

【尚友制造】How to Analyze a GMATPrep SC Question

【尚友制造】How to Analyze a GMATPrep SC Question

标题:How to Analyze a GMATPrep SC Question尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】Here’s the GMATPrep&reg; problem again; if you didn’t read the first article and try the problem already, then try this problem now (1 minute, 15 seconds):Research has shown that when speaking, individuals who have been blind from birth and have thus never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way as sighted people do, and that they will gesture even when conversing with another blind person.A) have thus never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and inthe same way as sighted people do, and thatB) have thus never seen anyone gesture but nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently andin the same way that sighted people do, andC) have thus never seen anyone gesture, that they nonetheless make hand motions just as frequentlyand in the same way as sighted people do, andD) thus they have never seen anyone gesture, but nonetheless they make hand motions just asfrequently and in the same way that sighted people do, and thatE) thus they have never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently andin the same way that sighted people do, andAfter trying the problem, checking the answer, and reading and understanding the solution (if available), I try to answer these questions:1. Did I know WHAT they were trying to test?Was I able to CATEGORIZE this question by topic and subtopic? By process / technique? If I had to look something up in my books, would I know exactly where to go?∙The question is an SC question that’s testing parallelism, modifiers, and idioms. If I don’t remember how to deal with any of those grammar issues, I’d go look in the appropriate chapter in my book right now.Did I COMPREHEND the symbols, text, questions, statements, and answer choices? Can I comprehend it all now, when I have lots of time to think about it? What do I need to do to make sure that I do comprehend everything here? How am I going to remember whatever I’ve just learned for future?[Note: I’m going to pretend I got this one wrong when I first did it.]∙When I first read the sentence, I didn’t understand the full structure. The full structure consists of the core of the sentence (subject, verb, possibly an object, and possibly some other necessary extensions) and the modifiers (the additional information that “hangs”onto the core at various spots). I knew that I wasn’t quite getting it, but I was also feeling pressed for time, so I thought I could get away with not figuring out what the basic structure was. That was a mistake. In future, I have to make sure that I take the time to understand the basic structure on sentences such as this one, even if it takes me another 20 to 30 seconds to answer the problem. I should also practice breaking down the structure so that I get more efficient.Did I understand the actual CONTENT (facts, knowledge) being tested?∙I do know parallelism, though I messed up with parallelism on this one because I didn’t understand the overall structure. Once I took the time to break down the structure, I had no problem with the para llelism. In terms of the idiom, “in the same way as” sounded better to me than “in the same way that” but I didn’t know for sure that I was right until I checked the answer. I still don’t know why I’m right, though, so I have to go check my book and dig into this a little more.2. How well did I HANDLE what they were trying to test?Did I choose the best APPROACH? Or is therea better way to do the problem? (There’s almost always a better way!) What is that better way? How am I going to remember this better approach the next time I see a similar problem?∙No, I definitely didn’t choose the best approach, and that cost me the question. I knew there was parallelism, but I interpreted it as “Research has shown that X, that Y, and that Z” so I chose answer C. I should have tried to figure out the structure first, and I didn’t do that, as noted above. Here’s how I should have figured out the structure: (see original article, linked at the top of this article, to learn how to split out the core from themodifiers; this is where you would want to write all of that out.)Did I have the SKILLS to follow through? Or did I fall short on anything?∙I did have the skills to find the core –but I didn’t have the “test-taking” skills to know that I should have done it the n. Basically, I have to make a choice: either I’m just going to give up on this one as too hard for the time I have (and therefore I’m going to answer more quickly than usual), or I’m going to invest the extra 20 to 30 seconds to figure out the core becaus e I know that I can do it. (And I don’t think it will take more than20 to 30 extra seconds –that’s critically important.)Did I make any careless mistakes? If so, WHY did I make each mistake? What habits could I make or break to minimize the chances of repeating that careless mistake in future?∙I didn’t read the full sentence using my chosen answer, C. If I had, I might have realized something wasn’t right. “Research has shown that individuals who <A and B – modifier>, that they make, and that they wil l gesture…” Where’s the verb for the first one, the verb that goes with “individuals?” There isn’t one. Oops. Also, I did finally figure out why “in the same way as” was right (it was due to parallelism again! see the original article for details), and I consider missing the parallelism signal a careless mistake, because I absolutely know that “and” is a parallelism signal.For verbal, the following two questions can be combined:Am I comfortable with OTHER STRATEGIES that would have worked, at least partially? How should I have made an educated guess?Do I understand every TRAP & TRICK that the writer built into the question, including wrong answers?∙I already know why answer C is tempting, because I chose it! And now I also know why it’s wrong.∙I wasn’t personally tempted by B, D, or E because of the “in the same way that” issue, but it would be easy to miss that we need “as” there. The “just as frequently and in the same way…” structure is really confusing –they’re trying to get me to miss the “just as frequently as” idiom.3. How well did I or could I RECOGNIZE what was going on?Did I make a CONNECTION to previous experience? If so, what problem(s) did this remind me of and what, precisely, was similar? Or did I have to do it all from scratch? If so, see the next bullet.∙Not well enough, no. I’ve seen these super-convoluted sentences before and I really should have known that I needed to break the sentence down first – but I let the time pressureget to me. I’m going to go back and look at some similar ones that I’ve done in the past.Can I make any CONNECTIONS now, while I’m analyzing the problem? What have I done in the past that is similar to this one? How are they similar? How could that recognition have helped me to do this problem more efficiently or effectively? (This may involve looking up some past problem and making comparisons between the two!)∙Basically, this problem was all about convoluted parallelism: a long core, lots of modifiers, and various levels of parallelism. I’ve defi nitely seen problems like this before – just in the past week, in fact –and I’m going to go back over some of them right now.HOW will I recognize similar problems in the future? What can I do now to maximize the chances that I will remember and be able to use lessons learned from this problem the next time I see a new problem that tests something similar?∙I need to do everything I already described in my notes above. When I go back to look at some of the recent problems I’ve done, I’m going to repeat t his full analysis for several of those, just to hammer home that I need to break these sentences down better and moreefficiently. (And I’ll also look for new things, of course.)And that’s it! Note that, of course, the details above are specific to each individual person – such a write-up would be different for every single one of you, depending upon your particular strengths, weaknesses, and mistakes. Hopefully, though, this gives you a better idea of the way to analyze a problem. This framework also gives you a valuable way to discuss problems with fellow online students or in study groups – this is the kind of discussion that really helps to maximize scores.* GMATPrep&reg; question courtesy of the Graduate Management Admissions Council. Usage of this question does not imply endorsement by GMAC.GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。



















gre作文 孙远

gre作文 孙远

gre作文孙远写作步骤1、快速审题—2(考前需看完题库)2、写开头段—53、正文提纲—3(每一段的Topic sentence)4、写正文—145、结尾—36、检查—3开头段归纳原论证的内容,指出原论证的结论—指出原论证的论据/假设—指出原论证的错误(自己对论证的判断)完整忠实的复述原论据、假设;抓住主要论据和主要假设;只谈论据,或只谈假设。

尽量用自己的词汇,保留关键核心词汇,准确、客观;注意动词时态:主题时态,分析性,一般现在时;复述原文证据用原文时态;1. In this argument, the arguer concludes that…To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that (证据)…In addition, the arguer reasons that(推理/假设)…This argument suffers from severalcritical fallacies.2. In this argument, the arguer recommends that…To justify thi s claim, the arguer provides the evidence that (论据1)…In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that(论据2)…A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.3. In this analysis, the arguer claims that…To substanti ate the conclusion, the arguer cites (论据)…In addition, the arguer assumes that(假设)…This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.4. In this argument, the arguer advocates that…This recommendation is based on the observation that(论据)…Meanwhile, the arguer assumes(假设)….This argument is problematic for two reasons.5. The conclusion in this argument is that…In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that(假设)…Moreover, the arguer assumes that this attempt has three benefits:1,2,3(假设)…This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.Body part Topic sentence in each body paragragh一般一个逻辑错误用一个段落攻击,正文一般2-4段,最后小问题放在一个段落里面。

【尚友制造】[GMAT写作] 10 tips助你领跑AWA

【尚友制造】[GMAT写作] 10 tips助你领跑AWA

标题:[GMAT写作] 10 tips助你领跑AWA尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】在很多心经中,在AW A部分取得高分的test-takers的建议总是依照自己平常的习惯来写。



