电子版说明书目录第一部分产品简介 (4)第二部分产品套件组成 (4)第三部分软件使用指南 (7)一、安装 (7)二、进入软件 (9)三、软件界面介绍 (10)四、基本操作介绍 (11)五、流程图设计 (13)六、模块功能及函数介绍 (15)第四部分程序实例 (27)一、灯LED1的循环闪烁(打开与关闭)程序 (27)二、三光电(灰度)传感器走轨迹 (28)三、机器人歌唱家 (29)四、伺服电机(舵机)测试程序 (30)第五部分编译、下载 (30)第六部分发明家机器人套装注意事项 (34)第七部分电子基础与制作 (35)一、电子制作工具及焊接技能 (35)二、电子元器件 (42)三、电路 (44)四、电子制作 (44)a) 闪光灯(多谐振荡器)制作 (44)b) 2026型一装响收音机 (46)c) 发光灯制作(由RCM编程控制) (47)d) 环境光检测传感器的制作(由RCM编程控制) (48)第八部分机械传动 (48)一、常见的机械传动方式 (48)二、齿轮传动 (50)三、连杆传动 (52)第九部分机器人活动指南 (53)第十部分产品标准配置及搭建示意 (63)第一部分产品简介一、发明家智能机器人介绍发明家智能教育机器人是一款高度集成化的产品,由硬件与软件两大部分组成。
二、功能特点1. 语音交互:波比A3S内置智能语音助手,支持语音对话和指令操作,用户可以通过语音与机器人进行互动,实现各种功能。
2. 智能家居控制:A3S可以连接智能家居设备,如智能灯泡、智能插座等,用户可以通过语音指令或手机APP远程控制家居设备。
3. 智能巡逻:A3S具备自主导航功能,可以巡逻室内环境,发现异常情况并及时报警,保障家庭安全。
4. 人脸识别:A3S内置人脸识别系统,可以识别家庭成员,并根据其个性化需求提供相应的服务。
5. 多媒体娱乐:A3S配备高清摄像头和音响,可以播放音乐、视频,还可以拍照、录像,记录美好时刻。
6. 学习助手:A3S可以回答各种问题,还可以提供在线学习资源,帮助用户学习知识和技能。
三、使用方法1. 开机:长按机器人背面的电源按钮,待机器人屏幕亮起后,即可开机。
2. 连接WIFI:按照屏幕上的指引,将机器人连接到家庭无线网络。
3. 语音交互:对着机器人说“波比”或者点击机器人屏幕上的语音按钮,等待机器人发出“嗨,我在听”的提示音后,即可开始语音交互。
4. 控制智能家居设备:对机器人说出相应的指令,例如“打开客厅灯”、“关闭卧室空调”,机器人会自动执行相应的操作。
5. 巡逻模式:在机器人屏幕上选择巡逻模式,机器人将自动巡逻室内环境,如发现异常情况,会及时通过语音提示和手机APP通知用户。
6. 人脸识别:在机器人屏幕上选择人脸识别功能,按照指引将家庭成员的面部特征录入系统,机器人将能够识别家庭成员并提供个性化服务。
7. 娱乐功能:对机器人说“播放音乐”或者“拍照”等指令,机器人会执行相应操作,用户也可以通过手机APP进行远程控制。
8. 学习功能:对机器人提问,例如“什么是人工智能”、“如何做一道菜”,机器人会通过语音和屏幕显示提供相应的答案和学习资源。
爪子的设计:为了装配后能够重合,爪子的头部做成不对称的形式机器人小车的整体图:手爪抓取预览:手爪回收预览:车体技术参数:负载能力10Kg外形尺寸参照抓持物体重量2Kg电池最大重量 2.5Kg电池最大尺寸150*65*95操作臂及手爪技术参数:负载能力0.5Kg定位精度1cm外形尺寸能够完成采摘及辅助送料并与车体大小协调操作臂及手爪自重 1.5Kg以内手爪张合30~150度机械臂最大展开半径0.4~0.5m二电机的选择:直流电机根据本项目的要求,采用普通直流电机。
Control Design Guidefor Next-Generation MachinesContentsI. Smart Machine IndustryII. Key TechnologiesIII. Design ApproachesIV. Application ExamplesI. Smart Machine IndustryLike generations of technologies before, smart machines will impact almost every domain oflife. They will alter how we produce goods, perform surgery, organize inventory, and evenhow we educate future generations. These systems not only perform repetitive tasks atsoaring speeds and high accuracy, but they can adapt to changing conditions and operatemore autonomously than ever before.Characteristics of Smart MachinesEngineers and scientists are tasked with designing machines that are dramatically moreflexible and versatile. There are two needs that are driving innovation in smart machines:one is the individuality and complexity of produced goods and the other is the ever-increasingdemand for productivity and quality. Machine builders no longer design single-purposemachines -- they create flexible, multipurpose machines that address today’s manufacturingneeds such as smaller lot sizes, customer-specific variations of products, and the trendtoward highly integrated products that combine different functionality in one device.Modern machines can operate more autonomously than ever before. They can alsoprevent -- as well as correct -- processing errors caused by disturbances like changingconditions in the raw material, the drift of the thermal working point, or the wear and tear ofmechanical components. With an extensive network of embedded sensors, smart machineshold information about the process, the machine condition, and their environment. Thisimproves uptime and increases the level of quality. In addition, these systems can improvetheir performance over time and learn through analytics by leveraging simulation models orapplying application-specific learning algorithms.These machines also exchange information with other automation systems and providestatus information to a higher level control system. This allows for intelligent factories andautomation lines that can adjust to changing conditions, balance the workload betweenmachines, and inform service personal before a machine fails.II. Key TechnologiesDecentralized Cooperative ControlModern machines follow a modular approach. They contain a network of intelligentsubsystems that jointly perform all the automation tasks within the machine andcommunicate with higher level control systems at the enterprise level, making intelligentfactories possible. To enable systems that are adaptable and extendable, the control systemarchitecture needs to reflect this modularity as well. Protocols for industrial communicationare required to interconnect subsystems and maintain timing and synchronization. A shifttoward a software-centric design approach and programming tools that provide the ability touse one design tool to implement different automation tasks allows customers to reflect themodularity of the mechanical system in their control software.Decentralized Cooperative Machine Control SystemWhile simple systems might get away with the classical concept of having one centralcontroller connected to decentralized I/O, modern machines implement a hierarchical control architecture where higher level control systems are connected to slave controllers that perform clearly defined and self-contained operations.Traditional programmable logic controllers (PLCs) still play an important role in this setup, especially for the implementation of Logic or Safety functions, but modern machine control systems incorporate more advanced embedded control and monitoring systems toimplement closed-loop control, machine vision and image processing, and advanced analog I/O for tasks like machine condition monitoring. In addition to connecting to the main controller, intelligent subsystems also interact within the same level of the hierarchy to trigger and synchronize tasks that enable applications like high-performance vision-guided motion or position-based