



Although in flasher program CSC file seems to let you select languages, CSC file just have possible language choices, but not the files/settings corresponding to those languages. Those are all packed in the PDA part (NB0 or MST)."
Phone (.bin): the radio/GPS fir Nhomakorabeaware
Sorg suggests not to flash the phone part as it may cause problems of compatibility in case of downgrading the rom or if your phone is locked to some operator. He also stated that there is no benefit in it, while other users reports different performance in the GPS fix, etc... honestly I have no idea on the subject, but so far no user reported any actual problems for flashing the Phone part.

摩托罗拉XT800+ 刷机教程2.55

摩托罗拉XT800+ 刷机教程2.55


如果你的手机是摩托罗拉发售的机器XT800+,软件版本应为以下版本:;2.200.13;;2.200.21;2.45.0;2.52.0.其中1.200.36.7;2.200.13;;2.200.21是基于Android Froyo版本的。

2.45.0;2.52.0是基于Android 2.3版本的。

XT800+__M6-为1.200.36.7版本的原始刷机包,有两个sbf文件:BL_7051_4G_ttupg_HS_Consumer_replacer.sbf和TTUPG_M6_1.200.36.7_SIGNED_GSATTNUPPRCCT005.0R_HWp0_ user_1FF.sbf(1) 升级手机到Android 2.2的最新版本2.200.21a)>2.200.21 升级包b) 2.200.13 -> 2.200.21 升级包c) -> 2.200.21 升级包(2) 升级手机到Android 2.3.6的最新版本2.52.0a)2.200.21 -> 2.45.0 升级包b)2.45.0 -> 2.52.0 升级包上述升级包的下载地址:/Consumers/CN-ZH/_IndependentPages/XT800 plus升级注意:1、Android 2.3. 6的最新版本2.52.0升级包官方下载地址:/staticfi ... 0_Signed_update.zip如果地址不能直接下载请到官方页面直接下载:/Consumers/CN-ZH/_IndependentPages/X T800plus2、如果你的xt800+已经ROOT,请刷回官方版本并且不能root,否则无法使用升级包。



3、 点 击 “ Scatter-loading ” 按 扭 , 弹 出 对 话 框 , 选 择 目 标 文 件 ( 如 : MT6573_Android_scatter.txt)并打开。
4、 点击“options”,选择 DA Download All—Battery—Without Battery
7、等待黄色进度条走完,出现 “OK”提示框时,即升级完毕,开机查看,如图 所示。
智能手机 SP_Flash_Tool_v2.1125.01 单串口下载工具说明
1、 先安装所需的端口驱动程序 2、打开文件夹"FlashTool_v2.1125.01",启动"Flash_tool.exe"。如图所示。
Ebest手机-M”,选择 DA Download All—speed—high speed
格式化下载点击 Format->Download 按钮/不格式化下载点击 Download, 连接 PC 及手机, 直至底下进度条出现红色滚条, 红色进程条 100%后开始 下载,如图所示。

EB8000 使用说明

EB8000 使用说明

EB8000 使用说明EB8000 使用说明1.介绍1.1 产品概述EB8000 是一款多功能电子设备,基于最新的技术开发而成。


1.2 主要特性- 高清晰度显示屏,显示效果优秀。

- 强大的处理器,运行速度快。

- 多种功能应用,满足不同需求。

2.开箱准备2.1 内容物EB8000 使用说明书、电源适配器、USB 数据线、配件包等。

2.2 外观检查请检查产品外观是否有损坏或缺陷,并清理产品表面。

2.3 电源连接将电源适配器插入EB8000的电源接口,然后将电源适配器插入电源插座。

3.基本操作3.1 开机/关机按下电源键,EB8000 将开机。

长按电源键,EB8000 将关机。

3.2 屏幕操作EB8000 使用触摸屏操作,单击、滑动等操作方式。

3.3 菜单导航EB8000 提供了直观的菜单导航界面,用户可以通过菜单导航进行各种功能的设置和操作。

4.功能设置4.1 语言设置用户可以在设置菜单中选择所需的语言。

4.2 显示设置用户可以根据需要设置屏幕亮度、屏幕休眠时间等显示参数。

4.3 网络设置用户可以根据实际网络环境设置网络连接方式,如无线网络、移动数据等。

4.4 应用管理用户可以通过应用管理界面进行应用的安装、卸载、更新等操作。

5.常见问题解答5.1 为什么无法正常开机?- 检查电池电量是否充足。

- 检查电源连接是否稳定。

5.2 如何重置EB8000?按下电源键和音量上键同时长按约10秒钟,直到设备重新启动。

6.附件本文档附件:- EB8000 使用说明书(PDF 格式)。

7.法律名词及注释- 本文档中出现的法律名词及注释仅供参考,请遵守当地法律法规。





操作步骤一、下载升级包1.U盘接入电脑,打开天赐系统升级包官方下载页面: 下载天赐系统升级包:8S05_E800_TC2s.0.rar ;2.请务必将下载好的升级包(8S05_E800_TC2.0.rar)在电脑中解压,将解压后获得的四个文件(8S05_E800_V2.0.0.zip;MstarUpgrade.bin;说明.txt;刷机攻略(附图).doc)存储于U盘根目录下。


二、升级系统温馨提示:系统升级过程分为两次,请仔细阅读升级教程!1.将下载解压好文件的U盘插到电视USB接口上;2.打开电视,按遥控器主页键,打开电视系统主页界面,按遥控器菜单键,选择【设置】选项,或于主页中直接进入【设置】选项;进入设置中的【高级设置】选项,在高级设置中找到【本地升级】服务;3.遥控器确定键打开【本地升级】服务,找到之前下载并存储好的8S05_E800_V1.0.0.zip 文件并按遥控器确定键,选择【确定】升级;4.电视屏幕中出现绿色机器人画面时,代表进入第一次系统升级过程,升级完成电视会自动重启,重启完成后,请手动关闭电视机电源;请注意:出现安卓小绿人后,会继续安装,重启,重启中出现天赐开机页面,然后进入到“模拟电视”的显示页面(如果没有接模拟电视线,会麻点的屏幕)。