1.文章的长度大多数人的做法:“AW A写作没有要求长度或者字数。




这里需要说明,较长的essay会被认为你的写作针对某一issue or argument 是比较全面和有独到的见解。

Tip:所以最佳作品建议:400-430 words2.文章的写作思路大多数人的做法:“我不想写的太多,只是点到为止。


”破解误区:在AW A的写作中,无法全面的表达自己的观点或者看法。



Tip:注意你的观点或论点前后的衔接,并且保证你每一段的论述大于2 sentences。









举个例子 OG 116 Firms adopting “profit-related-pay” (PRP) contracts pay wages at levels that vary with the firm’s profits. In the metalworking industry last year, firms with PRP contracts in place showed productivity per worker on average 13 percent higher than that of their competitors who used more traditional contracts. If, on the basis of the evidence above, it is argued that PRP contracts increase worker productivity, which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken that argument? 这道题削弱的主体是在问题当中的!
尚友社区 /
出国留学考试申请|职业求职招聘家园-尚友社区 /
些材料,看看对自己有没有新的启发。 3.解题 这一部分分享一下我个人解题的顺序。 一、看问题 明确是哪种题型,问题中可能会出现一些关键字,这个关键字,可能是人,或者题目中的某一点,这是寻找答案的 关键!
二、明确了方向,看题干 找出结论和推出该结论的前提。这一步也就是我所说的逻辑链,找到题干推理的头和尾,尾就 是题干的结论,一 定要看懂结论,同时特别注意结论的特殊性和具体性,特指的词以及限定性的条件,具体做题时候感受。推论的头, 也就是得出这个结论的过程: 可以是某个原因、某种方法、某种现象。特别注意,很多时候,第一句话是在讲本 道题目的大背景、或者某个限定性范围,限定性条件,读这句话只需要注意这个范 围的划定。很多时候推理从第 二句才开始。很重要的一点:注意提炼的关键字,组成相对应的逻辑链。



标题:GMAT30天集中突破心经尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】8.28 一个人坐火车来到上海,其实是带着为二战做操练的心态。

















gmat 作文题库

gmat 作文题库

孙远主编的《GMAT写作》中的题库(红皮书)Analysis of Argument Questions1.The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a processor of frozen foods. “Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.2.The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company.“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.3.The following appeared in a memorandum issued by a l arge city’s council on the arts.“In a recent citywide poll, fifteen percent more residents said that they watch television programs about the visual arts tha n was the case in a poll conducted five years ago. During these past five years, the number of peo ple visiting our city’s art museums has increased by a similar percentage. Since the corporate funding that supports public television, where most of the visual arts programs appear, is now being threatened with severe cuts, we can expect that attendance a t our city’s art museums will also start to decrease. Thus some of the city’s funds for supporting the arts should be reallocated to public television.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.4.The following appeared in a report presented for discussion at a meeting of the directors of a company that manufactures parts for heavy machinery.“The falling revenues that the company is experiencing coincide with delays in manufacturing. These delays, in turn, are due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. Consider further that the manager of the department that handles purchasing of raw materials has an excellent background in general business, psychology, and sociology, but knows little about the properties of metals. The company should, therefore, move the purchasing manager to the sales department and bring in a scientist from the research division to be manager of the purchasing department.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.5.The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper.“Since a competing lower-priced newspaper, The Bugle, was started five years ago, The Mercury’s circulation has declined by 10,000 readers. The best way to get more people to read The Mercury is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, at least until circulation increases to former levels. The increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buyadvertising space in the paper.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.6.The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. I t is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to exp and its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.7.The following appeared in the health section of a magazine on trends and lifestyles.“People who use the artificial sweetener aspartame are better off consuming sugar, since aspartame can actually contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. For example, high levels of aspartame have been shown to trigger a craving for food by depleting the brain of a chemical that registers satiety, or the sense of being full. Furthermore, studies suggest that sugars, if consumed after at least 45 minutes of continuous exercise, actually enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. Consequently, tho se who drink aspartame-sweetened juices after exercise will also lose this calorie-burning benefit. Thus it appears that people consuming aspartame rather than sugar are unlikely to achieve their dietary goals.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.8.The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter.“The common notion that workers are g enerally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporat e restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.9.The following appeared in the opinion column of a financial magazine.“On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25 percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period. Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-aged consumer.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.10.The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against propose d cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.In this argument the author concludes that the 25 years operation of Olympic Food would make it successfully minimize costs and thus maximize profits. There are several reasons support this argument. First of all, the author claims that organizations' learn leads the processing costs to go down. In addition, the author cites a case, which refers to the decrease of color film processingcosts....At first glance; the argument appears to be somewhat plausible. However, after a scrupulous analysis we can easily identify several logical flaws that render the author’s line of reasoning dubious.To begin with, the author takes one possible cause of a condition to be the actual cause without considering any other possible inducements. An alternate explanation is that technology development simplifies the process so that reduces the cost. Therefore, the mere fact that long experience of company is groundless to attribute a company's cost minimization. Additionally, it is highly doubtful that strategies drawn from the color film industry will be applicable to the Food industry. Differences between these two clearly outweigh the similarities, and therefore make the analogy much less valid. For instance, the improving quality of film material and the development of printer both affect the efficiency of the color film production, but they are virtually absent in the Olympic Food. Accordingly, we can deduce that the Food industry is so different from the color film industry that it is unlikely to experience the same consequence.As is stands, the argument is not well reasoned. It could be significantly bolstered id the author clearly mentioned all elements relevant to some other freeze food company experience or a more general theory about minimize the process costs. In order to assess the outcome of the situation is integral to hace full knowledge of all contributing factors. To corroborate and consolidate the argument, the author should procide concrete ecidence to demonstrate that ....drawn from the freeze food companies would further substantial the author's perspective。
















但要想真正攻克阅读,还是得提高词汇量和阅读量啊~好,切入正题!-------------------------------大到任何书籍,任何文章,小到任何句子,任何词语,要想读透,一定要知道弄清楚两点:author’s intent[作者的意图],writer’s craft[作者的手法]。














课堂笔记:逻辑问题分析论证句式:1. The fact that…does not necessarily imply that…2. Factors such as…all have some bearing on…3. Economy, as we know, is influenced by the combination of a host of factors, local, national and international, political, social, and technological.4. But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented…5. But the problem is that the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.6. According to…, but there is no evidence whatsoever to show…7. The argument provides no direct information as to the degree to which…8. There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that…9. But any conclusion at this stage is premature in absence of a comprehensive examination of…10. For a couple of reasons, this argument is not very convincing.11. The arguer employs two lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion.12. To support this claim, the editorial cites statistics indicating that…13. As it stands, this argument suffers from three critical flaws.14. In this argument, the planning department of an investment firm reaches the conclusion that…15. The basis for this recommendation is the expectation that…16. While this argument has some merit, there are a few assumptions that deserve attention.17. The example cited, while suggestive of these trends, is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the data drawn from…is representative of …18. To begin with, this argument depends on the assumption that…19. Not only does the arguer fail to…, he also fails to…20. However, while the poll establishes a correlation between…and…, and also indicates a correlation, though less significantly, between…and…, it does not establish a general causal relationship between…。





我之前对于GMAT 的写作很是头疼,看了这篇很全面的复习日志后我觉得很是管用,在此想推荐给大家,供大家分享。



我之前逻辑就不是很好,看了本GMAT 语文考试全程指南,对逻辑思维是种提高,写作能力自然也涨高。


而针对GMAT 写作要提高的不仅仅是遣词造句的能力,更是衔句成篇的思路。








如何分析GMAT-ISSUE作文尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】题目:“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”Explain what you think this statement means and discuss the extent to which you do or do not agree with it.Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples from your experience,observations,or reading.任何第一道题目,使用的名词一定是个集合名词,因此概念的外延就非常丰富,范畴也比较广阔。


