



目录摘要 (III)ABSTRACT ................................................... I V 1前言1.1课题的背景及研究意义 (5)1.2钻井泥浆泵的现状与趋势分析 (7)1.2.1我国钻井泥浆泵现状 (7)1.2.2 钻井泥浆泵的发展趋势 (8)1.3现有研究的不足及本文研究的内容 (9)2钻井泵基本参数的确定2.1排量................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.2泵压................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.3冲程及冲程长度 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.4泵的额定功率 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.5额定活塞推杆力............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3钻井泥浆泵液力端总体设计3.1液力端的总体方案结构设计........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.1.1缸盖结构................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。






一、泥浆泵设计原则泥浆泵的设计需要遵循以下原则:1. 安全可靠性原则:泥浆泵在工作过程中需要承受高压力和高温度,因此设计时必须确保设备的安全可靠性。


2. 高效节能原则:泥浆泵的工作效率对于整个工艺流程的效率至关重要。



3. 环境友好原则:现代社会对于环境保护的要求越来越高,泥浆泵的设计也需要考虑到环境友好性。


二、泥浆泵关键参数在泥浆泵的设计中,以下参数是需要重点关注的:1. 流量:泥浆泵的流量是指单位时间内通过泵的液体体积。


2. 扬程:泥浆泵的扬程是指泵能够克服的液体静压力差。


3. 功率:泥浆泵的功率是指泵在单位时间内所消耗的能量。


4. 材料:泥浆泵的材料需要具备耐磨、耐腐蚀和耐高温的特性。


三、泥浆泵设计优化方法为了提高泥浆泵的工作效率和降低能耗,可以采用以下优化方法:1. 流体力学模拟:通过数值模拟和流体力学分析,研究泥浆泵内部的流动状态和受力情况,找出存在的问题并进行改进。

2. 结构优化:通过改变泵的结构参数,如叶轮形状、进出口管道设计等,来提高泵的效率和稳定性。




【关键词】泥浆泵; 设计改造; 探讨一、泥浆泵泄压管线固定装置(1)设计改进问题。
















首先找到一个尺寸合适的完整的废旧轮胎(如图 4),然后把轮胎用切割机把两侧环形切割开,中间部分不用,把切割好的两侧分别放置到两台泥浆泵的滤清器上,然后固定好压盖(如图 5)。





























































泵 体液 力端 的优 化 提 供 最 终 依 据。
果提 高液 力端 的使用 寿命 和 可靠 性 ,又 会增 大 泵 的质 量。 在 现 阶段 , 解 决上 述 矛 盾 的根 本 办 法是计 算 机辅 助 设计 技
术 的应 用 。
关键词 : 析
泥 浆泵
结 构 优 化
1往 复式泥 浆泵结构优化 国 内外 研究现状 综述及 意义
压 力 的泥 浆泵 方面 的理 论 研 究还 不 适 应 现代 钻 井 技 术 对 以 美 国 为 例 ,其 使 用 范 围 最 广 的 钻 井 泵 为 三 缸 单 作 用 泵 , 美 国 的吸入 钻 井泵 的需 求。 B W3 8 0 / 8型 往复 式 三缸 单作 用 泥 浆 泵是 并 采用 L形液 力端 和 阀箱 。 与其他 国 家相 比,
高压 力 、 大排 量 的泵。 冲程 过 短 , 冲次 度 高 , 钻 井 泵 的 实际 冲 次范 围和 与 小 、 1 . 2 往复 式泥 浆 泵结构 优化 现状 其 冲次范 围 不相适 应 , 严 重影 响 了其使 用寿命 。
图2 B W3 8 0 / 8往 复式 泥 浆 泵 液 力 端 缸 套
1 _ 2 _ 1 国外 泥浆 泵结 构优 化 的发展 现状 近 年来 , 为 了适 应 钻 井提 高 转 速 、 降低 作 业 成 本 以及 目前 , 国际上 普遍 流 行 的石油 钻 井 泵为三 缸 单作 用 泥 其 它一 些特 殊 要 求 , 提 高其 使 用 性 能 , 国 内外在 泥 浆 泵 的 并逐 渐 朝着 小 型轻便 、 大功 率排 量 、 高 泵压 的方 向发 理 论 和 试验 研 究 、 设 计 制造 等 方面 做 了许 多工 作 , 但在 通 浆泵 , 展 , 其 中研 究成 果较 为显著 的是 美 国、 俄 罗斯 和 罗 马尼 亚。 过 对液 力端 进行 结构 优 化 , 来达 到研 制质 量轻 、 大排量 、 高



