
Fixed-term for 36 monthsThe Department of Psychology at the University of York is seeking two full-time Research Trainees to join the European Marie-Curie training network NextGenVis ("Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists" –see http://www.nextgenvis.eu/). The posts are for three years and if successful you will be required to study for a PhD at the University of York.The NextGenVis Training Network has brought together leading vision scientists across the academic, health and technology sectors. You will be expected to work across sectors during your training, which means that you will spend secondments away from the University of York.The two positions involve using state-of-the-art scientific methods to investigate the structure and function of the visual system and how it changes in disease. One of the posts has an emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Parkinson’s disease. The other post will focus on disease of the retina and connections between the eye and brain. You will be joining a team of investigators and the University of York and will be supervised by Professors Antony Morland and Alex Wade, and Dr Heidi Baseler.Ideally, candidates will have an MSc in vision science, neuroimaging, neuroscience, experimental psychology, biology, physiology, medicine or related area at the time of taking up the appointment. However, applicants without an MSc, but with relevant research experience in vision science and/or neuroimaging will be considered. While the post is in the Department of Psychology, those with undergraduate degrees (BSc) in other disciplines –such as Physics, Maths, Computer Science, Engineering or Medicine –are also encouraged to apply.The salary is fixed at £26,346 a year. The vacancy is full time and the hours of work are 37 per week. The appointment will commence between 1st October 2015 to 1st February 2016 and will be for 36 months.学校简介:约克大学是位于英格兰约克郡的一所校园大学,为英国罗素大学集团成员之一。

Assistant ProfessorThe Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University seeks applicants for a tenure-track faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor level in an area of biophysics and structural biology, with a concentration in single particle cryo-electron microscopy. Candidates are expected to contribute to the department’s teaching program at the undergraduate and graduate levels and hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree at the time of hire. Our department, which is located in both the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and the School of Medicine of the University, spans a broad range of areas including biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biology and molecular genetics. Applications should include a curriculum vita, cover letter, a statement of research interests, a teaching statement, three letters of reference, and preprints of any papers in press.学校简介:耶鲁大学(Yale University,旧译“耶劳大书院”)是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。

美国圣波拿文都大学招聘细胞生物学方向访问学者Tenure Track Faculty Position in Cell BiologyThe Department of Biology at St. Bonaventure University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in cell biology, beginning with the Fall 2016 term.The ideal candidate for this position is intrinsically motivated to teach undergraduate students in classroom and instructional laboratory settings, and to mentor undergraduate student researchers. The primary teaching responsibility for this position is a spring semester 200-level Cell Biology lecture course and a 200-level Genetics/Cell Biology laboratory that are required courses in the Biology major. Teaching responsibilities in the Fall semester will be determined based on a balance between the needs of the department and the areas of expertise of the successful candidate. Information about the Biology department and its course offerings can be found at /biology.Candidates must have a Ph.D. Post-doctoral experience is preferred. Start-up funds and research space in new or newly renovated facilitieswill be provided. Institutional support is available for faculty research and development.学校简介:圣波拿文都大学是一所私立天主教大学,学校成立于1858年,位于纽约圣波拿文都。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /南达科他大学招聘综合生物学方向访问学者 南达科他大学招聘综合生物学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求生物学相关学科博士学历,有博士后研究经验。
Integrative Biologist - Assistant Professor (tenure track)The Department of Biology at the University of South Dakota is recruiting an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in integrative biology to begin August 2016. We seek candidates who use modern molecular techniques to address questions that integrate organismal function with environmental and/or developmental influences. The successful candidate ’s research willcomplement that of existing faculty, enabling fruitful collaboration and mentoring of graduate students. Opportunities for collaboration and research support include faculty with research interests that scale from molecules to landscapes, a departmental DNA sequencing facility,proteomic, genomic and microscopy core facilities on campus. Teaching may include courses in the candidate ’s area of expertise, cell and molecular biology, physiology, and possible participation in team-taught introductory biology courses.The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to establish a productive andextramurally funded research program and actively train M.S. and Ph.D. students. A Ph.D. is required and postdoctoral experience is preferred.Review of applications will begin September 8, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled.学校简介:南达科他大学(佛米良)是美国南方达科塔州的一所历史悠久的公立大学,它成立于1862年,由老校区和艾伦·纽哈斯(Al Neuharth)媒体中心组成。