米德手控器刷机教程(一)米德手控器刷机教程准备工作•确保米德手控器电量充足•下载米德手控器刷机工具包•安装ADB驱动程序解锁米德手控器1.连接米德手控器和电脑,确保电脑可以正常识别手控器2.打开ADB命令行工具,并输入以下命令:adb devices确认米德手控器已连接成功3.输入以下命令来解锁米德手控器:adb shellsusettings put secure user_setup_complete 0exitadb reboot手控器将会重启并进入刷机模式刷机操作1.连接米德手控器和电脑,确保电脑可以正常识别手控器2.打开刷机工具包,并按照工具包中的说明进行安装和配置3.在刷机工具包中选择适合米德手控器的ROM版本,并开始刷机4.等待刷机过程完成,手控器将会自动重启完成刷机1.刷机完成后,米德手控器将进入新的系统界面2.进行系统设置和个人账户登录3.安装所需的应用程序和游戏注意事项•刷机有一定风险,请谨慎操作,切勿随意中断刷机过程•与刷机相关的软件和工具仅供技术交流和研究使用,请勿用于非法用途•刷机后可能会导致手控器的保修失效,请谨慎考虑•在刷机过程中,遵循工具包和刷机教程的指示,不要进行错误的操作以上是关于米德手控器刷机的详细教程,希望能对你有所帮助。




2.打开ADB命令行工具,并输入以下命令来查看设备是否连接成功:adb devices如果设备列表中显示了米德手控器的设备号,表示连接成功。

3.输入以下命令来备份数据:adb backup -all -f backup.ab这将会备份所有应用及其数据,备份文件将保存在电脑上。






eb8000使用说明书目录第一章 WEINVIEW HMI 的分类和关于 EasyBuilder8000 软件...............21.1 WEINVIEW 新一代人机界面的分类 (2)1.2 关于 EasyBuilder8000 软件 (2)第二章 EasyBuilder8000 软件的安装...................................5 2.1 计算机配置要求(推荐配置) .................................. 5 2.2 操作系统 .................................................... 5 2.3 安装步骤(以 V2.1.0 为例) . (5)第三章关于 Project Manager.........................................9 3.1 HMI 位址、密码设定 (9)3.1.1HMI 类型的选择 (9)3.1.2密码设定 .............................................. 10 3.2 连接方式 ................................................... 10 3.3 传输 ....................................................... 11 3.4上传........................................................ 12 3.5 模拟 (13)第四章制作一个简单的工程..........................................15第五章程序的编译、模拟、压缩、下载与上传..........................215.1 编译与反编译 (21)5.1.1编译 (21)5.1.2反编译 ................................................ 21 5.2 模拟 . (23)5.2.1离线模拟 (23)5.2.2在线模拟 (24)5.2.3EasySimulator.exe 实现模拟功能 (25)5.3 下载程序 (26)5.3.1使用 U 盘来下载程序 (26)5.3.2使用网线下载程序 (28)5.3.3使用 USB 线下载程序 ................................... 29 5.5 上传程序 (33)5.5.1使用 U 盘上传程序 (33)5.5.3使用 USB 线上传程序 (34)Easybuilder8000软件使用说明书第一章 WEINVIEW HMI 的分类和关于EasyBuilder8000 软件 1.1 WEINVIEW 新一代人机界面的分类WEINVIEW 新一代嵌入式工业人机界面有 MT8000 和 MT6000 系列。


EB800 使用说明书 z 本手册及相关软件随时更新,恕不另行通知。如 发现说明书与实物不符,请以实物为准。 RoHS一致性 为满足中国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》(信 息产业部第39号令)的相关规定和要求,我司对所 生产及销售的笔记本电脑产品中有毒有害物质,按 部件分类,声明如下: EB800产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量:
EB800 使用说明书
权利声明 版权 本说明书的所有版权属于爱国者电子科技有限公 司。 本说明书未经过爱国者电子科技有限公司明确的书 面许可,任何人不得为任何其他目的、以任何形式 或手段使用、复制或传播本说明书的任何部分。 本说明书对应产品上预装的操作系统和任何应用软 件均受相关著作权法律法规、国际公约以及用户许 可协议/条款的保护,仅许可您在其预装或所依附的 硬件产品上使用,不得复制、修改、编译、分发、 分许可、出租或以其它方式转让或变相非法使用。 商标 爱国者相关标识是爱国者电子科技有限公司的注册 商标;其它公司的公司名称、产品名称或者服务名 称也可能是其它公司的注册商标,无论是否在产品 上或者本说明书中逐一注明 和 ® 标记,均受相关 商标法律法规、国际公约的保护。
屏保 在不进行任何操作的情况下,系统 10 分钟后自动 进入屏保;如想进入省电模式,只需按下电源键, 进入屏保状态;如要退出屏保,再次按下电源键, 退出屏保,可继续对电子书进行操作。
系统复位 如果您的电子书在使用过程中出现操作无响应时, 请耐心等待一段时间确认该操作是否正在处理中; 若长时间的等待后仍然没有反应,请使用针状物插 入背后的 Reset 孔,点触孔内的按键,使得设备重



P2- P7刷机完整教程一、用到的工具及文件:1、下载刷机工具PcDownloader v2.4.4,并安装在电脑上2、下载刷机包….看好版本下载如:005.069.P7.110124.CPF800.CPB文件…... 在手机体检:看一下手机版本是P几的……p3就下p3的……如果是P6千万不要拿P3文件刷…….p几就刷P几的,操作方法都是一样3、TD模块.如果刷机完成了手机有信号就不用刷TD模块了...如果没有信号就下载TD模块…..如:版本DTH6211.2.40.44(刷CPB文件之后不能正常通话时才需要刷TD模块)注: TD模块…p2到p7都通用的二、操作步骤1、手机关后同时按上下音量键和电源开关键,屏幕出现英文字幕到最后进入USB模式,插上数据线连接电脑2、下载下来的005.069.P7.110124.CPF800.CPB解压出来,在电脑C盘键一个文档更名为F800DATA。











三、其它1、刷机完成后,开机时有可能会在开机画面的左上角上显示“dm testversion”字样,可以在拨号盘中输入“*20060606#”进入工程模式,“点DM注册设置”并开启DM注册,重新开机时一般就不会有这个提示了。