triggering and data acquisition.Embedded Sensing and ProcessingSensors and measurement technology play an increasingly important role because they give machine builders the ability to create systems that are able to sense their environment,perform real-time process monitoring, ensure the health of critical mechanical components, and use this information for adaptive control. This requires control systems that can integrate sensor data, gather information in real time, and use information from multiple sensors inparallel while running high-speed control loops. High-performance embedded controllers with industrial-grade ruggedness offer direct sensor connectivity through modular I/O devices, and the ability to process and react to data in real-time. Leading machine builders adoptheterogeneous computing architectures that combine a real-time processor andprogrammable hardware to solve the most demanding applications.Heterogeneous Computing ArchitecturesAs machine control applications grow in complexity, hardware architectures and embedded system design tools must evolve to address increasingly demanding requirements as well as minimize design time. Historically, many embedded systems have featured a single CPU, so system designers have relied on CPU clock speed improvements, the shift to multicorecomputing, and other innovations to achieve the processing throughput required by complexapplications. However, more and more system designers are migrating to computingarchitectures that feature multiple distinct processing elements, to provide a more optimal balance between throughput, latency, flexibility, cost, and other factors. Heterogeneous computing architectures provide all of these advantages and enable the implementation of high-performance embedded systems for advanced machine applications.To illustrate some of the benefits that heterogeneous computing architectures can provide, consider an architecture composed of a CPU, an FPGA, and I/O. FPGAs are ideally suited to handle parallel computations such as parallel control loops, signal processing operations on a large number of data channels, and the execution of independent automation tasks within one system. Additionally, because FPGAs implement computations directly in hardware, they provide a low-latency path for tasks like custom triggering and high-speed, closed-loop control. And, incorporating FPGAs into computing architectures also improves the flexibility of embedded systems, making them easier to upgrade than systems with fixed logic and enabling them to adapt to changing I/O requirements. Coupling a CPU and an FPGA in the same heterogeneous architecture means that system designers do not need to choose between these FPGA advantages and the corresponding strengths of a CPU. Additionally, a heterogeneous architecture can be more optimal than attempting to adapt a single-element solution to a problem that the element is not well suited for. For example, a single FPGA might handle a parallel task requiring low latency equally as well as a large number of CPUs.Embedded system designers can combine a microprocessor and an FPGA in a heterogeneous computing architecture to use the strengths of each processing element and more optimally meet complexapplication requirements.HETEROGENEOUS COMPUTING ARCHITECTUREReal-Time OS Application Software Networking and peripheral I/O drivers DMA, interrupt and bus control drivers Although embedded system designs that feature multiple processing elements have many advantages, they raise some challenges when it comes to software development. Thespecialized architectures of individual processing elements and the fragmented set of tools and expertise required to program them means they often require large design teams. For example, FPGA programming commonly requires knowledge of VHDL programming–a skill that can require a significant training investment, larger staff, or costly outsourcing. Additionally, developing the software stack to support a heterogeneous architecture is a considerable undertaking that involves driver integration, board support, middleware for inter-element communication, I/O interface logic, and more. System designers can address these challenges with an integrated hardware and software platform composed of a standard heterogeneous architecture, interchangeable I/O, and high-level system design software.Building on knowledge of the underlying hardware, high-level design tools abstract both thesystem architecture and I/O during the development process, improving productivity andreducing the need for system designers to manage low-level implementation details. Whendeveloping embedded systems based on heterogeneous architectures, system designers canuse high-level system design tools that can abstract the architectures of individual computingelements, such as FPGAs, and provide a unified programming model that can help designerstake advantage of the capabilities of different elements. Furthermore, abstraction in high-leveldesign software aids in the concise description of functional behavior and facilitates code reusedespite changes in hardware or communication interfaces.III. Design ApproachesTo address growing complexity and requirements, machine builders must design highlymodular systems that satisfy customer-specific needs and adapt on-site for differentmanufacturing processes and product variations—sometimes even without operatorinteraction. Although a modular approach allows OEMs to develop reusable componentsthat can be leveraged across