比如本题中的WE 其实指代很多人,也指代所有时代的人,在作文的展开分析中,就可以利用时间主线进行展开分析,从过去,现在,到将来三个阶段来论证观点。











标题:[GMAT写作]我搜集的一些好模板尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】AI: (1) just refute: Thers days we often hear about the concern over the issue of ... The arguer advocates that..., but is this really the case? However Sound this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. Moreover, it appears insignificant wh en the negative influence is taken Into account. As far as I am concerned, I believe that (I)base my view on Two reasons. (2) just spport: Recently the issue of …has been brought to public attention. Current wisdom says that… In a sense, …do(does)… I base my view On two reasons. First, … Second, … (3) two points, support one while refute another: These days we often hear about the concern over the issue of… The extent to which… involves a conflict between… and … On the Surface, it may seem a sound idea that…, but carefully weighing on The mind, I agree that … takes precedence over… I base my view on two Reasons. (4) suppor boths stands---a balanced approach: These days we often hear about the concern over the issue of… The Extent to which involves a conflic t between… and … It seems to me That there are good points in both arguments, and after carefully weighing On the mind, I believe that we should pay attention to both… and … One should take a balanced approach to… on a case-by-case basis. In the first plac e, the reason why I have such a view is that… A particular example for this is …Under this circumstance, it is obvious that… In the second place, much evidence has shown that… Just imagine what would Be like if … Hence, another equally important aspect is that… One argument against my contention might assert that, by nature, …, and that I am simply underestimating… Yet substantial evidence exists to the contrary… For example,… Given this, … is certainly warranted. I conclusion, it is in our best interest as a society…Due to the above-mentioned Reasons, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become More persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion I support. If …, with Its claim for … , could be harmonized with the concerns of … , a more fruitful Model for contemporary… could emerge.The issue of whether...is a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their respective angles. On one hand, as is well-known and has often been advocated, ...; on the other hand, others probably insist that.... We do not have to look very far to see the valid standpoint of this matter. In the following analysis, I would like to reason and provide evidence favoring the former one and refuting the latter one. (The complex nature of the above issue requires us to consider it on a case-by-case basis. In my point of view, whether one has advantages over the other depends on the specific circumstances.)In the first place, the important reason that can be presented to develop my position is that.... A good example may be found in the case that.... Under this circumstance/therefore, it is obvious that....In addition, there is another reason for me to choose the former statement/consider the latter statement to be wrong. The reason is not far to seek:.... To illustrate, a case in point in this respect is that....Admittedly, there is no denying that...in some conditions. As we know, .... However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to.... (When...of X and Y are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is obvious. To sum up, while...may be true in exceptional cases, I agree that....)Consequently, I advocate that..., because: (1) ...; (2) .... Due to the above-mentioned reasons, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion I support.Aa: In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that… The basis for this recommendation is that … An additional reason given in suppor t of this recommendation Is that … ( The author cites … as an example in support of This recommendation). At first glance, the author’s argument Appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals That it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to Substantiate the argument. In the first place, In the second place, In the third place, In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for… As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in Favor of the recommendation.To strengthen the argument, the author Would have to provide evidence to prove that… To better assess the Argument, we need additional detailed information about … so that we can Establish the conclusion whether…严重推荐:Argument之七宗罪第一宗罪:无因果联系after this, therefore because of this The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪Insufficient-sample The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比(based on a false analogy )<横向> The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪all things are equal<纵向> The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes withoutjustification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪Either-Or choice The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪survey is doubtful The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪gratuitous assumption The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.六分模版:The author in this argument is trying to establish that Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. This conclusion is based on the assertion that Apogee Company’s more profit in the past years was simply caused by operating in one location. To support this conclusion, the author reasons that such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs. In addition, he assumes that centralization would help the company maintain better supervision of all employees. Closely examining the author’s logic and reasoning, we find that neither of these reasons provides sufficient support for the conclusion and this argument suffers two serious logical flaws.First of all, this argument relies on a groundless assumption that the reason why Apogee Company is less profitable than before is because it was operated in multiple locations. However, no evidence stated in the report supports this crucial assumption. There are many other factors that could have caused or contributed to the result that the Apogee Company is less profitable. It is possible that the competitors of Apogee Company are stronger than past; it is also possible that the slowdown of the overall economical environment have caused the less profitability on today than past. Any of these scenarios, if true, would show that Apogee Company’s poor financial performance is not due to the multi- location operation. Therefore, without ruling out other factors or presenting stronger evidence, the author cannot conclusively assert that Apogee should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location.Second, the author commits the “after this and therefore because of this” fallacy where the author assumes that because the poor financial performance occurred after the Apogee Company conducted its operation from more than one location, the multi-location operation was responsible for the poor financial performance. The statistical relationship between the poor financial performance and multi-location operation can not necessarily establish the causality between Apogee Company’s poor financial performance and its multi location operation. In fact, the author obviously ignored the possibility of other alternative factors such as the price increase of raw materials, or the extra expense for the construction of new factory, which may contribute to the Apogee Company’s poor financial performance. It may be only a coincidence that the poor financial performance happened after Apogee Company moved from one location operation to multi-location operation. Unless the author can rule out other factors relevant to the relation between poor financial performance and multi- location operation, this assumptionis in question and can not be accepted.In conclusion, this argument is ineffective because the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes.The author could strengthen the conclusion that Apogee Company should close its field offices and conducts all its operation in single location by demonstrating that the poor financial performance was a result of multi-location operation.GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。

【尚友制造】关于enough to 与so as to so that 的区别的讨论

【尚友制造】关于enough to 与so as to so that 的区别的讨论

标题:关于enough to 与so as to、so that 的区别的讨论尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】做笔考真题55的时候,发现了一个题的正确选项居然是enough to,甚为奇怪,以前从未注意,在大全中一搜,发现oG88就出现了这个考点。


我把大全中所有enough to和so as to、so that 区分的题目搜出来,自己感觉区别是这样的enough to do放在动词,或形容此后面表示有足够的程度来达到什么目的而so as to、so that 引导状语从句来表so怎么样所带来的结果请教牛牛们是否正确!!下面是我搜出来的题目Enough to 与so as to 区别1.V+Enough to do 做adv修饰动词,放在动词后面,表其程度足够来如何如何,而so as to、so that 表程度足够引起的结果划线考点笔考真题55-2Consumer confidence levels, which many economists consider an early indication of the economy’s direction, sagged as the stock market tumbled, but not dramatically enough for giving a clear picture of new spending patterns.(A) tumbled, but not dramatically enough for giving(B) tumbled, but not dramatically enough to give(C) tumbled, and not so dramatically as to have given(D) has tumbled, and not dramatically enough to give(E) has tumbled, but not so dramatically as to givebOg47. Displays of the aurora borealis, or "northern lights," can heat the atmosphere over the arcticenough to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce electric currents that can cause blackouts in some areas and corrosion in north-south pipelines.(A)to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce(B)that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected, induce(C) that it affects the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induces(D) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected and induces(E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles and induce给北极上大气层足够的加热来影响。





以前刚考完的时候,因为考了760(Q50 V44),所以写了一个帖子介绍了一点复习经验,当时可能是以过来人的身份介绍的,不免有点“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”的味道,而在这半年里,由于我做了一些私人的GMAT辅导的工作,自己对GMAT的复习有了更深入的把握,回来再看看困境区的帖子难免心里有了新的想法,所以在这里一并提出,希望大家能有所获益。