HP Netserver E 800商品说明书

HP Netserver E 800商品说明书

hp netservere 800technicalspecificationsthe easy server your business can depend onthe hp netserver e 800 is a perfect fit for small to medium-sized businesses that operate with little or no in-house IT support.Easy to set up, back up, troubleshoot, and expand—the HP Netserver E 800 is clearly the best solution for businesses with little or no in-house IT support.HP makes setting up a server easy by providing assistance every step of the way—from ordering to installation to configuration. With a smooth, fast setup, the HP Netserver E 800 helps workgroups start boosting their productivity and efficiency almost immediately.To safeguard your business-critical information, HP offers a wide range of products that provide cost-effective insurance against data loss. It features HP One-Button Disaster Recovery, one-click backup, and an integrated scheduler. It includes an installation and configuration wizard for easy setup. The HP Netserver E 800 is designed to monitor and correct itself. It comes with error checking and correcting (ECC) memory and Automatic Server Restart (ASR). If your attention is needed, the HP Toptools for Servers Auto Alert will notify you via an onscreen message and suggest potential issue resolutions. The HP Toptools for Servers Remote Console enables your authorized support provider to monitor and troubleshoot your server remotely.The HP Netserver E 800 offers plenty of room to grow. It can change and grow with your network needs—from adding more memory and storage to adding new users and applications. The built-in HP Toptools for Servers Auto Alert, which is constantly monitoring your server, will let you know automatically when more storage is needed.The HP Netserver E 800 provides an excellent value for small to medium-sized workgroups. It is designed to let you focus on your business, not your computing system.· · · · Easy to set up —HP Navigator for guided setup and installation to get your server up and running quickly Easy to back up —Fully integrated backup solution available on certain models, including the HP Surestore DAT24i tape drive and intuitive, integrated backup software with HP One-Button Disaster Recovery Easy to troubleshoot —HP Toptools for Servers with an intuitive, Web-based interface for easy HP Netserver management Easy to expand —Expandability that will continue to support the growing needs of your business and maximize your computing investment with up to two Intel ® Pentium ® III 866MHz, 933MHz or 1GHz processors and up to 2GB ECC SDRAM memoryfeaturesperformanceprocessor Up to two Intel Pentium III 866MHz, 933MHz or 1GHz processors with133MHz front side buscache 256KB on-chip L2 cacheECC memory · 128MB buffered ECC SDRAM standard· Up to 2GB (4x512MB) maximum memory capacitycontroller · Integrated, dual-channel Ultra2 SCSI controllervideo · Integrated 1024×768, 256-color, non-interlaced· 4MB SDRAM video memoryCD-ROM drive 40X Max-speed EIDEflexible disk drive 3.5-inch, 1.44MB flexible disk drivekeyboard and mouse Bundled keyboard and mouseI/O expansion slots Seven PCI slots (five 32-bit and two 64-bit slots)mass storage shelves · Seven shelves (five available):- One preinstalled 3.5-inch flexible disk drive- One preinstalled CD-ROM drive- One open common tray removable media bay suitable for tape backup- Four low-profile shelves for internal hard disk drivesmaximum internal· Up to 145.6GB (4x36.4GB low-profile drives)storagebuilt-in I/O ports · Two 9-pin RS-232 serial ports· One 25-pin parallel port· One external SCSI knockout port· One mini-DIN mouse· One mini-DIN keyboard· One SVGA port· Two USB portsdesign features · All major assemblies easy to remove for upgrades or repair· Physically compatible with standard 19-inch racksfeatures (continued)intelligent managementinstallation and configuration· HP Netserver Navigator with automated, menu-driven system setup and configuration · Guided network operating system installation · Automatic installation of monitoring toolsmanagement software· HP Toptools for Servers, a comprehensive server management solution with intuitive browser-based user interface, facilitates troubleshooting, administration, and detailed inventory information· Easy integration with other leading network and system management products flexibilitysupported operating systems· Microsoft ® Windows NT ® 4.0 Server · Windows NT 4.5 Small Business Server · Windows ® 2000 Server · Novell NetWare 4.2, 5.1 · Novell Small Business Suite 5 · Red Hat Linux 6.2·SCO OpenServer 5.05security and safetysystem security· Startup password· FDD, CD-ROM, and HDD boot disable · Power, reset switch lock· Enable or disable serial port, FDD, and write operations to FDD ·Lockable chassisservice and supportwarranty· /go/instantsupport 3-year, next-business day, onsite limited warranty from HP or authorized resellers (standard business hours) worldwide· Pre-failure warranty/notification· Free telephone support for basic setup, installation, and troubleshooting for the life of the product hp instant supportFast, Web-based support that automates and speeds resolution of most computing problems. Available at no charge, HP Instant Support is:· Automated—Web-based problem identification, diagnosis, and resolution · Personalized—Ability to select your preferred support experience· Relevant—Seamless transmission of hardware information and case history to HP supportspecialists at any time· Reliable—It’s there when you need it, 24 hours a day For more information, visit the HP Instant Support Web site at:hp supportpacks· 3-Year, Onsite, 4-Hour Response · 5-Year, Onsite, Next-day Response· 3-Year, Onsite, 4-Hour Response (24x7) · 5-Year, Onsite, 4-Hour Response· 5-Year, Onsite, 4-Hour Response (24x7) · Warranty Guide Kit· 3-Year, Hardware Call to Repair (24x7) · 3-Year, Hardware Call to Repair (24x7) H4634A/VV H4633VV H4636A/VV H4635VV H4637VV P1783AV H5544A H5544VVfeatures (continued) regulatory complianceelectromagnetic emissions · USA: FCC, Title 47, Part 15, Class B (Self Declaration) · EU Countries: EN 55022 Class B· International: CISPR 22 Class B· Korea: M of C Class A· Japan: VCCI Class B· Australia/New Zealand: CISPR 22, Class B· Taiwan: BSMI CNS 13438 Class Aelectromagnetic immunity Generic Immunity (EN 50082-1, EU countries), including:· ESD (IEC-801-2): 4KV contact, 8KV air· Radiated Immunity (IEC-801-3): 3V/m, 80% AM mod, 27MHz–1000MHz · EFT (IEC-801-4): 1.0KV power, 0.5KV I/O lines· IEC 60001-3-2/3 Harmonic current/flickersafety · EN 60950/IEC 60950 Compliance (International)· UL and cUL Listed (USA and Canada, File E139742)· Highly Specialized Equipment (Mexico)· TÜV Certified (Germany)· CE Marking (Europe)Japan energy saving law · Category: K· Energy Efficiency Ratio: 0.042· Energy Efficiency Ratio is the quotient that consumed power is measured according to the Energy Saving Law measurement method divided by the capacity specified in the Energy Saving Lawaccessoriesproduct accessory product no.memory · 128MB SDRAM DIMM· 256MB SDRAM DIMM· 512MB SDRAM DIMM D8265A D8266A D8267Ainternal storage devices · 18GB Ultra3 SCSI disk drive (10,000rpm common tray)1· 36GB Ultra3 SCSI disk drive (10,000rpm common tray)1· 73.4GB Ultra3 SCSI disk drive (10,000rpm common tray)1 P1167A P1169A P3578Ahost bus adapter · HP Ultra3 SCSI PCI adapter P3413ASCSI cables · Internal Accessory SCSI cable· Internal/External SCSI cable· 2.5-meter external SCSI cable (used when connecting toHP Netserver Storage System/6) P1773A P1774A D3637C1 Ultra3 SCSI performance can only be achieved by using an Ultra3 SCSI controller or Ultra3 SCSI RAID controller with the Ultra3 SCSI drives.accessories (continued)product accessory product no.netRAID controllers · HP NetRAID-1M 1-channel Ultra3 SCSI controller w/64MB· HP NetRAID-2M 2-channel Ultra3 SCSI controller w/64MB· HP NetRAID-2M 2-channel Ultra3 SCSI controller w/128MBP3410A P3411A/P3411B P3475A/P3475Binternal backup drives · HP Surestore DAT8i tape drive· HP Surestore DAT24i tape drive· HP Surestore DAT40i tape drive· HP Surestore DLT VS80i tape drive C1528K/V C1555D/V C5686A/V C7504Aexternal backup drives · HP Surestore DAT8e tape drive· HP Surestore DAT24e tape drive· HP Surestore DAT40e tape drive· HP Surestore DLT80e tape drive· HP Surestore DLT VS80e tape drive C1529K C1556D C5687A C5726A C7503Arack-optimized backup drives · HP Surestore 2Uk rack kit· HP Surestore 3Uk rack kit· HP Surestore DAT24k DDS-3 tape drive1· HP Surestore DAT40k DDS-4 tape drive1· HP Surestore DLT 40k DLT drive1· HP Surestore DLT 80k DLT drive1C6542A C6543A C6525A C6541A C6515A C6529Aautomated backup drives · HP Surestore DAT24x6e (6x24GB) Autoloader· HP Surestore DAT40x6e (6x40GB) Autoloader· HP Surestore 818 DLT Autoloader2· HP Surestore Autoloader 1/9 standalone, Remote ManagementCard· HP Surestore Autoloader 1/9 rackmount, Remote ManagementCard2C1559CC5717A C6282RA/NB C7146RA/NB C7746RA/NBexternal storage devices · HP Disksystem 2100 A5675Aprocessor upgrade · Intel Pentium III 866MHz· Intel Pentium III 933MHz· Intel Pentium III 1GHz P2464A P2585A P2597Amonitors HP offers a wide variety of monitors (15", 17", and 21")(please refer to HP Order Assistant at/netserver/tools/for complete configuration and ordering information)network interface card · HP Netserver 10/100TX PCI LAN adapter· HP 10/100 IPSec 3DES Security LAN adapter· HP gigabit ethernet LAN adapter D5013B P3492A P3482Auninterruptible power supply UPS devices are available from American Power Conversion (APC) (for additional information, contact your local APC reseller, or see APC’s Web page at rack mount kit HP E series rack mount kit J1469A 1HP Surestore 2Uk or 3Uk rack kit required2 Autoloaders—/eprise/main/storage/DisplayPages/automatedbackup.htmhp netserver e 800environmental specificationsoperating temperature 41 to 95° F (5 to 35° C)operating humidity 20% to 80% noncondensingacoustic emissions Sound Pressure (LpA): <40dBA, bystander position at normal operating conditionspower supply Nominal, 100–127/200–240VAC, 50/60Hz; range, 90–140/180–264VAC, 47/63Hz power availability 256W continuouspower consumption 305W continuous maximum with 110/220V supplysystem dimensions 7.09in W × 16.54in H × 19.69in D (180mm W × 420mm H × 500mm D)system weight 33lb (16kg), excluding keyboardchoose your hp netserver e800product no. descriptionP2575A E 800 with Pentium III 933MHzP5367A E 800 with Pentium III 933MHz and 18.2GB SCSI HDDP5369A E 800 with Pentium III 933MHz, 18.2GB SCSI HDD and HP Surestore DAT24iP2587A / P2592AV E 800 with Pentium III 1GHzP2593A* / P2596AV* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHzP5371A E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz and 18.2GB SCSI HDDP5372A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz and 18.2GB SCSI HDDP5373A E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 18.2GB SCSI HDD and HP Surestore DAT24iP5374A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 18.2GB SCSI HDD and HP Surestore DAT24iP7654A E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 256MB SDRAM and 18.2GB SCSI HDDP5553A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 256MB SDRAM and 18.2GB SCSI HDDP7666A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 512MB SDRAM and 2x36.4GB SCSI HDDsP7687A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 256MB SDRAM, 18.2GB SCSI HDD and Microsoft Windows 2000 preloadedP7688A* E 800 with Pentium III 1GHz, 256MB SDRAM, 18.2GB SCSI HDD, HP Surestore DAT24i, and Microsoft Windows 2000 preloadedAll A models include 128MB buffered SDRAM unless otherwise noted, dual-channel Ultra2 SCSI controller, HP Navigator, CD-ROM drive, flexible disk drive, keyboard, and mouse. AV models do not include memory. Not all models available worldwide.*Europe and Japan only -- configuration to comply with power supply guidelinesFor additional information on HP products and services, visit us at For the location of the nearest sales office, call: United States: +1 800 637 7740 Canada: +1 905 206 4725 Japan: +81 3 3331 6111 Latin America: +1 305 267 4220Australia/New Zealand: +61 3 9272 2895 Asia Pacific: +8522 599 7777Europe/Africa/Middle East: +41 22 780 81 11For more information, contact any of our worldwide sales offices or HP Channel Partners (in the U.S. call 1 800 637 7740).Intel and Pentium are U.S. registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft,Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Information in this document is subject to change without notice.© Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 20013/2001supportSupport can be delivered by your local reseller or by the Hewlett-Packard Customer Support Organization. Web-based troubleshooting available through HP Instant Support: /go/instantsupport。

