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2015 National English Competition forCollege Students (Level A - Preliminary)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 ADABB 11—15 DADCC

Section C (5 marks)

16—20 CCCAD

Section D (10 marks)

21. vehicle 22. underthe tires 23. loses control 24. collected 25. mathematical formula

26. in 1963 27. effects28. paving technique 29. inflated 30. brakes

Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

31—35 ABACB 36—40 DDACB

Section B (5 marks)

41—45 ADACB

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. dazzling 47.businessmen 48. universally 49. movies (films) 50. referred 51. consultant 52. power53. louder 54. release 55. emerging

Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

56—60 FTFTT Section B (10 marks)

61—65 DEAGC Section C (10 marks)

66. Biology(neurological differences).

67. Throughout history,crime has occurred in all cultures. Also, in all societies, about 90% ofviolent

criminals are men—many of them young.

68. Criminals are, onthe whole, angry people (They have the capacity for aggression).

69. Each child / personis born with a particular temperament, or characteristic pattern ofpsychological response.

70. The focus is mostlyon three areas: biochemical imbalances, genetic factors and physical damagesuch as

head injury around thetime of birth. Section D (10 marks)

71. revival 72. economicrecovery 73. reduction 74. banished 75. Society

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

76. 旅游帮助人们开发多种多样的技能。作为服务业,旅游的影响贯穿农业、建筑业或手工业各领域,创造了数百万工作和商业机会。旅游业能够帮助人们摆脱贫穷,促进两性平等,并有助于环境保护,从而成为世界各地实现积极变革的重要工具。利用旅游业的优势对于实现可持续发展目标和执行2015年后发展规划至关重要。Section B (10 marks)

77. Little grass has aninvisible life-force. So long as there is life, the force will show itself.

78. They judge a nationusing factors ranging from job satisfaction to economic progress, to people’s health, wealthand education standards, along with climate, war and political stability.

79. A growing body ofresearch shows that physical activity has a powerful impact on our mentalhealth.

80. Focusing on detailshas advantages, but it can also make you miss more important things.

81. At one point he hadseemed a likely candidate to become Prime Minister.

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

82. legal→illegal

83. √

84. make→making

85. effected→affected

86. menu→menus

87. including→include

88. oppositions→opposition

89. for→to

90. has→is

91. being→being a

Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)

92. Put on ice.

93. 26; 60
