-=a ,2a 是1a 的差倒数,3a 是2a 的差倒数,4a是3a 的差倒数,…,依此类推,则2010a = 二、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分)11、下列几种说法正确的是 ( )A .-a 一定是负数B .一个有理数的绝对值一定是正数C .倒数是本身的数为1D . 0的相反数是012、下列比较大小正确的是 ( )A .(3)(3)--<+-B . 4155-<-C .1211-->D .22()33--=-- 13、有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则b a +的值 ( )A .大于0B .小于0C .大于等于0D .小于等于014、下列各式的计算,正确的是 ( )A .ab b a 523=+B .23522=-y y C .x x x 5712-=+- D .mn mn n m 22422=-15、数轴上某点A ,一只蚂蚁从A 出发爬了5个单位长度到了原点,则点A 表示的数是A .5B .-5C .5±D .10± ( ) 16、下列各式中值必为正数的是 ( )A .||||a b +B .22a b + C .21a + D .a17、a 是一个三位数,b 是一个两位数,若把b 放在a 的左边,组成一个五位数,则这个五 位数为 ( )A .b +aB .10 b +aC .100 b +aD .1000 b +a 18、已知:代数式x +2y 的值是3,则代数式2x +4y +1的值是 ( )A .1B .4C .7D .不能确定19、火车站、机场、邮局等场所都有为旅客提供打包服务的项目.为a 、b 、c (不计接头处的长)至少应为 ( )A .a +3b +2c B .2a +4b +6c C .4a +10b +4c D .6a +6b +8c20、观察右图给出的四个点阵,s 表示每个点阵中的点的个数,按照图形中的点的个数变化规律,猜想第n 个点阵中的点的个数s 为 ( ) A .3n -2 B .3n -1C .4n +1D .4n -3三、用心算一算(21、22题每小题4分,23题5分,共29分) 21、计算(1)(-3)+(-4)-(+11)-(-19) (2)()6015112132-⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--(3)42112(3)6⎡⎤--⨯--⎣⎦(4)若“三角” 表示运算c b a +-,若“方框”表示运算w z y x ++-,求 × 的值,列出算式....并计算结果. 22、化简(1)224332xy x xy x --+ (2)223(2)(6)x xy x xy ---+-23、先化简,再求值:(a a a a a a 42()12()34222+-+-+--),其中2-=a .四、大胆试一试(共22分) 24、(4分)气象资料表明,高度每增加1千米..,气温大约下降6℃。

2017-2018学年江苏省常州市新北区外国语中学七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷一、听力略二、选出划线部分读音与其他选项不同的一项(共4小题,每小题0.5分;满分2分)( )21. A. likes B. calls C. enjoys D. shows( )22. A. letter B. teacher C. term D. never( )23. A. out B. cousin C. house D. ground( )24. A. thank B. with C. these D. that三、单项选择(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)( )25. --- You see, it's my next plan to buy iphone 8.---Oh, you must work hard to buy .A. a;itB.an;itC. a;oneD. an;one( )26.--- Do you always get up 5 a. m. Mrs. Green?--- Yes. But I get up a little later Sunday mornings.A.at; inB. in; onC. on; atD. at; on( )27. -- Jim, is the man under the tree English teacher.--- No. He teaches Chinese.A. Your; ourB. their: theirsC. you; usD. our; us( )28. --- How well your son is playing volley ball?--- Thank you! But he play it these days because his legs hurt(疼痛).A. seldomB. alwaysC. neverD. usually( )29. There is water left(留下), so people can drink it. Let's get some.A. few:littleB. a little:fewC. little:fewD. a few; a little( )30. --- It's so cold here.--- Oh, ,the window is . Let me it.A. open; closeB. opened; closeC. open; to closeD.opened; to close( )31. Sorry, I can’t you. Can you it again?A.listen to; speakB. hear; tellC. listen to; talkD. hear; say( )32. ---What is your mother like?A. She is like her sisterB. She likes readingC. She is very kindD. She is a doctor( )33. I will have a birthday party this Saturday. I all my friends will come.A. wantB. makeC. hopeD. wish( )34. --- I have the driving test tomorrow.A.Have a good timeB.Good luckC. CongratulationsD. Be careful四、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)My father is a doctor. He always gets up very early. After having a quick break fast, he goes to work. He is very 35 . Sometimes