machines, it significantly changes the way systems aredesigned. The mechanical system’s modularity needs to be reflected in the control systemarchitecture. Rather than use a traditional monolithic system, modern machines are basedon a network of control systems. Modern machines require a seamless communicationinfrastructure that can handle the time-critical data, lower priority data, as well as statusinformation and communication with a supervisory system.One of the biggest challenges for machine builders today is incorporating advanced featureswith a traditional custom design approach. In the face of tight time-to-market requirementsand fierce competition, machine builders don’t have the time and resources to justify thedevelopment of custom embedded hardware.Furthermore, hardware selection for machine control systems can be a daunting task.Machine builders often find themselves in a situation where they need to consider the easeof use and low risk of “black box” solutions versus the performance and price benefits of acustom embedded system that allows them to design-in differentiated features that canultimately determine their machine’s success or failure in the marketplace. Because customsolutions can push design teams out of their comfort zone, they often tend toward traditionalblack box solutions, despite knowing that this might limit their capability to add differentiatingfeatures to their machines.To address these challenges, National Instruments offers a platform-based approach thatgives domain experts the ability to configure a modular embedded system and programdifferent automation tasks with one graphical design tool. This approach, known as graphicalsystem design, is adopted by leading machine builders and uses NI LabVIEW graphicalprogramming and the LabVIEW reconfigurable I/O (RIO) architecture.The LabVIEW RIO architecture offers a hybrid approach: a fully customizable off-the-shelfplatform, with real-time processors and user-programmable FPGAs, that provides access toa wide range of existing I/O modules from NI and third-party vendors. The LabVIEW RIO architecture is available in a variety of form factors and performance levels - Whether you need the small size of Single-Board RIO, the ruggedness of CompactRIO, or the extremely high performance of FlexRIO, the system design software remains consistent and code can port seamlessly across each family of deployment targets.SINGLE-BOARD RIO CompactRIO FlexRIOLabVIEW makes it possible to program CPUs and FPGAs on heterogeneous hardware using a consistent graphical programming approach, with support for common programming languages such as C/C++ and IEC 61131-3. In addition, LabVIEW abstracts system timing, I/O access, and inter-element communication allowing you to focus on innovation, not implementation.With add-on modules for motion control, machine vision, and control design and simulation; features for machine prognostics and condition monitoring; and extensive support for I/O hardware and communication protocols, LabVIEW gives machine builders the ability to consolidate their development toolchain and further streamline the design process. In addition, using the features and IP provided through the LabVIEW FPGA Module, machine builders can focus on the design and optimization of their custom algorithms rather than spend weeks or months on hardware design or use a third-party company to design yet another application-specific black box embedded solution. Custom I/O front ends and board-only versions based on the same architecture provide an additional level of flexibility.Learn more about the LabVIEW RIO architecture and NI’s offering of heterogeneous computing platforms at /embedded-systems.The Changing Landscape for Machine DesignersThe landscape for machine designers has evolved. Demands to reduce design cycles and incorporate advanced functionality have profoundly changed design approaches. Design tools can now offer an unprecedented level of flexibility and speed. Algorithms and tools that were once available only for high-end research are now breaking into the industrial market.National Instruments provides an embedded hardware and software platform that seamlessly integrates with other design tools and can be used to deploy heterogeneous architectures to advanced machines.If you are pushing the envelope with a high-performance machine that needs to be better, faster, and smarter than previous designs, you will likely need advanced I/O, custom motion control, machine vision, accurate timing and synchronization, and specialized controlalgorithms. Y ou are stepping outside the boundaries defined by traditional devices. When youdo so, a platform-based approach based on a reconfigurable architecture becomes the mosteffective way to implement these systems.IV. Application ExamplesLeading machine builders deliver innovation and differentiation in the market by leveragingthe following types of technology:Heterogeneous computing architectures that combine real-time processors andreconfigurable hardware for a variety of control and processing tasksModular I/O that can connect to any sensor, signal, bus, or deviceA hardware and software platform that providesBuilt-in signal processing libraries, control algorithms, complex mathematics, and I/OinterfacesSimulation, modeling, and design verification and debugging toolsAPIs for networking, communication, and data transfer and loggingCustomizability and extensibility through software to meet evolving needs andcustomer requirements, even after