1. 专业概况南佛罗里达大学生物技术理学硕士是一个专业学位,它将各项技术指标与职场技能结合,协助学生将来积极投入科学工作,进入生物技术这个正在成长的行业。
2. 课程生物技术理学硕士共含三十六学分,可在一年(三个学期)内完成。
夏季学期课程包括生物技术实习(三个学分 )、生物技术与生物伦理学(三个学分)以及三个学分的选修。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /美国西北大学招聘神经生物学方向访问学者 美国西北大学神经生物学系招聘神经生物学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求博士或医学博士学历,有神经生物学相关研究经验,对分子学或细胞学等神经科学研究感兴趣,有出色的研究成果记录。
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, Tenure-Track Faculty PositionThe Department of Neurobiology, in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, seeks to recruit a new tenure-track faculty member at the level of Assistant Professor. We are interested in individuals whose research addresses fundamental issues in neuroscience at the molecular,cellular and/or systems level, and who show significant potential for innovation, scholarship, and commitment to excellence in research and teaching. Applicants holding a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree and demonstrating an outstanding record of scientific achievement will be considered. Northwestern University offers a rich and vibrant intellectual environment andstate-of-the-art support facilities. The appointee will join a broad, interactive community including colleagues in the Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program consisting of over 130 faculty drawn from the Weinberg College, the McCormick School of Engineering, the School of Communication, the Feinberg School of Medicine, the Manne Children ’s Research Institute, and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, with interactions fostered by the Center for Advanced Molecular Imaging, the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute, the Center for Genetic Medicine, Institute for Complex Systems, the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer ’s Disease Center, the Center for Reproductive Science, the Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology, and the Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center.学校简介:美国西北大学Northwestern University 成立于1851年,是一所顶尖的私立研究大学。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /美国匹兹堡大学招聘细胞生物学方向访问学者 美国匹兹堡大学细胞生物学系招聘细胞生物学方向访问学者、助理教授、研究助理,要求博士或同等学历,有细胞生物学相关领域研究经验。
Cell Biology Faculty PositionsThe Department of Cell Biology at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine seeks candidates for Assistant, Associate and/or Full Professor tenure stream and tenured faculty positions. We encourage applications from candidates with a strong record of researchaccomplishments in the broad area of cell biology, including, but not limited to protein and lipid trafficking, intracellular signaling, cytoskeleton and systems cell biology. Applications from cell biologists who are using mass-spectrometry as the major approach to address basic questions are also encouraged. Successful candidates will join an interactive, interdisciplinary group offaculty, students and fellows, and enjoy access to the state-of-the-art equipment and facilities at the University of Pittsburgh. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree. Highly competitive start-up, compensation and benefits packages are offered.学校简介:美国匹兹堡大学是美国宾州一所综合性公立大学,成立于1787年,在北美洲学界享有极高的声誉,拥有四个校区,主校区位于匹兹堡。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /霍夫斯特拉大学招聘细胞生物学方向访问学者 霍夫斯特拉大学生物学系招聘细胞生物学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求生物学、细胞生物学等相关学科博士学历,申请者需要对本科生教学工作感兴趣并且有一定的教学经验。
Hofstra UniversityHofstra College of Liberal Arts and SciencesDepartment of BiologyAssistant Professor of BiologyCell BiologyThe Department of Biology at Hofstra University invites applications for an anticipatedfull-time, tenure-track, assistant professor position in cell biology. The successful candidate must have a demonstrated commitment to undergraduate education and experience in teaching, with the ability to teach lecture and lab courses in cell biology, introductory cell biology and genetics, and an upper level course that complements current course offeringsThe successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at a variety of levels, i.e. undergraduate majors and non-majors, and Master's students. In addition, the successfulcandidate will be expected to establish and maintain an externally funded research program in eukaryotic cell biology accessible to both undergraduate and Master's research students.Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, be a team player, and have experience in course development and design. Experience with active learning techniques is desirable. Post-doctoral experience is required.。

Faculty position in Biomedical ScienceThe Departments of Pathology and AnatomyUniversity of California San FranciscoThe Departments of Pathology and Anatomy at the University of California San Francisco seek outstanding candidates for a full-time tenure-track faculty position with research and teaching responsibilities at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level.The successful candidate will direct his/her own basic or translational research program focused on any area of biomedical science related to human disease, including cancer biology, development and stem cells, cell injury, inflammation. She/he will be proposed for membership in the Biomedical Science (BMS) Graduate Program, and be actively involved in teaching fellows, residents, and medical and graduate students. Candidates must possess MD or MD-PhD degrees; postdoctoral research experience and training in Anatomic Pathology are preferred. Salary and appointment rank will be commensurate with the applicant’s experience and training.学校简介:加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco,简称为UCSF,又经常译称为加州大学旧金山分校,又称旧金山加利福尼亚大学或旧金山加大)是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山的公立大学,它是加利福尼亚大学十个分校之一,是加州大学系统中唯一的只专注于健康和生命科学的分校,以医学和生命科学而闻名。