he can't come back home for the night. Although(虽然)we can't see each other very 36 , I still love him.My father is a good father. He teaches me a lot 37 life. He is good at playing the guitar(吉他). Just because of him, I also like guitar 38 . I have a small guitar as a birthday present from my father. I 39 it every day at first, but now I don't play it any more, because I feel it is 40 hard for me. Then my father tells me a few times, “In your life there are always many difficult things, but you can't give up 41 you find it is not easy for you. You have to go on.I believe(相信)you can do well in playing the guitar." My father also asks me to do42 every day. He says it is good for my study and health.My father likes to help 43 . In his free time, he reads books to the old people and plays the guitar for them. If someone 44 him for help,he will always say yes.I am really proud of him.( )35. A.busy B.free C.happy D.tired( )36. ually B.often C. seldom D. always( )37. A. for B. to C.with D. about( )38. A. matches B. music C.lessons D. players( )39.A. practiced B. looked C. listened D. players( )40. A. quiet B. too C. quickly D. clearly( )41. A.what B. when C. where D. which( )42. A.homework B. housework C.sports D. food( )43. A.other B. else C. someone D. others( )44. A talks B. says C.tells D. asks五.阅读理解A( )45. can help you avoid(避免)becoming short-sighted.A. Doing eye exercises regularlyB. Reading in bedC. Reading in the sunD. Reading too long( )46. Peter is fat. According to the form(根据表格), maybe he .A. plays computer games too muchB. has too much homeworkC. he has too much pocket moneyD. doesn't like to do exercise( )47. Who does the writer probably write this form for?A.Parents.B. Doctors.C. Teachers.D.Students.BThere was a beautiful garden. Every year the king would go to the garden to decide which flower was the most beautiful one.For the last few years, the rose was always Number One. Because of this,the rose Gulaabbecame arrogant. It would never let birds stay on its flower. Then all the birds started staying away from Gulaab.Behind Guiaab, there was a little yellow flower. People called it Junglee. Junglee wasn't more beautiful than Gulaab, but it welcomed the birds to stay on its flower. All the birds in the garden liked it.This year the king went to the garden as before. The gardener pointed at the rose and said to the king,“Your favourite flower,my king".Of course, the king also saw the yellow flower behind it and asked, “What flower is that”“Oh! That's Junglee, a wild flower."“I didn't see a flower like it before. There are so many birds on it. I think it's much more beautiful than the rose. It will be the King Flower of this year!"said the king.( )48. From the passage, we can know that Junglee was .A. famousB. serious(严肃的)C. friendlyD. smart( )49. What does the underlined word “arrogant"mean in Chinese?A.微慢的B. 粗心的C. 易怒的D. 