deploymentLearn more about NI tools and technologies for machine controlapplications at /machinedesign.Wafer ProcessingIn semiconductor manufacturing, there is a never-ending push for greater efficiencyand semiconductor material yield. As circuit features shrink in size and global pricecompetition intensifies, wafer processes push the physical and operational limits ofequipment manufacturers. One result is the increasingly narrow tolerances for the physicaland electrical parameters of incoming wafers used in delicate process steps, such as maskand etch. Automation Works uses integrated National Instruments motion and vision toolsto help develop cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing equipment.Electronics ManufacturingWhile many fiber-optic parts are still hand assembled, the Albuquerque division of LightPathTechnologies designed an integrated, automated approach to produce collimators, which aregradium lenses fused to fiber-optic cables that help direct light. The performance and reliabilityof these intricate parts are integral to the overall performance of the telecom systems.Automated WeldingTasked to develop a rugged, cutting-edge, automated pipeline welding system, Serimax decided to use NI CompactRIO. With the help of an NI Alliance Partner, they createda powerful system that adapts to address various customer requirements, provides maximum uptime, meets the highest reliability and quality standards, offers worldwide support, and has flexible hardware and software that can address control and monitoring needs throughout existing machine types in the future.Metal Forming MachineBevel and cylindrical gears can be found everywhere—from automobiles and airplanes to trucks and tractors to wind turbines powering a thousand homes to the lawn mowers and power tools found at these homes. Gear tooth surfaces and spacing are critical parameters to improve operational characteristics. Using the LabVIEW RIO architecture, Viewpoint Systems and Gleason Corporation added exciting new capabilities to their gear finishing machines, allowing them to produce higher quality gears in 30 percent less time. Medical DevicesThe field of protein crystallization is an important component of the drug-discovery process. Proteins under investigation are mixed with various combinations of reagents in an attempt to discover a recipe that will create conditions suitable for the formation of protein crystals, which can then be examined via X-ray diffraction. The number of possible permutations of mixtures can reach the millions, making the search for the optimum recipe tedious. Coleman Technologies uses NI embedded control and monitoring tools to build a medical device that fully automates the process of identifying protein crystals.Learn more about these applications and find examples for a specific industry at /solutions.©2015 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, , and NI SoftMotion are trademarks of National Instruments.Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.。
二、产品特点1. 语音识别功能:智能家居机器人内置先进的语音识别系统,能够准确识别用户的语音指令,并将其转化为相应的操作。
2. 自动执行功能:智能家居机器人能够与连接的各种智能设备进行通信,并自动执行用户下达的指令,实现智能化控制。
3. 智能学习功能:智能家居机器人能够根据用户的习惯和喜好进行智能学习,提供更加个性化的服务。
4. 安全保障功能:智能家居机器人内置高级的安全保护系统,确保用户数据的安全和隐私的保护。
三、产品连接和操作步骤1. 下载并安装APP:用户需要在手机应用商店搜索并下载智能家居机器人APP,然后按照提示进行安装。
2. 连接家庭网络:用户需要将智能家居机器人与家庭Wi-Fi网络进行连接,确保机器人能够与互联网通信。
3. 启动机器人:用户需要按下启动按钮,等待机器人启动并连接到家庭网络。
4. 连接智能设备:用户需要将智能家居机器人与家中各种智能设备进行连接,可以通过扫描设备二维码或者手动输入设备信息的方式进行连接。
5. 手机控制:用户可以通过智能家居机器人APP对智能设备进行控制,选择相应的设备和功能,进行开关、调节等操作。
6. 语音控制:用户可以直接与智能家居机器人进行语音对话,通过语音指令控制智能设备的开关、调节等操作。
7. 学习和个性化设置:智能家居机器人能够根据用户的喜好和习惯进行学习,用户可以通过APP进行个性化设置,提供更加智能和便利的服务。
四、使用注意事项1. 使用环境要求:智能家居机器人适用于居家环境,需要与互联网连接和智能设备连接才能正常工作。
2. 安全性保障:用户在使用智能家居机器人时,需要妥善保管个人账号和密码,以保证个人隐私和数据安全。
3. 定期维护:用户在使用智能家居机器人的过程中,可以根据需要定期对机器人进行维护和系统升级,以获取更好的使用体验。
机器人—南方小子设计及功能说明一.机器人设计所需部件我们制作的机器人所用到的部件:一个L293D驱动模块,四个直流电机,四个红外线反射传感器,一块AT89S52单片机,四个5.8cm小轮,一个万向轮,一个12MHz的晶振,导线若干,电容若干,芯片若干其中:直流电机1 驱动输出;直流电机 2 驱动输出;直流电机 3 驱动输出;直流电机 4 驱动输出;5V寻迹ARM 控制,可以方便的控制直流电机速度和方向可以方便的控制直流电机速度;单片机有四组接口可以为接红外避障接口。
二.机器人系统硬件设计1.电源模块设计根据材料我们选用两节3.6V锂电池作为输入电源,由于52单片机要求输入电压为+5V 我们采用7805稳压后供电。
2.驱动模块设计我们所用的驱动模块为L293D驱动模块,可以直接驱动 4 路 3- 16V 直流电机,并提供了 5V 输出接口(最低只要6V),可以给 5V 单片机电路系统供电 ,支持3.3V MCU ARM 控制,可以方便的控制直流电机速度和方向,也可以控制 2 相步进电机, 5 线 4 相步进电机。
其红外探头接口有三条线组成:红线:接 4.5-5V 电源高电平黄色线:信号线,接单片机,输出 TTL 电平给单片机,用以测量红外光值黑线:GND 0V电源低电平4.附加硬件设备设计为了便于机器人更好越障和上坡,我们在机器人尾部附加设计一个万向轮,避免机器人在越障时后轮被卡在障碍物上以及防止机器人上坡时机器人后倒。
本科毕业设计说明书题目: 智能割草机器人的研究院(部:机电学院专业: 机械工程及自动化班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:完成日期:2013年6月15日摘要本文首先对国内外市场上现存的智能割草机器人进行了介绍和比较,指出了现在智能割草机器人研制过程中需要注意的关键技术,并结合以往的成功经验和现在的实际需求,选择了结构易于实现的三轮车体结构。
关键词:智能割草机器人;移动机器人机械本体设计;电机控制;传感系统;割草机构Research and Development of Autonomous Robot Lawn MowerABSTRACTThis paper first introduces and compares existing mower robots,point out the key technologies and the successful experience for autonomous robot lawn mower development, chose a simple tricycle structure.According to the needs of autonomous robot lawn mower control system。
目录1.设计背景 (2)2.设计思路 (3)3.设计方案 (7)4.循环动作 (8)5.设计心得体会 (9)6.参考文献 (10)随着社会的进步和科技的发展,机器人产品开始进入到生产过程和日常生活中,各种类型的机器人在特定的工作环境下发挥着越来越重要的作用。
但是目前对于移动式机器人多采用轮式移动机构,在适应复杂地形时无法满足路况的要求,由此设计一种灵活的、行走平稳和对路况适应性强的机器人成为解决此类问题的关键. (1)为了对工业生产进一步了解,了解机器人工作原理(2)由于组装复杂要求实践性更强,这样提高学生动手能力在传统实验里,主要是课程中的具体原理或理论的验证性实验,如机械原理中齿轮范成实验,主要是为了验证齿轮的加工原理;再如机械设计中的带传动实验主要是为了验证带传动中的两个重要的现象—-弹性滑动和打滑.这些传统型实验对学生更好的理解课本的理论知识有很大的帮助,具有课本结合性强的特点。
其主要功能包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 交互能力:该机器人配备了先进的自然语言处理和面部识别技术,能够实现与用户的语音和面部表情交互。
2. 创意创作:机器人内置了智能创作引擎,能够分析并学习人类创意作品的规律和特点。