关键 词 :柴油机 ;变矩器 ;泥浆 泵 ; 参数优化 分析
中 图分 类 号 :T 2 E9 4 文 献 标 识 码 :A DO :0 36 /.sn 10 7 8 .0 0 增 .4 I1.9 9 ji .0 6— 6 X 2 1 . 0 0 s
柴油机及 动力传 动系统是石油天 然气 开采 的重要 设备 , 负责为钻机提供动力 , 并实现动 力传输 和调速 。 目前 采用 的
经济性好 。
() 油机组油耗率 高 , 行经 济效益低。 1柴 运
收 稿 日期 :2 1 0 2 00— 4— 0
并 输 送 岩 屑 的作 用 。 在 J 庆 钻 探 工 程 有 限公 司 的 29台 钻 机 中 , 少 量 全 电 l I 5 除
求 高 , ± .0i l更换 检修需将全部动力机组停 下来进 行 达 0 2 n, n 安装调 校 , 才能达 到同轴度安装要求 。 () 4 修理 难度大 , 理后 难以达到工艺要求 。 修

二 、柴 油 机 、 力 变 矩 器 特 性 分 析 液
1 G1V 9 P L . 2 10 Z G一3柴 油 机 特 性 分 析

柴 油 机 变 矩器 机 组 传 动
G 2 9 P L 3柴油机在 P 1 V 9 1V10 Z G一 Z 2 10基础上 改进 了散 热器水箱 , 提高 了散热 能力 , 采用 皮 带传 动直 接驱 动散热 风 扇, 取消 了风扇气囊 离合 器或 偶合 器 , 机油 泵 由 内置 油底壳
的 结 构 特 点 和存 在 的 问题
1 结构 特点 .
2 1 柴 油 机 变 矩 器 机 组 的 结 构 如 图 1所 示 , 结 构 0 2型 该 为 : 油 机 一 弹 性 联 轴 器一 液 力 变 矩 器 一 万 向 轴一 气 囊 离 合 柴 器 一 并 车传 动箱 , 结 构 广 泛 应 用 于 各 型 机 械 、 电 复 合 钻 该 机



设计。泥浆泵机身体积较大,无法适应多数行业的发展需 应的模态。最后利用 Matlab 软件进行结构优化,得到结构
求,结构部件安排不科学,刚度值较低,阀箱强度和可靠性 的最优几何参数。
3.2 技术路线
业效率高、压力波动较小,适应了工矿钻井的发展需求。就 我国而言,目前在我国工矿钻井作业中应用最广的钻井泵 仍为三缸单作用往复泵。而通过比较和分析各类三缸单作 用往复泵,我们可以发现其中最为适合作业要求的为往复 式柱塞泵,它不仅能够在高压环境下完成高难度输送,其 液体特性也较为稳定,含沙量和比重较大,它以其工作效
国外泥浆泵结构优化的方向和趋势,但就其实际应用而 言,三缸单作用泥浆泵仍存在一些技术性难题,虽然有关
2.2 优化目标 通过对以上内容的研究,可得到泥浆泵液力端的主要
技术人员尝试研制出了一些新型泥浆泵以解决当前问题, 部件缸套的强度、刚度和动态特性的有限元分析结果;对
但收效不明显,推广范围有限。德国大众公司利用现有设 泥浆泵液力端的缸套进行结构优化;为设计出质量轻、排
究现状与发展趋势,以 BW380/8 型往复式单作用泥浆泵 液力端缸套为对象,利用 Pro/E 建立泥浆泵液力端缸套的 三维实体模型,通过 ANSYS 软件对液力端缸套进行静动 态有限元分析,得到了不同相位下液力端缸套的变形、应 力及动态刚度分布情况,主要内容如下:



1、结构坚固、紧凑、体积小,使用性能良好, 适应油田高泵压、大排量钻井工艺要求。 2、冲程长,保持在较低的冲数下使用。有效的 提高泥浆泵的上水性能,延长易损件的寿命。吸 入空气包结构先进,使用可靠,可使吸入管线中 达到最佳的缓冲作用。 3、动力端采用强制润滑和飞溅润滑相结合的润 滑方式,润滑可靠,增加了动力端的使用寿命。
型号:TBW-850-5B泥浆泵; T——探矿机械; B——泵类; W——往复式; 850——额定排量L-min; 5——额定排出压力MPa; B——改进代号。
缸套直径(mm):Φ 140、Φ 130、Φ 95 活塞行程(mm):260 额定流量(L-min):850、600、350 额定压力 (MPa):5、6、8 冲次min-1):66 吸水管直径(mm):152 排水管直径(mm):64 输入转速(r-min):375。
Author: Peter
Author: 山东绿倍
TBW-850-5B泥浆泵主要用于地质、水源、浅 层石油、冻结施工建井等钻进中供给冲洗液,可 为泥浆、清水等,亦可作为以上介质1865叁 763叁17的输送泵。 TBW-850-5B泥浆泵为卧式双缸双作用活塞式 往复泵。结构简单,便于维修和操作。活塞为唇 形自封式,由橡胶及尼龙保护垫压制而成,配有 抗震压力表及必要的备件、拆装工具等,可选配 双金属缸套。