【尚友制造】迟到的心经 --- 写给GMAT在职考试的同学

【尚友制造】迟到的心经 --- 写给GMAT在职考试的同学

标题:迟到的心经--- 写给GMAT在职考试的同学尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】实在很抱歉, 去年11月15号(780, M51, V47)考完后一直没有时间写些心得. 去年大半年一直在考自己的专业执照考试 (结果还是fail 了一门), 结果弄得考完GMA T又马不停蹄地在上月初重考了那一门. 之后就写Essays 和准备申请材料, 忙得焦头烂额. 今天刚把最后一个学校的申请递出, 我跟自己说一定要写点东西回报CD.背景:建筑专业毕业后到美国念Master, 毕业后在美国工作三年半. 大学时英语基础比较好(四级满分, 六级80+, GRE 2100+, TOEFL 670).Why GMAT:读商科一直是我的梦想. 建筑从来都不是我的兴趣. 然而迫于家庭压力学了自己不喜欢的专业. 来美国念书挑了个近似的专业 (为了拿奖学金), 毕业后在一家事务所干到现在. 虽然一直不满意现状但又鼓不起勇气改变. 直到去年初得知一学工程的高中同学在USC读MBA, 我才发现我还有机会一搏因为我不想给自己留遗憾, 日后不停问自己“What if…”.而且我也想借考GMAT证明自己: 当年考了两次GRE 也只有2100+ (前后相差50分), 让我郁闷了很久.复习:1) 过程:我8月中才考完所有的专业考试 (License是我对自己过去的一个总结), 休息了半个月, 从九月初开始复习GMA T,当时还在等人从国内寄新东方材料(出国几年就认得新东方了), 于是从图书馆借了Princeton Review 开始做题.很快就把书过了一遍. 九月中收到新东方和OG (早知就从网上买, 还浪费了婆婆600元快递费), 开始做OG. 当时还不知CD为何物, 直到九月底我妹妹帮我搜索到这个论坛, 立马觉得如获至宝. 于是上班时间开始常在各个讨论区游荡, 看大家的讨论. 渐渐知道什么是GWD, 天山等等.Math:由于太久没碰数学 (自6年前考GRE后), 对数学比较重视. 利用上班时间偷鸡做费费, 把题过了一遍. 感觉比较难, 但基本上都会做. OG 只做了100道左右就放弃了. 我比较粗心大意, 做GWD时鲜少有全对的, 一度让我非常沮丧. 但最后考试时居然全对(据大家说51是满分). 所以我想告诉那些平时做数学不能全对的XDJM们, 别灰心,考试时发挥好了就行.Verbal:由于是在职考试, 时间有限,不可能做太多习题, 所以我主要使用OG和GWD. 总的感觉是复习资料不在多而在精, 弄懂OG和GWD就够了. 看了OG 才发现Princeton Review的题型怪, 看它是浪费时间. 因为时间紧迫, 新东方的资料一点都没看. OG 是ETS 出题的精髓, 再怎么强调也不为过. GWD 代表着ETS近几年的出题风格, 一定要弄懂弄透. 可能这几年一直用英语 (读Master时被迫读了很多书并写了Thesis才得以毕业), 感觉阅读和逻辑没有问题, 可以很快地扫过文章就知道大意, 不象当年考GRE, 读了半天硬是没读懂. 所以OG的阅读和逻辑部分只做了一遍. 但SC是我的弱项. 虽然现在每天都用英语, 我却觉得语法退化了不少, 因为用英语口语时不计较语法,只要老美能听懂就行. OG做了一遍后, 正确率只有60%. 于是总结做错的题, 找出错的原因. 再做OG第二遍, 正确率提高到80%. 然后再总结一次为什么做错的题还再错.对于语法, 我是属于感觉型, 很少分析句子具体结构, 感觉顺了我就选. 开始复习时SC老是错太多, 于是想按照别人的方法进行句子分析, 什么主谓结构, Modifier之类, 结果越弄越乱, 最后只好放弃, 回到最初的凭语感做题.所以我觉得讨论区里各位的分析都非常有帮助, 但不能尽搬. 每个人应根据自己的习惯选择做题的方法. 直到考试时我仍对GWD的一些答案有所保留.作文:这是我最讨厌的部分. 当年考TOEFL 时TWE只有4分, 害得我差点要重考. 这次也提不起兴趣复习, 于是一直拖到考前三天才匆忙开始看范文, 模了AA和AI各两篇就上考场. 最后就得了4.5, 我已经很满意. 这里就不误导大家了.2) 计划对于兼职复习的CDer而言, 时间和恒心是最大的敌人. 我觉得既然认定了目标, 就应坚决执行, 无论遇到多大的困难. 我down了GWD 后就直接用它进行模考. 由于北美报名不太紧张, 一般有较多选择. 于是我先到ETS 网页看可能的Time Slot, 并决定选星期一9点到12点半的时间段, 因为之前有一个周末可以全天复习. 十月初报名后,每周末早上按照考试时间模考一套GWD. 下午和晚上则总结模考做错的题. 当时为了赶进度, 周六下午再模一套. 大家如果时间充裕, 完全不必如此. 平时要上班, 回到家时间太零碎, 状态也不会太好, 不宜模考. 这时候我一般做OG 习题和总结. 对我来说, 按考试时间模考非常重要, 因为当你的大脑适应了这个时候兴奋, 真正考试时状态也就能出来了. 我故意留了一套GWD(24) 和PP3 到考前再做. 模完GWD, 我又做了ETS 那几套旧的笔试题. 我一直遵循这个原则:只要是完整的一套题, 我就利用周末时间模考, 其余的题留到平时晚上解决. 另外, 模考时尽量在电脑上做.3) 考前一周早上上班, 晚上看范文和机经. 星期五请了假以便有三整天复习来调整状态. 星期五先模考GWD24, 下午和晚上总结和看机经. 星期六和日各模考PP3 (包括作文)一次, 770和780 (因为大部分的题都做过, 所以没有把分数放在心上). PP3 很重要, 因为它给了我机会去熟悉界面, 也发现如果我不scroll down去看完做题前的Instruction, 程序不会转到下一页.放松是很重要的, 考前几天我就有意识地争取十一点前睡觉. 每天不要花太多时间在复习上, 把自己弄得过于紧张疲劳. 在考试时保持好的状态比多做100题重要.考试整个过程都比较顺. 但做数学时因为开始耗时太多(太想保证正确率), 弄得后半部时间太紧, 幸好出现了两道JJ才把时间赶回来, 最后提前5分钟完成. 做Verbal时遇到不少GWD, 但并没有太兴奋, 因为模考时就一次做对了. 我还是当成没做过认真读题. 做这个部分完后还剩5分钟.一点感想 --- 做题时千万不要根据这道题的难易去判断上一道题的对错. 这样一来不但自己分神, 还给自己制造不必要的压力. 做好眼前的每一题, 好事自然会发生.谢谢各位版主和各位热心CDers的辛勤劳动和无私奉献! 正因为有你们, CD才会涌现出越来越多NN. 谢谢老公的任劳任怨, 考试家务两不误.相信自己, 不到最后永不言败. 希望大家鸡年梦想成真!GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。




由于评分标准明确要求使用standard written English(标准书面英语),因此非正式的俚语、俗语、外来语都不被建议在写作中使用。

“小词”——smart word,指的是一些看似稀松平常普普通通的单词的精妙用法。



1.Bask. Bask这个单词表示晒太阳,由此可以引申出沉浸,沐浴在(胜利,喜悦,赞美,关怀中)。

如bask in the glory of world cup (沉浸在世界杯的荣耀中)或者bask in jubilance.(沉浸在喜悦中)2.Brew. Brew这个单词也很熟悉,表示酿酒,一引申就可以变成酝酿这个抽象含义。

如每逢战争即将打响,我们可以说Storms are brewing on every frontier.(每个边境上都酝酿着风暴。

)3.Swallow. Swallow表示吞咽东西,也就是不加咀嚼地吃东西,因此当我们在描述一个人不加思考就轻易相信别人时,就可以使用这个单词。

如Surely, I know better than to swallow his words.(我当然不会傻到就这样相信他的鬼话)有时也可以表示取消,如He had to swallow his words。


)4.Gnaw. Gnaw指的是小动物,如啮齿类动物,咬,啃。


如The feeling of guilt gnawed at my conscience day and night.(内疚日夜折磨着我的良心。

)5.Wean. Wean原义指新生儿断奶,引申为使断绝、使戒掉、使放弃。





不许笑我A company’s long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by thecompany’s employees.” Regarding whether job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company’s employees is the promarily factor in a company’s long-term success. ,different people may hold different views because of their respect angles. Some people,such as the author contend that emplyeess’ satisfaction is the most sigficant to consider, while others favor the opposite position.From my own perspective,whether one viewpoint has advantage over the other depend on the certain circumstance. In other words, I partially agree with the arguaer’s opinion,at the same time I am deeply troubled by its overly wide implication as well as intrinsic logic flaws,which I will discuss in turn below. 个人感觉,第一段的综述,要跟下文的行文顺序对应为好,划线的句子给人的感觉是对作者的同意反对五五开,而后文的基调是不同意,我建议这里改成让步,态度明确:Though I agree with the author in certain condition, I am deeply ...For one thing, I refute tha author’s view because the goal for a compa ny is profit and efficient.★In order to achieve it, a organization may reauire its emplyees to work very hard, several companies even related wages and bonus with a worker’s performance. good example may find in the case is the investment bank where all its workers bear high pressure and work late everyday, many people do not satisfy with thework,but every year a great many students hope to step into the investment bank, one reson is high salary, the most primay reason is the value achievement as a human being. As an old saying, no pain no gain.Therefor, investment banks are always the msot profitable industries among all the other. 这段的论点很好,但是立场未表达明确:你反驳了作者的价值观,举出other factors,但是只讲了goal,这跟long-term success dependent on 的内容不冲突。



