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郭 军,曲 亮,窦套存,胡玉萍,沈曼曼,王星果,王克华 *
(江苏省家禽科学研究所,江苏 扬州 225125)
摘要院【目的】利用平均信息约束最大似然算法(AIREML)分析蛋鸡资源群体产蛋总重、产蛋数、40 周龄蛋重和开产 性状遗传参数,剖析产蛋性状遗传参数变化规律。【方法】以白莱航鸡与东乡绿壳蛋鸡为基本素材,依照 F2 设计组建 资源群体,包括亲代、F1 代和 F2 代总计 2 326 只母鸡。每一世代采集开产性状数据,每日记录产蛋信息。蛋鸡 32~60 周龄采集蛋重数据 19 825 条。以多性状动物模型评估遗传方差、残差和表型方差。【结果】淤品种、世代对产蛋性状 有着重要影响,将其列入固定效应;于32~60周龄产蛋总重遗传力为 0.28依0.05,累积产蛋数遗传力为 0.33依0.05, 40周龄蛋重遗传力为 0.58依0.05,开产日龄遗传力为 0.35依0.05,开产体重遗传力为 0.65依0.05,开产蛋重遗传力为 0.44依0.06;盂产蛋总重与产蛋数遗传相关系数为 0.78依0.04,与 40周龄蛋重遗传相关系数为 0.27依0.10,与开产日龄 遗 传 相 关 为 -0.41 依0.12。【结 论】选 择 产 蛋 总 重 性 状 ,宜 以 个 体 选 择 结 合 家 系 选 择 方 能 有 效 获 取 遗 传 进 展 。 关键词院产蛋总重;产蛋数;开产日龄;遗传力;遗传相关;蛋鸡
中图分类号院S831.2 文献标志码院A 文章编号院1000-2650(2019)02-0227-05
Genetic Parameters Estimated for Egg Production Traits in Layer Resource Population
GUO Jun,QU Liang,DOU Taocun,HU Yuping,SHEN Manman,WANG Xingguo,WANG Kehua*
第 37 卷 第 2 期 圆园员9 年 4 月
四川农业大学学报 允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 杂蚤糟澡怎葬灶 粤早则蚤糟怎造贼怎则葬造 哉灶蚤增藻则泽蚤贼赠
doi:10. 16036/j. issn. 1000-2650. 2019. 02. 012
灾燥造援猿7 晕燥援2 Apr援 圆园员9
Biblioteka Baidu
收稿日期院2018-12-03 基金项目院江苏现代农业产业技术体系建设项目(JATS[2018]247);现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-40-K01); 江苏省农业重大新品种创制项目(PZCZ201729)。 作者简介院郭军,博士,副研究员,主要从事家禽数量遗传学研究,E-mail:guojun.yz@gmail.com。* 责任作者:王克华,博士, 研究员,从事家禽遗传育种研究,E-mail:sqbreeding@126.com。
(Jiangsu Institute of Poultry Science,Yangzhou 225125,Jiangsu,China)
Abstract:【Objective】This study was to assess genetic parameters on egg mass,egg number,egg size and traits at the first egg with the Average Information REML method (AIREML),and depict the dynamic changes of the genetic parameters.【Method】The animals composed of 2 326 hens including the parent, F1 and F2 flocks from a resource population,which crossbred between blue eggshelled chicken and white Leghorn. The dataset included individual AFE and daily egg record on each generation. The data set were made of 19 825 items collected every four weeks thorough 32 wks to 60 wks. (Co) variance components were estimated with the multivariate animal model.【Result】淤factors of breeds,generations should be included in the fix effects because of their important role in egg production variations;于for resource population,heritability on egg mass (EM),egg number (EN),egg weight on 40 weeks (EW40), age at the first egg (AFE),body weight at the first egg and egg weight at the first egg (EW1) was 0.28依 0.05,0.33依0.05,0.58依0.05,0.35依0.05,0.65依0.05 and 0.44依0.06,respectively;盂the genetic correla原 tion between egg mass and EN,EW40 and AFE was 0.78依0.04,0.27依0.10 and -0.41依0.12,respec 原 tively.【Conclusion】During selecting on egg mass,individual selection associated with family selec原 tion were recommended to obtain genetic gains. Keywords:egg mass;egg production;AFE;heritability;genetic correlation;layer