易通800 TD-LTE无线数据终端用户手册说明书

易通800 TD-LTE无线数据终端用户手册说明书

User Manualproduct descriptionDevice Name: TD-LTE wireless data terminalDevice Model: easytrans 800AppearancePower button ·On: press and hold the power button for over 2 seconds to turn on the device ·Off: press and hold the power button for over 2 seconds to turn off the device·Locking: press the power button when the screen is turned on to turn off and lock the screen·Unlocking: press the power button when the screen is turned off to turn on the screen and prepare to unlock itForeign language input buttonPress and hold the red button to input foreign language and Chinese translation will be played after releasing the button.Chinese input buttonPress and hold the blue button to input Chinese and foreign language translation will be played after releasing the button.AIUI interaction buttonPress and hold the AIUI button to input your instructions and interaction results willbeplayed after releasing the button.Volume buttonsPress “+” to turn up the volume and press “-” to turn d own the volume.3.5mm earphone jackEarphones and other audio devices of 3.5mm jack are supported.SIM card slotInsert a SIM card into the card slot.SOS buttonPress and hold the SOS button to contact our staff at the SOS platform. Then our staff will provide help according to the user’s information and the user’s location.Operation ManualSetup GuideThe device will enter setup guide in the first boot phase. Users can read User Agreement, switch system language, setup WIFI (skipped if the device has been connected toa 4G network) and complete device legitimacy verification and system authorization.Note:·There are 3 main screens on the desktop and the first is translation screen. Users can go to the next screen and enter desktop applications by swiping the screen.·Users can go to the next menu by clicking the menu and go back to the previous page by swiping the screen (from left to right).Application IntroductionMultiple-language translationOn the translation screen (the main screen), press and hold the Chinese input button to speak in Chinese and press and hold the foreign language input button to speak in foreign languages. Translation results will be broadcasted and the source text and the translated text will be displayed after releasing the button.·Switch language: click the top left corner to enter language list and select languages. ·Recent records: swipe up on translation screen to enter histories and then swipe the page to look up recent records.·Replay: click the blue speaker icon on translation screen to play the translated text. Note:·Supports online translation between Chinese and English/ Japanese/Korean/French/Spanish. ·Supports offline translation between Chinese and English.AIUI intelligent interactionPress and hold AIUI interaction button on any page and speak your question or instruction,and then AIUI intelligent interaction page will appear automatically to display recognized text and returned results.Press and hold the AIUI interaction button again to continue chat function.AIUI intelligent interaction supports search of weather, stock,time, encyclopedia and arithmetic. For example, if you ask“how’s the weather like in Hefei”, the device will broadcast Hefei’s weather, temperature and wind force scale.Furthermore, AIUI intelligent interaction also supportslanguage switch, volume and brightness adjustment, turningon a function or opening an application through voicecontrol. For example, if you ask “switch to Chinese-English translation”, the device willjump to the translation screen and switch to CN-EN translation. Note: this function only supports Chinese.Exit AIUI intelligent interaction·Click the top left corner to return;·Automatic exit if there’s no operation for 5s.Image translationEnter image translation through clicking image translation application or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “image translation”. Press the AIUI button to take a photo of the text and then translation results will be displayed. Press the AIUI button again to take another photo.Note:·Image translation only supports translation from English to Chinese now. Translations for other languages will be upgraded in the future.·Please make sure that the photo is clear.Language studyEnter language study through clicking language study application or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “language study”.Enter “Situational dialogue”and select the sentences you’d like to learn. Then the device will broadcast the English sentence automatically. Press and hold the AIUI interaction button while reading the sentence and the device will record your reading and give you a mark on this sentence. You can check the details of themark and play the recording. You can also record your reading for multiple times.Enter “Dictionary” and enter the words you want to look up.Human translationEnter human translation through clicking human translation application or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “human translation”. Use your mobile to scan the QR code to enter the login page. After login, the device will display the account balance and functional buttons. Select language and click “call”button, then you will connect to human translation service.SOS emergency contactPress and hold the SOS button on the back. For the indicator lights, constant white indicates that the translator is calling out; constant green indicates that you have been connected to our staff at the emergency contact platform and they will contact your emergency contact person (your device is in mute mode by default and you can press the volume “+” button to start communication with the staff); and blinking white returning to the original status indicates that the call failed. End the call: press and hold the SOS button again to end the call.Note: if the indicator lights have been in constant white for a long time, it indicates that the staff is busy now.iFLYTEK roamingEnter iFLYTEK roaming through clicking iFLYTEK roaming application or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “iFLYTEK roaming”. In “Data store”, you can choose corresponding country and purchase packages according to your requirements. WeChat and Alipay are supported as payment methods. You can check the details of your package in “My package”. When you arrive at the destination, start using corresponding package and then the device will be connected to the Internet automatically. The duration of use starts from the first successful network connection.Note:·The package can be refunded within 30 days from the day of purchase if it has not been used.·You should first use your package within 30 days from the day of purchase; otherwise the package will expire and cannot be refunded.·Each device can collect 100M data for free (valid for 24h). You can choose correspondingcountry.Internet Setting:·Enter WLAN setting through clicking WLAN applicationon the desktop or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “WLAN”. WLAN is off by default. After WLAN is turned on, select the WIFI in the list and enter the password. The device can access the Internet when it shows that it is connected.By clicking “i” on the right of the WIFI that the device is connected to, you can check the information of the WIFI and disconnect the device.