开朗的( )50. What is the best title(标题) for the passage?A. The king’s gardenB. The clever kingC. The flowers and the birdsD. The most beautiful flowerCMonty Robert’s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one farm to another with his father. Sometimes they didn’t have enough money to pay for food, but Monty still kept hoping to own a horse farm.When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a paper about his dream. He wrote a seven-page paper. He wanted to have a horse farm one day. He even drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.The next day he handed it in t o his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” with the words “See me after class”. So the boy did and asked his teacher:“Why did I get an F?” The teacher said: “This dream will not come true for a young boy like you.You need a lot of money to own a horse farm. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added: “If you writethis paper again with a simpler dream, I will give you a good grade.”After school he thought hard about it. At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making no changes at all. He wrote: “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.”Many years later, Monty had his own large horse farm. His dream came true.So don’t let anyone take away your dreams. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are. ()51. From Paragraph 1, we learn that ______.A. Monty’s family was poorB. Monty’s father didn’t support himC. Monty hoped to be a horse trainerD. Mothy’s father was very lazy()52. What did his teacher ask him to do when he was in school?A. To write a seven-page paper.B. To draw a picture about his dream.C. To write a paper about his dream.D. To make a lot of money()53. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Sometimes Monty couldn't have food to eat.B. The teacher gave Monty an “F” because Monty drew a bad picture.C. The teacher hoped Monty could have a simpler dream.D. Monty thought he could make his dream come true.()54. What does the story want to tell us?A. Follow a simple dream.B. Never give up your dream.C. Don’t take away others’ dreams.D. Don’t tell others your dream.第二卷六.任务型阅读Do you like seeing photos of cute pets on social media(社交媒体)?These pets can be cats, dogs, birds and even pigs. They are big stars. But in fact, you can make your pets famous online, too. Here are some tips(诀窍) for you.Know your brand(品牌)First you start an account(账号) on social media. Then you choose a few words and phrases for your pet’s “brand”. Is your pet a troublemaker? Silly and friendly? All your photos should have a similar theme(相似主题). For example, if your pet’s brand is free-spirited(自由自在的) and loves nature, don’t post photos like this: My cat sits in a first-class seat (头等舱座位) on the plane, eating a plate of expensive cat food.Plan your postPosting every day is the best. You should post at least five days a week. You can also add hashtag (话题标签)to your posts. That way people can find your account easily. They can use the discover feature on social media apps.Have fun or don’t do itYou have to love taking photos of your pet. But if you aren’t having a good time, then do not do it.55.56. 57. 58. 59.七、词汇(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)A)根据句子意思及所给音标,填入正确单词,每空一词。