3. 娱乐陪伴:该机器人内置了丰富的娱乐功能,包括音乐播放、舞蹈表演、故事讲解等。
4. 智能家居控制:机器人支持与智能家居设备的连接和控制,能够帮助用户实现家居环境的智能化管理。
5. 教育辅助:机器人配备了丰富的教育资源,并通过智能学习算法提供个性化的教育辅助服务。
三、核心技术为实现以上功能,该机器人采用了以下核心技术:1. 人工智能技术:机器人使用了深度学习和神经网络等人工智能技术,以提高其理解和学习能力。
2. 传感技术:机器人配备了多种传感器,如摄像头、微型雷达和触摸传感器等。
3. 自主定位与导航技术:机器人采用了自主定位和导航技术,能够自主避障和规划行动路径。
Design of Intelligent Robot as a Tool for Teaching Media Based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learningto Improve the Skill of LearnerM. Syariffuddien Zuhrie Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kota Surabaya, Indonesia e-mail: ***************.idAchmad Imam Agung Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kota Surabaya, IndonesiaNur Kholis Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kota Surabaya, IndonesiaSubuh Isnur Haryudo Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kota Surabaya, IndonesiaAbstract–The development of robotics in Indonesia has been very encouraging. The barometer is the success of the Indonesian Robot Contest (Kontes Robot Indonesia). In the contest no less than 40 major universities in Indonesia took part. The focus of research in the first year is a teaching module manufacturing, planning mechanical design, control system through microprocessor technology and maneuverability of the robot. Computer interactive computer and computer assisted learning strategies is a teaching strategy that emphasizes the use or the use of computers and learning aids (assisted learning) in teaching and learning activity. this research the development model used is the 4-D model. This model suggested by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel (1974). 4-D Model consists of four stages: Define Stage, Design Stage, Develop Stage, and Disseminate Stage. This research was conducted by applying the research design development with the aim to produce a tool of learning in the form of intelligent robot modules and kit based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning at the Department of Electrical Engineering to improve the skills of learners. From the data of the Indonesia Robot Contest during the period 2009-2015 can be seen that the modules that have been developed have reached the fourth stage of the research methods of development that disseminate methods. So that, the module is perfect, ready to be duplicated and distributed as learning devices subject of intelligent robot courses. Socialization questionnaires showed that levels of student majoring in electrical engineering competencies image currently only limited to conventional machines. The average assessment is 3.34 validator included in either category. Modules developed can give hope to the future are able to produce Intelligent Robot Tool for Teaching Based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning to improve the skills of learners that can be applied to the field. Results of student responses also showed a positive response to the module of robotics and computer-based interactive learning assisted learning developed. The average assessment is 3.34 validator included in either category. Keywords–Intelligent Robotics Learning Tool, Computer Interactive Learning, Computer Assisted Learning, Course of Intelligent Robotics, The Indonesia Robot ContestI.I NTRODUCTIONThe development of robotics in Indonesia has been very encouraging. The barometer is the success of the Indonesian Robot Contest (Kontes Robot Indonesia). In the contest no less than 40 major universities in Indonesia took part. But the development of such robots is limited to the contest and has not been developed to address the issues more real, especially in the industrial world.The focus of this research is the design of the device in the course of intelligent robotics through the fire fighter home robot that is booming and will be implemented in annual of the Indonesia Robot Contest and the industrial in order to advance the world of robotics Indonesia.Robots of this type developed by developed countries such as America, Japan, the United Kingdom the cost is very high. Currently the robot actually uses high tech, because the control is fully controlled by a microprocessor as a substitute for human and we strive to develop the Low Cost Technology. [1]The focus of research in the first year is a teaching module manufacturing, planning mechanical design, control system through microprocessor technology and maneuverability of the robot. The first year of the study is expected to produce an intelligent robot that is reliable both in terms of technology and in terms of economy.The principal issue is how the curriculum and the learning modules are implemented in accordance with the approach of industrial needs. [2] In order to support competency-based curriculum needs of the industry, has also6th International Conference on Educational, Management, Administration and Leadership (ICEMAL2016)been compiled modules both manual and interactive, oriented to the achievement of competence as well as accommodate the working life skills. With regard to the problems that will arise is what kind of learning modules appropriate to the characteristics of the attainment of the goal of learning the world of work as well as the achievement of competence in the field of life skills by using the main teaching materials in the form of modules and learning media. [3]To answer these problems in this study will be compiled in the form of learning devices in the course of intelligent robot tool for teaching based on computer interactive learning and computer assisted