Visiting Assistant Professor of BiologyThe Biology Program at Bard College is seeking a highly motivated individual to fill a temporary position for the 2015-2016 academic year. The successful applicant will teach a combination of hands-on introductory courses and an advanced ecology course. Successful applicants will also mentor students conducting independent research projects. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in biology. Prior teaching experience is highly desirable.学校简介:巴德学院始建于1860年,是一所四年制私立院校,现有在校生约2000多人。

美国巴德学院招聘生物学方向访问学者Tenure Track –Assistant Professor in BiologyThe Biology Program at Bard College is seeking an accomplished individual at the Assistant Professor level for a tenure-track position in biology. The ideal candidate would contribute to the diversity of our offerings, complementing our strengths in microbiology, ecology, genetics, molecular biology, and neuroscience. A particular area of interest is the biology of organisms, including, but not limited to, individuals with topical interests in evolution, development, or physiology, and whose research involves fungi, plants, or invertebrates. The successful applicant would teach a combination of introductory and advanced courses for undergraduates and maintain an active and ambitious research program while involving students in research both inside and outside the classroom.Applicants should have a PhD in Biology and preferablypost-doctoral experience.Applications will be reviewed beginning September 2015.学校简介:巴德学院始建于1860年,是一所4年制文学、科学高等教育学府。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /普林斯顿大学招聘生物化学领域访问学者、博士后 普林斯顿大学招聘生物化学领域访问学者、博士后,该职位聘期一年,可依据具体工作表现及可用研究资费延长工作期限。
Postdoctoral research positions are available at Princeton University in the laboratory of Professor Celeste Nelson to study the biochemical and mechanical mechanisms that definepattern formation during branching morphogenesis of the mammary gland. Further information about the lab can be found at /~cmngroupInitial appointments are for one year, with the possibility of renewal pending satisfactory performance and available funding.Individuals must have a recent doctorate with appropriate research experience in cell biology or microfabrication, strong organizational and communications skills, and be prepared to work in a dynamic environment.You may apply online at (Req #1500568) and submit a CV, cover letter, statement of research interest and publication list. This position is subject to the University ’s background check policy.Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.学校简介:普林斯顿大学(Princeton University ),位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /俄亥俄大学生物科学系招聘脊椎动物生物学方向访问学者 俄亥俄大学生物科学系招聘脊椎动物生物学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求博士学历有相关博士后研究经验。
Assistant Professor of Vertebrate Biology, tenure-trackThe Department of Biological Sciences at Ohio University invites applications for a full time tenure track position in Vertebrate Biology. Applicants should have broad research expertise in mammalogy and the ability to teach undergraduate human anatomy. Candidates withcomparative and integrative research interests in ecology, evolutionary biology, behavior, physiology, and/ or conservation biology are strongly encouraged to apply. Primary teaching responsibilities include an upper level/graduate course in mammalogy and a human anatomy course serving a variety of preprofessional majors in the sciences. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to develop an independent and extramurally funded research program, mentor undergraduate and graduate students, and interact with faculty and students of Ohio University ’s interdisciplinary Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES). Candidates are expected to have a PhD, relevant postdoctoral training, and evidence of scholarly research. 学校简介:俄亥俄大学OHIO UNIVERSITY 坐落于阿帕拉契山脉的小山丘上,被蜿蜒的河流、森林、5座州立公园 所包围着,俄亥俄大学OHIO UNIVERSITY 所处的位置在安全、温馨且美丽的城市--雅典 市 (Athens),约在俄亥俄州首都Columbus 东南方75英里。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /西雅图太平洋大学招聘9个月期生物学访问学者 西雅图太平洋大学生物学系招聘生物学访问学者、研究助理、助理教授,交流访问时间9个月。
Assistant Professor of BiologySeattle Pacific UniversityTenure-track position in the Department of Biology starting September 1, 2016. The position is a full-time, 9-month appointment. We are particularly interested in broadly trained biologists who will add depth to our department. While the research area is open, the successful applicant will be able to teach at least one of the following upper division courses: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant or Fungal Systematics, or Plant Physiology. Candidates should show evidence of excellence in teaching and mentoring undergraduates, as well as an outstanding researchprogram that can be implemented with students both in the laboratory and the classroom. A PhD is required by the start date.SPU is a Christian university, and applicants will be required to submit a faith statement with their application. This line may be funded through a competitive diversity initiative which is subject to funding. Members of historically underrepresented groups, as defined by NSF, are especially encouraged to apply.学校简介:西雅图太平洋大学位于美国华盛顿州西雅图市,是一所根据基督教教义创建的高等教育机构,也是美国西北部最好的区域性大学之一。