·Enter hotspot setting through clicking hotspot setting application on the desktop or pressing and holding the AIUI interaction button and speak “hotspot setting”. This function enables the translator to share its own mobile network as a hotspot with other devices.In order to build a hotspot, you need to ensure that the translator has been connected to a mobile network, e.g., 4G.System SettingClick Settings on the desktop to enter system setting.About XiaoYiIt displays information about the device itself, such as the device’s QR code, name, version of the hardware and software, storage space, legal information and factory data reset.Airplane modeIt is off by default.BluetoothIt is off by default. The device can discover nearby Bluetooth devices and choose devices to pair with when Bluetooth is on. SoundsIt includes speech rate (moderate by default), volume (50% by default) and play voice (female by default).Screen SettingIt includes locking time, brightness and lock screen password.Time and LanguageIt includes network time synchronization (it is on by default; user-defined system time is enabled after it is off), time zone and system language.PrivacyLocation service is off by default. Users can use services related to location such as emergency contact when it is turned on.Safety, Operation and SupportImportant Safety Information [Warning]By not following these safety instructions, it may cause fire, electric shocks, and injuries or may damage the translation machine or other properties. Please read all the following safety instructions before using the translation machine.BatteryThe battery of the translation machine can only be changed by iFLYTEK or the authorized vendors by iFLYTEK. Do not change the battery privately.OperationThis product is made of metal and plastic. There are sensitive electronic components inside. Throwing, burning, impaling and squeezing of the machine, or contacting with liquid maycause damage to the machine.MaintenanceDo not disassemble the translation machine or try to repair it privately as it may cause damages to the machine or personal injuries. If damage, breakdown or contacting with liquid happens, please contact the after-sales service department.DistractionUnder some circumstances, the translation machine may distract you, which may cause injuries (For example, do not use the translation machine while driving). Please follow the rules of banning or restrictions of mobile phones and earphones usage.Using EnvironmentAvoid using the translation machine in too high or too low temperature. Avoid long time exposal to strong sunlight or damp environment. Do not sleep on the device or power adapter when connected to power, and do not put it under a blanket, a pillow or your body. While using or charging the translation machine, please use the machine and the power adapter in a well-ventilated area.VolumeDo not use high volume for a long time to prevent hearing loss.USBThe product shall only be connected to a USB interface of version USB2.0Charging5V--1.5ATo charge the translation machine, please use the attached cable and power adapter or standard power adapter that meets the national 3c certificate. Please contact the power adapter and cable manufacturer to check whether your power adapter meets these standards.Important Processing InformationIf the translation machine comes into contact with any contaminants that may cause stains, like dirt, ink, cosmetics detergent, please clean it immediately. Before you clean it, finish the following steps first:•Unplug all cables and turn off the translation machine (press the turn off button for over 2 seconds).•Use soft wiping cloth that is not fluffy•Avoid dampness•Do not use cleansers or compressed air.The front and back cover plate of the translation machineare made of plastic and are coated with oleophobic layer that is fingerprint proof. Under normal usage, this coating may be abrased over time. Cleansers and corrosive materials may further weaken its function and may scratch the plastic.When using the plug, port or button, do not insert the plug into the port forcibly or press the button too hard, because it may cause damage to the plug, port or button. This kind of damage is not included in the repair guarantees. If the plug cannot be easily inserted to the port, it means that they are not matched. Please check if there is a barrier and make sure the plug is matched with the port, also the direction of the plug corresponds to the direction of the port.It is a normal phenomenon that the USB will change color under normal usage. Dust, debris and exposure to moisture may also cause color change. If the data cable or the USB generate heat while using, or the translation machine cannot be charged or synchronized, please disconnect them from the computer or the power adapter, and use soft dry cloth that is not fluffy to clean the USB. Do not use liquid or cleansers to clean it.Operation TemperatureThe translation machine works better in environment with temperature between -10 degree centigrade and 50 degree centigrade. If the working temperature is out of this range, thetranslation machine may be damaged, and it will shorten the battery life. Avoid putting the translation machine in environment with high temperature and big humidity differences. It is normal that the translation machine will generate heat while using it and charging the battery.[Attention]●If the temperature is too high, you may not be able to use the translation machine. Ifthe translation machine cannot adjust its inner temperature, it will turn into deep sleep mode until it is cooled. Move the translation machine to a cooler place and avoid direct sunlight, wait for a few minutes and then try to us●has to turn off the 5GHz WiFi in outdoor environment●Avoid useing in a closed, humid, corrosive atmosphere indoor environmentAfter-Sales ServiceWebsite: http://Customer service hotline: 400-019-9199Address: No. 666, West Wangjiang Road, Hefei City, ChinaRF informationNetwork: GSM850MHz GSM900MHz Maximum FACH Power:32.1dBmGSM1800MHz, GSM1900MHz Maximum FACH Power:29dBmWCDMA Band 1/2/3/4/5/8 21.54dBmCDMA2000 1X/EVDO BC0/BC1 Maximum FACH Power:23dBmTDD-LTE:B41(2545MHz-2655MHz)FDD LTE:Band 2/3/4/5/8/12/13/17/25/26/66 Maximum FACH Power:23dBmRF distance: Body(5mm)WIFI2412MHz-2472MHZ Maximum FACH Power:20dBm5.15GHz-5.25GHZ Maximum FACH Power:14dBmBT 2402MHz-2480MHZ Maximum FACH Power:20dBmEU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) Hereby we,Name of manufacturer: IFLYTEK CO.,LTD.Address: National Intelligent Speech High-tech Industrialization Base, No. 666, Wangjiang Road WestZip code & City: Hefei CityCountry: ChinaTelephone number: 180****9577declare that this DoC is issued under our sole responsibility and that this product: Product description: TD-LTE Wireless Data TerminalType designation(s): easytrans 800Trademark: iFLYTEKBatch / Serial number:Object of the declaration(further identification of the radio equipment allowing traceability; it may include a color image for the identification of the radio equipment):……[]……is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonization legislation:Radio Equipment directive: 2014 / 53 / EUand other Union harmonization legislation where applicable:with reference to the following standards applied:EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013EN 50566:2017EN 50663:2017EN 62209-2:2010EN 62479:2010Draft EN 301 489-1 V2.2.0Draft EN 301 489-17 V3.2.0Draft EN 301 489-52 V1.1.0Draft EN 301 489-19 V2.1.0EN 301 511 V12.5.1EN 301 908-1 V11.1.1EN 301 908-2 V11.1.2EN 301 908-13 V11.1.2EN 300 328 V2.1.1EN 303 413 V1.1.1EN 301 893 V2.1.1EN 300 440 V2.2.0The Notified Body Telefication B.V., with Notified Body number 0560 performed: [choose applicable Modules: B+C or H]Where applicable:The issued EU-type examination certificate: [note certificate number]Description of accessories and components, including software, which allow the radio equipment to operate as intended and covered by the DoC: .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Signed for and on behalf of:_______________________________________________________Place and date of issue Name, Function, signatureInformation Table for the Product’s RoHS Certification。