动输 入 动力 , 通 过行 星减 速器 减速 。经 泵轴 将 回转运
动转 化 为直线 往 复 运动 , 驱 动柱塞 泵做 功 。柱塞 泵 的
的泵生产 、 使 用 中, 建立 了一整套完善 的标 准体系 , 以获得更 高 的效 益 。国外先 进泵 制造 业 , 还 体现 在标
准化 、 系列 化 、 通用化 、 模块化 、 便 于 生产 管 理 、 便 于
3 7
Eq ui pme nt Ma n u f a c t ur ing Te c hn o l o g y No. 1 1, 2 01 3
量 以每分 钟 排 出若 干升 计算 ,它 与 钻孔 直 径 及所 要 定 。现今 电动 机 主要有 鼠笼 式 和绕线 式 两种 , 三 向交 求 的冲 洗 液 自孔 底上 返 速 度有 关 , 即孔 径越 大 , 所 需 排 量 越 大 。要 求 冲洗 液 的上返 速 度 能够 把 钻 头切 削 下来 的岩 屑 、 岩 粉及 时 冲离孔 底 , 并 可 靠地 携 带 到 地 表 。为 了准确 掌 握泵 的压 力 和排量 的 变化 , 泥浆 泵上 要 安装 流 量计 和压 力 表 ,随 时使 钻 探人 员 了 解 泵 的 运转 情 况 ,同 时通 过 压力 变化  ̄ I I I T L 内状 况 是 否 正
用 户维 护 等 方 面 。泵 的 无 级调 速 , 集 中控 制 , 各 类 温
进浆 室 、 排 浆室 有两 个钢 球组 成 的单 向控 制 阀。当活 塞 杆 向左 驱动 时 , 缸 体 右 腔进 浆 ( 单 向阀 F 2打 开 , 单
度传感器 , 压力传感 器 , 模拟可视化 , 实 时监控 等机 向阀 F 4 关闭 ) 。当活塞杆向右驱动时, 缸体右腔排浆 电一体 化技 术得 到 广泛 的应 用 。 ( 单 向阀 F 4打开 , 单向阀 F 2关 闭 ) 。除此 之 外 , 在 主 本 文 针 对 一 类 矿 用 泥 浆 泵 的 设 计 问 题 进 行 研 通 路上 安 装 空气 室 用 来 调整 泵 在抽 吸过 程 中产 生 的 究 。通 过对 比泥浆 泵 的结构 和基 本 原理 , 选 择合 适 的 波 动大 小 。











关键词:泥浆泵,往复泵,钻井ABSTRACTThe drilling pump is one important part of drilling equipment. The drilling pumps are mainly used to wash hole, in our country geology and mining depart- ment proclaimed the standard decides as the mud pump, the form of the pumps designed as the reciprocating pump. In the drilling construction, the mud pump is used to transport the cleaning liquid to the hole, and make it at the hole continual recycling. Also using the mud pump in certain special working procedures to pour matter and cement mortar to the hole.A mud pump is one of the critical equipments for petroleum drilling operations, the performance, structure, reliability, suitability, cost and service life of a mud pump will directly affect the drilling operations.The mud pump is a kind of the reciprocating pump. The pump designed myself is three plunger reciprocating pump, it is through the piston part reciprocal motion, causes the airtight work cavity room volume change, thus forms the pressure of the cavity room in side and outside different, and discharges the energy by the inspiration. The successful development of the pump produces a good profit for our factory, and plays an important active role in oil field development and full use of the resources.Keyword:mud pump , reciprocating pump, drilling.第一章绪论1.1 往复泵的应用与发展往复泵是最早出现的泵类机械,曾在工业界广泛使用。