最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /加州州立理工大学生物科学系招聘生理学方向访问学者 加州州立理工大学生物科学系招聘生理学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求生理学等相关学科博士学历,有博士后研究经验,先前有教学经验。
加州州立理工大学波莫那校区(Cal Poly Pomona)建立于1956年,是23所加州州立大学系统中历史悠久的公立名校。
California State Polytechnic University, PomonaBiological Sciences DepartmentPHYSIOLOGYThe Biological Sciences Department at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position in Physiology, beginning September 2016. The area of specialization is open. However, candidates who use modern approaches to addressing physiological questions at the organ-system level are particularly encouraged to apply. A Ph.D. in physiology or related field is required. Post-doctoral experience and previous teaching experience are preferred. The successful candidate will have the potential for excellence in undergraduate teaching, and for developing an externally-funded research program that will involve undergraduate and Master ’s students. Teachingresponsibilities will include human physiology and specialty courses in the candidate ’s area of expertise, and may also involve participation in introductory biology courses. Cal Poly Pomona is a comprehensive Master ’s level university with a diverse student body. The successful candidate will have demonstrated an ability to be responsive to the educational equity goals of the university and its increasing ethnic diversity and international character.学校简介:加州州立理工大学成立于1903年,该校位于加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波市,是一所公立的综合类大学。

1. 进行细胞生物学研究:细胞生物学专家需要进行细胞结构、功能、生理学、生化、遗传、信号转导等方面的研究。
2. 设计和开展实验室实验:细胞生物学专家需要设计和开展具有创新性和重大学术价值的实验,验证细胞学的新理论和新技术,并对新发现的细胞现象进行深入研究和探索。
3. 参与科学研究项目:细胞生物学专家需要参与国家和地区的科学研究项目,为国家和地区科学技术的发展做出贡献。
4. 撰写学术论文和书籍:细胞生物学专家需要撰写高水平、高影响因子的细胞生物学学术论文和学术著作,发表在国际权威学术期刊上,提高国际和国内的学术影响力。
5. 协助培养细胞生物学人才:细胞生物学专家需要协助学校、大学或科研机构招收并培养细胞生物学专业的学生、研究生或博士后,传授细胞生物学的理论知识和实验技术,培养高素质的细胞生物学人才。
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佛罗里达大学解剖细胞生物学系招聘访问学者Assistant Professor-Anatomy and Cell Biology
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Florida, College of Medicine is seeking an academic scientist to fill a
full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. Requirements include a PhD and/or MD in anatomy, cell biology and/or a related biomedical field.
Applicants must have demonstrated potential to establish and maintain externally funded research. The successful applicant will have a record of peer-reviewed publications and will be able to articulate
his/her future research program.
Instructional activities will include contribution to team-taught cell biology in the graduate curriculum. The ability to support and mentor graduate students and postdoctoral trainees is required.
Generous start-up package is available. The laboratory space is state-of-the-art and will be specifically designed and equipped for cell biology research. Ongoing research interests in the department include
autophagy, cancer biology, cancer-related drug discovery, cell signaling, DNA replication and repair, high-resolution microscopy, intracellular pathogens, neurodegenerative disease, nuclear structure and function, and regulation of gene expression.
佛罗里达大学(The University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida)是位于美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville,又译盖恩思维尔、甘思维尔,甘城)的一所公立研究型大学。
2005年佛罗里达大学获得国家奖学金(National Merit Scholarship Program)的学生数量排名全美第二,仅次于哈佛大学。
佛罗里达大学在《美国新闻与世界报道》的全美大学综合排名中排名49位[5] ,是公立常春藤之一。
在上海交通大学的2007年《世界大学学术排名》中排在全世界51位,全美38位,在2006年的《华盛顿月刊》(The Washington