learning to the needs of industry. Expected results of this study will be able to bridge the needs of energy, particularly of graduates majoring in Electrical Engineering the State University of Surabaya which will work as a vocational teacher or plunge into the world of industry.II.T HEORETICAL F RAMEWORKComputer Interactive Learning And Computer Assisted Learning StrategyComputer interactive computer and computer assisted learning strategies is a teaching strategy that emphasizes the use or the use of computers and learning aids (assisted learning) in teaching and learning activity. The use of computers as a learning medium useful for learners to simulate the material learned. [4] The simulation results of these computers will be applied, or applied to the learning tools (assisted learning) that exist. [5] So through interactive learning strategies and computer assisted learning easier for students to understand the material and apply the concept of the material on teaching aids directly.To support the teaching and learning process and assisted interactive computer-based learning, the necessary infrastructure in the form of learning equipment consisting of:a)Computer interactive learning is a computer device containing computer programs (software) that can be used to perform simulations of materials studied by learners. Examples of simulation programs for learning Computer Interactive Learning. [23]b)Computer Assisted Learning is a learning tool that can be used to apply the results of computer simulation on the appliance directly. [12]Development Learning Tool 4-D ModelIn this research the development model used is the 4-D model. This model suggested by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel (1974). [6] 4-D Model consists of four stages:Define StageThe purpose of this stage is to determine and define the conditions of learning. This phase has five basic steps include: front-end analysis, learner analysis, concept analysis, task analysis, and formulation of learning objectives. [14]Design StageThe design of prototype learning device is produced. Result of this phase is usually a preliminary design of the learning device depending on requirements. Device components used are very diverse, such as: student book, modules, teacher guide, student activity sheets, lesson plans, tests of student learning outcomes, and learning media. [14]Develop StageThis stage aims to produce learning tools that have been revised based on the input of experts. The next step is a trial with an appropriate number of students in a class of real (not unlimited). This activity was conducted to determine how effective learning tools developed when applied to the learning process. The effectiveness of the learning device can be seen through the observation, for example, the activities of teachers and students, the ability to manage learning and student achievement test.Disseminate StageAt this stage is the stage of deployment and use learning device. Learning tools that have been tested and revised earlier, duplicated and distributed for use on learning in a larger scale. [14]III.Research MethodsThis research was conducted by applying the research design development with the aim to produce a tool of learning in the form of intelligent robot modules and kit based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning at the Department of Electrical Engineering to improve the skills of learners[20]Development ProceduresProcedure development in research carried out through several stages as follows:a.Identifying the various issues surrounding the intelligent robot used in contests robot through the study of literature and data mining to be used as reference for the formulation of theory, simulation and applications approach;b.Analyze and formulate the identification of various issues surrounding the intelligent robot relevant to developed in the Department of Electrical Engineering Analyze and formulate the identification of various issues surrounding the intelligent robot relevant to developed in the Department of Electrical Engineering;c.Make analysis and draw up scenarios Content and Design of Learning and infrastructure needed for the development of equipment, teaching staff, laboratory personnel, and the establishment of appropriate evaluation system material needs robotics;d.Formulate indicators of success for teaching and learning process oriented to the achievement of the performance demands of the professional needs;e.Implementation of the manufacture of teaching modules and learning devices (kit) based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning as a means to integrate the theory, simulations and applications suitable with various issues surrounding the learning needs and intelligent robot for contest;f.Conduct field trials on intelligent robot course tools of learning based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning in the Department of Electrical Engineering oriented to the mastery of the competency needs;g.Analyzing the results of field trials and make improvements to validate test procedures and test results;h.Doing the final revision of the intelligent robot course tools of learning based on Computer Interactive Learning, Computer Assisted Learning, the results of field test and validation. [20]Data Collection and Analysis Techniques DataInformation on the results of field surveys and discussions in order to implement the standards needs of the Indonesia Robot Contest and the learning device is analyzed with descriptive