常州外国语学校初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 4经典复习题(提高培优)

考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.—Is your book on the desk?—______. It's Li Ming's. The book in the schoolbag is______.A.Yes,it is;my B.Yes,it is;mine C.No,it isn't;my D.No,it isn't;mine 2.–Excuse me, _______ is the post office. –It’s on the Center Street.A.What B.Which C.How D.Where3.–Where is your hat?--_______, I don’t know.A.Ok B.No C.Sorry D.Yes.4.—Mom, I can't find our cat, Mimi.—Look! It's ________ your bed.A.under B.in C.at D.to5.This is ________ orange. ________ orange is on the table.A.a; An B.an; AC.a; The D.an; The6.Mike's clothes are ________ and he always can't find them.A.tidy B.thereC.in the bookcase D.everywhere7.-What are these?- .A.These are books B.It's a book C.They are pens D.That aren’t pens 8.Lucy and Lily _______ in the same class.A.am B.is C.are D.be9.— ______ is the schoolbag?—It’s under the bed.A.Where B.What C.Where’s D.Who10.— Where is ______ ruler?—It’s ______ the sofa.A.Tom; on B.Toms; in C.Tom’s; on D.Tom’s; in 11.— Is the notebook on the sofa?—No, it’s ______ the sofa.A.on B.under C.of D.at12.Jim and I _______ know the name of her dog.A.am not B.is not C.are not D.don’t 13.James took the magazines off the little table to make ______ for the television.A.fun B.time C.room D.noise 14.Is that your ?A.a bike B.bike C.bikes D.a bikes 15.Jack and Cindy are here. Where are ______ books?They need(需要)the books. A.his B.her C.our D.their 16.—What's on ________ chair?—It's ________ schoolbag.A.a;a B.the;the C.the;a D.a;the 17.—Are ________ Cindy and David?—Yes,and this is ________ friend,Laura.A.they;their B.their;they C.they;they D.their;their 18.—is Mary?—She’s in the li brary.A.Who B.What C.How D.Where 19.—Jane, can you see that on the card?—Yes. It’s “5”.A.photo B.color C.name D.number 20.Kelly often helps ________ with my English.A.my B.I C.me D.mine 21.—I can’t find my eraser. May I use _______? —Of course.A.you B.your C.yours D.mine 22.- under the desk? -No, they aren’t.A.Where are B.What’s C.Are those rulers D.Is that ruler 23.---Is his name John? --- He’s DaveA.Yes, he is B.No, it isn’t C.No, he isn’t D.Yes,it is. 24.--What about drinking _ juice? --I'd love to. But there isn't _juice in the glass. A.some; some B.some; any C.any; some D.any; any 25.This eraser isn’t _______ . It’s _______ .A.my; his B.mine; hisC.his; her D.her; mine26.Jack likes being with the classmates ________ are outgoing and kind.A.where B.which C.when D.who【参考答案】一、选择题1.D 2.D 3.C4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.C9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.C 21.C 22.C 23.B 24.B 25.B26.D【参考解析】一、选择题1.D解析:D【详解】句意:--你的书在桌子上吗?--不,不在。
常州外国语学校初中英语七年级上册Unit 3经典复习题(提高培优)

一、选择题1.— Thank you for your help.— ________.A.I’m fine, thanks B.Excuse me C.Nice to meet you D.You’re welcome D 解析:D【详解】句意:-----谢谢你的帮助。
A. I’m fine, thanks好,谢谢;B. Excuse me对不起,打扰了;C. Nice to meet you见到你很高兴;D. You’re welcome不用谢,不客气。