孙远的GMAT作文讲义(2)九、Argument小结Part Two十、是非问题例文分析Case Study 1:“People often complain that products are not made to last. They feet thatmaking products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and humanresources. What they fail to see, however, is that such manufacturingpractices keep costs down for the consumer and stim ulate demand.”Which do you find more compelling the complaint abo ut products that do notlist or the response to it? Explain your position using relevant reasonsand/or examples drawn from your own experience, obse rvations, or reading.2分作文:I find the response better than the complaint of p eople. The response seemsto originate without much thought involved. It is m ore of an emotionalcomplaint than one anchored in logic or thought. Ye s, it is a waste ofhuman resources but that is without consideration to the benefits: lowercosts and stimulated demand. Thus, the response fail s to recognize thebenefits.The strength of the response is that it forces the reader to reconsider thecomplaint. It adds a new dimension to the argument. It, however, fails toaddress the issue of wasting human resources. Does this mean the responderagrees with the notion of wasting resources.In all actuality both the response and complaint is ineffective. Thecomplaint doesn’t recognize or address the benefits,like the responsedoesn’t address the issue of wasting resources. The response, however,does bring in a new dimension and thus weakens the argument of thecomplaint.4分作文:I find the response to the complaint more compellin g. Although thecomplaint is valid, it is most often the case the building a product tolast forever will indeed cost more than the average consumer is willing topay. Creating such a product would require more mat erials and/or more heavy-duty wear resistant materials which inherently are m ore expensive. Anotherfactor that would drive costs up is the fact that demand for products woulddecrease. The demand would decrease since people do not have to replace oldproducts with new products as often. With the incre ased variable costs formaterials combined with a reduction in the productio n volume associatedwith lower demand, manufacturers must raise prices t o break even ormaintain the current level of profits.Although a few producers may make products to last, it is understandablehow these companies can be driven out of existence. If a new competitorenters the market with a similar product that has a shorter life but asubstantially lower price, then they will probably s teal major portions ofthe other company's market share. The effects depend heavily upon theconsumer’s perception of quality and what the custo mers requirements fromthe product actually are.For example, consumers may decide between two typesof automobiles. One carmay be built to last a long time but may not hav e the performance or be ascomfortable as another car that is cheaper. So most consumers wouldpurchase the cheaper car even though it may not la st-as long as the heavy-duty car. Consumers may not realize that the more expensive car is ofhigher quality in the sense that it will last long er and will not bewilling to pay the extra cost.Consumer decisions also depend on what consumers are actually looking forin a product. Consumers typically get tired of driv ing the same car formany years and want to buy new cars fairly often. This tendency forcesproducers to keep costs low enough to allow low en ough prices for people tobuy cars often. People don’t want cars to last forever.In conclusion, producers are in the situation that they're in due toexternal forces from the consumers. Producers must c ompete and they havefound the best way satisfy the majority of the con sumers.6分作文:Many people feel that products are not made to las t, and correspondingly,many natural and human resources are wasted. On the other hand, it can benoted that such manufacturing practices keep costs d own and hence stimulatedemand. In this discussion, I shall present argument s favoring the formerstatement and refuting the latter statement. Products that are not made to last waste a great deal of natural and humanresources. The exact amount of wasted natural resour ces depends on thespecific product. For example in the automobile indu stry, the Yugo is theclassic example of an underpriced vehicle that was not made to last.Considering that the average Yugo had (not “has”since they are no longerproduced! ) a life expectancy of two years and 25, 000 miles, it was aterrible waste.Automobile industry standards today create vehicles t hat are warranted forabout five years and 50, 000 miles. By producing c heap Yugos that last lessthan half as long as most cars are warranted, the Yugo producer is wastingvaluable natural resources. These same resources coul d be used by Ford orToyota to produce an Escort or Tercel that will la st twice as long, therebyreducing the usage of natural resources by a factor of two.Human resources in this example are also wasteful. On the production side,manufacturers of a poor quality automobile, like the Yugo, get no personalor profession satisfaction from the fact that their product is the worstautomobile in the United States. This knowledge adve rsely affects theproductivity of the Yugo workers.Conversely, the workers at the Saturn plants constan tly receive positivefeedback on their successful products. Saturn prides itself with itsreputation for quality and innovation as is seen in its recent massiverecall to fix a defect. This recall was handled so well that Saturn's imagewas actually bolstered. Had a recall occurred at a Yugo plant, the badsituation would have become even worse.Another factor in the human resources area is thereaction by the consumer.A great deal of human resources have been wasted b y Yugo owners waiting forthe dreaded tow truck to show up to haul away the Yugo carcass. Any vehicleowner who is uncertain of his/her vehicle's performa nce at 7 AM as he/sheis about to drive to work, senses a great deal of despair. This is a greatwaste of human resources for the consumer.While the consumer senses the waste of natural and human resources in apoor quality product, so does the manufacturer. Peop le who argue that lowquality manufacturing processes keep costs low for t he consumer and hencestimulate demand should look at the Yugo example. I n the mid-1998’s theYugo was by far the cheapest car in the United St ates at $ 3995. By 1991,the Yugo was no longer sold here and was synonymous with the word “lemon.”Case Study 2:“The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they wantand then advise them how to attain it.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinionexpressed above. Support your point of view with re asons and/or examplesfrom your own experiences, observations, or reading. Student EssayWhen I was in Senior Middle School, I was an exce llent student. And all myteachers believed that I would enter into a first-class university andwould have a splendid future. Unfortunately, just be fore the EntranceExamination, l met an accident and laid down in be d for several months. Atlast, I was only admitted by a second-class university. With greatdisappointment, I felt that my future was nothing b ut darkness. And also Iwas afraid of being blamed by my patents.Mother saw through my thoughts. She borrowed several instructive books forme and seldom mentioned the exams. For the first t ime, my parents asked forseveral days off and took me to Qingdao--the most famous scenic spot ofChina --for vacation. Along the seaside, Mother talked with me for manytimes. I can still clearly remember what she said:“The ways to successare different. If you keep positive and make effort s continuously, Ibelieve that you will be no less excellent than th ose from first-classuniversities.”At last, eternity? Ask yourself what are you going to be inthe future. Try your best, and you will reach yourgoal. "For so many years, Mother' s words seems to have inscribed in my heart andlead me to gain successes one after another. From this personal experience,I fully understand and agree that the best way to give advice to otherpeople is to find out what they want and then adv ise them how to attain it.------------------------------------------------第五课时完-----------------------------------------------Revised EssayWhat is the best way to give advice to other peop le? The arguer claims thatthe best way is to find out what other people wan t and then advise them howto attain it. While I admit that many people do g ive advice by catering toother people’s desires, I maintain that this method oversimplifies theissue and often proves both harmful and ineffective. In the first place, people very often have no clea r idea of what theyreally want. My personal experience is a case in p oint. When I was inSenior Middle School, I was an excellent student. M oreover, all my teachersbelieved that I would enter a first-class university and would have asplendid future. Unfortunately, just before the Entra nce Examination, I hadan accident and had to lie in bed for several mon ths. As a result, I wasadmitted only by a second-class university, which pushed me to the brink of despair. At this decisive moment of my life, my mo ther came to my rescue.By recommending to me instructive books on life, by talking with me heartto heart, by taking me on a trip to the beach, m other convinced me that thegoal of my life was to live a successful and happ y life rather than to goto a famous university, and that the ways to succe ss are various. In thisway my mother saved me out of the crisis of my l ife not simply by findingout what I wanted and then advising me how to att ain it, but by patientlyenlightening me on the essential meaning and purpose of life, making merealize that what I took for granted as my aim of life was not what Ireally needed.In the second place, more often than not what peop le want is not what isbest for them. A naive child may want to quit sch ool; a patient sufferingfrom TB may want to smoke; a jobless young man ma y want to commit suicide----this list can go on and on. In all these situations, should we simply findout what they want and advise them how to attain it? Obviously not.Admittedly, it would be unwise to ignore the simple fact that people aredifferent. As we know, excessive interference with o ther people’s lifetends to threaten their freedom and independence, ca using hostility andconfrontation. Therefore, when offering advice to oth er people, we shouldbe very sensitive to their unique feelings and desi res, knowing thatindividual human beings have the inalienable right t o make choices in theirlife and that they themselves will be responsible f or the results of theirdecision-making.In conclusion, I do not agree that the best way t o advise people is simplyto find out what they desire and help them achieveit. In my estimation,the pitfalls of such a technique outweigh its poten tial advantages. To be aresponsible advisor, we should take into account far more intricate factorsrelevant to the person to be advised.十一、Issue的立场问题评分依据是:是否有效地支持了你的立场Taking a Position:1. Agreeing with concession2. Disagreeing with concession3. Refusing to take sides4. Agreeing5. Disagreeing十二、是非问题例文分析Case Study 3:"The rise of multinational corporations is leading t o global homogeneity.People everywhere arc beginning to want the same pr oducts and services, andregional difference are rapidly disappearing." "homogeneity: sameness,similarity."Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinionexpressed above. Support your point of view with re asons and/or examplesbased on your own experience, your observations, or your reading.Student's EssayDuring the past few decades, multinational corporatio ns have successfullyimplemented strategies expanding themselves into almos t every comer of theworld. The products and services they provide are a lmost the same, leadingto global homogeneity, indeed.The most prominent corporation among all has to be McDonald Inc. There isreally no doubt that McDonald is a pioneer in glob alizing its most producedand yet very -- American --taste hamburgers. Some 6 years ago in China, People usually did not care for foreign food. Very few people ever knew thetaste of cheese, a symbol of difference in oriental and Western food.However, McDonald proved to be huge success in Chin a. The first branch itopened in Beijing is the largest among its thousand s franchises.Hamburgers, French fries, Big Mac are becoming house hold words in China.Especially among the younger generations, going to M cDonald once in a whilebecomes a routine activity in life, just as kids i n other parts of theworld do.There is really no better place than China that ca n demonstrate howhomogeneous our world has become. Another great exam ple is Coca Cola.Everyone hated the taste when they drank Coca Colain the first time. InChina, the taste is so different from the tradition al soft drinks sold inChina, which mainly feature sweet taste and fruit f lavor. The color of theCoke is also not liked because of its similarity t o most herbal medicinefluids. But it seems that people simply want Coca Cola because they seepeople drink it and love it in other countries. Pe ople's tastes can change,and they did gradually. Now Coca Cola is the best sold soft drink in China,and in many other countries where Coke was original ly disliked.These all have to be attributed to the financial p ower of multinationalcorporations. With superior financial strength and su ccessful products andservices, these giants are shaping the world and th e people living in itinto their own favor, making people want the same products and services,and regional differences have been disappearing. Revised EssayWhy are people everywhere beginning to want the sam e products and services?Why are regional differences rapidly disappearing? Th e arguer asserts thatit is the rise of multinational corporations that i s leading to this globalhomogeneity. We don’t have to look very far to se e the validity of thisargument.During the past few decades, multinational corporatio ns have successfullyimplemented strategies expanding themselves into almos t every corner of theworld, bringing the same products and standard servi ces to customers ofdifferent countries and regions. The most striking e xample among all isperhaps McDonald Inc, which has miraculously globaliz ed its mass-producedAmerican-flavored hamburger all over the world. Take China f or an example.Some 6 years ago, Chinese people did not care for foreign food; very fewpeople knew the taste of cheese--a symbol of difference between Orientaland Western food. However, with its overwhelming adv ertising campaigns,with its efficient management, with its standardized foods and services,McDonald’s has proved to be a great success, turni ng Hamburger, Frenchfries, Big Mac into household words in China.In addition to McDonald’s,Coca-Cola is another striking example of theglobalizing trend in world culture. Today almost in every country of theworld, people instinctively think of Coca-Cola when they want to drinksomething. Obviously, with the rapid emergence of nu merous multinationalcorporations like McDonald and Coca-Cola, people of different races andcultures are more and more likely to eat, drink, w ear and use uniformcommodities.Admittedly, the rise of multinational corporations is not the only factorthat has contributed to the global homogeneity. Firs t, the more and moreprosperous international travel has provided people o f every nation withmore and more opportunities to visit and learn from foreign cultures.Second, television has made it possible for people of different places tounderstand and imitate each other’s way of life. L ast but not least, theInternet is connecting every office and family, turning the whole worldinto a global village.In conclusion, while numerous other factors have con tributed to and arestill adding to the globalizing trend, the rise of multinationalcorporations is certainly one major force in shaping a homogeneous world.------------------------------------------------第六课时完-----------------------------------------------Case Study 4:"Every business decision is based on the profit mot ive. Even charity has asits ultimate goal generating good will for the pers on or group doing thecharity."Assuming that the term "business decision" is broad enough to include thedecisions of any decision-making authority--an individual, a family, asmall business or a large corporation--explain whether you think that thispoint is valid. In your discussion, use reasons and /or examples drawn fromyour own experience, observation, or reading.Stude nt’s EssayMany people believe that profit motive is the base of every businessdecision. Even ultimate goal of people or groups is to make profit whenthey are doing charity. I think that sometimes peop le make decision basedon profit , but it is not always true.The claims may be real and understandable under cer tain circumstances. Inorder to remain in existence, people or organization s must get profit. Forexample, a food-processing company may donor its products to Africa children, so it can solve its excessive store, geta good reputation andpublicity its products. At last, it can gain ultima te its aim--making moremoney.Although this thing may be happening in our lives, I think it is notconsistent with general facts. I believe many people 's decision rests onlove sympathy, humanity and other things. The famous nurse--Nightingale isa good example: She was born in a rich family and she could live in a cozy,fortunate life. But she chose to be a nurse and d evoted her life to thewound and the poor. Nobody can say what all she d id is to make profit.In conclusion, I hold that business decision sometim es is based on theprofit motive, but in most cases, it is based on people's emotion orcharacter.Revised EssayMany people believe that profit motive is the basis of every businessdecision. Furthermore, they claim that the ultimate goal of every people orgroup including charity organizations is to make pro fit. In my opinion, itis true that people often make decisions by calcula ting profit, but it isunfounded to assert that any decision-making is motivated by profit.The arguer's claim may be true and understandable u nder certaincircumstances. For one thing, in order to survive i n the economic world,people or organizations have to make profit. As we know, the first thingthat people must do on earth is to survive. Withou t adequate profit out ofinvestment, no single human being or organization ca n make a living. Foranother, individuals or organizations are instinctivel y dissatisfied withwhat they have already achieved. They strive for fu rther development, forgreater success and hence for higher profit. For ex ample, a food-processingcompany may donate its products to African children so that it can not onlyreduce its overstocking products, but also win a go od reputation andpublicize its products. As it turns out, the ultima te result is alwaysexpectedly rewarding--big bucks.Although people all over the world spare no pains to seek fortune throughvarious means, it is unwise for us to conclude tha t any decision-making isnecessarily profit-oriented. First, some examples of altruism are diffi cultto explain in terms of self-interest alone. The famous nurse Nightingale isa good example. Born in a rich family, she could naturally live a cozy,fortunate life. But she chose to be a nurse and d evoted all her life to thewounded and the poor. Nobody can say for sure that all she did is to makeprofit. Second, this argument is not consistent with the fact that humanmotivation is far too complex. Many of our daily d ecisions rest on love,sympathy, humanity and other things. Finally, it is ridiculous to lumptogether "profit" and "good will". Obviously, these two terms are notinterchangeable.In conclusion, the arguer oversimplifies human nature . Although businessdecisions and many of our daily decisions are based on the profit motive,it would be too cynical to assume that profit isthe only thing thatmotivates people in the world. I wonder if the spe aker has any hiddenprofit motive in making this argument, which is cer tainly not a profitableidea.Part Three: Summary十三、Language Skills1. Sentence VarietyExample 1:Change: Beijing’s streets are crowded with taxis, c ompany cars and privatevehicles owned by the newly affluent. The number ha s been rising rapidly inthe last few years. The latest statistics show ther e are now 1.2 millionvehicles in Beijing alone.To: Taxis, company cars and private vehicles owned by the newly affluenthave crammed Beijing’s streets in rising numbers in the last few years--1.2 million vehicles at last count.Example 2:Change: Thousands of buildings met the same fate. T his alone is now beingpreserved. It marks the center of the nuclear explo sion. It is beingpreserved as a symbol. It symbolizes our wish that there be no moreHiroshimas.To: Of the thousands of buildings that met the same fate, this alone,marking the center of the nuclear explosion, is now being preserved tosymbolize our wish that there be no more Hiroshimas. Example 3:Change: It was quite obvious at that time that IQ equals intelligence.Since then, however, many people have seriously crit icized the idea.To: The idea that IQ equals intelligence seemed obv ious at the time but hassince come under much criticism.2. Parallel StructureExample 1:Change: He retired respected by his associates, admi red by his friends, andhis employees loved him.To: He retired respected by his associates, admired by his friends, andLoved by his employees.Example 2:Change: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, h ad fought in the Anti-Japanese War, and following the Nationalist Party to Chongking.To: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, had fought in the Anti-JapaneseWar, and had followed the Nationalist Party to Chon gking.Example 3:Change: This could be a problem for both the winne rs and for those who lose.To: This could be a problem for both the winners and the losers.Example 4:Change: The sentences are difficult to understand, n ot because they arelong but they are obscure.To: The sentences are difficult to understand, not because they are longbut because they are obscure.Example 5:Change: He explained that the advertising campaign h ad been successful,business had increased more than forty percent, and additional capital wassorely needed.To: He explained that the advertising campaign had been successful, thatbusiness had increased more than forty percent, and that additional capitalwas sorely needed.3. Attributive ClauseExample 1:Change: It is a truth that is universally acknowled ged that a single man inpossession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.To: It is a truth that is universally acknowledged that a single man inpossession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.Example 2:Change: Only a person who is oblivious to the fact s of modern life woulddoubt the need of vocational education today.To: Only a person oblivious to the facts of modern life would doubt theneed of vocational education today.4. Pronouns1) Change: He wanted his teachers to think he was above average, as hecould have been if he had used it to advantage. To: He wanted his teachers to think he was aboveaverage, as he could havebeen if he had used his ability to advantage.2) Change: My sister is a biology teacher, it isa profession I knownothing about.To: My sister is a biology teacher, but the teaching of biology is aprofession I know nothing about.3) Change: We should have prepared for our examinat ion earlier. It is toolate to do it now.To: We should have prepared for our examination ear lier. It is too late now.5. Punctuation Marks冒号:1) Most sports programs, despite their excesses, man age to promote the oldvirtues such as self-confidence, personal responsibility, teamwork, persistence, the ability to win and lose with grace.2) For Omar Khayyam, a Persian Poet, three thingsare necessary for aparadise on earth: a loaf of bread, a jug of wine , and one’s beloved.破折号:1) What he lacked in intelligence--and he lacked a good deal--he made upfor in physical strength.2) In many parts of the developing world, life’s basic necessities--food,clothing, shelter, and taxes--gobble up people’s earnings.3) Every afternoon, Larry has two hours of track p ractice. He has followedthe same routine five days a week since he was se ven--all in hopes ofwinning a college athletic scholarship and eventually a shot at theOlympics.4) Government is only as good as the man in it--which is why it needs morewomen.分号:1) The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feed.2) Science needs to live alongside religion, philoso phy, history andesthetic experience; alone it can lead to great har m.3) According to one national survey, high school bo ys expected a startingsalary of $19,500 for their first full-time job; on the other hand, highschool girls expected a starting salary of only $15 ,000.括号:1) For a long time (too long as far as I’m conc erned), women were thoughtto be inferior to men.2) We think (unless we live in a research laborato ry), that we have nothingto discover, and the only things of the utmost imp ortance to us concern thepresent of the man.十四、Prep Tips1. Recite the outlines;2. Prepare essay frames;3. Write as many essays as possible according to y our conditions;4. Read and recite sample essays and the materials in the KIT of my book;5. Learn to revise your own essays according to the following checklist:作文自查清单1).是否针对题目写作,有没有跑题?2).结构是否合理,有无完整的开头、正文(2到3段)和结尾?3).是否在开头段提出了自己的立场?4).中间段落每段是否有主题句(topic sentence)?5).中间段落每段是否用事例或理由支持该段的主题句?6).是否使用连接词使文章上下文连贯、通顺?7).每段是否有句式变换?8).结尾段是否总结了自己的理由并重申了自己的立场?9).语言方面是否有下列错误:大小写错误、标点符号错误、拼写错误、串句、错位修饰、排比错误、主谓语不一致、定语从句错误、时态错误、名词单复数错误、搭配错误、词性错误、用词不当,等等?十五、SuggestionsPractice makes perfect.。