techniques. Likewise, data from focus group discussions in order to identify and formulate the essential topics as teaching materials for integrated mechatronic courses in the form of theory, simulation, and applications by using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Qualitative descriptive analysis techniques emphasis on making the evaluation and synthesis of the conclusions result from the activities. Synthesis and conclusions on the outcome of this study was formulated through forums workshops and focus group discussions. [26]IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION1.Data from the Indonesia Robot Contest 2009-2015From the data of the Indonesia Robot Contest during the period 2009-2015 can be seen that the modules that have been developed have reached the fourth stage of the research methods of development that disseminate methods. So that, the module is perfect, ready to be duplicated and distributed as learning devices subject of intelligent robot courses. In Indonesia Robot Contest, material-based teaching module compiled specifically for the contest is not only electrical or electronic engineering majors alone, but multi-disciplines, and the object of research being developed not to be the latest technology and appropriate technology alone, but include the development of learning tools.2.Data Socialization Result in Student Learning ToolBased on the data about the socialization of the learning is done on students majoring in electrical engineering at the above resulted in the following data. For questions 1, 2, and 3 all respondents consisting of 10students from representatives of various courses in the department of electrical engineering (100%) answered no understanding of the application of intelligent robot in the industry, or about intelligent robot equipment. Respondents also argued robotics competence that is not taught in the department of electrical engineering. This shows that the image of the competence of the department of electrical engineering is currently only limited to classic electronic circuit, which ranges on flip flop, NAND gate, AND gate only, not offensive competence in the industrial intelligent robot. Yet today the development of machinery industry has many uses industrial intelligent robot.To question no. 4 of intelligent robot teaching module of computer-based interactive learning and assisted learning of respondents who answered draw was as much as 9 students (90%) of the 10 student-vocational and vocational representatives argue unattractive as much as one student (10%). As for the question no. 5 and no. 6 on the use of computer tools and modules of respondents who think "interesting" as many as 10 students (100%) and argue "unattractive" as none (0%). This shows the positive response of the device in the form of learning modules and devices are developed lessonTo question no. 7 all respondents as many as 10 people (100%) found the module that was developed to facilitate the understanding of matter. All respondents (100%) believed that they feel happy and motivated by learning to use teaching modules and tool of learning. This indicates that the module can be motivating learners and assist learners in understanding the material.3.Data from the validation of learning by teaching staff(lecturers)Module that has been created and then validated on5 validator consisting of faculty learning experts, educationexperts, engineering experts and grammarians. And the average assessment is 3.34 validator included in either category. So that the module can be used in trial 2 that experiments performed in the course of intelligent robot.IV.CONCLUSIONSBased on the results of data analysis and discussion, the researchers can draw conclusions as follows:1.This is a module developed research results andmonitoring research officer with the team for 6 yearscontinues to develop research-based robotics contest,with the hope of the future be able to a tool oflearning in the form of intelligent robot modules andkit based on Computer Interactive Learning andComputer Assisted Learning;2.The results of student responses during learning toolsdeveloped socialization shows that the image ofcompetence for the department of electricalengineering is currently still limited to classic electronic circuit, which ranges on flip flop, NAND gate, AND gate only, only, not offend industrial robots. Yet today the development of industrial automation has many uses industrial robots. Therefore we need a learning device that can support learning robotics competence in the department of electrical engineering. From the results of student responses also showed a positive response to the module of intelligent robot based on computer interactive learning and computer assisted learning developed. 