2.—Is this your pencil?—No, it isn't. __________ pencil is in the pencil box.A.Your B.His C.Her D.My D解析:D【详解】句意:——这是你的铅笔吗?——不,它不是。
由问句及“No,it isn't.”可知这不是“我的”铅笔,所以答语后句意为“我的铅笔在文具盒里”。
3.—Thank you for your help.—__________.A.Sorry,I can't B.You're welcome C.Excuse me D.Thank you B解析:B【详解】句意:—谢谢你的帮助。
Sorry,I can't对不起,我不能;You're welcome不客气;Excuse me打扰一下;Thank you谢谢。
回答别人的感谢可用“You're welcome.”表示“不客气”。
【点睛】对“感谢”的回答可以为:Not at all.That's all right(OK).You're welcome.It's a pleasure.It's very nice of you.My pleasure.No problem.Don't mention it.It's really nothing。
常州外国语学校初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1经典复习题(提高培优)

考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.— ________ you David?— No. My name ________ Martin.A.Are;are B.Are;is C.Is;are D.Is;is 2.“Sit down,please. ”“ ________ .”A.Fine B.Thank you C.Thanks you D.Yes 3.— ______— Nice to meet you , too .A.Good morning ! B.How are you ?C.Nice to meet you ! D.Hello !4.— Are you Jenny ?— Yes , ______ .A.I am B.you are C.I’m D.I are 5.— Hello ! Are you Bob ?—______A.Yes , I’m .B.Yes , it is .C.No , I’m not . D.No , I’m .6.Seven-one-three-nine-eight-zero is ______ .A.713-890 B.831-780C.713-980 D.731-0987.—What’s your ______ name ?— Gina .A.first B.last C.nice D.fine 8.—What's her name?—__________ .A.She is Jane B.Her name is JaneC.She's fine D.A and B9.—What’s five and ________?—It’s nine.A.two B.three C.four D.five 10.________ is Li Dan and ________ English name is Grace.A.She;her B.She;she C.Her;her D.Her;she 11.—What’s his phone ______, Paul?—It’s 291-6214.A.card B.name C.telephone D.number12.—What’s your________name? —Bob.A.last B.first C.family D.full 13.—How ______ you?—I ______ fine, thanks.A.is; am B.are; am C.are; is D.is; are 14.Jenny ________ slim and she ________ long hair.A.is; is B.is; has C.has; has D.has; is 15.Her name is Kate Green. Her______ name is Green.A.last B.first C.English D.full 16.This is Fang Ming.English name is Dale.A.His B.Her C.Your D.My 17.Mike is an English boy, but he is China now.A.of B.in C.on D.at18.Her first name is Mary,her last name is Jones.A.now B.or C.too D.and 19.—What color is ______ ruler?—Red.A.your B.IC.you D.it20.This is a boy.His name is ______.A.Zhao Haitao B.Zhao Hai TaoC.Zhaohaitao D.zhaohaitao21.Her name is Gao Huili.Her last name is ______.A.Gao B.HuiliC.Gao Hui D.Gao li22.—________ do you spell watch?—W-A-T-C-H, watch.A.What B.How C.What’s D.Where 23.He is Peter Mark. His first name is ________.A.Peter B.Mark C.Peter Mark D.Mark Peter 24.—Hello, I’m Gina!—_____________.A.Hi, Gina! I’m Alan.B.Good morning! C.Yes, I am. D.How are you? 25.I ________ Ken. My family name ________ Martin.A.am,am B.is,is C.is,am D.am, is26.I have a good ______, and it’s my pet dog.A.book B.quilt C.friend D.teacher【参考答案】一、选择题1.B2.B3.C4.A5.C6.C7.A8.D9.C10.A11.D12.B13.B14.B15.A16.A17.B18.D19.A20.A21.A22.B23.A24.A25.D26.C【参考解析】一、选择题1.B解析:B【详解】句意:——你是大卫吗?——不是。