1. 开头部分-开门见山不要绕来绕去,特别是应试作文。




2. 正文部分-先声夺人网上有人喜欢在阐述自己的观点前,说说反方的观点。







第2-3 句话,具体解释阐述第4-5 句话,举例最后一句话,总结一下。




理想结构如下:第一句话,某某东东不仅仅....... (不仅仅的内容是对第一段的概括),而且...... (而且的内容是本段的中心)-这种结构,我称为,环环相扣。





3. 转折部分-滴水不漏。




我的目的在于告诉看文章的人: 我的论证滴水不漏!具体做法有如下:a. 反对党说,你说东东其实是有缺点的。













c. 反对党说,你说东东其实是有缺点的。






d. 反对党说,你说东东其实是有什么什么问题的。



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标题:孙远--GMAT作文--讲义尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】孙远--GMAT作文--讲义一、考试指南GMAT作文考两篇作文,一篇是一个是非问题分析(Analysis of an Issue); 另一篇作文是一个逻辑问题分析(Analysis of an Argument)。



1. 逻辑问题分析例文The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X.“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements ne eded at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-levelmanagement, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees atCompany X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative, explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.2. 是非问题分析例文“Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.GMAT作文题库是怎么回事GMAT作文的评分标准GMAT作文如何阅卷和评分二、课程安排1. 教学内容Part One:Analysis of an ArgumentCase Study 1Case Study 2Case Study 3Case Study 4Part Two:Analysis of an IssueCase Study 1Case Study 2Case Study 3Case Study 4Part Three:Summary1.Language Skills2.Prep Tips2. 教学方法(1)案例分析逻辑分析(4个)是非分析(4个)(2)作文的结构和模式(3)论证方法(4)语言问题Part One三、逻辑问题例文分析Case Study 1:The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper.“The computerized onboard warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions. One plane’s warning system can receive signals from another’s transponder--a radio set that signals a plane’s course--in order to determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative, explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.2分作文:This argument has no information about air collisions. I think most cases happen is new airports because the air traffic is heavy. In this case sound airport control could solve the problem.I think this argument is logically reasonable. Its assumption is that plane collisions are caused by planes that don’t know each others positions. So pilots can do nothing, if they know each other’s position through the system it will solve the problem. If it can provide evidence the problem is lack of knowledge of each other’s positions, it wi ll be more sound and persuasive.More information about air collisions is helpful, (the reason for air collisions)------------------------------------------------第一课时完-----------------------------------------------4分作文The argument is not logically convincing. It does not state whether all planes can receive signals from each other. It does not state whether planes constantly receive signals. If they only receive signals once every certain time interval, collisions will not definitely be prevented. Further if they receive a signal right before they are about to crash, they cannot avoid each other.The main flaw in the argument is that it assumes that the two planes, upon receiving each other’s signals, will know which evasive action to take. For example, the two planes could be going towards each other and then receive the signals. If one turns at an angle to the left and the other turns at an angle to the right, the two planes will still crash. Even if they receive an updated signal, they will not have time, to avoid each other.The following argument would be more sound and persuasive. The new warning system will solve the problem of midair plane collisions.Each plane will receive constant, continual signals from each other. If the two planes are headed in a direction where they will crash, the system will coordinate the signals and tell one plane to go one way, and the other plane to go another way. The new system will ensure that the two planes will turn in different directions so they don’t crash by trying to prevent the original crash. In addition, the planes will be able to see themselves and the other on a computer screen, to aid in the evasive action.6分作文:The argument that this warning system will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions omits some important concerns that be addressed to substantiate the argument. The statement that follows the description of what this warning system will do simply describes the system and how it operates.This alone does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the warning system, and it certainly does not provide support or proof of the main argument.Most conspicuously, the argument does not address the cause of the problem of air plane collisions, the use of the system by pilots and flight specialists, or who is involved in the midair plane collisions. First, the argument assumes that the cause of the problem is that the planes’ courses, the likelihood of collisions, and actions to avoid collisions are unknown or inaccurate. But if the cause of the problem of midair plane collisions is that pilots are not paying attention to their computer systems or flight operations, the warning system will not solve the collision problem. Second, the argument never addresses the interface between individuals and the system and how this will affect the warning system’s objective of obliterating the problem of collisions. If the pilot or flight specialist does not conform to what the warning system suggests, air collisions will not be avoided. Finally, if planes other than commercial airliners are involved in the collisions, the problem of these collisions cannot be solved by a warning system that will not be installed on non-commercial airliners. The argument also does not address what would happen in the event that the warning system collapsed, falls, or does not work properly.Because the argument leaves out several key issues, it is not sound or persuasive. If it included the items discussed above instead of solely explaining what the system supposedly does, the argument would have been more thorough and convincing.Case Study 2:The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum: “On average, 9 out of every 1000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines in 1993 filed a complaint about our luggage-handing procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia's passengers.”Discuss how logically convincing you find this argument. In explaining your point of view, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. Also discuss what, if anything, would make the argument more sound and persuasive, or would help you to better evaluate its conclusion.Student EssayIn Avia Airlines's survey, nearly 1 present of its passengers were unhappy with its baggage-handling procedures. The result sounds good. But the small pool of samples in regard with all passengers, the weakness of procedure of complaint, and other reasons below will weaken the result, or draw to an opposite conclusion .Avia Airlines can only survive by transporting hundreds of thousands of passengers each years. Many passengers who were not satisfied with its baggage-handling procedures maybe did not write down a complaint. Assuming that only one percent of those unsatisfied passengers complained in written forms, the number of unsatisfied would be 900 out of every 1000 passenger. It is a horrible ratio. Avia Airlines could be murdered by the remaining 899 unsatisfied ones.To 1000, 9 seems a very small ratio. But if the first of the nine unsatisfied passengers is President Clinton, the story is attactive to most reporters. In some hours or days, Avia Arline will exist in newspapers, magazines, TV sports, reports and Internet. This kind of free advertisement will surely bomb AA to sky.Avia Airlines has too many competitors in and out of USA. Clients of other Airlines, for instance, Singapore. Airlines or Japan Airlines may have no complaints about baggage-handling procedures. AA may gradually loose more and more of its passengers and die out.So AA' s conclusion would. be absurd through reasoning. Unsatisfied passengers who did not complain, the famous persons who complained, and competitors with no unsatisfied passengers all will make disastrous result for the Avia Airlines. So a review of the procedure is very important to its goal of maintaining or increasing the number of passengers.Revised EssayIn this argument, the arguer concludes that a review of Avia Airline's baggage-handling procedures will not further its goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia passengers. To support this conclusion, the arguer points out that only one percent of passengers who traveled on Avia last year filed a complaint. In addition, the arguer reasons that the great majority of Avia passengers are happy with baggage handling at the airline. This argumentsuffers from two critical flaws.In the first place, the argument turns on the assumption that the 99 percent of Avia passengers who did not complain were happy with the airline's baggage-handling procedures. However, the