目录1 绪论 (2)1.1 钻井泵在钻井作业中的作用与意义 (2)1.2 钻井泵工作状况及设计特点简述 (3)1.3 钻井泵国内外发展现状与趋势 (4)1.3.1 钻井泵发展历程 (4)1.3.2 钻井泵目前发展现状及分析 (5)1.4 设计的意义 (7)1.5 研究的内容探析 (7)2 F-2200泥浆泵的设计计算 (7)2.1 泥浆泵机泵参数的确定 (7)2.1.1 原始数据: (7)2.1.2 基本参数确定 (7)2.2 传动方案的确定 (10)2.3 电动机的选择 (11)2.3.1 电机类型的选择 (11)2.3.2 选择电机容量 (11)2.3.3 确定电机的转速 (11)2.5 齿轮的设计计算 (12)2.6 曲轴连杆和传动轴系统受力分析 (16)2.6.1 初估各个零件的计算质量 (16)2.6.2 曲柄连杆机构的运动分析 (17)2.6.3 活塞-十字头和连杆的受力分析 (19)2.6.4 曲轴的受力分析 (22)2.6.5 传动轴系统的受力分析 (25)2.6.6 曲轴结构的选择 (26)2.7 轴、轴承和键的计算 (26)2.7.1 泵的输入轴的计算 (26)2.7.2 曲轴的轴径尺寸的确定 (27)2.7.3 传动端轴承的选用和寿命计算 (28)2.7.4 键的校核 (29)3 经济性分析 (31)4 结论 (32)参考文献 (33)1 绪论1.1 钻井泵在钻井作业中的作用与意义使用旋转钻井钻石油、天然气井的作业中,钻井泵用于输送钻井液—泥浆,使其循环流动进行洗井。



典型的旋转钻机循环系统图如下图1-1所示:1-水龙带;2-立管;3-钻井泵;4-泥浆筛;5-泥浆罐;6-回流管;7-钻头;8-环形空间;9-钻杆;10-防喷器;11-方钻杆;12-水龙头;图1-1 旋转钻机的泥浆循环系统泥浆自泵排出后,首先通过立管、水龙带水龙头和方钻杆等地面管汇,再流入钻柱内孔。





测试研究的船舶部分资料:1、柴油机:型号:8DS-32(4006) 6DS-32(4009、4009)缸径:320mm行程:380mm额定功率:2150HP(1580kw)额定转速:600rpm减速箱减速比:1:2.45452、泥泵:(由特性曲线查出)吸口直径:Φ900mm排口直径:Φ900mm工作转速:200rpm工作流量:10000m3/h扬程:18m二、调研测试:一)第一次实船测试:2005年5月11日,在黄骅工地对航浚4006和4009轮进行测试。


测试结果:A、流量:根据舱容载重曲线计算1、航浚4006轮左泥泵(泥泵叶轮新换),装舱2次艏吃水艉吃水时间5/7 5.9/7.2 15分37秒5+5.9/2=5.45 7+7.2/2=7.1根据表格查得:9320 12791流量1:(12791-9320)÷1.025÷937×3600=13010m3/h艏吃水艉吃水时间4.95/6.95.95/7.1 14分36秒4.95+5.95/2=5.456.9+7.1/2=7根据表格查得:9320 12582流量2:(12582-9320)÷1.025÷876×3600=13078m3/h 平均流量:13044 m3/h2、航浚4009轮右泥泵(泥泵叶轮2004年4月更换)艏吃水艉吃水时间4.1/5.5 5.4/6.6 13分15秒4.1+5.4/2=4.75 5.5+6.6/2=6.05根据表格查得:8493 11105流量1:(11105-8493)÷1.025÷795×3600=11538m3/h 艏吃水艉吃水时间5/5.85 5.8/6.6 7分53秒5+5.8/2=5.4 5.85+6.6/2=6.225根据表格查得:9786 11450流量2:(11450-9786)÷1.025÷473×3600=12352m3/h 平均流量:11945 m3/hB、扬程:根据压力表和真空计算读数及两表之间位置的差值:4006#左泥泵:排压:0.095MPa 真空:-0.02MPa 根据扬程计算方法:扬程H=(Z2-Z1)+(p2-p1)/ρg+(υ2-υ1)/2gZ2-Z1——位置水头,为吸排口压力表高度差。