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一、细心填一填(1~7题每空1分,8~10题每空2分,共19分)1.一个数的绝对值是它本身,则这个数是;一个数的相反数是它本身,则这个数是;一个数的平方是它本身,则这个数是;一个数的立方是它本身,则这个数是;倒数等于它本身的数是.2.如果﹣10t表示运出10t,那么+20t表示.3.246619亿元用科学记数法表示元.4.单项式﹣的次数是,系数是.5.若4a3m b与2a6b n的和是一个单项式,则m=,n=.6.若3x﹣2y=4,则5﹣y=.7.正方体是由个面围成的,其中底面是形,侧面是形.正方体有条棱,个顶点.8.当a=﹣时,(3a2)3﹣9a2[3a4﹣a2(4a3+1)]的值为.9.206.5的平方根是.10.观察下列一组数:1,﹣1,1,﹣1,1,﹣1,…,则第9个数是,第10个数是,第n 个数是.二、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分)11.下列关于a的结论错误的是()A.a=0时,a不是正数也不是负数B.a的相反数是﹣aC.a的绝对值是aD.a的倒数是a﹣1(a≠0)12.m<﹣1,则数m,,﹣m,﹣中最小的数是()A.m B.C.﹣m D.﹣13.数轴上A、B两点所表示的有理数的和是()A.﹣1 B.1 C.﹣5 D.514.下列合并同类项中,正确的是()A.3x+3y=6xy B.2a2+3a3=5a3C.3mn﹣2mn=mn D.7x﹣5x=215.有理数a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如图,式子|a |﹣|b |+|a +b |﹣|b ﹣c |化简结果为( )A .﹣b +cB .﹣b ﹣cC .b ﹣cD .2a ﹣b ﹣c16.如果a +b <0,且b >0,那么a 2与b 2的关系是( )A .a 2≥b 2B .a 2>b 2C .a 2≤b 2D .a 2<b 217.为了绿化环境、美化城市,在某居民小区铺设了正方形和圆形两块草坪,如果两块草坪的周长相同,那么它们的面积S 1、S 2的大小关系是( )A .S 1>S 2B .S l <S 2C .S 1=S 2D .无法比较18.已知(﹣2x 2+3)3=a 0+a 1(x ﹣1)+a 2(x ﹣1)2+a 3(x ﹣1)3+…+a 6(x ﹣1)6,则a 0+a 6=( ) A .﹣5 B .﹣6 C .﹣7 D .﹣819.若每个人的工作效率相同,如果a 个人b 天做了c 件零件,那么b 个人作a 个零件所需的天数应为( )A .B .C .D .20.如图,图中平行四边形共有的个数是( )A .40B .38C .36D .30三、用心算一算(21、22题每小题16分,23题5分,共29分) 21.(16分)有3个有理数x 、y 、z ,若x=且x 与y 互为相反数,y 与z 为倒数.(1)你能求出x 、y 、z 这三个数吗?若能,请计算并写出结果;不能,请说明理由;(2)根据(1)的结果计算:xy ﹣y n ﹣(y ﹣z )2012的值.22.(8分)若﹣1<x <4,化简|x +1|+|4﹣x |.23.(5分)求解:x ﹣2(x 2﹣y 2)+(2x ﹣2y 2),其中x=﹣3,y=﹣2.四、大胆试一试(共22分)24.(4分)某中学甲、乙两班学生在开学时共有90人,如果从甲班转入乙班4人,结果甲班的学生人数是乙班的80%,问开学时两班各有学生多少人?25.(5分)某区中学学生足球比赛共赛10轮(即每队均需参赛10场),胜一场得3分,平一场得0分,负一场得﹣1分.在比赛中,某队胜了5场,负了3场,踢平了2场,问该队最后共得多少分?26.(5分)阅读下列材料:1×2=×(1×2×3﹣0×1×2),2×3=×(2×3×4﹣1×2×3),3×4=×(3×4×5﹣2×3×4),由以上三个等式相加,可得1×2+2×3+3×4=(1×2×3﹣0×1×2+2×3×4﹣1×2×3+3×4×5﹣2×3×4)=×3×4×5=20.读完以上材料,请你计算下列各题:(1)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+10×11(写出过程);(2)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+n×(n+1)=.27.(8分)某项工作甲单独做需3小时完成,乙单独做需4小时完成,甲、乙工作一小时后,剩余部分由乙单独完成,则还需多少小时?参考答案与试题解析一、细心填一填(1~7题每空1分,8~10题每空2分,共19分)1.(3分)一个数的绝对值是它本身,则这个数是正数和0;一个数的相反数是它本身,则这个数是0;一个数的平方是它本身,则这个数是1和0;一个数的立方是它本身,则这个数是±1和0;倒数等于它本身的数是±1.【分析】根据绝对值的性质:当a是正有理数时,a的绝对值是它本身a;当a是零时,a的绝对值是零可得绝对值是它本身的数是非负数;根据相反数的概念可得0的相反数是它本身;再根据乘方的意义可得±1和0的立方是它本身;根据倒数的概念可得±1.【解答】解:一个数的绝对值是它本身,则这个数是正数和0;一个数的相反数是它本身,则这个数是0;一个数的平方是它本身,则这个数是1和0;一个数的立方是它本身,则这个数是±1和0;倒数等于它本身的数是±1,故答案为:正数和0;0;1和0;±1和0;±1.【点评】此题主要考查了倒数、相反数、绝对值、有理数的乘方,关键是熟练掌握倒数、相反数、绝对值、有理数的乘方的概念和性质.2.(2分)如果﹣10t表示运出10t,那么+20t表示运进20t.【分析】首先审清题意,明确“正”和“负”所表示的意义;再根据题意作答.【解答】解:∵﹣10t表示运出10t,∴+20t表示运进20t.故答案为:运进20t.【点评】此题主要考查了正负数的意义,解题关键是理解“正”和“负”的相对性,明确什么是一对具有相反意义的量.在一对具有相反意义的量中,先规定其中一个为正,则另一个就用负表示.3.(1分)246619亿元用科学记数法表示 2.46619×1013元.【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值>1时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n是负数.【解答】解:将246 619亿用科学记数法表示为2.466 19×1013元.故答案为:2.466 19×1013.【点评】此题考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n 为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a的值以及n的值.4.(2分)单项式﹣的次数是4,系数是﹣.【分析】利用单项式的次数与系数的定义求解即可.【解答】解:单项式﹣的次数是4,系数是﹣.故答案为:4,﹣.【点评】本题主要考查了单项式,解题的关键是熟记单项式的次数与系数的定义.5.(1分)若4a3m b与2a6b n的和是一个单项式,则m=2,n=1.【分析】4a3m b与2a6b n是同类项,根据同类项的定义列出方程,求出n,m的值.【解答】解:∵4a3m b与2a6b n的和是一个单项式,∴4a3m b与2a6b n是同类项,∴3m=6,1=n,解得m=2,n=1.故答案是:2;1.【点评】本题考查同类项的定义,同类项定义中的两个“相同”:(1)所含字母相同;(2)相同字母的指数相同,是易混点,因此成了中考的常考点.6.(2分)若3x﹣2y=4,则5﹣y=.