3.Module that has been created and then validated on 5validator consisting of faculty learning experts, education experts, engineering experts and grammarians. And the average assessment is 3.34 validator included in either category. So that the module can be used in trial 2 that experiments performed in the course of .Based on the analysis of the data research and conclusions as well as the real conditions for research in the field, the researchers can provide advice as follows:1.Keep the learning modules other than the subject ofintelligent robot modules such as sensor module, the module microcontroller and others to support the course of mechatronic;2.The method of computer interactive learning andcomputer assisted learning lectures should be done on any existing courses in addition to courses in intelligent robot. Because of lectures that usecomputers and assistive devices as a medium of learning can help improve the motivation of students to attend lectures and to facilitate students to understand the course materials;petence robotics needs to be taught in thedepartment of electrical engineering, both for high school or university. Because intelligent robotcompetence is necessary for graduates majoring in engineering when it plunged into the world of industry, especially industries that the machines operate automatically.R EFERENCES[1]Greinert, WD., 1992. The Dual System Of Vocational Training In TheFederal Republic of Germany; Structure and function. Postfach 1,6101 6326 Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany[2]Brown S. (1999) Reinventing the university. Assoc Learning TechnolJ; 6: 30-37. Fender B. The e-university project. London: HigherEducation Funding Council for England.[3]Adviso F, bernardo (1990). Development Of The National TrainingCouncil As The Coordinating Body For Technical And VocationalTrainng, Jakarta: Depdikbud[4]Phillips R. 1996. Developers' guide to interactive multimedia. Amethodology for educational applications. Perth: Curtin University Press,.[5]Elves AW, Ahmed M, Abrams P. Computer-assisted learning;experience at the Bristol Urological Institute in the teaching ofurology. Br J Urol 1997; 80 (suppl 3): 59-62[6]Finch, Curtis R. & john R Crunkilton. 1983. Curriculum Developmentin Vocational and Technical Education, London: Allyn and Bacon,Inc.。
在设计过程中,需考虑以下方面的要求:1. 机械强度:机器人的机械结构需要具备足够的刚度和强度,以应对各种工作环境和负载条件。
2. 运动灵活性:机械结构应具备良好的自由度和灵活性,以实现多样化的运动和动作。
3. 可靠性:机械结构需要经受长时间的使用和重复运动,故应设计稳定可靠,避免出现故障和损坏。
4. 结构简洁:机械结构设计应尽可能简洁,减少材料成本和零部件数量,并提高制造和维修的便利性。
三、设计流程1. 机器人任务分析在进行机器人机械结构设计之前,首先需进行机器人任务分析,明确机器人的工作环境、工作负荷和运动要求等。
2. 结构设计参数确定根据机器人任务和结构类型,确定机械结构的设计参数,包括机械臂长度、关节角度范围、机械连接方式等。
3. 结构分析与优化利用计算机辅助设计软件进行机械结构分析和优化,验证结构在给定负载下的强度和刚度。
4. 零部件设计依据结构参数和分析结果,设计机械结构的各个零部件,包括齿轮、链条、联轴器等。
5. 制造与装配根据设计的零部件图纸,进行零部件的制造。
6. 测试与验证对已装配好的机械结构进行动态测试,验证机器人的运动性能、精度和稳定性。
二、产品特点1. 强大的创作能力:创意设计机器人拥有丰富的创作库和算法模型,能够生成各种独特的设计作品,包括插图、海报、LOGO等。
2. 个性化定制:通过与用户的互动学习,创意设计机器人能够根据用户的喜好和风格偏好进行个性化创作,满足用户的独特需求。
3. 多种创作方式:创意设计机器人支持手绘、数字绘画、图像处理等多种创作方式,用户可以根据自己的习惯选择合适的创作方式进行设计。
4. 快速高效:借助人工智能技术,创意设计机器人能够快速生成创作作品,大大提高了设计效率。
5. 可视化界面:创意设计机器人配备了简洁直观的操作界面,用户可以通过触摸屏幕进行交互操作,轻松实现创作过程的可视化管理。
三、产品功能1. 创作模板选择:用户可以从预设的创作模板中选择合适的样式,然后进行进一步的个性化设计。
2. 图像识别与处理:创意设计机器人能够通过图像识别技术对用户提供的图片进行分析和处理,为用户提供更多的创作灵感。
3. 创意生成:创意设计机器人通过分析用户的需求和输入的数据,自动生成创意内容,并可根据用户的反馈进行调整和优化。
4. 设计调整:用户可以对生成的创意作品进行自定义的调整,包括颜色、形状、尺寸等方面的修改,以满足个性化需求。
5. 预览与导出:创意设计机器人提供实时的预览功能,用户可以在设计过程中随时查看作品效果,并支持导出为图片或其他文件格式。
四、使用指南1. 准备工作:请确保创意设计机器人已连接电源并处于正常工作状态。
2. 启动机器人:按下电源按钮,等待机器人启动完成,待显示屏出现操作界面后即可开始使用。
3. 选择创作模板:在界面中选择合适的创作模板,点击确认后即可开始创作。
4. 进行个性化设计:根据需求和创意生成的结果,对作品进行进一步的个性化设计,如颜色、形状等的调整。
智能寻迹的设计说明书智能寻迹的设计说明书一、引言1.1 项目介绍1.2 项目背景1.3 项目目标二、需求分析2.1 功能需求2.1.1 寻迹功能需求2.1.2 避障功能需求2.1.3 控制功能需求2.1.4 数据传输功能需求2.2 性能需求2.2.1 寻迹精度需求2.2.2 避障灵敏度需求2.2.3 控制响应速度需求2.2.4 数据传输稳定性需求三、总体设计3.1 架构设计3.1.1 硬件架构设计3.1.2 软件架构设计3.2 硬件设计3.2.1 传感器选择与布局3.2.2 电机与驱动电路设计 3.2.3 控制器选型与接口设计 3.2.4 电源系统设计3.3 软件设计3.3.1 系统初始化设计3.3.2 寻迹算法设计3.3.3 避障算法设计3.3.4 控制算法设计3.3.5 数据传输协议设计四、详细设计4.1 传感器模块设计4.1.1 光线传感器设计4.1.2 障碍物传感器设计4.2 电机与驱动模块设计4.2.1 电机选型与参数选择 4.2.2 驱动电路设计4.3 控制器模块设计4.3.1 控制器选型与参数选择 4.3.2 接口设计与连接方式 4.4 电源系统设计4.4.1 电源选型与参数选择4.4.2 电源管理设计五、实施与测试5.1 硬件实施5.2 软件实施5.3 系统联调测试5.3.1 寻迹功能测试5.3.2 避障功能测试5.3.3 控制功能测试5.3.4 数据传输功能测试六、运维与维护6.1 系统使用说明6.2 故障排除与维修6.3 系统升级与迭代7、附录7.1 结构设计图纸7.2 电路设计图纸7.3 软件源码法律名词及注释:1、版权:指对作品拥有完全控制权的法律概念。
三、功能特点1. 语音识别:SDF01具备出色的语音识别能力,能够准确识别用户的语音指令,并做出相应的反馈和动作。
2. 人脸识别:SDF01内置高精度的人脸识别算法,能够快速识别用户的面部特征,并提供个性化的服务和互动体验。
3. 情感交互:SDF01具备情感交互功能,能够根据用户的情绪变化做出相应的回应,增强与用户的亲密感。
4. 语音对话:SDF01能够进行自然对话,用户可以通过语音与机器人进行交流,向其提问、寻求帮助或讨论问题。
5. 信息查询:SDF01内置了丰富的知识库,用户可以通过询问SDF01获取各种信息,如天气、新闻、股票等。
6. 娱乐功能:SDF01支持多种娱乐功能,如音乐播放、故事讲解、笑话等,为用户提供轻松愉快的娱乐体验。
四、使用方法1. 开机和关机:长按SDF01背部的电源按钮,即可开机或关机。
2. 语音交互:使用“Hey SDF01”唤醒机器人后,可以开始与其进行语音交互。
3. 人脸识别:SDF01会在首次使用时进行人脸录入,用户只需将面部对准机器人摄像头,待机器人完成识别后即可使用人脸识别功能。
4. 情感交互:SDF01能够根据用户的情绪变化做出相应的回应,用户可以通过表情、语音等方式进行情感交互。
关键词:智能信息采集车、智能化、传感器、数据通道、现代装备第一章绪论 (1)1.1 信息采集的现状及发展概述 (1)1.2信息采集车国内外研究现状 (2)1.3智能信息采集车的背景意义 (4)1.4 设计要求及内容 (6)第二章智能信息采集车的结构与工作原理 (6)2.1 数据获取装置的设计 (6)2.2 行走方案选择 (7)2.3基本结构 (9)2.4工作原理 (11)第三章智能信息采集车的功能与特点 (12)3.1 智能信息采集车的功能 (12)3.2智能信息采集车的特点 (13)第四章智能信息采集车的设计思路 (15)4.1 基本工作思路 (15)4.2动力选择思路 (15)4.3设计后的调整 (16)第五章总结与展望 (17)参考文献 (18)1.1 信息采集的现状及发展概述为了更好的发展城市信息化基础建设,相继出现了移动3D GIS实景采集系统;在移动载体上安装CCD影像获取系统、全球定位系统(GPS)、惯性测量单元(IMU)以及激光扫描仪(LS)等新型传感器设备;在车辆行驶过程中,快速获取与处理城市空间三维实景数据,形成有效的三维GIS实景交通管理信息平台。
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关键词:智能信息采集车、智能化、传感器、数据通道、现代装备目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 信息采集的现状及发展概述 (1)1.2信息采集车国内外研究现状 (2)1.3智能信息采集车的背景意义 (4)1.4 设计要求及内容 (6)第二章智能信息采集车的结构与工作原理 (6)2.1 数据获取装置的设计 (6)2.2 行走方案选择 (7)2.3基本结构 (9)2.4工作原理 (11)第三章智能信息采集车的功能与特点 (12)3.1 智能信息采集车的功能 (12)3.2智能信息采集车的特点 (13)第四章智能信息采集车的设计思路 (15)4.1 基本工作思路 (15)4.2动力选择思路 (15)4.3设计后的调整 (16)第五章总结与展望 (17)参考文献 (18)绪论1.1 信息采集的现状及发展概述为了更好的发展城市信息化基础建设,相继出现了移动3D GIS实景采集系统;在移动载体上安装CCD影像获取系统、全球定位系统(GPS)、惯性测量单元(IMU)以及激光扫描仪(LS)等新型传感器设备;在车辆行驶过程中,快速获取与处理城市空间三维实景数据,形成有效的三维GIS实景交通管理信息平台。
1.2 信息采集车的国内外研究现状科学家在很早就有对信息采集系统的研究,但是由于受到当时科技的限制,这一领域的研究并没有取得多少有实际运用价值的成果。
美国、日本以及几个欧洲发达国家相继投入了巨大的财力、物力来进行信息采集这方面的研究,并且开发了实际系统,比较广泛应用并具有代表性的产品有美国和欧洲十一国联合研制的EuRo一cosT系统、ImageSensingsystem 公司(简称155公司)的AUTOSCOPE2004TM系列、AuTOSCOPESoLOTM[36]和PEEK 公司的VideoTraek900、叭deoTraek905等系统。
到目前为止,已有14000多套的AutoscoPe 视频检测系统运行在超过三十多个国家的智能交通管理系统中,得到全世界交通专业人士的普遍认可。
目前具有代表性的有广州市交通管理科学研究所和哈尔滨工业大学联合开发的VTD2000系列视屏动态信息采集系统1.3 智能信息采集车的背景意义时代要求。