BW-100型泥浆泵曲轴箱与液力端特性分析设计外文文献原文外文原文毕业设计外文原文《Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering 》by Lyons, William C.; Plisga, Gary S.Publication: Burlington, MA Elsevier, 20193.3 PUMPSPumps are a mechanical device that forces a fluid to movefrom one position to another. Usually a pump refers to themechanical means to move incompressible (or nearly incompressible)fluid or liquid. Pumps are our earliest machine and are to this day one of our most numerous mechanical devices. Pumps are a very essential part of the oil and gas industry. They are used throughout the industry, from drillingoperations through to final delivery to the customer.3.3.1 ClassificationsPumps are classified into two basic classes, displacementand dynamics. The most widely used pumps in the oil and gas industryare reciprocating displacement pumps (in particular pistonplunger type), the rotary displacement pump, and the centrifugal dynamic pump. Only these pumps will be discussed in detail.The reciprocating and rotary positive displacement pumps primary characteristic is that they have a nearly direct relationship between the motion of the pumping elements andthe quantity of liquid pumped. Thus, in positive displacement pumps liquid displacement (or discharge from thedevice) is theoretically equal to the swept volume of the pumping element. Figure 3.3.3 shows the typical positive displacement plot of discharge rate Q (ft3/s) versus pressureP (lbs/ft2) [3]. The discharge rate remains the same (assuming a constant rate of rotation for the system) regardlessof the pressure in the flow. The pressure in the flowis, of course, the result of resistance in the flow systemthe pump discharges to. If the resistance increases, rotationcan be maintained and more force applied to each strokeof the pump (i.e., power). This is why the reciprocating piston plunger pump is also called a power pump. In practice, pressure does have some influence on the capacity of these pumps. This is because as the pressure increases, there issome leakage of the seals in the system. This leakage is somewhat proportional to the pressure, particularly beyondsome characteristic pressure related to the seals. The difference between theoretical flow and the actual flow of a pumpis often referred to as slip. This slip is shown in Figure 3.3.3.In the dynamic pump, in particular, the centrifugal pump,the discharge rate Q is determined by the resistance pressureP in the flow system the pump discharges to (assumingsome given speed of the pump). This is illustrated in Figure Reciprocating PumpsThe piston plunger pump is the simplest form of a positive displacement pump. These pumps can be powered bya variety of prime movers, internal combustion engines, and electric motors (and in some cases, powered by a gas turbine motor). In such applications, the separate pump unit is外文原文connected to the prime mover by a power transmission.The capacity of a pump is determined by the number of plungers or pistons and the size of these elements (bore and stroke). A reciprocating pump is usually designed for a specific volumetric rate capacity and pressure capability. Thesefactors are set by the application. Once the volumetric rate capacity and pressure capability are known, a designer can determine the plunger piston bore and stroke the rotationspeed range and the power of the prime mover needed tocomplete the system. Reciprocating pumps are fabricated in both horizontal andvertical configurations. Single-Acting PumpA single-acting pump has only one power (and discharge)stroke for its pistons. Such a pump brings fluid into its chamberthrough the inlet or suction value or the piston is drawnbackward to open the chamber. To discharge the fluid, theinlet valve is closed and the outlet valve opened as the pistonis forced forward to push the fluid from the chamber intothe discharge line. The piston motion is accomplished by arotating crankshaft that is connected to the piston by a pistonrod much like an internal combustion piston engine. Therotating crankshaft of the pump is rotated by the rotationalpower of the prime mover (through a transmission) [7].The single-action pump is usually available with three, fiveand even seven pistons. The odd number of pistons allowsthe pump to be rotationally balanced, and the use of at leastthree pistons reduces the discharge pulsation of these single-acting pumps. A three piston pump single-action pump iscalled a triplex pump. A five piston, or seven piston single -actingpump is called a multiplex pump. Double-Acting PumpDouble-acting pumps have two power strokes. As a pistonof the pump is pushed forward, the fluid is discharged fromthe forward chamber into the discharge line (much like asingle-action piston). But during this same stroke, the chamberbehind the piston (which contains the connecting rod)is being filled via that chamber’s inlet valve (Figure 3.3.5).When the forward power stroke is complete and the fluid dischargedfromthe chamber in front of the piston, the chamberbehind the piston is filled. The crankshaft continues to rotate,requiring the piston to begin a rearward stroke. During thisstroke the fluid behind the piston is forced from its chamberinto the discharge line via the outlet valve and the chamberin front of the piston refills via its inlet valve [7].Double-acting pumps are usually available with one or twopistons.A one-piston double-action pump is called a double-actingsimplex (since there are older single-action steam and pneumatic driven simplex pumps).A two piston double-action pump is called a duplex pump. Flow CharacteristicsAll reciprocating pumps have a pulsating discharge. This isthe result of the piston motion as it stops and reverses. Atthis moment, the flow from that piston theoretically dropsto zero. Thus, the discharge curves as a function of time外文原文are those illustrated in Figure 3.3.6.By having two or more pistons the pulsation of the discharge from the pump can besmoothed out and the magnitude of the pulsation reduced ifthe pistons motions are timed for proper dynamic balancingof the pump (Figure 3.3.7). For those pumps that have largepulsations, a cushion change (or accumulator) may be usedin the discharge line to reduce or eliminate the pulsations(Figure 3.3.8).Single acting mud pump pistonDisclosed is a single acting mud pump piston assembly adapted for use in a mud pump mechanism including a piston and having an end portion with a shoulder reciprocatingly mounted in a cylinder. The assembly includes a circular flange mounted on the end portion in abuttment with the shoulder. A hub is removably mounted on the end portion in abuttment with the flange. A piston cap is mounted about the hub in abuttment with the flange. The assembly is held together by a washer and a nut engaging the end portion.A piston assembly for use in a single acting mud pump including acylinder and a piston rodreciprocatingly mounted in the cylinder, said piston rod including a cylindrical end portion and a radially outwardly extending shoulder, said piston assembly comprising: a circular planar flangehaving an outside diameter less than the inside diameter of the cylinder and having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod, said flange being adapted to be carried on said cylindrical end portion in abuttment with said shoulder; means for forming a seal between said flange and said piston rod; acircular planar hub having an outside diameter less than the outside diameter of said flange and having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod, said hub having an axial thickness, said hub being adapted to be carried by said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod in removable abuttingrelationship with said flange; a circular elastomeric piston cup having a body with an outside diameter substantially equal to the outside diameter of said flange and an outwardly flaring annular lip having an outside diameter greater than the inside diameter of the cylinder, said piston cup having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the outside diameter ofsaid hub, said piston cup having a central portion surrounding said bore having an axial thickness at least equal to the axial thickness of said hub, said piston cup being adapted to be removably carried about said hub in removable abutting relationship with said flange; a circular planar washer having an outside diameter greater than the outside diameter of said hub and an inside diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod, adapted to be carried by said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod in removable abutting relationship with said hub and the central portion of said piston cup; and a retaining nut adapted to threadably engage said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod to urge said washer into abuttment with said hub and said central portion of said piston cup.A single acting mud pump mechanism which comprises: a cylinder having an inside diameter; a piston rod reciprocatingly mounted in said cylinder, said piston rod including a threaded cylindrical end portion and a radially outwardly extending shoulder; a circular planar flange removably mounted on said end portion in abuttment with said shoulder and having an outside diameter less than the inside diameter of the cylinder and having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod; means forforming a seal between said flange and said piston rod; a circularplanar