威纶通EB8000使用说明关于威纶EasyBuilder8000软件的安装前言Project Manager整合EasyBuilder 8000所提供的各项功能:下文说明各项功能:HMI地址, 密码与语言设定1.设定使用Ethernet操作MT8000机器时,需正确设定操作对象的IP 地址与所需的密码,“下载”与“重置系统”功能使用同一组密码,“上传”功能则使用另外一组密码。

如何更改与检视机器的IP地址与密码请参考相关章节, 当改变语言的状态时,请退出并重新启动Project Manager才能生效.2. 重新启动HMI在使用某些情况下需重置系统,例如更新机器内部的档案。


编辑工具1.EasyBuilder 8000启动EB8000图形编辑器。

2.EasyConverter数据记录文件转文件工具3.Recipe Editor配方转档工具4.建立储存在CF卡与USB磁盘中的下载数据除了使用Ethernet之外,EB8000也提供使用CF卡与USB disk 下载数据到机器的方式,此项功能即是用来建立这些被下载的数据,下图为此项功能的设定画面。


可以直接指定存放位置在CF卡或USB disk上,或在数据建立完成后将整个目录拷贝至CF卡或USBdisk上即可。

将CF卡或USB disk插上机器,并指定要下载的目录名称后,EB8000会将此目录下的所有内容下载到机器上。


[工程档案]利用EB8000可以将画面规划内容(MTP档案),编译获得M8000机器上所使用的XOB 档案,此选项可选择CF卡所需的XOB档案。

[配方数据(RW)]此选项可选择CF卡所需的RW配方数据文件,档案有效的最大size为64K,更详细的内容请参考“配方传送”的说明[配方数据A (RW_A)]此选项可选择CF卡所需的RW_A配方数据文件,档案有效的最大size为64K,更详细的内容请参考“配方传送”的说明[取样数据]此选项可选择CF卡所需的data log档案,更详细的内容请参考“data log对象”的说明。




关键词:珠海运控伺服 Internet 一键刷机一软件下载及提供用户可登录运控主页进行下载:/,也可以咨询客服人员进行索取,全国热线电话:400-0756-500。



图2.1 ProgWin登录界面点击“注册”按钮,弹出“我要注册”窗口,如图2.2所示。

图2.2 我要注册按提示输入注册信息,打“*”项是必须填写项,请按要求填写,填写完成后,点击“注册”按钮,注册成功后将弹出如图2.3窗口。

图2.3 注册成功注册成功后将自动跳转回登录页面。


图3.1 软件主界面如图3.1所示,软件简洁明了,支持两种方式进行刷机:一键刷机及自定义刷机。


图3.2 进行刷机模式通信设置,点击“通信设置”按钮,弹出通信设置窗口,如图3.3所示,设置好端口及波特率。

图3.3 通信设置3.1 一键刷机顾名思义,用户只需点击“一键刷机”按钮就可以实现刷机,软件将读取伺服驱动器内部出厂时的配置信息,通过远程数据库进行分析匹配,查找出适配的升级程序进行刷机。


图3.4 目前程序已经为最新版本此时点击对话框“是”按钮则重启伺服驱动器。



XT800简单刷机教程1.下载RSD 4.6并且安装:http://epis.me/downloads/RSDLite4.6.7z ,将此软件释放后进行安装msi ,安装好后把此压缩包内的Path目录中的所有文件放入RSD安装目录中。




)3.一切就绪后,刷机,先将系统降级为15.10.1,以便破解,T800_TITA_M2_15.10.1 ROM下载地址:/dl/30191819/dcb2dc6/XT800_V15.10.1.7z.html 压缩包解压密码为:epis.me ),打开此页面后选择“REGULAR DOWNLOAD”钮,之等页面时间倒数到0秒时开始下载,(PS:用IE自带下载。


按住手机上音量键+拍照键+开机键,用来进入工程模式,(类似黑屏,上面显示几个英文字母),进入后,用USB 线连接电脑和手机,这时手机工程模式上的最下面一行英文会变为:usb ,这时启动RSDLite 4.6,按“Show Device”钮,会看到窗口中显示1到13列中的第一列显示一个图标和英文,这说明手机已经也PC连通了。

在软件中“Filename”后的“..." 用来打开并且选择刚才所解压的10.1的文件夹.先选择小的那个文件,即BL-80B0.sbf,双击选中后点击“Start”钮,这个过程比较快,大约一分多钟,等手机自动重启后“Status”栏变为"Finish",“Result”栏变为“PASS”,“start”按钮变亮,可以点击时,点击“...”选择大的那个文件。

诺基亚Lumia 800刷机教程Lumia 800刷ROM教程

诺基亚Lumia 800刷机教程Lumia 800刷ROM教程

7、出现这步的时候 按住 Lumia 800 的音量+键 然后点击 OK ( 点
击 OK 后 音量键肯定不要放开 等开始刷了再放开 )
8、等到如下列图开始 Flashing 了 可以放开音量键了
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诺基亚 Lumia 800 刷机教程 Lumia 800 刷 ROM 教程
诺基亚 Lumia 800 刷机教程 Lumia 800 刷 ROM 教程 诺基亚 Lumia 800 刷机教程诺基亚 Lumia 800 刷 ROM 教程 首先 需要 Windows 7 及以上系统 并需要安装以下软件: 1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2021 Redistributable Package (x86) 2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2021 Redistributable Package (x86) 3. NaviFirm PlusNaviFirmPlus_1.5.zip 4. Nokia Care Suite 5.0 工具/原料 诺基亚 Lumia 800 ,电脑,数据线. ROM 工具 步骤/方法 1 1、安装完成后 进入 Nokia Care Suite 5.0 安装名目 安装名目下 Drivers 文件夹内的: Nokia_Connectivity_Cable_Driver.msi 假如是 64 位系统 还需安装:
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最终将 rm-801 名目下的 DCP VPL BIN 这三个后缀的文件名中的

EB8000 使用说明2024

EB8000 使用说明2024

引言概述:正文:一、硬件连接1.1 连接电源:EB8000设备的电源连接需使用专用电源适配器,将电源插头插入设备背部的DC输入接口,并将电源适配器的插头插入电源插座,确保电源供应稳定且符合设备规定的电压和电流要求。

1.2 外部设备连接:EB8000设备可通过多种接口与外部设备连接,如HDMI接口、USB接口、音频输入/输出接口等。


二、设备设置2.1 初始设置:首次使用EB8000设备时,需要进行一些基本的设置,如选择语言、时区、无线网络配置等。


2.2 屏幕调节:EB8000设备的屏幕支持亮度、对比度、色温等参数的调节。


三、操作方法3.1 菜单导航:EB8000设备的操作界面通常采用图形化菜单导航,用户可以通过方向键或触摸屏对菜单项进行选择,并通过确认键或触摸屏的点击操作进行确定。