arguer provides no evidence to support this assumption. The fact that, on average, 9 out of 1000 passengers took the time and effort to formally complain indicates nothing about the experiences or attitudes of the remaining 991. It is possible that many passengers were displeased but too busy to formally complain, while others had no opinion at all. Lacking more complete information about passengers' attitudes, we cannot assume that the great majority of passengers who did not complain were happy.In the second place, in the absence of information about the number of passengers per flight and about the complaint records of competing airlines, the statistics presented in the memorandum might distort the seriousness of the problem. Given that most modern aircrafts carry as many as 300 to 500 passengers, it is possible that Avia received as many as 4 or 5 complaints per flight. The arguer unfairly trivializes this record. Moreover, the arguer fails to compare Avia's record with those of its competitors. It is possible that a particular competitor received virtually no baggage-handling complaints last year. If so, Avia's one percent complaint rate might be significant enough to motivate customers to switch to another airline.In conclusion, the arguer fails to demonstrate that a review of the baggage-handling procedures at Avia Airlines is not needed to maintain or increase the number of Avia's passengers. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence that most Avia passengers last year were indeed happy with baggage-handling procedures. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about the numbers of Avia passengers per flight last year and about the baggage-handling records of Avia's competitors.------------------------------------------------第二课时完-----------------------------------------------四、Argument开头段模式训练.写作的开头尤其重要.事先准备一个开头模式.进行适当调整.已经提出的模式:第一段(4句话):第一句归纳原论证结论(In this argument, the arguer concludes that)第二句话指出原论证一个方面的论据(To support this conclusion, the arguer pointsout that)第三句话指出另一个方面论据(In addition, the arguer reasons that)第四句话表明对论述的基本判断(此判断有逻辑方面的缺陷)Sample 1:Argument Question :The following appeared as part of an article in a trade magazine for breweries."Magic Hat Brewery recently released the results of a survey of visitors to its tasting room last year. Magic Hat reports that the majority of visitors asked to taste its low-calorie beers. To boost sales, other small breweries should brew low-calorie beers as well."开头段:In this argument, the arguer concludes that all small breweries should brew low-calorie beers in order to increase sales. To support this conclusion, the arguer points out that most visitors to the tasting room of Magic Hat Brewery showed interest in its low-calorie beers. In addition, the arguer reasons that since most visitors like to taste thelow-calorie beers of Magic Hat Brewery, most customers of other small breweries would also like to buy low-calorie beers. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless it is.Sample 2:Argument Question :The following appeared as part of an article in the book section on a newspaper."Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form-either free-of-charge on the Internet or for a very low price-per-book in compact disc.* Thus literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever before. People who couldn't have purchased these works at bookstore prices will now be able to read them for little or no money; similarly, people who find it inconvenient to visit libraries and wait for books to be returned by other patrons will now have access to whatever classic they choose from their home or work computers. This increase in access to literary classics will radically affect the public taste in reading, creating a far more sophisticated and learned reading audience than has ever existed before."*A compact disc is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.开头段:In this argument, the arguer concludes that the increasing availability of books in electronic form will automatically bring about a far more sophisticated and learned reading audience. To support this conclusion, the arguer points out that the Internet and compact discs have made it more convenient for readers to find, buy or read books. In addition, the arguer reasons that since more people have easier access to literary classics, tasteful readers will emerge in large numbers. This argument is flawed in two major aspects.五、逻辑问题例文分析Case Study 3:The following appeared in the editorial section of a newspaper.“As public concern over drug abuse has increased, authorities have become more vigilant in their effort to prevent illegal drugs from entering the country. Many drug traffickers have consequently switched from marijuana, which is bulky, or heroin, which has a market too small to justify the risk of severe punishment, to cocaine. Thus enforcement efforts have ironically resulted in an observed increase in the illegal use of cocaine.”Student EssayThe argument that enforcement effort over illegal drag trade, incurred by the increase of public concern over drug abuse, resulted in an observed increase in the illegal use of cocaine sound reasonable at first. But the fact that movement against drag abuse is the venture of all human being and all the responsibility of all governments, and other reasons below will weak the result, or draw to an opposite conclusion.Drug abuse brings us human being nothing but a disaster, mental aberration, debilitated health, career desolation, family breakage and people’s totally out of control. No doubt, however small the result will be, every government should take some action against drug abuse, make people way from illegal drugs and bring a steady and health society.All kinds of illegal drugs, not only cocaine, endangers our lives. Considering the enforcement effort over illegal drugs, we should view the efforts over the total amount of marijuana, heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs. Since many drug traffickers have consequently switched from marijuana and heroin to cocaine because of government’s action, We can not tell the change on the total amount of drugs if, with the dramatic decrease of marijuana and heroin, this total amount decreased as the result of enforcement. We can claim that opposite the argument, the enforcement of effort do overawe the drug traffickers.The argument also tells us that government’s efforts to prevent illegal drugs from entering the country had effectively made drug traffickers switched form marijuana and heroin to cocaine, which means with the decrease on marijuana and heroin, the government can focus their effort on cocaine. We can see the bright future that authorities will effectively beat the cocaine traffickers just as they beat the marijuana and heroin traffickers.So the argument’s conclusion would absurd though reasoning. The authorities action did some efforts to the illegal drug abuse they should continue the enforcement against drug abuse, with efficiency.Revised EssayIn this argument, the arguer concludes that the government’s efforts to prevent illegal drugs from entering the country have resulted in an obvious increase in the illegal use of cocaine. To support this conclusion, the arguer points out that the authorities’ more vigilant efforts to thwart the illegal drug traffic in the country have forced drug traffickers to switch from marijuana and heroin to cocaine. In addition, the arguer reasons that the increase in thesupply of cocaine has resulted in its increasing use. This argument commits two critical fallacies.In the first place, this argument commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The arguer assumes that an increase in the supply of cocaine is sufficient to bring about an increase in its use. While the supply of cocaine may be one of the contributing factors to its use, it is insufficient. The presumption required to substantiate this view is that drug users are not particular about which drugs they use, so that if marijuana and heroin are not available, they will switch to whatever drug is available--cocaine in this case. This assumption is not reasonable. Marijuana, heroin, and cocaine are not alike in their effects on users; nor are they alike in the manner in which they are ingested or in their addictive properties. The view that drug users’ choice of drugs is simply a function of supply overlooks these important differences. Besides, the argument is self-contradictory. If it were true, as stated by the arguer, that cocainetrafficking is both safer than the bulky marijuana and more profitable than heroin that has a small market, this fact alone would have motivated the drug traffickers to switch to cocaine. In this case, the government enforcement effort should not be held accountable for the rise in the use of cocaine.GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。