hub removably mounted on said end portion in abuttment with said flange and having an outside diameter less than the outside diameter of said flange and having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said end portion of said piston rod, said hub having an axial thickness; a circular elastomeric piston cup removably mounted about said hub and in abuttment with said flange and having a body with an outside diameter substantially equal to the outside diameter of said flange and an outwardly flaring annular lip having an outside diameter greater than the inside diameter of the cylinder, said piston cup having a bore through the center thereof, said bore having a diameter substantially equal to the outside diameter of said hub, said piston cup having a central portion surrounding said bore having an axial thickness at least equal to the axial thickness of said hub;外文原文a circular planar washer removably mounted about said end portion and having an outside diameter greater than the outside diameter of said hub and an inside diameter substantially equal to the diameter of said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod; and a retaining nut threadably engaged with said cylindrical end portion of said piston rod to urge said washer into abuttment with said hub and said central portion of said piston cup.The basic difference between reciprocating motionand circularmotion The piston or plunger works within a watertight cylinder. Thebasic difference between a piston and a plunger should be notedA piston is shorter than the stroke of the cylinder;the plunger is longer than the stroke. Another distinguishing featureis that the packing is inlaid on the rim of the piston for a tight seal.When a plunger is used, the packing is moved in a stuffing boxlocated at the end of the cylinder to provide a tight seal.Principles of OperationIn general (and with respect to the way that the water is handled), reciprocating pumps may be classified as lift pumps or force pumps, which in turn, are either single-acting or double-acting pumps.Lift PumpsA lift pump is a single-acting pump; it consists of an open cylinderand a discharge or bucket-type valve (see Figure 5-3). An opencylinder and a discharge or bucket-type valve in combination are thebasic parts of the lift pump—it lifts the water, rather than forces it.In the lift pump, the bucket valve is built into the piston and moves upward and downward with the piston.A four-stroke cycle is necessary to start the lift pump in operation(see Figure 5-4). The strokes are as follows:_ Air exhaust—The piston descends to the bottom of the cylinder,forcing out the air._ Water inlet—On this upward stroke, a vacuum is created.Atmospheric pressure causes the water to flow into thecylinder. After the pump has been primed and is in operation, the workingcycle is completed in two strokes of the piston—a downward stroke and an upward stroke (see Figure 5-5). The downward stroke of the piston is called the transfer stroke, and the upward stroke is called the intake and discharge stroke, because water enters the cylinder as the preceding charge of water is being discharged.Force PumpsThe force pump is actually an extension of a lift pump, in that itboth lifts and forces the water against an external pressure. Thebasic operating principle of the force pump is that it forces waterabove the atmospheric pressure range, as distinguished from the lift pump, which elevates the water to flow from a spout.4.4 MUD PUMPSMud pumps consume more than 60% of all the horsepowerused in rotary drilling. Mud pumps are used to circulatedrilling fluid through the mud circulation system whiledrilling. A pump with two fluid cylinders, as shown in Figure4.4.1, is called a duplex pump. A three-fluid-cylinder pump, asshown in Figure 4.4.2, is called a triplex pump. Duplex pumpsare usually double action, and triplex pumps are usuallysingle action. Pumps with six chambers are commerciallyavailable as well (Figure 4.4.3).Mud pumps consists of a power input end and a fluid outputend. The power input end, shown in Figure 4.4.4 transferspower from the driving engine (usually diesel or electric) tothe pump crankshaft. The fluid end does the actual work of外文原文pumping the fluid. A cross-section of the fluid end is shown in Figure. Pump Installation4.4.1.1 Suction ManifoldThe hydraulic horsepower produced by mud pumps depends mainly on the geometric and mechanical arrangement of the suction piping. If suction-charging centrifugal pumps (e.g., auxiliary pumps that help move the mud to the mud pump) are not used, the pump cylinders have to be filled by thehydrostatic head.Incomplete filling of the cylinders can result in hammering, which produces destructive pressure peaks andshortens the pump life. Filling problems become moreimportant with higher piston velocities. The suction pressure loss through the suction valve and seat is from 5 to10 psi. Approximately 1.5 psi of pressure is required foreach foot of suction lift. Since the maximum available atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi (sea level), suction pits placedbelow the pump should be eliminated. Instead, suction tanks placed level with or higher than the pump should be used to ensure a positive suction head. Figure 4.4.6 shows an ideal suction arrangement with the least amount of friction and low inertia.A poorly designed suction entrance to the pump can produce friction equivalent to 30 ft of pipe. Factors contributingto excessive suction pipe friction are an intake connection with sharp ends, a suction strainer, suction pipe with asmall diameter, long runs of suction pipe, and numerous fittings along the suction pipe. Minimizing the effect of inertiarequires a reduction of the suction velocity and mud weight. It is generally practical to use a short suction pipe with a large diameter.When a desirable suction condition cannot be attained,a charging pump becomes necessary. This is a commonsolution used on many modern rigs. Cooling MudMud temperatures of 150? can present critical suction problems. Under low pressure or vacuum existing in the cylinderon the suction stroke, the mud can boil, hence decreasing the suction effectiveness. Furthermore, hot mud accelerates the deterioration of rubber parts, particularly when oil ispresent. Large mud tanks with cooling surfaces usually solve the problem. Gas and Air SeparationEntrained gas and air expands under the reduced pressure of the suction stroke, lowering the suction efficiency. Gas in water-base mud may also deteriorate the natural rubber parts used. Gases are usually separated with baffles or by changing mud composition. Settling PitsThe normally good lubricating qualities of mud can belost if cuttings, particularly fine sand, are not effectivelyseparated from the mud. Adequate settling pits and shale外文原文shakers usually eliminate this trouble. Desanders are used occasionally. Discharge ManifoldA poorly designed discharge manifold can cause shock waves and excessive pressure peaks. This manifold should be as short and direct aspossible, avoiding any sharps turns.The conventional small atmospheric air chamber, often furnished with pumps, supplies only a moderate cushioningeffect. For best results, this air chamber should be supplemented by a large atmospheric air chamber or by aprecharged pulsation dampener.4.4.2 Pump Operation4.4.2.1 PrimingA few strokes of the piston in a dry liner may ruin the liner. When the pump does not fill by gravity or when the cylinders have been emptied by standing too long or by replacement of the piston and liner, it is essential to prime the pump through the suction valve cap openings. Cleaning the Suction ManifoldSuction lines are often partly filled by settled sand and bydebris from the pits, causing the pump to hammer at abnormally low speeds. Frequent inspection and cleaning of thesuction manifold is required. The suction strainer can also be a liability if it is not cleaned frequently. Cleaning the Discharge StrainerThe discharge strainer often becomes clogged with pieces of piston and valve rubber. This may increase the pump pressure that is not shown by the pressure gauge beyond the strainer. The strainer should beinspected and cleaned frequently to prevent a pressure buildup. Lost Circulation MaterialsUsually special solids, such as nut shells, limestone,expanded perlite, etc., are added to the drilling muds to fill or clog rock fractures in the open hold of a well. Most of these lost circulation materials can shorten the life of pump parts. They are especially hard on valves and seats when they accumulate on the seats or between the valve body and the valve disc. Parts StoragePump parts for high-pressure service are made of precisely manufactured materials and should be treated accordingly. In storage at the rig, metal parts should be protected from rusting and physical damage, and rubber parts should be protected from distortion and from exposure to heat, light,and oil. In general, parts should remain in their original packages where they are usually protected with rust-inhibitingcoatings and wrappings and are properly supported to avoid damage. Careless stacking of pistons may distort or cut the sealing lips and result in early failures. Hanging lip-type or O-ring packings on a hook or throwing them carelessly into a bin may ruin them. Metal parts temporarily removed from pumps should be thoroughly cleaned, greased, and stored like new parts.外文原文外文原文外文原文外文原文。