【分析】把3x﹣2y=4,看作一个整体,进一步整理代数式整体代入求得答案即可.【解答】解:∵3x﹣2y=4,∴5﹣y=5﹣(3x﹣2y)=5﹣=.故答案为:.【点评】此题考查代数式求值,掌握整体代入的思想是解决问题的关键.7.(2分)正方体是由6个面围成的,其中底面是正方形,侧面是正方形.正方体有12条棱,8个顶点.【分析】根据正方体的特征:(1〕有6个面,每个面完全相同;〔2〕有8个顶点;〔3〕有12条棱,每条棱长度相等作答.【解答】解:正方体是由6个面围成的,其中底面是正方形,侧面是正方形.正方体有12条棱,8个顶点.故答案为:6,正方,正方,12,8.【点评】本题考查了正方体:侧面和底面均为正方形的直平行六面体叫正方体,即棱长都相等的六面体,又称“立方体”、“正六面体”.8.(2分)当a=﹣时,(3a2)3﹣9a2[3a4﹣a2(4a3+1)]的值为.【分析】原式利用幂的乘方与积的乘方运算法则计算,再利用单项式乘以多项式法则计算,合并得到最简结果,把a的值代入计算即可求出值.【解答】解:原式=27a6﹣27a6+36a7+9a4=36a7+9a4,当a=﹣时,原式=﹣+=.故答案为:.【点评】此题考查了整式的混合运算﹣化简求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.9.(2分)206.5的平方根是±.【分析】根据开方运算,可得一个正数的平方根.【解答】解:206.5的平方根是±,故答案为:±.【点评】本题考查了平方根,先把小化成假分数,再开方运算.10.(2分)观察下列一组数:1,﹣1,1,﹣1,1,﹣1,…,则第9个数是1,第10个数是﹣1,第n个数是(﹣1)n﹣1.【分析】观察数字可知这组数的数字是1,﹣1数列,且第奇数个是正数,第偶数个是负数,通过计算可求出各数.【解答】解:∵1,﹣1,1,﹣1,1,﹣1,…,∴第9个数是1,第10个数是﹣1,第n个数是:(﹣1)n﹣1.故答案为:1,﹣1,(﹣1)n﹣1.【点评】此题主要考查了数字变化规律,这类题型在中考中经常出现,对于找规律的题目首先应找出哪些部分发生了变化,是按照什么规律变化的是解题关键.二、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分)11.(3分)下列关于a的结论错误的是()A.a=0时,a不是正数也不是负数B.a的相反数是﹣aC.a的绝对值是aD.a的倒数是a﹣1(a≠0)【分析】根据倒数、相反数和绝对值的定义解答即可.【解答】解:A、a不是正数也不是负数,由正数、负数的定义可知0既不是正数,也不是负数,故当a=0时正确;B、a的相反数是﹣a,故正确;C、a的绝对值是a,当a是负数时不成立,故错误;D、a的倒数是a﹣1(a≠0),根据倒数的定义可得,故正确.故选C.【点评】本题考查了倒数、相反数以及绝对值的知识,学生要做好这类题必须对其定义理解透彻.12.(3分)m<﹣1,则数m,,﹣m,﹣中最小的数是()A.m B.C.﹣m D.﹣【分析】根据m<﹣1可以代入特殊值判断即可.【解答】解:因为m<﹣1,可设m=﹣2,可得:m=﹣2,=﹣0.5,﹣m=2,﹣=0.5,所以可得:最小的数是m,故选A【点评】此题考查有理数大小的比较,关键是根据特殊值代入去判断大小.13.(3分)数轴上A、B两点所表示的有理数的和是()A.﹣1 B.1 C.﹣5 D.5【分析】由数轴可知点A表示的数是﹣3,点B表示的数是2,然后求出两数之和即可.【解答】解:由数轴得,点A表示的数是﹣3,点B表示的数是2,则A,B两点所表示的有理数的和是:﹣3+2=﹣1.故选A.【点评】本题考查了有理数的加法,借助数轴来求解,非常直观,且不容易遗漏,体现了数形结合的优点.14.(3分)下列合并同类项中,正确的是()A.3x+3y=6xy B.2a2+3a3=5a3C.3mn﹣2mn=mn D.7x﹣5x=2【分析】根据同类项的定义先判断是否为同类项,如果是根据合并同类项的法则进行计算.【解答】解:A.因为3x与3y不是同类项,故3x+3y不能合并,故选项错误;B.因为2a2与3a3不是同类项,故它们不能合并,故选项错误;C.因为3mn﹣2mn=mn,故选项正确;D.因为7x﹣5x=2x,故选项错误.故选C.【点评】本题考查同类项的定义和合并同类项的法则.15.(3分)有理数a、b、c在数轴上的位置如图,式子|a|﹣|b|+|a+b|﹣|b﹣c|化简结果为()A.﹣b+c B.﹣b﹣c C.b﹣c D.2a﹣b﹣c【分析】由图知,a<0,c>b>0,a+b>0,b﹣c<0,根据正数的绝对值等于它本身,负数的绝对值等于它的相反数可得,|a|﹣|b|+|a+b|﹣|b﹣c|=﹣a﹣b+a+b+b﹣c=b﹣c.【解答】解:由数轴得,a<0,c>b>0,∴a+b>0,b﹣c<0,∴|a|﹣|b|+|a+b|﹣|b﹣c|=﹣a﹣b+a+b﹣b+c=b﹣c,故选C.【点评】本题考查了借助数轴用几何方法化简含有绝对值的式子,比较有关数的大小有直观、简捷,举重若轻的优势,难度适中.16.(3分)如果a+b<0,且b>0,那么a2与b2的关系是()A.a2≥b2B.a2>b2C.a2≤b2D.a2<b2【分析】根据a+b<0,且b>0来判定a的符号及|a|与|b|的大小,然后再比较a2与b2的大小.【解答】解:由a+b<0,b>0知a<0且|a|>|b|,所以|a|2>|b|2,即a2>b2.故选B.【点评】本题主要考查了有理数的乘方.解答此题的关键是正确判断及|a|与|b|的大小.17.(3分)为了绿化环境、美化城市,在某居民小区铺设了正方形和圆形两块草坪,如果两块草坪的周长相同,那么它们的面积S1、S2的大小关系是()A.S1>S2B.S l<S2C.S1=S2D.无法比较【分析】设两块草坪的周长为a,则正方形的边长为,则可以求出正方形的面积为:;则圆的半径:2πr=a,则r=,根据圆的面积计算公式,计算圆的面积,与正方形的面积比较即可.【解答】解:设两块草坪的周长为a,则正方形的边长为,所以正方形的面积:S1=;根据2πr=a,解得圆的半径为:r=,所以圆的面积:S2==.因为<,所以S1<S2.故选B.【点评】本题考查了根据实际问题列代数式,列代数式首先要弄清语句中各种数量的意义及其相互关系,然后把各种数量用适当的字母来表示,最后再把数及字母用适当的运算符号连接起来,从而列出代数式.18.(3分)已知(﹣2x2+3)3=a0+a1(x﹣1)+a2(x﹣1)2+a3(x﹣1)3+…+a6(x﹣1)6,则a0+a6=()A.﹣5 B.﹣6 C.﹣7 D.﹣8【分析】把x=1和x=0代入代数式分析解答即可.【解答】解:把x=1代入(﹣2x2+3)3=a0+a1(x﹣1)+a2(x﹣1)2+a3(x﹣1)3+…+a6(x﹣1)6,可得:1=a0,把x=0代入(﹣2x2+3)3=a0+a1(x﹣1)+a2(x﹣1)2+a3(x﹣1)3+…+a6(x﹣1)6,可得:27=a0﹣a1+a2﹣a3+…+a6,把x=2代入(﹣2x2+3)3=a0+a1(x﹣1)+a2(x﹣1)2+a3(x﹣1)3+…+a6(x﹣1)6,可得:﹣27=a0+a1+a2+a3+…+a6,27﹣27=2a0+2a2+2a4+2a6;27+27=﹣2a1﹣2a3﹣2a5可得:a0+a6=﹣7;故选C【点评】本题主要考查代数式求值,利用赋值法是解决本题的关键.19.