3.3 快捷方式:EB8000设备提供了一些常用功能的快捷方式,例如屏幕截图、音量调节、亮度调节等。


四、高级功能4.1 多屏幕显示:EB8000设备支持多屏幕显示,用户可以通过设备的屏幕投射功能将显示内容投射到其他设备上,实现多屏互动。

4.2 远程控制:EB8000设备支持远程控制功能,用户可以通过网络连接将设备远程控制并操作,方便实现远程会议、教育等应用场景。

4.3 数据互通:EB8000设备支持与其他设备的数据互通,用户可通过设备提供的接口或无线连接进行数据的传输和共享。

五、故障排除5.1 设备无法开机:检查电源连接是否正确,电源适配器是否供电正常,如有必要更换电源适配器。

5.2 屏幕显示异常:调整屏幕亮度、对比度、色温等参数,检查设备是否有屏幕保护功能,并确认是否有异常程序占用屏幕资源。



目录目录第一章关于EasyBuilder800的安装 (51.1 安装EasyBuilder8000 (或简称EB8000 (5 1.2 系统连接图 (81.3 MT8000系列触摸屏系统设定 (101.4 MT8000系列触摸屏下载功能设定画面 (16 1.5 i系列HMI USB driver 安装说明 (21第二章关于EasyBuilder8000的安装 (26 2.1 HMI密码设定 (262.2 编辑工具 (272.3 传输 (282.4 仿真 (30第三章制作一个简单的工程 (35第四章编译、模拟与下载 (394.1 画面编辑 (394.2 编译 (394.3 模拟 (404.4 下载 (41第五章系统参数 (435.1 设备列表 (445.2 HMI属性 (495.3 一般属性 (535.4 用户密码 (565.5 字体 (575.6 扩展存贮器 (585.7 打印服务器 (59第六章窗口 (616.1 窗口类型 (616.2 窗口的建立、删除与设定 (64第七章事件登录 (event log (697.1 事件登录管理 (697.2 建立一个新的事件记录 (73 Easy Builder8000使用手册第八章资料取样 (Data sampling (79 8.1 资料取样记录管理 (798.2 建立一个新的资料取样定义 (80 第九章元件一般属性 (849.1 选择PLC (849.2 读写地址设定 (849.3 向量图库(shape library与图形库(picture library的使用 (86 9.4 文字内容设定 (919.5 轮廓调整 (96第十章元件安全防护 (9710.1 用户密码与可操作元件类别设定 (9710.2 元件操作防护 (98第十一章索引暂存器 (10511.1 索引暂存器 (105第十二章键盘的设计与使用 (108第十三章元件 (11613.1 位状态指示灯元件 (bit lamp (11613.2 多状态指示灯元件 (word lamp (11713.3 位状态设定元件 (set bit (12013.4 多状态设定元件 (set word (12213.5 功能键元件 (function key (12713.6 位状态切换开关元件 (toggle switch (13013.7 多状态切换开关元件 (multi-state switch (13213.8 滑动开关元件 (slide object (13413.9 数值输入与数值显示元件 (numeric input and numeric display (136 13.10 文字输入与文字显示元件 (ASCII input and ASCII display (141 13.11 间接窗口元件 (indirect window (14813.12 直接窗口元件 (direct window (14613.13 移动图形元件 (moving shape (14313.14 动画元件 (animation (15113.15 “棒图”元件 (bar graph (15513.16 表针元件 (meter display (15813.17 趋势图元件 (trend display (16513.18 历史数据显示元件 (history data display (17213.19 数据群组显示元件(Data Block Display (177目录13.20 XY 曲线图 (XY Plot (18413.21 报警条与报警显示元件 (alarm bar and alarm display object (192 13.22 事件显示元件 (event display (19513.23 触发式数据传输元件 (trigger-based data transfer (20113.24 备份元件 (backup (20313.25 定时式数据传输元件 (time-based data transfer (20613.26 PLC控制元件 (PLC control (20813.27 排程 (21313.28 计时器物件使用说明 (23113.27 媒体播放器 (238第十四章向量图库、图形库的建立与使用 (247 14.1 向量图库的建立 (24714.2 图形库的建立 (253第十五章文字标签库与多国语言使用 (259 15.1 文字标签库的字型选择 (26015.2 文字标签库的使用 (26115.3 多国语言的使用 (262第十六章地址标签库的建立与使用 (26416.1 地址标签库的建立 (26416.2 地址标签库的使用 (266第十七章配方资料传送 (26717.1 使用Ethernet更新配方资料 (26717.2 使用CF卡或U盘更新配方数据 (267 17.3 传送配方资料 (26817.4 配方资料强迫储存 (268第十八章宏指令(macro使用说明 (26918.1 宏语言说明 (26918.2 宏语言使用说明 (27518.3 数值运算与数据转换函数 (27718.4 如何利用宏指令直接控制外接装置 (30018.5 与PLC的通信(包括与本地地址Local Bit(LB,Local W ord(L W间的通讯(30618.6 宏指令操作说明 (31218.7 有关宏指令的一些限制 (21418.8 编译错误提示 (31518.9 宏指令范例程序 (324Easy Builder8000使用手册第十九章如何将MT8000设定成MODBUS装置 (33019.1 增加设定一个MODBUS Server装置 (33019.2 如何读写一个MODBUS Server装置 (33219.3 如何线上更改MODBUS Server的站号 (333第二十章以太网络通讯与多台MT8000互联 (33420.1 HMI与HMI间的通讯 (33420.2 PC与MHI间的通讯 (33620.3 控制连接在其它HMI上的PLC (337第二十一章 HMI 状态监控(系统保留暂存器地址 (339第二十二章 WEINVIEW MT8000系列HMI接口与常见厂牌PLC的连接方法(34922.1 Allen-Bradley PLC (34922.2 Omron PLC (36522.3 Mitsubishi PLC (37522.4 Siemens PLC (39122.5 LG PLC (39622.6 Modicon PLC (40422.7 Ge Fanuc SNP-X (41522.8 Delta PLC (41722.9 Facon PLC (41822.10 Liyan Ex Series (42122.11 Matsushita PLC (42222.12 Idec PLC (42522.13 Keyence Kv Series (42822.14 Toshiba T Series (43022.15 Koyo PLC (43322.16 Vigor PLC (43822.17 Yokogawa Fa-M3(Ethernet (44022.18 Parker Compax3 (44122.19 Saia Pcd S-Bus Mode (44522.20 Sew Eurodrive Movitrac (44722.21 Baumuller Servo (45122.22 Heng Yuan Sensor (453第二十三章如何使用Barcode装置 (455第二十四章如何直接执行在线与离线仿真功能 (459第二十五章 MT8000 打印机支持种类 (461第一章关于EasyBuilder8000的安装第一章关于EasyBuilder8000的安装111安装EasyBuilder8000 (或简称EB800011软件来源可由随机光盘获取,有特殊需求也可进入威纶公司网站/(http://www.weintek. com下载所有可用软件(包括简体中文、繁体中文及英文版本及最新软件更新信息。

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一、烧录前要boot 机器:
将机器USB与电脑连接,先按音量减按键(左侧第二个按键),再按reset 键(背面左上角),保持两按键按住不动,先松reset按键(背面左上角),再松音量减键(左侧第二个按键):
整机图示(SW6 reset键,这时需要用针状物按住)