海洋平台泥浆泵基座结构的动力优化郭明慧;董秀萍;孙超;李磊;张健效;杨文龙【摘要】The structural dynamical optimization for the foundation of a mud pump for an offshore platform is investigated. After building the FE model of the foundation in ABAQUS, several plans are proposed to optimize it in order to avoid the excita-tion frequency range of the mud pump.The effects of different plans are compared and the topology optimization is recommended. While taking the weight as the constraint, the topology optimization has obviously better performance than the size optimization.%以某海洋平台高压泥浆泵为例,利用ABAQUS软件建立基座结构的有限元模型,提出不同的优化设想以使基座结构的固有频率避开泥浆泵的激励频率,对比给出泥浆泵基座结构避开频率禁区的较优方案,当以增加的结构重量为约束条件时,拓扑优化的效果明显优于尺寸优化的效果。




总681期第十九期2019年7月河南科技Henan Science and Technology工业技术1000HP 泥浆泵组的优化设计张廷威张沛(南阳二机石油装备集团股份有限公司,河南南阳473006)摘要:针对一种1000HP 泥浆泵组结构稍显冗余的问题,对其结构优化进行探讨,提出3种优化方案,并从经济性、可靠性、安装便捷及移运简便性等多方面对不同方案进行论证分析,最终确定了一种相对最优的优化方案,以期为泥浆泵组的优化设计提供参考。