(3分)若每个人的工作效率相同,如果a个人b天做了c件零件,那么b个人作a个零件所需的天数应为()A.B.C.D.【分析】工作时间=工作总量÷工作效率,需先列出1个人1天的工作效率的代数式,再列b个人作a个零件所需的天数.【解答】解:∵1个人1天做零件:,则b个人做a个零件需要的天数:.故选B.【点评】解决问题的关键是读懂题意,找到所求的量的等量关系.关系为:工作时间=工作总量÷工作效率.20.(3分)如图,图中平行四边形共有的个数是()A.40 B.38 C.36 D.30【分析】先数单个的平行四边形的个数,进而找2个,3个,4个,6个,9个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形的个数,相加即可.【解答】解:单个的平行四边形有9个,2个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形有12个,3个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形有6个,4个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形有4个,6个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形有4个,9个小平行四边形组成的平行四边形有1个,所以共有平行四边形36个.故选C.【点评】考查图形的规律性的求法;按照一定规律找平行四边形的个数是解决本题的关键.三、用心算一算(21、22题每小题16分,23题5分,共29分)21.(16分)有3个有理数x、y、z,若x=且x与y互为相反数,y与z为倒数.(1)你能求出x、y、z这三个数吗?若能,请计算并写出结果;不能,请说明理由;(2)根据(1)的结果计算:xy﹣y n﹣(y﹣z)2012的值.【分析】(1)分为两种情况:n为奇数和偶数,求出x,即可求出y和z;(2)把x、y、z的值代入求出即可.【解答】解:(1)当n为奇数时,x==﹣1,∵x与y互为相反数,y与z为倒数,∴y=1,z=1;当n为偶数时,(﹣1)n﹣1=0,此时x不存在,即当n为奇数时,能求出x=﹣1,y=1,z=1;(2)∵x=﹣1,y=1,z=1,∴xy﹣y n﹣(y﹣z)2012=(﹣1)×1﹣1n﹣(1﹣1)2012=﹣2.【点评】本题考查了有理数的乘方,相反数,倒数,求代数式的值的应用,解此题的关键是求出x、y、z 的值.22.(8分)若﹣1<x<4,化简|x+1|+|4﹣x|.【分析】先去掉绝对值符号,再合并即可.【解答】解:∵﹣1<x<4,∴|x+1|+|4﹣x|=1+x+4﹣x=5.【点评】本题考查了整式的混合运算的应用,能正确去掉绝对值符号是解此题的关键.23.(5分)求解:x﹣2(x2﹣y2)+(2x﹣2y2),其中x=﹣3,y=﹣2.【分析】根据去括号、合并同类项,可化简整式,根据代数式求值的方法,可得答案.【解答】解:原式=x﹣2x2+y2+2x﹣2y2=﹣2x2+3x﹣y2.当x=﹣3,y=﹣2时,原式=﹣2×(﹣3)2+3×(﹣3)﹣(﹣2)2=﹣2×9+3×(﹣3)﹣4=18﹣9﹣4=5.【点评】本题考查了整式的化简求值,去括号:括号前是负号去掉括号要变号,括号前是正号去掉括号不变号.四、大胆试一试(共22分)24.(4分)某中学甲、乙两班学生在开学时共有90人,如果从甲班转入乙班4人,结果甲班的学生人数是乙班的80%,问开学时两班各有学生多少人?【分析】设开学时甲班有x名学生,则乙班有(90﹣x)名学生,根据从甲班转入乙班4人,结果甲班的学生人数是乙班的80%,列方程求解.【解答】解:设开学时甲班有x名学生,则乙班有(90﹣x)名学生,由题意得,x﹣4=(90﹣x+4)×80%,解得:x=44,则90﹣44=46(名).答:开学时甲班有44名学生,则乙班有46名学生.【点评】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,解答本题的关键是读懂题意,设出未知数,找出合适的等量关系,列方程求解.25.(5分)某区中学学生足球比赛共赛10轮(即每队均需参赛10场),胜一场得3分,平一场得0分,负一场得﹣1分.在比赛中,某队胜了5场,负了3场,踢平了2场,问该队最后共得多少分?【分析】在一对具有相反意义的量中,先规定其中一个为正,则另一个就用负表示,“正”和“负”相对.【解答】解:因为5×3+(﹣1)×3=15﹣3=12(分),所以该队最后共得12分.【点评】注意正负数的运算法则是解题的关键.26.(5分)阅读下列材料:1×2=×(1×2×3﹣0×1×2),2×3=×(2×3×4﹣1×2×3),3×4=×(3×4×5﹣2×3×4),由以上三个等式相加,可得1×2+2×3+3×4=(1×2×3﹣0×1×2+2×3×4﹣1×2×3+3×4×5﹣2×3×4)=×3×4×5=20.读完以上材料,请你计算下列各题:(1)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+10×11(写出过程);(2)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+n×(n+1)=n(n+1)(n+2).【分析】由1×2=(1×2×3﹣0×1×2),2×3=(2×3×4﹣1×2×3),3×4=(3×4×5﹣2×3×4),…,得出n(n+1)= [(n(n+1)(n+2)﹣(n﹣1)n(n+1)],由此规律进一步拆开抵消得出答案即可.【解答】解:(1)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+10×11=(1×2×3﹣0×1×2+2×3×4﹣1×2×3+…+10×11×12﹣9×10×11)=×10×11×12=440.(2)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+n×(n+1)= [1×2×3﹣0×1×2+2×3×4﹣1×2×3+…+n(n+1)(n+2)﹣(n﹣1)n(n+1)]=n(n+1)(n+2).【点评】此题主要考查数字的变化规律,通过观察,分析、归纳发现其中的规律,并应用发现的规律解决问题.27.(8分)某项工作甲单独做需3小时完成,乙单独做需4小时完成,甲、乙工作一小时后,剩余部分由乙单独完成,则还需多少小时?【分析】甲单独完成要3小时,乙单独要4小时,则甲效率为,乙效率为,设剩余部分乙要x小时完成,根据乙效率即可求得x的值.【解答】解:甲单独做需3小时完成,乙单独做需4小时完成,则甲效率为,乙效率为,则有:1×(+)+x=1,解得:x=.答:剩余部分由乙单独完成,则还需小时.【点评】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,本题中设剩余部分乙要x小时完成,根据工作数量不变的等量关系列出方程式求解是解题的关键.。