关键词:泥浆泵组;优化;方案设计中图分类号:TE95文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2019)19-0057-03The Optimal Design of 1000HP Mud Pump UnitZHANG Tingwei ZHANG Pei(RG Petro-Machinery Group Co.,Ltd.,Nanyang Henan 473006)Abstract:In view of the slightly redundant structure of a 1000HP slurry pump set,this paper discussed its structural optimization,put forward three optimization schemes,and demonstrated and analysed different schemes from the as⁃pects of economy,reliability,convenient installation and convenient transportation,finally determined a relatively optimal optimization scheme,with a view to serving as slurry.The optimum design of slurry pump set can provide ref⁃erence.Keywords:mud pump unit ;optimization ;scheme design JBZ10P 泥浆泵组为常用的1000HP 泥浆泵组之一,其传动方式为皮带驱动,整个泥浆泵组分为两橇。








(2)在对三缸泥浆泵理论研究的基础上,对该型号泥浆泵的基本性能参数进行分析研究,确定最大泵压定为49.6MPa、最大排量定为67.9L/s 等。






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我国的泥浆泵是从 1960 年代开始,由引进美国技术发展起来的。


宝鸡石油机械有限公司已有 40 多年设计和制造泥浆泵的历史,生产的F-500、F-800、F-1000 泵达到了美国 LTV 公司的技术要求,其特点为:无退刀槽人字齿轮传动;合金钢曲轴;可更换的十字头导板;机架采用钢板焊接件;中间拉杆盘根采用双层密封结构,动力端采用强制润滑和飞溅润滑相结合的润滑方式。

F 系列三缸泵具有冲程长、冲次低的优点。

为了满足油田高泵压和大排量钻井工艺的要求,宝鸡石油机械有限公司还自行设计和制造了 F-1300、F-1600、F-1600HL、F-2200 和F-22OOHL大功率高压泥浆泵。

兰州兰石国民油井石油工程公司是中美合资经营企业,生产的泥浆泵主要有 P 系列、F 系列和 3NB 系列。

其中的 3NB 系列泥浆泵具有以下特点: 动力端壳体为钢板焊接结构,焊后消除内应力;动力端传动齿轮为渐开线齿形;曲轴为空心的整体铸件;动力端润滑为飞溅润滑;液力端吸入、排出法兰符合 ANSI 和API 规范;活塞杆与介杆间采用卡箍连接;阀腔孔的底部带有台阶,防止阀座下沉;活塞和缸套由一个独立的喷淋泵装置冷却和润滑。

该公司生产的 3NB 系列三缸泵符合
API 规范,功率从5OOHP 到 1600HP,广泛用于各大油田。





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